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rogram kev|ew

Call !essen, ulrecLor

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng [ SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | l
1ab|e of Contents
AcknowledgemenLs lv
lnLroducLlon vl
I. 1hayne Center M|ss|on, Goa|s, Cutcomes, & n|story
1boyoe ceotet fot 5etvlce & leotoloq vlsloo, Mlssloo, ooJ Cool 5totemeots 1
1be 1boyoe ceotet 5oppotts tbe Mlssloo ooJ 5ttoteqlc ltlotltles of 5lcc 2
1be 1boyoe ceotet 5oppotts tbe voloes ooJ 5toJeot leotoloq Ootcomes of 5toJeot 5etvlces 3
A 5ommoty of 1beotles ooJ lbllosopbles lofotmloq tbe wotk of tbe 1boyoe ceotet 8
Ao AbbtevloteJ nlstoty of tbe 1boyoe ceotet fot 5etvlce & leotoloq 10
II. rograms & Serv|ces
1be cootlooom of 5etvlce 13
cote ltoqtoms & 5etvlces 13
Meto Aoolysls of tbe ffectlveoess, 5tteoqtbs, ooJ cbolleoqes of oot ltoqtommloq 19
Aoolysls of Ootteocb & Motketloq ffotts 26
locloslvlty of uoJetsetveJ lopolotloos 28
compos & commoolty collobototloos 28
cote cbooqes to ltoqtoms & 5etvlces lo tbe lost llve eots 29
AotlclpoteJ cbooqes lo tbe Next llve eots 30
III. Leadersh|p & Staff|ng 32
Otqoolzotloool 5ttoctote fot ltofessloool 5toff ooJ 5toJeot mployees 33
Aoolysls of ueclsloo-Mokloq ltocesses 33
ultectot kespooslbllltles fot uepottmeotol 5ttoteqles 34
5toff Membet kespooslbllltles fot ltoqtom lmplemeototloo 33
1tololoq & ltofessloool uevelopmeot 41
letfotmooce volootloo of 5toff ooJ 5toJeot mployees 43
llve eot 5toffloq ltojectloo fot Meetloq 5toJeot, locolty, ooJ commoolty NeeJs 48
IV. I|nanc|a| kesources & 8udget
ulvetse looJloq 5ootces 33
2011-2012 xpeoJltote nlstoty 36
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng [ SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | ll
cost let 5toJeot 5etveJ 38
Aoolysls & 1teoJs 39
5ettloq 8oJqet ltlotltles 61
Mojot cbooqes ovet tbe lost 1btee eots, AotlclpoteJ cbooqes ovet tbe Next llve eots 62
V. Iac|||t|es, Lqu|pment, and 1echno|ogy
ffectlveoess of cotteot 5poce 63
upJotloq polpmeot 69
locotpotote 1ecbooloqy 70
webslte & 5oclol MeJlo 71
AJepoocy of 1ecbooloqy 5oppott ooJ 5kllls 73
ltojecteJ NeeJs lo teqotJs to locllltles, polpmeot, ooJ 1ecbooloqy 73
VI. Lth|ca| & Lega| kespons|b|||t|es
koles, keqolotloos, ooJ kespooslbllltles 74
Awoteoess & compllooce 73
VII. Assessment & Lva|uat|on
A coltote of vlJeoce 77
1btee-eot nlstoty of Assessmeot ltojects 78
keflectloo oo ltocess, ltoqtess, ooJ lotote Assessmeot lloos 80
VIII. Summary of Se|f-Study
Mojot cbooqes ovet tbe lost llve eots 83
Mojot Accompllsbmeots & 5tteoqtbs, kesootces NeeJeJ fot lotote lmptovemeots 83
5ommoty of Cools 92
key lssoes fot 5lte kevlew 1eom 93
ALnulx A: SLCC Mlsslon SLaLemenL and SLraLeglc rlorlLles 97
ALnulx 8: SLudenL Servlces SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes 99
ALnulx C: 2011-2012 Annual AssessmenL 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng 101
ALnulx u: 2010-2011 Annual AssessmenL 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng 117
ALnulx L: 2009-2010 Annual AssessmenL 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng 132
ALnulx l: 1hayne CenLer PlsLory 146
ALnulx C: Academlc Servlce Learnlng rogram 8evlew 136
ALnulx P: Amerlca 8eads: CommunlLy Work-sLudy rogram 8evlew 176
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng [ SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | lll
ALnulx l: AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak rogram 8evlew 192
ALnulx !: Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars rogram 8evlew 201
ALnulx k: CommunlLy arLner CuLreach rogram 8evlew 218
ALnulx L: lnformaLlon & 8eferral rogram 8evlew 230
ALnulx M: SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL rogram 8evlew 240
ALnulx n: ueparLmenL SLaff roflle 234
ALnulx C: College Servlce CenLers 8eporLlng Models and CrganlzaLlonal SLrucLures 236
ALnulx : 1hree-year 8udgeL PlsLory 264
ALnulx C: SLC&u 8equesL for roposals 272
ALnulx 8: Amerlca 8eads ConLracL 283
ALnulx S: AS8 8ubrlc 286
ALnulx 1: Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars 1rack lnfrasLrucLure 289
ALnulx u: CommunlLy arLnershlp AgreemenL 292

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | lv


Whlle Lhere ls a lead auLhor named on Lhe LlLle page of Lhls documenL, Lhe
process of compleLlng our flrsL rogram 8evlew was hlghly collaboraLlve. ln Lrue
1hayne CenLer fashlon, every sLaff member engaged ln some way wlLh every
sLep of Lhe process, and ln Lurn Lhey also engaged program sLakeholders
LhroughouL Lhe process. 1o explaln our process acLually explalns who we are as
a deparLmenL and how we pracLlce our work.

1ake for example SecLlon l. Lvery sLaff member was asked Lo wrlLe a brlef
Lwo-page reflecLlon on sub-secLlons a, b, and c, essenLlally arLlculaLlng Lhelr
perspecLlve as Lo how our deparLmenL meeLs Lhe vlslon and mlsslon of SLudenL
Servlces and of SalL Lake CommunlLy College as a whole. AL an all-day reLreaL,
sLaff members shared Lhelr reporLs and engaged wlLh each oLher ln dlscusslons
as Lo how well we're meeLlng expecLaLlons. Also ln response Lo SecLlon l, ln Lwo
dlfferenL sLaff meeLlngs we collecLlvely drafLed our 20-year chronologlcal
hlsLory. 1o respond Lo oLher secLlons, sLaff sequesLered Lhemselves ln wrlLlng
parLles," wlLh half Lhe Llme spenL wrlLlng lndlvldually and half Lhe Llme spenL
dlscusslng collaboraLlve revlslons. 1he sub-secLlons LhaL sLaff addressed ln Lhese
wrlLlng parLles, Lo whlch l was purposefully noL lnvlLed, were sLraLeglcally
selecLed ln order Lo ensure Lhe reporL remalned ob[ecLlve, l.e. SecLlon lll.b: now
ote Jeclsloos moJe wltblo tbe leoJetsblp of be Jepottmeot? now ote Jeclsloos
commoolcoteJ? now effectlve ls tbe Jeclsloo mokloq ptocess? lL was Lhus my
Lask as prlmary auLhor Lo play Lhe role of quallLaLlve researcher, codlng Lhelr
language Lo dlscover polnLs of synLhesls or of slgnlflcanL dlsagreemenL. l used
sLaff member reflecLlons as Lhe foundaLlon for much of Lhls reporL.

ln addlLlon Lo Lhls collaboraLlve process, each professlonal sLaff member
auLhored a revlew of Lhe program(s) Lhey coordlnaLe. My role as ulrecLor ln Lhls
lf yoo woot to qo fost,
qo olooe. lf yoo woot to
qo fot, qo toqetbet.
Aftlcoo ltovetb
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | v
lnsLance was Lo offer suggesLlons, challenge Lhelr Lhlnklng, push Lhem ln
uncomforLable dlrecLlons, and cheer Lhem on unLll Lhey compleLed a mlnlmum
of Lhree rounds of drafLlng. lL was Llme consumlng, my expecLaLlons were hlgh,
and aL Llmes l know Lhey were ready Lo sLage a revoluLlon (because Lhey Lold me
as much), buL ln Lhe end every person produced a reporL Lo be proud of. 1hey
deserve full credlL and acknowledgemenL for Lhelr work. 1hey are llsLed as Lhe
sole auLhor of Lhelr program reporLs, whlch are found ln full ln Lhe Appendlces.

Lesa 8lrd, AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL
lnformaLlon & 8eferral Servlces, and formaLLlng of Lhe flnal documenL
Sean Crossland, CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor
CommunlLy arLner CuLreach
Lynne McCue-PamllLon, CommunlLy Work-sLudy Amerlca 8eads CoordlnaLor
Amerlca 8eads - CommunlLy Work-sLudy
Llnnle Spor, Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor
AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak
SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL
Llsa Walz, Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor
Academlc Servlce-Learnlng

l'm graLeful for !aneL lelker, who served as my edlLor, coach, LheraplsL, and
comrade. 1hls documenL ls whaL lL ls Loday because she lnvesLed her experLlse,
energy, and many weekends emalllng back and forLh as she made our cause her
own. 1hls revlew could noL have happened wlLhouL her. l'm graLeful for ur.
Marlln Clark's unwaverlng supporL of our programs and larger vlslon.

l am graLeful for Lhe many colleagues who llsLened Lo me ramble on abouL
Lhe clvlc mlsslon of hlgher educaLlon and who share my passlonaLe vlslon for Lhe
1hayne CenLer's poLenLlal. 1ogeLher we bralnsLormed, flnessed language,
problemaLlzed endlessly, Look coplous noLes on resLauranL napklns, and drafLed
some of Lhe mosL creaLlve and energeLlc soluLlons l've experlenced ln my
decade ln hlgher-ed. ?ou know who you are. 1hank you.
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | vl


1be lteslJeots commlssloo oo nlqbet Jocotloo bos ottempteJ to
select, ftom omooq tbe ptloclpol qools fot blqbet eJocotloo, tbot wblcb
sboolJ come fltst lo oot tlme. Jocotloo fot tbe oppllcotloo of cteotlve
lmoqlootloo ooJ ttoloeJ lotelllqeoce to tbe solotloo of soclol ptoblems
ooJ to tbe oJmlolsttotloo of pobllc offolts. Jocotloo ls by fot tbe
blqqest ooJ tbe most bopefol of tbe Notloos eotetptlses.

Addresslng soclal problems by applylng creaLlve lmaglnaLlon and Lralned
lnLelllgence ls Lhe very deflnlLlon of servlce-learnlng pedagogy. ln Lhe recenL
words of u.S. undersecreLary of LducaLlon MarLha kanLer:

We musL fulflll Lhe publlc mlsslon of hlgher educaLlon ln order Lo help
sLudenLs fulflll Lhelr clvlc and soclal responslblllLles, and Lo prepare
Lhem Lo succeed ln a world of unprecedenLed complexlLy and
lnLerconnecLlvlLy. [.] Clvlc learnlng, and educaLlon's vlLal purpose Lo
culLlvaLe engaged and effecLlve clLlzens, ls a naLlonal lmperaLlve.

SalL Lake CommunlLy College ls unlquely poslLloned Lo respond Lo Lhls
lmperaLlve. As uLah's premlere comprehenslve communlLy college, we
undersLand Lhe clvlc role of hlgher educaLlon Lo be responslve Lo communlLy
needs. Cur currenL pursulL of Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy
LngagemenL speaks Lo our focus and commlLmenL. 1he exlsLence and success of
Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng speaks Lo our lnsLlLuLlon's long hlsLory
of focus and commlLmenL. 1he 1hayne CenLer ls approachlng our 20

resldenL's Commlsslon on Plgher LducaLlon (1947a)
kanLer, M. (2012). Clvlc Learnlng for uemocracy's luLure. llbetol Jocotloo, 98(J).
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | vll
annlversary ln 2014, a mllesLone LhaL pre-daLes even Lhe creaLlon of uLah's
Campus CompacL. Cur work has been recognlzed wlLh Lhe resldenL's Plgher
LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor 8oll every year slnce lLs lncepLlon ln 2006.
1he crlLerla of Lhe Ponor 8oll ls Lhe framework on whlch Lhe Carnegle
loundaLlon based Lhelr presLlglous, more comprehenslve vlslon of lnsLlLuLlonal
engagemenL. SLCC has a solld foundaLlon for Lhls work and we are polsed Lo
Lake our commlLmenLs Lo Lhe nexL level. 1hls self-sLudy crlLlcally examlnes Lhe
1hayne CenLer, our programs, and our role wlLhln Lhe lnsLlLuLlon. lL also
arLlculaLes a vlslon LhaL deepens SLCC's clvlc engagemenL pracLlces, and
embraces Lhe LeneLs of Carnegle as a fully reallzed lnsLlLuLlonal culLure.

1he ulrecLor of Lhe 1hayne CenLer was recenLly lnvlLed Lo Lhe ueparLmenL
of LducaLlon ln WashlngLon, uC Lo parLlclpaLe ln roundLable dlscusslons LhaL led
Lo Lhe publlcaLlon of A ctoclble Momeot. colleqe leotoloq & uemoctocys lotote
(2012). 1hls publlcaLlon arLlculaLes preclsely whaL our self-sLudy proposes: We
see a more comprehenslve vlslon Lo gulde Lhe LwenLy-flrsL cenLury formulaLlon
of educaLlon. lnvesLlng ln a broader vlslon promlses Lo culLlvaLe more lnformed,
engaged, and responslble clLlzens, whlle also conLrlbuLlng Lo economlc vlLallLy,
more equlLable and flourlshlng communlLles, and Lhe overall clvlc healLh of Lhe
1he broader vlslon belng proposed ls LhaL of a more clvlc-mlnded
lnsLlLuLlon. ln our case, we are proposlng noLhlng less Lhan Lhe fulflllmenL of
SLCC's mlsslon Lo become Lhe communlLy's college. WhaL mlghL LhaL look llke?
1he naLlonal 1ask lorce on Clvlc Learnlng and uemocraLlc LngagemenL
quanLlfles Lhls goal wlLh four ouLcomes: 1) Clvlc eLhos governs campus llfe, 2)
Clvlc llLeracy ls a goal for every sLudenL, 3) Clvlc lnqulry ls lnLegraLed wlLhln Lhe
ma[ors and general educaLlon, and 4) Clvlc acLlon ls a llfelong pracLlce.

WlLh Lhls larger goal ln mlnd, our self-sLudy examlnes Lhe 1hayne CenLer's
successes and challenges speclflcally agalnsL our Lhree-fold mlsslon, one LhaL

naLlonal 1ask lorce on Clvlc Learnlng and uemocraLlc LngagemenL. (2012). A ctoclble
Momeot. colleqe leotoloq ooJ Jemoctocys fotote. WashlngLon, uC: AssoclaLlon of
Amerlcan Colleges and unlverslLles, 14.
lbld, 13.
Appeols fot octloo lo
blqbet eJocotloo ote
soooJloq o coll fot o
teoewol of clvlc mlssloo
wblle slmoltooeoosly
teloveotloq opptoocbes
to teocbloq, leotoloq,
eplstemoloqy, ooJ
(noy, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | vlll
clalms Lo 1) LsLabllsh capaclLy-bulldlng relaLlonshlps wlLh communlLy
organlzaLlons, 2) laclllLaLe servlce-learnlng developmenL opporLunlLles for
faculLy, and 3) CoordlnaLe servlce leadershlp programs for sLudenLs who are ouL
Lo change Lhe world. ln order Lo fulflll our mlsslon, and ln Lurn supporL Lhe
College as lL fulfllls lLs clvlc mlsslon, we musL dedlcaLe sufflclenL resources, sklll,
and passlon Lo each of Lhe dlmenslons of our work. We belleve ln llmlLless
poLenLlal, as declared by 8arry Checkoway:

Colleges and unlverslLles have lmmense lnsLlLuLlonal resources for
scholarshlp LhaL relaLe Lo Lhe presslng problems and lssues of socleLy.
Campuses have programs, deparLmenLs, and cenLers LhaL sLrengLhen
scholarshlp ln all academlc dlsclpllnes and professlonal flelds, and LhaL
relaLe Lo Lhese problems ln socleLy. 1he poLenLlal for clvlc work ls

ln Lhls momenL SLCC has an exclLlng opporLunlLy Lo creaLe an lnsLlLuLlonal
sLrucLure for communlLy engagemenL LhaL mlrrors Lhe sLrucLure puL forLh by Lhe
Carnegle loundaLlon: lnsLlLuLlonal commlLmenL, co-currlcular engagemenL, and
currlcular engagemenL. 1hls self-sLudy ls one sLep ln LhaL dlrecLlon.

5oqqestloos os to bow to oovlqote tbls lotqe Jocomeot.
lf you have 3 mlnuLes Lo spare: 8ead Lhe lnLroducLlon.
lf you can spare 8 mlnuLes: 8ead Lhe lnLroducLlon and summary pp. 93-97.
lf you dedlcaLe your lunch hour: 8ead Lhe lnLro and SecLlons l, lll, and vlll.
lf you're lnLeresLed ln a qulck llL revlew, fllp Lhrough Lhe sldebar quoLaLlons.
lf you wonder whaL exacLly we do, read SecLlon ll and Appendlces C - M.
lf you serve on Lhe 8udgeL CommlLLee, please read SecLlon lv. lease.
lf you en[oy uewey, lrlere, PorLon, Cardner, and Allnksy, see page 7.
lf you're our SlLe 8evlew 1eam, good luck. We'll see you on Lhe oLher slde.

Checkoway, 8. (2012). Clvlc LngagemenL, Clvlc Learnlng, and Plgher LducaLlon. ln
Parward, u. (Ld.), clvlc ltovocotloos (26). WashlngLon, uC: 8rlnglng 1heory Lo racLlce.
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 1

I. 1hayne Center M|ss|on, Goa|s, Cutcomes,
& n|story

1hayne Center for Serv|ce & Learn|ng V|s|on, M|ss|on, and Goa| Statements

we eovlsloo o wotlJ lo wblcb peoples boslc oeeJs ote met, ooJ lo wblcb
tbe voloes of epoollty ooJ soclol jostlce ote teollzeJ. we belleve
lostltotloos of blqbet eJocotloo bove o tespooslblllty to coltlvote oo
eoqoqeJ cltlzeoty. we ote tbetefote JeJlcoteJ to empowetloq oot
stoJeots ooJ focolty to teollze tbey bove tbe koowleJqe ooJ skllls to
offect posltlve cbooqe lo tbelt commoolty.

Oot mlssloo ls to estobllsb copoclty-bollJloq telotloosblps wltb
commoolty otqoolzotloos, focllltote setvlce-leotoloq Jevelopmeot
oppottooltles fot focolty, ooJ cootJloote setvlce leoJetsblp ptoqtoms fot
stoJeots wbo ote oot to cbooqe tbe wotlJ.

We accompllsh our mlsslon by managlng Lhe followlng programs: Academlc
Servlce-Learnlng, Amerlca 8eads - CommunlLy Work-sLudy, AS8: AlLernaLlve
Sprlng 8reak, Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars, CommunlLy arLner CuLreach
(lncludlng Soclal Medla CuLreach), lnformaLlon & 8eferral Servlces, and SLlCL:
SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL.

1he 1hayne CenLer does noL currenLly operaLe under a formal sLraLeglc plan.
1he process of rogram 8evlew, however, wlll creaLe a mulLl-year sLraLegy
documenL Lo LhaL end. lor now, we collecLlvely work Loward four goals:
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 2
losLer a communlLy of 1hayne CenLer faculLy, sLudenLs, and alumnl who
engage wlLh lssues of soclal [usLlce and who conLlnually seek ways Lo
make a poslLlve dlfference ln Lhe communlLy.
Assess and demonsLraLe our lmpacL boLh on sLudenL learnlng ouLcomes
and ln Lhe communlLy.
AdvocaLe for an lnsLlLuLlonal culLure LhaL recognlzes Lhe clvlc role of
hlgher educaLlon ln Lhe communlLy.
Secure resources (budgeL, sLaff, and faclllLles) sufflclenL Lo fulflll our
mlsslon effecLlvely.

1he 1hayne Center Supports the M|ss|on and Strateg|c r|or|t|es of SLCC

!"#$ &"'( )*++,-.$/ )*##(0( 1.22.*- !$"$(+(-$ "-3 !$4"$(0.5 64.*4.$.(2

5olt loke commoolty colleqe ls o pobllc, opeo-occess, comptebeoslve
commoolty colleqe commltteJ to setvloq tbe btooJet commoolty. lts
mlssloo ls to ptovlJe poollty blqbet eJocotloo ooJ llfelooq leotoloq to
people of Jlvetse coltotes, obllltles, oqes, ooJ to setve tbe oeeJs of
commoolty ooJ qovetomeot oqeocles, bosloess, loJostty, ooJ otbet
See also Appendlx A.

7-2$.$,$.*-"# 1.22.*- 8,#9.##+(-$
1he very esLabllshmenL of Lhe 1hayne CenLer ln 1994 ls one prlmary way SLCC
demonsLraLes a commlLmenL Lo servlng Lhe broader communlLy. 1he
lmplemenLaLlon of LhaL commlLmenL ls evldenL ln a comblnaLlon of our ongolng
lnsLlLuLlonal supporL and Lhe work of sLakeholders who manage and parLlclpaLe
ln our programs. SLCC's mlsslon of provldlng quallLy hlgher educaLlon ls fulfllled
Lhrough Lhe 1hayne CenLer's co-currlcular programs, all of whlch are gulded by
measurable sLudenL learnlng ouLcomes. Powever, lL ls parLlcularly Lhrough our
managemenL of academlc servlce-learnlng courses LhaL we demonsLraLe a
conLrlbuLlon Lo quallLy hlgher educaLlon.
Ametlcoo blqbet
eJocotloo wos foooJeJ,
ot leost lo pott, to
eJocote tespooslble ooJ
octlve cltlzeos - o
mlssloo tbot mooy, lf oot
most, u5 colleqes ooJ
oolvetsltles sttlve to
(lloley, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 3
8esearch from Lhe AssoclaLlon of Amerlcan Colleges & unlverslLles ldenLlfles
servlce-learnlng as one of Len hlgh-lmpacL pracLlces (Pls)

. klnzle (2012)
When done well, Lhese pracLlces requlre sLudenLs Lo make Lhelr own
dlscoverles and connecLlons, grapple wlLh challenglng real-world
quesLlons, and address complex problems - all necessary skllls lf
sLudenLs are Lo become engaged and effecLlve members of Lhelr
communlLles. [.] arLlclpaLlon ln Pls, lncludlng Lhose LhaL emphaslze
clvlc engagemenL, has powerful educaLlonal beneflLs for all sLudenLs.

SLCC was one of Lhe flrsL hlgher educaLlon lnsLlLuLlons ln Lhe sLaLe of uLah
Lo esLabllsh lnLerdlsclpllnary crlLerla for servlce-learnlng pedagogy, as well as an
lnsLlLuLlonallzed course deslgnaLlon process ln parLnershlp wlLh our Currlculum
CommlLLee and laculLy SenaLe. Slnce 2004 Lhls work has been a resource noL
only referenced by oLher uLah lnsLlLuLlons, buL by colleges and unlverslLles

1he sLrengLh of our 1hayne CenLer alumnl - as measured by Lhelr
demonsLraLlon of crlLlcal Lhlnklng skllls, awareness of soclal [usLlce lssues, and
ongolng commlLmenL Lo communlLy engagemenL - speaks Lo Lhe ablllLy of our
clvlc programs Lo creaLe llfelong learners. We accepL all sLudenLs lnLo our
programs speclflcally and lnLo Lhe space of our cenLer ln general. We are known
for belng a dlverse, dynamlc, collaboraLlve envlronmenL Lo whlch marglnallzed
sLudenLs are ofLen drawn. All sLaff members recelve Safe Zone Lralnlng and Lhe
offlce dlsplays Safe Zone markers proudly.

1he lnsLlLuLlonal role of Lhe 1hayne CenLer focuses on supporLlng Lhe
College mlsslon by advanclng parLnershlps wlLh Lhe nonproflL communlLy and

Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of Colleges & unlverslLles (2012)
klnzle, !. (2012). Plgh-lmpacL racLlces: romoLlng parLlclpaLlon for all sLudenLs.
ulvetslty & uemoctocy, 15(J).
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 4
governmenL agencles. lL remalns an ongolng challenge ln our fleld naLlonally Lo
noL only accuraLely measure Lhe ouLpuL of colleglaLe servlce cenLers, buL Lo Lruly
measure Lhe lmpacL volunLeers and servlce-learners have ln Lhe local
communlLy. As of fall semesLer 2012 we have a new full-Llme sLaff member
dedlcaLed Lo communlLy parLner ouLreach and soclal medla markeLlng. 1he
lnlLlaLlves coordlnaLed by Lhls person are Lhoroughly deslgned Lo serve Lhe
needs of communlLy and governmenL agencles. 1he assessmenL sLraLegy relaLed
Lo Lhese efforLs ls belng sLrucLured currenLly and wlll evolve over Lhe nexL few

1(($.-0 !&)):2 !$4"$(0.5 64.*4.$.(2

5ttoteqlc ltlotlty l. obooce Ooollty Jocotloo
5ttoteqlc ltlotlty ll. lmptove 5toJeot Access ooJ 5occess
5ttoteqlc ltlotlty lll. AJvooce o coltote of vlJeoce ooJ Accoootoblllty
5ttoteqlc ltlotlty lv. 5tteoqtbeo lostltotloool 5oppott
5ttoteqlc ltlotlty v. AJvooce lottoetsblps/kelotloosblps wltb tbe
commoolty ooJ 8osloess
See also Appendlx A.

lL was prevlously explalned LhaL our co-currlcular programmlng and servlce-
learnlng courses work Lo enhance quallLy hlgher educaLlon, and LhaL our
CommunlLy CuLreach program advances parLnershlps. lL should be noLed,
however, LhaL Lhe work of Lhe 1hayne CenLer also conLrlbuLes Lo oLher
lnsLlLuLlonal prlorlLles.

lor example, any lnsLlLuLlon of hlgher educaLlon recelvlng federal flnanclal
ald dollars Lhrough Lhe work-sLudy program ls requlred Lo place 7 of all work-
sLudy sLudenLs ln Lhe communlLy. 1he Amerlca 8eads LuLorlng program,
managed by Lhe 1hayne CenLer, ls Lhe only communlLy-based opLlon aL Lhe
SLCC. Slnce Lhe work-sLudy flnanclal ald program ls need-based, we lnLeracL
wlLh a populaLlon of sLudenLs who are noL only underrepresenLed ln hlgher
jwe most] oct lo
coocett wltb otbet to
close tbe clvlc
ocblevemeot qop,
telovlqotote oot
Jemoctocy, ooJ belp oll
people Jevelop tbe
copocltles to wotk
toqetbet to cteote
sttooqet commooltles, o
mote vlbtoot ecooomy,
ooJ o sboteJ Jemoctotlc
commltmeot to ptomote
tbe qeoetol welfote ot
bome ooJ obtooJ.
(A ctoclble Momeot, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 3
educaLlon, buL who are also many Llmes underprepared. We lmprove Lhelr
access by lndlvldually menLorlng sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe process of earnlng
communlLy work-sLudy funds and Leachlng Lhem how Lo navlgaLe SLCC's Puman
8esources and payroll processes. lor Lhe pasL Lhree years, we have well
exceeded Lhe 7 requlremenL by hlrlng and placlng approxlmaLely 23 of all
SLCC work-sLudy sLudenLs ln Lhe Amerlca 8eads program. We also coordlnaLe
Lhe SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL program, whlch offers LulLlon
walvers ln exchange for program parLlclpaLlon. 8eyond flnanclal resources, we
Lake greaL prlde ln our role as menLors, coaches, educaLors, and faclllLaLors of
Lhe college process for all sLudenLs lnvolved ln our cenLer ln any way. We vlew
every lnLeracLlon wlLh a sLudenL as an opporLunlLy Lo help Lhem become a
successful, engaged learner. We Lake LhaL responslblllLy very serlously.

As for advanclng a culLure of evldence and accounLablllLy, we began
managlng mulLlple assessmenL cycles ln 2003 and make publlcally avallable our
raw daLa and annual reporLs. Cur flscal dlsclpllne ls also noLeworLhy. Lvery sLaff
member undersLands her/hls role as a sLeward of publlc and sLudenL funds. As
for sLrengLhenlng lnsLlLuLlonal supporL, Lhe granLs, conference presenLaLlons,
consulLlng engagemenLs, and naLlonal awards and recognlLlons we've recelved
all conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe overarchlng vlslon of SLCC Lo become Lhe naLlon's premler
communlLy college. We are currenLly worklng wlLh Lhe cross-college CommunlLy
arLnershlps Councll Lo obLaln Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy
LngagemenL, Lhe hlghesL naLlonal honor a college/unlverslLy can recelve ln Lhe
fleld of clvlc engagemenL. 1hls classlflcaLlon wlll furLher hlghllghL SLCC's
communlLy-based work on a presLlglous naLlonal sLage.

1he 1hayne Center Supports the Va|ues and Student Learn|ng Cutcomes of
Student Serv|ces

5toJeot 5etvlces 5toJeot leotoloq Ootcomes
uevelop coqoltlve skllls
Acpolte koowleJqe
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 6
ulsploy ptoctlcol competeoce ooJ lottopetsoool skllls
ulsploy lotetpetsoool Jevelopmeot
oqoqe tespooslbly wltb tbe btooJet commoolty.
See also Appendlx A - 8.

CusLomlzed vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenLs gulde each 1hayne CenLer program,
and boLh sLaLemenLs are dlrecL exLenslons of Lhe SLCC mlsslon sLaLemenL, and
Lhe 1hayne CenLer's deparLmenLal vlslon and mlsslon. Cver Lhe pasL Lhree years
we've spenL a greaL deal of Llme focuslng our work noL only on vlslon and
mlsslon sLaLemenLs, buL also on sLudenL learnlng ouLcomes. 1he lnLended
ouLcomes of every 1hayne CenLer program are sLrucLured around Lhe SLudenL
Servlces SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes, Lo varylng degrees, and speclflcally
address dlfferenL ouLcomes based on Lhe program. lL ls obvlous LhaL our work
fulfllls Lhe flfLh learnlng ouLcome of engaglng responslbly wlLh Lhe broader
communlLy. Powever, boLh academlc and co-currlcular servlce-learnlng are
powerfully complex meLhods of Leachlng and as such we are confldenL our
deparLmenL addresses all flve learnlng ouLcomes. Cur annual assessmenLs work
Lo supporL LhaL clalm wlLh slgnlflcanL daLa. Cur assessmenLs from Lhe pasL Lhree
years are found ln Appendlx C-L.

8eyond Lhe daLa ln our reporLs, addlLlonal quallLaLlve measures of
LransformaLlonal learnlng are presenL ln our lnLeracLlons wlLh sLudenLs. SLudenL
Servlces clalms LhaL SLCC sLudenLs develop cognlLlve skllls, acqulre knowledge,
dlsplay pracLlcal compeLence and lnLrapersonal skllls, and dlsplay lnLerpersonal
developmenL. We can polnL Lo many examples of our sLudenLs who accompllsh
all of Lhose ouLcomes whlle also engaglng wlLh Lhe communlLy. 1ake as only one
example Mlchael WhlLney.

Mlchael came Lo Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Lhe flrsL Llme Lo lnqulre abouL an
AS8 Lrlp Lo 8lloxl, Mlsslsslppl. AfLer Lhe Lrlp ended, he engaged deeply ln boLh
Lhe SLlCL program and our now-dlssolved AmerlCorps program. AfLer aLLendlng
a second AS8 Lrlp Lo SeaLLle, WashlngLon he came home passlonaLe abouL
1be oblllty to tblok, to
leoto, ooJ to exptess
ooeself botb tlqotoosly
ooJ cteotlvely, tbe
copoclty to ooJetstooJ
lJeos ooJ lssoes lo
cootext, tbe commltmeot
to llve lo soclety, ooJ tbe
yeotoloq fot ttotb ote
fooJomeotol feototes of
oot bomoolty.
(AAc&u, 1998)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 7
recycllng. Pe was Lhrllled aL Lhe slghL of recycllng blns nexL Lo every Lrashcan ln
SeaLLle and, many Llmes, no Lrash cans aL all because lL ls expecLed LhaL
everyone recycles. Pe came back Lo SLCC wlLh Lhe goal of esLabllshlng an on-
campus recycllng program. Pe rallled hls SLlCL cohorLs and acqulred knowledge
abouL Lhe lnsLlLuLlon's declslon-maklng and budgeL pollcles. AfLer gaLherlng
nearly 1,300 peLlLlon slgnaLures, he proposed a budgeL for a recycllng
deparLmenL Lo Lhe SLudenL lee 8oard. Pls proposal was accepLed and Lo Lhls
day SLCC has paper, plasLlc, cardboard, alumlnum, baLLery, and eWasLe
recycllng polnLs. Mlchael ls one of many 1hayne CenLer sLudenLs who masLer
Lhe SLudenL Servlces learnlng ouLcomes Lhrough Lhelr lnvolvemenL ln
communlLy-based learnlng.

As for upholdlng Lhe SLudenL Servlces urposes and values, 1hayne CenLer
sLaff consclously sLrucLure Lhelr lnLeracLlons wlLh sLudenLs around all flve polnLs.

5toJeots, fltst ooJ olwoys, ote of otmost lmpottooce to os.
we ptovlJe, lo o cotloq ooJ etblcol moooet, setvlce, soppott,
ooJ petsoool qtowtb fot stoJeots.
we ote o petsoool btlJqe betweeo tbe ptocess of tbe colleqe
ooJ tbe oeeJs of oot stoJeots.
we osslst stoJeots ooJ eocb otbet wltb foltoess, tespect,
loteqtlty, ooJ cote.
we setve people wltboot teqotJ to toce, etbolclty, petsoool
bellef, Jlsoblllty, oqe, ot sexool otleototloo.
Oot commltmeot to stoJeots Jltects tbe woy we moke Jeclsloos,
cteote ptoqtoms, ooJ blte stoff.
we wlll molotolo wltblo 5toJeot 5etvlces oo eovltoomeot tbot
oottotes oot voloes. Jlvetslty, commoolty, booesty, people, ooJ
See also Appendlx A.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 8
1hese values are whaL we wake up Lhlnklng abouL and dolng every day. 1hls
does noL mean we are perfecL aL execuLlng Lhese values, buL lL does mean we
are comforLable saylng LhaL our work allgns Lo Lhe SLudenL Servlces values wlLh
no confllcL. SLaff members unanlmously agree: our commlLmenL Lo sLudenLs
dlrecLs Lhe way we make declslons, creaLe programs, and hlre sLaff." We are
confldenL LhaL our work manlfesLs Lhls commlLmenL.

A Summary of 1heor|es and h||osoph|es Inform|ng the Work of the 1hayne
A number of Lheorles gaLhered from across dlsclpllnes lnformed Lhe
developmenL of a naLlonal servlce-learnlng fleld. unlversally, however, Lhe
drlvlng lnLellecLual force behlnd Lhe movemenL ls !ohn uewey. uewey was boLh
a phllosopher and an educaLlonal reformer. uewey wroLe a greaL deal on Lhe
socleLal elemenLs necessary for a well-funcLlonlng democracy, namely Lhe
cenLral lmporLance of schools and clvlc/communlLy sLrucLures. As for Lhe role of
hlgher educaLlon, uewey belleved Lhe mosL effecLlve Leachlng and learnlng ls an
lnLeracLlve, experlenLlal process, one ln whlch sLudenLs Lake a greaL deal of
ownershlp. ln Lhe servlce-learnlng fleld we commonly refer Lo Lhls paradlgm
shlfL wlLhln Lhe academy as one away from Lhe professorlal sage on Lhe sLage,
and Loward a model of faculLy and communlLy parLners acLlng as a gulde on Lhe
slde. 1hey become faclllLaLors of knowledge LhaL sLudenLs acqulre Lhrough Lhelr
own experlence.

lurLhermore, uewey advocaLed for lnsLlLuLlons of hlgher educaLlon Lo
become vehlcles for soclal reform and communlLy acLlvlsm. 1he endgame focus
of Lhe servlce-learnlng fleld naLlonally ls noL only Lo sLrengLhen Lhe communlLy,
buL also Lo re-engage lnsLlLuLlons as acLlve parLlclpanLs ln Lhelr communlLy. 1he
1hayne CenLer boldly makes all of Lhese clalms ln boLh our vlslon and mlsslon
sLaLemenLs. Cur work ls dedlcaLed Lo faclllLaLlng communlLy-based learnlng
experlences and also Lo supporLlng Lhe culLure of our lnsLlLuLlon as an acLlve
clLlzen ln our communlLy.

keotJetloq cotteot
eJocotloool ptlotltles ooJ
bollJloq oew levels of clvlc
koowleJqe ooJ
eoqoqemeot wlll tepolte
oopteceJeoteJ, wlJely
cootJlooteJ, ooJ collectlve
commltmeots to octloo. No
sloqle eotlty coo effect
cbooqe ot tbe level ooJ
scole tepolteJ.
(A ctoclble Momeot, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 9
8eyond Lhls foundaLlon lald by uewey, boLh our currlcular and co-currlcular
work ls grounded ln Lhe Lhree prlmary LeneLs of servlce-learnlng pedagogy:

1) Servlce ln Lhe communlLy ls Lled Lo learnlng ob[ecLlves
a. WheLher Lled Lo currlcular and dlsclpllne-speclflc learnlng
ouLcomes esLabllshed by faculLy ln a course, or Lled Lo co-
currlcular programmaLlc learnlng ouLcomes esLabllshed by
CoordlnaLors ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer, Lhe acL of servlce ln Lhe
communlLy becomes a meLhod of Leachlng and learnlng.
2) Servlce ls sLrucLured around communlLy-ldenLlfled needs
a. ln order Lo ensure reclproclLy ln our campus-communlLy
parLnershlps, we draw upon Lheorles and pracLlces relaLed Lo
Lhe non-commodlflcaLlon of communlLles and communlLy
organlzlng Lheorles such as Lhose presenLed by aolo lrlere ln
Lhe edagogy of Lhe Cppressed (1970), Myles PorLon and Lhe
work of Lhe Plghlander lolk School's ln Lhe labor and clvll rlghLs
movemenLs, and Saul Allnksy's esLabllshmenL Lhe modern day
fleld of communlLy organlzlng.
3) CrlLlcal reflecLlon on Lhe servlce ls sLrucLured and gulded.
a. 1he process of sLrucLurlng crlLlcal reflecLlon relles on an
undersLandlng of Poward Cardner's 1heory of MulLlple
lnLelllgences (1983) and Lhe facL LhaL people learn and reLaln
lnformaLlon dlfferenLly. lL ls also Lhe manlfesLaLlon of praxls,
essenLlally clalmlng LhaL by parLlclpaLlng ln a cycle of acLlon and
reflecLlon one can change Lhe world. lL ls Lhe pure convergence
of Lheory and acLlon. 1hls concepL also draws dlrecLly on lrlere's
work wlLh crlLlcal pedagogy and lLs concepL of ralslng one's
consclousness ouL of oppresslon.

AddlLlonal Lheorles and phllosophles LhaL gulde our work are presenLed and
embedded LhroughouL Lhe self-sLudy, namely Lheorles relaLed Lo soclal [usLlce
and Lhe eLhlcs of communlLy-based work.
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 10

An Abbrev|ated n|story of the 1hayne Center for Serv|ce & Learn|ng
SLCC creaLed 1he CommunlLy Servlce CenLer ln 1994 as parL of Lhe
responslblllLles of Lhe Alumnl AssoclaLlon ulrecLor. ln fall semesLer 1993 Lhe
cenLer separaLed from Lhe Alumnl AssoclaLlon and became Lhe 1hayne
CommunlLy Servlce CenLer, named afLer local peace acLlvlsL, poeL, auLhor, and
educaLor Lmma Lou 1hayne. lor nearly Lwo decades Lhe hlsLory of Lhls
deparLmenL has been marked by Lhemes of collaboraLlon, lnnovaLlon, and
leadershlp ln Lhe fleld of clvlc engagemenL, recognlzed by boLh presLlglous
granLs and naLlonal awards.

Slnce 1993, when lnLeresLed sLakeholders flrsL assembled Lo dlscuss Lhe
posslblllLy of a servlce cenLer aL SLCC, an advlsory board has gulded Lhe 1hayne
CenLer. Cur board members range from faculLy and sLaff, Lo sLudenLs,
admlnlsLraLors, and communlLy parLner organlzaLlons. 8eyond Lhe 1hayne
CenLer CommunlLy & Academlc Advlsory 8oard, Lhe cenLer has a long hlsLory of
collaboraLlng wlLh deparLmenLs ln boLh Academlc Affalrs and SLudenL Servlces.
ln 1994 slx faculLy members recelved granLs for lncorporaLlng servlce-learnlng
lnLo Lhelr currlculum. 1hen ln 2003, when Lhe lnsLlLuLlon creaLed a Servlce-
Learnlng CoordlnaLor poslLlon, a cohorL of four faculLy members researched Lhe
besL pracLlces of servlce-learnlng pedagogy. 1hls research led Lo an
lnsLlLuLlonallzed course deslgnaLlon process as well as on-golng fundlng from
Lhe rovosL for course developmenL granLs. 1o Lhls day we collaboraLe wlLh
Academlc Affalrs Lo fund our programs and slnce 2003 we've recelved an annual
$6,300 from Lhe rovosL Lo supporL faculLy developmenL efforLs.

As llLLle as Len years ago a Lhree-quarLer Llme Amerlca 8eads CoordlnaLor
poslLlon was funded by llnanclal Ald and Lhe 1hayne CenLer's $10,000 budgeL
came from Lhe SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp offlce. ln 2003 Lhe cenLer collaboraLed
wlLh sLudenL leaders Lo secure sLudenL fee revenue as an lmporLanL source of
fundlng. We've also en[oyed long-sLandlng collaboraLlons wlLh uLah Campus
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 11
CompacL and colleglaLe servlce cenLers around Lhe counLry and across Lhe sLaLe.
lrom 2004-2006 we hosLed a sLaLewlde Servlce Symposlum Lo whlch sLudenLs
submlLLed mulLlmedla reflecLlons on Lhelr servlce and a large culmlnaLlng evenL
was held aL Lnergy SoluLlons Arena. We've also been acLlve members of uLah
Campus CompacL slnce lL was flrsL creaLed ln 1996. ln facL, Lhe 1hayne CenLer
was parL of Lhe lnlLlal dlscusslon as Lo how Lo creaLe a CompacL ln Lhe sLaLe.

lnlLlally Lhe cenLer focused prlmarlly on developlng servlce opporLunlLles for
sLudenLs such as AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak (flrsL Lrlp ln 1996) and Lhe CommunlLy
Work-sLudy Amerlca 8eads program (began ln 1998). We also offer for sLudenLs
Lhe change Lo graduaLe wlLh honors as a Servlce-Learnlng Scholar (1999, wlLh
Lhe flrsL graduaLe ln 2001), whlch has now expanded lnLo flve dlfferenL program
Lracks and ls known as Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program. As Lhe fleld of
servlce-learnlng and clvlc engagemenL evolved naLlonally, so dld our programs
aL SLCC. A slngle-lnsLlLuLlon Learn & Serve Amerlca granL from Lhe CorporaLlon
for naLlonal & CommunlLy Servlce dld more Lo caLapulL our programs Lo Lhe
nexL level Lhan nearly anyLhlng ln our hlsLory.

lrom 2003-2006 we managed a $343,000 granL LhaL more Lhan Lrlpled Lhe
slze of our sLaff, creaLlng permanenL poslLlons where before we had uLlllzed
AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers. 8lghL around LhaL same Llme, Lhe fleld was
focuslng more on developlng and lnsLlLuLlonallzlng academlc servlce-learnlng
Lhan on managlng sLudenL volunLeer programs. lL was durlng Lhls Llme LhaL our
servlce-learnlng program was recognlzed by Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of
CommunlLy Colleges and ln 2006 Lhe 1hayne CenLer became a menLor ln AACC's
naLlonal consulLlng neLwork. 1hls was a rlch Llme for our servlce-learnlng
program, one of dlssemlnaLlon, lnnovaLlon, vlslLs Lo campuses across Lhe
counLry, and many conference presenLaLlon opporLunlLles. ln Lhe pasL flve years
Lhe pendulum of Lhe fleld has swung Lo a mlddle ground beLween volunLeerlsm
and academlc servlce-learnlng. 1he 1hayne CenLer responded Lo Lhls shlfL by
engaglng ln naLlonal conversaLlons abouL our sLudenL leadershlp programmlng.
coooect otqoolzotloool
mlssloo stotemeots to
octloooble cottlcolot ooJ
co-cottlcolot octlvltles
octoss ocoJemlc offolts,
stoJeot offolts, ooJ
commoolty pottoetsblps.
(ctess, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 12
Cur SLlCL: SLudenL Leader ln Clvlc LngagemenL program has been feaLured ln
presenLaLlons aL naLlonal conference, as has our AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak

=>"432 "-3 ?4"-$2

res|dent's n|gher Lducat|on Commun|ty Serv|ce nonor ko||
CorporaLlon for naLlonal and CommunlLy Servlce: 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012
Vo|unteer Connector Crgan|zat|on - Vo|unteer Management 1ra|n|ng
Cert|f|cat|on & Grantee
uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers: 2011-2013
Mart|n Luther k|ng Ir. Day of Serv|ce - Grantee
uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers and CorporaLlon for naLlonal and
CommunlLy Servlce: 2012
9]11 Day of Serv|ce & kemembrance - Grantee
uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers and CorporaLlon for naLlonal and
CommunlLy Servlce: 2012
Commun|ty Co||eges 8roaden|ng nor|zons through Serv|ce Learn|ng - New
Med|a Leader & Grantee
Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges: 2009-2012
Serv|ce-Learn|ng Co||aborat|on Award for Work w|th Un|vers|t|es: SLCC
artners |n Serv|ce & Learn|ng In|t|at|ve
CommunlLy College naLlonal CenLer for CommunlLy LngagemenL: 2008
Commun|ty Co||eges 8roaden|ng nor|zons through Serv|ce Learn|ng - Mentor
Inst|tut|on & Grantee
Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges: 2006-2009
Learn and Serve Amer|ca n|gher Lducat|on Grantee
CorporaLlon for naLlonal and CommunlLy Servlce: 2003-2006

lor a chronology of slgnlflcanL evenLs by year, reference Appendlx l.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 13

II. rograms & Serv|ces

1he Cont|nuum of Serv|ce
WlLhln Lhe fleld of colleglaLe clvlc engagemenL we recognlze a conLlnuum of
servlce. AL one end of Lhls conLlnuum resldes a charlLy model of servlce, aL Lhe
oLher end, Lhe model of soclal [usLlce. 1he charlLy end of Lhe specLrum may
manlfesL lLself ln wrlLlng a check Lo a nonproflL organlzaLlon or hosLlng a canned
food drlve. Along Lhe specLrum lle lncreaslng levels of engagemenL wlLh Lhe
communlLy and lncreased undersLandlng of complex soclal lssues. lor example,
lnsLead of hosLlng a canned food drlve on campus, a sLudenL may serve lunch aL
Lhe SL. vlncenL ueaul homeless shelLer downLown. 1he soclal [usLlce end of Lhe
specLrum manlfesLs lLself ln lnformed, concenLraLed efforLs Lo affecL lasLlng
sysLemlc change. We Lell our sLudenLs lL's Lhe dlfference beLween servlng food
once a year aL Lhe shelLer on 1hanksglvlng uay and lobbylng on CaplLol Plll for
falr houslng pracLlces and challenglng our clvlc leaders wlLh quesLlons as Lo why
we have veLerans llvlng on Lhe sLreeLs of our clLy. We also Leach our sLudenLs
LhaL whlle we advocaLe Lhe soclal [usLlce model as Lhe ldeal, socleLy sLlll needs
boLh ends of Lhe specLrum worklng slmulLaneously. AfLer all, you cannoL sLop
servlng food aL SL. vlncenL ueaul because you were busy advocaLlng Lhe rlghLs
of homeless clLlzens on CaplLol Plll.

1hayne CenLer programs are lnLenLlonally sLrucLured along Lhls conLlnuum.
We recognlze LhaL noL every sLudenL who walks Lhrough our door ls prepared
Lo, nor wanLs Lo, engage ln Lhe soclal [usLlce model of servlce. Cur lnformaLlon
& 8eferral Servlces meeL sLudenLs where Lhey are and help Lhem engage ln
whaLever Lype and degree of servlce lnLeresLs Lhem. Whereas sLrucLured
programs llke SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL work Lo move a
speclflc cohorL of sLudenLs along Lhe conLlnuum qulckly and wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon
coooectloq ocoJemlc
lopolty wltb commoolty
setvlce octlvltles ls o
telloble peJoqoqlcol ooJ
eplstemoloqlcol sttoteqy
fot Jeveloploq stoJeot
koowleJqe ooJ skllls,
wblle fostetloq loJlvlJool
ooJ otqoolzotloool
collobototloos to oJJtess
ptessloq soclol,
eJocotloool, ooJ
ecooomlc lssoes.
(ctess, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 14
LhaL parLlclpanLs leave wlLh an undersLandlng of and commlLmenL Lo Lhe soclal
[usLlce model of servlce. ln Lhls sense, wlLhln each lndlvldual program lLself we
are guldlng sLudenLs along Lhe conLlnuum of servlce. ln Lhls way we fulflll Lhe
larger mlsslon and purpose of SLudenL Affalrs, whlch we belleve ls Lo creaLe
leaders. Cur programmaLlc assessmenL efforLs over Lhe years have
demonsLraLed our effecLlveness Loward Lhls end.

lor example, AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Leams are a good mlx of sLudenL
leaders parLlclpaLlng ln oLher 1hayne CenLer programs and walk-ln sLudenLs who
meL us for Lhe flrsL Llme when Lhey dropped off Lhelr appllcaLlon. SLudenLs fall
all along Lhe conLlnuum of servlce, and Lhelr moLlvaLlons Lo parLlclpaLe ln an AS8
Lrlp range from charlLy Lo soclal [usLlce. Cver Lhe course of Lhe Llme spenL ln
pre-Lrlp meeLlngs and Lhe lnLense volunLeer lmmerslon experlence durlng Lhe
week of sprlng break, sLudenLs galn leadershlp skllls and achleve learnlng
ouLcomes relaLed Lo collaboraLlve Leamwork, communlcaLlon skllls,
ldenLlflcaLlon of soclal lssues, and Lhe creaLlon of acLlon plans, many of whlch
are lmplemenLed upon reLurnlng from Lhe Lrlp. 1he program alms Lo move
sLudenLs along Lhe conLlnuum and show Lhem, ln Lhe course of one shorL week,
how Lhey can address soclal lssues sysLemlcally. 1o read more abouL Lhe AS8
program, reference Appendlx l.

AnoLher lmporLanL polnL Lo make abouL our programs ls LhaL we uLlllze
servlce Lo Lhe communlLy as a pedagogy, as an experlenLlal meLhod of Leachlng
and learnlng. noL only do we do Lhls ln our academlc servlce-learnlng program,
where pedagogy ls expllclL, buL we also do Lhls ln our co- and non-currlcular
programs. 1he 1hayne CenLer embraces Lhe responslblllLy LhaL all SLCC
employees are educaLors. We may or may noL be classroom lnsLrucLors, buL we
are all responslble for faclllLaLlng our sLudenLs' learnlng goals and ouLcomes. We
Lake Lhls charge serlously and sLrucLure crlLlcal reflecLlon opporLunlLles around
speclflc learnlng ouLcomes for each program.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 13
lor example, Lhe CommunlLy Work-sLudy Amerlca 8eads program has
uLlllzed an lnnovaLlve onllne blog Lo gaLher reflecLlons over Lhe pasL couple
years and has seen lncredlble growLh ln sLudenL parLlclpanLs. When SLCC
sLudenLs LuLor pre-llLeraLe elemenLary school sLudenLs, Lhere are numerous
ouLcomes experlenced by Lhe elemenLary school sLudenLs, schools, and parenLs.
Powever, Lhere ls also an lmpacL on Lhe SLCC sLudenLs' undersLandlng of soclal
lssues. We sLrucLure reflecLlon prompLs ln order Lo leverage Lhe servlce
experlence lnLo a momenL of Leachlng and learnlng. 1hls ouLcome ls whaL we
mean by saylng we uLlllze servlce as a pedagogy.

AL our core, Lhe 1hayne CenLer ls a force for communlLy organlzlng.
WheLher an lnlLlaLlve or program ls focused on sLudenLs, communlLy, faculLy,
admlnlsLraLors, sLaff, or colleagues across Lhe counLry, we subscrlbe Lo Lhe
ldeals and pracLlces used by Lhe mosL effecLlve organlzers LhroughouL hlsLory.
We work Lo maxlmlze and leverage Lhe sLrengLh of all forms of communlLy
caplLal (human, culLural, pollLlcal, bullL, naLural, flnanclal, and soclal caplLal)
Loward resulLs LhaL are muLually beneflclal. We are concerned wlLh lssues of
reclproclLy and auLhenLlc volce. We convene, we faclllLaLe, we aglLaLe, and we
relenLlessly pursue a more equlLable, [usL world.

llnally, our mlsslon ls Lhree-fold and based on Lhe Lhree-fold naLure of
servlce-learnlng pedagogy. We serve sLudenLs, faculLy, and nonproflL
communlLy parLners. Cnly by provldlng adequaLe supporL, programmlng, and
reclproclLy Lo all Lhree sLakeholders do we fulflll our mlsslon. ln Lhls self-sLudy,
as well as ln Lhe lndlvldual program reporLs ln Appendlces C - M, we are
crlLlcally examlnlng how well we have fulfllled all Lhree aspecLs of our mlsslon
over Lhe years, and whaL we need Lo lmprove upon movlng forward.

Core rograms & Serv|ces
1he 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng manages seven core programs:
Academlc Servlce-Learnlng
Amerlca 8eads
clvlc eoqoqemeot
meoos wotkloq to moke
o Jlffeteoce lo tbe clvlc
llfe of oot commooltles
ooJ Jeveloploq tbe
comblootloo of
koowleJqe, skllls, voloes,
ooJ motlvotloo to moke
tbot Jlffeteoce. lt meoos
ptomotloq tbe poollty of
llfe lo o commoolty,
tbtooqb botb polltlcol
ooJ ooopolltlcol
(btllcb, 2000)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 16
AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak
Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars
CommunlLy arLner CuLreach
lnformaLlon & 8eferral Servlces
SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL

lor a deLalled analysls of each lndlvldual program, auLhored by Lhe
CoordlnaLor of LhaL program, refer Lo Lhe Appendlces.

=5"3(+.5 !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 A=BB(-3.C ?D
vlSlCn: Academlc servlce-learnlng aL SLCC ls naLlonally recognlzed for
besL pracLlces ln faculLy developmenL, sLudenL engagemenL, and
communlLy parLner developmenL. 1he program ls fully lnsLlLuLlonallzed,
provldlng an lnfrasLrucLure LhaL faclllLaLes Lhe lnvolvemenL of all
sLakeholders ln a collaboraLlve learnlng process.
MlSSlCn: Servlce-learnlng ls an academlc pedagogy lnLegraLlng
volunLeer opporLunlLles, crlLlcal reflecLlve Lhlnklng, and parLnershlps
wlLh nonproflL organlzaLlons LhaL are lnLegraLed lnLo academlc
coursework. 1hls meLhod of Leachlng and learnlng addresses boLh
course learnlng ouLcomes and communlLy-ldenLlfled needs. laculLy
recelve Lralnlng and Lechnlcal asslsLance, as well as sLrucLured
opporLunlLles for neLworklng and professlonal developmenL.
=+(4.5" E("32 F )*++,-.$/ G*4'@2$,3/ A=BB(-3.C HD
vlSlCn: 1he Amerlca 8eads program hlres enough quallfled SLCC
sLudenLs Lo meeL Lhe llLeracy needs of our communlLy parLner
elemenLary schools. SLCC sLudenLs have a rewardlng communlLy-based
opLlon Lhrough whlch Lo earn Lhelr federal work-sLudy award.

MlSSlCn: Amerlca 8eads was esLabllshed as a naLlonal llLeracy LuLorlng
program ln 1993. We provlde Lralnlng and a hlgh-quallLy menLorlng
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 17
experlence, enrlchlng learnlng opporLunlLles for boLh SLCC sLudenLs and
elemenLary school sLudenLs.

=!IJ =#$(4-"$.<( !B4.-0 I4("' A=BB(-3.C 7D
vlSlCn: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps are affordable, avallable, and
accesslble for every SLCC sLudenL who wanLs Lo be lmmersed ln an
lnLenslve volunLeer and Lravel experlence. All parLlclpanLs come home
lnsplred and empowered Lo conLlnue maklng a dlfference.

MlSSlCn: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak ls a drug- and alcohol-free volunLeer
lmmerslon program. 1hrough leadershlp, LransformaLlve acLlon,
educaLlon, and crlLlcal reflecLlon, parLlclpanLs address lmporLanL soclal
lssues whlle Lravellng and explorlng Lhe culLure and hlsLory of Lhe area
ln whlch Lhey serve.

).<.5"##/ K-0"0(3 !5L*#"42 A=BB(-3.C MD
vlSlCn: 1he Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program graduaLes wlLh honors
any SLCC sLudenL who commlLs Lo Lake her/hls educaLlon beyond Lhe
classroom and volunLeer her/hls Llme addresslng communlLy needs.

MlSSlCn: SLudenLs ln Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program recelve
formal educaLlon on soclal [usLlce lssues Lhrough deslgnaLed servlce-
learnlng courses. 1hey puL Lhelr educaLlon Lo work by servlng ln Lhelr
communlLy, esLabllshlng a llfelong commlLmenL Lo volunLeerlng and
communlLy engagemenL.

)*++,-.$/ 6"4$-(4 N,$4("5L A=BB(-3.C OD
vlSlCn: CommunlLy arLner CuLreach sLrlves Lo creaLe susLalnable
parLnershlps LhaL address boLh communlLy needs and sLudenL learnlng
goals. ln dolng so, we creaLe a hlgh-lmpacL learnlng envlronmenL,
poslLlve soclal change, and an acLlve role for SLCC ln Lhe communlLy.

now coo colleqes ooJ
oolvetsltles stteoqtbeo
stoJeot leotoloq fot clvlc
eoqoqemeot? 1be
ooswet to tbls poestloo
locloJes floJloq woys to
eosote tbot cottlcolo,
cootses, ooJ co-
cottlcolot octlvltles bove
o clvlc potpose.
(cbeckowoy, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 18
MlSSlCn: 1he mlsslon of Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps rogram ls Lo
ldenLlfy, creaLe, and sLrengLhen muLually beneflclal relaLlonshlps among
communlLy organlzaLlons, faculLy and sLudenLs. lnlLlaLlves also focus on
Lralnlng and capaclLy bulldlng for nonproflL parLners and provldlng soclal
medla ouLreach.

7-9*4+"$.*- P E(9(44"# !(4<.5(2 A=BB(-3.C &D
lnformaLlon & 8eferral ls a professlonal fleld of communlLy resource
managemenL, connecLlng volunLeers Lo opporLunlLles and connecLlng
Lhose ln need of servlces Lo approprlaLe soclal servlce and nonproflL
organlzaLlons. As our local lnformaLlon & 8eferral servlce says, Lhey
allow people Lo glve help and Lo geL help."

1he core purpose of Lhe
1hayne CenLer's lnformaLlon & 8eferral ls Lo connecL sLudenLs, faculLy,
sLaff, and communlLy members looklng Lo volunLeer wlLh Lhe
opporLunlLles whlch besL meeL Lhelr wanLs and needs. We educaLe
people on Lhe use of our 8log, lacebook, CrgSync, and 1he unlLed Way
2-1-1 referral servlce Lo empower Lhem wlLh Lhe Lools necessary Lo
engage ln volunLeer opporLunlLles.
!&7)KJ !$,3(-$ &("3(42 .- ).<.5 K-0"0(+(-$ A=BB(-3.C 1D
vlSlCn: SLlCL members work Loward a more [usL and democraLlc
socleLy, seeklng an end Lo Lhe soclal problems we face. 1hese sLudenLs
become leaders among Lhelr SLCC peers, ralslng awareness and
lnsplrlng acLlons LhaL address communlLy needs

MlSSlCn: 1hrough sLrucLured Lralnlng and gulded pracLlce, SLlCL
members develop Lhe sLrong leadershlp skllls necessary Lo brlng abouL
soclal change. 1hese skllls empower Lhem Lo ralse awareness, lnsplre
oLhers Lo become engaged, and become agenLs of change.

unlLed Way of SalL Lake (2012), hLLp://
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 19
Meta Ana|ys|s of the Lffect|veness, Strengths, and Cha||enges of our
8eyond Lhe speclflc analysls wlLhln lndlvldual program reporLs, a meLa vlew of
our effecLlveness ls mosL accuraLely conducLed ln llghL of wheLher or noL we are
fulfllllng our Lhree-fold mlsslon:

Oot mlssloo ls to estobllsb copoclty-bollJloq telotloosblps wltb
commoolty otqoolzotloos, focllltote setvlce-leotoloq Jevelopmeot
oppottooltles fot focolty, ooJ cootJloote setvlce leoJetsblp ptoqtoms fot
stoJeots wbo ote oot to cbooqe tbe wotlJ.

K2$";#.2L )"B"5.$/@;,.#3.-0 E(#"$.*-2L.B2 >.$L )*++,-.$/ N40"-.Q"$.*-2
1he work of esLabllshlng sLrong parLnershlps ls crlLlcal lf we are Lo conLlnue
placlng Lhousands of sLudenLs ln Lhe communlLy each year. lor example, ln
2011-2012 alone, 23 of SLCC sLudenLs (per l1L) were enrolled ln deslgnaLed
servlce-learnlng courses. 1hls means 6,000 sLudenLs wenL off-campus and
volunLeered on-slLe aL nonproflL communlLy parLner organlzaLlon. 1he more
organlzed and sLraLeglc Lhe 1hayne CenLer can be ln formlng and malnLalnlng
relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhese agencles, Lhe beLLer Lhe experlence of our sLudenLs and
faculLy wlll be. Also, ln llghL of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon's sLaLed mlsslon Lo culLlvaLe
relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe communlLy, and lLs larger responslblllLy Lo be an acLlve
parLlclpanL ln Lhe communlLy, lL ls lmporLanL LhaL nonproflL organlzaLlons see us
as a resource and a reclprocal parLner Loward Lhelr own mlsslon fulflllmenL.
1hroughouL Lhe 1hayne CenLer's hlsLory we have Lrled Lo manage our
communlLy parLnershlps mosLly Lhrough Lemporary sLaff members from Lhe
AmerlCorps vlS1A program. MosL recenLly, afLer Lhree years of hosLlng mulLlple
AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers dedlcaLed Lo communlLy parLner ouLreach
lnlLlaLlves (2009-2012), we secured a parL-Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps
CoordlnaLor sLaff poslLlon. WlLhln one year of creaLlng Lhe parL-Llme
CoordlnaLor poslLlon, Lhe lnsLlLuLlon furLher recognlzed Lhe value of Lhls work by
lncreaslng our fundlng Lo creaLe a full-Llme poslLlon ln SepLember 2012. 1hls
lo tbe pobllc spoce of
qeoetotlve pottoetsblps,
Jemoctotlc voloes coo be
testeJ ooJ clvlc skllls
booeJ, pottlclpoots
cbolleoqeJ to wotk
collectlvely octoss
Jlffeteoces, ooJ clvlc
ospltotloos ttoosmoteJ
loto collectlve clvlc
(A ctoclble Momeot, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 20
fundlng was awarded based on our demonsLraLlon of lmpacL and our
presenLaLlon of a sLraLeglc plan Lo advance a sLrucLured ouLreach program. We
have done more ln Lhe lasL year Lo bulld Lhe capaclLy of our nonproflL parLners
Lhan aL any Llme ln our 20-year hlsLory. We have always faclllLaLed sLudenL
volunLeers and servlce-learnlng course parLnershlps, buL noL unLll Lhls full-Llme
poslLlon was creaLed were we able Lo offer LargeLed programmlng and a
sLrucLured meLhod for parLners Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe 1hayne CenLer and Lhe

An example of such a sLrucLure LhaL was successful ln Lhe pasL ls our new
Medla Leader lnlLlaLlve. lrom 2009-2012 Lhe 1hayne CenLer, along wlLh Lhree
oLher colleges naLlonwlde, parLnered wlLh Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of
CommunlLy Colleges Lo creaLe a new Medla Leader program. We selecLed Lwo
members from Lhe SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL cohorL Lo
parLnered wlLh Lhe Crossroads urban CenLer CommunlLy lood Co-op of uLah
and WasaLch CommunlLy Cardens. 1hese sLudenLs worked aL leasL four hours
each week on-slLe wlLh Lhese communlLy parLner organlzaLlons. 1he goal of
Lhelr work was Lo expand Lhe soclal medla presence of Lhese nonproflLs. 1hese
efforLs greaLly freed up Lhe capaclLy of Lhe organlzaLlons Lo focus on volunLeer
managemenL and programmlng. When nonproflLs are Lyplcally undersLaffed,
overworked, and over-programmed, soclal medla can feel llke an addlLlonal
responslblllLy, when ln reallLy lL ls a vlLal form of ouLreach and recrulLmenL. Cur
work was feaLured ln a recenL AACC publlcaLlon, coltlvotloq commoolty 8eyooJ
tbe closstoom (2012). As hlghllghLed ln LhaL LexL:

8rlL Merrlll, communlLy garden and volunLeer manager aL WasaLch
CommunlLy Cardens, sald LhaL servlce learner uesa-8ae 8oberLson
lncreased Lhe organlzaLlon's lacebook fans from a few hundred Lo
2,000. She [usL made our soclal medla efforLs more proacLlve, more
llvely," Merrlll sald. lrom posLlng weekly gardenlng Llps Lo asklng people
Lo [oln Lhe Creen 1humb Challenge by posLlng phoLos of Lhelr gardens,
8oberLson focused on lmprovlng Lhe quallLy, noL [usL Lhe quanLlLy, of
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 21
lnLeracLlons on Lhe slLe.
AnoLher excellenL example of how we are worklng Lo esLabllsh capaclLy-
bulldlng relaLlonshlps ls our currenL work wlLh Lhe uLah Commlsslon on
volunLeers. We recelved Lhree granLs ln Lhe pasL year, Lwo of whlch we dlrecLly
sub-granLed Lo slx dlfferenL communlLy organlzaLlons. 1hls fundlng allowed our
parLners Lo expand Lhelr naLlonal day of servlce offerlngs for boLh MarLln LuLher
klng, !r. uay and 9/11 uay of Servlce & 8emembrance. 1he Lhlrd granL
esLabllshed a parLnershlp wlLh unlLed Way of SalL Lake, ln whlch we lnvlLed
communlLy organlzaLlons Lo campus for a slx-workshop volunLeer ManagemenL
1ralnlng Serles. We averaged 30 nonproflL organlzaLlons aL each evenL. 1he
Lralnlng currlculum focused on Lhe knowledge, skllls, and ablllLles necessary for
volunLeer coordlnaLors Lo lncrease Lhe capaclLy of Lhelr organlzaLlon. 1hls ln
Lurn allows Lhem Lo noL only work wlLh addlLlonal volunLeers buL also Lo beLLer
serve Lhe communlLy and Lhelr cllenLs.

