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Legal Profession Outline I. Course Introduction A. Bar Admission and Moral Character and Fitness 1. MR 8.

1: an a licant for admission to the !ar shall not: a. "no#ingl$ ma"e a false statement of material fact or !. fail to disclose a fact necessar$ to correct a misa rehension "no#n !$ the erson to ha%e arisen in the matter &. 'tandard for Moral Character and Fitness Re%ie#: the$ #ill not admit someone #ho has( 1. a criminal act that reflects ad%ersel$ on honest$ or trust#orthiness) &. acts in%ol%ing dishonest$) fraud) deceit) misre resentation or conduct re*udicial to the administration of *ustice) +. incor orates standard form 8., +. Gahan: claimed bankruptcy and defaulted on student loans, was denied admission to Minnesota bar. -olding: flagrant disregard sho#s lac" of character. II. Regulation of Lawyers A. .thics Rules and codes: ado ted !$ the ABA 1. rules /made in res onse to criticism to the code0s focus on litigation) and its + tiered structure of canons) ethical considerations) and disci linar$ rules: ado ted in some form !$ o%er ,1 states) #hat the MPR. tests &. diff * accord the codes %ar$ing degrees of authorit$ +. Rules( Belief 2 actual !elief) !ut ma$ !e inferred) "no#ledge 2 actual "no#ledge) !ut ma$ !e inferred B. La#$er 3isci line Includes: dis!arment) sus ension) and censure 4iolation of mandator$ re5uirement of the rules #arrants disci line and conduct for!idden !$ other la#s 1. MR 8.1: an a licant for admission to the !ar shall not: a. "no#ingl$ ma"e a false statement of material fact or !. fail to disclose a fact necessar$ to correct a misa rehension "no#n !$ the attn$ to ha%e arisen i. e6tends to erson see"ing admission and to la#$ers ii. if a erson ma"es a material false statement in connection #ith a lication for admission) it ma$ !e !asis for su!se5uent disci linar$ action if the erson is admitted iii. re5uires affirmati%e clarification of an$ misunderstanding on the art of the admission7disci linar$ authorit$ of #hich the erson in%ol%ed !ecomes a#are i%. re5uires correction of an$ rior misstatement in the matter that the a a licant7la#$er ma$ ha%e made %. for 5uestions that might affect $ou( $ou ma$: 1. ans#er truthfull$) &. challenge the 5 on const0l grounds /not li"el$ $ou #ill succeed8) +. den$ &. MR 8.+: re5uires la#$ers to re ort the misconduct of others a. a la#$er #ho 1. "no#s that another la#$er has committed a %iolation that raises a &. su!stantial 5 as to that la#$er0s +.honest$) trust#orthiness or fitness as a la#$er in other areas) should inform the a ro riate rofessional authorit$ i. "no#s( actual "no#ledge) can !e inferred ii. su!stantial( material matter of clear and #eight$ im ortance) refers to the seriousness) not the amt of e%idence a%aila!le

iii. !asicall$) a la#$er has an affirmati%e dut$7o!ligation to re ort another la#$er0s serious %iolation) e6ce tion: #hen the info is confidential +. MR 8.,: gi%es 9 categories of conduct that result in disci line: rules %iolations) dishonest$) conduct re*udicial to *ustice) im l$ing undue influence) assisting *udge0s %iolation: it is professional misconduct for a la#$er to: a. attem t to %iolate the rules of rofessional conduct) "no#ingl$ assist7induce another to do so) or do so through the acts of another !. to commit a criminal act that reflects ad%ersel$ on the la#$er0s honest$) trust#orthiness) or fitness as a la#$er c. to engage in conduct in%ol%ing dishonest$) fraud) deceit) or misre resentation) d. engage in conduct that is re*udicial to the administration of *ustice) e. state7im l$ an a!ilit$ to influence im ro erl$ a go% agenc$ or official to achie%e results !$ means that %iolate the rules or other la# f. "no#ingl$ assist a *udge or *udicial officer in conduct that is a %iolation of the rule or other la# i. actions that demonstrate la#$er should not !e entrusted #7 the confidence usuall$ laced in la#$ers ,. MR ;.1( can !e disci lined for the conduct of others a. a artner shall ma"e reasona!le efforts to ensure that the firm has in effect measures gi%ing reasona!le assurance that all la#$ers in the firm conform to the rules !. a la#$er ha%ing direct su er%isor$ authorit$ o%er another la#$er shall ma"e reasona!le efforts to ensure that the other la#$er conforms to the rules c. a la#$er is res onsi!le for another la#$er0s %iolation of the rules if: 1. the la#$er orders or ratifies the conduct OR &. the la#$er has direct su er%isor$ authorit$ o%er the other la#$er and "no#s of the conduct !ut facts to ta"e reasona!le remedial action ;. MR ;.&( can !e disci lined for the conduct of others a. a la#$er is !ound !$ the rule e%en if the la#$er acted in the direction of another erson i. so not a defense that the la#$er #as follo#ing order) unless: !. a su!ordinate la#$er dn %iolate the rules if the la#$er acts in accordance #ith a su er%isor$ la#$er0s reasona!le resolution of an argua!le 5uestion of rofessional dut$ i. must meet the + re50ments: 1. su!ordinate la#$er) &. orders reasona!le) +. orders relate to argua!le 5uestion) an am!iguous one 9. MR ;.+: la#$er0s res onsi!ilities to non(la#$er assistants( la#$er must e6ercise reasona!le care to re%ent his em lo$ees or associates from %iolating the o!ligation regarding client confidences or secrets) a la#$er must also ma"e reasona!le efforts to satisf$ themsel%es that the outside ser%ice ro%ider dn ma"e unauthori<ed disclosures of client confidences or sectrets. =. factors to !e considered in determining if disci line is #arranted: in*ur$) !lame) rior conduct) need to inca acitate) deterrence Client Lawyer Relationship 1. MR 1.1 Competence

