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Primary Sources

Arthur, Joyce. "Abortion Benefits Civilized Society." Abortion. . 1st ed. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2010. 103-118. Print. Through reading this excerpt, I learned a lot about womens rights in abortion. In this article, keeping the fetus until full term without an abortion is described as, mandatory motherhood and slavery that victimizes women and children. This portion of the section I read shows the idea of contraception and why women should have the right to abortion. This resource is primary because it give specific quotations from others who are influenced by abortion in a large way.

Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, . "Late Term Abortions Should Not Be Banned." 1st ed. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2010. 70-76. Print. Reading this specific article, I gathered lots of information about late term abortions. Many feel that this shouldnt make a difference as to whether and abortion should be performed in the first trimester or the second. The author states statistics about abortion and when they are performed. This is a primary source because it states statistics and actual quotations from those who are affected by abortion.

Alcorn, Randy. Why Pro-Life? Caring for the unborn and their mothers. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson Publishers, 2012. Print. This book has offered great information on abortion. I learned facts I never knew about the topic at all. The author explains things in such a way that isnt degrading to one party or another. It isnt fair to degrade one another just to prove a point. The facts stated are true and quite helpful. Alcorn is the founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries. This organization helped him to spread the word on abortion, and many other topics questioned in the world. This is a primary source because it was written by someone who is always directly involved with cases of abortion.

Bode, Janet,. Kids Still Having Kids. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1999. 42-62. Print. Janet Bode has written multiple books ideal to help teenagers with the ideas media poses today. Kids Still Having Kids is designed for young mothers that need help in dealing with what decisions to make. The pages I read were helpful in getting actual perspectives of teen mothers who have dealt with abortion. This book is considered a primary source because it actually states stories from those who have experienced abortions.

Campbell P. , Carol. Teen Pregnancy. 1st ed. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc, 2012. 12, 23, 37-38, 44-46. Print. Teen Pregnancy offered quite valuable information on abortion. The authors of this book gave specific evidence and quotations from doctors and teen. This source is considered a primary source because of the actual documentation of information. The facts and opinions of this book were interesting and gave me a better understanding of my topic.

Cords, Corinne. "Post-Abortion Emotional Problems Harm Women." Abortion. . 1st ed. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2010. 159-170. Print. The author argues that women experience a list of symptoms that women who have had abortions might have. Eating disorders, regret about the decision, or suicide attempts are symptoms of emotional problems after abortion. This section is a primary source because it gives specific information about the symptoms of post abortion emotional problems and statistics.

Currie, Stephen. Abortion. San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press, 2000. Print. Stephen Currie does a fantastic job with giving valid information from both debate sides. I leaned the different historical events that happened leading up to the Roe vs. Wade case. This book is definitely a primary source because it gives opposing viewpoints from actual people who have had conflict with abortions.

Feser, Edward. "Self-Ownership, Abortion, and the Rights of Children: Toward a More Conservative Libertarianism."18.3 (2004): 91-114. Print. <>. The author of this article gave valid information on my topic. Edward Feser has written multiple articles about various topics in our world today. I learned lots of information on the Roe vs. Wade case and the rights a child has in an abortion. These facts were crucial to know to prove my point that the children have rights in an abortion. Gay, Kathlyn. Abortion Understanding the Debate. New Jersey: Enslow Publishers, 2004. Print. Reading this book gave me lots of insight about abortions that happened years ago. I learned that in ancient times, people rubbed special herbs on their abdomens and drank special teas to induce abortion. It was believed that this really terminated the pregnancy. Along with that, I learned about abortion in the mid 1800s.For example, quickening was a term used to describe the time when the fetus first moves in the womb. This is a primary source because it provides actual interviews with people who have experienced abortions.

Higginbotham, Anastasia. "Body Politics." Trans. Array 33 Things Every Girl Should Know About Women's History. New York: Crown Publishers, 2002. 189-192. Print. Anastasia Higginbotham is a feminist writer who wrote the specific section of this book on abortion. The book gave valuable information on the Roe vs. Wade case. The book is written from a pro choice perspective. This gave valid information on the rights a mother has in an abortion. This book is a primary source because it contained information about my topic that was told from a direct point of view.