1he mosL slgnlflcanL challenges Lo fulfllllng Lhls mlsslon are scalablllLy and
susLalnablllLy. We have Lhe poLenLlal Lo esLabllsh parLnershlps wlLh over 230
nonproflL organlzaLlons ln Lhe SalL Lake valley. Powever, lL requlres a greaL deal
of Llme and aLLenLlon Lo successfully negoLlaLe and susLaln reclprocal campus-
communlLy parLnershlps. WlLh one full-Llme sLaff member dedlcaLed Lo Lhls
work, Lhere ls only so much we can reallsLlcally do before hlLLlng a Lhreshold.
ldeally Lhere should be a Leam of quallfled personnel who undersLand Lhe
nuances and phllosophles of communlLy parLnershlp work.

1hls leads Lo Lhe dlscusslon of an addlLlonal challenge, whlch ls remalnlng
Lrue Lo Lhe besL pracLlces of communlLy organlzlng. namely, ln order for Lhe
communlLy Lo be Lruly engaged as an equal parLner, we need Lo embed
ourselves ln Lhe communlLy and become a Lrue resource and faclllLaLor. We plan

renLlce, 8oblnson, and aLLon. (2012). coltlvotloq commoolty 8eyooJ tbe closstoom.
Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges.
New Jemoctotlc spoces
bove beeo cotveJ oot
most cleotly by o qtoop
of lostltotloos tbot coll
tbemselves oocbot
lostltotloos. 1yplcolly
otboo, tbey pottoet wltb
mooy otbet oocbot
eotltles to oJJtess lotqe
ptoblems lo tbe
(A ctoclble Momeot, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 22
Lo use our program revlew as a way Lo begln conversaLlons abouL meeLlng Lhls
challenge and Lo begln explorlng whaL an off-campus 1hayne CenLer communlLy
space may look llke.

8"5.#.$"$( !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 R(<(#*B+(-$ NBB*4$,-.$.(2 9*4 8"5,#$/
SLCC's academlc servlce-learnlng program ls ln a unlque poslLlon. 1he
lnsLlLuLlon's Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor ls housed ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer wlLhln
SLudenL Servlces, Lherefore Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe program relles heavlly on
successful relaLlonshlps and collaboraLlons wlLh Academlc Affalrs. ln 2003 Lhe
lnsLlLuLlon dedlcaLed funds Lo hlre Lhe flrsL full-Llme Servlce-Learnlng
CoordlnaLor. CerLalnly Lhls was noL Lhe beglnnlng of currlcular servlce-learnlng
aL Lhe College, buL lL was Lhe beglnnlng of a formallzed, susLalned sLrucLure for
faculLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles and be
recognlzed for Lhelr work ln Lhe communlLy. 1he program now lncludes onllne
Lralnlng courses, workshops and 1eachlng Clrcles ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe laculLy
1eachlng & Learnlng CenLer, a course deslgnaLlon granL program, a naLlonal
pracLlLloner neLwork, and more. ApproxlmaLely 30 faculLy members (full-Llme
and ad[uncL) LaughL 217 courses ln 2011-2012, enrolllng 3,276 sLudenLs who
served 77,483 hours ln Lhe communlLy. 1hls amounLs Lo a $1,688,398 economlc
conLrlbuLlon Lo our local communlLy

1he prlmary sLrengLhs and Lhe challenges of Lhe program are lnLerrelaLed. ln
Lhe LranslLlon from Lhe lnsLlLuLlon's flrsL Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor Lo Lhe
currenL CoordlnaLor, Lhe program losL momenLum Lo a degree. arLlally Lhls was
a funcLlon of belng seven years lnLo Lhe program's developmenL. AL Lhe Llme of
LranslLlon, Lhls new CoordlnaLor needed Lo slmulLaneously manage Lhe
susLalned engagemenL of early adopLers and faclllLaLe Lhe engagemenL of
faculLy new Lo Lhe pedagogy. 1hls success of Lhls coordlnaLlon has been
lnconslsLenL. 1he program has also successfully maLured Lo a polnL where
deslgnaLlng a handful of new courses each year ls sLlll necessary, buL noL a

lndependenL SecLor value of volunLeer 1lme (2012),
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 23
sufflclenL depLh of lmpacL. 1he Lrue posslblllLy of Lhls program - Lhe full
lnLegraLlon lnLo Academlc Affalrs and lnLo lnlLlaLlves such as Ceneral LducaLlon,
eorLfollos, work around hlgh-lmpacL pracLlces and pedagogles - has noL yeL
been reallzed.

Cur currenL challenge ls one of more deeply and meanlngfully
lnsLlLuLlonallzlng servlce-learnlng pedagogy. 1here ls exclLlng work belng done
aL SLCC rlghL now ln Lerms of esLabllshlng communlLy learnlng cenLers and
explorlng hlgh lmpacL pedagoglcal pracLlces. 1he AssoclaLlon of Amerlcan
Colleges & unlverslLles has long recognlzed servlce-learnlng as one of Lhe mosL
LransformaLlve pedagogles avallable Lo faculLy and sLudenLs. We hope Lo
parLner slgnlflcanLly wlLh Lhese lnlLlaLlves LhaL are housed ln Academlc Affalrs.
Cne sLraLegy Lo move Loward Lhls goal of lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon ls Lo esLabllsh a
faculLy co-coordlnaLor poslLlon, a sLraLegy LhaL Lhls self-sLudy explores more
fully ln SecLlon lll. AddlLlonally, reference Appendlx C for a deLalled analysls of
Lhe academlc servlce-learnlng program.

)**43.-"$( !(4<.5( &("3(42L.B 64*04"+2 9*4 !$,3(-$2 GL* =4( N,$ $* )L"-0(
$L( G*4#3
1he sLudenL programmlng aspecL of our work has hlsLorlcally been Lhe maln
focus of Lhe deparLmenL, and Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL focus ln Lerms of dedlcaLed
resources and sLafflng. 1hls has made sense for a deparLmenL creaLed by and
housed ln SLudenL Servlces, and funded prlmarlly by SLudenL lee revenue. 1he
effecLlveness of our sLudenL programmlng ls demonsLraLed ln our annual
assessmenL reporLs (Appendlces C -L). 1he sLrengLhs of our sLudenL
programmlng are noL only longevlLy, buL also Lhe lnnovaLlon LhaL comes once
you're runnlng well-esLabllshed programs. ln oLher words, Lhe 1hayne CenLer
has had years Lo ad[usL and lmprove our pracLlces ln Lhls regard. Slnce we have
always been a deparLmenL supporLlve of Lhe professlonal developmenL of our
sLaff, and we malnLaln a sLrong naLlonal neLwork, we are consLanLly brlnglng
home new ldeas from conferences and learnlng beLLer ways of dolng Lhlngs
A soclolly cobeslve ooJ
ecooomlcolly vlbtoot u5
Jemoctocy, ooJ o vloble,
jost qlobol commoolty
tepolte lofotmeJ,
eoqoqeJ, opeo-mloJeJ,
ooJ soclolly tespooslble
people commltteJ to tbe
commoo qooJ ooJ
ptoctlceJ lo Joloq
(A ctoclble Momeot, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 24
from colleagues ln our fleld. 1hls work has been recognlzed wlLh naLlonal granLs,
conference presenLaLlons, and menLorshlp opporLunlLles over Lhe years.

1he prlmary challenge we face ls lack of sufflclenL resources and fundlng.
1hls challenge ls noL unlque Lo our deparLmenL by any means, and we recognlze
LhaL. Powever, speaklng from our experlence, we do noL have sufflclenL fundlng
Lo expand our AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak offerlngs, for one example. Lvery year
Lhe Lwo Lrlps flll ln a maLLer of days. We creaLe a walLllsL of someLlmes up Lo 20
addlLlonal sLudenLs, enough for Lwo addlLlonal Lrlps. We also do noL have
dedlcaLed space for sLudenLs Lo meeL, work, and plan wlLhln Lhelr programs.
1hls ls crlLlcal Lo creaLe a sense of ownershlp and camaraderle. SLlCL: SLudenL
Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL could beneflL from addlLlonal LulLlon walvers, buL
we have only been granLed 10 for Lhe lasL few years, desplLe presenLlng
successful assessmenL daLa ln our appllcaLlon. Amerlca 8eads needs Lo expand
beyond [usL work-sLudy sLudenLs, buL we're sLruggllng Lo ldenLlfy Lhe leverage
we can use Lo recrulL sLudenLs aL large. 8ecause of Lhe senslLlve naLure of
menLorlng k-3 sLudenLs, we cannoL allow one-Llme or lnconslsLenL volunLeers.
We need Lo flnd a way Lo enLlce sLudenLs Lo volunLeer for a semesLer, lf noL a
year aL a Llme.

1he oLher challenges we face are more nuanced and affecL every program
dlfferenLly. Cne challenge ls Lhe wlde range of sLudenLs' experlences and
moLlvaLlon. uslng SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL as an example,
some sLudenLs come lnLo Lhe program wlLh a greaL deal of knowledge abouL
communlLy lssues and Lhey are ready from day one Lo sLarL maklng changes. Cn
Lhe oLher hand, Lhere are sLudenLs who use SLlCL as Lhelr opporLunlLy Lo learn
abouL lssues LhaL prlor Lo Lhls experlence Lhey had llLLle Lo no knowledge of.
Also wlLhln Lhe same program Lhere are sLudenLs aL dlfferenL levels of
comprehenslon and readlness. 1hls challenge manlfesLs ln oLher programs ln
oLher ways, buL lL ls also parLlally a funcLlon of worklng aL a communlLy college.
We wlll always have a dlverse mlx of ages and llfe experlence. llgurlng ouL
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 23
creaLlve ways Lo ad[usL our programmlng Lo accounL for sLudenLs all along Lhe
servlce specLrum ls an lssue on whlch we are always worklng.

AnoLher challenge we face ls acLually an excellenL problem Lo have lf we
weren'L resLrlcLed by our sLafflng and fundlng capaclLy. We have more sLudenLs
looklng for a leadershlp opporLunlLy Lhan we can accommodaLe. As menLloned
before, AS8 Lrlps fllls lnsLanLly. SLlCL lnLervlewed 40 sLrong candldaLes for Lhls
year's cohorL of 12 sLudenLs. CommunlLy work-sLudy allocaLlons are conLrolled
and llmlLed by Lhe llnanclal Ald Cfflce, and yeL we know for a facL LhaL Lhere are
hundreds, lf noL Lhousands, of sLudenLs who are economlcally ellglble Lo recelve
Lhls need-based form of ald. 1hls means LhaL unless llnanclal Ald revlews Lhelr
work-sLudy pracLlces, or unless we can flnd a susLalnable way Lo lnvolve non-
work-sLudy sLudenLs ln Lhls LuLorlng program, we are noL able Lo provlde
enough LuLors Lo our parLner schools or Lo expand Lo new placemenL slLes.

llnally, we face a ublqulLous challenge LhaL all volunLeer programs face:
1urnlng one-Llme conLacLs lnLo llfelong volunLeers. uaLa show LhaL once a
sLudenL ls engaged ln one of our programs, she/he Lends Lo engage ln mulLlple
programs. 1hls leads Lo a sLrong core of hlghly acLlve sLudenLs. Cur reLenLlon
and compleLlon raLes are nearly perfecL, even among Amerlca 8eads LuLors who
are a LradlLlonally hlgh-rlsk populaLlon. 1hls reallLy supporLs volumes of daLa
LhaL Lle servlce-learnlng, and colleglaLe engagemenL ln general, Lo success and
reLenLlon. Powever, we are far less successful aL Lracklng and engaglng Lhe
sLudenL who walks ln slmply wanLlng Lhe conLacL lnformaLlon for a nonproflL, or
a heads up on a one-Llme weekend volunLeer opporLunlLy. arLlally Lhls ls due Lo
our currenL capaclLy. Where would we place Lhe sLudenL lf we could engage
Lhem pasL LhaL flrsL conLacL? Cur programs flll lnsLanLly and as of now we have
no sLrucLured open-enrollmenL program lnLo whlch sLudenL volunLeers can
come and go ad hoc. We have no such program because we don'L have Lhe sLaff
capaclLy Lo manage lL. Powever, Lhls ls also due Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe fleld of
lnformaLlon & 8eferral, and ls a challenge faced by all volunLeer connecLor
organlzaLlons. We asslsL Lhousands of sLudenLs each year ln flndlng a
jMove] ftom o
ttoJltloool plocemeot
moJel (wbete oo
loJlvlJool stoJeot
petfotms volooteet
setvlce) to o cootJlooteJ
moJel tbot ptomotes
eoqoqemeot (sostoloeJ
by stoJeots wotkloq
toqetbet ovet moltlple
semestets ooJ yeots).
1bls lottet moJel
coottlbotes to botb
stoJeot leotoloq ooJ
commoolty copoclty
(noy, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 26
communlLy placemenL LhaL's rlghL for Lhem. We do noL know who follows
Lhough and we rarely recelve feedback. We have Lrled dlfferenL approaches
over Lhe years, asklng boLh sLudenLs and communlLy parLner organlzaLlons Lo
send Lracklng daLa back Lo us, buL all such aLLempLs have been unsuccessful.

Ana|ys|s of Cutreach & Market|ng Lfforts
We uLlllze all posslble lnsLlLuLlonal channels Lo promoLe our programs and
opporLunlLles. We use everyLhlng from Myage webslLe posLlngs Lo posLers ln
Lhe hallway of Lhe SLudenL CenLer, from Labllng ln hlgh-Lrafflc areas Lo
parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe evenLs and orlenLaLlons of oLher deparLmenLs*. We requesL
LhaL oLher deparLmenLs lnclude our lnformaLlon ln Lhelr malllng campalgns and
elecLronlc dlsLrlbuLlon llsLs. We also share lnformaLlon wlLh deslgnaLed servlce-
learnlng faculLy members, ofLen wlLh Lhe requesL LhaL Lhey dlssemlnaLed Lo Lhe
sLudenLs ln Lhe courses. Whenever posslble, we call on Lhe graphlc deslgn
servlces of lnsLlLuLlonal MarkeLlng and CommunlcaLlons, and occaslonally are
allowed Lo posL evenLs and announcemenLs on Lhe maln webslLe of Lhe College.
8eyond Lhese sLandard pracLlces, we have been lnnovaLlve ln esLabllshlng our
onllne presence.

ln 2009 we launched our soclal medla campalgn. We were among Lhe flrsL
deparLmenLs aL Lhe College Lo do so, and aL one polnL were Lasked by Lhe vlce
resldenL of SLudenL Servlces Lo creaLe a serles of cross-Lralnlng workshops for
all deparLmenLs. Cur onllne markeLlng and ouLreach efforLs focus on a blog for
volunLeer opporLunlLles, lacebook, 1wlLLer, ?ou1ube, lllckr, Scrlbd, and mosL
recenLly CrgSync. 1he sLrengLh ls ln Lhe lnformaLlon presenLed. 1here are
upwards of 10 volunLeer opporLunlLles posLed on our blog every week and we
share lacebook and 1wlLLer conLenL dally. Soclal medla managemenL ls wrlLLen
lnLo Lhe [ob descrlpLlon of our full-Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor.
Pavlng a sLaff member dedlcaLed Lo Lhls efforL has been vlLal Lo our success. 1he
challenge ls Lo galn more followers and also Lo flnd way of engaglng Lhose who
do follow us. We currenLly have no way of Lracklng lf a sLudenL follows Lhrough
on a volunLeer opporLunlLy posLed on our blog, and where LhaL experlence may
wblle tbe clvlc tefotm
movemeot lo blqbet
eJocotloo bos offecteJ
olmost oll composes, lts
lofloeoce ls pottlol totbet
tboo petvoslve. clvlc
leotoloq ooJ Jemoctotlc
eoqoqemeot temolo
optloool totbet tboo
expecteJ fot olmost oll
(A ctoclble Momeot, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 27
have led Lhem. 1hls ls Lhe larger challenge of Lhe fleld of soclal medla markeLlng
as a whole, buL we are worklng Lo flnd soluLlons ln whaLever way we can. We
also do noL posL as much conLenL as we would llke Lo on ?ou1ube and lllckr.

WlLh [usL over 300 llkes on our lacebook page, and 2,000 monLhly blog
vlews, our challenge ls reachlng Lhe nearly 20,000 sLudenLs enrolled ln SLCC
courses each semesLer. WheLher sLudenLs ulLlmaLely choose Lo volunLeer or
noL, we wanL Lo fulflll our promlse Lo our nonproflL parLners Lo spread Lhe word
of Lhelr cause and opporLunlLles. 8eachlng Lhls ouLreach goal remalns a

* ln 2011-2012 we Labled aL Lhe followlng evenLs and connecLed wlLh over
430 sLudenLs:
lnLernaLlonal SLudenL Servlces new SLudenL CrlenLaLlons - 73
?ouLhLlnc volunLeerlng Abroad - 100 lndlvlduals
Amerlcan 8ed Cross - 30 lndlvlduals
1he 8oad Pome Warm CloLhlng uonaLlon - 10 lndlvlduals
Culck ConnecL CrlenLaLlons - 193 lndlvlduals
CommunlLy loundaLlon of uLah Soclal LnLerprlse 8esource Lxpo -
32 lndlvlduals
lnLernaLlonal SLudenL lalr - 32 lndlvlduals
* Also lasL year, our sLaff presenLed Lo classes, clubs, groups, and walk-lns
lnformlng over 394 lndlvlduals abouL our programs and servlces:
PealLh Sclences new sLudenL orlenLaLlon - 302 sLudenLs
18lC new sLudenL orlenLaLlon - 30 sLudenLs
SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp lnLer-Clubs AssoclaLlon - 107 sLudenLs
Servlce-learnlng classes - 102 sLudenLs
Ad[uncL laculLy Conference - 43 lndlvlduals
CommunlLy parLner focus groups - 10 nonproflLs
CommunlLy parLner slLe vlslLs - 180 from SepLember Lo !une

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 28
Inc|us|v|ty of Underserved opu|at|ons
1hls ls an lnLeresLlng focus area for us Lo address. We markeL ourselves,
everyLhlng from our programs Lo our physlcal space, as an open, safe, and
welcomlng envlronmenL. lndeed we are LhaL space on campus and we have LhaL
reallLy conflrmed by Lhe feedback of Lhe sLudenLs, faculLy, and parLners LhaL
work wlLh us. Cur challenge lles more ln Lhe facL LhaL we have noL expllclLly
reached ouL Lo underserved groups. Whlle we collaboraLe wlLh oLher SLudenL
Servlces deparLmenLs, and a few ln Academlc Affalrs, Lo have a presence aL Lhelr
LargeLed evenLs, we do noL hosL any of our own. We do noL have LargeLed
markeLlng campalgns for eLhnlc sLudenLs. CLher Lhan our posLed slgns lndlcaLlng
we are Safe Zone cerLlfled, we do noL promoLe servlces speclflc Lo Lhe LC81Cl
campus communlLy. We are an accesslble offlce, buL oLher Lhan our co-
sponsored AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlp Lo kanab we do noL proacLlvely recrulL
sLudenLs wlLh dlsablllLles.

ln many ways our vlslon and mlsslon casLs a wlde breadLh, buL we have noL
lnLenLlonally focused on speclflc depLh wlLh any parLlcular underserved group.
We know from our records LhaL parLlclpanLs ln our programs reflecL Lhe
dlverslLy of SLCC, buL we have noL formally assessed Lhls daLa ln years. Lach
lndlvldual program reporL (Appendlces C -M) addresses Lhls quesLlon wlLhln lLs
speclflc scope. As a deparLmenL, however, we accepL Lhe challenge Lo move Lhls
goal forward and explore how we can more meanlngfully ouLreach Lo Lhese

Campus & Commun|ty Co||aborat|ons
Lvery program requlres dlfferenL campus and communlLy collaboraLlons Lo be
successful. lndlvldual reporLs found ln Appendlces C -M ouLllne Lhe speclflcs of
Lhese collaboraLlons. Some of our collaboraLlons are shorL-Lerm or only
acLlvaLed a couple Llmes a year, and some are lnLerwoven LhroughouL Lhe work
we do and our success dlrecLly depends on Lhe success of Lhe parLnershlp. ln
summary, we collaboraLe mosL ofLen and mosL slgnlflcanLly wlLh Lhe followlng
parLners: SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp, ulsablllLy 8esource CenLer, llnanclal Ald,
nlqb-lmpoct ltoctlce
pottlclpotloo soppotts
stoJeot petfotmooce
ooJ soccess, wltb
blstotlcolly ooJetsetveJ
stoJeots ofteo
beoeflttloq mote tboo
tbelt peets.
(klozle, 2012)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 29
laculLy 1eachlng & Learnlng CenLer, CenLer for lnnovaLlon, Cfflce of Lhe rovosL,
deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng faculLy, laculLy SenaLe and Currlculum CommlLLee,
CommunlLy arLnershlps Councll, Lhe uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers, uLah
Campus CompacL, Lhe 13 college and unlverslLy servlce cenLers around Lhe sLaLe
of uLah, Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges, naLlonal Campus
CompacL, and approxlmaLely 30 nonproflL communlLy parLner organlzaLlons
who have slgned our annual CommunlLy arLnershlp AgreemenL.

Core Changes to rograms & Serv|ces |n the ast I|ve ears
lor a deLalled explanaLlon of changes made and anLlclpaLed changes comlng ln
Lhe fuLure wlLhln speclflc programs, refer Lo Lhe lndlvldual reporLs ln Appendlces
C -M. As a summary, Lhls flrsL llsL ouLllnes our mosL slgnlflcanL sLafflng changes
ln Lhe pasL flve years LhaL ln Lurn led Lo subsLanLlve changes ln programmlng:

new ulrecLor, afLer Lhe prevlous ulrecLor's Lenure of elghL years
new Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor, afLer Lhe prevlous CoordlnaLor's
Lenure of seven years
new AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL, afLer Lhe prevlous SecreLary became Lhe
Servlce-Leadershlp CoordlnaLor
1hree dlfferenL year-long cycles of AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers
new parL-Llme, Lhen full-Llme, CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor

1he followlng are our mosL slgnlflcanL programmaLlc changes ln Lhe pasL flve
Addlng a fully AuA accesslble AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlp Lo 8esL
lrlends Anlmal SancLuary ln kanab, uLah, co-sponsored by Lhe ulsablllLy
8esource CenLer
CreaLlng Lhe SLudenL Servlce-Learnlng ro[ecL lund - $10,000 from
LducaLlon & Ceneral monlfundses requesLed dlrecLly by Lhe resldenL.
1hls fund ls deslgned Lo offseL cosLs relaLed Lo Lhe pro[ecLs sLudenLs
underLake ln deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng courses. SLudenLs apply for
funds Lhen submlL reporLs and relmbursemenL requesLs.
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 30
no longer coordlnaLlng Lhe AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award program. Cnce
lL moved Lo uLah Campus CompacL from Colorado Campus CompacL lL
no longer offered admlnlsLraLlve pass-Lhru fundlng Lo our lnsLlLuLlon
CreaLlng a Lhree-Llered CommunlLy arLnershlp AgreemenL and a
volunLeer ManagemenL 1ralnlng Serles as a parL of our new CommunlLy
arLner CuLreach program
LsLabllshlng an onllne soclal medla presence
CLS 2900 used Lo be Lhe prlmary mandaLory course lnLo whlch we
enrolled our Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars (and prlor Lo LhaL lL was PuMA
1900). We have slnce parLnered wlLh SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp Lo
creaLe a Lwo-course serles ln Lhe LL 2900s.

Ant|c|pated Changes |n the Next I|ve ears
Lach lndlvldual program reporL ln Appendlces C - M ouLllnes anLlclpaLed
changes and recommendaLlons ln deLall. Also, LhroughouL Lhls self-sLudy we
correlaLe daLa and make a case for Lhe followlng changes Lo our programmlng ln
Lhe nexL flve years. ln summary, forLhcomlng program changes:

lncorporaLe non-work-sLudy sLudenLs lnLo Lhe Amerlca 8eads LuLorlng
program as llLeracy volunLeers
llrsL decrease Lhe sLudenL's cosL Lo parLlclpaLe ln exlsLlng AlLernaLlve
Sprlng 8reak Lrlps, Lhen lncrease Lhe number of Lrlps offered each year
Lxpand boLh Lhe fundlng and Lhe scope of Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CranL &
ueslgnaLlon program, speclflcally flndlng ways Lo re-engage faculLy who
lnlLlally deslgnaLed Lhelr course(s) years ago
ursue Lhe sLrucLure of faculLy co-coordlnaLlon of academlc servlce-
learnlng program
Lngage ln a more meanlngful way wlLh our nonproflL communlLy
parLners, mosL ldeally by esLabllshlng a physlcal 1hayne CenLer presence
ln Lhe communlLy
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 31
SLrucLure SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL currlculum ln such
a way LhaL lL mlrrors besL pracLlces ln Lhe fleld and also accounLs for
dlfferenL levels of sLudenLs' awareness of soclal lssues
Crow Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program, whlch lncludes Lagglng
servlce-learnlng courses ln Lhe schedule, creaLlng a cohorL envlronmenL
for sLudenLs, and esLabllshlng more Lngaged ueparLmenLs across Lhe

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 32

III. Leadersh|p & Staff|ng

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 33
Crgan|zat|ona| Structure for rofess|ona| Staff and Student Lmp|oyees
All professlonal sLaff reporL dlrecLly Lo Lhe 1hayne CenLer ulrecLor. As of fall
semesLer 2012 LhaL Leam lncludes four full-Llme CoordlnaLors and one full-Llme
AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL. SLudenL employees reporL Lo Lhe full-Llme CoordlnaLor
who hlres and dlrecLly supervlses Lhem. ln recenL years we have had one Cn-
Campus SLudenL Lmployee provlded by Lhe CCSL program, Lyplcally reporLlng Lo
our Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor. Also, SLCC conslders sLudenLs recelvlng
federal work-sLudy Lo be parL-Llme employees, Lherefore, our CommunlLy Work-
sLudy Amerlca 8eads CoordlnaLor manages anywhere from 20 Lo 80 sLudenL
employees reporLlng Lo her ln any glven semesLer.

Ana|ys|s of Dec|s|on-Mak|ng rocesses
ln preparaLlon for Lhls secLlon of our revlew, all 1hayne CenLer sLaff members
were asked Lo reflecL on declslon-maklng and communlcaLlon wlLhln Lhe
deparLmenL. 1hey lndependenLly responded Lo Lhe prompL and Lhen spenL Llme
LogeLher, wlLhouL Lhe ulrecLor, revlewlng and bralnsLormlng Lhelr reflecLlons.
1hls process could have ylelded confllcLlng resulLs, and yeL Lhe sLaff came Lo
relaLlve consensus wlLh few ouLllers. Many reflecLed, ln facL, LhaL openlng Lhe
feedback channels ln Lhls way ls ln lLself lndlcaLlve of Lhe democraLlc,
collaboraLlve sLyle LhaL deflnes 1hayne CenLer communlcaLlons.
1he consensus ls LhaL our deparLmenLal sLrucLures of bl-monLhly one-on-one
meeLlngs beLween sLaff and Lhe ulrecLor, ln comblnaLlon wlLh weekly all-sLaff
meeLlngs, are for Lhe mosL parL effecLlve vehlcles for communlcaLlon. We are
also, as sLaff polnLed ouL ln Lhelr separaLe responses, an offlce LhaL relles heavlly
on emall for documenLaLlon of conversaLlons and responslblllLles.

All sLaff members recognlze LhaL declslons made by Lhe lnsLlLuLlon and
admlnlsLraLors ouLslde Lhe deparLmenL musL ln Lurn be lmplemenLed and
followed. Lveryone agreed LhaL Lhe ulrecLor sufflclenLly communlcaLes such
declslons and any new pollcles and procedures affecLlng Lhe deparLmenL.
8eyond Lhe forces LhaL we do noL conLrol, Lhe sLaff ldenLlfled Lwo prlmary levels
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 34
of declslons wlLhln Lhe 1hayne CenLer: deparLmenLal sLraLegy and programmaLlc

All sLaff members descrlbed a dlsLlncLlon made expllclL by Lhe currenL
ulrecLor over Lhe pasL Lhree years: 1he processes of programmlng belong Lo
professlonal sLaff, whlle Lhe ouLcomes belong Lo Lhe deparLmenL as a whole. ln
pracLlce Lhls means Lwo worklng assumpLlons are ln play: 1) 1he ulrecLor ls
accounLable for and capable of provldlng sufflclenL vlslon and sLraLeglc Lhlnklng
for Lhe deparLmenL as a whole, and 2) rofesslonal rogram CoordlnaLors are
accounLable for and capable of deflnlng and execuLlng Lhe deLalls of Lhelr work.
ln Lurn, CoordlnaLors fulfllllng Lhelr responslblllLles sufflclenLly frees up Lhe
ulrecLor Lo focus on sLraLeglcally leadlng Lhe deparLmenL.

D|rector kespons|b|||t|es for Departmenta| Strateg|es
1o Lhe flrsL polnL, all sLaff members expressed confldence ln Lhe ulrecLor's
ablllLy Lo lead sLraLeglcally and Lo approprlaLely poslLlon Lhe cenLer wlLhln Lhe
communlLy and Lhe lnsLlLuLlon. Cne sLaff member wrlLes, When any Lop-down
dlrecLlon ls necessary, lL ls clear and dellberaLe." AnoLher says, She has a sLrong
vlslon for Lhe 1hayne CenLer and a sLraLeglc Lhlnklng mlndseL. She can see Lhe
blgger plcLure." 1he currenL ulrecLor has worked ln Lhe deparLmenL for over Len
years and has, aL one Llme or anoLher dlrecLly managed every program ln Lhe
cenLer. 1hls lnLlmaLe knowledge of Lhe 1hayne CenLer, comblned wlLh her slx
years of consulLlng work across Lhe counLry wlLh Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of
CommunlLy Colleges, creaLes a unlque vlslon for whaL Lhe 1hayne CenLer could
be Lo SLCC and Lhe communlLy. Powever, even Lhough sLaff recognlze LhaL Lhe
ulrecLor has deflnlLe ldeas abouL how Lhls work can grow, appreclaLlon was also
expressed regardlng Lhe deparLmenLal culLure of collaboraLlon. SLaff members
conLrlbuLe ln slgnlflcanL ways Lo sLraLeglc Lhlnklng around 1hayne CenLer
programs and Lhe larger vlslon of our work. Speclflcally, our Lwo-hour weekly
sLaff meeLlngs were clLed as a ma[or source of collaboraLlon. A falr crlLlque of
Lhese meeLlngs ls LhaL Lhey could posslbly be more conclse and dlrecLlve, and
yeL everyone agrees Lhe Llme ls necessary Lo malnLaln Lhe Leam aLmosphere so
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 33
lndlcaLlve of 1hayne CenLer culLure. Cne sLaff member wrlLes, We ofLen come
Lo a consensus ln our declslon maklng, buL Lhere ls a degree of lnLenLlonal
confllcL lncorporaLed lnLo our declslon-maklng. 1he ulrecLor and oLher sLaff are
always challenglng people wlLh complex angles Lo be sure we've covered every
polnL." An lmporLanL resulL of Lhls sLyle of communlcaLlon ls LhaL, ulLlmaLely,
no maLLer whaL Lhe slLuaLlon, Lhe sLaff rallles behlnd Lhe ulrecLor Lo supporL
mosL declslons she makes elLher wlLh or wlLhouL sLaff lnpuL."

An lmporLanL polnL surfaced ln relaLlon Lo Lhe currenL ulrecLor. 1here are
Lwo CoordlnaLors who have been on Lhe Leam longer Lhan flve years. ln
speaklng abouL Lhe change ln admlnlsLraLlve leadershlp, Lhey classlfy lL as a full
culLural shlfL wlLhln Lhe deparLmenL. Cne sLaff member wrlLes, 1he more dlrecL
coordlnaLlng sLyle of [our currenL dlrecLor] was a huge change beLween Lhe
dlrecLors." SLaff members clLe a marked dlfference ln Lhe level of engagemenL
and expecLaLlons from one dlrecLor Lo Lhe oLher. 1hls manlfesLs lLself ln many
ways and lL dlrecLly affecLs Lhe day-Lo-day work of sLaff. Cne example of Lhls ls
how Lhe deparLmenL handles annual assessmenL pro[ecLs. As one sLaff member

1he prevlous dlrecLor puL all of our programs LogeLher and
wroLe and submlLLed yearly assessmenLs. We barely had any
role and never even really read Lhe reporLs. Call has everyone
work as a Leam Lo creaLe vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenLs for each
program, and also learnlng ouLcomes. 1haL was used as Lhe
basls for each CoordlnaLor Lo Lhen be menLored by her and
requlred Lo assess Lhelr own program. 1hls ls a very dlfferenL
sLyle Laklng Lhe 1hayne CenLer furLher lnLo Lhe fuLure.

Staff Member kespons|b|||t|es for rogram Imp|ementat|on
1o Lhe second polnL, all sLaff members clLed Lhe 60-mlnuLe bl-monLhly one-on-
one meeLlngs wlLh Lhe ulrecLor as a crlLlcal componenL of Lhelr program
managemenL. SLaff members are responslble for creaLlng Lhelr own agendas
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 36
and sLeerlng Lhe dlscusslon ln one-on-one meeLlngs. As one sLaff member
wrlLes, ln lndlvldual programs Lhe declslons are made by Lhe CoordlnaLor wlLh
lnpuL, guldance, and flnal say from Lhe ulrecLor." AnoLher sLaff member phrased
lL Lhls way:

Lach program wlLhln Lhe 1hayne CenLer dlcLaLes a large amounL of lLs
own goals and Lasks. 1hrough 1x1 meeLlngs wlLh Lhe ulrecLor, rogram
CoordlnaLors are able Lo sLraLeglze and ensure Lhelr goals are almlng aL
Lhe hlghesL aLLalnable ouLcome. 1hese Lypes of declslons are dlscussed
and ofLen emalled Lo conflrm.

1he ulrecLor, from her vanLage polnL of worklng lndlvldually wlLh every sLaff
member, ofLen crlLlques Lhe effecLlveness of Lhls sLrucLure ln Lerms of sLaff
followlng Lhrough and meeLlng a hlgh level of expecLaLlon. lnLeresLlngly, ln Lhe
reporLs sLaff members submlLLed, lL Lurns ouL oLhers are observlng problems as
well. 1hls ls an lmporLanL lssue Lo deal wlLh movlng forward. lor example, every
reporL sald someLhlng along Lhese llnes: SomeLlmes lndlvldual program
declslons lefL Lo coordlnaLors are noL execuLed effecLlvely or correcLly." Cr,
1here have been dlrecLlves and program goals LhaL, for one reason or anoLher,
are noL followed." Also, 1here ls a hlsLory wlLh some sLaff ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer
of noL all declslons and sLraLegles belng followed well." MulLlple and varled
approaches are needed Lo address Lhls lssue sysLemlcally, however,
lmmedlaLely afLer revlewlng Lhese commenLs, we declded Lo lmplemenL Lhe
requlremenL of CoordlnaLors creaLlng a Lo-do llsL wlLh Lhe ulrecLor aL Lhe end of
Lhelr one-on-one meeLlng, Lhen emalllng Lo Lhe ulrecLor Lhelr llsL wlLhln an hour
of Lhe meeLlng. 1hls ldea was proposed by Lwo sLaff members ln an all-sLaff
meeLlng and ls meanL Lo hold everyone Lo a greaLer level of accounLablllLy. ln
LhaL same conversaLlon, anoLher suggesLlon was ralsed abouL how Lo hold
people accounLable. We do noL currenLly Lake mlnuLes ln sLaff meeLlng, lnsLead
we rely on lndlvlduals Lo Lake noLe of Lhe nexL sLeps requlred for Lhelr own
work. 1he lack of formal mlnuLes may need Lo be reevaluaLed and Lhe ulrecLor
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 37
ls commlLLed Lo researchlng and lmplemenLlng approprlaLe managemenL
sLraLegles Lo close Lhe accounLablllLy gap.


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1he 1hayne CenLer recrulLs [ob appllcanLs as dlrecLed by Lhe Puman 8esources
Plrlng rocedures Manual, l.e. posLlng poslLlons onllne ln A8S, worklng Lhrough
commlLLees, conducLlng compeLlLlve lnLervlews, and so forLh. 8eyond Lhls
sLandardlzed procedure, Lhe 1hayne CenLer has a rlch sLaLewlde and naLlonal
neLwork of nonproflL organlzaLlons, hlgher educaLlon lnsLlLuLlons, and servlce-
learnlng pracLlLloners Lhrough whlch we adverLlse our [ob opporLunlLles.

Cne of our prlmary recrulLlng successes ls LhaL we conslsLenLly aLLracL
passlonaLe people who have dedlcaLed Lhelr careers Lo soclal [usLlce and causes
larger Lhan Lhemselves. lL Lakes very llLLle Llme Lo rally our new hlres around Lhe
vlslon and mlsslon of Lhe cenLer. Lven wlLh LhaL success, however, lL remalns a
challenge LhaL Lhe pay aL SLCC ls nelLher reglonally nor naLlonally compeLlLlve. lL
ls also challenglng Lo noL be able Lo offer candldaLes a clear paLh of promoLlon
and advancemenL. ln 2012 SLCC began lmplemenLlng a LalenL managemenL
program lnLended Lo provlde career ladders for employees. Powever, Lhe
1hayne CenLer ls acLually adversely affecLed by Lhe new pollcles ln Lwo ways: 1)
LxlsLlng sLaff wlLhouL degrees have no poLenLlal Lo advance Lhrough Lhe
professlonal levels of Lhe sysLem by merlL of acqulrlng new knowledge, skllls,
and ablllLles. P8's advancemenL process ls flrsL conLlngenL on Lhe acqulslLlon of
a 8achelor's degree, and 2) lf and when we are able Lo advance an employee Lo
a hlgher level of CoordlnaLor, for example, Lhe budgeL requlred Lo advance ln
pay grade ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe lndlvldual deparLmenL, noL Lhe lnsLlLuLlon.
1he 1hayne CenLer budgeL ls lnsufflclenL Lo accommodaLe Lhese advancemenLs.
lf sLaff members are ellglble for advancemenL, Lhe 1hayne CenLer would need Lo
rely on Lhe budgeL of Lhe vlce resldenL of SLudenL Servlces, or an lncrease ln
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 38
SLudenL lees, Lo accommodaLe an lncrease ln salary. 1hls ln Lurn creaLes a
sLrucLure across Lhe lnsLlLuLlon whereln deparLmenLs wlLh sufflclenL funds wlll
be able Lo advance Lhelr sLaff regularly, whlle oLher sLaff ln deparLmenLs wlLh
smaller budgeLs may be dolng equally sLrong work wlLh no hope of
advancemenL. 1hese lssues have been dlscussed wlLh Puman 8esources Lo no
effecL and remaln a challenge for our recrulLmenL and reLenLlon.

1he Lurnover raLe among 1hayne CenLer sLaff ls very low. 1hls ls boLh a
sLrengLh and weakness dependlng on perspecLlve. We have Lwo sLaff members
who have been wlLh Lhe deparLmenL for more Lhan elghL years, one as many as
11 years. We have Lhree sLaff members who have been wlLh Lhe deparLmenL for
Lhree, Lwo, and one year, respecLlvely. 1he fresh perspecLlves Lhey brlng Lo Lhe
Leam are lnvaluable. AL Lhe same Llme, Lhe lnsLlLuLlonal knowledge LhaL Lhe
seasoned sLaff members brlng Lo Lhe Leam ls also lnvaluable. 1he perll of low
Lurnover raLes ls manlfesLed when sLaff members reslsL change and hold Lo
ouLmoded rouLlnes and program sLrucLures. 1he ulrecLor uses Lhe annual
assessmenL cycle as boLh a remlnder and leverage LhaL Lhe deparLmenL needs Lo
conLlnually challenge and lmprove our programs and procedures.

kespons|b|||t|es and qua||f|cat|ons for current staff pos|t|ons, per numan
kesources [ob descr|pt|ons
AggregaLe demographlc lnformaLlon for 1hayne CenLer employees ls lncluded as
Appendlx n.

=3+.-.2$4"$.<( R.4(5$*4 A$.$#( B(-3.-0 B(4 $"#(-$ +"-"0(+(-$D
kespons|b|||t|es: 1o Lhe end of engaglng sLudenLs and faculLy ln Lhe
communlLy, Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve ulrecLor creaLes a deparLmenLal
vlslon/mlsslon and lmplemenLs lL by sklllfully managlng a Leam of
professlonal sLaff. 8esponslble for flscal overslghL of all deparLmenLal
budgeLs, granLs, and programmlng. uelegaLes and faclllLaLes Lhe
managemenL of academlc servlce-learnlng, co-currlcular sLudenL leadershlp
programs, federal communlLy work-sLudy, and college parLnershlps wlLh Lhe
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 39
nonproflL communlLy. AccounLable for acLlons and declslons Laken by self
and subordlnaLes. lnforms college pollcy and procedures relaLed Lo campus-
communlLy parLnershlps.

ua||f|cat|ons: MasLer's degree ln a relaLed fleld, such as educaLlon, soclal
sclence, or humanlLles. llve years of dlrecLly relaLed full-Llme pald
experlence ln servlce-learnlng programmlng, clvlc engagemenL, communlLy
organlzlng, and/or volunLeer managemenL, preferably ln a hlgher educaLlon

=3+.-.2$4"$.<( =22.2$"-$ A$.$#( B(-3.-0 B(4 $"#(-$ +"-"0(+(-$D
kespons|b|||t|es: under mlnlmal supervlslon, provldes admlnlsLraLlve and
secreLarlal supporL Lo Lhe ulrecLor. erforms admlnlsLraLlve duLles such as,
buL noL llmlLed Lo, processlng flnanclal audlLs, gaLherlng daLa for assessmenL
reporLs, malnLalnlng webslLes and daLabases, and lnLerfaclng wlLh College
deparLmenLs and Lhe communlLy. erforms general offlce managemenL
Lasks Lo faclllLaLe Lhe work of Lhe deparLmenL's professlonal sLaff. Serves as
Lhe lnlLlal polnL of conLacL for all sLudenLs, faculLy, sLaff, and communlLy
parLner organlzaLlons.

ua||f|cat|ons: Plgh school dlploma, or equlvalenL. 1wo years of posL-hlgh
school educaLlon/Lralnlng requlred. 1wo years of dlrecL, pald, full-Llme work
experlence wlLh lncreaslng levels of responslblllLy. AddlLlonal dlrecLly
relaLed work experlence may be subsLlLuLed aL a raLlo of Lwo years full-Llme
work experlence for one year of requlred educaLlon/Lralnlng.

!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 )**43.-"$*4
kespons|b|||t|es: 8esponslble for coordlnaLlng, furLher lnsLlLuLlonallzlng, and
evaluaLlng Lhe SLCC academlc servlce learnlng program, lncludlng
professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles for faculLy, capaclLy bulldlng
opporLunlLles for communlLy parLner organlzaLlons, and currlcular servlce
opporLunlLles for sLudenLs.
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 40

ua||f|cat|ons: 8achelor's degree ln a relaLed fleld, such as educaLlon, soclal
sclence, or humanlLles. 1wo years of dlrecLly relaLed full-Llme pald
experlence ln servlce-learnlng programmlng, clvlc engagemenL, communlLy
organlzlng, and/or volunLeer managemenL, preferably ln a hlgher educaLlon

!(4<.5( &("3(42L.B )**43.-"$*4
kespons|b|||t|es: 8esponslble Lo oversee servlce leadershlp programs and
sLudenL-led volunLeer programs, prlmarlly SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc
LngagemenL and AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak. Serves as Lhe lnformaLlon and
referral conLacL for SLCC sLudenL organlzaLlons LhaL seek approprlaLe
volunLeer opporLunlLles wlLh local agencles.

ua||f|cat|ons: 8achelor's degree ln a relaLed fleld, such as educaLlon, soclal
sclence, or humanlLles. 1wo years of dlrecLly relaLed full-Llme pald
experlence ln servlce-learnlng programmlng, clvlc engagemenL, communlLy
organlzlng, and/or volunLeer managemenL, preferably ln a hlgher educaLlon

)*++,-.$/ G*4'@!$,3/ )**43.-"$*4
kespons|b|||t|es: 8esponslble Lo oversee Lhe SLCC CommunlLy Work-sLudy
Amerlca 8eads rogram, a federally-funded flnanclal ald program. Plres,
places, Lralns, and supervlses Amerlca 8eads work-sLudy sLudenLs placed as
pald llLeracy LuLors aL local 1lLle l elemenLary schools. MalnLalns
collaboraLlve parLnershlps wlLh SLCC llnanclal Ald offlce and parLner
elemenLary schools.

ua||f|cat|ons: 8achelor's degree ln a relaLed fleld, such as educaLlon, soclal
sclence, or humanlLles. 1wo years of dlrecLly relaLed full-Llme pald
experlence ln servlce-learnlng programmlng, clvlc engagemenL, communlLy
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 41
organlzlng, and/or volunLeer managemenL, preferably ln a hlgher educaLlon

)*++,-.$/ 6"4$-(42L.B2 )**43.-"$*4 A-(> B*2.$.*- 2$"4$.-0 9"## UVWUD
kespons|b|||t|es: 1he prlmary llalson beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce
& Learnlng and nonproflL organlzaLlons ln Lhe SalL Lake valley. Serves as Lhe
flrsL polnL of conLacL for organlzaLlons seeklng Lo parLner wlLh 1hayne
CenLer programs and sLudenL volunLeers. 8esponslble for communlLy
assessmenLs, parLner Lralnlng evenLs, ouLreach, and soclal medla efforLs
relaLed Lo esLabllshlng reclprocal parLnershlps.

ua||f|cat|ons: 8achelor's degree ln a relaLed fleld, such as educaLlon, soclal
sclence, or humanlLles. 1wo years of dlrecLly relaLed full-Llme pald
experlence ln Lhe nonproflL fleld, communlLy organlzlng, and/or volunLeer

!$,3(-$ K+B#*/((J
CurrenLly Lhe deparLmenL employs only one sLudenL Lhrough Lhe Cn-Campus
SLudenL Lmployee (CCSL) program. 1wo rogram CoordlnaLors are ln Lhe
process of conslderlng hlrlng work-sLudy sLudenLs Lo asslsL wlLh program
developmenL as of fall semesLer 2012. 1he communlLy work-sLudy sLudenLs who
parLlclpaLe ln Amerlca 8eads are a separaLe conslderaLlon.

kespons|b|||t|es: 1he responslblllLles of Lhe CCSL vary dependlng on Lhe
needs of Lhe deparLmenL LhroughouL Lhe year. ln general Lerms, Lhey
serve as supporL sLaff, recepLlon and clerlcal help, and ln some cases
conLrlbuLe Lo programmlng and speclal evenLs. 1he overarchlng goal of
our CCSL ls Lo lncrease Lhe capaclLy of programmlng sLaff by asslsLlng
wlLh Lasks as requesLed.

1ra|n|ng & rofess|ona| Deve|opment

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 42
X(> (+B#*/(( $4".-.-0 "-3 *4.(-$"$.*- "$ $L( .-2$.$,$.*- "-3 >.$L.- $L(
new 1hayne CenLer sLaff members parLlclpaLe ln all requlred Lralnlng as dlcLaLed
by Puman 8esources and SLudenL Servlces new Lmployee CrlenLaLlon. We do
noL have a formallzed Lralnlng program ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer. Lach program ls
unlque and Lhose unlque requlremenLs are covered ln one-on-one Lralnlng wlLh
Lhe ulrecLor, such as 8anner llnance for Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL, or
CrgSync and soclal medla managemenL sofLware for Lhe CommunlLy
arLnershlps CoordlnaLor. MosL new sLaff Lralnlng ls conducLed on an
lndlvlduallzed basls wlLh Lhe ulrecLor. All employees are brlefed on Lhe 1hayne
CenLer vlslon, mlsslon, programs, and lnLernal deparLmenL pollcles. Also, durlng
Lhe flrsL slx monLhs of a new poslLlon, Lhese one-on-one meeLlngs happen
weekly and Lyplcally lasL Lwo hours, lnsLead of Lhe sLandard bl-monLhly 60
mlnuLes. 1he ulrecLor also faclllLaLes conversaLlons for Lhe new sLaff member
wlLh faculLy, communlLy parLners, and oLher SLCC sLaff as needed. lf a
sLandardlzed, deparLmenL-speclflc Lralnlng ls feaslble and deemed beneflclal, we
are open Lo suggesLlons as Lo how Lo sLrucLure lL.

GL"$ *-@0*.-0 $4".-.-0 *55,42 9*4 2$"99 $L4*,0L*,$ $L( /("4Y
1he ulrecLor proacLlvely encourages sLaff Lo use Lhelr LulLlon beneflL for SLCC
courses, as well as parLlclpaLe ln Lhe CenLer for lnnovaLlon workshops and
SklllSofL courses onllne. 1he ulrecLor creaLed an admlnlsLraLlve proflle ln
SklllSofL LhaL allows her Lo asslgn courses Lo sLaff beyond Lhose Lhey selecLed
Lhemselves. Cne-on-one meeLlngs are sLrucLured around Lhe Cz rlnclple Lll1
coachlng model: See lL, Cwn lL, Solve lL, uo lL. (Connors, SmlLh, and Plckman,
2004). Weekly sLaff meeLlngs lnclude a 1ralnlng 1oolbox" secLlon on Lhe
agenda durlng whlch any sLaff member may share lnformaLlon Lhey've learned
ln Lhelr recenL Lralnlng endeavors. 1he deparLmenL has always been hlghly
supporLlve of Lralnlng opporLunlLles. Cur flrsL response ls Lo collaboraLe wlLh
each oLher Lo ensure an offlce coverage schedule LhaL allows people Lo
parLlclpaLe ln any Lralnlng Lhey and Lhe ulrecLor deem beneflclal.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 43
As for lnLerdeparLmenLal Lralnlng, we parLlclpaLe alongslde our colleagues ln
Lhe annual SLudenL Servlces Summer Conference and ConvocaLlon. Powever,
we need Lo be more proacLlve ln glvlng and recelvlng lnLerdeparLmenLal
Lralnlng. lor example, Lhere ls crlLlcal lnformaLlon abouL deslgnaLed servlce-
learnlng courses LhaL should be rouLlnely shared wlLh Academlc Advlslng, buL
LhaL ls noL happenlng. As anoLher example, we could beneflL from Lhe ulsablllLy
8esource CenLer Lralnlng our sLaff as Lo how Lo mosL effecLlvely work wlLh
sLudenLs wlLh dlsablllLles. Cn average, a couple Llmes each semesLer we lnvlLe
sLaff from around Lhe college lnLo our sLaff meeLlngs Lo Lraln us wlLhln Lhelr area
of experLlse. Powever, we should be engaglng ln Lhls pracLlce more reclprocally
and more regularly.

1he Amerlca 8eads LuLors ln our communlLy work-sLudy program recelve
exLenslve Lralnlng prlor Lo sLarLlng work aL Lhe elemenLary schools. We also hosL
a number of ln-servlce Lralnlngs LhroughouL Lhe year Lo keep LuLors' skllls fresh
and Lo creaLe a sLrong peer neLwork. 1oplcs range wldely from how Lo access
SLCC's onllne payroll sysLem Lo Lhe effecLs of hunger and poverLy on llLeracy

GL"$ B4*9(22.*-"# 3(<(#*B+(-$ *BB*4$,-.$.(2 "4( +"3( "<".#";#( "-3 L*> .2
B"4$.5.B"$.*- "BB4*<(3Y
Lvery professlonal sLaff member ls auLhorlzed Lo Lravel Lo one ouL-of-sLaLe
professlonal conference every year. lL ls only budgeL consLralnLs LhaL dlcLaLe one
conference each. lf we had sufflclenL flnanclal resources, Lhere ls no shorLage of
valuable professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles ln our fleld. lor example,
when we operaLed programs wlLh federal granL fundlng, we maxlmlzed Lhe
opporLunlLy for mulLlple sLaff Lo aLLend more Lhan one conference ln a year.
1hese years were some of Lhe mosL creaLlve and expanslve ln Lerms of
programmlng and lnnovaLlon. As lL sLands now, ln order Lo equlLably dlsLrlbuLe
opporLunlLles wlLhouL addlLlonal granL fundlng, sLaff members submlL a
conference Lravel proposal aL Lhe beglnnlng of each flscal year. 1he proposal
lncludes noL only esLlmaLed cosLs, buL also a [usLlflcaLlon as Lo why Lhls
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 44
conference ls Lhe mosL relevanL for currenL programmlng needs. lor example,
some of Lhe mosL beneflclal conferences ln our fleld lnclude nASA 8eglonal
and naLlonal, ConLlnuums of Servlce hosLed by WesLern 8eglon Campus
CompacL, Lhe annual conference of Lhe lnLernaLlonal AssoclaLlon for 8esearch
on Servlce-Learnlng and Clvlc LngagemenL, Lhe lMAC1 Conference hosLed by
Lhe Campus CuLreach CpporLunlLy League (CCCL), and Lhe naLlonal Conference
on volunLeerlng and Servlce hosLed by Lhe olnLs of LlghL loundaLlon.

1here are many affordable sLaLe conferences and local opporLunlLles LhaL all
sLaff are encouraged Lo aLLend LhroughouL Lhe year. As much as posslble, we
also Lry Lo Lake sLudenLs, faculLy, and communlLy parLners Lo Lhese local evenLs.
MosL local Lralnlng opporLunlLles are hosLed by uLah Campus CompacL, oLher
hlgher educaLlon servlce cenLers, or our nonproflL communlLy parLner
organlzaLlons. Cver Lhe years, flnanclal resources have also been dedlcaLed Lo
SklllaLh Lralnlng semlnars and weblnars.

=-"#/Q( $L( 2$4(-0$L2 "-3 5L"##(-0(2 .- $L( 3(B"4$+(-$:2 $4".-.-0 "-3
3(<(#*B+(-$ *9 2$"99
Many sLrengLhs and challenges have already been dlscussed regardlng sLaff
Lralnlng and developmenL. Cne polnL LhaL was lmplled buL noL sLaLed dlrecLly ls
LhaL our deparLmenLal sLrucLure relles heavlly on Lhe ulrecLor Lo Lraln, menLor,
and faclllLaLe Lhe professlonal developmenL of each sLaff member. 1hls ls a
sLrucLure very much ln llne wlLh Lhe 1hayne CenLer culLure of collaboraLlon and
our pedagoglcal foundaLlon of communlLy organlzlng, however, lL puLs a sLraln
on Lhe capaclLy of Lhe ulrecLor Lo also pursue Lhe sLraLeglc vlslon of Lhe cenLer.
lL essenLlally amounLs Lo conLlnuously lmprovlng on Lhe marglns Lhe work LhaL
we're dolng, buL noL necessarlly expandlng LhaL work and Lhlnklng abouL lL ln
new, creaLlve ways.

ln Lhelr lndlvldual reflecLlons, sLaff member expressed feellng supporLed
and adequaLely Lralned. When lL comes Lo Lralnlng opporLunlLles, many sLaff
members say Lhe consLralnL of Llme ls almosL more prohlblLlve Lhan fundlng.
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 43
SklllSofL, for example, provldes an endless supply of Lralnlng resources, buL sLaff
members sLruggle Lo flnd Lhe Llme Lo dedlcaLe Lo Lhe workshops.

Cne flnal observaLlon ls relaLed Lo Lhe 1hayne CenLer's need Lo sLay currenL
and relevanL ln Lhe servlce-learnlng fleld, a need LhaL ls Lled Lo our cenLer's
naLlonal repuLaLlon. 8eglnnlng wlLh a rare slngle-lnsLlLuLlon Learn and Serve
Amerlca granL from Lhe federal CorporaLlon for naLlonal and CommunlLy Servlce
ln 2003, and conLlnulng wlLh a serles of naLlonal, reglonal, and sLaLe granLs, plus
slx years of naLlonal consulLlng responslblllLles ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe Amerlcan
AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges, Lhe cenLer has esLabllshed a repuLaLlon as a
leader ln Lhe fleld of servlce-learnlng. 1he 1hayne CenLer has recelved Lhe
resldenL's Plgher LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor 8oll every year slnce lLs
lncepLlon ln 2006. SLCC ls also currenLly pursulng Lhe hlghesL naLlonal honor
posslble, Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy LngagemenL. lor Lhese
reasons lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL 1hayne CenLer sLaff are hlghly-quallfled
professlonals who noL only sLay currenL buL are also lnnovaLlve wlLhln Lhe besL
pracLlces of Lhe fleld.

erformance Lva|uat|on of Staff and Student Lmp|oyees

64*9(22.*-"# !$"99
LvaluaLlon of professlonal sLaff follows Lhe erformance Lxcellence rogram
(L) guldellnes as dlcLaLed by Puman 8esources. 1he L process runs on an
annual cycle every March/Aprll. WlLhln Lhls process sLaff members have Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo presenL Lo Lhe ulrecLor a self-assessmenL of Lhelr work and
accompllshmenLs over Lhe pasL year. SLaff members also arLlculaLe Lhelr goals
for Lhe upcomlng year. 1he ulrecLor revlews Lhese self-assessmenLs and goals
before compleLlng Lhe evaluaLlon of each sLaff member. SLaff members are Lhen
glven Lhe ulrecLor's assessmenL of Lhelr performance prlor Lo an ln-person one-
on-one meeLlng Lo dlscuss Lhe evaluaLlon forms. SLaff members may, lf Lhey
chose Lo do so, submlL a wrlLLen response Lo Lhe ulrecLor afLer Lhls meeLlng Lo
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 46
be kepL ln Lhelr personnel flle. 1he College grlevance procedure ls also avallable
Lo all sLaff.

ln addlLlon Lo uslng SLCC's L process, ln 2010 Lhe ulrecLor modlfled a 360-
degree peer revlew form used by Lhe Sonoma Leadershlp lnsLlLuLe. We use Lhls
peer revlew process ln con[uncLlon wlLh a new employee's slx monLhs probaLlon
revlew. 1he form ls also used ln cases where dlsclpllnary acLlon ls necessary so
LhaL Lhe ulrecLor can provlde performance feedback as ob[ecLlvely as posslble.
When dlsclpllnary acLlon ls ln moLlon, sLaff members have mulLlple
opporLunlLles Lo provlde feedback and presenL Lhelr perspecLlve on Lhe lssues aL
hand. lollow-up Llmellnes and subsequenL asslgnmenLs relaLed Lo correcLlng
performance are managed lndlvldually and confldenLlally beLween sLaff
members and Lhe ulrecLor, and lf necessary, Puman 8esources.

!$,3(-$ (+B#*/((2
1he sLudenL's dlrecL supervlsor creaLes learnlng ouLcomes per Lhe CCSL
program guldellnes. AL Lhe end of fall and sprlng semesLers Lhe supervlsor
conducLs a collaboraLlve evaluaLlon sesslon wlLh Lhe sLudenL and dlscusses Lhe
achlevemenL of learnlng ouLcomes, as well as fuLure goals. When we employ
work-sLudy sLudenLs ln our offlce, we follow Lhls same menLorlng sLrucLure and
esLabllsh learnlng ouLcomes.

)*++,-.$/ >*4'@2$,3/ (+B#*/((2
1he CommunlLy Work-sLudy CoordlnaLor creaLed an 11-polnL LuLor conLracL LhaL
guldes Lhe performance and requlremenLs of communlLy work-sLudy sLudenLs.
1hrough a serles of ln-servlce Lralnlngs, all-LuLor sLaff meeLlngs, slLe vlslLs aL Lhe
elemenLary schools, and one-on-one meeLlngs wlLh LuLors, Lhe CoordlnaLor
conLlnuously assesses performance. 1he CoordlnaLor also handles Lhe probaLlon
and LermlnaLlon of Lhese parL-Llme employees when necessary.

H.0L#.0L$ "-/ 3(B"4$+(-$ 4(>"432 "-3 4(5*0-.$.*- B4*04"+2T
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 47
SLaff members have Lhe poLenLlal Lo nomlnaLe Lhelr colleagues and Lo recelve
lnsLlLuLlonal awards, such as Lhe monLhly SLaff SLar Award coordlnaLed by Lhe
SLaff AssoclaLlon, Lhe SLudenL Servlces annual awards for new- and career-
professlonals, as well as SLCC's presLlglous annual all-sLaff awards. WlLhln Lhe
1hayne CenLer, however, Lhe mosL formal recognlLlon we have ls a sLandlng
lLem on our sLaff meeLlng agenda. We call lL SLrengLhenlng Cur 1eam" and lL's
a chance for people Lo publlcally Lhank each oLher for someLhlng LhaL happened
ln Lhe pasL week. Lxamples lnclude helplng Lo edlL documenLs, coverlng Lhe
offlce Lo allow Llme off, represenLlng Lhe deparLmenL aL a college-wlde evenL,
and so forLh. An ouLcome of program revlew may be Lhe developmenL of a
formal reward and recognlLlon program. WlLh our llmlLed budgeL we need Lo
geL creaLlve abouL Lhe dlfference beLween awards and rewards, and any
assoclaLed cosLs. When polled ln sLaff meeLlng, people are also of spllL oplnlon
as Lo Lhe value and purpose of such a sysLem Lo begln wlLh.

ln addlLlon Lo dlscusslng successes and graLlLude ln sLaff meeLlng, Lhe
ulrecLor occaslonally sends all-sLaff emalls hlghllghLlng exemplary work or
congraLulaLlng sLaff for speclal accompllshmenLs. Cn occaslon Lhe SLudenL
Servlces vlce resldenL and Lhe AsslsLanL vlce resldenL for SLudenL Llfe are
copled on Lhese emalls as an addlLlonal form of recognlLlon. 1he ulrecLor also
has playful noLepads from Lhe knock knock company LhaL glve sLaff members a
Plgh llve" or ep 1alk" wlLh funny LemplaLes and formaLLlng as Lhough lL's an
old fashloned volcemall message. lL's a small Loken and a blL cheesy, buL ln
walklng around Lhe offlce one sees Lhese llLLle noLes plnned up all over people's
work areas. 1wlce a semesLer Lhe ulrecLor auLhorlzes a hosLlng form and -card
purchase of an off-campus lunch meeLlng wlLh all sLaff. 1hese lunches are
valuable, creaLlve Llmes durlng whlch we dlscuss our work and our progress ln
an envlronmenL separaLe from Lhe meeLlngs rooms of Lhe College. Lven Lhls
shorL Llme away from Lhe offlce has shown Lo re[uvenaLe sLaff, Lhelr
relaLlonshlps, and Lhelr ouLlook on programmlng.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 48
I|ve ear Staff|ng ro[ect|on for Meet|ng Student, Iacu|ty, and Commun|ty

=3+.-.2$4"$.<( &("3(42L.B
1he punch llne ls LhaL Lhe 1hayne CenLer needs an AsslsLanL ulrecLor. 1hls new
leadershlp poslLlon wlll dlrecLly supervlse personnel and program developmenL,
whlle Lhe ulrecLor wlll manage sLraLeglc lnlLlaLlves, such as Lhe Carnegle
ClasslflcaLlon process. 1ogeLher Lhese poslLlons wlll seek ouL and manage
mlsslon-drlven, granL-funded lnlLlaLlves. PlsLorlcally, SLCC has creaLed AsslsLanL
ulrecLor poslLlons when deparLmenLs reach a cerLaln l1L. ln Lhe case of Lhe
1hayne CenLer, however, a more relevanL conslderaLlon ls Lhe scope of our work
and Lhe volume of our producLlvlLy. We conslsLenLly generaLe program and
ouLreach numbers well above sLaLe and naLlonal sLaLlsLlcs, and yeL we are
worklng wlLh Lhe smallesL sLaff of any cenLer. We have seven sLaff members ln
LoLal, lncludlng our sLudenL employee, and Lhree sLaff speclflcally worklng on
servlce-learnlng lnlLlaLlves. 1he naLlonal average ls 27 sLaff ln LoLal and 11 sLaff
speclflcally for servlce-learnlng. 1he sLaLe average ls 14 and elghL, respecLlvely.

