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Professional Adjustment, Leadership & Management, Ethics and Research

Question 1 Which of the following characteristics do not describe a scientific investigation? A. B. They are conducted to test or develop theories and study advance knowledge Empirical data are not necessarily gathered through human sense but must be based on theories It is planned and conducted in a syste atic and orderly "#ternal factors which controlled anner

C. !.

ay influence the relationship a ong pheno ena is

Question 1 Explanation:Keyword: DO NO !ationale: "haracteristics o# a $ood !esearch %ystematic & conduct research in a step by step process or procedure Empirical & ob'ecti(e data should be obser(able)measurable or readily collected using your senses "ontrolled) manipulated & *ethods)tool o# controlling is research design "ritical in(estigation)#act #inding in(estigation & +n order to answer the data is by using #acts. ,oo-ing #or human beings who can gi(e us #acts

Question $ The state ent of the future purpose of the future organi%ation that is involved in the planning stage of the anage ent process is called& A. B. C. !. 'ission .ision (oal )hilosophy

Question / Explanation:Keyword: % 0 E*EN O1 2E 13 3!E 43!4O%E !ationale: *ission 5 present reason when established your organi6ation .ision & statement o# your #uture purpose o# your #uture organi6ation 4hilosophy 5 set o# (alues and belie#s o# your organi6ation $oal 5 general statement o# your purpose Ob'ecti(es 5 more speci#ic statement o# your purpose

Question 3
)rinciples of effective leadership least likely involves&

One group commanded by one leader One group should always have an objective Patient first policy is applied Accountability is delegated to the members of the team
Question 7 Explanation:Keyword: ,E0% ,+KE,8 !ationale: !esponsibility can be delegated by a team leader but not the accountability. "ommand responsibility or !espondent %uperior states the master or the superior answers #or the negligence o# his subordinates in hal# o# his patient who su##er #rom in'ury or death.

Question 4
This theory states that a person beco es a leader because he is born to be one& $reat&*an theory *ituational theory Charis atic theory Trait theory Question 9 Explanation:Keyword: BO!N O BE 0 ,E0DE! !ationale: heories o# Nursing ,eadership : $reat&*an theory 5 born as a leader : rait theory 5 de(elop characteristics or born with the characteristics o 7 traits o# a leader : 4 5 personality ;adaptability< independence< creati(e)asserti(e< ad(ocate= ability to ad'ust to the need o# the pt : + 5 intelligence ;proper 'udgment< proper decision ma-ing< proper communication= : 0 5 ability 5 ;in#luence others< respect others< participate and cooperate= 4roper way to in#luence is thru health teaching : "harismatic theory 5 becomes a leader because o# the charm : %ituational theory)case to case basis o a person can be a leader in one situation but only a #ollower in another situation. ;eg. becomes a leader in where he speciali6es=

Question 5
The following are characteristics of a clinical nursing proble apart fro &

It reflects something that could be improved in clinical practice It has a potential to change how nursing care is delivered in the unit It is value-laden and involves feelings and perceptions It is a problem that occurs frequently in a particular group
Question > Explanation:Keyword: E?"E4 !ationale: "haracteristics o# a research problem general applicability and use !esearchable 1easible and measurable 1actors o# a #easible research : time< money< experience o# the

researcher< instruments< population importance to nursing pro#ession no(elty)originality ;4lagiarism)illegal replication 5 unauthori6ed use o# another@s literary wor- without any consent or permission= signi#icance to nursing Question + The head nurse in the unit is consistent in her decisions and co pels the group to follow her. *he perfor s decision aking without asking or getting any inputs fro her e bers. Which type of leadership is the head nurse following? ,aisse%-faire !e ocratic 0utocratic .ltra-liberal Question A Explanation:Keyword: "ON%+% EN < "O*4E,%< 4E!1O!*% DE"+%+ON *0K+N$ B+ 2O3 0%K+N$ !ationale: 0utocratic)0uthoritarian)dictatorial)ChardC leader & unilateral style o# leadership. Only the leader here per#orms the decision ma-ing without getting the inputs #rom his members. One sided style o# leadership Beha(ior : 0 5 apathy 5 insensiti(e to others B 5 Boisterous speech " 5 consistency D 5 Dominating E 5 Exploitati(e beha(ior 1 5 #erocious beha(ior< to coerce or compel the group to #ollow him

The charis a and char of a leader is referred to as which power of a leader?

