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Details on the Spiritual Diary

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Details of the Spiritual Diary

by S ami Sivananda 1. When did you get up from bed? !Early to bed" early to rise" ma#es a man healthy" ealthy and practise 'apa and meditation. (he meditative state of the mind this period. 2. How many hours did you sleep? Sleep for si) hours is *uite sufficient for every individual. +o to bed at ,- p.m." and %et up at & a.m. .apoleon /onaparte believed in only four hours of sleep. (oo much sleep ma#es a man dull and lethar%ic. (oo much sleep causes premature decay and ea#ens the brain-po er. (hose spiritual aspirants ho ant to do ri%orous Sadhana should reduce the sleep %radually. For three months reduce the sleep by half an hour. Durin% the ne)t three months %o to bed at ,, p.m." and %et up at & a.m. 0n this ay you can con*uer sleep and become one li#e 1r2una or 3a#shmana. 3. How many Malas of apa? 'apa is an important limb of $o%a. 0n this 4ali $u%a" 'apa and 4irtan are effective Sadhanas for +odrealisation. 'apa results in Samadhi or communion ith +od. 'apa is the repetition of the name of the 3ord. (here are three varieties of 'apa" viz." 5ai#hari 6verbal7" 8pamsu 6 hisperin%7" and 9anasic 6mental7. :ave a 'apa 9ala 6rosary7 round your nec# or in your poc#et or underneath your pillo at ni%ht. 8se a 9ala of ,-; beads. 1 9ala is a hip to %oad the mind to ards +od. (he fruits of 9anasic 'apa are ten thousand times more than 5ai#hari or 8pamsu. 1l ays try to do mental 'apa hen you are busy in daily activities. 9a#e it a point to repeat the 9antra some thousand times and record the number in the diary. !. How long in "irtan? <epetition of +od=s name enables the devotee to feel the divine presence" the divine %lory and the divine consciousness ithin himself and also every here. :o po erful is +od=s name> ?hen one sin%s :is name or hears its sound" he is unconsciously raised to sublime spiritual hei%hts. :e loses his bodyconsciousness. :e is immersed in 2oy and drin#s deep the divine nectar of immortality. San#irtan is sin%in% +od=s name ith /hava and Prema or divine feelin%. San#irtan brin%s Darshan of +od or attainment of divine consciousness easily in this 4ali $u%a. #. How many Pranayamas? Pranayama is =control of breath=. Sit in Padmasana" Su#hasana" or any other comfortable pose" ith an empty stomach. @lose your eyes. @lose the ri%ht nostril ith the thumb. Dra in the air very very slo ly throu%h the left nostril. .o close your left nostril ith the little and ri%ht fin%ers" and retain the breath as lon% as you can comfortably #eep. (hen very very slo ly e)hale throu%h the ri%ht nostril after removin% the thumb. 1%ain dra in the air throu%h the ri%ht nostril retain it as lon% as you can and e)hale throu%h the left nostril very slo ly. (his is one Pranayama. (o start ith" do five Pranayamas in the mornin% and evenin% and %radually increase to ,- or A-. (his is Su#hapurva#a-easy" comfortable Pranayama. $. How long did you perform %sanas? 1sana is the first sta%e of 1shtan%a $o%a. Padmasana and Siddhasana are intended for doin% 'apa and meditation. Do not often chan%e the 1sana. Stic# to one and %radually increase the period to even three hours. Sirshasana" Sarvan%asana and other e)ercises are intended for maintainin% %ood health. (hey remove various diseases. (hese 1sanas ill a a#en the 4undalini Sa#ti. Perform the 1sanas hen the stomach is empty or li%ht. Early mornin% and evenin% are very %ood for the practice of 1sanas. Practise the 1sanas in ell-ventilated room or on the sandy beds of rivers" open airy places" or seaside. Durin% the practice repeat your 0shta or +uru 9antra. ise.! $ou must %et up at & a.m." and ill come by itself ithout e)ertion at

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Details on the Spiritual Diary

