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TCP-Aware Channel Allocation in CDMA Networks

This project explores the use of rate adaptation in cellular networks to maximize throughput of long-li ed TCP sessions! Modern cellular networks incorporate "# technolog$ that allows them to d$namicall$ ar$ the wireless channel rate in response to user demands and channel conditions! %owe er& the set of data rates as well as the scheduler's rate adaptation polic$ are t$picall$ chosen to maximize the throughput of inelastic connections! (e focus on the pro)lem of maximizing the throughput of TCP connections and propose a joint optimization of MAC and ph$sical la$er parameters with respect to TCP sending rate! *n particular& we propose a simple TCP-aware channel scheduler that adapts the wireless channel rate to changes in the TCP sending rate and explore its performance for )oth single and multiple concurrent sessions! *n the case of a single TCP session& we de elop a fluid model of its stead$-state )eha ior in such a s$stem that adapts )etween two channel rates! The accurac$ of the model& it's utilit$ in selecting optimal rates as well as the performance of s$stems with up to three channel rates are explored with ns-+ simulations! ,ur results indicate that a two-rate scheme impro es TCP throughput )$ -. to +/ percent o er a s$stem that does not exploit rate adaptation and that little additional )enefit accrues from the addition of a third channel rate! #inall$& we extend the framework to scenarios where )andwidth is shared )$ multiple TCP sessions! (e propose two channel allocation algorithms& one rel$ing on detailed TCP state information& the other not& and explore their performance through simulation! ,ur results indicate that TCP throughput is relati el$ insensiti e to either channel allocation algorithm& and adapti e rate ariation is the dominant factor in performance! This project is de eloped using N0 -+!


M,D1"N digital communication technologies com)ined with powerful mo)ile processors now allow wireless channel schedulers in cellular networks to rapidl$ change the allocated channel resources in response to channel conditions as well as user demands! This is achie ed )$ changing parameters 2and com)inations thereof3 such as the coding rate& spreading factor& modulation scheme& and link-la$er retransmission rate! #or ease of exposition& we shall refer to these jointl$ as "# control aria)les! These aria)les essentiall$ trade off data rates for impro ed frame error rates 2#1"s3 and ice ersa! Cellular networks t$picall$ specif$ arious com)inations of the "# control aria)les that result in a set of allowed data rates and corresponding #1"! The "# scheduler d$namicall$ assigns rates from this allowed set )ased on its rate adaptation polic$! #or example& in the CDMA+/// -x"TT network& the scheduler can d$namicall$ transition )etween fi e different data rates during a mo)ile's session in response to )uffer content and channel conditions )$ ar$ing the spreading factor through the (alsh codelength! A shorter (alsh code lowers the spreading factor which results in higher data rates! %owe er& a shorter code results in lower 0ignal to *nterference and Noise "atio 20*N"3 and supports fewer users simultaneousl$! *n practice& the aforementioned parameters as well as the scheduler's rate adaptation polic$ are chosen to optimize the raw ph$sical la$er goodput of a user! The set of data rates is o)tained )$ choosing a com)ination of the "# control aria)les that produces the highest channel data rate under a particular channel condition+ for a target #1"! 0imilarl$& scheduling policies t$picall$ assign the highest possi)le data rate allowed 2for a gi en channel condition3 from the set

of gi en data rates that can clear the )uffer )acklog4 2see 5+6 for a detailed characterization of this )eha ior3! (hile ideal for inelastic constant rate applications& this resource allocation methodolog$ can produce su)optimal performance of elastic applications and protocols& in particular TCP& that adapt their rate in response to feed)ack from the recei er! As is well known& TCP& )$ far the most dominant transport protocol& uses an additi e increase multiplicati e decrease 2A*MD3 algorithm that graduall$ increases its transmission rate )ased on recei er feed)ack and rapidl$ throttles )ack when it percei es losses 2either due to congestion or channel errors3! 7i en this complex relation )etween TCP throughput and the channel transmission and loss rate& the same trade-off in channel capacit$ and #1" that works for inelastic traffic ma$ $ield data rates and #1"s that degrade TCP throughput! 0imilarl$& a scheduler's rate adaptation polic$ that alwa$s aims to clear )uffer )acklog can )e su)optimal for TCP! #or example& when the TCP source has a small window and is ramping up its rate& it is er$ sensiti e to losses )ut not to the assigned channel rate! *n such a state& if the "# scheduler allocates a high channel rate at the expense of a high #1" 2perhaps due to a sudden accumulation of )uffer )acklog as a result of jitter in the network3& the TCP source cannot full$ utilize the high rate and& in fact& ma$ drop its window or time out due to channel errors! Con ersel$& for large windows 2high TCP sending rates3& it ma$ )e ad isa)le to allocate high channel rates e en at the expense of high )it error rates& since a low channel rate will ine ita)l$ result in packet loss due to congestion! ,n a related note& a pre ious stud$ found that sharp )andwidth oscillations induced )$ rate adaptation of the "# scheduler in CDMA networks that are agnostic to TCP result in throughput degradation! #inall$& as noted pre iousl$& in current CDMA networks 2e!g!& CDMA+/// -x"TT3& the high-rate channels are achie ed )$ reducing the spreading factor of the orthogonal (alsh codes! This essentiall$ implies that onl$ few users can simultaneousl$ share the high-rate channels at an$ gi en time& simpl$ )ecause of the shorter code length! *n particular& the higher the channel rate& the fewer the num)er of concurrent users that can )e supported! Thus& selection as well as allocation of high-rate channels must )e made in a judicious fashion that not onl$ accounts for TCP )eha ior )ut is also fair across

