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Possession and Predation - Aliens, Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians - The Enigma of Extraterrestrial Parasites

B e h i n d t e r m s w o r t h y o f a h o r r o r fil m o r a l o w-b u d g e t s c i-fi t h rill e r h i d e s a f a s c i n a ti n g a n d m y s t e r i o u s t h e m e t h a t m a y p e r h a p s r e p r e s e n t a n u l ti m a t e c h a l l e n g e f o r t h e f u t u r e o f t h e h u m a n s o u l.

It i s v e r y d iffi c u l t t o d e s c r i b e t h i s s u b j e c t i n a r a ti o n a l w a y, a s u b j e c t m o r e t h a n li k e l y t o p r o v o k e s arc as m.

e t, s i n c e w e a t ! a r m a p o l i s. b e b e g a n o u r i n " u i r y i n t o e # t r a t e r r e s t ri a l p h e n o m e n a , t h e h i s t o r y o f r e li g i o n s a n d c i v ili $ a ti o n s, a n d o u r r e s e a r c h o n a n o m a l i e s a n d c o n s p i r a c y t h e o r i e s, t h i s t h e m e a b o u t p a r a s i t e s i n t h e h u m a n m i n d - i. e., t h e m a n i p u l a ti o n o f t h e h u m a n b e i n g b y a n e # t e r n a l e n t ity, e # t r a t e r r e s t ri a l o r i n t e r d i m e n s i o n a l - h a s h i t u s e v e r y ti m e ri g h t b e t w e e n t h e e y e s . % e c e ntl y o u r r e s e a r c h h a s p r o d u c e d a s y m bi o si s w i t h & o h n ' a s h, a u t h o r o f t h e s i t e ( e t a h i s t o r y. o r g .

' i k e o u r s, h i s r e s e a r c h c o n s i d e r s t h e p o s s i b ilit y t h at h u m a n b ei n g s a r e n o t e n tir ely t h e m s el v e s, th at h u m a n c o n s ci o u s n e s s is infe ct e d a n d m a n i p u l a t e d b y a m y s t e ri o u s e n t it y c o m i n g fr o m th e d e pt h s of th e c o s m o s.

o u w i ll s a y t o m e , I s t hi s a n o t h e r w i l d i d e a ) * h e i d e a o f a f o r e i g n i n fl u e n c e o r e # t r a t e r r e s t ri a l i n fl u e n c e o n h u m a n c o n s c i o u s n e s s i s, h o w e v e r, n o t s o b i $ a r r e. It i s a l m o s t a s o l d a s c i v ili $ a ti o n

it s e lf. I n f a c t, s o m e a n c i e n t m y s t i c s c a ll e d g n o s ti c s m a d e t h i s i d e a a c e n t r a l t h e m e o f t h e i r c o s m o l o g y.

+ n c i e n t c i v ili $ a t i o n a n d s h a m a n i c a n d e s o t e r i c t r a d i ti o n s e v o k e t h i s c o n c e p t c l e a r l y i n t h e i r m y t h s , l e g e n d s a n d t r a d i ti o n s , o f t e n i n o r a l l o r e p o s s e s s i n g it s o w n p a r ti c u l a r s y n t a #.

, n e a l s o fi n d s t h i s i d e a r e p e a t e d o v e r a n d o v e r a g ai n in c o nt e m p o r ar y a c c o u nt s of a b d u cti o n , m i n d c o n t r o l , a n d m i l a b s -milit a r y l a b s..

The "New Sorcery"

In this article, we refer to the work of Carlos Castaneda, an anthropologist of obscure South American origins who established himself in southern California where he published a thesis on the use of plants ethnobotany! by Indians of the "e#ican-American border$

In the course of his research, he encountered Don Juan Matus, a strange man, a shaman, an adept of what Castaneda calls %the new sorcery$&

'on (uan initiated Castaneda into a strange and far-reaching )iew of the reality of the world we inhabit$ In the same )ein, we e)oke the knowledge of the Gnostics, mystics of the early Christian era, but decidedly nonChristian, who left an incredible legacy called the *ag +ammadi ,ibrary$

The To ic of To ics
"aybe we-)e been wrong to look at these ancient creation myths with disdain as nave stories that are mostly symbolic, if not mere fairy tales$

"aybe we should re-e#amine ancient mythology and the oral shamanic traditions, considering them as testimony of concrete facts$ Certain scenarios for instance, the .nostic te#ts of *ag +ammadi! present a )i)id description of alien manipulation$ At Karmapolis during our researches, we ha)e often been confounded by this possibility of parasitism and predation, called %the topic of topics& by Castaneda-s teacher, 'on (uan - a characteri/ation shared by John !ash$

