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System Nervous

Tissue Cerebrum

Spinal Cord

Information Dura (dense fibrous CT), pia (few cells thick, not largely noticeable, covers every tiny cleft) and arachnoid mater (loose, highly vascular, dips into clefts, most noticeable of the meninges) Large cells neurons (owl eye) Glial 10x more abundant, small Oligodendrocytes small and round w/ clear halo surrounding Astrocytes near blood vessels Smallest fusiform cells are microglia (macrophages) Grey (cortex) neurons White (medulla) processes


Posterior grey matter is sensory Ventral grey matter is motor White matter ascending or descending from brain Central canal lined by ependymal cells Multipolar neurons Nucleus almost obscured by Nissl substance (Nissl also extends into dendrites) Ependymal cells look like simple columnar epithelium

Peripheral Nerve

White spaces around nuclei = axoplasm of individual neurons Surrounding nerve is CT layer of epineurium Surrounding axon is perineurium Surrounding nerve fibre is endoneurium Nuclei are from Schwann cells



Respiratory epithelium containing goblet cells Epithelium + loose CT under it are the tracheal mucosa Submucosa underneath contains many seromucous glands and blood vessels Hyaline cartilage ring End of rings = bands of smooth trachealis muscle to adjust diameter of trachea Outermost = CT & muscle comprise the adventitia Oesophagus is posterior



Lymph Node

Basically air & vascular space Bronchi > bronchioles > resp bronchioles > alveolar ducts > alveoli Air flow structure w/ cartilage = bronchus W/out cartilage = bronchiole Smallest air space = alveoli Air space that is a common vestibule for several alveoli = alveolar duct Bronchus = ciliated epithelium Respiratory bronch = cuboidal Alveolar duct/alveoli = squam Red regions in alveolar wall = capillaries Wall also has pneumocytes and macrophages Type 1 = small, spindly and comprises capillary wall Type 2 = foamy contain surfactant (look like mesothelial cells) Clara cells in bronchioles contain surfactant Fibrous capsule fibroblasts and collagen Space under = sub-capsular sinus Sinus connects to efferent lymphatics Sinuses extend along sides of trabecular down into medulla Follicles (nodules) in cortex, medullary sinuses (pale staining) and cords (darker) of lymphocytes in medulla Lymphocytes have very little cytoplasm 99% of cells are lymphocytes Larger nucleus = macrophages Blood vessels and collagen present to form trabeculae No epithelium present (if present it is likely carcinoma) Vessels similar to blood vessels but without blood are likely lymphatic vessels Most vessels are afferent (in), only 1 is efferent (coming out) but histologically identiical


Palatine Tonsil



Largest Where soft palate meets tongue Dark lymphocytes at periphery, middle = pale germinal centre (more cyto) Diagnostic feature squamous epithelium forming clefts between groups of lymphoid tissue tonsular crypts Involutes with old age At back of tongue Occurs w/in framework of mucinous and serous glands Intermittently joined with squamous epithelium of surface Skeletal muscle in varying orientations (b/c tongue is nearby) Mucosa of tongue is stratified squamous, and dips into tonsil Slight crypt, but not as defined as palatine crypts Nasopharynx At periphery there is columnar mucosa b/c it is located in the nasal cavity (epithelium similar to respiratory epithelium



Non-keratinized stratified squamous mucosa Muscularis mucosa under BM Loose CT/fat in submucosa Variation of smooth muscle layers Adventitia (b/c it is not intraperitoneal) CT of adventitia loose collagen loose irregular; some fat and blood vessels Some skeletal muscles present in the posterior portion b/c swallowing is voluntary Start of GIT


GastroOesphageal Junction

GastroDuodenal Junction

Surface epithelium not defined in a papillary array like small intestine Glands pit down rather than grow up (gastric pits) Surface epithelium very mucoid Parietal cells fried eggs Cells that do not look like that are mucoid chief cells Chief cells more abundant towards base of mucosa Muscularis mucosa normal Submucosa normal 3 muscle layers, 2 longitudinal, 1 circular Intraperitoneal mesothelial cells present serosa Dark layer = epithelium of mucosa, underlying tissues are pale staining and CT/muscle Squam-columnar junction Sphincter is not well defined Stratified squamous (oesophagus), simple columnar (cardiac region of stomach) Muscle underlying mucosae of oesophagus gets thicker forms sphincter (not obvious) Usually do not see acid secreting cells in this portion of stomach mucosal glands are present (chief cells) Loose lamina propria between glandular pits in stomach Transition zone smooth muscle layer (circular) is very thick True serosa in bulb of duodenum Loose CT of submucosa is obscured by Brnners Basal glands in duodenum



Delicate array of mucosal villi Plentiful loose CT between Majority of cells absorptive Many lymphocytes, plasma Thin rim of muscularis mucosa Abrupt transition from submucosa into muscle layers Ganglion between circular and muscular layer Mainly adventitia except for at gastro junction Plicae circulares Lack of lymphoid tissue in submucosa Developed villi Little CT Serosa Relative lack of goblet cells Looser CT in lamina propria Lacteals (similar to venules) present Red granules in cells at basal surface of mucosa Paneth



