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-- MIB created 5/06/99 21:05:56, by -- SMIC (the next generation) version 1.6.29, November 22, 1994.

IBM-ENETDISPATCHER-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN -- From file: "ibmenetd.mi2" -- Compile options "G A T M" IMPORTS Counter32, Gauge32, Integer32, IpAddress, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI-v1 OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 TRAP-TYPE FROM RFC-1215 DisplayString, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC-v1; dispatcherMib OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises ibm(2) ibmProd(6) ibmENetDispa tcher(144) 1 } -- MODULE-IDENTITY -- LastUpdated -9808140000Z -- OrgName -IBM Internet Software -- ContactInfo -Mr. Dana R. Thalheimer -Postal: IBM Networking Software -Dept HLGA/Bldg 502 -PO Box 12195 -4205 S. Miami Blvd. -Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 --Mr. Chris Gage -Postal: IBM Networking Software -Dept HLGA/Bldg 502 -PO Box 12195 -4205 S. Miami Blvd. -Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 -- Descr -This MIB module contains traps and operational information -for the IBM eNetworkDispatcher. -- RevDate -9711150000Z -- RevDescr -The initial revision of this MIB module. dispatcherMibTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dispatcherMib 0 } dispatcherMibAdmin OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dispatcherMib 1 } dispatcherMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dispatcherMib 2 } dispatcherMibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dispatcherMib 3 } indStatus OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dispatcherMibObjects 1 } indConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dispatcherMibObjects 2 } indExecStatObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indStatus 1 } indHiAvailStatObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indStatus 6 } indExecCnfgObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indConfig 1 } indClstrCnfgTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indConfig 2 } indPortCnfgTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indConfig 3 } indSrvrCnfgTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indConfig 4 } indHiAvailCnfgObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indConfig 6 }

indReachCnfgTable OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indConfig 7 } indMngrCnfgObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indConfig 10 } indMibCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dispatcherMibConformance 1 } indMibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dispatcherMibConformance 2 } indMibStatGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibGroups 1 } indMibCnfgGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibGroups 2 } Percentages ::= Integer32(0..100) -- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -Number from 0 to 100 representing the percentages of -the given object. GaugeNeg1 ::= Integer32(-1..2147483647) -- TEXTUAL-CONVENTION -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -Number with Gauge32 behavior, with the additional feature -that the value can go to negative 1. esNonForAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Non forwarding address, any packet sent to this address will be handled by the Network Dispatcher machine itself and will not be forwarded" ::= { indExecStatObjects 1 } esVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of the executor" ::= { indExecStatObjects 2 } esNumClust OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 -- Units -clusters ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current number of clusters" ::= { indExecStatObjects 3 } esTotalPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets received

by the executor since it started." ::= { indExecStatObjects 4 } esTooShortPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets discarded by the executor, since the executor started, because the packet headers were too short." ::= { indExecStatObjects 5 } esNonForPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets sent to the non forwarding address since the executor started." ::= { indExecStatObjects 6 } esClstrDscrdPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets discarded by the executor since the executor started, which were forwarded to a cluster, but were discarded because either: -the port did not exist, or -the port existed but had no servers" ::= { indExecStatObjects 7 } esClstrErrPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets not sent, since the executor started, because of a network adapter failure" ::= { indExecStatObjects 8 } esClstrLocalPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets since the executor started,

not for the non forwarding address, or any cluster, but to be processed locally, by the Network Dispatcher machine" ::= { indExecStatObjects 9 } esClstrOwnAddrPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets since the executor started, explicitly forwarded to a server located on the Network Dispatcher machine" ::= { indExecStatObjects 10 } esClstrForPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets since the executor started, forwarded to any cluster" ::= { indExecStatObjects 11 } esForErrPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets with forwarding errors since the executor started. The following are the scenarios which affect this counter: -There was an error extracting an encapsulated packet which came in from a wide area Network Dispatcher -An attempt to forward the packet to either a local or remote server failed." ::= { indExecStatObjects 12 } esNotClstrPkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -packets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of packets not addressed to any active cluster and port, since the executor started" ::= { indExecStatObjects 13 } esHashBkts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 -- Units