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2. How long did you meditate in one %sana? Sit in Padmasana or Su#hasana in your meditation room. Early mornin% bet een & and C is the best period for contemplation and 'apa. $ou can have another sittin% in the ni%ht also. (a#e your seat before the picture of your 0shta Devata. 3oo# at the picture steadily for a fe minutes. <epeat some Stotras mentally. (hen close your eyes and visualise the picture. <epeat the 0shta 9antra mentally. Sit for meditation for half an hour in the be%innin% and try to increase the period to three hours by %radual daily practice. ?hen you sit on your 1sana for meditation" do not sha#e the body. (ry to #eep up one current of thou%ht of +od. 3. How many -ita +lo4as did you read or get by heart? Study of scriptures is 4riya $o%a or .iyama. 0t purifies the heart and fills the mind ith sublime and elevatin% thou%hts. +ita is a uni*ue boo# for Svadhyaya. 0t contains the essence of all the $o%as and the cream of the 5edas. $ou can devote half an hour to three hours for this purpose accordin% to the time at your disposal. 5. How long in the /ompany of the wise 6+atsanga7? (he %lory and po er of Satsan%a or association ith the ise" Saints" $o%ins" Sannyasins and 9ahatmas" is described in detail in /ha%avata" <amayana" and other holy scriptures. Even a moment=s company is *uite sufficient to overhaul the old vicious Sams#aras of the people. Service to 9ahatmas purifies the mind of passionate men rapidly. Satsan%a elevates the mind to ma%nanimous hei%hts. Study of boo#s ritten by realised persons ill also be tantamount to Satsan%a. 18. How many hours did you obser(e Mouna? 9onna means vo of silence. Ener%y is asted in idle tal#in% and %ossipin%. 9ouna develops illpo er. 9ouna chec#s the impulse of speech. 0t is a %reat help for the observance of truth and control of an%er. Emotions are controlled and irritability vanishes. Dbserve 9ouna at least for one hour or t o hours a day. Durin% 9ouna" sublime thou%hts should replace orldly thou%hts and 'apa should be done. 11. How long in disinterested selfless ser(i/e? (he practice of .ish#ama 4arma $o%a destroys sins and impurities of the mind and causes @hitta Suddhi or purity of 1ntah#arana. 4no led%e of Self da ns in a pure mind. 4no led%e of Self is the only direct means to freedom. .ish#ama 4arma $o%a is selfless service to humanity. (he important point is to serve humanity ithout any attachment or e%oism. (he central teachin% of the +ita is nonattachment to or#. Sri 4rishna saysE !?or# incessantly. $our duty is to or# but not to e)pect the fruits thereof.! Do vi%orous service for some time. $ou ill %rasp the spirit of .ish#ama 4arma. 12. How mu/h did you gi(e in /harity? ?hen you al# alon% the road or street" #eep al ays some loose coins in your poc#et and distribute them to the poor. /e liberal. Feel that you are en2oyin% in all the bodies. $our heart ill e)pand. $ou ill be%in to realise unity or oneness. $ou ill become more %enerous. Do re%ular charity of one tenth of your income. Performance of virtuous actions is the be%innin% of spiritual life. 13. How many Mantras did you write? 9aintain a 9antra noteboo#. ?rite your 0shta 9antra" +uru 9antra or 9aha 9antra for half an hour in this noteboo#. $ou should preferably do this item of Sadhana 2ust before the commencement of the household duties. $ou should observe 9ouna or silence hile ritin% the 9antra. (here should be perfect calm and *uietude. $ou should concentrate on the ritin% alone. 0n 9antra ritin%" the eyes" the hands and the mind are all en%a%ed. (here is no restriction of lan%ua%e. 0f this practice is continued ith sincerity" the aspirant %ets concentration easily and much internal peace and happiness. 1!. How long did you pra/tise physi/al e9er/ise? Physical culture or the development of the body is as much important as the development of the mind" ill" or memory. 0f the body is not #ept stron% and healthy" vi%orous and active" no culture is possible. :Mens sana in /orpore sano: is a ise sayin% hich means-a sound mind in a sound body. (here are different #inds of physical culture. $ou ill have to select one accordin% to your capacity" taste and temperament. 1#. How many lies did you tell and with what +elf-punishment? Srutis emphatically declareE :+atyam 0ada-Spea# the (ruth!. :+atyame(a ayate ,anritam-(ruth alone triumphs but not falsehood!. 1 truthful man is absolutely free from orries and an)ieties. :e has a calm mind. :e is respected by all. 0f you observe spea#in% the truth for t elve years" you ill have 5a#-Siddhi. (hen hatever you spea# ill come to pass. Spea# the truth. (ruth is 4no led%e. (ruth is /liss. (ruth %uides you in all your actions. ?rite in bold types the ordsE !Spea# (ruth! on cardboards and han% them in different places in your house. (his ill remind you hen you spea# a lie. $ou ill chec# yourself at once. Punish yourself by fastin% if you tell a lie and record the lies in the diary. +radually the number of lies ill decrease and you ill become a truthful man. 1$. How many times and how long of anger and with what self-punishment? 1n%er is an enemy to peace. 0t is a modification of lust. ?hen a desire is not %ratified" a man becomes an%ry. :e loses his memory and understandin%. @ontrol an%er by the practice of 4shama" love and #illin% e%oism. Drin# a little ater hen you become an%ry. 0t ill cool the brain and calm the e)cited nerves. <epeat !Dm Santi! several times. 0f you find it e)tremely difficult to control an%er" leave the !ht"l/# "d$displayse tion%se tion!id$15&1...


