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Winston Shrout c/o Box 123 Anywhere, Utah FIFTH DISTRI T !URT A"#WH$R$, UTAH %RA$ I%$ T!

TH$ &$R' !F !URT(WRIT !F I"STRU TI!" T! TH$ &$R') In re* %etitioner+s %etition to the Fi,th District ourt ,or the issuance o, Writ ,or Ha-eas WI"ST!" SHR!UT, %etitioner c/o Box 123, Anywhere, Utah /s0 1!H" S2ITH, Res.on3ent 123 2ain Str0, Anywhere, Utah 1u34e* 5555555555555555555555555 ase "u6-er* 555555555555555555 su-6itte3 -y* Winston Shrout, 7aw,u7 6an, Rea7 %arty in Interest 3o6ici7e* Washin4ton county, Utah state o6es now Winston Shrout, 7aw,u7 6an an3 a Rea7 %arty in Interest in this instant 6atter, a..earin4 s.ecia77y un3er 8restricte3 a..earance9 (Ru7e $ : o, the Su..7e6enta7 Ru7es ,or ertain A36ira7ty an3 2ariti6e 7ai6s) exercisin4 his ri4ht to .etition the 4enera7 4o/ern6ent ,or re3ress o, 4rie/ance 4uarantee3 -y the onstitution ,or the Unite3 States, a re6e3y .ro/i3e3 -y the privilege o, the extraor3inary writ ,or ha-eas, the ;reat Writ ,or &i-erty, which is within the co77ecti/e herita4e o, the .eo.7e o, the Unite3 States an3 $n47an30 %etitioner asserts in fact that his 7i-erty has an3 is now -ein4 restraine3 -y 1ohn S6ith, 3/-/a 1!H" S2ITH0 Winston Shrout has exhauste3 his a36inistrati/e re6e3ies in this 6atter, an3 there is no .7ain, s.ee3y or a3e<uate in 7aw re6e3y a/ai7a-7e0 10 The history o, the ;reat Writ is enca.su7ate3 in the state6ent that* $/ery .erson restraine3 o, his 7i-erty un3er any .retense whate/er, 6ay .rosecute a writ o, ha-eas to in<uire into the cause o, the restraint, an3 sha77 -e 3e7i/ere3 there,ro6 when ,oun3 i77e4a70 The ter6 87i-erty9 6eans Free3o6, exe6.tion ,ro6 extraneous contro7, the .ower o, the wi77 to ,o77ow the 3ictates o, its unrestricte3 choice, an3 to 3irect the externa7 acts o, the in3i/i3ua7 without restrain, coercion, or contro7 ,ro6 other .arties0 The ter6 87i-erty9 inc7u3es an3 co6.rehen3s a77 .ersona7 ri4hts an3 their en=oy6ent0 The ;reat Writ can -e use3 ,or =u3icia7 re/iew o, a36inistrati/e .rocesses or =u3icia7 .rocesses0 The ;reat Writ can -e use3 as the ,irst action ,or co77atera7 attac? on a36inistrati/e or =u3icia7 .rocesses0 The ;reat Writ is use3 to 3eter6ine the nature an3 cause o, restraint -y Res.on3ent0 The 7er? o, ourt is noticed -y way o, the ancient Writ o, %raeci.e (Writ o, instruction to the 7er? o, ourt) to ta?e notice o, the attache3 %etition ,or a Writ ,or Ha-eas, Writ o, Ha-eas an3 "otice o, Hearin4 ori4inatin4 ,ro6 %etitioner0 The 7er? o, ourt is noticed to ser/e the Writ ,or Ha-eas on the Res.on3ent -y whate/er 6eans is .ro/i3e3 -y the .ractices o, the court, without delay0 %etitioner notices the 7er? o, ourt that no .u-7ic o,,icia7 is 7ia-7e ,or ci/i7 action ,or o-eyin4 a Writ ,or Ha-eas or or3er o, 3ischar4e 6a3e thereon0


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%etitioner notices the 7er? o, ourt o, Artic7e 1 sec C o, the onstitution ,or the unite3 States an3 the onstitution ,or Utah Art I, Sec0 @0 DHabeas corpus.E The privilege o, the writ o, habeas corpus sha77 not -e sus.en3e3, un7ess, in case o, re-e77ion or in/asion, the .u-7ic sa,ety re<uires it0 %etitioner has no ?now7e34e o, re-e77ion or in/asion in the Unite3 States or in Utah, an3 this Writ ,or Ha-eas .oses no threat to the .u-7ic0 %etitioner has no other .7ain, s.ee3y or a3e<uate re6e3y in 7aw0 The %etitioner notices the 7er? o, ourt -y way o, the ancient Writ o, %raeci.e to ta?e s.ecia7 notice that %etitioner+s %etition ,or a Writ ,or Ha-eas 6a?es the 7er? o, ourt ?now7e34ea-7e o, the wron4s 6entione3 in >2 US 1C:@ an3 un7ess it can -e shown in writin4 -y the 7er? o, ourt that the con3itions exist as .rescri-e3 -y the onstitution ,or the unite3 States an3 the onstitution ,or Utah, that is, that 3ue to a nationa7 or state re-e77ion or in/asion the ;reat Writ, Writ ,or Ha-eas, has -een sus.en3e3, it is the 3uty an3 o-7i4ation o, the 7er? o, ourt the issue and deliver the attached writ for habeas corpus without delay. Fai7ure to 3o so wou73 create a 3ishonor o, .resent6ents o, %etitioner to the court ,or the ri4ht o, .etition ,or re3ress o, 4rie/ance, a 3enia7 o, 3ue .rocess 4i/in4 rise to a ,e3era7 <uestion0 Fai7ure to 3o so wou73 esta-7ish the 7er? o, ourt in nonG,easance o, o,,ice in ,act, an3 wou73 -e a tort a4ainst Winston Shrout0 Fai7ure to 3o so wou73 -e =ust cause ,or Winston Shrout to issue an A,,i3a/it o, "onG,easance to -e ,i7e3 with the Utah Su.re6e ourt a7on4 with the %etition ,or Writ ,or Ha-eas, Writ ,or Ha-eas an3 "otice o, Hearin4, etc0 55555555555 3ate

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5555555555555555555555555555555555 Winston Shrout, 7aw,u7 6an, %etitioner

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