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Four Domains of the EOCT

Reading and Literature Reading Across the Curriculum/Listening, Speaking, and Viewing Writing Conventions

Domain 1
Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of key literary characteristics in a variety of texts and provide evidence to support understanding Identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of theme in literary works and provide evidence to support understanding Relate literary works to their historical setting or to their contemporary context Identify important ideas and locate support for those ideas within the Text Understand and acquire new vocabulary and use it correctly

Fiction Foreshadowing Flashback Language- words that are used Diction- word choice Imagery Symbolism- using symbols Plot

Exposition Complications incidents that either help or hinder the protagonist in finding a solution Rising Actions Climax Denouement/Falling Actions Resolution Conflict

Characterization- description of characters Indirect characterization Direct characterization Flat Static Dynamic Round

Setting Mood Tone Irony Verbal Irony Irony of fate//Situational Irony

Point of View First Person Third Person Third Person Limited Third Person Omniscient

Nonfiction Biography Autobiography Memoir Objective Subjective Primary Secondary

Poetry Alliteration Onomatopoeia Rhyme Scheme Free Form Fixed Form Lyric Form Narrative

Figurative Language Personification Metaphor Simile

Drama Tragedy/Comedy Dramatic Conventions-plot Soliloquy Aside Dramatic irony Stage Directions Main Idea Theme

Literary Period/Movement- artistic attitude of shared characteristics Historical Setting Historical Period Bibliography- Reference page Works Cited Page Citation- citing another persons words in your paper

Idioms- phrases that are not to be taken literally Cognates-word origin Denotation Connotation Atlas Almanac Encyclopedia Dictionary Thesaurus

Domain 2
Acquire new vocabulary in each content area and use it correctly Establish a context for information acquired by reading across subject areas Evaluate the messages and effects of mass media

Context Clues Mass Media- ways to get news out to the masses Types of Argument- Authority/Logic/Emotion Conclusion- Use inferences

Domain 3
Organize a writing sample Demonstrate knowledge of coherent and accurate informational and technical writing Use research and technology to support writing Use the writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing

Thesis Main Idea Topic sentence Subordinate Ideas Anecdotes Descriptions Facts Statistics

Types of writing Technical Expository- informational writing Persuasive writing Narrative Descriptive-writing with descritptions

Organizational Structure- Organization style used to write paper Chronological order-order of the way things occurred Cause and effect-given the event and the effect Compare and contrast-differences/similarities Asking and answering questions

Tone Informal Formal

Steps in the Research Process Deciding on a Topic. Locating Primary and Secondary Sources Paraphrasing Information Identifying and Analyzing Sources Documenting your sources

Steps in the Writing Process Prewriting- gather ideas Draft- rough draft Revise- Add and delete things Edit- make sure paper is error free Publish-Share paper

Domain 4
Demonstrate understanding of Standard American English Apply conventions of Standard American English to formal manuscript requirements

Subject-verb agreement Verbs (correct tense, use of irregular verbs) Punctuation marks (end punctuation, commas, colons, semicolons, quotation marks, and apostrophes) Capitalization Plural forms of words

Precise word choice Spelling Homonyms Double negatives/comparisons Pronouns Commonly confused words/misused words Placement of modifiers

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