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Which of the following organelles is called 'Atom bombs'? 1 Lysosome 2 Nucleolus 3 Golgi bodies 4 Microtubules Ans: 1 Which of the following vertebrates lack exoskeleton? 1 Aves 2 Mammalia 3 Amphibia 4 Chondrichthyes Ans: 4 The contractile proteins in a muscle are 1 Myosin and Troponin 2 Actin and Myosin 3 Actin and Tropomyosin 4 Troponin and Tropomyosin Ans: 2 Hypertension is the 1 decrease in 2 decrease in 3 increase in 4 increase in Ans: 3 term used for heart rate blood pressure blood pressure heart rate





From the bark of which plant is quinine extracted? 1 Neem 2 Cedar 3 Eucalyptus 4 Cinchona Ans: 4 'Biosphere Reserve Project' is aimed at protecting 1 Environment 2 Cattle population 3 Flora and Fauna 4 Human beings from pollution Ans: 3 'Palak 1 2 3 4 Malaria 1 2 3 4 Pepsin, 1 2 3 leaves' are rich in Iron Vitamin A Cystine Carotene Ans: 4 is a disease which affects Spleen Lungs Liver Intestine Ans: 3 a digestive enzyme, is produced in the Kidney Liver Stomach





Small intestine Ans: 3

Q. Leukaemia is a type of cancer in which there is an abnormal increase in the number of 1 Bone cells 2 Red blood cells 3 Platelets 4 White blood cells Ans: 4 Q. Red blood corpuscles have life of 1 3-4 days 2 4 weeks 3 4 months 4 12 months Ans: 3 Giant Panda is found in 1 Nepal 2 Bhutan 3 India 4 China Ans: 4 Bile is produced by 1 Liver 2 Pancreas 3 Salivary gland 4 Stomach Ans: 1 Quinine 1 2 3 4 Yellow 1 2 3 4 is a ..... resource. Mineral Agricultural Forest None of the above Ans: 3 sport occur in Eye Heart Kidney Ear Ans: 1






Which one is correctly matched? 1 Vitamin E-Pellagra 2 Vitamin C-Scurvey 3 Vitamin A Beri Beri 4 Vitamin D-Anaemia Ans: 2 Loss of memory is caused by the destruction of 1 Medulla 2 Cerebrum 3 Cerebellum 4 Pons Ans: 3



Essential constituent of plant cell is the carbohydrate 1 Sucrose 2 Starch 3 Lignin 4 Cellulose Ans: 2

Q. Which pollutant of the atmosphere inhibits the Hill reaction of photosyn thesis? 1 Per acetyl nitrate 2 Ultra violet rays 3 Hydro carbon 4 Nitrogen monoxide Ans: 2 Q. Kranz anatomy states that, plant has 1 C4 cycle 2 C2 cycle 3 C3 cycle 4 Both C3 and C4 cycle Ans: 1 Lowest 1 2 3 4 rate of photosynthesis takes place in Orange light Red light Green light Blue light Ans: 3



Which of the following is a terrestrial algae? 1 Terentepholia 2 Spirullina 3 Sargassum 4 Chlorella Ans: 2 The gastric glands in the stomach produce an enzyme-1 Ptyalin 2 Pepsin 3 Trypsin 4 Insulin Ans: 2 The smallest size of a cell which can be seen with unaided eye is 1 100 microns 2 1000 microns 3 1 micron 4 10 microns Ans: 1 Which of the following is an unmatching group? 1 Whale, lizard and frog 2 Cockroach, crab and spider 3 Star fish, sea urchin and sea 4 Cray fish, cuttle fish and hag fish Ans: 4 The number of amino acids occurring in nature is-1 20





2 3 4 Q.

40 30 10 Ans: 4

Nerve cells originate from the embryonic 1 Endoderm 2 Mesoderm 3 Ectoderm 4 Both endo and mesoderm Ans: 1 Name one rootless plant 1 Pistia 2 Monochoria 3 Eichhornia 4 Ceratophyllum Ans: 3 Which one of the following is an endemic plant? 1 Quercus Incana 2 Eleusine Coracana 3 Kydia Calycina 4 Phoenix Paludosa Ans: 1 Vinegar 1 2 3 4 contains,.... per cent acetic acid. 10 20 15 5 Ans: 3





Endoplasmic reticulum is present in-1 Bacteria 2 Algae 3 Virus 4 All of these Ans: 2 Animal 1 2 3 4 meat is a good source of-Protein Vitamin CHO Chlorophyll Ans: 1 man should take daily CHO in his diet-gram gram gram these



A healthy adult 1 400-500 2 700-900 3 100-200 4 None of Ans: 1


Milk fever in cow is caused due to the deficiency of 1 Sodium 2 Calcium 3 Phosphorus 4 Nitrogen

Ans: 2 Q. Self pollination refers to 1 Allogamy 2 Dichogamy 3 Herkogamy 4 Autogamy Ans: 4 Milk Sugar is 1 Lactose 2 Fructose 3 Maltose 4 Sucrose Ans: 1 Which of the following is glyceride? 1 Catechol 2 Essential oil 3 Kerosine oil 4 Coconut oil Ans: 1 Ricket 1 2 3 4 disease occurs due to the deficiency of-Vitamin D Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin E Ans: 1





A man with colour blindness will see red as 1 Green 2 Yellow 3 Blue 4 Violet Ans: 1

Q. Match List I with List II and give the correct answer from the code give n below: List I List II (Discoverer) (Discoveries) p. Jenner 1. blood grouping q . Watson 2. penicillin r. Landsteiner 3. vaccination s. Flemming 4. double helix 1 p-3, q-1, r-2, s-4 2 p-3, q-4, r-2, s-1 3 p-3, q-4, r-1, s-2 4 p-3, q-2, r-4, s-1 Ans: 3 Q. Pasteurisation is the process in which milk is heated to 1 60C for 10 minutes 2 63C for 20 minutes 3 72C for 10 minutes 4 63C for 30 minutes Ans: 4 Washing 1 2 3 4 of peeled vegetables removes the vitamin C A D E Ans: 1



Which one of the following is a major green house gas? 1 Freon 2 Carbon dioxide 3 Chloro fluorocarbon 4 Carbon monoxide Ans: 2 Yellow 1 2 3 4 Fever is transmitted by Anopheles House-fly Culex Aedes Ans: 4



First successful heart transplantation was done by 1 C.N. Barnard 2 D.S. Paintal 3 D. Shetty 4 P.K. Sen Ans: 1 Deficiency of Vitamin B6 in man causes 1 Anaemia 2 Rickets 3 Scurvy 4 Beri-Beri Ans: 1 The vaccination against small pox involves the introduction of 1 killed germs 2 live antibodies 3 activated germs 4 weakened germs Ans: 4 Jaundice is a symptom of disease of 1 Liver 2 Kidney 3 Thyroid 4 Pancreas Ans: 1 In which of the following groups, animals bear no teeth? 1 Alligator, Turtle, Crow 2 Peacock, Ostrich, Tortoise 3 Owl, Loris, Crow 4 Turtle, Kiwi, Cow Ans: 1





Q. Which one among the following Indian scientists proposed a theory for lo ng distance transport of water in plants? 1 J.C. Bose 2 Birbal Sahni 3 P. Maheshwari 4 N.S. Parihar Ans: 1 Q. Which one among the following statements regarding cell is not correct?

1 2 3 4

same type of cells are present in all body tissues shape and size of cells are related to specific function some cells have changing shapes each cell has its own capacity to perform Ans: 1

Q. An individual whose blood type is B may in an emergency donate blood to a person whose blood type is: 1 B or A 2 AB or B 3 AB or A 4 A or O Ans: 2 Q. Which one of the following organs breaks fat to produce cholesterol? 1 liver 2 intestine 3 lungs 4 kidneys Ans: 1 Which one among 1 stomach 2 stomach 3 stomach 4 rate of Ans: 1 the following statements about stomach is not correct? secretes lipase and amylase in gastric juice acts as a temporary reservoir mixes food with gastric juice stomach emptying depends on the type of food



Sandalwood tree is considered a: 1 partial root parasite 2 stem parasite 3 total stem parasite 4 total root parasite Ans: 1

Q. A bee-sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation. The injecte d acid is: 1 acetic acid 2 methanoic acid 3 sulfuric acid 4 citric acid Ans: 2 Q. Human stomach produces acid 'X' which helps in digestion of food. Acid ' X' is: 1 hydrochloric acid 2 acetic acid 3 methanoic acid 4 citric acid Ans: 1 Q. A body initially at rest is acted upon by a constant force. The rate of change of its kinetic energy varies: 1 linearly with square of time 2 linearly with square root of time 3 linearly with time 4 inversely with time Ans: 1 Q. Fiber diet includes:

1 2 3 4 Q.

glycogen proteins fats cellulose Ans: 4

Which of the following pairs has open type of circulatory system? 1 Cockroach and Silverfish 2 Earthworm and Leech 3 Man and Whale 4 Tadpole larva and fish Ans: 1 The abnormal constituent of urine is: 1 Albumin 2 Urea 3 Creatinine 4 Sodium Ans: 1 Tuberculosis infection is by means of: 1 Mycobacterium avonin 2 Streptococcus 3 Mycobacterium tuberculosis 4 Staphylococcus Ans: 3 The element which is required by the plant in large quantity: 1 Calcium 2 Sulphur 3 Phosphorus 4 Nitrogen Ans: 4 Which one of the following gives energy to our body? 1 Vitamins 2 Water 3 Carbohydrates 4 Proteins Ans: 3 Dumping 1 2 3 4 of solid waste in low-lying areas earth cover is called as: Incineration Sanitary landfilling Open dumping Composting Ans: 2







There is a need to keep larger under forests for: 1 geological balance 2 absorption of carbon dioxide 3 protecting wildlife 4 raising precipitation Ans: 2 In plants water is absorbed by the root hairs by a process called: 1 Respiration 2 Transpiration 3 Osmosis 4 Perspiration


Ans: 3 Q. The disease that is caused by virus is: 1 Common cold 2 Malaria 3 Cholera 4 Typhoid Ans: 1 High levels of uric acid in the blood is characteristics of 1 Arthritis 2 Pout 3 Rheumatism 4 Rheumatic heart Ans: 2 HCI is secreted by 1 Zymogen cells 2 Peptic cells 3 Oxyntic cells 4 None of these Ans: 3 Following are the characteristics of genetic code 1 it is triplet 2 it is universal 3 it is non overlapping 4 it is ambiguous Ans: 1 Epiphyte plants are those 1 that cling to other plants and take nutrition from them 2 that cling to other plants but do not take nutrition from them 3 that are adapted to grow on dry places 4 none of these Ans: 3





Q. Energy pyramids of an ecosystem tend to diminish at higher trophic level s. This is because at each successive level 1 there is an increase in body activity 2 a hormone is released by the pituitary gland 3 there is low blood glucose 4 there is high blood glucose Ans: 4 Q. Endospermic seeds are found in 1 Carica papaya 2 Dolichos lablab 3 Gourd 4 Pisum sativum Ans: 1 Endocytosis is a process whereby a cell 1 Digests itself 2 Engulfs and internalizes material using its membrane 3 Identifies other cells within its immediate 4 Enables the extracellular digestion of large molecules Ans: 2