Details on the Spiritual Diary

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place immediately and ta#e a al# for half an hour. Pray to +od. Do 'apa. 9editation %ives immense stren%th to destroy an%er and other obstacles. 12. How many hours did you spend in useless /ompany? (he so-called friends are real enemies. $ou cannot find even a sin%le unselfish friend in this universe. /e careful. Friends come to have idle tal#s ith you and they aste your time. (hey ant to pull you do n and ma#e you also orldly. Do not be carried a ay by the flo ery speech of such friends. @ut off connections ruthlessly. 3ive alone at all times. (rust in that immortal friend ho d ells in your heart. 0f you cannot have positive Satsan%a of 9ahatmas" have indirect Satsan%a ith boo#s ritten by realised Sa%es" Saints and /ha%avatas. 13. How many times did you fail in ;rahma/harya? .o spiritual pro%ress is possible ithout the practice of celibacy. 5eerya is a dynamic force. 0t should be converted into D2as-Sa#ti. (hose ho are very ea%er to have +od-realisation should observe unbro#en celibacy strictly. Dbserve the vo of /rahmacharya strictly. 15. How long in study of religious boo4s? /e re%ular in the study of reli%ious boo#s" <amayana" /ha%avata" $o%a 5asishtha and other %ood boo#s" for Svadhyaya. 0f you reflect on the ideas of +ita and fi) the mind on these ideas" this itself is a form of lo er Samadhi. Svadhyaya is an au)iliary for concentration. Svadhyaya ill chec# mindanderin% also. 28. How many times did you fail in the /ontrol of e(il habits and with what self-punishment? (here are some ho are unconscious of their bad habits and many ho do not reco%nise them as bad. 0f they reco%nise them to be bad" then the correction is very simple. 1lcohol is a stron% devil" hich if once enters the system of a man ill never leave him. (hen comes" smo#in%. 1nother evil habit is betel-che in%. Drin#in% of stron% tea and coffee often develops a bad habit. .ovel readin%" visitin% cinemas" sleepin% in the daytime" usin% slan% terms and abuses" etc." are some of the evil habits. First realise that you have %ot an evil habit and intensely desire that you should %ive it up at any cost. (hen your success has already come. +ivin% up any bad habit at once is better. 8se your subconscious mind for eradication. Establish ne healthy habits and develop your ill. (here is nothin% impossible under the Sun. 21. How long you did /on/entrate on your .shta 'e(ata 6+aguna or ,irguna 'hyana7? @oncentration can be done only if you are free from all distractions. @oncentrate on anythin% that appeals to you as %ood or anythin% hich the mind li#es best. (he mind should be trained to concentrate on %ross ob2ects in the be%innin% and" later on" you can successfully concentrate on subtle ob2ects and abstract ideas. <e%ularity in the practice is of paramount importance. Gross FormsE @oncentrate on a blac# dot on the all or a candle-flame" a bri%ht star" moon" on the picture of Dm" 3ord Siva" <ama" 4rishna" Devi" or your 0shta Devata in front of you ith open eyes. Subtle FormsE Sit before the picture of your 0shta Devata and close your eyes. 4eep a mental picture of your 0shta Devata at the space bet een the t o eyebro s" or heart 61nahata @ha#ra7F concentrate on 9uladhara" 1nahata" 12na or any other internal @ha#raF concentrate on the divine *ualities such as love" mercy" or any other abstract ideas" Sat @hit 1nanda" purity" perfection" peace. 22. How many days did you obser(e fast and (igil? 4eepin% ide a a#e throu%hout the ni%ht is called vi%il. $ou ill derive incalculable benefit if you practise vi%il on 5ai#untha-E#adasi" Sivaratri" +o#ulashtami day 6the birthday of Sri 4rishna7. @omplete fastin% helps to control the sleep. @ontrol of sleep by ta#in% recourse to tea is not desirable. $ou ill not %ain spiritual stren%th as you depend upon an e)traneous dru%. Durin% fastin% avoid company. 3ive alone. 8tilise your time in $o%ic Sadhana. 1fter a fast" do not ta#e any heavy food. 9il# or some fruit-2uice is beneficial. 23. Were you regular in your meditation? .ever miss a day in meditation. /e re%ular and systematic. <e%ularity in meditation is of paramount importance. (he meditative state ill come by itself at the appointed time. (a#e Sattvic food. Fruits and mil# ill help mental focussin%. ?hen the mind is tired" do not concentrate. +ive it a little rest. 2!. What (irtues are you de(eloping? Develop that virtue in hich you are hopelessly lac#in%. @oura%e" mercy" universal love" nobility" 4shama" contentment" fran#ness and honesty must be developed one by one. (a#e up one virtue every month and meditate on that virtue re%ularly. $ou ill manifest that virtue in your character. 0f you develop one important virtue" all other virtues ill clin% to you. 0f you have humility and coura%e" all other virtues ill come of their o n accord. $ou should spend daily some time" say half an hour" for development of virtues. 2#. What e(il <uality are you trying to eradi/ate? (he development of virtuous *ualities ill itself remove the ne%ative *ualities. /ut it is better to ma#e a positive attempt also in the eradication of the evil *ualities. (hen the pro%ress ill be rapid. 0t is a double attac# on the enemy. 0f you remove lust or an%er or e%oism" all other evil *ualities ill disappear by themselves. 1ll evil *ualities are the attendants of e%oism. 1ll vices ori%inate from an%er. 0f these are destroyed" all sorts of vices ill vanish. (herefore" concentrate your attention in #illin% e%oism or an%er. !ht"l/# "d$displayse tion%se tion!id$15&1...


