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AN ANcrnrvr Ecysr.r,r.N HuNrrxc Rrtuer, Iiefs of the Reqtemple rvere not provided rvith aceompanying ritual texts at all.

e In the Book of Opening the Mouth this subject is prescrved in seven di-fferent copies. The oldest of these is found in the tomb of Rekhmire.;3 the next occurs in the tomb of Iiing Sethos I;a then follorv in order one on the sarcophagus of Butchaiamun (without illustrations),5 another in tbe temple of Amenelderis at Medinet Ilabu,u one in tlre tr-rmb ol Petamenophis,T antl, finally, an example irr the p:rpynts of llalhor-Sais from the R.orntrn peri<xl, norv in the Louvrc (tlso rvithorrf illustrat,ions).s In llter passa.ges of tlrc Lrook \t'e nteet a duplicate of the sl*i.rghtoring scene, usualIy in abbreviut,cd form.!' It, differs fi'om the oliginal scene not in thc illustrations but only in the name of the victim and in the titlc of one of the reciting l)cl's()ns. 1-his rirrl,licetion m:ry lt,srrltetl, at le:rst in 1ralt, frrxn thc rnethorl of t,ornposing thc book :'0 irr {,hc conrse of tlris :rrtir le rvt' shtrll lr:lvc to :rsh ltorvcvcr, ivlretlrcr tlrt'





I-N .\LL spheres of historital li)gypliun illustration and &ccompanying texts conI cultrrre, the memory of tho time of stitutes in eat'h case an individrtal antl I their origin lras becn oblitt'rrted by comJrlex scone; this very scene often conthe fiction of a univetsal nniformity. tains, on the other lrand, elemcnts of the
Traces of oldel con<iitions antl ideas are veiled by conr.entional conceptions. Neverthele-ss, it is no secret that ilrt'onsistent Iemnants of ancient times still rcmain bc-

original nucleus rvhich rve can ('onrlo('t rvith othcr srenes preservetl in entilely dif-

fcrent srulorrndings. Such elements ate, for irrstancc, the prlrpose of the sccne,
names arrd titles of the pet'sons invOlverl, a,n(l char:rctestic terms in thei terts. T'hcrc erists r certain ritual for sl:mp$rtering :r.ninrals,t rvhich has bcctr ttansmit,ted in rliffen'rrt places rn<l in severtrl versions tlifft'ring itr their:lmottnt o{ tictril an{l cven in tlrcir fot'mirtion,:ltcttrtling 1tt

iorv the surface, often discelnible ody

through their contradiction of llre offrcial explanations. In cult eeremonies and in the rituals ccompanying thelu lve qltite
often rneet rvith sur:h peculiaritios zl.s lelnnants pcllurps of local tr*ditiorrs, or'perhaps of oller ancl sociologit'tlly diffcrerrt levcls. Suclr ritcs as "climbing tlre scaffold fol l{in," t'}re "fcast, of tlntltkctttrcss" tt

slaughtering ritual itself rvas not responsible for the dtnrbling of the scene. The pictrrrial represent.:rtions of our s(jene are rno'tly uniform: the virrtim*,a bull-lies fettered on the grountl rvliile the butcher stands o!'er it crrtting off its foreleg. Behind the brrtcher (t,hat is, of r.orrrue, at his sicle) or <rn the other sicle of tlre tnimal, a stanrling rroman is r lelrictctl. t onc sirle of this grou'p app(,:rrs the .sjrl 1;1ipsf, rvith t'rixrl |rp.sceptr-.r, follol-ed by the I cc t<rr ;rriest (L, y -kb) ; thc I :rt1,er, h o*'c ver, is nrissing in the tomb of Sr.lhos t. Since, ar.cox.ling lo the terts, thc tlisnrcrnb< oI t,his orrc anirnal only hatl ur.igirullv ircen inlenclcd, tlre goai <lepirted both in the tonrb of Pctanrt'nophis :rnti in tlre temple

of Arnenerrl:ris, nn<l thc goose

1t:n'ts of (lrt'I.exts rnals, ar? xvond:rr

crrrring iu the latter, t,ogethel rvith the ti:ll clcrrirlls rf this srcnc,

(Slrrr,) oc-

l'hich rrrfer to thosc lni-

their vlrious prrrl)oses. The most impor-



of t}ris ri1'ttri} :urr

Dcntlctuh, tlre "raising and lowering of t,hc Djerl-l'illar'," alrd lulny ot|cls tlcfy all our ttl,ctnltts to cryrlain llrtrnt, esln-

ci:rlly as thc ligyptius tltenistrlvcs ltltl

often Iosl :rll knorvltxlge of thcir rt'ltl mean-

founrl, irr t'hnxrologit'al ortlct'. ilt tlrc llc'tcmplt' ol \t'-rvos<'t-re' (Iriftlr I)3'lrlsl1'), in tlrc tlr:rtnrrtitul lcrts of tlrc llalut'sscrrnr P:rpyrtrs of tlrt'I'Iirltlle I{iltgtkrrn, ttntl ittcorpor:rtrrl into llrc textbook of rilrtltls
klrourr rs tlrt'Iirioli oi ()1x'ttilrg llrt -'tlotltir ol thc Non liittsrkrrtt. 1'his t'lrxurologir':rl

irrg. l'\rrtlrt'rrlrr)r(), tirt) l(liiliolts lx'lrrt'ett ('('r'orl)(rly :ttnl art'otn1l:tnyine rilrrlll tcxts
rlo noi rctuitirt {ixetl, so tlrrrl. it is prrssiblc tlrat {}rc s:ul)c ('cr{mony is alt'ort4rtrnitrl, at, a tiiflr'rtn1 Jrilrt'c ttttl tinrc. by tlilTtllent

orrcvor. r lot's ttttt t'ot rt'syxrtti l t tl

t l r<'

llaritl', oriuirr:rli1.r-, :rntl t'tintlrlt'lt'ntss til t,ho tlrrlilirxl. Irrtk'ctl, it is tlrt' I),txrli oI
()pcrring tlre \lorttlr rt-hit'lr h:rs lirt'st'tvt'tl thc lext itt a iirrm t'lttscst to tlrt' rlillill:rl 'I'lre illttst r rrt ions itt thc Ite'-1r'trrlrlc ttrrrl in

tcrls. sintt' illrrsirltions ilrttl lt'ris


oftt'n tnrrrsrrritlcd tlrrotrglr vltti,rtrs t'ltltltlrels. ()1 :rli tlrc ttrt'tltorls tls('(l iI) r'l)xl)gitlg

tlre tcrts, 1.iit'iollorritlg ilro llros('rnost of1t'n unplo.vcrl: ( I ) st'volal tt'l1s :trt joittt'tl

tlrc I)nutrrrtir'rtl l>:tp1'rtts ;ttt rl,tstir- tr'lalotl, llrl llrc tt'rt ol tltc p:tlrlltts slittls
r lt c()iltt)risrs (tnl) thr' slcrii:(\' .)f a !rrrll 'l lrrl oth(ir ritrrrls trir t hrt c\iste(1 f(,r ol lrr'r altilila ls is srlg-

slntll er('Lrll)t's ol litrrrrls sinrilur in tcltrlt'tic1' or ftirtn lLIl inst'r'tetl, (i)) lerv r.trilint-. lrrc t'rt':rierl lly ilrtt'rpreltttrgetlrcr'. (2) 1rr.

lt'ristit' 1x'r'rrli:rritit's, rlrilt' thc Ir'-

illttstratiolrs of lltc ct'tcntrtltt('s. ()n (tl(l

hand, tlrc reI)r'esentalion of a t trit at L by

Similrtl nrt't lr rxls :r rc t tst'tl i n r-:rt -r'irtg

ll c

gesti l)j 1(,]l)lr'rtlitfs ar!l rilrrt] trr\1s l'1tr'slrrrgirlt r ()t :rrlirrali s0 r,ftrrr (lrl)ir:1sd in l('rrrllt rtr(l l.rrllilcs sit(!' llr' ()l{i tiirrg(iixtl (r:f tlx (!rnrt)'latior) irr vi)tr lljssirr3 .1,'..!ar,r tti: (;,tu1;-K.i. ii. lI lllt.:trr(i lilr'lts. !/r.r. \',,.r,s, I) l2l ilfr' )totrogtnerrrt: ti,l;,J.,r.r col)i(s ol tir, rilrtrl, llrl lhc) hatc lr'sl its lrllrrrl rrlr(l f(,rmal (trnt(xIts: th('l irro, s{} tl} spoal, se(:[]ilrizr1l

