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English Highway Podcast

Pronunciation: The short /u/ (#0266)

Learn the short /u/ vowel sound using voca ulary words and sentences! Announcer: "ou#re a out to listen to an audio lesson $ro% &'enEnglish!co%! (elco%e) *#% +ndres ,oreno- and *#ll e your coach $or today#s audio lesson! *#% e.cited a out this lesson ecause we#ll e wor/ing on a very challenging vowel sound! (e#re going to wor/ on the short 0u1 vowel sound- li/e in the word- 0cu'!1 2e'eat a$ter %e: 0cu'1 0cu'1 3tretch it- let %e hear it: 0cu'1 0cu'1 *t#s 'ro a ly one o$ the %ost co%%on vowel sounds you#ll hear! Let#s /ee' 'racticing! 2e'eat a$ter %e: 0u'1 "ou can do it! 4o%e on: 0u'1 0under1 0under1 0under1 Here#s a cou'le o$ %ore e.a%'les! 2e'eat a$ter %e: 0gu%1 0gu%1 0gu%1 That#s it! +nd again: 0 rush1

+n original &'en English 'roduction in association with 4l5se! 4o'yright6 7o.yP2 *nc! and 2ain ow Heights *nternational LL4

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&ne %ore ti%e: 0 rush1 0 rush1 That#s it! "ou got it! 8ow- let#s use the short 0u1 vowel sound in a $ew sentences! 2e'eat a$ter %e: 09rush your teeth!1 +nd again- co%e on: 09rush your teeth!1 8ice :o ! "ou got it! 3o how do you rush your teeth; 2e'eat a$ter %e: 0u' and down1 0u'1 0u' and down1 <ood :o ! (hen you#re rushing your teeth- you can#t $orget to rush your gu%s! 3o re'eat a$ter %e: 09rush your gu%s!1 0 rush1 0gu%s1 09rush your gu%s!1 That#s it! (hen so%eone as/s you- 0(here do you /ee' your tooth rush;1 "ou say- 0* /ee' it under the sin/!1 3o re'eat a$ter %e: 0under the sin/1 0under1 0under the sin/1 (ay to go! Let#s /ee' 'racticing this sound! 2e'eat a$ter %e: 0understand1 0under1 0understand1

+n original &'en English 'roduction in association with 4l5se! 4o'yright6 7o.yP2 *nc! and 2ain ow Heights *nternational LL4

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<ood :o ! Here#s another word: 0truc/1 +nd again: 0truc/1 That#s it! &ne %ore ti%e: 0hug1 +nd again: 0hug1 "ou got it! Let#s 'ractice so%e short 'hrases with these words: 0* understand!1 0<ive %e a hug!1 &ne %ore ti%e- co%e on: 0<ive %e a hug!1 That#s it! Let#s /ee' 'racticing! 7ive (only did =) %ore sentences and we#re done with today#s lesson! 3o re'eat a$ter %e: 0u% rella1 0u% rella1 0u% rella1 0<et %e an u% rella!1 That#s it! &ne %ore ti%e: 0<et %e an u% rella!1 <ood :o ! 8e.t sentence- re'eat a$ter %e: 0>rin/ $ro% the cu'!1 +nd again: 0cu'1 0>rin/ $ro% the cu'!1 <ood :o ! Here#s another one! 2e'eat a$ter %e: 0He ought a new truc/!1

+n original &'en English 'roduction in association with 4l5se! 4o'yright6 7o.yP2 *nc! and 2ain ow Heights *nternational LL4

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0truc/1 0He ought a new truc/!1 That#s it! (e#re al%ost there! &ne %ore sentence and we#re done $or today! 2e'eat a$ter %e: 0 us1 0* have to catch the us!1 +nd again- re'eat a$ter %e: 0* have to catch the us!1 That was e.cellent) 4ongratulations) (ith every new lesson- your listening s/ills are getting etter and etter! 4ontinue to wor/ with these lessons as o$ten as 'ossi le ecause re%e% er- 'ractice %a/es 'er$ect) 7or additional 'ractice- turn on your co%'uter and go to &'enEnglish!co%! +t &'enEnglish- you#ll $ind hundreds o$ interactive lessons and videos to hel' you 'er$ect your English! +ccelerate your English today! 3ee you soon!

Additional practice: Short o vowel sound

Words: cu' u' under gu% rush u' and down under the sin/ under understand truc/ hug u% rella us Sentences: 09rush your teeth!1 09rush your gu%s!1 0* understand!1 0<ive %e a hug!1 0<et %e an u% rella!1 0>rin/ $ro% the cu'!1 0He ought a new truc/!1 0* have to catch the us!1

+n original &'en English 'roduction in association with 4l5se! 4o'yright6 7o.yP2 *nc! and 2ain ow Heights *nternational LL4

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