Details on the Spiritual Diary

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2$. Whi/h .ndriya is troubling you most? Discipline of the 0ndriyas is a very important point. 0f the 0ndriyas are turbulent" you cannot have concentration. ?atch every 0ndriya carefully and curb it by suitable methods" such as fastin%" 9ouna" (rata#" celibacy" renunciation of articles" Dama and Pratyahara. @urbin% of 0ndriyas means curbin% of mind. (hey cannot do any independent or# ithout the direct help of the mind. @elibacy chec#s the %enitalsF 9ouna ill control the or%an of speechF (rata# controls the eyes. Sufficient practice for a lon% time is necessary. (hen the 0ndriyas become emaciated and thin and are starved to death. 22. When did you go to bed? Sleep is nature=s tonic" for healthy livin%. (he more sound sleep one has" the more healthy he ould be. :ours of sleep depend upon your physical or mental capacity for resistin% fati%ue. ?ithout a sufficiency of sleep" you ill not have efficiency. (he amount of sleep re*uired varies ith a%e" temperament and amount of or#. 1ccordin% to an old ada%e there should be si) hours= sleep for a man" seven for a oman and ei%ht for a fool. 1s a%e advances" people re*uire more sleep. 1void %oin% late to bed. Do not ta#e dru%s to induce sleep. 0f you do not %et sleep" ta#e a bris# al# in the open air for fifteen minutes and then %o to bed. $ou ill have refreshin% sleep.


1bout 8s Divine 3ife Paths of $o%a $o%asanas Pranayama 9editation Store ?hats .e
copyri%ht G A-,, the divine life society. 1ll ri%hts reserved.

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