a. a la#$er should ro%ide com etent re resentation to a client. >his re5uires legal "no#ledge) s"ill) thoroughness and re aration reasona!l$ necessar$ for the re resentation. i. can still acce t re resentation #here the re5uisite le%el of com etence can !e achie%ed !$ reasona!le re aration ii. most duties attach onl$ after the la#$er(client rel0shi is est0d) de ends on the circumstances and ma$ !e a 5uestion of fact iii. the la#$er(client rel0shi is contractual) the la#$er has s ecial duties as a fiduciar$ am!iguit$ is resol%e in fa%or of the client?? i%. Formation of Relationshi : 1. a$ment is not necessar$: e%en #hen the attn$ sa$s I terminate m$ duties !7c $ou ha%e not aid me) there is still a rocedure to terminate em lo$ment &. acce tance of em lo$ment is not necessar$: la#$er0s assent is im lied unless he clearl$ denied +. assage of time: factor to see if the client is !eing reasona!le ,. e6: Westinghouse Electric v. Kerr McGee: member of trade association found to have reasonable belief that the association!s attny rep!d them even though no payment was made and discussion not absolutely clear the !urden is on the attn$ to ma"e the rel0shi clear. &. MR 1.& Scope of Representation) o!*ecti%e(means distinction 3ecision ma"ing authorit$) generall$: clients ma"e ma*or decisions) matters that affect the merits of the case or su!stantiall$ re*udice the client0s right "ones v. #arnes: counsel failed to raise points that his client urged him to on appeal. #arnes filed writ if habeas relief. >he 'C denied. -olding: >he accused has the ultimate authorit$ to ma"e certain fundamental decisions regarding the case) as to #hether to lead guilt$) #ai%e a *ur$) testif$ on his o#n !ehalf or ta"e an a eal. -o#e%er) the d dn ha%e a const0l right to com el a t0d counsel to ress nonfri%ilous oints re5uested !$ the client) if counsel) as a matter of rofessional *udgment) decides not to ress these oints. a. a la#$er should a!ide !$ a client0s decisions concerning the o!*ecti%e of re resentation and shall consult #ith the client as to the means i. should a!ide !$ a client0s decision re: settlement. in a criminal case should a a!ide !$ client0s decision) after consultation #ith the attn$) as to a lea to !e entered) #hether to #ai%e *ur$ trial) and #hether the client #ill testif$. ii. note: limit on clients authorit$) comment to 1.+: la#$er dn ha%e to ress for e%er$ ad%antage that might !e reali<ed) and &.1: la#$er can e6ercise inde endent rofessional *udgment) comment to 1.+: la#$er has rofessional discretion in determining the means !$ #hich a matter should !e ursued !. a la#$er shall not counsel7assist a client to engage in conduct that the la#$er "no#s is criminal7fraudulent) !ut a la#$er ma$ discuss the legal conse5uences of an$ ro osed course of conduct #ith a client and ma$ counsel or assist a client to ma"e a good faith effort to determine the %alidit$) sco e) meaning or a lication of the la#: comments: i. a la#$er must gi%e honest o inion regarding the conse5uences of conduct ii. a client0s use of ad%ice in crime7fraud dn ma"e the la#$er a art$ to the action iii. a la#$er ma$ not "no#ingl$ assist in criminal7fraudulent conduct

i%. there is a distinction !7# resenting an anal$sis of legal as ect of 5uestiona!le conduct and recommending means !$ #hich a crime7fraud might !e committed #ith im unit$ /this is rohi!ited8 %. a la#$er is re50d to a%oid furthering the ur ose) !$ suggesting ho# something might !e concealed %i. a la#$er ma$ not continue to assist a client in conduct that the la#$er disco%er is criminal or fraudulent. ( the la#$er is not ermitted to re%eal the client0s #rongdoing e6ce t #here ermitted !$ 1.9 +. MR 1.+ Diligence ( a la#$er should act #ith reasona!le diligence and rom tness in re 0ing a client) 3es ite o osition) o!struction or ersonal incon%enience to the la#$er) and #ith commitment) dedication and <eal in ad%ocac$ a lawyer should act with commitment and dedication to the interests of the client and with $eal and advocacy on the client!s behalf. i. comment: <eal is limited) la#$er is not !ound to ress for e%er$ ad%antage) la#$er has discretion to determine the means to ursue the matter ii. hea%$ #or"load is not an e6cuse for neglect) attn$ is res onsi!le to control his7her #or"load to handle each client ade5uatel$ ,. MR 1., Communications a. a la#$er shall "ee a client reasona!l$ informed a!out the status of a matter and rom tl$ com l$ #ith reasona!le re5uests for information !. a la#$er shall e6 lain a matter to the e6tent reasona!l$ necessar$ to ermit the client to ma"e informed decisions regarding the re resentation i. comments: should rom tl$ inform $our client a!out settlement offers ii. a%oid neglecting $our client ;. MR 1.9 Confidentiality a. a la#$er shall not re%eal information relating to the re resentation of a client unless the client consents or as authori<ed under sect. !. !. a la#$er ma$ re%eal such information to the e6tent the la#$er reasona!l$ !elie%es necessar$: 1. to re%ent the client from committing a criminal act that the la#$er !elie%es is li"el$ to result in imminent death or su!stantial !odil$ harm &. to esta!lish a claim7defense on !ehalf of the la#$er in a contro%ers$ !7# attn$ and client) to esta!lish a defense to a criminal charge7ci%il claim against the la#$er !ased u on conduct in #hich the client #as in%ol%ed OR to res ond to allegations concerning the attn$0s re resentation of the client /attn$ doesn0t ha%e to #ait for a roceeding) client dn ha%e to !e the erson ma"ing the charge) attn$ can res ond directl$ to a +rd erson charging him8 @otes: %the public is better protected if full and open communication by the client is encouraged rather than prohibited.& 1. the la#$er must com l$ #ith final orders of a court re50ing the attn$ to gi%e info a!out the client &. #hether another ro%ision of la# su ercedes 1.9 is a matter of inter retation) !ut a resum tion should e6ist against such a su ersession

+. la#$ers in a firm ma$ disclose to e7o info relating to a client unless the client has instructed that articular information !e confined to s ecified la#$ers ,. dut$ continues after the client(la#$er rel0shi has !een terminated ;. if ossi!ilit$ of disclosure is ad%erse) #hen ractical) the attn$ should see" to ersuade the client to ta"e suita!le action. A disclosure ad%erse to the client0s interests should !e no greater than the la#$er reasona!l$ !elie%es necessar$ to the ur ose. 9. if the la#$er0s ser%ices #ill !e used !$ the client in materiall$ furthering a course of criminal7fraudulent conduct) the la#$er must withdraw 1.19( authori<e the attn$ to file notice of #ithdra#al e%en though its issuance ma$ !e a #arning that the client is u to no good /ma$ amt to a disclosure of the client0s confidences8 =. inadvertent disclosure: a la#$er should refrain from r%#ing the materials) notif$ the sending la#$er and a!ide !$ the la#$er0s instructions a. remedies: some crts ha%e !een uns$m athetic) others ma$ re5uire all docs to !e returned !. a%oid this ro!lem !$ ta"ing reasona!le care 8. rule rotects info e%en from a ros ecti%e client A. attn$ ma$ disclose confidences to em lo$ees) !ut should reasona!l$ su er%ise these eo le 11. unless the client consents) the la#$er ma$ not use a client confidence for the attn$0s o#n ad%antage /or a +rd erson0s8 /not a lica!le if the info is a matter of general "no#ledge8 11. waiver: confidentialit$ ma$ !e #ai%ed. >he la#$er must communicate to the client enough info to ermit the client to a reciate the significance of the #ai%er. /in some cases #ai%er ma$ !e im lied) i.e. necessar$ for negotiation8 1&. ma$ use confidences as necessar$ to collect a fee /i.e. 'okasian) secured an attachment on the client0s ro ert$) a secret !an" account) !7c of #hat his client had told him in confidence) ro er to do this to collect his fee8 1+. if the attn$ offered material e%idence and later reali<es its false) the attn$ must ta"e reasona!le remedial measures /+.+8) e%en if com liance re5uires disclosure of info other#ise rotected !$ this rule /direct disclosure /direct disclosure to the o osing art$ ma$ ro%e to !e the onl$ reasona!le remedial measure in the client(fraud situation8 (rmani: client told his attny he had additionally killed ) young girls, tension b*w citi$en!s duty to report crimes v. client lawyer confidentiality. +awyer later attempted to plea bargain with the information of the whereabouts of the girls! bodies. ,ictim!s parent!s complaints were eventually dismissed. o Issues: ri%ilege dn rotect info that is in furtherance of crime fraud. crucial oint of #hen the client consults $ou distinction !7# ast) ongoing and future crimes: client consults $ou *ust rior to the crime7fraud /not ri%ileged8 &. $our client consults $ou *ust after / ri%ileged8 o As" if the attn$ acted in furtherance of the crime7fraud -paulding v. .immerman: the court set aside a prior order approving a tort settlement for a minor b*c the d!s lawyer dn disclose what he knew of the seriousness of the p!s in/ury. (t the time the court approved the settlement on