1hls dlscrepancy ls unsusLalnable and we need Lo remedy Lhls lf we are Lo move
forward successfully.
ln analyzlng currenL 1hayne CenLer programmlng agalnsL Lhe vlslon and
mlsslon of Lhe cenLer, lL becomes clear LhaL we have room for lmprovemenL and
growLh. 1he reallLy we're faclng aL Lhls momenL ln Llme ls LhaL Lhe 1hayne
CenLer can conLlnue Lo do exacLly whaL we do and do lL well year afLer year,
however, we wlll have mlssed Lhe polnL of program revlew. Cnly wlLh a
commlLmenL Lo lnnovaLlon can we ensure SLCC remalns on Lhe cuLLlng edge of
Lhe clvlc engagemenL fleld. Cnly wlLh lnnovaLlon can we ensure our sLudenLs,
faculLy, and communlLy parLners have access Lo Lhe besL resources avallable.
Cur mlsslon clalms LhaL we empower Lhese people Lo change Lhe world.and we
mean LhaL llLerally. We need adequaLe resources Lo pull lL off.

uLah Campus CompacL Annual Membershlp Survey (2011),
we bove seveo stoff
membets, wltb tbtee
stoff speclflcolly wotkloq
oo setvlce-leotoloq
loltlotlves. 1be ootloool
ovetoqe ls 27 stoff, wltb
11 stoff speclflcolly fot
setvlce-leotoloq. 1be
stote ovetoqe ls 14 ooJ
elqbt, tespectlvely.

(2011 utob compos
compoct Aooool 5otvey)
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 49

ln addlLlon Lo Lhe programmaLlc lmprovemenLs ouLllned LhroughouL Lhls
self-sLudy, lnnovaLlons mlghL lnclude AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak swaps wlLh
communlLy colleges around Lhe counLry, glvlng boLh cohorLs of sLudenLs a
chance Lo serve and experlence Lhe local culLure alongslde Lhelr peers who llve
ln LhaL communlLy. CLher lnnovaLlons LhaL flL wlLhln our mlsslon could focus
programmlng on envlronmenLal, LC81Cl, and women's lssues. ?eL more
lnnovaLlons are ouLllned ln Lhe many granL opporLunlLles our uevelopmenL
Cfflce frequenLly shares wlLh us. unforLunaLely, we're forced Lo decllne
parLlclpaLlon ln mosL of Lhese pro[ecLs due Lo Lhe capaclLy of exlsLlng sLaff. As
one concreLe example, 1he uemocracy CommlLmenL
ls a presLlglous naLlonal
lnlLlaLlve dlrecLly ln llne wlLh our mlsslon and our purpose aL SLCC. Many
AssoclaLlon of Amerlcan Colleges & unlverslLles clvlc lnlLlaLlves

fall lnLo Lhls
same caLegory.
lnLernal Lo SLCC Lhere ls also no llmlL Lo Lhe poLenLlal sLraLeglc parLnershlps
Lo be formed among lnlLlaLlves lnvolvlng clvlc engagemenL, eorLfollos, servlce-
learnlng, Ceneral LducaLlon, communlLy-based learnlng cenLers, ulverslLy
courses, AAC&u's hlgh-lmpacL pedagoglcal pracLlces, sLudy abroad, learnlng
communlLles, sLudenL leadershlp developmenL, and campus-communlLy
parLnershlps. 1he vlslon of our poLenLlal ls sLrong and vlbranL. 1he currenL
ulrecLor has Lhe neLwork, knowledge, and skllls Lo make lL happen, however,
Lhe llmlL ls ln Lhe currenL sLafflng capaclLy of Lhe cenLer and ln Lhe lack of Llme
Lhe ulrecLor has Lo pursue such posslblllLles. lf we are Lo lmplemenL program
revlew recommendaLlons and seL ln moLlon larger conversaLlons of Lhe role of
Lhe 1hayne CenLer aL SLCC, we need Lhe capaclLy of addlLlonal leadershlp ln Lhe

1hls sense of urgency ls noL only fueled by day-Lo-day llmlLaLlons on our
capaclLy, buL also our recognlLlon LhaL as Lhe 1hayne CenLer approaches our 20

1he uemocracy CommlLmenL (2012), hLLp://
Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of Colleges & unlverslLles (2012,
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 30
annlversary ln 2014, Lhe Llme ls now Lo do more Lo fulflll our amblLlous vlslon.
1hls 20-year annlversary colncldes noL only wlLh Lhls rogram 8evlew, buL also
wlLh Lhe College's pursulL of Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy
LngagemenL. 1he forLulLous Llmlng of Lhese evenLs ls noL losL on us and we're
exclLed by Lhe posslblllLy of Laklng our work Lo Lhe nexL level. WlLh Lhls ln mlnd,
lf we are Lo responslbly and successfully grow beyond our currenL capaclLy, Lhe
deparLmenL needs an AsslsLanL ulrecLor.

1he wlde dlverslLy of demands on Lhe currenL dlrecLor poslLlon ln many
ways sLlfles Lhe deparLmenL and hlnders our fuLure growLh. 1he sklll and Llme lL
Lakes Lo boLh manage Lhe macro sLraLeglc vlslon of Lhe deparLmenL, as well as
Lhe mlcro deLalls of Lhe offlce and personnel, ls unreasonable for a slngle person
Lo perform well. Cne or Lhe oLher wlll suffer evenLually, or boLh wlll be
performed slmulLaneously and lndeflnlLely below Lhelr poLenLlal. An AsslsLanL
ulrecLor wlll asslsL noL only wlLh Lhe day-Lo-day managemenL of Lhe offlce and
personnel, buL also parLner wlLh Lhe ulrecLor Lo manage new lnlLlaLlves. WlLh
addlLlonal leadershlp we wlll more successfully malnLaln our currenL
programmlng and also move lnLo Lhe nexL phase of our developmenL. We can
be more responslve Lo Lhe needs of our sLudenLs and communlLy parLners. We
can enLerLaln granL proposals from Lhe uevelopmenL Cfflce. We can respond Lo
requesLs from peer lnsLlLuLlons and faculLy around Lhe counLry who are worklng
on publlcaLlons and seeklng our lnpuL as a well-respecLed cenLer. We can more
readlly pursue and obLaln Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon. 1here ls no end Lo Lhe
needs of our communlLy parLners, and ln many ways Lhere ls no end Lo Lhe
creaLlvlLy of Lhe sLudenLs wlLh whom we work. WhaL ls noL llmlLless ls our
currenL capaclLy Lo respond Lo Lhese needs and fulflll our mlsslon.

lunds for an AsslsLanL ulrecLor poslLlon wlll be our only base budgeL requesL
ln Lhe l?14 lnformed 8udgeL rocess.


1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 31
X(> )**43.-"$*4 "2 *9 8"## UVWU
1he approval of a new full-Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor ln Lhe
l?13 lnformed 8udgeL rocess ls a ma[or success for our deparLmenL. 1hls
poslLlon fllls a gap LhaL has essenLlally been presenL slnce Lhe cenLer was
creaLed nearly 20 years ago. We've aLLempLed Lo flll Lhls gap ln a varleLy of ways
over Lhe years, mosL recenLly wlLh a Lhree-year cycle of AmerlCorps vlS1A
volunLeers. Whlle Lhe vlS1A program was successful Lo a degree, noLhlng ls
more valuable Lhan professlonal full-Llme sLaff members. We are now able Lo
creaLe and dellver programmlng speclflcally Lallored Lo our nonproflL parLners,
wlLhouL whom our work would noL exlsL. We are graLeful for Lhe fundlng and
Lhe lnsLlLuLlonal recognlLlon of Lhls need. 1hls poslLlon has renewed Lhe
poLenLlal of our cenLer Lo poslLlvely affecL communlLy developmenL efforLs.

8"5,#$/ &("3(42L.B
1he servlce-learnlng program has sLruggled Lo be successful and grow over Lhe
pasL couple years. 1here are mulLlple conLrlbuLlng facLors, buL one facLor we
may be able Lo address soon ls Lhe need for co-managemenL of Lhe program.
SLCC's servlce-learnlng program ls ln Lhe unlque poslLlon of belng a currlcular
academlc program, focuslng prlmarlly on faculLy developmenL, buL housed ln
SLudenL Servlces. 1hls sLrucLure creaLes excellenL opporLunlLles for
collaboraLlon, buL lL ls also challenglng. ln prevlous years we recrulLed faculLy
leadershlp for Lhe program by reasslgnlng Llme, prlmarlly uslng federal granL
fundlng. When we managed Lhls sLrucLure, we were far more effecLlve aL
collaboraLlng wlLh servlce-learnlng pracLlLloners and made slgnlflcanL progress
Loward a fully lnsLlLuLlonallzed program. WlLh Lhe currenL challenges faclng Lhe
servlce-learnlng program (reference Appendlx C), a faculLy/sLaff co-
managemenL model ls a soluLlon we plan Lo explore. Such a model was
successfully developed aL orLland CommunlLy College. CC asslgns one faculLy
co-dlrecLor of servlce-learnlng per each of Lhelr Lhree campuses, wlLh a full-Llme
sLaff coordlnaLor overseelng Lhe program as a whole. laculLy coordlnaLors are
compeLlLlvely selecLed for Lhe poslLlon and serve aL leasL one academlc year. ln
anLlclpaLlng Lhe feaslblllLy of Lhls model for our own servlce-learnlng program,
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 32
we reallzed LhaL Lhe fundlng for reasslgned Llme would need Lo come dlrecLly
from Lhe rovosL's offlce. 1hls sLrucLure wlll allow Lhe lnlLlaLlve Lo remaln
neuLral and lnLerdlsclpllnary, as opposed Lo a parLlcular dlsclpllne provldlng Lhe
budgeL and Lhe faculLy member. We wlll use Lhe rogram 8evlew process, and
any recommendaLlons from our slLe revlew Leam, Lo furLher explore Lhls

ln furLher explorlng Lhls sLrucLure of co-managemenL, we researched Lhe
reporLlng and fundlng sLrucLures for servlce-learnlng programs across Lhe
counLry. We used as our basellne Lhe daLa from Lhe 2003 Amerlcan AssoclaLlon
of CommunlLy Colleges (AACC) naLlonal Survey, whlch ls Lhe mosL recenL survey
Lo lnclude daLa on servlce cenLers. AL LhaL Llme, 43 of survey respondenLs (l.e.
112 communlLy colleges) had a sLand-alone cenLer, deparLmenL, or offlce
responslble for some degree of servlce-learnlng managemenL. Accordlng Lo Call
8oblnson, AACC ulrecLor of Servlce Learnlng:

1he vasL ma[orlLy reporLed Lo Lhe academlc slde of Lhe house. Slnce LhaL
2003 survey, l would be wllllng Lo beL LhaL more lnsLlLuLlons shlfLed Lo
academlc reporLlng raLher Lhan SLudenL Servlces. lL's cerLalnly whaL
AACC has promoLed.

1hroughouL AugusL 2012, Lhe 1hayne CenLer surveyed 23 former AACC
granLees lnvolved ln Lhe 18-year lnlLlaLlve CommunlLy Colleges 8roadenlng
Porlzons Lhrough Servlce Learnlng. As granLees of Lhe AACC and as reclplenLs of
federal granL dollars, Lhese lnsLlLuLlons represenL some of Lhe sLrongesL servlce-
learnlng programs ln Lhe counLry. ln facL Lhe 1hayne CenLer was lnvolved ln Lhe
Porlzons pro[ecL as a menLor lnsLlLuLlon from 2006-2012. lourLeen ouL of 23
colleges responded Lo our lnqulrles abouL Lhelr reporLlng and fundlng sLrucLure.
1en ouL of 14 servlce-learnlng programs are housed ln Academlc Affalrs. Lleven
servlce cenLer ulrecLors reporL Lo Academlc Affalrs, lmplylng LhaL one lnsLlLuLlon
ls housed ln SLudenL Affalrs buL has a dual reporLlng Lo Academlc Affalrs. When

ersonal communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe auLhor, emall 08/28/2012.
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 33
asked Lhelr prlmary source of fundlng, slx lnsLlLuLlons sald Academlc Affalrs, and
Lhe remalnlng responses were scaLLered evenly across exLernal granLs, sLudenL
fees, sLudenL servlces llne lLems, eLc. lor deLalled responses, reference
Appendlx C.

An lmporLanL facL Lo undersLand abouL Lhe fleld of colleglaLe clvlc
engagemenL ls LhaL Lhere ls ofLen a dlsLlncLlon made wlLhln Lhe academy
beLween communlLy-based sLudenL leadershlp developmenL and currlcular
servlce-learnlng pedagogy. 1he 1hayne CenLer has recelved naLlonal acclalm and
recognlLlon over Lhe years because we manage boLh ends of LhaL specLrum and
many polnLs ln beLween. We have wlLhln one deparLmenL currlcular servlce-
learnlng and faculLy developmenL, as well as non- and co-currlcular sLudenL
leadershlp programmlng. 1hls ls comprehenslve, unlque, and groundbreaklng ln
Lhe world of communlLy colleges. We recognlze LhaL much of our work ls solldly
allgned wlLh Lhe Lheorles, pracLlces, and programmlng models of SLudenL
Servlces. Powever, our currlcular servlce-learnlng program wlll noL Lhrlve lf lL
remalns embedded ln SLudenL Servlces. ln facL, Lhe 1hayne CenLer as a
deparLmenL ls approachlng a Lhreshold LhaL brlngs wlLh lL Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
explore dlfferenL managemenL models. lor SLCC Lo fulflll lLs mlsslon of
becomlng Lhe communlLy's college, Lhe work of clvlc engagemenL and servlce-
learnlng musL be more solldly embedded ln Ceneral LducaLlon, eorLfollos,
ulverslLy courses, and oLher hlgh lmpacL academlc pracLlces. ln order for Lhls Lo
happen successfully, we wanL Lo furLher explore a dual reporLlng and fundlng
model. lf we pursue Lhls and flnd a creaLlve soluLlon, ln Lhe words of Call
8oblnson aL AACC, SLCC would once agaln be a ploneer ln lnnovaLlve
programmlng and reporLlng."

1herefore, slmllar Lo our need for faculLy leadershlp of Lhe servlce-learnlng
program speclflcally, we would also beneflL from faculLy leadershlp of Lhe
1hayne CenLer alongslde Lhe ulrecLor aL Lhe deparLmenLal level. lL may be
beneflclal Lo parLner wlLh Academlc Affalrs Lo deslgn and fund Lhese faculLy

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 34
poslLlons for boLh Lhe servlce-learnlng program and for Lhe cenLer as a whole.
1he CommunlLy WrlLlng CenLer ls one excellenL model for us Lo conslder ln
Lhese dlscusslons: managed by full-Llme faculLy members who malnLaln a small
class load buL also recelve reasslgned Llme for admlnlsLraLlve work. 1hls sLraLegy
of faculLy leadershlp ls ln llne wlLh besL pracLlces ln Lhe servlce-learnlng fleld and
brlngs addlLlonal valldlLy Lo Lhe work of Lhe 1hayne CenLer wlLhln Lhe academy.
1hls lnnovaLlon could yleld exclLlng resulLs for Lhe nexL phase of Lhe cenLer's
developmenL. Such a sLrucLure would also be one more exLenslon of Lhe
successful collaboraLlons we've had wlLh Academlc Affalrs over Lhe years. Agaln,
we wlll leverage Lhe rogram 8evlew process, and any recommendaLlons from
our slLe revlew Leam, Lo explore Lhls posslblllLy.

1,#$.B#( )"+B,2(2
rlor Lo Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe CenLer for new Medla aL SouLh ClLy Campus, Lhe
1hayne CenLer malnLalned an offlce Lhere as well as aL 1aylorsvllle 8edwood. lL
was challenglng for our small sLaff Lo adequaLely cover boLh offlces and
producLlvely spllL Llme beLween Lwo locaLlons. Cur SouLh ClLy offlce ls
Lemporarlly closed for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe consLrucLlon pro[ecL, buL wlll llkely
reopen ln sprlng semesLer 2013. Cur new CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor
wlll spend 80 of hls Llme aL SouLh ClLy, buL wlll also need Lo be aL 1aylorsvllle
8edwood for meeLlngs LhroughouL Lhe week. 1hls ls Lhe besL compromlse we've
found Lo Lhe lssue of sLafflng mulLlple campuses wlLh our exlsLlng personnel. lf
we hope Lo have a conslsLenL presence aL !ordan Campus, beyond drlvlng ouL
Lhere for an occaslonal meeLlng, we musL secure fundlng for addlLlonal sLaff

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 33

IV. I|nanc|a| kesources & 8udget

D|verse Iund|ng Sources
uue Lo Lhe Lhree-fold mlsslon of Lhe 1hayne CenLer, we recelve fundlng from a
varleLy of sources LhaL allow us Lo work wlLh sLudenLs, faculLy, and communlLy
parLners. Cur prlmary fundlng source ls SLudenL lee revenue. We also recelve
LducaLlon & Ceneral base funds from Lhe lnsLlLuLlon, supporL from Lhe rovosL
for servlce-learnlng faculLy developmenL, and supporL from Lhe vlce resldenL
of SLudenL Servlces for salarles and beneflLs. ln addlLlon Lo Lhese fundlng
sources, we wrlLe and recelve granLs on a regular basls. Slnce 2003, we have
recelved federal granL fundlng Lo supporL our programs, and many Llmes we are
sub-granLees parLnered wlLh presLlglous sLaLe and naLlonal organlzaLlons.
Pavlng so many dlfferenL fundlng sources, all wlLh Lhelr own lndexes,
regulaLlons, and flscal year ranges ls a challenge for Lhe ulrecLor and
AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL, buL lL ls necessary Lo supporL Lhe dlverslLy of our work.
Lach fundlng source speaks Lo Lhe supporL we have across Lhe lnsLlLuLlon and ln
Lhe communlLy. lor example, our SLudenL lee revenue ls revlewed and
approved each year by Lhe SLudenL lee 8oard, lndlcaLlng an lnvesLmenL from
sLudenLs ln Lhe conLlnued success of our work.

ln Lhe Lable below we break down a one-year hlsLory by expendlLure
caLegory. ln Appendlx we break down a Lhree-year hlsLory per lndex. We also
analyze Lhe Lrends, prlorlLles, changes, and llmlLaLlons.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 36
2011-2012 Lxpend|ture n|story

2011- 2012





Admln ass-


lees, lu8

Sa|ar|es $99,633 $0 $0 $60,642 $23,267 $1,393 $0 $0 $0 $0 5184,939
nour|y $0 $4,300 $0 $22,930 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 527,4S0
8enef|ts $37,989 $738 $0 $49,772 $16,244 $849 $0 $0 $0 $0 510S,612
Current Lxpense $3,213 $304 $4,994 $43,992 $330 $7,323 $2,307 $6,688 $8,868 $334 580,973
1rave| $2,838 $1,381 $0 $6,971 $0 $174 $191 $2,171 $3,014 $0 518,760
Lxpend|tures 1ota| 514S,69S 57,143 54,994 5184,2S6 539,861 59,941 52,498 58,8S9 513,882 5S34 5417,663

Index Descr|pt|on
DDCCMM L&C - Salarles/beneflLs, operaLlng expenses
DDSLID L&C - Servlce-Learnlng laculLy uevelopmenL lunds, requesLed annually from rovosL's Cfflce
DDSLS L&C - Servlce-Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund
1S017 SLudenL lee 8evenue
1S100]1S122 v Servlclng - 13100 (salarles/beneflLs) and 13122 (mall)
29466, 23680]81 CranL - AmerlCorps AdmlnlsLraLlve ass-Lhru - Colorado Campus CompacL
29130 CranL - uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers - MLk uay of Servlce
28131 CranL - uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers - volunLeer ManagemenL 1ralnlng Serles
2946S AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak - 1hayne CenLer SLudenL lees, lnLerdeparLmenLal 1ransfers, and SLudenL aymenLs
29467, 8S040 8evenue - uonaLlons - CharlLy lndex

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 37
1he flgures ln Lhe Lhree-year graph below are based on acLual expendlLures
calculaLed aL Lhe end of l?10, l?11, and l?12. 1o revlew a Lhree-year budgeL
hlsLory of expendlLures per accounL and lndex, see (Appendlx ). 1he mosL
slgnlflcanL ouLllers Lo noLe are Lhe followlng:
Cur granL fundlng decreased ln l?12 as we ended our fundlng cycle
(2009-2011) wlLh Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy College. Slnce
2006 we had parLnered wlLh AACC as a sub-granLee of Lhelr CorporaLlon
for naLlonal and CommunlLy Servlce granL. ln l?11 we recelved granLs
from Lhe uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers Lo conLlnue our programmlng,
buL Lhe granLs were much smaller and Lhere was a neL loss.
AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak expendlLures were lnaccuraLely low ln l?11
due Lo an overslghL ln Lhe 8udgeL Cfflce. 1he mlsLake was correcLed ln
l?12, showlng a splke ln AS8 LhaL slmply accounLs for coverlng expenses
from Lhe prevlous flscal year.
Cur SLudenL lees lncreased ln l?12 because we recelved on-golng
fundlng for our new full-Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor
uuCCMM, as well as SLudenL lees, also lncludes salarles and beneflLs.
Cur operaLlng expenses from L&C funds LoLal [usL over $8,000 annually.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 38

Cost er Student Served

Academ|c ear 2011-2012
1oLal 8udgeL LxpendlLures (all lndexes) $ 417,664.61
SLudenL Served by Lhe 1hayne CenLer 14,632
er SLudenL CosL $28.31

er our Annual lmpacL Summary

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng Annual lmpacL Summary (2012),
, Lhls cosL breakdown ls per sLudenL and
an undupllcaLed represenLaLlon of Lhe sLudenLs we served ln l?12. Across all of
our programs, lncludlng deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng courses we served 7,183
undupllcaLed sLudenLs. 8eyond LhaL, we served 7,467 Lhrough our lnformaLlon
& 8eferral efforLs. unforLunaLely Lhese sLaLlsLlcs are noL Lracked sclenLlflcally
enough Lo say deflnlLlvely lf sLudenLs are dupllcaLed or noL, buL ln general, Lhe
7,183 program flgure ls undupllcaLed mlnus Lhe handful of sLudenLs who are
SLlCL members and Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars, for example. 1he 7,467 flgure
represenLs prlmarlly slngle sLudenLs who requesLed lnformaLlon from our
























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1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 39
cenLer, vlslLed a Labllng evenL, aLLended an orlenLaLlon presenLaLlon, and so

Ana|ys|s & 1rends
1he rogram 8evlew LemplaLe calculaLes only Lhe cosL per sLudenL, however,
Lhe 1hayne CenLer has Lhree prlmary consLlLuencles. We expressly serve
sLudenLs, faculLy, and communlLy parLners, a sLrucLure LhaL ls ofLen referred Lo
as Lhe Lhree plllars of servlce-learnlng. All of our work does ulLlmaLely beneflL
SalL Lake CommunlLy College sLudenLs. lor example, faculLy developmenL
programs ensure LhaL sLudenLs enroll ln hlgh-quallLy servlce-learnlng courses,
and communlLy ouLreach ensures sLudenLs have a poslLlve experlence off-
campus aL Lhelr nonproflL parLner organlzaLlon. We dld noL breakdown Lhe
numbers beyond whaL Lhe LemplaLe asked for, buL lL ls worLh noLlng LhaL wlLhln
our budgeL we work Lo fulflll a Lhree-fold mlsslon LhaL provldes for programmlng
for all sLakeholders.
Cne Lrend LhaL has an lmpacL on many deparLmenLs, and Lhe college as a
whole, ls Lhe rollback of federal fundlng. 1hls has been a parLlcularly slgnlflcanL
challenge for our deparLmenL. Cver Lhe pasL few years Lhe 8epubllcan-led
congress deeply cuL fundlng for publlc servlce programs, lncludlng ellmlnaLlng
100 of Lhe budgeL for Learn and Serve Amerlca, an organlzaLlon from whlch
we recelved granL fundlng every year slnce 2003. Cur granL fundlng supporLed
noL only programs and servlces, buL also professlonal developmenL
opporLunlLles for sLaff and sLudenLs. CfLen Llmes lL was granL money LhaL
supporLed our Lravel Lo conferences and our opporLunlLles Lo neLwork, presenL,
and dlssemlnaLe our work Lo colleagues across Lhe counLry. WlLh a decllne ln
granL fundlng we have seen Lhese opporLunlLles lessen as we Lry and absorb
cosLs lnLo our exlsLlng budgeLs.
llnally, Lhe comblned deparLmenLal budgeL from all sources lncreased 30
from $347,307 Lo $432,893 over Lhe pasL Lhree years. 1he ma[orlLy of Lhe
lncrease occurred lasL year ln l?12. 1hls 30 lncrease ls a resulL of Lhe

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 60
Cne-Llme granL fundlng from Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy
Colleges (l?10 and l?11)
1hree one-Llme granLs from Lhe uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers (l?12,
conLlnulng lnLo l?13)
SLudenL lee 8oard lncreased fundlng dedlcaLed Lo 30 of our new
CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor, wlLh an LducaLlon & Ceneral
lncrease dedlcaLed Lo fundlng Lhe remalnlng 30
$10,000 ln LducaLlon & Ceneral funds ln l?12 for Lhe new Servlce-
Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund

1hese lncreases demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe 1hayne CenLer ls supporLed by a
dlverse seL of sLakeholders. We've recelved federal granL fundlng slnce 2003,
and we also recelve SLudenL lees, leglslaLlve dollars, servlclng funds from Lhe v
of SLudenL Servlces, and Lhe rovosL supporLs our servlce-learnlng faculLy
developmenL lnlLlaLlves. 1he challenge we face movlng forward ls belng able Lo
sufflclenLly fund our mosL vlLal and sLraLeglc prlorlLles. 1o slmply calculaLe a neL
lncrease or a neL loss ls noL an accuraLe represenLaLlon of our flnanclal slLuaLlon.
1hls ls parLlcularly Lrue when a deparLmenL such as ours relles on granL fundlng,
for example. When granL fundlng ends we may plck up fundlng from anoLher
source, Lechnlcally showlng a neL zero or an lncrease, buL LhaL does noL mean
Lhose funds are used Lo susLaln and replace servlces losL wlLh Lhe end of Lhe
granL. Cur budgeLs and lndexes are caLegorlzed ln such a way LhaL Lo say we
have an overall neL galn does noL acLually mean we have addlLlonal funds Lo
spend on sLraLeglc prlorlLles. Slnce we are funded ln parL by SLudenL lees, many
lncreases are also due Lo Lemporary flucLuaLlons ln enrollmenL, raLher Lhan a
susLalned lncrease ln lnsLlLuLlonal flnanclal supporL. 1hls ls especlally Lrue over
Lhe lasL Lhree years of record-breaklng unemploymenL and Lhus record-breaklng

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 61
Sett|ng 8udget r|or|t|es
As wlLh mosL declslons ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer, budgeL prlorlLles are seL
collaboraLlvely, Lo a degree. All sLaff and some key sLudenLs are lnvolved ln
sLraLeglc conversaLlons abouL Lhe deparLmenL's lnformed 8udgeL rocess (l8)
requesLs. Cnce Lhe declslon ls made as Lo whaL Lhe deparLmenL wlll requesL, all
sLaff are brlefed on Lhe messaglng and sLraLegy behlnd Lhe requesL, Lhen kepL ln
Lhe loop as presenLaLlons and declslons are made over Lhe course of Lhe full
budgeL cycle. lL has been our paLLern over LhaL lasL Lhree years Lo collecLlvely
rally behlnd one slgnlflcanL requesL and work Lo geL lL approved, raLher Lhan puL
forward mulLlple requesLs for Lhe deparLmenL. ueclslons as Lo whaL we requesL
ln Lhe l8 are based on daLa from Lhe Annual lmpacL Summary (l.e. Where are
we growlng and do we have Lhe currenL capaclLy Lo meeL lL?), and Lhe besL
pracLlces ln Lhe fleld of clvlc engagemenL (l.e. Pow are successful cenLers
respondlng Lo Lhe demand LhaL we assess our lmpacL ln Lhe communlLy, noL
slmply Lrack our ouLpuL numbers?). Cur l8 requesLs are also made based on
our allgnmenL wlLh Lhe larger goals and prlorlLles of SLCC. lf we can and should
be dolng someLhlng beLLer Lhan we are currenLly dolng lL, and LhaL sometbloq
fulfllls Lhe mlsslon of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon, Lhen we wlll propose lL and do our besL Lo
secure fundlng Lo make lL happen. 1hls passlonaLe drlve Lo be beLLer and sLay
cuLLlng edge lnforms, on some level, every slngle budgeL declslon we make. lor
example, Lhe deflclLs ln SLCC's appllcaLlon for Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for
CommunlLy LngagemenL are greaL examples of poLenLlal fuLure 1hayne CenLer
budgeL requesLs.

WlLhln Lhe deparLmenL, CoordlnaLors have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo submlL
annual programmlng budgeL requesLs Lo Lhe ulrecLor early each summer for Lhe
comlng academlc year. 1he ulrecLor Lakes all requesLs lnLo accounL and flnallzes
an annual budgeL, sharlng Lhe documenL wlLh all sLaff by early-AugusL. lL ls only
salarles and beneflLs LhaL are presenLed as vague lump sums, every oLher llne
lLem ln Lhe budgeL ls LransparenL and as deLalled as posslble. As funds are
needed LhroughouL Lhe year for expenses noL ouLllned ln Lhe lnlLlal
coordlnaLor's requesL or noL pre-approved by Lhe ulrecLor ln Lhe annual budgeL,

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 62
Lhen requesLs are handled on a case-by-case basls. 1ravel ls handled ln much
Lhe same way, wlLh CoordlnaLors submlLLlng a requesL ln Lhe early summer for
Lhe one conference Lhey wanL Lo aLLend wlLhln Lhe nexL academlc year. 1ravel
declslons are ulLlmaLely made by Lhe ulrecLor, based on cosL, Llme of year, and
relevance Lo currenL programmlng. All professlonal sLaff members know LhaL lf
budgeLs allow Lhey wlll aLLend one ouL-of-sLaLe conference per year. We Lravel
wlLh sLudenLs and faculLy and/or send sLudenLs and faculLy Lo relevanL
conferences whenever we can.

Ma[or Changes over the ast 1hree ears, Ant|c|pated Changes over the Next
I|ve ears

1"Z*4 )L"-0(2
lL was alluded Lo earller, buL Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL change ln our fundlng ln Lhe
pasL Lhree years was Lhe loss of federal granL fundlng, Lhe guLLlng of Learn and
Serve Amerlca, and a $40 mllllon dollar cuL Lo AmerlCorps. 1hese changes had a
dlrecL lmpacL on Lhe salary of an exlsLlng CoordlnaLor. rlor Lo Lhe federal
budgeL cuLs, we were approved by Lhe SLudenL lee 8oard for an lncrease Lo hlre
a full-Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor. When Lhe federal budgeL cuLs
Look effecL, we had Lo use half of Lhe sLudenL fee dollars Lo reLaln exlsLlng sLaff
and reasslgn program responslblllLles accordlngly. 1hls lefL us wlLh only a parL-
Llme CoordlnaLor poslLlon for a full year. uurlng LhaL year we sollclLed L&C
fundlng for Lhe losL half of LhaL poslLlon, whlch we were awarded ln Lhe
lnformed 8udgeL rocess Lhls pasL summer. Cur full-Llme CommunlLy
arLnershlps CoordlnaLor began work ln SepLember 2012.

1hls challenge led Lo noL only a lag Llme ln Lhe sLarL daLe of an anLlclpaLed
full-Llme poslLlon, buL lL also meanL one of our largesL programs was cuL. 1he
AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award program noL only provlded Lhousands of dollars ln
federal flnanclal ald Lo hundreds of sLudenLs each year, lL also provlded our
offlce wlLh a slgnlflcanL amounL of admlnlsLraLlve pass-Lhru fundlng. 1hese funds
have been parLlally accounLed for ln our exlsLlng SLudenL lee operaLlng budgeL

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and wlLh generous supporL from Lhe v Servlclng accounL, buL lL lefL us wlLh a
neL loss and a LlghLer budgeL ln Lhe end. 1hls LlghLer budgeL and less granL
fundlng has also meanL our operaLlng cosLs are smaller and professlonal
developmenL opporLunlLles are fewer and farLher beLween Lhan Lhey once

We aren'L qulLe sure how Lo phrase Lhls approprlaLely, buL Lo be frank, we may
be vlcLlms of our own success. lor years now we have been growlng and dolng
more wlLh less. We are recognlzed wldely wlLhln Lhe lnsLlLuLlon as a deparLmenL
LhaL conslsLenLly produces hlgh callber work. We have lncreased programmlng
and lncreased our LoLal lmpacL wlLhouL necessarlly lncreaslng our base budgeL
fundlng or slgnlflcanLly lncreaslng our sLafflng capaclLy. 1here may be an
assumpLlon ln play, consclous or noL, LhaL we've done Lhls well for Lhls long, so
why would we need addlLlonal funds or addlLlonal sLafflng lf we're so
successful? 1he deparLmenL ls also sLruggllng lnLernally wlLh a precedenL of noL
regularly requesLlng lncreaslng revenue from sLudenL fees. We've always flgured
ouL ways Lo wrlLe granLs, work harder, and make lL happen. Powever, nearly 20-
years lnLo Lhls venLure, we are now a naLlonally recognlzed, award-wlnnlng
cenLer LhaL's reached our capaclLy. As we conslder sLraLeglc fuLure plans for Lhe
1hayne CenLer, ln concerL wlLh Lhe prlorlLles Lhe lnsLlLuLlon ls pursulng relaLed
Lo communlLy ouLreach, approprlaLe levels of fundlng wlll be needed Lo fulflll
Lhls expanded vlslon of SLCC's role ln our communlLy.

Cur SLudenL lee revenue ls our prlmary operaLlng budgeL. As Lhe economy
lmproves and enrollmenL conLlnues Lo decrease, Lhls wlll have a negaLlve effecL
on our maln source of revenue. CranLs come and go and help offseL some cosLs
ln some years, or creaLe lnnovaLlve programmlng ln oLher years, buL our day-Lo-
day work ls accompllshed wlLhln our SLudenL lee budgeL. WlLhln LhaL lndex,
once we pay sLaff member salarles and beneflLs, we're lefL wlLh approxlmaLely
$40,000 per year. 1hls $40,000 accounLs for AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak,
conference Lravel, operaLlng expenses, offlce supplles, programmlng for

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sLudenLs, faculLy, and communlLy parLners, and more. lor comparlson, Lhere are
deparLmenLs wlLhln SLudenL Servlces who spend nearly Lhls amounL of money
on a slngle evenL. 1hls budgeL noL only makes each year LlghL wlLhln lLself, lL also
does noL allow for much carry forward fundlng. 1he prevlous ulrecLor chose Lo
operaLe Lhe budgeL wlLh as llLLle carry forward dollars as posslble, bellevlng LhaL
Lhls showed value Lo Lhe lnsLlLuLlon and demonsLraLed LhaL we use all Lhe
fundlng we're glven. Powever, Lhe 8udgeL Cfflce recommends a carry forward
equal Lo 10 of Lhe deparLmenL's annual budgeL. WlLh our LlghL budgeL we are
noL able Lo bulld up a carry forward balance. 1here are Lwo opLlons: lncrease
revenue or cuL expenses. Cver Lhe lasL Lhree years we have Lrlmmed Lhe faL, as
lL were, ln our budgeL. Many deparLmenLs across Lhe lnsLlLuLlon, as well as Lhe
lnsLlLuLlon lLself have felL Lhls squeeze over Lhe pasL few years. 1he opLlon lefL
Lo us ls Lo requesL an lncrease ln SLudenL lees, and also use Lhe l8 as
sLraLeglcally as posslble.

=-$.5.B"$(3 )L"-0(2
Cur budgeL, as explalned above, has been Lrlmmed down Lo a falrly well olled
machlne. ?ear Lo year we are maklng only mlnor ad[usLmenLs on Lhe marglns.
1he changes we really need Lo anLlclpaLe are Lhose of lncreased fundlng Lo boLh
SLudenL lees and L&C dollars Lhrough Lhe l8 cycle. We conLlnue Lo parLner
wlLh Lhe uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers for any communlLy parLner ouLreach
granLs we can secure, buL as explalned ln SecLlon 3, we do noL have Lhe capaclLy
Lo seek and manage large-scale granLs rlghL now. 1he addlLlon of an AssoclaLe
ulrecLor Lo Lhe Leam would change LhaL.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 63

V. Iac|||t|es, Lqu|pment, and 1echno|ogy

Lffect|veness of Current Space
1he 1hayne CenLer was once locaLed ln a low-Lrafflc porLable unlL ln Lhe parklng
loL norLh of Lhe 8uslness 8ulldlng on Lhe 1aylorsvllle 8edwood Campus. AlmosL
Len years ago we moved lnLo Lhe SLudenL CenLer, ln a small offlce sulLe ln Lhe
second-level SLudenL lnvolvemenL CenLer. ln LhaL space we had Lhree full-Llme
people sharlng one offlce and we also had Lo use a small lobby area as offlce
space. Cur currenL space ln Lhe lower level ls one we've had over flve years
now. lL ls, Lo daLe, Lhe besL space we've had on campus.

A hlghly-engaged group of sLudenLs advocaLed for our move from upsLalrs
Lo down. lL was Lhelr ldea Lo vlslL servlce cenLers aL Lhree oLher lnsLlLuLlons and
ouLllne a comparlson of Lhe number of sLudenLs served and sLaff members
employed per square fooL of offlce space. 1hey proudly presenLed Lhls
lnformaLlon Lo Lhe vlce resldenL of SLudenL Servlces. 1hey made Lhe case LhaL
Lhe 1hayne CenLer was acLually Lhe hlghesL-volume servlce cenLer of all four
sLudled, yeL we were worklng ln Lhe smallesL space. WlLhln one year of Lhelr
presenLaLlon we had a newly remodeled offlce on Lhe lower level of Lhe SLudenL
CenLer. We have proud memorles of Lhese sLudenL acLlvlsLs and fond memorles
of our move lnLo a posh offlce sulLe downsLalrs, buL we have also grown
conslderably slnce Lhen. 8oLh Lhe number of sLudenLs we serve and Lhe number
of sLaff we employ conLlnues Lo grow and presenL challenges ln our currenL

8elng on Lhe lower level ls a challenge because Lhe bulk of sLudenL Lrafflc ls
concenLraLed on Lhe Lwo floors above us. As for Lhls space fulfllllng our mlsslon,
lL allowed us Lo grow and expand, an opporLunlLy we're graLeful for. Powever, lL

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 66
ls noL sufflclenL movlng forward lf are Lo conLlnue execuLlng our mlsslon and our
vlslon for Lhe cenLer. As one sLaff member wrlLes, We are ln Lhe SLudenL
CenLer, buL noL near oLher slmllar deparLmenLs ln any physlcal way LhaL would
faclllLaLe naLural, dally lnLeracLlons beLween our sLudenLs and sLaff." 1hls sLaff
member goes on Lo make Lhe same polnL LhaL every program coordlnaLor made
lndependenLly of each oLher ln Lhelr SecLlon 3 reporLs: lL would be wonderful lf
we could somehow be ln Lhe same hallway as SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp so LhaL
sLudenLs ln our respecLlve programs, and any sLudenL vlslLlng Lhe SLudenL
CenLer, could easlly see how we complemenL each oLher. We're all Lrylng Lo
engage sLudenLs, [usL ln dlfferenL ways." 1hls ls a crlLlcal dlscusslon polnL. 1he
locaLlon of our offlce sends a message Lo our sLakeholders, lnLenLlonal or noL.
1he message our currenL space sends Lo sLudenLs ln our leadershlp programs,
and Lo our 1hayne CenLer sLaff, ls LhaL Lhey are somehow less slgnlflcanL Lhan
Lhe programs housed ln Lhe spaclous, more-vlslble offlce sulLes upsLalrs.

Cver Lhe years, we made our space lnvlLlng and found ways Lo evoke our
vlslon and mlsslon. We palnLed Lhe walls, hung colorful posLers and arLwork,
and seL up a comforLable llvlng room area wlLh a sofa, lounge chalrs, and a glanL
LoveSac. We also posLed a ClvlllLy Campalgn slgn, PaLe-lree Zone slgn, and Safe
Zone slgns. All of Lhese vlsual deslgn elemenLs convey, as do Lhe words of our
vlslon and mlsslon, LhaL we are engaglng, collaboraLlve, and anyone ls welcome
ln our space. We are clear wlLh everyone we come ln conLacL wlLh LhaL we serve
as a resource for underrepresenLed and marglnallzed groups. As one sLaff
member wrlLes, SLCC glves us Lhe ablllLy Lo have a colorful aLmosphere and
promoLe our bellefs of safe space for all sLudenLs, sLaff, and faculLy." We also
have a large conference Lable ln Lhe lobby, uLlllzed by sLaff and sLudenLs for
collaboraLlve work, pro[ecLs, and conversaLlons.

Speaklng of Lhe lnvlLlng lobby space, however, lL ls also Lhe offlce of our full-
Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor. All oLher coordlnaLor sLaff have Lhelr
own offlce space where Lhey can meeL wlLh program sLakeholders, shuL Lhe
door Lo focus on pro[ecLs or have confldenLlal conversaLlons, and be

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 67
comforLable wlLh Lhelr 40 hours each week, whereas Lhelr coworker doesn'L
have a place he can safely sLore hls compuLer bag. We work hard Lo creaLe an
open, safe envlronmenL for sLudenLs, buL Lhls also means Lhey hang ouL and
soclallze ln Lhls person's offlce. When anyone uLlllzes Lhe conference Lable for a
meeLlng or lunch break, Lhey are close enough Lo reach ouL and Louch hls desk.
Clearly Lhls ls noL an ldeal worklng envlronmenL and we plan Lo place hlm Lhree
days a week aL our new SouLh ClLy Cfflce (when Lhe CenLer for new Medla ls
flnlshed ln 2013). 1wo days a week he wlll conLlnue Lo work aL 1aylorsvllle
8edwood, llkely aL Lhe lobby desk he occuples now.

We have also ouLgrown our currenL sLorage space and workroom, whlch ls
essenLlally a small hallway behlnd Lhe back wall of Lhe lobby. AlLhough we
rouLlnely purge program supplles and Lake lnvenLory, we've slmply ouLgrown
Lhe sLorage space avallable beLween all of our program offerlngs and Lhe
number of sLaff uslng Lhe space. AL one polnL we had an agreemenL wlLh Lhe
faclllLles crew Lo use Lhe sLorage space behlnd Lhe walls ln arlors A and 8, buL
LhaL space no longer exlsLs afLer Lhose spaces were remodeled.

AnoLher polnL wlLh respecL Lo mlsslon fulflllmenL ls LhaL we coordlnaLe
servlce leadershlp programs or sLudenLs who are ouL Lo change Lhe world." As lL
Lurns ouL, lL Lakes a loL of meeLlngs and supplles Lo change Lhe world. Pavlng
dlscussed Lhe sLorage room, we also need Lo polnL ouL LhaL our sLudenLs do noL
have access Lo a dedlcaLed space over whlch Lhey can feel ownershlp and whlch
allows Lhem Lo really seL up shop, worklng wlLh each oLher conslsLenLly. 1he
sense of communlLy LhaL would come from such a space for sLudenL
programmlng would be lmmensely beneflclal and would greaLly supporL our
mlsslon as faclllLaLors of learnlng and change. Cn a relaLed noLe, our
deparLmenLal culLure ls hlghly collaboraLlve. ln addlLlon Lo our Lwo-hour weekly
sLaff meeLlngs, program coordlnaLors are encouraged Lo work LogeLher and Lhey
meeL regularly Lo allgn programmlng ouLcomes. As one sLaff member wrlLes,
We noL only need more lndlvldual offlce spaces, buL we really need a place Lo
meeL as co-workers LhaL does noL lnfrlnge on sLudenL space."

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We would llke Lo anLlclpaLe changes Lo our faclllLles ln Lhe fuLure. We
recognlze LhaL Lhe growLh experlenced by Lhe 1hayne CenLer ls noL unllke Lhe
growLh experlenced by deparLmenL's all over Lhe lnsLlLuLlon. 1here ls a flnlLe
amounL of space avallable on campus Lo begln wlLh, and we undersLand LhaL.
1he case we're maklng ls LhaL SLCC has supporLed our vlslon and mlsslon ln
many ways over Lhe years. WlLh our cenLral role ln sLudenL leadershlp
developmenL and campus llfe, as well as our lmporLanL lnLeracLlons wlLh faculLy
and communlLy parLners, Lhe work of our deparLmenL dlrecLly fulfllls Lhe
mlsslon of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon. We wanL Lo be able Lo perform LhaL work aL Lhe
hlghesL level of efflclency and vlslblllLy. Cur currenL space does noL allow for
Lhls. We hope Lo work wlLh Lhe admlnlsLraLlon Lo remedy LhaL. Cpenlng our new
offlce aL Lhe SouLh ClLy Campus ln 2013 wlll be a greaL beneflL Lo our sLaff, as
well as Lhe sLudenLs, faculLy, and communlLy parLners wlLh whom we work. lL ls
cenLrally locaLed on Maln SLreeL" and slLs dlrecLly nexL Lo MulLl-culLural
lnlLlaLlves and SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp. 1hls brlghL, open, collaboraLlve
envlronmenL ls exacLly Lhe message we wanL Lo send Lo sLudenLs aL our
1aylorsvllle 8edwood Campus. Also, SLCC's CommunlLy Work-sLudy program
places Amerlca 8eads LuLors aL WhlLLler LlemenLary School, [usL easL of SouLh
ClLy. 1hls new offlce wlll provlde excellenL lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhose sLudenLs.

llnally, as Lo fulfllllng Lhe long-Lerm vlslon of Lhe 1hayne CenLer, Lhe vasL
ma[orlLy of our nonproflL communlLy parLners are locaLed ln downLown SalL
Lake ClLy. We are dolng more now Lhan aL any polnL ln our nearly 20 year
hlsLory Lo engage Lhe communlLy wlLh SLCC and Lo fosLer reclprocal
relaLlonshlps wlLh our nonproflL parLners. lL would be enLlrely relevanL and a
powerful message Lo our communlLy lf we had a presence ln SalL Lake ClLy.
lmaglne a branch of Lhe 1hayne CenLer dedlcaLed expllclLly Lo communlLy
bulldlng and maklng connecLlons beLween communlLy needs and our LalenLed
sLudenLs and faculLy. 1hls embedded-ln-Lhe-communlLy model has been very
successful for Lhe work of Lhe SLCC CommunlLy WrlLlng CenLer. Also, lL would be
slmllar Lo Lhe work of Lhe unlverslLy of uLah's cuLLlng-edge lnlLlaLlve unlverslLy

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nelghborhood arLners

. lL can be more Lhan [usL a Lhlrd locaLlon, lL has Lhe
unllmlLed poLenLlal Lo become Lhe nonproflL communlLy ouLreach arm of SLCC.
lf locaLed downLown, Lhls slsLer verslon of Lhe 1hayne CenLer would enLer a
revoluLlonary new phase of mlsslon fulflllmenL, one LhaL Lruly engages SLCC as
an acLlve member of Lhe communlLy. Worklng ln Lhe fleld, as lL were, we can puL
lnLo acLlon Lhe goal LhaL we are Lhe communlLy's college, fosLerlng soclal change
and empowerlng our sLudenLs and communlLy members. 1hls dlscusslon ls rlpe
wlLh posslblllLy and we plan Lo engage Lhe admlnlsLraLlon ln lL, mosL llkely
Lhrough Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps Councll.
Updat|ng Lqu|pment
1he llsL below ls used for lnvenLory and revlewed on an annual basls Lo audlL our
Lechnology holdlngs, ln Lhls case prlmarlly deskLop and lapLop compuLers. 1he
column on Lhe far rlghL lndlcaLes when Lhe equlpmenL was purchased. Some of
our compuLers are flve years old, and mosL are over Lhree years old. Cur goal, lf
our budgeL allows, ls Lo replace compuLers every 3-3 years aL mosL. We are due
for a slgnlflcanL and cosLly replacemenL of equlpmenL soon. We lncluded a one-
Llme budgeL requesL Lo pay for Lhese replacemenLs ln Lhe l?14 lnformed 8udgeL

unlverslLy nelghborhood arLners (2012), hLLp://

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Incorporate 1echno|ogy
We have an offlce shared drlve where all deparLmenLal and program maLerlals
are sLored. All sLaff, lncludlng our sLudenL employee, have access Lo Lhls drlve.
lor Lhe mosL parL, everyone ls conslsLenL ln sharlng and sLorlng Lhelr work on
Lhe drlve, Lhough Lhere are Llmes people use Lhelr own hard drlve and cause
delays for Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL and ulrecLor as Lhey complle reporLs.
1here ls a separaLe drlve seL up speclflcally for Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL and
ulrecLor Lo sLore flnanclal, personnel, and oLher confldenLlal lnformaLlon.

Cur offlce relles heavlly on emall, as dlscussed already ln SecLlon 3. CuLlook
ls also Lhe Lool we use Lo schedule meeLlngs, malnLaln our lndlvldual and

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collecLlve calendars, and seL Lask remlnders. We do noL use ShareolnL, as we
flnd lL Lo be cumbersome and lnefflclenL. Powever, as of AugusL 2012, SLCC's l1
deparLmenL moved all MyMall accounLs a Cmall plaLform (calllng lL
8rulnMall"). 1hls ls an exclLlng developmenL and as a sLaff we plan Lo explore
Lhe collaboraLlve aspecLs of Lhe Coogle sulLe.

Cur AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL and ulrecLor have access Lo boLh Lhe flnance
and sLudenL record sldes of 8anner. 1he admln, more so Lhan anyone else ln Lhe
offlce, uses 8anner rouLlnely Lo perform her [ob duLles. She has also creaLed an
Lxcel spreadsheeL Lo correlaLe wlLh 8anner and accuraLely reflecL our flnanclal
accounLs ln a way LhaL 8anner does noL.

As of now, we do noL have one collecLlve offlce daLabase for all sLudenLs,
faculLy, and communlLy parLners lnvolved ln our programs. Lach coordlnaLor
keeps Lrack of Lhelr sLakeholders ln Lxcel spreadsheeLs, saved on Lhe shared
drlve. 1he CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor uses Lxcel, buL also CrgSync Lo
Lrack and manage our nonproflL communlLy parLners. CrgSync ls an onllne
sofLware plaLform LhaL lnsLlLuLlons of hlgher educaLlon use Lo engage Lhelr
sLudenLs wlLh campus and communlLy llfe. 1hlnk of lL as a cusLomlzed lacebook
for your speclflc lnsLlLuLlon. Whlle Lhese Lools work ln pockeLs of Lhe
deparLmenL, Lhe lack of one cenLral deparLmenLal daLabase may be someLhlng
Lo look lnLo ln Lhe fuLure, lf we ldenLlfy a beneflL and deLermlne lL's necessary.

We rely heavlly on Lhe servlces of Campus Labs, an onllne assessmenL Lool.
1he 1hayne CenLer has fully embraced Lhe assessmenL agenda of SLudenL
Servlces and we slmply could noL do whaL we do wlLhouL access Lo Lhe sofLware
and professlonal consulLlng Leam aL Campus Labs.

Webs|te & Soc|a| Med|a
As wlLh every deparLmenL aL Lhe College, we use Cascade CMS Lo updaLe our
webslLe. Cur AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL ls Lhe prlmary person responslble for
maklng Lhese updaLes. We rely on each program coordlnaLor Lo submlL Lo Lhe

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 72
admln up-Lo-daLe conLenL for Lhelr respecLlve program. We LreaL our
lnsLlLuLlonal webslLe as our mosL sLaLlc plaLform, lnLended Lo house lnformaLlon
LhaL changes once a semesLer aL mosL. We use our soclal medla plaLforms for
dynamlc conLenL and dally updaLes. Cur plaLforms lnclude lacebook, 8logger,
?ou1ube, 1wlLLer, Scrlbd, and lllckr.

We use our soclal medla plaLforms prlmarlly Lo promoLe our communlLy
parLners' volunLeer opporLunlLles, scholarshlps and [ob openlngs, academlc
arLlcles and news sLorles relevanL Lo Lhemes of clvlc engagemenL, and Lhe
programmlng of oLher SLCC deparLmenLs. We use each plaLform for lLs speclflc
medlum as well, l.e., documenLs and fllers on Scrlbd, phoLos on lllckr, vldeos on
?ou1ube, eLc. ln order Lo manage our complex soclal medla ouLreach sLraLegy,
we purchased a conLracL wlLh Argyle SofLware. Cur CommunlLy arLnershlps
CoordlnaLor says Lhls Lool has sLreamllned hls Lasks and maxlmlzed hls
producLlvlLy. As for lmprovemenLs, we need Lo creaLe a more subsLanLlal onllne
vldeo daLabase of communlLy parLner slLe vlslLs, a Pow-1o" serles for sLudenLs,
faculLy, and parLners, a screen-shoL serles LhaL Leaches people how Lo navlgaLe
our dlfferenL onllne slLes and CrgSync, and besL-pracLlce lnformaLlon on servlce-
learnlng pedagogy. Many hlgher-ed servlce-learnlng cenLers have creaLed
slmllar vldeos, so Lhere are models for us as we move forward wlLh Lhls goal.

As of fall 2012, we expanded our onllne presence Lo lncorporaLe sLudenLs
and communlLy parLner organlzaLlons on CrgSync. 1he company recenLly
creaLed a Servlce ManagemenL package, aL Lhe requesL of many colleglaLe
servlce-learnlng cenLers across Lhe counLry, LhaL goes well beyond Lhe sLudenL-
focused lnLeracLlons CrgSync ls known for. Cnce lL ls up and runnlng, Lhls
daLabase wlll be beneflclal for our communlLy parLners, servlce-learnlng
sLudenLs, and sLudenLs-aL-large who wanL Lo flnd a volunLeer opporLunlLy. 1hls
slLe ls malnLalned by our CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor, and Lhe newly-
revamped CommunlLy arLnershlp AgreemenL dlcLaLes Llered levels of
engagemenL correspondlng Lo promoLlonal servlces avallable ln CrgSync.

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Adequacy of 1echno|ogy Support and Sk|||s
Cn an lnsLlLuLlonal level, our Lechnology supporL for Wlndows malnLenance and
LroubleshooLlng ls mosLly adequaLe, however, SLCC's l1 deparLmenL ls noL
speclflcally Lralned when lL comes Lo Apple compuLers. 1hls means LhaL our
ulrecLor manages mosL of her own updaLes and malnLenance. 1he College does
offer sufflclenL Lralnlng Lo sLaff on Lechnology and sofLware plaLforms. 1he
lssue, as wlLh mosL professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles, ls sLaff flndlng Lhe
Llme Lo aLLend. We are forLunaLe ln Lhe sense LhaL we have a number of Lech
savvy employees ln our deparLmenL. 1hese people also wllllngly help Lhelr co-
workers who are less so. We Lend Lo handle Lhe malnLenance LhaL we can on
our own and call l1 only when lssues are more admlnlsLraLlve and sysLemlc.

ro[ected Needs |n regards to Iac|||t|es, Lqu|pment, and 1echno|ogy
As for pro[ecLed faclllLles needs, Lo relLeraLe whaL we've menLloned LhroughouL
Lhe above secLlons, we need an offlce sulLe LhaL accommodaLes our new full-
Llme coordlnaLor as parL of our growlng Leam, dedlcaLed meeLlng space for sLaff
and sLudenL leaders, addlLlonal sLorage space, and a plece of real esLaLe wlLhln
Lhe SLudenL CenLer LhaL accuraLely conveys our value and conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe
College mlsslon. Also, as we work Lo grow our Leam over Lhe nexL several years,
wlLh addlLlonal leadershlp poslLlons and faculLy co-dlrecLors, we need an offlce
sulLe LhaL we can grow lnLo. ln Lhe long-Lerm, we would be ldeally poslLloned
wlLh a verslon of Lhe 1hayne CenLer downLown.

As for equlpmenL and Lechnology, we're due for a slgnlflcanL, and
expenslve, replacemenL cycle ln Lhe nexL couple years (refer Lo Lhe Lechnology
audlL earller ln SecLlon 3). Whlle we have been worklng Lo bulld up our SLudenL
lee carry forward funds Lo accounL for Lhls lssue, we wlll llkely need Lo requesL
one-Llme lnsLlLuLlonal fundlng Lo supplemenL our fee dollars and compleLe Lhe

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 74

VI. Lth|ca| & Lega| kespons|b|||t|es

ku|es, kegu|at|ons, and kespons|b|||t|es
WlLhln our Lhree-fold mlsslon Lo work wlLh sLudenLs, faculLy, and communlLy
parLners, Lhere are regulaLlons lmposed exLernally and Lhere are also
regulaLlons we sLrucLure for our own programmlng. All personnel ablde by Lhe
SLCC ollcles and rocedures
as seL forLh by Lhe lnsLlLuLlon. 8elevanL
regulaLlons range from conLracL slgnaLorles Lo dlsclpllnary sancLlons, from Lravel
relmbursemenLs Lo academlc freedom ln relaLlon Lo creaLlng servlce-learnlng
syllabl. 8eyond LhaL, Lhe prlmary regulaLlons by whlch we, and our sLudenLs,
faculLy, and communlLy parLners ablde, are Lhe SLCC SLudenL Code of ConducL
lamlly LducaLlonal 8lghLs and rlvacy AcL (lL8A)
, uLah ubllc Cfflcers and
Lmployees LLhlcs AcL
, CovernmenL 8ecords Access and ManagemenL AcL
, Amerlcans wlLh ulsablllLles AcL (AuA)
, SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln
Clvlc LngagemenL ConLracL, CommunlLy arLnershlp AgreemenL, SLCC SLudenL
1ravel ConducL Walver for AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak
, and Lhe Amerlca 8eads
1uLor ConLracL. As a federal flnanclal ald program, Amerlca 8eads musL also
follow Lhe regulaLlons ouLllned by Lhe SLCC's llnanclal Ald Cfflce
and Lhe u.S.
ueparLmenL of LducaLlon
, speclflcally Lhe lederal SLudenL Ald handbook

SalL Lake CommunlLy College (2012),
. 1he
SLCC SLudenL Code of ConducL (2012),
u.S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (2012),
SLaLe of uLah (2012), hLLp://
SLaLe of uLah (2012), hLLp://
u.S. ueparLmenL of !usLlce (2012), hLLp://
SLCC SLudenL 1ravel ConducL Walver (2010),
SLCC llnanclal Ald Cfflce (2012), hLLp://
u.S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon (2012), hLLp://

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 73
Servlce-Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund ls governed boLh by Lhe SLCC Low uollar
urchase Culdellnes
and Lhe SLaLe of uLah surplus laws

Awareness & Comp||ance
1hayne CenLer sLaff members aLLend all requlred College Lralnlngs and revlew
Lhe 43-day pollcy proposals senL Lo all College personnel. ln cases of program-
speclflc regulaLlons, we have noL cross-Lralned sLaff, raLher Lhey have
lndlvldually become experLs ln Lhe regulaLlons LhaL apply Lo Lhelr program.
1hough Lhls ls noL Lhe ldeal sLrucLure, and can be lmproved ln many ways, ln
mosL cases lL has been successful. ln Lhe case of Lhe program managed by our
lederal Work-sLudy Amerlca 8eads CoordlnaLor, however, Lhere are many
complex Puman 8esources requlremenLs as well as federal flnanclal ald
regulaLlons. uesplLe repeaLed requesLs for Lralnlng and many aLLempLs Lo
lnlLlaLe co-managemenL of Lhls program over Lhe years, Lhe llnanclal Ald Cfflce
and Puman 8esources have noL been responslve Lo elLher. 1he personnel ln
Lhese offlces ofLen refer our CoordlnaLor back Lo Lhe pollcles abouL whlch she ls
calllng wlLh quesLlons. ln essence, she has had Lo Leach herself Lhe regulaLlons
governlng her program by researchlng onllne and havlng conversaLlons wlLh Lhe
ulrecLor (who prevlously ln her career managed communlLy work-sLudy

[L( K$L.52 *9 )*++,-.$/@I"2(3 G*4'
MosL professlonal sLaff members come Lo Lhe 1hayne CenLer from Lhe fleld of
clvlc engagemenL and servlce-learnlng, meanlng Lhey already have a
foundaLlonal undersLandlng of Lhe eLhlcs of communlLy organlzlng. 1he ulrecLor
and Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor boLh have MasLer of ArLs ln
CommunlLy Leadershlp (MACL) degrees. 8elevanL Lo all sLaff are Lhe publlcaLlons

u.S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon, lSA Pandbook (2012),
SLCC Low uollar urchase Culdellnes (2007),
SLaLe of uLah AdmlnlsLraLlve Code (2012),

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 76
ln our fleld and Lhe conferences LhaL conLlnue Lo bulld Lhelr knowledge and skllls
Lo LhaL effecL. 1he Lralnlng LhaL we do wlLh our sLudenLs and servlce-learnlng
faculLy members lnLenLlonally lncorporaLes dlscusslons around Lhese eLhlcs,
namely Lhe fundamenLal premlse of grassrooLs organlzlng, whlch ls LhaL no one
ls more capable of solvlng a communlLy's challenges Lhan Lhe communlLy lLself.
CommunlLy organlzers (whlch ln our case means professlonal 1hayne CenLer
sLaff, sLudenLs, and faculLy members) are faclllLaLors and do noL lmpose Lhelr
values or soluLlons on any glven communlLy. Speclflcally, AsseL-based
CommunlLy uevelopmenL (A8Cu) ls a pedagogy LhaL recognlzes Lhe sLrengLhs
lnherenL ln resldenLs and ln Lhe communlLy caplLals (human, culLural, pollLlcal,
bullL, naLural, flnanclal, and soclal caplLal). A8Cu works Lo faclllLaLe soluLlons
from a foundaLlon of asseLs, raLher Lhan deflclLs and all LhaL a communlLy ls
percelved Lo noL have on hand.

lL ls Lhls eLhos LhaL we Lry Lo lnsLlll ln all of our sLakeholders. When we work
wlLh our sLudenL leader cohorLs, and when we work wlLh faculLy Lo resLrucLure
and deslgnaLe Lhelr servlce-learnlng course, we sLrucLure Lralnlngs and
conversaLlons Lo Lhls effecL. Where we fall shorL ls ln havlng llLLle Lo no dlrecL
conLacL wlLh sLudenLs enrolled ln deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng courses. LasL year
alone LhaL amounLed Lo nearly 6,000 sLudenLs. We rely on a Lraln-Lhe-Lralner
model of worklng wlLh faculLy Lo sLrucLure a sLrong course, buL Lhe classroom
Lralnlng and lnLeracLlon ls Lhen lefL Lo Lhem.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 77

VII. Assessment & Lva|uat|on

A Cu|ture of Lv|dence
Ask any sLaff member ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer Lo descrlbe how Lhelr work ls
relevanL Lo Lhe lnsLlLuLlon and Lhey wlll follow Lhls llne of explanaLlon: SLCC
vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenL, college-wlde learnlng ouLcomes, SLudenL Servlces
learnlng ouLcomes, 1hayne CenLer vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenL, Lhelr
program's vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenLs, and flnally Lhe sLudenL learnlng
ouLcomes deslgned for Lhelr program, whlch are modeled on boLh Lhe College
learnlng ouLcomes and Lhose of SLudenL Servlces. 1he 1hayne CenLer has fully
embraced Lhe pracLlce of assessmenL and woven lL deeply LhroughouL our every
day work. WlLhln Lhe fleld of clvlc engagemenL, Lhe LheoreLlcal foundaLlon of
experlenLlal learnlng and crlLlcal reflecLlon LranslaLe seamlessly lnLo a culLure of
evldence and assessmenL. 8aLher Lhan needlng Lo be convlnced of Lhe value of
assessmenL, over Lhe pasL Lhree years our efforLs as a deparLmenL have focused
on acqulrlng Lhe knowledge and skllls necessary Lo deslgn and conducL complex
assessmenL cycles.
Lvery 1hayne CenLer program ls requlred Lo conducL aL leasL one
assessmenL every academlc year. ln many cases, sLaff members manage
mulLlple assessmenL pro[ecLs slmulLaneously. As Lhe daLa rolls ln and as we
deLermlne whlch pro[ecLs ylelded Lhe rlchesL resulLs, we collaboraLlvely selecL
parLlcular programs Lo be hlghllghLed ln our Annual AssessmenL 8eporL. WlLhln
each reporL we dlscuss Lhe assessmenL Lypes and meLhods, flndlngs, and how
LhaL daLa wlll lmprove programmlng ln Lhe followlng year. 8elow ls a Lhree-year
hlsLory of our assessmenL pro[ecLs. 1he reporLs are lncluded ln Lhe Appendlces
and as hyperllnks ln Lhe fooLnoLes, reference Lhe full reporL ln Appendlx C.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 78
1hree-ear n|story of Assessment ro[ects

Annua| Impact Summary
Cur Annual lmpacL Summary ls a purely quanLlLaLlve snapshoL of our programs
and servlces wlLhln each year. We began collecLlng Lhls daLa as a requlremenL of
our flrsL federal granL ln 2003. We conLlnued Lhe pracLlce beyond LhaL fundlng
cycle and have slnce been successful ln uslng Lhese daLa Lo sollclL lncreased
lnsLlLuLlonal, granL, and sLudenL fee fundlng, as well as addlLlonal sLaff poslLlons
for Lhe deparLmenL. We also flnd Lhls lnformaLlon useful as abbrevlaLed Lalklng
polnLs when explalnlng Lhe scope of our work Lo College admlnlsLraLors and
communlLy organlzaLlons.

