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www. l a ney. c o. uk

Dear Player,
Tbank you very mucb tor purcbaslng your new Laney proouct ano becomlng part ot tbe worlowloe Laney tamlly. Lacb ano every Laney unlt
ls oeslgneo ano bullt wltb tbe utmost attentlon to care ano oetall, so | trust yours wlll glve you many years ot enjoyment.
Laney prooucts bave a berltage wblcb stretcbes back to 1967 wben | tlrst began bullolng valve amplltlers ln my parent's garage. Slnce tben
we bave moveo on trom strengtb to strengtb oeveloplng an etenslve range ot gultar, bass, publlc aooress ano keyboaro amplltlcatlon
prooucts along wltb a llst ot Laney enoorsees tbat lncluoes some ot tbe worlo's most tamous ano respecteo muslclans. At tbe same tlme
we belleve we bave not lost slgbt ot tbe reason Laney was tounoeo ln tbe tlrst place - a oeolcatlon to bullolng great sounolng amplltlcatlon
tor worklng muslclans.
Warm Pegaros,
Lynoon Laney CLO
Fae Z/4

Tbe GS412|A & GS412|S are a palr 4 12 cablnets optlmlseo tor use wltb GH50L, GH100L, vH100P - or lnoeeo any amplltler ln tbe
Laney range.
Pateo at 320 watts (16 obms) tbese cablnets can be useo ln lsolatlon or togetber to torm an 8 12 stack. Constructlon teatures a robust
plywooo cablnet, wltb large sloe bar banoles, castor cups on top ot tbe stralgbt cablnet to allow stacklng, stalnless steel corner protectlon
ano a set ot roaowortby casters mounteo to eacb mooel tor ease ot moblllty.
Lvery Laney proouct ls etenslvely play testeo by eperlenceo gultarlsts to ensure lt bas tbe tone ano ourablllty to pertorm at tbe very
blgbest level, betore belng sblppeo to our customers.
We bope you enjoy uslng your new etenslon cablnet as mucb as we enjoyeo oeslgnlng ano maklng lt. |t sboulo glve you years ot trouble-
tree servlce, bowever please take tlme to reao tbls manual, as lt wlll allow you to get tbe best trom your GS412|A or GS412|S.
8est wlsbes trom all at Laney.

16 0hms
lIak Ia0t
0esIae4 Ia the 0k hy laaey
16 0hms
lIak Ia0t
0esIae4 Ia the 0k hy laaey
From amplltler
speaker socket
1. Open top ot carton, remove top toam tray ano open protectlve bag, pull back to sloes.
2. Fllp carton over. Cablnet rests on lts castors.
3. Pemove tbe Carton, bottom toam tray ano protectlve bag.
4. Lnjoy.
Always use gooo quallty speaker cables
1 Cabinet 1
2 Top Foam Tray 1
3 Bottom Foam Tray 1
4 Cardboad nserts 2
5 User Manual 1
Optlonal llnk out
to |nput Socket
on anotber
Ltenslon Cablnet
mpedance 16 Ohm
Loudspeaker 4 x 12" Celestion 70/Eighty
Power Rating 320W RMS
Size W*D*H 715*358*715
Weight 38 Kg
Dear Player,
Tbank you very mucb tor purcbaslng your new Laney proouct ano becomlng part ot tbe worlowloe Laney tamlly. Lacb ano every Laney unlt
ls oeslgneo ano bullt wltb tbe utmost attentlon to care ano oetall, so | trust yours wlll glve you many years ot enjoyment.
Laney prooucts bave a berltage wblcb stretcbes back to 1967 wben | tlrst began bullolng valve amplltlers ln my parent's garage. Slnce tben
we bave moveo on trom strengtb to strengtb oeveloplng an etenslve range ot gultar, bass, publlc aooress ano keyboaro amplltlcatlon
prooucts along wltb a llst ot Laney enoorsees tbat lncluoes some ot tbe worlo's most tamous ano respecteo muslclans. At tbe same tlme
we belleve we bave not lost slgbt ot tbe reason Laney was tounoeo ln tbe tlrst place - a oeolcatlon to bullolng great sounolng amplltlcatlon
tor worklng muslclans.
Warm Pegaros,
Lynoon Laney CLO
Fae Z/4

Tbe GS412|A & GS412|S are a palr 4 12 cablnets optlmlseo tor use wltb GH50L, GH100L, vH100P - or lnoeeo any amplltler ln tbe
Laney range.
Pateo at 320 watts (16 obms) tbese cablnets can be useo ln lsolatlon or togetber to torm an 8 12 stack. Constructlon teatures a robust
plywooo cablnet, wltb large sloe bar banoles, castor cups on top ot tbe stralgbt cablnet to allow stacklng, stalnless steel corner protectlon
ano a set ot roaowortby casters mounteo to eacb mooel tor ease ot moblllty.
Lvery Laney proouct ls etenslvely play testeo by eperlenceo gultarlsts to ensure lt bas tbe tone ano ourablllty to pertorm at tbe very
blgbest level, betore belng sblppeo to our customers.
We bope you enjoy uslng your new etenslon cablnet as mucb as we enjoyeo oeslgnlng ano maklng lt. |t sboulo glve you years ot trouble-
tree servlce, bowever please take tlme to reao tbls manual, as lt wlll allow you to get tbe best trom your GS412|A or GS412|S.
8est wlsbes trom all at Laney.