behalf of the minor for in/uries, neither the court, minor, his counsel or dr. knew of a life threatening condition he was suffering from that may have been from the accident. 0n this case, the defendant lawyer may warn the plaintiff. Confidentialit$ 3ut$ and the Attorney-Client rivilege Confidentialit$ dut$ and la#$er(client ri%ilege is different o Attorne$ client ri%ilege: co%ers information communicated directl$ !7# client and la#$er) in confidence) for the ur ose of o!taining legal ad%ice) it a lies to *udicial and other roceedings in #hich the la#$er ma$ !e called as a #itness or as"ed to roduce e%idence >his ri%ilege ma$ rohi!it a court from com elling $ou to re%eal confidential communications Pre%ents the *udge from getting the info Pri%ilege dn a l$ to +rd ersons 3n co%er docs7e%idence unless the$ #ere created to o!tain legal ad%ice o Confidentialit$: A lies more !roadl$) not *ust to those limited situations in #hich the ri%ilege ma$ !e in%o"ed( a lies not *ust to info communicated !$ the client) !ut to all info relating to the re resentation) #hate%er its source. restricts $our a!ilit$ to release information relating to re resentation of $our client co%ers rotection of info that $our client ma$ not ha%e said #as a secret) or info $ou rec0d from a +rd erson Crime(Fraud .6ce tion: distinction !7# confidentialit$ rule and loss of ri%ilege !7c of ast actions 1. can0t claim the ri%ilege of communications #ith the attn$ that #ere in furtherance of a crime. It is not necessar$ for the attn$ to "no# he7she #as art of a criminal7fraudulent transaction ( -a%e duties of confidentialit$ and lo$alt$ that ma$ inflict: ( Bou ma$ re resent A and B and "no# confidential info a!out A that ma$ hel B( if $ou re%eal A0s info $ou are %iolating confidentialit$ /1.C8 if $ou don0t than $ou ma$ !e %iolating $our lo$alt$ to B /1.+ diligent re resentation8 9. MR 1.= CI: the general rule /a8 a la#$er shall not re resent a client if the re resentation of the client #ill !e directly adverse to another client /dut$ of lo$alt$8) D@L.'': 1. the la#$er reasona!l$ !elie%es the re resentation #ill not ad%ersel$ affect the rel0shi #ith the other client A@3 &. each client consents after consultation /!8 !rep"ing co-d or co-p# or rep"ing parties on the same side of negotiation$ a la#$er shall not re resent a client if the representation of that client may %e materially limited %y the la#$er0s res onsi!ilities to another) D@L.'': 1. the la#$er reasona%ly !elie%es the re resentation #ill not !e ad%ersel$ affected A@3 &. the client consents after consultation( this must include e6 lanation of the im lications of the common re resentation and the ad%antages of the ris"s

in%ol%ed. /more detailed than /a88 /shall include e6 lanation of the im lications of the common re resentation and the ad%antages and ris"s in%ol%ed8 Comments: Avoidance: An im ermissi!le conflict of interest ma$ e6ist !efore re resentation) re resentation should !e declined &ithdraw: if a conflict emerges after re resentation) the la#$er should #ithdra# Re resentation of clients in unrelated matters #ho interests are onl$ generally adverse) such as com eting economic enter rises) dn re5uire consent /!8: a ossi!le conflict dn itself reclude re ) thin" a!out the li"elihood that a conflict #ill e%entuate and if it does) #hether it #ill materiall$ interfere #ith the la#$er0s inde endent rofessional *udgment) the li"elihood that an actual conflict #ill arise is often one of ro6imit$ and degree o i.e. attn$ ma$ not re resent multi le clients in negotiation #ho interests are fundamentally antagonistic) !ut can allo# re resentation #here the interests are generally aligned e%en though there are some differences o 'state lanning: conflict 5uestions ma$ also arise in estate lanning and estate admin. A la#$er ma$ !e called to re are se%eral #ills for famil$ mem!ers. In estate admin) the identit$ of the client ma$ !e unclear. 1 %ie#: the client is the fiduciar$) another: client is the estate) including its !eneficiaries. (he lawyer should ma)e clear the rel"ship involved. Bou cannot re resent !oth arties if the$ are "ee ing secrets from e7o @eed to tell them that if the$ ha%e secrets the$ #ant to "ee from e7 ) the$ need se arate counsel. Be careful a!out #hat $ou sa$ to either one) !7c an$thing $ou sa$ to one of the arties should technicall$ !e a!le to heard infront of the other o Representing a corporation: an attn$ re 0ing a cor #ho is also a mem!er of the !oard of directors should determine if the & roles ma$ conflict if there is a material ris" that the dual role #ill com romise the attn$0s inde endence of rofessional *udgment) the la#$er should not ser%e as director should not as) for consent: #hen a disinterested la#$er #ould conclude that the client should not agree to re resentation) the client ma$ not consent a la#$er ma$ not allo# related !usiness interests to affect the re resentation a la#$er ma$ !e aid from a source other than the client) if the client is informed of that fact and consents) and it dn com romise the attn$0s dut$ of lo$alt$ a la#$er ma$ re resent arties ha%ing antagonistic ositions on a legal 5uestion that has arisen in different cases) unless re resentation of either client #ould !e ad%ersel$ effected. >hus) it is ordinaril$ not im ro er to assert such ositions in cases ending in different trial courts) !ut it ma$ !e im ro er to do so in cases ending at the same time in an a ellate court is this the same standard in 1.=! or something differentE @o ans#ers) seems to sa$ that not all ositional conflicts are im ro er.

$ou ma$ ta"e inconsistent legal ositions in different tri!unals. >he mere fact that $our ad%ocac$ might create recedent ad%erse to another client in an unrelated matter dn create a conflict. But a conflict ma$ e6ist if there is significant ris" that $our re resentation of another client #ill !e materiall$ limited if so) consent re5uired or $ou must #ithdra# Fhat a!out & la#$ers in 1 firm arguing o osing legal ositions in different casesE Ma$ !e a credi!ilit$ ro!lem and recedent issue /the other attn$ ma$ set !ad recedent8. Ghot potatoH: re 0ing arties #7ad%erse interests) if the arties dn consent to the conflict) the la# firm must #ithdra# from re 0ing !oth arties /attn$ ma$ not sue A on !ehalf of B) #hile also re 0ing A e%en if in a #holl$ unrelated matter8 can0t normall$ #ai%e confidential information) !7c usuall$ #ill not "no# confidences in ad%ance. Insured v. insurer: 5 of #ho $ou re resent. Ma*orit$ of Case la#: treats the insured as the client and the insurer as a +rd art$ #ho a$s for the la#$er and has certain contractual rights !$ agreement #ith the insured. o Dnless there is an e6 ress olic$ ro%ision to the contrar$) the insurer ma$ settle a case des ite the insured0s re5uest that it not do so Rationale: need to rotect client confidences and to assure the attn$0s lo$alt$. 3uties a l$ e%en to con%ersation #ith ros ecti%e clients. Run the ris" of !eing dislo$al to B) !ut %iolating the confidences of A. =. MR 1.8 CI: rohi%ited (ransactions a. a la#$er shall not enter into a %usiness transaction #7 a client or "no#ingl$ ac5uire an o#nershi ) ossessor$) securit$ or other ecuniar$ interest ad%erse to a client unless: 1. the transaction and terms on #hich the la#$er ac5uires the interest are fair and reasona!le to the client and are full$ disclosed and transmitted in #riting in a manner that can !e reasona!l$ understood !$ the client &. the client is gi%en a reasona!le o ortunit$ to see" the ad%ice of inde endent counsel in the transaction A@3 +. the client consents in #riting note: to get inde endent rofessional *udgment) dn let the la#$er in%est in the first lace fair and reasona!le( ma$ #ant to get re%ie# !$ an inde endent counsel e6: learn a client is in%esting in real estate) ma$ not) #7o the client0s consent) ac5uire near!$ ro ert$ #here doing so #ould ad%ersel$ affect the client0s lan for in%estment ha%e a dut$ to gi%e legal) not !usiness ad%ice golden arachute agreements: li"el$ if $ou are one of reci ients) should not draft $our o#n. Fee arrangement of gi%ing o#nershi ) stoc" in the co ma$ lead to ossi!le conflict

