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unfunne| process 1he 8uy|ng rocess Lva|uate urchase 1r|ggers Lstab||sh 8uy|ng Cr|ter|a erform kesearch Mot|vate them

|vate them to Share

1) Lva|uate urchase 1r|ggers ersona 1 ersona 1 Weeks |n Stage ersona 1 Weeks |n Stage ersona 1 Weeks |n Stage ersona 1 Weeks |n Stage
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
2) Lstab||sh 8uy|ng Cr|ter|a ersona 2 ersona 2 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 2 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 2 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 2 Weeks |n Stage
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
3) Share kesearch ersona 3 8uyer ersona 3 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 3 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 3 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 3 Weeks |n Stage
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
4) Mot|vate them to Share ersona 4 8uyer ersona 4 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 4 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 4 Weeks |n Stage 8uyer ersona 4 Weeks |n Stage
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
LxlsLlng ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
new ConLenL or Cffers
AdapLed fromfunnel processes:
3 arL 8uyer ersona Weblnar serles wlLh worksheeLs (Cn uemand)
3 arL ConLenL SLraLegy Weblnar serles wlLh worksheeLs (Cn uemand)
Ident|fy a current key |nfuencer and target's key
areas of |nterest and what mot|vates them to
buy. ALLracL LhemwlLh presenLaLlons, Loplc
sheeLs, producL whlLepapers, cusLomer
LesLlmonlals, consulLaLlons and compeLlLlve
Lstab||sh your target's "must haves", pr|ce po|nt,
qua||ty, quant|ty etc. valldaLe Lhls wlLh weblnars,
llve vldeo evenLs, Loplcal semlnars, lnfographlcs,
10 reasons, Lhlngs you musL know, quesLlons Lo
ask eLc.
Lducate your target w|th |ndustry spec|f|c data
and pub||sed reports. Arm them w|th too|s to
empower the|r buy|ng cho|ces that are eas||y
shared w|th fr|ends. use formaLs such as e8ooks,
revlews, prlclng calculaLors, ?ou1ube vldeos,
analysL papers, lndependenL arLlcles, weblnars...
Incent|v|ze your target w|th promot|ons and
|oya|ty and rewards programs. Leverage celebrlLy
and corporaLe parLners Lo aLLracL aLLenLlon. use
soclal sharlng plaLforms and neLworks, creaLe
unlque #hashLags for offllne evenL and acLlvaLe
Lhemln blogs.
Persona Content Mapping & Donor Conversion Process Persona Content Mapping & Customer Conversion Process

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