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03, Series 2007 SUBJECT : REVISED POLICIES AND STANDARDS FOR ACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTANC! ( SA) X---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA !o" ##$$% otherwise &nown as the '(i)her Education Act of *++,%' and for the purpose of locall- adoptin) the International Education Standards in Accountin) Education as prescribed b- the International .ederation of Accountants with the end view of &eepin) standards in accountin) education in the countr- co/parable with the re0uire/ents of the )lobal wor&place% the followin) rules and )uidelines are hereb- adopted and pro/ul)ated b- the Co//ission: ARTICLE I INTRODUCTION Section *" Accountanc- is a profession that pla-s an i/portant role in all societies" As the world /oves toward )lobal /ar&et econo/ies% and with invest/ents and operations crossin) borders to an ever )reater e1tent% professional accountants need a broad )lobal outloo& to understand the conte1t in which businesses and other or)ani2ations operate" Section $" Rapid chan)e has been the /ain characteristic of the environ/ent in which professional accountants wor&" 3ressures for chan)e are co/in) fro/ /an- sources includin) )lobali2ation% infor/ation and co//unication technolo)ies% and the e1pansion of sta&eholder )roups% includin) re)ulators and oversi)ht boards" 3rofessional accountants are now e1pected to serve the needs not onl- of investors and creditors but also the infor/ation needs of /an- other users of financial and non4financial infor/ation" Businesses% public sector ()overn/ent a)encies and other or)ani2ations are en)a)in) in ever /ore co/ple1 arran)e/ents and transactions" Ris& /ana)e/ent has beco/e /ore i/portant" Infor/ation technolo)- continues to advance at a rapid pace and the internet has revolutioni2ed )lobal co//unications" Trade and co//erce have beco/e /ore transnational" 3rivati2ation has beco/e an increasin)l- i/portant trend in /an- countries" 5e)al action has beco/e /ore usual in /an- societies% while in others it is the le)al fra/ewor& that defines the profession6s responsibilities" Concern

1 for the environ/ent and sustainable develop/ent has )rown" Section 7" All cultures e1ist in an environ/ent of si)nificant chan)e" Increasin)l-% toda-6s professional accountants need to be technical e1perts with e1cellent co//unication s&ills% and the- need to be able to /eet the reportin) and infor/ation needs of the new &nowled)e econo/-" In addition to ac0uirin) technical accountin) &nowled)e and s&ills% professional accountants need s&ills that enable the/ to be% when appropriate% business advisors% financial anal-sts% co//unicators% ne)otiators% and /ana)ers" At the sa/e ti/e% inte)rit-% ob8ectivit- and willin)ness to ta&e a fir/ stand are essential attributes of professional accountants" 3rofessional values% ethics and attitudes are inte)ral to bein) a professional accountant" Section ," A pro)ra/ of accountin) education needs to )o be-ond the traditional approach" This approach e/phasi2ed 9transfer of &nowled)e%: with learnin) defined and /easured strictl- in ter/s of &nowled)e of principles% standards% concepts% facts and procedures at a )iven point in ti/e" Increased e/phasis needs to be placed on a set of professional &nowled)e% professional s&ills% and professional values% ethics and attitudes broad enou)h to enable adaptation to constant chan)e" Individuals who beco/e professional accountants should have a constant desire to learn and appl- what is new" Section ;" The fore)oin) trends lead to the need for )reater accountabilit- and% as a result% in all cultures de/ands on the profession are hi)h and continue to rise" It is the profession6s capacit- to satisf- these de/ands that deter/ines its value to societ-" These trends challen)e professional accountants to /a&e )reater contributions to societ- than ever before% and the- also present a challen)e to /aintainin) co/petence" The viabilit- of accountanc- as a profession depends on the abilit- and willin)ness of its individual /e/bers to accept responsibilit- for /eetin) these challen)es" To /eet these challen)es% there is a need to ensure that individuals who beco/e professional accountants achieve an a)reed level of co/petence% which is then /aintained" The /eans b- which individuals develop co/petence is throu)h education" The Co//ission% therefore% needs to set hi)h standards in accountin) education" Section <" These standards are concerned with professional4level accountin) education% rather than with vocational4t-pe technical trainin)" This distinction is i/portant because within the broad field of accountanc-% various &inds of accountin) tas&s re0uire var-in) levels of co/petence and s&ills" The persons perfor/in) these tas&s /a- be called accountants or auditors% but not all have professional status" The le)all- reco)ni2ed professionals in the field of accountin) are those who are re)istered with the 3rofessional Re)ulation Co//ission (3RC and the Board of Accountanc(B=A as Certified 3ublic Accountants (C3As " ARTICLE II

2 AUTHORIT! TO OPERATE Section #" All private hi)her education institutions (3(EIs intendin) to offer the Bachelor of Science in Accountanc- (BSA pro)ra/ /ust first secure proper authorit- fro/ the Co//ission in accordance with the e1istin) policies" Section >" State universities and colle)es (SUCs % and local colle)es and universities should li&ewise strictl- adhere to the provisions in these policies" Section +" The revised /ini/u/ curricular re0uire/ents for Bachelor of Science in Accountanc- are herein prescribed for all schools dul- reco)ni2ed or authori2ed bthe )overn/ent to operate the pro)ra/" ARTICLE III PRO"RAM SPECIFICATIONS Section *?" The de)ree pro)ra/ described herein shall be called Bachelor of Science in Accountan c- (BSA " Section **" The BSA pro)ra/ /a- be offered in a separate School of Accountancor in a @epart/ent of Accountanc- in the Colle)es or Schools of Business" Section *$" The pri/ar- )oal of accountin) education is to produce co/petent professional accountants capable of /a&in) a positive contribution over their lifeti/es to the profession and societ- in which the- wor&" In the face of increasin) chan)es that the- will /eet later as professional accountants% it is essential that students develop and /aintain an attitude of learnin) to learn% to /aintain their co/petence later as professional accountants" Section *7" The BSA pro)ra/ should provide a foundation of professional &nowled)e% professional s&ills% and professional values% ethics and attitudes that enable the/ to continue to learn and adapt to chan)e throu)hout their professional lives" These capabilities will enable professional accountants to identif- proble/s% &now where to find this &nowled)e and &now how to appl- it in an ethical /anner to achieve appropriate solutions" The balance of these ele/ents /a- var- but what is re0uired is to develop the &nowled)e base and stron) s&ills in order to produce co/petent professional accountants with appropriate values% ethics and attitudes" Section *," 3reparin) students for the C3A licensure e1a/inations and for e/plo-/ent in private establish/ent and public sector ()overn/ent a)encies are subsidiar- ob8ectives which should 8udiciousl- blend with the pri/ar- )oal of preparin) students for a successful lon)4ter/ professional accountin) career" Thus% the accountin) )raduate should be 0ualified to ta&e and pass the C3A licensure e1a/inations% and to obtain e/plo-/ent as an entr-4level professional accountant" Aith proper orientation and supervision% he should be able to cope with the proble/s he will face upon in the wor&place" Section *;" After co/pletion of the pro)ra/ and passin) the C3A licensure e1a/ination%

3 the )raduates can pursue a career in accountanc- and related professions" Specific 8obs var- widela/on) the four /a8or fields of accountanc-: public practice% co//erce and industr-% )overn/ent and education" Specific sa/ple opportunities are the followin): Entr-4level 8obs" a" 3ublic 3ractice: Audit Staff% Ta1 Staff% Bana)e/ent ServicesCConsultin) Staff b" Co//erce and Industr-: .inancial Accountin) D Reportin) Staff% Bana)e/ent Accountin) Staff% Ta1 Accountin) Staff% Internal Audit Staff% .inancial Anal-st% Bud)et Anal-st% Credit Anal-st% Cost Accountant" c" Eovern/ent: State Accountin) E1a/iner% State Accountant% 5EU Accountant% Revenue =fficer% Audit E1a/iner% Bud)et Anal-st% .inancial Services Specialist d" Education: Junior Accountin) Instructor Biddle4level positions a" 3ublic 3ractice: Audit Bana)er% Ta1 Bana)er% Consultin) Bana)er b" Co//erce and Industr-: Co/ptroller% Senior Infor/ation S-ste/s Auditor% Senior .raud E1a/iner% Senior .orensic Auditor c" Eovern/ent: State Accountant F% @irector III and @irector IF% Eovern/ent Accountanc- and Audit% .inancial Services Bana)er% Audit Services Bana)er% Senior Auditor d" Education: Senior .acult-% Accountin) @epart/ent Chair Advanced positions a" 3ublic 3ractice: 3artner% Senior 3artner% Senior ConsultantC.inancial Advisor b" Co//erce and Industr-: Chief .inancial =fficer% Chief Infor/ation =fficer c" Eovern/ent: !ational Treasurer% Fice 3resident for .inanceCC.= (for E=CCs % Co//issioner% Associate Co//issioner% Assistant Co//issioner% (C=A% BIR% B=C d" Education: Fice 3resident for Acade/ic Affairs% @ean ARTICLE IV 4

COMPETENC! STANDARDS Section *<" The core co/petencies for professional accountants identif- the &nowled)e% s&ill and values considered necessar- to perfor/ effectivel- in toda-6s rapidlchan)in) environ/ent" Section *#" Gnowled)e that the BSA )raduate should possess include: a" Eeneral &nowled)e 4 Eainin) an understandin) of the different cultures in the world and developin) an international perspective" Traits that will /a&e our .ilipino C3As pro/inent in the )lobal /ar&etplace such as co/petenc- in the En)lish lan)ua)e (the lin)ua franca of business % adaptabilit- to forei)n business practices% level of trainabilit- and )ood capabilities in dealin) with forei)n partners" b" =r)ani2ational and business &nowled)e 4 Broad base of &nowled)e concernin) /acro4environ/ental% econo/ic and industr- issues% business process structures% functions and practices" Includes core &nowled)e in areas such as econo/ics% 0uantitative /ethods and business statistics% or)ani2ation behavior% /ar&etin) and operations /ana)e/ent% international business% ethics and corporate )overnance" c" Infor/ation technolo)- (IT &nowled)e H This includes not onl- bein) conversant with IT concepts for business s-ste/s but sound &nowled)e on internal control in co/puter4based s-ste/s% develop/ent standards and practices for business s-ste/s% /ana)e/ent of the adoption% i/ple/entation and use of IT% evaluation of co/puter business s-ste/s% and /ana)in) the securit- of infor/ation" d" Accountin) and finance &nowled)e H This includes core &nowled)e related to accountin) and related areas in private and )overn/ent settin) and /ust include proficienc- in the international accountin)Cfinancial reportin) and auditin) standards% cost /ana)e/ent and the latest concepts in /ana)e/ent accountin)% recent ta1 laws and business and co//ercial laws" It also includes &nowled)e of corporate finance and the 3hilippine capital /ar&ets% professional ethics and environ/ental accountin) and reportin)" Section *>" S&ills that the BSA )raduate should posses include: a" Intellectual H This set of s&ills includes the abilit- to carr- out abstract lo)ical thin&in) and learn the process of critical thin&in)" It also includes creative thin&in) or the )eneration of new ideasI visuali2ation or 9seein) thin)s in the /ind6s e-e:I and reasonin) s&ills or the discover- of a rule or principle underl-in) the relationship between two or /ore ob8ects and appl-in) it when

solvin) a proble/" (ence% the BSA )raduate /ust de/onstrate the followin) s&ills:
Analysis H Abilit- to review% interpret%

evaluate financial data and s-ste/sC operational dataC controls in order to for/ conclusions andCor /a&e reco//endations on validit-C usefulnessC correctnessC co/pliance within established policies% procedures% )uidelines% a)ree/ents andCor le)islation"
Problem solving @iscernin) the true nature

of a situation and evaluation of applicable principles and techni0ues" Innovative thin&in)% reliable evaluation of infor/ation% openness to constructive chan)e and consideration of future contin)encies and develop/ents" Strategic/Critical Thinking 5in&in) data% &nowled)e and insi)ht to)ether fro/ different sources and disciplines to /a&e infor/ed decisions" Considerin) the 'bi) picture' when /a&in) decisions% as well as potential threats to the vision% strate)-% ob8ectives and culture of the or)ani2ation" b" Interpersonal H This involves developin) the abilit- of the BSA )raduate to wor& in )roups and bein) a tea/ pla-er" It includes the s&ills to participate as /e/ber of a tea/ and contributin) to )roup effortI teachin) others new s&illsI wor&in) to satisf- clients6 e1pectationsI ne)otiation s&ills and wor&in) with diversit- or wor&in) well with /en and wo/en fro/ diverse bac&)rounds" (ence% the BSA )raduate /ust de/onstrate attributes such as bein): A tea/ pla-er 3ersuasive% confident and diplo/atic @iscreet% open /inded and patient Capable for hard wor& and able to respond well to pressure c" Co//unication 4 This refers to active listenin) s&ills and the abilit- to co//unicate effectivel- one6s points of view% both orall- and in writin)% at all or)ani2ational levelsI bein) able to 8ustif- one6s position% deliver i/pressive presentations and to persuade and convince others" The BSA )raduate should de/onstrate s&ills such as the abilit- to: E1plain verball- andCor in writin) financialC statisticalC ad/inistrative /attersC policiesC proceduresC re)ulator- /attersC audit results at a level appropriate to the audience" As& clear% concise and relevant 0uestions to obtain desired infor/ation to

perfor/ a tas&" !e)otiate effectivel-" Section *+" Falues that the BSA )raduate should posses include: a" 3rofessional ethics 4 Since the ob8ectives of the accountanc- profession are to wor& in accordance with the hi)hest standards of professionalis/% to attain the hi)her level of perfor/ance and

6 )enerall- to /eet the public interest% the need for C3As to confor/ to the ethical standards of the profession beco/es vital" These include:
Inte)rit- 4 Avoidin) actual or apparent

conflicts of interest and advise all appropriate parties of an- potential conflictI refrainin) fro/ en)a)in) in an- activit- that would pre8udice their abilit- to carr- out their duties ethicall-I refusin) an- )ift% favor or hospitalitthat would influence or appear to influence their actionsI refrainin) fro/ either activel- or passivel- subvertin) the attain/ent of the or)ani2ationJs le)iti/ate and ethical ob8ectivesI reco)ni2in) and co//unicatin) professional li/itations or other constraints that would preclude responsible 8ud)/ent or successful perfor/ance of an activit-I co//unicatin) unfavorable as well as favorable infor/ation and professional 8ud)/ents or opinionsI and refrainin) fro/ en)a)in) in or supportin) anactivit- that would discredit the profession"
=b8ectivit- and independence 4

perfor/in) one6s professional duties in accordance with relevant laws% re)ulations and technical standardsI preparin) ob8ective and co/plete reports and reco//endations after appropriate anal-sis of relevant and reliable infor/ation"
Confidentialit- 4 Refrainin) fro/ disclosin)

confidential infor/ation ac0uired in the course of their wor&% e1cept when authori2ed% unless le)all- obli)ated to do soI infor/in) staff as appropriate re)ardin) the confidentialit- of infor/ation ac0uired in the course of their wor& and /onitor their activities to assure the /aintenance of that confidentialit-I and refrainin) fro/ usin) or appearin) to use confidential infor/ation ac0uired in the course of their wor& for unethical or ille)al advanta)e either personallor throu)h third parties"
3rofessional behavior 4 @ischar)in) one6s

professional responsibilities with co/petence and dili)ence and perfor/in) one6s services to the best of a /e/berJs abilit- with concern for Co//unicatin) infor/ation fairl- and the best interest of those for who/ the services ob8ectivel-I and disclosin) full- all relevant infor/ation that could reasonabl- be e1pected are perfor/ed and consistent with the professionJs responsibilit- to the publicI to influence an intended users understandin) obli)ation of self4discipline above and be-ond of the reports% co//ents and the re0uire/ents of laws and re)ulationsI and reco//endations presented" unswervin) co//it/ent to honorable 3rofessional co/petence and due care 4 behavior% even at the sacrifice of personal Baintainin) an appropriate level of advanta)e professional co/petence b- on)oin) b" Boral values 4 Be-ond ethical rules% there is develop/ent of &nowled)e and s&illsI a need for the BSA 7