0e find oursel)es torn between pure and simple re1ection of this hypothesis and the desire to know more, for this topic resonates to something profound in human e#perience, something that runs as deep as where we li)e and how we li)e$ ,et-s recall what Castaneda says in his last book, 2he Acti)e Side of Infinity, where the sorcerer 'on (uan tells him about such parasites and warns him against the kind of reactions people will typically ha)e when we raise the possibility that our souls are manipulated by malevolent entities: 2hey-ll laugh and make fun of you, and the more aggressi)e ones will beat the shit out of you$ And not so much because they don-t belie)e it$ 'own in the depths of e)ery human being, there-s an ancestral, )isceral knowledge about the predators- e#istence$
" # $$%-$$$&

Demonic Entities
2he first time one hears about the e#istence of these predatory beings, we go into ontological shock, and we may face a bottomless anguish$

2hen we may react with total re1ection, disdain, ridicule, as the cynical part of our mind tells us that we ha)e been stupid to ha)e scared oursel)es with such idiotic things that came from the head of a sorcerer who was nuts, and whose e#istence has not e)en been pro)en$ ,ater, one reali/es that redation is a recurrent theme, discussed in other research by other authors$

2here are the Gnostic texts, of course$ 2here is also first-hand testimony, personal accounts of li)ing witnesses$ And shamanic traditions in different parts of the world speak of this same phenomenon in their own way$ Perhaps the "uslim mystics who e#posed the beha)ior of '1inns and %demonic& entities of )arious kinds, such as the succubi and incubi of the "iddle Ages, are identical to 3the flyers,3 as 'on (uan calls them$

2here is also the inter)iew that we did with Nigel 'erner, that e#plains our )iolent, predatory, small, a)id and calculating spirit as a legacy that goes back to Cro-"agnon, when the %first genetic interceptions& occurred, according to 4erner$ 5ut we will return to this matter later on$ 2he e#istence of parasites is found in )ery ancient religious te#ts, and in research, books, and contemporary studies, but all this information is not considered in the mainstream media, to say the least$

As we didn-t know how to look at the problem in a serious and legitimate way, we had the chance to meet (ohn ,ash, writer, researcher and creator of the, a site sponsored by the "arion Institute in the 6SA$ A tireless, erudite student of .nostic materials, (ohn had the brilliant idea of drawings parallel between .nostic knowledge and shamanic traditions$

For him, the .nostics were authentic mystics close to what should ha)e been the original mysticism of Christianity, before it fell into the hands of the disciples and Catholic Church$ .nostics were in reality true shamans from the "iddle 7ast who may be compared in some respects to the 5ra/ilian ayahuasqueros, the 5itwi African ibogaine shamans, and sur)i)ing Siberian shamans$

For a long time, (ohn has had a strong intuition about regarding the parasites reported by Castaneda in terms of the alien predators described in .nostic te#ts$

2hese predators, called Archons or Archontes, are cle)er demonic entities who consume dying worlds$ .nostic myths say that they arose by an error, and emerged like locusts from chaos and darkness of elementary matter$ In taking the parallel proposed by (ohn ,ash a little further, we can include with the flyers of Castaneda and the Archontes of the Gnostics other reptilian entities, either etheric in nature, or more substantial, in some manner of flesh and blood - creatures such as those described in the abundant literature of abductions, as well as in the testimony of satanic abuse and multiple personality disorder "P'!$

2hus we decided to combine our resources with to work out at some length this e#tended hypothesis and e#plore how the human mind might be infected and manipulated by a mysterious force that re)eals to us how we are cursed, but also re)eals to us our strength to o)ercome the curse$

2his topic concerns us all8

The im ortance of Castaneda

0e are not trying to take responsibility away from humanity by blaming these parasites for all our imperfections, our tendencies toward )iolence, and our emotional coldness, by simply saying,

It-s not our fault, we can-t do anything about it, let things take their course$&
2he challenge here is to e#plain and understand this possible cohabitation, take a look at this hypothesis, and document it, as (ohn does on his site, drawing upon the Gnostic materials$

0e are seeking a rational way to resol)e what could well be a real curse, a defect of our species, that keeps us locked in a state of inferior awareness, or, if you prefer, in our daily hell in this orld, a world full of beauty but also fraught with illusion and incertitude$ 9n the one hand, the solution to this enigma could be the simple act of becoming conscious of the e#istence of these parasites, so as to li)e with them, and to reason and meditate on the moti)e of our actions when they are guided by fear, need, and lack and )iolence$ Castaneda spoke of ending our %inner tal!,& the internal monologue focused on the ego in which e)ery moment of the day is in)ested$ 2his is not easy$ Far from it$ 9n the other hand, there is the whole body of teaching of 'on (uan, the mental e#ercise and the physical mo)ements he calls magical passes, as well as the discipline called tensegrity$

2his is a comple# practice, and it is clear that to do it successfully, one must go into it heart and soul, a commitment that is not gi)en to e)eryone$ "r$ 7)eryman will regard the knowledge and discipline of 'on (uan and Castaneda as exotic, and the teachings, hermetic and strange$

2he way to o)ercome the predator by committing oneself entirely to the writings of Castaneda is not within the reach of e)eryone$ "oreo)er, the work of Castaneda can pro)oke arguments and protests in which one could e)en doubt the e#istence of the old sorcerer$

Such protests against the sorcerers of 'on (uan-s lineage, and his contemporary %fan club& ha)e been considered elsewhere in an article by 4armatoo 3,e 'ernier des *ahuals3$!

