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Plane Geometry Introduction

The part of geometr y which studies twodimensio nal figures drawn on a flat surface is known as plane geometr y. This knowled ge is very importan t because many problems people attempt to solve in everyday life are either twodimensio nal by nature, or they can be simplifie d into two dimensio

geometry plane geometry three-dimensional two-dimensional


Common Plane


Topic Assessment

ns. Many problems might appear to be threedimensio nal at first glance, but they are actually twodimensio nal. One such example is a stream of water coming out of a stationar y garden hose or a fire hose. This is because the water is always on a plane - a vertical plane. The eliminati on of the third dimensio n makes it much easier to study the projectil

e motion. Althoug h many problems are truly threedimensio nal, we may simplify them into twodimensio nal problems to make a solution easier, if we can do that with reasonab le accuracy . For example, plane surveys always treat any small segment of land as a horizont al plane. When observin g nature closely, we find that the

seemingl y unusual and complica ted shapes are merely extensio ns of a few simple basic figures. In plane geometr y, these simple basic shapes include point, line, triangle, quadrilat eral, manysided polygons , and circle. Each has a distinct character of its own. When combine d to form a unique object, new propertie s and useful

applicati ons are formed. Triangles A triangle is a closed plane geometric figure formed by connecting the endpoints of three line segments endpoint to endpoint.

Animation Triangle VR Sum of Interior Angles

Three Sides Sum of Interior Angles

Quadrilaterals A quadrilateral is a four-sided closed plane figure.


Parallelograms A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel.

Animation #1 Animation #2 Parallelogram VR

Parallelogram Manipulation

Rectangles A rectangle is a quadrilateral that has four right angles.

Animation Rectangle Manipulation

Rhombi When a quadrilateral has four congruent sides, it is called a rhombus. A rhombus is actually an equilateral parallelogram.

Animation #1 Animation #2 Animation #3 Rhombus Manipulation

Squares A square is a quadrilateral with four congruent sides and four right angles.

Animation Square Manipulation

Trapezoids If a quadrilateral has only one pair of opposite sides that are parallel, then the quadrilateral is a trapezoid. The parallel sides are called bases. The non-parallel sides are called legs.

Animation Trapezoid Manipulation

Polygons Since poly means many and gon means angles, polygon means many angles. In geometry, a polygon is a closed plane figure formed by three or more line segments called sides. Each side intersects exactly two other sides, one at each

Animation Polygon VR

endpoint. No two sides with a common endpoint are collinear.

Circles A circle is the set of points on a plane that are equidistant from a fixed point known as the center. A circle is named by its center.

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