)raduate to be able to discern between what is /orall- ri)ht or wron)" ARTICLE V ADMINISTRATION Section $?" The BSA pro)ra/ shall be ad/inistered b- a full4ti/e @eanCChairC@irector *% as the case /a- be% with the followin) appropriate 0ualifications: a" Re)istered 3rofessional Accountant in the 3hilippines with current 3RC Identification CardsI b" Teachin) e1perience of at least five (; -ears in the tertiar- level% and preferabl-% two ($ -ears of ad/inistrative e1perienceI and c" (older of at least a /aster6s de)ree in business% accountanc-% business education% educational /ana)e/ent% or other related area of studies" Section $*" The @eanCChairC@irector% as the case /a- be% of the BSA pro)ra/ shall have the followin) functions: a" Ad/inister the accountanc- pro)ra/I b" Influence the selection% retention% co/pensation% and pro/otion of facult-I c" Support and /onitor the continuin) professional develop/ent of facult- /e/bersI d" Establish acade/ic standards for ad/ission% retention% advance/ent% and )raduation of studentsI d" @evelop% sub/it% and ad/inister% within prescribed )uidelines% the bud)et of the accountin) pro)ra/I e" Ensure adherence to established standards of instructionI f" Initiate curriculu/ develop/ent pro)ra/sI )" I/ple/ent facultdevelop/ent pro)ra/sI h" Continuousl- assess and evaluate the accountin) pro)ra/ vis4K4vis the perfor/ance of )raduatesI and i" 3ro/ote lin&a)es and networ&in) with other schools% professional or)ani2ations% and business and industr-" ARTICLE VI FACULT! Section $$" The facult- should possess the educational 0ualifications% professional * Titles vardependin) on the how the AccountancSchool is structured% such that if % itthen is a separate the head is a Chair/an @eanI/aif a oressential @epart/ent a @irector" within Colle)e ofconduct Business Ad/inistration (or Co//erce the head Colle)e% is either a attributes for the successful of a professional accountin) pro)ra/"

8 a" All facult- teachin) accountin) and /ana)erial finance courses should be: Re)istered 3rofessional Accountants in the 3hilippines with current 3RC Identification CardsI and (olders of a /aster6s de)ree in business% accountanc-% business education% or educational /ana)e/ent" 3rovided that an- tenured C full ti/e C full load facult- /e/ber without a /aster6s de)ree shall be re0uired to earn a /aster6s de)ree within a period not e1ceedin) five (; -ears fro/ the date of the issuance of this CB=" This provision does not appl- to special lecturers" b" All facult- /e/bers handlin) other C3A Board4related courses (e")"% Ta1ation and Business 5aw should be dul- licensed professionals" Section $7" The nu/ber of facult- /e/bers with appropriate 0ualifications should be ade0uate to /eet the re0uire/ents of the professional accountin) pro)ra/" a" A full4ti/e facult- /e/ber is one whose total wor&in) da- is devoted to the school% who has no other re/unerative e/plo-/ent elsewhere durin) re)ular wor&in) hours% who is paid on a re)ular /onthl- basis or its e0uivalent% and who has the re0uisite acade/ic 0ualifications" b" A full4load facult- /e/ber is one whose /a8or re/unerative e/plo-/ent is teachin)% who carries a re)ular teachin) load in the school and who has no teachin) assi)n/ents in other schools" .ullload facult- should preferabl- be paid on a /onthl- basis or its e0uivalent" Section $," The pri/ar- consideration in assi)nin) teachin) loads should be the facult/e/ber6s capabilit- to ade0uatel- fulfill his acade/ic% ad/inistrative% and professional responsibilities" a" .acult- should not be assi)ned to teach /ore than three or occasionall-% four different courses in an- one ter/" !either should there be too /uch variet- in the courses assi)ned in an- one -ear" b" @eloadin) fro/ re)ular teachin) /a- be allowed for ad/inistrative% research% or professional assi)n/ents without reduction in co/pensation" Section $;" A s-ste/ of ran&in) and evaluatin) facult- /e/bers should be instituted and i/ple/ented b- the school" a" The facult- should be assi)ned acade/ic ran&s in accordance with suitable ran&in) criteria" The usuall- reco)ni2ed ran&s of colle)iate facult- /e/bers are: instructors% assistant professors% associate professors% and professors"

9 b" As a )eneral rule% a new /e/ber of the facult- be)ins as an instructor and is subse0uentl- pro/oted% if deservin)" A new facult- /e/ber /a- i//ediatelbe appointed to an- of the hi)her ran&s if warranted b- hisCher 0ualifications" c" .acult- co/petence and perfor/ance should be periodicall- evaluated usin) appropriate evaluation instru/ents to pro/ote the professional )rowth of individual facult- and provide a basis for advance/ent and salar- ad8ust/ents" d" The probationar- e/plo-/ent for full4ti/e facult- who are acade/icall0ualified should be for a period of not /ore than three (7 -ears" .acult- /e/bers who have successfull- passed this probationar- period should be /ade per/anent" e" After due process% facult- /e/bers who do not /eet /ini/u/ standards of co/petence and perfor/ance% or who are found )uilt- of unprofessional conduct or of violatin) school re)ulations should be separated fro/ service" Section $<" There should be a for/al develop/ent pro)ra/ to encoura)e and help facult- /e/bers &eep up with new &nowled)e and techni0ues in their field% i/prove their teachin) s&ills and course /aterials% and continue their professional )rowth" The facult- develop/ent pro)ra/ should include provisions for% a/on) others: a" Ade0uate and 0ualified supervision of facult-I b" Scholarships% sabbatical leaves% and research )rantsI c" .inancial support for active /e/bership in professional or)ani2ations% and attendance at continuin) professional education (C3E pro)ra/s such as se/inars% wor&shops% and conferencesI d" In4service trainin) coursesI e" 3eriodic facult- /eetin)I and f" 3articipation in facult- co//ittees" In the end% the facult- should possess the educational 0ualifications% professional e1perience% classroo/ teachin) abilit-% scholarlproductivit-% and other attributes essential for the successful conduct of the accountin) pro)ra/" Section $#" As part of their professional develop/ent% accountin) facult- should ta&e it upon the/selves to co/pl- with the Continuin) 3rofessional Education (C3E re0uire/ents of the profession" a" If the school itself offers )raduate pro)ra/s% it should provide its facult- /e/bers the opportunit- to earn advanced de)rees% with 1

0 tuition fee privile)es and other for/s of assistance" b" Attendance at in4 service trainin) pro)ra/s on official ti/e shall be encoura)ed and records of such attendance shall be filed at the office of the deanCchair/anCdirector% as the case /a- be" ARTICLE VII CURRICULUM Section $>" The curriculu/ for the BSA 3ro)ra/ puts e/phasis on a professional accountin) stud- that is lon) and intensive enou)h to per/it students to )ain the professional &nowled)e re0uired for professional co/petence" Such professional accountin) education consists of: a" accountin)% finance and related &nowled)eI b" or)ani2ational and business &nowled)eI and c" infor/ation technolo)- &nowled)e and co/petencies" The professional &nowled)e co/ponent co/ple/ents the non4 professional &nowled)e% and the intellectual% personal% interpersonal% co//unication% and or)ani2ational and /ana)e/ent s&ills developed in Eeneral Education" Section $+" The curriculu/ has the followin) co/ponents: Bini/u/ 3rescribed Units Eeneral Education ;* Business Education ,$ IT Education + Accountin) and .inance +, Sub4total *+< 3EC!ST3 *, Total $*? Section 7?" General Education" A broad )eneral education can si)nificantl- contribute to the ac0uisition of professional s&ills" This co/ponent of the curriculu/ focuses on the develop/ent of non4professional &nowled)e% intellectual s&ills% personal s&ills% interpersonal and co//unication s&ills" A )ood foundation of )eneral education% althou)h not an end in itself% is one wa- of helpin) students beco/e broad4/inded individuals who thin& and co//unicate effectivel- and who have the basis for conductin) in0uir-% carr-in) out lo)ical thin&in) and underta&in) critical anal-sis" This foundation will enable students to /a&e decisions in the lar)er conte1t of societ-% to e1ercise )ood 8ud)/ent and professional co/petence% to interact with diverse )roups of people% to thin& )loball-% and to be)in the process of professional )rowth" The ac0uisition of these s&ills is /ore i/portant than the wa- in which the- are learned" The Eeneral Education for the BSA curriculu/ shall follow the Eeneral Education and le)islated courses prescribed b- C(E@ Be/orandu/ !o" ?,% series of *++# (EEC4BI ;* units includin) si1 (< additional units of Eeneral 1

1 Education courses for the BSA 3ro)ra/ and which for/ part of the Accountin) D .inance Education Co/ponent of the curriculu/" Units *" (u/anities Cluster $* Co//unication S&ills% 3art I 7 Co//unication S&ills% 3art II 7 Sinin) n) 3a&i&ipa)talastasan 7 3a)basaC3a)sulat sa Iba6t Iban) @isiplina 7 3hilippine 5iterature 7 Introduction to 3hilosoph- with 5o)ic D Critical Thin&in) 7 Art% Ban% and Societ7 $" BathCScience Cluster *; Colle)e Al)ebra 7 Bathe/atics of Invest/ent 7 3h-sical Science 7 Biolo)ical Science 7 .unda/entals of Co/puter Software and Applications 7 7" Social Sciences Cluster *$ 3hilippine (istor- with 3olitics and Eovernance 7 Societ- and Culture with .a/il3lannin) 7 Eeneral 3s-cholo)- 7 Introduction to Econo/ics Aith 5and Refor/ and Ta1ation 7 ," 5ife and Aor&s of Ri2al 7 Sub4total ;* Section 7*" Business Education This co/ponent of the curriculu/ e0uips the students with &nowled)e of the environ/ent in which e/plo-ers and clients operate" It also provides the conte1t for the application in which professional accountants wor&" A broad &nowled)e of business% )overn/ent and not4for4profit or)ani2ations is essential for professional accountants" Business Education has two parts: Basic Business Core and Business Education Core" A" Basic Business Core *" Bana)e/ent < 3rinciples of Bana)e/ent and =r)ani2ation 7 (u/an Behavior in =r)ani2ation 7 $" Bar&etin) 7 3rinciples of Bar&etin) 7 1

2 7" Accountin) < .unda/entals of Accountin)% 3art I < ," Business Co//unication 7 Technical Aritin): Business 7 ;" .inance 7 Basic .inance 7 <" Infor/ation Technolo)7 .unda/entals of 3ro)ra//in) and @atabase Theor- and Applications 7 Sub4total $, B" Business Education Core *" Accountin) < .unda/entals of Accountin)% 3art II < $" Business 5aw 7 5aw on =bli)ations and Contracts 7 7 Ta1ation 7 Inco/e Ta1ation 7 ," Econo/ics 7 Bicroecono/ic Theor- and 3ractice 7 ," Bana)e/ent 7 Eood Eovernance and Social Responsibilit- 7 Sub4total *> Section 7$" !n"ormation Technology Education Infor/ation technolo)- has transfor/ed the role of the professional accountant" The professional accountant not onl- uses infor/ation s-ste/s and e1ercises IT controls s&ills but also pla-s an i/portant role as part of a tea/ in the evaluation% desi)n and /ana)e/ent of s-ste/s" The IT education co/ponent of the curriculu/ includes the followin) sub8ect areas and co/petences: (a )eneral &nowled)e of ITI (b IT control &nowled)eI (c IT control co/petences% (d IT user co/petencesI and (e one of% or a /i1ture of% the co/petences of% the roles of /ana)er% evaluator or desi)ner of infor/ation s-ste/s" IT Concepts and S-ste/s Anal-sis and @esi)n 7 @evelop/ent Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/s 7 Auditin) in a CIS Environ/ent 7 Sub4total + Section 77" Accounting and #inance Education This co/ponent of the curriculu/ provides the students with core technical foundation essential to a successful career as professional accountants" It further develops and inte)rates the &nowled)e% s&ills and professional values% ethics and attitudes which the- obtained fro/ the other co/ponents of the curriculu/" It )ives students the necessar- theoretical and technical accountin) &nowled)e and intellectual s&ills% includin) an understandin) of professional values and ethics" 1

3 *" Additional Eeneral Education and Business Education Courses $* Calculus for Business 7 (u/anities Elective (an- of the followin): .ine Arts (Fisual and 3erfor/in) Arts % Aorld Culture or .orei)n 5an)ua)e 7 Business Statistics 7 Luantitative Techni0ues in Business 7 Bacroecono/ic Theor- and 3ractice 7 3roduction and =perations Bana)e/ent 7 Business 3olic- and Strate)7 $" Business 5aw D Ta1ation *$ 5aw on Business =r)ani2ations 7 5aw on !e)otiable Instru/ents 7 Sales% A)enc-% 5abor and =ther Co//ercial 5aws 7 Business and Transfer Ta1es 7 7" .inancial Bana)e/ent < .inancial Bana)e/ent I 7 .inancial Bana)e/ent II 7 ," .inancial Accountin) Theor- and 3ractice *; .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art I < .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art II < .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art III 7 ;" Cost @eter/ination% Anal-sis% and Control < Cost Accountin) D Cost Bana)e/ent < <" Bana)e/ent Accountin) and Bana)e/ent Consultanc- Services + Bana)e/ent Accountin)% 3art I 7 Bana)e/ent Accountin)% 3art II 7 Bana)e/ent Consultanc7 #" Advanced Accountin) + Advanced .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art I 7 Advanced .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art II 7 Accountin) for Eovern/ental% !ot4for43rofit Entities D Speciali2ed Industries 7 1

4 >" Auditin) and Assurance Services *$ Assurance 3rinciples% 3rofessional Ethics and Eood Eovernance < Applied Auditin) < + Internship or Accountin) Thesis (!ote * 7 S-nthesis * Sub4total +, The su))ested description of each course includin) list of topics and reference /aterials is in Anne1 A" A sa/ple pro)ra/ of stud- for the /ini/u/ units is also shown in Anne1 B" Schools of accountanc- /ause this sa/ple and /odif- it accordin) to their needs provided that the /ini/u/ re0uire/ents as specified in this Article are /et" The- /a- also add other courses that would enrich the pro)ra/" Anne1 C shows the flowchart showin) course se0uence and their pre4re0uisites" $ote %: Internship is considered preferable over Accountin) Thesis" Should Internship re0uire/ent pose i/ple/entation proble/s% Accountin) Thesis /abe substituted" Section 7," In i/ple/entin) the /ini/u/ curricular standards% certain i/portant i/plications should be &ept in /ind" These are: a" The standards are intended to be fle1ible rather than restrictive" The- provide a )eneral fra/ewor& within which each institution should desi)n and develop a curriculu/ in the conte1t of institutional stren)th% priorities% and co//it/ent" b" The standards are the /ini/u/ re0uired of schools authori2ed b- C(E@ to offer the B"S" Accountanc- 3ro)ra/" (i)her standards are e1pected to be i/ple/ented b- schools with dere)ulated status and those desi)nated as Centers of E1cellence (C=E and Centers of @evelop/ent (C=@ in Accountanc- Education" c" Schools of Accountanc- are encoura)ed to under)o accreditation preferablwithin five (; -ears after reco)nition" d" Curriculu/ develop/ent is a d-na/ic and continuin) process" Accountin) education should not onl- &eep pace with current realities but should anticipate chan)es that /a- ta&e place in business and the accountin) profession" The school should /a&e provision for periodic re4 e1a/ination and research to avoid curriculu/ obsolescence% preferabl- once evertwo to three -ears" e" Curriculu/ content should be carefull- selected so that the available ti/e and resources are effectivel- utili2ed and onl- the appropriate and pertinent sub8ect areas are included" 1

5 f" Correlation and inte)ration of the different courses of stud- are essential to an effective educational pro)ra/ as well as to opti/al student achieve/ent" )" .inall-% the 0ualitative rather than the 0uantitative factors of education should be e/phasi2ed" The e1cellence of teachin)% 0ualit- of students% broadenin) effect of the total curriculu/% alon) with the develop/ent of inte)rit-% professional attitudes% and a continuin) desire to learn are /ore i/portant than course labels% unit re0uire/ents% or sub8ect )roupin)s" Section 7;" Eeneral education co/ponents of the curriculu/ are preferabl- ta&en in the first two -ears of the curriculu/" Accountin) and other C3A Board4related courses% when ta&en for the first ti/e% shall be offered onl- durin) the re)ular ter/" Section 7<" The curriculu/ for Accountanc- pro)ra/ should be consistent with the school6s philosoph-% /ission and vision state/ent" a" The curricular re0uire/ent for BSA should follow the /ini/u/ nu/ber of units prescribed b- herein" b" The school is free to enhance and to follow different patterns and /odalities based on the needs of its clientele" c" As a )eneral rule% sub8ects offered as a three (7 unit courses should have an e0uivalent of a /ini/u/ of *> contact hours per unit" !o sub8ect offered in a se/ester should e1ceed si1 (< units" Section 7#" All schools should have prepared course s-llabi" These should be /ade available to students at the be)innin) of each ter/" Teachin) /ethodolo)ies% )radin) s-ste/s% te1tboo&s and references should be clearl- stated in the s-llabi" Section 7>" All under)raduate courses should have prescribed te1tboo&s% which should be selected on the basis of acceptable criteria% preferabl- b- an independent te1tboo& board or co//ittee with publication date within ; -ears" Te1tboo&s in .inancial Accountin) and Auditin) should have publication date of not earlier than $??;" The intelli)ent use of other instructional aids and resources should be encoura)ed" 3ractice sets should be re0uired for .unda/entals of Accountin) I% Cost Accountin)% Applied Auditin)% and Infor/ation Technolo)-" Section 7+" Access to co/puters and C@ /aterials as well as the I!TER!ET should be provided to facult- /e/bers and students" Section ,?" Ba1i/u/ class si2e for under)raduate courses should be fift- (;? " 1