'espite these criti:ues and arguments, which are often )irulent, the presence of that mysterious anthropologist and the knowledge of his mentor cannot be denied$ 2he work of Castaneda remains e#traordinarily powerful and coherent, and it may best be analy/ed in )iew of other magical and shamanic traditions such as those of the .nostics$

2his (ohn ,ash has done in the companion article$ +is e#cellent te#t is the fruit of eight years of research on .nostic;Castaneda parallels$

(f )reys* Drones and Clones

According to Castaneda the parasitic entities he called the flyers ha)e infiltrated us and made our spirit repetiti)e, maniacal, full of routine, frightened, a)id, )iolent and calculating<

2he predators gi)e us their mind, which becomes our mind$ 2he predators- mind is baro:ue,
contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being disco)ered any minute now&
"The +cti,e Side of -nfinity* # $$.&#

2he Archons, who ha)e certain of the same characteristics as these, are obsessed with hiding and not being detected$

Nigel 'erner - whom we inter)iewed in =>>? - writes in his book, 2he Song of the .reys, about our inheritance from the short Greys or "#s$ 4erner compares these entities to empty shells, e#plorer drones or robotic probes that are 1ust a pale reflection of the %$rime %eing,& the entity that created them, a long time ago$

2hrough a number of %genetic inter)entions& - as may be indicated by many tales of e#traterrestrial abduction, ancient and modern, as well as by accounts of demons, succubi, etc - the .reys would ha)e installed in our genetic code characteristics that make us hybrids, a mix of human and "#$

2hese alien interceptions would ha)e started with the Cro-"agnon and their indo-7uropean descendents, i$e$, the white man of the 0est$ It is the Caucasian type, 4erner says, that demonstrates more than any other ethnic group, aggressi)e, territorial, imperialistic, cold and calculating beha)ior, and tends to li)e in the constant fear of aggression, wary of threats$

2hese would be the character traits that gi)e this ethnic type its con:uering territorial dri)e, reflected in the doctrine of 3survival of the fittest$3 In all this 4erner sees a program of the .reys to obtain supremacy of the white man and eliminate other traditions, cultures, societies, and the mystical or anticipatory world )iew more directed toward cooperation, compassion and e:uilibrium$ #he hite man as created to effectuate the elimination of other experiments conducted by the .reys or perhaps by other ad)anced beings or e#traterrestrial entities$

Such is what 4erner told us in that long, e#clusi)e inter)iew$ Consistent with the Gnostic vie that the Archons influence our e#istential alienation, and Castaneda-s remarks to the same effect, 4erner says that due to the inter)ention of the .reys we are no longer in touch with our true potential, our true spirit and our link with the $rime %eing that created us< 0e are caught in a physical e#istence because we ha)e certain @restrictions- certain :ualities that reflect a lack of understanding of the true nature of reality$ Aualities such as hate, en)y, greed, aggression, etc$

2hese :ualities are mental momentums that separate parts as the 6ni)erse separates parts$ 2hey are the consciousness e:ui)alent of the physical entropic momentums for separation in the uni)erse$

2hus they pro)ide @scratches- and @dirty marks- on the indi)idual @lenses- through which the light of God shines into us$ 2hese blemishes distort and twist that light defining each of our indi)idualities as e#tents of difference to that light$

2hat-s how we defined our indi)idualities in the first place$ Alien interception pro)ides e#tra scratches and dirty marks that are e#tra to our own @restrictions- or @sins-$ 2hus alien interception is an imposition on us$$$$

2heir predatory nature is due to the fact that they see us as their e#perimental sub1ects$

If they were human and were acting out of moti)es of cruelty or hatred then these things would lead to their own destruction as a people in time but because they are 1ust self-generating machines B they can continue following their agenda as long as there is physically-based sentient life to prey on$ 4erner has a way of thinking that is typically .nostic in the sense that he claims that human beings li)e in a state of ensla)ement, and, he argues, the Christ did not come to atone for our sins and sa)e us, but to avert the horrific danger posed by the predators.

