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#256 Maawi, Alaminos City Pangasinan, Philippines Contact Number: +6 !"6#$56! " %mail: gelsyncs&gmail'com

Career Objective: A position as a sta(( nurse where ) can (ul(ill the mission an* +ision o( the institution as well as ma,ing the most o( my nursing e*ucation an* training, o+er an* abo+e my interpersonal s,ills to gi+e the ma-imum le+el o( care' Career Profile: .epen*able, e((ecti+e an* e((icient' .emonstrate* abilities o( being a team player, +ersatile, an* goal/ oriente* person' .iligent in completion o( tas,s' 0a+e the goo* communication an* e-cellent nursing s,ills' Possess e-cellent computer s,ills'

College: 1achelor o( 2cience in Nursing 3ni+ersity o( the Cor*illeras 4o+ernor Pac, 5oa*, 1aguio City, Philippines 2667/26#2 Secondary: Colegio 2an 8ose *e Alaminos, )nc' Poblacion 5oa*, Alaminos City, Pangasinan 266"/2667 Hospital Experience Benguet General Hospital 9M' 5 :a ;rini*a*, 1enguet, Philippines 8uly #5/<ctober #5, 26#



He!odialysis Progra! for "urses 1' 1raun A+itum Philippines an* Aesculap Aca*emy March #7/April #!, 26# 5th A+enue, #5=> 2un :i(e Centre, 4lobal City, ;aguig, Philippines Basic #ife Support and dvance Cardiac #ife Support :i(e 2upport ;raining )nternational March ##/#5, 26# 2=> #66 %rmin 4arcia 2t', Cubao, ?ue@on City, Philippines $ntravenous T%erapy Training 1e40 Con(erence 5oom >ebruary $/!, 26# 1enguet 4eneral 0ospital 9m' 5, :a ;rini*a*, 1enguet Trainer&s 'et%odology ( Training 26"/hour ;%2.A ;raining No+ember # /.ecember #", 26#2 1aguio City 2chool o( Arts an* ;ra*es #76 Military Cut/o(( 5oa*, 1aguio City, Philippines 'edical Transcription "ational Certification $$ 2eptember 26#2 Center (or ;echnical %-cellence )ntegrate* 2chools, )nc' 4=> Aest 1urnham Place, 9isa* 5oa*, 1aguio City, Philippines )ed Cross *out% #eaders +or,s%ops :ea*ership .e+elopment Program :ea*ership >ormation Course Bouth Colunteer <rientation Course 8une #2, 26## Philippine National 5e* Cross/ 1aguio Chapter # ! 0arrison 5oa*, 1aguio City, Philippines Englis% Proficiency -./%our Training Progra! April ", 26## Philippine )nternational Communicators 1aguio Center Mall <((ice, 1aguio City, Philippines

0ards1 c%ieve!ents One of t%e 'ost Outstanding Co!!ittee on Student Council/College of "ursing 2CSC/CO"3 Officers Nursing 2tu*ent Council A*ministration >ebruary 2 , 26#2 3ni+ersity o( the Cor*illeras ;heatre 4o+ernor Pac, 5oa*, 1aguio City, Philippines rtist of t%e *ear Grap%ic rts Green $s $n4 -.(>ebruary 2 , 26#2 3ni+ersity o( the Cor*illeras ;heatre 4o+ernor Pac, 5oa*, 1aguio City, Philippines Project H5E5#5E5"5 6olunteer C$/P$ 7t% Boo,s 8onation Co!!unity Service 8anuary 2#, 26#2 3ni+ersity o( the Cor*illeras :ibrary 4o+ernor Pac, 5oa*, 1aguio City, Philippines

.ate o( 1irth Ci+il 2tatus Citi@enship 4en*er 0eight

: : : : :

May 6!, #!!2 2ingle >ilipino Male 5D5E

Person to be contacte* in case o( %mergency: Name : Pru*ylyn 5' 1ristol FsisterG Cell no' : +6 !"67# $5$" A**ress : # "/1, Puro, 6, 1a,a,eng Norte 1aguio City, 1enguet, Philippines

#aarni r!a 0ea* Nurse Philippine 4eneral 0ospital/3ni+ersity o( the Philippines Manila +6 !2 5 26 6! %rmita, Manila, Philippines

'illard *arisantos %mergency 5oom Nurse ?uirino Memorial Me*ical Center +6 !2$! 76#2" 9atipunan 5oa*, ProHect ", ?ue@on City, Philippines

C%eryl )5 banes Chemical %ngineer .eca ;echnologies P%IA, 1inan, :aguna, Philippines

I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

)e!egel )5 Bristol

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