: i\rothcr illuslnlior) of this vl\re ivithrnrt toxt is fr)unrl rrrx)g thr! 1{r} r11:haisli(. ilr(l ii t)lrt uilj(rU(} ritl:!l vrrrxs frr)nr tho trrDb ()f Il.rtu-lrcr-hl!)p6hcf (No. f,O), Davies, l'itt'l'hrhar ?i,,!lN. l,l ,\ - Urs( lIrrtrr. Iniss_, ' l*\\r.'l onr\lou l. .rlt"|rilLil:LoIsLd'l lu-trurlrltJr the brrll :rrtrl<'r (t.hc p ltio. 1\ siilrililr sccnc iI tr lri({r trr lrinr:tl c;Lll(i V). l:rt1r'r rvillrout :lctrntryr:rrrr.inrr *-k.1, t" beiils slrusirt{'re,l {'\iir\ ;!r{,trs tr)r. lnrrii,t :rn, ti.lrrf i(.tri({l :'r'r'rrrrijtrs slrfrrs if/ lhc t()tDh ()f liclilIrrir( . l)a\i\.'J'Lt .r,rrrr 1r:rl7'iiltl, rJ . \irr\'. hn:!,.ar tl It't.h-nr Ii;', II. l,l L_\\,\lt l(,r'Ir. i)ul figrrrt. u[ rrurrrrrlr is,Ahil,.d ("\lint riliss.. \ ). l'l l(i. llcrctlr'$(trn:rn ing. Ikrlrinrl llu. lxrlr.[rcr st:rrrrls tlro rlr,,is^ firlk1l alf./, "kitc. Nillr{rlt (lIaljfIiDg *{l(liti0rr_ I I)lric\, ?'r, 'l'oilti ti litl.L r,,, /1,.. ll. I't ('\'ll rs, ulro. :it.t.ordlng to ltis gesttirr. (rrrisrrI = Iift'), op. .tl . l'1.,\\-\l :rrrrr * illrotri irpsr.e'irlcr'). r.orrr.slrorrrls trr i llu(ii{c, frr Bool; oJ ()y trtrlt rr. Jtoi.rr. l. p. +A: t{xl. fl. Si-SO : In'la'})uf(.. 't1),1hou tr i:t:tti ltr sar!r\ ;rr( il.)t sflll(rilr li)illrl irr illr (''ll,:'il. rlri-s. ll'.1';ril IIl. l \. " l)iltrli.rtf li(r,ii ol ()IX\iirfl rle' \lrruth al(l ilrir.! l)r, t)irrlt-\ c\, llu(iFc. ,f. .i1. ll. I! 1!) I)) th{} Dran{.r irr Nlriclr lllc riltral r\irs c(,nrIrLri'rr\l I l)rr(.ssf . litr ttrrt .,\\lli I.t t)ik1l I :rrn 3lxrrirq il ,lctlih!l (1,D'ncrtrr\. 1rD ilris ;i)ii'triclrrr.(;lat)trtit1rt,ir, coilrr)ilrti,trrrtfrirdb /',rmn,,tt,Lp.I t't l rs(lrirDilrolli, l,it,ro i, t.'{rr rtr ririirrs cf lic(r. lrrtr',,tli. (t{:\r L s;tr trl trr,orrrtiil!r(fr 'li z{rn C) 'l'lx 1e\i itr llre lonrb r)f liilsn'l (\'nlk\ r)f llir 'l'irrir)fcr rlrrr .{s13,rrr.ilr',t !.iil,j s_irrlntiL, \a.iXings. \rr Iti. S(:hitlhrelli. ./, ,r. Il. l) :Jt)i rirt,!1,. (;tr. ,t,, |l_r,,.,..., ((;iltrjr)XrJr_ I,t2). l)p_ ''fii,rr ririss. lll.1,1r l4ttI t$itlr'tit1r,rllisir(1rD 7M.l.l)$cts(,atrirlxlsilrrff{r1.i!(rliiltr,lhIIt{x,h pktr ar(l nta.v lx'(lisrttsarrlc(l hr'r{. {il ()Ix,nirig ilr.}ldorh as parls (,{ ll(,(,ty{jrj,rs lr) illc tlitlihrilin)': rl(r(l. ltrl1 tlt't,ftttrdlxlrr!clollr(a!r(i{1 l)lvirs' a2 ri/ l'l {'\'l:Sr,tl)r)sl rilrlrl li)r llurl{t. at. .;/ . I. t). ri - l,( lilliilr.. .r. , fi . I'1. _\ . thr' sklrrghrcr l)iv:*ssi,)r. r,f tlr(,ilr c{,ilu r)n}t {r1.rtl Ilulr,lnirrnuD: It[(lgi. cr)trlrrsir)r. a,rl f,rr rtra: r{:rs}n llI.] $ill lx, n(slr\.1(yi /1 j\il|,r,orll ;t; :i{i: . t,t' "t). (lajs:l)rr{*$!../ irl llrisarljc|' (,/.tr l7:l)(tir:Lr{r,(),}}risr l)iiilrich{.t,. o, t;'.11. f'I.\'ll:Sajs:Sclljat)irrrlli.or..i/..t't) , \'(rr lii$irr{.!i{s tiOlI :),:\ t!,il,t,ht;i;,jtrnt.t,: .\t(C') eoi, la?. til | 4:t. l'l ):t, espcc. Nos JZ:. :li:J.

trrklit ions.rI 'l'lrc t'ssenas shol.n lty the illrrstral,ions in thc lJoo]i of ()1rcning the, :rre thc brrll, thc lrrrtcher', irntl llre worn:). ftnrring ottc ltontogctrtrllts gr{)fl1), l ill: tlrt sr,n pritst :rntl llrc lcr tor.yrrit,st ls Iigrrrcs of llrc rcrerntmill :rr'liorr. lrr the


t, li,, llr.



Jounl,rr, or Nr.rn D.rsrBnN S'runrus


Ax ArcrpN'r Ecyprr.lx HurrrIvc Rrruar,
tion of the action, (2) a speech of the great kite or the small kite, and 13) a rJ,"""h of the imy-ft,nt, rvhich rvill be tlis<rrsscd in

the sern priest of the scenes in the Book of Opening the Mouth. He is follorved by the Iector priest rvhose title alone is preserved.

In the Dramatical Papymsts the fettered bull can be recognized; at his side is a standing figure bearing the title Sprwdyw.ta In thc tomb of Mentu-her-khopeshef the persons r-rf the scene consist, aceording to the olcl copy of Maspero, of the

butcher, the lct.tor priest, the (Snlr), and a "god's father." \Ye find in thc tomb of llekhmire., horvever, only the buteher and the woman. Conparing tbe reslrective l)ersonnagcs of thcsc versions rvith one another and rrith the nnmes given to them in thc tcxts, the folloiving infolnrntion may be gained:
the butcher is crllcd imnfuo (mnfut).'lhe rvoman figures only in the Book of Opening the Nlouth :rnd in the tomb of Rckhmire';in the toxts rccompanying tlre illtrstrations anrl itt tbe ritrral text of tlrc book

raised. In the Dramatical Papyms this standing figure bears the title Spr-wdpu. Among the figures of the tomb of Mentuher-khopeshef the conresponding person can only be the "friend," though he is not shorwr l'ith raised hand. The figure of the "god's father" is here a unique addition. Thus rve find in all thc different illusl.rations of this sccne the participation of a

son in the relief from the Rec-ternple, the img-is,rb rvho is also -shol.n rvith his hand


l. ly.fl

Sm di(.t)

, , W)w !)y



Fig. l,

Sm,w intnl.r [h]


Sen prie*it: Giring the signal for the male Uplrcr Egyptian ngt. Jlutcher: Descending on it, cutting ofi its foreleg, taking out its heart.

animal is lrcre rrniformly t,:rlled ,,rnlrle


The sern priest gives the signal for the slaughter; thus, he is depicted rvith his hand r:iised cither rvith or rvithout tlre lzlp-secpter. Here as in Part B, hc has assrrmed the role oI the img-I3nt (i.e., the courtier). For tlre translation ol di.t, r. &. Sethe, l)r'nnialische Teile, lrage I.17.'fhe



courtier. With tlre exr.<'ption of the rrnparalleled "god'-s fntlrer.," the only szrcor-


ng).,,t? In llre drrplir.:rte has l>cen reJrlaced bv the ,,rnale

dotal function is osercised by the lectol priest, rvho, hol', is absent from t|rc

I llSA-:_!
( t! &{'\---

I)ramaticai Palrynrs (both illustratirur and tcxt) rnrl frrrrn the lomb of Sel.hos t.


is really unnecessary, as he is not performing a role essential to the action, but

he serves, here lis elservhere, simplv


itself she is design:rt,ed the "great kitc" (Qr.t ur.t), anrl tlrc sarnc titlc is givcn to her in the rhrlrlilltc<l scene of the brxrk. In tlre tomb ol I\'tanlcnophis and in t,lrc p.rl)ynrs of Sais slrc is calletl thc "srnall
(dr,t rrlli.l). l'hile in t,lrc tornli oI Ilt'klrrnin" slrc is sirnplv the "kil,n-" lrr llro l)trtntriijtril l'rr1*'rls. lront'r'r'r', this Iitlt' lr:rs btr'ti rcplrrrlri lr1' lrc nrnrc ol lsis. 'l'lrl nest, 1x:rsrxl is lcrnrorl thc sarr. in l.hc

rccite the ritrral. Therc are, thcn, trvo frrndament:rlly rliffcrcnt represent:rlions of this scene of slurghtering t bnll. 'I'hc first, consisting oI those illrrstrations:rn(l lexts forrnrl il tlrc I]<xrk of Opening lhc Motrt,h, slrorvs thc
('crcm()ny :rs


rv:rs intcrrrletl t,o bc


iIr rc&lity, rritlr llritr,lrcr, r.orrrlicr, IccloI priest, lrnrl the kito. 'fhc Iilttcr clnnot lr:rvc lxtrr l rrrr-llrologir.rrl figrrrr,, lirl i1 is signifittnt tlrrrt slrt' rlrx,s not nr:lkr, irr,r'


! \h\*::
(i t "h.l
:1, I'x_

l*-= I_Js-r \b-\r^t} X lf'ln&,1+r s s't-d- q*= E [f ;:: ! ! o\q* ll-::= +l5Yg,"f !4 n{*f}:3 H .ts'\ 4l :t^j.!lau

[-iltJ d\ A ! E:"+ s +:Fb h"lQ-g*^

orlo+^l ,e

r) ffi*

; +b.efi c


of ( )Jx'ri rrq t lrr'

l{rxr th.