Again, from the inter)iew< I would suggest that we need to look at what being @damned- means$ In common parlance @damnation- implies a one way ticket to @hell&. %2he Song of the .reys& suggests that this physical uni)erse is the true hell$

9ur damnation is defined by the fact that we are stuck here$ It is our own minds and actions which bind us but one could make a strong case to say that we would ha)e been less likely to ha)e remained trapped if not for the e#ternal influence of things like the .reys$

Perhaps this is why beings like 'esus would come to show us the way out of our capti)ityC Des, we are in capti)ity like animals, being farmed by the .reys$ "aybe he came to restore the balanceC

In the ancient *ag +ammadi 2e#ts he is :uoted as saying that there were e#ternal powers which ha)e had an interest in mankind from the beginning$ In short, 4erner says that we are hybrids, shackled by a foreign implantation$

In the (ecret %oo! of 'ohn, Christ declares<

I am that which e#ists eternally, that which is without defect or mi#ture$& 2he parasites with their
hybridation ha)e no part in this higher e#istence$ 2his is certainly %good news&$

For the .nostics, Christ did not speak of repentance and sin, but rather wanted to help us get out of the trap we-re in by the force of illumination$

The +rchontes and So hia

Can we compare the Archons and the flyers to machinesE

*igel 4erner suggests that these parasitic entities are indeed comparable to machines$ 2hey are also like programmed )iruses that lack something essential in their own make-up$ Are they then some sort of psychic machines, )iruses in an alien body formE

It seems that both the Archons and the .reys ha)e a problem with connection to the source, the Creator or $rime %eing, as 4erner calls it - this would allude somehow to (ophia in Gnostic tradition$ 4erner says that they lack the soul life or 3soul line3 that would connect them with a conscious sense of eternity, and allow them to return to the source$ In .nostic myth, the Archons mistakenly see themsel)es as alone in the cosmos, which they take for their %4ingdom$&

2hus they challenge the Godhead, wishing to be e:ual to that which produced them$ 2hey arise in the chaos of elementary matter, the region of ignorance and fantasy$ Apparently, these predators feed on human beings in some way$ 2hey want to make use of us, treating us like cattle, or laboratory animals$

2he .reys do e#actly the same thing$ In contemporary reports of .rey inter)ention, linked to %reptilian& acti)ities, the 72s operate between our dimension and other, non-material dimensions in order to feed on negati)e emotions, especially fear and anguish$

According to sur)i)ors and therapists, ritual satanic abuse - a phenomenon totally denied by the authorities might be practiced with the intent to nourish these entities on human fear and anguish$

S iritual /irus and Camouflage

Jonh !ash tells us that .nostics warned that (udeo-Christian religion, which is patriarchal) messianic) and redemptive that is, belie)ing in the final *udgment of our faults by a messianic figure!, is a spiritual )irus$

2he main struggle of the .nostics was to e#pose and resist this )irus$ Author and researcher Paul ,on 0ard, in his book, .od, .enes and Consciousness, states his )iew, de)eloped after reading many ancient te#ts including Sumerian tablets and the +ag ,ammadi materials, that the %religions of the 5ook& 'udaism, Christianity, and -slam! are proof of the presence and so)ereignty of what he calls A5s, advanced beings$

2hese A5s, who are purely opportunistic, ha)e left us with a religious cultic tradition that is hypercentrali/ed, totally patriarchal, and founded on the concept that man is guilty of an original fault$ According to Fon 0ard, e)en our go)ernments are influenced by this concept which, in the worst cases, has produced dictatorships and personality cults e$g$, +itler, Stalin, 4im Il Sung! $

Fon 0ard calls this de)elopment %supernaturalism,& characteri/ed by emphasis on e)erything that is %magical& and doesn-t really e#ist, but parado#ically those who adopt this )iew worship a supremely disconnected deity, a god not present, not manifest physically, who re:uires miracles and magical proof of a material kind, the demonstration of which obliges us to venerate such a deity$

2his supernaturalism takes humanity in a kind of schi/ophrenia where all forms of magic and esoterism are banished and, at the same time, a)idly pursued in underground mo)ements, hidden cults, etc!$ In such a world)iew, it is unthinkable that god or the gods could be 72 entities who possess an e#tremely sophisticated technology that would allow them to stage feats mistaken for miracles of a di)ine order$

2he supreme being must preser)e its aspect of untouchability and immateriality, remo)ed from the world and simultaneously present in all aspects of human life$ 0ithin this concept of a supernaturalist reality, the idea of parasitism by inorganic beings or more ad)anced beings is inconceivable$ Following the argument of Fon 0ard concerning 3Ad)anced 5eings - A5,3 we might well suppose that supernaturalism would be a bi/arre disguise of such entities, the .Gods/ of antiquity, to make us deny their e#istence and their parasitical acti)ities$ Fon 0ard discusses the lines of the Anunnaki, a type of hyperdominant 72 entity who founded Sumerian ci)ili/ation according to some interpretations of the Sumerian cuneiform record!, as being responsible for the fanatical and authoritarian religious concepts and hierarchal rituals of (udeo-Christian religion$

+e asserts that D+F+, the +ebrew god (eho)ah, was an A5 responsible for bloody and tyrannical e)ents$ 0,1, is denounced in similar terms by the .nostics$

It is thus tempting to say that the .nostics, when they e#posed the Archons, were really talking about their material, incarnate aspect, the Anunnaki$

