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Dear Young Adults,
I prepared to testify before the Lincoln City Council couple of weeks ago, one of my
favorite young adult, a very smart young lady called Hannah, said to me Femi, is it
possible that with our testimonies today, that we will be on the wrong side of history? I
assured Hannah that we will not be, not because of our intellect or eloquence on the issue
but because we have truth and Gods word on our side. I went on to assure her
(scripturally), that the bible was never on the side anyone who thought or believed that a
set of human is better than another set, I went further that in real history (not the ones
now taught in schools) it was true believers that started the slave emancipation
My good friend Hannah is no alone, your generation very much want to be on the right
side of history, you want to be seen standing for justice, unfortunately rather than
standing for divine justice, youve been sold social justice, a lot of it coated with
religion but the inside stinks of humanism (secular or humanist Christians).
The body of Christ has let your generation down as well, weve not taught you sound
doctrine so you can defend what you believe or your faith, we made church too much of a
fun place, just so you can come, we let you out into the world without equipping you
for battle, when college professors inundate you with so-called logical reasons, over 70%
of you abandon your faith or it is watered down to humanistic Christianity. From
elementary to college, you are bombarded with secularist theories and wrong perspective
history, your admission to college is based on humanist ideology of giving back a
perverted version of being a good branch that bear good fruit to Gods glory. The church
and some of us parents succumbed to humanistic philosophies of raising children, we
abandoned time tested parenting teachings from the bible as being old-fashioned, and
absolute was replaced with relative. We voluntarily became helpless and could not
protect you from the barrage of anti-God (post-modernism) spew from popular media
(audio and visual) and entertainment industries, we did not say NO when you wanted to
hang out with bad eggs (in your herding years) because the parenting focus was being
cool parents, instead of just being parents (tough love, drawing boundaries etc.) to raise
the next generation.
The result is many of you now view the church and people who stand for
righteousness as two-issue people, because that is what secular media say, theyve
branded righteousness as social conservatism and made sure it is a bad word, and you
want nothing to do with being right-wing, you want to be cool and have swag. You want
to give back because it shows compassion and more importantly you desire the things

(fame, wealth, etc.) of this world more than righteousness, simply because many of you
have not been exposed to the truth, Gods eternal Truth.
Knowing where you come from is very important to what you will eventually believe
about life. There are two schools of thoughts, the evolutionary theory and the creationism
theory, both require faith. The evolution theory postulates that humans evolve yet theyve
been unable to determine where the first tiny particle that exploded (big bang) came
from? For those of us who believe that an intelligent creator spoke the world into being, it
is also based on faith. Some have tried to be in between, thereby twisting the bible, for
instance, some suggest that the 7 days mentioned in the bible might not be literal 7 days,
rather a figure of speech where 1 day could be a thousand or a million years? Some also
postulate that creation and then evolution might not be in conflict but happened one after
I personally believe the bible the way it is, God created the world in literal 7 days (no
evidence to suggest otherwise, just wishful speculation), that He [God] created
everything according to its kind and He created each human with a purpose but with
different gifts and abilities. Like king David said, His creations (living and non-living)
speak loudly of His existence and glory.
The bible went further to say, we humans were created as tripartite beings, formed from
dust into an earthly vessel called body, and God breathe life into us to form our Soul and
spirit, so our body is a mere shell of who we really are and our Soul and spirit being will
exist forever (this is the image of God we were made in). The bible also tells us that our
body (flesh) is sinful, so every human (without Christ) naturally defaults to sin (missing
the mark). Human nature naturally defaults to self, and the enemy makes sure of that.
Human Soul has three parts, Will, Mind and Emotion. Psychologists will tell you that
there are over a hundred emotions, from crying to laughing to sadness etc., emotion is
even classified into primary and secondary, and emotions are primarily connected to
hormonal flow in the body. The bible clearly warns us Christians not to be led by
emotion (non-Christians often believe that love is emotion based this is not true
according to the Bible, it is merely expressed through emotion), we are to be led by the
Holy Spirit connecting with our spirit. Human mind (frontal lobe decision/short term
memory bank and hippocampus long term memory bank) is the decision making
avenue and the memory bank for our experiences of life, spirit beings (demons etc.) have
access to our mind through our body (flesh) gates, eyes, ears, touch, smell and mouth.
According to the bible, there are two-spiritual kingdoms on earth, the kingdom of
darkness led by Satan and the kingdom of God on earth where Christ is the Lord. Both
kingdoms have constitutions, the bible is the constitution of the kingdom of God on earth