hash Buckets ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current number of occupied hash buckets. Hash buckets correspond to IP address/port pairs. If this number is very low, it may indicate that the servers are getting many hits from a small number of clients. This number gives an indication of the client pool diversity." ::= { indExecStatObjects 14 }

esStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -seconds ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The time when the executor was started, in seconds from January 1, 1970" ::= { indExecStatObjects 15 } indClstrStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndClstrStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of cluster table entries. The number of entries should equal the current number of clusters, esNumClust. The cluster table has a row for each cluster, Each row has information about the current status of that cluster." ::= { indStatus 2 } indClstrStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndClstrStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A cluster table entry describing current status of the cluster. The cluster table has a row for each cluster. Rows in this table can not be created or deleted via SNMP commands" INDEX { csAddr } ::= { indClstrStatTable 1 } IndClstrStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { csAddr IpAddress, csNumPorts Gauge32, csActiveSYNs Counter32, csDroppedFINs Counter32, csDroppedACKs Counter32, csDroppedRSTs Counter32, csDroppedPKTs Counter32, csNonExistingPKTs Counter32 } csAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory

DESCRIPTION "The cluster address in dotted decimal format" ::= { indClstrStatEntry 1 } csNumPorts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current number of ports for this cluster" ::= { indClstrStatEntry 2 } csActiveSYNs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "TH_SYNs on active connection. This variable indicates the number of requests for new connections, where those new connections are the same as current active connections, those not in FIN state. A high rate of growth in this variable could indicate slow or no response from servers in this cluster." ::= { indClstrStatEntry 3 } csDroppedFINs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "FINs dropped due to no connection. Rapid increase in this variable could indicate that the staletimeout is too low. Any percentage greater than 1% of total packets forwarded could indicate a problem." ::= { indClstrStatEntry 4 } csDroppedACKs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "ACKSs dropped due to no connection. Rapid increase in this variable could indicate that the staletimeout is too low. Any percentage greater than 1% of total packets forwarded could indicate a problem." ::= { indClstrStatEntry 5 } csDroppedRSTs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "RSTs dropped due to no connection. Rapid increase in this variable could indicate that the staletimeout is too low. Any percentage greater than 1% of total packets forwarded could indicate a problem." ::= { indClstrStatEntry 6 } csDroppedPKTs OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "PKTSs dropped due to no connection. Rapid increase in this variable could indicate that the staletimeout is too low. Any percentage greater than 1% of total packets forwarded could indicate a problem." ::= { indClstrStatEntry 7 } csNonExistingPKTs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "This variable has no meaning and is deprecated" ::= { indClstrStatEntry 8 } indPortStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndPortStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of port table entries. The number of entries equals the sum of the number of ports for each cluster. Each row in the table provides current status information for a port." ::= { indStatus 3 } indPortStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndPortStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A port entry describing current status of the port. The port table has an entry for each cluster, port combination. Rows in this table can not be created or deleted via SNMP commands" INDEX { csAddr, psNum } ::= { indPortStatTable 1 } IndPortStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { psNum Integer32, psNumServers Gauge32, psNumNodesDown Gauge32 } psNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..65535) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of this port" ::= { indPortStatEntry 1 } psNumServers OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION

"Current number of servers on this port" ::= { indPortStatEntry 2 } psNumNodesDown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of down servers" ::= { indPortStatEntry 3 } indSrvrStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndSrvrStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of server table entries. The number of entries equals the sum of the number of servers for each port. Each server table entry provides current status information about the port." ::= { indStatus 4 } indSrvrStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndSrvrStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A server entry describing current status of the server. There is a row in the server table for each cluster, port, server combination. Rows in this table can not be created or deleted via SNMP commands" INDEX { csAddr, psNum, ssAddr } ::= { indSrvrStatTable 1 } IndSrvrStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ssAddr IpAddress, ssActiveConns Gauge32, ssNewConns Gauge32, ssTotalConns Counter32, ssTotalTcpConns Counter32, ssTotalUdpConns Counter32, ssFinConns Gauge32, ssCompleteConns Counter32, ssWeight GaugeNeg1, ssSavedWeight GaugeNeg1, ssPortLoad GaugeNeg1, ssSystemLoad Integer32, ssActiveConnsWeight Integer32, ssNewConnsWeight Integer32, ssPortLoadWeight Integer32, ssSystemLoadWeight Integer32 } ssAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Server address in dotted decimal notation" ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 1 }