users! The a)o e discussion clearl$ moti ates the case for TCP-aware d$namic rate allocation as a means to increase throughput of TCP sessions o er wireless channels!8 *n order to achie e this o)jecti e& such a scheduler should )e a)le to -3 choose control aria)les such as coding rate that $ield the optimal set of data rates 2and corresponding #1"s3 from the perspecti e of TCP throughput and +3 set channel rates in a manner that is cognizant of TCP d$namics! The proposal of a simple scheduler that captures the aforementioned properties and its anal$sis form the main o)jecti e of this project! 0pecificall$& we propose a wireless channel scheduler that allocates different channel rates from a set of optimized rates to TCP sessions in response to their sending rates! *n the context of a single TCP session& we de elop a model to compute its longterm throughput under such a scheduler and use it for joint optimization of control aria)les& e!g!& spreading factor& to compute the set of optimal channel rates that are used )$ the scheduler! (e extend the rate allocation framework to incorporate the presence of multiple TCP sessions! *n particular& gi en a set of channel rates that are computed )$ the single flow model& we stud$ different mechanisms for allocating these channel rates to different TCP flows in order to impro e the throughput capacit$ of the s$stem


This project present the s$stem model and assumptions utilized in our work that capture the arious aspects of a CDMA s$stem mentioned a)o e9 -! #or simplicit$& we focus on a two-rate s$stem to explain our rate allocation framework! 1xtensions of the s$stem model to three or more rates are straightforward! Denote )$ C/ and C- the low-rate 2also called fundamental3 channel rate and high-rate 2also called supplemental3 channel rate& respecti el$! Clearl$& C/2C-3! At each point in time& the scheduler decides which of the two channels& the low-rate channel 2rate C/3 or the highrate channel 2rate C-3& are to )e assigned to a TCP session! 1ach acti e user can alwa$s )e assigned a low-rate channel: howe er& allocation of high-rate channels is ar)itrated )$ the channel scheduler )ecause there are onl$ a few highrate channels! +! The packet error pro)a)ilit$ is implicitl$ assumed to )e a function of the assigned rate and denoted )$ p2p-3 when the assigned channel rate is C/2C-3! This is an important feature representati e of current wireless s$stems where an increase in channel rate t$picall$ comes at the cost of increased packet error pro)a)ilit$! #or simplicit$& we shall refer to2pi& Ci3 together as a state or mode! 4! (e assume the presence of power control to primaril$ com)at fast fading and interference effects! This is true in current s$stems where fast closed-loop power control tracks a specified target 0*N" 2or e;ui alentl$ target #1"3! 8! (e assume no 2or a er$ small3 )uffer at the )ase station! %ence& TCP experiences congestion if its sending rate exceeds the maximum assigned channel rate! .! #inall$& in the context of multiple TCP sessions& we assume a fixed population of N sessions! 1ach session can )e assigned a low-rate channel: howe er& onl$ < = N sessions

can )e assigned a high-rate channel concurrentl$! This captures issues such as increased interference in high-rate channels and also allows us to stud$ statistical multiplexing gain )$ ar$ing <! #inall$& we emphasize that at this stage& no specific assumptions ha e )een made regarding how the channel rates are achie ed nor how the$ result in the specific channel error pro)a)ilities! *ndeed& the specific relation is not re;uired in our TCP model and onl$ the actual aria)les >pi: Ci? are re;uired! The channel rates and packet error pro)a)ilities are a function of the underl$ing technolog$ that is used& e!g!& adapti e modulation and spreading!


HARDWARE SPECIFICATION 0$stem9 Pentium *@ and a)o e "am %ard disk Monitor 9 .-+ MA 9 B/ 7A 9 -8C 0@7A color Monitor

SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION ,perating s$stem Danguage 9 Dinux 9 N0 +



Numerous approaches ha e )een proposed in the literature to optimize TCP performance in wireless networks! These approaches can )e )roadl$ categorized as either TCP enhancement approaches or link-la$er optimization approaches! The framework presented in this a link-la$er optimization approach that& rather than modif$ TCP to adapt to "# d$namics 2as with TCP enhancement mechanisms3& adapts the "# la$er to TCP d$namics! *n this iew& our work is closer in philosoph$ to pre ious literature that optimizes link-la$er parameters like #orward 1rror Correction 2#1C3& Automatic "epeat re;uest 2A"E3& and "# scheduling to impro e TCP throughput! A model which anal$zed the trade-off )etween TCP throughput and the amount of #1C added )$ the link la$er! The$ showed that there exists a coding rate that maximizes TCP throughput though the$ onl$ considered channel error losses! 1arlier cases it conducted a similar stud$ )ut included the impact of signal power and A"E as well! An anal$tical model of TCP that includes the impact of congestion losses due to a finite capacit$ channel! The$ used this model to stud$ the impact of )oth coding rate and processing gain on TCP throughput! All these pre ious studies& howe er& considered a static scenario with onl$ a single coding rate! Adapti e coding on the fl$ has )een studied ia simulations! *n )oth cases& howe er& the scheduler )eha ior is agnostic to

instantaneous TCP state and is )ased on expressions for the long-term TCP throughput! %owe er& the$ assumed that the aria)ilit$ is independent of TCP d$namics which is at odds with the en ironment considered here as well as the commercial en ironment! #inall$& the authors of studied optimization of transmission power to maximize TCP throughput! The$ explicitl$ considered TCP d$namics in the selection of the transmission power le el! %owe er& the resulting solutions were ;uite complex& re;uiring detailed TCP state knowledge! #urthermore& our focus is also different from this work since we stud$ the impact of rate adaptation for )oth single and multiple TCP sessions which was not considered!


A s$stem stud$ is conducted )efore de eloping an$ project to know the pros and cons of existing s$stem! 0uch anal$sis forms a )asis for creating alternati e design strateg$!

Prob !" D!s#rip$ion%

we moti ate the pro)lem and present the s$stem model including assumptions regarding different aspects of the s$stem operation! #or ease of exposition& we shall use the CDMA+/// -x"TT 5-6 s$stem as an example of a practical s$stem suited to our proposed adapti e resource allocation mechanism& although our schemes also appl$ e;uall$ to other wireless s$stems that d$namicall$ adapt wireless channel rates in response to user sending rates!

