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Ekid if aH &; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf 1234567890123456789012
pD;yGm;a&; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf 123456789012345678901
vlrIa&; OD;wnfcsuf (4)&yf
123456789012345678901 1234567890123456789012 123456789012345678901
! EkdifiHawmfwnfNidrfa&;? &yf&Gmat;csrf;om,m ! pkdufysKd;a&;ukdtajccHí tjcm;pD;yGm;a&;u@ ! wpfrsKd;om;vHk;\ pdwf"mwfESifh tusifUpm&dwÅ
rsm;ukv d nf; bufpzkH YHG NzKd ;wk;d wufatmif wnf
a&;ESifh w&m;Oya'pkd;rkd;a&; jrifUrm;a&;
! trsKd;om; jyefvnfpnf;vHk;nDñGwfa&; ! aps;uGufpD;yGm;a&;pepf yDjyifpGmjzpfay:vma&; ! trsK;d *kP?f Zmwd*P k f jrifrh m;a&;ESiUf ,Ofaus;rI
! ckdifrmonfU zGJYpnf;yHktajccHOya'opf jzpfay: ! jynfwGif;jynfyrS twwfynmESifU t&if;tESD; tarGtESpfrsm;? trsKd;om;a&; vu©Pmrsm;
vma&; rsm; zdwfac:í pD;yGm;a&; zGHY NzdK;wkd;wufatmif raysmufysufatmif xdef;odrf;apmifUa&Smufa&;
! jzpfay:vmonfU zGJYpnf;yHktajccHOya'opfESifh ! rsKd;cspfpdwf"mwf &Sifoefxufjrufa&;
! EkdifiHawmf pD;yGm;a&;wpf&yfvHk;ukd zefwD;EkdifrI
tnD acwfrzD YHG NzKd ;wk;d wufaom Ekid if aH wmfopf pGrf;tm;onf EkdifiHawmfESifU wkdif;&if;om;jynfol ! wpfrsK;d om;vH;k use;f rmMucUH idk af &;ESiUf ynm&nf
1371 ckEpS ?f 0gacgifvjynfUausmf 10 &uf? paeaeh? (15-8-2009) (6131) wpf&yf wnfaqmufa&; wkdY\ vuf0,fwGif&Sda&; jrifhrm;a&;

Ekid if aH wmf0efBuD;csKyf Akv

d cf sKyfBuD;ode;f pdef
tar&duef txufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD
ta&SYtm&SESifU ypdzdwfa&;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú|
txufvw T af wmftrwfEiS t Uf zGt
YJ m; vufcaH wGq
Y kH
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 14
jynfaxmifpk jrefrmEkid if aH wmf-Ekid if aH wmf0efBu;D csKyf Akv
d cf sKyBf u;D ode;f pdeo
f nf Ekid if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if;\
zdwfMum;csuft& aejynfawmfüa&muf&Sdaeaom tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESihf
d af &;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af wmftrwf Mr. Jim Webb ESit fh zGUJ tm; ,aeYnae 4 em&Dcw JG iG f aejynfawmf&dS
0efBuD;csKyf½Hk; {nfhcef;rü vufcHawGUqHkonf/
xkdokdYawGUqHk&mwGif EkdifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf AkdvfcsKyfBuD;odef;pdefESifhtwl odyÜHESifhenf;ynm0efBuD;Xme 0efBuD; OD;aomif;?
Ekid if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if;? jyefMum;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D Adv k rf LS ;csKyaf usmq
f ef;? ,Ofaus;rI0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D
d cf sKycf ifatmifjrif?h trsK;d om;pDru H ed ;f ESifh pD;yGm;a&;zGUH NzKd ;wk;d wufr0I efBu;D Xme 'kw, d 0efBu;D Akv
d rf LS ;Bu;D ol&ed af Zmf? tpd;k &tzGUJ ½H;k Ekid if aH wmf0efBu;D csKyf Akv d cf sKyBf u;D ode;f pdef tar&duef
ñTeMf um;a&;rSL;csKyf Akv d rf LS ;Bu;D oef&Y iS ;f ESifh Ekid if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme oHwrefa&;&mOD;pD;Xme ñTeMf um;a&;rSL;csKyf OD;ausmaf usmw f Ydk txufvw T af wmf Ekid if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SEiS hf
wufa&mufMuNyD; {nfhonfawmf tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESihf ypdzdwfa&;&m ypdzw
d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af wmftrwf
qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af wmftrwf Mr. Jim Webb ESit fh wl jynfaxmifpjk refrmEdik if aH wmfqidk &f m tar&duefjynfaxmifpk Mr. Jim Webb tm; aejynfawmf&Sd 0efBuD;csKyf½kH;
oH½Hk; - oH½Hk;,m,Dwm0efcH Mr. Larry M. Dinger vnf; wufa&mufonf/ (owif;pOf) {nfhcef;rü &if;&if;ESD;ESD;EIwfqufpOf/ (owif;pOf)