I I is tlLs}t is i o

iu llrt ilhrstnrlions lrt:fon. llrc \r.rv l(ingrlorn.'l'lro ritlrct. trr':rtnrcnt of

acc. to serhos

givc tlic sigrr:tl for tlrer slarrglrltrr citlrt'r' rrith his raisorl /rr7r-st'elrter ol rr,il,lr lris rrlr liflerl hLrrrl. 1lrrt :x-r'orrling to llre prrtlcrrr for tlisllilrnting rrrlcs in this lxxrlt, irr
llrc .srlt ptitsl is ttc:rrl1' alrr:lys tlrc tu'lirrg
person, rrrrrl sirrr.r' in llrt' lrlelt,tlirrg sctrrc llx'irrtrl-[nl h:rs lrt'r'rr intrrxhrctrl, \r(. nli],v sul4xxe tlrat ilrc rlli lrrir:st is in tlris slr.rrt'

llrt'srrbjcr.l. :is st'r'rr itr ilrr' lort of thc l)r.lnurticlrl I)'rts, t'lr.r'lrtos tlrc cercmorry to the nrvlhir.rrl rr,rilrn. lnrl tlrr: lxrrl ilip:utts lrirve tht. rolos ol grxls: Horrrs. lsis.

'l'lro r'lt'lr*'si rLrrrl rrtosl r,txtrp)t'1r. ttrt h:rs brtn lrlcst rvtrl ilr tlrc llrxrk of ()lxlrirrg lirc Nfturllr.t6 It corrsisls of (l) lr rlrstri;r
!i t0 li.\'s, {)//.f/ar:, pl) ::rf 5,), aI(l -rlZ, ^c{rnliilg l,\\lll. tst). ll! r()rr(r.l rea(lirlg is jrr,,.1. _ "{i[Itbfllriil ll('s(\'rr)s tr) lx il chrrgo {,f t]Ir iils'grja ail(f urrgorlrls oi lh{r kir)! 1t r-ht. he Ni)(, is ir lhc outrr hall, ilnl :!j{) l)c fx\t r(,rr(l()r.rl irl "chi!nrl*rhiil.' 16()ur lr\t is bas(xl ulx)I thc iilsoil)ti(hd irr tlx) torDb of ltckhmi.e', thcl iPing ihc okleat ald, in tD(,st
@ses, th{rsc icar(st


r folg.hh.-+4m
Ilr;. l- l'he
bicrogl-vpLic texls

f"[{-,sv:}a.o- + ahhL;i,i,b,-
[-p}x't l,)g,r'1itilrr ij?'" (llckl)njirr. . Sr,l]ros P'rrtclrtriunirrrr) ot.iry tlrr, ,,lrnrll Lou.t,t.

lretfolnrirr{ 1}rc rolc ol tlte inttl-ltrtl. i.a.. :r cottrlit'r. IIc totrlsl:ttltrls 1o ilrt'llrirrl 1x'r'
!i Sorhc. l)rd,/4ri\, t,t ! txt. . oltar!rrti\t)t(, lltttttirn:t1.i., l ilt(rsucl)ilngeI zilr Cosc)rir1r' ,\. t4l. 101) lf. . . . igtptrrs. rr I[;1.. tt. l4(i. "blrtlcr anld n]tster-e(x)li, ' undoubtc(llt aD ollicixt of thc corrrt,. ll', IV, p. rOl, IS r6ds orrlJ 5pr.

to t)rc origirral tf\t lrrsjtsDitka,}t variilrrls of tbc ()rcr te\ts lvill lx, rg|(r!xl tirNtora_ ti()ns tirkcil lii)Dr thc dil])licrtf s(a,n| iil 1ll(.sirIre tontb alrlx)ar iD bra(:kfts. 'flrc srqrr(rx.c ()1.llxr 1l\ts jn ilre lomh ()l lt(jkhillird. ho{rver, isit) (lisor(t{x.: t}rf\ }x)giil (frorn ri{hr 1r' lcfl) }rirh t,art 2, ti,rk)\rrxt by t,ilrt j. lr! I al)pciLrs aftcr the nc\t sonc but (,ilr q)r(sr.nlrg tho forolq). 'flr0 *qqqagg qg llle lext, r$ givcil lrcre is nevertheless to be consjder(xl ccrlaiD L{:ilsc of ilre @rrspol(ling t(stinrol] ()f il)e oilxjr r{r\is.

I')u-r'1i1 ir r rr *,!r'



\.l,a rnt,nr4 1t,x1




lflrt' nr.vilrologiztrl


ol tlrr, llr:rlrr:rti_

rt hl the tr'\t fr()tD llerrtll her_tir!4trsLcl i- 1()nlb ,/r.l'r is f,'llos'rl by ilre \r.rb r/r. .,r(, tsivt, (lI.siHlal lor llr (.iltiiili,'tf.,f tlr,.f,,hkx I ril.riliIrrt i: lt,


,IounNlr, on Nr,rn E.l.srnnrv Sruorns

resources of the historical period; it is only the 4yth rvhich yields to it a nerv form of


AN ANcrrErv'r Ecr-r'r.rex
god. The scerdotal actors, the sern priest and the iector priest, have been added later during the tlevelopment of this hunting motil into a ritual scene, and the butcher may have received his name during the same period. In the last stage of this developnrent, tlre sclr priest givcs the



we may start our erplanation of its origi-

nal sense from this faet. The huntcd animal lies fettcretl on the ground; the "butcher" cuts ofi its foreleg antl removes its heart. No mention is made of the killing; this ploblcm has be to exnmined later. But l{rrt, rolc does the l'on:rn play in a hunting scene rnd rvhat clo those strange rvords of hers signify? It is inipossible to t:ike the kite in hcr mythological sense &s Isis, since rve are not in thc rnythological sphcre but in the realm of r-eal life. This figure cert,ainly represclrls a carrion bird circling abovc the slain anirnal, u'ith its shricking interpretcd as sliect'lr. The rvords of the bird must, therefore, have a rcal connection rvith the :rnirnul. She rcprotx:hes it that its lips have caused its orvn dcath. Is therc any mclning possible otlxrr than that it bctrrrverl itsclf to thc lnrnlel by its cryl Antl slro mtx'ks at it, asking: "I)oes yorrr mouth still open?" 'l'iris sctrrc bclongs il r'haraltcr to the "l'Lirclrcrlvclt" along *itlr tlrc sl:r,tc of Ncga<lo Il;1r il rnal' lxr cornp:rrrrl dircr'l,Iy rvith lhc p:rlctlc tt }{anchcstcr,:2 orr rrliirlr a hrrtrtcr rvitlr rrt ostrit'lr skin is sltlking three ostrir^lu:s, or u'ith a 1trlcl1r, it'ottr Ilit't:rliorrpolis :t1 ()rfotrl sliou'irrg a "Ilisr']rn'oscrr'' 1ri:r-"-ing the {lrrl,t',:'r irt c:u'lr clsc lrrtirrurls ett :r.nd live Iikc lrrrnr:rn beings- 1'lris o\l)l:lnrrti(rl lso lrrovirlt's t,htr clrrc lin tlrc solrrtiorr of tlrc rirkllc wlry l,trc kitc iras Irot irccl rl<piclccl irr llrc olrk'r t'opit's ril' rntt' slcttc (in llrc

appearance as Isis. But originally the illustrations of our s<:ene rvere not In the same rvay we may erplain the

uncertainty in the titles of the male figure rviro accompanies the group lnd rvho tlclivers the booty to the "lorcl of l,lre chase." He is called imy-l-rnt, imy-is, "f riend," !prtrdplr, and in t'hat \ve ma)r call thc classical ritrral, sern priest. This uncertainty seems to mean nothing elsc but that it *'as irrtenrlsl to assign a dcsignation to one of