UVWW@UVWUJ [("5L 1( $* N40"-.Q(
ln 2011-2012 we hlghllghLed Lhe followlng assessmenL pro[ecLs ln our annual
reporL. lor a descrlpLlon of resulLs and subsequenL plans, reference Lhe full
reporL ln Appendlx C:

AS8: A|ternat|ve Spr|ng 8reak
o SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes, dlrecL and lndlrecL
8ubrlc compleLed by Lrlp advlsors and pre-/posL-
surveys compleLed by sLudenL Lrlp parLlclpanLs
o needs AssessmenL: We always ask sLudenLs an open-ended
quesLlon of whaL can be lmproved abouL Lhe
Commun|ty Work-study Amer|ca keads
o SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes, boLh dlrecL and lndlrecL
osL survey and reflecLlve essays posLed as blog

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng (2012),
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng (2012),

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 79
o CuanLlLaLlve rogram CuLcome: LlLeracy raLes of elemenLary
school sLudenLs
o needs AssessmenL: We always ask sLudenLs an open-ended
quesLlon of whaL can be lmproved abouL Lhe
Commun|ty artnersh|p Cutreach
o CuanLlLaLlve rogram CuLcome: SlLe vlslLs, CommunlLy
arLnershlp AgreemenLs slgned

UVWV@UVWWJ K+B*>(4.-0 &("3(42
ln 2010-2011 we hlghllghLed Lhe followlng assessmenL pro[ecLs ln our annual
reporL. lor a descrlpLlon of resulLs and subsequenL plans, reference Lhe full
reporL ln Appendlx u:

SLICL: Student Leaders |n C|v|c Lngagement
o SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes, dlrecL and lndlrecL
CuallLaLlve assessmenL of sLudenLs' reflecLlve wrlLlng
SLICL: Student Leaders |n C|v|c Lngagement Mentor rogram
o SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes, dlrecL and lndlrecL
8ubrlc compleLed by program coordlnaLor
needs AssessmenL: We always ask sLudenLs an open-
ended quesLlon of whaL can be lmproved abouL Lhe
Commun|ty Work-study Amer|ca keads
o CuanLlLaLlve rogram CuLcome: LlLeracy raLes of elemenLary
school sLudenLs
Commun|ty artnersh|p Cutreach
o CuanLlLaLlve rogram CuLcome: slLe vlslLs, CommunlLy
arLnershlp AgreemenLs slgned

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng (2011),

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 80
UVV]@UVWVJ &("4-.-0 $* !(4<(T !(4<.-0 $* &("4-T
ln 2009-2010 we hlghllghLed Lhe followlng assessmenL pro[ecLs ln our annual
reporL. lor a descrlpLlon of resulLs and subsequenL plans, reference Lhe full
reporL ln Appendlx L:

SLICL: Student Leaders |n C|v|c Lngagement
o SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes, dlrecL and lndlrecL
AS8: A|ternat|ve Spr|ng 8reak
o SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes, dlrecL and lndlrecL
o SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes: Course evaluaLlons ln newly
deslgnaLed courses
o rogram CuLcomes: laculLy and CommunlLy arLner course
evaluaLlons ln newly deslgnaLed SL courses
Commun|ty artner Cutreach
o rogram CuLcomes: LffecLlveness of parLnershlp wlLh 1hayne
Cnllne survey and focus groups
kef|ect|on on rocess, rogress, and Iuture Assessment |ans
1he mosL slgnlflcanL shlfL ln process over Lhe pasL Lhree years ls LhaL sLaff
members are now responslble Lo plan, manage, and reporL on Lhe full cycle of
Lhelr assessmenL pro[ecLs. ln Lhe pasL, Lhe ulrecLor Look Lhe lead on Lhe annual
assessmenL reporL, sollclLlng parLlcular daLa or feedback from sLaff when
necessary, buL noL requlrlng Lhe acLual process Lo be managed by sLaff
members. Lven Loday Lhe ulrecLor sLlll wrlLes Lhe flnal reporL, buL does so based
on Lhe programmaLlc reporLs submlLLed by sLaff members. ln order Lo supporL
everyone ln Lhls LranslLlon, we parLlclpaLed ln a number of Campus Labs
weblnar Lralnlngs, hosLed our own assessmenL reLreaLs and Lralnlngs, and made

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng (2010),

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 81
assessmenL a sLandlng Loplc of dlscusslon on our weekly sLaff meeLlng agenda.
lor Lhe flrsL year and half Lhe ulrecLor also spenL a greaL deal of Llme menLorlng
people lndlvldually and Leachlng sLaff how Lo wrlLe programmaLlc learnlng
ouLcomes Lo ensure Lhe mosL useful assessmenL posslble.

Along Lhose same llnes, sLaff members propose Lhelr assessmenL plan each
!une and work Lo flne-Lune lL wlLh Lhe ulrecLor. 1he deparLmenL's assessmenL
plan ls Lherefore a compllaLlon of lndlvldual pro[ecLs. A goal for fuLure years ls Lo
more lnLenLlonally creaLe an assessmenL plan LhaL synLheslzes one slngle Lheme
LhroughouL Lhe deparLmenL. We do Lhls Lo a degree each year, buL sLaff sLlll
work lndlvldually on Lhelr speclflc pro[ecLs. ldeally, a sLrucLure lndlcaLlve of Lhe
1hayne CenLer's collaboraLlve eLhos would be one ln whlch a slngle Lheme ls
selecLed and Lhen every program deLermlnes whaL can be speclflcally assess ln
order Lo conLrlbuLe daLa Loward LhaL Lheme. 1hls noL only allows lndlvldual
programs Lo lmplemenL changes and lmprovemenLs, buL also allows Lhe
deparLmenL as a whole Lo make coheslve shlfLs ln programmlng prlorlLles and

Slmllarly, lL ls also our goal Lo explore Lhe ldea of creaLlng learnlng ouLcomes
for Lhe 1hayne CenLer as a whole. Lach program would selecL from Lhe
deparLmenLal ouLcomes Lhe speclflc focus of lLs assessmenL pro[ecLs each year.
1hls would creaLe a coheslve message for sLudenLs, faculLy, and communlLy
parLners as Lo Lhe ouLcomes Loward whlch Lhe 1hayne CenLer menLors our
sLudenLs. 1hls pracLlce ls ln llne wlLh cuLLlng edge changes Laklng place ln Lhe
clvlc engagemenL fleld rlghL now. 1he Carnegle loundaLlon for Lhe
AdvancemenL of 1eachlng supporLs Lhe ldea of lnsLlLuLlons esLabllshlng college-
wlde learnlng ouLcomes relaLed speclflcally Lo communlLy-based learnlng and
servlce-learnlng. lf Lhe 1hayne CenLer were Lo Lake Lhe lead on Lhls concepL, we
can ln Lurn conLrlbuLe a reporL of our efforLs Lo SLCC's appllcaLlon for Lhe
Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy LngagemenL.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 82
ln order Lo work Loward boLh of Lhese lnnovaLlons, we plan Lo ldenLlfy Lhe ma[or
Lhemes of our rogram 8evlew recommendaLlons and bulld our l?14
assessmenL plan from LhaL foundaLlon.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 83

VIII. Summary of Se|f-Study

Ma[or Changes over the Last I|ve ears
As wlLh oLher quesLlons posed ln Lhls self-sLudy, sLaff members were glven Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo lndependenLly reflecL and submlL Lhelr LhoughLs on Lhls flnal
secLlon. 1helr responses were Lhen coded for repeLlLlon and agreemenL. Across
Lhe board Lhe Lwo mosL slgnlflcanL changes clLed were sLafflng and loss of
federal fundlng.

As sLaLed ln SecLlon 2, Lhe 1hayne CenLer experlenced a number of sLafflng
LranslLlons over Lhe pasL few years. WlLh a small Leam as collaboraLe as ours,
Lhese changes are slgnlflcanL and alLer Lhe dynamlc of Lhe deparLmenL.

new ulrecLor ln 2009, afLer Lhe prevlous ulrecLor's Lenure of elghL years
new Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor ln 2010, afLer Lhe prevlous
CoordlnaLor's Lenure of seven years
new AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL ln 2010, afLer Lhe prevlous SecreLary
became Lhe Servlce-Leadershlp CoordlnaLor
1hree dlfferenL year-long cycles of AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers (2009,
2010, 2011)
new parL-Llme (2011), Lhen full-Llme (2012), CommunlLy arLnershlps

As explalned ln deLall ln SecLlon 3, under Lhe currenL leadershlp of Lhe
deparLmenL, sLaff members are now responslble for Lhe compleLe cycle of
program managemenL. 1hls calls for noL only new sklll seLs, buL also greaLer
accounLablllLy and responslblllLy bullL lnLo Lhelr lnLeracLlons wlLh Lhe ulrecLor.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 84
1he LranslLlon from one Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor Lo anoLher, as well as
Lhe LranslLlon from AmerlCorps vlS1As Lo a full-Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps
CoordlnaLor, has been dlscussed aL lengLh LhroughouL dlfferenL secLlons ln Lhls
self-sLudy (see SecLlons 2 and 3). Many of our goals and recommendaLlons are
based on Lhe success or challenge of Lhese LranslLlons. 1he maln polnL sLaff
ralsed ln Lhelr reporLs ls Lhe need for an AssoclaLe ulrecLor. 1hey all reallze Lhe
exLenL Lo whlch Lhls poslLlon wlll beneflL Lhelr work and professlonal growLh.
SLaff members were also ln agreemenL LhaL we could overcome some of our
sLafflng challenges wlLh faculLy leadershlp ln Lhe servlce-learnlng program, as
well as a handful of skllled work-sLudy sLudenLs ln Lhe offlce.

&*22 *9 8(3(4"# 8,-3.-0
Slnce 2003 Lhe 1hayne CenLer en[oyed a sLeady sLream of federal fundlng. We
used hundreds of Lhousands of dollars over Lhe pasL decade Lo grow Lhe cenLer,
Lhe sLaff, Lhe program offerlngs, and our repuLaLlon ln Lhe naLlonal fleld of clvlc
engagemenL. As ouLllned ln deLall ln SecLlon 4, over Lhe pasL few years Congress
deeply cuL fundlng for publlc servlce programs, ellmlnaLlng 100 of Learn and
Serve Amerlca and $40 mllllon dollar from AmerlCorps. 1hese changes led us Lo
ellmlnaLe Lhe 1hayne CenLer's AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award program and we
losL $16,000-$23,000 ln admlnlsLraLlve pass-Lhru fundlng annually. 1he oLher
challenge we face ls SLCC's decreaslng enrollmenL numbers. As Lhe economy
lmproves and more people reLurn Lo work, our enrollmenL numbers decrease,
whlch means our maln source of sLudenL fee revenue also decreases.

1hls challenge can be meL ln one of Lwo ways, elLher by decreaslng
expenses or lncreaslng revenue. ln analyzlng our budgeLs lL ls clear LhaL we
already operaLe on a shoesLrlng and have managed Lo Lrlm any excess.
1herefore, movlng forward, our goal wlll be Lo lncrease our sLudenL fee revenue
and pursue lnsLlLuLlonal fundlng. lf we are successful ln our requesL for an
AsslsLanL ulrecLor poslLlon, Lhen we wlll also have an lncreased capaclLy Lo seek
ouL and manage granL fundlng.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 83
Ma[or Accomp||shments & Strengths, kesources Needed for Iuture
Many of our ma[or accompllshmenLs are also challenges, Lhough we prefer Lo
see Lhem as opporLunlLles. As wlLh every polnL made ln SecLlon 8, sLaff
members conLrlbuLed Lhelr lndlvldual LhoughLs and also collaboraLed ln Lwo
dlfferenL sLaff meeLlngs Lo ldenLlfy our mosL slgnlflcanL accompllshmenLs and
challenglng opporLunlLles. lor an ln-depLh dlscusslon of speclflc program
accompllshmenLs and challenges, as well as goals for Lhe fuLure, please
reference Appendlces C - M. 1he followlng dlscusslons represenL a
deparLmenLal meLa perspecLlve:

^.2.*-S 1.22.*-S &("4-.-0 N,$5*+(2
ln 2009 Lhe sLaff collaboraLed Lo creaLe a vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenL for Lhe
deparLmenL, as well as sLudenL learnlng ouLcomes for every program. 1he
1hayne CenLer had an exlsLlng mlsslon sLaLemenL, buL lL no longer reflecLed Lhe
scope of our work. SLaff clLed boLh Lhe experlence of creaLlng Lhe sLaLemenLs, as
well as Lhe sLrucLure Lhey creaLed, as one of Lhe prlmary sLrengLhs of our
deparLmenL. lL creaLes lnLenLlonal assessmenL cycles LhaL lmprove our work
every year. lL speaks Lo Lhe drlve, passlon, and hlgh-quallLy work our
deparLmenL ls known for. We have a very clear sense of whaL we do every day,
why we do lL, and where we hope Lo be years from now. 1hls clarlLy ls pervaslve,
from Lhe ulrecLor Lo sLudenLs ln our programs. SLaff and Lhelr sLudenLs
undersLand how we flL lnLo Lhe larger mlsslon of SLCC and why our work ls
cenLral Lo Lhe vlslon of a communlLy college.

1hrough Lhls self-sLudy's process of examlnaLlon we've reallzed LhaL Lhe
opporLunlLy we have now ls Lo revlslL our vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenLs. We say
ln our vlslon sLaLemenL, We belleve lnsLlLuLlons of hlgher educaLlon have a
responslblllLy Lo culLlvaLe an engaged clLlzenry." Cur sLaff all know whaL LhaL
means ln Lerms of Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe 1hayne CenLer and our lnLeracLlon wlLh
Lhe college and greaLer communlLy, buL we are noL as expllclL as we should be.
1hls sLaLemenL can be revlsed Lo more clearly arLlculaLe Lhe speclflc vlslon of our

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 86
role ln fulfllllng SLCC's communlLy-based mlsslon. Also, we need Lo revlslL Lhe
followlng sLaLemenL ln our mlsslon: faclllLaLe servlce-learnlng developmenL
opporLunlLles for faculLy." 1haL ls sLlll absoluLely Lrue, buL we've also reached a
polnL where servlce-learnlng cannoL be a bouLlque program coordlnaLed for an
engaged few. 1hls sLaLemenL should more accuraLely reflecL Lhe work we wlll do
over Lhe nexL few years Lo lnsLlLuLlonallze and embed engaged learnlng ln larger
currlcular lnlLlaLlves. 1he opporLunlLy we have wlLh our learnlng ouLcomes ls Lo
conslder a deparLmenLal seL of ouLcomes from whlch each program wlll draw as
needed for Lhelr annual assessmenL goals. 1hls ldea came ouL of our analysls ln
Lhls self-sLudy and we feel lL wlll add even greaLer coheslon Lo our work. We wlll
be able Lo demonsLraLe learnlng ouLcomes across programs and collaboraLe
among sLaff Lo an even greaLer degree. ln Lurn, LhaL wlll allow us Lo
demonsLraLe our relevance Lo a hosL of lnsLlLuLlonal prlorlLles.

[L( X(C$ 6L"2( *9 !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0
When dlscusslng Lhe accompllshmenLs of our academlc servlce-learnlng
program, one cannoL underesLlmaLe Lhe slgnlflcance of a deparLmenL housed ln
SLudenL Servlces esLabllshlng an lnLerdlsclpllnary program wlLhln Academlc
Affalrs, recelvlng fundlng from Lhe rovosL, and creaLlng an lnsLlLuLlonal course
deslgnaLlon process sancLloned by Lhe laculLy SenaLe. 1hls collaboraLlon ls a
hallmark noL only of Lhe 1hayne CenLer eLhos, buL lL also speaks Lo Lhe sLrong
relaLlonshlps upon whlch we wlll conLlnue Lo bulld Lhe nexL phase of servlce-
learnlng aL SLCC. Cver Lhe pasL Len years Lhe 1hayne CenLer has bullL a neLwork
of faculLy supporLers and parLnered closely wlLh Lhe laculLy 1eachlng &
Learnlng CenLer Lo offer an array of professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles for
lnsLrucLors across all dlsclpllnes. 1he program began Lhe process of
lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon when we were awarded a large slngle-lnsLlLuLlon Learn and
Serve Amerlca granL from 2003-2006. 1he success and lnnovaLlon of our
program has been recognlzed wlLh Lwo granLs from Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of
CommunlLy Colleges and Lhe opporLunlLy Lo parLlclpaLe for slx years ln AACC's
naLlonal consulLlng neLwork (2006-2009, 2009-2012), a presLlglous award from
Lhe CommunlLy College naLlonal CenLer for CommunlLy LngagemenL (2008).

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 87
Whlle we have a solld foundaLlon for servlce-learnlng aL SLCC, faculLy
parLlclpaLlon has waned ln recenL years and Lhe program has sLruggled Lo bulld
momenLum for Lhe nexL phase of developmenL. Cur opporLunlLy Lhus lles ln Lhe
revlLallzaLlon of our program, as well as Lhe developmenL of Lhe nexL phase.

As prevlously sLaLed ln Lhe conLexL of updaLlng our mlsslon sLaLemenL, lf we
are Lo move forward as a deparLmenL and fulflll Lhe clvlc mlsslon of a
communlLy college, we should no longer operaLe servlce-learnlng as a bouLlque
program coordlnaLed for an engaged few. 1o lmprove, we should no longer
deslgnaLe a course or Lwo each semesLer and conslder Lhls sufflclenL progress.
We need Lo malnLaln LhaL offerlng for faculLy, buL also Lurn our aLLenLlon Lo
lssues of scalablllLy. We need Lo focus on Lhe creaLlon of Lngaged ueparLmenLs
and esLabllshlng serles of courses across Lhe dlsclpllnes LhaL provlde engaged
paLhways for lnLeresL sLudenLs. We have an exclLlng opporLunlLy ln Lhls sense Lo
revlLallze our parLner wlLh Academlc Affalrs and furLher lnLegraLe communlLy-
based pedagogy LhroughouL boLh Ceneral LducaLlon and Career and 1echnlcal
LducaLlon. Cne challenge we face ls Lhe percepLlon LhaL servlce-learnlng ls
narrowly deflned and relegaLed Lo a handful of obvlous dlsclpllnes. We have a
loL of work Lo do as a deparLmenL Lo educaLe our colleagues as Lo Lhe expanslve
posslblllLles of communlLy-based learnlng pedagogy. ln facL, we may even need
Lo reconslder our language and Lhe crlLerla of our course deslgnaLlon process.

We feel forLunaLe Lo have a creaLlve, lnnovaLlve, supporLlve admlnlsLraLlve
Leam ln place aL Lhls Llme. 1hls wlll work Lo our advanLage lf we can flnd Lhe besL
way Lo approach Lhe lssue. We are forLunaLe Lo have sLrong supporL from our
own v of SLudenL Servlces, as well as from Lhe Av of SLudenL Llfe & uean of
SLudenLs, Lhe resldenL, rovosL, AssoclaLe rovosL of LducaLlon and
CommunlLy arLnershlps, vlce resldenL of CovernmenL and CommunlLy
8elaLlons, and a newly-hlred one-year Lemporary poslLlon dedlcaLed enLlrely Lo
pursulng Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy LngagemenL. now ls Lhe
Llme. 1he nexL few years are golng Lo be a rlch, creaLlve Llme for SLCC's servlce-
learnlng developmenL. 1he resource we need mosL lmmedlaLely ls a faculLy co-

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 88
manager of servlce-learnlng. We see Lhls as requlrlng funds from Lhe rovosL's
offlce Lo reasslgn all buL one course for aL leasL one faculLy members each year.
We also need access Lo sLraLeglc lnsLlLuLlonal conversaLlons abouL Leachlng and
learnlng. 8eyond LhaL, Lhe resources acLually needed Lo lmplemenL Lhese
forLhcomlng changes wlll be dlscovered as Lhe process unfolds.

!$,3(-$ K-0"0(+(-$ P !*5."# 1(3."
ln 2009 we launched our flrsL soclal medla campalgn. We began wlLh lacebook,
1wlLLer, and ?ou1ube, and have slnce expanded Lo 8logger, lllckr, Scrlbd, and
CrgSync. We were among Lhe flrsL deparLmenLs on campus Lo uLlllze soclal
medla and our lnnovaLlons caLalyzed Lhe efforLs of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon lLself, as our
lnLeracLlve web presence predaLed LhaL of Lhe College. We en[oy lnLeracLlons
among many sLudenLs, communlLy parLners, and even faculLy on our slLes.
Powever, as ls Lhe preemlnenL dllemma of all soclal medla, our saLuraLlon polnL
ls dlsappolnLlng. WlLh a poLenLlal reach of 10,000-20,000 l1L sLudenLs ln any
glven semesLer, our nearly 600 lacebook followers doesn'L seem llke such an
lmpresslve number afLer all. 1he prlmary purpose of our ouLreach ls Lo promoLe
sLudenL volunLeer opporLunlLles and Lhe work of our nonproflL parLners. We are
noL yeL fulfllllng our poLenLlal Lo reach Lhousands of sLudenLs. Cur CommunlLy
arLnershlps CoordlnaLor ls Lhe lead polnL person for our soclal medla ouLreach,
buL wlLh Lhe scope of hls responslblllLles, he ls noL able Lo focus solely on a
campalgn Lo generaLe followers. We would beneflL from a Lech savvy sLudenL
employee who undersLands soclal markeLlng and ls passlonaLe abouL
communlLy work. We wlll explore Lhls posslblllLy ln relaLlon Lo our cohorL of
work-sLudy sLudenLs for fall 2013.

1hls lssue of engagemenL onllne ls an lnLeresLlng addlLlon Lo Lhe
conversaLlon abouL LradlLlonal engagemenL ln our programs. We say ln our
mlsslon LhaL we coordlnaLe servlce leadershlp programs for sLudenLs who are
ouL Lo change Lhe world." Cur programs aLLracL dlverse sLudenLs, fllllng
lmmedlaLely wlLh mosL havlng walL llsLs for parLlclpaLlon. We also offer nearly
230 deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng courses. Accordlng Lo sLaLlsLlcs from Lhe uLah

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 89
Campus CompacL Annual Survey (2011), LhaL number ls slgnlflcanLly hlgher Lhan
Lhe naLlonal average of 69 courses and Lhe sLaLe average of 116 courses. 1he
same Campus CompacL reporL demonsLraLes LhaL 43 of sLudenLs aL SalL Lake
CommunlLy College parLlclpaLed ln communlLy servlce, servlce-learnlng, or clvlc
engagemenL acLlvlLles, a parLlclpaLlon raLe hlgher Lhan boLh Lhe naLlonal
average (37) and sLaLe average (39).

And yeL, Lhere are clearly more
clvlcally engaged sLudenLs aL SLCC Lhan ever vlslL Lhe 1hayne CenLer or even
know abouL us. Cur maln challenge ls LhaL we have llmlLed Lhe sLrucLure of our
programs wlLh enrollmenL caps LhaL are somewhaL arLlflclal.
SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL only recelves 10 LulLlon walvers,
buL we could use Lhose Len walvers for Leam leaders who Lhen each recrulL a
Leam of volunLeers Lo work on a parLlcular soclal lssue. We Lurned away over 30
appllcanLs ln Lhls lasL year alone. We need Lo expand SLlCL ln order Lo fulflll our
mlsslon. CommunlLy Work-sLudy ls allocaLed and conLrolled by llnanclal Ald, buL
we could flnd creaLlve ways Lo recrulL and Lraln non-work-sLudy sLudenLs as
elemenLary school Amerlca 8eads LuLors. 1here are no doubL courses aL Lhe
College LhaL could offer a conslsLenL pool of servlce-learnlng sLudenLs Lo our
1lLle l school parLners. We need be lnnovaLlve wlLh Lhe sLrucLure of Amerlca
8eads lf we are golng Lo fulflll our mlsslon. 1he Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar (CLS)
program has no enrollmenL cap whaLsoever. WhaL Lhe program faces ls a
challenge of managemenL and coheslon. As lL sLands now, Lhe ad hoc
enrollmenL sLrucLure seLs sLudenLs lose, asks Lhem Lo submlL monLhly
reflecLlons and Llme sheeLs accounLlng for Lhelr servlce, and Lhen we hope Lo
see Lhem Lwo years laLer lf Lhey come back Lo clalm Lhelr honors graduaLlon
cords. 1he Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor has Lrled Lo remedy Lhls challenge wlLh
a serles of workshops and dlscusslon groups, buL has seen very llmlLed
parLlclpaLlon. 1hls program has Lhe poLenLlal Lo be masslve and change Lhe face
of sLudenL engagemenL aL SLCC. We musL sLarL Lo Lhlnk abouL CLS ln Lhese
Lerms lf we are golng Lo fulflll our mlsslon. We also do noL have an ad hoc
sLrucLure ln whlch sLudenLs can parLlclpaLe wlLh Lhelr peers ln Lhe communlLy.

uLah Campus CompacL Annual Member Survey LxecuLlve Summary (2011)

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 90
We are mlsslng Lhls componenL when we dlscuss each of our programs wlLh our
lnformaLlon & 8eferral conLacLs. lf our programs are full, handlng exclLed
sLudenLs an appllcaLlon for Lhe nexL semesLer ls noL good enough. We need a
way Lo engage people ln volunLeer work rlghL away. 1he resource we need Lo
pull all Lhls off ls noL only fundlng for programmlng, buL an lncreased sLafflng
capaclLy ln Lhe deparLmenL. 1haL ls, ln facL, Lhe prlmary challenge lnherenL ln all
of Lhese programmlng opporLunlLles: Lhe need for new sLaff, Lhe capaclLy of
exlsLlng sLaff, and Lhe ablllLy Lo relmaglne our work. lL wlll amounL Lo a
subsLanLlal culLure shlfL. lL wlll noL be an easy Lask Lo manage from an
admlnlsLraLlve perspecLlve, nor as Lhe program coordlnaLor responslble Lo
lmplemenL Lhe change. Cver Lhe nexL few years Lhe 1hayne CenLer wlll Lackle
Lhls as lL Lackles every oLher lnnovaLlon, collaboraLlvely and wlLh a sense of
passlon for and ownershlp of our mlsslon.

)*++,-.$/ 6"4$-(42L.B N,$4("5L
PlsLorlcally Lhe 1hayne CenLer has managed lLs communlLy parLnershlps as
needed per program. We had never, unLll fall semesLer 2011, had a sLaff
poslLlon dedlcaLed Lo communlLy ouLreach. ln SepLember 2012 Lhls poslLlon
evolved Lo full-Llme. 1he sLrldes made ln such a shorL amounL of Llme are
remarkable. 1hls program recelved and managed Lhree uLah Commlsslon on
volunLeers granLs wlLhln a slngle year. 1wo of Lhe granLs allowed us Lo sub-granL
funds Lo slx dlfferenL communlLy parLner organlzaLlons, and Lhereby supporL
Lwo naLlonal days of servlce (MLk uay and 9/11 uay of 8emembrance). 1he
largesL of Lhe Lhree granLs cerLlfled Lhe 1hayne CenLer, and Lhus SLCC, as a
sLaLe-wlde volunLeer ConnecLor CrganlzaLlon. We subsequenLly parLnered wlLh
unlLed Way of SalL Lake Lo hosL a slx-workshop volunLeer 1ralnlng ManagemenL
Serles, cerLlfylng 33 of our communlLy parLner organlzaLlons. We are parLnerlng,
and cosL sharlng, wlLh Lhe 8ennlon CenLer aL Lhe unlverslLy of uLah, Lhe CenLer
for Clvlc LngagemenL aL WesLmlnsLer College, and unlLed Way of SalL Lake Lo
conLlnue Lo offer Lhls professlonal developmenL opporLunlLy Lo our parLners. ln
addlLlon Lo all of Lhls, Lhe coordlnaLor makes regular slLe vlslLs Lo parLner

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 91

1he prlmary challenge ls scalablllLy on Lwo dlfferenL levels. 1hls work, and
also Lhe malnLenance of our soclal medla slLes, ls all belng done by a slngle
employee. lf we are Lo conLlnue Lhls Lra[ecLory and fulflll our mlsslon Lo
esLabllsh capaclLy-bulldlng relaLlonshlps wlLh communlLy organlzaLlons" we
need addlLlonal supporL for Lhls coordlnaLor. ln Lhe shorL Lerm we wlll uLlllze
work-sLudy sLudenLs, buL ln Lhe long Lerm lL reallsLlcally requlres addlLlonal
professlonal sLaff. As SLCC pursues Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy
LngagemenL, our sLrengLhs and our shorLcomlngs ln relaLlon Lo communlLy
engagemenL are becomlng clear. 8eclprocal campus-communlLy relaLlons are
noL slmple. 1hey Lake an lncredlble amounL of Llme and sklll. 1he 1hayne CenLer
has made excepLlonal progress ln a very shorL amounL of Llme, buL Lhe program
wlll ouLgrow lLs currenL capaclLy wlLhln Lhree years aL besL. 8elaLed Lo Lhls facL ls
our secondary challenge. We musL remaln ln llne wlLh Lhe besL pracLlces of
communlLy organlzlng lf we are golng Lo be successful. 1aolsL phllosopher Lao
1zu wroLe:

Co Lo Lhe people. Llve wlLh Lhem. Learn from Lhem. Love Lhem.
SLarL wlLh whaL Lhey know. 8ulld wlLh whaL Lhey have. WlLh Lhe
besL leaders, when Lhe work ls done, Lhe Lask accompllshed, Lhe
people wlll say 'We have done Lhls ourselves.'

Cnly by exlsLlng ln Lhe communlLy, separaLe from a formal campus, wlll we
Lruly make Lhe progress we're capable of maklng. 1he 1hayne CenLer has a
communlLy-based mlsslon LhaL ls eLhlcally problemaLlzed when we work from
Lhe campus ouLward. 1he SLCC CommunlLy WrlLlng CenLer faced a slmllar
challenge and responded Lo lL successfully wlLh Lhelr space aL Llbrary Square.
We should be holdlng our volunLeer ManagemenL 1ralnlngs, dlalogues, and
meeLlngs of our CommunlLy Advlsory 8oard ln Lhe communlLy. lL's dlfflculL Lo
admlL, buL Lhere ls ln facL an un[usL power sLrucLure when we lnvlLe our
parLners Lo our campus.

jwe oeeJ] o potoJlqm
sblft of eootmoos
coosepoeoce. losteoJ of
Jefloloq tbemselves os
oloq oot loto tbe
commoolty, lostltotloos
Jefloe tbemselves os
pott of tbe commoolty.
1bls kloJ of sblft cbooqes
evetytbloq. lt ls llkely to
ttoosfotm j.] tbe woy lo
wblcb blqbet eJocotloo
teJlsttlbotes lts
(Mc1lqbe Mosll, 2012)

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 92
!B"5(_"-3 2**-
We clearly have blg goals and we're marchlng Loward Lhem every day. 1he
reallLy ls LhaL we have ouLgrown our currenL space ln Lhe 1aylorsvllle 8edwood
SLudenL CenLer. We were recognlzed for our cenLral role ln sLudenL llfe and
engagemenL when we moved from Lhe porLable unlL on Lhe edge of campus Lo
Lhe second floor of Lhe SLudenL CenLer. We were furLher recognlzed for our
growLh when we moved downsLalrs lnLo a new offlce sulLe years ago. We are
once agaln aL a crossroads and we are once agaln asklng Lhe lnsLlLuLlon Lo
recognlze our need for addlLlonal space. We cannoL fulflll Lhe plans lald ouL ln
Lhls self-sLudy, leL alone fulflll our mlsslon, wlLhln our currenL space. We already
have a full-Llme sLaff member slLLlng aL a desk ln Lhe lobby and ln Lhe nexL year
we're almlng for an AsslsLanL ulrecLor, a cohorL of work-sLudy sLudenLs, a
faculLy co-manager of servlce-learnlng, and a space where any sLudenL feels
comforLable and supporLed as Lhey ploL Lo change Lhe world.

Summary of Goa|s
ConLlnue Lo Lake a lead role on Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps Councll as
SLCC pursues Lhe Carnegle ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy LngagemenL.
Secure supporL and fundlng for an AsslsLanL ulrecLor poslLlon. SLaff
reallze LhaL Lhe fuLure developmenL of Lhe 1hayne CenLer, as well as Lhe
conLlnued lmprovemenL of Lhelr programs relles on addlLlonal
leadershlp ln Lhe deparLmenL.
arLner wlLh Academlc Affalrs, mosL llkely Lhe rovosL's offlce, Lo fund a
faculLy leadershlp poslLlon for Lhe co-managemenL and growLh of Lhe
servlce-learnlng program.
Work wlLh all 1hayne CenLer sLaff members Lo ldenLlfy areas ln whlch
work-sLudy sLudenLs could lncrease our capaclLy. We wlll also prepare
coordlnaLor sLaff Lo manage a cohorL of ln-offlce work-sLudy sLudenLs
beglnnlng fall 2013.
8evlslL our vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenLs, updaLlng Lhem Lo reflecL Lhe
currenL and fuLure scope of our work. AL Lhe same Llme, we need Lo

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 93
ensure our programmaLlc vlslon and mlsslon sLaLemenLs are sLlll
CreaLe deparLmenLal learnlng ouLcomes and conducL coheslve annual
assessmenLs across our varlous programs.
Cnce we secure an AsslsLanL ulrecLor poslLlon, we can once agaln
pursue large granLs Lo fund our growlng programs.
ln addlLlon Lo malnLalnlng currenL professlonal developmenL offerlngs,
focus Lhe servlce-learnlng program on creaLlng Lngaged ueparLmenLs
and serles of courses allgned ln engaged paLhways.
CollaboraLe wlLh Academlc Affalrs Lo lnLegraLe communlLy-based
learnlng pedagogy across Lhe dlsclpllnes.
Launch a concenLraLed soclal medla ouLreach campalgn, mosL llkely
wlLh Lhe asslsLance of a Lech savvy, communlLy-mlnded work-sLudy
Lxpand Lhe number of sLudenLs who can be and are lnvolved ln SLlCL,
Amerlca 8eads, and Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars. Lxplore new ways Lo
sLrucLure our programs and provlde coordlnaLlon of Lhese efforLs.
llnd a way Lo manage an ad hoc sLudenL volunLeer program, one ln
whlch our lnformaLlon & 8eferral conLacLs can engage wlLh Lhelr peers
and geL Lhelr feeL weL ln Lhe world of volunLeerlng, so Lo speak. 1hls
capaclLy wlll llkely need Lo come from hlrlng work-sLudy sLudenLs. We
mlghL also explore Lhe opLlon of creaLlng a sLudenL club and Lhereby
have access Lo fundlng from SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp.
8egln conversaLlons wlLh College admlnlsLraLlon abouL our space
llmlLaLlons and our goal of an off-campus communlLy-based space.

key Issues for S|te kev|ew 1eam
1hroughouL Lhe process of dlscusslng and wrlLlng Lhls self-sLudy, we've made
Lhe dlsLlncLlon as a sLaff beLween programmaLlc lmprovemenLs, deparLmenLal
lmprovemenLs, and lnsLlLuLlonal supporL. We ulLlmaLely see all Lhree as
lnLerrelaLed, buL recognlze LhaL Lhe slLe revlew Leam can offer feedback speclflc
Lo each area. SLaff members have ldenLlfled parLlcular areas for lmprovemenLs

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 94
and suggesLed recommendaLlons ln Lhelr lndlvldual program reporLs. As slLe
revlew Leam members meeL wlLh speclflc sLakeholders, we ask LhaL Lhey keep
Lhose reporLs ln Lhe forefronL of Lhelr mlnd.

When deallng wlLh deparLmenLal lmprovemenLs, we ask Lhe revlew Leam Lo
examlne how well we are achlevlng our Lhree-fold mlsslon. We clalm Lo: 1)
LsLabllsh capaclLy-bulldlng relaLlonshlps wlLh communlLy organlzaLlons, 2)
laclllLaLe servlce-learnlng developmenL opporLunlLles for faculLy, and 3)
CoordlnaLe servlce leadershlp programs for sLudenLs who are ouL Lo change Lhe
world. ldeally, all Lhree elemenLs of our mlsslon are worklng ln harmony and
recelvlng equal aLLenLlon, Llme, and resources, as lL ls only Lhen LhaL we wlll
Lruly be worklng up Lo our poLenLlal. 1hls self-sLudy offers our assessmenL of Lhe
sLrengLhs and weaknesses of our work Lo LhaL end, buL we ask Lhe slLe revlew
Leam Lo offer candld feedback as Lo where we fall shorL, where we are
succeedlng, and where we have noL yeL recognlzed new opporLunlLles.

As for lnsLlLuLlonal supporL, many slLe revlew meeLlngs are scheduled wlLh
college admlnlsLraLors. 1he goal of Lhese meeLlngs ls Lwo fold: 1) Assess Lhe
percepLlon of 1hayne CenLer work and how well we are meeLlng our mlsslon ln
Lhe eyes of Lhe lnsLlLuLlon, and 2) Assess Lhe cllmaLe for our proposed fuLure
plans. ln oLher words, how do we besL approach Lhe blg-plcLure, long-Lerm,
Carnegle-drlven lmprovemenLs LhaL wlll Lruly lnsLlLuLlonallze clvlc engagemenL
aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College? Whlle Lhese quesLlons deal wlLh Lhe mlsslon of
Lhe 1hayne CenLer, Lhey really begln Lo explore fulfllllng our larger vlslon.

we eovlsloo o wotlJ lo wblcb peoples boslc oeeJs ote met, ooJ lo wblcb
tbe voloes of epoollty ooJ soclol jostlce ote teollzeJ. we belleve
lostltotloos of blqbet eJocotloo bove o tespooslblllty to coltlvote oo
eoqoqeJ cltlzeoty. we ote tbetefote JeJlcoteJ to empowetloq oot
stoJeots ooJ focolty to teollze tbey bove tbe koowleJqe ooJ skllls to
offect posltlve cbooqe lo tbelt commoolty.

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G( I(#.(<( 7-2$.$,$.*-2 *9 H.0L(4 K3,5"$.*- H"<( " E(2B*-2.;.#.$/ $* ),#$.<"$(
"- K-0"0(3 ).$.Q(-4/
We are consLanLly worklng Loward Lhe equallLy and soclal [usLlce lnvoked ln our
vlslon sLaLemenL. All of our programs are sLrucLured around empowerlng
sLudenLs and faculLy Lo affecL poslLlve change ln Lhe communlLy. Powever, lL ls
Lhe sLaLemenL LhaL lnsLlLuLlons of hlgher educaLlon have a responslblllLy Lo
culLlvaLe an engaged clLlzenry LhaL has come more sharply lnLo focus recenLly.

We belleve, as wrlLes scholar uavld Scobey ln hls essay wby Now? 8ecoose
1bls ls o copetolcoo Momeot, Lhe academy ls ln Lhe Lhroes of LransformaLlon."
8eallzlng on a naLlonal scale whaL we have also felL aL SLCC over Lhe pasL few
years, he conLlnues:

1he knowledge, skllls, and values ln whlch sLudenLs should be educaLed,
Lhe lnLellecLual landscape of dlsclpllnes and degrees, Lhe ways ln whlch
educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons are organlzed, Lhe fundlng of Leachlng learnlng,
and research - all Lhls promlses Lo be profoundly dlfferenL ln LwenLy
years. 1he forces of change have resulLed parLly from our own lnerLla,
parLly from Lhe consequences of our own success, and parLly from
broad pollLlcal, markeL, and Lechnologlcal developmenLs noL of our
maklng. 1he quesLlon ls noL wheLher Lhe academy wlll be changed, buL
how. nelLher defendlng Lhe sLaLus quo nor pursulng small-bore reforms
ls an opLlon.

As menLloned many Llmes LhroughouL Lhls self-sLudy, as we approach our
20-year annlversary and Lhe lnsLlLuLlon prepares Lo apply for Lhe Carnegle
ClasslflcaLlon for CommunlLy LngagemenL, Lhe 1hayne CenLer ls aL Lhe forefronL
of conversaLlons abouL Lhe clvlc mandaLe ln SLCC's mlsslon. We sense, as do a
growlng number of College leaders, LhaL Lhe lnsLlLuLlon ls approachlng a

Scobey, u. (2012). Why now? 8ecause 1hls ls a Copernlcan MomenL. ln Parward, u.
(Ld.), clvlc ltovocotloos (pp. 3-4). WashlngLon, uC: 8rlnglng 1heory Lo racLlce.

[We] need Lo
embrace clvlc learnlng
and democraLlc
engagemenL as an
educaLlonal prlorlLy
for all of hlgher
A Cruclble MomenL (2012)

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 96
crossroads, a poLenLlally expanslve era for Lhe communlLy-based work of SLCC
and Lhe 1hayne CenLer. As we enLer Lhese conversaLlons, we belleve our
sLrengLhs lle ln our experLlse ln Lhls fleld, our Lrack record of award-wlnnlng
programs, our dedlcaLlon Lo sLudenLs, faculLy, and communlLy, and also Lhe
respecL we've earned aL Lhe lnsLlLuLlon over Lhe pasL Lwo decades.

Cur challenges and opporLunlLles lle beyond Lhe obvlous llmlLaLlons of
fundlng and capaclLy - whlch can be overcome wlLh commlLmenL - and lle
lnsLead ln our ablllLy Lo supporL and faclllLaLe a culLure shlfL on an lnsLlLuLlonal
level. We hope our slLe revlew Leam wlll help us sLraLeglze and seL reasonable
goals Lo LhaL end.

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ALnulx A

SalL Lake CommunlLy College
Mlsslon SLaLemenL and SLraLeglc rlorlLles

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Sa|t Lake Commun|ty Co||ege M|ss|on Statement
SalL Lake CommunlLy College ls a publlc, open-access, comprehenslve communlLy college
commlLLed Lo servlng Lhe broader communlLy. lLs mlsslon ls Lo provlde quallLy hlgher educaLlon
and llfelong learnlng Lo people of dlverse culLures, ablllLles, and ages, and Lo serve Lhe needs of
communlLy and governmenL agencles, buslness, lndusLry and oLher employers.

SLCC Strateg|c r|or|t|es
SLraLeglc rlorlLy l: Lnhance CuallLy LducaLlon
SLraLeglc rlorlLy ll: lmprove SLudenL Access and Success
SLraLeglc rlorlLy lll: Advance a CulLure of Lvldence and AccounLablllLy
SLraLeglc rlorlLy lv: SLrengLhen lnsLlLuLlonal SupporL
SLraLeglc rlorlLy v: Advance arLnershlps/8elaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe CommunlLy and 8uslness

Student Serv|ces urposes and Va|ues
S1uuLn1S, ll8S1 Anu ALWA?S, A8L Cl u1MCS1 lMC81AnCL 1C uS.
We provlde, ln a carlng and eLhlcal manner, servlce, supporL and personal growLh for
We are a personal brldge beLween Lhe process of Lhe College and Lhe needs of our
We asslsL sLudenLs and each oLher wlLh falrness, respecL, lnLegrlLy and care.
We serve people wlLhouL regard Lo race, eLhnlclLy, personal bellef, dlsablllLy, age or
sexual orlenLaLlon.
Cur commlLmenL Lo sLudenLs dlrecLs Lhe way we make declslons, creaLe programs and
hlre sLaff.
We wlll malnLaln wlLhln SLudenL Servlces an envlronmenL LhaL nurLures our values: dlverslLy
communlLy, honesLy, people and servlce.

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ALnulx 8

SLudenL Servlces SLudenL Learnlng CuLcomes

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Student Serv|ces Student Learn|ng Cutcomes
1hrough lnLeracLlon wlLh SLudenL Servlces sLaff and parLlclpaLlon ln co-currlcular acLlvlLles, sLudenL llfe-
experlences, and personal developmenL opporLunlLles, sLudenLs wlll:

1. uevelop cognlLlve skllls.

A. 1hlnk reflecLlvely and crlLlcally.
8. lmprove quanLlLaLlve reasonlng ablllLles.
C. uemonsLraLe lnLellecLual flexlblllLy.
u. uemonsLraLe eLhlcal Lhlnklng.
2. Acqulre knowledge.

A. MasLer sub[ecL maLLer.
8. Apply knowledge.
C. know abouL campus resources.
u. use Lechnology effecLlvely.
3. ulsplay pracLlcal compeLence and lnLrapersonal skllls.

A. Achleve personal and academlc goals, lnclude degree aLLalnmenL, and/or furLher educaLlon.
8. repare for Lhelr chosen career.
C. Acqulre effecLlve [ob seeklng skllls.
u. Manage Lhelr personal affalrs, lncludlng economlc self sufflclency, malnLalnlng healLh and
wellness, prlorlLlzlng personal, soclal, educaLlonal, and career demands.
L. Lngage ln self-appralsal and self-undersLandlng, explore auLonomy, values, ldenLlLy, self-esLeem,
and aLLlLude.
l. Lngage ln Lhe college experlence Lo achleve personal and academlc success, use college resources,
processes and sysLems, develop goal seLLlng, declslon maklng and plannlng skllls, and adapL Lo
4. ulsplay lnLerpersonal developmenL.

A. undersLand and appreclaLe human dlfferences.
8. 8elaLe well wlLh oLhers ln dyadlc, group, and Leam seLLlngs.
C. LsLabllsh lnLlmaLe relaLlonshlps.
u. uevelop leadershlp skllls.
L. ulsplay poslLlve role-modellng.
3. Lngage responslbly wlLh Lhe broader communlLy.

A. undersLand Lhelr rlghLs and responslblllLles as sLudenLs/clLlzens ln a democraLlc socleLy.
8. Are commlLLed Lo democraLlc ldeals.
C. undersLand and acL of sLandards of professlonallsm and clvlllLy, lncludlng Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe
SLCC SLudenL Code.
u. Lngage ln servlce-learnlng for communlLy bulldlng and an enhanced academlc experlence.

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ALnulx C

2011-2012 Annual AssessmenL
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng
AuLhor, Call !essen
1hayne CenLer ulrecLor

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ALnulx u

2010-2011 Annual AssessmenL
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng
AuLhor, Call !essen
1hayne CenLer ulrecLor

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ALnulx L

2009-2010 Annual AssessmenL
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng
AuLhor, Call !essen
1hayne CenLer ulrecLor

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ALnulx l

1hayne CenLer PlsLory

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CommunlLy Servlce Advlsory 8oard formed Lo dlscuss creaLlon of a servlce cenLer.

1he SLCC CommunlLy Servlce CenLer was creaLed.
SLephanle eLerson was named lnaugural ulrecLor. lnlLlally communlLy servlce was parL of Lhe
Alumnl AssoclaLlon.
Slx professors awarded small granLs Lo lncorporaLe servlce-learnlng lnLo Lhelr currlculum.

AL CommencemenL ln 1993, Lhe CommunlLy Servlce CenLer separaLed from Lhe Alumnl
AssoclaLlon and became Lhe Lmma Lou 1hayne CommunlLy Servlce CenLer.
An AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeer [olned Lhe ulrecLor Lo promoLe volunLeer opporLunlLles for

ulrecLor SLephanle eLerson lefL and Susan MarchanL was named Lhe nexL ulrecLor.
ln Lhe fall, Lwo AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers [olned Susan.
uLah Campus CompacL foundlng meeLlng held 12 november. SLCC parLlclpaLes.
llrsL-ever AS8 Lrlp: 20 sLudenLs aL CaplLal 8eef worklng on resLoraLlon pro[ecLs wlLh Lhe Slerra
Club and Lhe uS naLlonal arks ueparLmenL. 8ecords were noL kepL as Lo number of hours
1hayne CenLer moved Lo lLs new offlce ln May, a porLable norLh of Lhe 1aylorsvllle 8edwood
Campus 8uslness 8ulldlng.

A Lhlrd AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeer [olned Lhe sLaff.
Servlce-learnlng sLeerlng commlLLee formed Lo coordlnaLe servlce-learnlng efforLs among
faculLy and Lo adopL an offlclal deflnlLlon of servlce-learnlng.
Maglc CullLs pro[ecL sLarLed, resulLlng ln over 300 qullLs donaLed Lo bone marrow paLlenLs over
Lhe nexL Lhree years.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 148
1hree AmerlCorp vlS1As [olned Lhe sLaff.
Amerlca 8eads CommunlLy Work-sLudy program began. 400 books donaLed Lo parLner
elemenLary schools.
llrsL-ever PumanlLarlan 8anqueL held Lo honor sLudenLs, faculLy, sLaff, and communlLy
members who are engaged ln servlce.

lull-Llme sLaff member hlred Lo coordlnaLe Amerlca 8eads, prevlously coordlnaLed by
AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers. 1he only college sLaff member unLll now had been Lhe ulrecLor.
AS8 Lrlp: 13 sLudenLs aL MonLezuma Creek LlemenLary ln Lhe lour Corners area of uLah LuLorlng
klds, Leachlng classes ln Lhe afLer school program, and leadlng workshops on drug and alcohol
Servlce-Learnlng Scholars program was creaLed.
900 books donaLed Lo celebraLe ur. Seuss's blrLhday wlLh sLudenLs aL WhlLLler and 8edwood
LlemenLary Schools.
Crganlzed a bllLz bulld wlLh PablLaL for PumanlLy durlng Lhe flrsL week ln Aprll Lo celebraLe
SLCC's 30Lh annlversary. SLudenLs ln Lhe consLrucLlon Lrades, faculLy, sLaff, oLher sLudenL
volunLeers, and Lhe famlly recelvlng Lhe house worked Lo bulld Lhe home.

1wo AS8 Lrlps wenL Lo new ?ork ClLy and MonLezuma Creek. 8ecords were noL kepL as Lo
number of parLlclpanLs and hours served.
SLudenLs Cfferlng Servlce (SCS) Club was formed.

Susan MarchanL lefL and 8eLsy Ward was named Lhe nexL ulrecLor.
1hree AS8 Lrlps wenL Lo new ?ork ClLy, key WesL, llorlda, and ArcaLa, Callfornla. 8ecords were
noL kepL as Lo number of parLlclpanLs and hours served.
llrsL-ever cohorL of Servlce-Learnlng Scholars graduaLed. 1hree sLudenLs honored by resldenL
Cundlff aL CommencemenL.

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Call !essen, currenLly ulrecLor, hlred parL-Llme as Amerlca 8eads - CommunlLy Work-sLudy
CoordlnaLor, AS8 Advlsor, and eer SLudenL Leader CoordlnaLor.
1hree AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps: 7 sLudenLs ln 1aos, new Mexlco wlLh PablLaL for PumanlLy.
17 sLudenLs ln new ?ork ClLy wlLh AluS loundaLlon, new ?ork ClLy lood 8ank, a homeless
shelLer. 9 sLudenLs ln Cahu, Pawall wlLh Lhe olyneslan CulLural CenLer. 1hls Lrlp was
lncorporaLed lnLo a 2900 servlce-learnlng class on Pawallan culLure.
lour Servlce-Learnlng Scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL.

8ecelved $343,000 Lhree-year granL from Lhe CorporaLlon for naLlonal and CommunlLy Servlce
Lo furLher servlce-learnlng aL SLCC.
Lynne McCue-PamllLon, sLlll on sLaff, hlred as parL-Llme CoordlnaLor for SouLh ClLy eers.
8ecelved lnsLlLuLlonal fundlng for new full-Llme poslLlon. Call !essen hlred as SLCC's flrsL Servlce-
Learnlng CoordlnaLor.
Cne AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlp: 8 sLudenLs ln 1aos, new Mexlco wlLh PablLaL for PumanlLy.
Seven Servlce-Learnlng Scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL.
lour faculLy members named as Servlce-Learnlng 8esearch lellows.
14 sLudenLs enrolled AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award members.

Managed second year of $343,000 Lhree-year granL from Lhe CorporaLlon for naLlonal and
CommunlLy Servlce Lo furLher servlce-learnlng aL SLCC.
Llnnle Spor, sLlll on sLaff, hlred as full-Llme SecreLary.
Advlsory 8oard voLed Lo change Lhe cenLer's name: 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng.
Cne AlLernaLlve lall 8reak Lrlp: 7 sLudenLs ln Arlzona wlLh AdopL a naLlve Llder addresslng lssues
wlLh parLners ln Lhe nava[o naLlon.
lormal servlce-learnlng course deslgnaLlon process esLabllshed ln laculLy SenaLe Currlculum.
1hree Amerlcan lnsLlLuLlons courses plloLed Lhe deslgnaLlon process: CLS 1100 (uavld PuberL),
PlS1 2700 (uawn MarLlndale), and PlS1 2700 (Marlanne McknlghL).
18 new sLudenLs enrolled as AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award members.

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llrsL-ever uLah Servlce Symposlum organlzed by Lhe 1hayne CenLer ln parLnershlp wlLh uLah
Campus CompacL.
Cpened second offlce on SouLh ClLy Campus.

Managed Lhlrd and flnal year of $343,000 Lhree-year granL from Lhe CorporaLlon for naLlonal
and CommunlLy Servlce Lo furLher servlce-learnlng aL SLCC.
Cne AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlp: 3 sLudenLs ln San lranclsco, Callfornla worklng wlLh CLluL
loundaLlon addresslng hunger and poverLy.
Cne Servlce-Learnlng Scholar graduaLed and was honored aL CommencemenL.
497 sLudenLs enroll ln servlce-learnlng courses and serve 3,730 hours.
12 servlce-learnlng courses deslgnaLed: LL 1220 (all lnsLrucLors), nSC 1700 (8everly Anderson),
Luu 2020 (all lnsLrucLors), Luu2600 (all lnsLrucLors), MA1P 1030 (Shane 1ang), A81 2970 (1erry
MarLln), LnCL 2100 (Lllsa SLone), LnCL 2010 (Wade 8enLley) MA1P 1220 (Shane 1ang), LL 1020
(all lnsLrucLors), Luu 1400 (all lnsLrucLors), and Lnv1 1010 (all lnsLrucLors).
CccupaLlonal 1herapy AsslsLlng program deslgnaLed as SLCC's flrsL fully Lngaged ueparLmenL.
62 new sLudenLs enrolled as AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award members.
llrsL-ever v-day volunLeer 8ally engaged 430 sLudenLs, 34 nonproflL parLners, and 36 people
donaLed blood.
Annual uLah Servlce Symposlum ln parLnershlp wlLh uLah Campus CompacL.
PosLed Speclal Clymplcs LvenLs for 736 aLhleLes, 134 coaches, and 179 volunLeers servlng 936
volunLeer CpporLunlLles enewsleLLer creaLed.

1hayne CenLer named Lo Lhe lnaugural resldenL's Plgher LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor
1hayne CenLer named a menLor lnsLlLuLlon, and Call !essen named a naLlonal consulLanL, ln Lhe
Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges lnlLlaLlve CommunlLy Colleges 8roadenlng
Porlzons Lhrough Servlce Learnlng (2006-2009).
Lynne McCue-PamllLon hlred as full-Llme CommunlLy CuLreach CoordlnaLor, managlng
AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award program and Amerlca 8eads - CommunlLy Work-sLudy.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 131
Cne AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlp: 10 sLudenLs ln Alamosa, Colorado wlLh PablLaL for PumanlLy.
21 Servlce-Learnlng Scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL.
892 sLudenLs enrolled ln servlce-learnlng courses and served 12,793 hours.
lour servlce-learnlng courses deslgnaLed: LnCL 2710 (Lllsa SLone), 88C 2410/2401 (all
lnsLrucLors), LnCL 2010 (!ennlfer CourLney), and nSC 2300 (8arbara SLencel).
44 new sLudenLs enrolled as AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award members.
Annual uLah Servlce Symposlum, LlLled ArLlvlslm: Where ArL MeeLs AcLlvlsm, hosLed ln
parLnershlp wlLh uLah Campus CompacL.
Speclal Clymplcs LvenL, no records were found on parLlclpaLlon raLes.

1hayne CenLer named Lo Lhe resldenL's Plgher LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor 8oll for Lhe
second year ln a row.
Second year as a menLor lnsLlLuLlon, and Call !essen as a naLlonal consulLanL, ln Lhe Amerlcan
AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges lnlLlaLlve CommunlLy Colleges 8roadenlng Porlzons Lhrough
Servlce Learnlng (2006-2009).
8ecelved $10,000 anonymous prlvaLe donaLlon Lo supporL AS8.
1wo AS8 Lrlps: 18 sLudenLs ln new Crleans wlLh PablLaL PumanlLy Muslclan vlllage. 11 sLudenLs
ln San lranclsco wlLh CLluL loundaLlon.
14 Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL. rogram name
changed from prevlous Servlce-Learnlng Scholars.
1,871 sLudenLs enrolled ln 118 servlce-learnlng courses and served 28,063 hours.
Slx servlce-learnlng classes deslgnaLed: 8uS 2200 (Melodee LamberL), PL1P 1110 (all
lnsLrucLors), LnCL 1010 (8rlLLany SLephenson), PlS1 2200 (AarLl nakara), nSC 1300 (uonna
Murphy), and C1A 1120 (all lnsLrucLors).
114 new sLudenLs enrolled as AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award members.

1hayne CenLer named Lo Lhe resldenL's Plgher LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor 8oll for Lhe
Lhlrd year ln a row.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 132
1hlrd and flnal year as a menLor lnsLlLuLlon, and Call !essen as a naLlonal consulLanL, ln Lhe
Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges lnlLlaLlve CommunlLy Colleges 8roadenlng
Porlzons Lhrough Servlce Learnlng (2006-2009).
ulrecLor 8eLsy Ward on sabbaLlcal and maLernlLy leave. Call !essen serves as AcLlng ulrecLor.
1wo AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps: 10 sLudenLs ln kanab, uLah wlLh 8esL lrlends Anlmal
SancLuary. 8 sLudenLs ln 8lloxl, Mlsslsslppl wlLh LasL 8lloxl 8ellef and 8edevelopmenL Agency.
24 Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL.
2,630 sLudenLs enrolled ln 136 servlce-learnlng courses and served 37,730 hours.
Seven servlce-learnlng courses deslgnaLed: Lnv1 2800 ( ueanna Anderson), CLCC 1830
(uorleen !enson), MC1 2030 (Cerman Lopez), 88C 1201 (Ann Welker), LnCL 2010 (Andrea
Malouf), LnCL 2010 (LllzabeLh MonLague), and SCC 1020 (ueldre 1yler).
172 new sLudenLs enrolled as AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award members.

1hayne CenLer named Lo Lhe resldenL's Plgher LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor 8oll for Lhe
fourLh year ln a row.
llrsL year as a menLor lnsLlLuLlon, and Call !essen as a naLlonal consulLanL, ln a second round of
Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges lnlLlaLlve CommunlLy Colleges 8roadenlng
Porlzons Lhrough Servlce Learnlng (2009-2012) - Speclflcally Lhe new Medla Leader lnlLlaLlve.
ulrecLor 8eLsy Ward lefL and Call !essen was names as Lhe nexL ulrecLor.
Llnnle Spor lefL [ob as full-Llme SecreLary and hlred as full-Llme Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor.
1reva Woody and Colleen McnuLL serve as AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers.
AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps: 7 sLudenLs ln kanab, uLah wlLh 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary. 11
sLudenLs ln SeaLLle, WashlngLon wlLh LarLhCorps and MounLaln Lo Sound Creenway.
19 Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL.
3,182 sLudenLs enrolled ln 187 servlce-learnlng courses and served 47,730 hours.
Cne servlce-learnlng course deslgnaLed: LnCL 1810 (CllnL Cardner).
233 new sLudenLs enrolled as AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award members.
Crossroads urban CenLer CommunlLy lood Co-Cp dlsLrlbuLlon cenLer creaLed on 1aylorsvllle
8edwood Campus.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 133
Servlce Councll ls renamed Lo SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL aL Lhe requesL of
sLudenLs ln Lhe leadershlp cohorL.
Cancelled enewsleLLer and esLabllshed 8logger and lacebook plaLforms Lo adverLlse volunLeer

1hayne CenLer named Lo Lhe resldenL's Plgher LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor 8oll for Lhe
flfLh year ln a row.
Second year as a menLor lnsLlLuLlon, and Call !essen as a naLlonal consulLanL, ln a second round
of Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges lnlLlaLlve CommunlLy Colleges 8roadenlng
Porlzons Lhrough Servlce Learnlng (2009-2012) - Speclflcally Lhe new Medla Leader lnlLlaLlve.
1reva Woody and Ann Scaar serve as AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers. lloL CommunlLy
arLnershlp AgreemenL form creaLed and lmplemenLed.
Llsa Walz hlred as SLCC's second full-Llme Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor.
Lesa 8lrd hlred as full-Llme SecreLary.
AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps: 12 sLudenLs ln kanab, uLah wlLh 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary.
11 sLudenLs ln SeaLLle, WashlngLon wlLh LarLhCorps and MounLaln Lo Sound Creenway.
26 Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL.
4,307 sLudenLs enrolled ln 213 servlce-learnlng courses and served 31,373 hours.
lour servlce-learnlng courses deslgnaLed: 8uS 1040 (Melodee LamberL), W81C 0990 (Cordon
uunne), W81C 0990 (!ason 8oberLs), and Luu 2011 (Lols CesLrelch).
Amerlca 8eads CommunlLy Work-sLudy accounLed for 26 of all SLCC work-sLudy funds.
CommunlLy garden sLarLed on 1aylorsvllle 8edwood Campus, wlLh 1hayne CenLer as a foundlng
237 new sLudenLs enrolled as AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award members (for a LoLal of 894
members slnce 2003).
SLCC 8ecycllng program lnlLlaLed by SLlCL sLudenLs.
SLlCL sLudenL and AmerlCorps alumna !ean ?oung spoke aL CommencemenL abouL her Lrlp Lhe
naLlonal servlce lMAC1 Conference ln LlLLle 8ock, Arkansas.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 134
1hayne CenLer named Lo Lhe resldenL's Plgher LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor 8oll for Lhe
slxLh year ln a row.
1hlrd and flnal year as a menLor lnsLlLuLlon, and Call !essen as a naLlonal consulLanL, ln a second
round of Lhe Amerlcan AssoclaLlon of CommunlLy Colleges lnlLlaLlve CommunlLy Colleges
8roadenlng Porlzons Lhrough Servlce Learnlng (2009-2012) - Speclflcally Lhe new Medla Leader
$10,000 Servlce-Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund creaLed.
1reva Woody serves as Lhe lasL 1hayne CenLer AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeer.
Plred Sean Crossland parL-Llme as our flrsL-ever CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor.
1wo AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps: 11 sLudenLs ln kanab, uLah wlLh 8esL lrlends Anlmal
SancLuary. 11 sLudenLs ln SeaLLle, WashlngLon wlLh LarLhCorps and MounLalns Lo Sound
28 Clvlcally Lngaged scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL.
3,338 sLudenLs enrolled ln 249 servlce-learnlng courses and served 66,190 hours.
lour servlce-learnlng courses deslgnaLed: CCMM 2130 (1amra hllllps), C1A 1280/1290 (all
lnsLrucLors), SW 2940 (all lnsLrucLors), and CLS 1100 (!effrey lerlo).
WlLhdrew from Lhe AmerlCorps LducaLlon Award program when lL moved from Colorado
Campus CompacL Lo uLah Campus CompacL.
lncreased our CommunlLy arLner slLe vlslLs from 38 Lo 180 ln one academlc year.
Amerlca 8eads CommunlLy Work-sLudy accounLed for 21 of all SLCC work-sLudy funds.
lnaugural SLudenL Servlce-Learnlng Showcase held ln Aprll Lo recognlze Lhe work of sLudenLs ln
deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng classes.

1hayne CenLer named Lo Lhe resldenL's Plgher LducaLlon CommunlLy Servlce Ponor 8oll for Lhe
sevenLh year ln a row.
8ecelved a granL from Lhe uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers Lo coordlnaLe MarLln LuLher klng !r.
uay of Servlce pro[ecLs wlLh lanned arenLhood, uual lmmerslon Academy, uLah lood 8ank.
8ecelved a granL from Lhe uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers Lo coordlnaLe 9/11 uay of Servlce &
8emembrance pro[ecLs wlLh Cancer Wellness Pouse, 8eal lood 8lslng, and LuLheran Soclal

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 133
8ecelved a granL from Lhe uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers, and parLnered wlLh unlLed Way SalL
Lake, Lo hosL a valley-wlde volunLeer ManagemenL 1ralnlng serles dedlcaLed Lo Leachlng
nonproflL communlLy parLners how Lo creaLe a successful volunLeer program.
Sean Crossland hlred full-Llme as CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor.
1wo AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps: 10 sLudenLs ln kanab, uLah wlLh 8esL lrlends Anlmal
SancLuary addresslng anlmal rlghLs. 11 sLudenLs ln San ulego, Callfornla worklng wlLh CoasL
keeper and San ulego 8lver loundaLlon.
24 Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars graduaLed and were honored aL CommencemenL. 1hree Clvlcally
Lngaged Scholars honored as CraduaLes of Lxcellence ln Lhelr respecLlve schools.
3,276 sLudenLs enrolled ln 217 servlce-learnlng courses and compleLed 77,483 hours.
1wo servlce-learnlng courses deslgnaLed: S? 2300 (amela Lemons) and S? 2400 (Poward
Summer - lall 2012: 8CC8AM 8LvlLW!