Disease 1 2 3 4

associated with secretion of toxin is Tetanus T.B. Food Poisoning AIDS Ans: 1


Dicot root having more than six vascular bundles is 1 Pea 2 Sunflower 3 Ficus 4 Ranunculus Ans: 1 Development of fruit without fertilization is 1 Parthenogenesis 2 Apomixes 3 Parthenocarpy 4 Fertilization Ans: 3


Q. Despite the application of scientific method, and equal efforts by thous ands of eminent scientists, with the best available techniques and tools, which of the following still remains a challenge? 1 Tuberculosis 2 Polio 3 Cancer 4 Goitre Ans: 3 Q. Cell wall of chloroplast is removed, the remaining is called 1 Etioplast 2 Aleuroplast 3 Amylopast 4 Protoplat Ans: 4

Q. Cell recognition and adhesion occur due to biochemicals of cell membrane named 1 Proteins 2 Lipids 3 Proteins and lipids 4 Glycoproteins and Glycolipids Ans: 4 Q. Carbon 1 2 3 4 dioxide is called a "GREEN HOUSE" gas because its concentration is always high in greenhouses it is involved in photosynthesis it absorbs infra-red radiation it emits visible radiation (i.e.,light) Ans: 3


Bronchitis is a disease of which of the following organs ? 1 Blood 2 Bladder 3 Liver 4 Respiratory tract Ans: 4


Biopsy 1 2 3 4

is done on Tissues taken from a dead body Tissues taken from a living body Blood from veins Blood from arteries Ans: 2


Bacteria having flagella all over the body are called 1 Lophotrichous 2 Monotrichous 3 Peritrichous 4 Morphotrichous Ans: 3 Bacteria can live in cold climate for 1 Few years 2 1000 years 3 2000 years 4 many years Ans: 4 Bacteria and fungi developing on dead decaying organisms are 1 Parasites 2 Commensals 3 Saprophytes 4 Symbionts Ans: 3 B.C.G. 1 2 3 4 vaccine is used against T.B. Leprosy Food poisoning None of these Ans: 1





Auxin causes a plant shoot to bend toward light by causing cells 1 to grow less rapidly on the light side of the shoot 2 to grow more rapidly on the light side of the shoot 3 in the centre of the shoot to differentiate unevenly 4 to grow more rapidly on the dark side of the shoot Ans: 4 Autopsy 1 2 3 4 is connected with Post mortem Study of living cells Cancer None of these Ans: 1



Atmospheric nitrogen in soil is fixed by 1 Cereals 2 Pulses 3 Sugarcane 4 Cotton Ans: 2 Artificial light can 1 Destroy chlorophyll 2 Synthesise chlorophyll


3 4

Bring about photosysnthesis Not bring about photosysthesis Ans: 3

Q. Araucaria or christmas tree, a common and beautiful vascular plant of ga rdens, is a variety of 1 Fern 2 Gymnosperm 3 Angiosperm 4 Dicotyledon Ans: 2 Q. Aquatic 1 2 3 4 plants with floating leaves do not have stomata have stomata on both surface have stomata on lower surface have stomata only on upper surface Ans: 4


Antobodies that participate in the defense mechanisms of our body are 1 Hormones 2 Protein 3 Fats 4 Vitamins Ans: 1 Ancylostoma effects through 1 Contaminated food 2 Skin 3 Blood 4 Kissing Ans: 2 An ecosystem has two components namely 1 Weeds and Trees 2 Biotic and Abiotic 3 Frogs and men 4 Plants and animals Ans: 2 An antibiotic used for treating tuberculosis is 1 Terramycin 2 Penicillin 3 Streptomycin 4 Polymixin Ans: 3 All germ cells or reproductive cells divide by the process of 1 Mitosis 2 Meiosis 3 Both mitosis and meiosis 4 Neither mitosis nor meiosis Ans: 2





Q. Algae often float on surface of water during the day but sink down durin g the night due to 1 evolution and trapping of oxygen bubbles during the day in their photosynthesis 2 becoming light as they consume most of their food in the night 3 warming action of sun during the day

release of absorbed air by warming of water Ans: 1

Q. A simple sequence in which the grass grows, a cow eats the grass, a huma n eats the cow, or drinks its milk, is an example of a 1 Food chain 2 Food web 3 Food cycle 4 Pyramid Ans: 1 Q. A serious viral infection is transmitted from many wild and domesticated animals, including dogs, to man. The disease is known as 1 Plague 2 Smallpox 3 Influenza 4 Hydrophobia Ans: 4 Q. A main ympathetic and 1 2 the body 3 4 Q. function of the autonomic nervous system, which consists of the s parasympathetic divisions, is to act as an inhibitory system for skeletal muscle control the activity of a variety of secretory cells throughout communicate between the two halves of the brain control involuntary reflexes such as the knee-jerk response Ans: 2

A herbarium is 1 a collection of herbs in dried form 2 a garden with a varied collection of herbs 3 a garden with a collection of medical herbs 4 a centre for the preservation of dried specimens of plants Ans: 4

Q. A dog can smell a breeding bitch from almost one kilometer. This is due to the 1 release of sex pheromones by the bitch during breeding 2 season release of some chemicals by both the dog and bitch durin g breeding season 3 special type of barking by the bitch during breeding season 4 none of the above characterstics Ans: 1 Q. ene 2 3 4 Q. never be passed from father to child show a pattern of skipping generations in a family be passed only from father to son Ans: 4 A disorder which is linked to the Y chromosome in humnas (holandric)will 1 only be expressed in males whose mothers were a carrier of the g

A dicot root shows 1 Large Path 2 Reduced or no pith 3 Endarch Xylem 4 Conjoint Bundles Ans: 2

Q. A cancer that arises from the cells of the skin or he lining cells of th e inner organs is named 1 Lymphoma 2 Carcinoma 3 Sarcoma 4 Leukemia Ans: 2 Q. Wisdom 1 2 3 4 teeth normally grow between the age of 34-40 17-30 45-55 10-17 Ans: 1


Who are the main producers in an ecosystem? 1 Green Plants 2 Animals 3 Fungi and bacteria 4 Sometimes all the above Ans: 1 Which two organs/glands are affected by malaria ? 1 Lungs and heart 2 Spleen and liver 3 Kidneys and lungs 4 Heart and brain Ans: 2 Which tissue is responsible for the passage of water in plants? 1 Sclerenchyma 2 Xylem 3 Phloem 4 Collenchynatous cells Ans: 2 Which protein occurs abundantly in eggs? 1 Keratin 2 Albumin 3 Collagen 4 Haemoglobin Ans: 2 Which part of the human body coordinates the functions of various organs 1 2 3 4 Heart Liver Brain Kidneys Ans: 3




Q. ?


Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched ? 1 Chloroplast-storage of enzymes 2 Peroxisomes-cellular transporation 3 Nucleolus-site of ribosomal subunit sysnthesis 4 Lysosomes-power house of cell Ans: 3 which of the following is a viral disease transmitted to man by the the


bite of rabid animals, particularly dogs? 1 Cholera 2 Plague 3 Malaria 4 Rabies Ans: 4 Q. Which one of the most efficient converter of sunlight ? 1 Sugarcane 2 Rice 3 Papaya 4 Wheat Ans: 1 Which of these is a fast-spreading disease? 1 Malaria 2 Plague 3 Poliomyelitis 4 Leprosy Ans: 2 Which of these is absent in anaerobic bacteria 1 Cell wall 2 Cell membrane 3 Mesosomes 4 Ribosomes Ans: 2



Q. Which of the following vitamins promotes the healthy functioning of eyes in human beings ? 1 Vitamin B 2 Vitamin C 3 Vitamin A 4 Vitamin D Ans: 3 Q. Which of he following vitamins is produced in the Sun's rays? 1 Vitamin A 2 Vitamin B 3 Vitamin C 4 Vitamin D Ans: 4 Which of the following vitamins can be stored in the liver? 1 Vitamin A 2 Vitamin C 3 Vitamin D 4 Vitamin K Ans: 1


Q. Which of the following seeds can benefit a patient of diabetes mellitus by normalizing his blood sugar level ? 1 Coriander seeds 2 Mustard seeds 3 Cumin seeds 4 Fenugreek seeds Ans: 4 Q. Which of the following member of family Solanaceae is rich in source of

vitamin C? 1 2 3 4

Tomato Guava Gooseberry Strawberry Ans: 2

Q. Which of the following medicines is administered to patients suffering f rom diabetes ? 1 Penicillin 2 Insulin 3 Sulpha drugs 4 Streptomycin Ans: 2 Q. gar? Which of the following is used by green plants for the manufacture of su 1 2 3 4 Q. Carbon dioxide Sun light Water All of the above Ans: 4

Which of the following is not a mammal? 1 Fish 2 Cow 3 Goat 4 Whale Ans: 1

Q. Which of the following is most important for the growth of children up t o the age of 14? 1 Protein 2 Vitamin 3 Fat 4 Milk Ans: 1 Q. The process of formation of blood corpuscles is called 1 Haemopoiesis 2 Haemolysis 3 Haemozoin 4 None of these Ans: 1 The process of cell division can take place by 1 Heterosis 2 Fusion 3 Mitosis 4 None of these Ans: 3 The power house of energy in cells is 1 Golgi bodies 2 Mitochondria 3 Ribosomes 4 Endoplasmic reticulum Ans: 2




The plant hormone that induces cell division is 1 Auxins 2 Gibberellins 3 Kinins 4 Domins Ans: 3

Q. The period taken for the complete growth of the embryo following implant ation is called 1 Ovulation 2 Menstruation 3 Gestation 4 Parturition Ans: 1 Q. The offspring from a cross between two individuals differing in at least one set of characters is called a 1 Polyploid 2 Hybrid 3 Mutant 4 Variant Ans: 2 Q. The number of bones in the human body of an adult is approximately 1 210 2 250 3 206 4 not fixed Ans: 3 The most important foods are derived from 1 Leaves 2 Stem 3 Fruits 4 Roots Ans: 3



Which of the following is most correct about our bones? 1 they are as strong as concrete 2 they are as hard as granite 3 they are much lighter than concrete as well as granite 4 they are as strong as concrete, as hard as granite, but far ligh ter than both Ans: 4 Q. Which of the following is least effective in photosynthesis? 1 Sunlight 2 Red light 3 Blue light 4 Green light Ans: 4 Which of the following is essential for the formation of red blood cells 1 2 3 4 Vitamin c Folic acid Calcium Vitamin A Ans: 2

Q. ?


Which of the following is an amphibian? 1 Whale 2 Turtle 3 Frog 4 Cow Ans: 3 Which of the following is a parasitic plant? 1 Marchantia 2 Kelp 3 Mushroom 4 Pteris Ans: 3 Which of the following is a fungal disease ? 1 Ringworm 2 Leucoderma 3 Elephantiasis 4 None of these Ans: 1 Which of the following is a bacterial disease? 1 Measles 2 Leprosy 3 Diabetes 4 Scurvy Ans: 2 Which of the following is a carnivorous plant ? 1 Urn plant 2 Pitcher plant 3 Cacti 4 Ribbon plant Ans: 2 Which of the following helps in the clotting of blood ? 1 Vitamin B 2 Vitamin C 3 Vitamin D 4 Vitamin K Ans: 4






Q. Which of the following diseases occurs due to the consumption of contami nated water? 1 Cholera 2 Influenza 3 Malaria 4 Tuberculosis Ans: 1 Q. Which of the following diseases is not water borne? 1 Cholera 2 Influenza 3 Amoebiasis 4 Typhoid Ans: 2 Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus? 1 Smallpox


2 3 4 Q. r?