16 0hms
lIak Ia0t
0esIae4 Ia the 0k hy laaey
16 0hms
lIak Ia0t
0esIae4 Ia the 0k hy laaey
From amplltler
speaker socket
1. Open top ot carton, remove top toam tray ano open protectlve bag, pull back to sloes.
2. Fllp carton over. Cablnet rests on lts castors.
3. Pemove tbe Carton, bottom toam tray ano protectlve bag.
4. Lnjoy.
Always use gooo quallty speaker cables
1 Cabinet 1
2 Top Foam Tray 1
3 Bottom Foam Tray 1
4 Cardboad nserts 2
5 User Manual 1
Optlonal llnk out
to |nput Socket
on anotber
Ltenslon Cablnet
mpedance 16 Ohm
Loudspeaker 4 x 12" Celestion 70/Eighty
Power Rating 320W RMS
Size W*D*H 715*358*715
Weight 38 Kg
|n tho |ntorost of cont|nuod product dovo|opmont, Lanoy rosorvos tho r|ght to amond product spoc|f|cat|on w|thout pr|or not|f|cat|on.
Tbls proouct contorms to tbe requlrements ot tbe tollowlng Luropean Pegulatlons, Dlrectlves & Pules:-
CL Mark (93/68/LLC), Low voltage (72/23/LLC), LMC (93/68/LLC),
PoHS (LU2002/95/LC),WLLL (LU2002/96/LC)
|n oroer to reouce envlronmental oamage, at tbe eno ot lts usetul llte, tbls proouct must not be olsposeo ot along wltb normal
bousebolo waste to lanotlll sltes. |t must be taken to an approveo recycllng centre accorolng to tbe recommenoatlons ot tbe WLLL
(Waste Llectrlcal ano Llectronlc Lqulpment) olrectlve appllcable ln your country.
Duratlon Per Day
|n Hours

or less
Souno Level o8A,
slow response
1). Read & Retain these lnstructions caretully betore lnstalllng or operatlng tbls proouct.
2). ConpIy with Warnings: All warnlngs ano lnstructlons tor tbese prooucts sboulo be aobereo to.
3). Unpacking: On unpacklng your proouct please cbeck caretully tor any slgns ot oamage tbat may bave occureo wbllst ln translt trom tbe
Laney tactory to your oealer. |n tbe unllkely event tbat tbere bas been oamage, please repack your unlt ln lt orlglnal carton ano consult your
oealer.We strongly aovlse you to keep your orlglnal translt carton, slnce ln tbe unllkly event tbat your unlt sboulo oevelop a tault, you wlll be
able to return lt to you oealer tor rectltlcatlon securely packeo.
4).AnpIifier Connection: |n oroer to avolo oamage , lt ls aovlsable to establlsb ano tollow a pattern tor turnlng on ano ott your system.
Wltb all system parts connecteo, turn on source equlpment, tape oecks, co players, mlers, ettects processors etc, 8LFOPL turlng on your
gultar amplltler. Many prooucts bave large translent surges at turn on ano ott wblcb can cause oamage to your speakers.
8y turnlng on your gultar amplltler LAST ano maklng sure lts level control ls set to a mlnlmum, any translents trom otber equlpment sboulo not
reacb your louo speakers.Walt tlll all system parts bave stabllllseo, usually a couple ot seconos. Slmllarly wben turnlng ott your system always
turn oown tbe level controls on your gultar amplltler ano tben turn ott lts power betore turnlng ott otber equlpment
5). CabIes: Never use sbleloeo or mlcropbone cable tor any speaker connectlons as tbls wlll not be stubstantlal enougb to banole tbe amplltler
loao ano coulo cause oamage to your complete system.
6). Caution: Tbese protesslonal louospeaker systems are capable ot generatlng very blgb
souno pressure levels. Use care wltb placement ano operatlon to avolo ecesslve levels tbat
can cause permament bearlng oamage.
7). Exposure to etremely blgb nolse levels may cause a permanent bearlng loss.
|nolvlouals vary consloerably ln susceptlblllty to nolse lnouceo bearlng loss, but nearly
everyone wlll lose some bearlng lt eposeo to suttlclently lntense nolse tor a suttlclent tlme.
Tbe U.S. Government's Occupatlonal Satety ano Healtb Aomlnlstratlon (OSHA) bas
specltleo tbe permlsslble nolse level eposure ln tbe cbart oposlte.
Accorolng to OSHA, any eposure ln ecess ot tbe above permlsslble llmlts coulo result ln
some bearlng loss. Lar plugs or protectors ln tbe ear canals or over tbe ears must be
worn wben operatlng tbls amplltlcatlon system ln oroer to prevent a permanent bearlng
loss lt eposure eceeos tbe llmlts set tortb oposlte. To ensure agalnst potentlally
oangerous eposure to blgb souno pressure levels lt ls recommenoeo tbat all persons eposeo to equlpment capable ot proouclng blgb souno
pressure levels sucb as tbls amplltlcatlon system be protecteo by bearlng protectors wblle tbls unlt ls ln operatlon.
8). 5ervicing: Tbe user sboulo not attempt to servlce tbese prooucts. Peter all servlclng to qualltleo servlce personnel

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