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 136

ALnulx C

Academlc Servlce-Learnlng
AuLhor, Llsa M. Walz
Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 137
Deta|| the core programs and serv|ces you prov|de.
!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 ?4"-$ P R(2.0-"$.*- 64*04"+
1he 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng, ln parLnershlp wlLh Lhe laculLy 1eachlng & Learnlng CenLer,
releases an 8l each semesLer calllng for faculLy Lo elLher develop a new servlce-learnlng course or Lo
modlfy an exlsLlng servlce-learnlng course. roposals are submlLLed Lo Lhe Course ueslgnaLlon 8evlew
CommlLLee, a declslon-maklng body recognlzed by Lhe laculLy SenaLe Currlculum CommlLLee LhaL
awards offlclal servlce-learnlng deslgnaLlon. Whlle Lhere are unllmlLed deslgnaLlons avallable for vlable
proposals, only ouLsLandlng proposals earn a $1,000 granL, awarded Lo Lhe submlLLlng faculLy member.
Slnce 2003, Lhls program has been funded by Lhe rovosL of Academlc Affalrs. See Appendlx C for
8equesL for roposals documenL.

ueslgnaLed servlce-learnlng courses by semesLer - 3 year hlsLory
lall 2012
o S? 2400 - Poward lngle (per secLlon)
o S? 2300 - amela Lemons (per secLlon)
Sprlng 2012
o CLS 1100 - !eff lerlo (per secLlon)
o C1A 1280/1290 - 8renda Lyman (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o SW 2940 - MequeLLe Sorensen (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
lall 2011
o CCMM 2130 - 1amra hllllps (per secLlon)
Sprlng 2011
o W81C 0990 - !ason 8oberLs (per secLlon)
o Luu 2011 - Lols CesLrelch (per secLlon)
lall 2010
o W81C 0990 - Cordon uunne (per secLlon)
Sprlng 2010
o 8uS 1040 - Melodee LamberL (per secLlon)
lall 2009
o no proposals submlLLed
Sprlng 2009
o LnCL 1810 - CllnL Cardner (per secLlon)

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 138
lall 2008
o 88C 1201 - Ann Welker (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o LnCL 2010 - Llz MonLague (per secLlon)
o LnCL 2010 - Andrea Malouf (per secLlon)
o SCC 1020 - ueldre 1yler (per secLlon)
Sprlng 2008
o Lnv1 2900 ueanna Anderson (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o CLCC 1830 - uorleen !ensen (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o MC1 2030 - Cerman Lopez (per secLlon)
lall 2007
o LnCL 1010 - 8rlLLany SLephenson (per secLlon)
o PlS1 2200 - AarLl nakara (per secLlon)
o nSC 1300 - uonna Murphy (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o C1A 1120 - 8renda Lyman (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
Sprlng 2007
o 8uS 2200 - Melodee LamberL (per secLlon)
o PL1P 1100 - !ackle larnsworLh (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
lall 2006
o LnCL 2010 - !ennlfer CourLney (per secLlon)
o nSC 2300 - 8arbara SLencel (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
Sprlng 2006
o LnCL 2710 - Lllsa SLone (per secLlon)
o 88C 2410, 2401 - Shellle lvle (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
lall 2003
o LnCL 2100 - Lllsa SLone (per secLlon)
o LnCL 2010 - Wade 8enLley (per secLlon)
o LL 1020 - !eanle larr (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o Luu 1400 - !aneL 8rohm (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o Lnv1 1010 - ueanna Anderson (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o Lngaged ueparLmenL, CccupaLlonal 1herapy AsslsLanL program - 8renda Lyman
C1A 1120
C1A 1140

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 139
C1A 1130
C1A 1170
C1A 1210
C1A 1230
C1A 1240
C1A 1230
C1A 1270
C1A 2310
C1A 2320
C1A 2330
C1A 2330
C1A 2380
C1A 2430
C1A 2460
Sprlng 2003
o LL 1220 - uoug new (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o nSC 1700 - 8everly Anderson (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o Luu 2020 - 8eLh Clsen 8odrlguez (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o Luu 2600 - 8eLh Clsen 8odrlguez (full course, all lnsLrucLors)
o MA1P 1030 - Shane 1ang (per secLlon)
o MA1P 1220 - Shane 1ang (per secLlon)
o A81 2970 - 1erry marLln (per secLlon)
lall 2004
o CLS 1100 - uavld PuberL (per secLlon)
o PlS1 1700 - uawn MarLlndale (per secLlon)
o PlS1 2700 - Marlanne McknlghL (per secLlon)

[("5L.-0 ).45#(`!a,"4(
laculLy have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo be moLlvaLed and menLored by engaglng wlLh Lhelr peers ln dlscusslons
abouL servlce-learnlng and clvlc engagemenL, Lhelr personal experlences, and lnnovaLlons Lo enhance
Lhelr Leachlng meLhods. 1he Servlce-Learnlng 1eachlng Clrcle, whlch ls open Lo all faculLy across Lhe
College, offers several opLlons for dlscusslon Loplcs SepLember Lhrough March. 1he Servlce-Learnlng

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 160
1eachlng Square wlll be added for Lhe 2012-2013 academlc year and wlll meeL based on Lhe schedules
of Lhe four faculLy parLlclpanLs.

!& WVVVJ K22(-$."#2 *9 !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 6(3"0*0/
Servlce-Learnlng (SL) 1000 ls a non-credlL onllne professlonal developmenL course for SLCC faculLy (full-
Llme and ad[uncL) lnLeresLed ln learnlng more abouL servlce-learnlng pedagogy. 1he layouL and formaL
of SL 1000 ls based on Lhe l1LC 1000 professlonal developmenL course and expands on Lhe lnformaLlon
conLalned ln Lhe fourLh module. SL 1000 ls an opporLunlLy for faculLy Lo engage wlLh colleagues ln
dlscusslons of servlce-learnlng Lheory, lmplemenLaLlon, and besL pracLlces, as well as exchanglng ldeas
and encouraglng collaboraLlon.

Course schedule and Loplcs for lall 2012
Cnllne Module 1, Sep 17 - Sep 28: Servlce-Learnlng 8aslcs & Common 1erms ueflned
Cnllne Module 2, CcL 1 - CcL 12: A PlsLorlcal ConLexL
Cnllne Module 3, CcL 13 - CcL 26: CommunlLy arLnershlps
Cnllne Module 4, CcL 29 - nov 9: CrlLlcal 1hlnklng, 8eflecLlon, & Clvlc 8esponslblllLy
Cnllne Module 3, nov 12 - nov 23: Wrap-up, ln-erson Workshop, & nexL SLeps

8[&) WVVV !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 64(2(-$"$.*-
As parL of Lhe ongolng collaboraLlon beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng and Lhe laculLy
1eachlng & Learnlng CenLer, Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor faclllLaLes workshops focuslng on Lhe
fundamenLals of servlce-learnlng pedagogy. Lach semesLer, 3-4 workshops are scheduled Lo offer
flexlblllLy for Lhe l1LC 1000 parLlclpanLs. Slmllar Lo Lhe l1LC 1000 presenLaLlons, addlLlonal
presenLaLlons focused on servlce-learnlng pedagogy are offered durlng Lhe Ad[uncL laculLy Conference
and laculLy ConvenLlon. 1hese workshops and presenLaLlons cover Loplcs such as Lhe hlsLorlcal conLexL
of servlce-learnlng, deflnlLlon of Lhe pedagogy, communlLy parLnershlps, crlLlcal Lhlnklng and sLrucLured
reflecLlon, clvlc responslblllLy, and resources for faculLy.

!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 )#"22 [4"5'.-0
1racklng servlce-learnlng classes ls lmporLanL ln order Lo furLher lnsLlLuLlonallze Lhe pedagogy
LhroughouL Lhe College. 1he followlng daLa represenLs Lhe growLh of Lhe servlce-learnlng program over
Lhe course of 3 years.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 161
o 3,276 sLudenLs
o 77,483 hours
o 217 courses
o 3,338 sLudenLs
o 66,190 hours
o 249 courses
o 4,307 sLudenLs
o 31,373 hours
o 213 courses
o 3,182 sLudenLs
o 47,730 hours
o 187 courses
o 2,630 sLudenLs
o 37,730 hours
o 136 courses

!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 !$,3(-$ 64*Z(5$ 8,-3
1he Servlce-Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund (SLSl) ls deslgned for sLudenLs enrolled ln deslgnaLed
servlce-learnlng classes. 1he lund ls $10,000.00 provlded annually Lhrough L&C fundlng. 1he purpose of
Lhe SLSl ls Lo offer flnanclal supporL Lo servlce-learnlng sLudenLs and help Lhem off-seL Lhe cosLs of Lhe
necessary supplles, servlces, and oLher expenses relaLed Lo Lhelr pro[ecLs. Servlce-learnlng lnsLrucLors
musL approve Lhe pro[ecL and slgn off on Lhe proposal cover page. SLudenLs may requesL up Lo $300,
and musL submlL a deLalled flnal expense reporL afLer Lhe pro[ecL ls compleLed.
2011-2012 (lloL ?ear)
o 17 sLudenL proposals
o $4,994.10 awarded Lo supporL sLudenL pro[ecLs

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 162
!$,3(-$ !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 !L*>5"2(
1he SLudenL Servlce-Learnlng Showcase offers sLudenLs an opporLunlLy Lo presenL accompllshmenLs of
Lhelr servlce-learnlng work. SLudenL presenLers aL Lhls presLlglous evenL are nomlnaLed by Lhelr
deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng faculLy member. nomlnaLed sLudenLs are lnvlLed Lo prepare a brlef
mulLlmedla presenLaLlon hlghllghLlng Lhelr servlce-learnlng work. 1hls evenL occurs ln uecember and
Sprlng 2011
o 7 presenLaLlons
o 33 sLudenLs
lall 2011
o 3 presenLaLlons
o 14 sLudenLs
Sprlng 2012
o 8 presenLaLlons
o 28 sLudenLs

What |s the core purpose of each of these programs?
1he programs ouLllned ln SecLlon 2.a. represenL Lhe servlce-learnlng program aL large. 1he vlslon and
mlsslon sLaLemenLs of Lhe servlce-learnlng program can be found below.

Academlc servlce-learnlng aL SLCC ls naLlonally recognlzed for besL pracLlces ln faculLy developmenL,
sLudenL engagemenL, and communlLy parLner developmenL. 1he program ls fully lnsLlLuLlonallzed,
provldlng an lnfrasLrucLure LhaL faclllLaLes Lhe lnvolvemenL of all sLakeholders ln a collaboraLlve learnlng

Servlce-learnlng ls an academlc pedagogy lnLegraLlng volunLeer opporLunlLles, crlLlcal reflecLlve Lhlnklng,
and parLnershlps wlLh nonproflL organlzaLlons are lnLegraLed lnLo academlc coursework. 1hls meLhod of
Leachlng and learnlng addresses boLh course learnlng ouLcomes and communlLy-ldenLlfled needs.
laculLy recelve Lralnlng and Lechnlcal asslsLance, as well as sLrucLured opporLunlLles for neLworklng and
professlonal developmenL.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 163

SLudenLs can parLlclpaLe ln Lhe SLudenL Servlce-Learnlng Showcase and recelve flnanclal supporL
from Lhe Servlce-Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund. CommunlLy parLners are lnvlLed Lo Lhe Servlce-Learnlng
Showcase and are encouraged Lo conLacL Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor wlLh quesLlons abouL Lhe
loglsLlcs and besL pracLlces of servlce-learnlng.

Ana|yze the effect|veness, strengths, and cha||enges of each program and serv|ce.
!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 ?4"-$ P R(2.0-"$.*- 64*04"+
ffectlveoess ooJ 5tteoqtbs. 1he sLrucLure of Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CranL & ueslgnaLlon (SLC&u) program
has been recognlzed naLlonally. CLher colleges and unlverslLles, boLh ln and ouLslde Lhe sLaLe of uLah,
have adopLed a slmllar sLrucLure Lo lnsLlLuLlonallze clvlc engagemenL and servlce-learnlng on Lhelr own
campuses. 1hls means LhaL noL only ls our program sound, buL oLher schools look Lo SalL Lake
CommunlLy College Lo be on Lhe cuLLlng edge of caLegorlzlng and quanLlfylng Lhe pedagogy.

cbolleoqes. Cne of Lhe maln challenges wlLh SLC&u ls recrulLmenL of new faculLy Lo submlL proposals. ln
Lerms of faculLy deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng courses, Lhose faculLy who are and were qulck Lo adopL
servlce-learnlng ln Lhelr classrooms have already done so. Cne challenge ls spreadlng Lhe word Lo
addlLlonal faculLy abouL Lhe beneflLs of servlce-learnlng so Lhey submlL proposals. AnoLher challenge ls
Lhe fundlng LhaL supporLs Lhe SLC&u program. Slnce 2003, Lhe rovosL has annually Lransferred $6,300
Lo Lhe 1hayne CenLer ln order Lo supporL faculLy developmenL. 1he SLC&u granLs, and all oLher faculLy
developmenL programs, are supporLed by Lhls fundlng LhaL ls noL an auLomaLlc base llne accounL. We
requesL Lhls fundlng every year.

[("5L.-0 ).45#(`!a,"4(
ffectlveoess ooJ 5tteoqtbs. 1he Loplcs chosen for Lhe 1eachlng Clrcle are Llmely and relevanL Lo Lhe
currenL fleld of clvlc engagemenL and servlce-learnlng. WlLh Lhe addlLlon of Lhree currlculum levels Lo
sLrucLure Lhe dlscusslon Loplcs (lnLroducLory, lnLermedlaLe, advanced), faculLy may choose dlscusslons
whlch are mosL approprlaLe for Lhem.

Lven Lhough aLLendance was low Lhls year, Lhe faculLy who dld aLLend were hlghly engaged ln Lhe
dlscusslon and reflecLlon acLlvlLles. See commenLs from one faculLy below.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 164
8eflecLlon from 1eachlng Clrcle parLlclpanL:
[Servlce-learnlng ls] so vlLal lf we are Lo have engaged clLlzenshlp ln Lhe pollLlcal arena. SLudenLs do
need Lo open Lhelr eyes Lo Lhe blgger plcLure, Lo be able Lo know how Lo lnLeracL wlLh our pollLlcal
leaders, have Lhelr volces heard as Lo enacL changes LhaL are ln Lhe besL lnLeresL of approprlaLe
publlc pollcy. We as educaLors need Lo be role models, lnvlLe our sLudenLs lnLo Lhe pollLlcal arena. l
feel Lhls lnformaLlon ls so perLlnenL ln my classroom dlscusslons. l wanL Lo creaLe Loplcs of lnLeresL
LhaL may lle before our sLaLe leglslaLure, who are our pollcy makers, and sLlmulaLe a passlon for our
sLudenLs Lo geL lnvolved. 1herefore lf we are Lo deflne dlfferences, lL ls easy Lo deflne a [communlLy]
resldenL ls [usL 'exlsLlng' ln Lhe vlclnlLy. 8uL, an engaged clLlzen ls acLually 'llvlng llfe Lo Lhe fullesL' by
bulldlng relaLlonshlps and Laklng acLlon Lo lnlLlaLe change."

1he above excerpL from a faculLy reflecLlon ls an example of Lhe conversaLlons culLlvaLed by a
Servlce-Learnlng 1eachlng Clrcle. 1hese dlscusslons lead Lo peer menLorlng wlLh colleagues abouL how
Lo enacL soclal change. 1hls ls also a forum where research quesLlons can be developed and plans of
acLlon can be drafLed ln collaboraLlon.

cbolleoqes. 1he prlmary challenge for Lhe 2011-2012 Servlce-Learnlng 1eachlng Clrcle was aLLendance.
1hls begs a couple of quesLlons. 1) uo faculLy wanL a 1eachlng Clrcle dedlcaLed Lo servlce-learnlng? 2) lf
Lhey do, whaL ls prevenLlng Lhe faculLy from aLLendlng? 1he flrsL quesLlon wlll be parLlally answered
durlng a serles of one-on-one conversaLlons wlLh faculLy Laklng place lall 2012. 1hls quesLlon was also
addressed durlng a faculLy focus group ln SepLember 2012. laculLy lndlcaLed Lhelr deslre for a group of
faculLy who are avallable Lo menLor oLher faculLy new Lo Lhe pedagogy and dlscuss currenL Lrends and
besL pracLlces. 1he second quesLlon can be answered ln a few dlfferenL ways. leedback we recelved ln
Sprlng 2012 lndlcaLed faculLy could noL commuLe from campus Lo campus ln Llme Lo aLLend Lhe 1eachlng
Clrcle meeLlngs held aL Lhe 1aylorsvllle 8edwood campus. 1o address Lhls speclflc concern, a webcam
was purchased Lo broadcasL meeLlngs onllne, or Lo record Lhem Lo be vlewed laLer. 1lme wlll Lell lf Lhls
proves Lo be an effecLlve sLraLegy.

!& WVVVJ K22(-$."#2 *9 !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 6(3"0*0/
ffectlveoess ooJ 5tteoqtbs. SL 1000, whlch ls co-faclllLaLed by Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor and a
deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng faculLy, offers faculLy Lhe opporLunlLy Lo parLlclpaLe ln professlonal
developmenL acLlvlLles and engage wlLh Lhelr peers. lor faculLy lnLeresLed ln earnlng a uu (rofesslonal

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 163
uevelopmenL unlL) credlL, SL 1000 quallfles based on Lhe crlLerla from Puman 8esources. laculLy have
Lhe opLlon of submlLLlng Lhe PorlzonLal MovemenL lorm ln order Lo recelve a uu (rofesslonal
uevelopmenL unlL) from Lhelr respecLlve deparLmenLs.

leedback from Lhe plloL cohorL of faculLy parLlclpanLs ln 2009 sald Lhe course was very effecLlve and
well organlzed. As Lhls course conLlnues Lo grow and develop durlng Lhe 2012-2013 academlc year, lL
has poLenLlal Lo be valuable Lo faculLy new Lo servlce-learnlng aL SLCC as an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe
pedagogy. 1he onllne formaL also allows flexlblllLy for parLlclpanLs Lo compleLe Lhe modules elLher aL
home, on campus, or whlle Lravellng.

cbolleoqes. uurlng Lhe 2011-2012 academlc year, Lhe maln challenge was engagemenL of Lhe enrolled
faculLy. AbouL half of Lhose who enrolled were acLlve durlng sprlng semesLer. Lven Lhough Lhere was
supporL for Lhe course and faculLy were genulnely lnLeresLed ln lL, a few dld noL engage wlLh Lhe oLher
parLlclpanLs ln Lhe course. 1he maln meLhod of lnLeracLlon was based ln Lhe dlscusslon board feaLure ln
Canvas, Lhe onllne course plaLform for hlgher educaLlon lnsLlLuLlons wlLhln Lhe sLaLe of uLah. Some
faculLy had llvely conversaLlons on Lhe dlscusslon board, whlle oLhers dld noL conLrlbuLe.

8[&) WVVV F !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 64(2(-$"$.*-
ffectlveoess ooJ 5tteoqtbs. Whlle aLLendance aL servlce-learnlng presenLaLlons ls someLlmes low, Lhey
represenL years of collaboraLlon beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer and Lhe l1LC. 1he facL LhaL Lwo
deparLmenLs, one ln SLudenL Servlces and Lhe oLher ln Academlc Affalrs, are so lnLerconnecLed ls proof
LhaL slloed deparLmenLs can branch ouL and Lake advanLage of Lhe beneflLs LhaL come wlLh
collaboraLlon. WlLhouL Lhe l1LC, Lhe servlce-learnlng program would noL exlsL as lL does Loday. lL ls
lmporLanL Lo keep Lhls splrlL of collaboraLlon sLrong and healLhy for Lhe fuLure. 1hls collaboraLlon wlLh
l1LC 1000 led dlrecLly Lo Lhe developmenL of our SL 1000 course.

cbolleoqes. 1hese presenLaLlons are a slgnlflcanL componenL of Lhe l1LC 1000 course. Cn average, Lhere
ls one faculLy ln aLLendance for every Lhree who 8Sv. 1he onllne class ls managed by Lhe l1LC, so Lhere
ls llLLle Lhe 1hayne CenLer can do oLher Lhan prepare a useful presenLaLlon, remaln flexlble, and offer
Lhe workshop mulLlple Llmes each semesLer.

!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 )#"22 [4"5'.-0

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 166
ffectlveoess ooJ 5tteoqtbs. ?ear afLer year, Lhe servlce-learnlng program grows. lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon of
servlce-learnlng aL SLCC ls well underway. We have Lhe supporL of Lhe Currlculum CommlLLee, laculLy
SenaLe, and Lhe rovosL's offlce. 1here are 8esearch l unlverslLles across Lhe counLry LhaL do noL have
Lhe daLa LhaL we have ln Lerms of Lracklng servlce hours and number of servlce-learnlng courses offered.

cbolleoqes. CurrenLly, ln order Lo accuraLely Lrack enrollmenL and servlce hour daLa, Lhe faculLy Leachlng
servlce-learnlng classes musL respond dlrecLly Lo requesLs for such lnformaLlon. 1he way SLCC course
caLalog and schedules are sLrucLured, volunLary parLlclpaLlon ls Lhe only way we can Lrack sLudenLs,
servlce-learnlng hours, and faculLy Leachlng Lhe courses. 1racklng would be far more efflclenL lf SL
course Lagglng was lnsLlLuLlonallzed and sLandardlzed ln Lhe schedule.

1he Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor and 1hayne CenLer ulrecLor meL wlLh personnel ln Lhe rovosL's
offlce Lo conLlnue conversaLlons and resolve Lhe Lagglng process. We are confldenL LhaL a soluLlon can
be found Lo work around Lhe SL course Lagglng lssues because of our ongolng poslLlve relaLlonshlps wlLh
Lhe college enLlLles lnvolved, buL lL wlll Lake susLalned efforLs from deparLmenLs across Lhe college Lo
develop a long-Lerm soluLlon.

ln a focus group faclllLaLed by 1hayne CenLer sLaff, sLudenLs prevlously enrolled ln servlce-learnlng
classes lndlcaLed lL would be beneflclal Lo have a process by whlch Lo noL only search for servlce-learnlng
classes, buL Lo deLermlne lf Lhe classes Lhey reglsLer for each semesLer wlll be LaughL uslng servlce-
learnlng. SL course Lagglng could be Lhe soluLlon Lo boLh of Lhese scenarlos.

!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 !$,3(-$ 64*Z(5$ 8,-3
ffectlveoess ooJ 5tteoqtbs. 1he Servlce-Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund was deslgned Lo supporL
sLudenLs as Lhey purchase Lhe necessary supplles and maLerlals for Lhelr pro[ecLs so Lhe cosLs do noL
have Lo come ouL of pockeL. uesplLe admlnlsLraLlve challenges, Lhe plloL program was successful for Lhe
sLudenLs who parLlclpaLed. Some of Lhe sLudenLs who recelved fundlng parLlclpaLed ln Lhe SLudenL
Servlce-Learnlng Showcase, where we heard sLorles from communlLy parLners who were Lhere Lo
supporL Lhe sLudenLs who worked wlLh Lhem LhroughouL Lhe semesLer. Adam 8oblnson, LxecuLlve
ulrecLor of LllmlnaLlng overLy, was one of Lhese communlLy parLners. Pe spoke for a few mlnuLes
abouL Lhe lmpacL Lhe sLudenLs' work had on a markeLlng campalgn abouL hls organlzaLlon and how Lhey

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 167
could noL have accompllshed Lhelr goals wlLhouL Lhe sLudenLs who applled for Lhe fundlng. 1hese sLorles
are whaL drlve Lhe program lnLo Lhe fuLure.

cbolleoqes. 1he blggesL challenge Lhls plloL year was learnlng mld-semesLer any supplles or maLerlals
purchased musL go Lhrough Lhe sLaLe surplus process. Cn Lhe surface, Lhls does noL sound llke much of
an lssue. Powever, when sLudenLs are Lrylng Lo compleLe Lhelr servlce-learnlng pro[ecLs and Lhen flnd
ouL LhaL Lhey have Lo go Lhrough an exLra admlnlsLraLlve process LhaL Lhey were noL expecLlng, lL
dlscourages Lhe sLudenLs. 1wo sLudenLs durlng Sprlng 2012 chose noL Lo accepL Lhelr relmbursemenL
due Lo Lhls exLra process.

lf sLudenLs are Lold Lhere ls money for Lhelr pro[ecLs, we hoped Lhere would be fewer resLrlcLlons on
Lhose funds. 1he laws and rules regardlng use of college funds exlsL Lo noL only proLecL Lhe college buL
also Lhe Laxpayers as well. Powever, even wlLh Lhe good lnLenLlons of proLecLlng all lnvolved, we found
lL challenglng Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo apply for fundlng, and Lhen needed Lo move Lhem Lhrough a
serles of admlnlsLraLlve processes whlch Lhey dld noL undersLand. lL was noL falr Lo Lhem or Lo Lhe
communlLy parLners. uurlng Lhe plloL year, we dlsLrlbuLed less Lhan half of Lhe $10,000.00 we had

1he Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor engaged Lhe lleeL and LoglsLlcs CoordlnaLor, responslble for
managlng Lhe Surplus deparLmenL, ln several conversaLlons ln order Lo beLLer undersLand Lhe surplus
process and Lhe rules governlng Lhe use of lLems purchased wlLh college funds. A procedure was
arLlculaLed Lo help sLudenLs comply wlLh Lhe surplus process whlle placlng Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve work on Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor. ln Lhls way, Lhe sLudenLs wlll noL have Lo
worry abouL fllllng ouL more paperwork or submlLLlng forms and may be more wllllng Lo apply for
fundlng and compleLe Lhe program. CommunlLy parLners can also work dlrecLly wlLh college personnel
ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer Lo navlgaLe Lhe process.

!$,3(-$ !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 !L*>5"2(
ffectlveoess ooJ 5tteoqtbs. ln Sprlng 2012, lnsLead of walLlng Lo recelve presenLaLlon proposals from
sLudenLs lnLeresLed ln parLlclpaLlng, Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor asked faculLy for nomlnaLlons.
1hls slmple change added a new dlmenslon Lo Lhe program ln LhaL sLudenLs felL lL was an honor Lo be

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 168
nomlnaLed and presenL Lhelr pro[ecLs. lor Lhls reason, we wlll conLlnue uslng Lhe nomlnaLlon meLhod
for Lhe fuLure.

1he Showcase ls also an opporLunlLy for SLCC admlnlsLraLors Lo connecL wlLh sLudenLs and share
Lhelr successes. uurlng Lhe Sprlng 2012 Showcase, several admlnlsLraLors aLLended lncludlng ur. 8yan
CarsLens, AssoclaLe rovosL of LducaLlonal and CommunlLy arLnershlps, ur. Chrls lcard, rovosL of
Academlc Affalrs, ur. uennls 8romley, uean of Lhe School of 8uslness, and ur. !ohn McCormlck, uean of
Lhe School of PumanlLles and Soclal Sclences. Pavlng so many admlnlsLraLors ln aLLendance aL Lhls evenL
ls a slgn of lnsLlLuLlonal supporL for servlce-learnlng and sLudenL pro[ecLs.

cbolleoqes. Convlnclng sLudenLs Lo submlL a proposal for a presenLaLlon was challenglng durlng Lhe
lnlLlal semesLers of Lhe program. 1hey felL lL was Loo much exLra work Lo wrlLe up an addlLlonal 2-page
paper LhaL was already slmllar Lo Lhelr class asslgnmenLs. We would llke Lo see Lhls evenL become even
larger ln Lerms of venue and aLLendance.

now |nc|us|ve are your programs and serv|ces? Are some students access|ng and us|ng your serv|ces
more than others? What act|v|t|es do you use to proact|ve|y reach out to underserved groups?
uurlng Lhe 2012-2013 academlc year, Lhere are plans Lo reach ouL Lo faculLy aL oLher campuses by
hosLlng meeLlngs and evenLs onllne uslng webcams. 1he hope ls LhaL by offerlng more meeLlngs and
Lralnlngs onllne, more faculLy wlll be able Lo access Lhem on Lhelr own Llme. 1he challenge ls how Lo
address AuA laws regardlng closed-capLlonlng for Lhe vldeos and onllne web meeLlngs. 1o Lhls end, we
conLlnue Lo consulL wlLh Lhe ulrecLor of Lhe Cfflce of 8lsk ManagemenL.

A program LhaL ls lncluslve of all dlsclpllnes ls lmporLanL Lo Lhe success of Lhe servlce-learnlng
program. CurrenLly, 13 deparLmenLs are represenLed wlLhln Lhe deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng courses. 8y
presenLlng aL Lhe Ad[uncL laculLy Conference, laculLy ConvenLlon, and l1LC 1000 classes, Lhe Servlce-
Learnlng CoordlnaLor ouLreaches Lo faculLy ln oLher dlsclpllnes encouraglng Lhem Lo conslder servlce-
learnlng course deslgnaLlon. AddlLlonally, ln lall 2012, Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor ls presenLlng Lo
Lhe laculLy AssoclaLlon abouL Lhe varleLy of professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles avallable. 1he goal
ls Lo encourage faculLy from more dlsclpllnes Lo compleLe Lhe course deslgnaLlon process, Lhereby
lncreaslng Lhe dlverslLy of servlce-learnlng course offerlngs avallable Lo sLudenLs. Speclflc aLLenLlon wlll
be pald Lo lncreaslng engagemenL of S1LM and C1L dlsclpllnes, where, even naLlonally, servlce-learnlng

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 169
ls less concenLraLed. Many Llmes, Lhese dlsclpllnes already employ experlenLlal pedagogles, buL servlce-
learnlng may noL be speclflcally named or referenced ln syllabl.

Campus re|at|ons and co||aborat|ons
H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L *$L(4 3(B"4$+(-$2 >.$L.- !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2Y
CollaboraLlon beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer and oLher SLudenL Servlces deparLmenLs occurs ln a few
dlfferenL ways. A sLronger relaLlonshlp ls belng bullL wlLh Academlc Advlslng (AA). 1he 1hayne CenLer
ulrecLor and Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor are presenLlng durlng an AA sLaff meeLlng regardlng servlce-
learnlng courses ln SepLember 2012. Advlsors are able Lo lnform sLudenLs how servlce-learnlng can
beneflL Lhem, and help Lhem flnd servlce-learnlng classes ln speclflc dlsclpllnes. CollaboraLlon ls also
occurrlng wlLh LnrollmenL and Lhe 8eglsLrar's offlce wlLh Lhe conversaLlons abouL SL course Lagglng.
Whlle Lhe prlmary conversaLlon has been Laklng place wlLh naLe SouLherland ln Lhe rovosL's offlce,
collaboraLlon wlLh LnrollmenL and Lhe 8eglsLrar ls necessary ln order Lo carry ouL Lhe SL course Lagglng
process. 1he 1hayne CenLer also collaboraLes wlLh SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp (SLL) ln faclllLaLlon of Lhe
Lngaged Leadershlp 1rack wlLhln Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program, deslgned speclflcally for
sLudenLs lnvolved ln SLL programs, and ln Lhe developmenL of currlcular leadershlp classes housed
wlLhln Lhe LducaLlon ueparLmenL (LL 2920 and LL 2930).

H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L 3(B"4$+(-$2 *,$2.3( *9 $L( 3.<.2.*- "-3 .- $L( 5*++,-.$/Y H*> 3* /*,
.-.$."$( 5*##";*4"$.<( B4*Z(5$2Y
ln Lerms of collaboraLlon ouLslde of Lhe SLudenL Servlces ulvlslon, Lhe 1hayne CenLer parLners wlLh
several offlces and deparLmenLs, Lhe flrsL of whlch belng Lhe Cfflce of Lhe rovosL. 1he $6,300 budgeL
we recelve annually from Academlc Affalrs comes dlrecLly from Lhe rovosL, ur. Chrls lcard. 1he facL
LhaL Lhe rovosL supporLs Lhe professlonal developmenL programs offered Lhrough Lhe 1hayne CenLer
speclflcally geared Loward faculLy and servlce-learnlng ls a slgnlflcanL sLrengLh for us.

We also collaboraLe wlLh Lhe laculLy 1eachlng & Learnlng CenLer (l1LC) on a varleLy of pro[ecLs
lncludlng Lhe l1LC 1000 presenLaLlons on servlce-learnlng, publlclLy and recrulLmenL efforLs for Lhe
SLC&u program, SL 1000 professlonal developmenL course, and conference presenLaLlons for Lhe
Ad[uncL laculLy Conference and laculLy ConvenLlon.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 170
ln Lhe summer of 2012, Lhe 1hayne CenLer began collaboraLlng wlLh ConLlnulng LducaLlon Lo
develop CLSL 0100. 1hls course ls ldenLlcal Lo SL 1000 ln all respecLs, buL wlll be LargeLed speclflcally for
faculLy aL oLher hlgher educaLlon lnsLlLuLlons Lo engage wlLh SLCC faculLy slmulLaneously parLlclpaLlng ln
SL 1000. WlLhouL collaboraLlon beLween Lhe sLaff ln ConLlnulng LducaLlon and Lhe 1hayne CenLer,
launchlng CLSL 0100 ln Sprlng 2013 would noL be posslble.

arLnershlps are lnlLlaLed ln a varleLy of ways. Some of Lhese programs were ln place long before Lhe
currenL Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor Look Lhe poslLlon. new parLnershlps have been lnlLlaLed by havlng
face Lo face conversaLlons and phone calls asklng for parLlclpaLlon from one deparLmenL or anoLher. lL ls
lmporLanL when maklng Lhese ouLreach conLacLs Lo explaln how such a parLnershlp wlll be muLually
beneflclal Lo each deparLmenL. Conslderlng one of Lhe sLrongesL LeneLs of servlce-learnlng ls a muLually
beneflclal parLnershlp beLween Lhe course/faculLy and Lhe communlLy parLner, lL makes sense for Lhls
sense of muLuallLy Lo be embedded ln our meLhods of recrulLlng parLners ln Lhe communlLy as well as
across Lhe College.

H*> 5"- /*, .+B4*<( $L(2( (99*4$2Y
1he focus of lmprovlng efforLs of collaboraLlon wlLhln SLudenL Servlces ls wlLh LnrollmenL and Lhe
8eglsLrar's offlce. SL course Lagglng ls an lmporLanL componenL of lnsLlLuLlonallzaLlon of servlce-learnlng.
1hese are Lwo of Lhe sLakeholder deparLmenLs LhaL wlll be vlLal Lo conLlnulng Lhe conversaLlon and
evenLually lmplemenLlng Lhe Lagglng process. Speclflc examples of ways Lo lmprove efforLs of
collaboraLlon lnclude requesLlng meeLlngs Lo dlscuss Lhe SL course Lagglng Loplc and lnvlLlng personnel
wlLhln Lhe deparLmenLs Lo Lhe SLudenL Servlce-Learnlng Showcase Lo see how sLudenLs beneflL from
servlce-learnlng. Also, lL ls lmporLanL Lo conLlnue collaboraLlng wlLh Academlc Advlsors as Lhey menLor
sLudenLs who enroll ln deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng classes.

Descr|be any core changes |n your programs and serv|ces over the past f|ve years.
ln AugusL 2009, Lhe 1hayne CenLer ulrecLor of elghL years lefL Lhe College. 1he Servlce-Learnlng
CoordlnaLor was appolnLed lnLerlm ulrecLor and Lhe Servlce-Learnlng program was managed alongslde
Lhe ulrecLor responslblllLles. When Lhe lnLerlm ulrecLor was hlred as ulrecLor ln !anuary 2010, Lhe
search began for a replacemenL Lo flll Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor poslLlon. lor nlne monLhs, Lhere
was no full-Llme person dedlcaLed Lo [usL servlce-learnlng. 1hls change ln personnel was slgnlflcanL ln

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 171
LhaL Lhe prevlous Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor developed Lhe program. She was Lhe orlglnal person ln
Lhe poslLlon when lL was creaLed, and Lhus developed many of Lhe currenL programs offered wlLhln Lhe
servlce-learnlng program Loday.

8,-3.-0 9*4 " 8"5,#$/ )*@)**43.-"$*4
lrom 2003-2006, Lhe 1hayne CenLer had slgnlflcanL federal granL fundlng LhaL allowed for faculLy co-
coordlnaLors of Lhe SL program. 1hough faculLy reasslgned Llme dld noL lead Lo formal 1hayne CenLer
sLaff, Lhe collaboraLlve coordlnaLlon bullL a sLrong program and supporLed many lnlLlaLlves. Lven
wlLhouL granL fundlng now, we are explorlng ways Lo brlng back Lhls sLrucLure. ConversaLlons beLween
Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor and deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng faculLy durlng SepLember 2012
supporL Lhe relnsLaLemenL of Lhls program.

=33.$.*-"# 7-.$."$.<(2
AfLer Lhe currenL Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor was hlred ln SepLember 2010, Lwo new lnlLlaLlves were
added Lo Lhe servlce-learnlng program. 1he SLudenL Servlce-Learnlng Showcase became a permanenL
addlLlon Lo Lhe 1hayne CenLer ln Aprll 2011. 1he Servlce-Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund was added ln lall
2011. 1hese Lwo programs helped develop a sLudenL dlmenslon Lo a program LhaL prevlously focused on
faculLy developmenL. WlLh Lhe advenL of Lhese Lwo new programs, a dlrecL connecLlon Lo sLudenLs was
esLabllshed, as opposed Lo an lndlrecL connecLlon Lhrough servlce-learnlng faculLy. Conslderlng Lhe
1hayne CenLer ls housed wlLhln SLudenL Servlces, Lhese Lwo programs are vlLal componenLs of Lhe
servlce-learnlng program and Lhe 1hayne CenLer's mlsslon Lo encourage sLudenLs who are ouL Lo change
Lhe world.

Do you ant|c|pate de|et|ng or chang|ng any ex|st|ng serv|ces and]or |mp|ement|ng new programs or
serv|ces? If so, br|ef|y deta|| the ant|c|pated change.
!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 ?4"-$ P R(2.0-"$.*- B4*04"+_T"-3 I(/*-3
1he Servlce-Learnlng CranL & ueslgnaLlon program has been Lhe cornersLone of Lhe overarchlng servlce-
learnlng program ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Lhe pasL 8 years, and wlll conLlnue as such lnLo Lhe fuLure. ln
order Lo expand Lhls program, more fundlng and resources are needed Lo develop more comprehenslve
professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles for faculLy who have compleLed Lhe deslgnaLlon process. 8y
lncreaslng Lhe fundlng for SLC&u Lo $10,000, 1hayne CenLer sLaff can conLlnue Lo reach ouL Lo faculLy
new Lo Lhe pedagogy by offerlng servlce-learnlng course deslgnaLlons, whlle also offerlng addlLlonal

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 172
granLs Lo prevlously deslgnaLed faculLy who wlsh Lo go deeper and explore speclflc meLhods of
sLrengLhenlng Lhelr courses and lncreaslng communlLy engagemenL.

Cne example of Lhls klnd of deeper communlLy engagemenL ls Lo develop a learnlng communlLy
uLlllzlng servlce-learnlng pedagogy. 1he learnlng communlLy could conslsL of Lhree general educaLlon
courses (e.g. LnCL 1010, MA1P 1010, 8uS 2200, eLc.), all of whlch LaughL uslng servlce-learnlng. 1he
faculLy could collaboraLe wlLh Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer Lo draw
connecLlons beLween Lhe course learnlng ob[ecLlves ln order Lo develop a comprehenslve servlce-
learnlng experlence for Lhe sLudenLs. ln order Lo address Lhe lssue of susLalnablllLy, sLudenLs enrolled ln
Lhls learnlng communlLy could bulld Lhelr servlce-learnlng pro[ecL on Lhe work accompllshed from
sLudenLs ln prevlous semesLers. AnoLher opLlon lnvolves collaboraLlon wlLh a communlLy parLner Lo seL
Lhe foundaLlon for new programs or servlces whlch could Lhen be Lurned over Lo Lhe parLner Lo resume
faclllLaLlon afLer Lhe course ls compleLe. ln Lhls way, sLudenLs' servlce-learnlng pro[ecLs would noL exlsL
ln a vacuum, buL lnsLead conLrlbuLe Lo a greaLer sense of purpose by accompllshlng Lhe goals seL forLh
by Lhe communlLy parLner ln provldlng servlces Lo Lhe communlLy.

1hls exLenslve ongolng relaLlonshlp beLween a general educaLlon learnlng communlLy and a
communlLy parLner has Lhe poLenLlal Lo generaLe opporLunlLles for faculLy Lo recelve rewards and
recognlLlon aL SLCC. laculLy awarded a granL for Lhls level of lnnovaLlve collaboraLlon could lnclude
supporLlng documenLaLlon ln Lhelr porLfollos for Lhe promoLlon and Lenure process.

[("5L.-0 ).45#(`!a,"4(
1he Servlce-Learnlng 1eachlng Clrcle was launched ln 2011 wlLh llmlLed success. ln order Lo lncrease
success ln 2012, we resLrucLured Lhe program Lo lnclude currlculum levels deslgned Lo appeal Lo faculLy
aL all sLages of engagemenL. AddlLlonally, we are uLlllzlng Lechnology Lo webcasL Lhe meeLlngs so more
faculLy can aLLend aL varlous campuses. 1he Servlce-Learnlng 1eachlng Square wlll be launched ln lall
2012. 1he acLual deLalls of whaL Lhls 1eachlng Square wlll look llke for Lhe servlce-learnlng program and
whlch faculLy wlll parLlclpaLe are sLlll belng worked ouL, buL lL wlll conslsL of 2 experlenced servlce-
learnlng faculLy pracLlLloners wlLh 2 new pracLlLloners, or Lhose lnLeresLed ln learnlng more abouL Lhe
pedagogy. 1hese four faculLy wlll observe each oLher's classes and geL LogeLher for coffee/dlnners Lo
dlscuss Lhelr observaLlons.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 173
ln Sprlng 2013, we hope Lo launch SL 1000 as CLSL 0100 Lhrough Lhe ConLlnulng LducaLlon deparLmenL
and open lL Lo faculLy LhroughouL counLry. 1hls wlll lncrease naLlonal aLLenLlon boLh for Lhe 1hayne
CenLer as well as SalL Lake CommunlLy College.

8[&) WVVV !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 B4(2(-$"$.*-2
WlLh Lhe wldespread use of ?ou1ube and oLher onllne vldeo plaLforms, Lhe presenLaLlon on servlce-
learnlng pedagogy could be recorded and sLored onllne for faculLy Lo access aL anyLlme. 1hls would be
helpful for faculLy who cannoL physlcally aLLend a meeLlng aL Lhe 1aylorsvllle 8edwood campus, where
Lhe presenLaLlons have hlsLorlcally been scheduled.

!& )*,42( [4"5'.-0
lf Lhe SL course Lagglng process ls sorLed ouL, Lhls wlll greaLly change Lhe way course Lracklng happens.
lnsLead of sendlng requesLs Lo faculLy Lo volunLarlly submlL daLa on Lhelr servlce-learnlng courses, or
logglng lnLo 8anner and manually runnlng reporLs on lndlvldual courses Lo supplemenL mlsslng
lnformaLlon, we wlll be able Lo run reporLs on Lhe SL Lagged courses. 1hls wlll drasLlcally sLreamllne Lhe
process and reduce Lhe Llme lL Lakes Lo gaLher accuraLe daLa.

!(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 !$,3(-$ 64*Z(5$ 8,-3
1he Servlce-Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund moves ouL of Lhe plloL phase ln 2012-2013. Changes were
made Lo Lhe 8equesL for roposals documenL lncludlng a deLalled prlnLlng procedure developed ln
collaboraLlon wlLh SLCC rlnLlng Servlces, a leLLer for communlLy parLners explalnlng Lhe surplus
process, deLalled lnformaLlon on paymenL for maLerlals vla relmbursemenL or Low Cash uollar check,
and an addlLlonal clause ln Lhe AppllcanL SlgnaLure sLaLemenL conflrmlng undersLandlng of Lhe surplus
procedure. 1hese changes slmpllfy Lhe process of parLlclpaLlng and alm Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo apply
for fundlng.

!$,3(-$ !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 !L*>5"2(
Cver Lhe nexL couple of years, Lhe Showcase wlll conLlnue Lo grow and develop. Powever, lnsLead of all
parLlclpanLs preparlng oral presenLaLlons, Lhe program may expand Lo lnclude posLer sesslons for Lhe
ma[orlLy of Lhe presenLaLlons. A few sLudenLs wlll Lhen be lnvlLed Lo glve full presenLaLlons wlLh
mulLlmedla and oLher vlsual alds. We hope Lo double Lhe slze of Lhls evenL ln Lhe near fuLure, boLh ln

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 174
Lerms of sLudenLs presenLlng Lhelr work and ln aLLracLlng a larger audlence Lo hear Lhe presenLaLlons.
Addlng Lhe posLer sesslon formaL allows more sLudenLs Lo parLlclpaLe whlch wlll conLrlbuLe Lo
accompllshlng our goal of doubllng Lhe slze of Lhe program.

7-2$.$,$.*-"# !,BB*4$ 9*4 !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 "-3 ).<.5 K-0"0(+(-$
SalL Lake CommunlLy College ls naLlonally recognlzed as belng a premler communlLy college and
conLlnues Lo pursue excellence ln Leachlng, scholarshlp, and preparlng sLudenLs Lo enLer Lhe workforce
ln Lhe greaLer SalL Lake and uLah communlLles. 1he CommunlLy LngagemenL ClasslflcaLlon Lhrough Lhe
Carnegle loundaLlon for Lhe AdvancemenL of 1eachlng provldes anoLher opporLunlLy for SLCC Lo be
recognlzed for communlLy engagemenL efforLs. Whlle Lhe College demonsLraLes lnsLlLuLlonal supporL for
communlLy engagemenL ln several ways (l.e. lncludlng clvlc engagemenL among Lhe College's 3 SLraLeglc
rlorlLles, and supporLlng varlous deparLmenLs whlch work dlrecLly wlLh Lhe communlLy such as Lhe
1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng, CommunlLy WrlLlng CenLer, and Lhe Mlller 8uslness 8esource
CenLer, and parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe Coldman Sachs loundaLlon 10,000 Small 8uslnesses program), Lhere are
pollcles and procedures based on besL pracLlces wlLhln Lhe Carnegle CommunlLy LngagemenL
ClasslflcaLlon lramework whlch do noL currenLly exlsL aL SLCC. Cne of Lhese areas ls Lhe scholarshlp of
communlLy engagemenL wlLhln Lhe promoLlon and Lenure process. CurrenLly, communlLy engagemenL ls
noL recognlzed wlLhln SLCC's promoLlon and Lenure process.

Accordlng Lo Lhe daLa gaLhered from Lhe 2010 cycle of appllcaLlons for CommunlLy LngagemenL
ClasslflcaLlon, Lhe Carnegle loundaLlon lndlcaLes Lhere are Lwo common approaches Lo concepLuallzlng
communlLy engagemenL for promoLlon and Lenure."
1. lace engagemenL achlevemenLs ln Lhe caLegorles of Leachlng or research and Lo requlre
LradlLlonal forms of scholarshlp (arLlcles, presenLaLlons, and granLs)

2. Conslder communlLy engagemenL ln a broad caLegory of servlce along wlLh campus-based and
dlsclpllne-based professlonal servlce, and communlLy servlce LhaL ranges from volunLeerlsm Lo
8ased on Lhe recommendaLlons from Lhe Carnegle loundaLlon, recognlLlon of communlLy engagemenL
wlLhln Lhe faculLy promoLlon and Lenure process ls necessary for conLlnued progress Loward aLLalnlng
CommunlLy LngagemenL ClasslflcaLlon ln 2013.


1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 173
8"5,#$/ )*@)**43.-"$*4 *9 $L( !(4<.5(@&("4-.-0 64*04"+
ln SepLember 2012, 1hayne CenLer sLaff recelved feedback from faculLy whlch lndlcaLed a deslre for
more faculLy lnvolvemenL wlLhln Lhe overall coordlnaLlon of Lhe servlce-learnlng program. Lven Lhough
SL 1000 ls a componenL of Lhe greaLer servlce-learnlng program and ls co-faclllLaLed by a deslgnaLed
servlce-learnlng faculLy, LhaL poslLlon ls unpald. ln order Lo grow Lhe servlce-learnlng program and
expand professlonal developmenL offerlngs for faculLy, lL ls necessary Lo supporL Lhe esLabllshmenL of a
faculLy co-coordlnaLor wlLhln Lhe servlce-learnlng program. 1he faculLy co-coordlnaLor would have
several responslblllLles wlLhln Lhe servlce-learnlng program. Lxamples of Lhese responslblllLles lnclude
servlng as a menLor for newly deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng faculLy, co-chalrlng Lhe Course ueslgnaLlon
8evlew CommlLLee for Lhe SLC&u program, and servlng as a represenLaLlve of SLCC on varlous
commlLLees faclllLaLed by uLah Campus CompacL. 1he faculLy co-coordlnaLor would recelve reasslgned
Llme ln order Lo collaboraLe wlLh Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor Lo lncrease faculLy ownershlp of Lhe
program. lundlng Lo supporL reasslgned Llme could be generaLed by conLlnulng Lo pursue collaboraLlve
parLnershlps wlLh deparLmenLs and offlces LhroughouL Lhe College, or Lhrough exLernal granL fundlng.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 176

ALnulx P

Amerlca 8eads - CommunlLy Work-sLudy
AuLhor, Lynne McCue-PamllLon
CommunlLy Work-sLudy CoordlnaLor

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 177
Deta|| the core programs and serv|ces you prov|de.
=+(4.5" E("32@5*++,-.$/ >*4'@2$,3/
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
33 sLudenLs 31 sLudenLs 86 sLudenLs 38 sLudenLs 36 sLudenLs
7, 382 hours 8,303 hours 8,664 hours 11,816 hours 7,776 hours
$72, 322 $79,721 $87,069 $123,312 $81, 770

Money reflecLs Lhe amounL of federal work-sLudy flnanclal ald earned by sLudenLs.
21 26 21

ercenL reflecLs whaL percenLage of all of SLCC's federal work-sLudy Amerlca 8eads was for LhaL
flscal year. Colleges musL use 7 of federal work-sLudy Lo supporL sLudenLs worklng ln communlLy
servlce [obs.

Amerlca 8eads CommunlLy work-sLudy was 21 of SLCC federal work-sLudy awards ln Lhe academlc
year of 2011-2012.

What |s the core purpose of each of these programs?
1he Amerlca 8eads program hlres enough quallfled SLCC sLudenLs Lo meeL Lhe llLeracy needs of our
communlLy parLner elemenLary schools. SLCC sLudenLs have a rewardlng communlLy-based opLlon
Lhrough whlch Lo earn Lhelr federal work-sLudy award.

Amerlca reads was esLabllshed as a naLlonal llLeracy LuLorlng program ln 1993. We provlde Lralnlng and
a hlgh-quallLy menLorlng experlence, enrlchlng learnlng opporLunlLles for boLh SLCC sLudenLs and
elemenLary school sLudenLs.

1he federal works-sLudy flnanclal ald program ls a need-based program, provldlng funds for parL-
Llme employmenL Lo help low-lncome sLudenLs Lo flnance Lhe cosL of posL-secondary educaLlon. A
parLlclpaLlng lnsLlLuLlon applles each year for lWS fundlng by submlLLlng a llscal CperaLlons 8eporL and
appllcaLlon Lo arLlclpaLe (llSA) Lo Lhe u.S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon. SLudenLs may be employed by

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 178
Lhe lnsLlLuLlon lLself, a federal, sLaLe or local publlc agency, a prlvaLe nonproflL organlzaLlon. lnsLlLuLlons
musL use aL leasL 7 percenL of Lhelr Work-SLudy allocaLlon Lo supporL sLudenLs worklng ln communlLy
servlce [obs, lncludlng: readlng LuLors for preschool age or elemenLary school chlldren, maLhemaLlcs
LuLors for sLudenLs enrolled ln elemenLary school Lhrough nlnLh grade, llLeracy LuLors ln a famlly llLeracy
pro[ecL performlng famlly llLeracy acLlvlLles, or emergency preparedness and response.

Amerlca 8eads (A8) ls a naLlonal llLeracy campalgn LhaL focuses on helplng chlldren ln klndergarLen
Lhrough Lhlrd grade lmprove Lhelr readlng skllls. 1he Amerlca 8ead challenge was launched by resldenL
8lll CllnLon. Pe challenged Lhe hlgher educaLlon communlLy Lo [oln ln Lhe efforL Lo lmprove readlng
achlevemenL ln chlldren. 1he ob[ecLlve of Lhls program ls Lo have chlldren readlng well and
lndependenLly by Lhe end of Lhlrd grade. 1he 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng Look up LhaL
challenge and has Lhe followlng vlslon and mlsslon.

resldenL CllnLon's admlnlsLraLlon mandaLed LhaL any college offerlng federal work-sLudy funds Lo
lLs sLudenLs musL use aL leasL 7 percenL of Lhelr Work-SLudy allocaLlon Lo supporL sLudenLs worklng ln
communlLy servlce [obs, lncludlng: readlng LuLors for preschool age or elemenLary school chlldren.

Ana|yze the effect|veness, strengths, and cha||enges of each program and serv|ce.
uolpoe 5tteoqtb. llfLeen years laLer SalL Lake CommunlLy College, Lhrough Lhe 1hayne CenLer's Amerlca
8eads program, engages quallfled SLCC sLudenLs Lo meeL Lhe llLeracy needs of our communlLy parLner
elemenLary schools. 1he Amerlca 8eads program asslsLs SLCC ln meeLlng Lhe lWS program requlremenL
LhaL 7 of Lhe federal work-sLudy award be used ln communlLy servlce programs.

ln facL, Amerlca
8eads represenLed 21 of SLCC's work-sLudy program ln 2011-2012, 26 ln 2010-2011, and 21 ln
ltovlJloq ctltlcol lloooclol kesootces. SLudenLs awarded federal work-sLudy musL meeL federal
regulaLlons on flnanclal need .Cuallfled sLudenLs have a low-lncome background and may have been
awarded work-sLudy alone, or a comblnaLlon of flnanclal ald asslsLance. 1he range of sLudenLs lncludes
parenLs reLurnlng Lo college afLer Lhelr chlldren are grown, slngle parenLs golng Lo college whlle also


1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 179
ralslng chlldren, sLudenLs aLLendlng college whlle worklng more Lhan one [ob, or as one sLudenL puL lL
l'm a cranky old carpenLer looklng for ways Lo supporL myself ln Lhe fuLure". SLudenLs flnd ouL LhaL Lhey
have quallfled for a federal work-sLudy award, whlch means Lhey are sLarLlng college, buL now musL also
seek a work-sLudy [ob ln order Lo earn LhaL award. lor Lhose sLudenLs LhaL are successful ln flLLlng an on-
campus work-sLudy [ob or off-campus communlLy work-sLudy [ob lnLo Lhelr compllcaLed schedule, work-
sLudy becomes an lmporLanL flnanclal componenL, provldlng funds Lo enable LhaL sLudenL Lo aLLend SalL
Lake CommunlLy College. As one sLudenL explalns, Amerlca 8eads glves me Lhe chance Lo earn some of
my funds for educaLlon. Work-sLudy funds are lmporLanL sources of fundlng for colleges and
unlverslLles." AnoLher says lL helps Lhe sLudenL Lo be able Lo have exLra money avallable Lo Lhem when
Lhey have llmlLed flnanclal means, and Lo focus on school and volunLeerlng and noL worry so much
where Lhey're nexL meal ls comlng from."

obooceJ coteet Oppottooltles. 1he conslsLency of Lhe Amerlca 8eads program provldes a work-sLudy
[ob LhaL has also shown Lo be a gaLeway Lo boLh parL-Llme and full-Llme [obs for Lhe work-sLudy LuLors.
All Lhree communlLy parLner 1lLle l elemenLary schools have laLer hlred A8 LuLors for oLher parL Llme
[obs ln Lhelr llLeracy programs, afLer-school programs, summer programs, and oLher school dlsLrlcL [obs .
l llke LhaL l was able Lo flnd employmenL wlLh Lhe SalL Lake School dlsLrlcL aL Lhe same school l was
LuLorlng ln." 1he experlence l galned Lhrough Amerlca 8eads rogram has helped me grow as a LuLor,
and now l am worklng as a Leacher's alde." lL ls a greaL beneflL Lo me because l was able Lo spend Llme
worklng wlLh sLudenLs LhaL llve ln my communlLy." lL gave me an opporLunlLy Lo be a presence ln Lhe
school LhaL one day l mlghL Leachlng." lL allowed me Lo meeL professlonals ln Lhe fleld of educaLlon."

1tololoq ooJ ltofessloool xpetleoce. When Amerlca 8eads LuLors are hlred Lhey begln Lo earn Lhelr
federal work-sLudy award by aLLendlng orlenLaLlons, Lralnlngs, and presenLaLlons, boLh on and off-
campus, learnlng abouL lssues such as dlverslLy, poverLy, hunger, raclsm, and educaLlon. (See Appendlx
8 for Lhe Amerlca 8eads ConLracL) 1hls provldes Lhe Amerlca 8eads LuLors wlLh Lralnlng and a hlgh-
quallLy menLorlng experlence, enhanclng Lhe learnlng opporLunlLles for boLh SLCC sLudenLs and
elemenLary school sLudenLs. 1hls experlence ls absoluLely enrlchlng my sLudles as well. l fell llke lL's
glvlng me some real hands on experlence ln helplng chlldren learn Lo communlcaLe. 1hls ls prlceless for
me. l belleve lL wlll help me ln my fleld whlch ls CommunlcaLlon Sclences and ulsorders." lL conLlnues Lo
amaze me how effecLlve and slmple Lhls program ls. l'm Laklng Soclal roblems Lhls semesLer and we're
always golng ln a clrcle abouL whaL Lhe core lssues ln our socleLy are. eople argue ln class dlscusslons

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 180
abouL Lhls or LhaL and lL ALWA?S comes back Lo educaLlon. buL LhaL sounds Loo slmple. 1o educaLe a
chlld ls Lo change Lhe world. So l llsLen Lo Lhem argue. and Lhen l geL Lo my elemenLary school, see my
favorlLe klds, show Lhem how Lo sound ouL words, spell correcLly and waLch Lhem undersLand how Lo
read dlrecLlons on Lhelr own and l even Lhrow ln compllmenLs llke, Wow, one day, when you go Lo
college, you wlll blow everybody away wlLh how well you wrlLe." 1hen l ask you are golng Lo go Lo
college, rlghL? When Lhey look aL me crazy, Lhen we Lalk abouL whaL college ls."

ultect Jocotloo oo 5oclol lssoes. ln Lhe lasL Lwo years an Amerlca 8eads blog was creaLed Lo documenL
and supporL Lhe crlLlcal reflecLlon and learnlng LhaL Lakes place as Amerlca 8eads LuLors galn knowledge
and experlence by LuLorlng ln 1lLle 1 elemenLary schools. Amerlca 8eads LuLors are senL prompLs whlch
Lhey respond Lo as parL of Lhelr LuLorlng experlence such as, As an Amerlca 8eads LuLor, do you see
hunger, poverLy, dlverslLy or oLher lssues playlng a role ln Lhe sLudenLs' llves LhaL you LuLor? lf yes,

1hls dlrecL soclal medla experlence glves Amerlca 8eads LuLors a parL-Llme work-sLudy [ob LhaL
can help glve Lhem a more meanlngful way Lo earn Lhelr work-sLudy award. 1he Amerlca 8eads blog
provldes a real llfe educaLlon ln whlch LuLors galn a more ln- depLh undersLandlng of Lhe communlLy
around Lhem, LhaL ls an lmporLanL parL of Lhelr educaLlon. Cne sLudenL wrlLes on Lhe blog, overLy can
affecL many aspecLs of learnlng. Some sLudenLs come Lo class unbaLhed wlLh Lhe cloLhes unwashed. lL ls
hard Lo say lf Lhey have many frlends. When you are osLraclzed, you begln Lo feel self-consclous and
wonder whaL ls wrong wlLh you.
leet Netwotkloq. lall semesLer 2011, 27 Amerlca 8ead LuLors posLed 188 responses Lo 7 Amerlca 8eads
blog posLs. 1he LuLors, havlng such dlverse range of schedules LhaL Lhey may have never meL each oLher,
dlscussed wlLh each oLher Loplc llke hunger, poverLy, and domesLlc vlolence, all Loplcs Lhey wlLness
every day as Lhey read Lo chlldren and chlldren read Lo Lhem. 1hese conversaLlons are parL of Lhe way
Lhe LuLors are earnlng Lhelr federal work-sLudy award. Where else ln Lhelr educaLlon would Lhese
sLudenLs have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo dlscuss Lhe lmpacL of slLuaLlons llke one of my sLudenLs sleeps on her
Crandma's couch every nlghL. AnoLher sLudenL deals wlLh domesLlc vlolence lssues aL home. AnoLher of
my sLudenLs reads Lo hls Mom every nlghL. unforLunaLely Lhe school ls well aware abouL all Lhese
slLuaLlons and dolng all LhaL Lhey can.buL Lhere ls noL a whole loL Lhey can do...Lhelr hands are Lled. l'm
[usL glad Lhese klds have us a consLanL, calm, poslLlve lnfluence. lL's hard Lo waLch someLlmes. ?ou come
Lo reallze LhaL you can only do so much and you pray LhaL whaL you re dolng wlll make even ralndrops


1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 181
worLh of dlfference for Lhese klds." Pow else would Lhese LuLors meeL and dlscuss ldeas on how Lo
LuLor, or share experlences when Lhey may never see each oLher because of Lhelr schedules? SLudenL A
says, l see much lmprovemenL wlLh my sLudenLs, Lhey are readlng much beLLer wlLh oLhers around
Lhem. l also work aL Lhe afLer school program helplng klds wlLh any homework Lhey need help wlLh.
AfLer showlng Lhem a few Llmes Lhey usually geL lL on Lhelr own. lL's been a greaL experlence." SLudenL
8, Wow LhaL ls greaL LhaL you were able Lo help.lL ls well worLh lL." SLudenL C adds, l love helplng wlLh
Lhelr readlng. l llke lL when Lhe llghL goes on and Lhey geL how Lo sound ouL Lhe leLLer or Lhey are able Lo
read a couple pages ouL of a book." SLudenL u ends wlLh l have one sLudenL LhaL l have only spenL a
couple of hours LuLorlng. Pls Leacher approached me yesLerday and Lold me LhaL hls readlng skllls are
lmprovlng so rapldly LhaL he wlll be movlng Lo a group LhaL ls readlng a hlgher level. l geL Lhe
opporLunlLy Lo glve Lhls chlld one-on-one aLLenLlon Lwlce a week where l can remlnd hlm LhaL he ls
speclal, he ls capable of learnlng and he can succeed." And so lL goes Lhe sharlng of experlences, ln-
beLween classes, ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe nlghL, beLween Amerlca 8eads LuLors LhaL may noL know each
oLher's name, buL share a common feellng abouL Lhe communlLy work-sLudy Lhey are dolng.

coteet 5kllls. As Amerlca 8eads LuLors respond and dlscuss Lhelr experlences LuLorlng on Lhe Amerlca
8eads blog, Lhe LuLors become comforLable and famlllar wlLh new medla llke group blogglng, whlch ls an
lmporLanL parL of employmenL seeklng, lnLervlewlng, and obLalnlng fuLure employmenL. A8 LuLors geL Lo
pracLlce some of Lhese skllls by conLacLlng 1lLle l elemenLary school llLeracy coordlnaLors, seLLlng up
appolnLmenLs Lo Lour Lhe schools and dlscuss Lhelr schedules, flndlng a schedule LhaL flLs for Lhelr school
and llfe schedule and one LhaL flLs Lhe needs of Lhe 1lLle l elemenLary school llLeracy coordlnaLors. 1hey
are rewarded for arrlvlng Lo LuLorlng on Llme, and leLLlng everyone know when Lhelr compllcaLed
schedule changes so LhaL no chlld ls walLlng Lo meeL Lhem aL Lhelr classroom for LuLorlng, when Lhey are
slck or noL able Lo make lL Lo Lhe school LhaL day. 1hls demonsLraLes SalL Lake CommunlLy College's
SLudenL Servlces Learnlng CuLcome, ulsplay pracLlcal compeLence and lnLerpersonal skllls. Acqulre
effecLlve [ob skllls."

Meetloq commoolty NeeJs. Accordlng Lo communlLy parLner llLeracy coordlnaLor Sherrle, Amerlca
8eads LuLors are Lhe backbone of our program (aL nlbley ark LlemenLary School). Amerlca 8eads LuLors
make my [ob much more successful. lL allows sLudenLs LhaL need exLra help Lo be able Lo geL LhaL help.
1o see how much Lhe sLudenLs lmprove LhroughouL Lhe year ls [usL amazlng." 1hls ls how Amerlca 8eads
ls meeLlng Lhe llLeracy needs of our communlLy parLner elemenLary schools. ?ear afLer year Amerlca

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 182
reads LuLors have a lasLlng lmpacL on 1lLle l school chlldren. Chrls, Lhe communlLy parLner llLeracy
coordlnaLor aL WhlLLler, ls an alumnus of SLCC, Amerlca 8eads, and oLher programs of Lhe 1hayne
CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng. 1he llLerary coordlnaLors aL Lhe 1lLle l schools and Lhe Amerlca 8eads
LuLors LhaL make Amerlca 8eads more Lhan [usL a work-sLudy [ob, all conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe success of Lhe
Amerlca 8eads program and Lhe success LhaL Lhe chlldren have ln ralslng Lhelr readlng levels.