dramatic play must mrint*in 2r uniform chitracter.2T But the myth is a continually changing and rcformirrg entity. lt contains basic:rlly nothing but thc intimatiorrs and thematic conceptions rvhich in each case may form r nerv myth. The
ritrrzrl rlres not replcsenl a rlt'finitt,mythologi<,tl sr.enc, but it sr.r.ves as tlrc mrt,lcus

tlre folloscrs of the "lord of 1]re chase" (:tlre kirrg) whose original title (if he bore one at all) had long been forgotten. He rr-as "tr*nslaterl" by besto*,ing upon him a eourt rank rvhich seemed noment:rrily fitting. IIe surrenders the bootl' to lris lord

l'itlr a spcech justly

clraractcrizing the

deatl :rnirn*i rrs tlre vanquishccl foe, for in

lult:u'h tlr:l{, gul!" l'his scntenr.c shurvs us rlistiru tly tlre sphcre in rvlrit'h ()llr s('ene oliqirr:rlctl.'I'hc "grxl" is tire r.lricftlin, irr

cltr.ssid rcnditiom of hurrting sconcs tlre rrntkxncsticlttrl bull is orro ol t,lrc ft:ry anirrt:lls l.lrich att,lrck tlrtr lnutlcr'. IIis last l'otrls sr:cm to trllutle to ihis flu,t.: "I)o not

signal for the fired forms of the ritunl rvhich could be repeated at rvill. Finally, the lector priest recit,cs tlre tcxts rvhich in the beginning rvere spokt'rr irv quite other pcrsons as very poinl,t'd st'ntent:cs. As for tlre mythologicll r.cpresent:rti<xr of the scene, tlre I)ramatit'al papyrrrs rr:rrnes thlee gotls l'lro lrartit,iltate arrtl plainly defines tlreir r.lralar,ters and roles in the t'eremonv. Honrs takes his eye from Thoth; Isis speaks thc rvorrls of thc gle:rt kite to Thoth; rvhile l'hoth himself has a sile.nt role. When ri'c orrrsolvcs from thc biascd cont,elrtion r.cqrriring ttre vir.litri altvays to lxr Sctlr, rvlro al tlris ltoint is trol, numed art all anrl l-ho in lrldition errtns lrs

arounrl ulrich a nrytlr is cr.cated_ Rcr.:rrrse tlro grxl l'ho tlkcs sonictlring b:Lck rvhicb hatl bccn injtrred is tht'grxl IIorrrs rrith lris e1'r's of the sky, the hrrnltt in orrr ritrral is callctl IIoms. Btr.lurst' l}rcrr. cxists l, go<l-

rl|ss Isis trlr,, rs:l lnilt.lrirrg \\r,nt:ut


is at tlre s:rmt'tintc lrtrnlt'r (:lrrrlclrcr)

only one of t,lrc lxrssiblc ntl,thologir,:rl crpl:rnations, tlren llrexr is lro rlorrbt lrlrorrl tlrc tlistlibution of ilur littr:rl lolcs. IIonrs

Irislolir':il lirnt's ctllul t)rr' "king." rvho is,

rs Iiocs lras slrol'n rnrirr' 1lr:ru orx.c, llrc

oligiruri sortrto of tlrc hisloliclrl irk':r ol llre
iftff lr Ifilt,lirlhll cf St"ir't,,rtf Xt""t ,!,, )itut1,., D Illl : ()uilEll-(;rcerl, Mtntuilynis, lI, l,l. lI historicrl tinxH this $orl(i srrrvivcs6lle, -\-\VllX (:ii!lt_! in llrt'ritIcl rI(l irr tbr srnrlxrls (rf liiilshi]). rritlr ir(:kill-rIask. cf \(,1 Ilissiilc lic(s. ,ht:;1i,itit"t. ll. No :lit llar)(l Ill. r\()s ??S 21): \lrri({le, l)t n,i,:ttl,. t\'. J'l :il. I'ri{sl Nill} firlcr)il r)usli, cf )lari{ 11{i, ihtl, l\'. l\ Sl. lii'rg (Il)(1'ri')(}s) \vilh frl(rrfl \\ig. (1 7il.;,,1t li,tjnt. tlt2.t. I'rrl t. I) I Iiirrg (Sr)r'fru) i\iilr bull-il()rns. cf rlr.., ri I/)rtt. l!14, lt t2 (riili(f l!)nr Sinai) . 'l'h{) atrioral s tail of t Ire kiilli's dres. ilrusl :rls()lx: rncnti()Ic(l iD thcse c()ilr)c(tions I'urlhcr rtr{)rf, tlrr rtrrt)r,r{rus irtstril(L* in th{r I'Jralli(l 'l't)\ts, ir \lri(tr lbo liirrg is call(l -\nubis ht!dnl. cg., I'yr. l:i; l): l;; l). el(: c'_. lltrrr:rI. "liilirrl -\lasliilrx. llala,t it, ]]11:t(to, l.2i)l ll. r i I I l lli\ s(nro lril(l b(x:il rctrr( s( ll{rl sln)rtl.v b{,fore thc t xirrriilg oI tlt(' hi-{t(trictl tiil)c, for ir)s!ancc, ol a sli!1c tlal(r tc. it Noukl ]ra!o httl possii)kt to tiild a lviiy of retfcsontir)g cvoil ihr'liite.

Ilt"-tt'lnlrlr'. tlrc I)rrunrtl ir':rl I':rpllrrs, lrrrtl ilr i irt iotrrlr ol \1t'rrl irJrt'i -klr,rlrcslrt,f). 1'lrc
Jiilc irr

origirrlrl lrrrirrtll siqtrifir':ulco \\':rs

sinrpll rrrrrlrrlscrrt:rirll rriilr tlrc rtrlislic

<l a r.hrrngclt'ss rrllh u.i1ir lht,rrrlos ril llrc grxls t,lc:rrJ.1' rlt'finrrl, :lnrl lrrrllrt,rrrrolt,. ttpon tlro conr-ir.1ion llltl llrr,sc r.olcs irr:r
5Asl,r(i()ft!rfrl)rsr'lrr'rri,l.()I(ynrrsr,_iIi{l(,il1isrl$itJrllr( lirrg }lvrisrlr'i)i(.1'(trssl)(r.r:rt()rir s:(xrc.'l'hisisSlllx.s(,t)iili,rr

part,s llrc tlo rrrt'n": Irl is ircrc tlrr. rrrr.sItt iorts trttrl rl;rtrr-ar'rr,rts g(rl r,l l lr(, nlr,r,;l ', 'fllcrofore, llrc Irclir.l :rrrrl thc ft;rtlt,g ol tlrl anilnlrl is llrc rrrorsr+r'r.. llrc lcJl ,'[> cyc," ll<rrrrs t:rlit's llrr.k. Scthr.'s rr,jcltiolr of tlris ol lhc lok,s. 1irr. lxrssibility ol rrlrir.h Irr'looli inlo r.olrsirlcr.l1,iort, is b:rsrrl iilrJr:rrtrril\. ori :r r.olir.(,1,t rorr

anrl Iotrl of tlrc r.hlsr;1r' Isis is tlrc kitc;:trul '-l'hotlr is tlrc sl:ntgltcrtrl r.iltinr. Ilirl il is rtot tlrr. 'I'lrotlr ol rlit' (tsiris rn.r'llr ,.rrlrr,

lilrr:rl irr ifs

:. ${lr.s

to lxilrrlcr over.tlrc nt'rr rtlrrtiorrs ln<l lros_ silrilitics of intcqrrr'1:rtiorr rvlriclr rotrrc orrt ol :Ltr oligin:rlly orrlv tt'rnrror.:rr.\' r,rlnlrirur* tiorr. 1h:rt is, onc t.:rlirl lirl lrrl :r sirrglt, :rr,_ lion irr 1hc. r'il,u:rl.!s,\s lo iirt lrgt: ol orrr.
nrvtlrolor'.ir.:rl Iirlrrr. \\.o

rvlrrxn its r.ightful lorrl Iloms ttkcs it 1l\\l.l': so hc botomcs llrc t'irtinr. It rvas tlrt. t:rsk of the tncicnl I,lgvplilrr ;rric:,l

callctl a kite, tlre Iiitc of otrr. icxt, is t,tllorl Isis. Rr:c:rusc the niystt'rious Tlrolh is trccrrsccl of having injrrrt'rl tlre rnrxur-cye, h<r is presscd into thc r.oic of tlre gorl


