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NCB No: MOEST/4/2013 2014



P$%&'()*%: Ministry of Education, Science and


Co$+,%-: Republic of Kenya


I))$*. o+: OCTOBER, 2013

CLOSING DATE: /0TH No1*23*%, 45/! AT /5"55 A"M
T(36* o7 Co+,*+,)
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................................2 2.1Eligible tenderers.......................................................................................................................................5 2.2Cost of tendering.......................................................................................................................................5 2.3Contents of tender documents...................................................................................................................5 2.4Clarification of Documents ......................................................................................................................6 2.5Amendment of documents ........................................................................................................................6 2.6Language of tender....................................................................................................................................6 2.8 orm of Tender.........................................................................................................................................! 2.1"Tender Currencies ..................................................................................................................................! 2.11 Tenderers Eligibilit# and $ualifications. ...............................................................................................8 2.12 Tender %ecurit#......................................................................................................................................8 2.13&alidit# of Tenders .................................................................................................................................' 2.14 ormat and %igning of Tender ...............................................................................................................' 2.15 %ealing and (ar)ing of Tenders ............................................................................................................' 2.16 Deadline for %ubmission of Tenders ...................................................................................................1" 2.1! (odification and *it+dra*al of tenders ..............................................................................................1" 2.18 ,-ening of Tenders .............................................................................................................................11 2.1' Clarification of tenders.........................................................................................................................11 2.2" .reliminar# E/amination and 0es-onsi1eness.....................................................................................11 2.21 Con1ersion to a single currenc#...........................................................................................................12 2.22 E1aluation and com-arison of tenders..................................................................................................12 2.23. Contacting t+e -rocuring entit#...........................................................................................................13 2.24 A*ard of Contract ...............................................................................................................................13 2.25 2otification of a*ard............................................................................................................................14 2.26 %igning of Contract .............................................................................................................................15 2.2! .erformance %ecurit# ..........................................................................................................................15 2.28 Corru-t or raudulent .ractices ...........................................................................................................15 3.1 Definitions..............................................................................................................................................21

3.2 A--lication ...........................................................................................................................................21 3.3 %tandards ...............................................................................................................................................21 3.5 .atent 0ig+t3s ........................................................................................................................................21 3.6 .erformance %ecurit# ............................................................................................................................22 3.! 4ns-ections and Tests .............................................................................................................................22 3.8 .a#ment..................................................................................................................................................23 3.' .rices......................................................................................................................................................23 3.1" Assignment...........................................................................................................................................23 3.1" Termination for Default .......................................................................................................................23 3.12 Termination of insol1enc#....................................................................................................................23 3.13 Termination for con1enience ...............................................................................................................24 3.14 0esolution of dis-utes .........................................................................................................................24 3.15 5o1erning Language............................................................................................................................24 3.16 orce (a6eure......................................................................................................................................24 3.1! A--licable La*....................................................................................................................................24 3.18 2otices.................................................................................................................................................24 ,0( , TE2DE0....................................................................................................................................41 C,2 4DE2T4AL 78%42E%% $8E%T4,22A40E....................................................................................42 TE2DE0 %EC804T9 :7A2; 58A0A2TEE<..........................................................................................42 TE2DE0=%EC80425 DECLA0AT4,2....................................................................................................44 42TE504T9 DECLA0AT4,2...................................................................................................................45 2,2=DE7A0(E2T %TATE(E2T ,0(...............................................................................................46 C,2T0ACT ,0(%..................................................................................................................................4' LETTE0 , 2,T4 4CAT4,2 T, 82%8CCE%% 8L 74DDE0%.............................................................5" LETTE0 , ACCE.TA2CE>2,T4 4CAT4,2 , A?A0D...................................................................51 ,0( , C,2T0ACT A50EE(E2T.....................................................................................................52 7A2;>42%80A2CE .E0 ,0(A2CE 58A0A2TEE............................................................................53 7A2;>42%80A2CE AD&A2CE .A9(E2T 58A0A2TEE.................................................................54 %4TE &4%4T CLEA0A2CE CE0T4 4CATE...............................................................................................55


T+e MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY in1ites sealed tenders from eligible candidates for t+e -ro1ision of Cleaning Servi e! a" #$g$$ H$%!e &B', CDE'! O((i e) N*a*$ H$%!e, KNATCOM, S +$$l A%,i" De-ar".en"! ) Na"i$nal Ban/ B%il,ing, A,%l" E,% a"i$n 0 Ken*a Rein!%ran e B%il,ing An, Na"i$nal ICT Inn$va"i$n, In"egra"i$n Cen"re 1Ni2 3, Ken*a S ien e Ca.-%!, SMASSE B%il,ing, Ng$ng R$a, 1O--4 Na/%.a"" #%n "i$n3, U +%.i H$%!e, Tel-$!"a Pla5a An, U"alii H$%!e for t+e -eriod 1st ebruar# 2"14 to 31st @anuar#A 2"154 4nterested eligible candidates ma# obtain furt+er information and ins-ect t+e tender documents from .rocurement office located at @ogoo Bouse C73 8 t+ floor 0oom 2o. 8"3 along Barambee A1enueA during normal *or)ing +ours u-on -a#ment of a non = refundable fee of K!+! 6,777477 1One T+$%!an, S+illing!3 in ban)er c+eDue -er set of document -a#able to (inistr# of EducationA %cience E Tec+nolog# on 't+ floor cas+ officeA 0oom '25 @ogoo Bouse F7G. T+e documents can also be 1ie*ed and do*nloaded from t+e *ebsite +tt-H>>***.education.go.)eA and t+e bidders *+o do*nload t+e tender documents from t+e *ebsite .%!" ($r8ar, "+eir -ar"i %lar! i..e,ia"el* ($r re $r,! an, an* (%r"+er "en,er lari(i a"i$n! an, a,,en,a "$ --$9e,% a"i$n4g$4/e ($r re $r,ing4 D$8nl$a,e, $-ie! are (ree4 N$ $"+er e.ail !+$%l, :e %!e,4 T+i! Ten,er i! e; l%!ivel* re!erve, ($r "+e *$%"+, 8$.en an, -er!$n! 8i"+ ,i!a:ili"*4 Bi,,er! are all$8e, "$ :i, ($r $ne $r .$re l$"!4

7ids must be accom-anied b# a :i, !e %ring ,e lara"i$n ($r. ($r "+e *$%"+< 8$.en an, -er!$n! 8i"+ ,i!a:ili"* ailure to fill and sign t+e bid securing declaration form s+all automaticall# lead to disDualification of t+e unsecured bidsA and must be deli1ered toH THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARY, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY P4O4 BO= 277>7 NAIROBI or be de-osited at t+e tender bo/ located in front of t+e rece-tion area of @ogoo Bouse C73 Barambee A1enueA on or before 6?TH N$ve.:er, @762 a" 67477 a4.4 Com-lete tender documents in -lain sealed en1elo-es and mar)ed CTen,er N$4 MOESTA>A@762) @76>< Pr$vi!i$n $( leaning Servi e!, !+$%l, :e a,,re!!e, "$ "+e Prin i-al Se re"ar* Mini!"r* $( E,% a"i$n, S ien e & Te +n$l$g* P4O4 B$; 277>7 77677 Nair$:i4 Late bids s+all not be acce-ted after closing time and date. Tenders s+all be o-ened immediatel# t+ereafter in t+e -resence of candidates3 re-resentati1es *+o c+oose to attend at 67477A4M $n 6?TH N$ve.:er, @762 a" @n, (l$$r $n(eren e r$$.4

Hea, S%--l* C+ain Manage.en" F$rB Prin i-al Se re"ar*4



2.1.1. T+is 4n1itation to tender is o-en to all tenderers eligible as described in t+e instructions to tenderers. %uccessful tenderers s+all -ro1ide t+e ser1ices for t+e sti-ulated duration from t+e date of commencement :+ereinafter referred to as t+e term< s-ecified in t+e tender documents. 2.1.2. T+e -rocuring entit#3s em-lo#eesA committee membersA board members and t+eir relati1e :s-ouse and c+ildren< are not eligible to -artici-ate in t+e tender unless *+ere s-eciall# allo*ed under section 131 of t+e Act. 2.1.3. Tenderers s+all -ro1ide t+e Dualification information statement t+at t+e tenderer :including all membersA of a 6oint 1enture and subcontractors< is not associatedA or +a1e been associated in t+e -astA directl# or indirectl#A *it+ a firm or an# of its affiliates *+ic+ +a1e been engaged b# t+e .rocuring entit# to -ro1ide consulting ser1ices for t+e -re-aration of t+e designA s-ecificationsA and ot+er documents to be used for t+e -rocurement of t+e ser1ices under t+is 4n1itation for tenders. 2.1.4. Tenderers in1ol1ed in corru-t or fraudulent -ractices or debarred from -artici-ating in -ublic -rocurement s+all not be eligible.

@4@C$!" $( "en,ering
@4@46 T+e Tenderer s+all bear all costs associated *it+ t+e -re-aration and submission of its tenderA and t+e -rocuring entit#A *ill in no case be res-onsible or liable for t+ose costsA regardless of t+e conduct or outcome of t+e tendering -rocess. T+e -rice to be c+arged for t+e tender document s+all not e/ceed ;s+s.1A""">I T+e -rocuring entit# s+all allo* t+e tenderer to re1ie* t+e tender document free of c+arge before -urc+ase.

@4@4@ @4@42

@42C$n"en"! $( "en,er ,$ %.en"!

2.1.5. T+e tender document com-rises of t+e documents listed belo* and addenda issued in accordance *it+ clause 6 of t+ese instructions to tenders i< ii< iii< i1< 1< 1i< 1ii< 1iii< i/< /< 4nstructions to tenderers 5eneral Conditions of Contract %-ecial Condtions of Contract %c+edule of 0eDuirements Details of ser1ice orm of tender .rice sc+edules Contract form Confidential business Duestionnaire form Tender securit# form 5

/i< .erformance securit# form /ii< .rinci-al3s or manufacturers aut+oriJation form /iii< Declaration form 2.3.2. T+e Tenderer is e/-ected to e/amine all instructionsA formsA termsA and s-ecifications in t+e tender documents. ailure to furnis+ all information reDuired b# t+e tender documents or to submit a tender not substantiall# res-onsi1e to t+e tender documents in e1er# res-ect *ill be at t+e

tenderers ris) and ma# result in t+e re6ection of its tender. @4>Clari(i a"i$n $( D$ %.en"!
2.1.6. A -ros-ecti1e candidate ma)ing inDuiries of t+e tender document ma# notif# t+e .rocuring entit# in *riting or b# -ostA fa/ or email at t+e entit#3s address indicated in t+e 4n1itation for tenders. T+e .rocuring entit# *ill res-ond in *riting to an# reDuest for clarification of t+e tender documentsA *+ic+ it recei1es no later t+an se1en :!< da#s -rior to t+e deadline for t+e submission of tendersA -rescribed b# t+e -rocuring entit#. ?ritten co-ies of t+e .rocuring entities res-onse :including an e/-lanation of t+e Duer# but *it+out identif#ing t+e source of inDuir#< *ill be sent to all -ros-ecti1e tenderers *+o +a1e recei1ed t+e tender documentsG T+e -rocuring entit# s+all re-l# to an# clarifications soug+t b# t+e tenderer *it+in 3 da#s of recei1ing t+e reDuest to enable t+e tenderer to ma)e timel# submission of its

tender @4CA.en,.en" $( ,$ %.en"!

2.1.!. At an# time -rior to t+e deadline for submission of tendersA t+e .rocuring entit#A for an# reasonA *+et+er at its o*n initiati1e or in res-onse to a clarification reDuested b# a -ros-ecti1e tendererA ma# modif# t+e tender documents b# issuing an addendum. 2.1.8. All -ros-ecti1e tenderers *+o +a1e obtained t+e tender documents *ill be notified of t+e amendment b# -ostA fa/ or email and suc+ amendment *ill be binding on t+em. 2.5.3. 4n order to allo* -ros-ecti1e tenderers reasonable time in *+ic+ to ta)e t+e amendment into account in -re-aring t+eir tendersA t+e .rocuring entit#A at its discretionA ma# e/tend t+e deadline for t+e submission of tenders.

