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Part I:Ayat e Tathir- Who are they?

And stay in your houses. Bedizen not yourselves with the bedizenment of the
Time of ignorance. Be regular in prayer, and pay the poor due, and obey Allah and His
messenger. Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the
Household, and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing.

(Surah Ahzab :33)

Question 1: Location of the Verse of Purification in Quran
Answer: We all know present Quran is not as per order of revelation. We know there are
verses which revealed first but put in middle of the Surah.
We see similar example from Quran:
(Quran 5:3) Forbidden unto you (for food) are carrion and blood and swine flesh,
and that which hath been dedicated unto any other than Allah, and the strangled,
and the dead through beating, and the dead through falling from a height, and that which
hath been killed by (the goring of) horns, and the devoured of wild beasts,saving that which
ye make lawful (by the death stroke), and that which hath been immolated unto idols. And
(forbidden is it) that ye swear by the divining arrows.This is an abomination. This day are
those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear
Me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you,
and have chosen foryou as religion AL- ISLAM. Whoso is forced by hunger, not by will, to
sin: (forhim) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Authentic narrations show that this(Red Part) was revealed at time of hujjat-ul-widaa. but
the part which comes along with it was revealed in times near to incident of Hudaibia (6th
We know from the authentic Ahdeeth that red highlighted part reveled 10th A.H at the time
Last Hajj. But first and last part revealed around 6-7th A.H. About this part: This day are
those who disbelieve in despair of (ever harming) your religion; so fear them not, fear
Me! This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you,
and have chosen for you as religion AL- ISLAM
Some jews asked Umar that if this verse was revealed on us, we would have

celebrated this day as eid. Umar replied that you are not aware of it, that when this verse
was revealed, Muslims had two Eids. This verse was revealed in 10th hijri at time of hujjatul-widaa in Urfa at the time of Asr when ground of Arafat when Holy Prophet (saw)s camel
was surrounded by 40,000 pious people. And Holy Prophet (saw) lived only 81 days after
(Plz refer to various Tafaseers, Such as , Ibn Kasir, Ibn Jarir, Durrul Mansur, Molvi Taqi
Uthmani and others)
2nd Proof: There is numerous authentic ahadeeth which saying the parts
Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the Household, and
cleanse you with a thorough cleansing
Revealed for 5 individual namely Ali, Fatima , Hasan, Hussain and Prophet s.a.w.a.
I will cite few:
1) Sunan At tirmizi.

Shahar bin Haushab narrates that Umm Salam said: Prophet (saw) took Ali,
Hassan, Hussain & Fatima under the cloak and said: O Allah! These are My
Ahlulbait and My Special Ones, therefore keep Rijs( Impurity) away from them and give
the Perfect Purification. I (Umm Salama) asked the Prophet: Am I too included among
them? He replied: (no) you have a good ending
Imam Tirmizi Said Hasan Sahih, Albani Authnticated this as Sahih.

2) Sunan At Tirmizi:

Umar bin Abu Salama narrates that when this verse was revealed, Holy Prophet (saw)
was in house of Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a). He put a cloak on Bibi Fatima, Imam Hasan
(saw) and Imam Hussein (saw) (peace be on them all). Hadhrat Ali (saw) was standing
behind him. So he put cloak on him as well. And he said: o Allah! These are my household,
put away dirt of sins from them and clean them perfectly. Hadhrat Umm Salama (r.a) asked:
o Prophet! Am I with them? He replied: you are on your place and you are on good.
Albani Authenticated this hadeeth as Sahih.
3) Imam Ibn Abi Hatim narrated this hadeeth, I am quoting from Tafseer Ibn Kasir. Under
the verse 33:33.

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Ayesha was asked about Hadhrat Ali, so she said that he was the most beloved of holy
Prophet and he had the daughter of holy Prophet who was the most beloved.No doubt, I saw
holy Prophet calling Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Hussein and put a cloak on them. And said that
o Allah! These are my Ahlulbait so put away Rijs from them and give them perfect
purification. So I asked: o Prophet! Am I in your (impurity) Ahlulbait? So he said: STAY
AWAY, (but) you are on good.

4) Sahih Muslim: Chapter:

]33 : } [

Sahih Muslim Chapter: Excellence of Ahlul Bait of Prophet s.a.w.a:

A'isha reported that Allaah's Prophet (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) went out one
morning wearing a striped cloak of the black camel's hair that there came Hasan b. 'Ali.
He wrapped him under it, then came Husain and he wrapped him under it along with the
other one (Hasan). Then came Fatima and he took her under it, then came 'Ali and he
also took him under it and then said: Allaah only desires to take away any uncleanliness from you, O people of the household, and purify you (thorough purifying)

5) Sahih Muslim : Chapter Excellence of Ali :


Its little bit long hadeeth Just translating Required portion
when the (following) verse was revealed:" Let us summon our children and
your children." Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) called 'Ali,
Fitima, Hasan and Husain and said: O Allaah, these are my Ahlul bait.

