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1) John: "Mandy is at home." John said that 2) Max: "Frank often reads a book.

" Max told me that 3) Susan: "I m !at"hin# $%." Susan said to me that &) Simon: "'a(id !as ill." Simon said that )) *e##y: "$he #irls hel+ed in the house." *e##y told me that ,) -i"hard: "I am #oin# to ride a skateboard." . . . . .

-i"hard said to me that . .) Ste+hen and /laire: "0e ha(e "leaned the !indo!s." Ste+hen and /laire told me that 1) /harles: "I didn t ha(e time to do my home!ork." /harles remarked that 2) Mrs Jones: "My mother !ill be )3 years old." Mrs Jones told me that 13) Jean: "$he boss must si#n the letter." Jean said that . . . .

Reported questions If you put a question into Reported speech there are some steps which are the same like in statements: (changing of the person, backshift of tenses, changing of expressions of time). In Reported speech there is no question anymore, the sentence becomes a statement. hat!s why the word order is: sub"ect # $erb %uestion without question words (yes&no questions): 'eter: ()o you play football*( # 'eter asked me whether (if) I played football. %uestion with question words: 'eter: (+hen do you play football*( # 'eter asked me when I played football.

4/$I%I$I5S: "0hat is the time6"7 asked the +arents. $he +arents asked !hat . "/athererine8 did you brin# us the keys6"7 asked the +arents. $he +arents asked /atherine if the keys.

"$hey are here in my +o"ket"7 ans!ered the #irl. $he #irl ans!ered that they there in "Make a "o+y8 tomorro!"7 they ordered. $hey ordered the #irl a "o+y "0here is the sho+6"7asked the #irl. $he #irl asked !here . +o"ket. .

1) Mandy: "4re the boys readin# the book6" 9esterday Mandy asked me 2) Jason: "0ho #a(e you the la+to+6" 9esterday Jason !anted to kno! 3) -obert: "Is $im lea(in# on Friday6" 9esterday -obert asked me &) 'aniel: "0ill it rain tomorro!6" 9esterday 'aniel asked me )) Jennifer: "0here do you +lay football today6" 9esterday Jennifer !anted to kno! ,) :an"y: "0hy didn t :i"k #o to :e! 9ork last summer6" 9esterday :an"y !anted to kno! .) ;arbara: "Must I do my home!ork this afternoon6" 9esterday ;arbara asked me 1) <inda: "'id Max fly to <ondon t!o !eeks a#o6" 9esterday <inda !anted to kno! 2) =randmother: "0here are my #lasses6" 9esterday =randmother asked me 13) 4 man: "0hen does the train to <i(er+ool lea(e6" 9esterday a man asked me 5mily: ">ur tea"her !ill #o to <ei+?i# tomorro!." 5mily said that @elen: "I !as !ritin# a letter yesterday." @elen told me that 3) -obert: "My father fle! to 'allas last year." -obert told me that &) <isa: "$im !ent to the stadium an hour a#o." <isa said that mother !ill "elebrate her birthday next !eekend." *atri"ia said that . )) *atri"ia: "My . ,) Mi"hael: "I am . . . . . . . . . . . . .

#oin# to read a book this !eek." Mi"hael said to me that %i"toria: "0e !ill do our best in the exams tomorro!." Jason and %i"toria told me that 4ndre!: "0e didn t eat fish t!o days a#o." 4ndre! remarked that s+ent all my +o"ket money on Monday." 4li"e "om+lained that "John had already #one at six." 'a(id said that . .) Jason and . 1) . 2) 4li"e: "I . 13) 'a(id:

Reported commands
If you +ut a "ommand into -e+orted s+ee"h there are some ste+s !hi"h are the same like in statements: A"han#in# of the +erson8 ba"kshift of tenses8 "han#in# of ex+ressions of time). $he form is mostly: form of to tell B to B infiniti(e. Affirmative commands Father: "'o your home!ork." Father told me to do my home!ork. Negative commands $ea"her. "'on t talk to your nei#hbour." $he tea"her told me not to talk to my nei#hbour.

1) Caren: "'on t +lay football in the #ardenD" Caren told me home!orkD" $he tea"her reminded me Mike told me 9(onne told me 'enise told me Mar"el reminded me Jane ad(ised me SundayD" 0alter told me . . 2) $ea"her: "'on t for#et your . 3) Mike: "'on t shout at *eterD" . &) 9(onne: "'on t talk to your nei#hbourD" . )) 'enise: "'on t o+en the doorD" . ,) Mar"el: "'on t sin# that son#D" . .) Jane: "'on t !at"h the ne! filmD" . 1) 0alter: "'on t rin# -omy on

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