@4DLang%age $( "en,er
2.6.1. T+e tender -re-ared b# t+e tendererA as *ell as all corres-ondence and documents relating to t+e tender e/c+anged b# t+e tenderer and t+e .rocuring entit#A s+all be *ritten in Englis+ language. An# -rinted literature furnis+ed b# t+e tenderer ma# be *ritten in anot+er language -ro1ided t+e# are accom-anied b# an accurate Englis+ translation of t+e rele1ant -assages in *+ic+ caseA for -ur-oses of inter-retation of t+e tenderA t+e Englis+ translation s+all go1ern. 6

@4ED$ %.en"! C$.-ri!ing "+e Ten,er

T+e tender -re-ared b# t+e tenderer s+all com-rise t+e follo*ing com-onentsH :a< A Tender orm and a .rice %c+edule com-leted in accordance *it+ -aragra-+ 'A 1" and 11 belo*. :b< Documentar# e1idence establis+ed in accordance *it+ Clause 2.11 t+at t+e tenderer is eligible to tender and is Dualified to -erform t+e contract if its tender is acce-tedK :c< Tender securit# furnis+ed is in accordance *it+ Clause 2.12 :d<Confidential business Duestionnaire

@4FF$r. $( Ten,er
2.8.1 T+e tenderers s+all com-lete t+e orm of Tender and t+e a--ro-riate .rice %c+edule furnis+ed in t+e tender documentsA indicating t+e ser1ices to be -erformed.

@4?Ten,er Pri e!
2.'.1 2.'.2 2.'.3 T+e tenderer s+all indicate on t+e .rice sc+edule t+e unit -rices *+ere a--licable and total tender -rices of t+e ser1ices it -ro-oses to -ro1ide under t+e contract. .rices indicated on t+e .rice %c+edule s+all be t+e cost of t+e ser1ices Duoted including all customs duties and &AT and ot+er ta/es -a#ableH .rices Duoted :* t+e tenderer s+all remain fi/ed during t+e term of t+e contract unless ot+er*ise agreed b# t+e -arties. A tender submitted *it+ an ad6ustable -rice Duotation *ill be treated as non=res-onsi1e and *ill be re6ectedA -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.22. Contract -rice 1ariations s+all not be allo*ed for contracts not e/ceeding one #ear :12 mont+s< ?+ere contract -rice 1ariation is allo*edA t+e 1ariation s+all not e/ceed 1"L of t+e original contract -rice. .rice 1ariation reDuests s+all be -rocessed b# t+e -rocuring entit# *it+in 3" da#s of recei1ing t+e reDuest.

2.'.4 2.'.5 2.'.6

@467 Ten,er C%rren ie!


2.1".1 .rices s+all be Duoted in ;en#a %+illings unless ot+er*ise s-ecified in t+e a--endi/ to in
4nstructions to Tenderers

@466 Ten,erer! Eligi:ili"* an, G%ali(i a"i$n!4 @46646 .ursuant to Clause 2.1 t+e tenderer s+all furnis+A as -art of its tenderA documents
establis+ing t+e tenderers eligibilit# to tender and its Dualifications to -erform t+e contract if its tender is acce-ted. 2.11.2 T+e documentar# e1idence of t+e tenderers Dualifications to -erform t+e contract if its tender is acce-ted s+all establis+ to t+e .rocuring entit#3s satisfaction t+at t+e tenderer +as t+e financial and tec+nical ca-abilit# necessar# to -erform t+e contract.

@46@ Ten,er Se %ri"*

2.12.1 T+e tenderer s+all furnis+A as -art of its tenderA a tender securit# for t+e amount and form s-ecified in t+e 4n1itation to tender. 2.12.2 T+e tender securit# s+all be in t+e amount not e/ceeding 2 -er cent of t+e tender -rice. 2.12.2 T+e tender securit# is reDuired to -rotect t+e .rocuring entit# against t+e ris) of Tenderer3s conduct *+ic+ *ould *arrant t+e securit#3s forfeitureA -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.12.! 2.12.3 T+e tender securit# s+all be denominated in a ;en#a %+illings or in anot+er freel# con1ertible currenc# and s+all be in t+e form ofH a< A ban) guarantee. b< Cas+. c< %uc+ insurance guarantee a--ro1ed b# t+e Aut+orit#. d< Letter of credit 2.12.3 An# tender not secured in accordance *it+ -aragra-+ 2.12.1 and 2.12.3 *ill be re6ected b# t+e .rocuring entit# as non=res-onsi1eA -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.2" 2.12.5 8nsuccessful tenderer3s securit# *ill be disc+arged or returned as -rom-tl# as -ossible but not later t+an t+irt# :3"< da#s after t+e e/-iration of t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit# -rescribed b# t+e -rocuring entit#. 2.12.6 T+e successful tenderer3s tender securit# *ill be disc+arged u-on t+e tenderer signing t+e contractA -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.2'A and furnis+ing t+e -erformance securit#A -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.3". 2.12.! T+e tender securit# ma# be forfeitedH 8

:a< 4f a tenderer 8i"+,ra8! its tender ,%ring t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit# s-ecified b# t+e -rocuring entit# on t+e Tender ormK or :b< 4n t+e case of a successful tendererA if t+e tenderer failsH :i< to sign t+e contract in accordance *it+ -aragra-+ 3" $r :ii< to furnis+ -erformance securit# in accordance *it+ -aragra-+ 31. :c< 4f t+e tenderer re6ectsA correction of an error in t+e tender.

@462 Hali,i"* $( Ten,er! 2.13.1 Tenders s+all remain 1alid for '" da#s or as s-ecified in t+e in1itation to tender after date
of tender o-ening -rescribed b# t+e .rocuring entit#A -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.18. A tender 1alid for a s+orter -eriod s+all be re6ected b# t+e .rocuring entit# as nonres-onsi1e. 2.13.2 4n e/ce-tional circumstancesA t+e .rocuring entit# ma# solicit t+e Tenderer3s consent to an e/tension of t+e -eriod of 1alidit#. T+e reDuest and t+e res-onses t+ereto s+all be made in *riting. T+e tender securit# -ro1ided under -aragra-+ 2.12 s+all also be suitabl# e/tended. A tenderer ma# refuse t+e reDuest *it+out forfeiting its tender securit#. A tenderer granting t+e reDuest *ill not be reDuired nor -ermitted to modif# its tender.

@46> F$r.a" an, Signing $( Ten,er 2.14.1 T+e tenderer s+all -re-are t*o co-ies of t+e tenderA clearl# / mar)ing eac+ F,04542AL
TE2DE0G and FC,.9 , TE2DE0AG as a--ro-riate. 4n t+e e1ent of an# discre-anc# bet*een t+emA t+e original s+all go1ern. 2.14.2 T+e original and all co-ies of t+e tender s+all be t#-ed or *ritten in indelible in) and s+all be signed b# t+e tenderer or a -erson or -ersons dul# aut+oriJed to bind t+e tenderer to t+e contract. All -ages of t+e tenderA e/ce-t for unamended -rinted literatureA s+all be initialed b# t+e -erson or -ersons signing t+e tender. 2.14.3 T+e tender s+all +a1e no interlineationsA erasuresA or o1er*riting e/ce-t as necessar# to correct errors made b# t+e tendererA in *+ic+ case suc+ corrections s+all be initialed b# t+e -erson or -ersons signing t+e tender.

@46C Sealing an, Mar/ing $( Ten,er! 2.15.1 T+e tenderer s+all seal t+e original and eac+ co-# of t+e tender in se-arate en1elo-esA dul#
mar)ing t+e en1elo-es as IORIGINALG and ICOPY.G T+e en1elo-es s+all t+en be sealed in an outer en1elo-e. T+e inner and outer en1elo-es s+allH '

:a< be addressed to t+e .rocuring entit# at t+e address gi1en in t+e in1itation to tender :b< bearA tender number and name in t+e in1itation to tender and t+e *ordsH IDO NOT OPEN BEFORE 6?TH N$ve.:er, @762 a" 67477 a4.4 2.15.3 T+e inner en1elo-es s+all also indicate t+e name and address of t+e tenderer to enable t+e tender to be returned uno-ened in case it is declared FlateG. M 2.15.4 4f t+e outer en1elo-e is not sealed and mar)ed as reDuired b# -aragra-+ 2.15.2A t+e .rocuring entit# *ill assume no res-onsibilit# for t+e tender3s mis-lacement or -remature o-ening.

@46D Dea,line ($r S%:.i!!i$n $( Ten,er! 2.16.1Tenders

must be recei1ed b# t+e .rocuring entit# at t+e address s-ecified under -aragra-+ 2.15.2 no later t+an 6?TH N$ve.:er, @762 at 67477 a4.4

2.16.2T+e -rocuring entit# ma#A at its discretionA e/tend t+is deadline for t+e submission of tenders b# amending t+e tender documents in accordance *it+ -aragra-+ 6A in *+ic+ case all rig+ts and obligations of t+e -rocuring entit# and candidates -re1iousl# sub6ect to t+e deadline *ill t+ereafter be sub6ect to t+e deadline as e/tended. 2.16.3 7ul)# tenders *+ic+ *ill not fit in t+e tender bo/ s+all be recei1ed b# t+e -rocuring entit# as -ro1ided for in t+e a--endi/.

@46E M$,i(i a"i$n an, 8i"+,ra8al $( "en,er! 2.1!.1 T+e tenderer ma# modif# or *it+dra* its tender after t+e tender3s submissionA -ro1ided
t+at *ritten notice of t+e modification A including substitution or *it+dra*al of t+e tender3s is recei1ed b# t+e -rocuring entit# -rior to t+e deadline -rescribed for t+e submission of tenders. 2.1!.2 T+e Tenderer3s modification or *it+dra*al notice s+all be -re-aredA sealedA mar)edA and dis-atc+ed in accordance *it+ t+e -ro1isions of -aragra-+ 2.15. A *it+dra*al notice ma# also be sent b# cableA but follo*ed b# a signed confirmation co-#A -ostmar)ed not later t+an t+e deadline for submission of tenders. 2.1!.3 2o tender ma# be modified after t+e deadline for submission of tenders.

2.1!.4 2o tender ma# be *it+dra*n in t+e inter1al bet*een t+e deadline for submission of tenders and t+e e/-iration of t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit# s-ecified b# t+e tenderer on t+e Tender orm. ?it+dra*al of a tender during t+is inter1al ma# result in t+e Tenderer3s forfeiture of its tender securit#A -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.12.!.


2.1!.5 T+e -rocuring entit# ma# at an# time terminate -rocurement -roceedings before contract a*ard and s+all not be liable to an# -erson for t+e termination. 2.1!.6 T+e -rocuring entit# s+all gi1e -rom-t notice of t+e termination to t+e tenderers and on reDuest gi1e its reasons for termination *it+in 14 da#s of recei1ing t+e reDuest from an# tenderer.

@46F O-ening $( Ten,er! 2.18.1 T+e

.rocuring entit# *ill o-en all tenders in t+e -resence of tenderers3 re-resentati1es *+o c+oose to attendA at 1"."" a.m on 6?TH N$ve.:er, @762 and in t+e location s-ecified in t+e in1itation to tender. T+e tenderers3 re-resentati1es *+o are -resent s+all sign a register e1idencing t+eir attendance.

2.18.3 T+e tenderers3 namesA tender modifications or *it+dra*alsA tender -ricesA discountsA and t+e -resence or absence of reDuisite tender securit# and suc+ ot+er details as t+e .rocuring Entit#A at its discretionA ma# consider a--ro-riateA *ill be announced at t+e o-ening. 2.18.4 T+e -rocuring entit# *ill -re-are minutes of t+e tender o-ening *+ic+ *ill be submitted to t+e tenderers t+at signed t+e tender o-ening register and *ill +a1e made t+e reDuest.

@46? Clari(i a"i$n $( "en,er! 2.1'.1 To assist in t+e e/aminationA e1aluation and com-arison of tenders t+e -rocuring entit#
ma# at its discretionA as) t+e tenderer for a clarification of its tender. T+e reDuest for clarification and t+e res-onse s+all be in *ritingA and no c+ange in t+e -rices or substance s+all be soug+tA offeredA or -ermitted. 2.1'.2 An# effort b# t+e tenderer to influence t+e -rocuring entit# in t+e -rocuring entit#3s tender e1aluationA tender com-arision or contract a*ard decisions ma# result in t+e re6ection of t+e tenderers tender. Com-arison or contract a*ard decisions ma# result in t+e re6ection of t+e tenderers3 tender.