*llustration of a cellular hop!

The a)o e figure

depicts the wireless hop in a t$pical cellular network! *t

comprises a )ase station& mo)ile de ices& and a )uffer at the )ase station for each user! The channel scheduler resides at the )ase station 2or in the case of CDMA+/// -x"TT& the Aase 0tation Controller3 and determines the rate allocated to each mo)ile session! #or the purposes of this work& we focus on mo)ile sessions that in ol e TCP )ulk transfers on the downlink! The channel scheduler is assumed to ha e the a)ilit$ to d$namicall$ assign different wireless transmission rates 2termed channels3 to each user in a sector! #or example& CDMA+/// -x"TT supports fi e different rates ranging from F!G to -.4!G <)ps per user )$ changing processing gain and power to trade off channel error for increased capacit$! The main theme of this work is to show that TCP throughput can )e increased )$ exploiting this feature& in particular through careful selection of the channel rates and a mechanism to adapti el$ allocate different channel rates in response to TCP state! "ate adaptation is also )eneficial when multiple TCP sessions are in progress! Through a detailed anal$sis of a single TCP session in a multirate scenario& we show that the higher rate channel is not alwa$s utilized! This immediatel$ suggests that )$ irtue of statistical multiplexing gain& with a few high-rate channels and careful allocation of these channels in a multisession s$stem& TCP sessions can achie e nearl$ similar throughput as isolated sessions with dedicated channels! (here it is shown that this framework and our proposed channel allocation schemes $ield )andwidthHenerg$ sa ings and higher throughput compared to a network with a single static channel rate! 0uch a framework is also practicall$ rele ant! Again taking CDMA+/// as an example& high-rate channels are

achie ed )$ reducing processing gain 2e;ui alentl$ shortening the (alsh orthogonal code3! This makes them much more suscepti)le to interference compared to low-rate channels& and conse;uentl$& onl$ a small num)er of users ma$ use a high-rate channel simultaneousl$! #or example& 4/ users ma$ simultaneousl$ use a F!G-<)ps channel )ut onl$ two users ma$ concurrentl$ )e assigned a -/+!8-<)ps channel! This is er$ similar to our framework wherein se eral TCP sessions contend for a few high-rate channels& and hence& our results are applica)le to such a s$stem

E&is$in' Sys$!"s%
TCP& )$ far the most dominant transport protocol& uses an additi e increase multiplicati e decrease 2A*MD3 algorithm that graduall$ increases its transmission rate )ased on recei er feed)ack and rapidl$ throttles )ack when it percei es losses 2either due to congestion or channel errors3! 7i en this complex relation )etween TCP throughput and the channel transmission and loss rate& the same trade-off in channel capacit$ and #1" that works for inelastic traffic ma$ $ield data rates and #1"s that degrade TCP throughput! 0imilarl$& a scheduler's rate adaptation polic$ that alwa$s aims to clear )uffer )acklog can )e su)optimal for TCP! in current CDMA networks 2e!g!& CDMA+/// -x"TT3& the high-rate channels are achie ed )$ reducing the spreading factor of the orthogonal (alsh codes! This essentiall$ implies that onl$ few users can simultaneousl$ share the high-rate channels at an$ gi en time& simpl$ )ecause of the shorter code length! *n particular& the higher the channel rate& the fewer the num)er of concurrent users that can )e supported! Thus& selection as well as allocation of high-rate channels must )e

made in a judicious fashion that not onl$ accounts for TCP )eha ior )ut is also fair across users!

Propos!( Sys$!"%
The proposed work moti ates the case for TCP-aware d$namic rate allocation as a means to increase throughput of TCP sessions o er wireless channels! *n order to achie e this o)jecti e& such a scheduler should )e a)le to -3 choose control aria)les such as coding rate that $ield the optimal set of data rates 2and corresponding #1"s3 from the erspecti e of TCP throughput and +3 set channel rates in a manner that is cognizant of TCP d$namics! The proposal of a simple scheduler that captures the aforementioned properties and its anal$sis form the main o)jecti e of this project!

The proposed work explore the cross-la$er optimization of MAC and ph$sical la$er parameters with respect to TCP sending rate -! TCP session from a set of channel rates! At the ph$sical la$er& we explore the set of channel rates that maximizes TCP throughput! +! #or a single TCP session& we de elop an anal$tical expression for the stead$-state throughput of a longli ed TCP session in such an en ironment! ,ur model explicitl$ captures the dependenc$ of the scheduler on TCP sending rate as well as the impact of the presence of two distinct rates and #1"s on TCP! 1ach channel transmission rate results in a different roundtrip time 2"TT3 and #1"! This s$stem is used to stud$ the )enefits of cross-la$er optimization of the d$namic rate adaptation feature of modern cellular networks with respect to TCP throughput! *ndeed& a ke$ )enefit of an anal$tical

model is the significant speedup in the numerical optimization process compared to length$ simulations! *n some instances studied in this paper& using ns-+ simulations to find the optimal configuration re;uired se eral da$s of computations& while the same optimization took just a few minutes using our model! 4! (e demonstrate how the anal$tical expression can )e used to choose "# control aria)les that maximize TCP throughput! #or example& we identif$ the optimal coding rates to )e used in each of the two states when coding rate is used to control data rate and #1"! The model is also applied to determine the optimal spreading factors& which is representati e of rate control in current CDMA networks! ,ur studies show that throughput impro ements on the order of -. to +/ percent can )e o)tained for a single TCP session! #urthermore& most of )enefits of adapti e rate allocation are o)tained with just two channel rates! 8! #inall$& we stud$ the )enefits of d$namic rate adaptation for multiple TCP sessions in a CDMA s$stem& in particular the presence of statistical multiplexing gain! (e propose two multiuser channel allocation mechanisms for such an en ironment9 one& which relies onl$ on coarse TCP d$namics& called 1MPT scheduler& and another which takes more detailed TCP rate information into consideration& called A(A"1! The )eha ior of the s$stem under these two schedulers is explored ia extensi e simulations o er the space of input parameters! The results indicate that multiuser channel allocation strategies ha e onl$ a limited impact on TCP& and most )enefits come from d$namic rate adaptation