So from above all ahdeeth its clear that the said verse revealed for 5 persons.
Muhammad s.a.w.a took 4 with him and said Allahumma haulai ahli or ahle baiti,
WHEN PROPHET S.A.W.A himself made tafseer of a Ayat NO ONE HAS ANY

6) Here is few other Ahdeeth:

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Ibn Jarir,Ibn Abi Hatim, Tabrani From Abu Said al Khudri(r.a) Said Prophet said: This
ayat descended for five,..Me, Ali, Fatima, HAsan, Hussain ..(ref Tafseer Durul

. .

7) Imam Bukhari in his Tarikh Al kabir wrote: Continue six months Prophet
s.a.w.a use to go to the door of Ali and Fatima and say As Salamu Alaikum
Ahle bait Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the
Household, and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing.



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Question 2:There is a saying from Ibn Abbas that this part of the ayat
revealed for wives of Prophet s.a.w.a

Answer: Yes there is a narration through Ikrima and Ibn Abbas (r.a) that these ayat is
for Wives.


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`Ikrimah used to call out in the marketplace Allah wishes only to remove Ar-Rijs from
you, O members of the family, and to purify you with a thorough purification.) "This was
revealed solely concerning the wives of the Prophet.''
But this Hadeeth has no value becoz:
1) These hadeeth is alone against numerous sahih hadeeth which clearly stating these ayat
revealed for 5 persons who ware under cloak. Even other ahadeeth from Ibn Abbas said this
ayat revealed for five.

2) This hadeeth does not reaches to Prophet s.a.w.a rather its saying of Ikrima. It does not
giving any details. Where as in other sahih ahadeeth narrators are eye witness.
3) Ikrima was a Khareji and a testimomy of khareji which involves Ali r.a must not be
accepted ( It is the usool of Ulema). Becoz Kharejis started their movement by fighting
Imam Ali a.s.
Ikrima was Slave of Ibn Abbas. The son of Ibn Abbas, Ali ibn Abdullah ibn Abbas use tie
Ikrima for lying against his Father.( I.e quoting false Hadeeth from Ibn Abbas)

Ata said Ikrimah lied.
(Tamhid - Sarah Muwatta-Ibn Abul Barr)

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Siyar Nabula- Dhahabi

Also many Tabei accused him as liar.

More over in the beginning of the verse it has been said

Stay inside your (feminine) House, here Allah s.w.t use feminine kunna and the plural
Buyut-> houses, because wives ware many and they had their own houses.
But when Allah s.w.t revealed the part

Allah s.w.t use ankum masculine gender, also ytHara-kum

So this cant be for wives, if it was for wives there should be kunna.
Moreover here Allah s.w.t said Al Bait- singular unlike plural use at the beginning for
wives. Now Its clear even from the analysis of the verse it is not for wives, because the there
should be Buyut-houses for respective house of wives of prophet s.a.w.a.

It is also strange all muhadditheen put the HAdeeth al Kisa( HAdeeth of cloak) in Fadail
of Ali, Fatima HAsan and Hussain. So every muhaddith deemed that this is excellence of
these holy five.
Here I also giving challenge to bring any narration from the wives of Holy Prophet
s.a.w.a that they are claiming this ayat

Revealed for them.

But Imam Hasan a.s claiming this ayat revealed about them:
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that when Hasan was made caliph after death of Hadhrat Ali, once he was leading prayers
when a man from banu Asad came and attacked with knife while he was prostrating which
hit him in flesh and he remained ill for months. When he got well, he came to mosque and
said: o people of Iraq! Fear Allah in relation to us. We are your rulers and your guests. We
are ahle bait e nabuya regarding whom the verse of purification was revealed. And he
repeated that many times and people started crying.

( Tafseer Ibn Abi Hatim, Tafseer Ibn Kaseer., This is also present in Maujam al
Kabeer of Tabarani with other chain, Haythami also authenticated this)
Imam Ali Zainal Abedeen a.s also claimed that this ayat is about them:

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Ali ibn Hussain said to a man of Sham, Have you read the verse of ahzab
Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the
Household, and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing? He said yes, are you
those? Said( Ali zainal Abedeen) Yes.
( Tafseer ibn Kaseer)

Part II: Are Prophets and Ahlul bait a.s Infallible?