#hat if there ma$ !e a ossi!le conflictE -a%e to tell them $ou are not inde endent) fair and reasona!le de ends on there !eing a disad%antage or not. !. a la#$er shall not use information relating to re resentation of a client to the disad%antage of the client unless the client consents after consultation) e6ce t as ermitted or re5uired !$ 1.9 /confidentialit$8 or +.+./candor to#ard the tri!unal8 1. comment 1: a la#$er ma$ not e6 loit information relating to the re resentation to the client0s disad%antage &. $ou ma$ not use such information #7o consent G#here doing so #ould ad%ersel$ affect the client0s in%estmentH restricts $ou from using information related to a client for the la#$er0s o#n ad%antage /or ad%antage to a +rd erson8 unless the client consents using /a 1.8! ro!8 %ersus re%ealing /1.98 the information ha%e a dut$ to !e u front and not disad%antage $our client) as time goes on) there ma$ !e a client) ma$ either ha%e to #ithdra# in%estment or from re 0ing $our client. c. acce ting gifts from clients: a la#$er shall not re are an instrument gi%ing the la#$er or a erson related to the la#$er an$ su!stantial gift from a client) e6ce t #here the client is related to the attn$ ( a la#$er ma$ acce t a gift if the transaction meets general standards of fairness /!asicall$ a reasona!leness standard8 ( if a legal instrument is re5uired) the client should ha%e the detached ad%ice of another la#$er d. pu%lication rights: rior to the conclusion of re resentation of a client) a la#$er shall not ma"e or negotiate an agreement gi%ing the la#$er literar$ or media rights to a ortra$al or account !ased in su!stantial art on information relating to the re resentation intended to rotect the client and the administration of *ustice /fear that u!lication7media rights ma$ s#a$ the attn$0s course of action8 e. a la#$er should not gi%e financial assistance to a client in connection #ith ending7contem lated litigation e6ce t that: 1. the la#$er ma$ ad%ance court costs and e6 enses of litigation) the re a$ment of #hich ma$ !e contingent on the outcome of the matter A@3 &. a la#$er re resenting an indigent client ma$ a$ court costs and e6 enses of litigation on !ehalf of the client @ote: so attn$ can front court costs) and fees for such things li"e medical e6ams that relate directl$ to the la#suit /#ill !e used in the suit8 f. compensation from non-clients: a la#$er shall not acce t com ensation for re resenting a client from one other than the client unless: 1. the client gi%es informed consent &. there is no interference #ith the la#$er0s inde endence of rofessional *udgment or #ith the client(la#$er relationshi /so the fact that it is a +rd art$ a$ing $our !ills) $ou are still a!le to use $our inde endent rofessional *udgment and there is no interference #ith $ou and $our direct client8 A@3

+. info relating to re resentation of a client is rotected !$ Rule 1.9 confidentialit$ "ee in mind 1.9 confidentialit$ and 1.= conflicts of interest can0t allo# the +rd art$ to interfere #ith the la#$er0s rofessional *udgment g. aggregate settlements: an attn$ #ho re resents multi le clients should not artici ate in ma"ing an aggregate settlement of the claims D@L.'' each client consents after consultation) including the disclosure of the e6istence and nature of all the claims or leas in%ol%ed and of the artici ation of each erson in the settlement. @ote: so attn$ can on !ehalf of multi le clients) negotiate an aggregate settlement on ci%il claims or for guilt$7nollo contendere /no contest8 leas co%ering multi le clients in criminal cases. BD>) each client must consent after consultation) #hich must include the e6istence and nature of all claims in%ol%ed and of the artici ation of each erson in the settlement. >he attn$ must disclose the settlement offer to each of his clients and an$ one of them can re*ect it. h. limiting lawyer"s malpractice lia%ility: an attn$ shall not ma"e an agreement ros ecti%el$ limiting the la#$er0s lia!ilit$ to a client for mal ractice unless ermitted !$ la# and the client is inde endentl$ re resented in ma"ing the agreement. @ote: if the client is going to limit $our lia!ilit$) the$ need to ha%e inde endent re resentation. /usuall$ dn a l$ to indi%idual clients) !ut cor orations that ha%e inside counsel8 i. lawyers related to e7o: a la#$er related to another la#$er / arent) child) si!ling) or s ouse8 shall not re resent a client in a re resentation directl$ ad%erse to a erson #ho the la#$er "no#s is re resented !$ the other la#$er e6ce t u on consent !$ the client after consultation regarding the rel0shi "ee in mind Rule 1.=!) ma"e sure this is satisfied as #ell dn im ute to other mem!ers of the relati%e0s firm *. ac5uiring a proprietary interest in C0s C7A: a la#$er shall not ac5uire a ro rietar$ interest in the cause of action or su!*ect matter of the litigation the la#$er is conducting for a client) e6ce t that a la#$er ma$: 1. ac5uire a lien /a legal interest that a creditor has in another0s ro ert$ lasting until the de!t it secures has !een satisfied8 authori<ed !$ la# to secure the attn$0s fee7e6 enses A@3 &. contract #ith a client for a reasona!le contingent fee in a ci%il case. .6: so an attn$ can ta"e an interest in the atent as securit$ for the a$ment of the fee e%en if he7she is the attn$ rosecuting a atent a lication. Fhile this #ould constitute ta"ing an interest in the su!*ect matter of litigation) it is authori<ed under 1.8*&. ( se6ual relations #ith clients: a la#$er should not ha%e se6ual relations #ith a client unless a consensual rel0shi e6isted #hen the client(la#$er rel0shi !egan concerns: %iolating the fiduciar$ dut$ /raises 5s as to #hether $ou ha%e unfairl$ e6 loited the trust lace in $ou8) #hether $ou can e6ercise inde endent rofessional *udgment.