ssActiveConns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 -- Units -connections ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current active connections for this server" ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 2 } ssNewConns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 -- Units -connections ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Change in the number of total connections over the last interval." ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 3 } ssTotalConns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -connections ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total connections for this server, since the server was added to the currently running executor" ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 4 } ssTotalTcpConns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -connections ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total TCP connections for this server, since the server was added to the currently running executor. ssTotalTcpConns plus ssTotalUdpConns equals ssTotalConns." ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 5 } ssTotalUdpConns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -connections ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total UDP connections for this server, since the server was added to the currently running executor. ssTotalTcpConns plus ssTotalUdpConns equals ssTotalConns." ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 6 } ssFinConns OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Gauge32 -- Units -connections ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current number of connections in FIN state" ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 7 } ssCompleteConns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 -- Units -connections ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Total number of completed connections for this server, since the server was added to the currently running executor." ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 8 } ssWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GaugeNeg1 -Rsyntax Integer32(-1..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current weight for this server. When the weight is zero the executor will no longer forward packets to this server. A weight of -1 indicates that the Network Dispatcher administrator has explicitly marked the server down." ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 9 } ssSavedWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GaugeNeg1 -Rsyntax Integer32(-1..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Weight the server had when marked down. This weight will be restored when the server is marked up." ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 10 } ssPortLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GaugeNeg1 -Rsyntax Integer32(-1..2147483647) -- Units -milliseconds ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of milliseconds an advisor took to complete a protocol specific request to the server. If the value is -1, the advisor could not complete the request to the server." ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 11 } ssSystemLoad OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only

STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "This value is the number that the ISS agent provides to the ISS monitor for this server. The variable is only valid if ISS is monitoring an ISS agent on this server. Otherwise, the value has no meaning." ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 12 } ssActiveConnsWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The weight calculated by the manager for the active connections measurement" ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 13 } ssNewConnsWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The weight calculated by the manager for the new connections measurement" ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 14 } ssPortLoadWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The weight calculated by the manager for the port load measurement" ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 15 } ssSystemLoadWeight OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The weight calculated by the manager for the system load measurement" ::= { indSrvrStatEntry 16 } indRulesStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndRulesStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of rule table entries. There is no limit on the number of rules. The number of entries is the same as the number of entries in the indRulesCnfgTable. Each status entry provides current status information about the rule." ::= { indStatus 5 } indRulesStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndRulesStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rule table entry describing the current status of a rule. There is a one to one correspondence between rows of this table and rows in the IndRulesCnfgTable. Rows in this table can not be created or deleted via SNMP commands" INDEX { csAddr, psNum, rcIndex } -- Augments indRulesCnfgEntry ::= { indRulesStatTable 1 } IndRulesStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rsTimesFired Counter32, rsNumSrvrs Gauge32 } rsTimesFired OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The total number of times this rule has fired" ::= { indRulesStatEntry 2 } rsNumSrvrs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The number of servers which this rule services." ::= { indRulesStatEntry 3 } hasPrimary OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { primary(0), backup(1) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Indicates whether this machine is the primary or backup machine. -primary (0) -backup (1)" ::= { indHiAvailStatObjects 1 } hasPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Port used by both primary and backup Network Dispatcher machines for heartbeat messages." ::= { indHiAvailStatObjects 2 } hasState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(0), listen(1), active(2), standby(3),