Approach 1: Logical and Quranic.
All the ummah believe Prophets a.s are infallible except few fanatic captious
In general we believe prophets are infallible because if we believe they are
not infallible then whole religion will collapse. How?
Let us assume Prophets a.s are not infallible, then there will rise question that
they ( Prophets a.s) gave wrong message because they are not infallible and
they do err. If you say Quran said they a.s conveyed the message well
without any mistake and no wrong can enter in the Quran , Then the answer
will be Prophet a.s made mistake in that very ayat which saying batil cannot
enter in the Quran and other similar types of ayat.
If anyone says that Prophet s.a.w.a do not make mistake in Quranic and
religious matters but can err in other matters. I will response that then we
have to differentiate between religious matters and non religious matters,
then there will be different opinion about a matter, some will say it is
religious other will say this is non-religious. Secondly I will say it is nonreligious but Prophet s.a.w.a wrongly thought it is religious.

Ultimately there will be chaos, and whole religion will like wrong message of
prophets a.s.
But Alhamdulillah most of the ummah believe Prophets s.a are masum.
Let us first understand what is infallibility or masum.
Dictionary defines infallibility as :
Merriam Webster dictionary:
Infallible: incapable of errors, not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint,
incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or morals.
In our daily life we random use masum word, such as this child is masum, the
terrorist killed masum people etc.
Inlight of above understanding I shall quote here few quranic verses which
show that Prophets are infallibles.
We know its satan who incite to our nafs to make us wrong. But Quran says:

"Nor do I absolve my own self (of blame): the (human) soul is certainly prone to evil, unless
my Lord do bestow His Mercy: but surely my Lord is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." ( 12:53)
So human are prone to evil except on those whom Allah s.w.t bestowed mercy.

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(Iblis) said: "O my Lord! because Thou hast put me in the wrong, I will make (wrong) fairseeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong. Except Thy servants from
among them, the devoted ones ( Mukhleseen). He said: This is a right way with Me. Surely.
as regards My servants, you have no authority ,over them except those who follow you of the
deviators. And surely Hell is the promised place of them all. (15:39-43).

Surely (as for) My servants, you have no authority over them; and your Lord is sufficient as
a Protector.( 17:65)

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(Iblis) said: "Then, by Thy power, I will put them all in the wrong. "Except Thy Servants
amongst them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace).(mukhleseen)"(38:82-83)

It can be easily understood from above holy verses that satan has no power
over mukhlesh servents of Allah s.w.t. Even satan is accepting his inability to
make wrong to mukhles people.
Now is there any one better mukhlesh and purified than Prophets s.a?
obviously no one.
When satan has no ability over Prophet s.a.w.a then how we say prophet
s.a.w.a may do wrong!
Prophet s.a.w.a not make error:

Your companion does not err, nor does he go astray (53:2)

Nor does he speak out of desire.(53:3)

It is naught save an inspiration that is inspired,(53:4)

So from above verses its all clear Prophet s.a.w.a neither make error nor does he says
anything out of his mind. Rater all from a type of inspiration from Allah s.w.t.

and whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it, and
from whatever he forbids you, keep back(57:7).

One needs to understand that whatever Prophet s.a.w.a gives we need to take it, so if prophet
s.a.w.a gives any wrong example then also we have to take/follow that, therefore
taking/following wrong will lead us to wrong path-which is impossible, that Prophet s.a.w.a
will lead us to any wrong. Because as above Allah s.w.t already said he do not speak from
his desire rather all that are revelation.
We know from the Quran al karim that Obeying to prophet s.a.w.a is inconditional:

And We did not send any messenger but that he should

be obeyed by Allah's permission (4:64)

O you who believe! obey Allah

and obey the Messenger, and do not make your deeds of no effect.(47:33)
There are many similar verses which clearly shows obey to prophet s.a.w.a unconditional.
So if Prophet s.a.w.a makes any wrong it should also be obeyed! It should become a sunnah
of Prophet s.a.w.a and we should obey that also. and by obeying wrong we will go to astray.
The only conclusion is that when Allah s.w.t said to obey prophet s.a.w.a ,the characteristic
of Prophet s.a.w.a must be like that is do not do any error , because Allah s.w.t will never
order us to follow wrong. In other word unless prophet s.a.w.a is masum Allah s.w.t will not
order us to follow His Prophet s.a.w.a. Because obeying Prophet s.a.w.a is obeying Allah

He who obeys the messenger,

obeys Allah: But if any turn away, We have not sent thee to watch over their (evil
And we cannot obey any sinner:

Therefore wait patiently for the command of

your Lord, and obey not from among them a sinner or an ungrateful one.(76:24)
Here Allah s.w.t saying to his Prophet s.a.w.a not to obey any sinner. So how can we obey
any sinner? In other word a obeyed person ( whom Allah s.a.w.t said/endorsed to obey )
must be sinless.