Tuberculosis Malaria Cholera Ans: 1

Which of the following diseases has posed a serious threat the world ove 1 2 3 4 Tumour Paralytic Stroke AIDS Tuberculosis Ans: 3


Which of the following bones is not found in man ? 1 Humerus 2 Carpal 3 Astragalus 4 Atlas Ans: 3

Q. Which of the following are NOT involved in the process of breathing in h umans? 1 Nervous System 2 Diaphragm 3 Rib Muscles 4 Neck Muscles Ans: 1 Q. Which of the following are mostly woody trees, always perennials and nev er herbs or annuals? 1 Angiosperms 2 Gymnosperms 3 Pteridophytes 4 Bryophytes Ans: 2 Q. Which of the following are considered causative agents of cancer? 1 Chemicals formed dyring smoking 2 Certain types of radiation 3 Toxic substances produced by automobiles and chemical industries 4 All the above Ans: 4

Q. Which of the following animals is correctly matched with its type of ske leton? 1 Crab-exoskeleton 2 Earthworm-exoskeleton 3 Fly-endoskeleton 4 Dog-exoskeleton Ans: 1 Q. Which is regarded as a link between the living and the non-living? 1 Amoeba 2 Virus 3 Bacteria 4 RNA Ans: 2 When we eat cauliflower we consume 1 Leaf


2 3 4 Q.

Stem Flower Inflorescence Ans: 4

When is a man a part of the biotic community ? 1 Always 2 Never 3 Only when he lives in big cites 4 Only when he lives in forests Ans: 1 When dust gets into the eye, the part that becomes inflamed and pink is 1 2 3 4 Cornea Choroids Conjunctiva Sclerotic Ans: 3

Q. the


When day-light hours are increased, the rate of photosynthesis 1 Increases 2 Decreases 3 Remains unchanged 4 None of the above Ans: 3

Q. When both sexes are absent from a flower or are non-functional, the flow er is said to 1 Incomplete 2 Intersexual 3 Neuter 4 Unisexual Ans: 3


What should be given to an athlete for instant energy ? 1 Carbohydrates 2 Fat 3 Protein 4 Vitamin Ans: 1


What is tissue culture ? 1 preparation of fragments of cell of an organism for biochemical examination 2 storage of human tissue for transplantation 3 a special type of skin grafting to treat burn cases 4 none of the above Ans: 1 Q. What is the temperature of a normal man? 1 81.1C 2 36.9C 3 21.7C 4 90C Ans: 2 What is the main purpose of white blood corpuscles?


1 2 3 4 Q. n

to carry nutrients to combat infection to carry oxygen to give strength Ans: 2

We lose consciousness if the blood flow to the brain is cut off more tha 1 2 3 4 2 seconds 5 seconds 15 to 20 seconds 5 minutes Ans: 2


We eat food 1 just to satisfy the sense of taste 2 as a response to a hunger stimulus arising from the thalamus 3 to produce chemical energy for various metabolic activities 4 to produce heat energy for various metabolic activities Ans: 3 Virus causes 1 Cholera 2 Typhus 3 Typhoid 4 Scurvy Ans: 2 Venom of cobra attacks on 1 Nervous system 2 Respiratory system 3 Digestive system 4 Circulatory system Ans: 4



Q. The world's largest flower (Approximately 1 meter in diameter) belong to genus 1 Nelumbo 2 Rafflesia 3 Mango 4 Anacardium Ans: 2 Q. The virus which infect bacteria are called 1 Cyanophages 2 Bacteriophages 3 Bactericides 4 Retroviruses Ans: 2 The virus that infects a bacterium is 1 Arbovirus 2 Viraemia 3 Bacteriophage 4 Baclofen Ans: 3 The thickness of human hair is approximately 1 0.02 mm



2 3 4 Q.

0.04 0.06 0.08 Ans:

mm mm mm 4

The smallest flowering plant is 1 Amarphophallus 2 Azadaachta indica 3 Erecta Indica 4 Wolffa Arrhiza Ans: 4 The shortest bone in the human body is the 1 Vertebrae 2 Stapes 3 Phalange 4 Metacarpal Ans: 2 The number of bones in human body of an adult is approximately 1 210 2 250 3 206 4 not fixed Ans: 3 The most important foods are derived from 1 Leaves 2 Stem 3 Fruits 4 Roots Ans: 3 The most highly intelligent mammals are 1 Whales 2 Dolphins 3 Elephants 4 Kangaroos Ans: 2 The most common disease among poultry in india is 1 Fowl pox 2 Tick fever 3 Ranikhet 4 Coryza Ans: 3 The most favoured habitat of a plan is called 1 Ecological niche 2 Ecological type 3 Ecological system 4 Ecological habitat Ans: 1 The molecules responsible for storing the genetic code are 1 DNA 2 RNA 3 Protein 4 Chromosome Ans: 2









The metal barium is used in 1 Cheking blood groups 2 Taking x-rays of the alimentary canal 3 Taking x-rays of the brain 4 None of these Ans: 2 The main difference between the living and nonliving is 1 in the growth 2 in the size 3 in the movement 4 in the presence of protoplasm Ans: 4 The least toxic of nitrogenous wastes is 1 Urea 2 Creatinine 3 Uric Acid 4 Creatine Ans: 1 The largest part of most diets are made up of 1 nucleic acid 2 proteins 3 carbohydrates 4 lipids Ans: 3 The largest organ of the human body is the 1 brain 2 heart 3 skin 4 liver Ans: 3 The Human cell contains 1 44 chromosomes 2 48 chromosomes 3 46 chromosomes 4 23 chromosomes Ans: 3 The average heart beat per minute in a normal man is 1 50 2 70 3 80 4 100 Ans: 2 The average heart beat operates on the principle of 1 Diffusion 2 Osmosis 3 Dialysis 4 Active transport Ans: 3 The artificial kidney operates on the principle of 1 Diffusion 2 Osmosis









3 4 Q.

Dialysis Active Transport Ans: 3

The alimentary canal is usually longer in 1 Carnivores 2 Herbivores 3 Omnivores 4 Insectivores Ans: 2 The 'greenhouse effect' is due to increase in 1 Atmospheric co2 levels 2 Atmospheric so2 levels 3 Soil organic content 4 Soil nitrogen Ans: 1 Test Tube baby means 1 ovum fertilised and developed test tubes 2 ovum fertilised in test tubes and developed in test tubes 3 ovum fertilised in test tubes and developed in the uterus 4 ovum develped without fertilistion in test tubes Ans: 3 The theory of survival of the fittest was given by 1 Darwin 2 Lamarck 3 Weismann 4 Herbert Spencer Ans: 4 Snakes 1 2 3 4 and lizards are animals that are wram-blooded cold-blooded both none of these Ans: 2






Small-pox is a deadly and highly contagious 1 bacterial disease 2 viral disease 3 fungal disease 4 vitamin deficiency disease Ans: 2 Short sightedness can be corrected by 1 convex lens 2 concave lens 3 convex-concave lens 4 concave-convex lens Ans: 2 Scarification of seeds is done for removing 1 dormancy 2 germination inhibitors 3 growth 4 embryo Ans: 1




Rubber 1 2 3 4 Radial 1 2 3 4 Pulses 1 2 3 4 Potato 1 2 3 4

is obtained from latex cell sap gun resin Ans: 1 vascular bundles are those in which xylem is surrounded by phloem phloem is surrounded by xylem xylem and phloem occur on the same radius xylem and phloem are found on different radii Ans: 4 are a good source of carbohydrates fats proteins viatmins Ans: 3 is a modified form of root stem fruit leaf Ans: 2





Pollination by wind is called 1 Anemophily 2 Hydrophily 3 Zoophily 4 Entomophily Ans: 1 Plants 1 2 3 4 wilt due to excess of transpiration photosynthesis absorption none of these Ans: 1


Q. lled

Plants that grow under average temperature and moisture condition are ca 1 2 3 4 halophytes hydrophytes mesophytes xerophytes Ans: 3 that grow in saline water are called halophytes hydrophytes mesophytes xerophytes Ans: 1


Plants 1 2 3 4


Plants synthesise protein from 1 starch

2 3 4 Q. Plants 1 2 3 4 Plants 1 2 3 4 Plants 1 2 3 4 Plants 1 2 3 4

sugar amino acids fatty acids Ans: 3 receive their nutrients mainly from chlorophyll atmosphere light soil Ans: 4 have_____ while animals lack it Starch Cellulose Protein Fat Ans: 2 are killed in winter by frost because no photosynthesis occur at low temperature of desiccation water in the plant freezes water in the plants evaporates Ans: 2 absorb most of the water needed by them through their Embryonic zone Growing point Root hairs Zone of elongation Ans: 3 absorb dissolved nitrates from soil and convert them into Free nitrogen Urea Ammonia Proteins Ans: 1





Plants 1 2 3 4


Pigmentation of skin is due to 1 Lymphocytes 2 Monocytes 3 Leucocytes 4 Melanocytes Ans: 4 Photosynthesis takes place faster in 1 yellow light 2 white light 3 red light 4 darkness Ans: 2 Photosynthesis is a process 1 reductive and exergonic 2 reductive and catabolic 3 reductive, endergonic and catabolic 4 reductive, endergonic and anabolic



Ans: 4 Q. Photo-Oxidation is 1 Photorespiration 2 Photolysis 3 Light and oxygen induced break down 4 All of the above Ans: 4 Phloem 1 2 3 4 is a tissue found in Reproductive organs of animals Plants Insects Mammals Ans: 2



Phenomenon which converts light energy into chemical energy is 1 Respiration 2 Photosynthesis 3 Transpiration 4 None of these Ans: 2


People who live at high altitudes have rosy cheeks because 1 haemoglobin has an increased binding affinity for oxygen and bec omes deep red in colour 2 red cell concentration is considerably above average in response to lowered oxygen pressure 3 the rate of capillary circulation increases in the skin to make it look pinkish 4 all of these Ans: 2 Q. Pedology is the study of 1 Soil 2 Locomotion of animals 3 Rocks 4 Crop disease Ans: 1 Oxygen 1 2 3 4 in our blood is transported by a protein named Haemoglobin Keratin Collagen Myoglobin Ans: 1



Outer covering of virus made up of protein is 1 capsid 2 coat 3 virion 4 viriod Ans: 1

Q. Our Skin becomes dark, when exposed to excess sunlight. This is because of our skin pigment called 1 Flavoxanthin 2 Melanin 3 Carotene 4 Xanthopny II

Ans: 2 Q. O2 released in the process of photosynthesis comes from 1 CO2 2 Water 3 Sogar 4 Pyruvic Ans: 2 Number 1 2 3 4 Normal 1 2 3 4 of chromosones in Down's syndrome is 46 47 48 49 Ans: 2 adult human male has 10 gm of haemoglobin/100 14 gm of haemoglobin/100 18 gm of haemoglobin/100 24 gm of haemoglobin/100 Ans: 2 gm gm gm gm of of of of blood blood blood blood




Norepinephrine increases 1 respiration 2 urine production 3 saliva production 4 blood pressure Ans: 4

Q. Nitrogen is fixed in ecosystems in ways stated below . Which one of the statements below is false? 1 by cyanobacteria 2 by electrial discharges in the atmosphere 3 by industrially synthesized fertilizer 4 by denitrification Ans: 4 Q. Neurospora is used as genetic material because 1 it has short life cycle of 10 days 2 the product of single meiosis can be easily analysed 3 meiotic products are linearly arranged in the form of ordered te 4 Q. is a diploid fungus Ans: 1