!"pert power #eferent power !"clusive power #eward power

Question D Explanation:Keyword: "20!+%*0 0ND "20!* !ationale: > 4owers o# a $ood ,eader : ,egitimate) 1ormal) exclusi(e 4ower o Exercise because you are appointed to a higher position : Expert 4ower o 8ou acEuire extra 5 ordinary s-ills< talent or ability : !e#erent 4ower o "harisma and charm : !eward 4ower o F power #or the part o# the leader o gi(es rewards< bonus< promotion< compensation : "oerci(e 4ower o 5 power on the part o# the leader o reprimand< suspend< terminate

Question $
To be a good anager/ there should be a good interpersonal relationship between the leader and follower. This leadership theory is called&

%cientific &anagement theory &otivational 'heory

Human Relations Theory (ureaucratic 'heory

Question G Explanation:Keyword: $OOD +N E!4E!%ON0, !E,0 +ON%2+4 !ationale: 2uman !elations theory 5 to be a good manager< there should be a good interpersonal relationship between the leader and #ollower Douglas *c $regor@s *oti(ational theory heory ? o Negati(e wor-ers o negligence< ine##icient< ine##ecti(e wor-ers heory 8 o 4ositi(e wor-ers o diligent< e##ecti(e< e##icient wor-er theory ? should be gi(en #ocus because they are prone to negligence and malpractice.*ax Beber@s Bureaucratic) authoritarian heory whoe(er is on the top would per#orm the management #unction centrali6ed 1rederic- aylor@s %cienti#ic *anagement heory Elements o choosing the appropriate person ; 0O= o choosing the appropriate team o choosing the appropriate training o choosing the appropriate tools

Question )
The loose style of nursing leadership is&

*aisse+,faire -emocratic .utocratic /one of these

Question H Explanation:Keyword: ,OO%E !ationale: 4ermissi(e< ultra&liberal< laisse6 #aire< #ree&rein o ,oose style o# nursing leadership. o $i(ing excess #reedom or liberality towards your subordinates i# to lenient in your subordinates< there will be I control and power J K negligence

Question 01
0esearch designed to generate knowledge to guide nursing practice and to i prove the health and 1uality of life of nurses2 clients is ter ed as&

/ursing #esearch Clinical Nursing Research #esearch !thics

Question 1L Explanation:Keyword: $3+DE N3!%+N$ 4!0" +"E !ationale: "linical Nursing !esearch is a research designed to generate -nowledge to guide nursing practice and to impro(e the health and Euality o# li#e o# nurses@ clients. 0= Nursing research is

a systematic inEuiry designed to de(elop -nowledge about issues o# importance to the nursing pro#ession< including nursing practice< education< administration and in#ormatics. B= "orrect answer "= !esearch is a systematic inEuiry that uses disciplined methods to answer Euestions or sol(e problems. ;%ource: Nursing !esearch: 4rinciples and *ethods by Denise 4olit and "heryl Bec-=

Question 00
*ources of a research proble could either be the following e#cept&

2oncepts Issues 'heories #esearch

Question 11 Explanation:Keyword: E?"E4 !ationale: %ources o# a research problem are the #ollowing: ;"&,&+&E&N& = " 5 "oncepts , 5 ,iterature< essays< boo-s< 'ournals + 5 +ssues E 5 Experiences N 5 Nursing problems 5 heories

Question 03
Quantitative research uses which type of reasoning to generate hunches that are tested in the real world?

-eductive reasoning Inductive reasoning Informal logic .ll of the above

Question 1/ Explanation:Keyword: $ENE!0 E 23N"2E%M E% ED +N 2E !E0, BO!,D !ationale: Deducti(e reasoning wor-s #rom a generali6ation or theory to a speci#ic obser(ation ;tested in the real world=. Quantitati(e research uses deducti(e reasoning to generate hunches that are tested in the real world.

Question 03
Which of the following characteristics do not describe a research proble ?