ini(!rpretatior. irlt,rrritrirrq'l.t()rh rtiUr llr' l,rl(.1(r., iil il:^ftf t)|lilrsit,l{ ,rt I'yr (i:ji {:. ..,,ltr hi's s.izrll ]orrr] tir l,,ri s0 tlrirl st:rilglr li.f(!l t1'{r'tlr{ \rit,r tris ti,ilr}$I,rs t. ciilri:!(rr)riill lir lln. \rrnrls slli('b lsis stx,r,ts- 1,),t'ir()llr trt ilris (::rs(, llI Lrtcr rilual fr()rn 1h. ]t(!)t r)f ()tx.Iinr t],c _\l(nr1lr h;rs i,ilvintsly lnlHrr!(rl 1lrr, (il.isirrirl r(.1;rli()rr".. nr({.c 1:,iilrfrillI Sclh js rrr$h$r, rr:,,)rryt i,r tirit sc{yrc iI ilx: l)rirr!:rlit::rl J'alrlrus. rrrrr rtr()rjslr il i,ilr(,r ic(,les (r'!t . lt li. 125. rtc.) sili(t t() tn.. i,r 1ho qur(,niflrt irrlIrtn'i:rtir)il. irkrnii(rt wittr ilx, \i(,rilr rr. i\illr :l t)rft ({ il (}rrr sc( !c lx irre irriri:rltr rrr j,,{ti,rilD(trrrl rituril. hirs 1)rrlJ srqr.rtifjilut ltr\,n i\r)r.Lr!l int,, ltt{, I)r:rrratir':rl l,ar)trrts. :rs is :ilr)\ril t)\ il),, ti)il()sirc s'1 ll l1,li. irr rylrirl' rlri.,r r,,,,/)t is sfil1 f()r 'rt {l)isrohrin tr;ssr'!rti:})lirrrri l,\ .t'irr)itr_ lil)*r,rr.r llrri il $ r)ll(l h:r\ (' lx\.r) ilr)ri :r.lsil)lr. it I tris sr1,ri{, ]ra{l r),a ri :rrrirrtsill lx.f,,rr,,rrr.t:,,r. lr'r ri,rg srr1,r, 's'l-h( rnt.tlkrtx ic ctIrlrcilts I)r|s(.il1 il lhis scr,il{, I i lr(. rol{' r'l"l'hr)th. lho }rt: r)f tsis tr) ,l'lr.)t Irt ,10 |r,r stttrrlr)lt:rv('l)ftatlJr.(1,gilizrl,lr th(r$ lJ1accr,f(1, rr){ lr'S{}1rt{ls:'trrlcJrr,rrlsrlr,rrl rlrc\}:r)s i| \l,ir'} rr)llirsrrrcr(;tlt\1.\tilr:isrl,\irlrrr.lrlsr,\l{{-tilri,l

1o i,,(, ,,,.\s,cri(,,s rrr, ,1r,rrsr,rr,: ::lii',::ll:'iffi.,i,,::;::lj;,i,illll',iJ::,;:,lllill,:llll;illl, cDilract{t{tthisg(xl,(!s..,Zurlenii*Jtnjs(.i}fl arli(.!r,(}f}ifcs(xrl.l(,Dr!rrtilJlirs.thisstt.Irstr)lraf). \lofdsagoo,";iZ, t.\,ttl rrr(l f;itl.raldzr..I) 1S,l l)rrr!,.rr|llran(rrceI)theirst)lx,rc




Jounrv.q.r, oF NEAR E.rs1:urrN


not appear

possibly conclude from the fact that the roles are distributed in an uncanonical manner, differing flom the usual practice, that it had been created shortly before the Osirian myth had pervaded all the rites and reconciled them according to its pattern, i.c., before the middle of the Secontl

These terms ng) and fSr do

to be equivalent. :Vg3 obviously designates an actual species of cattle,3r sinee in scenes in rvhich cattle are presented, ag3-cattle are sho*n together rvith iul-cattleu and

the term ra


"young animal of tlrc

DynastyThe namc of the victim varies rcm:lrkabiy. In thc first scene in tltc Book of
Opening the }fouth, the animal is uniformly ralled (apart from ortlrograpliical

cattle from rvhich an indivitlual is taken for sat'ri6ce. Ssr seems to have a clifferent signg3,"33 oct:urs. -\g3 is thus a species of

Iigyptirn zg3."re The texts ol the cluplicate scenc', ltorvever, differ. Reklrmire' "n:rle clesignates tlre animal *b+,
cophagrs o1'Brttehaiamun. In

vrriants) El _N 6$,,


"mrl' l-plcr

Upper Egyptian 3'.ir," as does thc sar1,he tomb of

nificance. Sethe connects it l'ith the Ilgvptian lord I'or "rrrrorv," for ln iLrlol-sigrr appears in the l'riting of JSr. The ri'orrl JSr, "to kill," is derived from thc srme root. 'l'he nost evidcnt original nlcuning of ir,il worrlcl be "to kili riith an rrLorv," but Sethc prefers the more spet'ializerl meaning "tr> slrurghter in :r rittral rvay (by means of an arnxv)," perhaps in consider-

tr*; ;; il;#':':""n: the figrrrcs ar Abydos. r;; i;;i' l'ott:t."f ",XT': "; i"'i"illi' lli;.lH"i;l :'J, J ;' ;;::; ii: l:i:; #"ff ":'ffil Tr;ruarrt. fn^tle a(.cornparrying text. tle \V/,rn,t thogrorrpa;r;rcar.sirr:rt,onlortof
,'male.upper king Ramesses

;:::#Jif_,':^mt""s,,r(;F; ffi" raken rrom the thesaunrs or ,g; 6v tr* ri"e" ';#,Yflff l*t?:T: herds t",, r.."n *:":j:,11:,"res,r ^nJ oj the lively ae{ion or Es,ptirn
,r,,..-1,rnied bi.

l7Z mentalproportionsinthetempleof Sethos being led, *,hile a man I at Abvdos'a{ The eorrecr iitte oi holding a lasso tr',rs

AN ANcrnxr Ecyrrrex Huurlrlc






ol trre .et'irutir-rn is of impor:if,,?r.: labeled


"l' fril.*.etr by arr'ther.Jrir.rr


,:!:! r;o ngt.!1!t.,nr u:; ttttttt(,i) n.k"ssr.t(sit:).tt1 ,*'i:ljil:l,,lT,i.'irlli:"1f,',;"r,,,.,, ,tj tttltttV(s?tFig. l.C). Ilrrsso[,rynuttn,nrli . iable:Lrrrirrr.Lrorrologir.:rl ,,r.,lor.i,'i. 1,,,a_ *;'" f"';"' ih; ',1{



;;'; lifJ';;;:,::H 1,il;lilii;li*u;:


rtriling ;. *]

kr, *t'i,'t,

is quile simil:rr to that in tltc l)r':rnra,titr:tl Pa;ryrus nrxl rihiclt m.r,y bc trlrrrslatc<l "rnalc iil of tht' king." 1'lrc ttlrl,s ol l'chrrnt'rrr4rhis antl the Sais Itltpyrtrs t'tll it clc:lrly "m:rle Lorvcr I')gypt.iallr '{.9." ln thc

ation of the plobable method of killing duling st<'rifice. Thus dsr sccms by no means to tlenote :r sy>ecies of cttt,le brrt is an ayrpell:rt ivc rlcljverl flom a s1rcr'irrl u:r.-v oI killing: "c:ittle of thc Drrorv." But rvlrr-rr
rrc folget for' :r rnornt'nt tlre picl,rrrr. of t lrt. fetteled vict irn in orrr ritrrirl. tlit: nrort grrreral nrcrnirrg, "rr lxrll hillctl by rrrr ullo*," seems to lre norc n:rtrrr:tl as tlrc rit igirt:rl t:onccptiott. slxrt'it's

J[ iru: xlll i llf',ffi;l *,ll*. :i;i:,:: Tili1t j:::::'::,:. ::' [:" "ll],,i ,r," ,,;"ii*.i..,i,,\,,i, srmo rcrms rn. ,r,,, ,,ni,ilil;1".""1,g,j ]:llll bv rit rral sl:rr rgl r.r', if s.rlllrr,'s ",,,^",' in t lrt' sl:urgh eri'g s.r'no ,,r t h; ;";J;; ll::il:i:' is.corrcct, <u' in n.lirli, irropcning the lforrrh i" i,rl,;;;";.;,;, oslx'- 1,:r1,", l'^il]|t'1i-, 1x,rirr ei:rlly sinre llx)r'torlt'


fj urar ap1rc:rr in

tho ad,liti,,n:rl

tlr:tr Irrx,k.3ssrrtlrl,rrf.rrni.ry,.,,,,"",,i,

,,,"il;f":-s^i'j "llf,l'i]-",ii[":i:i:il;lli',i;ii:,:;l:;il

it is siml>ly ternretl i'ir'. l)ranr:rtictl Palryrus .rrit"* *)-b



ti'rntinativt' ol t lrt' Ilt I o rr I lrrtll (see l"ig. I. /j), uhiclr is irarrsl:rtrrl lry Sct.lrc :rs "trI:lrrnlitlrcs Niilrigst4rli'r'r'ilr<1" ("rnalt,s:rt'rificill bovitlt' of tlrt kirrir"). In llre lonrb of IIt'ntrtJrcr-kht4rcsltt'f llrc ar'comlxurf ittg tert, is partll' tl<'str<1'crl, rvitir


lrc rL

Tlre rxrltl rr43 uith rtfcrr.ncc to tlr:rt o1 ( iillir'It1)n) nlricli tlr srrnilii irrl
t'lrosr:tt srrggt'sts attollr('t srt'nr',

lrttll is

uhiclr is onll'sr'lrlotn rlclrit'ttrl lrtttl rtlrith rlev()l ul)l)(':lrs irr t'orrtttl'tion rrillr llro
slarrglrtctittu sccrrc, sittto