1he 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng's annual assessmenL shows Lhe sLaLs from Lhe 1lLle l
LlemenLary School LlLeracy program anonymously documenLed Lhe advancemenL of Lhe chlldren's
readlng levels. lrom Lhe 1hayne CenLer's 2010-2011 AssessmenL (see Appendlx u)

SLCCC SLudenLs worked conslsLenLly LhroughouL Lhe year Lo LuLor 60 elemenLary school chlldren aL
nlbley ark and 13 aL WhlLLler. We were able Lo lsolaLe LesLlng daLa for Lhe chlldren our SLCC LuLors
worked wlLh. We assessed Lhe level aL whlch Lhe sLudenLs enLered Lhe readlng LuLorlng program ln
fall 2010 and Lhe level Lhey reached by Lhe end of sprlng semesLer 2011. 1he daLa does ln facL show
LhaL we are lmprovlng Lhe llLeracy skllls of Lhe sLudenLs we LuLor. 8eyond LhaL, daLa from quallLaLlve
exlL lnLervlews demonsLraLes lnsplrlng growLh ln our own sLudenLs LhaL served as menLors. AL nlbley
ark LlemenLary School we LuLored 60 chlldren. 1he average number of levels by whlch Lhelr llLeracy
skllls lncreased ls 7.36 ouL of a posslble 18 (book levels A-8). When we move slx ouLllers (sLudenLs
LhaL advanced upwards of 6, 6, and 13 levels), we are lefL wlLh 34 chlldren who advanced anywhere
from 1-4 levels ln one academlc year. When averaged for Lhe remalnlng 34 chlldren, we lncreased
llLeracy skllls, on average, by 1.69 levels ln one year."

lrom Lhe 1hayne CenLer's 2011-2012 AssessmenL (see Appendlx C)
SLCC LuLors worked wlLh over 62 chlldren aL Lhree 1lLle l elemenLary schools. AL WhlLLler, 19
chlldren ralsed Lhelr readlng skllls by an average of four levels ln elghL monLhs. ln LhaL same Llme, 43
chlldren aL nlbley ark lncreased an average of 3.63 levels. uavld Courley does noL Lrack llLeracy
raLes. Also, WhlLLler uLlllzed our sLudenLs ln Lngllsh as Second Language classrooms, reachlng
anoLher 33 sLudenLs ln addlLlon Lo Lhose 19ln Lhe program formally."

As sald by one A8 LuLor" we help provlde a baslc need, readlng. WlLhouL Lhe ablllLy Lo read a person
can never reach Lhelr full poLenLlal ln Lhls world. We also brlng equallLy Lo read Lo Lhelr llves because
wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo read Lhey can learn Lo become anyLhlng Lhey wanL, a docLor, lawyer, englneer, eLc.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 183
Lhe only llmlLs LhaL wlll be puL on Lhelr llfe wlll be Lhe llmlLs Lhey seL for Lhemselves. 1he 1hayne
CenLer/Amerlca 8eads help us learn and Leach Lhe skllls LhaL wlll make a poslLlve change ln Lhe
communlLy and Lhereby changlng Lhe world ln a poslLlve way. 8y poslLlvely changlng Lhls generaLlon, we
wlll be affecLlng many fuLure generaLlons Lo come. WhaL an opporLunlLy Lo make a dlfference."

)L"##(-0(2 *9 $L( =+(4.5" E("32 64*04"+
lott-tlme nltloq. SalL Lake CommunlLy College requlres work-sLudy [obs Lo be caLegorlzed as parL-Llme
employees of SalL Lake CommunlLy College. 1o daLe no one ln elLher Puman 8esources or llnanclal Ald
has been able Lo presenL Lhe College pollcy sLaLlng why Lhls ls Lhe case. Powever, we have been dlrecLed
Lo a work-sLudy A8S handbook * and an hourly [ob LlLles/descrlpLlon gulde.* 1hls means LhaL all work-
sLudy, lncludlng communlLy work-sLudy sLudenLs, musL apply on Lhe A8S employee on-llne slLe, and flll
ouL Lhe paperwork for Puman 8esources as parL-Llme employees. 1here ls no excepLlon for communlLy
work-sLudy sLudenLs even Lhough Lhey are noL worklng aL an offlce or deparLmenL on-campus. When
communlLy work-sLudy sLudenLs are hlred as SLCC employees, Lhey are auLomaLlcally asslgned an
CuLlook e-mall address. 1hls ls boLh unnecessary and requlres Lralnlng lf lL ls Lo be used. lL also confuses
Lhe sLudenLs and can affecL Lhelr ablllLy Lo log-on Lo do Lhelr class work.

mployee uset lu. CommunlLy work-sLudy sLudenLs are also asslgned an employee user-ld whlch causes
addlLlonal unnecessary confuslon wlLh Lhe sLudenL log-on Lhey use for class. Amerlca 8eads communlLy
work-sLudy sLudenLs flll ouL oLher paperwork LhaL perLalns Lo on-campus parL-Llme and full-Llme [obs
even Lhough lL ls noL appllcable.

lAk5 koles. 1he mandaLory A8S Lmployee on- llne hlrlng program asks a quesLlon LhaL musL be
answered ln order Lo conLlnue Lhe appllcaLlon process, Pave you ever been convlcLed for anyLhlng
oLher Lhan a mlnor Lrafflc vlolaLlon." 1hen lL sLaLes, lf yes please explaln." Slnce mosL sLudenLs applylng
for a work-sLudy [ob, do noL know for example, LhaL legally Lhey do noL need Lo Lell a poLenLlal employer
abouL [uvenlle offenses, Lhe work-sLudy sLudenL wlll someLlmes deLall a youLhful lndlscreLlon.

*SLCC, Puman 8esources (2012),( Work-SLudy handbook A8S)
* SLCC, Puman 8esources (2012), (hourly [obs LlLles documenL)




1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 184
1hls problem from Lhelr pasL ls now hlghllghLed and Puman 8esources advlses LhaL Lhls sLudenL
should noL be hlred. 1hls prevenLs Lhe sLudenL from belng allowed Lo earn Lhelr federal work-sLudy
award and puLs Lhem ln flnanclal [eopardy for successfully paylng Lhelr oLher flnanclal obllgaLlons Lo
aLLend college. We are noL Lalklng abouL convlcLed felons who should noL be hlred by Lhe college and
placed ln schools. Powever every communlLy work-sLudy LuLor ls already requlred Lo pass a crlmlnal
background check wlLh Lhe parLnerlng school dlsLrlcL before Lhey can LuLor ln Lhelr placemenL 1lLle l
elemenLary school. 1he addlLlonal barrler from SLCC Puman 8esources ls unnecessary. CommunlLy
work-sLudy ls fllled wlLh low-lncome sLudenLs comlng Lo SLCC for a new chance aL a beLLer llfe, [uvenlle
offences and mlsdemeanors should noL hold Lhese sLudenLs back from Lhe beLLer opporLunlLles LhaL an
educaLlon can glve Lhem.

loy ooJ 1ltle lollcy. SalL Lake CommunlLy College Puman 8esources and ayroll have a pollcy LhaL all
[obs musL choose a LlLle and hourly pay raLe from Lhe LlLle and hourly descrlpLlon and hourly pay raLe
schedule. 1he schedule does noL currenLly lnclude a descrlpLlon or pay raLe scale LhaL descrlbes or ls
conslsLenL wlLh Amerlca 8eads CommunlLy Work-sLudy. 1hls descrlpLlon and pay raLe llsL ls Lhe only llsL
LhaL ls allowed Lo be used Lo hlre anyone aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College. Pavlng such a schedule makes
sense for a large lnsLlLuLlon LhaL hlres so many people on so many campuses, buL Lo overlook havlng a
speclflc pay scale and [ob descrlpLlon for Amerlca 8eads communlLy work-sLudy employees ls someLhlng
LhaL should be addressed. ?ear afLer year Amerlca 8eads communlLy work-sLudy sLudenLs are belng
hlred under a descrlpLlon and pay raLe LhaL does flL Lhe [ob Lhey perform. 1he pay raLe schedule ls noL
ln-llne wlLh allowed hourly raLes for work-sLudy. 1hls prevenLs sLudenLs from earnlng Lhelr full flnanclal
ald award. 1hls has necesslLaLed unnecessary coordlnaLlon Lhe 1hayne CenLer, Puman 8esources, and
ayroll. lor lnsLance, as an lncenLlve Lo reLurn each semesLer, Amerlca 8ead LuLors LhaL recelve an
excellenL [ob revlew from Lhelr communlLy parLner school llLeracy coordlnaLor, recelve a $.30/hr ralse
per semesLer. 1hls ralse does noL go Lo all LuLors, and comes ouL of Lhelr federal work-sLudy award. 1hls
allows Lhe sLudenL Lo earn Lhelr award sooner and noL lose Lhe ald (whlch can happen lf you are noL able
Lo earn Lhe award durlng Lhe semesLer). lederal work-sLudy does noL llmlL Lhelr pay raLe. SLCC seLs a
llmlL and Lhls ls ofLen an addlLlonal burden Lo Lhese sLudenLs who are Lrylng Lo earn Lhelr federal
flnanclal ald.

Cver Lhe years, Lhe 1hayne CenLer has asked LhaL Lhese problems be resolved wlLh deparLmenL
collaboraLlon, buL no one from Lhe varlous deparLmenLs wlll engage ln resolvlng Lhese problems

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 183
affecLlng ouL sLudenLs. ?ear afLer year Lhe answer ls LhaL Lhese ls Lhe way lL has been done and why
change now.

Cutreach and Market|ng
H*> 3* /*, "3<(4$.2( "-3 .-9*4+ 2$,3(-$2 ";*,$ /*,4 B4*04"+2 "-3 2(4<.5(2Y R($".# L*> /*,
*,$4("5L $* 2$,3(-$2 "-3 $* $L( 5*++,-.$/T =-"#/Q( $L( 2$4(-0$L2 "-3 5L"##(-0(2 .- L*> /*, 4("5L
*,$ "-3 (3,5"$( 2$,3(-$2 ";*,$ /*,4 2(4<.5(2T
SLCC sLudenLs LhaL have been awarded federal work-sLudy awards from SLCC's llnanclal Ald ueparLmenL
are Lhe only sLudenLs LhaL may apply Lo Amerlca 8eads. 1he followlng ls how Amerlca 8eads ls broughL
Lo Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe sLudenLs LhaL have recelved awarded federal work-sLudy awards from SLCC's
llnanclal Ald ueparLmenL and are seeklng a work-sLudy [ob.
ln order Lo accompllsh Lhe mlnlmum of 7 as federally mandaLed, SLCC's llnanclal Ald
ueparLmenL lncludes a fller abouL Amerlca 8eads ln all flnanclal ald federal work-sLudy packeLs
LhaL are handed ouL Lo sLudenLs awarded work-sLudy awards aL SLCC.
Amerlca 8eads requlremenLs and orlenLaLlons are adverLlsed on Lhe 1hayne CenLer's web slLe,
blog, and lacebook and 1wlLLer pages.
Amerlca 8eads requlremenLs and orlenLaLlons are adverLlsed on SLCC's web slLe.
CurrenL and former Amerlca 8eads LuLors are Lhe besL way LhaL Amerlca 8eads ls promoLed Lo
oLher SLCC sLudenLs. 1hey dlscuss Lhe program wlLh Lhelr fellow sLudenLs, wrlLe abouL lL ln
classroom papers, and Lalk abouL lL ln classroom presenLaLlons.

now |nc|us|ve are your programs and serv|ces? Are some students access|ng and us|ng your serv|ces
more than others? What act|v|t|es do you use to proact|ve|y reach out to underserved groups?
lederal work-sLudy flnanclal ald ls a need based program. 1hls means LhaL Amerlca 8eads LuLors
represenL Lhe lower sclo-economlc demographlc of Lhe sLudenL body aL SLCC. Many of Lhe Amerlca
8eads LuLors are non-LradlLlonal sLudenLs comlng Lo college, Lhey are someLlmes flrsL generaLlon
Amerlcans, or are reLurnlng Lo college because of loss of [obs, or needlng more Lralnlng Lo advance ln
Lhe employmenL arena, parenLs reLurnlng afLer Lhelr chlldren are grown, moLhers aLLendlng college now
LhaL Lhelr chlldren are ln school all day and older sLudenLs wlLh full Llme [obs or mulLlple [obs. Many of
Lhe Amerlca 8eads LuLors are slngle parenLs.

2009-2013 Amerlca 8eads LuLors are 68-80 female, Lhe average age ls 30, wlLh an age range of 18-39.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 186

Campus re|at|ons and co||aborat|ons
H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L *$L(4 3(B"4$+(-$2 >.$L.- !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2Y H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$(
>.$L 3(B"4$+(-$2 *,$2.3( *9 $L( 3.<.2.*- "-3 .- $L( 5*++,-.$/Y H*> 3* /*, .-.$."$( 5*##";*4"$.<(
B4*Z(5$2Y H*> 5"- /*, .+B4*<( $L(2( (99*4$2Y
1ltle l commoolty lottoet lemeototy 5cbools. 1he Amerlca 8eads program collaboraLes wlLh 1lLle l
elemenLary schools. We are provldlng Amerlca 8eads LuLors Lo Lwo schools ln Lhe SalL lake School
ulsLrlcL ln lall SemesLer 2012. 1hese schools are WhlLLler LlemenLary School and nlbley ark LlemenLary
School. We have a conLracL wlLh Lhe school prlnclpal and llLeracy coordlnaLor whlch we updaLe each
academlc year. (See Appendlx 8 for Lhe Amerlca 8eads ConLracL) We have parLnered wlLh Lhese schools
for nearly a decade. 1he Amerlca 8eads rogram CoordlnaLor meeLs wlLh Lhe llLeracy coordlnaLors aL
leasL Lwlce a monLh ln Lhe llLeracy rooms aL Lhe schools, and many Llmes weekly. hone conLacL and e-
mall conLacL ls malnLalned on a weekly basls.

1he collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe Lwo llLeracy coordlnaLors ls excellenL wlLh each slde calllng and e-malllng
quesLlons, concerns, ldea and requesLs. Cver Lhe lasL year boLh llLeracy programs have lnvlLed Lhe A8
coordlnaLor Lo drop by as ofLen as Lhe A8 coordlnaLor ls avallable Lo vlslL. 1hls open access pollcy has
really expanded Lhe LrusL and collaboraLlon beLween all programs. 1he llLeracy coordlnaLors do noL have
much freedom of movemenL of or freedom of schedullng ln Lhelr [obs buL Lhe A8 coordlnaLor does. WlLh
regular vlslLs weekly Lo Lhe llLeracy programs aL Lhe schools Lhe relaLlons wlLh llLeracy coordlnaLors, and
wlLh Lhe LuLors wlll conLlnue Lo be excellenL as was experlenced ln Lhe lasL academlc year.

1hls lall 2012 Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng's Amerlca 8eads CoordlnaLor wlll drop ln on
each 1lLle l LlemenLary School LlLeracy program Lwlce a week aL dlfferenL Llmes. 1hls wlll enable Lhe
coordlnaLor Lo see dlfferenL Amerlca 8eads LuLors lnLeracLlng as LuLors. 1he coordlnaLor can observe Lhe
LuLors, chaL wlLh Lhem lf Lhey need Lo know someLhlng or Lhey need Lo dlscuss anyLhlng wlLh Lhe
coordlnaLor. 1hls wlll lead Lo beLLer communlcaLlons beLween all parLles.

lloooclol AlJ Offlce ot 5olt loke commoolty colleqe. 1he Amerlca 8eads CoordlnaLor lnLeracLs wlLh Lhe
llnanclal Ald Cfflce work-sLudy coordlnaLor by e-mall or phone as Lhe llnanclal Ald work-sLudy
coordlnaLor requesLed.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 187
1here ls no formal sysLem ln place where Lhe Amerlca 8eads CoordlnaLor aLLends meeLlngs wlLh Lhe
flnanclal ald coordlnaLor or flnanclal ald dlrecLor, human resources, or payroll. When Lhere are problems
Lhese deparLmenLs call or e-mall. no formal Lralnlng or meeLlngs have been seL up slnce Lhe A8
CoordlnaLor sLarLed Lhls poslLlon. When sLarLlng Lhe poslLlon Lhe coordlnaLor conLacLed all concerned
and was noL lnvlLed Lo meeL wlLh Lhem.

SLCC flnanclal ald wlll be hlrlng a new federal work-sLudy coordlnaLor. Amerlca 8eads coordlnaLor
wlll ask lf her dlrecLor can requesL LhaL Lhe Amerlca 8eads coordlnaLor be on Lhe hlrlng commlLLee. lf
LhaL ls noL accepLable Lhen Lhe dlrecLor can ask LhaL flnanclal ald lncludes Lhe Amerlca 8eads
CoordlnaLor ln monLhly meeLlngs wlLh Lhe flnanclal ald coordlnaLor and flnanclal ald dlrecLor or lf lL
would be approprlaLe for Lhe Amerlca 8eads coordlnaLor Lo aLLend weekly sLaff meeLlngs ln flnanclal ald.
1here musL be some regular meeLlngs ln Lhe flnanclal ald deparLmenL LhaL would be beneflclal for all
concerned LhaL Lhe Amerlca 8eads CoordlnaLor aLLends.

Descr|be any core changes |n your programs and serv|ces over the past f|ve years.
1he prevlous Amerlca 8eads coordlnaLor lnLervlewed each of Lhe federal work-sLudy sLudenLs LhaL
applled for Lhe Amerlca 8eads communlLy work-sLudy program lndlvldually ln a LradlLlonal work
lnLervlew. 1hen Lhe coordlnaLor hlred a speclflc number of LuLors and placed Lhem aL Lhe four 1lLle l
schools. 1he four schools were nlbley ark, WhlLLler, uavld Courley, and WesLvale LlemenLary schools.
1hen Lhe LuLors LhaL were able aLLended an all-day and a half-day Amerlca 8eads 1uLor Lralnlng and
paperwork sesslon. 1haL coordlnaLor was asslsLed by a parL-Llme 1hayne CenLer employee wlLh Lhose
lnLervlews and Lralnlngs. ln 2003 Lhe parL-Llme sLaff was hlred full-Llme Lo be Lhe Amerlca 8eads
CoordlnaLor and changed Lhe hlrlng process. now we lnvlLe any work-sLudy sLudenLs lnLeresLed ln
becomlng Amerlca 8eads LuLors or wanLlng Lo [usL know abouL Lhe Amerlca 8eads program Lo a one
hour orlenLaLlon abouL Amerlca 8eads. 1hls enabled more sLudenLs from SLCC LhaL were awarded
federal work sLudy Lo aLLend Lhe orlenLaLlons and become educaLed abouL Lhe Amerlca 8eads rogram
and whaL belng hlred as an Amerlca 8eads LuLor would enLall. 1he lasL LwenLy mlnuLes of Lhe A8
orlenLaLlons was used Lo help any work-sLudy sLudenL LhaL was lnLeresLed Lo flll ouL Lhe paperwork Lo
become an A8 LuLor. 1hls change helped expand Lhe Amerlca 8eads program Lo a greaLer number of
sLudenLs. lL also maxlmlzes Lhe producLlvlLy of Lhe program coordlnaLor.

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ln 2009-2010 WesLvale LlemenLary School losL fundlng because of Lhe break- up of !ordan School
ulsLrlcL. 1hls dlsrupLed WesLvale LlemenLary School and Lhelr llLeracy program fell aparL. WesLvale had
four dlfferenL llLeracy coordlnaLors durlng Lhe academlc year. 1he LranslLlon of each new coordlnaLor
was a challenge for Lhe chlldren, LuLors, and Lhe school. 1he Amerlca 8eads coordlnaLor was able Lo
Lransfer some of Lhe Amerlca 8eads LuLors over Lo oLher parLner schools buL some Amerlca 8eads LuLors
lefL Lhe program. 8y Lhe end of Lhe academlc year Lhere was sLlll so much uncerLalnLy LhaL Lhe Amerlca
8eads program only renewed conLracLs wlLh Lhree communlLy parLner schools lnsLead of four. 1hls was
done afLer ma[or reflecLlon and parLlclpaLlon of all of Amerlca 8eads LuLors, Lhe coordlnaLor, and
dlscusslon wlLh Lhe communlLy parLners and dlrecLor of Lhe 1hayne CenLer.

1he daLa gaLhered durlng Lhe assessmenL process of Lhe academlc year of 2010-2011 and 2011-2012
showed a dramaLlc dlfference ln Lhe success raLe of Lhe LuLors LhaL were ln Lhe sLrucLured 1lLle l
elemenLary school llLeracy programs (l.e. deslgnaLed llLeracy room or space, a speclflc llLeracy program
wlLh learnlng plan LemplaLes, lesson plan folders, and an on-slLe llLeracy coordlnaLor). 1hls daLa was
used Lo make Lhe declslon Lo noL renew our conLracL wlLh uavld Courley elemenLary School. AfLer Lhe
flrsL assessmenL Lhe A8 CoordlnaLor dlscussed Lhe dlfferences wlLh Lhe 1C dlrecLor, Amerlca 8eads
LuLors, and Lhe 1lLle l elemenLary school coordlnaLors aL Lhe 1lLle l elemenLary school LhaL was placlng
A8 LuLors dlrecLly lnLo classrooms. 1he assessmenL ln 2011-2012 was more formal and more speclflc and
lL was more obvlous how lmporLanL Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe llLeracy programs affecLed Lhe LuLor reLenLlon
raLe and Lhe learnlng ouLcomes. 1he A8 coordlnaLor wlLh Lhe backlng of boLh Lhe daLa and Lhe dlrecLor
of Lhe 1hayne CenLer dld noL offer uavld Courley LlemenLary School an Amerlca 8eads conLracL for Lhe
2012-2013 academlc year. 1he school was lnformed LhaL lf Lhey re-sLrucLured Lhelr llLeracy program LhaL
Lhe school would be revlslLed and reconsldered afLer Lhe academlc year of 2012-2013. 1he re-
sLrucLurlng would need Lo lnclude a speclflc llLeracy room and program, and placlng all of Lhe SLCC A8
LuLors ln LhaL room wlLh a sLaff coordlnaLor from Lhe school.

1he lasL Lwo academlc years more clearly documenLed LhaL crlLlcal reflecLlon has been lncorporaLed
ln Lhe Amerlca 8eads rogram prlmarlly Lhrough Lhe blog. Slx blog prompLs are llsLed on Lhe A8 blog and
e-malled Lo all A8 LuLors. A8 LuLors are expecLed Lo respond Lo Lhe prompLs. 1he prompLs ask abouL Lhe
LuLors skllls and LalenLs, anonymous sLores abouL Lhe chlldren Lhey LuLor, Amerlca 8eads vlslon and
mlsslon, 1he 1hayne CenLer's vlslon and mlsslon, and hunger, poverLy, dlverslLy, and culLural lssues LhaL
A8 LuLors are experlenclng aL Lhelr placemenL 1lLle l elemenLary school. 1he responses documenL crlLlcal

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reflecLlon skllls and sLorles LhaL LuLors share wlLh sLaff aL Lhe 1hayne CenLer. As sald by one A8 LuLor,
we help provlde a baslc need, readlng. WlLhouL Lhe ablllLy Lo read a person can never reach Lhelr full
poLenLlal ln Lhls world. We also brlng equallLy Lo read Lo Lhelr llves because wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo read Lhey
can learn Lo become anyLhlng Lhey wanL, a docLor, lawyer, englneer, eLc. Lhe only llmlLs LhaL wlll be puL
on Lhelr llfe wlll be Lhe llmlLs Lhey seL for Lhemselves. 1he 1hayne CenLer/Amerlca 8eads help us learn
and Leach Lhe skllls LhaL wlll make a poslLlve change ln Lhe communlLy and Lhereby changlng Lhe world
ln a poslLlve way. 8y poslLlvely changlng Lhls generaLlon we wlll be affecLlng many fuLure generaLlons Lo
come. WhaL an opporLunlLy Lo make a dlfference."

Do you ant|c|pate de|et|ng or chang|ng any ex|st|ng serv|ces and]or |mp|ement|ng new programs or
serv|ces? If so, br|ef|y deta|| the ant|c|pated change.
1he changes made aL Lhe academlc year 2011-2012 represenL Lhe Amerlca 8eads program LhaL wlll go
forLh ln 2012-2013. WlLh mlnor changes such as addlng a few more prompLs Lhe enLlre program wlll be
documenLed, recorded, and observed Lo see lf Lhls ls Lhe model LhaL wlll be Lhe fuLure of Lhe Amerlca
8eads program aL SLCC.

Iuture Changes
lunds for back-ground checks and mlleage o compensaLe non-work-sLudy SLCC sLudenLs Lo
volunLeer ln Lhe Amerlca 8eads rogram ln 1lLle l LlemenLary Schools.
Plre more of SLCC lederal work-sLudy sLudenLs 1lLle l schools we are presenLly provldlng LuLors
for now and expand lnLo oLher 1lLle l schools LhaL have llLeracy programs ln a speclflc room wlLh
a school sLaff coordlnaLor and all of Lhe oLher rules LhaL are currenLly worklng ln Lhe Lwo 1lLle l
schools Amerlca 8eads ls currenLly ln.
Speclflc SLCC pollcles and procedures for hlrlng communlLy work-sLudy sLudenLs uslng Lhe
federal work-sLudy rules for pay raLes and [ob LlLles.
1ralnlng and on-golng collaboraLlon for all payroll, human resources, flnanclal ald, and 1hayne
CenLer sLaff Lo sorL ouL and Lhe dlfference beLween a parL-Llme employee and communlLy work-
sLudy. Also on-golng conversaLlons abouL why Lhe program exlsLs, and how lL serves Lhe
communlLy and sLudenLs, and how SLCC beneflLs.
1he one Lhlng LhaL comes up wlLh all Amerlca 8eads LuLors over and over ls LhaL Lhere ls noL
enough LuLors Lo meeL Lhe need ln Lhe 1lLle l schools we are currenLly ln and oLher schools ln Lhe
communlLy. lollowlng are a few quoLes from Lhe Amerlca 8eads 8log. When l came back Lo

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 190
LuLor Lhls year, l Loured all Lhe schools Lo look for Lhe besL flL and /or greaLesL need. lL was
surprlslng Lo see how much need Lhere was ln every school. We could use some more LuLors aL
each school Lo succeed aL LhaL parL of our commlLmenL, buL lL ls mosLly ouL of our hands." lL ls
unforLunaLe LhaL Lhere are noL enough LuLors L fllls Lhe schools needs buL l Lhlnk LhaL moLlvaLes
Lhe few LuLors Lhere are aL Lhe schools Lo work even harder." l Lhlnk we do noL have enough
LuLors Lo help all of Lhe chlldren we are able Lo work wlLh."

Lxpandlng Lhe Amerlca 8eads rogram by recrulLlng more of SLCC's federal work-sLudy sLudenLs
or compensaLlng non work-sLudy SLCC sLudenLs wlLh paylng of Lhe background check and mlleage all
would Lake funds. Cne place LhaL could be explored ls lederal Work-sLudy !ob locaLlon and
developmenL program whlch sLaLes,

1he !ob LocaLlon and uevelopmenL (!Lu) ls parL of Lhe lWS rogram Lo esLabllsh or expand a !Lu
rogram. 1he !Lu rogram locaLes and develops off -campus [ob opporLunlLles for sLudenLs who are
currenLly enrolled ln ellglble lnsLlLuLlons of hlgher educaLlon and who wanL [obs regardless of
flnanclal need. 1hls means LhaL [obs may be locaLed and developed under Lhe !Lu rogram for lWS
and non-lWS ellglble sLudenLs. under !Lu rogram your school musL locaLe and develop off campus
[obs LhaL are sulLable Lo Lhe schedullng and oLher needs of Lhe employed sLudenLs and musL, Lo Lhe
maxlmum exLenL pracLlcable, complemenL and relnforce Lhe educaLlon program or vocaLlonal goal
of Lhe sLudenL. !Lu [obs may be parL-Llme or full-Llme, for elLher a for proflL or nonproflL employer.
1he !Lu rogram encourages sLudenLs Lo parLlclpaLe ln communlLy servlce acLlvlLles. When
esLabllshlng or expandlng a program Lo locaLe and develop off campus [obs, lncludlng communlLy
servlce [obs, a school may use up Lo Lhe lesser of Lhe followlng Lwo amounLs, 10 of lL lWS
allocaLlon and reallocaLlon, or $73,000.



lunds such as Lhese could also be used Lo puL lWS and non-lWS sLudenLs ln [obs aL local non-
proflL communlLy parLner LhaL Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng has communlLy parLner
conLracLs wlLh and could glve servlce-learnlng sLudenLs Lhe neLworklng and resume bulldlng skllls LhaL
SLCC sLrlves Lo glve sLudenL so Lhey can sLrlve and conLlnue on wlLh Lhelr college educaLlon.

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1hls concludes Lhe fuLure plans for communlLy work-sLudy Amerlca 8eads. 1hey may seem llke huge
plans buL Lhey are ldeas and plans LhaL boLh SLCC and Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng can
accompllsh ln Lhe nexL flve years.

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ALnulx l

AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak
AuLhor, Llnnle Spor
Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 193
Deta|| the core programs and serv|ces you prov|de.
AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps are affordable, avallable, and accesslble for every SLCC sLudenL who wanLs
Lo be lmmersed ln an lnLenslve volunLeer and Lravel experlence. All parLlclpanLs come home lnsplred
and empowered Lo conLlnue maklng a dlfference.

AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak ls a drug- and alcohol-free volunLeer lmmerslon program. 1hrough leadershlp,
LransformaLlve acLlon, educaLlon, and crlLlcal reflecLlon, parLlclpanLs address lmporLanL soclal lssues
whlle Lravellng and explorlng Lhe culLure and hlsLory of Lhe area ln whlch Lhey serve.

What |s the core purpose of each of these programs?
ln Lhe pasL flve years, 111 SLCC sLudenLs and advlsors have parLlclpaLed ln Len AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng
8reak Lrlps. 1hey have served ln many dlverse communlLles for a LoLal of 3,433 dlrecL servlce hours.
1hese volunLeer hours have been Lransformed lnLo llfe changlng experlences LhaL supporL Lhe greaLer

rogram 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
AS8: AlLernaLlve
Sprlng 8reak
18 parLlclpanLs 18 parLlclpanLs 23 parLlclpanLs 22 parLlclpanLs 21 parLlclpanLs
608 hours 610 hours 960 hours 337 hours 720 hours
1hayne Center for Serv|ce & Learn|ng - A|ternat|ve Spr|ng 8reak rogram
ear Locat|on Issue(s) addressed Commun|ty artner Crgan|zat|on(s)
2008 kanab, uLah Anlmal rlghLs 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary
2008 8lloxl, Mlsslsslppl Pomelessness LasL 8lloxl 8ellef and 8edevelopmenL Agency
2009 kanab, uLah Anlmal rlghLs 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary
2009 SeaLLle, WashlngLon LnvlronmenLallsm LarLhCorps and MounLaln Lo Sound Creenway
2010 kanab, uLah Anlmal rlghLs 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary
2010 SeaLLle, WashlngLon LnvlronmenLallsm LarLhCorps and MounLaln Lo Sound Creenway
2011 kanab, uLah Anlmal rlghLs 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary
2011 SeaLLle, WashlngLon LnvlronmenLallsm LarLhCorps and MounLaln Lo Sound Creenway
2012 kanab, uLah Anlmal rlghLs 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary

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2012 San ulego, Callfornla LnvlronmenLallsm CoasL keeper and San ulego 8lver loundaLlon

Ana|yze the effect|veness, strengths, and cha||enges of each program and serv|ce.
ueveloplng SLCC sLudenLs lnLo acLlve clvlc clLlzens ls absoluLely Lhe drlvlng force behlnd whaL we do aL
SLCC and Lhe 1hayne CenLer, and why lL's so lmporLanL Lo us LhaL AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak
conLlnues Lo lncorporaLe hlgh quallLy, engaglng sprlng breaks LhaL supporL Lhe SLudenL Servlce's learnlng

=99*43";#( K-0"0.-0 [4.B2
leoJetsblp Oppottooltles. 1here are many leadershlp opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo plan each day and
communlcaLe wlLh non-proflL agencles abouL Lhelr currenL needs.

8aslc leadershlp skllls are lnLroduced ln AS8 Lralnlngs proceeded by more advanced leadershlp skllls.
An example would be how a sLudenL leader flrsL learns how Lo ldenLlfy a local, naLlonal, or global need.
reparaLlon and plannlng sklll are parL of Lhe AS8 leadershlp Lralnlng. AcLlon plans are lmplemenLed Lo
serve and make a dlfference. ln four AS8 Lralnlngs, soclal responslblllLy, engaglng wlLh Lhe communlLy
and communlLy bulldlng skllls are LaughL.

)4.$.5"# [L.-'.-0
AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak challenges sLudenLs Lo Lhlnk crlLlcally. 8elng lmmersed ln dlverse envlronmenLs
enables parLlclpanLs Lo collaboraLe, problem solve, dlscuss, and undersLand lssues ln a reflecLlve way.

AL Lhe end of each day on an AS8 Lrlp a reflecLlon sesslon ls held. A rubrlc was creaLed for Lhe 2012
AS8 Lrlps. CrlLlcal Lhlnklng was an ouLcome LhaL was assessed. 1he resulLs showed elghLy percenL of AS8
parLlclpanLs ldenLlfled aL leasL flve soclal lssues crlLlcal Lo Lhe AS8 slLe communlLy, llsLlng boLh Lhe
communlLy's asseLs and challenges.

)*@ ),44.5,#"4 64*04"+
AS8: AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak ls a co-currlcular program deslgned for sLudenLs who are lnLeresLed ln
alLernaLlve meLhods Lo address soclal lssues and creaLlng change ln our world. SLudenLs lmmerse
Lhemselves for a week long engaglng Lravel and servlce experlence ln dlverse and soclal lssues. 1he
lnLenslLy of Lhe AS8 experlence lncreases Lhe llkellhood LhaL Lhe parLlclpanL wlll Lransfer Lhelr

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 193
experlence back Lo Lhelr own communlLles. We flnd 8reakers" are emboldened Lo sLep up, value, and
prlorlLlze Lhelr own communlLy ln everyday llfe cholces such as recycllng, poverLy awareness, voLlng, and
respecL for all llvlng Lhlngs. AS8 has poslLlvely lnfluenced sLudenLs for a llfeLlme.

A sLudenL named Mlchael WhlLney reLurned Lo SLCC afLer an envlronmenLal AS8 Lrlp. Pe recognlzed
Lhe need Lo creaLe and help organlze a recycllng program aL SLCC. Pe creaLed a peLlLlon Lo galn Lhe
supporL of fellow sLudenLs. Pe collecLed over 2000 sLudenL slgnaLures. SalL Lake CommunlLy College ls
now recelvlng naLlonal recognlLlon for Lhelr recycllng program LhaL was spear headed by one educaLed
and engaged AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak sLudenL.

AnoLher sLudenL named Lacey Pockey Spor wenL on Lhe AS8 Lrlp Lo 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary
(8lAS). She was ln Lhe process of developlng her own non-proflL Lo asslsL anlmals needlng homes. She
learned many new pracLlces aL Lhe anlmal sancLuary Lo sLrengLhen her new non-proflL. 1o Lhls day she
keeps ln Louch wlLh Lhls 8lAS and runs a successful organlzaLlon.

=3<.2*4 H"-3;**'
An advlsor handbook was creaLed Lwo years ago. 1hls handbook was creaLed collaboraLlvely by AS8
advlsors LhaL had hands-on experlence wlLh Lhese Lrlps. 1hls bookleL explalns baslc skllls for AS8
advlsors. lL ls now golng Lhrough revlslons Lo lnclude lnsLrucLlons on how Lo score Lhe AS8 assessmenL

)*++.$+(-$ $* 2$,3(-$ "5"3(+.5 B"$L
Many sLudenLs have reLurned from AS8 Lrlps wlLh a deeper undersLandlng and commlLmenL Lo Lhelr
academlc paLh. numerous AS8 alumnl wrlLe leLLers Lo Lhelr leglslaLors abouL lssues Lhey are now aware
of and can have an educaLed volce abouL Lhe lssue. 1here ls evldence of Lhls alumnl engagemenL on Lhe
1hayne CenLer lacebook page. Llnda eck reaches ouL Lo oLher sLudenLs regularly on Lhe 1hayne
CenLer's lacebook page Lo send leLLers and slgn on-llne poslLlons ln regards Lo anlmal proLecLlon rlghLs.
!ean ?oung came back and sLarLed Lo volunLeer ln her local communlLy wlLh Lhe refugee populaLlon. She
commlLLed Lo an lnLernshlp and ls now graduaLed from Lhe unlverslLy of uLah Soclal work program and
ls worklng Loward a career ln Lhe non-proflL secLor.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 196
AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak, Lhrough lLs lnLeracLlon wlLh real needs, people and slLuaLlons, enables
sLudenLs Lo vlvldly see Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhelr academlc cholces as conslderably more Lhan llnes on
paper and begln Lo recognlze Lhelr poLenLlal Lo creaLe healLhy envlronmenLs and communlLles. We know
Lhls Lhrough nlghLly reflecLlons LhaL are recorded Lhrough a rubrlc and a flnal group reflecLlon afLer Lhe
AS8 Leams have reLurned from Lhelr Lrlps.

A rubrlc (Appendlx S) was creaLed from Lhe AS8 learnlng ouLcomes for Lhe 2012 Lrlps. 1hls rubrlc was for
Lhe advlsors Lo assess Lhe sLudenLs each nlghL. ln 2012 Lhere ls a comprehenslve and deLalled reporL of
how Lhe learnlng ouLcomes of AS8 were lncorporaLed lnLo Lhe AS8 rubrlc. We found uslng Lhe rubrlc for
AS8 groups Lo be successful Lhrough Lhe 2012 assessmenL.

N4.(-$"$.*-S [4".-.-02 "-3 G*4'2L*B2
CrlenLaLlon meeLlngs are scheduled 4-3 monLhs ln advance. All sLudenLs who wanL Lo apply for an AS8
Lrlp musL aLLend one of Lhe orlenLaLlons. All Lhe requlremenLs, expecLaLlons and Lhe Lheory of AS8 are
dlscussed ln Lhls meeLlng. ln Lhls meeLlng sLudenLs are also educaLed abouL Lhe purpose and goals of Lhe
communlLy parLners wlLh whlch Lhey wlll work.

1wo monLhs before Lhe deparLure of Lhe Lrlps, sLudenLs are requlred Lo aLLend aL leasL four
Lralnlngs. 1he Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor and AS8 advlsors oversee Lhese Lralnlngs. 1he AS8 Leam
members learn abouL Lhe complexlLy of Lhe soclal lssues Lhrough readlng maLerlals, alumnl speaker,
documenLarles, and research abouL currenL Lrends and hlsLorlcal conLexL of Lhe area Lhey wlll be servlng
ln. 1hese Lralnlng also provlde sLudenLs adequaLe skllls necessary Lo carry ouL servlce pro[ecLs durlng
Lhelr Lrlp. Worklng wlLh people wlLh dlsablllLles ls dlscussed ln Lralnlngs. hyslcal skllls could be learned
ln Lhese Lralnlngs such as Lrall bulldlng, Lree planLlng, eLc.

AfLer sLudenLs reLurn Lo campus, anoLher AS8 workshop ls requlred. 1hls ls Lhe posL-Lrlp reflecLlon
of Lhe AS8 experlence. ln Lhls sLage of AS8 sLudenLs are exclLed and engaged abouL Lhelr experlences.
1here are planned acLlvlLles Lo engage parLlclpanLs Lo Lalk abouL Lhe many communlLy lssues Lhey
experlenced ln Lhe Lrlp. 1hey explore local volunLeer and clvlc lnvolvemenL opporLunlLles LhaL are slmllar
ln Lhelr own communlLy. 1he sLudenLs and advlsors bralnsLorm means Lo beneflL and Lake acLlon ln Lhelr

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 197
local communlLy. 1hls workshop ls essenLlal Lo AS8. lL wlll provlde a plaLform for Lhe parLlclpanLs Lo work
Lowards llfelong acLlve clLlzenshlp.

!+"## =!I [("+2
AS8 members are placed ln small Leams durlng orlenLaLlon and sLay ln Lhese Leams durlng Lhe Lrlp. Lach
group chalrs all sldes of Lhe asslgned day of Lhe Lrlp lncludlng a nlghLly reflecLlon. uuLles a Leam oversees
lncludes, educaLlng Lhe enLlre AS8 Leam abouL Lhe non-proflL Lhey wlll be worklng wlLh LhaL day also,
schedullng wake-up Llme, mapplng Lravel, meals for Lhe day, and a flnal reflecLlon of Lhe day. We
empower Lhese sLudenLs Lo make lnformed declslons and Lake meanlngful acLlon LhaL supporL Lhe
greaLer good. 1hrough Lhese learned leadershlp skllls comes, LransformaLlve acLlons.

CuoLe: never doubL LhaL a small group of LhoughLful commlLLed clLlzens can change Lhe world.
lndeed lL's Lhe only Lhlng LhaL ever has." Motqotet MeoJ

=!I )L"##(-0(2
CurrenLly Lhere are only funds for Lwo AS8 Lrlps. 1he 1hayne CenLer sends one Leam ouL-of-sLaLe. ln
2013 Lhe Leam wlll be servlng ln SeaLLle WA. AnoLher Leam goes Lo an all accesslble locaLlon, currenLly
kanab, uLah aL 8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary. Lach Lrlp has a focus on a parLlcular soclal lssue, such as
(buL noL llmlLed Lo) envlronmenL, poverLy, and anlmal rlghLs. AS8 Lrlps are a drug and alcohol-free
experlences, wlLh a heavy emphasls on group and lndlvldual reflecLlon.

ldeally, havlng a LulLlon walver for a sLudenL Lo asslsL ln Lhe plannlng of Lhese Lrlps would be a sLrong
llfe changlng leadershlp opporLunlLy for a clvlcally mlnded sLudenL. Pavlng Lhe walver would also asslsL
ln Lhe exLra work load of Lhe coordlnaLor lf more Lrlps were funded.

1here ls a need Lo cap enrolmenL for sLudenLs. We have found LhaL many sLudenLs wanL Lo
experlence AS8 mulLlple years. AS8 Lrlps are parsley subsldlzed from sLudenL fees. All SLCC sLudenLs
should have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo slgn up for Lhe Lrlps.

uemographlcs and dlverslLy should be lncluded ln Lhe AS8 assessmenL.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 198
now |nc|us|ve are your programs and serv|ces? Are some students access|ng and us|ng your serv|ces
more than others? What act|v|t|es do you use to proact|ve|y reach out to underserved groups?
AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak ls open Lo any sLudenL. We offer an AuA Lrlp Lo kanab uLah. 1he 1hayne CenLer
ls devoLed Lo empowerlng all sLudenLs and creaLes programs where sLudenL's baslc needs are meL. We
accompllsh Lhls by collaboraLlng wlLh Lhe ulsablllLy 8esource CenLer and lnclude all sLudenLs regardless
of race, gender, or ablllLy.

Campus re|at|ons and co||aborat|ons
H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L *$L(4 3(B"4$+(-$2 >.$L.- !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2Y
We have collaboraLed wlLh SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp Lo help fund $1000.00 Lo Lhls program.

1he ulsablllLy 8esource CenLer funds sLudenLs LhaL quallfy for Lhelr servlces. lf lL were noL for Lhe
collaboraLlon from Lhese deparLmenLs Lhe AS8 program would only be able Lo offer one Lrlp per year.

1he 1hayne CenLer collaboraLes wlLh SLCC faculLy and sLaff offers Lhem an opporLunlLy Lo be an
advlsor. !on Clen expressed Lhe followlng. Pe feels AS8 glves sLaff and faculLy a leadershlp opporLunlLy.

CollaboraLlon ls needed wlLh SLCC markeLlng deparLmenL Lo help ln adverLlslng AS8. MarkeLlng
asslsLs ln creaLlng engaglng flyers for AS8.

SLudenLs and sLaff have collaboraLed wlLh Lhe SLCC CLC8L. ln Lhe pasL flve years news arLlcles have
been wroLe before and afLer AS8 Lrlps.

H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L 3(B"4$+(-$2 *,$2.3( *9 $L( 3.<.2.*- "-3 .- $L( 5*++,-.$/Y H*> 3* /*,
.-.$."$( 5*##";*4"$.<( B4*Z(5$2Y
8elow ls a llsL from Lhe pasL flve years of Lhe CommunlLy parLners and Lhelr clLles wlLh whlch AS8 has
2007- PablL for PumanlLy ln new Crleans, Loulslana
2007- 1he Welcome MlnlsLry & ro[ecL Cpen Pand aL San lranclsco, Callfornla
2008-2012-8esL lrlends Anlmal SancLuary ln kanab, uLah
2008- LasL 8lloxl 8ellef and 8edevelopmenL Agency ln 8lloxl, Mlsslsslppl
2009-LarLhCorps and MounLaln of Sound Creenway ln SeaLLle, WashlngLon

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 199
2010- LarLhCorps and MounLaln of Sound Creenway SeaLLle, WashlngLon
2011- LarLhCorps and MounLaln of Sound Creenway, SeaLLle WashlngLon
2012-Sand ulego 8lver loundaLlon, Cabrlllo naLlon MonumenL, Mlsslon 1ralls, 8eglonal ark,
San ulego CoasL keepers -San ulego Callfornla

1he 1hayne CenLer ls a member of uLah Campus CompacL (uCC). ln 2012 uCC purchased a
membershlp Lo 8reakAway" for SLCC Lo use Lo lmprove Lhelr AS8 Lrlps. 1hls non-proflL neLworks wlLh
colleges all over Lhe unlLed SLaLes and shares besL pracLlces for AS8 Lrlps. We are [usL sLarLlng Lo

H*> 5"- /*, .+B4*<( $L(2( (99*4$2Y
lundlng ls Lhe maln concern ln regards Lo Lhls program. SLCC would beneflL lf Lhere were funds for aL
leasL four or more Lrlp were offered ln dlverse locaLlons. ln 2007 afLer Purrlcane kaLrlna we were able Lo
reLaln $10.000 from SLCC uevelopmenL ueparLmenL. SLCC Look over LwenLy sLudenLs Lo new Crleans
and eleven sLudenLs Lo San lranclsco, CA. We sLlll hear from Lhe alumnl sLudenLs how Lhls Lrlp changed
Lhelr llves.

Sadly Lhere have been many more naLlonal dlsasLers LhaL have happened and need sLudenL
volunLeers Lo help re-bulld communlLles. SLCC could and would show sLrengLh ln numbers lf we helped
fund sLudenL volunLeers and send Lhem on-slLe Lo ald, asslsL and help Lhose ln need so Lhe vlcLlms of
Lhese harsh Lragedles can geL back on Lhelr paLh Lo success. We would llke Lo see more collaboraLlon
wlLh Lhe uevelopmenL ueparLmenL Lo asslsL ln fundlng Lo help reduce Lhe cosL of AS8 Lrlps.

Descr|be any core changes |n your programs and serv|ces over the past f|ve years.
lrom 2007-2011 re and posL surveys were sLrucLured and senL ouL each year. Ceneral lnformaLlon was
gleaned from Lhese assessmenLs. 1he 1hayne CenLer wanLed Lo geL Lo Lhe core of how volunLeerlng was
changlng AS8 sLudenL's llves. A rubrlc was creaLed Lo show Lhese engaged sLudenLs walk Lhe walk and
Lalk Lhe Lalk. uurlng nlghLly group reflecLlons Lhe advlsor recorded and scored a rubrlc for Lhe group
each nlghL. 1he reflecLlons provlded valuable lnformaLlon for Lhe advlsor Lo record and score Lhe AS8
8ubrlc LhaL lncluded Lhe learnlng ouLcomes, crlLlcal Lhlnklng, reflecLlve, and leadershlp skllls. 1hls new
meLhod of assesslng wlll be used each year.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 200
An advlsor handbook was creaLed Lwo years ago and wlll conLlnue Lo be revlsed as needed.

Do you ant|c|pate de|et|ng or chang|ng any ex|st|ng serv|ces and]or |mp|ement|ng new programs or
serv|ces? If so, br|ef|y deta|| the ant|c|pated change.
Lower Lhe cosL of AS8 Llps for sLudenLs.
Advlsor Lralnlng ln lmprove Lhe AS8 rubrlc assessmenL
CreaLe an AS8 Advlsor pool for a roLaLlon on yearly Lrlps.
1he 1hayne CenLer would llke Lo lmplemenL aL leasL four or more Lrlps per year.
AS8 clearly needs more fundlng.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 201

ALnulx !

Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars
AuLhor, Llsa M. Walz
Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 202
Deta|| the core programs and serv|ces you prov|de.
).<.5"##/ K-0"0(3 !5L*#"42
o 86 sLudenLs enrolled
o 16,340 servlce hours
o 24 graduaLes
o 43 sLudenLs enrolled
o 12,839 servlce hours
o 28 graduaLes
o 38 sLudenLs enrolled
o 3,200 servlce hours
o 26 graduaLes
o 32 sLudenLs enrolled
o 2,323 servlce hours
o 19 graduaLes
o 28 sLudenLs enrolled
o 2,100 servlce hours
o 24 graduaLes

What |s the core purpose of each of these programs?
1he Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program graduaLes wlLh honors any SLCC sLudenL who commlLs Lo Lake
her/hls educaLlon beyond Lhe classroom and volunLeer her/hls Llme addresslng communlLy needs.

SLudenLs ln Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program recelve formal educaLlon of soclal [usLlce lssues
Lhrough deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng courses. 1hey puL Lhelr educaLlon Lo work by servlng ln Lhelr
communlLy, esLabllshlng a llfelong commlLmenL Lo volunLeerlng and communlLy engagemenL.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 203
Ana|yze the effect|veness, strengths, and cha||enges of each program and serv|ce.
1he goals seL for Lhe 2011-2012 academlc year were deslgned Lo speclflcally address cerLaln aspecLs of
Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars (CLS) vlslon and Mlsslon sLaLemenLs. 1here are quoLes from Lhe
vlslon/mlsslon nexL Lo each goal Lo address speclflcally how Lhese connecL Lo Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged
Scholar program.

Coals for Lhe 2011-2012 Academlc ?ear
1. arLlclpaLlon/engagemenL (.Lake her/hls educaLlon beyond Lhe classroom.")
a. lncrease parLlclpaLlon and engagemenL by sLrucLurlng opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo
lnLeracL one on one and develop a cohorL aLmosphere for Lhe program.
2. Workshops (.Lake her/hls educaLlon beyond Lhe classroom.")
a. lncorporaLe workshops and Lralnlngs lnLo Lhe schedule for boLh lall and Sprlng
semesLers whlch would serve as an opporLunlLy for furLher lnLeracLlon.
3. 8ecrulLmenL (1he CLS program graduaLes wlLh honors any SLCC sLudenL."
a. ConLlnue Lo ouLreach Lo varlous sLudenL groups and offlces wlLhln SLudenL Servlces Lo
lnLroduce Lhe CLS program Lo more sLudenLs.
4. 1rack lnfrasLrucLure (.esLabllshlng llfelong commlLmenL Lo volunLeerlng and communlLy
a. Lxpand Lrack offerlngs for sLudenLs Lo choose from ln order Lo cusLomlze Lhe program Lo
sulL Lhelr lndlvldual lnLeresLs and needs.
3. ConnecLlon wlLh CccupaLlonal 1herapy AsslsLanL (C1A) rogram and SLudy Abroad rogram
(.recelve formal educaLlon of soclal [usLlce lssues.")
a. SLrengLhen Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer and C1A as SLCC's Lngaged
b. lncrease collaboraLlve efforLs beLween Lhe SLudy Abroad rogram Lo furLher develop Lhe
Lngaged SLudy Abroad 1rack.
6. LL 2920 .formal educaLlon of soclal [usLlce lssues.")
a. rovlde a more rlgorous class focused on leadershlp and soclal [usLlce awareness for
sLudenLs enrolled ln Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program.


1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 204
ffectlveoess/5tteoqtbs. 1he sLudenLs who remaln engaged whlle parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe program are Lhose
who, ln Lurn, recelve Lhe mosL professlonal, academlc, and personal beneflLs. CLS alumnl who have
experlenced Lhese beneflLs lnclude !aclyn Lakey (Class of 2012) - accepLed lnLo Lhe unlverslLy of Pawall
aL Pllo for Lhelr 8achelor of Sclence program ln AsLrophyslcs, and Sam CrLlz (Class of 2012) - flrsL
generaLlon college sLudenL, accepLed lnLo Lhe unlverslLy of uLah 8achelor of Soclal Work program wlLh
asplraLlons of geLLlng hls MasLer's degree and worklng ln Plgher LducaLlon and SLudenL Servlces. AcLlve
sLudenLs such as !aclyn and Sam aLLend Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe workshops provlded, sLay ln Louch vla
emall/phone, and submlL monLhly servlce log sheeLs.

cbolleoqes. Cnce sLudenLs enroll ln Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar (CLS) program, Lhelr level of
engagemenL wlLh Lhe advlsor and on-campus CLS programmlng plaLeaus or decllnes. uurlng Lhe 2011-
2012 academlc year, 14 ouL of 42 sLudenLs (noL lncludlng sLudenLs ln Lhe C1A Lrack) enrolled ln Lhe
program acLlvely submlLLed servlce hours, reflecLlons, or parLlclpaLe ln Lralnlng workshops. 1he hope
was LhaL by creaLlng more opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo lnLeracL vla workshops and Lralnlngs, Lhey
would feel a greaLer sense of ownershlp over Lhe program and parLlclpaLe more. Powever, whlle Lhe
workshops added for Lhe 2011-2012 academlc year were relevanL Lo Lhls group of sLudenLs,
parLlclpaLlon was mlnlmal.

ffectlveoess/5tteoqtbs. leedback from sLudenLs Lells us LhaL Lhese workshops are beneflclal for CLS
parLlclpanLs. Cne sLudenL sald, Lhe CLS program [gave] me a beLLer appreclaLlon for myself and a beLLer
appreclaLlon for Lhe lssues concernlng soclal [usLlce." Several of Lhe workshops were based around
Lhese dlscusslons abouL soclal [usLlce lssues LhaL Lhey oLherwlse may noL address elsewhere aL Lhe
college or ln Lhe communlLy.

uurlng an lnformal dlscusslon, a CLS sLudenL lnformed Lhe advlsor LhaL he would have aLLended
more of Lhe workshops lf he felL LhaL Lhey would dlrecLly beneflL hlm, lnsLead of merely lnformlng hlm of
Lhe exlsLence of cerLaln lssues ln Lhe communlLy. 1aklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe feedback from mulLlple
sLudenLs, Lhe workshops have been more carefully crafLed for l? 13 Lo noL only be educaLlonal ln Lerms
of dlscusslng lssues of soclal [usLlce, buL also Lo dlrecLly beneflL sLudenLs by glvlng Lhem Lools or
lnformaLlon Lhey can use when lnLeracLlng ln Lhe communlLy or ln Lhelr fuLure academlc pursulLs.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 203
1he resulL of resLrucLurlng Lhe workshops ls Lwo-fold: a sLronger non-formal currlculum for sLudenLs
Lo plck and choose whlch Lralnlng Loplcs lnLeresL Lhem, and focused collaboraLlon wlLh offlcers from hl
1heLa kappa Ponor SocleLy (1k) Lo concepLuallze, develop, and schedule workshops whlch also serve as
Lralnlngs for Lhelr leadershlp developmenL programmlng. 8y collaboraLlng wlLh 1k ln Lhls way, Lhere ls
a dlrecL connecLlon Lo Lhe CLS program, whlch lncreases Lhe opporLunlLles Lo recrulL more sLudenLs Lo
parLlclpaLe ln CLS.

1oplcs lncluded for l? 13 workshops lnclude sLaylng healLhy and sLress-free ln college, presenLlng
volunLeer and servlce acLlvlLles on a resume` as work experlence, how Lo recognlze raclsm ln Lhe
communlLy and whaL Lo do ln order Lo address lL ln Lhe momenL, and how Lo geL lnvolved ln Lhe local
governmenL and pollLlcal processes Lo effecL change ln one's communlLy. Also lncluded on Lhe
workshop/Lralnlng schedule are evenLs faclllLaLed by Lhe SLCC SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp offlce and
MulLlculLural lnlLlaLlves. SLudenLs wlll have 18 opLlons of workshops/Lralnlngs Lo aLLend LhroughouL Lhe
year wlLh a mlnlmum of 6 requlred.

cbolleoqes. ln 2011, Lhe CLS advlsor lnsLlLuLed a Lwlce-monLhly meeLlng schedule Lo lncrease lnLeracLlon
and parLlclpaLlon among Lhe sLudenLs as a cohorL. ln lA 2011, Lhe workshops Look Lhe form of
dlscusslon sesslons. A varleLy of Loplcs were chosen Lo plque lnLeresLs of mulLlple sLudenLs ln hopes LhaL
parLlclpaLlon would lncrease. Cn average, only 3-3 sLudenLs ouL of 42 sLudenLs (noL lncludlng C1A)
aLLended each dlscusslon sesslon. ln an aLLempL Lo develop a new sLraLegy Lo accompllsh Lhe same goal
of lncreased lnLeracLlon, Lhe CLS advlsor ad[usLed Lhe dlscusslon meeLlng model and began plannlng
Lralnlng workshops for S 2012 such as resume` wrlLlng Lo presenL volunLeer experlence as [ob skllls,
raclal sLereoLypes and offenslve phrases, and how sLress relaLes Lo overall healLh. Lven wlLh Lhese more
lnLeracLlve and lnformaLlonal sesslons, average aLLendance remalned low.

ffectlveoess/5tteoqtbs. SLudenLs someLlmes do noL hear abouL Lhe CLS program unLll Lhelr second or
Lhlrd semesLer aL SLCC. We ofLen see sLudenLs [olnlng Lhe program who seek us ouL on Lhelr own and
are more lnLrlnslcally moLlvaLed Lo do well. lf Lhe deslred ouLcome ls Lo grow Lhe CLS program,
recrulLmenL wlll need Lo be more proacLlve and on a larger scale. Some examples of l? 13 plans Lo
engage ln more large-scale recrulLmenL efforLs lnclude lnserLlng CLS lnformaLlon sheeLs ln Lhe on-
campus CrlenLaLlon packeLs durlng Lhe lall 2012 semesLer, collaboraLlng wlLh Lhe SLudenL Llfe &

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 206
Leadershlp Servlce Chalrman Lo presenL CLS Lo varlous groups of sLudenL leaders, glvlng presenLaLlons
abouL CLS Lo oLher leadershlp clubs and organlzaLlons on campus such as hl 1heLa kappa Ponor
SocleLy, and becomlng more acLlve on Lhe CLS CrgSync porLal ln order Lo be more vlslble Lo sLudenLs
already lnvolved on campus.

8ecrulLmenL for Lhe Lngaged SLudy Abroad 1rack ls based on sLudenL parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe vleLnam
SLudy Abroad program and sLudenL enrollmenL ln nSC 1990/2990. Cnly sLudenLs enrolled ln nSC
1990/2990 recelve course credlL for aLLendlng Lhe Lrlp. Powever, non-nurslng sLudenLs were glven Lhe
opLlon Lo aLLend Lhe vleLnam Lrlp on a non-credlL basls, wlLh no formal meLhod of acknowledgemenL for
Lhelr parLlclpaLlon. LfforLs Lo develop an opporLunlLy for Lhe non-nurslng sLudenLs Lo recelve recognlLlon
for Lhelr parLlclpaLlon resulLed ln a new parLnershlp beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer and Lhe SLudy Abroad
rogram, culmlnaLlng ln Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe Lngaged SLudy Abroad Lrack. Any sLudenL parLlclpaLlng
ln Lhe vleLnam SLudy Abroad Lrlp has Lhe opLlon of applylng for CLS. 1hey earn Lhe same forms of
recognlLlon recelved by all CLS sLudenLs, regardless of Lhelr chosen Lracks (l.e. 8lue graduaLlon cords,
deslgnaLlon on LranscrlpLs, eLc). 8ecause Lhe SLudy Abroad program ls housed ln Academlc Affalrs, Lhe
addlLlon of Lhe Lngaged SLudy Abroad 1rack furLher demonsLraLes Lhe 1hayne CenLer's commlLmenL Lo
collaboraLlon wlLh deparLmenLs across Lhe College.

cbolleoqes. 1he CLS program conslsLs of 86 sLudenLs currenLly enrolled. 1he maln challenge ls flgurlng
ouL how Lo lncrease enrollmenL on a large scale. As lL sLaLes ln Lhe CLS vlslon, any SLCC sLudenL who
commlLs Lo Lake her/hls educaLlon beyond Lhe classroom and volunLeer her/hls Llme addresslng
communlLy needs," who also meeL Lhe course reglsLraLlon requlremenL wlLh a mlnlmum 3.0 CA ls
welcome Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhls program. 8ased on lnformaLlon provlded by Lhe Cfflce of lnsLlLuLlonal
8esearch aL SLCC on SepLember 7, 2012, Lhere are 4,371 sLudenLs who are ellglble for CLS. Pow can we
reach Lhese sLudenLs, speclflcally? 1hls quesLlon wlll be more fully explored ln secLlon 2.d.lll. on pg

[4"5' 7-94"2$4,5$,4( (Append|x 1)
ffectlveoess/5tteoqtbs. 8equlremenLs for Lhe Lracks were revlsed and updaLed for Lhe 2012-2013
academlc year. 1hese revlslons wlll conLrlbuLe Lo a sLronger program for sLudenLs enrolled ln all Lracks.
Also, due Lo lncreased collaboraLlve efforLs among varlous College deparLmenLs, a new Lrack was added
for Lhe vleLnam SLudy Abroad sLudenLs. 1hls Lrack wlll glve non-nurslng sLudenLs a form of recognlLlon,
slnce Lhey cannoL recelve course credlL for golng on Lhe Lrlp.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 207

cbolleoqes. 1he prlmary reason for Lhe varleLy of Lracks wlLhln Lhe greaLer CLS program ls Lo cusLomlze
each sLudenL's experlence based on Lhelr own personal lnLeresLs. CurrenLly, Lhe 3 Lracks lnclude:
Academlc Servlce-Learnlng, Lngaged ueparLmenL, CommunlLy 8ulldlng, Lngaged Leadershlp, and
Lngaged SLudy Abroad (new as of lall 2012). Lven Lhough Lhere ls raLlonale behlnd Lhe requlremenLs for
each Lrack and Lhey make sense glven Lhe conLexL of Lhe program, sLudenLs can someLlmes feel
overwhelmed by acLlvely monlLorlng Lhe sLaLus of compleLlng Lhe requlremenLs. Cne answer would be
Lo ellmlnaLe one or more of Lhe program requlremenLs, however, dolng LhaL would weaken Lhe CLS
program as a whole. 1herefore, greaLer one-on-one menLorlng ls needed.

)*--(5$.*- >.$L N55,B"$.*-"# [L(4"B/ =22.2$"-$ AN[=D 64*04"+ "-3 !$,3/ =;4*"3 64*04"+
ffectlveoess/5tteoqtbs. More conslsLenL communlcaLlon and ouLreach efforLs have furLher solldlfled
Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer and Lhe C1A faculLy. Lxamples of Lhese efforLs lnclude
faclllLaLlng classroom presenLaLlons regardlng lnformaLlon abouL servlce-learnlng, CLS, and Lhe Servlce-
Learnlng SLudenL ro[ecL lund, schedullng meeLlngs aL !ordan Campus Lo accommodaLe faculLy
schedules, and lnvlLlng all C1A sLudenLs Lo aLLend Lhe workshops scheduled for Lhe oLher CLS Lracks.
lans Lo schedule Lhe workshops aL Lhe !ordan campus are ln place so LhaL C1A sLudenLs wlll feel more
connecLed Lo Lhe CLS program and wlll noL have Lo Lravel Lo Lhe 1aylorsvllle 8edwood campus ln order
Lo parLlclpaLe.

1he energy broughL Lo Lhe CLS program from Lhe lncluslon of Lhe Lngaged SLudy Abroad 1rack has
been greaL for lncreaslng collaboraLlve efforLs wlLh deparLmenLs across Lhe college. 1he conversaLlons
lnlLlaLed beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer and SLudy Abroad deparLmenL also lncluded Lhe ulvlslon of nurslng
and Lhe AssoclaLe uean of Lhe PlsLory and AnLhropology deparLmenLs. 1he conLacLs made durlng Lhe
process of creaLlng Lhe Lngaged SLudy Abroad 1rack could lead Lo oLher enhanced parLnershlps wlLh Lhe
aforemenLloned deparLmenLs.

cbolleoqes. 1he C1A program ls SLCC's only Lngaged ueparLmenL aL Lhls Llme. Slnce nearly all C1A
classes lnvolve servlce-learnlng and crlLlcal Lhlnklng ln varlous ways, C1A sLudenLs compleLe Lhe
requlremenLs of Lhe CLS program by successfully compleLlng Lhe C1A program. Powever, ln Lhe pasL
couple of years, Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer and C1A has weakened. When Lhe Servlce-
Learnlng CoordlnaLor resumed responslblllLy over advlslng Lhe CLS program ln 2011, a declslon was

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 208
made Lo consclously reach ouL more Lo Lhe C1A faculLy. Whlle early resulLs from Lhese acLlons are
promlslng, conLlnued acLlve engagemenL beLween Lhe 1hayne CenLer and C1A ls needed ln Lhe fuLure.

ffectlveoess/5tteoqtbs. SLudenLs who enrolled ln LL 2920 durlng lall 2011 lndlcaLed Lhey beneflLed
from Laklng Lhe course. See speclflc quoLes below Laken from Lhe lall 2011 SLCC course evaluaLlons:

1he ln-class dlscusslons engaged all of us Lo say our parL and learn Lo advocaLe for our slde of an
lssue whlle respecLlng and acLlvely llsLenlng Lo Lhe opposlng slde."