O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and ulil amr ( Master of affairs)
from among you; then if you quarrel about anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if
you believe in Allah and the last day; this is better and very good in the end.(4:59)
Here Allah s.w.t commanding us to obey Allah and to obey Prophet s.a.w.a and oliul amr.
Let us understand the verse first. In this verse Allah s.w.t commanding the believers , so its
wajib since when Allah s.w.t command anything it becomes wajib for belivers.
2nd Point: Here Allah s.w.t used obey word two times for ordering to obey three category 1.
Allah s.w.t himself, 2 Prophet s.a.w.a 3. Oliul amr. For Allah s.w.t the word obey used

separately and for Prophet s.a.w.a and oliul amr separately, its indicates that obeying oliul
amr is in a status of Prophet s.a.w.a.
( Side Note: This ayat is very clear about who are the oliul amr, as we see from the text of
the ayat Allah s.w.t ordering us to obey Him, Prophet s.a.w.a and Olil amr, as we cant
select/elect who will be our Allah whom we shall worship, Rather if we select/elect our
Allah by our choice we will become Mushrik, We do not have any authority to select/elect
Allah, likewise we do not have any authority to select/elect any prophet rather its Allah s.w.t
who himself select Prophets and similarly we cant select who will be the ulil amr, as the
2nd obey word in this ayat connected to the obeying of Prophet s.a.w.a.
Some may say here Allah s.w.t said From among you for oilul amr so we can select/elect
who will be the olil amr. The answer is ankum or from you does not give meaning of
selecting/electing oliul amr. He should know that the word obey for olilul amr is same
way connected Prophet. Moreover the from you/them etc words also used for Prophet
Its also impossible for Allah s.w.t that he will give order to us to obey something which is
not exists, Allah gives order to obey him becoz He exists and Allah gave order to obey
prophet s.a.w.a because Prophet s.a.w.a exists, And it not possible that oliul amr do not
exists and Allah s.w.t will order us to obey the.
As stated before Allah s.w.t will not order us to obey someone who will do wrong, then it
will be like that Allah s.w.t is ordering us to follow wrong.
Obeying prophet s.a.w.a is actually obeying Allah s.w.t there no alternative way.
He who obeys the messenger, obeys Allah..(4:80)
Say: If You love Allah, then follow me..(3:31)
So there is no alternative way to express love towards Allah s.w.t, except to follow Prophet
s.a.w.a. Expression of love will be accepted by following Prophet s.a.w.a.
Now we shall look into the Ahdeeth of prophet s.a.w.a

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Prophet s.a.w.a said : One who obey me obeys Allah, and one who adhere me adheres
Allah, And one who obey Ali he obeys me, And who adhere Ali adhere me.
(Mustadrak ala Sahihain: Imam Hakim said this Hadeeth is Sahih, Imam Dhahabi also
)authenticated it

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Its long hadeeth I am quoting relevant parts : prophet s.a.w.a said Ali is with Quran and
Quran is with Ali, they will never separate even they reach to fountain ( of kawsar).
We believe that no wrong/error can enter into the Quran the same way no wrong and error
can enter to Ali. Because Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.a compared rather made saturated Ali
with quran and they( Quran and Ali) will not separate from each other.
As we know Prophet s.a.w.a said :

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This hadeeth has been stated by numerous books and with mutawatir sanad.I am just
Quoting from Sunan at-Tirmizi if anyone want other references then may see my another

Prophet s.a.w.a said I am leavening among you if you adhere them you will never go
astray after me, one is greater than other , kitab Allah which is rope between heaven and
earth and my progeny my Ahlul bait, they will never separate even they reach at house (
So Prophet s.a.w.a with hadeeth e saqalin ( Two heavy things) made it clear that Quran and
Ahlul bait are guarantee for us not to go wrong. Prophet s.a.w.a made Quran and his
progeny his ahlul bait un-separable entity.
So by no way like Quran the falsehood/error/wrong can enter to his Holy progeny his ahlul
bait.This is clear proof that the Ahlul bait are free from any defect and no falsehood no
wrong and error can commissioned by His holy progeny his holy Ahlul bait.
More over the ayat e Tathir shows absolute cleanliness of Ahlul Bait a.s.

This is Allahs wish to clean them a through clean from any type of rijs.
(Side note:Allah s.w.t said about Quran

( 56:79)

- None can grasp it

except purified one. This Arabic texts give us exact meaning No one is able to grasp
it(quran) except those who has been purified by US ( Mutaharun).)
I will finish this article by citing a hadeeth from Durrul Manthur of Allama Suyuti, under
the verse 33:33 ( Ayat e Tathir) he quoted:

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It is little bit long hadeeth I am translating relevant parts only:

Quoted by Hakim, Tirmizi, Tabrani , Ibn Marduai, Abu Naim and Baihaqi in his dalail from
Ibn Abbas that prophet s.a.w.a said : that HIS saying Verily Allah wishes to
remove all abomination from you, O Ahlul bait, and to make you pure and spotless. I and
my ahlul bait are purified from the sin

Write to me if you have anything to ask about this article at

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