N2 content is kept constant in the biosphere due to 1 N2 fixation 2 Industrial pollution 3 Nitrogen cycle 4 Absorption of N2 Ans: 3 Myopia 1 2 3 4 is connected with the ears eyes lungs none of these Ans: 2



Mumps is a disease caused by 1 fungus 2 bacterium 3 virus 4 none of these Ans: 3 Movements due to light are shown by 1 flowering plants 2 lower plants 3 all land plants 4 all the plants Ans: 1


Q. Minute, circular discs floating in the blood, which carry oxygen to the tissues, and carbon dioxide away from them, are called 1 White blood corpuscles(WBC) 2 Red blood corpuscles (RBC) 3 Monophylis 4 Erythrocytes Ans: 2 Q. Mango contains vitamins 1 A and B 2 B and C 3 A and C 4 B and E Ans: 3 Man in the life cycle of plasmodium is 1 Primary host 2 Secondary host 3 Intermediate host 4 None of these Ans: 2 Man has become the dominant species in the biosphere because of his 1 tol-making capacity 2 ingenious brainpower 3 articulated speech and language 4 all the above mentioned qualities Ans: 4 Man belongs to the phylum 1 mollusca 2 chordata 3 porifera 4 amphibian Ans: 2 Mammals 1 2 3 4 are warm-blooded cold-blooded both (a) and (b) none of these Ans: 1






Male frogs show vocal sacs and 1 tail

2 3 4 Q. Malaria 1 2 3 4

neck nuptial pads all of these Ans: 3 is a disease that affects the heart lungs spleen kidney Ans: 3


Maize grain is 1 a seed 2 an embryo 3 an ovule 4 a fruit Ans: 1 Main substance involved in transfer of electrons in photosynthesis is 1 Phytochrome 2 Cytochrome 3 FAD 4 both (a) and (B) Ans: 2 Lungs are situated in the 1 abdominal cavity 2 pericardial cavity 3 buccal cavity 4 thoracic cavity Ans: 4 Lungs are enclosed in 1 pericardium 2 peritonium 3 pleural membrane 4 none of these Ans: 3 Long bones function in 1 support 2 support,erythrocyte and leucocyte synthesis 3 support and erythrocyte synthesis 4 erythrocyte formation Ans: 2 Lock jaw, that is, difficulty in opening the mouth is a sympton of 1 plague 2 tetanus 3 cholera 4 none of these Ans: 2 Lion is kept under in Etolian pyramid as 1 Producer 2 Primary Consumer 3 Secondary Consumer 4 Tertiary Consumer Ans: 3







Q. Lichen is considered to be a symbiotic association of two living organis ms. Which organisms are involved in it? 1 algae and bacteria 2 algae and fungi 3 algae and bryophytes 4 fungi and bryophytes Ans: 2 Q. Leukemia is a disease of the 1 lungs 2 blood 3 skin 4 nerves Ans: 2 Lack of what causes diabetes? 1 sugar 2 insulin 3 vitamins 4 calcium Ans: 2 Kwashiorkar and beri beri are 1 communicable diseases 2 infectious diseases 3 deficiency diseases 4 none of these Ans: 3 If a freshwater plant is put in sea water, its cell will 1 undergo plasmolysis 2 lyse 3 swell with turgor pressure 4 all of the above Ans: 1




Q. If we are measure the length of blood vessels in our body, how many kilo meters would it add up to? 1 10 km 2 1000 km 3 96,000 km 4 10,000 km Ans: 3 Q. Human urine as compared to human blood is 1 hypotonic 2 hypertonic 3 isotonic 4 all of these Ans: 2 Human blood contains________ percentage of plasma 1 35% 2 40% 3 50% 4 65% Ans: 4 How many bones are there in a newly born infant?



1 2 3 4 Q.

206 230 280 300 Ans: 4

Heightened emotion is caused by the 1 pituitary glands 2 thyroid glands 3 adrenal glands 4 salivary glands Ans: 3 Heart attack is caused due to 1 blood sugar 2 cholesterol 3 blood urea 4 blood protein Ans: 2 Glucose 1 2 3 4 Ginger 1 2 3 4 is mainly absorbed in P.C.T D.C.T Henle's loop Nephron Ans: 1 and Sweet potato are homologous stem and roots respectively analogous both (b) and (c) Ans: 4





Genetics is the branch of science that deals with the study of 1 relations between plants and the environment 2 inheritance and variation 3 cell structure 4 thermal structure Ans: 4 Gene control 1 proteins synthesis but not heredity 2 protein synthesis and heredity 3 heredity but not protein synthesis 4 biochemical reaction of some enzymes Ans: 2 Gene is 1 a segment of DNA 2 a segment of DNA and histone 3 a segment of DNA , RNA and histone 4 all of the above Ans: 1 Fungi are always 1 autotrophic 2 hetrotrophic 3 parasitic




4 Q.

saprophytic Ans: 2

Fruiting body of mushrooms is present in 1 Fungi 2 Algae 3 Like monocotyledon seeds 4 Like Dicotyledon seed Ans: 1 From which part of the plant is turmeric obtained? 1 root 2 fruit 3 seed 4 stem Ans: 4 Food is normally digested in the 1 liver 2 stomach 3 small intestine 4 large intestine Ans: 3 Fish respire through their 1 nose 2 lungs 3 fins 4 gills Ans: 4 Fertilization is the process of 1 Fusion of male nucleus with polar nuclei 2 formation of seed from ovule 3 fusion of one male gamete with the egg 4 transfer of pollen from anther to stigma Ans: 4 Fertilization in frogs is 1 external 2 internal 3 both external and internal 4 aerial Ans: 1 The chemical name of vitamin c is 1 citric acid 2 ascorbic acid 3 oxalic acid 4 nitric acid Ans: 2







Q. People working in asbestos factories are affected by air pollution. The most affected part of their body is the 1 Eye 2 Throat 3 Lung 4 Skin Ans: 3


Enzymes 1 2 3 4 Enzymes 1 2 3 4

belong to the category of Proteins Lipids Carbohydrates Steroids Ans: 1 are sensitive to Heat pH Poisons All three Ans: 4


Q. Among the following ,which one lay eggs and does not produce young ones directly? 1 Echidna 2 Kangaroo 3 Porcupine 4 Whale Ans: 1 Q. Which one of the Following is a free-living Bacterium that helps in nitr ogen fixation in soil? 1 Azotobacter 2 Anabaena 3 Azolla 4 Nostoc Ans: 1 Q. cholesterol is a 1 type of chlorophyll 2 derivative of chloroform 3 fatty alcohol founds in animal fats 4 chromium salt Ans: 3 Chemically, an enzyme is a 1 lipid 2 vitamin 3 protein 4 carbohydrate Ans: 3 Amino acids are the buliding blocks of 1 Vitamins 2 Starch 3 Proteins 4 Lipids Ans: 3 A vegetable containing sulphur is 1 Potato 2 Cabbage 3 Brinjal 4 pumpkin Ans: 2 blood haemoglobin has has high affinity for





1 2 3 4 Q.

CO2 CO O2 H Ans: 2

Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of 1 haemoglobin 2 heparin 3 fibrin 4 plasma Ans: 2 Banana 1 2 3 4 fruit contains mainly glucose starch fat proteins Ans: 1


Q. An infectious disease caused by a spiral shaped bacterium, spread mainly by sexual contact is 1 Syphilis 2 AIDS 3 Cancer 4 Tuberculosis Ans: 1 Q. All the following are invertebrates except 1 Snail 2 Crab 3 Prawn 4 Fish Ans: 4 Wisdom 1 2 3 4 teeth are last molars last premolars incisors canines Ans: 1



Adensine Triphosphate (ATP) is 1 a an enzyme 2 a protein 3 a hormone 4 a molecule with high energy bounds Ans: 4 Acupunture is a medical system of treatment in which 1 herbs are used to relieve pain 2 needles are interested into particular parts of the body relieve 3 4 surgery is done to relieve pain none of these Ans: 2

Q. pain


Activity of brain is recorded by 1 ECG 2 EEG

3 4 Q.

MET CT Ans: 2

Acquired Immune- Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by 1 Bacterium 2 Protozoa 3 fungus 4 Virus Ans: 4 A plant leaf appears to be green because it 1 absorbs green light 2 reflects all but yellow and blue light 3 reflects green light 4 absorbs red and yellow light Ans: 3 A person which of the following blood groups is called a universal donor 1 2 3 4 O AB A B Ans: 1


Q. ?


A person suffering from beri beri should take 1 unpolished rice, green vegetables, yeast 2 egg yolk, fish, green vegetables 3 citrus fruit, mangoes, grapes 4 sweet potato, meat and milk Ans: 1 A mature living cell without a nucleus is a 1 Sieve cell 2 Sieve tube 3 Companion Cell 4 Vessel Ans: 2


Q. A person having which of the following blood groups can receive blood of any group? 1 A 2 AB 3 B 4 O Ans: 2 Q. A healthy freshwater fish is placed in saltwater. the expected consequen ce of this would be that 1 the fish becomes dehydrated and dies 2 the fish becomes bloated and dies 3 the fish suffers from a fungal or bacterial disease and dies 4 there is no observable effect on the fish provided there is suff icient food Ans: 1 Q. A highly evolved human brains contains approximately 1 10,000 nerve cells 2 1,00,000 nerve cells

3 4 Q.

100 million nerve cells 10,000 million nerve cells Ans: 4

A ligament is 1 a fibrous tissue that joins the muscle to bone 2 a type of amorphous gel that cements nonmovable joints together 3 a type of fibrous connective tissue that joins bones together at 4 only formed to repair damaged muscle tissue Ans: 3



a gene is 1 a sleep-including drug 2 a unit of heredity 3 a kind of vitamin 4 a type of body cell Ans: 2


A feature of fertilization that is found only in angiosperms is that: 1 the sperm may be carried by wind to the female organ 2 one sperm fertilizes the egg , while another combines with the p olar nuclei 3 a pollen tube carries a sperm nucleus into the female gametophyt e 4 a chemical attractant guides the sperm towards the egg Ans: 2 Q. A food chain consists of a 1 producer only 2 consumer only 3 producer and a consumer 4 decomposer only Ans: 3 fruits, guavas, tomatoes and do you think the patient is of vertebral column of eye and tongue, craking o in legs , loss of appetite,

Q. A doctor a patient to take plenty of citrus amalas over a period of two months regularly. What suffering from ? 1 Softness and pain in bones, bending 2 spongy, Swoollen and bleeding gums 3 blurred vision, burning and dryness f skin at the corner of the mouth 4 extreme weakness, swelling and pain headache Ans: 2 Q. A drop of blood contains 1 about 10,000 cells 2 about 1,00,000 cells 3 several million cells 4 less than 25,000 cells Ans: 3 A cockroach has 1 three pairs of walking legs 2 two pairs of walking legs 3 four pairs of walking legs 4 one pairs of walking legs Ans: 1



A cell cycle consists of 1 mitosis and meiosis 2 G1, the S phase, and G2 3 Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase 4 interphase and mitosis Ans: 4 A "biological death" occurs/takes place when 1 there is no pulse and heartbeat 2 pupils show no reaction to light 3 all the body cells die after a few hours of clinical death 4 pupils are fixed and dilated Ans: 3 A bat is 1 a mammal 2 a reptile 3 an amphibian 4 an avian Ans: 1 A balanced diet contains 1 animal protein 2 macro and micro nutrients 3 food nutrients for growth and maintenance 4 butter and ghee Ans: 3





bacteria do not need sunlight to grow because 1 they lack chlorophyll and so they are incapable of making their own food 2 they hate sunlight 3 they use others kinds of light for their synthesis 4 they prepare their food without the help of sunlight Ans: 4 Q. Which one of the following id the sweetest natural sugar? 1 Glucose 2 Fructose 3 Lactose 4 Sucrose Ans: 2 Deficiency of which one of the following causes Xerophthalmia? 1 Vitamin B 2 Vitamin A 3 Vitamin C 4 Vitamin D Ans: 2


Q. Which of the following diseases is caused by the deficiency of iron in h uman body? 1 Anaemia 2 Scurvy 3 Dermatosis 4 Beri-Beri Ans: 1 Q. The image formed on the retina of the eye is

1 2 3 4 Q.