6 ARTICLE VIII LI RAR! Section ,*" Universities and colle)es offerin) the accountanc- pro)ra/ should have librarresources that are relevant and ade0uate in ter/s of 0ualit- and 0uantit-I helpful in servin) the needs of scholarship and researchI and pro)ressivel- developin) and )rowin) in accordance with the institutional develop/ental plans" 5ibrar3ersonnel A" Lualifications of (ead 5ibrarian: *" Re)istered 5ibrarianI $" At least a /asters de)reeI 7" Appropriate or relevant professional trainin) B" !u/ber of librar- staff *" At least one full ti/e professional librarian for ever- ;?? students $" A ratio of * librarian to $ staffCcler& 5ibrar- Collection A" Basic Collection *" 7%??? volu/es for start4up school (;?M of the holdin)s should be distinct titles $" A total of not less than ;%??? volu/es after two -ears of operation (;?M of the holdin)s should be distinct titles 7" Basic collections should include: Eeneral References% Cultural% .ilipiniana% (u/anities% Social Science% Science and Technolo)- and Eeneral Education courses should have at least five (; titles per course B" 3rofessional (oldin)s *" At least five (; titles per professional course published within five (; -ears e1cept te1tboo&s in .inancial Accountin) and Auditin) which should have publication date of not earlier than $??;" (oldin)s shall include boo&s based on the /ost recent accountin)% auditin) standards and ta1 laws" C" 3eriodical Collection *" In addition to reference boo&s% the librar- shall /aintain a re)ular annual subscription to at least two ($ international and one (* local appropriate professional publication such as Journals and Biblio)raphies" The school is encoura)ed to subscribe to Ba)a2ines% !ewspapers% Bono)raphs and other periodicals" @" 5ibrar- Space *" The librar- should acco//odate at least fifteen (*;M percent of the total enrol/ent at an- one ti/e 1

7 E" !on43rint Baterials *" The librar- should be able to provide non4print /aterials s u c h a s C@4Ro/s% Internet Access% etc" Section ,$" There should be a universall- accepted librar- classification s-ste/ with card catalo)ues or a co/puter4based s-ste/" The open4shelf s-ste/ is encoura)ed" Section ,7" The librar- should be convenientl- located and open at reasonable hours for use of facult- and students" ARTICLE I# INSTRUCTIONAL and e4learnin)I f" Encoura)in) students to be STANDARDS active participants in the learnin) processI )" respond to the chan)in) needs of the Usin) /easure/ent and evaluation /ethods that international accountanc- profession as well as reflect the chan)in) &nowled)e% s&ills% and individual professional accountants" (ence% professional values% ethics% and attitudes their teachin) /ethods should focus on re0uired of professional accountantsI h" providin) students with the tools for self4 Inte)ratin) &nowled)e% s&ills% professional directed learnin) after the- beco/e professional values% ethics and attitudes across topics and accountants" Educators are free to adopt the disciplines to address /an-4sided and co/ple1 /ethods that wor& best in their particular situations t-pical of professional de/andsI i" cultures" (owever% the- /a- need to be trained E/phasi2in) proble/ identification and and encoura)ed to use a broad ran)e of learner4 proble/4solvin) which encoura)es identif-in) centered teachin) /ethods that include: a" relevant infor/ation% /a&in) lo)ical Usin) case studies% pro8ects and other /eans to assess/ents and co//unicatin) clear si/ulate wor& situationsI b" Aor&in) in )roupsI conclusionsI 8" E1plorin) research findin)sI and c" Adaptin) instructional /ethods and /aterials &" Sti/ulatin) students to develop professional to the ever4chan)in) environ/ent in which the s&epticis/ and professional 8ud)/ent" professional accountant wor&sI d" 3ursuin) a Education pro)ra/s need to include reflection curriculu/ that encoura)es self learnin) so that when students are re0uired to consider an students learn to learn on their own and carre1perience% what went well% what did not wor& out this s&ill with the/ after beco/in) and what approach should be ta&en in the future professional accountantsI e" Usin) technolo)- in si/ilar circu/stances" Section ,," Educators deliverin) professional accountin) education pro)ra/s need to

8 Section ,;" @eliverin) all of these teachin) /ethods in a purel- acade/ic environ/ent is not the onl- solution" Inte)ration of education and practical e1perience can brin) benefits b- drawin) on wor&4based e1a/ples to enable students to appl- &nowled)e" A well4desi)ned pro)ra/ of on4the4 8ob trainin) can deliver /an- of the re0uired e1periences" Supervisors% /entors and others involved in practical e1perience /a- need to be trained in the /ost effective wa- of plannin) practical e1perience" Section ,<" =ther learnin) /ethods include: a" Aor&in) in )roups and in4office environ/entsI b" Inte)ration of professional &nowled)e% professional s&ills% and professional values% ethics and attitudes across topics and practice in proble/ solvin)I and c" Reflection and post4i/ple/entation wor& reviews as a /eans of learnin)" Section ,#" Class si2e should preferabl- not e1ceed fort- (,? students" If an e1ception cannot be avoided for lecture classes in professional accountin) or C3A Boardrelated courses% the nu/ber /a- be increased to no /ore than fift- (;? students dependin) on the si2e of roo/ and its acoustics" ARTICLE # ADMISSION AND RETENTION STANDARDS Section ,>" The standards of ad/ission to% and retention in the BSA pro)ra/% should be sufficientl- ri)orous and de/andin) to /eet the needs of the profession and /erit the respect of the public" Section ,+" Universities and colle)es offerin) the BSA pro)ra/ should adopt a selective ad/ission polic-" Applicants for ad/ission should be screened on the basis of their colle)e entrance e1a/inations% hi)h school class standin)C)rade point avera)e% interviews% and other appropriate /eans" E0uivalenc- credits for non4for/al coursesCwor& e1perience should be )ranted upon ad/ission" Schools /a- establish /a1i/u/ allowable e0uivalenc- credits andCor validated credits% but these /ust not e1ceed sevent-4five (#;M per cent of the total units re0uired to /eet the prescribed residence re0uire/ent for the course" Section ;?" Ad/ission to the BSA pro)ra/ should be restricted to students who can de/onstrate a hi)h probabilit- of success in the stud- of accountin) throu)h satisfactor- acade/ic perfor/ance% a 0ualif-in) e1a/ination% an interview% andCor other appropriate /eans" The school is )iven the privile)e to re0uire standard ad/ission re0uire/ents to the pro)ra/ as reflected in its /anual of re)ulations for students" As part of the ad/ission re0uire/ents to the Accountanc- 3ro)ra/% students should /eet an En)lish lan)ua)e re0uire/ent to be set b- the Colle)eC@epart/ent" An En)lish 3roficienc- test shall therefore be )iven to all 1

9 applicants and those who fail to /eet the )rade re0uire/ent will need to under)o an En)lish Brid)in) 3ro)ra/ (e")" En)lish ? " En)lish ? is a course that brid)es the )ap between the fresh/en6s previous En)lish lan)ua)e 0ualifications and those conditionall- accepted in the Accountanc3ro)ra/" The course provides a cultural conte1t for developin) lan)ua)e s&ills% content &nowled)e and autono/ous learnin)" Classes focus on acade/ic s&ills and preparation for the readin)% writin)% spea&in) and listenin)% note4ta&in) and research that the students will be underta&in) in the pro)ra/. The pro)ra/ is a ,?4hour pro)ra/ ta&en durin) the first curriculu/ -ear of the pro)ra/ preferabl- durin) the su//er prior enrollin) in the 3ro)ra/" If the student successfull- co/pletes this pro)ra/% he is ad/itted to the Accountanc- 3ro)ra/" Section ;*" Students should be allowed to continue in the BSA pro)ra/ onl- b/aintainin) a satisfactor- )rade level as stated in the school retention polic-" To ensure that )rades are a fair /easure of acade/ic perfor/ance% the followin) /easures should be ta&en: a" .inal depart/ental e1a/inations of sufficient len)th and co/ple1it- should be re0uired in all accountin)% /ana)erial finance% C3A Boardrelated courses% and preferabl-% in all business core sub8ects" b" All e1a/inations should be properl- supervised and proctored" c" Eradin) should be based on a definite and unifor/ polic- specif-in) the wei)hts for periodic 0ui22es% for/al e1a/inations% recitations% and other factors used in deter/inin) final )rades" d" The inte)rit- of final )rades should be protected" S e c t i o n ; $ " A s a ) e n e r a l r u l e % n o B S A d e ) r e e c a n b e c o n f e r r e d u p o n a s t u d e n t u n l e s s h e h a s ta&en the last curriculu/ -ear of the pro)ra/ in the institution which is to confer the de)ree" Section ;7" !o student should be per/itted to ta&e an- course until he has satisfactorilpassed the prere0uisite courses" Anne1 C is a flowchart showin) the courses and their pre4re0uisites" A student shall be allowed to carr- onl- the re)ular se/estral load of the school as allowed b- C(E@" ARTICLE #I RESEARCH Section ;," Schools of Accountanc- should underta&e research and operate with a co/petent and 0ualified research staff which /a- be shared with other units in the Colle)e or Universit-" The co/petence of the research staff /a- be 8ud)ed b- the scholarl- output of their wor&" 2

0 Section ;;" Tea/ research /a- be underta&en b- two or /ore facult- /e/bers% with or without the assistance of students who are enrolled in si/ilar or allied disciplines" .acult- /e/bers who are assi)ned to do research wor& should be dee/ed to have rendered teachin)" (onoraria and other incentives /a- be provided" Section ;<" The ad/inistration should encoura)e and support research a/on) its students

and facult- and pro/ote utili2ation of research findin)s for i/prove/ent of teachin) /ethodolo)-% education% and accountin) practices" 3ublication of research wor& should be underta&en in an in4house 8ournal or other acade/ic 8ournals" ARTI CLE #II LIN$A"ES %ITH OTHER SCHOOLS, USINESS ESTA LISHMENTS, PU LIC SECTOR ("OVERNMENT A"ENCIES) AND ACCOUNTIN" PRACTITIONERS

with business establish/ents% public sector ()overn/ent a)encies and accountin) practitioners to e1pose their students to the practical applications of business and accountanc- &nowled)e to real4life situations" These /a- be in the for/ of field visits b- students to business establish/ents or accountin)

fir/sCoffices% and infor/ative lectures on current accountin) trends and issues b- leadin) practitioners" 5i&ewise% Schools of Accountancshould )et business establish/ents and accountin) practitioners involved in curriculu/ /atters since as prospective e/plo-ees% the- are the intended users of the output of the accountin) pro)ra/


A RTICLE #III STANDARDS OF PERFORMAN Section ;#" Schools of Accountanc- are encoura)ed to for/ the/selves into a networ& or to )o into a consortiu/ arran)e/ent to be able to share available resources" Section ;>" Schools of Accountanc- are also encoura)ed to establish lin&a)e or networ&in)

an entr-4level professional accountant" Such attributes and &nowled)e are found in a )raduate who has ac0uired: a" The necessarconceptual% philosophical% and theoretical foundations of the professionI b" Gnowled)e of the basic principles% practices% and /ethodolo)ies of the professionI and c" The professional and educational s&ills% attitudes% co/petencies% values% and behavioral attributes of the professional accountant"

Section ;+" Eraduates of the BSA pro)ra/ should possess the attributes and &nowled)e of

1 Section <?" Eraduates of the BSA pro)ra/ should be capable of passin) the C3A licensure e1a/inations" This standard should not be interpreted as favorin) acade/ic pro)ra/s narrowldesi)ned to coach candidates for such e1a/ination" Section <*" Eraduates of the professional accountin) school or pro)ra/ should be capable of wor&in) effectivel- as entr- level professional accountants and should have the capacit- for )rowth to positions of increased responsibilit-" The total effectiveness of a school or pro)ra/ should be evaluated in ter/s of the success of its )raduates in obtainin) e/plo-/ent and in advancin) in their career as professional accountants" ARTICLE #IV EFFECTIVIT! Section <$" These /ini/u/ curricular standards shall ta&e effect in School Near $??#4$??>" ARTICLE #V REPEALIN" CLAUSE



Section <7" All pertinent rules and re)ulations of parts thereof that are inconsistent with the provisions of this polic- are hereb- repealed or /odified accordin)l-" Section <," The Co//ission shall be constrained to ta&e appropriate action re)ardin) the operation of an- school of accountanc- if an- of the afore/entioned /ini/u/ curricular re0uire/ents are not /et" .urther% poor perfor/ance of the )raduates in ten (*? C3A Board E1a/inations within a period of five -ears could lead to the )radual phase4out and eventual closure of the school6s accountanc- pro)ra/ in accordance with C(E@6s policies and procedures" So ordered" 3asi) Cit-% 3hilippines% Januar- $$% $??#" 2

2 ANNE A! SUGGESTED COURSE DESCRIPTIONS" COURSE OUT#INE AND REFERENCES A. Gene$%l E&uc%tion Cou$ses Co*rse Ti+,e- Co((*)i.'+io) S/i,,s, P'r+ I Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This is a stud- and practice of the principles of correct writin) and the clear and lo)ical presentation of ideas" The course focuses on developin) the students6 writin) s&ills throu)h the introduction of the different t-pes of e1positor- writin) and other for/s of discourse" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" =rientation dia)nostic testCself4assess/ent $" Introduction to process approach to writin) $"*" Eeneratin) a topic $"$" Identif-in) purpose% audience% and tone 7" =utlinin) and overview of the essa- (Era//ar focus: parallelis/ 7"*" Essa- writin) ele/ents: thesis state/ent% supportin) details% introductor- and concludin) state/ents 7"$" 3arts of the essa-: the thesis% the para)raph% the sentence 7"7" Basics of essawritin): identif-in) theses% properl- structurin) para)raphs 7"," Usin) vivid lan)ua)e 7";" 3ersuasive essa-s: ar)u/ents% verbs% clauses 7"<" 3ersonal essa-s% personal st-le ," Review of para)raph writin) ,"*" Ele/ents of a para)raph (topic sentence% supportin) details% concludin) state/ent and cohesive devices ,"$" Scorin) a ;;; 3ara)raph ;" =verview of e1positor- t-pes ;"*" 3ersonal narrative 2

3 ;"$" Ar)u/ent and persuasive writin)6 ;"7" Rhetorical anal-sis <" !arration <"*" Basic structures of narrative for/ <"$" Stor- versus discourse <"7" 3roairetic versus her/eneutic codes of narrative <"," !arrative and e1pressive writin) #" @escription #"*" @escriptive writin): writin) coherent sentences (sub8ectCverbCpronounCnoun a)ree/entCeli/inatin) sentence shifts #"$" @escriptive para)raph #"7" @escriptive and narrative writin) >" @efinition >"*" Three steps to effective definition >"$" Choosin) a definition >"7" Thesis state/ent of a definition essa- >"," (ow to write an effective definition essa+" Anal-sis +"*" T-pes of causes +"$" .indin) a topic to write about +"7" T-pical wa-s of or)ani2in) an anal-sis essa- +"," Tips for writin) causal anal-sis essa-s *?" 3roble/4Solution *?"*" Basic features of proble/4solution essa-s (well defined proble/% a proposed solution% a convincin) ar)u/ent% a reasonable tone% *?"$" (ow to write an effective proble/ and solution essa**" Classification and division **"*" Classification structure **"$" @ivision structure **"7" Selectin) topics for classification and division essa-s 2

4 **"," (ow to write effective classification and division essa-s *$" Co/parison4contrast *$"*" Co/parison versus contrast *$"$" Choosin) a topic for a co/parison4contrast essa- *$"7" Brainstor/in) *$"," @evelopin) a thesis *$";" =r)ani2in) the co/parisonCcontrast essa- *$"<" (ow to write effective co/parisonCcontrast essa-s *7" Cause and effect *7"*" Aritin) cause and effect docu/ented essa- *7"$" Usin) boo&s% articles% interviews% newspapers% on4line websites and speciali2ed enc-clopedias to find infor/ation re)ardin) the causes and effects of a topic *," 3rocess e1planation *,"*" Aritin) process essa-s *,"$" Aritin) an operations /anual *,"7" Aritin) product installation /anual *;" Infor/ative essa*;"*" Aritin) an infor/ative essa- *;"$" Usin)% citin)% and docu/entin) sources S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es @unbar% Cle/ent et" al" (*++, " Assignments in e&'osition" **th Ed" USA: (arper Collins" .orte2% Elenda et" al (*++$ " E&'o %%" LC: Biria/ Colle)e Boo&store Jaleco% Re-naldo J" (*+++ " Process a''roach to e&'ository (riting Banila: UST 3ublishin) (ouse" 5an)an% John" ($??? " College (riting skills Boston: BcEraw4(ill" Bccarth-% Tara" (*++> " E&'ository (riting !ew Nor&: Scholastic 3rofessional Boo&s" 2