EkdifiHawmf0efBuD;csKyf AkdvfcsKyfBuD;odef;pdef tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifh

vufcaH wGq
Y Hk ypdzw
d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw
T af wmftrwf Mr. Jim Webb ESihf tzGUJ tm; aejynfawmf&dS 0efBu;D csKy½f ;Hk {nfch ef;rü
15-8-2009 aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 3

tar&duef txufvw
T af wmf Ekid if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&St
Y m&SEiS Uf awGq
Y Hk
d af &;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af wmftrwf jynfaxmifpkMuHhckdifa&;ESifh zGHUNzdK;a&;toif; taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL;
OD;aX;OD;ESihf A[ktd vkyt f rIaqmifrsm;? jrefrmEkid if H trsK;d orD;a&;&mtzGUJ csKyf
Ouú|? jrefrmEkid if H rdcifEiS u
hf av;apmifah &Smufa&;toif;Ouú|ESihf tzGUJ tm;

vlrIa&;toif;tzGJYrsm;ESifU awGYqHk tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EkdifiHjcm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifh

ypdzdwfa&;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfawmftrwf Mr.Jim Webb
aejynfawmf NrdKUawmfcef;rü awGUqkHpOf/ (owif;pOf)
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 14
Ekid if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if;\ zdwMf um;csut f & jrefrmEdik if üH
a&muf&Sdaeaom tar&dueftxuf txufvw T af wmf Ekid if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SU
tm&SESihf ypdzdwfa&;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvTwfaw wmfmf trwf Mr. Jim
Webb onf ,aeY n ae 3 em&D w G i f aejynf a wmf Nrd K Uawmf c ef ; rü vl r I a &;
toif;tzGJUrsm;ESihf awGUqHkonf/
xkdokYdawGUqHk&mü vlrIa&;toif;tzGJUrsm;jzpfonfh jynfaxmifpkMuHhckdifa&;
ESihf zGHUNzdK;a&;toif; taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; OD;aX;OD;? A[dktvkyftrIaqmif
rsm;jzpfMuaom OD;odef;aqGESifh OD;oef;aX;? jrefrmEdkifiHtrsdK;orD;a&;&mtzGJUcsKyf
Ouú| a'gufwma':jrifhMunfESihf taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL; a'gufwm a':ouf
oufZif? jrefrmEkid if H rdcifEiS u fh av;apmifah &Smufa&;toif;Ouú| a':eDvmaomf
ESifh 'kw, d Ouú| a'gufwma':a0a0omwkYd wufa&mufMuNy;D tar&dueftxuf
vTwaf wmf Ekid if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&S Utm&SEiS fh ypdzw d af &;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú|
txufvw T af wmf trwf Mr. Jim Webb ESihftwl ZeD; Mrs. Hong Le Webb?
jynfaxmifpkjrefrmEdkifiHawmfqkdif&m tar&duefjynfaxmifpkoH½Hk; oH½Hk;,m,D
wm0efcH Mr. Larry M. Dinger? ppforH LS ; Colonel, Brey R. Sloan ESihf wm0ef
&Sdolrsm; wufa&mufMuonf/ (owif;pOf)

tar&dueftxufvwT af wmf Edik if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD

Y m&SEiS Uf ypdzw
d af &;&mqyfaumfrwDOuú|
txufvwT af wmftrwfEiS h f ZeD;wdhk aejynfawmfohkd a&muf&dS
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 14
Ekid if aH wmf zGpYJ nf;yHt
k ajccHOya'a&;qGaJ &;aumfr&Sit
f zGt
YJ m;
Edik if jH cm;a&;0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if;\ zdwMf um;csut
txufvw T af wmf Edik if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SEiS hf ypdzw
rwDOuú| txufvw
f & tar&duef
d af &;&mqyfaumf
T af wmftrwf Mr. Jim Webb ESihf ZeD; Mrs. Hong Le Webb
tar&dueftxufvw T af wmf Ekid if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SYtm&SEiS fU
wdkYonf ,aeYeHeuf 11 em&D 45 rdepfwGif avaMumif;c&D;jzifh aejynfawmfodkY
a&muf&SdvmMu&m EdkifiHjcm;a&;0efBuD;Xme0efBuD; OD;ÓPf0if;ESifh ZeD;? EdkifiHjcm;
a&;0efBu;D XmerS wm0ef&o dS rl sm;? jynfaxmifpjk refrmEdik if aH wmfqikd &f m tar&duef
d af &;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af wmftrwfESifU ZeD;
jynfaxmifpo k ½H ;kH -oH½;kH ,m,Dwm0efcH Mr. Larry M. Dinger? ppforH LS ; Colonel,
Brey R.Sloan ESifh wm0ef&Sdolrsm;u aejynfawmfavqdyfü BudKqdkEIwfqufMu
onf/ (owif;pOf)
OD;aqmifaomudk,fpm;vS,ftzGJY vma&mufawGYqHk
aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 14
Ekid if aH wmfzUJG pnf;yHt
k ajccHOya' a&;qGaJ &;aumfr&Sit f zGUJ tm; EkdifiHjcm;a&;
0efBu;D Xme 0efBu;D OD;ÓPf0if;\ zdwMf um;csut f & jrefrmEdik if üH a&muf&adS eaom
tar&duef txufvw T af wmf Ekid if jH cm;a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SEiS fh ypdzw d af &;&m
qyfaumfrwDOuú| txufvw T af w
trwf Mr. Jim Webb ESihf ZeD; OD;aqmif
aomudk,fpm;vS,ftzGJUonf ,aeYrGef;vGJ 2 em&DwGif aejynfawmf&Sd EkdifiHawmf
zGUJ pnf;yHtk ajccHOya'a&;qGaJ &;aumfr&Si½H½f k;H {nfhcef;rokdY vma&mufawGUqHkonf/
xko d aYkd wGUqH&k mwGif Ekid if aH wmfzUJG pnf;yHt
k ajccHOya'a&;qGaJ &;aumfr&Sit f zGUJ
Ouú| OD;atmifw;dk ? 'kw, d Ouú| OD;at;armif? tzGUJ 0ifrsm;jzpfMuonfh OD;aomif;
ñGefYESihf a'gufwmxGef;&SifwkdY wufa&mufMuonf/

EdkifiHawmf zGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya' a&;qGJa&;aumfr&SiftzGJUOuú|

OD;atmifwdk;? 'kwd,Ouú| OD;at;armif? tzGJU0ifrsm;jzpfMuonfh OD;aomif;
nGefYESifh a'gufwmxGef;&SifwdkYtm; tar&dueftxufvTwfawmf EdkifiHjcm;
a&;&maumfrwD ta&SUtm&SESifh ypdzdwfa&;&m qyfaumfrwDOuú| txuf
vTwfawmftrwf Mr. Jim Webb ESifh ZeD; OD;aqmifaom udk,fpm;vS,f
tzGJU aejynfawmf&Sd EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'a&;qGJa&;aumfr&Sif½Hk;
{nhfcef;rü vma&mufawGUqHkpOf/

11;10 3/ rsKd;cspfwyfrawmf nykdif; 7;0015/ &opHv k if½yk jf rifZmwfvrf;

jr0wD½kyfjrifoHMum; tpDtpOf 11;25 4/ umwGef;tpDtpOf 4;00 1/ jr0wDtzGihf

-BuD;jrwfolwdkY ESvkH;om;
- N*dK[furÇmrSowå0grsm; 4;05 2/ tzGifhoDcsif;