*it,'h'rrillr tl,,.r,glr""

of opt.rrirrc t,,i, iil,ll,f.ttlll" "t rlr:rt ir lx,l'rrEs l' ljrr':rs I kn'r., tlrr,1,,r.,,;^'.l".llllll "" t'i l'11'lris((|ri{ lrrrrrti,g,',,lt."iu:'*,"r,,i, ,,,,s{'oll(' 'oltsf lu'llrtltr'('is ir s;rell rrr.rrlirrrr.rl irr l)rrr.. ?s(i, 'r'igirrally r,."i ir,,"rr",rrtIlt. "'rx'litlf{l o\('lll-

i}iillf ':l *n::;;:j*'*ti:;,l;,.,l.";:i:h{ i';i;:illt}ill';;i t;;]l{,fi fi.nring .rrr.srrrtenrr.rrr llrr'


';lJ:,,i':'::,,,ii'1::l'il,":'',,:,f; .r)re .,:"il.'

_,,,1J;lj't,^tj:),''..1nt11i.rrirrs .th.i "1,t,



irl rtliir'}' *, ,,.,,,1' "tt,,. ,1,,,,."t,i-''ti,,,,,,t,.



orrll tlr, si,:rr


scn-r'ti: llrr' lrrollalrlc rt'slor:tiion uttttltl .t'''l-lnrs llrc l,crls <lilTcr lrot turlf in

"['pp,'r''1,tii'lr. ]'l('{,

l,lrcnsclv's lqrtrirrrcrttly tlirl nol rt'lrrlt' tlrc 1rlo. ]Jrr1 ils inlr'r'nrl JXllirllels lrLtrtxrl l;t'


tlro lcrnr


('{ri}lr))(tI lo

ltl1il} :: il";J'[:,:lr ],1,11 ]: il;:l*x*ij; r:: riffi \\r' nIil. th,'rl('r'L.r rrrrrrrrs is:,r rrrrr'1 rlr. s,r'rrr, ,,t',,i,,.;ii,r"i,"lj,,o',, ii:liiii:l'.:;rh ils ii:Ill,l::.". r.irrrrl i' l'c r'risi.l>:r .,i trt,,l,-I;;,;;;;.,,; l)r1)lxr Pi:r.t,, in liris lris rrrurrr,,lrc ulrrr l-lnlt-l}()1('l}:ll
s;r{l('l.rr,1r1,1-i1/1,* slcttt's. s('r'\'os irs aIt

csltttrrl Iilrli. lt



1he lr:irnc

of tlre atrinral (lg3 ot llrt

is llrr t'ornlrositirrr t'rrlitlert "llss,rirrg lltt'


lal). ulrir'h


rleliietcri itr tttt'tittltrlls

;;,1';,1;,:;:'l,Ji;l,l,l;i,''";': ,l"l,i:'JJ,,,l.;'1,;li

:,,rrilricre. )!,r,tn,. t.,,,

.. r'"rf



.r .r"r"

',," i",-t',,i:]i-

tn *hir'h (rr:rr.t') lr. lios rlr.

l;l;;;';il,;'-l';;ii'ii;t]l'ijll:l':illil'il; li

:ilso in tlrt' sptr'iff ing epitlrt:ts.

ll 1lr(, lrirrlb r)f Setlx)s I ard in tlr' 1r'ilrpk' of ,\rtreiler{lais !Irr t)arl ()f Iho te\l r'rillainiIrg Ih( t.rnl is

sr tt U. I, ;t.19, ,\rt Hir(l(ir rjt lilr'scrr ll0rrrer;r

\'. g. D;rvi|s ltol,-L.t.r. IL I'l \NI .rr{ r,i,r','r,il rl't,r't,a1 il s,r(lr r,i,11s,r,li,ri"il:

::::: asll)liirrf,r(\.||txl';";.;;,,;;.;);,l.i,,::",;j:;iii1.'i:.;l'l::iji:::;.;::;|l,;]];j,:;l::;i,::l|l;.
tlevu (irlk\l iir

,, ,ill,l::l;;::;:itl.i:*ll:;",11,'

r$, ar,,r,, r,,1,

l .':' """',i:l;;



io'l h(,rrisiilsulticicntsllrcofor ing \!s \rrilicn bul b,

lul,a!snorlrthc nralo ltrrc " fr


3:, lr{rir',I)\,,,ruiirrs .,,,. futt.(lcirltl( *l j-''fr<illf is rilcilli(rrcrl in llr';lettst'rt. Lt rtt::.t.t)tl illptirr, p.'ll. l'ig r5.

m:,iili:i;,.jj;r;,::ilrtiiiir,i;"ir;:,li;il,,i. ilrii;1i,,:ri:iii,,;;::;"rl1;;j;



(,ra rir. i,, ,r,c r,,r, ,,; ;,,;:l


171 JounN,rr, oF NE.u. Eesrurur S'ruorr:s

homonymous goddess Ncith, to spring and arrorv) aud cattle_raiscrs (lassoing)_ from a nomatlic stratum of the populatioi and to conclrrde tlrat both Ner in histori_ which may have beeu of Libyan deseent eal times combined into one ritual. lVhile The canine god Upuaut likes.ise, in .rvhosc this erllanation is possible it is by no prescnce thc ceremony at Abydos takcs mea,ns ccr.ttin, :rs the trvo groups of tlre lila(.e, uDquestiorurbly bt,longed in the pollrlation can bc dcduced at preserrt onlv circlc of the ling's nomarlie nrrmilra, be_ by indirrx.t mcans. Attriblrtion of tlrcse fore he had become localizctl rtt Assiirt in t*,o s<-crrcs to tl.o diffet,ent nreth<xls <;f Upper llgypt. Tllrs rve clearly rletcct in, horvevcr, bc srrl4lortocl by these ceremonj.rl symbols flom historical thc drqrlit.ation of the sr.en-e rnes elemelts of tlre nomliclic strlrta of in tlre Book of Opening tlrt, r\Iorrth. since tlre population, elcments ri-liich, iu tlris thc victim iu orrc st,cne is callul the lal. in tlsc, rltein lr mcaning tltrt lrrrretk,s the lhe othor tlrc i.17.. .g1 thc ,rtltcr. n,,u.ks ,_rf laterruniversally approvetl conon of the diffe'nrntiatiorr in the duJrli<,:rtrl scenes, nowcvet', (tn one (:csc ,,Upyrcr I,Jgyptitrn', The intermediate scene of tLe fett,ering and "g'ezrt kite," in the othcr. ,, (k*) of the animal, rvhich is the trznsil l')pSryrtian" zurd "small kite',) pl:rilrl.y bc_ tional stcp betri'een llssoing lrn<l slurgh_ tray latt'r rttour.iring along rlognratic tering, is re,J)rescnted olly in tlrc tonrb <if I ines. Ptah-hotep. The l:r"st ekrmcnt of the entirt, series of Il ,ll: eJrisodc of ilre slurgh_ rlrisorlt'^s (i,c., t,lrc sllrrghl<:r.) i"^ tlrc only tr' ( : d;, thc ri tr r:rl lx,r.times onc rvhiclr u.:ls rnytlrologizerl, arrrl llr:rl,:rt ctilnpli<.alcd.. Original cl<urr,rrts are, irr l,he :l trrrrr:rr*rrbly clrly t.imtr, lx,ion, Llrc r,:r_ first pllcc, t,hc figrrre of i.lro kif o l,ogcthcr Irorrit' st.rr lrtil isrn of t.he ( )siri:ur nr-r. I I r pct._ rvitlr the cntirc colls.tion of rrl tt,r.rLn<rs, rr .f rll rrrerterl l.lrc of rvhirh clclrrly point to tlic u.orlrl rf itsclf:rurl rit uil s. hc nry t lrologizr t ion tlrc lcnrolc tinre r'n whirjlr it oc_ Irrnlcrs otrl ol'ulrir,lr thc rilrr:tl qn.l. lJrrl crrrrrrl r':rrr i'rrsill lx, r,xpl:rirrr.rl. \\'lrt.rr,;rs irr this rererrxlrv lrts srrffercri t!rt- rnost llror_ l,lrc rivilizr,rl s{:rtr: rr pru,trling lnrrrl t.t,:tscd .I,lrc ouglr cirrrrgcs by netv inierlrrr.trri.iorrs. to lx, t,irt' rl(!(.('ssluy alleccrltrrr, Ior. t,r.t.r1, term r'Ul)l)cr ltgS'ptian,,'givtn io tho ani_ sacritit.r:. 1Irt'sl:urglrtcr of t,ho anirlrrl n:rIri_ mal in tLc Dr:rrnatital pap-t.rrrs:rrrtl irr tlro r':llly rt,rn:rirrctl l,o bc :icr.tur;rlislrrrl. tomb
r r