9ne could speculate that the Anunnaki were shadowed or possessed by the flyers2Archons so that they could be their material heirs$ It is not surprising that the .nostics ha)e been pursued for heresy and that the religious authorities ha)e tried to physically eliminate them$ It-s a miracle that any te#ts ha)e sur)i)ed$

2hey must ha)e been hidden by adepts who had suffered successi)e wa)es of persecution$

The ro1lem of credi1ility

0hene)er one speaks of reptilian entities or other types of entities that attack the human mind, a ma1or problem of credibility arises$

2e#ts such as the Gnostic and (umerian ritings are ancient, perennial, cohesi)e, and )alidated by academic sources$ 2hese are uncontestable sources of information, and conse:uently the content of these te#ts can be debated in a )iable manner$

9n the other hand, contemporary sources on %the topic of topics& are far less legitimate, and sub1ect to huge argumentation$ 2hey come either from the testimony of )ictims whose good faith is put into :uestion, and who often testify under hypnosis, which is also :uestionableG or from mediums, or people who ha)e been contacted or possessed by an 72G or from those who practice %remote )iewing,& and so forth$

9ther sources are the writers and in)estigators who belie)e completely in these abo)e cited sources and compile all the information gi)en by these abductees, contactees, channelers, etc$, and draw conclusions$

For e#ample,

Robert 5oulay
4arla 2urner )ictim! "ichael "ott (ames 0alden "ark Amaru-Pinkham Stan 'eyo 'a)id Icke 5ranton alias Alan 3alton "aurice 'oreal,

$$$and others$ 2he list is large$

+ere again, there is no way for these authors to control or check the credibility of their sources$ Specialists in abduction who ha)e a more solid academic background and a more serious methodology in their ways of gleaning information, such as (ohn "ack, 'a)id (acobs, 5udd +opkins, can also shed some light on these matters$

2here is yet another type of source< the military or the scientists$ 2hese are less common, but increasingly in recent years they also speak of contact with reptilians or greys$

Colonel Corso and Phil Schneider are among the most well-known of this group$

2here is also testimony from military and scientific sources in the %'isclosure Pro1ect that could also shed light on the "# phenomenon. 0hat is striking here is the similarity of information from these di)erse sources, as different as they are$

9ne senses that these testimonies and analyses present a coherent portrait of the beha)ior of 72s and reptilians - which could mean this information rests on a real and tangible basis, or that could as well mean these authors take their inspiration from each other and tell the same story for a goal that is not e)ident$ 0hat is clear is the fact that the characteristics of the actions and goals of these predatory entities, as described by contemporary sources, fit in some respects with information contained in ancient te#ts such as the +ag ,ammadi codices and the Sumerian cuneiform record$

As we ha)e said o)er and o)er again on, nothing should be taken on faith$ Its not about %believing or not believing,& but about sol)ing a pu//le that is more or less subtle and nuanced, and will always

ha)e missing pieces$

+1ductions and Parasites

As we ha)e already noted, one of the best candidates that fits the profile of the Archons and flyers are the .rey 72s which numerous writers, including 4erner, link to reptilians$

According to Castaneda, the flyers ha)e a particular taste for young people, charged with )ital energy, or e)en for children$ 2his trait recalls what is said by sur)i)ors of ritual abuse about the reptilian-type 72s and humans said to be possessed by these entities$

2his type of particularly re)olting e)il-doing represents a much-disputed aspect of abduction reports, because the reptilian beha)ior has nothing to do with 6F9s, the usual abduction scenarios, nor does it fit in with the usual cases of se#ual and pedophiliac crimes$ 2his type of abuse is known only through its sur)i)ors who are usually women$

In most cases, the )ictims attest to being sub1ected to ritual torture and rape, and to ha)e witnessed deaths attended by strange psychic effects and manifestations of occult forces$ "ost shocking are the accounts of men who shape-shift into reptilians in the course of a ritual, usually after ha)ing consumed the blood or eaten the organs of the )ictim sacrificed for the rites$ 0itnesses describe possession by extraterrestrial entities$ 2hese accounts seems incredible, improbable, and probably worthy to be relegated to the realm of mythomania$

5ut as we ha)e already stressed in other articles, these testimonies are numerous and psychiatrists and therapists take them seriouslyC 2hese rituals of abuse can be considered as bi/arre manifestations in the category of predation and parasitism$ Finally, considering the military sources on abduction by .reys and reptilians, e)en though these sources may be compromised by disinformation, reports by soldiers and technicians who work on top secret pro1ects display certain similarities with the abo)e accounts$

Colonel Corso, in his book 2he 'ay After Roswell, obser)es that the Greys are cyborgs designed for e#ploration - thus echoing the )iew of 4erner$ 2his is why witnesses ha)e the impression of facing an entity without emotions$