5 Co*rse Ti+,e- Co((*)i.'+io) S/i,,s, P'r+ II Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+eCo//unication S&ills% 3art I Co*rse Des.ri2+io) The course is desi)ned to develop the students6 oral co//unication s&ills for effective personal% )roup% and public co//unication in the various disciplines" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" 3erception and hu/an co//unication *"* Ferbal and non4verbal co//unication *"$ 5in)uistic /odels of /eanin) *"7 Co//unication and co)nition $" Copin) with nervousness and speech an1iet$"* Ahat -ou can do about nervousness or sta)efri)ht $"$ Speech an1iet-: how -ou )ot it% rela1ation trainin) and s-ste/atic desensiti2ation 7" 3ractical speech activities 7"* Self4confidence 7"$ Effective listenin) 7"7 Effective 0uestionin) 7", @ealin) with difficult people 7"; 3ersuasion ," .or/al speech activities ,"* E1te/poraneous speech ,"$ =ral report or presentation ,"7 3anel discussion ,", I/pro/ptu ,"; Interpretative readin) ;" 3reparin) a speech ;"* Aritin) 2

6 ;"$ Revision <" .or/al presentation <"* Basics of presentation <"$ Three /ain t-pes of presentations: narrative% infor/ative% and infor/ative <"7 Usin) visual support when presentin) #" Ar)u/entation or debate #"l 5istenin)% understandin) and respondin) to those -ou disa)ree with #"$ Constructin) clear% powerful% and co/ple1 ar)u/ents% both orall- and in writin) #"7 Assessin) the 0ualit- of ar)u/ents% both -our own and others6 #", Evaluatin) infor/ation -ou find in -our research% especiall- on the Aeb #"; En)a)in) in debate% vi)orousl- and civill- #"< @esi)nin) debate for/ats that will fairl- and efficientl- achieve -our purposes #"# (ow to develop self4confidence as an ar)uer S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es A-res% J D J Biller" (*++? " E""ective Public S'eaking )rd ed" A/" C" Brown 3ublisher" th Carlile% C" D @aniel A" (*++* " Pro*ect Te&t "or Public S'eaking + ed (arper Collins 3ub" @obson% J" (*++# " E""ective Techni,ues "or English Conversation Grou's !ewbur(ouse 3ub"% Aashin)ton% @C" .orte2% E"% et" al" Breakthrough- A S'eech Book "or College Students Biria/ Colle)e Boo&store rd Jaffe% Clella" ($??* " Public S'eaking- Conce'ts and Skills "or a .iverse Society/ ) ed Bel/ont: Aadsworth" 2

7 Co*rse Ti+,e- Si)i)3 )3 P'/i/i2'3+','s+'s') Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) Su/asa&law an) &urson) ito sa pa)linan) n) /)a &asana-an sa &o/uni&as-on) pasalita at pasulat" 5ilinan)in an) apat na /a&ron) &asana-an sa pa&i&ini)% pa)sasalita% pa)basa at 3a)sulat sa pa/a/a)itan n) iba6t iban) te1to and &onte1to" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" 3a)&ilala sa isa6t isa *"* =r-entas-on sa 3a/bansan) &ala)a-an n) bansa na na&aan)&la sa usapin n) wi&a at edu&as-on *"$ Ai&an) .ilipino H Gahulu)an at &au)na-an sa pa/bansan) &a/ala-an *"7 3ani/ulan) )aba- sa ispelin) at an)&op na )a/it n) salita $" Go/uni&as-on $"* 3roseso $"$ @epinis-on $"7 Gahala)ahan $", Apat na perspe&tiba $"; Berbal at di Berbal $"< Spea&in) a-on &a- @el (-/es $"# Ele/ento n) /asinin) na pa)papaha-a) 7" 3a&i&ini) 7"* Gahulu)an at &ahala)ahan 7"$ Garaniwan) san)&ap 7"7 B)a uri 7", B)a ba)a- na /aaarin) /a)in) hadlan) 7"; B)a paraan upan) /apabuti ," 3a)sasalita ,"* =ral 2

8 ,"$ Salawi&ain% &awi&aan% sawi&ain at &asabihan ,"7 3a)tatalu/pati ;" 3a)basa ;"* Uri ;"$ B)a dapat bi)-an)4pansin ;"7 B)a suliranin) nabubuo ;", B)a palatandaan ;"; B)a dapat isaalan)4alan) ;"< 3a)babasa n) tula <" 3a)sulat <"* 3anunuirn) pa/peli&ulaCpantelebis-on <"$ 3a)sulat n) surin)4basa <" 7 Go/posis-on <" , 3a)sulat n) liha/ pan)&aibi)an at liha/ pan)&ala&al S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Se/orlan% Teresita% et"al" (*++# " Sining ng 0omunikasyon 1Pagbasa/ Pagsasalita/ Pakikinig/ Pagsulat2 Lue2on Cit-: Biria/ Colle)e .oundation% Inc" Banasca% .elicitas R" ($??7 " Sining ng Pakiki'agtalastasan" Lue2on Cit-: Gatha 3ublishin)" Tu/an)an% Alcontiser" (*++# " Sining ng Pakiki'agtalastasan Lue2on Cit-: !ew Eala1ie" Tu/an)an% Alcontiser ($??? " Sining ng Pakiki'agtalastasan 1'andalabhasan2 Falen2uela Cit-: But-a 3ublishin) (ouse" Pakiki'agtalastasan- Pili'ino sa 0olehiyo % Sa/uel% Irinea" (*+>+ " Sining ng Banila: RBS"


Co*rse Ti+,e- P'35's'6P'3s*,'+ s' I5'7+ I5')3 Disi2,i)' Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Sinin) n) 3a&i&ipa)talastasan Co*rse Des.ri2+io) An) &urson) ito a- /a)bibi)apo&us sa pa)basa at pa)susulat bilan) instru/ento sa pa)&atuto" Ituturo sa &urson) ito an) /)a estratehi-a sa pa)basa n) iba6t iban) )enre n) /)a te&ston) na&asulat" 5ilinan)in din an) /)a &asana-an sa pa)unawa lalo n) an) &riti&al na pa)unawa% )a-un din an) &asana-an sa pa)sulat n) iba6t iban) sulatin) a&ade Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Ai&a bilan) /id-u/ n) &aala/an *"* Gonsepto *"$ Gahulu)an *"7 B)a &atan)ian *", Gahala)ahan $" 5ohi&al na or)anisas-on n) /)a te1ton) binabasa $"* B)a hali/bawa $"$ 3a)susuri sa or)anisas-on $"7 3a)&ilala sa estilon) pan)wi&a 7" B)a &asana-an sa pa)basa 7"* 3a)papalawa& n) Fo&abular-o 7"$ B)a &asana-an sa pa)unawa 7"7 B)a &asana-an) paaral ," B)a &asana-an sa pa)sulat ,"* 3a)sulat n) iba6t iban) te1to ,"$ 3a)sulat na /ali&hain ,"7 3a)sulat n) /)a &riti&al na pa)papaha-a) ;" 3ananali&si& ;"* 5a-unin ;"$ 3roseso ;"7 3an)an)alap at pa)lalahad n) datos 3

0 ;", 3a))awa n) biblio)rapi S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Bernale2% Rolando A" ($??* " Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa !bat3ibang .isi'lina" Falen2uela Cit-: But-a 3ublishin) (ouse" Casanova% Arthur 3" ($??* " Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa !bat3ibang .isi'lina Banila: Re1 Boo& Store" Saluco% Consolacion 3" (*++> " Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa !bat3ibang .isi'lina" Lue2on Cit-: Gatha 3ublishin)" Tu/an)an% Alcontiser (*++# " Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa !bat3ibang .isi'lina Banila: Euadalupe" 3

1 Co*rse Ti+,e- P&i,i22i)e Li+er'+*re Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Co//unication S&ills% 3art II Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is a stud- of the literar- for/s or )enres as e1e/plified b- selected literar- te1ts fro/ various re)ions of the 3hilippines written at different periods in 3hilippine literar- histor-" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" =rientation to course *"* The disciplines of histor- and literature *"$ 3hilippine historical periods and land/ar& te1ts $" 3re4colonial period $"*" Riddles D proverbs% short poe/s% fol& son)s $"*"*" .ilipino riddles% proverbs% short poe/s (e")" tana)a% a/bahan% etc $"*"$" I/a)er- and versification of precolonial short poe/s $"*"7" Co//on sub8ects and the/es $"$" B-ths ( 9aswan):% 9nuno sa punso:% 9/ananan))al: $"7" 5e)ends (Baria Ba&ilin)% Bara)tas% 5e)end of the S&- $"," Epics $","*" Epic6s i/a)es and the/es versus those of the short poe/s $","$" .ol& poetic tradition (her/etic and didactic $","7" Sa/ple epics: Bindanao epic (@aran)an I Ilocano epic (5a/4an) 7" Spanish period ,"* Reli)ious poetr- H pas-on ,"$ Reli)ious dra/a in Spanish colonial period ,"7 3ropa)anda /ove/ent and revolutionar- literature ," A/erican period D influences ,"*" Ta)alo) poetr- fro/ the A/erican colonial period to conte/porar- ti/es ,"$" Bala)tasis/o vs" Bodernis/o ,"7" 3hilippine poetr- in En)lish 3

2 ,"," 3hilippine fiction in .ilipino and En)lish ;" Bodern trends (*+,;4O#?s ;"*" Aesterni2ation of post4war .ilipino writers ;"$" Banuel Ar)uilla6s (ow B- Brother 5eon Brou)ht (o/e a Aife and =ther Stories ;"7" Carlos Bulosan6s A/erica is in the (eart ;"," !" F" B" Eon2ales6 Seven (ills Awa- ;";" .rancisco Arcellena6s @ivide b- Two ;"<" Bienvenido Santos6 Nou 5ovel- 3eople ;"#" Ere)orio Brillantes6 @istance to Andro/eda and =ther Short Stories ;">" JavellanaJs Aithout Seein) the @awn ;"+" .rancisco Sionil JoseJs /onu/ental Rosales sa)a <" Bore conte/porar- (O>?s to present <"*" 5iterature under the Republic <"$" The Barcos -ears: literature of protest <"7" 5iterature after E@SA <"7"*" Aritin)s b- .ilipino wo/en <"7"$" Eaand lesbian literature <"7"7" Bosle/ .ilipino literature <"7"," Go/i&s as .ilipino literature S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Abad% Ee/ino" (*++> " The 4ikhaan Anthology o" Phili''ine 4iterature in English "rom %556 to the Present Lue2on Cit-: U3CAC" Cro)han% Richard" (*++< " The .evelo'ment o" Phili''ine 4iterature in English LC: 3hoeni1 3ublishin) (ouse" 5u/bera% Bienvenido and C-nthia 5u/bera" (*+++ " Phili''ine 4iterature- 7istory and Anthology Banila: !ational Boo&store" 5u/bera% Bienvenido et" al" ($??* " #ili'inos 8riting- Phili''ine 4iterature "rom the 9egions 3asi) Cit-: Anvil" th Bara/ba% Asuncion @avid" (*+#> " Phili''ine Contem'orary 4iterature : ed 3

3 Co*rse Ti+,e- I)+ro0*.+io) +o P&i,oso2&8 9i+& Lo3i. : Cri+i.', T&i)/i)3 Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course deals with the various ele/ents and /ethods essential in the develop/ent of critical thin&in)" It hones the students6 reasonin) s&ills and capacit- to 0uestion% and presents the/ a wide ran)e of lo)ical fra/ewor&s with which to effectivel- anal-2e and evaluate ar)u/ents and truth clai/s% to discover and overco/e pre8udices and biases% to construct stron) and lo)ical ar)u/ents% and to /a&e reasonable and intelli)ent decisions" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Introduction *"*" Ahat is 3hilosoph-P *"$" !ature and i/portance of critical thin&in) *"7" Characteristics of a critical thin&er $" @efinition of basic ter/s $"*" Idea% proposition and ar)u/ent $"$" 3re/ise and conclusion $"7" Reco)ni2in) ar)u/ents $"," Truth% lo)ic and soundness 7" 5an)ua)e 7"*" A/bi)uit- and va)ueness 7"$" Ferbal disputes 7"7" Ginds of definition 7"," Rules of definition 7";" Uses of lan)ua)e ," @eductive reasonin) ,"*" @eductive ar)u/ents ,"$" Ginds and properties of propositions ,"7" Cate)orical s-llo)is/s 3

4 ,"," Rules for cate)orical s-llo)is/s ,";" (-pothetical s-llo)is/s ,"<" Rules for h-phothetical s-llo)is/s ;" Inductive reasonin) ;"*" Inductive ar)u/ents ;"$" Eenerali2atio n ;"7" (-phothesis testin) ;"," Analo)ical ar)u/ent < " . a l l a c i e s <"*" !ature of fallac- <"$" .allacies of a/bi)uit- <"7" .allacies of relevance S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es 35 (u)hes% A" (*++$ " Critical Thinking =ntario: Broadview 3ress" (urle-% 3" J" (*++# " A Concise !ntroduction to 4ogic 1+th ed 2 Bel/ont: Aadsworth" n

Racho% Evan)elista% Bernardo D Banaloto" ($??$ " E""ective 9easoning ($ edition Lue2on Cit-: Biria/ Colle)e Research and 3ublication =ffice" nd Conwa-% @"A" D Bunson% R" (*++# " The Elements o" 9easoning ($ ed" Bel/ont: Aadsworth" th Copi% I"B" D Cohen% C" ($??$ " !ntroduction to 4ogic (** ed" 5ondon: 3rentice4(all"

Co*rse Ti+,e- Ar+, M') ')0 Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is a )eneral stud- of art and desi)n% their various for/s and structures% personal and cultural functions% and the roles of artists in societ-" It also includes basic theor- and practice in art production% aesthetics% art criticis/ and art histor- in relation to dail- life% culture% careers and other learnin) areas Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Aesthetics *"* Art and hu/anities *"$ !ature of art *"7 Art and beaut- *", Art and e1periences *"; 3erception and awareness $" Art theor- and criticis/ $"* Art for/s: visual% auditor- and perfor/in) arts $"$ 5an)ua)e of art: ele/ents and principles of desi)n $"7 Sub8ect% /ediu/% techni0ue $", St-le (i"e"% I/pressionis/% Abstract% Cubis/% Realis/ and Surrealis/ $"; Beanin)% content% and function of art $"< S-nthesis 7" Art 3roduction 7"* Two4di/ensional and three di/ensional art 7"$ Crafts ," Art histor,"* Art% societ- and culture ,"$ Roles of artists in cultural pro)ress ,"7 3rehistoric art% ancient river civili2ations 3

6 ,", Art of ancient Ereece and Ro/e ,"; Bedieval a)es and Renaissance ,"< S-nthesis S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Barnard% Balcol/ et" al" (*++> " Art/ .esign and ;isual Culture An !ntro 7oundmills/ Bac/illan 3ress 5td" CCP Encyclo'edia o" Phili''ine Art" Fols" *4*? (*++, Banila: Cultural Center of the 3hilippines" Bartin% ." @" (*++7 " The 7umanities through the Arts" !N: BcEraw4(ill% Inc" !ate/an% @" (*++, " !ntroduction to Art !N: BcEraw4(ill% Inc" =rti2% B""A"% et"al" (*+#< Art- Perce'tion and A''reciation" Banila: Universit- of the East" 3

7 Co*rse Ti+,e- Co,,e3e A,3e5r' Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This is a course in Eeneral Bathe/atics for .irst Near Students which deals with the .unda/entals 3rinciples of Colle)e Al)ebra" Topics include 5inear E0uations% Ine0ualities% Luadratic E0uations% .unctions% S-ste/s of 5inear E0uations in two or three variables% Batrices and @eter/inants and Se0uences and Series" A review on the operations of 3ol-no/ial% .ractions and Radicals is also included" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Solution of linear e0uations *"*" =ne4step e0uations *"$" Bulti4step e0uations *"7" !o solution *"," All 1 e0uations $" S-ste/s of linear e0uations $"*" Solvin) b- )raphin) $"$" Substitution $"7" Eli/inationCaddition $"," Eaussian eli/ination 7" Batrices and deter/inants 7"*" Batrices and s-ste/s of e0uations 7"$" =perations with /atrices 7"7" The inverse of a s0uare /atri1 7"," The deter/inant of a s0uare /atri1 7";" Application of /atrices and deter/inants ," Aord proble/s involvin) linear e0uations ,"*" Aord proble/s ,"$" Aord proble/s with cost (chart setup 3

