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This Rental Agreement is dated on November 17, 2013 by and between Raul Anthony Celerian ( andlord! and """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""(Tenant! PREMISES. andlord, in #onsideration o$ the rent %ayment %rovided in this Rental Agreement, leases to Tenant 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom du%le& with 1 %ar'ing s%a#e lo#ated at 1st (t) Amy*s +ille ,u-man, .andurriao, /loilo City) TERM. This Rental Agreement will start on November 17, 2013 and therea$ter) /$ Tenant wishes to terminate the tenan#y, the Tenant may do so as long a written noti#e o$ intention o$ termination) (u#h noti#e to terminate shall be %rovided to the andlord, 10 days %rior to the date desired $or termination o$ the agreement) /$ andlord wishes to terminate the tenan#y, the Tenant may do so as long a written noti#e o$ intention o$ termination) (u#h noti#e to terminate shall be %rovided to the Tenant, 10 days %rior to the date desired $or termination o$ the agreement) RENT PAYMENTS. 1Rent2 shall mean any monetary obligations o$ Tenant to andlord under the terms o$ this Agreement, e&#e%t $or se#urity de%osit) (a! Tenant shall %ay to andlord rent %ayment o$ 3h%4000 %ayable in advan#e on the $irst day o$ ea#h month) 3ayment shall be made to andlord at 1 st (t) Amy*s +ille ,u-man, .andurriao, /loilo City) (b! 3ri#es are sub5e#t to #hange with %rior noti#e) (#! Rent shall be %aid by the $ollowing method6

Cash LATE PAYMENT) /$ rent is %aid 10 days a$ter due date, an advan#e %ayment o$ 007 o$ the rental $ee shall be #harge and will be dedu#ted on the ne&t %ayment) FAILURE TO PAY. Tenants are hereby noti$ied that a negative #redit history may be sub5e#t to termination o$ the agreement and will be re%orted to lo#al authorities) 8ive days a$ter due date o$ %ayment Tenant shall be noti$ied)

SECURITY DEPOSIT. At the time o$ signing o$ this Rental Agreement, Tenant shall %ay to andlord, in trust a se#urity de%osit o$ 3h%3000 to be held and disbursed $or tenant

damages to the 3remises or other de$aults under this Agreement ( i$ any! as %rovided by law) POSSESSION. Tenant shall be entitled to %ossession on the $irst day o$ term o$ the Rental Agreement, and shall yield %ossession to andlord on the last day o$ term o$ the Rental Agreement, unless otherwise agreed by both %arties in writing) At the e&%iration o$ the term, Tenant shall remove its goods and e$$e#ts and %ea#eably yield u% the 3remises o$ andlord in as good #ondition as when delivered to Tenant, ordinary wear and tear e&#e%ted) USE OF PREMISES/ ABSENCES. Tenant shall o##u%y and use the 3remises as dwelling unit) Tenant should noti$y andlord o$ any e&tended absen#es in the 3remises not later than the $irst day o$ the e&tended absen#e) OCCUPANTS. No more than 4 %erson (s! may reside in the 3remises unless the %rior written #onsent o$ the andlord is obtained) +isitors are allowed to stay u% to 10 days unless agreed by both %arties) Tenant shall not allow any other %erson in the %remises, other than Tenant*s immediate $amily and transient relatives, to use or o##u%y the %remises without obtaining #onsent $rom the andlord) PETS. 3ets are allowed but %rovided there is #onsent with the andlord) No dangerous %et allowed within the %remises or %et that may threat the sa$ety o$ the #ommunity) The tenant will be held res%onsible to the damages or in5ury #ause by the %et) ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. No alterations shall be made unless authori-ed by the andlord) Any and all alteration #hanges, and9or im%rovements built, #onstru#ted or %la#ed on the 3remises by tenant shall, unless otherwise %rovided by written agreement between the Tenant and andlord, be and be#ome the %ro%erty o$ the andlord and remain on the 3remises at the e&%iration or earlier termination o$ this Agreement) PARKING) Tenant is %rovided 1 %ar'ing s%a#e) UTILITIES. andlord shall be res%onsible $or water utilities unless water #harges in#rease $rom the water #om%any #ould no longer be sustained by the andlord) Tenant shall be res%onsible $or the ele#tri# bill and any utilities a%%lied by him9 her su#h as #able, tele%hone and et#) PEACE AND ORDER. Tenant is to maintain the %ea#e and order in the %remises and in the #ommunity) Any illegal a#tions are %rohibited within the %remises and give the andlord the authority to revo'e this agreement) andlord shall not be held res%onsible $or any loss or damage to Tenant*s %ro%erty) Tenant shall not use the 3remises in su#h way to violate law and ordinan#e, nuisan#e, disturban#e or inter$ere with :uiet

en5oyment o$ any other nearby residents) Consent $rom the andlord and nearby residents should be a##om%lished i$ :uiet en5oyment may be disru%ted due to #ertain #ir#umstan#es su#h as birthday) A%art $rom this the andlord or nearby residents has the right to #om%laint or to re%ort in the lo#al authorities)


Raul Anth n! C"l"#$an Dat"%:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&


&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME Dat"%:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

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