Phil Schneider, who claims to ha)e worked on the construction of hidden military bases, speaks of the beehi)e mentality of the Grey "#s who li)e in nests$ +e compares them to predators who ra)age an en)ironment, rather like a plague of grasshoppers$

In Cosmic Foyage, Courtney 2rown, a remote )iewer who formerly worked for the CIA, uses the same term, hive mentality, for the Greys. Fictims of ritual abuse and abductions thought to be conducted by Greys and reptilians report the sense of being an ob1ect, or the prey in the hands of a predator$ Se#ual abuse takes on another aspect when it concerns

the remo)al of sperm and o)um samples, and other medically in)asi)e acts$

As for the physical aspect of the predatory entities, let-s recall something noted by 'arla Turner< 2he appearance of these entities is changeable and you cannot trust it$ 2urner now deceased! was a specialist in abductions and herself a )ictim$

She ascertained under hypnosis that )ictims noted the changing appearance of the predator, shifting, for instance, between a military appearance and the reptilian form$ 2urner was able to trace at least fi)e such shifts of appearance$ 2hese changes remind us of the strategies used by the Archons and flyers to decei)e their )ictims$ 2wo themes recur continually in the accounts of abduction and mind control< genetic manipulation and implants$ .enetic manipulation by the 72s has for its aim, according to the testimony of abductees, the creation of a race of hybrids, human-72 crossbreeds$

2hese would be entities capable of an emotional life, which the 72s lack$ In short, the aim is to produce a mixed consciousness$ As for implants, they are used to locate a person or, at worst, to modify their beha)ior$

0e will see how we can link these two themes$

DN+ as Prison or Messenger of !ife

0e are speaking largely of pure speculation, of course, but the common points in the theme of implants, the role of conditioning of consciousness, and the potential role of '*A, are so ob)ious that it seems necessary to talk about it$

'*A, the double heli# of amino acids, is e#tremely comple#$ It has a much higher amount of information than the most sophisticated computer$ It seems to be the program, the software, that builds structure and makes the li)ing organism work$

Scientists affirm that '*A is an aperiodic crystal, that its structure the way it is built! can be compared to crystal elements$ For e#ample, minerals like quart4 and silicon are crystals$ 2hey are e#traordinary conductors of information and energy$ 2his is why they are used in electronics and computer sciences$ It is then interesting to note that certain implants and psychotronic eapons that can influence the beha)ior of human beings function on these crystal properties$ Could we then postulate that '*A, loaded with li)ing memory of our ancestors and all species that ha)e contributed to the de)elopment of homo sapiens sapiens, contain a series of instructions that generate our consciousness and our perception, somewhat in the way of an e#tremely sophisticated implantE

a1origine aint #

2oday, the attribution of consciousness uni:uely to the neurochemical acti)ity of the brain constitutes a scientific dead end$

Researchers ha)e come to concei)e the brain as a sort of combination of soft are and hard are with holographic properties$

Consciousness is not e#clusi)e to the brain, which is rather a sort of broadcasting station, or an antenna for a station$ In certain conspiracy literature, especially Da,id -c3e, this 5+A is li!e the soft are that !eeps us loc!ed into a certain level of perception.

Could '*A be the bars of our mental prisonE

DN+ and Shamanism

Jeremy Nar1y, author of 2he Cosmic Serpent, points out that 5+A has a serpentine form$ In shamanic )ision under the effects of ayahuasca, '*A, the component of life, is percei)ed as spirit or, more clearly, a multitude of spirits called Manin!aris$

2hese spirits would ha)e come to earth in the form of a shower of dark entities, a sort of cross between reptiles and hales, as described in a )ision under ayahuasca by anthropologist Michael 4arner5 First they showed me the planet earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it$ I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky$ 2hen black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape$

I could see the @specks- were actually large, shiny, black creatures with stubbly pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodiesC 2hey e#plained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing from something out in space$

2hey had come to the planet 7arth to escape their enemy$ 2he creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence$ 5efore me the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation B hundreds of millions of years of acti)ity B took place on a scale and with a )i)idness impossible to describe$

I learned that the dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life) including man.
"Cited 1y Nar1y* The Cosmic Ser ent* # 66&

+arner had this )ision in HIJH$

9nly in retrospect did he link these blac! dragons to '*A, and this had not yet been pointed out in our time$ 0hat were these creatures running away from by hiding behind the shape of what is li)ing, and camouflaging themsel)es in man, as a sort of parasitism inclined to mutualityE Certainly, +arner-s )ision, typical of the kind e#perienced by Ashaninka Indians under the influence of an hallucinogenic potion, can be read at a metaphoric level, but it is also clear that the idea of the Manin!aris is fundamental to the Indians in the understanding of life$

9ne of the 1ungle sorcerers (eremy *arby met defined these entities<

2hey are in)isible entities found in animals, plants, mountains, ri)ers, lakes and certain crystal
rocks$& In the nati)e tradition, the Manin!aris are positi)e beings<