Real and inverted Upright and real Virtual and upright Enlarged and real Ans: 1

Osteology is the study of 1 Cell Formation 2 Eyes 3 Nose 4 Bones Ans: 4 Insulin 1 2 3 4 controls the metabolism of Sugars Fats Proteins Salts Ans: 1



Which vitamin is provided by the sunlight to the human body? 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 A Ans: 2 'Rh' factor is a term that we hear in connection with 1 Space travel 2 Blood transfusion 3 Air pressure 4 Blood pressure Ans: 2 The enzyme that is present in the saliva of man is 1 Pepsin 2 Renin 3 Amylase 4 Trypsin Ans: 3 Which one of the following is responsible for blue baby syndrome? 1 Fluoride 2 Nitrate 3 Arsenic 4 Lead Ans: 2 Clonal 1 2 3 4 selection can be used inGroundnut Mustard Wheat Potato Ans: 4





Q. Which micro-organism is most commonly used as Bio-fertilizer of Pulse Le gumes, oil legumes and Fodder Legumes? 1 Rhizobium 2 Azolla

3 4 Q.

Blue-Green Algae Azospirillum Ans: 1

The Cells which are responsible for the production of antibodies are1 Red Blood Cells 2 Neutrophils 3 Lymphocytes 4 Platelets Ans: 3 What is the name of the first successfully cloned deer? 1 Dawn 2 Deluxe 3 Demor 4 Dewey Ans: 4 Which human gland does secret growth hormone? 1 Pancreas 2 Thalamus 3 Pituitary Gland 4 Liver Ans: 3 The blood group which is universal recipient is 1 A 2 B 3 AB 4 O Ans: 3 The universal blood group donor is 1 A 2 B 3 AB 4 O Ans: 4





Q. Emphysaema is a disease Caused by environmental pollution in which the a ffected organ of the body is1 Liver 2 Kidney 3 Lungs 4 Brain Ans: 3 Q. The Yellow colour of human urine is due to a pigment called1 Cytochrome 2 Urochrome 3 Haemochrome 4 Phenolichrome Ans: 2 Which of the Following is a Fish? 1 Sea Cucumber 2 Sea Cow 3 Sea Horse 4 Sea Lion Ans: 3



Which of the following is the smallest bone in the human body? 1 Vomer 2 Stapes 3 Malleus 4 Incus Ans: 2

Q. Which one of the following per capita daily calorie intake has been reco mmended for determining the poverty line in rural area in India? 1 2200 2 2400 3 2500 4 2600 Ans: 2 Q. Sanctuary famous for Rhinoceros1 Kaziranga 2 Gir 3 Ranthombore 4 Corbett Ans: 1 Which one is a mammal? 1 Shark 2 Squid 3 Octopus 4 Whale Ans: 4 'Blue Baby' syndrome is because of drinking water with excess amounts of 1 2 3 4 Q. Phosphates Sulphates Carbonates Nitrates Ans: 4


Q. -

H5N1 virus causing global pandemic influenza is 1 Goat flu 2 Bird flu 3 Horse flu 4 Cow flu Ans: 2 Curd Making is an ancient 'Bio-Technological' process involving1 Bacteria 2 Virus 3 Fungus 4 Protozoa Ans: 1 Carrier 1 2 3 4 of parasite Plasmodium isTick Mosquito Fly Lice Ans: 2




Archaeopteryx had the 1 Teeth on Jaw, 2 Clawed Wings, 3 Clawed Wings, 4 Teeth on Jaw, Ans: 2

following Reptilian Characters Tail, Beak Teeth on Jaw, Tail Scales, Feathers Feathers, Tail

Q. Which of the following diseases is caused by the consumption of nitrate contaminated food and water? 1 Minimata Disease 2 Osteoporosis 3 Blue baby Synndrome 4 Asbestosis Ans: 1 Q. Which one of the following organs excretes water, fat and various catabo lic wastes? 1 Kidney 2 Skin 3 Spleen 4 Salivary Gland Ans: 1 Q. The Cause of loss of forest cover is 1 Agriculture 2 Building Industry 3 Increasing Population 4 Tourism & pilgrimage Ans: 3 Nitrogenous food is 1 Protein 2 Lipid 3 Salts 4 Carbohydrate Ans: 1


Q. Which of the following cytoplasmic organelles are treated as prokaryotic cells within the eukaryotic cells? 1 Mitocondria 2 Glyoxysomes 3 Lysosomes 4 Golgi bodies Ans: 2 Q. Deposition of uric acid crystals at the joint is the cause of 1 Arthritis 2 Rickets 3 Osteoarthritis 4 Hepatitis Ans: 1 Which of the following causes Malaria? 1 Insect 2 Bacteria 3 Protozoa 4 Virus Ans: 3



Which of the following animals does not have nervous system? 1 Leech 2 Amoeba 3 Snail 4 Tapeworm Ans: 2 In a human body, the basic building block are 1 Muscles 2 Cells 3 Bones 4 Nerves Ans: 2 The function of DNA in the body is 1 to help in the synthesis of proteins 2 to control the heredity 3 to assist in the release of energy 4 None of these Ans: 1 Which of the following diseases is not caused by viruses? 1 Cholera 2 Chickenpox 3 Hepatitis 4 Measles Ans: 1 Which one of the following is a bacterial disease? 1 Herpes 2 Polio 3 Pox 4 Tetanus Ans: 4 Geneco 1 2 3 4 technology isA defence system for prevention from AIDS A method for the development of species for food crops A techniques for pre-information regarding genetic diseases A technique for prevention of cataract Ans: 3







Which is the smallest gland in human body? 1 Liver 2 Thyroid 3 Pituitary 4 Salivary Glands Ans: 3

Q. An epidemic of infectious diseases which is passed on through population across a large region3 or worldwide is called 1 Pandemic 2 Endemic 3 Global 4 Non-infectious Ans: 2 Q. Which one of the following processes does not pollute air? 1 Use of Cosmetics

2 3 4 Q.

Photosynthesis Burning of Dead woods Use of insecticides Ans: 2

Convulsions in infants is caused due to the deficiency of 1 Iodine 2 Vitamin D 3 Vitamin B-6 4 Vitamin C Ans: 2 Which part of a plant respires? 1 Root 2 Leaf 3 Seed 4 All of these Ans: 2 Haemophilia is mostly associated with 1 Labourers 2 Royal families 3 Miners 4 Sportsmen Ans: 2 Protein which renders a cell less susceptible to attack by viruses is ca 1 2 3 4 Actomyosin Chloromycetin Hybridoma Inferon Ans: 2



Q. lled


Which of the following enzymes converts proteins into peptones? 1 Pepsin 2 Trypsin 3 Erepsin 4 Enterokinase Ans: 1

Q. Approximately, how any times each day do our heart valves open and close normally? 1 10000 times 2 100000 times 3 150000 times 4 200000 times Ans: 2 Q. What is common in AIDS, mumps and poliomyelitis? 1 Young children get affected most readily 2 No effective vaccine has yet been developed for them 3 These are caused by viruses 4 Their germs can be transmitted through blood transfusions Ans: 3 Which one of the following is an example of vestigial organ in man? 1 Ear Muscles 2 Jaw apparatus


3 4 Q.

Canine teeth Humerus Ans: 1

Which of the following diseases is not caused by viruss? 1 Chickenpox 2 Cholera 3 Hepatitis 4 Measles Ans: 2 Phylloquinone is the chemical name of 1 Vitamin D 2 Vitamin E 3 Vitamin K 4 Vitamin C Ans: 3 Source 1 2 3 4 of energy in ecosystem is Sun Green plants Sugar produced in photosynthesis ATP Ans: 1



Q. Why do birds not have respiratory trouble at the time of flying at high altitude? 1 Their lungs are very large 2 They fly inactively 3 They have extra air sacs 4 They use less oxygen Ans: 3 Q. A person having AB-group of blood can donate blood to a person having 1 A-group 2 B-group 3 AB-group 4 O-group Ans: 3

Q. In making the saffron spice, which one of the following parts of the pla nt is used? 1 Leaf 2 Petal 3 Sepal 4 Stigma Ans: 4 Q. The least distance of distinct vision for a normal eye is 1 10 cm 2 25 cm 3 15 cm 4 45 cm Ans: 2 Homes are controlled by which of the following human body systems? 1 Endocrine System 2 Circulatory System 3 Immune System 4 Reproductive System


Ans: 1 Q. The vital constituent of blood that helps in clotting is 1 Platelets 2 Plasma 3 Haemoglobin 4 Serum Ans: 1 In increasing sequence, the major elements present in the human body are 1 Calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus 2 Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur 3 Calcium, iron, sodium, sulphur 4 Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron Ans: 1 The image formed on the retina of a human eye is 1 Real and upright 2 Real and inverted 3 Imaginary and upright 4 Imaginary and inverted Ans: 2 Which one of the following grows under the tree? 1 Cabbage 2 Bengal gram 3 Peanuts 4 Castor Ans: 3




Q. Which disease is more common among agricultural workers as compared to u rban population? 1 Lung's disease 2 Cirrhosis of liver 3 Hookworm infection 4 Cancer Ans: 3 Q. The "stones" formed in human kidney consist mostly of 1 Calcium oxalate 2 Magnesium sulphate 3 Sodium chloride 4 Sodium phosphate Ans: 3 The role of chlorophyll in photosynthesis is 1 Absorption of water 2 Absorption of light 3 Absorption of Co2 4 None of these Ans: 2 Herbicides are chemicals which control 1 Fungi 2 Weeds 3 Nematodes 4 Insects Ans: 2 Process of breeding fish in ponds and artificial reservoirs is known as




1 2 3 4 Q.

Aquaculture Fishing Apiculture Pisciculture Ans: 4

What is meat by myopia? 1 Long-sightedness 2 Short-sightedness 3 Colour blindness 4 Night blindness Ans: 2


The percentage of glucose present in the normal urine is 1 0.1% 2 2% 3 9.5% 4 0% Ans: 1 Protective foods in our diet are 1 Fats and vitamins 2 Carbohydrates and minerals 3 Vitamins and minerals 4 Proteins and carbohydrates Ans: 4 The function of hemoglobin in the body is 1 Transport of oxygen 2 Destruction of bacteria 3 Prevention of anemia 4 Utilisation of iron Ans: 1 Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched? 1 Encephalitis - Brain 2 Colitis - Colon 3 Hepatitis - Liver 4 Jaundice - Throat Ans: 4 Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation? 1 Rice 2 Wheat 3 Beans 4 Maize Ans: 3





Q. Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the ear th's surface? 1 Desert Ecosystem 2 Grassland Ecosystem 3 Mountain Ecosystem 4 Marine Ecosystem Ans: 4 Q. Thalassaemia is a hereditary disease affecting 1 Blood

2 3 4 Q.

