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2 0 0 8
I 59 PM
No. 5296
p 8
This contr .. ct is betw:::\\e!'tata a(Minnesote, acting through
"STAT!!!"), an<.l U l{O'@l en owner or officer of dealership (hemlnaft
"DEALERSHIF"'), under dealer l>kDDIA1 .
1 uodertond that by thlo oontract I am to the followinG torms and conditioM 1t goJnlng acc@U to the STATe's Driver and
Vahlcle Services Division (herelnefter"DVS") WEB applications Minnesota deslerenip.
1. Aooost to th DVS WEE! will be restrict&(! for the uu of the DEALERSHIP personnel In berformlng their duties an omployt
2. The DVS WEB application lnformQtlon obta!nell by the OEALERSHIP will nQt ba used for purpoees. The DVS
WEa application Information obtained by the IJEALEFISHIP will only bo uoed in th$ nortnal course of OeALERSHIP bualness to verifY the
accuracy of personal Information subml\tGd by an Individual for tho pufeho&e or sal$ of motor vohlcie, or to prevent fraud 3a.
and 3b. usc title 18, aectlon 2721 ).
3. Each DeAI.I:iRSHIP employee accessing the wee epplicatlone Will b,. requrred to a1gn an ogrilement regarding usage, dieaemlnatlon
the STATE data. This form will be maln!Qined with !he DEALERSHIP records and $ubmllted to the deslgnatod STATE personnel upon

4. Tho DEALERSHIP employee, Dvs WEB aoceee, will ba rttrlcted to onlY that dais necessary 10 perform thoir
DEALt;R:S!iiF autlee.
The DEAlERSHIP Will Inform the STATE: as to what WEB epplic;atlono the DEALeRSHIP 9mployee noods In Ol'll$r to perform
their dealership duties.
6. The STAT!! Will bo notified by lho DEALERSHIP within 3 work!r19 of when a doalerehlp haole1tthe hlp, and tht th
DEALERSHIP employee access should be deleted.
7. Eaoh DEALERSHIP emplo)l&e will b8 assigned their own personal login ldentiflcatlon code and.poaoword by the STAT!ii, anc
the DEALERSHIP employ<!le'e pa&$WOrd Information will not ba uhar&d with other DEALERSHIP employees or their
The DEALeRSHIP understands that improper use or release of the data Information contained on the DVS WEB appiiClltion:
will result in loss of WEe applications aocesa well es possible olvil penalties under both stat& and federal laws.
9. Liability
The will Indemnify, end hold the STATE, Its agents, and employees harmless from any clalme or
of action, Including lees Incurred by tho STATE!, arising from the perrarmanoe of ttlf3 agreement by the
DEAI.ERSHIP or the DEALERSHIPS agents or employees. This clause will not be eonatnued to bar any legal remedies the
DeALERSHIP may have for the STATI:'s failure to fulfill lit obligaflono under thle agreement.
10. Oov01r!lment Data
The DEAI.ERSHIP and STATE must comply with the. MlnMsota Government D11ta f>ractlo&o Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13 and US
Code titla 18 2721, a& they apply to all data provid<!ld by the STATE under this agreement, and all it Slpplles. to ell dille
created, collected, received, stored, ueed, maintained, or dluemlneled by the DEALERSHIP under agreement. The civil
remedies of Minh .. Stst. 13.01! 13.09, and US Code tiHe 16 2721 apply to tho release of the date referred to In thl111
clause by either the or the STATE.
The STATE or the DEALt:RSHIP may terminate this agreement at any time, with or wilhoot oause, upon written noticE> to the
other party.
Title: ()ffi ( f; lt 1{
By: ""T.:':';n,'":;==::;-:-==,------
(wlth delegated authority)
Tltla: --------------
Dat: --------------
DVS website user names and passwords for Lupien! Auto Mall Dealer Ill 0067 Page l of l
Blaeser, Penny
From: Michelle Notch []
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 10:28 AM
Subject: DVS website user names and passwords for Lupien! Auto Mall Dealer #1 0067
Per our phone conversation
this dealership-please take
Lupien! Chevrolet.
i ng you officially that I am the contact person for
off of this ,location's records. He now works at
Please process our request for DVS website user names and passwords as soon as possible
as we faxed all of the paperwork back on July 1oth.
Our dealer# is 10067.
If there are ANY other questions, please call me at 763-513-4676 right away.
Thank you,
Michelle Notch
Office Manager
Lupien! Auto Mall
Lupien! lnfiniti
Lupient Enterprises
Lupien! Leasing

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