preempt(4), elect(5), noExec(6) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Status of this Network Dispatcher machine. -idle, (0) this machine is routing packets and is not trying to establish contact with its partner Network Dispatcher -listen, (1) high availability has just started and network dispatcher is listening for partner, -active, (2) this machine is routing packets. -standby,(3) this machine is monitoring the active machine. -preempt,(4) transitory state during switch from primary to backup -elect, (5) network dispatcher is negotiating with partner for who will primary or backup -no_exec,(6) the executor is not running" ::= { indHiAvailStatObjects 3 } hasSubState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSynchronized(0), synchronized(1), syncIn(2), syncOut(3) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "High Availability sub state: Synchronized and notSynchronized are normal, synchIn and synchOut are transitory. If the Network Dispatcher machine appears to be stuck (for more than a minute), in a transitory state then that indicates a problem. If HighAvailability should be running and the substate is notSynchroniz ed, then that indicates a problem. If High Availability is not running and the hasState is idle, then all subState data is meaningless and should be ignored. notSynchronized (0), network dispatcher is not in conact with partne r machine synchronized achine sync-in (2), network dispatcher is going into standby state sync-out (3), network dispatcher is going into active state" ::= { indHiAvailStatObjects 4 } indReachStatTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndReachStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of reach table entries. The number of entries is typically less than 10, with a maximum of 32." (1), network dispatcher is in contact with partner m

::= { indStatus 7 } indReachStatEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndReachStatEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A reach table entry includes the address being pinged, and whether the ping of that address was successful. Rows in this table can not be created or deleted via SNMP commands" INDEX { rsAddr } ::= { indReachStatTable 1 } IndReachStatEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rsAddr IpAddress, rsPingAble INTEGER } rsAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The address the reach advisor pings." ::= { indReachStatEntry 1 } rsPingAble OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), reachable(1), unreachable(2) } ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Whether this reach address (rsAddr) responded to a ping. unknown (0), the rsAddr is unknown, possibly because the reach advisor is not started. reachable (1), the rsAddr was pinged successfully unreachable (2) the rsAddr was not pinged successfully" ::= { indReachStatEntry 2 } indRulesCnfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndRulesCnfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of rule config table entries There is no limit to the number of rule entries. Each rule table row describes rule configuration information." ::= { indConfig 5 } indRulesCnfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndRulesCnfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A rule config table entry has information about the current configuration of the rule.

Rows in this table can not be created or destroyed via SNMP commands." INDEX { csAddr, psNum, rcIndex } ::= { indRulesCnfgTable 1 } IndRulesCnfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { rcIndex Integer32, rcName DisplayString, rcType INTEGER, rcBeginRange Integer32, rcEndRange Integer32, rcPriority Integer32, rcSrvrList DisplayString } rcIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A unique number assigned to each rule in a cluster, port combination" ::= { indRulesCnfgEntry 1 } rcName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The user defined name of the rule. Rule names are not necessarily unique." ::= { indRulesCnfgEntry 2 } rcType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { true(0), ip(1), port(2), time(3), connection(4), active(5) } ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The type of rule true (0), ip (1), port (2), time (3), connection (4),

rules of this type are always true the rule is based on the client IP address the rule is based on the client port the rule is based on the time of day the rule is based on the number of connections per second for the port active (5) the rule is based on the number total active connections for the port" ::= { indRulesCnfgEntry 3 }

rcBeginRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write

STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The lower value in the range used to determine if the rule is true or not. The data is meaningless for rule type 0." ::= { indRulesCnfgEntry 4 } rcEndRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The higher value in the range used to determine if the rule is true or not. The data is meaningless for rule type 0." ::= { indRulesCnfgEntry 5 } rcPriority OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The rule priority. Lower numbers are a higher priority. Rule priority determines the order in which rules are evaluated." ::= { indRulesCnfgEntry 6 } rcSrvrList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The list of servers this rule services. The server addresses are represented as strings in dotted decimal notation, separated by plus signs. For example," ::= { indRulesCnfgEntry 7 } indHrtBeatCnfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndHrtBeatCnfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of heartBeat Table entries. The number of entries is usually less than the number of interface cards in the Network Dispatcher machine. The maximum is 32. The heart beat table lists each of the monitoring and responding heartbeat pairs." ::= { indConfig 8 } indHrtBeatCnfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndHrtBeatCnfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A indHrtBeatCnfg entry describing the monitoring and responding addresses. Each heart beat source address and heart beat destination address pair is unique.