Mo() !s%
0ingle-Iser 0cheduler

Multiuser 0cheduler 0ingle TCP session anal$sis Numerical results


MODULE DESCRIPTION Sin' !*Us!r S#+!() !r The TCP-aware channel scheduler we consider resides at the )ase station! *t is ;uite similar in operation to the -x"TT scheduler descri)ed with the exception that it assigns a channel rate )ased on the user's TCP sending rate rather than its )uffer content! 0pecificall$& whene er the TCP sending rate exceeds 2or drops )elow3 the current channel rate& the )ase station increases 2decreases3 the channel rate 2accompanied )$ the corresponding #1"& signal power& etc!3! *f the session sending rate exceeds the maximum possi)le channel rate& the session experiences packet losses due to congestion! As )efore& we utilize a two-rate s$stem as the reference example! (e note that modern cellular s$stems ha e fi e or more modes& i!e!& the$ can support up to fi e or more different channel rates! %owe er& o)taining succinct anal$tical expressions for TCP throughput e en for three rates is ;uite difficult! Moreo er& our simulations show that there is onl$ a small impro ement in s$stem performance )$ considering more than two rates!

The single-user scheduler operates as follows9 The scheduler decides which of the two channel rates C/ and C- are to )e assigned )ased upon the user's TCP sending rate! *f the TCP sending rate is )elow C/& the scheduler assigns a channel rate of C/& otherwise& it

assigns C-! *n other words where J2t3 is the TCP sending rate at time t& and C2t3 is the assigned channel rate! The moti ation for such a scheduler was presented in 0ection -! *ntuiti el$& when the TCP sending rate is small& a lower #1" is essential 2to a oid timeouts& etc!3! The scheduler can exploit the knowledge of the low TCP sending rate to trade off channel rate for channel integrit$! At higher TCP sending rates& it is more appropriate to assign a larger channel rate at the expense of a higher #1"! This is )ecause& e en though packet loss pro)a)ilit$ due to channel errors increases& a larger channel rate pre ents packet loss due to congestion& which would ha e happened with pro)a)ilit$ one were the rate not increased& allowing TCP to transmit at high rates for a longer time! (e note that there are se eral other features of TCP& for example& time-out alues& window size& sending state& etc!& which could potentiall$ )e utilized to impro e upon our proposed scheduler! *ncorporation of such features howe er& would make the scheduler complex to implement as well as to stud$! ,ur aim here is to propose a s$stem that in ol es minimal modifications to schedulers used in current technologies like CDMA+/// -x"TT and 1@-D,& and can )e studied anal$ticall$! #rom this perspecti e& we )elie e that our proposal to incorporate knowledge of onl$ TCP sending rate satisfies )oth goals!

Multiuser 0cheduler *n this section& we propose two flow-le el channel schedulers& which are extensions of the single-user scheduler descri)ed in the pre ious section& for channel allocation among multiple TCP sessions! (e assume that all users ha e the same propagation dela$! This is not unreasona)le since all major cellular networks deplo$ split- TCP 5-.6 on the downlink impl$ing that TCP sessions on the downlink originate at a common prox$ and& hence& share a common path! A nai e extension of our single-user scheduler would )e to ha e a dedicated high-rate channel for e er$ user in the s$stem! %owe er& our anal$tical and simulation results for single-user s$stem show that the high-rate channel is not full$ utilized impl$ing that such an extension would )e wasteful of s$stem resources& i!e!& high-rate channels! %ence& we assume that there are onl$ a few high-rate channels as is the case in CDMA+/// s$stems and propose flow-le el scheduling strategies to maximize TCP throughput in a multiuser scenario! *n this section& we propose two flowle el channel schedulers& which are extensions of the single-user scheduler descri)ed in the pre ious section& for channel allocation among multiple TCP sessions! (e assume that all users ha e the same propagation dela$! This is not unreasona)le since all major cellular networks deplo$ split TCP on the downlink impl$ing that TCP sessions on the downlink originate at a common prox$ and& hence& share a common path A nai e extension of our single-user scheduler would )e to ha e a dedicated high-rate channel for e er$ user in the s$stem! %owe er& our anal$tical and simulation results for single-user s$stem show that the high-rate channel is not full$ utilized impl$ing that such an extension would )e wasteful of s$stem resources& i!e!& high-rate channels! %ence& we assume that there are onl$ a few high-rate channels as is the case in CDMA+/// s$stems

and propose flow-le el scheduling strategies to maximize TCP throughput in a multiuser scenario! SIN,LE TCP SESSION ANALYSIS TCP Model 1xisting TCP models t$picall$ assume that the "TT and packet loss statistics are independent of TCP d$namics in throughput calculations! %owe er& in the wireless en ironment considered in this work& there exists a strong

TCP window size e olution o er a

aria)le rate channel! Correlation )etween the

scheduler and TCP sending rate! *n particular& the channel capacit$ C that affects "TT& as well as packet loss pro)a)ilit$ p are functions of the TCP sending rate! As an illustration& #ig! + depicts the e olution of window size of TCP in stead$ state when ser iced )$ the proposed TCP-aware channel scheduler! The scheduler assigns rates )ased on the TCP sending rate and as can )e seen& this in turn affects the window growth rates! *n 0ection G& we show that ignoring this dependenc$ can result in large errors in throughput prediction! *n order to tackle the impact of the proposed channel scheduler on TCP throughput& we use the model de eloped )$ Aaccelli et al! 5K6 for a single fixed rate channel as a starting point and de elop a model that accounts for the two-rate regime! (e present a more detailed explanation of our model )elow9

