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Kalimi 1 Sanghamithra Kalimi Mr.

Majask World Studies 2B 18th November 2013

Energy Proposal
While energy surrounds us in all aspects of life, the ability to harness it for constructive ends, poses, as a challenge for humankind causing the renewed interest in the field of alternate energy sources to rise to find a solution for the worlds insatiable energy needs. One energy source that provides extreme potential is geothermal energy. Geothermal power uses the natural sources of heat inside the Earth to produce electricity (Skoglund 1). Resources of geothermal energy range from shallow water and hot rock found a few miles beneath the Earths surface, to down even deeper to the molten rock (Alternate Energy Sources 1). Currently, most geothermal energy is generated using steam or hot water from underground by moving heat through a system of pipes into an air delivery system using geothermal heat pumps or drilling wells into a geothermal reservoir (Skoglund 2). Geothermal energy may provide means of harnessing energy that prevents the undesirable effects of pollution as witnessed today from both fossil fuels and nuclear waste byproducts.

As our reliance on fossil fuels has started to increase, geothermal energy is seen as a new source of power generation with significant advantages. Dependence on fossil fuels decreases with the increase in the use of geothermal energy (Advantages of

Kalimi 2 Geothermal Energy 1). With the expensive prices of oil, many countries are adopting this clean source of energy. One big advantage of geothermal energy is it does not create pollution and has helped reduce global warming and create a clean environment (Advantages of Geothermal Energy). Since ancient times, people have been using this source to heat homes, take baths, and preparing food, making geothermal energy more affordable (Geothermal Energy 1). Even with a quite steep initial investment, it provides huge cost savings in the long run. So governments in various countries are investing in the creation of geothermal energy, which on the other hand is creating more jobs for local people (Skoglund 1). This shows beyond doubt that geothermal energy use is efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly.

Geothermals inexhaustible energy source is in use by many companies and countries throughout the world. Energy that is extracted with heat pumps, combined with energy wells from depths of 150-200 meters below the surface is being exploited at a fairly large scale (Geothermal Energy 1). The Norwegian company Rock Energy wants to be an international leader in geothermal heat and energy and a pilot plant has been planned for Oslo to collect heat from 5500 meters deep (Skoglund 1). They are now drilling for water in Iceland where geothermal heat is so readily available and the biggest playground for the use of geothermal energy (Skoglund 2). If it proves successful then these kinds of geothermal energy plants could then be placed near energy intensive industries and towns. Geothermal energy is a unique opportunity for industries to develop in a new way.

Kalimi 3 Geothermal energy is one of the most resourceful sources of energy for the future. It proves to have big capability in itself in creating a clean and safe environment and also it is an excellent source of reliable, simple, and renewable power but is not utilized to its potential. If geothermal energy can be produced on a scale that makes a difference in energy demand worldwide, it can be produced everywhere.

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