@4@7 Preli.inar* E;a.ina"i$n an, Re!-$n!ivene!! 2.2".1 T+e .rocuring entit# *ill e/amine t+e tenders to determine *+et+er t+e# are com-leteA
*+et+er an# com-utational errors +a1e been madeA *+et+er reDuired securities +a1e been furnis+ed *+et+er t+e documents +a1e been -ro-erl# signedA and *+et+er t+e tenders are generall# in order. 2.2".2 Arit+metical errors *ill be rectified on t+e follo*ing basis. 4f t+ere is a discre-anc# bet*een t+e unit -rice and t+e total -rice t+at is obtained b# multi-l#ing t+e unit -rice and Duantit#A t+e unit -rice s+all -re1ailA and t+e total -rice s+all be corrected. if t+e candidate does not acce-t t+e correction of t+e errorsA its tender *ill be re6ectedA and its tender securit# ma# be forfeited. 4f t+ere is a discre-anc# bet*een *ords and figuresA t+e amount in *ords *ill -re1ail. 11

2.2".3 T+e .rocuring entit# ma# *ai1e an# minor informalit# or nonconformit# or irregularit# in a tender *+ic+ does not constitute a material de1iationA -ro1ided suc+ *ai1er does not -re6udice or affect t+e relati1e ran)ing of an# tenderer. 2.2".4 .rior to t+e detailed e1aluationA -ursuant to -aragra-+ 23A t+e .rocuring entit# *ill determine t+e substantial res-onsi1eness of eac+ tender to t+e tender documents. or -ur-oses of t+ese -aragra-+sA a substantiall# res-onsi1e tender is one *+ic+ conforms to all t+e terms and conditions of t+e tender documents *it+out material de1iations. T+e .rocuring entit#3s determination of a tender3s res-onsi1eness is to be based on t+e contents of t+e tender itself *it+out recourse to e/trinsic e1idence. 2.2".5 4f a tender is not substantiall# res-onsi1eA it *ill be re6ected b# t+e .rocuring entit# and ma# not subseDuentl# be made res-onsi1e b# t+e tenderer b# correction of t+e nonconformit#.

@4@6 C$nver!i$n "$ a !ingle %rren * 2.21.1 ?+ere ot+er currencies are usedA t+e -rocuring entit# *ill con1ert t+ose currencies to
;en#a s+illings using t+e selling e/c+ange rate on t+e date of tender closing -ro1ided b# t+e central ban) of ;en#a.

@4@@ Eval%a"i$n an, $.-ari!$n $( "en,er!4 2.22.1 T+e -rocuring entit# *ill e1aluate and com-are t+e tenders *+ic+ +a1e been determined to
be substantiall# res-onsi1eA -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.2" 2.22.2 T+e com-arison s+all be of t+e -rice including all costs as *ell as duties and ta/es -a#able on all t+e materials to be used in t+e -ro1ision of t+e ser1ices. 2.22.3 T+e .rocuring entit#3s e1aluation of a tender *ill ta)e into accountA in addition to t+e tender -riceA t+e follo*ing factorsA in t+e manner and to t+e e/tent indicated in -aragra-+ 2.22.4 and in t+e tec+nical s-ecificationsH :a< o-erational -lan -ro-osed in t+e tenderK :b< de1iations in -a#ment sc+edule from t+at s-ecified in t+e %-ecial Conditions of ContractK 2.22.4 .ursuant to -aragra-+ 22.3 t+e follo*ing e1aluation met+ods *ill be a--liedH :a< Operational Plan. T+e .rocuring entit# reDuires t+at t+e ser1ices under t+e 4n1itation for Tenders s+all be -erformed at t+e time s-ecified in t+e %c+edule of 0eDuirements. Tenders offering to 12

-erform longer t+an t+e -rocuring entit#3s reDuired deli1er# time *ill be treated as non= res-onsi1e and re6ected. :b< Deviation in payment schedule. Tenderers s+all state t+eir tender -rice for t+e -a#ment on a sc+edule outlined in t+e s-ecial conditions of contract. Tenders *ill be e1aluated on t+e basis of t+is base -rice. Tenderers areA +o*e1erA -ermitted to state an alternati1e -a#ment sc+edule and indicate t+e reduction in tender -rice t+e# *is+ to offer for suc+ alternati1e -a#ment sc+edule. T+e .rocuring entit# ma# consider t+e alternati1e -a#ment sc+edule offered b# t+e selected tenderer. 2.22.5 T+e tender e1aluation committee s+all e1aluate t+e tender *it+in 3" da#s from t+e date of o-ening t+e tender. 2.22.6 To Dualif# for contract a*ardsA t+e tenderer s+all +a1e t+e follo*ingH= :a< :b< :c< 2ecessar# DualificationsA ca-abilit# e/-erienceA ser1icesA eDui-ment and facilities to -ro1ide *+at is being -rocured. Legal ca-acit# to enter into a contract for -rocurement %+all not be insol1entA in recei1ers+i-A ban)ru-t or in t+e -rocess of being *ound u- and is not t+e sub6ect of legal -roceedings relating to t+e foregoing %+all not be debarred from -artici-ating in -ublic -rocurement.


@4@24 C$n"a "ing "+e -r$ %ring en"i"* 2.23.1 %ub6ect to -aragra-+ 2.1'A no tenderer s+all contact t+e -rocuring entit# on an# matter
relating to its tenderA from t+e time of t+e tender o-ening to t+e time t+e contract is a*arded. 2.23.2 An# effort b# a tenderer to influence t+e -rocuring entit# in its decisions on tender e1aluation tender com-arison or contract a*ard ma# result in t+e re6ection of t+e tenderers tender.

@4@> A8ar, $( C$n"ra " a< P$!" J%ali(i a"i$n


2.24.1 4n t+e absence of -re=DualificationA t+e .rocuring entit# *ill determine to its satisfaction
*+et+er t+e tenderer t+at is selected as +a1ing submitted t+e lo*est e1aluated res-onsi1e tender is Dualified to -erform t+e contract satisfactoril#. 2.24.2 T+e determination *ill ta)e into account t+e tenderer3s financial and tec+nical ca-abilities. 4t *ill be based u-on an e/amination of t+e documentar# e1idence of t+e tenderers Dualifications submitted b# t+e tendererA -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.1.2A as *ell as suc+ ot+er information as t+e .rocuring entit# deems necessar# and a--ro-riate. 2.24.3 An affirmati1e determination *ill be a -rereDuisite for a*ard of t+e contract to t+e tenderer. A negati1e determination *ill result in re6ection of t+e Tenderer3s tenderA in *+ic+ e1ent t+e .rocuring entit# *ill -roceed to t+e ne/t lo*est e1aluated tender to ma)e a similar determination of t+at Tenderer3s ca-abilities to -erform satisfactoril#.


A8ar, Cri"eria
tenderer *+ose tender +as been determined to be substantiall# res-onsi1e and +as been determined to be t+e lo*est e1aluated tenderA -ro1ided furt+er t+at t+e tenderer is determined to be Dualified to -erform t+e contract satisfactoril#. T+e -rocuring entit# reser1es t+e rig+t to acce-t or re6ect an# tender and to annul t+e tendering -rocess and re6ect all tenders at an# time -rior to contract a*ardA *it+out t+ereb# incurring an# liabilit# to t+e affected tenderer or tenderers or an# obligation to inform t+e affected tenderer or tenderers of t+e grounds for t+e -rocuring entit#3s action. 4f t+e -rocuring entit# determines t+at none of t+e tenderers is res-onsi1eK t+e -rocuring entit# s+all notif# eac+ tenderer *+o submitted a tender. A tenderer *+o gi1es false information in t+e tender document about its Dualification or *+o refuses to enter into a contract after notification of contract a*ard s+all be considered for debarment from -artici-ating in future -ublic -rocurement.

2.24.3 %ub6ect to -aragra-+ 2.2' t+e .rocuring entit# *ill a*ard t+e contract to t+e successful

@4@C N$"i(i a"i$n $( a8ar, 2.25.1 .rior to t+e e/-iration of t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit#A t+e .rocuring entit# *ill notif# t+e
successful tenderer in *riting t+at its tender +as been acce-ted. 2.25.2 T+e notification of a*ard *ill signif# t+e formation of t+e Contract sub6ect to t+e signing of t+e contract bet*een t+e tenderer and t+e -rocuring entit# -ursuant to clause 2.2'. %imultaneousl# t+e ot+er tenderers s+all be notified t+at t+eir tenders +a1e not been successful.


2.25.3 8-on t+e successful Tenderer3s furnis+ing of t+e -erformance securit# -ursuant to -aragra-+ 31A t+e .rocuring entit# *ill -rom-tl# notif# eac+ unsuccessful Tenderer and *ill disc+arge its tender securit#A -ursuant to -aragra-+ 2.12

@4@D Signing $( C$n"ra " 2.26.1 At t+e same time as t+e .rocuring entit# notifies t+e successful tenderer t+at its tender +as
been acce-tedA t+e .rocuring entit# *ill simultaneousl# inform t+e ot+er tenderers t+at t+eir tenders +a1e not been successful. 2.26.2 ?it+in fourteen :14< da#s of recei-t of t+e Contract ormA t+e successful tenderer s+all sign and date t+e contract and return i" to t+e .rocuring entit#. 2.26.3 T+e -arties to t+e contract s+all +a1e it signed *it+in 3" da#s from t+e date of notification of contract a*ard unless t+ere is an administrati1e re1ie* reDuest.

@4@E Per($ e Se %ri"* 2.2!.1 ?it+in t+irt# :3"< da#s of t+e recei-t of notification of a*ard from t+e .rocuring entit#A t+e
successful tenderer s+all furnis+ t+e -erformance securit# in accordance *it+ t+e Conditions of ContractA in t+e .erformance %ecurit# orm -ro1ided in t+e tender documentsA or in anot+er form acce-table to t+e .rocuring entit#. 2.2!.2 ailure of t+e successful tenderer to com-l# *it+ t+e reDuirement of -aragra-+ 2.2' or -aragra-+ 2.3".1 s+all constitute sufficient grounds for t+e annulment of t+e a*ard and forfeiture of t+e tender securit#A in *+ic+ e1ent t+e .rocuring entit# ma# ma)e t+e a*ard to t+e ne/t lo*est e1aluated or call for ne* tenders.

@4@F C$rr%-" $r Fra%,%len" Pra "i e! 2.28.1 T+e

.rocuring entit# reDuires t+at tenderers obser1e t+e +ig+est standard of et+ics during t+e -rocurement -rocess and e/ecution of contracts. A tenderer s+all sign a declaration t+at +e +as not and *ill not be in1ol1ed in corru-t or fraudulent -ractices. T+e -rocuring entit# *ill re6ect a -ro-osal for a*ard if it determines t+at t+e tenderer recommended for a*ard +as engaged in corru-t or fraudulent -ractices in com-eting for t+e contract in DuestionK urt+erA a tenderer *+o is found to +a1e indulged in corru-t or fraudulent -ractices ris)s being debarred from -artici-ating in -ublic -rocurement in ;en#a.

A--en,i; "$ in!"r% "i$n! "$ "en,erer!