Lungs Heart Kidney Ans: 1

Which one of the following is a water soluble vitamin? 1 Vitamin A 2 Vitamin C 3 Vitamin D 4 Vitamin K Ans: 2 Biological Oxygen demand (BOD) is used as a standard measure of 1 Oxygen level in forest System 2 Oxygen level in animals 3 Oxygen level in water system 4 Oxygen level in atmosphere Ans: 3 Fruit most suitable for making jelly is 1 Papaya 2 Karunda 3 Mango 4 Banana Ans: 3 The disease diphtheria affects 1 Lungs 2 Intestine 3 Throat 4 Body joints Ans: 3 The most common communicable disease is 1 Influenza 2 Typhoid 3 Cholera 4 Polio Ans: 1 Among the following, the richest source of protein is 1 Ground Nut 2 Rice 3 Potato 4 Apple Ans: 1 Which of the following is a cellulose fiber? 1 Cotton 2 Wool 3 Rayon 4 Polyester Ans: 1 Which of the following vitamins helps in the absorption of calcium? 1 Vitamin A 2 Vitamin B 3 Vitamin C 4 Vitamin D








Ans: 4 Q. Dengue 1 2 3 4 Genome 1 2 3 4 Nuclear 1 2 3 4 fever is spread by Aedes aegypti mosquito Common House flies Anophilies mosquito Rodent like rats and squirrels Ans: 1 is the key to tomorrow's medical practices because It unleashes an information revolution It provides a new outlook into medicine It is a new way of making drugs It can enable customized medicines. Ans: 2 membrane is absent in Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Protozoans All of the above Ans: 1




A prokaryote is 1 A single-celled organism 2 A hard and stony fruit 3 An organism lacking membrane bound nucleus in its cells 4 The most primitive multicellular organism Ans: 3 The cells that make up neurilemma in nerve tissue are 1 Epithelial cells 2 Connective tissue 3 Schwann cells 4 Erythrocytes Ans: 3 The cell that is concerned with excretion and osmoregulation is 1 Flame cell 2 Chromatophores 3 Nematoblast 4 None of these Ans: 1 The cell that lacks a nucleus is 1 Flame cell 2 Spermatozoan 3 Red blood corpuscles in man 4 White blood corpuscles Ans: 3 Red pigment is formed in 1 Nucleoplasm 2 Mitochondria 3 Choloroplasts 4 Cell sap in vacuoles of the leaf Ans: 4 Granum is a component of






1 2 3 4 Q.

Chloroplasts Golgi apparatus Ribosomes Starch grains Ans: 1

The primary energy for living organisms is 1 Solar energy 2 Chemical energy 3 ATP 4 Mitochondria Ans: 1 Acrosome in a sperm is secreted by 1 Endoplasmic reticulum 2 Mitochondria 3 Golgi bodies 4 Centrioles Ans: 3


Q. In the plant cells golgi complex is scattered in the cytoplasm in the fo rm of small vesicles called 1 Lysosomes 2 Oxysomes 3 Dictyosomes 4 Ribosomes Ans: 3 Q. Most plant and animal cells are similar in some respects since they both have in common 1 Cytoplasm and cellulose 2 Cytoplasm and contractile vacuole 3 Cytoplasm and nucleus 4 Membrane and cell wall Ans: 3 Q. Lysosomes were discovered by 1 Palade 2 Porter 3 Dedave 4 De vries Ans: 3 Autophagy is the function of 1 Ribosomes 2 Lysosomes 3 Centrosomes 4 Mitochondria Ans: 2 Depending upon their structure and function lysosomes are categorized in 1 2 3 4 One type only Two types Three types Four types Ans: 3


Q. to

Q. A particular cell organelle is sometimes referred to as the `suicide bag ' because it contains certain enzymes (acid hydrolase) that can break down the c

ell components anelle? 1 2 3 4 Q.

or even the whole cell. Which one of the following is such an org Lysosome Mesosome Phagosome Ribosome Ans: 1

Vacuoles are bound by a definite membrane in plant cells called 1 Plasma membrane 2 Tonoplast 3 Cell wall 4 None of the above Ans: 2 Endoplasmic reticulum is bound by 1 Cellulose wall 2 Membranes 3 Sclerotised layer 4 Chitinised wall Ans: 2 The Electron transport chain is in the 1 Nucleus 2 Outer membrane of mitochondria 3 Inner membrane of mitochondria 4 Lysosomes. Ans: 3 A Mitochondria possesses a 1 Single membrane 2 Double membrane 3 Three-layered membrane 4 Four-layered membrane Ans: 2 Within 1 2 3 4 the cell, the site of respiration is the Golgibodies Ribosomes Mitochondria Nucleus Ans: 3






The powerhouse of a cell is the: 1 Plastid 2 Chloroplast 3 Golgi apparatus 4 Mitochondrion Ans: 4 Which of the following plays an important part in photosynthesis? 1 Chloroplast 2 Centrosome 3 Tonoplast 4 Nematoblast Ans: 1 The cytoplasm of a cell refers to 1 Protoplasm outside the cell nucleus 2 Protoplasm within the cell nucleus



3 4

Protoplasm within and outside the nucleus Peripheral protoplasm Ans: 1


Quantosomes are present in 1 Thylakoid membrane 2 Palisade tissue of mesophyll 3 Spongy tissue of mesophyll 4 Mitochondria Ans: 1 The protoplasm of a child is exactly the same as that of its 1 Mother 2 Father 3 Grandfather 4 Identical twin Ans: 4 Which of the following is a physical basis of life? 1 Nucleus 2 Ribosome 3 Protoplasm 4 Mitochondria Ans: 3 The thin layer that forms a common layer for any two adjacent cells is 1 Middle lamella 2 Primary wall 3 Secondary wall 4 None of above Ans: 1 The wonder pigment chlorophyll is present in 1 Mitochondria 2 Centrosomes 3 Quantosomes 4 Lysosomes Ans: 3 The main function of plasma membrane is to 1 Control all cellular activities 2 Store cell material 3 Maintain the cell shape and size 4 Regulate the flow of material into and outside the wall Ans: 4 The plasma membrane in Animal cell is composed of 1 Cellulose 2 Proteins 3 Lipids and proteins 4 Fats Ans: 3 What controls the entry and exit of molecules in cell? 1 Nucleus 2 Ribosomes 3 DNA 4 Plasma membrane Ans: 4









What controls the entry and exit of molecules in cell? 1 Nucleus 2 Ribosomes 3 DNA 4 Plasma membrane Ans: 4 Cell membrane is: 1 Permeable 2 Selectively permeable 3 Semipermeable 4 Impermeable Ans: 2 Who first observed the plasma membrane? 1 William Scifriz 2 Schwann 3 Palade 4 None of above Ans: 1 Plant cells can usually be distinguished because only plant cells posses 1 2 3 4 Cell walls and mitochondria Golgi bodies and central vacuoles Cell walls and central vacuoles Chromosomes and mitochondria Ans: 3



Q. s


The function of a cell wall is 1 To give definite shape to the cell 2 To provide mechanical strength and protection to the cell 3 To prevent the cell from desiccation 4 All of the above Ans: 4 Cellular component can be physically separated from each other by 1 Centrifugation 2 Radioactive tracers 3 Microscopy 4 Chromatography Ans: 1


Q. The use of which of the following devices has given the modern biologist a better insight into the internal structure of cells 1 Computer 2 Electron microscope 3 Spectrophotometer 4 Ultracentrifuge Ans: 2 Q. The smallest size of a cell which can be seen directly by the eye is 1 One micron 2 10 Micron 3 100 Micron 4 1000 micron Ans: 3 The cell theory of Schleiden states that


1 2 3 tissues 4

Cells reproduce by mitosis or meiosis All cells have nuclei Cells are the ultimate units forming the structure of all plant Cells arise only from pre-existing cells Ans: 3

Q. The theory that all animals and plants are made up of cells and they cou ld arise only from pre-existing cells was propounded by 1 Robert Hooke 2 Matthias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann 3 Purkinje 4 Leuwenhoek Ans: 2 Q. Who invented the Electron microscope? 1 Knoll and Ruska 2 Rudolk and Kolliker 3 Robert Hooke 4 C.P. Swanson Ans: 1

Q. The first person to observe the bacteria, protozoa and spermatozoa under the microscope was 1 Theodore Schwann 2 Matthias Schleiden 3 Robert Hooke 4 Leuwenhoek Ans: 4 Q. Who was the first scientist to use an instrument for biological studies in 1665? 1 Robert Hooke 2 Schwann 3 Schleiden 4 None of the above Ans: 1 Q. An anaerobic species of the bacterium Clostridium causes a very serious disease in human populations. Which of the following diseases is it? 1 Botulism 2 Pneumonia 3 Tuberculosis 4 Typhid Ans: 1 Q. Whooping cough is caused by 1 Salmonella 2 Bacillus pertussis 3 Variola 4 Vibriona Ans: 2 Pneumonia is a bacterial disease caused by the type of bacteria called 1 Bacilli 2 Cocci 3 Sprilli 4 Vibrio Ans: 2



The dreaded human disease, Syphilis, is caused by: 1 A bacterium 2 Fungus 3 An animal parasite 4 Virus Ans: 1 Which of the following plant diseases is not a bacterial disease? 1 Brown rot of potatoes 2 Citrus canker 3 Heart rot of beets 4 Red stripe of sugarcane Ans: 3 Which of the following plant disease is caused by bacteria? 1 Citrus dieback 2 Karnal bunt of wheat 3 Potato witches' broom 4 Tundu disease of wheat Ans: 4 What is the role played by non-pathogenic bacteria? 1 They cause diseases 2 They do not cause diseases 3 They are of no use 4 They attack only plants Ans: 2 What is the bacterial disease in lime fruits? 1 Phytophthora 2 White rust 3 Citrus canker 4 Smut disease Ans: 3 The leaf blight of paddy is caused by 1 Bacteria 2 Virus 3 Nematodes 4 Fungus Ans: 1 Which of the following is a bacterial disease? 1 Early blight of potatoes 2 Loose smut of wheat 3 Red rot of sugarcane 4 Red stripe of sugarcane Ans: 4 The nucleus is absent in 1 Algae 2 Fungi 3 Escherichia coli 4 Angiosperm Ans: 3 Bacterial action changes dead leaves into: 1 Algae 2 Fungi









3 4

Humus None of the above Ans: 3

Q. A bacterium divides every minute and takes an hour to fill a cup. How mu ch time will it take to fill half the cup? 1 15 minutes 2 30 minutes 3 59 minutes 4 60 minutes Ans: 3 Q. The necrotic ring spot disease of stone fruits (cherry, peach, plum, etc .) is caused by 1 A bacterium 2 Fungal infection 3 Molybdenum deficiency 4 Virus Ans: 4 Q. Which of the following disease is not caused by virus? 1 Ranikhet 2 Blu tongue 3 Babesiosis 4 Marek's disease Ans: 3 Which of the following plant diseases is caused by a virus? 1 Aster yellows 2 Barley yellow dwarf 3 Curly top of sugar beets 4 All of the above Ans: 4