Serosa (intraperitoneal Mucosa has papillary arrangement goblet and absorptive cells More goblet cells than jejunum Many lymphocytes Lymph nodes Serosa Extension of submucosal muscle tissue to form plicae circulares (increases SA) 4 distinct layers Mucosa does not form into papillary structures Glands dip in to form colonic crypts 2* Lymphoid follicles present in mucosa Loose CT, adipose and large blood vessels in submucosa Submucosal ganglion present Muscle layers normal



Fibrous CT capsule Central vein no CT, endothelium lined Portal vein CT (bile duct and small artery can be present) Chords of hepatocytes Sinusoid open into central vein Spindly nuclei Kupffer Round nuclei hepatocyte Serosa Lobules separated by CT Ducts outside lobules surrounded by CT, ducts w/in lobules surrounded by acini Ducts have simple cuboidal Islet of Langerhans (endocrine) no ducts or granules, abundant cytoplasm Exocrine portion (acinar) contains zymogen granules in cells, nuclei on periphery connected to ducts. Adipose throughout pancreas Nerve tissue present


Gall bladder

Simple columnar epithelial layer on surface Lamina propria between mucosa Anastomosing folds are projections of the mucosa. Smooth muscle runs in several directions so do not form continuous bands as seen in GIT. Moderately dense CT Serosa with mesothelial surface. *No muscularis mucosae or submucosa.


Clear definition between cortex and medulla Fibrous capsule that dips into cortex at some points Glomerulosa layer cells are arranged in clumps. Fasiculata layer cells are arranged in columns/cords. Reticularis layer eosinophilic cells arranged in an irregular meshwork or reticulin fibres. Neuroectodermal origin cells. Arranged in nests/cords & contain fine granules. Called Chromaffin cells.


Epithelial lined spaces (lumen) filled with uniform pink colloid Variation of size of follicle Every follicle lined by simple cuboidal epithelium. Inter-follicular CT is highly vascular (septa) Parafollicular cells that make calcitonin are found in spaces b/w follicles, round nucleus. Renal Corpuscles (Glomeruli & Bowmans capsule in cortex) Tubules in medulla (simple cuboidal & columnar) Bowmans capsule made up of 2 layers (parietal & visceral). Parietal simple squamous Visceral above glomerular basement membrane, made up of podocytes. In cortex medullary rays Fibrous capsule






Cortex & Medulla. Surrounded by germinal epithelium. Tunica Albuginea underlies germinal epithelium. When oocytes have developed enough they will have a flat squamous epithelial lining primordial oocyte Primary follicle simple cuboidal epithelium. Secondary follicle Tertiary follicle - Graffian Spindly stromal cells between follicles Corpus Leuteum Corpus albicans (pale and hollow) Fibrous capsule Outermost layer = mesothelial parietal tunica vaginalis Tunica albuginea (bulk of capsule) fibrous tissue, collagen, fibroblasts Parenchyma seminiferous tubules separated by thin bands of CT Primary spermatocytes dense, dark nuclei Spindly nuclei = Sertoli cells which line the seminiferous tubule. Spermatids still have significant amount of cytoplasm (pale) Important cell in CT between tubules Leydig cell Rete testis network of fibrous CT - Epithelium is low cuboidal. Connects to efferent ducts. - supported by mediastinum.


90% smooth muscle 4 layers of muscle. Separated by CT Middle layer stratum vasculare. Circular or spiral pattern of muscle. Thickest layer with BV & lymphatics. Endometrium stroma thick connective tissue with network or reticular fibres. Endometrium is glandular (uterine gland ciliated columnar epithelium) also known as endometrium. Glands extend to myometrium (blood vessels are found here). Outer is perimetrium consists of mesothelium and a thin layer of loose CT Smooth muscle tube. Fimbriae at the infundibular end. Ciliated columnar Ampullary region Ciliated columnar Peg cells in between ciliated cells. Contain granules. Isthmus region Interstitial region Lumen, CT and lamina propria. Ciliated simple columnar to stratified squamous epithelium Mainly fibrous/muscular CT Deeper portion is mainly smooth muscle Mucous glands Stroma mainly smooth muscle Vascular Lymphatic tissue, some of which penetrates through

Fallopian Tube


epithelium LAYER Serosa Stomach Serosa continuous with peritoneum of cavity Duodenum 1st part serosa 2nd to 4th parts adventitia Jejunum Normal Ileum Normal Colon Adventitia

Muscularis externa

Outer longitudinal Middle circular Inner oblique Rugae to allow expansion No crypts

Longitudinal and circular layers Auerbachs (Myenteric) plexus between Brnners glands Crypts of Lieberkhn Normal Crypts Peyers Patches extend into the submucosa Crypts Normal


Outer Longitudinal Middle circular Inner oblique Transverse rectal folds Crypts persist

Muscularis mucosae Lamina propria Epithelium Villi

Contains glands & pit Parietal (HCl, IF), Chief (Pepsin), Mucous Normal Simple columnar, goblet cells. None

Thin layer of epithelial cells Normal

Large folds

Many goblet cells to lubricate faeces Normal Many goblet cells None

Large Peyers Simple columnar. Contains goblet and Paneth cells Normal Plicae Very short circulares


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