T+e follo*ing information for -rocurement of ser1ices s+all com-lement or amend t+e -ro1isions of t+e instructions to tenderers. ?+ere1er t+ere is a conflict bet*een t+e -ro1isions of t+e 15

instructions to tenderers and t+e -ro1isions of t+e a--endi/A t+e -ro1isions of t+e a--endi/ +erein s+all -re1ail o1er t+ose of t+e instructions to tenderers ITT 2.1.1 2.1.3 2.4.1 Par"i %lar! $( a--en,i; "$ in!"r% "i$n! "$ "en,erer! .articulars of eligible tenderersK Y$%"+, K$.en an, Per!$n! 8i"+ ,i!a:ili"*4 A 6oint &entureA consortium or an association is a--licable. All -arties s+all be 6ointl# and se1erall# liableNYES T+e address for clarification of Tender documents is AttentionH T+e Hea, S%--l* C+ain Manage.en", Mini!"r* $( E,% a"i$n S ien e an, Te +n$l$g*, #$g$$ H$%!e B, Hara.:ee Aven%e P4O B$; 277>7)77677 NAIROBI) KENYA Tele-+oneH O@C> 7@7 26FCF6 Electronic mail addressH --oPeducation.go.)e .eriod to res-ond to reDuest for clarification Seven Days .eriod -rior to deadline for submission of Tenders for t+e Tenderers to reDuest clarifications !" days. T+e Language of all corres-ondence and documents related to t+e Tender isH Engli!+ T+e -ri e !+all :e (i;e,4 .articulars of ot+er currencies allo*edH .rices to be Duoted in Ken*a S+illing! %-ecif# t+e target grou- for -reference or reser1ations Q Y$%"+, K$.en an, Per!$n! 8i"+ ,i!a:ili"*4 A""a + "en,er !e %ring ,e lara"i$n ($r. ,%l* (ille, Cer"i(i a"e $( Regi!"ra"i$n (r$. "+e Na"i$nal Trea!%r* Evi,en e "+a" "+e (ir. +a! E7L .e.:er!+i- $( *$%"+ $r -er!$n! 8i"+ ,i!a:ili"* an, lea,er!+i- i! 677L *$%"+ an, -er!$n! 8i"+ ,i!a:ili"*. .articulars of eligibilit# and Dualifications documents of e1idence reDuired. A""a + er"i(i a"e $( regi!"ra"i$nA in $r-$ra"i$n4 A""a + l$ al a%"+$ri"* "ra,ing li en!e Ta; $.-lian e er"i(i a"e M%!" !%:.i" $-* $( NSSF $.-lian e er"i(i a"e $r evi,en e $( regi!"ra"i$n M%!" !%:.i" $-* $( NHIF C$.-lian e er"i(i a"e $r evi,en e $( re.i""an e $( e.-l$*ee! NHIF $n"ri:%"i$n! .articulars of tender securit# if a--licableK = A "en,er ,e lara"i$n ($r.. Tender &alidit#H 12" da#s from t+e date of t+e o-ening 2umber of co-iesH 6 $riginal M @ $-* Deadline for submission of tendersH The #ead o$ Supply Chain %ana&ement Services, %inistry o$ Education science and Technolo&y, 'o&oo #ouse (B) , #aram*ee +venue, P.O Bo, -""."/""!"" 16

2.4.2 2.6.1 2.'.3 2.1"


2.12.1 2.13.1 2.14.2 2.16.1

0+1ROB1/ 2E0Y+ T+e ,ea,line ($r :i, !%:.i!!i$n i!B Da"eB T%e!,a* 6?TH N$ve.:er, @762 Ti.eB!".""am local time Tender nameH = .ro1ision of cleaning %er1ices T+e identification number of t+e bidding -rocess isH 0CB3%OEST3 .3 4"!- 5 4"!.. T+e deadline for Tender submission is a< Da# T%e!,a* b< Date 6?TH N$ve.:er, @762 Time !".""am local time T+e Tender o-ening s+all ta)e -lace atH %inistry o$ Education Science and Technolo&y, 'o&oo #ouse B , #aram*ee +venue, 0airo*i / 2enya 4nd 6loor Con$erence Room, Da"eB T%e!,a* 6?TH N$ve.:er, @7624 Ti.eB !".""am local time. T+e .reliminar# e1aluation s+all beH Man,a"$r* reJ%ire.en"! 1MR3 NBB A" "+i! !"age, "+e "en,erer'! !%:.i!!i$n 8ill ei"+er :e re!-$n!ive $r n$n) re!-$n!ive i4e4 YESANO Ba!i!4 T+e n$n)re!-$n!ive !%:.i!!i$n! 8ill :e eli.ina"e, (r$. "+e en"ire eval%a"i$n -r$ e!! an, 8ill n$" :e $n!i,ere, (%r"+er4 SAN ReJ%ire.en"! Re!-$n!ive $r N$" $4 Re!-$n!ive 1. (ust submit a co-# of certificate of registration > incor-oration 2. (ust submit a co-# of 1alid ta/ com-liance certificate 3. (ust fill t+e -rice sc+edule in t+e format -ro1ided 4. (ust fill t+e form of tender in t+e format -ro1ided 5. (ust submit a dull# filled u- confidential business Duestionnaire in t+e format -ro1ided 6. Dul# filled and signed tender securing declaration !. (ust -ro1ide e1idence of *or)ers com-ensation insurance -olic#> A co-# of *or)ers in6uries benefit insurance co1er > .rofessional indemnit# insurance -olic# 8. (ust submit co-# of 2%% com-liance certificate or e1idence of registration '. (ust submit co-# of 2B4 Com-liance certificate or e1idence of remittance of em-lo#ees 2B4 contributions 1". %ite 1isit filled and signed b# (,E%T re-resentati1e for t+e lots Duoted. 11. A registration certificate from t+e rele1ant go1ernment bod#. 12. Clearance certificate from t+e #out+ enter-rise fund if #ou are #out+K ?omen 5ender Directorate if a ?omanK and Certification from 2ational Council for .ersons *it+ Disabilit# if #ou are a -erson *it+ Disabilit#. 13. Co-# of a C012 searc+ s+o*ing list of Directors. An 1!



14. 2.2".2 :a< :b<

:c< :d<

enter-rise o*ned b# 9out+A ?omen or -ersons *it+ disabilities s+all +a1e at least !"L members+i- of #out+A *omen or -ersons *it+ disabilities and t+e leaders+i- s+all be 1""L #out+A *omen and -ersons *it+ disabilit#A res-ecti1el#. Attac+ t+eir co-ies of t+e 2ational 4dentit# Card> .ass-ort C$rre "i$n $( Ari"+.e"i al Err$r! ?+ere t+ere are errors bet*een t+e total of t+e amounts gi1en under t+e column for t+e -rice brea)do*n and t+e amount gi1en under t+e Total .riceA t+e former s+all -re1ail and t+e latter *ill be corrected accordingl# 4f t+ere is a discre-anc# bet*een t+e unit -rice and t+e total -rice t+at is obtained b# multi-l#ing t+e unit -rice and Duantit#A t+e unit -rice s+all -re1ail and t+e total -rice s+all be correctedA unless in t+e o-inion of t+e .urc+aser t+ere is an ob1ious mis-lacement of t+e decimal -oint in t+e unit -riceA in *+ic+ case t+e total -rice as Duoted s+all go1ern and t+e unit -rice s+all be correctedK 4f t+ere is an error in a total corres-onding to t+e addition or subtraction of subtotalsA t+e subtotals s+all -re1ail and t+e total s+all be correctedK and 4f t+ere is a discre-anc# bet*een *ords and figuresA t+e amount in *ords s+all -re1ailA unless t+e amount e/-ressed in *ords is related to an arit+metic errorA in *+ic+ case t+e amount in figures s+all -re1ail sub6ect to :a< and :b< abo1e.



Tenderers allo7ed to 8uote $or one or more lots as indicated in t+e sc+edule of reDuirements. T+e currenc# t+at s+all be used for bid e1aluation and com-arison -ur-oses to con1ert all bid -rices e/-ressed in 1arious currencies into a single currenc# isH 2enya Shillin&s T+e !$%r e $( e; +ange ra"e !+all :e The Central Ban9 o$ 2enya. T+e date for t+e e/c+ange rate s+all beH T+e bid closing da# T%e!,a* 6?TH N$ve.:er, @762 Criteria for bid tec+nical e1aluation and com-arisonH NOTEB Onl* :i,,er! 8+$ ! $re C> Mar/! 1D7L3 an, a:$ve 8ill :e $n!i,ere, ($r (inan ial eval%a"i$n4 T+$!e 8+$ ! $re :el$8 C> .ar/! 1D7L3 !+all :e eli.ina"e, a" "+i! !"age (r$. "+e en"ire eval%a"i$n -r$ e!! an, 8ill n$" :e $n!i,ere, (%r"+er4 SAN$ Eval%a"i$n A""ri:%"e! Keig+"ing S $re! Ma; S $re! 1 Attac+ com-an# -rofile. Com-an# .rofile Q 5 mar)s 5 2 .ro1ide a list of clients and 5 clients *it+ recommendation 15 references to *+ic+ t+e com-an# letters from t+e clients Q 3 +as done similar *or). mar)s eac+ Less t+an 5 clients Q 2 mar)s eac+ List of clients *it+ out letters = 1 mar)s eac+ Details of at least 3 certifications and>or training *it+ -roof Q 1" mar)s

.ro1ide details of an# rele1ant certifications and>or trainings. %uc+ certifications > training ma# be for #our com-an# or for #our 18


indi1idual staff as rele1ant to -ro1iding cleaning ser1ices. +ttach evidence Certificates of good conduct

Details of 3 certifications *it+out -roof Q 5 mar)s 1" .ro1ide co-ies of certificates of good conduct from t+e ;en#a .oliceA Criminal 4n1estigation De-artment for at least 1" staff members Q 1 mar)s eac+ 1" .ro1ide details > list of at least ten :1"< eDui-ments and accessories and e/-lain *+at t+e# *ill be used for. :! mar9s $or each;


1" 11 12 13

Cleaning eDui-ment and -rotecti1e gear> accessories o*ned b# t+e firm OR +ired and to be directl# assigned to (oE during t+e contract -eriod :attach evidence o$ o7nership or a&reement $or hirin& the e8uipment; .+#sical facilities = .ro1ide details of -+#sical address and contacts Q attach evidence 2o. of cleaning staff to be de-lo#ed directl# to (oE. Attac+ confirmation letter. .ro1ide 3 rele1ant orders > contracts from different cor-orate > go1ernment ministr# > de-artment *it+ 1alues of at least ;s+ 2""A """."" eac+. .rotecti1e gear to be used for cleaning *indo*s on t+e sites Detergents > c+emical to be used for cleaning ollo* u- c+ec) sc+edule :date time E -erson res-onsible< ?or) -rogram > o-eration -lan > sc+edule of cleaning > *or) -lan

Details of -+#sical address and contacts *it+ co-# of title deedA lease document or latest utilit# bill. Confirmation letters for indicating t+e 2o. of staff for eac+ site Duoted. 3 rele1ant orders *it+ 1alue of ;s+ 2""A""" Q 2 mar)s eac+ ,rders *it+ 1alues less t+an ;s+ 2""A""" Q 1 mar) eac+ .ro1ide list .ro1ide list .ro1ide details

5 ! 3

.ro1ide details as indicated on 4 s-ecial conditions of contract Q O"+er C$n,i"i$n! 6 '"

%ubmit ban) statement for t+e last 1 mar) for eac+ mont+ 6 mont+s and ban) details Total Finan ial S $re 1FS3 T+e formulae for determining t+e inancial %core : %< s+all be as follo*sK= % I 1"" R m> *+ere % is t+e financial scoreK m is t+e lo*est bidders and 1'


is t+e

-rice of t+e bidder under consideration. Combined tec+nical and financial scores :%< 7idders *ill be ran)ed according to t+eir combined tec+nical :T%< and inancial : %< scores using t+e *eig+t :TI t+e *eig+t gi1en to t+e Tec+nical .ro-osalH .I t+e *eig+t gi1en to t+e inancial .ro-osalH T O - I 1< indicated belo*. T+e combined tec+nical and financial scoreA %A s+all be calculated as follo*sH= % I T% / T L O % / . L ?eig+ting T I ".8 . I ".2 T+e :i,,er 8i"+ "+e +ig+e!" $.:ine, "e +ni al an, (inan ial ! $re !+all :e $n!i,ere, ($r a8ar,4 .articulars of -ost Q Dualification if a--licable Q 2>A .articulars of -erformance securit# if a--licable. = ;s+ ;s+ 2""A"""."" from a re-utable financial institution.

2.24.1 2.2!.1



246 De(ini"i$n!
4n t+is contract t+e follo*ing terms s+all be inter-reted as indicatedH a< FT+e contractG means t+e agreement entered into bet*een t+e .rocuring entit# and t+e tenderer as recorded in t+e Contract orm signed b# t+e -artiesA including all attac+ments and a--endices t+ereto and all documents incor-orated b# reference t+erein. b< FT+e Contract .riceG means t+e -rice -a#able to t+e tenderer under t+e Contract for t+e full and -ro-er -erformance of its contractual obligations. c< FT+e ser1icesG means ser1ices to be -ro1ided b# t+e contractor including materials and incidentals *+ic+ t+e tenderer is reDuired to -ro1ide to t+e .rocuring entit# under t+e Contract. d< FT+e .rocuring entit#G means t+e organiJation sourcing for t+e ser1ices under t+is Contract. e< FT+e contractor means t+e indi1idual or firm -ro1iding t+e ser1ices under t+is Contract. f< F5CCG means general conditions of contract contained in t+is section g< F%CCG means t+e s-ecial conditions of contract +< FDa#G means calendar da#

24@ A--li a"i$n

T+ese 5eneral Conditions s+all a--l# to t+e e/tent t+at t+e# are not su-erceded b# -ro1isions of ot+er -art of contract.

242 S"an,ar,! 3.3.1 T+e ser1ices -ro1ided under t+is Contract s+all conform to t+e ! standards mentioned in
t+e %c+edule of reDuirements

24C Pa"en" Rig+"'!

T+e tenderer s+all indemnif# t+e .rocuring entit# against all t+ird=-art# claims of infringement of -atentA trademar)A or industrial design tig+ts arising from use of t+e ser1ices under t+e contract or an# -art t+ereof .