Q. Much of our present-day knowledge in Molecular genetics has been obtaine d by using the bacterium E.coli. If we were to collect samples of this bacterium , where should we look for it? 1 Human intestine 2 Refuse dumps 3 Soil 4 Stagnant water Ans: 1 Q. The two diseases that most often kill AIDS victims are 1.Kaposi's sarcoma 2.Lymphangioma 3.Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 4.Systemic Lupus erythromatosus 1 1 and 2 2 2 and 3 3 1 and 3 4 3 and 4 Ans: 3 Q. AIDS is caused by the organisms which are 1 Bacteria 2 Fungi 3 Viruses (HTLV III) 4 Protozoa Ans: 3


All of the following diseases are caused by virus except: 1 Jaundice 2 Influenza 3 Typhoid 4 Mumps Ans: 3

Q. Consider the following statements and select your answer from the choice s that follow: I. The patients nerves are damaged by polio. II. Tetanus is cause d by virus. 1 Both are correct 2 II alone is correct 3 I alone is correct 4 Both are wrong. Ans: 3 Q. The virus that infects bacterium is: 1 Arbovirus 2 Viraemia 3 Bacteriophage 4 Baclofen Ans: 3 The polio virus enters the body through 1 Mosquito bites 2 Tick bites 3 Contaminated food and water 4 Saliva and secretion from the nose Ans: 3 The disease that is caused by viral infection is 1 Typhoid 2 Cholera 3 Common cold 4 Tetanus Ans: 3 What is responsible for diphtheria and influenza? 1 Virus and bacteria respectively 2 Bacteria and virus respectively 3 Bacteria 4 Water pollution Ans: 2 Small pox is caused by 1 Bacteria 2 Fungus 3 Virus 4 Algae Ans: 3 Measles 1 2 3 4 is caused by Bacteria Fungus Virus Protozoan Ans: 3







Jaundice is caused by a/an 1 Virus 2 Bacteria 3 Fungus 4 Animal Ans: 1

Q. Which one of the following is a viral disease transmitted to man by the bite or rabid animals particularly dogs? 1 Cholera 2 Plague 3 Malaria 4 Rabies Ans: 4 Q. To which group of organisms do Viruses belong? 1 Actinomycetes 2 Cyanobacteria 3 Protozoa 4 None of these Ans: 4 Which is regarded as a link between the living and the non-living? 1 Amoeba 2 Virus 3 Bacteria 4 RNA Ans: 2 The vestiges of hind limbs are present in 1 Cobra 2 Sea snake 3 Krait 4 Python Ans: 4 Vestigeal organs are 1 Fully formed 2 Much reduced 3 Much reduced 4 Fully formed Ans: 3 those which are and functional but functional and functionless but functionless





The limbs of different mammals have evolved form a basic 1 Pentadactyl plan 2 Hexadactyl plan 3 Bidactyl plan 4 Adactyl Ans: 1 The organisms that live inside alimentary canal are 1 Symbionts 2 Autotrophs 3 Heterotrophs 4 Saprotrophs Ans: 1 The most primitive mammals are 1 Carnivorous



2 3 4 Q.

Herbivorous Omnivorous Insectivorous Ans: 4

Seymouria represents the transitional stage between 1 Amphibians and reptiles 2 Pisces and amphibians 3 Reptiles and mammals 4 Birds and mammals Ans: 1 The golden age of Dinosaurs was 1 Palaeozoic 2 Coenozoic 3 Mesozoic 4 Proterozoic Ans: 3 The oldest era is 1 Palaeozoic 2 Mesozoic 3 Coenozoic 4 Proterozoic Ans: 4



Q. Animals belonging to different classes of Vertebrates have developed sim ilar adaptational features to a particular type of habitat. This phenomenon is c alled 1 Convergent evolution 2 Adaptive radiation 3 Mimicry 4 Parallel evolution Ans: 1 Q. Vestigeal pelvic girdle and bones of hind limbs are characteristic of 1 Whales 2 Dolphins 3 Seals 4 Sharks Ans: 1 Who considered evolution as due to mutation? 1 Charles Darwin 2 Lamarck 3 Hugo de Vries 4 Wallace Ans: 3 Hugo de Cries based his theory of mutation on observing the organism 1 Drosophila 2 Pea plant 3 Oenothera 4 Elephant Ans: 3 Palaeontology is the study of 1 Birds 2 Bones 3 Fossils




4 Q.

Primates Ans: 3

The biogenetic law was proposed by 1 Alfred Russel Wallace 2 Charles Darwin 3 Ernst von Haeckel 4 Lamarck Ans: 3 Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny is the theory of 1 Evolution 2 Reduction 3 Recapitulation 4 Darwinism Ans: 3 Wallace's line is a line 1 Drawn by Darwin 2 Across the mountains 3 Between two zoogeographical areas 4 Between different classes of animals Ans: 3



Q. The solenocytes of Platyhelminthes, the nephridium of Annelids, and the kidneys of Vertebrates all have a similar function of excretion by differ in ori gin. They are said to be 1 Analogous 2 Homologous 3 Adaptational 4 Vestigeal Ans: 1 Q. The various organs of mouth parts used for biting, sucking, chewing etc of insects, though differ externally and in functions, are built on the same bas ic plan and it is termed 1 Analogy 2 Homology 3 Parallel evolution 4 Isolation Ans: 2 Q. Which organism probably arrived first in the world? 1 Algae 2 Fungi 3 Protozoa 4 None of the above Ans: 1 The germ plasm theory of inheritance was proposed by 1 Weismann 2 Lamark 3 Darwin 4 De Vries Ans: 1 Darwinism does not explain 1 Progression 2 Retrogression 3 Usefulness of all organs



4 Q. Sexual 1 2 3 4 Charles 1 2 3 4

Presence of vestigeal organs Ans: 4 selection theory was propounded by Wallace De Vries Lamarck Charles Darwin Ans: 4 Darwin was influenced in his work by Wallace Lamarck Malthus Mendel Ans: 3


Q. The ship in which Darwin toured different parts of the world to collect data for his theory is known as HMS 1 Victoria 2 Beagle 3 Alexander 4 George Ans: 2 Q. The modern synthetic theory of organic evolution is a synthesis of theor ies proposed by 1 Lamarck and Darwin 2 Lamarck and De Vries 3 Darwin and De Vries 4 None of the above Ans: 3 Q. Darwin's theory of natural selection involves: 1 Over reproduction 2 Competition 3 Survival of the fittest 4 All of these Ans: 4 Origin 1 2 3 4 of species was published by Lamarck Weismann De Vries Charles Darwin Ans: 4



The theory of use and disuse was used to explain evolution by 1 Lamarck 2 Darwin 3 De Vries 4 Wallace Ans: 1 Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characters was challenged by 1 August Weismann 2 Hugo De Vries 3 Herbert Spencer 4 Carl Linnaeus Ans: 1


Q. y of

The Lamarckian theory of organic evolution is usually known as the theor 1 2 3 4 Natural selection Inheritance of acquired characters Continuity of germplasm Descent with change Ans: 2


Both sun and Earth are 1 1 to 2 billion years old 2 4 to 5 billion years old 3 10 to 12 billion years old 4 100 to 150 billion years old Ans: 2 The first sign of life made its appearance on the earth about 1 1 million years ago 2 500 million years ago 3 1 billion or 1000 million years ago 4 3 billion years ago Ans: 4


Q. The most accepted theory of the origin of earth is the fiery origin whic h was propounded by 1 Laplace 2 Chamberlain 3 James Jean 4 Hoyle Ans: 2 Q. The theory that believes that the first living organism came from anothe r planet is known as 1 Catastrophic theory 2 Special creation theory 3 Organic evolution theory 4 Cosmozoic theory Ans: 4 Q. The theory which advocates that living beings can arise only from other living beings is termed 1 Bio-genesis 2 Abiogenesis 3 Catastrophism 4 Cosmozoic Ans: 1 Q. The theory that cells arise from the preexisting cells was proposed by 1 Nageli 2 Virchow 3 Schleiden 4 Muller Ans: 2 A bio-genesis was disproved by 1 Spallanzani 2 Muller 3 Darwin 4 Cuvier Ans: 1


Q. Spontaneous generation signifying the development of living organisms fr om nonliving has been termed 1 Biogenesis 2 Abiogenesis 3 Cosmozoic 4 Catastrophism Ans: 2 Q. was The biologist who believed in the spontaneous creation of microorganisms 1 2 3 4 Leuwenhoek Needham Spallanzani Pasteur Ans: 2

Q. Who among the following has not championed the modern synthetic theory o f organic evolution: 1 Julian Huxley 2 T. Dobzanski 3 G.L. Stebbins 4 De Vries Ans: 4 Q. Spontaneous creation of living matter was proposed by 1 Darwin 2 Anaximenes 3 Democritus 4 Hutchinson Ans: 2

Q. The hypothesis that living matter originated in the past from non living matter is supported by 1 Fossil records 2 Miller's experiments 3 Pasteur's experiment 4 Spallanzani's experiment Ans: 2 Q. 'Life begets life' or Biogenesis was stated by 1 Robert Koch 2 Miller 3 Louis Pasteur 4 Lord Lister Ans: 3 A firm believer of Special Creation theory was 1 Darwin 2 Lamarck 3 Cuvier 4 Linnaeus Ans: 3 In the last stages of chemical evolution 1 Nucleic acids were formed 2 Nucleotides were formed 3 Nucleoproteins were formed 4 Enzymes were formed Ans: 3




When the earth was formed it had an atmosphere with 1 Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen 2 Water vapour, Hydrogen and Oxygen 3 Oxygen, Carbondioxide and Nitrogen 4 Water vapour, Ammonia and Methane. Ans: 4 Biochemical origin of life was discovered by 1 Haldane 2 Muller 3 Oparin 4 Darwin Ans: 3 Source 1 2 3 4 of energy in ecosystem is Sun Green plants Sugar produced in photosynthesis ATP Ans: 1




A person having AB-group of blood to donate a person having 1 A-group 2 B-group 3 AB-group 4 o-group Ans: 3

Q. With reference to normal human beings consider the following statements: 1. In response to the presence of HCL, secretin is produced from the duodenum. 2. Enterogastrone is produced in the small intestine in response to the presenc e of fatty acids. Which of the statements is/are correct? 1 Only 1 2 Only 2 3 Both 1 & 2 4 Neither 1 nor 2 Ans: 3 Q. Which one among the following kinds of organisms resides in the roots of pulse plants to do nitrogen fixation? 1 Bacteria 2 Fungi 3 Protozoa 4 Virus Ans: 1 Q. Consider the following statements: 1. The common blue green algae Spirog yra and Ulothrix are found in both fresh water ponds and oceans. 2. The chamelon can look ahead with one eye, and at the same time look behind with another Whic h of the statements is/are correct? 1 Only 1. 2 Only 2. 3 Both 1 & 2 4 Neither 1 nor 2 Ans: 2 Q. Consider the following conditions of a sick human body: 1. Swollen lymph nodes 2. Sweating at night 3. Loss of memory 4. Loss of memory

1 2 3 4 Q. Octopus 1 2 3 4

1, & 2 2, 3, & 4 1, 3, & 4 1, 2, 3 & 4 Ans: 4 is an arthropod an echinoderm a hemichordate a mollus Ans: 4


Which one of the following statement is NOT correct? 1 Milk contains none of the B-vitamins 2 Vitamin-A (retinal) deficiency leads to dry and scaly skin 3 One of the symptoms of scurvy is pain in the joints 4 Vitamin-B, (thiamine) deficiency can lead to heart failure Ans: 1

Q. With reference to the work of human kidney, consider the following state ment: 1. After the waste is remove in the kidney, the clear blood is sent back t hrough renal artery. 2. From Bowman's capsule, the filtered liquid passes throug h tiny tubes where much of the gluclose is reabsorbed and sent back to the blood in the renal vein. Which of the following is/are correct ? 1 Only 1. 2 Only 2. 3 Both 1 & 2 4 Neither 1 nor 2 Ans: 4 Q. The medical technique that is very much similar to Ayurveda called "sowa -rigpa" has got official recognition as a way of medicine has its official book called 1 Ringche Bomjee 2 Rgyud-bzi 3 Rigoche 4 Ayur-rimponche Ans: 2 Q. Endoscopy, a technique used to explore the stomach or other inner parts of the body, is based on the phenomenon of 1 Total internal reflection 2 Interference 3 Diffraction 4 Polarisation Ans: 1 Q. At which stage in its life cycle does the silk work yield the fiber of c ommerce ? 1 Larva 2 Egg 3 Pupa 4 Imago Ans: 3 Q. Which of the following parts of the poppy plant is used for the extracti on of opium ? 1 Capsules 2 Flowers

3 4 Q.