8 ;" 5inear ine0ualities ;"*" Solvin) linear ine0ualities in one variable ;"$" Solvin) linear ine0ualities in two variables ;"7" Solvin) s-ste/s of two linear ine0ualities in two variables )raphicall<" 3ol-no/ials <"*" Addition of pol-no/ials <"$" Subtraction of pol-no/ials <"7" Bultiplication of pol-no/ials <"," @ivision of pol-no/ials #" =perations on fractions #"*" Si/plif-in) fractions #"$" Co/ple1 fractions >" Radicals >"*" =peratin) radicals >"$" Rationali2in) radicals +" Luadratic e0uations +"*" Solvin) 0uadratic e0uations +"$" .indin) the 0uadratic e0uations )iven the roots" *?" Aord proble/s leadin) to 0uadratic e0uations **" Se0uences and series **"*" Appl-in) for/ulas of se0uences and series to word proble/s **"$" Increasin) and decreasin) se0uences **"7" Conver)ence and diver)ence **"," Infinite series *$" .unctions and )raphs *$"* .unctions and their )raphs: s-//etr- *$"$ @rawin) )raphs of functions 3

5ouis" ($??$ " College Algebra and Trigonometry" Sin)apore: 3earson Education" .ris&% 3eter @" and R" @avid Eustafson" 3ere2% An)elita 3" ($??$ " College Algebra College Algebra (>th Ed " Cole 3ublishin) Co" Banila: Sta" Bonica 3rintin) Corporation" Ealicanao4Adan2a% Estela" (*++; " College Re-es% .e !" ($??$ " College Algebra" Lue2on Algebra" Banila: Re1 Boo&store" 5eithold% Cit-: U3 =pen Universit40

S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es-

Co*rse Ti+,e- M'+&e('+i.s o4 I);es+(e)+ Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Colle)e Al)ebra Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course covers the basic /athe/atical tools and operations /et in invest/ents proble/s" It deals with theories% applications and /athe/atical aspects of interests% discount% present value% annuities% a/orti2ation and perpetuities" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Interest and discounts *"*" Co/putation of si/ple interest and discount *"$" Calculatin) ti/e between dates" *"7" Solvin) the present value and the a/ount of /one- invested" *"," @iscountin) pro/issor- note $" Co/pound interest $"*" Solvin) proble/s involvin) co/pound interest" $"$" Co/putation of no/inal rate and effective rate" $"7" Co/parin) different varieties of co/pound interest" $"," Aritin) and solvin) an e0uation of values" 7" Si/ple annuities 7"*" Solvin) the present value and a/ount of the various t-pes of annuities" 7"$" Calculatin) un&nown rate% ti/e% and periodic pa-/ent" ," A/orti2ation and sin&in) fund ,"*" Co/putation of interest and outstandin) principal in an- a/orti2ation pa-/ent" ,"$" Co/putation of interest and the )rowth in fund in the for/ation of a sin&in) fund" ,"7" Constructin) and anal-2in) sin&in) fund and a/orti2ation schedules" ,"," Retirin) a debt usin) the sin&in) fund /ethod ;" @epreciation 4

1 ;"*" Appl-in) effectivel- the /ethods of depreciation" ;"$" Construction and anal-2in) depreciation schedules" <" Inco/e and ta1ation <"*" Co/putation of inco/e ta1 based on various t-pes of inco/e" #" Stoc& and Bonds #"*" Appl-in) the interest for/ula in co/putin) returns fro/ the purchase of stoc&s and bonds" >" Insurance >"*" Co/putation of present value and pre/iu/ of various t-pes of insurance" >"$" Identif-in) the /ost appropriate insurance for the protection of life and propert-" S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Altares% 3riscila S" ($??7 <athematics o" !nvestment" Banila: Re1 Boo& Store" @a-rid% Ben8a/in C" ($??$ <athematics o" !nvestment" Banila: N/as 3ublishin) (ouse" Euthrie% E" and 5e/on% 5" ($??7 " <athematics o" !nterest and #inance" 3rentice (all" !ocon% .erdinand" ($??? " <odern <athematics o" !nvestment" Bandalu-on) Cit-: !ational Boo& Store" 4

2 Co*rse Ti+,e- P&8si.', Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is desi)ned for students with li/ited bac&)round andCor aptitude in the !atural Sciences" It focuses on basic ideas of /odern ph-sics% the che/ical nature of our ph-sical environ/ent% )eolo)ical forces that build and shape the earth6s surface% and the ori)in and fate of the universe" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Introduction *"*" !ature and pervasive role of ph-sical science in societ- *"$" Classical ph-sics vCs /odern ph-sics *"7" Alche/- vCs che/istr$" The Special Theor- of Relativit- (A" Einstein $"* 3ostulates of relativit- constanc- of the laws of ph-sics and the speed of li)ht $"$ Ti/e dilation $"7 5en)th contraction $", E0uivalenc- of /ass and ener)-: EQ/cR $"; Relativistic effects: twin parado1% @oppler Effect (Red4Shift 7" !ature of li)ht 7"* Electro/a)netic waves and the electro/a)netic spectru/ (EBS 7"$ 3article H properties of waves (5i)ht 7"7 3roperties of particles (electron % @e Bro)lie Aave D (eisenber)6s Uncertaint3rinciple ," Ato/ic structure and ato/ic spectra ,"* Rutherferds6 nuclear ato/ ,"$ Bohr ato/: ener)- levels D spectra ,"7 Luantu/ nu/bers ,", Radioactivit- D nuclear reactions 4

3 ;" Co/position and interaction of /atter ;"* Earth6s natural non4renewable resources: the periodic table of ele/ents and their periodic ele/ents ;"$ Che/ical bonds and /olecule for/ation ;"7 To1ic che/icals and ha2ardous wastes ;", 3h-sical bondin) and chan)e of phase <" .orces that build and shape the earth <"* Earth6s internal structure: crust% /antle and core <"$ 3late tectonics <"7 @iastrophis/: volcanis/% earth0ua&es% (tsuna/is <", Erosion D weatherin): acid rain and che/ical weatherin) #" Cos/olo)-: the ori)in and the fate of the universe #"* The 9Bi) Ban): #"$ The e1pansion of the universe and relativit>" Special topics and environ/ental issues >"* Bio)eoche/ical c-cles: C% =% !% 3 >"$ Renewable for/ of ener)- >"7 .ossil fuels >", Cli/ate chan)e D i/pacts on health% a)riculture% biodiversit-% D /iti)ation and adaptation /easures >"; 3hotoche/ical s/o) and industrial s/o) >"< Acid rain: (sources% causes and i/pacts on plants and ani/als >"# C.Cs and stratospheric o2one depletion >"> To1ic che/icals and ha2ardous wastes >"+ Allo-s and industrial /etals >"*? Ener)- transfer in the at/osphere: E(E D E(E >"** 5i)ht and its application >"*$ S-nthetic pol-/er >"*7 (eav/etals in the environ/ent >"*, 3ersistent or)anic pollutant (3=3s 4

4 S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es (ewitt% 3"E" (*++> " En)lewood% CA" rd Cutnell% Conce'tual Physics% > Beiser% J"@" and Johnson% G"A" (*++; " Physics" 7 ed" Fol" * and **% Arthur" ($??7 " Conce'ts o" John Aill- and Sons% !N" thnd <odern Physics/ < ed"% BcEraw4(ill% !"N" th Brown% ed"% Addison H Aesle-% !N" Grane% Genneth (*++< " et" al (*++, " The Central Science% < ed" !J: 3rentice (all% Bodern 3h-sics% $ ed"% John Aile- and Sons% Inc"% !N" t


Co*rse Ti+,e- io,o3i.', Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course deals with basic concepts and current develop/ents in cell biolo)-% plant and ani/al anato/- and ph-siolo)-% and ecolo)-" @iscussion of relevant biolo)ical and environ/ental issuesCproble/s will be hi)hli)hted in this course" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Biolo)-4 the stud- of life *"*" The scientific process *"$" The characteristics of life *"7" The classification of livin) thin)s $" Cell: structure and function $"* Biotechnolo)- $"$ Issues and concerns $"7 Scientific in0uir7" 3lant anato/- and ph-siolo)7"* Bod- or)ani2ation and function 7"$ 3lant responses to environ/ental sti/uli 7"7 Role of plants in /aintainin) balanced ecos-ste/ 7", Scientific in0uir," (u/an anato/- and ph-siolo),"* Introduction to the hu/an bod- ,"$ Che/ical% cellular and tissue levels of or)ani2ations ,"7 The inte)u/entars-ste/ ,", The s&eletal s-ste/ ,"; Buscular and nervous tissues ,"; Spinal cord and spinal nerves ,"< Brain and cranial nerves 4

6 ,"# The nervous s-ste/ ,"> Sensor-% /otor and inte)rative s-ste/s ,"+ The special senses ,"*? =ther s-ste/s ;" Ecolo)-: basic biolo)ical concepts ;"* Basic biolo)ical concepts ;"$ Basic biolo)ical che/istr- ;"7 Basic cellular ph-siolo);", Basic evolutionarconcepts and the ori)in of life ;"; Basic ta1ono/and diversit- of livin) or)anis/s ;"< Basic ecolo)ical relationships a/on) species <" Biodiversit- and its i/portance <"* (istor- of life on earth <"$ Evolution and i/pact of hu/ans <"7 =ver4 e1ploitation of the oceans <", =ver4e1ploitation and its i/pact <"; Catalo)in)% /appin) and protectin) diversit- <"< Endan)ered species protection and recover- <"# Endan)ered terrestrial habitats <"> Endan)ered a0uatic habitats <"+ (u/an population )rowth and its i/pact S * 3 3 e s + e 0 R e 4 e r e ) . e s -

Ba)ner% 5ois B" (*++, " A 7istory o" 4i"e Sciences" ) ed" !ew Nor&: Barcel @e&&er" Bolles% Banuel Jr" C" ($??$ " Ecology/ Second Edition BcEraw4(ill Co/panies Inc"% !ew Nor&% !N"

and Susan R" Sin)er" ($??; " Tho/as B" S/ith" (*++> " 3ic&erin)% A"R" ($??? " Biology BcEraw4(ill Elements o" Biology Com'lete Biology =1ford% !ew Co/panies% Inc"% !ew Nor&% !N Ben8a/inCCu//in)s 3ublishin) Nor& Raven% 3eter ("% Eeor)e Co/pan-% Inc"% CA" r B" Johnson% Jonathan B" 5osos% S/ith% Robert 5eo% and d 47

Co*rse Ti+,e- F*)0'(e)+',s o4 Co(2*+er So4+9're ')0 A22,i.'+io)s Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course deals with the funda/entals of co/puter s-ste/% data processin) concepts% develop/ent of co/putin) device leadin) to the networ&in) principles% basic web pa)e develop/ent usin) BS Aord% E4/ail and Internet application% up to the co/ple1it- of usin) different window4based application pro)ra/s fro/ the latest version of BS =ffice pro)ra/s such as Aord% E1cel% and 3owerpoint" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" =rientation and introduction *"* Co/ponents of the co/puter s-ste/ *"$ @evelop/ent of co/putin) devices *"7 Classification of co/puters *", !u/ber s-ste/s *"; @ata processin) concept and /ethod $" !etwor&in) $"* Ahat is 5A!P $"$ Topolo)ies of 5A! $"7 Ahat is EAA!P 7" Aindows 3ro)ra/ 7"* Understandin) Aindows environ/ent 7"$ E1plorin) Aindows 7"7 Creatin) and rena/in) folders and files ," Internet ,"* Understandin) websites ,"$ 9Surfin): the Internet ,"7 Usin) different search en)ines and downloadin) of te1t and )raphics ;" Electronic /ail 4

8 <"* Sendin) and receivin) e4/ail <"$ .ile attach/ents <" Aord processin) <"* Runnin) the pro)ra/ <"$ Usin) wi2ards and help <"7 Understandin) the openin) screen <", Usin) toolbars and ob8ectsCicons <"; =penin) and savin) docu/entsCfiles <"< .or/attin) of docu/ents <"# Usin) and editin) AordArt <"> Insertin) pictures and )raphics <"+ Bullets and nu/berin) <"*? Creatin) tables <"** Bail4 /er)in) <"*$ Application for basic webpa)e desi)n #" Electronic spreadsheet #"* Runnin) the pro)ra/ #"$ Understandin) the openin) screen #"7 Usin) help #", Usin) toolbars #"; =penin) and savin) wor&boo&sCfiles #"< .or/attin) sheets #"# Creatin) and /odif-in) charts #"> @atabase /anipulation #"+ Sortin) records #"*? @ata subtotals #"** @ata auto4filter >" Co/puter presentation >"* Runnin) the pro)ra/ >"$ Understandin) the openin) screen >"7 Choosin) autola-out and usin) help >", Usin) toolbars and ob8ectCicons 4

9 >"; =penin) and savin) slidesCfiles >"< .or/attin) slides +" Recapitulation S*33es+e0 Re4ere).esArtrachan% =wen 5" (*++# " Com'uter Science Pa'estry E&'loring Programming and Com'uter Science (ith C== !ew Nor&: BcEraw4(ill" .orou2an% Benaou2" ($??7 " #oundations o" Com'uter Science #rom .ata <ani'ulation to Theory o" Com'utations" Australia: Tho/son 5earnin)" !orton% 3eter" ($??? " Peter $orton>s Com'lete Guide to <icroso"t 8indo(s ?666 Server Indianapolis% Indiana: SABS" Roses% Genneth% ($??7 " .iscrete <athematics and its A''lication Boston: BcEraw4(ill" Tal/a)e% Ronald" (*+++ " <icroso"t S@4 Server A 6 Administrator>s Guide Sin)apore: Tech 3ublishin)" 5

0 Co*rse Ti+,e- P&i,i22i)e His+or8 9i+& Po,i+i.s ')0 "o;er)').e Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is a stud- of the econo/ic% social% political% and cultural develop/ent of the 3hilippines" E/phasi2es the relevant and recurrin) issues in 3hilippine histor- and studies the serious proble/s that confront the countrCo*rse O*+,i)e- *" Introduction *"*" =b8ectives *"$" I/portance *"7" @efinition of concepts (histor-% culture and nationalis/ *"," Issues in 3hilippine histor$" 3re4colonial 3hilippines $"*" The settin) $"$" Before the con0uest $"7" Earl- custo/s and practices 7" The Spanish colonial period 7"*" Spanish coloni2ation 7"$" Structure of the )overn/ent of Spain introduced to the 3hilippines 7"7" @ifferent econo/ic s-ste/sCinstitutions 7"," Educational transfor/ation ," Refor/ and revolution ,"* Causes of Spanish resistance ,"$ @evelop/ent of nationalis/ ,"7 Ca/pai)n for refor/s ,", Bonifacio and the Gatipunan ,"; Balolos republic ;" The A/erican Era .ilipino 5

1 ;"*" Bates treat- ;"$" Reli)ious schis/ ;"7" Era of A/erican colonialis/ ;"," Colonial politics ;";" Independence /ission ;"<" Transition to independence <" Japanese occupation <"*" Japanese structure of )overn/ent <"$" Japanese officials <"7" (u/an ri)hts violation <"," 3ossitive and ne)ative influences of the Japanese occupation #" Bartial 5aw Era #"*" Constitutional basis #"$" Shift on the policies #"7" 3ro)ra/s instituted bBarcos >" E@SA revolution >"*" E@SA * >"$" E@SA $ >"7" E@SA 7 +" S-nthesis S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es A)oncillo% Teodoro A" (*++? " 7istory o" the #ili'ino Peo'le Lue2on Cit- : Earotech" Constantino% Renato" #ili'inas- Ang Bagong 4umi'as ! 1%55A3%55B2 Lue2on Cit-: U3 3ress Constantino% Renato" #ili'inas- Ang Bagong 4umi'as !! 1%55A3%55B2 Lue2on Cit-: U3 3ress Earcia% Bauro (ed" (*+#+ " 9eadings in Phili''ine Prehistory Banila: .ilipiniana Boo& Euild" (alili% Baria Christine" ($??, " Phili''ine 7istory Banila: Re1 Boo& Store% Inc" !oone% Bartin" (*+>< " General 7istory o" the Phili''ines- The .iscovery and Con,uest o" the Phili''ines 1%:?%3%:B%2 Banila: (istorical Conservation Societ-" Universit- Center for Ao/en6s Studies" (*++< " 8omenC 9ole in Phili''ine nd7istory- Selected Essays 1? ed 2 Lue2on Cit-: Universit- of the 3hilippines" 5

