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India Sierra Muse Instructor: Malcom Campbell English 1102 9-22-13

How does societies view on body image affect the self esteem and personal view of young females?

In the United States bod image is controlled and rendered strictl b the media! "here is al#a s a $er popular celebrit on the %ront o% maga&ines' in a ad$ertising commercial' or e$en the star o% a ne# mo$ie! Man o% them ad$ertise #eight loss and ho# to obtain the (ideal bod !) Your Health "oda sa s that bod image is a mental representation that a person has o% his or her o#n bod ' including' attitudes' thoughts' and emotions! "he thin bod t pe is glamori&ed in social media and most o% the time consumers bu into #hat the ad$ertising industr is selling! *ittle do these companies +no# is that the are a%%ecting our outh in a negati$e #a ! ,oung girls are comparing themsel$es to these celebrities' models' and actresses in hopes o% meeting the standards o% societ ! -hile tr ing to compare themsel$es these oung girls are su%%ering %rom lo# sel% esteem and disorderl eating. eating disorders!

In The Media "he ideal bod image is portra ed on a dail basis! E$er da girls $ie# these images in mo$ies' the ne#s' internet' "/ sho#s' and maga&ines! "hese girls accept the %act that the are not as beauti%ul as the #oman on the co$er o% the maga&ine! Societ ma+es them belie$e that


thats #hat the need to loo+ li+e! Since the 19001s the ideal bod image o% the United States has become thinner #ith the gro#th o% %eminism and the #a #omen are portra ed! In the earl 19201s #omen #ere ad$ertised %ull clothed and sho#ed $er little s+in! 2$er time #omen began to sho# more s+in #hich led to the ideal bod o% a thinner #oman!

Dove Commercials and Low elf !steem 3t a $er oung age #e being to compare oursel$es to other people! -e become a#are

that #e do not loo+ li+e e$er one else around us! Man o% these oung %emales #ant to be accepted among other children their age! 4o$e has created the (Dove elf !steem "und) in order to let girls +no# that the are beauti%ul the #a the are! "he ha$e produced man %ilms that e5press the $ie#s o% oung teenage girls on the #a the $ie# their o#n bodies! In these %ilms the e5press the #a other classmates $ie# them such as calling them anore5ia' %at' and ugl ! 2ne girl that stood out the most #as the girl that #as hospitali&ed a%ter loosing so much #eight in the 9th grade! -hen she in the 6th grade she #as larger and o$er the summer she lost #eight due to being pic+ed on! 3s a result people started tal+ing to her and #anted to be her %riend! She %elt accepted and #as in%luenced that #hat she #as doing to her bod #as o+a !

Disordered !ating and !ating Disorders Man oung girls su%%er %rom disordered eating and eating disorders! 4isordered eating is

classi%ied as restricti$e dieting' s+ipping meals' binge eating and purging' la5ati$e abuse' and other eating beha$iors that are unhealth to the bod ! I% continued disordered eating can turn into an eating disorder! 3ccording to Your Health "oda # an eating disorder is a chronic illness that 7eopardi&es ph sical and mental health in #hich the can be li%e threatening! E5amples o%


common eating disorders are anore5ia' binge eating' bulimia! "hese eating disorders are $er common in oung #omen ranging %rom ages 18-20 and come %rom the inner %eelings to#ards ho# the ph sicall loo+' and not #anting to eat! "he act o% not eating and %orcing themsel$es to $omit is ho# the neglect their bodies!

Conclusion In conclusion societies $ie# on bod image decreases the sel% esteem o% oung girls! "he compare themsel$es to the ideali&ed #omen that are seen e$er da nation#ide! "hese oung girls then ta+e it upon themsel$es to obtain that #eight or loo+! -e as a nation need to decrease the le$els o% dissatis%action o% these oung girls b creating more campaigns li+e 4o$e! I% the sel% esteem o% these girls rises the percentage o% eating disorders #ill decrease! It is 7ust a matter o% educating these girls to let them +no# that the are per%ect ho# the are and that e$er bod is di%%erent!


-"eague' Michael *!' Sara *! C! Mac+en&ie' and 4a$id M! 9osenthal! :;od Image!:Your Health Today$ %rief! <e# ,or+' <,: Mc=ra#->ill >igher Education' 2009! 1?9-6?! @rint!


-:=eneral In%ormation A <ational Eating 4isorders 3ssociation!: &eneral Information ' (ational !ating Disorders )ssociation! <!p!' n!d! -eb! 23 Sept! 2013!

-:"he Eating 4isorder Boundation!: The !ating Disorder "oundation! <!p!' n!d! -eb! 2? Sept! 2013!

-:4o$e - 9eal Esteem!: YouTube! ,ou"ube' 28 2ct! 200?! -eb! 28 Sept! 2013!

-:3 4o$e Bilm - =irlCs Sel%-esteem!: YouTube! ,ou"ube' 09 2ct! 200?! -eb! 22 Sept! 2013!

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