-! (e assume that the TCP ersion is TCP "eno and model the TCP window growth in stead$ state as a fluid process where the window size grows linearl$ in the a)sence of loss! +! The sender is assumed to alwa$s ha e data to send and& for anal$tical tracta)ilit$& we ignore time-outs and slow start! 4! Det (2t3 denote the window size of TCP at time t and "2t3 the "TT at time t! *n the a)sence of a )uffer& if the scheduler is in mode i L /: - at time t& we approximate the "TT "2t3 a "2t3 L "i L a M DHCi& where a is the round-trip propagation dela$& D is the packet length& and Ci is the channel capacit$ in mode i! Det J2t3 denote the instantaneous TCP sending rate at time t in )its per second! Then& J2t3 L (2t3 "2t3 ! .! During congestion a oidance& the TCP window size increases )$ roughl$ one packet 2D )its3 e er$ "i seconds in mode i when there is no packet loss! (e approximate this in our fluid model with a linear growth rate of DL"i! Conse;uentl$& the sending rate grows at a linear rate of DL"+i )itsLs+ in the a)sence of loss! To see this& note the rate of increase of J2t3 is gi en )$

As in 5K6 and 5-G6& we assume that the channel losses can )e modeled )$ an inhomogeneous Poisson process with rate piJ2t3& i N /: - at time t! K! *f the TCP sender is not constrained )$ the recei er window& then TCP experiences congestion with

pro)a)ilit$ - when its sending rate& J2t3& exceeds C-! %owe er& if TCP is constrained )$ the recei er window size& the sending rate stops increasing once it reaches the recei er ad ertised window and it experiences onl$ channel-related losses T+ro)'+p)$ An- ysis Aefore proceeding with the anal$sis& it is worthwhile to discuss an important aspect of the aria)le rate en ironment that directl$ affects the anal$sis& namel$ the )eha ior of the TCP sending rate at the channel transition points! 0uppose at time t=& J2t3 L C/! The corresponding window size is gi en )$ (2t3 L C/"/! As per the proposed polic$& the scheduler would then assign a rate of C- to the TCP session at time tO resulting in a new "TT of "-! 0ince TCP is a window-)ased protocol& the window size will )e continuous at the rate transition point! 0pecificall$& we ha e

*n other words& the TCP sending rate experiences a discontinuous jump )$ a factor of g N "/L"- when the channel capacit$ transitions from C/ to C-! 0imilar arguments can )e used to show that if J2t3 C/ and TCP

#or purposes of anal$sis& we partition the range of the sending rate J2t3 into four different regions as shown in #ig! 4! The discontinuit$ in J2t3 when the channel rate

transitions from C/ to C- is clearl$ isi)le in the figure! An interesting o)ser ation is that )ecause of the discontinuit$& the sample path of J2t3 ne er resides in the region C/2C-3


Packet 1rror Pro)a)ilit$9 The @aria)le Coding Case As mentioned pre iousl$& we assume that the capacit$ Ci and packet error pro)a)ilit$ pi in mode i are functions of the coding rate =i! %ence& for a gi en )it error pro)a)ilit$& the TCP throughput is a function of the two coding rates& i!e!& J>=/: =-?! The relation )etween the capacit$ and coding rate is straightforward and is gi en )$ Ci N =i = C=& where C= is the uncoded channel capacit$! The packet error pro)a)ilit$& howe er& is strongl$ dependent on not just the coding rate )ut also the coding scheme used! Conse;uentl$& one must either choose a specific coding scheme& or resort to )ounds on the achie a)le packet error pro)a)ilit$ for a gi en coding rate! ,ne such )ound is the 7il)ert-@arshamo )ound! This was used in

5K6 and we also use it as an approximation! The 7il)ert-@arshamo )ound is a )ound on the parameters of a code of length A and information )it length <! *t specifies that there exists a minimum %amming distance d )etween an$ two codewords that must satisf$

where d = - = AL+! 0uch a code can correct at most t N )>d = -?L+c errors! %ence& the a)o e relation )ounds the maximum num)er of correcta)le errors for an$ coding rate! Det pe denote the )it error pro)a)ilit$ for the wireless channel in consideration! 0uppose that TCP packets ha e fixed size of D )its! The TCP packets are )roken up into radio )locks

of size A )its for transmission o er the wireless channel! 1ach radio )lock is assumed to ha e < )its of information and >A = <? )its for coding! %ence& the coding rate is = N

<LA! The packet error pro)a)ilit$ is

where p) is the radio )lock

error pro)a)ilit$! Ising the 7il)ert-@arshamo )ound& for a gi en coding rate& we can determine the maximum num)er of error )its t that are correcta)le using the coding scheme with rate =! Then&