Rows in this table can not be created or deleted via SNMP commands" INDEX { hbcSrcAddr, hbcDestAddr } ::= { indHrtBeatCnfgTable 1 } IndHrtBeatCnfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hbcSrcAddr IpAddress, hbcDestAddr IpAddress, hbcNumber Integer32 } hbcSrcAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Address from which Network Dispatcher machine issues heartbeat monitoring to its partner" ::= { indHrtBeatCnfgEntry 1 } hbcDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Address of Network Dispatcher machine who's status is being monitored." ::= { indHrtBeatCnfgEntry 2 } hbcNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An integer number assigned to the heart beat pair." ::= { indHrtBeatCnfgEntry 3 } indAdvsrCnfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndAdvsrCnfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of advisor config table entries. The number of entries equals the number of ports times the number of advisors. Each advisor table row describes the current status of the advisor, port combination." ::= { indConfig 9 } indAdvsrCnfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndAdvsrCnfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An advisor entry describing current configuration of the Advisor. Ther e is an advisor table entry for each advisor, port combination. Rows in this table can not be created or deleted via SNMP commands" INDEX { acPort } ::= { indAdvsrCnfgTable 1 }

IndAdvsrCnfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { acPort Integer32, acName DisplayString, acVersion DisplayString } acPort OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of the port that the advisor is monitoring" ::= { indAdvsrCnfgEntry 1 } acName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Name of the advisor. Some of the possible values are: FTP, HTTP, NNTP, POP3, SMTP, SSL, Telnet. and custom advisor names." ::= { indAdvsrCnfgEntry 2 } acVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Current version of the advisor" ::= { indAdvsrCnfgEntry 3 } mcInterval OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) -- Units -seconds ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "How often the manager will update server weights, in seconds." ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 1 } mcRefresh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(0..2147483647) -- Units -mngrIntervals ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number of manager intervals (mcInterval) before querying the executor for a refresh of information about new and active connections" ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 2 } mcActiveProp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentages -Rsyntax Integer32(0..100)

ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number from 0 to 100 representing the relative importance of active connections. This number is used by the manager, in calculating server weights. The sum of mcActiveProp, mcNewProp, mcPortProp, and mcSystemProp, must be 100" ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 3 } mcNewProp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentages -Rsyntax Integer32(0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number from 0 to 100 representing the relative importance of new connections. This number is used by the manager, in calculating server weights. The sum of mcActiveProp, mcNewProp, mcPortProp, and mcSystemProp, must be 100" ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 4 } mcPortProp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentages -Rsyntax Integer32(0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number from 0 to 100 representing the relative importance of port advisor information. This number is used by the manager, in calculating server weights. The sum of mcActiveProp, mcNewProp, mcPortProp, and mcSystemProp, must be 100" ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 5 } mcSystemProp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentages -Rsyntax Integer32(0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Number from 0 to 100 representing the relative importance of the information from system metrics, such as ISS. This number is used by the manager, in calculating server weights. The sum of mcActiveProp, mcNewProp, mcPortProp, and mcSystemProp, must be 100" ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 6 } mcSensitivity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentages -Rsyntax Integer32(0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Minimum sensitivity to weight updates. This setting defines

when the manager should change its weighting for the server based on external information" ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 7 } mcSmoothing OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Percentages -Rsyntax Integer32(0..100) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "Index that smoothes the variations in weight when load balancing. Smoothing can reduce the changes in weights from interval to interval. The higher the smoothing value the less the weight will change from interval to interval. 1.5 is a typical value. 4, for example, is a high smoothhing value and would reduce the change in weight from interval to interval to almost nothing. The value is a percentage. For example a value of 155 should be treated as 1.55 by managing applications." ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 8 } mcVersion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString -Rsyntax OCTET STRING(SIZE(0..255)) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The version of the manager" ::= { indMngrCnfgObjects 9 } indAllSrvrsCnfgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IndAllSrvrsCnfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of all servers table entries. The number of entries equals the number of different servers configured." ::= { indConfig 11 } indAllSrvrsCnfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndAllSrvrsCnfgEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "An all servers table entry describing operational aspects of servers. This table is a list of all the servers currently configured in Network Dispatcher. Rows in this table can not be created or deleted via SNMP" INDEX { ascAddr } ::= { indAllSrvrsCnfgTable 1 } IndAllSrvrsCnfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ascAddr IpAddress, ascQuiesced TruthValue, ascInstances Gauge32 } ascAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress

ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The IP Address of the server in dotted decimal format" ::= { indAllSrvrsCnfgEntry 1 } ascQuiesced OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue -Rsyntax INTEGER { -true(1), -false(2) -} ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "True if this server has been quiesced, false otherwise. When a server is quiesced, no more connections are sent to the server. A server can be quiesced via the ndcontrol manager quiesce command. True=1, False=2." ::= { indAllSrvrsCnfgEntry 2 } ascInstances OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current number of times this server, ascAddr, is in the configuration." ::= { indAllSrvrsCnfgEntry 3 } indHighAvailStatus TRAP-TYPE -- Reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE dispatcherMib VARIABLES { hasState } -- Status -mandatory DESCRIPTION "This trap announces that the value of the high availability status state (hasState) variable has changed. The possible values of hasState and their respective meanings are: -idle, (0) this machine is routing packets and is not trying to establish contact with its partner Network Dispatcher -listen, (1) high availability has just started and network dispatcher is listening for partner, -active, (2) this machine is routing packets. -standby,(3) this machine is monitoring the active machine. -preempt,(4) transitory state during switch from primary to backup -elect, (5) network dispatcher is negotiating with partner for who will primary or backup -no_exec,(6) the executor is not running" ::= 1 indSrvrGoneDown TRAP-TYPE -- Reverse mappable trap ENTERPRISE dispatcherMib VARIABLES {

ssActiveConns } -- Status -mandatory DESCRIPTION "This trap announces that the weight for the server specified by the csAddr, psNum, ssAddr portion of the Object Identifier has gone to zero, The last known number of active connections for the server is sent in the trap. This trap indicates that, as far as Network Dispatcher can determine, the specified server has gone down." ::= 2 indMibExecStatGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibStatGroups 1 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -esNonForAddr, esVersion, esNumClust, esTotalPkts, -esTooShortPkts, esNonForPkts, esClstrDscrdPkts, -esClstrErrPkts, esClstrLocalPkts, esClstrOwnAddrPkts, -esClstrForPkts, esForErrPkts, esNotClstrPkts, esHashBkts, -esStartTime indMibClstrStatGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibStatGroups 2 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -csNumPorts, csActiveSYNs, csDroppedFINs, csDroppedACKs, -csDroppedRSTs, csDroppedPKTs, csNonExistingPKTs indMibPortStatGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibStatGroups 3 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -psNumServers, psNumNodesDown indMibSrvrStatGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibStatGroups 4 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -ssActiveConns, ssNewConns, ssTotalConns, ssTotalTcpConns, -ssTotalUdpConns, ssFinConns, ssCompleteConns, ssWeight, -ssSavedWeight, ssPortLoad, ssSystemLoad, ssActiveConnsWeight, -ssNewConnsWeight, ssPortLoadWeight, ssSystemLoadWeight indMibRulesStatGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibStatGroups 5 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status

-mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -rsTimesFired, rsNumSrvrs indMibHiAvailStatGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibStatGroups 6 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -hasPrimary, hasPort, hasState, hasSubState indMibReachStatGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibStatGroups 7 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -rsPingAble indMibRulesCnfgGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibCnfgGroups 5 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -rcName, rcType, rcBeginRange, rcEndRange, rcPriority, -rcSrvrList indMibHrtBeatCnfgGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibCnfgGroups 8 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -hbcNumber indMibAdvsrCnfgGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibCnfgGroups 9 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -acName, acVersion indMibMngrCnfgGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibCnfgGroups 10 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -mcInterval, mcRefresh, mcActiveProp, mcNewProp, mcPortProp,


mcSystemProp, mcSensitivity, mcSmoothing, mcVersion

indMibAllSrvrsCnfgGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibCnfgGroups 11 } -- OBJECT-GROUP -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -... -- objects -ascQuiesced, ascInstances indMibCompliance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { indMibCompliances 1 } -- MODULE-COMPLIANCE -- Status -mandatory -- Descr -The compliance statement for the Dispatcher MIB module. -- Module ->>current<< -- MandGroup -indMibExecStatGroup -- MandGroup -indMibClstrStatGroup -- MandGroup -indMibPortStatGroup -- MandGroup -indMibSrvrStatGroup END

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