24D Per($ e Se %ri"*

?it+in t*ent# eig+t :28< da#s of recei-t of t+e notification of Contract a*ardA t+e successful tenderer s+all furnis+ to t+e .rocuring entit# t+e -erformance securit# *+ere a--licable in t+e amount s-ecified in %-ecial Conditions of Contract. 3.6.2 T+e -roceeds of t+e -erformance securit# s+all be -a#able to t+e .rocuring entit# as com-ensation for an# loss resulting from t+e Tenderer3s failure to com-lete its obligations under t+e Contract. T+e -erformance securit# s+all be denominated in t+e currenc# of t+e ContractA or in a freel# con1ertible currenc# acce-table to t+e .rocuring entit# and s+all be in t+e form of H a< Cas+. b< A ban) guarantee. c< %uc+ insurance guarantee a--ro1ed b# t+e Aut+orit#. d< Letter of credit. 3.6.4 T+e -erformance securit# *ill be disc+arged b# t+e -rocuring entit# and returned to t+e candidate not later t+an t+irt# :3"< da#s follo*ing t+e date of com-letion of t+e tenderer3s -erformance of obligations under t+e contractA including an# *arrant# obligations under t+e contract.


24E In!-e "i$n! an, Te!"! 3.!.1 T+e .rocuring entit# or its re-resentati1e s+all +a1e t+e rig+t to ins-ect and>or to test t+e
ser1ices to confirm t+eir conformit# to t+e Contract s-ecifications. T+e .rocuring entit# s+all notif# t+e tenderer in *ritingA in a timel# mannerA of t+e identit# of an# re-resentati1es retained for t+ese -ur-oses. 3.!.2 T+e ins-ections and tests ma# be conducted on t+e -remises of t+e tenderer or its subcontractor:s<. 4f conducted on t+e -remises of t+e tenderer or its subcontractor:s<A all reasonable facilities and assistanceA including access to dra*ings and -roduction dataA s+all be furnis+ed to t+e ins-ectors at no c+arge to t+e .rocuring entit#. %+ould an# ins-ected or tested ser1ices fail to conform to t+e %-ecificationsA t+e .rocuring entit# ma# re6ect t+e ser1icesA and t+e tenderer s+all eit+er re-lace t+e re6ected ser1ices or ma)e alterations necessar# to meet s-ecification reDuirements free of cost to t+e .rocuring entit#. 2ot+ing in -aragra-+ 3.! s+all in an# *a# release t+e tenderer from an# *arrant# or ot+er obligations under t+is Contract.




24F Pa*.en" 3.8.1 T+e met+od and conditions of -a#ment to be made to t+e tenderer under t+is Contract s+all
be s-ecified in %CC

24? Pri e!
.rices c+arged b# t+e contractor for ser1ices -erformed under t+e Contract s+all notA *it+ t+e e/ce-tion of an# .rice ad6ustments aut+oriJed in %CCA 1ar# from t+e -rices b# t+e tenderer in its tender or in t+e -rocuring entit#3s reDuest for tender 1alidit# e/tension as t+e case ma# be. 2o 1ariation in or modification to t+e terms of t+e contract s+all be made e/ce-t b# *ritten amendment signed b# t+e -arties.

2467 A!!ign.en"
T+e tenderer s+all not assignA in *+ole or in -artA its obligations to -erform under t+is contractA e/ce-t *it+ t+e -rocuring entit#3s -rior *ritten consent.

2467 Ter.ina"i$n ($r De(a%l"

T+e .rocuring entit# ma#A *it+out -re6udice to an# ot+er remed# for breac+ of ContractA b# *ritten notice of default sent to t+e tendererA terminate t+is Contract in *+ole or in -artH a< if t+e tenderer fails to -ro1ide an# or all of t+e ser1ices *it+in t+e -eriod:s< s-ecified in t+e ContractA or *it+in an# e/tension t+ereof granted b# t+e .rocuring entit#. b< if t+e tenderer fails to -erform an# ot+er obligation:s< under t+e Contract. c< if t+e tendererA in t+e 6udgment of t+e .rocuring entit# +as engaged in corru-t or fraudulent -ractices in com-eting for or in e/ecuting t+e Contract. d< 4n t+e e1ent t+e .rocuring entit# terminates t+e Contract in *+ole or in -artA it ma# -rocureA u-on suc+ terms and in suc+ manner as it deems a--ro-riateA ser1ices similar to t+ose undeli1eredA and t+e tenderer s+all be liable to t+e .rocuring entit# for an# e/cess costs for suc+ similar ser1ices.

246@ Ter.ina"i$n $( in!$lven *

T+e -rocuring entit# ma# at t+e an# time terminate t+e contract b# gi1ing *ritten notice to t+e contractor if t+e contractor becomes ban)ru-t or ot+er*ise insol1ent. 4n t+is e1entA termination *ill be *it+out com-ensation to t+e contractorA -ro1ided t+at suc+ termination *ill not -roduce or affect an# rig+t of action or remed#A *+ic+ +as accrued or *ill accrue t+ereafter to t+e -rocuring entit#. 23

2462 Ter.ina"i$n ($r $nvenien e 3.13.1 T+e -rocuring entit# b# *ritten notice sent to t+e contractor ma# terminate t+e contract in
*+ole or in -artA at an# time for its con1enience. T+e notice of termination s+all s-ecif# t+at t+e termination is for t+e -rocuring entit# con1enienceA t+e e/tent to *+ic+ -erformance of t+e contractor of t+e contract is terminated and t+e date on *+ic+ suc+ termination becomes effecti1e. 3.13.2 or t+e remaining -art of t+e contract after termination t+e -rocuring entit# ma# elect to cancel t+e ser1ices and -a# to t+e contractor on agreed amount for -artiall# com-leted ser1ices.

246> Re!$l%"i$n $( ,i!-%"e!

T+e -rocuring entit#3s and t+e contractor s+all ma)e e1er# effort to resol1e amicabl# b# direct informal negotiations an# disagreement or dis-ute arising bet*een t+em under or in connection *it+ t+e contract. 4f after t+irt# :3"< da#s from t+e commencement of suc+ informal negotiations bot+ -arties +a1e been unable to resol1e amicabl# a contract dis-ute eit+er -art# ma# reDuire t+at t+e dis-ute be refered for resolution to t+e formal mec+anisms s-ecified in t+e %CC.

246C G$verning Lang%age

T+e contract s+all be *ritten in t+e Englis+ language. All corres-ondence and ot+er documents -ertaining to t+e contractA *+ic+ are e/c+anged b# t+e -artiesA s+all be *ritten in t+e same language.

246D F$r e MaNe%re

T+e contractor s+all not be liable for forfeiture of its -erformance securit#A or termination for default if and to t+e e/tent t+at its dela# in -erformance or ot+er failure to -erform its obligations under t+e Contract is t+e result of an e1ent of orce (a6eure.

246E A--li a:le La84

T+e contract s+all be inter-reted in accordance *it+ t+e la*s of ;en#a unless ot+er*ise s-ecified in t+e %CC

246F N$"i e!
An# notices gi1en b# one -art# to t+e ot+er -ursuant to t+is contract s+all be sent to t+e ot+er -art# b# -ost or b# fa/ or E=mail and confirmed in *riting to t+e ot+er -art#3s address s-ecified in t+e %CC A notice s+all be effecti1e *+en deli1ered or on t+e notices effecti1e dateA *+ic+e1er is later. 24


4.2 %-ecial conditions of contract s+all su--lement t+e general conditions of contractA *+ere1er t+ere is a conflict bet*een t+e 5CC and t+e %CCA t+e -ro1isions of t+e %CC +erein s+all -re1ail o1er t+ose in t+e 5CC. %-ecial conditions of contract *it+ reference to t+e general conditions of contract. 5CC 3.6 3.8 3.' 3.14 3.1! 3.18 %-ecial conditions of contract %-ecif# -erformance securit# if a--licable Q .erformance securit# of ;s+ 2""A"""."" from a re-utable financial institution. %-ecif# met+od and conditions of -erformance Q 2>A %-ecif# -rice ad6ustments allo*ed Q 2>A %-ecif# resolution of dis-utes= b# arbitration %-ecif# a--licable la* Q la*s of ;en#a 4ndicate addresses of bot+ -arties CL4E2TH TBE .042C4.AL %EC0ETA09A (424%T09 , ED8CAT4,2A %C4E2CE E TECB2,L,59 ..,. 7,R 3""4" Q ""2"" 2A40,74 C,2T0ACT,0H

O"+er $n,i"i$n!< T+e -rices Duoted s+ould be 1alid for 12 mont+s. Contractor s+ould -ro1ide ,e"ail! A 8$r/ -lan of +o* +e>s+e intends to e/ecute t+e contract and s+ould as a minimum contain t+e follo*ingH 1. A *or) sc+eme s-ecif#ing t+e dail# and ot+er -eriodic freDuenc# *it+ *+ic+ t+e contractor intends to e/ecute t+e main tas) for eac+ area or surface relating to t+e ser1ice to be contracted. 2. an organiJation c+art indicating man -o*er strengt+ 3. An illustration of +o* t+e eDui-ment *ill be de-lo#ed in relation to s-ecific areas >surface of t+e ser1ice to be contracted. 4ndicate t+e *or) -lanK ?+ic+ s+ould include a< 2umber of staff to be de-lo#ed in eac+ s-ecific areas of ser1ice as -ro1ided in t+e %co-e of ?or) %c+edules. T+is s+all include t+eir intended *age rateA *+ic+ s+all be in accordance to t+e labour la*. Attac+ e1idence e.g. -a#roll and>or -a#s li-s for *age rates -aid for at least 3" *or)ers. b< Training %c+edule c< A %u-er1isor dail# c+ec)list d< EDui-ment and (ac+ines to be used to ac+ie1e intended -ur-ose in all areas. e< Emergenc# or contingenc# measures in terms of staffing for an# e1entualit#. f< T#-e of c+emicals and detergents to be used. 4. Cleaning sc+edules



Cleaning %er1ices for @ogoo Bouse C73 :11 floors< and ot+er s-ecified sites *ill be as s-ecified in t+e sc+edule of -rices. T+e contract duration *ill be 12 mont+s. Buman and en1ironmentall# friendl# cleaning -roducts to be used. Re!$%r eAPer!$nnel4 1. Managing Dire "$rA Pr$-rie"$r (ust +a1e a minimum of fi1e :12o< #ears e/-erience in -ro1iding cleaning ser1ices to -ublic > -ri1ate institutions of similar com-le/it#. .rofessional training in cleaning ser1ices *ill be an added ad1antage :attac+ certificate<. 2. Manager 1Tea. Lea,er3 %+ould be a +older of at least form four certificates. (ust +a1e a certificate in Bouse)ee-ing > institutional management. At least 5 #ears3 e/-erience in cleaning ser1ices and -roof b# -ro1iding co-ies of credentials. (ust +a1e attended a course in customer care > +uman relations. .ro1ide certificate of attendance. 3. E.-l$*ee! >4 (ust +a1e a minimum of form four certificate (ust +a1e e/-erience of at least 2 #ears 0elated course *ill be an added ad1antage. (ust +a1e a certificate of good conduct from t+e Ken*a P$li e4 (ust +a1e P%:li +eal"+ $((i er certificate from (inistr# of +ealt+. Em-lo#ees must be retained for at least 12 mont+s for good deli1er# of ser1ice from e/-erience unless ot+er*ise : Criminal record etc<

Uni($r.A Dre!!ing4 T+e attire must be -resentable and decent. T+e *or)ers MUST be gi1en -rotecti1e attire :i.e. 5lo1esA bootsA +elmetsA gogglesA safet# beltsA noose mas)s etc.< N%.:er $( 8$r/er! ReJ%ire, @ogoo Bouse C73 for 1" floors and ground floor Q 38 cleaners Count# Director of Education at 2#a#o Bouse 14t+ And 15t+ loor Q 3 cleaners 26


;2ATC,( = 82E%C,A 14t+ loor 2ational 7an) 7uilding and %c+ool Audit 8nitA15t+ loor 2ational 7an) 7uilding Q 4 cleaners Directorate of Adult and Continuing Education ;en#a 0einsurance building 8t+and 13t+ floor = 3 cleaners 2ational 4CT 4nno1ation and 4ntegration Centre :243C<A ;en#a %cience Cam-usA %(A%%E 7uildingA 2gong 0oad :,--. 2a)umatt @unction< Q 3 cleaners Tel-osta To*ers Q T&ET = 4 cleaners 8talii Bouse 1"t+A 't+ and 8t+ floorA :D0(D< = ' cleaners 8c+umi Bouse = Directorate ,f 9out+ TrainingA 6t+and !t+floor = 4 cleaners Total cleaners reDuired e/cluding su-er1isors Q 68 cleaners.