Leaves Roots Ans: 2

The disease caused by eating fish due to mercury poisoning is called 1 Minamata 2 Diarrhoea 3 Dysentery 4 Cholera Ans: 1 The characteristic feature of virus is 1 It lacks chlorophyll 2 It multiplies only on hosts 3 It multiplies only on dead animals 4 It is made of fats Ans: 2


Q. Which of the following has been found useful in keeping cholesterol leve l down 1 Tulsi 2 Serpentina 3 Turmeric 4 Garlic Ans: 4 Q. The crop which considers frost as its enemy 1 Rubber 2 Tea 3 Coffee 4 Tobacco Ans: 4 Cacti are classic examples of 1 Mesophytes 2 Xerophytes 3 Heliophytes 4 Sciophytes Ans: 2 Which among the following has the maximum lifespan 1 Eagle 2 Tortoise 3 Tiger 4 Elephant Ans: 2 The resinous shellac is obtained from 1 Bark of a tree 2 Distillation of wood 3 Agricultural waste 4 Processing of crude oil Ans: 1 The tallest tree in the world is 1 Eucalyptus 2 Mahogany 3 Redwood 4 Teak Ans: 3






Which of the following is not obtained from the bark of a tree 1 Quinine 2 Tannin 3 Cinnamon 4 Bhang Ans: 4 The best method of control of a soil borne disease is by 1 Using fungicides 2 Burning affected plants 3 Crop rotation 4 Seed treatment Ans: 3 Respiration of plants is through 1 Arriers 2 Gills 3 Trachea 4 Stomata Ans: 4



Q. When an ant bites a person, which irritating chemical it (ant) injects i nto his (person) body ? 1 Acetic acid 2 Citric acid 3 Tartaric acid 4 Formic acid Ans: 4 Q. eases Radio active cobalt and radium are used for the treatment of ....... dis 1 2 3 4 Q. Sickle cell anemia Cancer TB Hemophilia Ans: 2

The animal which uses sounds as its 'eyes' is 1 Dog 2 Cat 3 Snake 4 Bat Ans: 4 Which one of the following is not a mammal? 1 Bat 2 Duck-billed-platypus 3 Shark 4 Whale Ans: 2 content in sugarcane decreases If high rainfall occurs during the period of growth of the plant If frost occurs during the period of ripening If there is fluctuation in temperature during the period of grow If there is high temperature during the time of ripening Ans: 1



Sucrose 1 2 3 th of the plant 4


Which one of the following grows under the tree? 1 Cabbage 2 Bengal Gram 3 Peanuts 4 Castor Ans: 3 Adensine Triphosphste (ATP) is 1 a an enzyme 2 a protein 3 a hormone 4 a molecule with high energy bonds Ans: 4 Acupunture is a medical system of treatment in which 1 herbs are used to relieve pain 2 needles are inserted into particular parts of the body to reliev 3 4 surgery is done to relieve pain none of these Ans: 2


Q. e pain


Activity of brain is recorded by 1 ECG 2 EEG 3 MET 4 CT Ans: 2 Acquired Immune Deeiciency Syndrome (AIDS) is caused by 1 bacterium 2 protozoa 3 fungus 4 virus Ans: 4 A women reecive her X-chromosome from 1 her mother only 2 her father only 3 both her mother and father 4 either her mother or her father Ans: 3 A plant leaf appear to green because it 1 absorbs green light 2 relfects all but yellow and green light 3 reflect green light 4 absorbs red and yellow light Ans: 3 A person suffering from beri-beri should take 1 unpolished rice, green vegetables, yeast 2 egg yolk, fish, green vegetables 3 citrus fruit, mangoes, grapes 4 sweet potato, meat and milk Ans: 3 A person which of the following blood group is called a universal donor?






1 2 3 4

O AB A B Ans: 1

Q. A person having which of the following blood group can receive blood of any group? 1 A 2 AB 3 B 4 O Ans: 2 Q. A mature living cell without a nucleus is a 1 sieve cell 2 sieve tube 3 companion cell 4 vessel Ans: 2 A man weighing 96kg, consist of approximately -------- leaters of water. 1 50 liters 2 66.5 liters 3 82 liters 4 42 liters Ans: 2 A ligament is 1 a fibrous tissue that joins the muscle to bone 2 a type of amorphous gel that cements nonmovable joints together 3 a type of fibrous connective tissue that joins bones together at 4 Q. only formed to repair damaged muscle tissue Ans: 3




A highly evolved human brain contains approximately 1 10,000 nerve cells 2 100,000 nerve cells 3 100 million nerve cells 4 10,000 million nerve cells Ans: 4

Q. A healthy freshwater fish is placed in saltwater. The expected consequen ce of this would be that 1 the fish becomes dehydrated and dies 2 the fish becomes bloated and dies 3 the fish suffers from fungal or bacterial disease and dies 4 ther is no observable effect on the fish provided there is suffi cient food Ans: 1 Q. A gene is 1 a sleep inducing drug 2 a unit of heredity 3 a kind of vitamin 4 a type of body cell Ans: 2


A food chain consist of a 1 producer only 2 consumer only 3 producer and consumer 4 decomposer only Ans: 3


A feature of fertilization that is found only in angiosperms is that: 1 the sperm may be carried by wind to the female organ 2 one sperm fertilizes the egg, while another combines with the po lar nucleus 3 a pollen tube carries a sperm nucleus into the female gametophyt e 4 a chemical attractant guides the sperm towards the egg Ans: 2 Q. A drop of blood contains 1 about 10,000 cells 2 about 100,000 cells 3 several million cells 4 less than 2500 cells Ans: 3 A cockroach has 1 three pairs of walking legs 2 two pairs of walking legs 3 four pairs of walking legs 4 one pair of walking legs Ans: 1 A cell cycle consists of 1 mitosis and meiosis 2 G1, the S phase, and G2 3 Prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase 4 Interphase and mitosis Ans: 4 A bat is 1 a mammal 2 a reptile 3 an amphibian 4 an avian Ans: 1 A balance diet contains 1 animal protein 2 macro and micro nutrients 3 food nutrients for growth and maintenance 4 butter and ghee Ans: 3 A "clinical death" take place when 1 there is no pulse 2 there is no heart beat 3 pupils are fixed and dilated, and there is no reaction to light 4 all the three conditions are present together Ans: 4 A "biological death" take place when







1 2 3 4 Q.

there is no pulse and heart beat pupils show no reaction to light all the body cells die after a few hours of clinical death pupils are fixed and dilated Ans: 3

Bacteria do not need sunlight to grow because 1 they lack chlorophyll and so they are incapable of making their own food 2 they hate sunlight 3 they use other kinds of light for their food synthesis 4 they prepare their food without the help of sunlight Ans: 4 Q. Glycolysis takes place in: 1 Photosynthesis 2 Aerobic respiration only 3 Anaerobic respiration only 4 Both Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration Ans: 4 Which of the following is a water -borne diseases? 1 Viral hepatitis B 2 Cholera 3 Dengu 4 Influenza Ans: 2 Which of the following vitamins is essential for the coagulation of bloo 1 2 3 4 Q. Vitamin Vitamin Vitamin Vitamin Ans: 3 A B12 K D


Q. d?

DPT vaccine is given to children to immunize them against: 1 Diptheria, whooping cough and tetanus 2 Diptheria, whooping cough and tuberculosis 3 Diarrhoea, whooping cough and typhoid 4 Diarrhoea, whooping cough and tetanus Ans: 1

Q. What may cause a person's ears to get hurt during take-off or landing of an aircraft? 1 Stretching of the tympanic membrane 2 Damage to the middle ear ossicles 3 Increased impulses to the cochlea 4 Vibrations in the bony labyrinth of the inner ear Ans: 1 Q. What causes the mottling of the dental enamel? 1 High levels of Chlorine in the water 2 High levels of nitrate in the water 3 High levels of flouride in the water 4 High levels of calcium in the water Ans: 3 Cylindrical lens is used by a person suffering from:


1 2 3 4 Q.

Astigmatism Myopia Hypermetropia Presbyopia Ans: 1

What is the mode of nutrition of mushroom? 1 Photosynnthetic 2 Chemosynthetic 3 Parasitic 4 Saprophytic Ans: 4 The smallest of all human cells are 1 Nerve cells 2 WBCs 3 Epithelial cells 4 RBCs Ans: 4 Diseases caused by the actual contact with the sick person, is called 1 Infectious disease 2 Contagious disease 3 Congenital disease 4 Degenerative disease Ans: 2 Iodised 1 2 3 4 Malaria 1 2 3 4 Vitamin 1 2 3 4 salt is useful for men because it Improves digestion Increases resistance to diseases Controls the thyroid gland Slows down ageing process Ans: 1 in man is due to Plasmodium Malarial genus Trypanosoma genus Amoeba genus Ans: 1 concerned with vision is Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 Ans: 1







The effect of hormones on the body is 1 Stimulation of organs 2 Catalytic function 3 Proper growth 4 Coordination of functions of different organs Ans: 2 Goitre 1 2 3 4 is caused by the deficiency of Zinc Iodine Chlorine Iron


Ans: 2 Q. Choromosomes are 1 Presents only in the nucleus of a cell 2 Visible in all cells at every time 3 Made up of DNA as a main component 4 The biggest in number in human cells Ans: 3 Goitre 1 2 3 4 is caused by the deficiency of Thyroxine Pyridoxine Riboflavin Thiamine Ans: 1



Which one the following is a genetically transmitted disease? 1 Haemophilia 2 Blood Cancer 3 Typhoid 4 Bone Cancer Ans: 1

Q. Which one of the following branchaes of biology deals with the study of birds? 1 Entomology 2 Paleontology 3 Herpetology 4 Ornithology Ans: 4 Q. Synapse 1 2 3 4 is a junction between two Epithelial cells Neurons Muscle Fibres Nephrons Ans: 2

Q. Which one of the following shows the correct order of the alternate arra ngement of prokaryotes and Eukaryotes? 1 Virus, Bacterium, Blue green alga, green alga, Amoeba and Hydra 2 Blue green alga, green alga, Virus, Bacterium, Amoeba and Hydra 3 Virus, Amoeba, Bacterium, Green alga, Blue green alga and Hydra 4 Hydra, Green alga, Bacterium, Blue green alga, Amoeba and Virus Ans: 3

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