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Vocabulary Terms for Cells Cell Membrane Outer covering of all cells.

. They regulate interactions between the cell and the environment. It moves materials into and out of the cell. Cytoplasm Gelatin li e material inside every cell. It has hereditary material that controls the life of the cell. Many chemical reactions occur in the cytoplasm. !ro aryotic cells Cells without membrane bound structures. Only found in one"celled organisms such as bacteria. #u aryotic cells Cells with membrane"bound structures. Includes plants$ animals$ protists and fungi. Cell %all tough$ rigid outer covering that protects the cell and gives it shape. !lants$ algae$ fungi$ and most bacteria have cell walls. Organelles structure in the cytoplasm of eu aryotic cells that can act as a storage site$ process energy$ move materials or manufacture substances. &ucleus directs all cell activities and is separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane. It contains '&( and chromosomes. &ucleolus a structure found in the center of the nucleus. Chloroplasts in plant cells$ green organelles which contain the green pigment chlorophyll. )ood is made in these organelles. They are organelles that use sunlight energy to ma e sugar from carbon dio*ide and water. Chlorophyll Captures light energy inside the chloroplasts that is used to ma e a sugar called glucose. Mitochondria (re organelles where energy is released from brea ing down food into carbon dio*ide and water. They release energy for use by the cell. +ibosomes ,mall cytoplasmic structures on which cells ma e their own proteins. #ndoplasmic reticulum -#.+.. It is a series of folded membranes in which materials can be processed and moved around inside of the cell. Golgi bodies are stac ed$ flattened membranes that sort proteins$ pac age them into membrane bound structures$ and transports them within the cell or out of the cell. Vacuole can store water$ waste products$ food$ and other cellular material.

/ysosomes organelles that contain digestive chemicals that help brea down food molecules$ cell wastes$ and worn out cell parts. Cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions. Tissue a group of similar cells that wor together to do one 0ob. Organ structure made up of two or more different types of tissues that wor together. Organ ,ystem " ( group of organs wor ing together to perform a certain function. Organism ,everal organ systems wor together in order to perform life functions efficiently.

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