2 Co*rse Ti+,e- ')0 u n C*,+*re 9i+& F'(i,8 P,'))i)3 d Cre0i+- Three (7 units a Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse t Des.ri2+io) This course is i pri/aril- intended to provide o students with an overview on n S o c i o l o ) - a s a s c i e n t i f i c s t u d -" This course will e/phasi2e the nature% scope% basic concepts% theoretical for/ulations and /ethod o f s o c i o l o ) -" . o c u s w i l l b e ) i v e n on to anal-sis of current sociolo)ical pheno/ena in the 3 h i l i p p i n e s t o d a -" C o * r s e O * + , i ) e * " S o c i o l o ) i c a l f o $ " S o c i a l s t r a t i f i c a t i o n $

*"* Role and scope of sociolo)- *"$ !ature and role of )roup behavior *"7 Culture and behavior *", Sociali2ation% confor/it- and deviance *"; Social processes *"< 3hilippine values *"# Co//unication% social /ove/ents and collective behavior

" * S o c i a l c l a s s $ " $ A ) e % s e 1 % ) e n d e r a n d e t h n i c i t -

7 " I n s t i t u t i o n a l b e h a v i o r 7" * In sti tu ti o ns 7" $ T he fa / il an d re sp o ns ib

le pa re nt h o o d 7" 7 R el i) io n an d so ci et , " C o / / u n i t i e s a n d p o p u l a t i o

n ) r o w t h , " * T h e r u r a l a n d u r b a n c o / / u n i t , " $ 3 o p

u l a t i o n ) r o w t h a n d d i s t r i b u 53

t i o n , " 7 . a / i l p l a n n i n ) ,"7"* Social% econo/ic% health and hu/an ri)hts rationale for fa/il- plannin)

,"7"$ Identif-in) and /easurin) populations in need of fa/il- plannin) services ,"7"7 Social% cultural% political% reli)ious and ethical barriers ,"7", Contraceptive /ethods and their pro)ra//atic re0uire/ents ,"7"; Infor/ation% education and co//unication strate)ies ;" Social chan)e and )lobali2ation ;"* Social chan)e as a /ulti4causal process ;"$ Theoretical perspectives% &e- sources% factors% causal patterns and conse0uences of social chan)e ;"7 .or/ations of /odernit-: social processes% political% econo/ic% social and cultural ;", E/er)ent social forces radicall- re4shapin) /odern societ- ;"; Elobali2ation ;";"* Ahat is )lobali2ation ;";"$ Advocates and critics of )lobali2ation ;";"7 Eeo)raphic perspective ;";", (u/an4environ/ent interaction ;";"; Environ/ent ;";"< 3opulation and settle/ent ;";"# Cultural coherence and diversit- ;";"> Eeo)raphical fra)/entation and unit<" S-nthesis S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Aee&s% John" Po'ulation- An !ntroduction to Conce'ts and !ssues% >th (unt% Espiritu% Luisu/bin)% Ereen (*++> % Sociology in the Phili''ines setting- A modular a''roach 1: ed 2 L"C": SIBS 3ublishin) (ouse !ew/an% @avid B" and Jodi =6Brien (ed" " ($??, E&'loring the Architecture o" Everyday 4i"e (Sociolo)- Readin)s % ;th edition" Thousand =a&s% CA: 3ine .or)e 3ress th Edition" Bacionis% John ($??, Sociology" 3rentice (all" Tho/pson% Aillia/ and Joseph F" (ic&e-" Society in #ocus - An !ntroduction to Sociology 1:thEdition2 5

4 Co*rse Ti+,e- "e)er', Ps8.&o,o38 Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course )ives an overview on the stud- of the basic principles underl-in) hu/an behavior% co)nition and effect" It ai/s to provide the student with a )eneral overview of the field of ps-cholo)- and focuses on the different perspectives in anal-2in) hu/an develop/ent% na/el-I biolo)ical% behavioral% co)nitive% hu/anistic% ps-choanal-tic and socio4cultural with e/phasis on the scientific approach to understandin) hu/an behavior and /ental processes" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" !ature and scope of ps-cholo)*"*" !europs-cholo)- and the nervous s-ste/ *"$" Basics of ps-cholo)*"$"*" 3erception *"$"$" E/otion *"$"7" Botivation *"$"," Se1ualit- *"$";" 5earnin) *"$"<" Be/or$" @ifferent perspectives in anal-2in) hu/an develop/ent $"*" Biolo)ical $"$" Behavioral $"7" Co)nitive $"," (u/anistic $";" 3s-choanal-tic $"<" Socio4cultural 7" Biolo)ical perspective 7"*" Interrelationship of the biolo)ical aspect and behavior 7"$" Su//ar- of recent studies in the biolo)ical field related to hu/an behavior ," Co)nitive perspective 5

,"*" 3erception and perceptual learnin) ,"*"*" Sensation vs" perception ,"*"$" @etectin) ener)vs" detectin) /eanin)

,"$" Structuralists% functionalists% (el/holt2%

Eestalt views ,"7" Associative learnin) vs co)nitive learnin) ; " B e h a v i o r a l p e r s p e c t i v e ; " * " 5 e a r n i n ) ; " $ "

3 u n i s h / e n t

< " S t r e s s a n d c o p i n ) < " * " S t r e s s % c o p i

n ) a n d h e a l t h < " $ " 3 s c h o l o ) i c a l d i s o r d e r s

t i o n s <"* Ja/es45an)e theor- <"$ Cannon4Bard theor- <"7 Seven fa/ilies of e/otion: fear% an)er% sadness% ea)erness% happiness and b o r e d o / f a / i l i e s > " S p e c i a l T o p i c s > " * " S

# " E / o

o c i a l p s c h o l o ) > " $ " A b n o r / a l p s c h o l o 56

) S * 3 3 e s + e 0 R e 4 e r e ) . e s : Coon% @ennis" (*++# Essentials o" PsychologyE&'loration and A''lication" Broo&esCCole 3ublishin) Co" B-ers% @" (*++# Psychology" BA: Si/on D Schuster" At&inson% R ($??? 7ilgardCs introduction to 'sychology% TS: All-n and Bacon 3loni&% R" (*+++ Psychology" Bichi)an: Aorth 3ublishers" Aade% C" D Tavris% C" ($??< " Psychology (>th ed" " Upper Saddle River% !ew Jerse-: 3rentice (all" Aeiten% A" ($??* " Psychology- Themes and ;ariations/ Brie"er ;ersion" ;th ed" Bel/ont% CA: AadsworthCTho/son 5earnin)"

Co*rse Ti+,e- I)+ro0*.+io) 9i+& E.o)o(i.s 9i+& L')0 Re4or( ')0 T'<'+io) Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course see&s to provide students with a thorou)h understandin) of the wor&in)s of the econo/-" It also ai/s to )ive an appreciation of basic econo/ic concepts that are covered in Bicroecono/ics% Bacroecono/ics% D International Econo/ics essential to both business D non4business /a8ors" Topics include% a/on) others% household behavior D consu/er choice% fir/ theor-% inco/e distribution D povert-% and )lobali2ation D international trade" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Scope and /ethod of econo/ics $" The Econo/ic proble/: $"*" Scarcit- and choice $"$" @e/and suppl- $"7" Bar&et e0uilibriu/ 7" The price s-ste/ and elasticit7"*" (ousehold behavior and consu/er choice ," The production process ,"*" Short run costs ,"$" 5on) run costs ,"7" =utput decisions ;" Bonopol;"*" 3rofit /a1i/i2ation b- a /onopolist ;"$" Bar&4up pricin) of a /onopol- ;"7" Effects of ta1es on /onopol- ;"," 5oss of efficienc- in a /onopol- ;";" Co/parison with a co/petitive /ar&et ;"<" 3rice discri/ination 5

7 <" Bonopolistic co/petition <"*" =li)opol- <"$" (ow /onopolistic co/petition differs fro/ /onopol- and perfect co/petition in the short4run and lon)4run #" Inco/e distribution and povert#"* Beasures of inco/e distribution #"$ Chan)es in inco/e distribution #"7 (ow to use inco/e distribution /easures in econo/ic anal-sis #", 3overt- indices #"; 3overt- alleviation >" Introduction to /acroecono/ics >"* Beasurin) national output and national inco/e >"$ Bacro proble/s: une/plo-/ent and inflation% a))re)ate e1penditures and e0uilibriu/ output% )overn/ent and fiscal polic- +" @ebates in /acroecono/ics +"* Ge-nesian econo/ics +"$ Bonetaris/ and new classical econo/ics +"7 Suppl- side econo/ics *?" Elobali2ation and international trade *?"* Econo/ic )ains of international trade *?"$ 3otential benefits of )lobali2ation *?"7 Econo/ic% political and social proble/s associated with )lobali2ation *?", Farious international trade or)ani2ation and their evolvin) functions *?"; Econo/ic inte)ration **" 5and refor/ **"*" Aspects of a)rarian refor/: econo/ic% political% socio4cultural% reli)ious% /oral **"$" Bodels of i/ple/entin) a)rarian refor/: **"$"*" Revolutionar- fra/ewor& **"$"$" Authoritarian /ode **"$"7" @e/ocratic process 5

8 **"7" Salient features of CAR3 *$" =verview of ta1ation *$"*" The philosoph- and )enesis of ta1ation and the relationship between )overn/ent stewardship of national resources and ta1ation *$"$" T-pes of ta1es *$"7" Structure and procedures of the national% re)ional and local ta1ation authorit- *$"," @uties and powers of ta1ation authorities and the nation6s le)al s-ste/ *$";" Assess/ents% due dates% interest on overdue a/ounts% and refunds of a/ounts paid *$"<" Sources of ta1 infor/ation: statutes% case laws% re)ulations and other sources *$"#" Resolution of ta1 disputes S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Barte% Recaredo 3" (*++* " 4a( on Agrarian 9e"orm- (ith Commentaries on Com'rehensive Agrarian 9e"orm 4a( o" %5BB 19e' Act $o ++:A2/ Agricultural 4and 9e"orm Code 19e' Act $o )BDD/ as amended2/ Tenants Emanci'ation .ecree 1P . $o ?A2/ other related la(s and 'residential issuances" Banila% 3hilippines: Re1 Boo& Store" Eer/an% Bila)ros A" (*++$ " The Com'rehensive Agrarian 9e"orm 4a(/ 9A $o ++:A and the 9ecent .evelo'ments under it- (ith Commentaries" Banila: !ational Boo& Store BcConnel and Brue" ($??; " Economics- Princi'les/ Problems/ and Policies" *< Ban&iw% !" Ee)or-" ($??, " Princi'les o" Economics" South Aestern" Tho/son 5earnin)" Custo/ 3ublishin)" th Edition" BcEraw4(ill 3ublishin)% Inc"% *<th edition" 5

9 Co*rse Ti+,e - Li 4e ')0 %or /s o4 Ri= ', Cre 0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course s t u d i e s t h e l i f e a n d w o r & s o f J o s e 3" R i 2 a l a n d t h e i r i n f l u e n c e a n d r e l e v a n c e i n c o n t e / p o r a r - 3 h i l i p p i n e s s o c i e t -" I t a i / s t o d eep en an d t o st re n)t he n t he st u de nt 6s sen se of n at i o nal i s/ b /a&in) her full- reali2e her worth as a .ilipino" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Introduction to the course *"* Student6s understandin) of Ri2al *"$ The Ri2al Bill *"7 Conceptual approaches of the course $" (istorical conte1t of Ri2al $"* The terrif-in) and inspirin) nature of *>#$ in 3hilippines histor- 7" @eath and re4birth of Ri2al 7"* AutoCBio)raphical criticis/ 7"$ .indin) the heroic in the obscurit- of one6s life ," @eath and E1ecution of Ri2al ,"* The Eo/bur2a e1ecution ,"$ The Ri2al e1ecution ;" The Birth of the !ation and the Alle)or- of .arewell ;"* The creative function of death and /art-rdo/ ;"$ The heroic nature of herois/ <" Ri2al and the 5iberal .oundation of !ationhood <"* 5iberal ideolo)- and nationhood <"$ Ele/ents of liberalis/ #" The )endered nature of liberalis/ 6

0 #"* The location of representation of the civic /anCwo/an >" Ri2al heterose1ual orientation >"* Ri2al and his wo/en >"$ Ri2al and his wife +" Ri2al and his ho/o4social tendenc- +"* Ri2al6s /anhood +"$ Ri2al6s other /en *?" .ascinations and alienation: Ri2al6s travels abroad *?"* Ri2al6s understandin) of the 3hilippines *?"$ Ri2al6s privile)in) of whiteCwestern culture **" The ab8ect and the erotic: Ri2al6s depiction of the nation6s social predica/ent **"* Character anal-sis of the !oli Be Tan)ere **"$ Character anal-sis of the El .ilibusteris/o *$" The /uted /aternal voice of the nation *$"* Ri2al6s view of Spain *$"$ Ri2al6s view of the 3hilippines *7" Refor/ or refor/ violence and Ri2al6s approach to revolution and the Catholic Church *7"* Ri2al6s view on the use of force to chan)e colonial order *7"$ Ri2al6s a/bivalence on .ilipino6s capacit- for self rule *7"7 Ri2al6s view on secularis/ and !ationhood S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Taide% Ere)orio ." and Sonia B" Taide" (*+>> " 9iEalCs 4i"e/ 8orks and 8ritings 1The Centennial Edition2 Lue2on Cit-: All !ations 3ublishin) Co" Taide% Ere)orio ." (*+++ Fose 9iEal- 4i"e/ 8orks/ and 8ritings o" a Genius/ 8riter/ Scientist and $ational 7ero" Lue2on Cit-: All !ations 3ublishin) Co" An address to the S'anish $ation Fose 9iEalCs Political and 7istorical 8ritings " Fol" #" ($??? (vol" # Banila: !ational (istorical Institute" The Second 4etter o" Pastells 1'' %DA3%:B2/ The Third 4etter o" 9iEal (pp *;+*<; " In Raul J" Bonoan% S"J" The Ri2al43astells Correspondence" Lue2on Cit-: Ateneo @e Banila Universit- 3ress% *++," 6

1 'usiness E&uc%tion Cou$ses Co*rse Ti+,e- Pri).i2,es o4 M')'3e(e)+ ')0 Or3')i='+io) Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This is an introductor- course in /ana)e/ent for business and accountanc- students who need to )rasp the bi) picture of /ana)e/ent concepts% processes% and techni0ues as practiced toda- in business% industr-% and )overn/ent" The students )ain a solid )rasp of how effective /ana)ers orchestrate hu/an resources and their own ener)ies to contribute to an or)ani2ationJs successful achieve/ent of its /ission and botto/4line )oals" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Structure% function and ob8ectives of different t-pes of or)ani2ations *"* !ature and functionin) of co//ercial or)ani2ations% includin) sole proprietorships% partnerships and co/panies (corporations *"$ !on4co//ercial or)ani2ations% includin) public sector or)ani2ations% clubs and societies *"7 Ge- personnel and their roles% responsibilities and relationships in or)ani2ations and the wa-s in which or)ani2ations /a- be structured *", Aa-s in which or)ani2ations /a- be structured *"; .unctions within or)ani2ations *"< Strate)-% ai/s% ob8ectives% values% policies and conflicts which or)ani2ations /a- have% and the wa-s in which these are developin) *"# @ifferent for/s which or)ani2ations /a- ta&e in relation to the functions of ad/inistration% finance and personnel" $" The role% functions and st-les of /ana)e/ent $"* !ature% purpose% scope and interrelations of functions carried out b/ana)e/ent in relation to resources% costs% operations and perfor/ance% na/el-: i" Settin) ob8ectives (lon) and short4ter/% strate)ic and operational% corporate and personal ii" 3lannin) to /eet ob8ectives iii" I/ple/entin) ob8ectives 6