order to escape the demons rvho cut ofr heads, the king has firmly put on his head, i.e., in the form of the head of the pisbull, as he rvas accustomed to do during the ceremony of the Sph ng3.a0 Here, too, rve find very probably a reminiscence of old hunting lore. For may not the l'ords, "he used to tie the hetd of the Apis-bull (to his neck)," me'an that the king himself put on the held of a bnll or tlrat he coveretl himself s'ith the skin of a bull? \Tc knorv, from the hunting practices of otlrcr people and evcrt fi'om remnants of Egyp-

mals is knorvn to us from predynastic rockdrarvings of the nomadic epoch, rvhich create precisely the same impres-

sion as rvould, had they survived, the

Ax AxcrnNr Ecyptren Huxrrrc Rrru,rr, 175 very little of its real character, even the modes of hunting with trvo clifierent Lorver Eg'ptian cro\\lt seems, like the groups of nomarls-huntei.s (using borv

early prototypes of the ceremony at Abldos-a'? There is no direct protoype for the hunter's masking hirnsclf rrith a lxrll's head, lrut rre may connect this
phase in the development of our rite rvith llrte predynastic rept'esentations of similar hunting practices:rnd ivith the contimred use of masking in ceremonial dress. Out of this custom oncc prlcticed in renl life

titrnccremonics,tlrntsuclrhurrting<'halms l'ere But the lassoing of tlrc bull has already becrxne a lite, lrence tltc rvortls "on this day of tbc ll,fi ng)." The mcntion of the head of Apis in this text cn mean
only that people of i,he epoch in rvhich

has grorvn terminable

a rite rrhich norv


the sacrifice. At srinre later but


time (at lurst not earlier than the historical period), the gerr-

tlre tions "male" and "t\rper Eg4rtian." spell wits t'reatcrl no longer knct. tlre \Yhile the first tcrm needs no explanaoriginal meaning of tlro rite, an<l Ncrc) nl)- tion,{3 tlre second i. :lrnbiguous. Notlring parently, of thc qrinion that they lr:ui actually compels us to erplain it as a leffouncl in tliis m:rsking as r sacretl arrinr:rl crcnce to t,hc homcl:rnd r-rf the animal or oI lu,n cspcci:rlly cfkr'live t:hllrm ag:rittst Lhe ccrcmony. 'l'lrc synrbols inco4romtctl into the ritc in no rrur hint at Uppcr elcrnons. ll'he sequent'c of lhe cerernonics r':rn ligyptrsthcirt>r'igin:rllurbitat. l'herlxrvcnorv bc proscrrtorl in its prolrer ('()rnc('- nrentionrrl Pyrarnitl 'Ii'xt n:rmes thc Ayristions. TIre filst lrrlt slrou's thc l:rssoing of llrll of l\{ernlrlris, rv}rilc in the Abytlos
thezg3.;\s:urrrlitrrof tt:ll lifc:urrltlr':rrl1' slt'nc tlre ltilrq tr';rls tllt,r'rorvn of Lowcr
rtot rr rilrr:rl { (.r'r'nl{,r}.\', llrt: iltssoirtg ol .t ru,'.,*t lir(lins r)l'rrt ti' tl,,
Alris. rvtrrr the

eral term ng3 rvas specified by the addi-

atri- Iiltl'pt. '\rr t'5rlrrnrrliritr nlrit,}r inlt:r1rx'1s

toricat r\pjs ril(:s ,\ ilo$ -4pis is sintl'ly li,ilnrl

accorrliil! tr.rrrin',1{'t

:'r'1,1u.. I,)gr1'ri:,rr" irnl'tios rlr. lll'i.:ll:'J.,,,:,:,,j|,'lrll,i",,,:i:llllil,":li;,.1'lli,ll;:'

(,flstrr ttrls a0'r.r,(. 1r,,r, is,f..rrsro,,i.s rho rr(r,i.. rr,rnns trtt,altilq "ttgllttlir'.'"1'lr<lrrqh tt'C hrron

tiirs {irri rlrc

Lhest' tcrrns in :r rrorrgt'ogr:rlthical st'lisc :rplx):rrs m()r(' 1rI0ll:tl>lt, 10 ntc. 'l'}te lllrt:rsc


lil l'al}vrLrs }\'rslfr.r)) rh( (arlt l(nril{laillxrr." car:S(lh(./,t\r..lrr1l,.pllIitislls(\linc(trrrr(x:tion $itl) thf rffaslering {)l i! s( \u'el h1,a(1. lrr nr}11trt('tsicirltcrts. llrrt(rrrrsl],is.asfarilslkrroi{,}rf\r)rrrs|d for "to put ail arintal s he(l orr.' lrI tht'(li.rilti(al te\tsfr()nrth(rr)rnbofSt{h('!-Ial-\btd(,s(l'nilritfdft, Th.| o/ / a1 -11,!/or, II, l'1. L-\.\Xl\', ll. 7- 11) lllc h{r(ls arr ''f()Inrd," 'cilrrghl Nit}t rl{s.' I nc!(x'tlrcl(rss l)r)kl fast 1o nrt etc., llul nrit tir(i erplanatiorr {)f this }art rif tlilr te\t. 'flxl tcrill I'i ll ir Ultrlrtlreclrlyeult,,lllr((l(:n{lI'lr:s1i(lisblrrli\,ri esD(xialll ns llrr t)iilg sllall tillio phei iil llrr'()thfr ntoailiilg of tlilg lr(r(ls worl(l lirr thf rI]rh,'l"gi(,!l stllr)tt ltlti'.l) ltrl ofthcnttlis'fs'r'ls.'l
rr S{r' lx}\'r.. l) l;{t. !r. 2:t.

",-i'it;,;t;.ll,l'i];l'11,,',',11;;ij,,l;::1";lfi:':{'i,'; r(l_\\I_\.1 llrcsetriclrrrfsl)(,t{)ilgto(litror(rrt)e\(,lr ofpoyrrlatiorrrs(:lassitirrll)\'\\'ir)liler.-\(rx)rlt)rrrll{.1 to tlr0 l}rclrist()rjc hrrlirrg se{,rlrs Nhich ilr hisl(r.icaj tiil)rireptx,rr.!srjtualsc|lcsisf()r}dilrthc(lH\!jrs rlf ir(r hiplx)lnn:rrtlls strcli bt. a lrirlxr(rl, tyiiklcr, lilktruntl-rltttLtu.t!uil,)1il.}.ig.S Ib(,ti(,!etlrrril is fun(larnoltally soun(t t() cr)ilne(:t histrn.icalli rlrrlrnn)rl{\lcil}tscfirrN$.'il) scficslr(DD pR}})istork,(lru$ iilgs ts filr as ilr(.]. 3r., r,.r:,1,11 iil tr,;Ir rn(l c,,btcr)rs, rslecial}J as arr oral trrrl;1ir}il js. of cortr{). nn)rr failh ful tr)thcst)r.lirrs1llail:rir,,/i.rr)nc_()nlvafr{,. 1tr(, kr\ts ha(l br{,f t,Lrr rr,t,, ,,r,g \\rs thrir c;,rrtIil)ri(,rr ail(t Iariatir)il bI lurlrf.l sl1.jl{,s U)ssibk:. ii(lf.Ii()es...1;(inrcrll.nlir.r1zrr,.l,iorr)lr(J., Ir 7;. I :J.


notl:s orrly lht: nol. feil.crtrl r-illirn rcurly for 1.hc srrr't ifir,r,, tiris r:orrr.r,1r1 lris I il tlc sig_ nlh('rrrl(,r'. If. lrou'cver.. llrl rlt,sigrilliotr points 1o lhc lay irr rvlrich tlrc rrrrinlll h:trl bcen lnrlrtrrl (,,tlre brrll killt,rl lrr lrr ru._ totv"), *rr rntrsl rcr.ognizt, irr tiris stono tt conrbilr:r.1iorr rvitir :r rite is :rlir,u lo thc "lassoing of tlrc r4g3'' arxl rr,lt,r.s io tlrc ttunt ri-itlr borv arrrl u.rru,. lt is lcrr4rlirrg to <'onner.t tlrcsg 111.6 rlutrrlll-r. ,,,sirre

of Scthos f , lrrw bccn irrl,er.lrrt t,etl arrtl convcltt'rl into ',rrryal.,, I}rt. :rlrgr.t. lill, tr nc\r 1or1) is itrll'orlrrccrl, tbo sr.. If r:.(r.