LAD4E% ?C 50,82D L,,0 1%T L,,0 22D L,,0 30D L,,0 TB 4 L,,0 5TB L,,0 6TB L,,0 !TB L,,0 8TB L,,0 'TB L,,0 1,TB L,,0 T,TAL 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23 ?B7 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 A0EA 122 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 '62 %$. T 5E2T% ?C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 ?B7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 802 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 A0EA '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 '6 1"56 &4. ?C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ?B7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 A0EA 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 264 ;4TCBE2 %42;>?. T,. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11

A0EA 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 528



2. S"air!
2oH Total = Area E ire e/its Ducts 3. Kin,$8! E/ternal ?indo*s= Area 4nternal *indo*s T$"al 4. C$rri,$r! Car-eted corridors = Area Car-eted office Q Area 8ncar-eted offices Q Area T$"al C4 Tile! (l$$r $rri,$r! corridor Area and lobbies T$"al 6. Car-ar/ and com-ound and E/ternal stairs =area !. %-ace bet*een com-ound and street = Area 8. Cleaning > N$4 Li("! T$"al area NOTEB ?C ?B7 802 I I I *ater *as+ Band basin urinal I I I I I 3252 sD .ft 36" sD.ft 284"" sD.ft 284"" sD.ft CD F77 !J4(" 24'6 sD.ft 1"81" sD.ft 68342 sD.ft F6,D>F !J4("



I 11"2" %D.ft I '4"8 %D.ft @7,>@FSJ4(" 2'6!" sD.ft I 22!4 sD.ft 1'2 sD.ft

B34 CO>0TY D1RECTOR O6 ED>C+T1O0 +T 0Y+YO #O>SE !.T# +0D !?T# 6=OOR4 Car-eted area Car-eted area Corridors &4. Area Lift Area %tairs Ladies %anitar# bins 5ents I I I I I I I I 2' 1A3'5 %$ T 13A3'4 %$ T ''6 %$ T 438 %$ T 1A1'6 %$ T !2 %$ T 13" %$ T 2 bins em-t#ing *ee)l# 13" %$ T

?indo* Area C34


%$ T

Cleanin& Services $or 2natcom/>nesco, !.th 6loor 0ational Ban9 Buildin& I I I O I I I 288 sD.ft 132"%D.ft 132" %D.ft @D>7 SJ4(" 382" %D.ft 33" %D.ft 28" %D.ft

1 S"air! Total area 2 Kin,$8! E/ternal ?indo*s=area 4nternal ?indo*s T$"al 3 O((i e! Car-eted area 8ncar-eted area 4 C$rri,$r Car-eted area

5 Re e-"i$n area Car-eted area 6 Li(" Area .&C Area ! T$ile"! Area 5ents =.&C Ladies=.&C


483 %D.ft 224 %D.ft 2"" %D.ft 161 %D.ft

8 Pr$vi!i$n $( Sani"ar* :in .ro1ide=4 sanitar# bins :2 bins in Ladies &4. toilets< :2 bins in ,rdinar# ladies toilets< D34 Cleanin& Services $or School +udit >nit, !?th 6loor 0ational Ban9 Buildin& I I I O 288 sD.ft 132"%D.ft 132" %D.ft @D>7 SJ4("

1 S"air! Total area 2 Kin,$8! E/ternal ?indo*s=area 4nternal ?indo*s =area T$"al


3 O((i e! Car-eted area 8ncar-eted area 4 C$rri,$r 8ncar-eted area 5 Li(" Area .&C Area 6 T$ile"! Area 5ents =.&C Ladies=.&C


3A64" %D.ft 5!" %D.ft 38" %D.ft


224 %D.ft 2"" %D.ft 161 %D.ft

! Pr$vi!i$n $( Sani"ar* :in .ro1ide=4 sanitar# bins :2 bins in Ladies &4. toilets< :2 bins in ,rdinar# ladies toilets< E< Cleanin& services $or +dult Education 2enya Reinsurance *uildin& @thand !-th $loor. 64 F"+ (l$$r Car-eted Area Corridor :uncar-eted< @4 62"+ (l$$r Car-eted Area Corridor :car-eted< 24 Kin,$8! F"+ (l$$r E/ternal 225 ft / 6 ft 4nternal 225 ft / 6 ft 62"+ (l$$r E/ternal 244.5 ft / 6 ft 4nternal 244.5 ft / 6 ft 4. Car-eted office 8ncar-eted offices 5. ;itc+ens 6. &4. ?as+room I I 3482.5" %D. ft !"8 %D. ft I 38!3.25 %D. ft !14 %D ft


135" %D ft 135" %D. ft 146! %D. ft 146! %D ft !355.!5 %D. ft '3 %D. ft 133 %D. ft 36 %D. ft

6. Cleanin& services $or 0ational 1CT 1nnovation and 1nte&ration Centre :01-C;, 2enya Science Campus, S%+SSE Buildin&, 0&on& Road :Opp. 0a9umatt 'unction; 1 Kin,$8!


E/ternal ?indo*s=area 4nternal ?indo*s =area T$"al 2 O((i e! Tiled area ?ooden Tiled area 3 C$rri,$r! Tiled area 4 ;itc+ens 5 &4. ?as+room 6 Tarmac .ar)ing ! 5rounds for maintenance of 5reen 5rass


332"%D.ft 22" %D.ft @D>7 SJ4(" 3A2"" %D.ft 45" %D.ft

I 38" %D. ft I 25 %D. ft I 136 %D. ft 13"" %D. ft I 31!25 %D. ft

Cleanin& services $or >talii #ouse !"th, Ath and @th $loor, :DR%D 1. Car-ets I 1A814.!5 sD ft 2. Tiles I 3A4"2.55 sD ft Total I C,@6>4EC !J (" 3. ?indo*s I 1A3""."4 sD ft 4. Leat+er sofa set 5 seater 1 2o.

To clean only o$$ices

Cleanin& services $or Telposta PlaBa / T<ET 1. Car-ets I 18"" sD ft 2. Tiles I 5151 sD ft Total I 6'51 !J (" 3. ?indo*s I 4 sD ft 4. Leat+er sofa set

To clean only o$$ices

Cleanin& Services 6or Directorate O$ Youth Trainin&,Cthand Dth$loor >chumi #ouse 1. Car-ets 2. 8ncar-eted *ooden floor area Total I 1"81 sD ft I 26553.8 sD ft I 2!634.81 !J ("

To clean only o$$ices


S $-e $( 8$r/
A3 Ki"+in "+e $((i e B%il,ing4 or t+e -ur-ose of maintaining t+e +ig+est standards of cleanliness and +#gieneA t+e *or)s s+ould include t+e follo*ing tas)sH= 0emo1e all rubbis+A dirtA stainA s-illsA blemis+ or foreign ob6ects on or around t+e surface. Ensure t+at all areas are free from foul or un-leasant odour. Ensure t+at all -olis+ed or smoot+ surface retain t+eir original gloss. Collect and dis-ose all rubbis+A dirtA *aste materials or refuse from t+e office to t+e -lace designated for t+is -ur-ose dail#. Dail# dusting of all surfaces including disinfecting of tele-+one +eads and dam- *i-ing. B4 Car-e"e, $((i e! an, $rri,$r &acuum cleaning dail# %+am-ooing e1er# t*o *ee)s 0emo1al of stains Em-t#ing *aste bas)ets dail# O"+er $((i e!A $rri,$r! 8i"+ "ile!, -v $r "erra55$ (l$$r %*ee-ing and mac+ine scrubbing dail# %tri--ing *a/ing and -olis+ing *ee)l# Dr#ing t+e floors Em-t#ing *aste bas)ets dail# Q morning and afternoon Ka!+r$$.! ) 1"$ile"!, %rinal!, 8a!+ :a!in! & !in/!3 %*ee-ing mac+ine scrubbing dail# %tri--ing and *as+ing dail# Disinfecting +and=touc+ facilities 8nbloc)ing drain -i-es %u--l# urinal na-+t+alene coloured balls Em-t#ing sanitar# bins F%rni"%re, ,e!/! an, "a:le! Dusting and dam- *i-ing dail# .olis+ing of tables and des)s Dusting and dam- *i-ing tele-+one and +ead set dail# Disinfecting tele-+one +and set dail# Kin,$8! Dusting and dam- *i-ing dail# Dusting *indo* frames E mullions dail# Disinfecting +andles and fasteners *ee)l#.






G4 H4 I4 #.

Li("! Dam- mo--ing and mac+ine scrubbing dail#. ?i-ing mirror clean dail# &acuum cleaning *+ere necessar# E;"ernal !-a e! Dusting rails around stairs and *it+in com-ound %*ee-ing of t+e com-ound dail# %*ee-ing of -a1ementsA -ar)ing ba#sA 1erandasA collection of all litters and dis-osing to designated areas Em-t#ing *aste bin t*ice dail# and dis-osing *aste Cleaning *aste bins and disinfecting dail#. (aintaining an# -lants *it+in. (aintaining grass at 243C grounds :la*n mo*er mac+ine<. S"air!, :al $n* an, (ire e;i"! %*ee-ing and mac+ine scrubbing dail# %tri--ingA *a/ing -olis+ing *ee)l#. T$ile" H*giene

i3 Pr$vi!i$n $( !ani"ar* :in! .ro1ide 35 sanitar# bins:@ogoo Bouse 7 < i< T*o bins in eac+ ladies toilets from ground to 1"t+ floor. ii< ,ne bin for t+e s*itc+board toilet iii< ,ne bin for eac+ &4. toilet on all floors including t+e toilet in room 2o. !12. .ro1ide 4 sanitar# bins :%c+ool Audit 8nit=2ational 7an) 7uilding 15t+ floor i< T*o bins in ladies &4. toilet ii< T*o bins in ,rdinar# ladies .ro1ide 4 sanitar# bins :;2ATC,(=2ational 7an) 7uilding 14t+ floor< i< T*o bin in ladies &4. toilet ii< T*o bin in ordinar# ladies .ro1ide 2 bins in ladies toilet : .DEA% office = 2#a#o Bouse 14t+ and 15t+ floor< .ro1ide 2 bins in ladies toilet: 243C=;en#a %cience< Em-t#ing of bins once a *ee) Cleaning and disinfecting t+e bin t+oroug+l# (o1e t+e bins +#gienicall# in bags -ro-erl# co1ered. ii3 iii3 To c+ec) t+e *or)ing conditions of drainage -i-esA *ater ta-s and re-ort to t+e concerned aut+orit# an# fault# for rectification. Clean mirrorsA dis-ensers and all toilet fittings 34

T+e (inistr# s+all -ro1ide a dail# c+ec) list for t+e cleaning ser1ices. T+e (inistr# s+all do dail# ins-ection on all t+e areas to be cleaned and a re-ort gi1en.

LIST OF CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS USED IN PROHISION OF SERHICES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (ulti-ur-ose detergentsH= or general cleaning of all surfaces Disinfectants solutionH= or t+e disinfecting of all surfaces and *as+room

(et+#lated s-irit> dettolH= or cleaning of tele-+one +eads in offices Emulsion -olis+H= or t+e -olis+ing of ..&.C and granite floor

Bea1# Dut# *a/ .olis+H= or -olis+ing of *ooden floors along t+e stair case. ?indo* and glossH = or t+e dail# cleaning of offices *indo*s A -artitions and doors

EGUIPMENTS In,i a"e "+e J%an"i"* $( eJ%i-.en"! availa:le ($r "+e e;e %"i$n $( "+e $n"ra " $n "+e $l%.n -r$vi,e,4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. !. 8. '. 1". EGUIPMENT loor scrubbers and -olis+ers Dr# &acuum Cleaners ?et and Dr# suction mac+ines (o--ing 7uc)ets (o- Beads Bard 7room %oft broom %Dueegees Dust-an Dusters USE or t+e stri--ing and burnis+ing of +ard floor surfaces or +o1ering of Car-ets in offices or t+e suction of liDuids on dr# surfaces and e/traction of *et s+am-oo on car-ets *+en cleaning or use in cleaning of officesA corridors and toilets or general cleaning of surfaces *it+in t+e building or t+e general s*ee-ing of -ar)ingA dri1e*a#s and *al)*a#s or s*ee-ing of dirt on all floors before mo--ing and general cleaning or t+e s-eed# remo1al of liDuids on floors. or collection and remo1al of litter after s*ee-ing or t+e general cleaning of office furniture and a--aratus 35 GUANTITY

11. 12. 13. 14 15

Ladders E/traction cleaners ?eb (o-s Cradle (ac+ine %carf Bolding

or reac+ing +ig+ -laces during t+e cleaning of *indo*s from t+e outside *all. or cleaning of u-+olster# and s-ot cleaning of car-ets or remo1ing cob*ebs on ceiling or reac+ing +ig+ -laces during t+e cleaning of *indo*s from t+e outside *all. or reac+ing +ig+ -laces during t+e cleaning of *indo*s from t+e outside *all.