Adapti e Coding 1 aluation (e )egin our e aluation of the TCP model )$ comparing its accurac$ against simulations of the TCP-aware channel scheduler implemented in ns-+! To )e concrete in this section& we set the raw channel rate C= to -+B <)ps and the two-wa$ propagation dela$ a to +// ms! TCP packet size is set to -&/+8 )its! A TCP packet is di ided into radio )locks of size +.G )its for transmission o er the wireless channel! The same parameters were also used for the ns-+ simulation! TCP "eno was chosen 2since the model fits that ersion )est3 and packet errors were assumed to )e independent and identicall$ distri)uted!K 0ince we do not account for time-outs in our model& we onl$ simulated scenarios with large window size that result in few time-outs! *ndeed& a pre ious stud$ 546 has recommended the use of large window sizes in cellular networks to precisel$ a oid such time-outs due to )andwidth oscillations! The duration of each simulation run was 4// s! The )it error pro)a)ilit$ was held constant for the duration of the simulation& which is true under perfect power control! %ence& the packet error pro)a)ilit$ is solel$ a function

of the coding rate! (e ran +/ simulations with different random seeds for each data point and the results reported are in the F. percent confidence inter al! *t is worth mentioning that we limited oursel es to low packet error pro)a)ilities in all the scenarios! The reasons for this are twofold! #irst& TCP is known to perform well onl$ for low packet errors 2less than . percent3& and hence& it represents the region of interest! The second reason has to do with modeling the packet loss process as an inhomogeneous Poisson process which is reasona)le onl$ for low packet error pro)a)ilities! *n all the scenarios considered in this paper& the model matches the simulation results closel$ with errors t$picall$ less than . percent! To demonstrate the importance of capturing the correlation )etween TCP and the scheduler as well as the presence of two states& we plot in #ig! 8 the difference )etween the two-rate model 2which we ha e shown a)o e to )e accurate3 and a single-rate model that takes onl$ one set of parameters due to coding rate / into consideration! (e o)ser e that there exist regions where there is su)stantial difference in predicted throughput 2+/ to 4/ percent3! %ence& a single rate model ma$ not )e alwa$s feasi)le to tune performance in such s$stems!



A feasi)ilit$ stud$ is concerned to select the )est s$stem that meets performance re;uirements! These entities are an identification description& an e aluation of candidate s$stems and the selection of the )est s$stem for the jo)!

1conomic feasi)ilit$ Technical feasi)ilit$ Aeha ioural feasi)ilit$

1conomic feasi)ilit$ 1conomic anal$sis is the most fre;uentl$ used method for e aluating the effecti eness of the candidate s$stem! More commonl$ known as costH)enefit anal$sis& the procedure is to determine the )enefits and sa ings that )enefits outweigh costs& and then the decision is made to design and implement the s$stem! ,therwise& further justification or alterations in the proposed s$stem will ha e to )e made if it is to ha e an enhancement to appro e!

T!#+ni#- .!-sibi i$y

Technical anal$sis centre on the existing computer s$stem 2%ardware& 0oftware etc3 and to what extend it can support the proposed addition! This in ol es financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancement! *f the )udget is a serious constraint& then the project is judged not feasi)le!

B!+-/io)r- F!-sibi i$y

An estimate should me made of how strong a reaction the user staff is likel$ to ha e toward the de elopment of a computerized s$stem! *t is common <nowledge the computer installations ha e something to do understanda)le that the introduction of a candidate s$stem re;uires special effort to educate& sell and train the 0taff on new wa$s of considering )usiness!





*nput design is the part of o erall s$stem design which re;uires er$ careful attention! ,ften the collection of input data is the most expensi e part of the s$stem& in terms of )oth the e;uipment used and the num)er of people in ol ed: it is the point of most contact for the users with the computer s$stem: and it is prone to error! *f data going into the s$stem are incorrect& then the processing and output will magnif$ these error!

*n this s$stem inputs are gi en in two wa$s& the 1xisting users can directl$ enter into the s$stem using login form& and new users ha e to register all their details in the registration form pro ided! PPPPPP Put *nput 0creen 0hots here QQQQQQQ

*nput design is the er$ important part in the project and should )e concentrated well as it is prone to error! The data that are to )e inserted are to )e inserted with care as this pla$s a er$ important role! *n order to get the meaningful output and to achie e good accurac$ the input should )e accepta)le and understanda)le )$ the user!

.!-!+ ,ITPIT D10*7N

,utput design pla$s a er$ important role in a s$stem! 7etting a correct output is a task that has to )e concentrated& as a s$stem is alidated as a correct one onl$ if it gi es the correct output according to the input!


Put output 0creen 0hots here


%ere in this project in all the three da$s of inductions if the emplo$ee has completed all hisHher input& then the output shows the status as completed or his status will )e pending!

N0 is an o)ject oriented simulator! Aack end is CMM e ent scheduler! Protocols mostl$ ! #ront end is oTCD! Creating scenarios& extensions to CMM protocols! ,)jects created in oTCD ha e a corresponding o)ject in CMM Cheap - does not re;uire costl$ e;uipment Complex scenarios can )e easil$ tested "esults can )e ;uickl$ o)tained ! more ideas can )e tested in a smaller timeframe The real thing isnRt $et a aila)le Controlled experimental conditions "epeata)ilit$ helps aid de)ugging Disad antages9 "eal s$stems too complex to model

#eatures of N0-+ Protocols9 TCP& IDP& %TTP& "outing algorithms etc Traffic Models9 CA"& @A"& (e) etc 1rror Models9 Iniform& )urst$ etc "adio propagation& Mo)ilit$ models 1nerg$ Models Topolog$ 7eneration tools @isualization tools 1xtensi)ilit$

0ending data Create IDP agent Create CA" traffic source for feeding into IDP agent Create traffic sink

0ending data Connect two agents 0tart and stop of data

Creating TCP Connections Create TCP agent and attach it to the node Create a Null Agent and attach it to the node Connect the agents

Traffic on top of TCP #TP Telnet

*ntroducing 1rrors Creating 1rror Module *nserting 1rror Module

Tracing All packet trace @aria)le trace

0imulators help in eas$ erification of protocols in less time& mone$ N0 offers support for simulating a ariet$ of protocol suites and scenarios! #ront end is oTCD& )ack end is CMM! N0 is an on-going effort of research and de elopment


0$stem implementation is the important stage of project when the theoretical design is tuned into practical s$stem! The main stages in the implementation are as follows9 Planning Training 0$stem testing and Changeo er Planning

Planning is the first task in the s$stem implementation! Planning means deciding on the method and the time scale to )e adopted! At the time of implementation of an$ s$stem people from different departments and s$stem anal$sis in ol e! The$ are

confirmed to practical pro)lem of controlling arious acti ities of people outside their own data processing departments! The line managers controlled through an

implementation coordinating committee! The committee considers ideas& pro)lems and complaints of user department& it must also consider9 The implication of s$stem en ironment: 0elf selection and allocation for implementation tasks: Consultation with unions and resources a aila)le:

0tand)$ facilities and channels of communication

To achie e the o)jecti es and )enefits from computer )ased s$stem& it is essential for the people who will )e in ol ed to )e confident of their role in new s$stem! This in ol es them in understanding o erall s$stem and its effect on the organization and in )eing a)le to carr$ out effecti el$ their specified task! 0o training must take place at an earl$ stage! Training sessions must gi e user staff& the skills re;uired in their new jo)s! The attendance to sort out an$ ;ueries!