Hull, N. E. H., Williamjames Hoffer, and Peter Charles Hoffer. The Abortion Rights Controversy in America. Revised Ed. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2004. 145-150. Print. This source is notes from two justices (William O. Douglas and William Brennan) at an informal conference during the Roe vs. Wade case. The notes contain information about an argument between the first lawyer on this particular case and the defense. This is a primary source because it is actually written by the justices that were giving an opinion on this argument.

Kucera, Daniel W.. "Abortion Harms American Society." Abortion. . 1st ed. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2010. 91-102. Print. The author of this article claims that Americans are individualists, and because of this they are a bit too self-centered. This makes the claim that we dont stop to think about the unborn in the case of childrens rights to life. The author also says that pro-choice leaders are devaluing life by allowing abortion to continue. This is a primary source because the author gives specific statistics and information from valued polls.

Lott, John R. Jr.. "Abortion Has Not Lead to a Decrease in Crime." Trans. Array Abortion. . 1st ed. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2010. 122-128. Print. After reading this article, I learned some valuable information. The author gives support that proves abortion has lead to more crime outbreaks. It is proven in this article that abortions cause violence between the two spouses. The article is a primary source because of the direct quotation from those who have been affected by abortion and the crimes it can bring.

Solinger, Rickie. Abortion Wars: A Half a Century of Struggle, 1950-2000. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998. 337-398. Print. Abortion Wars: A Half a Century of Struggle provided loads of valid ideas about abortions. It was brought to my attention the idea of disabilities when it comes to abortion. If women who are disabled become pregnant, it is arguable whether or not there can be an abortion preformed. If the child is going to have a severe birth defect carried by a mother or fathers genes, is it acceptable to offer an abortion to these parents? This section of the book made me think about a lot of ideas I have to consider in this project. It is a primary source because it incorporates information directly from authors who have been affected by abortions.

Solinger, Rickie. Abortion Wars: A Half a Century of Struggle, 1950-2000. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1998. 101-103,. Print. This book was a compilation of works by other authors. The section I read was about the performance of abortions. Mainly it discussed the legality of partial-birth abortions, and when an abortion can no longer be preformed (such as after the third trimester of pregnancy.) This is a primary source because it provided information that specifically pertains to abortions and people who have received one.

Stoyell-Mulholland, Erin. E-mail Interview. 14 Oct 2013. Erin Sotyell-Mulholland is the President of the Norte Dame Right to Life movement. I interviewed her and found out some valuable information. I asked her questions regarding her views on abortion and if she could support her views with evidence. She provided me with much information about the views of someone who is on a pro-life perspective. She offered much information about abortion itself and how abortion could be classified as injustice to the child and their rights. This interview is a primary sources because it was answered by someone who has much influence in the abortion society from a pro-life perspective.

Vieira, Edwin. "Why the Statement "A Woman Has the Right to Control Her Own Body" Begs the Basic Question in the Abortion Debate." Libertarians for Life. Libertarians for Life, n.d. Web. 10 Oct 2013. <>. From reading this article, I extracted valuable ideas about my topic. Mainly, I learned that that a mother has rights to control her body. However, this doesnt mean the woman has rights to destroy human life inside her. According to our law, she can legally control her body in three ways: abstinence from sexual activity, using contraception, and abortion. The reason this is a primary source is because the author was an actual lawyer for an abortion trial and dealt first hand with abortion rights.

Wanderer, Robert. "Abortion Has Lead to a Decrease in Crime." Trans. Array Abortion. . 1st ed. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2010. 118-122. Print. The author claims in this section that abortions have decreased crime rates. The claim is that there are not disputes between spouses or parents that lead to large crime rates. This is a primary source because of the specific statistics and a number of evidence supporting the case.

Willis, Susan E.. "Late Term Abortions Should Be Banned." Abortion. . 1st ed. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2010. 59-70. Print. Susan E. Willis describes the idea of partial birth and late term abortions. This viewpoint is given from a pro-life stance. This proves the fact that children have the right to live in an abortion. After reading this article, it is a primary source because of the direct contact with those who have experienced abortion and who have been impacted by it.

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