2 iv" Bonitorin)% evaluatin) perfor/ance and chec&in) perfor/ance a)ainst ob8ectives and plans $"$ Bana)erial roles and activities% s&ills and co/petencies% and /ana)e/ent /odels $"$ Essential /ana)erial functions $"$"* 3lannin) $"$"$ =r)ani2in) $"$"7 Botivatin) $"$", @irectin) $"$"; Controllin) $"$"< 5eadin) $"7 !ature of )eneral /ana)e/ent and the chan)in) nature of /ana)erial wor&I trends and issues in /ana)e/ent" 7" Bana)e/ent of the wor&in) environ/ent 7"* =r)ani2ational structure% for/s and culture 7"$ Botivation% e/plo-/ent contract% diversit-% ne)otiation% co//unication% leadership and tea/wor& 7"7 Interrelationship of or)ani2ational ele/ents in /aintainin) a functionin) or)ani2ation 7", Bonitorin)% interpretin) and appl-in) best practices 7"; !ational le)islation which affects the wor&in) environ/ent 7";"* The role and purpose of health% safet- and securit- re0uire/ents% procedures and )uidelines 7";"$ Roles and responsibilities of persons for /ana)in) and i/provin) the wor&in) environ/ent ," Bana)e/ent practices ,"* The /ana)er and decision4/a&in) process ,"$ Bana)ers and co//unication in or)ani2ation: effective co//unication in or)ani2ationsI for/s% st-les and t-pes of co//unication in or)ani2ations ,"7 !e)otiation techni0ues and s&ills develop/ent ,", 3ro/otin) new ideas to others to )ain their support ,"; Bana)e/ent inte)rit- ,"< The role of the accountant in the /ana)e/ent tea/ in providin) infor/ation and assistin) in the anal-sis% interpretation and forecastin) of business operations ,"# Bana)in) hi)h perfor/ance s-ste/ ,"> Lualit- /ana)e/ent 6

3 ,"+ =r)ani2ational chan)e ;" Basic concepts in hu/an resources /ana)e/ent: ;"* The role of /ana)e/ent in relation to an or)ani2ation6s hu/an resources and the relationship of /ana)e/ent st-le to or)ani2ational structure ;"$ Cultural differences and co/pensation and perfor/ance evaluation ;"7 The purpose and for/s of personnel specifications in the recruit/ent of personnel ;", Bethods of identif-in) co/petencies and other attributes re0uired ;"; Specif-in) personnel re0uire/ents ;"< Evaluatin) and deter/inin) the benefits and costs of new or additional personnel ;"# Identif-in) and deter/inin) suitable /ethods of recruit/ent ;"> Selection /ethods and their use ;"+ Bethods of /otivatin) and supportin) personnel ;"*? Staff appraisals and the assess/ent of co/petence ;"** Aarnin) and dis/issin) personnel: le)al and or)ani2ational policies and proceduresI the role of internal and e1ternal specialists in the process ;"*$ The role of e/plo-ee )roups in pro/otin) the welfare of personnel ;"*7 !ational le)islation which affects recruit/ent% selection% e/plo-/ent and dis/issal of personnel ;"*, The /ana)e/ent of or)ani2ational and personal chan)es ;"*; Concepts and principles of hu/an resources develop/ent ;"*;"* The role which individual and tea/ develop/ent can pla- in )rowth and develop/ent ;"*;"$ The different concepts and /odels of co/petence ;"*;"7 Bethods of encoura)in) and supportin) individuals and tea/s to )row and develop ;"*;", The effect of internal and e1ternal factors on develop/ent <" International /ana)e/ent: /ana)in) across borders and cultures <"* Evolution of international business% includin) how /ana)erial actions have an i/pact on )lobal strate)ies <"$ Uni0ue ris&s and opportunities in international business <"7 Socio4cultural forces that deter/ine the 9pla-in) field: of international business <", Role of culture in cross4cultural co//unication and ne)otiation <"; (ow culture affects the /ana)e/ent functions of plannin)% leadin)% 6

4 or)ani2in)% /otivatin)% and controllin) <"< International (RB issues <"<"* Elobali2ation and hu/an resource strate)- <"<"$ @ealin) with intercultural differences <"<"7 Selectin) e/plo-ees for forei)n assi)n/ents <"<", Trainin) and develop/ent e1patriate e/plo-ees <"<"; Evaluation and co/pensation of e/plo-ees in international assi)n/ents S*33es+e0 Re4ere).esBartol% G" B" and Bartin% @"C" (*++> " <anagement/ 7 Edition" !ew Nor&: BcEraw4 (ill" (itt% Bichael A"% J" Stewart Blac& and 5-/an A" 3orter" ($??; <anagement Upper Saddle Ricer% !ew Jerse-: 3earson 3rentice (all" nd Jones% Eeor)e" ($??? " Contem'orary <anagement% $ Edition" Irwin BcEraw(ill" th Greitner% Robert (*++> " <anagement/ # Edition Boston% (ou)hton4Bifflin Co" 3uffer (*++< " <anagement Across Cultures33 !nsights "rom #iction and Practice" Blac&well 3ublishers: Balden% BA" Echanis% Erlinda S" and Rodri)ue2% Rafael A" ($??* " #undamentals o" <anagement- Te&t and Phili''ine Cases% ,th Edition% @iwata 3ublishin)% Inc" th Ta-lor% Bernard A" III" ($??, " !ntroduction to <anagement Science% > Edition% 3earson43rentice (all"

5 Co*rse Ti+,e- H*(') e&';ior i) Or3')i='+io) Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- 3rinciples of Bana)e/ent and =r)ani2ation Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course provides a broad introduction to the structure and function of or)ani2ations and the behavior of people in the/% focusin) on public and nonprofit or)ani2ations" The pri/arpurpose of the course is to e0uip students with an understandin) of or)ani2ational concepts and practical techni0ues for /ana)in) effectivel- in challen)in) environ/ents" Topics discussed include or)ani2ational behavior% rational and natural or)ani2ations% open s-ste/s and or)ani2ational environ/ent% personal assess/ent of /ana)erial s&ills% leadership% e/plo-ee e/power/ent% /otivation% diversit-% /ana)in) conflict% ne)otiation% co//unication% leadership and wor&in) in )roups and tea/s% /ana)in) chan)e% and /ana)in) stress" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Ahat is or)ani2ational behaviorP *"* @efinition *"$ Contributions of other social sciences: industrial ps-cholo)-% sociolo)-% anthropolo)-% political science $" Tea/s $"* @efinitionI reasons for 8oinin) tea/sI selection criteria% )oalsCob8ective $"$ !or/s and roles: deviance% confor/it-% d-sfunctional behaviors% social loafin) $"7 Eroup processes: co//unication% responsibilit-% accountabilit-% respect% evaluation $", @ecision /a&in): consensus% cooperation% constructive conflict% )roupthin& 7" Individual behavior in the or)ani2ation 7"* Theories of hu/an behavior H a ps-cholo)ical approach 7"$ Characteristics of achievers (@"C% BcClelland I the hu/an side of enterprise (@" BcEre)or I e/plo-in) the whole /an (3" @ruc&er ," Botivation ,"* A needs approach (Baslow 6

6 ,"$ Ac0uired needs (BcClelland : The/atic Apperception Test (TAT ,"7 Two4factor theor- ((er2ber) ,", E0uit- of rewards in the wor&place ,"; E1pectanc-% instru/entalit- and valence ;" 5eadership ;"* Trait theories ;"$ =hio State studies ;"7 Fariations of this approach ;", Situational variables ;"; The Blanchard /odel ;"< The Froo/ /odel ;"# .iedler6s theor- ;"> 3ath4 )oal theor- of leadership ((ouse D Bitchell <" =r)ani2ation power and politics <"l 3ower defined <"$ Sources of power <"7 3ower as a function of dependence <", 3olitical behavior in the or)ani2ation <"; Coalition for/ation <"< Control of infor/ation <"# 3atters of political behavior in or)ani2ations (.arrell D 3etersen #" =r)ani2ational conflict #"* Conflict defined #"$ Benefits of conflict #"7 @-sfunctional nature of or)ani2ational conflict #", Interpersonal approach to conflict /ana)e/ent #"; Structural approach to conflict /ana)e/ent >" Interpersonal and or)ani2ational co//unication >"* A /odel of co//unication: encodin) and decodin)% feedbac& and noise durin) trans/ission >"$ Usin) the appropriate co//unications /ediu/ >"7 Barriers to effective co//unication: lan)ua)e% se/antics% filterin)% 6

7 cultural differences% perception +" =r)ani2ational culture +"* =r)ani2ational culture defined +"$ =r)ani2ational subcultures: stories% rites% rituals% cere/onies +"7 Culture and the new e/plo-ee H co//unicatin) the culture S*33es+e0 Re4ere).esCha/pou1% J" E" ($??? " GrganiEational behavior- Essential tenets "or a ne( millennium" Southwestern Colle)e 3ublishin)" Golb% =sland and Rubin (*++; " The GrganiEational Behavior 9eader% <th edition" 3rentice (all: En)lewood Cliffs% !J" Chopra% A" J" (*+++ " <anaging the 'eo'le side o" innovation" Gu/arian 3ress" @ubrin% A" (*++# " #undamentals o" organiEational behavior- An a''lied a''roach" Southwestern Colle)e 3ublishin)" nd Caproni% 3aula ($??; " The Practical Coach- <anagement Skills "or Everyday 4i"e 1?ed 2 B-natt% C" R"% D @ohert-% B" E" ($??$ " Understanding human behavior ($nd ed" " Boston: All-n D Bacon" ISB!: ?$?;77$+>< AcuUa% Rodri)ue2 and 3ilar (*+++ " 9eadings in 7uman Behavior in GrganiEations% @iwata 3ublishin)" Robbins% Stephen ($??7 " GrganiEational Behavior% 3earson 3ublishin)% Saddle River% !ew Jerse-"

8 Co*rse Ti+,e- Pri).i2,es o4 M'r/e+i)3 Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- 3rinciples of Bana)e/ent and =r)ani2ation Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course introduces students to the nature of /ar&etin)% the funda/entals of /ar&etin) strate)- and /ar&etin) environ/ent" It e1plores )lobal co/petition% ethical and /oral /ar&etin) behaviors% the business environ/ent under which /ar&etin) operates and the role of technolo)- in a chan)in) world" It investi)ates the /ar&etin) of )oods and services b- co//ercial or)ani2ations as well as the /ar&etin) of ideas b- not4for4profit fir/s" Ba8or topics discussed are: nature of /ar&etin)% nature of distribution% pro/otion and advertisin)% pricin)% i/pact of the )lobal econo/- on /ar&etin) and special topics such as strate)ies for new products and the product life c-cle (35C % /ar&etin) of hi)h 0ualit- services and inte)rated /ar&etin) co//unications" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" !ature of /ar&etin) *"* 3urpose and functions *"$ .unda/entals of /ar&etin) strate)- *"7 The different roles which /ar&etin) pla-s in the econo/- *", The business environ/ent under which /ar&etin) operates *"; The ethical and /oral /ar&etin) behaviors *"< Anal-2in) /ar&et needs and identif-in) /ar&etin) opportunities and how to i/prove the services offered *"# =btainin) co/petitive advanta)es: /ar&et se)/entation% tar)etin) and positionin) strate)ies *"> The /ar&etin) of )oods and services and ideas b- businesses as well as b- not4for4profit fir/s *"+ Consu/er behavior: @ecision4/a&in) processes and socio4cultural forces $" !ature of distribution $"* Retailin) $"$ Aholesalin) $"7 3h-sical distribution /ana)e/ent $", !ature of /ar&etin) channels decisions $","* Bana)in) the distribution /ana)e/ent s-ste/ $"I,"$ Bana)in) dealer culture 6

9 7" 3ro/otion and advertisin) 7"* Advertisin) 7"*"* Basic theories of advertisin) 7"*"$ Co//unication )oalC ob8ectives 7"*"7 Bud)et settin) 7"*", Creative strate)7"*"; Bedia /ana)e/ent 7"*"< Bedia selection 7"$ Sales pro/otion 7"$"* Effects and assess/ent 7"$"$ Re)ulation 7"7 3ublic relations 7"7"* @efinition 7"7"$ 3ublic relations distin)uished fro/ other /ana)e/entI activities of public relations H what 3R people do 7"7"7 Identif-in) an or)ani2ation6s &e- publics or tar)et audiencesI various conte1ts for public relations 7"7", Solvin) public relations proble/s within an ethical and le)al fra/ewor& ," 3ricin) ,"* Introduction to pricin) concepts ,"$ 3ricin) strate)ies and concepts ;" I/pact of the )lobal econo/- on /ar&etin) ;"* Elobal /ar&etin): what is )lobali2ationPI protectionis/I )lobal or)ani2ationsI /ultinational /ar&ets ;"$ Culture a /a8or influence on /ar&etin) variables ;"7 Relationships between transnational corporations and developin) countries ;"," The role of transnational corporations in econo/ic develop/ent ;"; Relationships with host countries ;"< The /icroenviron/ent in an era of )lobal co/petition ;"# Elobal infor/ation s-ste/s and /ar&etin) research ;"> E/er)in) role of the Internet and the role of technolo)- in /ar&etin) ;"+ Transfer pricin): ;"+"* Econo/ic issues in interco/pan- transfer ;"+"$ Appropriate transfer pricin) /ethods 7

0 ;"+"7 Issues associated with /anufactures% distributors and resellers ;"+", Current practice a/on) B!Cs and trends ;"+"; @etectin) unfair transfer pricin) strate)ies <" @evelopin) the /ar&etin) /i1 <"* 3roduct and services strate)- <"$ !ew product develop/ent and product life c-cle strate)ies <"7 Inte)ratin) /ar&etin) /i1 tools to achieve effective i/ple/entation of plans <", Selectin) an appropriate coordinated /ar&etin) /i1 incorporatin) appropriate sta&eholder relationships for a particular /ar&etin) conte1t <"; Settin) and 8ustif-in) bud)ets for /ar&etin) plans and /i1 decisions #" Special topics in /ar&etin) #"* Strate)ies for new products and the product life c-cle (35C #"$ Bar&etin) of hi)h 0ualit- services #"7 Inte)rated /ar&etin) co//unications strate)- #", @evelopin) /ar&etin) opportunities and strate)ies: /ar&etin) research and infor/ation s-ste/sI consu/er /ar&ets and consu/er bu-er behavior #"; Bar&et se)/entation% tar)etin) and positionin) for co/petitive advanta)e #"< 3ersonal sellin) and sales /ana)e/ent #"# @irect and online /ar&etin): the new /ar&etin) /odel S*33es+e0 Re4ere).esth

Gotler and Ar/stron) ($??< " Princi'les o" <arketing <anagement% ** Edition" 3earson Education" rd Bearden% In)ra/ and 5a.or)e" <arketing Princi'les H Pers'ectives% 7 Edition" Bearden% In)ra/ D 5a.or)e: BcEraw4(ill 3ublishin) Co/pan-" ISB! V ?4?#$7$$+#4# Cravens% 5a/b and Crittendedn ($??$ " Strategic <arketing <anagement Cases% #th Edition" BcEraw4(ill Irwin" th @ibb% S" Si/&in 5"%3ride% A" and .errell% =" ($??; <arketing Conce'ts and Strategies% ; Edition" Boston% (ou)hton Bifflin" nd @ru//ond% E"% Ensor% J" and Ashford% R" ($??7 " Strategic <arketing Planning and Control/ $ Edition" =1ford% Butterworth4(eine/ann" Eutierre2% Ben 3aul B" ($??72 Cases on <arketing <anagement in the Phili''ine Setting% *st Edition% The Universit- of the 3hilippines 3ress" 7

1 Co*rse Ti+,e- F*)0'(e)+',s o4 A..o*)+i)3, P'r+ I Cre0i+- Si1 (< units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course provides an introduction to accountin)% within the conte1t of business and business decisions" Students obtain basic understandin) of the principles and concepts of accountin) as well as their applicabilit- and relevance in the national conte1t and learn how to use various t-pes of accountin) infor/ation found in financial state/ents and annual reports" E/phasis is placed on understandin) the reasons underl-in) basic accountin) concepts and providin) students with an ade0uate bac&)round on the recordin)% classification% and su//ari2ation functions of accountin) to enable the/ to appreciate the varied uses of accountin) data" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Introduction to accountin) *"* @efinition% purpose% nature% functions% scope and ob8ectives of accountin) *"$ @ifferent branches of accountin) (financial% /ana)erial% etc *"7 The classical notion of stewardship *", Users of accountin) infor/ation (internal vs" e1ternal users *"; @ouble entr- boo&&eepin) *"< (istor- of accountin): *"<"* The .lorentine vs" the Fenetian approach to reportin) *"<"$ Savor- and the !apoleonic Co//ercial Code *"<"7 The industrial revolution and the share4issuin) co/pan- *"<", The arrival of inco/e ta1ation and the conflict with financial accountin) *"<"; Sch/alenbach and the charts of accounts *"<"< The rise of the )roup of co/panies and the need for consolidated accounts *"<"# Internationali2ation of /ar&ets and reportin) *"# Accountin) variations a/on) countries *"#"* Ah- practices differ fro/ one countr- to another even thou)h the sa/e set of basic principles is followed *"#"$ The lin&a)e of ta1 laws and accountin) principles re0uire/ents for enterprises in certain countries *"#"7 @ifferences in the de)ree of develop/ent of the capital 7