@ote: !efore roceeding #7the client) ma"e sure $ou satisf$ 1.=a&) if the client is an entit$) $ou should not ha%e a rel0shi #7 the constituent that su er%ises $ou. 8. MR 1.A CI: (he *ormer Client a. if a la#$er used to re resent a client in a articular matter !ut no longer does so) that la#$er is still dis5ualified from re 0ing a ne# client in that same7su!stantiall$ related matter if that ne# client has interests Gmateriall$ ad%erseH to the former client. /D@L.'' the former client consents after consultation8 i. generall$) lo$alt$ ends u on termination of re resentation) .IC.P>IO@ to this is confidentialit$. Attn$ can0t use former client0s confidences against him7her. Basic idea: Can"t switch sides. ii. a la#$er could not ro erl$ see" to cancel7rescind a J on !ehalf of a ne# client for a J drafted on !ehalf of the former client. A la#$er #ho has rosecuted an accused erson can0t re resent the accused in a su!se5uent ci%il action against the go% concerning the same transaction. iii. competing principles: 1. the client re%iousl$ re 0d !$ the former firm must !e reasona!l$ assured that lo$alt$ is not com romised) &. the rule should not !e so !road as to reclude others from ha%ing a reasona!le choice of counsel) +. the rule should not unreasona!l$ ham er la$ers from forming ne# associations. i%. e6 of su!stantiall$ related: 12 1heatre: the court will assume that during the course of the former representation confidences were disclosed to the attny bearing on the sub/ect matter of the representation. a. cases ha%e e%en !roadened this !$ asserting that the resum tion is irre!!uta!le if it Gcould reasona!l$ ha%e !een saidH K ma"e the resum tion irre!!uta!le or other#ise former client #ould ha%e to re%eal info that has infact ha ened) courts don0t #ant to do this %. a la#$er #ho handled a t$ e of ro!lem for a former client is not recluded from later re 0ing another client in a #holl$ distinct ro!lem of that t$ e e%en though the su!se5uent re resentation in%ol%es a osition ad%erse to the former client. Issue: #hether the la#$er #as so in%ol%ed in the matter that the su!se5uent re . can !e considered changing sides to the current matter. !. if the la#$er #as #ith a former la# firm that re 0d a client in a matter) the la#$er ma$ not re resent a ne# client #ith interests Gmateriall$ ad%erseH to that client of the former firm /in the same7su!stantiall$ related matter8) if the la#$er ac5uired secret info a!out the former client rotected !$ 1.9 or 1.A c. /unless the former client consents8 a. rule ac"no#ledges that access of info is a 5uestion of fact that #ill consider the si<e of the firm) the #a$ in #hich the la#$ers #or" together. In the a!sence of contrar$ info) it should !e inferred that a la#$er in fact is ri%$ to info a!out clients actuall$ ser%ed) !ut not a!out other clients. !. /!8 dis5ualifies the la#$er onl$ #hen the la#$er in%ol%ed has actual "no#ledge of the info rotected !$ 1.9 or 1.A!. so if a la#$er #hile

#ith one firm ac5uires no "no#ledge7info relating to a articular client of the firm) and the la#$er later *oins another) the la#$er7the ne# firm are not dis5ualified from re 0ing another client in the same or a related matter e%en though the interests of the & clients conflict. c. a la#$er #ho has formerl$ re 0d a client in a matter or whose present or former firm has formerly represented a client in a matter shall not later: 1. use or reveal information relating to the re resentation to the disadvantage of the former client e6ce t as these rule 1.9 or +.+. #ould ermit #ith res ect to a client) or #hen the information has %ecome generally )nown a. rohi!its $ou from using confidential info to disad%antage a former client !$ either disclosing or using it. !. info generall$ "no#n: if the reason to rotect the confidence is no longer a lica!le) that the rotection is lost st 1 dut$ of lo$alt$: reser%e client confidences &nd dut$ of lo$alt$: a%oid su!se5uent re resentations in%ol%ing ositions ad%erse to a former client in su!stantiall$ related matters consultation under 1.A a and !: communicate info in a #a$ that is reasona!l$ sufficient to ermit the client to a reciate the significance of the matter in 5uestion. 8. MR 1.8 CI: Imputed Dis+ualifications a. #hile la#$ers are assoc0d in a firm) none of them shall "no#ingl$ re a client #hen an$ one of them racticing alone #ould !e rohi!ited from doing so !$ 1.=) 1.8c) 1.A or &.&. e6: client as"s $ou to draft a #ill gi%ing $our daughter a lot of mone$) $ou can0t refer the *o! to $our la# artner) !ut can refer it to a former la# artner. .6: client as"s $ou to re resent her in litigation against A) !ut A is $our s ouse. Bou can0t re resent her) !ut $ou can refer her to $our la# artner !. #hen a la#$er has terminated an association #ith a firm) the firm is not rohi!ited from later re 0ing a erson #ith interests materiall$ ad%erse to those of a client re 0d !$ the formerl$ assoc0d la#$er and not currentl$ re 0d !$ the firm) D@L.'': 1. the matter is the same7su!stantiall$ related to that in #hich the formerl$ assoc0d la#$er re 0d the client A@3 &. an$ la#$er remaining in the firm has info rotected !$ 1.9 and 1.Ac that is material to the matter e6: $ou re resent 3 #hile at firm1) no one else at firm1 re 0d 3 or rec0d confidential info a!out 3. Bou mo%e to firm&) and ta"e 3 #ith $ou. Firm1 can still re resent P in P %. 3. 1.11 for!ids $our current firm from re 0ing P /the same matter8) !ut since no confidential info #as assed) and nothing remains at firm1) there isn0t a conflict. La# firm has the !urden of demonstrating that it is not the de ositor$ of material rotected client ifnromation c. a dis5ualification rescri!ed !$ this rule ma$ !e #ai%ed !$ the affected client under the conditions stated in 1.=

=. MR 1.1+ (he organi,ation as a client: Bour professional o%ligation runs to the entity) not to the indi%idual agents /a8 a la#$er em lo$ed !$ an organi<ation represents the organi$ation acting through its dul$ authori<ed constituents comment1: the organi<ation cannot act e6ce t through its constituents: officers) directors) em lo$ees) shareholders) etc. comment&: #hen one of the constituents of an organi<ational client communicates #ith $ou in that erson0s organi$ational capacity, the communication is rotected !$ 1.9 confidentialit$ rule. i. this dn mean that the constituents are $our client though. Bou ma$ not disclose info to such constituents unless ermitted to do so under 1.9 ii. $our dut$ is to the entit$) the info is rotected as art of $our re resentation to the entit$ iii. ie. >odd 3ic"ie can0t gi%e info to the athletic directors) his dut$ is to the entit$. /!8 if a la#$er for an organi<ation "no#s that an agent of the organi<ation acting in a manner related to the re resentation that is a %iolation of a legal o!ligation to the organi<ation) or a %iolation of la# #hich reasona!l$ might !e im uted to the organi<ation and is li"el$ to result in a su!stantial in*ur$ to the organi<ation /assuming its disco%ered8 then the la#$er shall roceed as is reasona!l$ necessar$ in the !est interest of the organi<ation. how to proceed: the attn$ should consider: the seriousness and conse5uences of the %iolation) the sco e and nature of $our re resentation) the res onsi!ilit$ of the organi<ation and moti%ation of the actor) and the org0s rele%ant olicies. -easures: shall minimi<e disru tion of the organi<ation and ris" of re%ealing info to ersons outside the org 1. as" for reconsideration) &. ad%ise that a se arate legal o inion !e sought to resent the matter to the entit$0s a ro riate authorit$) +. refer the matter to the higher authorit$ in the organi<ation /c8 If) des ite the attn$0s efforts) the highest authorit$ that can act on !ehalf of the org insists on action) or refusal to act) that is clearl$ a %iolation of the la# and is li"el$ to result in su!stantial in*ur$ to the org) the la#$er ma$ resign in accordance #ith rule 1.19 /d8 $ou should e6 lain the id. of the client #hen it is a arent that the organi<ation0s interests are ad%erse to the those of the constituents #ith #hom $ou are dealing a. #hen org"s interest may %e.%ecome adverse to those of its constituents: $ou should ad%ise the constituents that: $ou cannot re resent them A@3 the$ ma$ #ish to ha%e inde endent counsel /e8 a la#$er re 0ing an org ma$ also re resent an$ of its other constituents su!*ect to ro%isions of 1.= /if consent is re50d under 1.=) it shall !e gi%en !$ an a ro riate official of the org other than the indi%idual #ho is to !e re 0d 1. #ho does the ri%ilege co%erE & rimar$ tests courts use: i. control grou test: the ri%ilege e6tends onl$ to those communications #ith eo le #ho are in control of the entit$ a. %er$ fe# #ill fall under !eing in control of the entit$ ii. su!*ect matter test: #hether the ri%ilege a lies is determined !$ the nature of the information in 5uestion) must meet ; criteria:

1. the communication #as made for ur ose of securing legal ad%ice &. communication made at direction of su erior +. the su erior made the re5uest so entit$ could get legal ad%ice ,. the su!*ect matter of the communication is #ithin the sco e of the em lo$ee0s duties ;. communication is disseminated to others L this test allo#s more information to come under the rotection of the ri%ilege e6: 3p/ohn: gov could not simply subpoena the attny!s 4uestionnaires, this info was privileged. Mustified !$ the finding that the go% could get this information themsel%es.go% can still get this information #7o inning the attn$(client ri%ilege) the$ can see" factual information) the 'C o inion dn !ar their a!ilit$ to o!tain factual information. /can still as" if the$ made illegal a$ments8 note: elements , N ; seem thro#n out of the su!*ect matter test. criticism: decision assists co%er(u s) the ri%ilege onl$ rotects disclosure of communications) not underl$ing facts. @ote: this rule does not re lace 1.9) 1.8) 1.19) +.+. or ,.1 /!ut is merel$ in addition to them 9. MR 1.1, Client under a disa%ility a. #hen a client0s a!ilit$ to ma"e ade5uatel$ considered decisions in connection #ith the re resentation is im aired /ma$ !e due to mental disa!ilit$ or another reason8 the la#$er shall) as far as reasona!l$ ossi!le) maintain a normal client( la#$er rel0shi i. comment: a client lac"ing legal com etence often has the a!ilit$ to understand) deli!erate u on) and reach conclusions a!out matters affecting the client0s #ell( !eing =. MR 1.19 Declining or (erminating Representations /a8 a la#$er cannot re resent a client7 must withdraw if re resentation has commenced if : 1. re resentation #ill result in %iolation of the rules) &. the la#$er0s h$sical7mental condition materiall$ im airs the la#$er0s a!ilit$ to re resent the client OR +. the la#$er is discharged /!8 a la#$er can #ithdra# if it can !e accom lished #7o material ad%erse effect on the interests of the client. Fithdra#al permitted e%en if it causes material ad%erse im act on the client if: 1. the client ersists on a course of action in%ol%ing the la#$er0s ser%ices that the la#$er reasona!l$ !elie%es is criminal or fraudulent# &. the client has used the la#$er0s ser%ices to er etuate a crime or fraud) +. a client insists on o!*ecti%es the la#$er finds repugnant.imprudent) ,. the client fails to fulfill an o!ligation to the la#$er and has !een #arned) ;. the client has made re resentation unreasona!l$ difficult OR 9. other good cause for #ithdra#al e6ists /c8 #hen ordered to do so !$ a tri!unal) a la#$er shall continue re . not#ithstanding good cause for termination /d8 u on termination a la#$er shall ta"e ste s to rotect a client0s interest) such as gi%ing reasona!le notice) allo#ing time for em lo$ment of other counsel) surrendering a ers) refunding an$ ad%ancement fee.

after #ithdra#al the la#$er is re5uired to refrain from ma"ing disclosure of the client0s confidences) e6ce t as ro%ided !$ 1.9) i.e. ma$ !e a conflict if the court as"s #h$ the attn$ is #ithdra#ing and rule 1.9) ordinaril$ attn$0s statement that rofessional considerations re5uire termination are sufficient o note: confidentialit$ rule dn re%ent the attn$ from filing a Gnotice of the fact of #ithdra#alH some tri!unals re5uire ermission !efore #ithdra#ing) if the tri!unal dn grant ermission) the la#$er must continue in the case e%en though the la#$er #ould other#ise ha%e a right7dut$ to #ithdra# wrongful discharge: attn$s ha%e !rought these suits after !eing fired !$ their em lo$ers7firm for refusal to engage in unethical acti%it$ /trend fa%ors it) !e careful though not to disclose confidential info8 56M p.)78 9singer :utner learned of problem, processed more leases, withdrew gradually and dn reveal concerns to new counsel should ha%e got out a !it earlier) !efore rocessing the additional O91 million lease) once he understood there #as no legitimate !usiness) he should ha%e #ithdra#n a. #ithdra#ing: there are things $ou can and can0t do) !ut $ou can Graise a red flagH #hen $ou are lea%ing. 'inger-utner could ha%e said I am #ithdra#ing and disa%o#ing these documents and the ne# attn$ #ould ha%e gotten the hint 1. figure out if local rules ermit disclosure &. Fraud /#olfam8: all intentional #rongs in%ol%ing a client acting #ith !ad faith and intending serious harm to another 0n re -ealed 2ase: misconduct fundamentall$ inconsistent #ith the !asics +ee v. (merican (irlines 9lawyer!s disruptive conduct prolonged the proceedings;. Ma$ !e disci lined for un rofessional tactics7comments made to the o osing counsel. remises of the ad%ersar$ s$stem 8. MR 1.18 Duties to rospective Clients a. a erson #ho discussed #ith a la#$er the ossi!ilit$ of forming a client(la#$er rel0shi #ith res ect to a matter is a ros ecti%e client !. e%en #hen no client(la#$er rel0shi ensues) a la#$er #ho has had discussions #ith a ros ecti%e client shall not use7re%eal info learned in the consultation A MR &.1 Ad%isor) attny should e/ercise independent professional 0udgment ( a la#$er should e6ercise inde endent rofessional *udgment and render candid ad%ice i. comment: a la#$er should not !e deterred from gi%ing candid ad%ice !$ the ros ect that the ad%ice #ill !e un alata!le /un leasant8 to the client ii. a la#$er ma$ refer not onl$ to la# !ut to other moral) economic) social and olitical factors( it is o"a$ for $ou to go !e$ond ure legal ad%ice) and tal" a!out moral7ethical considerations (he Lawyer as an Advocate Freedman0s Per*ur$ >ri(lemna: 1. <ealous ad%ocate &. candor to#ard tri!unal

