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Basic Elements

Form Positive forms with negative space Organic Forms Geometric Forms Mechanical forms Static Forms Dynamic forms Kinetic Forms Dimensionality Relief Three quarters Freestanding Environmental works Installation Earthworks Site specific Space positive and negative space Compression and expansion Activated space Entering space Texture Light transparent Reflective Translucent Ambient light Directed light Hue Value Intensity or saturation Temperature Harmony and disharmony Contrast Emotion and color Symbolic color Hue -Primary, secondary and tertiary colors Value- Tine, tone and shade Intensity, saturation &chroma Achromatic , monochromatic, analogous, complimentary Actual time Implied time Viewing time


Volume And Mass polyhedra Primary contours Secondary contours Line orientation Direction Continuity Actual lines Implied lines Site line Time



Unity and Variety Gestalt Grouping Containment Proximity Continuity Repetition Closure Line variation Variation in texture Variation in pattern Grid and matrix Rhythm And Repetition tempo

Balance Symmetrical Asymmetrical Radial Imbalance Dominant, subdominant, subordinate Scale and Proportion Human scale Handheld Monumental Emphasis Focal point Anomaly Contrast


Orthographic projection Composition Stereotypes Clichs Analogy, simile, metaphor Appropriation Recontextualiz -ation

composite skeleton exoskeleton armature compression tension bend torque shear

additive sculpture subtractive sculpture assemblage displacement modeling connections transitions gradation

ephemeral materials representational nonobjective abstract boundaries plinth pedestal

Formal Questions

Does the piece show good control and understanding of the medium? Is the color/shape/line expressive and appropriate to the mood? Is the color scheme harmonious? Is there a sense of depth? Does the overall design appear harmonious or discordant? Does the arrangement have balance? Is there organized movement (rhythm) in the work? Is there a center of interest and is it well located? Identify some of the similarities throughout the work.
Thoughts on Content

How clearly is concept or intent communicated? Does the concept have conviction? Does the piece have shallow or deep layers of meaning? Does it evoke a feeling? Is the content bold or subtle? Is this specific to the person or universal in scope? What titles could you give this artwork? How does the choice in materials and techniques relate to the idea? What elements and principles were emphasized in this work, and how did those choices impact the meaning of the work? How does the color/line/shape reinforce the intended concept? If the work has subjects or characters, what are the relationships between or among them? How does the piece address the audiences potential needs or expectations? Does the work remind you of other things you have experienced (i.e., analogy or metaphor)? Does the piece have character and style? What is the intention of the style, and does it achieve the desired effect? Does it have value? If so, why? Does it convey a poignant universal truth or scalding social commentary? Consider the context and symbols.

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