and Satan simply improvises, whatever God says not to do, do opposite, according to the
bible the language of the kingdom of darkness is lies and Satan is the father of lies. The
bible also talked about the three heavenly realms, the first heaven (earth), the second
heaven (where spirit being exist) and the third heaven (Gods abode).
Your life is a constant battle between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of
heaven on earth, the battle is first and foremost in the spirit realm, then through your soul
(mind) and then it is exhibited in your belief system (and then in your character). Many
child psychologists agree that there are different stages in the development of a child, and
some ages are more critical than others because we learn different things based on
maturity. As someone in marriage ministry, it is very obvious that family of origin
experiences is a huge factor in the success and failure of marriages, as a parent of 17, 12
and 10 (soon to be 13 and 11), I live these different stages thing, there was a time I used
to force my now teenager to bath or brush his teeth, now I tell him to tone down his
perfume, he now consults his Mom and I on his clothe combination. Im at that phase
with my 12 year old where our discussions are about life and principles of life, while my
10 years old is starting to believe that she is pretty and taking 15 minutes to get dressed
(when she was 8, it was less than 5 minutes).
The kingdom of darkness is exhibited in our physical world through the systems by
which the world itself runs, from the economic system, educational system, religious
system, media and entertainment system, political and to the government system,
unfortunately, righteous people abandoned this systems of running the world to
unrighteous people and these systems are now in the hands of the kingdom of darkness
(we became salt in salt shakers, instead of sweetening our world). Our children could no
longer pray in school, the history class is not the real history but ideological rants, the
economic system took Christs compassion mandate away from the church and places it
in the hand of the government (the church now line up for government grants), an
average American kid that goes through public school system from elementary to college,
without parental correction every step of the way, would no doubt believe in what
government can do, than in what God can do through a willing vessel?
Our airwaves is littered with ungodly programs (programs that dulls the mind), from the
stupid reality shows, to MTV, every major TV station is now a propaganda arm I have
done an unscientific study of, for the past 3-4 years they always had a story
against Christianity and one for homosexuality (yet they are popular with Christians).
To have dad and sons time this past out of school week, I watched the new TV
Avatar series (recorded) with them, I had to remind myself to keep my side-comments
to myself, the whole story is reeking of Occupy theme, I had the talk with my boys
great series but dont believe the crappy story-line. Has any parent noticed that popular
reading series for kids in their tween years (10-12) are all about vampire or some weird
stories? Really! What ever happened to Snow-White and the seven dwarfs, or stories with
strong character lines! The only movie from Hollywood recently that threw a bone to

Christians or Christianity (or monotheism) is the avengers, when Capt. America said
there is only One God and He doesnt wear spandex.
All of the above crap (really secular worldview), cloud your mind and stores ungodly
stuff in your hippocampus, so when your frontal lobe seeks information to make a
decision, it is tapping mainly on worldly crap not godly principles because theyve not
been stored or your mind has not being renewing (with Gods word). Your mind (frontal
lobe) gets what it process from your senses, and also from the spirit realm, either
demonic (temptation) or Godly, how it responds depends on what youve stored in your
hippocampus which is where the frontal lobes seeks information to analyze.
It is very important that you understand that spiritual being (angels or demons) need
humans to effectively carry-out their assignments, so with stick and carrots, manipulation
due to lack of knowledge, the kingdom of darkness is taking advantage of our sinful
nature and we are succumbing to the deceits of the enemy, these deceits could be straight
and blatant or more often it is subtle and cohesive, this is why the bible says even the
elect would be deceived.
In our world today, theologians/anthropologist etc. believes that there are seven-nine
worldviews (Ill share the major ones), and for me whatever our worldview is a strong
indication of our heart, and the character we exude. Atheism these are people who
literarily believe that there is no God (Theos); examples are naturalist, secular humanist,
Marxism, and Confucianism. Pantheism are those who believe all is god, if you
connect with your inner self, you could achieve god status, examples are Hinduism,
Buddhism, Taoism and the New Age movement. Deism they believe god exists but
he does not get involved with his creation, examples are the enlightenment movements.
Polytheism this is the belief that there are many gods and spiritual powers, examples
are Animism (or voodoo), Santeria, Greco-Roman ancient religion, and Wicca (some
believe Mormonism falls here). Monotheism this is the belief that there is only one
true God; examples are Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Then there are those who take a
little here and a little there due to lack of knowledge, it is not uncommon to have
Christians with some pantheistic or polytheistic beliefs.
In each category of worldview, one can easily break it down further, Islamic doctrinal
beliefs is for instance divided between Sunni and Shiite, Christianity today is also divided
into two schools of thought the liberal theology (believes part of scripture and that moral
laws of God evolves) and conservative theology (share the following general believes,
that God is real with attributes such as Omni-potent, Omni-present etc., that He spoke the
world into being, that He created animals each after its own kind, that His words and
principles are "infallible", that we are to submit our will to Gods and obey His
commandments, and that we are going back to Him someday), even among conservatives
you have the evangelical and the charismatics they disagree on doctrines pertaining to

the Holy Spirit (agree on most major doctrines). As a conservative (bible) Christian, I
have studied both the evangelicals and charismatics, and Ive come to my conclusions
based on reading the bible myself along with interpretation from the Holy Spirit. My
politics is purely driven by my Christian (biblical) worldview. You should do your own
study, ask questions of men and more importantly the Holy Spirit?
Understanding these various world system is very crucial because what you believe is
what is stored in your hippocampus, what is stored in your hippocampus is what is sent to
the frontal lobe in the decision making process, and in turn how you react to situations
determines who you are, as an attorney, as a CEO, as a doctor, as a pastor, as a teacher, as
a union member, as a student, you always reflect what you believe (stored). However, in
your search beware of taking a little here and a little there, that is another trick of the
devil, as believers we are either in or out, in-fact Jesus told the Church in Laodecia
because you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold, Im about to spit you out. Never fall for
any form of hybrid worldview, half-truth is still a lie (my personal experience is that
Christians in America and other western countries mix Christianity with pantheism, while
Christians from Africa mix Christianity with polytheism).
I have deliberately (painfully) omitted sharing bible passages, because I want to
challenge you (every young adult that read this article), to proof me wrong do your own
due diligence, check out what I have written, correlate the bible quotes, read books on
worldview and come to term with who you really are, instead of believing who someone
else say you are? And then fight for who and what you are and believe - BE
After doing my own due diligence (not based on what I was born with), I have
unapologetically come to term with the fact that I believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior, I have thrown some doctrinal reachings I was taught as a child out of the window
because they are not bible based (I agreed with many), I have chosen to be a vocal person
for godly principles in public arena becaue righteousness exalts a nation and sin is a
reproach, I realize my sinful and feeble humanity and more importantly my total
dependence on God (His person - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) and His principles.
I look forward to reading from many of you, after youve taking on my challenge.
Remain Blessed

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