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Matter- anything that has mass, volume and weight. States of Matter: A. Solid 1.

has definite shape and volume 2. The particles are tightly lin ed together !. "olds its shape and volume #it this does not mean that the shape cannot #e changed. $. %i&uid 1. has a definite volume #ut can change shape 2. The particles are held together less tightly !. 't flows and ta e on the shape of the container that holds them. (. )as 1. has no definite shape and volume 2. The particles move freely a#out in all directions * Temperature affects the way the particles in a su#stance are lin ed. +. ,lasma 1. An ioni-ed gas, meaning gas where the particles are electrically charged * "as e.tremely high in energy and therefore dangerous to living things. /.ample: atmosphere of stars and sun

Mass 0 the amount of material that an o#1ect has in it. 2eight 0 the gravitational attraction of the earth and the #ody.

3olume 0 is the amount of space that matter ta es up. ,roperties of Matter: A. ,hysical ,roperties 0 a property that can #e o#served without changing what a su#stance is made of. 0 refer to the characteristics of matter which can #e perceived #y the senses or measured #y physical means. 2 Main Types of ,hysical ,roperties: 1. 4ualitative ,roperties 0 properties of a su#stance which cannot #e a mathematical value. /.ample: smell, taste, state, color 2. 4uantitative ,roperties 0 properties which can #e measured and given a specific mathematical value. /.amples: melting point, #oiling point, volume, mass $. (hemical ,roperties 0 &ualities that have to do with the activity of a material with other materials. 0 a property that descri#es how a su#stance reacts with other su#stances. /.ample : tendency to rust

2 5inds of (hanges That (an "appen to a Matter: 1. ,hysical change 0 a change in a su#stance6s appearance #ut not what is it made of. 0 changes what the o#1ect loo s li e without changing what the o#1ect is made of. /.ample: tearing, cutting, crumpling, etc.

+ifferent 7orms of ,hysical (hange: A. Melting 0 the change of state solid to li&uid usually caused #y heating. /.: ice water $. 7ree-ing 0 the change of state from li&uid to solid #y cooling li&uid. /.: water ice (. /vaporation 0change of state from li&uid to gas. /.: water water vapor +. Su#limation 0 the change of state from solid to gas. /.: dry ice, moth#alls /. (ondensation 0 process of changing gas to li&uid. 2. (hemical change- a change that forms new su#stances with new properties. /.: #urning, digestion of food, rusting of iron, decomposition of mar#le monuments that can #e damaged #y e.posing to acid rain. Acid rain, consisting of nitric acid, "89!, and sulfuric acid, "2S9:, reacts with mar#le (a(9!. The chemical reaction causes discoloration and damage to the statue. A chemical change is accompanied #y a chemical reaction.

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