N$"eB Cleaner! are n$" all$8e, "$ %!e $-en +an,! 8+ile .$--ing (l$$r! an, 8a!+ r$$.! ,%e "$ +*gieni $n,i"i$n!



SG4FT SG FT 1 2 3 4 5 6 ! 8 ' 1" 11 12 13 14 15 16 1! 18 1' 2" 21 Toilets E ;itc+ens 5round loor 1st floor to 1"t+ floor %tairs ire and e/it ducts E/ternal *indo*s 4nternal *indo*s 8ncar-eted corridor Car-eted corridors Car-eted offices 8ncar-eted offices .&C corridors Lobbies Car -ar) com-ound and e/ternal stairs %-ace bet*een com-ound and street Cleaning 4 2o.lift urniture des)s and tables Lift Area :.&C< %anitar# bins 0ece-tion area car-eted &4. *as+room Totals 145 2'" 252 / 1" I 252" 3252 36" 284"" 284"" 24'6 1"81" 68342 11"2" '4"8 2'6!" 22!4 1'2 145 2'" 252" 3252 36" 284"" 284"" 24'6 1"81" 68342 11"2" '4"8 2'6!" 22!4 1'2



2ame NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.. in t+e ca-acit# of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN %ignature of TenderersNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dul# aut+oriJed to sign t+e Tender for and on be+alf of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dated on NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. da# of NNNNNNNNNNNNN. 2" NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. 0oteE 1n case o$ discrepancy *et7een unit price and total, the unit price shall prevail.




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. !. 8. '. 1". 11. 12. 13.

Toilets E ;itc+ens %tairs E/ternal *indo*s 4nternal *indo*s 8ncar-eted corridor Car-eteted corridors Car-eted offices 8ncar-eted offices urniture des)s and tables Lift Area :.&C< %anitar# bins 0ece-tion area car-eted &4. *as+room T$"al!

AUDIT UNIT %$. T 361 288 132" 132" 38" 364" 5!" 224 4

SG4FT 361 288 132" 132" 28" 382" 33" 224 4 483

EDUCATION SG FT SG FT 133 855 5!6 135" 3''" 135" 3''" !"8 1"88 !14 ''4 !355.!5 14815.!5 '3 ''3 448 8 6"3 36

12" 36

2ame NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.. in t+e ca-acit# of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN %ignature of TenderersNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dul# aut+oriJed to sign t+e Tender for and on be+alf of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dated on NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. da# of NNNNNNNNNNNNN. 2" NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. 0oteE 1n case o$ discrepancy *et7een unit price and total, the unit price shall prevail.










1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. !. 8. '. 1". 11.

Toilets E ;itc+ens E/ternal *indo*s 4nternal *indo*s 8ncar-eted corridor Car-eted offices 8ncar-eted offices urniture des)s and tables Lift Area :.&C< %anitar# bins 0ece-tion area car-eted &4. *as+room Totals

OFFICE SG4FT 26" 1246 1A3""."4 1246 1A3""."4 ''6 13'5 1814.!5 13832 34"2.55 11'6 2

SG FT 26" 2A546."4 2A546."4 5151 614! 18"" 5""'.!5 1!234.5 5 11'6 2

2ame NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.. in t+e ca-acit# of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN %ignature of TenderersNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dul# aut+oriJed to sign t+e Tender for and on be+alf of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dated on NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. da# of NNNNNNNNNNNNN. 2" NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. 0oteE 1n case o$ discrepancy *et7een unit price and total, the unit price shall prevail.







TOTAL IN U +%.i H!e SG FT 161 332" 22" 1"81 1"81 1""'8.81 132'8.81 38" 12'" 31!25 2 4 16455




1NI2C3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. !. 8. '. 1". 11. 12. Toilets E ;itc+ens E/ternal *indo*s 4nternal *indo*s Car-eted offices 8ncar-eted offices urniture des)s and tables .&C corridors Car -ar) com-ound and e/ternal stairs %-ace bet*een com-ound and street %anitar# bins &4. *as+room Ball *ing 7 !t+ and 6t+ floor *ooden floor Totals 161 332" 22" 32"" 38" 12'" 31!25 2 4


2ame NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.. in t+e ca-acit# of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN %ignature of TenderersNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dul# aut+oriJed to sign t+e Tender for and on be+alf of NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Dated on NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. da# of NNNNNNNNNNNNN. 2" NNNNNNNNNNNNNN. 0oteE 1n case o$ discrepancy *et7een unit price and total, the unit price shall prevail.



ToH DateH Tender 2o.H 4tem Descri-tionH %ir>(adamA Ba1ing e/amined t+e Tender documents including Addenda 2os. [insert addenda n!m"ers], t+e recei-t of *+ic+ is +ereb# dul# ac)no*ledgedA *eA t+e undersignedA offer to su--l# and deli1er [description of #oods and ser$ices] in conformit# *it+ t+e said Tender documents for t+e sum of [tota% &ender amo!nt in 'ords and fi(!res] or suc+ ot+er sums as ma# be ascertained in accordance *it+ t+e %c+edule of .rices attac+ed +ere*it+ and made -art of t+is Tender. ?e underta)eA if our Tender is acce-tedA to deli1er t+e 5oods in accordance *it+ t+e deli1er# sc+edule s-ecified in t+e %c+edule of 0eDuirements. 4f our Tender is acce-tedA *e underta)e to -ro1ide a -erformance securit# in t+e formA in t+e amountsA and *it+in t+e times s-ecified in t+e Tender documents. ?e agree to abide b# t+is Tender for t+e Tender 1alidit# -eriod s-ecified in Clause 18.1 of t+e TD%A and it s+all remain binding u-on us and ma# be acce-ted at an# time before t+e e/-iration of t+at -eriod. ?e are not -artici-atingA as TenderersA in more t+an one Tender in t+is Tendering -rocess. ,ur firmA its affiliates or subsidiaries Q including an# subcontractors or su--liers for an# -art of t+e contract Q +as not been declared ineligible b# t+e 5o1ernment of ;en#a under ;en#an la*s. 8ntil a formal Contract is -re-ared and e/ecutedA t+is TenderA toget+er *it+ #our *ritten acce-tance t+ereof and #our notification of a*ardA s+all constitute a binding Contract bet*een us. ?e understand t+at #ou are not bound to acce-t t+e lo*est or an# Tender #ou ma# recei1e. ?e certif#>confirm t+at *e com-l# *it+ t+e eligibilit# reDuirements as -er 4TT Clause 3 of t+e Tender documents Dated t+is SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS da# of SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 2"SSSSSS. (Name) SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [si(nat!re] [in the capacity of] Dul# aut+oriJed to sign Tender for and on be+alf of SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [Name and address of the PE] [insert date (as day, month and year)] [insert num*er o$ Tenderin& process] [insert description of tems]



9ou are reDuested to gi1e t+e -articulars indicated in .art 1 and eit+er .art 2 :a<A 2:b< or 2:c< *+ic+e1er a--lied to #our t#-e of business. 9ou are ad1ised t+at it is a serious offence to gi1e false information on t+is form. .art 1 5eneral 7usiness 2ame....................................................................................................................... Location of 7usiness .remises ............................................................................................. .lot 2oA..........................................................%treet>0oad..................................................... .ostal address ........................Tel 2o. .................................. a/ Email............................... 2ature of 7usiness ................................................................................................................ 0egistration Certificate 2o.................................................................................................... (a/imum 1alue of business *+ic+ #ou can +andle at an# one time Q ;s+s......................... 2ame of #our ban)ers............................................................................................................ 7ranc+.................................................................................................................................... .art 2 :a< Q %ole .ro-rietor 9our name in fullNNNNNNNNN.AgeNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. 2ationalit#NNNNNNNNNNNCountr# of ,riginNNNNNNNNNNN.. CitiJens+i- details NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.. .art 2 :b< Q .artners+i5i1en details of -artners as follo*s 2ame 2ationalit# CitiJens+i- details %+ares 1. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 2. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 3. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 4. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN .art 2 :c< Q 0egistered Com-an# .ri1ate or .ublic %tate t+e nominal and issued ca-ital of com-an# 2ominal ;s+s. 4ssued ;s+s. 5i1en details of all directors as follo*s 2ame 2ationalit# CitiJens+i- details %+ares 1. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 2. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 3. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 4. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN DateNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.%ignature of CandidateNNNNNNNNN..


7an) Letter+ead 42

?+ereas NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Tname of the tenderer] :+ereinafter called Ft+e tendererG< +as submitted its tender dated NNNN. Tdate of s!"mission of tender]for t+e su--l#A installation and commissioning of NNNNNNNN [name and/or description of the e)!ipment]:+ereinafter called Ft+e TenderG< NNNNNNNNNNNN. ;2,? ALL .E,.LE b# t+ese -resents t+at ?E NNNNNNNNN of NNNNNNNNN. +a1ing our registered office at NNNNNNN :+ereinafter called Ft+e 7an)>4nsurance Com-an#G<A are bound unto NNNNN.. Tname of Proc!rin( entity* :+ereinafter called Ft+e .rocuring entit#G< in t+e sum of NNNNNNNN.. for *+ic+ -a#ment *ell and trul# to be made to t+e said .rocuring entit#A t+e 7an)>4nsurance Com-an# binds itselfA its successorsA and assigns b# t+ese -resents. %ealed *it+ t+e Common %eal of t+e said 7an)>4nsurance Com-an# t+is da# of 2" . TBE C,2D4T4,2% of t+is obligation areH= 1.4f t+e tenderer *it+dra*s its Tender during t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit# s-ecified b# t+e tenderer on t+e Tender ormK or 2.4f t+e tendererA +a1ing been notified of t+e acce-tance of its Tender b# t+e .rocuring entit# during t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit#H :a< :b< fails or refuses to e/ecute t+e Contract ormA if reDuiredK or fails or refuses to furnis+ t+e -erformance securit# in accordance *it+ t+e 4nstructions to tenderersK

?e underta)e to -a# to t+e .rocuring entit# u- to t+e abo1e amount u-on recei-t of its first *ritten demandA *it+out t+e .rocuring entit# +a1ing to substantiate its demandA -ro1ided t+at in its demand t+e .rocuring Entit# *ill note t+at t+e amount claimed b# it is due to itA o*ing to t+e occurrence of one or bot+ of t+e t*o conditionsA s-ecif#ing t+e occurred condition or conditions. T+is tender guarantee *ill remain in force u- to and including t+irt# :3"< da#s after t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit#A and an# demand in res-ect t+ereof s+ould reac+ t+e 7an) not later t+an t+e abo1e date. [si(nat!re of the a!thori+ed representati$e of the "an,/ins!rance company]-----.. .ea% -------------..////////////////////////////


[&he 0idder sha%% fi%% in this 1orm in accordance 'ith the instr!ctions indicated.] DateH [insert date (as day, month and year) of 0id .!"mission] Tender 2o.H [insert n!m"er of "iddin( process] ToH [insert comp%ete name of P!rchaser] ?eA t+e undersignedA declare t+atH 1. ?e understand t+atA according to #our conditionsA bids must be su--orted b# a Tender=%ecuring Declaration. 2. ?e acce-t t+at *e *ill automaticall# be sus-ended from being eligible for tendering in an# -ublic -rocurement tenders *it+ an# -ublic entit# for t+e -eriod of time determined b# t+e .ublic .rocurement ,1ersig+t Aut+orit#, if *e are in breac+ of our obligation:s< under t+e tendering conditionsA because *eH a< +a1e *it+dra*n our tender during t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit# s-ecified in t+e Tender Data %+eetK or b< +a1ing been notified of t+e acce-tance of our Tender b# t+e .rocuring Entit# during t+e -eriod of tender 1alidit# fail or refuse to e/ecute t+e contractK or fail or refuse to furnis+ t+e -erformance securit#A if so reDuired. 3. ?e understand t+at t+is Tender %ecuring Declaration s+all e/-ire if *e are not t+e successful TendererA u-on our recei-t of #our notification or regret of t+e tender a*ard letterK or t+irt#=eig+t da#s after t+e e/-iration of our TenderA *+ic+e1er is earlier. 4. ?e understand t+at if *e are a @oint &entureA t+e Tender %ecuring Declaration must be in t+e name of t+e @oint &enture t+at submits t+e bidA and if t+e @oint &enture +as not been legall# constituted at t+e time of tenderingA t+e Tender %ecuring Declaration s+all be in t+e names of all en1isaged -artners as named in t+e letter of intent. %ignedH [insert si(nat!re of person 'hose name and capacity are sho'n] 4n t+e ca-acit# of [insert %e(a% capacity of person si(nin( the &ender .ec!rin( 2ec%aration] 2ameH [insert comp%ete name of person si(nin( the &ender .ec!rin( 2ec%aration] Dul# aut+oriJed to sign t+e bid for and on be+alf ofH [insert comp%ete name of 0idder] Dated on SSSSSSSSSSSS da# of SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSA SSSSSSS [insert date of si(nin(]


1Sections -@, .", .!, .4F.- o$ the PPD +ct, 4""?; 4>?e>(essrsNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNof ........... %treet>a1enueA .............. 7uildingA .. ,. 7o/NNNNCode ...NA of ............ :to*n<A ................ :2ationalit#<A .+one .................. E=mail .....................N. declare t+at .ublic .rocurement is based on a free and fair com-etiti1e tendering -rocess *+ic+ s+ould not be o-en to abuse. 4>?e ..NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.. declare t+at 4>?e *ill not offer or facilitateA directl# or indirectl#A an# inducement or re*ard to an# -ublic officerA t+eir relations or business associatesA in connection *it+ Tender nameH NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.. Tender 2o. NNNNNNNNN..NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. or>or in t+e subseDuent -erformance of t+e contract if 4>?e am>are successful. Dated t+is ...................................... da# of ....................... 2"......