4sed unauthori+ed from another5s literary wor6 'he topic itself is researchable 7enerally applicable for use in practice /one of these

Question 17 Explanation:Keyword: DO NO !ationale: "haracteristics o# a research problem general applicability and use !esearchable 1easible and measurable 1actors o# a #easible research : time< money< experience o# the researcher< instruments< population importance to nursing pro#ession no(elty)originality ;4lagiarism)illegal replication 5 unauthori6ed use o# another@s literary wor- without any consent or permission= signi#icance to nursing

Question 04
The leadership is e#ercised because of the appoint ent to a higher position is referred to as&

!"pert power #eferent power !"clusive power #eward power

Question 19 Explanation:Keyword: 044O+N *EN !ationale: ,egitimate) 1ormal) exclusi(e 4ower o Exercise because you are appointed to a higher position

Question 05
Which of the following leadership is best used during an e ergency or intensive crisis?

*aisse+,faire -emocratic .utocratic 4ltra,liberal

Question 1> Explanation:Keyword: BE% D3!+N$ E*E!$EN"8 O! +N E%+.E "!+%+% !ationale: 0utocratic style is leadership is best style during emergency or intensi(e crisis.

Question 08
Which paradig of nursing research responds to the hu an in1uiry 34ow should the in1uirer obtain knowledge?5

Ontologic !pistemologic ."iologic &ethodologic

Question 1A Explanation:Keyword: OB 0+N KNOB,ED$E

!ationale: 4aradigm is a general perspecti(e on the complexities o# the real world. 4aradigms #or human inEuiry are o#ten characteri6ed in terms o# the ways in which they respond to basic philosophical Euestions: Ontologic: NBhat is the nature o# realityOC Epistemologic: NBhat is the relationship between the inEuirer and that being studiedOC 0xiologic: NBhat is the role o# (alues in the inEuiryOC *ethodologic: N2ow should the inEuirer obtain -nowledgeOC ;%ource: Nursing !esearch: 4rinciples and *ethods by 4olit and Bec-=

Question 0
Which paradig of nursing research responds to the hu an in1uiry 3What is the relationship between the in1uirer and that being studied?5

Ontologic !pistemologic ."iologic &ethodologic

Question 1D Explanation:Keyword: !E,0 +ON%2+4 !ationale: 4aradigm is a general perspecti(e on the complexities o# the real world. 4aradigms #or human inEuiry are o#ten characteri6ed in terms o# the ways in which they respond to basic philosophical Euestions: Ontologic: NBhat is the nature o# realityOC Epistemologic: NBhat is the relationship between the inEuirer and that being studiedOC 0xiologic: NBhat is the role o# (alues in the inEuiryOC *ethodologic: N2ow should the inEuirer obtain -nowledgeOC ;%ource: Nursing !esearch: 4rinciples and *ethods by 4olit and Bec-=

Question 0$
Telling the truth is the practice of which ethical principle?

/on,maleficence 9eracity (eneficence :ustice

Question 1G Explanation:Keyword: E,,+N$ 2E !3 2 !ationale: Ethical 4rinciples o 4rinciple o# 0utonomy independent 'udgment or decision ma-ing in all situation the pt himsel# is the one who should decide #or his own care "onsent : respect the decision o# the pt : explain the ris- to the patient)%O : wai(er & a legal doc when the pt re#use #or treatment. o 4rinciple o# .eracity telling the truth to the patient P1 the patient has the right to -now #rom the 428%+"+0N ;not the nurse= o 4rinciple o# Double E##ects i# the pt is made to choose between / eEual danger and he only needs to choose one< choose the one that will

produce one good e##ect and less e(il e##ect. o 4rinciple o# Bene#icence doing good to the patient ;eg. pro(iding therapeutic communication< pro(iding pri(acy= o 4rinciple o# Non&*ale#icence do no harm 7 types o# 2arm : 4hysical 5 negligence by commission : *ental 5 assault and battery : *oral 5 slander and libel o 4rinciple o# Qustice 4rioriti6e the needs o# the patient. o be able to pro(ide nursing care to the patient< pro(ide the nursing process. Nursing 4rocess characteristics : : 0 5 acceptable uni(ersally : B & based patients assessment needs : " 5 client #ocused : D 5 dynamics 5 base on the e(er changing needs o# the pt : E 5 eEuitable care : 1 5 #amiliarity)rapport to the patient : $ 5 goal directed towards sol(ing the assess needs o# the patient ;%*0! = o 4rinciple o# !espect)+n(iolability o# li#e %uicide and abortion is (iolation o# this principle

Question 0)
Attributes of a good leader involves which of the following?

;olds his member accountable for their wrongdoing and negligence .ware of the members strengths and wea6nesses 2onfident in his leadership s6ills .ll of these
Question 1H Explanation:Keyword: +N.O,.E% !ationale: attributes o# a good leader 1. %el# awareness /. %el# con#idence 7. 0d(ocacy 9. 0ccountability

Question 31
Which of the following describes an inductive for of reasoning?