is no tl,rttl'l llrrrl llris s(.r,trr. \\.:rs Irl, :l vr:t.r' (.rillv lit(trnetrl, t,lt,r-trloll 1o llrr:


esgx'r.ilrlll srurtlifictl lt,r.tirrlirrg lo (.otittrrr*

{rSclx)lt. .tl!tLt. t,l, {i lO, llas (lc\,)te{i a rliscils, . si( tlr(r corrilrxtii)n bft$(rD dto tn(i n\.1}t llo (stblislrrs tb. l:rcr ltlirl in llrc Dictlrr{r\ ol riI, Sf,t frs tivtl iil tl('ll(f terill)lc, irr ille iltusrrrlrorts (i.thc l)ranlalicl I'rtr\ rrrs, iil ilr(. s, (:lllorl llrrt ir l,t)riirl s.eil6. arxl ill larls of tirr lJ(X)ti of ()t,oiling rirr, llrrrrrir, n.ti rlIuNl r(\:k(,rr $iul Ift:ntllllicitl sxtl)cilcos (,1 sfi)lrs. is sh{,n,, br l lr(, {lis(.Is:-ior rf our rir ua}, t her! r\is(s a prc Irl_\llttcxl ll)rrri ('l thr) dratDatkill l.r./t. too I be._ licte rDy*lt k) lxr able to provo ute srrle lron) rilher to\ts of the llor)li ()t (.)peiDg the :lloutll.

irrrlr:irl. rrilIr lJic rtsrrll, llr:il i1

rr';r]rrr bcr,ursc

oj i{s





Jounxel or


ElsrenN Sruoras
spell dismembered into several.r6 The tradition of our particular ritual scene is rtnderstandable only vhen rve consicler the

porary religiorrs ideas.

is slaughtercd; it is


is still not Seth

Axcrslrr Ecyprrew HurrrNc Rrruer,


still the Honrs eye

celestial meaning rvhich is taken as'ay; and Thoth still stands in the trviIight of his demoniac nature. But the kite is already blended into the figure of Isis, and the mythologized sccne already allos's an explanation leaning torvard the

in its

original text recast, altered, and


mented \rithout restraint. Our attempt to join several separate rittrals together into

rrnity rrhich \\'e supl)ose to hrve existerl

in prehistoric times is only permissible if

rve accept this supposition as valid.

Osirian myth, as presented by Sethe.

may be rvorth *Jrile to take a last look both at the manner in rvhich the litrial has beern hancled <iorvn and at its employmcnt. It has norvhere been transmitted as that seqttente ttf internally connected scenes rvliich I lrave just described, tnd apparently it s'as also never execrtted in such a mnner. On the contrary, the


With regard to the problem of tradition, rre gain from oiu'r'itrtal a, new &n(l positive example of the fact that texts ancl

illrrstrations have been transmittetl

tlrr<ngh separate ehannels. Thc method of representation seemed to t'cmain constatrt and unchanged from earliest historical

first episodes of the ritual, lassoing and

fetitering, trave detached themselves and reappear only vcry sportrtlically among the multitr.rcle of rittral scenes. 1'lre slaughtcring sccne alone, as necessarily precbding the offtring of tJrc mclrl, otcttrs rvittt great freqtrent'y, brtt il rcttins its origin:ll rl)l)caran('e orrly in tlrosc ferv ittsl:rnt'cs rvhich arc merttiottt'tl at the bcgirining of

times, rvhen the "Mrchcnfigur" of tlre kite could no longer be dcpicted, but rvhen, on the otlrer hand, its female impersonation by Isis had not yet becn crealcd. 'l'hus the figrrre of tlre woman in thtr

thc posely confined this article to hosc prob_ slauglrter.irrg scene of tlre Book of Opcnins lems rvhich rise immediately out of a tlis_ the Mouth the s:x.rifit.c of a g,,at arrrl a cussion of the ritual of the bull hrrnt. It is. goose has actrrally been inserted.{e nevertheless, cert ain that our ritual soreaj I hope that this method of pursuing in_ to others for strcrificing animals onj thut dividual riturrls bar.k to their oltlest con_ the slaughter of other animals rvas likc_ ceivable forms u'ill enable us to recosnize rvise performecl according to our rite. I,\rr lhe moving forces bt,hirrd thc rclieioris Iifc exrrmple, in the text of the ceremonv of of llgypt., u'lrillr crorr.isr.rl tlrcir irrfirrcrrco ipli rrg3 :rt. .{bytlos, t}rc king rnr.rrtiorrs'not from prinritivc times. Tlreir crclitivc only the lassoing but also the seizing of the po\\'er can be jurlgcd frorn the heterose_ 5{, and the slaughtering of oxen (A;3rl) and ncorrs forrrrs r,f tl,c r.ilrr:tls irr lrisLorirrLl other bovides, as 'eli as of cliffcrent kinrls times and the r.ari:rbility of theit.r.onlonts. of Alme such as trrrtelopes, ibcxcs, gazcllcs, In this way \\.o utll), g:Lin a st:rnrlrrcl lirr ete..In l.,dfu.rt tlre term Jpf, ,,lassoirrg,,'is the autochtlrontxrs t,otrst:lncy of the Ilgvp_ uscd.for the hunt ing of antelop"r, gor.iln", tian spilit.
and ibexes.

In the interests of clarity I have

commonly inclu<led.!n In<leed,



In the various r.eprescntations

butchering scenes not only tliffe,rclt kinds of bovirles but also ant,eloDcs arc
{r (-'hnssinai. Etloil, \'lt.

llxrvr:nstry or (,1r.rrxcor GnrncrN, Gl;nrr,rur

{3 Cf. Iilebs. tt.tttJs ,t.t .tH, p {'ID the dlplicate xlsr).


rcyrresentations of the Rook of Opening tlrc Mouth and in thc tomb of Rekhminr' miiy inclecd not lravc lrctrn rr,rltletl before 1,lrc Nciv I{ing<lom anrl ntay }t:rve bttrt m:rdc u1l from thc text. (Irr tlris connct'tiott tlris artit'le. ln all tlx: otltcr ctses :rntl it is sisnificant thnt tlre *'omrn is absottt, lhey eonstitttte thc vrtst rntjtlrity thc froln the illustr:rtions in tlrc art'haistirr I onr'b of l'lcn{ rt-l rt'r'-h} t4 rlslrtf . ) }'or -*ht is s,'lrcrnc oJ lrt' iilrist t ttl iotrs is rt'1 :Litttr l. lirll gxrssible rvitlrottt llro itlclrtifi<'ttit-rn til' rmt I orv tltc sccttc I'tlrt.s :rl l rc a.cctlmll:rlt-yirtg t ll)p('lr as if t:tlien fltln rcality ltntl itlsert . Isis l'itlr tlre great lijt,e. It is t ltarlctct'is*

;t rmong tlrt' "st'enes frorn rlaily lifc."t5 As tlris articlt'is ront'clrtctl litlr lrrrt l
single part of 1hc rvholc ritttal, rvc :rtc limiterI lrerc 1 o raisirlg 1 Iic tlttcstion of tltt: nttrrtner in l{rit'lr 1 }rose s('}':il)s of ln tirigintrllyt'o-


rittr:il lrlivt' bct'Ir prtlset'vtrl. lt is :r

lrigget prrib

t,it., moreover, for lire frcetltlm *'lritlr is possiblt' rri in thc reptlst'nt:i.tionll trar I ilion that t.lre rr'pics of lln' *plt ntl in llrc tonb of I'tlilt-lrottrp:tnrl in tlrc tenrplc:rt bydos lravc trotlrittg lr1 tll in ('onllllolt'I'l ic lt'r'i tations rtl so st'cltr ttot I o ltavt' lx't'n
r'lrrrngrrl sincc tlrc siuI.I(' ('r':1. In tlre nr1'llroiogized forlr of 1hc l)ntrn:ttit'al Pr;r.vrir-s, it is not tlrc s1x'eriie.: tlrcn.isclvos (rs {rl as t}rey arc cont:tirtctl irr this prqryrrrs) llrt t,lre titles of tlre sltortkt'r-. shillr ttlrtlerrvclrt lrltcr:ttiott.
!i I hoDc to bo al)lc t() (liscrrss tlris (lr){)sti()n I)rr)rf Iully ilr my fortllcr)Irrirl!1 (x)rtlttr( rttiLf] oll tlro llixrli (t ODrilrg thc -][orth.

qu cst itxr t ltiil l x'l otl gs l o l lrtl f ltr

lem oI tlrc lrarlilirxr of r"itual tt'rts, ill l-hich rve firrd l.ire ltrrrrllrnlcntallY sirrriltl but motl casily rct'ogttiz:ilile plt<'rromctrott of lcxts lirsl tlissct'1erl into tlrtr smallost morscls :intl tlloll rt'it]1111]ll('<l intlivirhrlrlll' fot t'tr:lt ottitsiott. o1 :t nulttbet of inrlividual spells joint.'ti iogt'tlrct, or ttf a silrglt'
tt Stt aboie, t) lf>l' n.

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