TEST PLAN UNIT TESTING A program represents the logical elements of a s$stem! #or a program to run

satisfactoril$& it must compile and test data correctl$ and tie in properl$ with other programs! Achie ing an error free program is the responsi)ilit$ of the programmer! Program testing checks for two t$pes of errors9 s$ntax and logical! 0$ntax error is a program statement that iolates one or more rules of the language in which it is are common

written! An improperl$ defined field dimension or omitted ke$words

s$ntax errors! These errors are shown through error message generated )$ the computer! #or Dogic errors the programmer must examine the output carefull$! (hen a program is tested& the actual output is compared with the expected output! (hen there is a discrepanc$ the se;uence of instructions must )e traced to determine the pro)lem! The process is facilitated )$ )reaking the program into self-contained portions& each of which can )e checked at certain ke$ points !The idea is to compare program pro)lems! alues against desk-calculated alues to isolate the

FUNCTIONAL TESTING #unctional testing of an application is used to pro e the application deli ers correct results& using enough inputs to gi e an ade;uate le el of confidence that will work correctl$ for all sets of inputs! The functional testing will need to pro e that the application works for each client t$pe and that personalization function work correctl$!

T!s$ #-s! no +

D!s#rip$ion Test for all peers

E&p!#$!( r!s) $ All peers should


without errors! Test for arious peer in a distri)uted The result after execution network framework as it users a aila)le in the group displa$ all should gi e the accurate result!

NON-FUNCTIONAL TESTING This testing used to check that an application will work in the operational en ironment! Non-functional testing includes9 Doad testing Performance testing Isa)ilit$ testing "elia)ilit$ testing 0ecurit$ testing

LOAD TESTIN, T!s$ #-s! no D!s#rip$ion E&p!#$!( r!s) $ *t is necessar$ to ascertain that the 0hould designate another application )eha es correctl$ under acti e node as a 0er er!

loads when S0er er )us$' response is recei ed!

PERFORMANCE TESTIN, T!s$ #-s! no D!s#rip$ion E&p!#$!( r!s) $ This is re;uired to assure that an 0hould handle large input application perforce ade;uatel$& ha ing the capa)ilit$ to handle alues& and result produce in a

man$ accurate

identification of we) pages& deli ering expected time its results in expected time and using an accepta)le le el of resource and it is an aspect of operational management!

RELIABILITY TESTIN, T!s$ #-s! no D!s#rip$ion E&p!#$!( r!s) $ This is to check that the ser er is rugged *n case of failure of the

and relia)le and can handle the failure of ser er an alternate ser er an$ of the components in ol ed in should take o er the jo) pro ide the application!

SECURITY TESTIN, *t is necessar$ to check that the application's data is secured! T!s$ #-s! no D!s#rip$ion E&p!#$!( r!s) $

Checking that the user identification is *n case failure it should not )e authenticated connected in the framework

+ Check whether all the modules are The integration is successful secured with integration


(hite )ox testing& sometimes called glass-)ox testing is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to deri e test cases! Ising white )ox testing method& the software engineer can deri e test cases!

T!s$ #-s! no + 4

D!s#rip$ion E&p!#$!( r!s) $ 1xercise all logical decisions on their All the logical decisions true and false sides must )e alid 1xecute all loops at their )oundaries and All the loops must )e finite within their operational )ounds! 1xercise internal data structures to All the data structures must ensure their alidit$! )e alid

BLACK BOX TESTING Alack )ox testing& also called )eha ioral testing& focuses on the functional re;uirements of the software! That is& )lack testing ena)les the software engineer to deri e sets of input conditions that will full$ exercise all functional re;uirements for a program! Alack )ox testing is not alternati e to white )ox techni;ues! "ather it is a complementar$ approach that is likel$ to unco er a different class of errors than white )ox methods! Alack )ox testing attempts to find errors in the following categories!



E&p!#$!( r!s) $

#-s! no + 4

To check for incorrect or missing All the functions must )e alid functions To check for interface errors All the interface must function normall$

To check for errors in a data The data)ase updation and retrie al must structures or external data )ase )e done

access! To check for initialization and All the functions and data structures must termination errors! )e initialized properl$ and terminated normall$



*n this project& proposed techni;ues for optimizing the rate adaptation feature of modern CDMA s$stems in a TCP-aware fashion! The proposed s$stem adapts its channel rate in response to the TCP sending rate& allowing it to trade off channel rate and #1" in a TCP-friendl$ manner! #or the single TCP session case& this project de eloped an anal$tical model for a two-state s$stem that explicitl$ accounts for the interaction )etween our proposed scheduler and TCP d$namics as well as the presence of two distinct regimes in terms of channel rate& packet error pro)a)ilit$& and "TT! The model was utilized to show how to select either error coding or processing gain in optimizing the rate adaptation scheme to impro e TCP throughput! *mpro ements of -. to +/ percent were o)ser ed compared to a s$stem that does not exploit rate adaptation! #urthermore& this project also e aluated s$stems that use three channel rates ia

simulations and o)ser ed that the$ $ield no significant gains compared to a two-rate s$stem! #inall$& we extended the rate adaptation framework to multiple TCP sessions in a CDMA s$stem! *n such an en ironment& the num)er of high-rate channels is less than the num)er of acti e users& and thus& the high-rate channels must )e shared in a fair fashion! This project proposed two channel allocation policies )ased on preemption and presented extensi e simulation results on their performance! This project results indicated that the rate adaptation feature with selected rate com)inations& rather than the channel allocation polic$& is affecting the s$stem throughput This project also showed that )$ exploiting statistical multiplexing gain& a s$stem with just a few high-rate channels achie es per-session throughput close to that of a single-session s$stem with potential sa ings in )oth )andwidth and energ$ )udget!