15-8-2009 (paeaeY)
12;00 5/ jr0wD½yk jf rifay:u½ky&f iS f
3/ cspfolpkHwGJwl,SOfETJ
4/ jrefrmoHpOfcsKdem;0if
8;0016/ jr0wD½yk jf rifoMH um;owif;
17/ rkd;av0oowif; a&BuD;rIowif;
18/ trsKd;om;a&;aw;uAsm
-ckckrSvmracsmheJY 4;20 5/ rsKd;cspfwyfrawmf 19/ vl&Tifawmfpwm; aejynfawmf Mo*kwf 14
eHeufykdif; 7;50 8/ om,moDa<u; ausmf & J a tmif ? pk d ; jrwf 4;35 6/ trsKd;om;a&;aw;uAsm 20/ t*Fvdyfpmokw
5;00 7/ om,moDa<u; ppf a wmif ; jrpf a &onf ,aeY
acwfqef;aw; olZm? aroÍömOD; (English Usage)
7;00 1/ jr0wDtzGihf acwfqef;aw; rGe;f vGJ 12 em&Dct JG csed f wdik ;f xGmcsuf
7;55 9/ trsKd;om;a&;aw;uAsm 'g½kdufwm-udkaZmf 21/ ,aeYntwGuf jr0wD\
7;05 2/ w&m;awmf 8;00 10/ jr0wD½yk jf rifoMH um; 5;40 8/ aysmf&Tifp&m t& ra'gufNrKd Uü 1214 pifwrD w D m
(t½kPfOD;) aw;vufaqmif odkY a&muf&SdaeNyD; pdk;&drfa&rSwf
7;10 3/ "r®ylZmaw; owif; o½kyfaqmifurÇm 22/ &opHv k if½yk jf rifZmwfvrf;
7;20 4/ rsKd;cspfwyfrawmf 13;55 6/ om,moDa<u; txuf 144 pifwrD w D m (4aycGcJ ef)Y
8;10 11/ trsKd;om;a&;aw;uAsm 6;00 9/ jr0wD½yk jf rifoMH um;owif; - w&m;&SifESifhusefausmif;
7;25 5/ jrefrmjynfwpf0ef; acwfqef;aw; 6;10 10/ EkdifiHwumowif; ausmfvGefaeonf/ tqdkygjrpfa&
8;15 12/ tydwfEIwfqufpum; tykdif;(38)
a&mifpkHrSwfwrf; 8;16 13/ Ny;D ygNy/D 14;00 7/ &opkv H if½yk jf rifZmwfvrf; 6;20 11/ trsKd;om;a&;aw;uAsm onf ,aeY rGef;wnfhrS aemuf 72
23/ t&SifZeumbd0Ho\
7;30 6/ jrefrmoHpOfcsKdem;0if - tcspf&JUqGJtm; 6;25 12/ vQyw f pfjyuf½u dk cf suf ax½kyÜwdå tykdif;(13) em&DtwGi;f ,if;NrKd U\ pd;k &draf &rSwf
7;45 7/ jrefrmh½kd;&m,Ofaus;rI tykdif; (15) 6;30 13/ pm;zkdaqmifcspfol 24/ oift h wGurf eufjzef 1070 pifwrD w D mtxufwiG f quf
tqkd? tu?ta&;? twD; 11;00 1/ jr0wDtzGihf 14;55 8/ tydwfEIwfqufpum; 6;45 14/ xl;jcm;qef;jym; 25/ tydwfEIwfqufpum; vufwnf&EdS ikd af Mumif; owif;&&Sd
NyKd iyf t
JG pDtpOf 11;05 2/ tzGifhoDcsif; 15;00 9/ Ny;D ygNy/D urÇmwpfvTm; 26/ Ny;D ygNy/D onf/ (owif;pOf)
Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 121 10th Waning of Wagaung 1371 ME Saturday, 15 August, 2009

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round devel- * Uplift of the morale and morality of the
and tranquillity, prevalence of law and opment of other sectors of the economy as well entire nation
order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and
* National reconsolidation * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms preservation and safeguarding of cultural
* Emergence of a new enduring State Con- of technical know-how and investments from sources inside heritage and national character
stitution the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit
* Building of a new modern developed nation * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in * Uplift of health, fitness and education
in accord with the new State Constitution the hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation

Prime Minister Prime

General Thein Sein General
Thein Sein
receives US Senator shakes
hands with
and party Senator
Mr. Jim
NAY PYI TAW, 14 Nyan Win, at the Prime Economic Develop- Chairman
Aug—Prime Minister Minister’s Office, ment Col Thurein Zaw,
of the East
of the Union of here, at 4.30 pm today. Director-General Col
Myanmar General Also present at Thant Shin of the Asian and
Thein Sein received the call were Minister Government Office Pacific
Senator Mr. Jim for Science and and Director-General Affairs
Webb, Chairman of Technology U Thaung, U Kyaw Kyaw of the Subcom-
the East Asian and Minister for Foreign Protocol Department mittee of
Pacific Affairs Affairs U Nyan Win, under the Ministry of
the US
Subcommittee of the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
US Senate Foreign Information Brig-Gen The US Senator Senate
Relations Committee, Kyaw Hsan, Minister was accompanied by Foreign
and party, who arrived for Culture Maj-Gen Charge d’Affaires ai of Relations
here at the invitation Khin Aung Myint, the US Embassy Mr Committee.
of Minister for Deputy Minister for Larry M Dinger.
Foreign Affairs U National Planning and MNA -

Prime Minister General Thein Sein receives Senator Mr. Jim Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee
of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and party.—MNA

15-8-09 NL 1 8/1/18, 1:13 AM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 August, 2009 9

Tatmadaw Agriculture Course No. 64 concludes

YANGON, 14 Aug—The Tatmadaw Agriculture
Course No. 64 concluded at the hall of the Myanma
Rice Research Department in Hmawby Township this
Lt-Gen Myint Swe of the Ministry of Defence
and Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Devel-
opment Council Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Win Myint inspected sample paddy seeds
and rice, production of quality paddy by Myanma
Rice Research Department and farmers, and arrange-
ments for distribution of quality paddy strains.
At the concluding ceremony of the course, Lt-
Gen Myint Swe gave instructions on agriculture af-
fairs and presented prizes to the outstanding trainees.
After the ceremony, they viewed paddy planta- Later, they inspected flow of water in Hline Lt-Gen Myint Swe inspecting production
tion of the department, broadcasting of fertilizers and River and development tasks in Shwehlaygyi Village of quality paddy by Myanma Rice Research
weeding work. of Hmawby Township.—MNA Department.—MNA

Chairman US Senator and party call on

of Com-
mission Commission for Drafting
for Draft- State Constitution
ing State
NAY PYI TAW, 14 Aug—A visiting delegation
led by Senator Mr Jim Webb, Chairman of the East
tion U Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate
Aung Toe Foreign Relations Committee of the United States and
receives wife who are in Myanmar at the invitation of Minister
delegation for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win called on the Com-
led by mission for Drafting the State Constitution at the office
of the commission this afternoon.
Present were Chairman of the Commission
Mr Jim for Drafting the State Constitution U Aung Toe
Webb. Vice-Chairman U Aye Maung, members U Thaung
MNA Nyunt and Dr Tun Shin.—MNA

US Senator and wife arrive in Nay Pyi Taw

NAY PYI TAW, 14 arrived in Nay Pyi Taw by Foreign Affairs U Nyan
Aug — Senator Mr. Jim air at 11.45 a.m. today at Win and wife, officials of
Webb, Chairman of the the invitation of Minister the Ministry, Charge d’
East Asian and Pacific Af- for Foreign Affairs Affaires ai Mr. Larry M.
fairs Subcommittee of the U Nyan Win. Dinger of US Embassy in
Senate Foreign Relations They were wel- Myanmar, Military At-
Committee of the US, and comed at the Nay Pyi Taw taché Colonel Brey R.
wife Mrs. Hong Le Webb Airport by Minister for Sloan and officials.—MNA

