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Philosophy of Technology in Education Kelley Gaines Liberty University

PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Philosophy of Technology in Education

Genesis 50:20 suggests that what Satan intends for evil, God intends for good, while Romans 8:28 (New King James Version) states all things work together for good to those who love God. Everything in Heaven and Earth has a place in Gods ultimate plan for mankind; therefore, technology and its use in education fall into the realm of Gods purposes. As Satan tries to use technology to destroy Gods intentions, Christians around the globe can utilize it for good and for shedding light in the darkness. An educator can approach technology as a distraction and an evil to be avoided or as a welcomed addition and enhancement to the curriculum. I personally identify with the latter of the two attitudes. As a Christian educator, my main goal is to bring about Gods glory in my classroom through the environment I create as well as the tools I use to educate my students. 21st century technology provides a means to engage and connect with students in ways not possible in prior generations. Since so many of my students are tech-savvy, I have an opportunity to meet them where they are, encourage them to grow in knowledge and guide them to use technology appropriately. Technology has given me the chance to relate to many students who without it would perhaps fade into the background. For example some students may not be willing to speak or ask questions in class but do not mind writing about their ideas in a blog post or sharing their comments in an online class discussion board. The Internet and the innovative applications it provides also open the door for a plethora of challenging and unique experiences for students. Through technology students are able to participate in authentic learning that is applicable to real-life careers and situations, which allows them to get a glimpse of what the real world is all about. While Satan works overtime to destroy the minds of youth through vile and inappropriate Internet content, it is my duty to educate students about the worthy resources available to them.


Through modeling appropriate use and examining quality resources, middle school students can begin to see educational purposes for the Internet and other educational technologies. I will not be able to make right choices for my students, but I can certainly allow them to see that technology can serve good purposes in life and can aid them in becoming lifelong learners. True wisdom and knowledge come from God (Proverbs 2: 6, NKJV), and it is my desire to lead students on a path that directs them to discover the truth of Gods existence and ultimately a relationship with Jesus. As I strive to follow Gods calling on my life, using technology in the classroom affords me the ability to teach students how to find information for themselves and not rely solely on what one person or resource tells them. I can teach students to think critically about various topics, and I believe this approach prepares them for the ultimate question all of life will point them to: What is my purpose for being here? As students grapple with this question, my philosophy of educational technology and my aspiration to glorify God in all I do (1 Corinthians 10:31, NKJV) will hopefully lead them to seek out the answer for themselves. My prayer is that all would find truth and an eternal rest in Jesus.

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