%eparation an"iety is common in children< 2hildren whose parents are not in the hospital room will manifest an"ious behavior< &ost patients are irritable< 4npredictable moods and irritability behaviors of patients are caused by their underlying illnesses that alter their activities of daily living< &ild an"iety sharpens one5s perception and cognitive function< &ost students who ta6e e"amination with mild an"iety have high scores< .ll of the above
Question /L Explanation:Keyword: +ND3" +.E 1O!* !ationale:

inducti(e reasoning mo(es #rom speci#ic obser(ations to broader generali6ations and theories. 0= %eparation anxiety is common in children ;generali6ation)theory=. "hildren whose parents are not in the hospital room mani#est anxious beha(ior ;speci#ic obser(ation=. J deducti(e reasoning B= *ost patients are irritable ;speci#ic obser(ation=. 3npredictable moods and irritability beha(iors o# patients are caused by their underlying illnesses that alter their acti(ities o# daily li(ing ;generali6ation)theory=. J inducti(e reasoning "= *ild anxiety sharpens one@s perception and cogniti(e #unction ;generali6ation)theory=. *ost students who ta-e examination with mild anxiety ha(e high scores ;speci#ic obser(ation=. J deducti(e reasoning

Question 30
Which of the following leadership styles will be having ore risk of negligence of the e bers?

*aisse+,faire -emocratic .utocratic /one of these

Question /1 Explanation:Keyword: *O!E !+%K O1 NE$,+$EN"E !ationale: $i(ing excess #reedom or liberality towards your subordinates i# to lenient in your subordinates< there will be I control and power J K negligence

Question 33
A variable that co es between dependent and independent variable is called&

!"traneous variable Polychomotous variable -ichomotous variable Intervening variable

Question // Explanation:Keyword: "O*E% BE BEEN !ationale: Kinds o# (ariable : +ndependent (ariable & use this to stimulate a target population : Dependent (ariable)E##ectual (ariable & results o# the e##ects o# the study : +nter(ening .ariable & "omes between dependent and independent o Example: orghanism (ariable< internal #actor< sex< gender< color : Extraneous .ariable & External in#uences that can be changed o Example: citi6enship< educational status : Dichotomous .ariable & / choices) / results o Example: *ale) 1emale : 4olychotomous .ariable & *ultiple choices o Example: 4re#erred #oods 5 "hinese< Qapanese< 0merican. . . . .

Question 33
Which of the following ele ents is not included in 6rederick Taylor2s scientific anage ent theory?

.ppropriate person .ppropriate team .ppropriate goals .ppropriate tools

Question /7 Explanation:Keyword: NO +N",3DED !ationale: 1rederic- aylor@s %cienti#ic *anagement heory Elements o choosing the appropriate person ; 0O= o choosing the appropriate team o choosing the appropriate training o choosing the appropriate tools

Question 34
Which theory of nursing leadership states that a leader beco es the head because of his char ?

7reat,&an theory %ituational theory 2harismatic theory 'rait theory

Question /9 Explanation:Keyword: "20!* !ationale: heories o# Nursing ,eadership : $reat&*an theory 5 born as a leader : rait theory 5 de(elop characteristics or born with the characteristics o 7 traits o# a leader : 4 5 personality ;adaptability< independence< creati(e)asserti(e< ad(ocate= ability to ad'ust to the need o# the pt : + 5 intelligence ;proper 'udgment< proper decision ma-ing< proper communication= : 0 5 ability 5 ;in#luence others< respect others< participate and cooperate= 4roper way to in#luence is thru health teaching : "harismatic theory 5 becomes a leader because o# the charm : %ituational theory)case to case basis o a person can be a leader in one situation but only a #ollower in another situation. ;eg. becomes a leader in where he speciali6es=

Question 35
37o deposit policy during e ergency cases only5 is stated in which law?

#. 315 #. 081 P- $35 #. $344

Question /> Explanation:Keyword: NO DE4O%+ 4O,+"8 !ationale:a. !0 D7L> 5 magna carta law b. !0 D1AL 5 local go(ernment code c. 4D G/> 5 en(ironmental sanitation law o# the 4hils d. !0 G799 & No deposit policy during emergency cases only


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