Servlce ouLslde of class [conLrlbuLed mosL Lo my learnlng]."

Learnlng new skllls Lo become a beLLer leader ls for sure lnLellecLually sLlmulaLlng."

1he ln-class dlscusslons were Lhe mosL conLrlbuLlng aspecLs [Lo my learnlng], especlally when we as
sLudenLs were able Lo use personal experlences and sLorles."

1hls class ls a slgnlflcanL sLrengLh for Lhe CLS program because lL was deslgned speclflcally for
sLudenLs enrolled ln Lhe program. 8ecause of Lhls dlrecL connecLlon, Lhe sLudenLs are more llkely Lo
beneflL from parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe CLS program.

cbolleoqe. PlsLorlcally, Lhe CLS program lncluded PuMA 1900, a capsLone pro[ecL course. 1haL
requlremenL changed ln 2008 Lo lnvolve CLS 2900. Powever, Lhe capsLone pro[ecL was noL relnsLaLed
as parL of Lhe CLS 2900 currlculum. ln 2011, Lhe SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp offlce began lnvesLlgaLlng
Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe CLS 2900 course, whlch had been a requlred course for all of Lhe sLudenLs ln
Lhelr programs ln addlLlon Lo Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars. 1he resulL of Lhese conversaLlons was a
revlslon of Lhe leadershlp classes wlLhln Lhe Learnlng LnhancemenL deparLmenL. uurlng Lhe Sprlng 2012
semesLer, enrollmenL for Lhls course was low for CLS. 1here were 12 sLudenLs enrolled buL only Lhree
were CLS sLudenLs.

1he LL 2920 course could, ln Lheory, accommodaLe a capsLone experlence. Powever, LhaL would
change Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe CLS program. ln order Lo be a Lrue capsLone experlence, CLS sLudenLs

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 209
would have Lo Lake Lhe course ln Lhelr flnal semesLer of sLudy aL SLCC. lf sLudenLs are only allowed Lo
reglsLer for Lhe class ln Lhelr flnal semesLer before graduaLlon, LhaL could resulL ln unsLable course
enrollmenL. Also, we run Lhe rlsk of sLudenLs noL havlng enough Llme Lo compleLe Lhe course ln Lhelr
flnal semesLer lf Lhey have courses Lhey need Lo Lake for Lhelr ma[or. Cne of Lhe aLLracLlve componenLs
of Lhe course ls Lhe flexlblllLy sLudenLs have Lo flL lL lnLo Lhelr schedule where lL makes sense ln Lerms of
Lhelr course load. 1he ongolng challenge, Lhen, ls Lo deLermlne Lhe worLh of a capsLone experlence
wlLhln LL 2920 and, lf necessary, how Lo relnsLaLe lL.

CLS Coals for Lhe 2012-2013 Academlc ?ear
1. arLlclpaLlon/LngagemenL
a. lncrease parLlclpaLlon and engagemenL among currenLly enrolled CLS sLudenLs by
lnsLlLuLlng sLrlcLer pollcles on compleLlng program requlremenLs.
l. Lx: lorced exlL from Lhe program lf a sLudenL does noL meeL Lhe requlremenL of
aLLendlng aL leasL 6 ouL of 18 workshops LhroughouL Lhe year.
2. Workshops
a. Achleve aL leasL 10 aLLendance of LoLal sLudenLs enrolled aL each scheduled workshop
or Lralnlng evenL.
3. 8ecrulLmenL
a. lncrease enrollmenL Lo 30 sLudenLs, wlLh aL leasL 73 acLlvely engaged each semesLer.
4. 1rack lnfrasLrucLure
a. 8ecrulL aL leasL 3 sLudenLs for Lhe new Lngaged SLudy Abroad Lrack.
3. ConnecLlon wlLh CccupaLlonal 1herapy AsslsLanL (C1A) rogram and SLudy Abroad rogram
a. Cffer aL 2 workshops or Lralnlngs aL Lhe !ordan Campus wlLh aL leasL 2 C1A sLudenLs ln
6. LL 2920
a. Achleve deslred enrollmenL of 3 CLS sLudenLs ln Lhe lall 2012 and Sprlng 2013 secLlons
of LL 2920.

Cutreach and Market|ng
H*> 3* /*, "3<(4$.2( "-3 .-9*4+ 2$,3(-$2 ";*,$ /*,4 B4*04"+2 "-3 2(4<.5(2Y
1he CLS program ls adverLlsed ln a varleLy of ways. rlmarlly, our maln ouLleL ls Lhe 1hayne CenLer's
webslLe and soclal medla plaLforms (lacebook, 8log, and ?ou1ube). Word of mouLh adverLlslng ls also

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 210
uLlllzed. When lnsLrucLors requesL ln-classroom presenLaLlons abouL Lhe 1hayne CenLer and whaL we do,
CLS ls menLloned as a program of lnLeresL. Slmllarly, when SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp requesLs
presenLaLlons abouL Lhe 1hayne CenLer, lnformaLlon abouL CLS ls lncluded as well.

lor addlLlonal examples of plans for ouLreach and markeLlng durlng l? 13, please refer Lo page 4
under secLlon 2.c., 8ecrulLmenL, SLrengLhs.

R($".# L*> /*, *,$4("5L $* 2$,3(-$2 "-3 $* $L( 5*++,-.$/T
CuLreach Lo sLudenLs conslsLs of Lhe meLhods prevlously llsLed ln secLlon 2.d.l. CommunlLy ouLreach ls
faclllLaLed malnly Lhrough Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor, alLhough hls efforLs are noL
LargeLed speclflcally for Lhe CLS program, buL for Lhe 1hayne CenLer as a deparLmenL. 1hls could be an
area Lo research furLher ln l? 13 and deLermlne how Lhe CLS program can engage ln more communlLy

=-"#/Q( $L( 2$4(-0$L2 "-3 5L"##(-0(2 .- L*> /*, 4("5L *,$ "-3 (3,5"$( 2$,3(-$2 ";*,$ /*,4 2(4<.5(2T
lor dlscusslon of sLrengLhs, see secLlon 2.c. LffecLlveness/SLrengLhs, 8ecrulLmenL on pg 4.

As was menLloned ln secLlon 2.c. Challenges, 8ecrulLmenL on pg 4, recrulLlng more sLudenLs Lo
parLlclpaLe ln CLS based on Lhe 4,731 sLudenLs who currenLly meeL program requlremenLs ls a challenge
LhaL wlll be explored ln greaLer deLall durlng l? 13. Some ldeas of how Lo educaLe sLudenLs abouL our
servlces lnclude LargeLed emalls and LradlLlonal malllngs Lo sLudenLs who meeL Lhe requlremenLs, club
and group presenLaLlons, and lnformaLlon lncluded ln CrlenLaLlon packeLs for lncomlng sLudenLs.

now |nc|us|ve are your programs and serv|ces? Are some students access|ng and us|ng your serv|ces
more than others? What act|v|t|es do you use to proact|ve|y reach out to underserved groups?
NB(- $* "## !&)) 2$,3(-$2
All SLCC sLudenLs are welcome Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program, as long as Lhey
meeL Lhe graduaLlng CA requlremenL and carry a mlnlmum of 9 credlL hours. 1here are several Lracks
avallable for sLudenLs Lo choose from based on Lhelr lndlvldual lnLeresLs and prlorlLles. As long as
sLudenLs fulflll Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe CLS program, Lhey all recelve Lhe same recognlLlon when Lhey

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 211
!$,3(-$2 =#4("3/ .- [L"/-( )(-$(4 64*04"+2 1*4( &.'(#/ $* 6"4$.5.B"$(
SLudenLs who are already acLlve ln oLher 1hayne CenLer programs are more llkely Lo parLlclpaLe ln
Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program. Cne of Lhe predomlnanL phllosophles ln our offlce ls concurrenL
parLlclpaLlon. SLudenLs who parLlclpaLe ln one program, such as Amerlca 8eads or SLlCL: SLudenL
Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL can use Lhe same servlce hours and acLlvlLles and geL credlL for anoLher

7-54("2( N,$4("5L $* 64*04"+2 >.$L.- !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2
1he Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program could ouLreach more Lo sLudenL populaLlons such as Lhose
lnvolved wlLh 18lC, MulLlculLural lnlLlaLlves, lnLernaLlonal SLudenL Servlces, and Lhe ulsablllLy 8esource
CenLer. ln order Lo accompllsh Lhls, Lhe CLS advlsor wlll conLacL sLaff ln each of Lhese areas and requesL
Llme Lo presenL durlng a sLudenL meeLlng of some klnd, or send emalls Lo sLaff wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon and
8esponslblllLles documenL aLLached Lo be forwarded on Lo sLudenLs.

Campus re|at|ons and co||aborat|ons
H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L *$L(4 3(B"4$+(-$2 >.$L.- !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2Y
1he Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program collaboraLed wlLh SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp ln developlng Lhe LL
2920 and LL 2930 leadershlp classes for Lhe Lngaged Leadershlp 1rack.

PealLh & Wellness Servlces ls also a collaboraLlve parLner. 1he PealLh LducaLlon CoordlnaLor has
parLnered wlLh Lhe 1hayne CenLer Lo faclllLaLe a workshop on sLaylng healLhy and decreaslng sLress ln
college. Conslderlng Lhe number of healLh-relaLed workshops LhaL PealLh and Wellness Servlces offer for
Lhe resL of Lhe SLCC sLudenL populaLlon, lL ls slgnlflcanL LhaL Lhls offlce ls parLnerlng wlLh Lhe 1hayne
CenLer wlLh regard Lo Lhls speclflc workshop.

H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L 3(B"4$+(-$2 *,$2.3( *9 $L( 3.<.2.*- "-3 .- $L( 5*++,-.$/Y H*> 3* /*,
.-.$."$( 5*##";*4"$.<( B4*Z(5$2Y
CollaboraLlng ouLslde of Lhe SLudenL Servlces dlvlslon ls an lmporLanL componenL of Lhe program. Cne
very relevanL example of Lhls ls Lhe varleLy of workshops and Lralnlngs offered for l? 13. Several of Lhe
workshops wlll be faclllLaLed by lndlvlduals ln academlc deparLmenLs or wlLh communlLy organlzaLlons.

H*> 5"- /*, .+B4*<( $L(2( (99*4$2Y

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 212
Cne way of lmprovlng collaboraLlve efforLs ls Lo check ln" wlLh lndlvlduals across Lhe college on a
regular basls Lo see whaL ls golng on ln Lhelr deparLmenLs. CpporLunlLles for collaboraLlon could arlse
from Lhose conversaLlons whlch could lmprove programmlng for all lnvolved. SomeLlmes, Lhe besL
collaboraLlve efforLs come from an organlc process.

1he CLS program could lnLeracL more wlLh communlLy parLner organlzaLlons. Some examples of
posslble lnLeracLlon lnclude a servlce pro[ecL for all CLS sLudenLs whlch would focus on one speclflc
parLner each monLh, dlrecL communlcaLlon vla emall and phone beLween Lhe CLS advlsor and sLudenLs'
supervlsors aL Lhelr respecLlve communlLy parLner organlzaLlons, and lnvlLlng communlLy parLners Lo Lhe
CLS sLudenLs' reflecLlon presenLaLlons aL Lhe end of each semesLer. 1hese wlll be explored durlng l? 13
and descrlbed ln more deLall ln secLlon 2.h. on pg 14.

ln order Lo conLlnue bulldlng relaLlonshlps wlLh oLher academlc deparLmenLs, lL would be beneflclal
Lo begln or conLlnue dlscusslons of how Lo become an Lngaged ueparLmenL. SLudenLs enrolled ln a
program of sLudy housed by an Lngaged ueparLmenL graduaLe as Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars. 1he
followlng academlc deparLmenLs have elLher already sLarLed Lhe Lngaged ueparLmenL dlscusslon or are
well poslLloned Lo deslgnaLe based on Lhe currenL servlce-learnlng courses belng offered: Lngllsh
ueparLmenL and Lhe School of PealLh Sclences (lncludlng Lhe Medlcal AsslsLlng program, 8adlologlc
1echnology program, uenLal Pyglene program, PealLh lnformaLlon 1echnology, MorLuary Sclence
program, Surglcal 1echnology program, hyslcal 1herapy AsslsLanL program, and ulvlslon of nurslng).
1he sub[ecL of lncreaslng Lhe number of Lngaged ueparLmenLs aL SLCC wlll be more fully explored ln
secLlon 2.h. on pg 14.

Descr|be any core changes |n your programs and serv|ces over the past f|ve years.
)L"-0( .- "3<.2*42
lrom 2007-2011, Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor advlsed Lhe CLS program. ln Aprll 2011, Lhe
Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor Look over Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars program as Lhe advlsor, whlch ls
loglcal glven LhaL Lhe CLS program ls lnnaLely academlc and Lhe poslLlon descrlpLlon for Lhe Servlce-
Learnlng CoordlnaLor prlmarlly revolves around faculLy Lralnlng and servlce-learnlng course


1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 213
uurlng Lhe 2011-2012 academlc year, Lhe CLS advlsor wanLed Lo creaLe more of a cohorL feellng among
Lhe sLudenLs who parLlclpaLe ln CLS. Cne way of accompllshlng Lhls lncludes schedullng Lralnlngs and
workshops LhaL brlng sLudenLs LogeLher Lo learn and lnLeracL.

lor examples of workshop Loplcs, please refer Lo secLlon 2.c. LffecLlveness/SLrengLhs, Workshops, on pg

=33.$.*-"# [4"5'
1he Lngaged SLudy Abroad Lrack was added durlng Lhe summer prlor Lo Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe 2012-2013
academlc year.

)"B2$*-( (CB(4.(-5(
When Lhe PuMA 1900 capsLone course was replaced wlLh CLS 2900 ln 2008, Lhe capsLone componenL
was losL. LL 2920 does noL currenLly offer a capsLone experlence.

Do you ant|c|pate de|et|ng or chang|ng any ex|st|ng serv|ces and]or |mp|ement|ng new programs or
serv|ces? If so, br|ef|y deta|| the ant|c|pated change.
1he Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program wlll lncorporaLe recommendaLlons from Lhe rogram 8evlew slLe
vlslL Leam when Lhelr flnal reporL ls released.

Coals for Lhe fuLure
Cffer LulLlon walvers for CLS parLlclpanLs
lncrease Lhe number of Lngaged ueparLmenLs, Lhereby lncreaslng Lhe number of sLudenLs
who graduaLe as Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars
MalnLaln communlcaLlon wlLh CLS alumnl Lo Lrack Lhelr progress afLer graduaLlon

E"$.*-"#( 9*4 E(a,(2$(3 [,.$.*- G".<(42
1he Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program ls a sLudenL leadershlp program. 1he sLudenLs enrolled ln CLS are
engaged ln servlce Lo Lhe communlLy and are acLlve ln oLher leadershlp and personal enrlchmenL
programs LhroughouL Lhe College. 1he leadershlp skllls galned Lhrough parLlclpaLlon are used dlrecLly ln
Lhe communlLy whlle volunLeerlng and performlng varlous Lypes of servlce Lo non-proflL organlzaLlons.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 214
Leadershlp groups who currenLly provlde LulLlon walvers for sLudenL parLlclpanLs:
SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp - approxlmaLely 24 walvers
eer AcLlon Leaders (ALS) - approxlmaLely 23 walvers
SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL (SLlCL) - 10 walvers

CLS lncorporaLes all 3 of SLCC's SLraLeglc rlorlLles. CLS sLudenLs recelve speclal recognlLlon from
resldenL 8loLeau and slL ln Lhe fronL row durlng CommencemenL, and have Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged
Scholar" dlsLlncLlon on Lhelr LranscrlpL. 1hey also recelve speclal cords Lo wear wlLh Lhelr graduaLlon
gowns. lL would be of greaL beneflL Lo Lhese sLudenLs Lo offer LulLlon walvers as parL of Lhelr recognlLlon.

lf lL ls noL posslble Lo arrange for all CLS sLudenLs Lo have LulLlon walvers, Lhere should be aL leasL
Lhree walvers avallable for sLudenLs who fall lnLo speclflc caLegorles. 1hese caLegorles could lnclude Lhe
hlghesL CA, cumulaLlve servlce hours, mosL developed eorLfollo, eLc.

LducaLlng sLudenLs abouL Lhe beneflLs of Lhe CLS program ls Lhe prlmary challenge. 8eferences were
made LhroughouL SecLlon 2.c. wlLh regard Lo growlng Lhe program and lncreaslng recrulLmenL efforLs.
1he ma[orlLy of Lhe ouLreach efforLs llsLed were relaLed Lo Lhe sLudenLs respondlng Lo lnformaLlon
released Lhrough soclal medla, classroom presenLaLlons, or oLher meLhods. Powever, Lhese meLhods
could be even more proacLlve.

1he Cfflce of lnsLlLuLlonal 8esearch runs reporLs on sLudenL demographlc lnformaLlon and oLher
daLa on a regular basls. lL may be posslble Lo requesL a reporL lncludlng Lhe names and conLacL
lnformaLlon for all SLCC sLudenLs enrolled ln 9+ credlL hours wlLh 3.0+ CA. WlLh Lhls lnformaLlon,
1hayne CenLer sLaff could send emalls and LradlLlonal malllngs Lo sLudenLs who meeL Lhe crlLerla.
SelecLlng Lhese sLudenLs Lo recelve speclflc lnformaLlon regardlng CLS could be percelved by sLudenLs as
poslLlve recognlLlon for Lhelr academlc achlevemenLs. 1he presLlge of recelvlng Lhe lnformaLlon could be
a caLalysL Lo encourage sLudenLs Lo apply Lo Lhe CLS program.

1".-$".- )*++,-.5"$.*- >.$L )K! =#,+-. $* [4"5' [L(.4 64*04(22 =9$(4 ?4"3,"$.*-
1racklng and assessmenL ls lmporLanL of any program wlLhln hlgher educaLlon. 8ecause of Lhe emphasls
placed on beneflLs sLudenLs recelve durlng CommencemenL and afLer graduaLlon from parLlclpaLlng ln

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 213
Lhe CLS program (l.e. graduaLlon cords, fronL row seaLlng aL CommencemenL, CLS deslgnaLlon on offlclal
LranscrlpLs, greaLer probablllLy of belng hlred ln a compeLlLlve [ob markeL, eLc.), lL would be beneflclal Lo
have accuraLe daLa on sLudenLs' progress afLer graduaLlon ln Lerms of Lhelr admlLLance Lo 4-year
colleges and unlverslLles and [ob placemenL raLes. 1hls daLa wlll be used Lo assess programmaLlc
effecLlveness of CLS and seL Lhe foundaLlon for alumnl Lo be more lnvolved ln Lhe CLS program, perhaps
ln Lhe form of an alumnl menLor program. 1he Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor wlll collaboraLe wlLh
lnsLlLuLlonal 8esearch and Lhe Alumnl AssoclaLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe mosL effecLlve means of conLlnulng
communlcaLlon wlLh CLS alumnl Lo gaLher daLa and lnvlLe Lhem Lo parLlclpaLe ln fuLure programs and

7+B4*<.-0 )*##";*4"$.<( K99*4$2 >.$L.- $L( )*++,-.$/
As was prevlously menLloned ln secLlon 2.f.lll., Lhe CLS program could lncrease lnLeracLlon wlLh
communlLy parLner organlzaLlons Lo lmprove collaboraLlve efforLs wlLhln Lhe communlLy. 1hree ldeas
were presenLed ln order Lo accompllsh Lhls goal. 1hese ldeas are dlscussed below ln greaLer deLall.
1. MonLhly servlce pro[ecL for all CLS parLlclpanLs
2. ulrecL communlcaLlon beLween sLudenLs' communlLy parLner supervlsors and Lhe CLS advlsor
3. lnvlLlng communlLy parLners Lo Lhe CLS sLudenLs' reflecLlon sesslons and eporLfollo

1*-$L#/ !(4<.5( 64*Z(5$ 9*4 =## )K! 6"4$.5.B"-$2
Cne of Lhe challenges of Lhe CLS program ls relaLed Lo lncreaslng sLudenL engagemenL and parLlclpaLlon
wlLhln Lhe program and wlLh Lhe advlsor. lf CLS sLudenLs gaLher once per monLh Lo parLlclpaLe ln a
group servlce pro[ecL, Lhey wlll develop a sLronger group ldenLlLy, whlch wlll evolve lnLo Lhe deslred
ouLcome of a cohorL aLmosphere wlLhln Lhe CLS program.

ulrecL CommunlcaLlon beLween SLudenLs' CommunlLy arLner Supervlsors and Lhe CLS Advlsor
When sLudenLs compleLe servlce hours each monLh, Lhey may noL necessarlly lnform Lhelr communlLy
parLner organlzaLlon of Lhelr lnvolvemenL wlLh CLS. lL ls lmporLanL for Lhe communlLy parLners Lo be
aware of Lhls facL because lL provldes a greaLer conLexL for sLudenLs' moLlvaLlon Lo engage ln servlce Lo
Lhe communlLy. Also, communlcaLlon beLween Lhe CLS advlsor and Lhe communlLy parLners serves as
evldence of a hlgher level of supporL for Lhe sLudenLs' servlce acLlvlLles wlLhln Lhe communlLy. lf Lhere ls
a concern wlLh a speclflc sLudenL or quesLlon abouL Lhe work he/she performs whlle engaglng ln servlce,

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 216
Lhe communlLy parLners can have peace of mlnd knowlng LhaL Lhere ls a sLaff member aL Lhe College
who wlll llsLen Lo Lhelr concerns and offer posslble soluLlons, lf requesLed. 1he suggesLed frequency of
communlcaLlon beLween Lhe CLS advlsor and sLudenL's communlLy parLners ls Lwlce annually, or once
durlng Lhe lall semesLer and once durlng Lhe Sprlng semesLer.

lnvlLlng CommunlLy arLners Lo CLS SLudenLs' 8eflecLlon Sesslons and eorLfollo resenLaLlons
Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars are asked Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lwo forms of oral reflecLlon acLlvlLles. 1he flrsL
opporLunlLy ls offered ln uecember each academlc year. All CLS sLudenLs are lnvlLed Lo share Lhelr
experlences wlLh Lhelr communlLy parLner and Lalk abouL how Lhey have been poslLlvely affecLed by
engaglng ln servlce wlLh Lhelr communlLy parLner. 1he second opporLunlLy comes ln March when
graduaLlng CLS sLudenLs are asked Lo develop a presenLaLlon for Lhe 1hayne CenLer CommunlLy &
Academlc Advlsory 8oard and oLher sLakeholders whlch revolves around Lhelr SLCC Ceneral LducaLlon
eorLfollo. WlLhln Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe eorLfollo Lhere ls a Learnlng CuLslde Lhe Classroom" Lab, ln
whlch sLudenLs are encouraged Lo posL arLlfacLs from classes LhaL demonsLraLe Lhelr educaLlonal
experlences ouLslde of Lhe classroom envlronmenL. 8y exLendlng an lnvlLaLlon Lo sLudenLs' communlLy
parLners Lo aLLend Lhese reflecLlon evenLs, lL noL only sends a poslLlve message Lo Lhe communlLy
parLners abouL Lhe role Lhelr organlzaLlon played ln Lhe llves of each sLudenL, buL also speaks Lo a hlgher
level of supporL for Lhe sLudenLs and Lhelr work wlLhln each organlzaLlon. 1hls hlgher level of supporL
also reflecLs on Lhe poslLlve long-Lerm relaLlonshlp sLudenLs develop wlLh Lhelr communlLy parLners.
uurlng Lhe 2012-2013 academlc year, CLS sLudenLs' communlLy parLners wlll be lnvlLed Lo Lhe reflecLlon
sesslon ln uecember and Lhe eorLfollo presenLaLlon ln March.

7+B4*<.-0 )*##";*4"$.<( K99*4$2 >.$L R(B"4$+(-$2 N,$2.3( *9 $L( !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2 R.<.2.*-
AnoLher meLhod of lmprovlng collaboraLlve efforLs ouLslde of Lhe SLudenL Servlces ulvlslon lncludes
beglnnlng or conLlnulng dlscusslons wlLh academlc deparLmenLs of how Lo become an Lngaged
ueparLmenL. SLudenLs ma[orlng ln speclflc dlsclpllnes housed wlLhln an Lngaged ueparLmenL graduaLe
as Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars. lncreaslng Lhe number of Lngaged ueparLmenLs aL SLCC would, ln Lurn,
lncrease enrollmenL of sLudenLs wlLhln Lhe Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar program, ln addlLlon Lo lncreaslng
engagemenL wlLh Lhe communlLy.

As was prevlously menLloned ln secLlon 2.f.lll., Lhe Lngllsh ueparLmenL ls well poslLloned Lo
deslgnaLe as an Lngaged ueparLmenL based on currenL servlce-learnlng courses offered and oLher

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 217
demonsLraLlons of deparLmenL commlLmenL Lo communlLy engagemenL. 1he Lngllsh ueparLmenL began
conversaLlons abouL deslgnaLlng as an Lngaged ueparLmenL several years ago. As of SepLember 2012,
LhaL conversaLlon was relnlLlallzed beLween Lhe Chalr of Lhe Lngllsh ueparLmenL and Lhe Servlce-
Learnlng CoordlnaLor ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng. ln november 2012, Lhe Servlce-
Learnlng CoordlnaLor wlll presenL Lhe Lngaged ueparLmenL concepL Lo Lhe faculLy wlLhln Lhe Lngllsh
ueparLmenL Lo deLermlne Lhe levels of lnLeresL and supporL ln pursulng Lngaged ueparLmenL
deslgnaLlon. lf Lhe faculLy demonsLraLe a ma[orlLy voLe ln supporL of becomlng an Lngaged ueparLmenL,
Lhe Servlce-Learnlng CoordlnaLor wlll collaboraLe wlLh a commlLLee of faculLy Lo proceed wlLh Lhe
deslgnaLlon process.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 218

ALnulx k

CommunlLy arLner CuLreach
AuLhor, Sean Crossland
CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 219
Deta|| the core programs and serv|ces you prov|de.
1he prlmary funcLlon of Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram ls Lo serve as Lhe llalson beLween
nonproflL organlzaLlons ln Lhe communlLy and Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng. 1hls
relaLlonshlp can Lake many shapes lncludlng: meeLlng Lo dlscuss poLenLlal ways Lo collaboraLe,
adverLlslng volunLeer, and employmenL opporLunlLles, relaylng communlLy needs Lo sLudenLs and
faculLy, and Lralnlng organlzaLlons ln volunLeer managemenL pracLlces. 1he CommunlLy arLnershlps
CoordlnaLor ls also responslble for all soclal medla ouLreach for Lhe 1hayne CenLer. 1hls lncludes
adverLlslng for communlLy organlzaLlons, as well as all Lhe programs ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer.

artner Cutreach
2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
2 Ametlcotps
2 Ametlcotps
12 volooteet opp.
bloq posts
1 Ametlcotps vl51A
1 lott-1lme 5toff
J8 slte vlslts
292 volooteet opp.
bloq posts
180 commoolty
pottoet slte vlslts
172 volooteet opp.
bloq posts

What |s the core purpose of each of these programs?
CommunlLy arLner CuLreach sLrlves Lo creaLe susLalnable parLnershlps LhaL address boLh communlLy
needs and sLudenL learnlng goals. ln dolng so, we creaLe a hlgh-lmpacL learnlng envlronmenL, poslLlve
soclal change, and acLlve role for SLCC ln Lhe communlLy.

1he mlsslon of Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps rogram ls Lo ldenLlfy, creaLe, and sLrengLhen muLually
beneflclal relaLlonshlps beLween communlLy organlzaLlons, faculLy, and sLudenLs. lnlLlaLlves also focus
on Lralnlng and capaclLy bulldlng for nonproflL parLners and provldlng soclal medla ouLreach

Ana|yze the effect|veness, strengths, and cha||enges of each program and serv|ce.
1he CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram beneflLs from belng new. 1he flrsL full-Llme CommunlLy
arLnershlps CoordlnaLor was hlred on AugusL 1, 2012. revlously Lhe work was done by parL-Llme sLaff
and AmerlCorps vlS1A volunLeers. 1he poslLlon descrlpLlon ouLllnes Lhe lmporLanL funcLlons of Lhe

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 220
program, buL Lhere ls room for creaLlvlLy and expanslon. lL ls essenLlal for Lhe person fllllng Lhe role Lo be
self moLlvaLed and able Lo lndependenLly Lake Lhe lead on mulLlple pro[ecLs.

Slnce Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram has hlred a permanenL full-Llme sLaff member,
Lhe 1hayne CenLer has lncreased Lhelr slLe vlslLs and presence ln Lhe communlLy. Plrlng Lhls sLaff
member was a dellberaLe acLlon by Lhe college Lo help faclllLaLe Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe 1hayne
CenLer and communlLy organlzaLlons. ln only a shorL amounL of Llme we have already seen relaLlonshlps
sLrengLhen and organlzaLlons are spreadlng Lhe word ln Lhe communlLy.

lL ls already apparenL LhaL a slgnlflcanL challenge ln Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps rogram ls sLafflng.
ldeally, Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps program lnLegraLes noL only wlLh each program of Lhe 1hayne
CenLer buL also beneflLs Lhe work of oLher campus-communlLy lnlLlaLlves. Lach communlLy parLner has
dlfferenL needs, and requlres unlque aLLenLlon Lo be fully lnLegraLed wlLh programs ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer
and SalL Lake CommunlLy College. 1he 1hayne CenLer's mlsslon sLaLemenL ls Lo expand Lhe capaclLy of
nonproflL organlzaLlons. CrganlzaLlons ofLen do noL have a clear undersLandlng of servlce learnlng and
how lL can effecLlvely be uLlllzed wlLhln Lhelr organlzaLlon. 1he parLnershlp process also requlres a greaL
deal of follow up and perslsLence ln order Lo faclllLaLe meanlngful lnLeracLlons.

CoordlnaLlng Lhese parLnershlps wlLh faculLy can be parLlcularly Lrlcky. lL requlres schedullng around
llmlLed faculLy and communlLy organlzaLlon avallablllLy. lL can be a challenge for all Lhe lnformaLlon from
slLe vlslLs ouLllnlng communlLy need Lo reach appllcable faculLy. SomeLlmes soclal medla and emall ls
slmply noL enough Lo convey Lhe needs and opporLunlLy of speclflc communlLy organlzaLlons.
arLnershlp bulldlng Lakes Llme and personal conLacL.

AnoLher challenge of Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps rogram ls Lhe lack of dlrecL managemenL of
groups or lndlvldual sLudenL volunLeers. AfLer ldenLlfylng a communlLy need LhaL can be addressed by
sLudenL volunLeers, lL can be dlfflculL Lo LranslaLe LhaL ln Lo acLlon. lf Lhe CommunlLy arLner CuLreach
rogram managed or had access Lo sLudenL groups, servlce learnlng classes, or a pool of sLudenL
volunLeers Lhls would glve Lhe coordlnaLor Lhe ablllLy Lo lmmedlaLely address communlLy needs. 1he
delay from lnlLlal meeLlng Lo acLlon can someLlmes be Lhe dlfference ln an effecLlve parLnershlp and one
LhaL no longer addresses a communlLy need. lL would also be a way for Lhe CommunlLy arLner
CuLreach rogram Lo help sLrengLhen new and exlsLlng relaLlonshlps wlLh communlLy organlzaLlons.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 221
8aLher Lhan leavlng Lhe volunLeer recrulLlng process enLlrely up Lo sLudenLs, pro[ecLs could be asslgned
Lo sLudenLs or groups of sLudenLs. ulrecL access Lo sLudenLs could be ln Lhe form of a sLudenL servlce
group or lnLegraLlon wlLh a servlce learnlng course.

As sLaLed prevlously, Lhe hlrlng of a full-Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor was a drasLlc sLep
forward for Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps rogram. 1he poslLlon ensures Lhe needs of faculLy,
organlzaLlons, and sLudenLs are belng addressed. Powever, SLCC serves approxlmaLely 66,000 sLudenLs
aL 17 campuses and hundreds of nonproflL organlzaLlons across Lhe SalL Lake valley. 1hese parLnershlp
posslblllLles can only be maxlmlzed wlLh mulLlple people worklng Loward LhaL end.

8esL pracLlces ln Servlce Learnlng lnvolve lnLerdlsclpllnary approaches Lo complex communlLy lssues.
1hls Lype of relaLlonshlp requlres sklll and a subsLanLlal amounL of Llme Lo faclllLaLe. Powever, once
esLabllshed Lhls relaLlonshlp has Lhe poLenLlal Lo maxlmlze beneflL for all parLles lnvolved. CurrenLly, Lhe
CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach program ls helplng Lo faclllLaLe relaLlonshlps wlLh SalL Lake CounLy
Aglng Servlces and several programs ln Lhe PealLh Sclences dlsclpllne. Cnce esLabllshed Lhls relaLlonshlp
wlll provlde SLCC sLudenLs wlLh valuable communlLy based learnlng experlences whlle provldlng a much
needed servlce Lo senlors ln SalL Lake CounLy. 1he CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach program ls also
helplng Lo esLabllsh an lnLerdlsclpllnary pro[ecL lnvolvlng phoLography, buslness communlcaLlon, and Lhe
SalL Lake ClLy Mayor's Cfflce.

1o daLe, all servlce learnlng parLnershlps have been creaLed sLarLlng wlLh need from organlzaLlons.
Cnly one faculLy member has approached Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram lnLeresLed ln
flndlng a communlLy parLner Lo creaLe a servlce learnlng course wlLh. lor each servlce learnlng class Lo
maxlmlze Lhelr use of communlLy, lL would be beneflclal Lo ldenLlfy Lhe learnlng goals of lndlvldual
servlce learnlng classes. 1hls would effecLlvely reverse Lhe currenL parLnershlp process and lnlLlaLe
parLnershlp based on faculLy/ sLudenL needs. 1hese needs would Lhen be allgned wlLh communlLy
needs. ln order for Lhls Lo occur, Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram needs Lo lmprove
communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe whole Servlce Learnlng rogram.

ln Lhe one year of havlng a permanenL poslLlon, Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach program has
secured 3 granLs. 1wo granLs were for day of servlce mlnl-granLs, MarLln LuLher klng !r. uay, and 9-11
respecLlvely. 8oLh granLs allowed Lhe 1hayne CenLer Lo sub-granL $300 Lo communlLy parLners Lo asslsL

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 222
wlLh pro[ecLs. 1he Lhlrd granL provlded Lralnlng and fundlng for Lhe flrsL round of volunLeer
ManagemenL 1ralnlng. Movlng forward, Lhls wlll become an essenLlal resource for communlLy
organlzaLlons and an lnLegral parL of Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram.

CLher Lhan granL fundlng, Lhe CC has no operaLlng budgeL of lLs own. Aslde from Lhe salary of Lhe
one poslLlon, all funds come from Lhe operaLlng budgeL of Lhe 1hayne CenLer. 1hls llmlLs Lhe scope of
Lhe program, and sLresses Lhe already maxed 1hayne CenLer budgeL. lf Lhe CC were Lo have a budgeL
of lLs own, lL would allow Lhe program Lo flnd lnnovaLlve ways Lo bulld Lhe capaclLy of nonproflL
organlzaLlons ln our communlLy and enrlch Lhe learnlng experlence of sLudenLs aL SLCC.

1he CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram beneflLs from Lhe well-respecLed repuLaLlon of Lhe
1hayne CenLer. CrganlzaLlons are enLhuslasLlc Lo parLner and Lhe rlch nonproflL and volunLeer culLure of
uLah provldes an excellenL foundaLlon. When surveyed, our slgned CommunlLy arLners conflrmed Lhe
repuLaLlon and dedlcaLlon Lo parLnershlp:

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 223

Powever, Lwo oLher survey quesLlons lndlcaLed LhaL organlzaLlons undersLand Lhe baslc parLnershlp
process, buL many lack Lhe knowledge or resources Lo maxlmlze Lhe relaLlonshlp. When asked lf lL was
clear who Lo conLacL for each program ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer, 62.83 responded wlLh nelLher agree nor
dlsagree, moderaLely dlsagree, or sLrongly dlsagree. When asked lf Lhere was a clear undersLandlng of
how Lo maxlmlze Lhe relaLlonshlp wlLh SLCC, 31.43 responded wlLh nelLher agree nor dlsagree,
moderaLely dlsagree, or sLrongly dlsagree. When asked how Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp rogram could
enhance Lhe relaLlonshlp or overall process, 4 respondenLs lndlcaLed some need for more lnformaLlon or
beLLer undersLandlng of programs. 1hls shows a sLrong need Lo lmprove Lhe communlLy's undersLandlng
of 1hayne CenLer rograms. When asked Lo descrlbe one slgnlflcanL lmprovemenL Lo Lhe CommunlLy
arLnershlp CuLreach rogram, 3 respondenLs lndlcaLed Lhe deslre Lo be more lnvolved and have a
beLLer undersLandlng of 1hayne CenLer parLnershlp. Cne suggesLlon was Lo hold focus groups Lo develop
a beLLer undersLandlng of communlLy need and ways Lo parLner wlLh dlfferenL programs. 1wo
respondenLs lndlcaLed hlrlng a full-Llme sLaff member was a slgnlflcanL lmprovemenL, and Lhe
parLnershlp process has been enhanced ln dolng so. 1hese responses conflrm Lhe level of sklll and Llme

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 224
necessary Lo help hundreds of nonproflL parLners undersLand Lhe complexlLy of SLCC, where Lhey may flL
ln parLnershlp, and how Lo negoLlaLe parLnershlps.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 223

1hls repuLaLlon demands dellberaLe efforL Lo malnLaln and does noL leave room for error. 1he sLrong
volunLeer culLure also allows organlzaLlons Lo dlscrlmlnaLe ln chooslng volunLeers, and deny volunLeers
LhaL do noL make a good flL.

Cutreach and Market|ng
H*> 3* /*, "3<(4$.2( "-3 .-9*4+ 2$,3(-$2 ";*,$ /*,4 B4*04"+2 "-3 2(4<.5(2Y R($".# L*> /*,
*,$4("5L $* 2$,3(-$2 "-3 $* $L( 5*++,-.$/T =-"#/Q( $L( 2$4(-0$L2 "-3 5L"##(-0(2 .- L*> /*, 4("5L
*,$ "-3 (3,5"$( 2$,3(-$2 ";*,$ /*,4 2(4<.5(2T
1he CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram ls responslble for Lhe soclal medla ouLreach of Lhe
1hayne CenLer. As of SepLember 13, 2012, our lacebook page has 320 followers. Cf Lhose frlends 30.1
are ages 18-24 and 34.3 are ages 23-34. 1he 1hayne CenLer volunLeer opporLunlLles blog geLs nearly
2,000 vlews per monLh and averages 13 unlque volunLeer opporLunlLy posLs per monLh.

CommunlLy ouLreach ls Lhe prlmary funcLlon of Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram.
Many organlzaLlons approach Lhe 1hayne CenLer Lo parLner. Powever, we also approach organlzaLlons
based on communlLy need and sLudenL lnLeresL. lor example, lf a sLudenL comes Lo Lhe 1hayne CenLer
and asks for a speclflc opporLunlLy, Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps program wlll seek ouL LhaL placemenL.

SLudenL ouLreach ls also an lmporLanL funcLlon of Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram.
We have parLlclpaLed ln many sLudenL orlenLaLlon acLlvlLles lncludlng Campus ConnecL, PealLh Sclences
CrlenLaLlon, SLudenL CrlenLaLlon Leaders, 18lC, lnLernaLlonal SLudenL CrlenLaLlon, and Lhe Soclal Work
AssoclaLlon. Powever, awareness of 1hayne CenLer programs and servlces among sLudenLs aL large ls
noL aL Lhe level lL could be. 1he 1hayne CenLer would beneflL a greaL deal from havlng offlces ln hlgh
Lrafflc areas. 1hls would lncrease Lhe overall awareness and drop-ln Lrafflc from sLudenLs.

now |nc|us|ve are your programs and serv|ces? Are some students access|ng and us|ng your serv|ces
more than others? What act|v|t|es do you use to proact|ve|y reach out to underserved groups?
1he CommunlLy arLnershlp program sLrlves Lo creaLe a dlverse represenLaLlon of communlLy
organlzaLlons. lL ls Lhe goal of Lhe program Lo have organlzaLlons Lo maLch as many lnLeresLs as posslble.
lL ls also essenLlal for Lhe program Lo be conLrlbuLlng Lo communlLy needs, and noL addresslng lssues on
a superflclal level.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 226

rlmarlly, only sLudenLs already lnvolved ln 1hayne CenLer programs are accesslng Lhe CommunlLy
arLnershlps rogram. Cverall awareness of Lhe 1hayne CenLer rograms aL SalL Lake CommunlLy
College ls poor. lL ls apparenL LhaL sLudenLs are noL recelvlng lnformaLlon abouL Lhe 1hayne CenLer aL a
level LhaL effecLlvely promoLes awareness and engagemenL.

1he CommunlLy arLnershlp rogram does noL speclflcally LargeL underserved sLudenLs. lL ls noL an
expllclL goal of Lhls program Lo LargeL LhaL populaLlon speclflcally, buL raLher Lhe sLudenL body as a

Campus re|at|ons and co||aborat|ons
H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L *$L(4 3(B"4$+(-$2 >.$L.- !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2Y H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$(
>.$L 3(B"4$+(-$2 *,$2.3( *9 $L( 3.<.2.*- "-3 .- $L( 5*++,-.$/Y H*> 3* /*, .-.$."$( 5*##";*4"$.<(
B4*Z(5$2Y H*> 5"- /*, .+B4*<( $L(2( (99*4$2Y
Cenerally, collaboraLlve efforLs are lnlLlaLed by nonproflL organlzaLlons. Cnce needs are ldenLlfled, lL ls
Lhe role of Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps rogram Lo faclllLaLe Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween appllcable faculLy,
deparLmenLs or programs, and Lhe organlzaLlon. erslsLence ls lmporLanL when organlzlng Lhese
collaboraLlve efforLs. CfLen one parLy does noL recognlze Lhe slgnlflcance or poLenLlal ln Lhese
collaboraLlons and can be hard Lo brlng Lo Lhe conversaLlon.

Slnce hlrlng a permanenL CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor Lhere have been several successful
parLnershlp conversaLlons wlLh faculLy and deparLmenLs. MosL noLably, we have begun dlscusslng a
cross-dlsclpllne parLnershlp wlLh Lhe Senlor CenLers of SalL Lake CounLy Aglng Servlces. CurrenLly, Lhere
are Lalks of uslng CccupaLlonal 1herapy AsslsLanL sLudenLs, nurslng sLudenLs, and CompuLer Sclence
sLudenLs ln Lhls parLnershlp. laculLy members from each deparLmenL are acLlvely engaged ln forglng Lhls
parLnershlp. Soon Lhe parLnershlp wlll lnclude MarkeLlng, hyslcal LducaLlon, and hyslcal 1herapy
AsslsLanL programs

Descr|be any core changes |n your programs and serv|ces over the past f|ve years.
1he 1hayne CenLer hlred Lhe flrsL full-Llme CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor ln AugusL of 2012.
revlously, Lhe work was belng done by parL Llme sLaff and AmerlCorps vlS1A members.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 227
1he CommunlLy arLnershlps rogram has recenLly revlsed Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps AgreemenL,
a memorandum of undersLandlng ouLllnlng responslblllLles and beneflLs of parLnerlng wlLh Lhe 1hayne
CenLer. WlLhln Lhe CA (See Appendlx u), Lhere ls a new level sysLem for parLnershlp wlLh communlLy
organlzaLlons. 1he program allows parLners Lo deLermlne Lhelr level of lnvolvemenL wlLh SalL Lake
CommunlLy College ranglng from a baslc parLnershlp Lo an advanced parLnershlp. AL Lhe level one, Lhere
ls a very mlnlmal level of commlLmenL for Lhe organlzaLlon and Lhey beneflL from uslng Lhe 1hayne
CenLer as an adverLlslng forum for Lhelr organlzaLlon. AL level Lwo, organlzaLlons are requlred Lo aLLend
our volunLeer ManagemenL 1ralnlng Serles and recelve full access Lo our communlLy parLner daLabase,
CrgSync. AL level Lhree, organlzaLlons are requlred Lo aLLend quarLerly meeLlngs Lo help lmprove Lhe
CommunlLy arLnershlp rogram and recelve a wlde varleLy of beneflLs lncludlng vldeo feaLures,
lnvlLaLlon Lo our Annual CelebraLlon of Servlce & Learnlng and lndlvlduallzed meeLlngs wlLh servlce
learnlng faculLy and ueans of programs. 1he level Lhree parLners are mosL commlLLed and seeklng long
Lerm parLnershlp wlLh Lhe 1hayne CenLer and SLCC.

We have begun a monLhly CommunlLy arLnershlp updaLe e-newsleLLer LhaL ls senL Lo all servlce
learnlng faculLy and communlLy parLners. lL ls also publlshed on our soclal medla channels. 1he
newsleLLer showcases one organlzaLlon as Lhe CommunlLy arLner of Lhe MonLh," publlshes all
volunLeer opporLunlLles and evenLs from Lhe monLh and shares oLher lnLeresLlng lnformaLlon.

Do you ant|c|pate de|et|ng or chang|ng any ex|st|ng serv|ces and]or |mp|ement|ng new programs or
serv|ces? If so, br|ef|y deta|| the ant|c|pated change.
As parL of Lhe communlLy parLner level program, Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram wlll be
lmplemenLlng a formal communlLy parLner commlLLee dedlcaLed Lo lmprove Lhe program and
addresslng communlLy needs. 1hls commlLLee wlll meeL quarLerly and lnclude all level 3 parLners. 1here
wlll also be less formal focus groups wlLh Lhe focus of communlLy lmpacL. 1hese focus groups wlll follow
a survey of slmllar quesLlons Lo quanLlfy Lhe communlLy lmpacL of 1hayne CenLer programs. 8oLh are
lnLended Lo lnform Lhe program of ways Lo beLLer serve Lhe communlLy.

1he CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach program wlll also provlde ongolng volunLeer ManagemenL
1ralnlng for communlLy organlzaLlons. 1he orlglnal Lralnlng currlculum and flrsL round of Lralnlngs was
funded by a granL from Lhe uLah Commlsslon on volunLeers. 1hese Lralnlngs wlll be open Lo Lhe publlc
and requlred for all level 2 and level 3 parLners. 1he volunLeer ManagemenL 1ralnlngs wlll provlde

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 228
organlzaLlons wlLh besL pracLlces and sLraLegles ln managlng volunLeers. 1he CommunlLy arLnershlp
CuLreach program surveyed communlLy parLners Lo ldenLlfy Lhe besL formaL for movlng forward wlLh
Lhe Lralnlngs. 1ralnlngs wlll be scheduled wlLh one Loplc per monLh, wlLh ldenLlcal sesslons scheduled ln
Lhe mornlng and afLernoon Lo make as accesslble as posslble. 1he nexL sLep wlll be ldenLlfylng how Lo
fund Lhe Lralnlngs. 1here ls some dlscusslon abouL collaboraLlng fuLure Lralnlngs wlLh WesLmlnsLer
College and Lhe unlverslLy of uLah.

1he 1hayne CenLer has begun dlscusslng Lhe ldea of a collaboraLlve volunLeer falr wlLh WesLmlnsLer
College, and Lhe unlverslLy of uLah. 1he ldea belng LhaL one collaboraLlve falr would be more subsLanLlal
for organlzaLlons Lo aLLend Lhan Lrylng Lo aLLend mulLlple falrs aL each school.

1he CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach rogram ls looklng Lo hlre work-sLudy or sLudenL workers Lo
asslsL Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor wlLh less complex Lasks llke edlLlng blog posLs or
schedullng meeLlngs. 1hls would free up Lhe coordlnaLor for sysLems-level Lasks. 1he CommunlLy
arLnershlps CoordlnaLor ofLen recelves volunLeer opporLunlLles already formaLLed and ready Lo posL.
Slmple Lasks llke Lhls could be done by a sLudenL and free up Llme for Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps
CoordlnaLor Lo focus on more subsLanLlal parLnershlp work.

AnoLher posslblllLy would be for an AssoclaLe ulrecLor poslLlon Lo assume some of Lhe sysLems-level
workload of CommunlLy arLnershlp CuLreach. lor example, lf Lhe Au were responslble for faclllLaLlng
meeLlngs beLween organlzaLlons, faculLy, and deans lL would granL Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlps
CoordlnaLor more Llme ln Lhe communlLy Lo meeL wlLh organlzaLlons and begln Lhe parLnershlp process.
1he Au, slmply ln Lerms of rank, would llkely have more success ln brlnglng faculLy Lo Lhe Lable. 1he Au
would also have Lhe capaclLy Lo seek ouL granLs and new opporLunlLles for Lhe CommunlLy arLnershlp
rogram, a Lask LhaL ls currenLly superseded by Lhe day-Lo-day responslblllLles of Lhe program.

ln order Lo be an acLlve member ln Lhe communlLy, lL ls lmporLanL Lo have a place ln Lhe communlLy.
College campuses can be daunLlng Lo Lhose noL famlllar wlLh Lhe layouL or how Lo conLacL programs. lf
Lhe 1hayne CenLer were Lo expand lnLo a space noL connecLed Lo any campus, lL would lmprove Lhe
percepLlon and accesslblllLy for nonproflL parLners. 1hls branch would noL [usL be anoLher locaLlon of Lhe
1hayne CenLer, buL could serve as a cenLrallzed communlLy resource cenLer. 1hls locaLlon could be
dedlcaLed Lo fosLerlng campus-communlLy parLnershlps slmllar Lo Lhe unlverslLy of uLah's unlverslLy

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 229
nelghborhood arLners. 1hls Lype of endeavor, ran by SLCC sLudenLs and faclllLaLed by Lhe 1hayne
CenLer, could be Lhe face of SLCC ln Lhe nonproflL communlLy and greaLly enhance our role as a member
of Lhe communlLy.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 230

ALnulx L

lnformaLlon & 8eferral
AuLhor, Lesa 8lrd
AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 231
Deta|| the core programs and serv|ces you prov|de.
1he 1hayne CenLer ls now more lnnovaLlve wlLh lnformaLlon & 8eferral Lhan aL any polnL ln our hlsLory.
We prevlously senL ouL a newsleLLer Lo a bulk llsL of emall addresses LhaL may or may noL have been
valld aL Lhe Llme of dellvery. We would lnclude Lhose numbers wlLh our lnformaLlon & 8eferral counL on
Lhe Annual lmpacL Summary. Slnce Lhen we have LranslLloned Lo 8logger, lacebook, and CrgSync for
posLlng volunLeer opporLunlLles and communlcaLlng evenLs. 1he numbers llsLed below ln Lhe 2010-2012
years lnclude all ln-person and phone conLacLs where our programs and servlces were presenLed. Lven
Lhough Lhe numbers appear smaller, Lhey are more accuraLe ln represenLlng our ouLreach Lo our SLCC
and greaLer SalL Lake communlLles.
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
lnformaLlon &
8,480 conLacLs 7,467 conLacLs

What |s the core purpose of each of these programs?
1he core purpose of lnformaLlon & 8eferral ls Lo connecL sLudenLs, faculLy, sLaff, and communlLy
members looklng Lo volunLeer wlLh Lhe opporLunlLles whlch besL meeL Lhelr wanLs and needs. We
educaLe people on Lhe use of our 8log, lacebook, CrgSync, and 1he unlLed Way 2-1-1 referral servlce Lo
empower Lhem wlLh Lhe Lools necessary Lo engage ln volunLeer opporLunlLles. lnformaLlon & 8eferral
hlghllghLs our programs and servlces as an excellenL way Lo becomlng more lnvolved. 1hls process
connecLs over 7,400 lndlvlduals annually Lo varlous ouLreach opporLunlLles Lhrough our soclal medla
plaLforms, volunLeer acLlvlLles, Labllng evenLs, orlenLaLlons, presenLaLlons, and nonproflL communlLy

Ana|yze the effect|veness, strengths, and cha||enges of each program and serv|ce.
ffectlveoess. 1he effecLlveness of our lnformaLlon & 8eferral ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer ls demonsLraLed
Lhrough Lhe success of our orlenLaLlons along wlLh Lralnlngs, presenLaLlons Lo deparLmenLs ln addlLlon
Lo classes, and Lhrough our soclal medla. AfLer hearlng abouL our programs and servlces Lhrough
presenLaLlons or orlenLaLlons, sLudenLs wlll come Lo Lhe offlce eager Lo slgn up. We see Lhls ofLen wlLh
Lhe nurslng and Allled PealLh sLudenLs when we presenL aL Lhelr new sLudenL orlenLaLlons. 1hese
sLudenLs wlll come lnLo Lhe offlce looklng Lo slgn up for our Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars program or locaLe
a place Lo volunLeer. 1hls demonsLraLes LhaL personal conLacL ls sLlll a powerful moLlvaLor.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 232
ln Lhe 2009-2010 academlc year, Lhe 1hayne CenLer LranslLloned from sendlng ouL emalled
newsleLLers, Lo uslng 8logger, lacebook, and 1wlLLer Lo adverLlse evenLs and volunLeer opporLunlLles. As
a resulL of Lhls LranslLlon, our posLlngs are more up Lo Lhe mlnuLe and allow us Lo be more lnLeracLlve
wlLh our audlence on Lhese soclal medla slLes. We measure Lhe effecLlveness of Lhls converslon Lhrough
Lhe number of vlews our blog recelves on average ln one monLh, whlch ls 2,000. 1he average number of
people who see Lhe conLenL assoclaLed wlLh our lacebook page ls 1,027 monLhly. 1hese numbers are
lmporLanL Lo our cenLer and nonproflL communlLy parLners as lL reflecLs Lhe volume of people searchlng
for opporLunlLles Lo become more engaged ln Lhelr communlLy. 1he greaLer Lhls number ls Lhe more
llkely our communlLy parLners wlll beneflL Lhrough our efforLs Lo provlde Lhem volunLeers.

ln addlLlon Lo Leachlng people abouL bulldlng communlLles and addresslng lssues of soclal [usLlce,
nonproflL communlLy parLners are Lhe focus of our presenLaLlons Lo sLudenLs, faculLy, and sLaff abouL
volunLeerlng and servlce-learnlng. We encourage sLudenLs Lo use volunLeerlng as a means Lo plan for
and develop Lhelr career. We also hlghllghL Lhe followlng beneflLs of communlLy engagemenL:
uevelop [ob skllls
Share knowledge, skllls from servlce-learnlng courses, and galn new ones
Larn academlc credlL
8ulld your resume
Caln professlonal skllls and conLacLs
oLenLlal for leLLers of recommendaLlon
1esL ouL your currenL academlc sLudy Lo ensure your on Lhe rlghL Lrack
CraduaLe wlLh dlsLlncLlon as a Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar
1hls dlsLlncLlon goes on your LranscrlpLs
llnd purpose
Pelp oLhers
Lxplore new lnLeresLs
ConLrlbuLe Lo a cause you care abouL
Lnrlch your educaLlon

We Lrack and reporL Lhe effecLlveness of our lnformaLlon & 8eferral (l&8) monLhly. Lvery sLaff
member submlLs Lhe number of l&8 conLacLs Lhey've made each monLh Lo Lhe admlnlsLraLlve asslsLanL.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 233
1hese numbers lnform reporLs LhaL lead Lo our Annual lmpacL Summary

. 1hls summary provldes Lhe
parLlclpaLlon numbers of all our programs ln one aL-a-glance reporL and represenLs Lhe efforLs of our
sLudenLs, faculLy, and sLaff durlng one academlc year.
5tteoqtbs. 1he sLrengLh of Lhe 1hayne CenLers lnformaLlon & 8eferral program ls evldenL Lhrough Lhe
passlon our faculLy and sLudenLs share for our programs when referrlng oLhers, by word of mouLh of our
communlLy parLners Lo oLher nonproflLs, and Lhrough Lhe collaboraLlon wlLh oLher deparLmenLs on Lhe
academlc slde and wlLhln SLudenL Servlces. Cne example ls Adrls 8rundldge an lnsLrucLor for Lhe
Learnlng LnhancemenL (LL) LssenLlal College SLudy course. She requlres all of her LL sLudenLs Lo learn
abouL Lhe 1hayne CenLer. 1hey have Lo reporL on whom Lhey Lalked Lo and whaL Lhey learned. ln
addlLlon, Lhe sLudenLs need Lo provlde a buslness card Lo show Lhey Lruly wenL Lo Lhe cenLer for a vlslL
and Lake a phoLo lf posslble.

1he sLrengLh of our sLudenL's passlon ls clearly demonsLraLed Lhrough Lhelr reflecLlons ln our
programs and ln Lhe changes we observe afLer. Cne of our sLudenLs, !ason 1hornLon

, experlenced a
rough paLch ln hls llfe before comlng Lo SalL Lake CommunlLy College. ShorLly afLer sLarLlng aL Lhe
college, he felL compelled, Lhrough hls llfe experlences and Lhose of hls frlends, Lo sLarL a communlLy
garden. AfLer meeLlng wlLh some communlLy parLners, faculLy and sLaff, he was dlrecLed Lo Lhe 1hayne
CenLer. Pe Lhen became a member of our SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL Leam (formerly
Servlce Councll) and became a Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar. 1hese programs gave hlm Lhe confldence and
lnsplraLlon he needed Lo proceed wlLh hls dream of creaLlng a communlLy garden. 1he SLCC CommunlLy
Carden was offlclal as of LarLh uay 2010 and expanded Lo Lhe Lccles Larly Chlldhood uevelopmenL Lab
School ln 2011. 1hrough volunLeerlng and clvlc engagemenL, we have seen sLudenLs Lransform Lo Lhe
polnL of changlng Lhelr llfesLyle and career paLh.
cbolleoqes. 1he 1hayne CenLer has several challenges wlLh lnformaLlon & 8eferral. Cne of our
challenges ls belng able Lo reach all or mosL of Lhe 18,000 l1L sLudenLs, based on lall 2012 reporLed
enrollmenL, Lo lnform Lhem of Lhe beneflLs galned Lhrough our programs and servlces. We would llke Lo
see Lhese sLudenLs parLlclpaLlng ln our programs wlLhln Lhe communlLy and would llke Lo engage Lhem


1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 234
ln meanlngful conversaLlons on lacebook, posLlng vldeos of Lhelr volunLeer acLlvlLles on ?ou1ube, and
puLLlng Lhelr plcLures on lllckr.

Cur maln phone llne and walk-ln sLudenLs are our prlmary source of conLacL and focus. As of Sprlng
2012, our maln phone llne ls accesslble on every sLaff member's phone. Powever, lL Lakes Llme Lo
presenL our programs and servlces Lo sLudenL walk-lns or callers. CurrenL sLaff lack conslsLenL capaclLy Lo
dedlcaLe Lo properly menLor walk-ln sLudenLs ln order Lo glve personallzed lnformaLlon and aLLenLlon Lo
each. 1hls would be beLLer resolved by havlng sLaff or sLudenL employees dedlcaLed Lo lnformaLlon &

Cur nonproflL communlLy parLners are essenLlal Lo Lhe success of our programs. We need Lhelr
volunLeer opporLunlLles ln order for servlce-learnlng classes Lo exlsL and for our programs Lo educaLe
sLudenLs on how Lo be more clvlcally engaged. We advocaLe for our nonproflLs whenever a sLudenL
walks lnLo our offlce looklng for a volunLeer opporLunlLy or Lo galn experlence ln Lhelr chosen fleld of
sLudy. Cur communlLy parLner represenLaLlon ls conslderably more effecLlve due Lo havlng a full-Llme
CommunlLy arLnershlps CoordlnaLor. Pe meeLs wlLh Lhese communlLy parLners and develops a
parLnershlp beLween Lhem and Lhe 1hayne CenLer. We adverLlse Lhelr volunLeer opporLunlLles on our
8log, lacebook, and Lhrough a collecLlon of brochures posLed on a wall ouLslde of our offlce. Powever,
brochures are cosLly Lo prlnL, qulckly ouLdaLed, and our communlLy parLners lack Lhe resources Lo keep
Lhem updaLed and dellvered, many parLners are golng green and noL prlnLlng anyLhlng. lasma screens
are common for adverLlslng around our varlous campuses and LhroughouL deparLmenLs and would be
Lhe mosL beneflclal way we could help our parLners and adverLlse Lhelr evenLs wlLh our programs and

Cutreach and Market|ng
=-"#/Q( $L( 2$4(-0$L2 "-3 5L"##(-0(2 .- L*> /*, 4("5L *,$ "-3 (3,5"$( 2$,3(-$2 ";*,$ /*,4 2(4<.5(2T
5tteoqtb. 1here are faculLy who have noL yeL deslgnaLed Lhelr class as servlce-learnlng LhaL requlre Lhelr
sLudenLs Lo do pro[ecLs LhroughouL Lhe year and collaboraLe wlLh Lhe 1hayne CenLer. Some requlre Lhelr
sLudenLs Lo learn abouL our programs and servlces and reporL back. 1hese faculLy along wlLh Lhe ones
who Leach deslgnaLed servlce-learnlng classes are greaL resources for lnformaLlon & 8eferral. We
presenL Lo Lhelr sLudenL groups every semesLer as Lhey walk ln our offlce for lnformaLlon.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 233
Cur collaboraLlon wlLh oLher deparLmenLs conLlnues Lo be a sLrengLh for lnformaLlon & 8eferral as
sLudenLs are lnLroduced Lhrough orlenLaLlons or presenLaLlons Lo Lhe programs and servlces LhaL wlll
besL flL Lhelr needs. 1hey are also educaLed Lo Lhe beneflLs of volunLeerlng and servlce-learnlng.

Cur currenL and former sLudenLs make greaL ambassadors when Lalklng Lo oLhers abouL Lhe beneflLs
of volunLeerlng or servlce-learnlng. Whenever posslble, we have sLudenLs Lable or presenL abouL Lhelr
experlences. 1hls relnforces Lhe poLenLlal sLudenLs can achleve by puLLlng Lhe Llme lnLo belng more
clvlcally engaged and of Lhe unreallzed beneflLs LhaL can resulL.

cbolleoqe. 1he 1hayne CenLer ls Lhe communlLy parLner llnk. Cur purpose ls Lo connecL sLudenLs,
faculLy, and sLaff Lo our communlLy parLners' volunLeer opporLunlLles. We need Lo lncrease our sLudenL
vlslblllLy on our soclal medla plaLforms Lo reach as many of Lhe 18,000 average l1L's enrolled every
Sprlng and lall semesLer.

Cur vlew counL on 8logger represenLs sLaff, faculLy, communlLy parLners, and sLudenLs and does noL
dlfferenLlaLe beLween new and repeaL vlews. We need Lo LargeL markeLlng Lo sLudenLs and Lry Lo geL
feedback Lo assess our domlnanL audlence.

We sLrlve Lo provlde personallzed lnformaLlon Lo every sLudenL seeklng Lo learn abouL our programs
and servlces. 1hls efforL Lakes dedlcaLed Llme LhaL ls besL served by havlng sLudenLs or recepLlon sLaff
devoLed Lo greeLlng walk-lns and answerlng our maln phone llne.

SLrengLhenlng and bulldlng communlLy parLner relaLlonshlps ls Lhe key Lo supporLlng our programs
and servlces as volunLeerlng ls Lhe foundaLlon of our programs. Powever, belng responslve Lo Lhe needs
of our parLners ls dlfflculL wlLh follow-up, placemenL of volunLeers, and ensurlng we are meeLlng Lhelr
needs. We adverLlse on our soclal medla slLes, buL we have yeL Lo reach Lhe full sLudenL populaLlon aL
SalL Lake CommunlLy College. Pavlng an alLernaLe means of adverLlslng, such as a plasma screen
commonly used around our varlous campuses, would be a cosL effecLlve means of adverLlslng for our
parLners and programs and servlces.

now |nc|us|ve are your programs and serv|ces? Are some students access|ng and us|ng your serv|ces
more than others? What act|v|t|es do you use to proact|ve|y reach out to underserved groups?

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 236
lnformaLlon & 8eferral ls provlded Lo all sLudenLs when Lhey call, walk ln Lhe offlce, or go onllne.

Campus re|at|ons and co||aborat|ons
H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L *$L(4 3(B"4$+(-$2 >.$L.- !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2Y
We work LogeLher wlLh lnLernaLlonal SLudenL Servlces by presenLlng our programs aL Lhelr orlenLaLlons
every sprlng and fall semesLer. Cur programs are lmporLanL Lo our lnLernaLlonal sLudenLs' as Lhey fulflll a
need and are used as a means Lo pracLlce Lhelr Lngllsh Lhrough lnLeracLlons as well as feel connecLed Lo
Lhe communlLy. We collaboraLe wlLh oLher deparLmenLs Lhrough orlenLaLlons, Lralnlngs, and our varlous
programs llke AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak.