+ confidentialit$ ( Cannot meet all + duties. Court concludes candor to#ard court !efore confidentialit$. Ma$ !e conflict !7# $ou and $our client: $ou ha%e a dual role as !oth an ad%isor and ad%ocate Bou are artisan /su orter8: $ou re resent $our client0s interest %igorousl$ Bou are morall$ neutral: $ou are not morall$ accounta!le for $our client0s goals or the ends necessar$ to achie%e them @ote: restatement0s %ie# of ta e recordings: allo#ed if the recording dn %iolate the la# of rele%ant *) !ut onl$ #hen com elling need e6ists to o!tain e%idence other#ise una%aila!le in as relia!le a form) a$ attn to 8., though /should not do an$thing deceitful7dishonest8 Code rohi!its threats merel$ to o!tain an ad%antage 1. MR 1.& scope of representation /see a!o%e8 !. a la#$er0s re resentation of a client dn constitute an endorsement of the client0s %ie#s) idea that the truth emerges and rights are rotected #hen ad%ersaries !oth resent their strongest argument &. MR 1.+ Diligence /see a!o%e8 +. MR +.1 -eritorious Claims- 1o *rivolous Claims( !ut it is not necessar$ to su!stantiate facts first) $ou ma$ rel$ on su!se5uent disco%er$ to de%elo %ital e%idence a. a la#$er shall not !ring7defend a roceeding unless there is a !asis for doing so that is not fri%olous) #hich includes a good faith argument for an e6tension) modification or re%ersal of e6isting la# the la# is not al#a$s clear and is ne%er static) account must !e ta"en of the la#0s am!iguities and otential for change action is not fri%olous merel$ !7c the facts ha%e not !een full$ su!stantiated. action is not fri%olous e%en though the la#$er !elie%es that the client0s osition ultimatel$ #ill not re%ail the action I' fri%olous if the client desire to ha%e the action ta"en rimaril$ for the ur ose of harassing or maliciousl$ in*uring a erson OR if the la#$er is una!le to ma"e a good faith argument either on the merits or for change in e6isting la# the dut$ to refrain from asserting fri%olous claims includes the dut$ to refrain from ursuing dilator$ /tending to cause dela$8 tactics ,. MR +.& '/pedite Litigation /!ut consistent #ith client0s interests8( $ou should not dela$ unreasona!l$ a. a la#$er shall ma"e reasona!le efforts to e6 edite litigation consistent #ith the interests of the client dela$ should not !e indulged merel$ for the con%enience of the ad%ocates) or for the ur ose of frustrating an o osing art$ the 5uestion is #hether a com etent la#$er acting in good faith #ould regard the course of action as ha%ing some su!stantial ur ose other than dela$ reali<ing financial or other !enefit from other#ise im ro er dela$ is not a legitimate client interest

e6: +ee v. (merican (irlines 9lawyer!s disruptive conduct prolonged the proceedings;. Ma$ !e disci lined for un rofessional tactics7comments made to the o osing counsel. A. 2ealous Advocacy# ethical dilemmas in criminal law ;. MR +.+ Candor (oward the (ri%unal: can0t offer e%idence $ou "no# is false a la#$er shall not "no#ingl$: /a8 1. ma"e a false statement of material fact7la# to a tri!unal &. fail to disclose a material fact to a tri!unal #hen disclosure is necessar$ to a%oid assisting a criminal7fraudulent act !$ the client +. fail to disclose to the tri!unal legal authorit$ in the controlling *urisdiction "no#n to the la#$er to !e directl$ ad%erse to the osition of the client and not disclosed !$ o osing counsel OR ,. offer e%idence that the la#$er "no#s to !e false. if the la#$er has offered material e%idence and comes to "no# of its falsit$) the la#$er should ta"e reasona!le remedial measures #hen e%idence that a la#$er "no#s is false is ro%ided !$ a erson #ho is not a client) the la#$er must refuse to offer it regardless of the client0s interests can tell $our client to either come clean or tell them $ou #on0t gi%e the information. /!8 the duties stated in /a8 continue to the conclusion of the roceeding and a l$ e%en if com liance re5uires disclosure of information other#ise rotected !$ 1.9 /confidentialit$8 i. dut$ to re%eal trum s $our confidentialit$ dut$) so dut$ to re%eal is su erior to $our dut$ of confidentialit$. /c8 a la#$er ma$ refuse to offer e%idence that the la#$er reasona!l$ !elie%es is f false /d8 in an e6 arte roceeding /court action ta"en !$ one art$ #7o notice to the other8) a la#$er should inform the tri!unal of all material facts /e%en if ad%erse8 "no#n to the la#$er #hich #ill ena!le the tri!unal to ma"e an informed decision this rule ma$ come into conflict #ith 1.9 when false evidence is offered %y a client) the la#$er should see" to ersuade the client that the e%idence should not !e offered) or if it alread$ has) that its false character should !e immediatel$ disclosed) if the ersuasion is ineffecti%e the attn$ must ta"e reasona!le remedial measure. .6ce t in defense of a criminal accused) the rule recogni<es that) if necessar$ to rectif$ the situation) an ad%ocate must disclose the client0s dece tion to the court7other art$. o Ma$ result in gra%e conse5uences /sense of !etra$al8) !ut the alternati%e is that the attn$ coo erate in decei%ing the court #hich su!%erts the truth(finding rocess) #hich the ad%ersar$ s$stem is designed to im lement. /and if not) the client ma$ coerce the attn$ to !e a art$ to the fraud as #ell8 er0ury %y a criminal defendant: should see" to ersuade the client from er*urious testimon$) if ersuasion fails) ro osed resolutions: 1. ermit the

accused to testif$ !$ narrati%e /e6em ts dut$ to disclose false e%idence8) &. e6cuse the la#$er from the dut$ to re%eal er*ur$ +. re%eal the er*ur$ If per0ured testimony.false evidence has %een offered: s ea" #ith the client confidentiall$) if that fails la#$er should #ithdra# if that #ill remed$ the situation. If #ithdra#al #ill not remed$ or is not ossi!le) la#$er should ma"e disclosure to the court /and then let the court decide #hat should !e done8. Constitutional re+uirements3 Right to counsel) allo# testimon$ e%en if the attn$ "no#s it is false in some circumstances failure to ma"e a disclosure is the e5ui%alent of an affirmati%e misre resentation 9. MR +., *airness to the 4pposing arty and Counsel# a la#$er shall not: /a8 unla#full$ o!struct another art$0s access to e%idence or unla#full$ alter) destro$) or conceal a document or other material ha%ing otential e%identiar$ %alue. A la#$er shall not counsel or assist another erson to do so either. Comment &: a lica!le la# in man$ * ma"e it an offense to destro$ material for ur ose of im airing its a%aila!ilit$ in a ending roceeding or one #hose commencement can !e foreseen /!8 falsif$ e%idence) counsel or assist a #itness to testif$ falsel$) or offer an inducement to a #itness that is rohi!ited ! la#. i. & "inds of #itnesses: 1. fact /testif$ to #hat the$ sa#8 &. e6 ert: most * for!id contingent fees /on certain testimon$ or u on #inning8 on !oth "inds of #itnesses. /!ut can still a$ #itnesses their a ro riate fee8 /c8 "no#ingl$ diso!e$ an o!ligation under the rules of a tri!unal /d8 in retrial rocedure) ma"e a fri%olous disco%er$ re5uest or fail to ma"e reasona!l$ diligent effort to com l$ #ith a legall$ ro er disco%er$ re5uest !$ an o osing art$ /e8 in trial allude to an$ matter that the la#$er does not reasona!l$ !elie%e is rele%ant or that #ill not !e su orted !$ admissi!le e%idence) assert ersonal "no#ledge of facts in issue /e6ce t #hen testif$ing as a #itness8) or state a ersonal o inion as to the *ustness of the cause) the credi!ilit$ of a #itness) the cul a!ilit$ of a ci%il litigant or the guilt7innocence of an accused 'hould not assert $our ersonal o inion) this is distinct from $our ersonal conclusions !ased on anal$sis of the facts /f8 re5uest a erson other than a client to refrain from %oluntaril$ gi%ing rele%ant information to another art$ unless: 1. the erson is a relati%e7em lo$ee7other agent of the client A@3 &. the la#$er reasona!l$ !elie%es that the erson0s interests #ill not !e ad%ersel$ affected !$ refraining to gi%e such info 3istinction !7# dut$ of candor to the court and fairness to o osing counsel: dut$ to o osing counsel is more limited /does not normall$ ha%e the dut$ to %olunteer the e6istence of ad%erse facts7la# to the other art$8. La#$er ma$ inter%ie# #itnesses and re are them for trial) !ut the$ ma$ not GsuggestH that a client7#itness testif$ falsel$ La#$er ma$ not o!struct her o onent0s a!ilit$ to collect e%idence( !ut she ma$ ad%ise her client not to %olunteer info to the o onent