2hey taught us how to wea)e cotton and make clothes$ Since a long time, our ancestors were
li)ing in the forest$ 0ho else could ha)e taught us how to make clothE& According to anthropologist )erald 0eiss who studied the Ashaninka, the name Manin!ari means %those who are hidden,& but who can be seen by ingesting tobacco and ayahuasca$

If the Manin!aris are positi)e entities for the Indians, they resemble in certain respects the flyers of Castaneda in the sense that, like the flyers, the Manin!aris li)e in hiding, and they are dark beings who influence the beha)ior of humans$

In nature we find forms of parasitism in which the parasite and the host li)e in symbiosis, in mutual cooperation or mutualism$ It is essential to know how the Manin!aris that *arby connects to '*A without identifying them with it! play a positi)e role through their parasitic activity$

As for the flyers, according to Castaneda, they feed on the %luminous layers& of human consciousness, especially those of young people$ 2he flyers lea)e nothing but a thin band of consciousness, 1ust enough for

the person to sur)i)e, until they come and get the rest, later on$

#heir activity is anything but positive$

7lyers and -m lants - Meta horic Technology

2he alien implants of "#2678 reports, considered as a parasitical ob1ect, may be compared to the flyers$

9f course, such technological metaphors are limited because they only work as long as the technology to which they refer is in fashion - as )erry 8eitlin states in his article on, comparing memory to a hologram$

2echnological metaphors ha)e some didactic )alue, and some use in representing a concept, but little more$ 2he flyers of Castaneda might be a kind of implant or psychic )irus$ Recent de)elopments show that the military ha)e the intention to upgrade the implant into a tool of identification and retrie)al$ It could as well be turned into a psychotronic weapon that works by effecting beha)ior or inducing a state of )irtual reality, like the implants for 1et pilots which can manage radar signals in the combat /one$

According to 4elmut !ammers, who worked at Cal #ech on Milabs "ilitary mind control and alien abduction pro1ects!, the go)ernment at the end of the HII>s was working on a chip capable of,

mimicking analogic and mental processes seen in human beings$&

2hey were working on implants with the capacity to generate %holograms, multi-spectral camouflage systems, and thermic in)isibility$&

And this is only the known part of the research$ Fictims of alien abduction and mind control claim to ha)e been sub1ected to implants e)en more sophisticated, and capable of modifying consciousness$

2he acti)ity of the flyers as alien agents that modify our consciousness looks less strange when we consider their military e#periments in psychotronic weapons as seen in the remake of the film, 2he "anchurian Candidate!$

DN+ as an -m lant
,et-s return to the link between 5+A and consciousness$

Scientists ha)e tried for many years to establish how '*A could be influenced by emotional states and consciousness, and, )ice )ersa, how '*A can influence us$

Eric 'andel, who won the *obel Pri/e in =>>>, disco)ered that genetic differences between indi)iduals are due to society and mental conditioning, as well as to parental genes$

(apanese scientist Masaru Emoto has conducted e#periments with water in crystalline form that show how ice crystals are affected by sound$

+e also conducted a series of e#periments that show how the formation of water crystals is determined by certain words of a positi)e and negati)e connotation$

0ith positi)e words, the structures generated in water are regular, harmonious and esthetic in form$ 0ith negati)e words, they assume 1agged, irregular forms$ Recall that '*A is an aperiodic crystal that reacts to wa)es and other electromagnetic phenomena$

0e may assume there is an influence of a )ibratory kind between 5+A and its environment$ Recent work by Russian biologist Piotr )ar9a9e, and some Russian linguistic e#perts suggests the same thing, and, more specifically, this research may show that 1unk '*A, rather than being a discard, is %a computer hologram that works with laser-type radiations$&

In short, '*A is an e#traordinary generator of perceptions, an instrument of )irtual reality$ Da,id -c3e, a well-known in)estigator of the 3reptilian agenda3, has proposed a much-discussed idea concerning the link between 5+A, emotion and consciousness$

In fact, human consciousness manifests mainly through the medium of emotions$ 2hese fall roughly into typical categories< lo)e, hate, fear, anger, desire, etc$ 0ith plenty of nuances, of course$ It can be said that these emotions encapsulate our consciousness, they channel our means of e#pression into narrow bands$ Icke reckons that '*A is actually responsible for the reduction of consciousness to the point where our emotional activity has nothing to do ith our real consciousness.