Aut+oriJed %ignature.......................................................,fficial %tam- ........................................ 2ame and Title of %ignator#NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.................



1Sections -? PPD+, 4""?; 4>?e>(essrsNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN of ........... %treet>a1enueA .............. 7uildingA .. ,. 7o/NNNNCode ...NA of ............ :to*n<A ................ :2ationalit#<A .+oneH .................. E=mail .....................N. declare t+at 4>?e >(essrs ................................................................. are not debarred from -artici-ating in -ublic -rocurement b# t+e .ublic .rocurement ,1ersig+t Aut+orit# -ursuant to section 115 of t+e .ublic .rocurement and Dis-osal ActA 2""5. Dated t+is ...................................... da# of ................... 2".........

Aut+oriJed %ignature............................................................,fficial %tam- ................................... 2ame and Title of %ignator#NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...........................





0eDuest for re1ie* of t+e decision of t+eNNNNN : Name of the Proc!rin( Entity) of NNNNN dated t+eNda# of NNNN.2" t+e matter of Tender 2oNNN..Nof NNNN..2"N REGUEST FOR REHIEK 4>?eNNNNNNNNNNNAt+e abo1e named A--licant:s<A of addressH .+#sical addressNNNNN. a/ 2oNNTel. 2oNN..Email NNNNNA +ereb# reDuest t+e .ublic .rocurement Administrati1e 0e1ie* 7oard to re1ie* t+e *+ole>-art of t+e abo1e mentioned decision on t+e follo*ing grounds A namel#H= 1. 2. etc. 7# t+is memorandumA t+e A--licant reDuests t+e 7oard for an order>orders t+atH = 1. 2. etc %452ED NNNNNN. :A--licant< Dated onNNNNN.da# of NNNNN>N2"N

FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Lodged *it+ t+e %ecretar# .ublic .rocurement Administrati1e 0e1ie* 7oard on NNNN da# of NNN....2"N.NNN %452ED 7oard %ecretar#





Tto "e printed on the 3etterhead of the Proc!rin( EntityU TdateU ToH [name and address of the .!pp%ier] 0eH Letter of notification to 8nsuccessful 7idders T+is is to inform #ou in t+at #our offer in relation to T tender name and n!m"er] +as been determined to be unsuccessful u-on e1aluation. ?e intend to ma)e a contract *it+ T name ofs!ccessf!% tendererU for Tamo!ntU. 9our tender securit# > tender securing declaration *ill be disc+arged. T+an) #ou for #our -artici-ation in t+e tendering -rocess. 9ours 1Na.e $( A $%n"ing O((i er3 A $%n"ing O((i erAHea, $( Pr$ %ring En"i"*



Tto "e printed on the 3etterhead of the Proc!rin( EntityU TdateU ToH [name and address of the .!pp%ier] ReB Le""er $( A e-"an eAN$"i(i a"i$n $( A8ar,

T+is is to notif# #ou t+at #our Tender dated [date] for e/ecution of t+e [name of the 4ontract and identification n!m"er, as (i$en in the 4ontract 2ata .heet] for t+e Contract .rice of t+e eDui1alent of [amo!nt in n!m"ers and 'ords] [name of c!rrency] A as corrected and modified in accordance *it+ t+e 4nstructions to Tenderers is +ereb# acce-ted b# us and it is our intention to -roceed to ma)e a *ritten contract in accordance *it+ t+e terms s-ecified in t+e tender documents on t+e e/-ir# of fourteen :14< da#s -eriod from t+e date of t+is notification. T+e contract s+all be signed b# t+e -arties *it+in 3" da#s from t+e date of t+is letter but not earlier t+an 14 da#s from t+e date of t+e letter. 9ours 1Na.e $( A $%n"ing O((i er3 A $%n"ing O((i erAHea, $( Pr$ %ring En"i"*




TB4% A50EE(E2T made t+e da# of 2" bet*een NNNNNN Tname of Proc!rin( Entity) of NNN.. TCo!ntry of Proc!rin( Entity] :+ereinafter called Ft+e .rocuring entit#< of t+e one -art and NNNNNNNN.. T name of tenderer] of NNNN.. Tcity and co!ntry of tenderer] :+ereinafter called Ft+e tendererG< of t+e ot+er -artK ?BE0EA% t+e .rocuring entit# in1ited tenders for certain goods U and +as acce-ted a tender b# t+e tenderer for t+e su--l# of t+ose goods in t+e sum of NNNNNNNNNNN T contract price in 'ords and fi(!res] :+ereinafter called Ft+e Contract .rice<. 2,? TB4% A50EE(E2T ?4T2E%%ETB A% ,LL,?%H 1. 4n t+is Agreement *ords and e/-ressions s+all +a1e t+e same meanings as are res-ecti1el# assigned to t+em in t+e Conditions of Contract referred to. 2. T+e follo*ing documents s+all be deemed to form and be read and construed as -art of t+is Agreement 1iJH :a< :b< :c< :d< :e< :f< t+e Tender orm and t+e .rice %c+edule submitted b# t+e tenderer t+e %c+edule of 0eDuirements t+e Tec+nical %-ecifications t+e 5eneral Conditions of Contract t+e Contract Data %+eet t+e .rocuring entit#3s 2otification of A*ard

3. 4n consideration of t+e -a#ments to be made b# t+e .rocuring entit# to t+e tenderer as +ereinafter mentionedA t+e tender +ereb# co1enants *it+ t+e .rocuring entit# to -ro1ide t+e goods and to remed# defects t+erein in conformit# in all res-ects *it+ t+e -ro1isions of t+e Contract 4. T+e .rocuring entit# +ereb# co1enants to -a# t+e tenderer in consideration of t+e -ro1isions of t+e goods and t+e remed#ing of defects t+ereinA t+e Contract .rice or suc+ ot+er sum as ma# become -a#able under t+e -ro1isions of t+e Contract at t+e times and in t+e manner -rescribed b# t+e contract. 42 ?4T2E%% *+ereof t+e -arties +ereto +a1e caused t+is Agreement to be e/ecuted in accordance *it+ t+eir res-ecti1e la*s t+e da# and #ear first abo1e *ritten. %ignedA sealedA deli1ered b# %ignedA sealedA deli1ered b# 4nt+e -resence of t+e t+e :for t+e .rocuring entit#< :for t+e tenderer<



To NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Tname of .rocuring entit#U ?BE0EA% NNNNNNNNNNNNNN Tname of tendererU :+ereinafter called Ft+e tendererG< +as underta)en A in -ursuance of Contract 2o. NNNNNNN Treference n!m"er of the contract U dated NNNNNNN 2"NN. to su--l# NNNNNNNNNNN Tdescription of (oodsU :+ereinafter called Ft+e ContractG<. A2D ?BE0EA% it +as been sti-ulated b# #ou in t+e said Contract t+at t+e tenderer s+all furnis+ #ou *it+ a 7an)>4nsurance Com-an# guarantee b# a re-utable 7an)>4nsurance Com-an# for t+e sum s-ecified t+erein as securit# for com-liance *it+ t+e Tenderer3s -erformance obligations in accordance *it+ t+e Contract. A2D ?BE0EA% *e +a1e agreed to gi1e t+e tenderer a guaranteeH TBE0E ,0E ?E +ereb# affirm t+at *e are 5uarantors and res-onsible to #ouA on be+alf of t+e tendererA u- to a total of NNNNNNNNN. T amo!nt of the (!arantee in 'ords and fi(!re U and *e underta)e to -a# #ouA u-on #our first *ritten demand declaring t+e tenderer to be in default under t+e Contract and *it+out ca1il or argumentA an# sum or sums *it+in t+e limits of NNNNNNNN.. T amo!nt of (!aranteeU as aforesaidA *it+out #ou needing to -ro1e or to s+o* grounds or reasons for #our demand or t+e sum s-ecified t+erein. T+is guarantee is 1alid until t+e NNNNNNNNN. da# of NNNNNNN 2" NNNN %igned and seal of t+e 5uarantorsTname of 0an,/ ns!rance 4ompanyU [name, identification n!m"er of a!thori+ed officer from the 0an,/ ns!rance 4ompany U

Dated on SSSSSSSSSSSS da# of SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSA SSSSSSS [insert date of si(nin(]

4nt+e -resence of:name, identification n!m"er and si(nat!re of a!thori+ed officer from the contractor <



To NNNNNNNNNNNN Tname of Proc!rin( entityU

Tname of tenderU NNNNNNN.. 5entlemen and>or LadiesH 4n accordance *it+ t+e -a#ment -ro1ision included in t+e Contract Data %+eetA *+ic+ amends t+e 5eneral Conditions of Contract to -ro1ide for ad1ance -a#mentA NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Tname and address of tendererU:+ereinafter called Ft+e tendererG< s+all de-osit *it+ t+e .rocuring entit# a 7an)>4nsurance Com-an# guarantee to guarantee its -ro-er and fait+ful -erformance under t+e said Clause of t+e Contract in an amount of NN NNNNNNN. Tamount of guarantee in figures and *ordsU. ?eA t+e NNNNNNNNNNN. T7an)>4nsurance Com-an#UA as instructed b# t+e tendererA agree unconditionall# and irre1ocabl# to guarantee as -rimar# obligator and not as suret# merel#A t+e -a#ment to t+e .rocuring entit# on its first demand *it+out *+atsoe1er rig+t of ob6ection on our -art and *it+out its first claim to t+e tendererA in t+e amount not e/ceeding NNNNNNNN Tamount of guarantee in figures and *ordsU ?e furt+er agree t+at no c+ange or addition to or ot+er modification of t+e terms of t+e Contract to be -erformed t+ere=under or of an# of t+e Contract documents *+ic+ ma# be made bet*een t+e .rocuring entit# and t+e tendererA s+all in an# *a# release us from an# liabilit# under t+is guaranteeA and *e +ereb# *ai1e notice of an# suc+ c+angeA additionA or modification. T+is guarantee s+all remain 1alid in full effect from t+e date of t+e ad1ance -a#ment recei1ed b# t+e tenderer under t+e Contract until NNNN TdateU. 9ours trul#A %igned and seal of t+e 5uarantorsTname of 0an,/ ns!rance 4ompanyU [name, identification n!m"er of a!thori+ed officer from the 0an,/ ns!rance 4ompany U

Dated on SSSSSSSSSSSS da# of SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSA SSSSSSS [insert date of si(nin(]

4nt+e -resence of:name, identification n!m"er and si(nat!re of a!thori+ed officer from the contractor <.




SITE HISIT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE T+is is to certif# t+at (>sNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN +a1e 1isitedA ins-ected and 1erified t+e sco-e of *or)s at NNNNNNNN:site name<. (inistr# of Education 0e-resentati1e 2ameH %ignH DateH Tenderers 0e-resentati1e 2ameK %ignatureK DateH


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