A. >ruth Fitnesses and L$ing Clients and Concealing 'vidence and reparing &itness 0' <e <yder: lawyer whose client committed armed robbery, gave attny the weapon and money court concluded that #as a %iolation) should not ha%e concealed the e%idence that #a$. lawyer cannot keep the fruits of the crime if it destroys the chain of evidence linking the attny!s client to the crime and thereby prevent its use at trial 6eople v. Meredith: client told him the wallet was in a trashcan court held that the client0s disclosure #as ri%ileged) so therefore also ethicall$ rotected. once the la#$er decides to retrie%e the #allet) the ri%ilege is lost. From these & cases see there is an o!ligation to turn o%er e%idence. #hat a!out from a +rd art$E Again) rett$ clear that $ou ha%e to turn o%er the e%idence. that $ou ha%e an o!ligation to do so. Morell v. -tate: friend finds a handwritten note by the d re: the kidnapping. Attn$ had to turn it o%er) e%en though it came from a +rd art$. What are your duties if you want to turn away the materials?$: if $ou gi%e his to me) I ha%e to turn it o%er as e%idence &. if criminal sa$s he is then going to get rid of it) he is !rea"ing the la# !$ destro$ing e%idence) and there is a rule a!out $ou assisting in criminal or fraudulent conduct +. $our o!ligation as an attn$ is that $ou la$ out the issues for $our client and advise him to follow the law =. MR +.8 Special Responsi%ilities of a rosecutor) the$ shall: /a8 refrain from rosecuting a charge that the rosecutor "no#s is not su orted !$ ro!a!le cause /ordinaril$ can !ring an$ non(fri%. Claim) !ut +.8 ma"es a rosecutor0s res onsi!ilit$ more strict8 /!8 ma"e reasona!le efforts to assure that the accused has !een ad%ise of the right to counsel and has reasona!le o ortunit$ to gain such /c8 not see" to o!tain from an unre 0d accused a #ai%er of im ortant retrial rts /d8 ma"e timel$ disclosure to the defense of all e%idence of information "no#n to the rosecutor that tends to negate the guilt of the accused or mitigate the offense) all un ri%ileged mitigating info ( so $ou ha%e an affirmati%e dut$ to share info #ith the o osing art$) ha%e to %olunteer ad%erse information ( #hat a!out if $our star #itness lea%esE 'hould !e honest if the o osing attn$ as"s) !ut other#ise dn ha%e to re%eal the information. 3n go to #hether the d is guilt$) *ust to #hether $ou ma$ !e a!le to ro%e it. /e8 refrain from ma"ing e6tra*udicial comments that ha%e the li"elihood of heightening u!lic condemnation of the accused. 'i= v. Whiteside: there is no violation of the >th (mendment right to effective assistance of counsel when the lawyer refuses to cooperate with the criminal defendant in presenting per/ured testimony at trial ( 5ow is ethical pro%lems for prosecutors different from those of other lawyers3 o >he$ tend to ha%e immunit$ o >here is not a lot of su er%ision) o%ersight ma$ occur o Courts reluctant to second guess their decisions

o -a%e full access to the in%estigati%e o#ers of the go%ernment o Acts of misconduct are #orse of rosecution !7c the$ are acting under the color of the la#) ma$ erode u!lic confidence in the la# o >endenc$ to ha%e u!lic focus on con%iction rates: dismissal7ac5uittal %ie#ed as incom etence ( Contro%ers$ o%er charging & sus ects of the same crime) ro!lematic !7c it ma$ !e unconst0l to resent conflicting e%idence to different *uries ( Mim Bianco. Finds that ad%ersarial s$stem demands this "ind of #or". And that he does as" for the truth from his clients) dn tr$ and filter the information. Belie%es some good is done /often a lighter sentence is re50d or the rosecution has misfiled the case8. (ransaction with persons other than clients 1. MR ,.1 (ruthfulness in Statements to 4thers) in course of re 0ing a client) a la#$er shall not "no#ingl$: a. ma"e a false statement of material fact or la# to a +rd erson !. fail to disclose a material fact to a third erson #hen disclosure is necessar$ to a%oid assisting a criminal or fraudulent act !$ a client) unless disclosure is rohi!ited !$ rule 1.9 /confidentialit$8 i. comment: misre resentations can occur !$ incor orating a "no#n false statement or by failure to act ii. a la#$er is re5uired to !e truthful #hen dealing #ith others) !ut generall$ has no affirmati%e dut$ inform an o osing art$ of rele%ant facts iii. e6: ,ir$i v. Grand 1ruck Warehouse: the lawyer had a duty to disclose the death of her client, failure to reveal this info was considered inappropriate. i%. comment: under generall$ acce ted con%entions in negotiation) certain t$ es of statements ordinaril$ are not ta"en as statements of material fact) i.e. estimates of rice7%alue) art$0s intentions as to settlement ma$ ma"e a false statement regarding the rice7%alue of client0s #illingness for settlement &. MR ,.& restrictions on communications #ith someone $ou "no# is re 0d !$ counsel: Communications with a erson Represented %y Counsel ( in re resenting a client) a la#$er shall not communicate a!out the su!*ect of the re resentation #ith a erson the la#$er "no#s to !e re resented !$ another la#$er in the matter) unless the la#$er has the consent of the other la#$er or is authori<ed !$ la# to do so. i. ur ose: rotect the la#$er(client rel0shi ii. e6: $ou retain the client of another attn$ to tal" a!out settlement) this is not allo#ed? iii. can %iolate ,.& through actions of another) including $our client i%. rule a lies onl$ if the la#$er is re 0ing a client on the matter in 5uestion %. rule a lies onl$ to communications a!out the su!*ect of the other la#$er0s re resentation of his client %i. rule a lies onl$ if the la#$er "no#s the erson is re 0d !$ another attn$ on the su!*ect of the communication /"no#2 actual "no#ledge) can !e inferred though8 %ii. the client cannot #ai%e rotection of the rule +. MR ,.+ Dealing with 6nrepresented ersons

( in dealing on !ehalf of a client #ith an unre 0d erson) a la#$er shall not state or im l$ that the la#$er is disinterested ( #hen the la#$er "no#s that the unre 0d erson misunderstands the la#$er0s role in the matter) the la#$er shall ma"e reasona!le efforts to correct the misunderstanding ;. MR ,.,: Respect for the rights of 7rd persons - no em%arrassment or %urden to others( unless there is some other su!stantial ur ose ( a la#$er shall not use means that no su!stantial ur ose other than to em!arrass) dela$ or !urden a +rd erson ( a la#$er shall not use methods of o!taining e%idence that %iolate the rights of such a erson !. a la#$er #ho recei%es a document relating to the re resentation of the la#$er0s client and "no#s or reasona!l$ should "no# that the document inad%ertentl$ sent shall rom tl$ notif$ the sender i. comment &: #hether the la#$er is re50d to ta"e additional ste s) such as returning the original document) is a matter of la#) !e$ond the sco e of these rules ii. comment +: some la#$ers ma$ choose to return a document unread) #here a la#$er is not re50d !$ a lica!le la# to do so) the decision to %oluntaril$ return such a document is a matter of rofessional *udgment ordinaril$ reser%ed to the la#$er

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