Energy Minister meets locals in

Kungyangon Township
YANGON, 14 Aug — Daydanaw model vil- ments.
Minister for Energy lages at Nyaungngu vil- Next, the minister
Brig-Gen Lun Thi met lage in Kungyangon met with local people at
with local people from Township on 11 August Kamapa village. Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi meeting with local people
Nyaungngu and and fulfilled the require- MNA at Kamapa village.—MNA

Tasks of Aviation Control Division

Y ANGON , 14 reports on tasks of Avia- Director-General of De-
Aug—Minister for tion Control Division of partment of Civil Avia-
Transport Maj-Gen Thein Yangon International tion.
Swe on 10 August heard Airport presented by the The minister in-
spected the aviation con-
trol machines and com-
Minister Maj-Gen Thein Swe inspecting
munication accessories at
Aviation Control Tower. the Aviation Control
MNA Tower of the Aviation
Control Division.—MNA

15-8-09 NL 9 8/1/18, 1:13 AM

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 August, 2009

US Senator meets
social organizations
NAY PYI TAW, 14 Aug – Senator Mr. Jim
Webb, Chairman of the East Asian and Pacific
Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee of the US, who was here at the
invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan
Win, met social organizations at the Nay Pyi Taw
City Hall at 3 p.m. today.
It was attended by Secretary-General U Htay
Oo of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association, CEC members U Thein Swe and U
Than Htay, President Dr Daw Myint Kyi of Myanmar
Women’s Affairs Federation and General Secretary
Dr Daw Thet Thet Zin, President Daw Nilar Thaw of Affaires ai Mr. Larry M. Dinger of US Embassy in USDA Secretary-General U Htay Oo and
Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Myanmar, Military Attaché Colonel Brey R. Sloan CEC members, MWAF and MMCWA
and Vice-President Dr Daw Wai Wai Tha, Mrs. and officials. Presidents meet US Senator Mr. Jim Webb
Hong Le Webb, wife of the Senator, Charge d’ MNA at Nay Pyi Taw City Hall. —MNA

Mawlamyine Railway Station… Mawlamyine Railway Station and Mottama Sleeper Factory.

(from page 16)

A sleeper factory
as well as Mawlamyine
Railway Station has been
built on a grand scale in
Mottama for the conven-
ience of railway passen-
gers. While Mottama
Sleeper Factory is play-
ing a part in railroad con-
struction, Mottama Sta-
tion has become a good
facility contributing to-
wards the transport sec-
Wooden sleepers
which were used in
building railway tracks
in the past can wear out,
cost a lot and seem dan- Mawlamyine-Ye-Dawei tracks and concrete sleep- of Lamine-Ye railroad Myitkyina in northern to add strength to travel-
gerous. The lifespan of a Railroad will be replaced ers. Over 20 miles of have also been installed Myanmar to Kawthoung ling from the southern
wooden sleeper is only with concrete ones. As the Mudon-Thanphyuzayat with new railway tracks in southern part. part to the northern part
three years and it can concrete sleepers pro- railroad are being installed and concrete sleepers. Mawlamyine Rail- of Myanmar.
withstand 800 pound duced from Mottama Fac- with new tracks and con- Sleepers from Mottama way Station and Mottama *****
square inch. The lifespan tory are to be used in build- crete sleepers. Some sec- are being transported and Sleeper Factory are infra- Translation: ST
of a concrete sleeper is ing Dawei-Myeik railroad tions of more than 18 miles one can travel from structures built by the State Myanma Alin: 14-8-09
60 years and it can with- section, there will be re-
stand 7000 pound square gional development with
inch. So a concrete a speedy flow of com-
sleeper is twenty times a modities. With the more
wooden one in terms of durable railroads,
lifespan and nine times Mawlamyine Station has
in terms of load. become more crowded. A
Mottama Sleeper senior engineer of Divi-
Factory produces 600 sion (8) Mawlamyine of
sleepers per day and Myanma Railways says:
200,000 per year. It is “Now there has been a
also producing cou- smooth and secure rail
plings. With the emer- transport. More than 34
gence of Sleeper Factory miles of Thanphyuzayat-
(Mottama), the wooden Lamine railroad has been
sleepers along Bago- installed with new railway Concrete sleepers from Mottama Factory being transported.

15-8-09 NL 10 8/1/18, 1:13 AM

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