www!tiaonline!orgHstandardsHsfgHimt+kHcdma+///H& Mar! +///! 5+6 <! Mattar& A! 0ridharan& %! Tang& *! Matta& and A! Aesta ros& UTCP o er CDMA+/// Networks9 A Cross-Da$er Measurement 0tud$&C Proc! 1ight *nt'l Conf! Passi e and Acti e Network Measurement 2PAM '/K3& Apr! +//K! 546 1! Chaponniere& 0! <andukuri& and (! %amd$& U1ffect of Ph$sical Da$er Aandwidth @ariation on TCP Performance in CDMA+///&C Proc! .Kth *111 @ehicular Technolog$ Conf! 2@TC 0pring '/43& pp! 44G-48+& Apr! +//4! 586 C! Aarakat and 1! Altman& UAandwidth Tradeoff )etween TCP and Dink-De el #1C&C Computer Networks& ol! 4F& no! .& pp! -44--./& +//+! 5.6 A! Diu& D!D! 7oeckel& and D! Towsle$& UTCP-Cognizant Adapti e #orward 1rror Correction in (ireless Networks&C Proc! *111 7lo)al Telecomm! Conf! 27D,A1C,M '/+3& No ! +//+! 5G6 D! Aarman& *! Matta& 1! Altman& and "!1! Azouzi& UTCP ,ptimization through #1C& A"E and Transmission Power Trade ,ffs&C Proc! Conf! (iredH(ireless *nternet Comm! 2((*C '/83& #e)! +//8! 5K6 #! Aaccelli& "! Cruz& and A! Nucci& UCDMA Channel Parameters Maximizing TCP Throughput&C Proc! (orkshop *nformation Theor$ and *ts Applications 2*TA '/G3& #e)! +//G!

5B6 M! Torzi& A! Chockalingam& and "!"! "ao& UThroughput Anal$sis of TCP on Channels with Memor$&C *111 V! 0elected Areas in Comm!& ol! -B& no! K& pp! -+BF-4//& +///! 5-/6 A! Chockalingam and 7! Aao& UPerformance of TCPH"DP Protocol 0tack on Correlated "a$leigh #ading D0-CDMA Dinks&C *111 Trans! @ehicular Technolog$& ol! 8F& no! -& pp! +B-44& +///! 5--6 <!D! 7ra$ and D!D! Noneaker& UThe 1ffect of Adapti e-"ate Coding on TCP Performance in (ireless Communications&C Proc! *111HA#C1A Conf! *nformation 0$stems for 1nhanced Pu)lic 0afet$ and 0ecurit$ 21I",C,MM3& +///! 5-+6 1! Altman& C! Aarakat& and @!M!"! "amos& UAnal$sis of A*MD Protocols o er Paths with @aria)le Dela$&C Proc! *111 *N#,C,M '/8& Mar! +//8! 5-46 M!C! Chan and "! "amjee& UTCPH*P Performance o er 47 (ireless Dinks with "ate and Dela$ @ariation&C Proc! ACM Mo)iCom '/+& pp! K--B+& +//+! 5-86 V!P! 0ingh& W! Di& and N! Aam)os& UChannel 0tate Awareness Aased Transmission Power Adaptation for 1fficient TCP D$namics in (ireless Networks&C Proc! *111 *nt'l Conf! Comm! 2*CC '/.3& Ma$ +//.! 5-.6 (! (ei& C! Thang& %! Tang& V! <urose& and D! Towsle$& U*nference and 1 aluation of 0plit-Connection Approaches in Cellular Data Networks&C Proc! 0e enth *nt'l Conf! Passi e and Acti e Network Measurement 2PAM '/G3& Mar! +//G! 5-G6 @! Misra& (!A! 7ong& and D! Towsle$& U#luid-Aased Anal$sis of a Network of AEM "outers 0upporting TCP #lows with an Application to "1D&C Proc! ACM 0*7C,MM '//& pp! -.---G/& Aug! +///! 5-K6 M! 7haderi& A! 0ridharan& %! Tang& D! Towsle$& and "! Cruz& UTCP-Aware "esource Allocation in CDMA Networks&C Technical "eport ""/G-ATD-/4/.GG& 0print Ad anced Technolog$ Da)s& Mar! +//G! 5-B6 #! Aaccelli and <!A! <im& UTCP Throughput Anal$sis Inder Transmission 1rror and Congestion Dosses&C Proc! *111 *N#,C,M '/8& Mar! +//8! 5-F6 M! 7haderi& A! 0ridharan& %! Tang& D! Towsle$& and "! Cruz& UTCP-Aware "esource Allocation in CDMA Networks&C Proc! ACM Mo)iCom '/G& pp! +-.-++G& 0ept! +//G!

5+/6 #!V! Mc(illiams and N!V!A! 0loane& The Theor$ of 1rror-Correcting Codes! North%olland& -FKK! 5+-6 M! 7haderi& A! 0ridharan& %! Tang& D! Towsle$& and "! Cruz& UModeling TCP in a Multi-"ate Multi-Iser CDMA 0$stem&C Proc! Networking& Ma$ +//K

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