A great many spiritual disciplines for instance, %uddhist meditation! address this situation$ Pure consciousness

has nothing to do with our emotional states, on the contrary, our emotions imprison us - so Icke would argue$

5y accepting the link between '*A and emotional and mental acti)ities, we may begin to imagine '*A as a comple# program that directs the life process regulating our metabolism, for instance!, but impedes our consciousness from complete manifestation$ Nigel 'erner says something similar when he treats both '*A and the entire human body brain and skeleton! as a sort of antenna structure$

It is through this antenna that our consciousness manifests, but in a deformed and diminished manner$ 9ur consciousness, 4erner says, is inspired by the $rime %eing, the perfect state from which we issue$ 5ut this antenna suffers interference by parasitical entities, and so our consciousness is altered and manipulated in ways that make us suffer$ 9ne can well see a )icious circle operating here< the more our emotions operate in a chaotic and painful manner, the more they influence our '*A, and the more our '*A reduces and conditions our perception in a really negati)e way$ 9ur le)el of awareness depends on '*A which interprets reality for us with and through the brain!, rather than showing us things as they really are$

In his most recent book, Icke says that hat e believe to be real is an illusion$ +e refers to %a )oice in the head& that recalls what Castaneda says of the flyers< they think in our place, they make us react and condition our capacity to feel %reality$& 9f course, the lin! bet een 5+A and consciousness is e#tremely speculati)e and 1ust barely sub1ect to scientific study, though it represents a fascinating path$ If '*A is considered as a form of mind, a snakelike entity according to the -ndians of 'eremy +arby, it may also be regarded as a positi)e parasite carrier of the life functions! or a negati)e one conditioner of consciousness!$

As such, it may be compared to accounts of the acti)ity of the flyers and the .nostic Archon, although these are ne)er considered to ha)e a positi)e effect$

2y 0ay of Conclusion
7lyers) Archons and the Grey "#s all ha)e a decisi)e influence, alienating and in)asi)e, on the operations of human consciousness$

2hey dissimulate and assume di)erse disguises$ 2he phenomenon of shape9shifting has been carefully studied by Marie-Therese de 2rosses, a French 1ournalist who speciali/es in alien abductions, a writer, and tenacious in)estigator of anomalies$

She reports an Australian case in which the abductee is told by a .rey<

0e appear in the form you e#pect to see$&

She has also reported the case of women who find their husbands, boyfriends, or e)en mo)ie stars, in a flying saucer$

After the se#ual act and the e#traction of tissue or o)a, they reali/e that the husband, boyfriend, or actor is in reality an e#traterrestrial$ "arie 2herese de 5rosses reckons that this kind of "# phenomenon is )ery close to the manifestation of diabolic and angelic entities el)es, trolls, d1inns, fairies, succubi, etc! in folk lore of the past$

For her,

the parallel we can trace between "# apparitions, the Archons of the .nostics and the flyers of
Castaneda, is totally )alid$& 2he theories of de 5rosses align closely to similar work by Jac:ues /allee, John 'eel and Jean Sider, whose theories indicate that the 72 phenomenon may be,

like the manifestation of e)ents orchestrated by a protean intelligence that e#ists around the
earth and attempts to torment us$& It is certainly not by mere chance that the last pages of de 5rosses- book are dedicated to the common elements in e#traterrestrial abductions and shamanic e#perience, attested around the world$

And likewise, it is not mere chance that (ohn ,ash dwells on the link between Castaneda and the .nostics, whom he regards as accomplished shamans$$$ 9f course, nothing indicates that all the manifestations of human contact ith extraterrestrial entities is parasitical and negative$ 5ut it would ser)e us well to understand those cases that are$ 0hate)er the case, parasitism and predation resemble a kind of psychological warfare of which the aims are not known, but which deser)es to be taken )ery seriously, without making a mental illness out of it$

It is probable that the flyers, Archons) Greys) fairies) d*inns and other demonic9type entities are all part of the same taxonomy, the same array of mysterious forces able to interfere with us and yet, somehow, transcend the normal dimensions in which we li)e$

2i1liogra hy

Carlos Castaneda < K,e Foyage 'LfinitifM, 7dition du Rocher,HIIN *igel 4erner < K2he Song of the .reysM, +odder O Stoughton, HIIP Courtney 5rown < %Cosmic Foyage 9ny# edition! ,HIIJ 'a)id (acobs < K2he 2hreatM, Simon and Schuster, HIIN 4arla 2urner < K2aken < Inside the Alien-+uman Abduction AgendaM, 4elt 0orks, HII? Paul Fon 0ard < K.od, .enes and Consciousness M, +ampton Road , =>>? 'r +elmut ,ammer < K"ilabs, "ilitary "ind Control O Alien AbductionM, I-*et,HIII 'a)id Icke < K2ales from the 2ime ,oopM, 5ridge of ,o)e, =>>Q (eremy *arby < K,e Serpent Cosmi:ueM, .eorg 7diteur, HIIR "ichaSl +arner < K2he 0ay of the ShamanM, +arper and Row, HIN> e#iste en franTais che/ Albin "ichel!

"arie-2hLrUse de 5rosses < %7n:uVte sur les enlU)ements e#traterrestres&, Plon HIIR une )ersion augmentLe est en cours de publication! (ac:ues FallLe < KRL)LlationsM, Robert ,affont, HII=$ KConfrontationM, Robert ,affont, HIIH

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