We Leam up wlLh SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp as well as Lhe ulsablllLy 8esource CenLer Lo provlde
AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak Lrlps Lo Lhe SLCC sLudenL communlLy. Cne Lrlp ls fully AuA accesslble. SLudenL
Llfe & Leadershlps' Clubs and CrganlzaLlons are requlred Lo do servlce pro[ecLs every semesLer. 1hey wlll
ofLen connecL wlLh us for ldeas on servlce pro[ecLs or Llps on collaboraLlng wlLh oLher servlce-pro[ecLs
happenlng durlng Lhe semesLer. Cur Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor has a shared ablllLy Lo approve
servlce pro[ecLs uslng CrgSync. SLudenLs are unable Lo conLlnue wlLh Lhelr servlce pro[ecL unLll someone
approves lL ln Lhls sysLem.

H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L 3(B"4$+(-$2 *,$2.3( *9 $L( 3.<.2.*- "-3 .- $L( 5*++,-.$/Y H*> 3* /*,
.-.$."$( 5*##";*4"$.<( B4*Z(5$2Y
Cur collaboraLlon wlLh Lhe Allled PealLh academlc deparLmenL has resulLed ln havlng a dedlcaLed
servlce-learnlng deparLmenL ln Lhe CccupaLlonal 1herapy AsslsLanL program. We are eager Lo [oln forces
wlLh Lhe CrlenLaLlon deparLmenL ln order Lo geL all sLudenLs enLerlng Lhe college lnLo our programs Lo
enhance Lhelr educaLlonal experlence and galn valuable llfe skllls. 1he Clobe wlll conLacL Lhe 1hayne
CenLer abouL upcomlng pro[ecLs and ofLen wrlLe arLlcles on our evenLs or programs. SLudenLs respond
Lo lnformaLlon Lhey recelve Lhrough Lhese shared efforLs by comlng ln or calllng our offlce seeklng Lo
slgn up or parLlclpaLe ln Lhe programs or servlces LhaL caughL Lhelr aLLenLlon. CommunlLy parLners
connecL wlLh us Lo geL Lhese sLudenLs Lo volunLeer wlLh Lhelr organlzaLlon.

We work LogeLher wlLh lnsLlLuLlonal MarkeLlng Lo creaLe vlbranL promoLlonal maLerlal adverLlslng
our programs and servlces on our bulleLln boards, Lhe maln web page for SalL Lake CommunlLy College,
and Lhe 1hayne CenLer webslLe. We llsL relevanL evenLs on Lhe college masLer calendar, Scrlbd, 8logger,

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 237
lacebook, 1wlLLer, and CrgSync. Cur sLudenLs, faculLy, and nonproflL communlLy parLners adverLlse our
programs and servlces vla word of mouLh and Lhelr own soclal medla proflles. SLudenLs, faculLy, sLaff,
and our communlLy parLners are also lnformed of our evenLs Lhrough phone conversaLlons and emall.
We Lable aL evenLs and orlenLaLlons
o ln Lhe lasL year we have Labled aL Lhe followlng and connecLed wlLh over 430 lndlvlduals
73 sLudenLs - lnLernaLlonal sLudenL orlenLaLlons
100 lndlvlduals - ?ouLhllnk - volunLeerlng Abroad
30 lndlvlduals - Amerlcan 8ed Cross Measles Awareness
10 lndlvlduals - 1he 8oad Pome Warm CloLhlng uonaLlon
193 lndlvlduals - Culck connecL orlenLaLlons
32 lndlvlduals - Soclal LnLerprlse 8esource Lxpo
32 lndlvlduals - lnLernaLlonal SLudenL lalr
ln Lhe lasL year, our sLaff presenLed Lo classes, clubs, groups, and walk-lns lnformlng over 394
lndlvlduals abouL our programs and servlces
o 302 sLudenLs - PealLh Sclences new sLudenL orlenLaLlon
o 30 sLudenLs - 18lC new sLudenL orlenLaLlon
o 107 sLudenLs - SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp clubs
o 102 sLudenLs - Classes
o 43 lndlvlduals - Ad[uncL laculLy Conference
o 10 nonproflLs - CommunlLy arLner focus group
We schedule CommunlLy parLner slLe vlslLs - 180 ln Lhe lasL year

H*> 5"- /*, .+B4*<( $L(2( (99*4$2Y
We can reach ouL Lo more deparLmenLs Lo presenL aL Lhelr orlenLaLlons or lnform Lhelr sLaff of our
programs and servlces by presenLlng aL Lhelr sLaff meeLlngs. We have sLarLed Lhls process by arranglng
Lo presenL aL an Academlc Advlslng sLaff meeLlng. Academlc Advlslng meeLs wlLh Lhousands of sLudenLs.
ln collaboraLlng wlLh Lhls deparLmenL, we can have beLLer vlslblllLy Lo new sLudenLs enLerlng Lhe college
and have llfe changlng enhancemenLs on Lhelr educaLlon.

1he 1hayne CenLer can lncrease lLs presence aL our varlous locaLlons so LhaL sLudenLs ln oLher
programs can have beLLer access Lo Lhe lnformaLlon connecLlng Lhem wlLh our programs and servlces.
Cur goal would be Lo Lable aL leasL once per monLh aL every locaLlon. 1hls leLs sLudenLs know LhaL Lhey

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are lmporLanL enough Lo our cenLer LhaL we wlll come Lo Lhem. We would Lhen monlLor Lhe number of
vlews recelved on our soclal medla slLes as well as our lnformaLlon & 8eferral counL ln Lhe offlce Lo
deLermlne Lhe effecLlveness of Lhls endeavor.

MulLlculLural lnlLlaLlves has many underserved groups LhaL we could reach ouL Lo by parLlclpaLlng ln
more of Lhelr evenLs and presenLlng aL Lhelr funcLlons.

Pavlng a full Llme dedlcaLed recepLlonlsL ln Lhe offlce Lo handle all lnformaLlon & 8eferral phone
calls and walk-lns would creaLe a beLLer flrsL lmpresslon on sLudenLs, sLaff, faculLy, and communlLy
parLners. 1hls flrsL lmpresslon could make a huge dlfference ln our program parLlclpaLlon, as people
would know LhaL we are dedlcaLed ln all respecLs Lo geLLlng Lhem Lhe lnformaLlon Lhey need when Lhey
need lL. ln addlLlon, Lhls would lncrease producLlvlLy by dlverLlng Lhls [ob from our currenL sLaff. We
could accompllsh Lhls by havlng more sLudenL employees, work-sLudy sLudenLs, or one employee
dedlcaLed Lo lnformaLlon & 8eferral.

uslng a plasma screen, we can creaLe and dlsplay dynamlc presenLaLlons for our evenLs and Lhose of
our nonproflLs, adverLlse our programs and servlces, and proudly presenL Lhe acLlvlLles of our engaged
sLudenLs. 1hls would save our communlLy parLners Lhe expense of prlnLlng. rovldlng up-Lo-Lhe mlnuLe
dynamlc dlsplays would creaLe a poslLlve and lasLlng lmpresslon. 1hls would glve our communlLy
parLners greaLer vlslblllLy Lo sLudenL volunLeers and lncrease parLlclpaLlon aL Lhelr evenLs, boosL sLudenL
morale by proudly dlsplaylng Lhelr efforLs, and lnform abouL our programs and servlces Lo a greaLer
number of sLudenLs LhaL may noL have heard of our cenLer before. lasma screens would allow sLudenLs
wlLhouL lnLerneL access Lo vlew all of Lhe opporLunlLles ln a convenlenL way. 1hls change would make us
more envlronmenLally consclous and reduce our prlnLlng cosLs.

1o lncrease our vlslblllLy Lo sLudenLs and brlng greaLer awareness Lo our volunLeer evenLs, we could
explore Lhe use of Lhe 8edwood SLreeL 1ron Lo adverLlse our ma[or evenLs and Lhose of our nonproflL
communlLy parLners.

Descr|be any core changes |n your programs and serv|ces over the past f|ve years.
We have LranslLloned from sendlng ouL an enewsleLLer vla emall, noL knowlng how many lndlvlduals
would read lL, Lo uslng soclal medla for our evenLs and volunLeer opporLunlLles. We are more lnLeracLlve

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on Lhese slLes and use Lhelr bullL ln Lracklng sysLem Lo log how many lndlvlduals vlslL our slLes every
monLh. Cur lnformaLlon & 8eferral numbers on our lmpacL Summary and 4s reporLs are now more
accuraLe as we are uslng daLa LhaL reflecLs acLual connecLlons wlLh sLudenLs, communlLy parLners, and
Lhe SLCC communlLy.

Do you ant|c|pate de|et|ng or chang|ng any ex|st|ng serv|ces and]or |mp|ement|ng new programs or
serv|ces? If so, br|ef|y deta|| the ant|c|pated change.
We should expand our presence Lo all campuses by Labllng aL varlous Llmes and Lalklng Lo sLudenLs
abouL whaL we do and why lL beneflLs Lhem. Cur sLaff would Lake Lurns vlslLlng a campus and spendlng
2-4 hours per monLh Lhere Lo reach ouL Lo Lhelr sLudenL populaLlon. We would collaboraLe wlLh Lhe
necessary lndlvlduals aL Lhese locaLlons Lo flnd Lhe besL days, Llmes, and locaLlons ln order Lo maxlmlze
our vlslblllLy. We can vary Lhe Llme of day we spend aL Lhe varlous campuses so we can reach a greaLer
porLlon of Lhe 18,000 l1L sLudenLs aLLendlng. lf we cannoL geL Lhe sLudenLs Lo come Lo us, we should go
Lo Lhe sLudenLs.

We are schedullng Llmes Lo presenL our programs and servlces Lo Lhe Academlc Advlsors durlng
Lhelr sLaff meeLlng. We wlll also look lnLo presenLlng Lo deparLmenLs llke ConcurrenL LnrollmenL, SalL
Lake CommunlLy College SLudenL AssoclaLlon (SLCCSA), and Lhe veLerans CenLer. 1hls wlll help us
ouLreach Lo new sLudenLs [usL enLerlng Lhe college so Lhey can Lake full advanLage of Lhe servlces we
offer. 1hey can learn early on why our programs and volunLeerlng ls so beneflclal Lo Lhelr educaLlon,
career, and fuLure.

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ALnulx M

SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL
AuLhor, Llnnle Spor
Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 241
Deta|| the core programs and serv|ces you prov|de.
SLlCL members work Loward a more [usL and democraLlc socleLy, seeklng an end Lo Lhe soclal problems
we face. 1hese sLudenLs become leaders among Lhelr SLCC peers, ralslng awareness and lnsplrlng
acLlons LhaL address communlLy needs

1hrough sLrucLured Lralnlng and gulded pracLlce, SLlCL members develop Lhe sLrong leadershlp skllls
necessary Lo brlng abouL soclal change. 1hese skllls empower Lhem Lo ralse awareness, lnsplre oLhers Lo
become engaged, and become agenLs of change.

What |s the core purpose of each of these programs?
uslng Lhe eer AcLlon Leaders model already ln place aL Lhe 1hayne CenLer, Lhe Servlce Councll was
creaLed durlng Lhe 2003-2006 school year, lnvolvlng clvlcally-mlnded sLudenLs ln a leadershlp capaclLy.
ln 2010 Lhe Servlce Councll was renamed SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL (SLlCL). ln Lhe lasL
flve years SLCC and Lhe 1hayne CenLer have had 83 SLlCL members. We wlll add 11 more Lo Lhls number
ln 2012-2013. 1hese engaged sLudenLs have volunLeered for a LoLal of 16,183 servlce hours. 1he SLlCL:
SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL program ls sLrucLured Lo Lraln, asslsL, and connecL sLudenLs and
communlLles Lo promoLe quallLy servlce pro[ecLs LhaL lnsplre a llfeLlme of acLlve clLlzenshlp.
SLlCL: SLudenL
Leaders ln Clvlc
2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
14 sLudenLs 13 sLudenLs 17 sLudenLs 23 sLudenLs 14 sLudenLs
1,914 hours 2,489 hours 3,422 hours 4,332 hours 3,828 hours

SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL has been a core program for Lhe 1hayne CenLer for
almosL Len years. 1en LulLlon walvers are deslgnaLed for a SLlCL Leam. Also a member of SLudenL Llfe
and Leadershlp ls lncluded as a SLlCL Leam member. 1hls sLudenL's role ls Lo be Lhe llalson for SLudenL
Llfe & Leadershlp. 1here ls a compeLlLlve lnLervlew process Lo selecL SLlCL sLudenL leaders for fall and
sprlng semesLer. lull LulLlon walvers are awarded Lo Lhe selecLed SLlCL members. lf Lhese members
comply wlLh all Lhe requlremenLs Lhey may reLurn ln sprlng semesLer. Pere are a few requlremenLs for
Lhls program: ALLendance ln weekly meeLlngs, malnLaln a 2.3 CA, compleLe 100 volunLeer and Lralnlng
hours per semesLer, parLlclpaLe ln monLhly Leam acLlvlLles, and reflecL.

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SLlCL ls a sLrucLured program wlLh weekly Lwo hour meeLlngs. 1he group ls dlvlded lnLo Lhree small
Leams. CreaLlng small Leams of four Lo flve members has been very successful. Leadershlp roles are
developed because of Lhls concepL. ln small groups each member has an opporLunlLy leL Lhelr volce be
heard. 1he small cohorLs Lake Lurns chalrlng servlce pro[ecLs and evenLs.

1he SLlCL manual ls a core resource for Lhese members. 1hls manual provldes lmporLanL
lnformaLlon for SLlCL sLudenLs Lo undersLand Lhe lmporLance of Lhelr leadershlp poslLlon aL SLCC. 1he
manual provldes SLCC and Lhe 1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng mlsslon and vlslon. 1he hlsLory of
Lhe 1hayne CenLer ls lncluded as ls Lhe lmpacL summery of pasL years. SLudenL Leaders galn an
undersLandlng of Lhelr purpose and Lhe role Lhey play aL Lhe 1hayne CenLer when Lhey read and
undersLand Lhelr manual.

8esponslblllLles and commlLmenLs of SLlCL members are deLalled ln Lhe handbook. 1hls ls lmporLanL
Lo Lhe sLrucLure so SLlCL members undersLand whaL ls expecLed of Lhem LhroughouL Lhe year. 1hayne
CenLer's sLaff responslblllLles and commlLmenLs are also llsLed ln Lhe manual. 8y llsLlng boLh SLlCL and
sLaff responslblllLles SLlCL member undersLand SLCC ls commlLLed Lo Lhelr personal growLh and
developmenL as a leader.

SLlCL meeLs for Lwo hours once a week durlng fall and sprlng semesLer. uurlng Lhe flrsL slxLy
mlnuLes of weekly Lralnlngs, SLlCL ls educaLed on soclal lssues. 1hese lssues are prearranged and are
publlshed ln a SLlCL calendar whlch ls provlded ln Lhe SLlCL manual. 1he lssues for Lwo semesLers are as
follows: soclal [usLlce, hunger and poverLy, chlld and elderly lssues, dlverslLy, modern day slavery,
people wlLh dlsablllLles, envlronmenL lssues, eLc.

1he lasL slxLy mlnuLes of each weekly meeLlngs/Lralnlng are seL aslde for Leam plannlng Llme. 1hls
core funcLlon of Lhe SLlCL program fosLers reslllence whlch lnvolves sLudenLs bellevlng ln Lhe poLenLlal
of each oLher and provldlng opporLunlLles for real responslblllLy, real work, and real servlce. 1hey learn
from each oLher abouL Lhelr own sLrengLhs and Lhe resources of Lhelr Leam Lo creaLe successful servlce

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Lach monLh, Lhe flrsL SLlCL plannlng meeLlng ls deslgnaLed Lo Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor Lo
educaLe Lhe Leams abouL a soclal lssue. 1he remalnlng weeks of Lhe monLh are seL aslde for Leams Lo
presenL on Lhe monLhly lssue.

1he Leam may use many meLhods Lo dlssemlnaLe lnformaLlon Lo Lhe group for Lhelr monLhly
presenLaLlons. 1hey may explore, research, and become educaLed on Lhe new soclal lssue. Also, Lhey
can ask a guesL speaker Lo come and address Lhe lssue. 1hey can use vldeos, organlze an on-slLe Lour, or
presenL as a Leam. uurlng Lhe lasL 10 mlnuLes of Lhe Lralnlng meeLlng, Leams dlalogue and develop a
sLraLegy for change and a common vlslon for success ln regards Lo Lhe lssue.

Lach semesLer, SLlCL parLlclpanLs, chalr aL leasL Lwo servlce pro[ecLs or awareness acLlvlLles abouL a
soclal lssue. All Leams musL flll ouL a SLlCL ro[ecL lannlng lorm," locaLed ln Lhe member's handbook.
1hls servlce pro[ecL or evenL musL be approved by Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor. Cnce approved,
SLlCL members can acL on Lhe lssue Lhey are learnlng abouL. 1he Leam may have already ldenLlfled
anoLher need ln Lhe communlLy and have a servlce acLlvlLy ln place. uependlng on Lhe volunLeer pro[ecL
SLlCL members wlll lnvolve as many sLudenLs, sLaff, faculLy, and communlLy members Lo Lake parL ln Lhe
servlce pro[ecL. SLlCL musL follow all SLCC medla, posLlng, and adverLlzlng guldellnes.

SLlCL members are also requlred Lo aLLend leadershlp conferences, reflecL abouL Lhelr servlce, and
develop Lhelr leadershlp skllls.

8ecause of sLrucLured SLlCL meeLlngs, members wanLs Lo promoLe change and creaLe a [usL world.
Lach year Lhls acLlve group goes Lo Lhe SLaLe CaplLal Lo learn abouL Lhe leglslaLure process. 1hls ls a core
acLlvlLy of SLlCL. LasL year Lwo SLlCL members became delegaLes ln Lhelr dlsLrlcL. 1hls well planned
program develops fuLure leaders.

SLlCL has moved leadershlp efforLs Lo Lhe nexL level. A menLor sLrucLure was developed ln 2010.
CpporLunlLles for Lhree menLors Lo be selecLed for SLlCL Leams are offered ln fall and sprlng semesLer.
MenLors are asslgned a Leam when essenLlal leadershlp skllls, experlence, and advanced undersLandlng
of Lhe 1hayne CenLer, SLlCL, communlLy servlce, and SalL Lake CommunlLy College are developed and
dlsplayed Lo Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor. MenLors become an asseL because of learned skllls Lo
fellow sLudenLs, faculLy, sLaff, and admlnlsLraLors aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College.

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MenLors musL aLLend Lwo addlLlonal meeLlngs a monLh. Cne meeLlng comprlses of a menLor Lralnlng
LhaL lncludes a menLor manual wlLh Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor. 1he manual has up-Lo-daLe besL
pracLlces from AACC. 1hls resource has been prepared Lo help new menLors parLlclpaLe effecLlvely ln Lhe
peer menLorlng process. 1he guldellnes of Lhe manual serve as Lhe basls for Lhe menLor-proLege
relaLlonshlp. 1hls manual seLs ouL responslblllLles, lncludlng Lhe menLor role aL SLlCL meeLlngs, 1x1
meeLlngs, plannlng, aLLendlng servlce pro[ecLs, assessmenL and reporLlng expecLaLlons.

MenLors learn SLudenL reLenLlon and creaLlng fuLure leaders, has become a prlorlLy aL SalL Lake
CommunlLy College. 1helr menLor poslLlon wlll dlrecLly affecL Lhese learnlng ouLcomes. 1hey are Lralned
Lo undersLand Lhe lmporLance of reLenLlon and leadershlp skllls as Lhey menLor Lhelr SLlCL Leam.

A Second monLhly menLor meeLlng ls scheduled so menLors can acLlvely learn from each oLher,
sLudenL leader Lo sLudenL leader. AL Lhls meeLlng menLors learn whaL ls worklng or noL ln Lhelr Leams.
ConfllcL managemenL sklll are experlenced and resolved ln Lhese meeLlngs. Plgher levels of meanlngful
and responslble declslons maklng ls dlscussed aL Lhls Llme. MenLors learn Lhey are a carlng person who
serves as a poslLlve role model, provldlng supporL, frlendshlp, encouragemenL, and educaLlonal
asslsLance Lo anoLher person.

Ana|yze the effect|veness, strengths, and cha||enges of each program and serv|ce.
NBB*4$,-.$/ $* 3(<(#*B &("3(42L.B !'.##2
Leadershlp and servlce opporLunlLles developed by Lhe SLlCL program glve sLudenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
meeL new people, connecL Lo campus, recognlze Lhelr leadershlp poLenLlal, and clarlfy personal,
academlc, and professlonal goals. SLudenLs parLlclpaLlng ln SLlCL engage ln a [ourney Loward personal
growLh, soclal responslblllLy, and bulldlng communlLy.

ersonal growLh ls Lhe beglnnlng spark of leadershlp. 1he SLlCL program helps develop Lhls
beglnnlng polnL of a sLudenL's llfe by ongolng sLrucLured Lralnlngs and workshops LhroughouL Lhe year.

arLlclpaLlon ln Lhe SLlCL weekly Lralnlngs and oLher leadershlp workshops, sLudenLs wlll broaden
knowledge and perspecLlves on a varleLy of real-llfe, currenL, and soclal lssues, galn a beLLer

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undersLandlng of Lhemselves, Lhelr LalenLs, and Lhelr llmlLaLlons, develop a unlque leadershlp sLyle, and
learn Lo help oLhers hone Lhelr skllls as leaders.

8efore fall semesLer beglns Lhere are Lwo mandaLory SLlCL Lralnlngs. ln Lhese Lralnlngs SLlCL
members do Lhe followlng: Leam bulld, galns an undersLandlng of Lhe vlslon and mlsslon of Lhe 1hayne
CenLer and SLlCL, Lhe SLlCL manual ls lnLroduced, Lourlng a non-proflL agency and galn an
undersLandlng of some lssues ln our communlLy. Also, rules of conducL for SLlCL member's weekly
meeLlngs are esLabllshed by Lhe SLlCL members. SLudenLs LhaL are allowed Lo seL up Lhelr own meeLlng
rules learn new leadershlp skllls and have ownershlp ln Lhe program.

ln Lhese Lwo Lralnlng days SLlCL members organlze Lhemselves lnLo Lhree Leams. 1hey do Lhls by
experlence ln servlce and lnLeresL ln soclal lssues. LeLLlng sLudenLs gravlLaLe and form Lhelr own Leam ls
beneflclal. SLlCL members are on dlfferenL levels of servlce and engagemenL ln Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe
year. 1he sLudenLs LhaL are experlenced and wanL Lo work on hlgher level pro[ecL wlll gaLher as a Leam.
CLher sLudenLs may be learnlng baslc skllls of volunLeerlng and leadershlp. 8oLh Leams wlll recelve
guldance LhroughouL Lwo semesLers from Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor and learn leadershlp skllls.

1here are Lwo addlLlonal Leadershlp conference Lralnlngs days LhaL are organlzed by sLudenL leaders
aL SLCC. SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp chalr Lhe Leadershlp Conference. A sLudenL coordlnaLor from Lhe
1hayne CenLer, ALs, MulLlculLural lnlLlaLlves, lnLernaLlonal SLudenL Affalrs, and ALhleLes all parLlclpaLe
ln Lhls leadershlp Lralnlng. 1hls Lralnlng lncludes: neLworklng and Leambulldlng wlLh 130 SLCC sLudenL
leaders and leadershlp workshops. 1he workshops Loplcs lnclude: Llme and sLress managemenL, CrgSync
Lralnlng, ClvlllLy, leadershlp moLlvaLlonal skllls, ldenLlfylng goals and resources. SLudenLs learn abouL
Lhelr weaknesses and sLrengLhs as a leader.

Pands on Leambulldlng Lralnlngs are used ln Lhe four weeks of Lralnlng. 1hese Lralnlng bulld
leadershlp skllls by acLlve parLlclpaLlon and crlLlcal Lhlnklng. We prove Lhls by havlng shorL reflecLlve
sesslons afLer each acLlvlLy or lecLure.

!$4,5$,4(3 G(('#/ 1(($.-02
SLlCL meeLs for Lwo hours once a week durlng fall and sprlng semesLer. uurlng Lhe flrsL slxLy mlnuLes of
weekly Lralnlngs, SLlCL ls educaLed on soclal lssues. 1hese lssues are prearranged and are publlshed ln a

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SLlCL calendar whlch ls provlded ln Lhe SLlCL manual. 1he lssues for Lwo semesLers are as follows: soclal
[usLlce, hunger and poverLy, chlld and elderly lssues, dlverslLy, modern day slavery, people wlLh
dlsablllLles, envlronmenL lssues, eLc. Lach monLh, Lhe flrsL SLlCL plannlng meeLlng ls deslgnaLed Lo Lhe
Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor Lo educaLe Lhe Leams abouL a soclal lssue. 1he remalnlng weeks of Lhe
monLh are seL aslde for Leams Lo presenL on Lhe monLhly lssue.

1hrough pasL SLlCL meeLlngs and assessmenLs we have learned new SLlCL members do noL
undersLand a ma[orlLy of Lhe soclal [usLlce lssues ln our communlLy or our world. SLlCL members now
learn ln weekly meeLlngs and research abouL lssues from Lhelr handbook and Lhe followlng resources
Soclal !usLlce CulmlnaLlon ro[ecLs for SLudenLs" also, ulverslLy CulmlnaLlng ro[ecLs 1ools for
SLudenLs" 1hese publlcaLlons are from Servlce Learnlng norLhwesL. SLlCL members become educaLed
each monLh Lhrough sLudylng, hands-on servlce, or havlng a guesL speaker Lalk abouL Lhe lssue of Lhe
monLh and whaL Lhey hope Lo accompllsh Lhrough a servlce pro[ecL. A reflecLlon form ls requlred afLer
each lssue so we have daLa Lo show growLh from Lhese weekly meeLlngs.

Soclal responslblllLy and communlLy bulldlng are LhoughL LhroughouL Lhe Lwo semesLers. 8aslc
leadershlp skllls are lnLroduced ln SLlCL proceeded by more advanced leadershlp skllls. An example
would be how a sLudenL leader flrsL learns how Lo ldenLlfy a local, naLlonal, or global need. reparaLlon
and plannlng sklll are parL of Lhe SLlCL leadershlp Lralnlng. AcLlon plans are lmplemenLed Lo serve and
make a dlfference. ln weekly SLlCL meeLlngs soclal responslblllLy, engaglng wlLh Lhe communlLy and
communlLy bulldlng skllls are LaughL. 8y havlng conslsLenL weekly meeLlng and Lralnlngs sLudenLs galn
sLrengLh by followlng Lhrough wlLh Lhelr pro[ecLs LhaL lnvolve dlrecL acLlon, lndlrecL acLlon or advocacy.

SLlCL leadershlp Lralnlngs develop parLnershlps wlLh oLher SalL Lake CommunlLy College sLudenLs,
faculLy, sLaff, as well as members of Lhe communlLy. 1hls process of neLworklng ls a leadershlp sklll.
1hese Lralnlngs lnclude Lhe SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp conference, SLlCL orlenLaLlon Lralnlngs, SLlCL
weekly Lralnlngs, roflles ln Leadershlp presenLed by SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp, and oLher on-golng
leadershlp workshops LhaL are developed LhroughouL Lhe year from SLudenL Servlces deparLmenLs.

SLlCL members are Lo become leaders among Lhelr peers Lo address soclal lssues. ln Lhe pasL flve
years Lhere have been four members of SLlCL LhaL have become delegaLe ln Lhelr communlLy. 1hey are
leaders! 1hls demonsLraLed soclal responslblllLy.

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CLher demonsLraLlons of sLudenL leadershlp ln Lhe pasL flve years, a sLudenL sLarLed a much needed
communlLy garden ln her nelghborhood. AnoLher SLlCL MenLor Alumnus leader volunLeered aL a local
8oys and Clrls club and ls now employed wlLh Lhls non-proflL agency. 1hls ls noL Lhe only non-proflL Lo
hlre a SLlCL sLudenL leader. 1he Chlldren's CenLer ln WesL valley ClLy hlred a SLlCL member. 1hls new
found [ob changed Lhls SLCC sLudenL's academlc dlsclpllne. She ls now sLudylng Lo recelve a degree ln
Lhe Speclal LducaLlon fleld.

NBB*4$,-.$/ $* R(<(#*B )4.$.5"# [L.-'.-0 !'.##2
We have a sLrucLured reflecLlon forms and pracLlces Lhrough whlch we gulde sLudenLs. 1hls crlLlcal
Lhlnklng form asslsLs sLudenLs ln personal growLh and provldes ongolng Lralnlng of besL pracLlces.
SLudenLs LhaL reflecL began Lo Lhlnk crlLlcally. 1hls ls sLrengLh of SLudenL Servlces and a learnlng
ouLcome LhaL SLlCL achleves.

8eflecLlon ls core ln personal growLh. SLlCL provldes ongolng Lralnlng of besL pracLlces Lo have
meanlngful pre and posL reflecLlons. 8eflecLlon helps sLudenLs know Lhelr selves whlch can lead Lo a
llfeLlme of lnvesLlgaLlon. Self-knowledge and reflecLlon becomes an ouLcome of learnlng and personal
growLh. We've revlsed Lhe reflecLlon form and collecLed quallLaLlve daLa from Lhe pasL Lwo years. 1hls
daLa conflrms Lhe sLrengLh of crlLlcal Lhlnklng skllls. SLudenLs pre-reflecL on an lssue and ask Lhelr self
whaL do l know abouL Lhls lssue aL Lhe momenL? Many Llmes Lhey do noL fully undersLand Lhe lssues.
LducaLlon ls Lhe nexL sLep. 1he sLudenL reflecLs on Lhe learnlng Lhey have recelved Lhrough a guesL
speaker, Lour, or Lhe hands on servlce pro[ecL. 1he lasL challenge ls now whaL?" 1he sLudenL reflecLs on
whaL Lhey are golng Lo do wlLh Lhls new found knowledge. WhaL acLlon Lhe wlll Lhey Lake Lo make a
dlfference ln Lhelr communlLy. All Lhls ls done wlLh Lhe sLrengLh of reflecLlon.

)*@),44.5,#"4 64*04"+
SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL ls a co-currlcular sLudenL leadershlp program deslgned for
sLudenLs who are lnLeresLed ln soclal lssues and creaLlng change ln our world. SLlCL ls one of Lhe few co-
currlcular programs aL SLCC. SLudenLs wanL more Lhan credlL classes aL SLCC. 1hey wanL an engaglng
college experlence LhaL can and wlll empower sLudenLs Lo creaLe poslLlve change ln Lhelr communlLy.
Co-currlcular programs are resume bullders. Also Lhey glve sLrengLh for fuLure scholarshlps appllcaLlons
and help sLudenLs puL Lhelr fooL lnLo Lhe door of a poLenLlal career. We know sLudenLs wanL co-

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 248
currlcular programs llke SLlCL from recorded daLa on Lhe 1hayne CenLer's yearly assessmenL reporL.
1housands of non-credlL servlce, workshops, and Lralnlng hours are reporLed on Lhls reporL. SLlCL
accompllshes Lhls SLCC goal by openlng a door for plannlng and parLlclpaLlng ln acLlvlLles LhaL bulld and
sLrengLhen Lhe SLCC and our communlLy. Some of Lhese co-currlcular experlences have been on SLCC
campuses. AcLlvlLles have been envlronmenLal awareness evenLs, asslsLlng ln Lhe creaLlon of a
communlLy garden aL SLCC, creaLlng a demonsLraLlon on campus of domesLlc vlolence.

SLlCL ls a unlque sLrengLh co-currlcular program sLrucLure. 1hese sLudenLs have Lhe freedom of
learnlng experlences off campus. Some of Lhese experlences are, SLlCL and oLher engaged sLudenLs
servlng hours aL SL. vlncenL ue aul Soup klLchen, uLah lood 8ank, WasaLch CommunlLy Cardens, uLah
lood Co-op, and many oLher communlLy parLners. 1wo years ago Lhe ?WCA requesLed LhaL Lhe sLudenLs
chalr a Palloween parLy for Lhe chlldren. SLlCL wenL lnLo acLlon and creaLed an exclLlng Palloween parLy
LhaL even lncluded a crafL Lable for Lhe women aL Lhe cenLer. 1he evenlng was en[oyed by all.

Lach year SLlCL and Lhe menLors are assessed. WlLh Lhls assessmenL plan, Lhe 1hayne CenLer galns clear
sLeps Lo lmplemenL changes, lf needed, Lo plan for Lhe followlng year.

SLlCL ls assessed ln Lhree meLhods. 1hrough CampusLabs Lhere ls a pre and posL survey glven Lo all
SLlCL members. 1hese quesLlons are based on Lhe learnlng ouLcomes of SLlCL. 1here are quallLaLlve and
quanLlLaLlve quesLlons weaved lnLo Lhls survey. Also, aL leasL flve reflecLlons forms are collecLed from
each SLlCL member aL Lhe end of Lhe semesLer. 1hese reflecLlon forms model Lhe whaL, so whaL, now
whaL, reflecLlon formaL. CrlLlcal Lhlnklng skllls are recorded by SLlCL sLudenLs ln Lhese reflecLlon forms.

1hrough assessmenL, lasL year we found SLlCL sLudenLs needed Lo galn an undersLandlng of why
Lhey should aLLend Lhelr local communlLy meeLlngs. 1hey were noL educaLed ln Lhelr communlLy lssues.
8ecause Lhey dld noL aLLend local communlLy meeLlngs Lhey dld noL volce Lhelr opLlons or felL Lhe need
Lo wrlLe Lhelr local represenLaLlves abouL communlLy lssues. SLlCL has now lmplemenLed a Lralnlng
LlLled WrlLlng for Change" wlLh Lhe CommunlLy WrlLlng CenLer. 1he Leams are also golng Lo aLLend a
clLy meeLlng ln Lhe fall semesLer.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 249
MenLors are assessed Lhrough a rubrlc. 1he menLors have learnlng ouLcomes and Lhese ouLcomes
are assessed ln Lhe rubrlc. AssessmenL ls crlLlcal ln Lhls program. 1he SLlCL program ls parL of Lhe
sLraLeglc plan and learnlng ouLcomes of SLCC SLudenL Servlces and SalL Lake CommunlLy College.

cbolleoqes. As wlLh many college programs SLlCL has challenges. lundlng would be Lhe flrsL challenge.
SLlCL ls focused on some of Lhe mosL lmporLanL and complex lssues faclng our world ln Lhe 21sL cenLury.
1o help solve some of Lhese lssues wlll requlre Lhe besL efforLs from hlgher educaLlon leaders Lo budgeL
for Lhls program. We're falllng Lhese sLudenLs lf we don'L fund Lhem wlLh adequaLe budgeLs. 1hese
sLudenL leaders have Lhe knowledge, experLlse, and creaLlvlLy Lo solve global and soclal lssues. WlLh a
larger budgeL sLudenLs could creaLe more susLalnable pro[ecLs. Cne example would be developlng a
food panLry on campus. SLudles from Lhe uLah lood 8and show uLah has a food lnsecurlLy lssue. WlLh
allocaLed funds SLlCL could be sure Lhere ls a need for a panLry on SLCC campuses, recelve funds for a
space for a panLry, and susLaln Lhe panLry for fuLure SLCC sLudenLs.

AddlLlonal fundlng would pay for Lralnlng experlences LhaL would broaden Lhe vlew of SLlCL
members. SLudenLs should aLLend educaLlonal Lrlps Lo oLher unlverslLy Servlce CenLers Lo learn oLher
besL pracLlces ln Lhe servlce and leadershlp fleld.

All SLlCL members should Lake parL ln Lhe uLah Leaders AssoclaLlon (uLA) conference for addlLlonal
leadershlp Lralnlng and collaboraLlon opporLunlLles. AL Lhls polnL Lhe 1hayne CenLer does noL have Lhe
fundlng Lo send all SLlCL members Lo Lhls conference.

SLlCL needs addlLlonal plannlng space. 1hey have weekly workshops and plannlng meeLlngs. 1hls
space would allow Lhem Lo posL pro[ecLs on Lhe walls and sLore supplles for upcomlng pro[ecLs.

A LoLal of flfLeen LulLlon walvers are needed. llfLeen walvers would glve maxlmum resulLs Lo Lhls
program. ln Lhe pasL flve years, Lhree Leams of flve have been very producLlve ln plannlng and execuLlng
successful pro[ecLs and evenL.

We do noL currenLly Lrack eLhnlclLy or gender ln SLlCL. We know Lhe group ls dlverse buL do noL
Lrack Lhe daLa.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 230
1he mlsslon and vlslon of SLlCL says Lhey engage fellow SLCC sLudenLs buL Lhey are falrly lnsular.
8ecause we LradlLlonally have sLudenLs for Lwo Lo four semesLers Lhe knowledge and sklll levels vary
greaLly. We spend a loL of Llme learnlng abouL soclal lssues verses Laklng susLalned acLlon. 1here ls only
so much we can do wlLh Lhls Lurnover.

now |nc|us|ve are your programs and serv|ces? Are some students access|ng and us|ng your serv|ces
more than others? What act|v|t|es do you use to proact|ve|y reach out to underserved groups?
SLlCL ls a unlque program. ln Lhe pasL flve years Lhe oldesL member of SLlCL was 38 and Lhe youngesL
member was 18 years old. ln Lhe pasL flve years members of SLlCL have come from very dlverse
backgrounds Lhough we do noL Lrack eLhnlclLy expllclLly. 1hls adds Lo Lhe broad range of lssues and
servlces Lhese sLudenLs wanL Lo explore.

LasL year SLlCL members were educaLed abouL Lhe refugees ln our communlLy. 1here was a SLlCL
member LhaL sLarLed a non-proflL LlLled Cood ln Lhe Pood." 1hls SLlCL MenLor lncluded SLlCL members
Lo asslsL aL many servlce pro[ecLs for new refugee famllles movlng lnLo our communlLy. Soon by word of
mouLh oLher sLudenL groups wanLed Lo become lnvolved ln Lhls pro[ecL.

AnoLher beneflclal Lool ln whlch SLlCL wlll uLlllze ls Lhe 1hayne CenLer volunLeer opporLunlLles and
blog. 1hey wlll Lhen reach ouL Lo underserved groups and learn abouL Lhelr needs. When Lhey learn of
Lhe needs Lhey acL on Lhese needs. ln Lhe pasL flve years sLudenLs have been educaLed for 1hayne
CenLer medla abouL Lhe ?WCA, 8oy & Clrls Clubs, SL. vlncenL ue-aul, Pome ?ouLh 8esource CenLer,
and Lhe 8oad Pome.

Campus re|at|ons and co||aborat|ons
H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L *$L(4 3(B"4$+(-$2 >.$L.- !$,3(-$ !(4<.5(2Y
ln AugusL Lhere ls a Lwo day leadershlp Lralnlng LhaL all SLlCL members musL aLLend. 1here are 130 SLCC
sLudenLs aLLendlng Lhls Lralnlng. 1hese sLudenLs are from many dlverse programs. Some of Lhe sLudenL
groups lnvolved are clubs, SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp, ALs, MulLlculLural lnlLlaLlves, ALhleLes, and oLher
sLudenL leaders.

1he Servlce Chalr from SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp ls also a member of SLlCL. 1hls sLudenL
collaboraLlon has been very successful. SLlCL ls able Lo lnvolve many sLudenLs form SLudenL Llfe &

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 231
Leadershlp ln servlce pro[ecLs. SLlCL members wlll also parLner wlLh dlfferenL clubs on a pro[ecL or
communlLy need. LasL year SLlCL collaboraLed wlLh four clubs, ALs, PealLh & Wellness, and SLudenL Llfe
& Leadershlp for Ald Awareness uay. uurlng Punger and Pomelessness week SLlCL CollaboraLed wlLh
SLudenL Llfe & Leadershlp, faculLy, and clubs Lo creaLe an Cxfam 8anqueL.

We collaboraLe wlLh Lhe SLCC llnanclal Ald offlce ln regards Lo Lhe SLlCL walvers LhaL are awarded
for fall and sprlng semesLer each year. SLlCL collaboraLes wlLh oLher sLudenL groups Lo go ouL and creaLe
change and make a dlfference.

H*> 3* /*, 5*##";*4"$( >.$L 3(B"4$+(-$2 *,$2.3( *9 $L( 3.<.2.*- "-3 .- $L( 5*++,-.$/Y H*> 3* /*,
.-.$."$( 5*##";*4"$.<( B4*Z(5$2Y
ln Lhe vlslon of SLlCL lL reads SLlCL members work Loward a more [usL and democraLlc socleLy, seeklng
an end Lo Lhe soclal problems we face". SLlCL members learn abouL many communlLy lssues. 1he Leams
go Lo Lhese communlLy parLners and are educaLed abouL Lhelr needs. 1he SLlCL members acL on Lhese
needs. A few examples are for Lhe pasL Lhree years SLlCL has promoLed and volunLeered aL WasaLch
CommunlLy Cardens. Punger and Pomelessness ls a huge lssue ln our communlLy. SLlCL ls engaged ln
educaLlng Lhe SLCC campus communlLy and Lhe surroundlng communlLy abouL Lhese lssues. SLlCL has
[olned oLher communlLy members aL Lhe uLah lood 8ank Lo dellver food boxes Lo Lhe elderly and people
wlLh dlsablllLles. Also SLlCL had a dlsLrlbuLlon slLe for Lhe uLah lood Co-op. Many communlLy members
served and recelved nuLrlLlous food from Lhls communlLy pro[ecL.

SLlCL menLors have aLLended Lhe uLah Leaders AssoclaLlon (uLA) ln Lhe pasL flve years. SLudenLs
from mosL all uLah unlverslLles aLLend Lhls conference. 1he uLA conference provldes leadershlp
workshops and collaboraLlon wlLh many uLah sLudenL leaders.

uLah Campus CompacL has provlded Lralnlng for SLlCL MenLors for Lhe pasL flve years.

H*> 5"- /*, .+B4*<( $L(2( (99*4$2Y
A llalson from Lhe ALs program would be very beneflclal Lo lnclude more collaboraLlon. Also, havlng a
SLlCL member aLLend Lhe monLhly clubs meeLlngs would be anoLher greaL way Lo collaboraLe wlLh more

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 232
SLlCL members are ofLen enrolled ln servlce-learnlng classes. SLlCL Leams have lnvolved Lhelr classes
wlLh SLlCL servlce pro[ecLs. Cne pro[ecL was ln connecLlon wlLh Punger & Pomelessness week. A
servlce-learnlng class asslsLed ln a food drlve. AnoLher servlce-learnlng class wanLed Lo collaboraLe wlLh
SLlCL ln a book drlve for an elemenLary school. More collaboraLlon wlLh servlce-learnlng classes could be
an lnnovaLlve way Lo collaboraLe wlLh oLher SLCC sLudenLs.

1he SLCC SLaff AssoclaLlon en[oys havlng servlce pro[ecLs durlng Lhe year. lL would be a greaL
parLnershlp ls a SLlCL Leam asslsLed ln developlng and promoLlng Lhese pro[ecLs so Lhey could become
campus wlde servlce pro[ecLs.

Descr|be any core changes |n your programs and serv|ces over the past f|ve years.
ln 2008 SLlCL sLarLed wlLh 12 LulLlon walvers. Cne SLlCL poslLlon was deslgnaLed Lhe Lmma Lou 1hayne
Clvlcally Lngaged Scholar award. 1here were funds from Lhe developmenL offlce for Lhls scholarshlp aL
one Llme. 1he funds depleLed and Lhe scholar award no longer exlsLed. 1wo years ago Lwo walvers were
pulled from our program. 1here are only 10 walvers for Lhls excepLlonal program.

1hree years ago a new manual was creaLed for Lhls program. 1hls manual has become a core Lool for
SLlCL members Lo undersLand Lhe 1hayne CenLer's mlsslon and vlslon, SLlCL mlsslon and vlslon,
responslblllLles and guldellnes of Lhe program.

1wo years ago Lhls sLudenL program was LlLled Servlce Councll. 1he group of sLudenLs aL LhaL Llme
felL Lhe LlLle of Lhls group was daLed. 1he sLudenLs make a unanlmous declslon Lo change Lhe name of
Lhls program Lo SLlCL: SLudenL Leaders ln Clvlc LngagemenL.

1he vlslon and mlsslon of SLlCL was creaLed ln 2009 and new learnlng ouLcomes were developed ln
2010. uue Lo Lhe new learnlng ouLcomes a new pre and posL assessmenL was creaLed on CampusLabs.

SLlCL has moved leadershlp efforLs Lo Lhe nexL level. A menLor sLrucLure was developed ln 2010.
CpporLunlLles for Lhree menLors Lo be selecLed for SLlCL Leams are offered ln fall and sprlng semesLer.
MenLors are asslgned a Leam when essenLlal leadershlp skllls, experlence, and advanced undersLandlng
of Lhe 1hayne CenLer, SLlCL, communlLy servlce, and SalL Lake CommunlLy College are developed and
dlsplayed Lo Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor. MenLors become an asseL because of learned skllls Lo

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 233
fellow sLudenLs, faculLy, sLaff, and admlnlsLraLors aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College. A menLor handbook
has also been creaLed.

1wo years ago lL was noLed by Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor LhaL Lhere was a need for a
menLor program ln SLlCL. SLlCL ls dlvlded lnLo Lhree Leams. now each Leam has a menLor Lo lead Lhe
Leam. 1he menLors have Lralnlngs and monLhly meeLlngs. A SLlCL MenLor handbook has also been
creaLed for Lhe menLors.

MenLor ouLcomes were creaLed ln 2010. 1here was a need Lo assess Lhe SLlCL menLors. Surveys
were noL sufflclenL because menLors meL wlLh Lhe Servlce Leadershlp CoordlnaLor Lwlce a monLh and
Lhere were only Lhree menLors. A rubrlc was creaLed Lo help assess Lhe growLh of Lhe new menLor
poslLlons. 1hls meLhod of assessmenL has proven Lo be very successful ln reporLlng learnlng ouLcomes of
Lhe menLors. ln one on one meeLlng wlLh Lhe menLors Lhe rubrlc asslsLs ln Lhelr growLh. MenLors vlew
whaL level Lhey are on and learn from Lhe CoordlnaLor leadershlp Lools Lo help Lhem progress ln Lhelr
role. uaLa ls recorded ln Lhe 1hayne CenLer's annual reporL.

Do you ant|c|pate de|et|ng or chang|ng any ex|st|ng serv|ces and]or |mp|ement|ng new programs or
serv|ces? If so, br|ef|y deta|| the ant|c|pated change.
l would llke Lo see SLlCL recelve 13 sLudenL walvers. 1hls would creaLe a cohorL of flve SLlCL members
per Leam. Cne would be Lhe menLor. Also, Lhere should be more fundlng for leadershlp Lralnlng. lL
would be very beneflclal lf SLlCL had Lhe funds Lo go on a road Lrlp for a few days and explore Lhe
dlfferenL servlce cenLers ln our sLaLe. AddlLlonal funds could also be used for servlce pro[ecLs. 1here are
many pro[ecLs LhaL need more fundlng Lo creaLe change. Also, SLlCL needs a pro[ecL plannlng space.

AnoLher lmplemenLaLlon l would llke for SLlCL ls LhaL all SLCC sLudenLs are aware of Lhe SLlCL
monLhly lssue Lhey are learnlng abouL. 1he SLlCL members could conducL Lhls monLhly collaboraLlve
pro[ecL buL Lhls would lnclude Lhe needs for addlLlonal funds. Some monLhly ldeas could be a book club,
movle nlghL, speaker aL campus wlde evenL.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 234

ALnulx n

ueparLmenL SLaff roflle

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 233



1echnlclans Clerk


1oLal C! L8, LW, LS,
lemale C! L8, LW, LS, LMP
Male SC 8W
Afrlcan Amerlcan/8lack
Amerlcan lndlan
Caucaslan C! L8, LW, LS, LMP 8W
aclflc lslander
?ears Lxperlence ln clvlc
engagemenL fleld:

Less Lhan 3 L8, LW, SC 8W
3 - 10 LS, LMP
11 - 13 C!
16 - 20
More Lhan 20
lull-Llme: C! L8, LW, LS,

arL-Llme: 8W

C! Call !essen
L8 Lesa 8lrd
LW Llsa Walz
LS Llnnle Spor
LMP Lynne McCue-PamllLon
SC Sean Crossland
8W 8llly Walker

norLhwesL Commlsslon on Colleges and unlverslLles. (2008). lotms. 8eLrleved SepL. 19, 2010 from

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 236

ALnulx C

College Servlce CenLers 8eporLlng Models
and CrganlzaLlonal SLrucLure

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 237
Co||ege Serv|ce Centers keport|ng Mode|s and Crgan|zat|ona| Structures
Co||ege]Un|vers|ty Contact uest|ons & Answers
14 Colleges responded back abouL Lhelr servlce cenLers
reporLlng model and organlzaLlonal sLrucLure.
WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
10 - Academlc Affalrs
2 - SLudenL Affalrs
2 - CenLers no longer exlsL
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
11 - Academlc Affalrs
1 - SLudenL Affalrs
2 - no 8esponse/noL Speclfled
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
6 - Academlc Affalrs
2 - no fundlng
1 - lnsLlLuLlonal & CranLs
1 - unsure, buL belleves lL ls SLudenL lees
1 - SLudenL AcLlvlLy lunds
1 - SLudenL Servlces
1 - CranLs
1 - no 8esponse
Cadsden SLaLe CommunlLy College
1001 Ceorge Wallace ur.
Cadsden, AL 33903
(236) 349-8386
!udy Plll WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1helr servlce-learnlng programs are housed under Academlcs.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
1helr offlce ls run by a parL-Llme employee. 8eryl Cdom reLlred 3lsh years
ago and slnce Lhen Lhe passlon Lo bulld growLh wlLh servlce-learnlng
programs have dlmlnlshed. 1he programs are acLlve, buL noL growlng.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
1helr prlmary fundlng comes from SLudenL Servlces.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 238
Co||ege]Un|vers|ty Contact uest|ons & Answers
!ohnson CounLy CommunlLy College
12343 College 8lvd.
Cverland ark, kS 66210
(913) 469-8300
Marcla Shldeler WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1hey are housed ln Academlc Affalrs. lnlLlally Lhey sLarLed ouL ln SLudenL
Affalrs, however Academlc Affalrs wanLed Lhelr cenLer and lL ended up ln
Lhelr deparLmenL.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
1hey reporL Lo Academlc Affalrs.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
1helr fundlng comes from Academlc Affalrs.
WesLern 1echnlcal College
400 SevenLh SLreeL norLh
La Crosse, Wl 34601
(608) 789-6248
Mary Ann PerllLzke WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1helr servlce-learnlng programs are housed ln Academlc Affalrs.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
Servlce-learnlng ls coordlnaLed by several people. 1he prlmary person over
servlce-learnlng ls an lnsLrucLor/program chalrperson who has servlce-
learnlng on her workload. She Lechnlcally reporLs Lo an assoclaLe dean, who
ls also helplng Lo promoLe servlce-learnlng.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
1here ls no real fundlng excepL Lo cover a porLlon of Lhe salary pald Lo Lhe
prlmary lnsLrucLor over servlce-learnlng.
CommunlLy College of Aurora
16000 LasL CenLre1ech arkway
Aurora, CC 80011
(303) 340-7314
Chrls Ward (Pe
worked wlLh aula
WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1hey no longer have a servlce cenLer or servlce-learnlng. Chrls sald Lhe bulk
of Lhelr sLudenLs work so lL was lmpracLlcal Lo keep lL.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 239
Co||ege]Un|vers|ty Contact uest|ons & Answers
SouLhern Malne CommunlLy College
2 lorL 8oad
SouLh orLland, ML 04106
(207) 741-3300
SLacy WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1helr cenLer ls housed ln Academlc Affalrs.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
1hey reporL Lo Academlc Affalrs.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
1hey are funded Lhrough Academlc Affalrs.
orLland CommunlLy College
C 8ox 19000
orLland, C8 97280
(303) 977-4419
SamanLha Lee WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1helr cenLer ls housed ln Academlc Affalrs.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
1hey reporL Lo Academlc Affalrs.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
1hey are funded Lhrough Academlc Affalrs.
unlverslLy of ClnclnnaLl
2600 CllfLon Ave
ClnclnnaLl, CP 43221
(313) 336-6000
8arbara Wallace WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
Whlle Lhey are very famlllar wlLh greaL models ouL of SLudenL Servlce, Lhelr
cenLer needs Lo be ln Academlc Affalrs Lo geL buy-ln from faculLy.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
1hey reporL Lo Lhe AssoclaLe uean for Academlc Affalrs.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
1hey lndlcaLed Lhelr operaLlon ls very small compared Lo Lhe 1hayne CenLer
and Lhey have a shoesLrlng budgeL. lundlng comes from Academlc Affalrs.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 260
Co||ege]Un|vers|ty Contact uest|ons & Answers
8rookhaven College
3939 valley vlew Lane, larmers
uallas, 1x 73244
(972) 860-4700
Cscar Lopez WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1helr Servlce-Learnlng and Clvlc LngagemenL Cfflce ls housed ln Lhe Cfflce of
SLudenL Llfe (SLudenL AcLlvlLles).
2. GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
1he SL coordlnaLor reporLs dlrecLly Lo Lhe Cfflce of SLudenL Llfe ulrecLor, buL
has a dual-reporLlng role Lo me (Lhe vlce-resldenL of SLudenL Servlces) as
well. 8ecause Servlce-Learnlng ls such an lmporLanL parL of Lhe culLure aL
8rookhaven, whlle l do noL supervlse day-Lo-day operaLlons, l work very
closely wlLh Lhe SL coordlnaLor ln lnsLlLuLlonal plannlng, budgeL needs, and
lnsLlLuLlonal effecLlveness.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
lundlng for Lhe program comes from sLudenL acLlvlLy funds LhaL are
deslgnaLed Lo each college ln our dlsLrlcL by our dlsLrlcL offlce. Slnce we do
noL charge sLudenL acLlvlLy fees as parL of LulLlon, Lhese funds are speclflcally
deslgnaLed Lo fund programs llke our servlce-learnlng program. 1he budgeL
lncludes funds for salarles and oLher operaLlonal cosLs. We have been
forLunaLe ln Lhe lasL couple of years Lo recelve mlnl-granL funds from varlous
organlzaLlons LhaL help fund speclflc pro[ecLs llke our MLk uay of Servlce, and
college-wlde servlce acLlvlLles such as worklng aL Lhe norLh 1exas lood 8ank.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 261
Co||ege]Un|vers|ty Contact uest|ons & Answers
8lchland College
12800 Abrams 8oad
uallas, 1x 73243
(972) 238-6110
MarLha 1lmberlake WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
Servlce Learnlng was moved Lo 1he Learnlng CenLer (1LC) aL 8lchland College
ln Lhe pasL academlc year.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
Cur cenLer ls parL of an lnsLrucLlonal dlvlslon, and Lhe assoclaLe dean ln 1LC
reporLs Lo an academlc dean who reporLs Lo Lhe v of 1eachlng and Learnlng.
A few weeks ago we hlred a new sLaff member ln 1LC who wlll coordlnaLe
servlce learnlng as well as oLher communlLy engagemenL programs. 1hls
coordlnaLor reporLs Lo Lhe assoclaLe dean ln 1LC.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
8ecause Lhe Academlc LnrlchmenL deparLmenL whlch housed Servlce
Learnlng was ellmlnaLed ln budgeL cuLs lasL year, Lhere ls no longer a
separaLe budgeL for servlce learnlng, and all responslblllLles relaLed Lo Lhe
program were absorbed lnLo exlsLlng resources ln 1he Learnlng CenLer.
WesLern ledmonL CommunlLy College
1001 8urkemonL Ave
MorganLon, nC 28633
(828) 438-6000
8eLh arrlsh WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
We do noL have a cenLer. l oversee Lhe clvlc engagemenL acLlvlLles on our
campus, do Lhe reporLs Lo campus compacL, LrusLees, admlnlsLraLlon, eLc.,
and wlLh Lhe help of our clvlc engagemenL commlLLee plan and conducL
campus-wlde evenLs such as uays of Servlce, eLc.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
l am a full-Llme lnsLrucLor, so l guess lf we are housed anywhere lL ls
Academlc Affalrs. l reporL Lo Lhe vlce resldenL of Academlc Affalrs on clvlc
engagemenL maLLers.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
l have no budgeL, buL Lhe college does fund some Lhlngs such as aLLendance
aL campus compacL meeLlngs, we also apply for small granLs for Lhlngs llke
Lhe voLer reglsLraLlon drlve and MLk uay, eLc.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 262
Co||ege]Un|vers|ty Contact uest|ons & Answers
Anne Arundel CommunlLy College
101 College arkway
Arnold, Mu 21012
(410) 777-2222
CaLhleen uoyle WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1he Sarbanes CenLer ls housed wlLhln Academlc Affalrs.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
l reporL Lo Lhe AssoclaLe vlce-resldenL for Learnlng.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
lundlng for Lhe cenLer comes from Lhe operaLlons budgeL. AL Lhls Llme, we
do noL have any granL fundlng.
Loraln CounLy CommunlLy College
1003 n Abbe 8oad
Llyrla, CP 44033
(800) 993-3222
Marcla !ones WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
We don'L have a cenLer per say. Powever mosL of LCCC LxperlenLlal
LducaLlon programs are coordlnaLed Lhrough Career Servlces whlch ls a parL
of our LnrollmenL, llnanclal and Career Servlces dlvlslon (SLudenL Servlces).
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
As manager of Career Servlces l also serve as ulrecLor of our Servlce Learnlng
program and l reporL Lo our ulvlslon uean who reporLs Lo Lhe rovosL.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
We don'L have a SL budgeL aL Lhls Llme. 1he sLaff lnvolved do Lhls as a parL of
oLher responslblllLles and when we hosL evenLs or workshops eLc. we usually
have Lo flnd ouLslde sources Lo supporL Lhese evenLs. 1he only real money
used Lo supporL SL aL Lhls Llme ls reasslgn Llme for our laculLy Llalson. 1hls
poslLlon changes hands every Lwo years and Lhe reasslgn Llme comes ouL of
Lhe Llalson's dlvlslon.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 263
Co||ege]Un|vers|ty Contact uest|ons & Answers
Mlaml uade College
300 n.L. 2
Mlaml, lL 33132
(303) 237-7477
!osh ?oung WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
Cur deparLmenL ls parL of Academlc Affalrs.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
We/l reporL Lo Lhe uean of Academlc Affalrs.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
Cur fundlng ls from MuC's lnLernal funds. l Lhlnk our funds are from sLudenL
fees, buL l'm noL sure.Lhe presldenL and hls Leam puL us on lnLernal fundlng,
buL never Lold me whlch parL of Lhe budgeL LhaL comes from. We have
dlsLrlcL fundlng, and Lhen each of our elghL campuses also conLrlbuLes by
paylng for faculLy coordlnaLors and someLlmes a 1 coordlnaLor. We also
have AmerlCorps vlS1A's who help us wlLh program coordlnaLlon.
Cueensborough CommunlLy College
222-03 36
8ayslde, n? 11364
(718) 281-3709
!o anLaleo WT 72 /*,4 5(-$(4 L*,2(3 .- !$,3(-$ =99".42S =5"3(+.5 =99".42S *4 2*+(>L(4(
(#2( AB#("2( (CB#".-DY
1hey reporLed belng housed under Academlc Affalrs.
UT GL* 3*(2 /*,4 3.4(5$*4 4(B*4$ $* A.9 +,#$.B#( 3.4(5$*42 "-3 +,#$.B#(
4(B*4$.-0:2S $L(- >L(4(DY
1hey reporL Lo Lhe AssoclaLe uean for Academlc Affalrs.
\T GL(4( 3*(2 /*,4 B4.+"4/ 9,-3.-0 5*+( 94*+Y
1helr fundlng ls evenly dlsLrlbuLed beLween Lax levy (lnsLlLuLlonal) and granLs
(when avallable).

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 264


1hree-year 8udgeL PlsLory

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 263
1hree-year 8udget n|story - Lxpend|tures er Account and Index

8ase 599,766
8ase 598,061
8ase 5109,8S9
Sa|ar|es $63,891 $103,936 $99,633
nour|y $2,631 $0 $0
8enef|ts $29,113 $48,434 $37,989
Current Lxpense $8,164 $7,871 $3,213
1rave| $0 $990 $2,838

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 5103,819 5161,2S0 514S,69S

Serv|ce-Learn|ng Iacu|ty
Deve|opment funds
from the rovost
Cne-t|me 56,S00
(managed w|th|n
Cne-t|me 56,S00
(managed w|th|n
Cne-t|me 56,S00
(estab||shed spec|f|c
DDSLID |ndex)
Sa|ar|es $0 $0 $0
nour|y $2,300 $3,000 $4,300
8enef|ts $404 $313 $738
Current Lxpense $312 $639 $304
1rave| $3,277 $2,327 $1,381

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 56,493 56,499 57,143

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 266
Student ro[ect Iund
8ase 50
8ase 50
8ase 510,000
Sa|ar|es $0 $0 $0
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $0 $0 $0
Current Lxpense $0 $0 $4,994
1rave| $0 $0 $0

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 50 50 54,994

Student Iees
er enro||ment
er enro||ment
er enro||ment
Sa|ar|es $37,294 $43,447 $60,642
nour|y $12,263 $0 $22,930
8enef|ts $31,739 $36,974 $49,772
Current Lxpense $21,938 $13,801 $43,922
1rave| $4,377 $6,066 $6,971

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 5107,811 5102,288 5184,2S6

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 267
1S100 (sa|ar|es]benef|ts)
1S122 (ma||)
V Serv|c|ng
Cne-t|me ma|| 5S00
Cne-t|me ma|| 5S00
Cne-t|me ma|| 53S0
Sa|ar|es $16,369 $469 $23,267
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $9,373 $296 $16,244
Current Lxpense $300 $300 $330
1rave| $0 $0 $0

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 526,642 51,26S 539,861

23613]14 - Grant
Amer|can Assoc|at|on of
Commun|ty Co||eges
Grant 514,000
Grant 514,000
Grant 50
Sa|ar|es $0 $0 $0
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $0 $0 $0
Current Lxpense $8,301 $6,760 $0
1rave| $3,699 $8,309 $0

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 514,000 51S,269 50

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 268
23633]34 - Grant Match
Amer|can Assoc|at|on of
Commun|ty Co||eges
AI sp||t from 1S017
AI sp||t from 1S017
Sa|ar|es $7,684 $7,742 $0
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $6,127 $6,443 $0
Current Lxpense $0 $0 $0
1rave| $224 $0 $0

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 514,03S 514,187 50

29466, 23680]81 - Grant
Amer|Corps - Co|orado
Campus Compact
ass-thru 517,100
ass-thru 521,668
ass-thru 52,892
Sa|ar|es $11,463 $10,661 $1,393
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $6,843 $6,719 $849
Current Lxpense $0 $8,099 $7,323
1rave| $0 $2,141 $174

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 518,311 527,621 59,941

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 269
28130 - Grant
Utah Comm|ss|on on
Vo|unteers MLk Day
Grant 52,S00
Sa|ar|es $0 $0 $0
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $0 $0 $0
Current Lxpense $0 $0 $2,307
1rave| $0 $0 $191

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 50 50 52,498

28131 - Grant
Utah Comm|ss|on on
Vo|unteers - Vo|unteer
Management 1ra|n|ng
Grant 58,000
Sa|ar|es $0 $0 $0
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $0 $0 $0
Current Lxpense $0 $0 $6,688
1rave| $0 $0 $2,171

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 50 50 58,8S9

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 270
23994 - Grant
Amer|Corps 1ra|n|ng
Cne-t|me 5S,000
Sa|ar|es $0 $0 $0
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $0 $0 $0
Current Lxpense $1,113 $0 $0
1rave| $3,887 $0 $0

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 5S,000 50 50

2946S - 1hayne Center
Student Iees, Inter-
departmenta| 1ransfers,
and Student ayments
A|ternat|ve Spr|ng 8reak
A|| transfers 510,400
8ase 50.00**
A|| transfers 516,943
Sa|ar|es $0 $0 $0
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $0 $0 $0
Current Lxpense $14,326 $9,363 $8,868
1rave| $623 $917 $3,014

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 514,9S1 510,482 513,882
** A setles of ettots lo tbe 8oJqet Offlce leJ to oot A58 ttoosfets oot occottloq wltblo tbe ptopet flscol yeot.
1be ettot wos cottecteJ lo l12, wbeo lt oppeots os tbooqb oot A58 boJqet splkeJ. lo teollty, lt wos covetloq
fot tbe cotteot ooJ ptevloos yeot.

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 271
29467, 8S040 - kevenue
8ase 50
8ase 50
8ase 50
Sa|ar|es $0 $0 $0
nour|y $0 $0 $0
8enef|ts $0 $0 $0
Current Lxpense $243 $0 $334
1rave| $0 $0 $0

Lxpend|tures 1ota|s 5243 50 5S34

neadcount - per student cost 2011-2012
1oLal 8udgeL LxpendlLures (all lndexes) $ 417,664.61*
SLudenL PeadcounL (lncl prospecLlve) 7,183
er SLudenL CosL $ 38.13

Student contact - per student cost 2011-2012
1oLal 8udgeL LxpendlLures (all lndexes) $ 417,664.61*
SLudenL ConLacLs (lncl prospecLlve)* 7,467
er SLudenL CosL $ 33.93

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 272

ALnulx C

Servlce Learnlng CranL & ueslgnaLlon
8equesL for roposals

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 273

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ALnulx 8

Amerlca 8eads ConLracL

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ALnulx S

AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak 8ubrlc

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ALnulx 1

Clvlcally Lngaged Scholars
1rack lnfrasLrucLure

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 290

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 291

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 292

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CommunlLy arLnershlp AgreemenL

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 293

1hayne CenLer for Servlce & Learnlng aL SalL Lake CommunlLy College rogram 8evlew 2012-2013 | 294

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