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9 Ideas to Find & Keep Drivers For Trucking Jobs Toledo Trucking jobs Toledo know how difficult

it ma be to find and maintain drivers! but through these tips it ma be a shade easier" #henever there$s a panel discussion about driver turnover and the coming driver shortage! low pa is alwa s pointed to as a culprit" %et when it comes to making drivers happ ! pa often takes a backseat to the bigger picture" Following are nine ideas on some of the best wa s to find and keep drivers" &' (a )marter* There$s got to be more to it than just so much a mile" There$s a direct correlation between the gu s who are considered the most professional! most dependable drivers + and how much the take home ever week" ,' -sk Drivers #hat The #ant* %ou$d be surprised how man companies don$t do an active asking of their drivers! whether it$s a formal or informal wa " The ones that do are the ones that have much higher driver satisfaction rates" .' /se the #orld #ide #eb* %ou can start b looking at the online presence and get a flavor of what the compan is all about" 0' Don$t )ugarcoat the Job* #hen recruiters are paid just to get drivers in the door! the $re a lot less likel to give drivers the hard truth" )kip that step! and just be honest" 1' Do - 2etter Job 3f 3nboarding* It gives the new driver another voice other than operations! and gives both the new driver and mentor a sense of belonging" 4' Foster Driver 5ealth* 6an companies have on7site g ms as well as a full7 time health and fitness trainer who works with drivers on diet and e8ercise" 9' :et Drivers 5ome* It doesn$t necessaril mean ever night! but a good visibilit on what their schedule is so the can plan and have some stabilit in that area of their life is reall helpful for the driver" ;' Take <are of (roblems (romptl * If ou don$t like what ou see of if there$s a problem with our shipper or a problem with our truck! be vocal about it and don$t wait for it to solve itself" 9' Don$t Tr to Do It -ll* %ou should tr to target a small number of programs that fit with our compan $s culture and mission and implement them" =ather than viewing it holisticall ! sometimes the best approach is taking small steps"

Driver pa does not seem to be as important a factor in drivers wanting to stick around as does total work environment" That includes not onl pa ! but also benefits! work>life balance! professional development and more" -nd for all of that! the impetus comes from the top" ?The number one thing that seems to make a difference is having an activel engaged e8ecutive team!@ sa s 6ark 6urrell! president of <arriersAdge" ?If the e8ecutive team isn$t engaged! nothing is ever going to change"@ <arriers used to have the attitude that the own the truck! take what we$ve got or leave it" -n bod who has that attitude now is not going to make it" That doesn$t mean just having a vague ?open door polic !@ either" 6eet drivers during orientation! show up at their driver meetings! get to know as man as possible b name! and foster a corporate culture that respects drivers! such as the one found in trucking jobs Toledo" 5opefull these tips help ou to better approach our compan or initiative and ou can find all of these helpful comments being currentl utiliBed b trucking jobs Toledo toda C

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