2 /ar&ets in countries and their effect on the develop/ent and use of )enerall- accepted international principles of accountin) *"> Basic professional values and ethics *">"* Reputation *">"$ Inte)rit- and due care *">"7 Co/petence *">", =b8ectivit- *">"; Client relations and confidentialit- *">"< Reportin) breaches of conduct *">"# Unlawful activities *">"> .ees and re/uneration *">"+ 3ublicit- and advertisin) *">"*? @isciplinar- procedures *"+ .or/s of business or)ani2ation and their activities (e")"% financin)% investin) and operatin) *"*? Accountin) concepts and principles *"** The basic financial state/ents of business or)ani2ations *"*$ Relationships a/on) the financial state/ents *"*7 @efinition% classification and e1a/ples of assets% liabilities% capital or owners6 e0uit-% inco/e% and e1penses *"*, The accountin) profession: career opportunities *"*; Speciali2ed accountin) fields (public accountin)% private accountin)% )overn/ent accountin)% accountin) education $" Introduction to accountin) infor/ation s-ste/ $"* .eatures of an effective infor/ation s-ste/ $"$ =verview of an accountin) infor/ation s-ste/ $"7 The three sta)es of data processin): A co/parison of co/puteri2ed and /anual accountin) s-ste/ 7" Anal-2in) and su//ari2in) business transactions 7"* @efinition of business transactions and source docu/ents 7"$ Su//ar- of business activities (financin)% investin)% operatin) 7"7 The accountin) e0uation 7", Anal-2in) and accountin) for business transactions 7"; 3resentation of results of routine transactions b- preparin) the Basic Inco/e state/ent% =wners6 e0uit- state/ent% Balance sheet% and 7

3 State/ent of cash flows 7"< Relationship a/on) the financial state/ents ," Recordin) transactions of a service co/pan- (sole proprietorship ,"* @ouble4entraccountin) and accountin) s-ste/s: .lorentine vs" Fenetian approach to reportin)% Savor- and !apoleonic Co//ercial Code% and Sch/alenbac& ,"$ The account and T4account ,"7 Rules of debit and credit ,", Chart of accounts and nor/al balances of an account ,"; Recordin) in two4colu/n 8ournal (initial invest/ent b- owner% chan)es in assets% liabilities and capital% chan)es in inco/e and e1penses% withdrawals of owner ,"< 3ostin) to the led)er ,"# 3reparin) the trial balance ;" Beasurin) business inco/e ;"* Accrual4basis accountin) vs" Cash4basis accountin) ;"$ Accountin) period ;"7 Revenue principle ;", Batchin) principle ;"; Ti/e4period concept ;"< =verview of the ad8ustin) process ;"# Ad8ust/ents for prepa-/ents (deferrals % accruals% uncollectible accounts receivable% depreciation of propert-% plant and e0uip/ent ;"> 3reparation of the ad8usted trial balance and financial state/ents ;"+ Use of accountin) infor/ation for decision /a&in) <" Co/pletin) the accountin) c-cle <"* =verview of the accountin) c-cle <"$ 3reparin) an accountin) wor&sheet <"7 Usin) the wor&sheet <", 3reparin) financial state/ents fro/ the wor&sheet Winco/e state/ent% owner6s e0uit- state/ent% balance sheet% cash flow state/ent (si/ple cash receipts D disburse/ents state/ent X <"; Journali2in) and postin) ad8ustin) entries <"< Journali2in) and postin) closin) entries <"# 3reparin) the post4closin) trial balance 7

4 <"> 3reparin) the reversin) entries #" Recordin) /erchandisin) business transactions #"* Berchandisin) operations (!ature and operatin) c-cle of a /erchandisin) business% business docu/ents #"$ Recordin) /erchandisin) business transactions in a two4colu/n )eneral 8ournal (sales revenue% sales returns and allowances% sales discounts% purchases of /erchandise% purchases returns and allowances% purchase discounts% transportation costs #"7 Inventor- s-ste/s (perpetual and periodic inventor- procedures #", @eter/ination of /erchandise inventor-% costs of )ood sold and )ross /ar)in #"; Aor&sheet preparation #"< Ad8ustin) and closin) process for a /erchandisin) business #"# .inancial state/ents of a /erchandisin) business #"> Use of accountin) infor/ation in decision /a&in) >" Recordin) transactions in special 8ournals >"* !ature and use of control accounts and subsidiar- led)ers >"$ T-pes of special 8ournals (sales 8ournal% purchases 8ournal% cash receipts 8ournal% cash disburse/ents 8ournal >"7 Recordin) of financin)% investin) and operatin) transactions in the special 8ournals and )eneral 8ournal +" Banufacturin) operations +"* !ature of /anufacturin) business +"$ Transactions related to the /anufacturin) process +"7 Ele/ents of /anufacturin) costs +", 3reparation of financial state/ents of a /anufacturin) enterprise (balance sheet% inco/e state/ent% state/ent of cost of )oods /anufactured and sold S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Cabrera% E" B"% 5edes/a% E" ." and 5upisan% BC" N" ($??# " #undamentals o" Accounting ;olume ! 5atest Edition" Banila: EIC Enterprises D Co" Inc" Banuel% T" F" ($??< " ?%stth Century Accounting Process/ Basic Conce'ts and Procedures% ($??< % *$ ed" Banila: TFBanuel" Falencia% E" ($??$ " Basic Accounting (/ Practice Set" Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ boo&s% Inc"% Shaw Blvd" 7

5 Ae-)andt% Jen- J"% @"E" Gieso and 3"@" Gi//el" ($??; " Accounting Princi'les% # Ed" John Aile- and Sons% Inc Pr'.+i.e Se+: .rias% S" A" ($??7 " Practice Set !ntroductory Accounting 1Service2/ Banila: EIC Enterprises"

6 Co*rse Ti+,e- Te.&)i.', %ri+i)3- *si)ess ')0 A..o*)+i)3 A22,i.'+io)s Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Co//unication S&ills% 3art II Co*rse Des.ri2+io) The Sarbanes4=1le- Act of $??$CSection ,?,% and technolo)ical and )lobal business develop/ents% have had a si)nificant i/pact on the field of accountin)" In particular% accountants are now co/pelled to ta&e )reater responsibilit- for co//unication with clients and the public% and there is a clear shift toward /ore disclosure and transparenc-% with an acco/pan-in) de/and for stron)er writin) and spea&in) s&ills than in the past" Althou)h accountants /a- view the/selves as 9nu/bers: people% the- will be re0uired to en)a)e in a variet- of writin) tas&s on the 8ob% and co/panies increasin)l- e1pect writin) /aster- before )raduation" In this course% students learn how write accountin) and auditin) reports efficientl-% self4edit their own wor& confidentl-% offer co/petent feedbac& to their peers% /aster a nu/ber of docu/ent re0uire/ents and structures and write strate)icall- for a varietof audiences" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Technical co//unication *"* Introduction to technical co//unication *"$ Understandin) ethical and le)al considerations *"7 The writin) process: pre4writin)% draftin)% revisin) and editin) *", Aritin) collaborativel$" The technical writin) process $"* 3reparin) to write: anal-2e -ou audienceI deter/ine the purpose of -our docu/entI )ather ideas and factsI brainstor/in)I researchin) -our topicI establish -our scopeI identif- the appropriate infor/ation t-peI deter/ine appropriate /ediu/ $"$ =r)ani2in) -our infor/ation: create an outlineI decide how to or)ani2e infor/ation $"7 Aritin) the draft: para)raphs% para)raph len)thI topic sentenceI para)raph unit- and coherenceI consistenc- of tenseI writin) an openin)I writin) a closin) $", Revisin): readabilit-I revision chec&list 7" 3lain lan)ua)e 7

7 7"* Ahat is plain lan)ua)eP 7"$ Ahat is not plain lan)ua)eP 7"7 Ah- use plain lan)ua)eP 7", (ow to develop docu/entation in plain En)lish 7"; 3rinciples of plain lan)ua)e: readabilit-% or)ani2in) infor/ation% desi)nin) an effective docu/ent ," The audience 0uestion ,"* Ahat is an audienceP ,"$ T-pes of audiences ,"7 Captive vs" non4 captive audiences ,", E1perts% technicians% e1ecutives% and non4specialist audiences ,"; 3ri/ar-% secondar- and tertiar- audiences ,"< Real or intended audience ,"# Arite for -our audience: /eetin) audience6s needsI audience anal-sisI creatin) an audience profile ;" Aritin) effective letters ;"* @eter/ine the purpose of -our letter ;"$ @eter/ine the audience of -our letter ;"7 Geepin) -our letter short ;", Aritin) with the N=U attitude ;"; =r)ani2in) -our writin) ;"< Choosin) an appropriate st-le ;"# Choosin) the appropriate punctuation st-le ;"> Aritin) so -our reader cannot possibl- /isunderstand ;"+ =b8ectionable e1pressions to avoid ;"*? .or/at of a letter: return address% date% inside address% salutation% bod-% co/pli/entar- closin)% t-ped si)nature ;"** Aritin) sa/ple letters: letter of re0uest% letter of clai/% letter of persuasion <" Aritin) /e/os <"* T-pes of /e/os: procedures and non4confidential infor/ationI re0uestin) infor/ationI repl- to infor/ationI confir/ation of infor/ationI announcin) activities or publici2in) policies <"$ 3arts of a /e/o: headin)% sub8ect line% openin)% bod-% closin) 7

8 <"7 Be/o for/at <", Strate)ies for writin) /e/os <"; Characteristics of successful /e/os <"< 5an)ua)e <"# Aritin) st-le and tone <"> Cautions <"+ (eadin)s and lists <"*? Tips for e/ail /e/os #" Aritin) proposals #"* Effective proposal writin) #"$ Eoal of a proposal #"7 T-pes of proposals: unsolicited% solicited% Re0uest for 3roposal (R.3 #", Infor/al versus for/al proposal #"; .or/at of an infor/al proposal: introduction% bac&)round% proble/% purpose% proposal plan and schedule% staffin)% bud)et% closin)C authori2ation #"< .or/at of a for/al proposal: Cop- of R.3% letter of trans/ittal% e1ecutive su//ar-% title pa)e% table of contents (T=C % list of fi)ures% introduction% bac&)round% proble/ and purpose% proposal plan and schedule% staffin)% bud)et% closin)Cauthori2ation% appendi1 #"# =ther for/attin) considerations: headin)s% lists% tables% )raphs and charts% #"> 3roposal sub/ission >" Aritin) value4added audit reports >"* T-pes of audit reports >"$ (ow an audit report wor&s >"7 Special reports: how the introduction sets the sta)e for findin)s% how the findin) for/s the foundation of the audit report% how to use advance or)ani2ers to build report% how to revise for the reader% how to use sentence structure to increase clarit+" Aritin) pro8ect reports +"* 3lannin) the report to reap results +"$ Ac&nowled)in) -our reportin) roles +"7 Reco)ni2in) -our readers +", =r)ani2in) and presentin) -our findin)s 7

9 +"; (ow to create i/pact for -our reports *?" =ral presentations: 3owerpoint presentations *?"* Rules in usin) visual aids *?"$ (ow to /a&e effective presentations S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es) o , o 3 8 R e 1 * i r e ( e ) + s

Because the e1chan)e of infor/ation and docu/ents in this class will be al/ost entirelelectronic% fa/iliarit- with certain technolo)ies is crucial for Ba-% C" B" and E" Ba-" participation and success in the ($??7 E""ective 8riting- A 7andbook "or Accountants% < course" The followin) are thus re0uired: Edition" 3rentice (all" Bac =S S-ste/ @aniel E" Riordan and Steven E" 3aule- ($??$ % Technical 9e'ort Bicrosoft =ffice (Aord and 3ower3oint 8riting Today% >th edition" (ou)hton Bifflin" th John B" !etscape Co//unicator and Internet E1plorer 5annon ($??< " Technical Acrobat Reader Communication/ *? Edition" Aesle- Educational 3ublishers% E/ail pro)ra/ (includin) attach/ents Inc" Bar&el% B" ($??, " Technical Communications/ #th Edition" !ew Nor&: BedfordCSt" Bartin" ISB!: ?47*$4,?77>4?" In&ster% Robert 3" and Judith B" Gilborn (*+++ " The 8riting o" Business Boston: All-n D Bacon" T e . &

t h


Co*rse Ti+,e- 'si. Fi)').e Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- !one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is a stud- of the functions of business finance" It covers basic financial principles such as /one-% ban&in) and interest rates" Also discussed in detail are the 3hilippine financial s-ste/% ti/e value of /one-% ris& and return% basic concepts in international business and )lobal finance% and the use of accountin) infor/ation for financial decision4/a&in)" The /ain purpose of the course is to provide students with the basic financial bac&)round necessar- to understand the corporate se)/ent of the econo/-" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Bone-% ban&in) and interest rates *"* The nature of /one- *"$ .inancial inter/ediaries *"7 Bone- creation *", @e/and for /one- *"; (ow interest rates are deter/ined *"< .iscal policies% interest rates and invest/ent *"# Co//ercial ban&in) operations: /ana)e/ent% profitabilit-% /ar&et structure and re)ulations $" The 3hilippine financial s-ste/ $"* Basic buildin) bloc&s of a financial s-ste/ $"$ .inancial decisions of household and corporations $"7 Roles of financial /ar&ets $", The Ban)&o Sentral n) 3ilipinas and its role in deposit e1pansion and /one- suppl- $"; Effect of /onetar- polic- on the financial s-ste/% institutions% and /ar&ets $"< !on4ban& financial institutions: characteristics% role in the financial s-ste/I institutional and /ar&et issues% and re)ulations $"# Conte/porar- issues affectin) financial institutions $"> Bone-% capital% /ort)a)e% futures and options /ar&ets and instru/ents and relationship to financial institution /ana)e/ent 8

1 7" Ti/e value of /one7"* Bechanics of co/poundin) 7"$ (ow /one- )rows over ti/e when it is invested 7"7 @eter/ination of the future or present value of a su/ when there are non4annual co/poundin) periods 7", The relationship between co/poundin) and brin)in) bac& to the present 7"; =rdinar- annuit- and calculation of its co/pound or future value 7"< Calculation of annual percenta)e -ield of effective annual rate of return and how it differs fro/ the no/inal or stated interest rates 7"# @ifference between an ordinar- annuit- and an annuit- due and deter/ine the future and present value of an annuit- due ," Ris& and return ,"* Concepts of ris& and re0uired return ,"$ Luantif-in) ris& and return ,"7 3ortfolio theor- ,", Capital asset pricin) /odel ,"; E/phasis on co4variance ;" Basic concepts in international business ;"* The i/portance of international environ/ents ;"$ The )lobali2ation of /ar&ets ;"7 The develop/ent of /ultinational and transnational corporations <" Elobal finance <"* The tas& of the international financial /ana)er <"$ Ahat are the )lobal financial /ar&ets <"7 Role of )lobal financin)% investin) and operatin) activities and their i/pact on business and trade <", .inancin) with international bonds <"; Inte)rated )lobal financin) decisions #" Accountin) infor/ation used for financial decision /a&in) #"* Understandin) the four &e- financial state/ents #"$ Cash flows: e/phasis on cash flowI deter/ination and preparation of cash flow state/ents 8

2 #"7 Basic financial state/ent anal-sis S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es

Be))inson% Aillia/ 5" ($??* " Cor'orate #inance Theory" Addison D Aile-" Ross% S" A%

Aesterfield% B"@" and Roberts% E" S" ($??; "#undamentals o" Cor'orate #inance% .ifth Edition% Toronto: BcEraw4(ill R-erson" th Breale-% B-ers% Barcus ($??7 " #undamentals o" Cor'orate #inance% , Edition" BcEraw4(ill" th Bloc&% (irt and Short ($??7 " #oundations o" #inancial <anagement" < Edition" 8

3 Co*rse Ti+,e- F*)0'(e)+',s o4 Pro3r'((i)3 ')0 D'+'5'se T&eor8 ')0 A22,i.'+io)s Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- .unda/entals of Co/puter Software and Applications Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This is an introductor- course on pro)ra//in) and will teach the student basic pro)ra//in) s&ills" Topics include: funda/entals of pro)ra//in) /ethodolo)-% software lifec-cle% re0uire/ents and specifications% software desi)n% desi)n /ethodolo)ies% verification and testin)" The course also introduces the student to database /ana)e/ent s-ste/s" It focuses on funda/entalsCentit- relationships and data flow dia)ra/s% access database funda/entals% rando/ on4line access% shared data (use of co//on data structures and s-ste/ fle1ibilit-% efficient and reliable stora)e% and the relational data base /ana)e/ent s-ste/ (R@BBS " Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Introduction to co/puters and CYY *"* 3roble/ solvin) process *"$ CYY pro)ra//in) *"7 Basic structure of a CYY pro)ra/ $" Control structures $"* If4then state/ents $"$ Ahile loops 7" .unctions 7"< (ow to build pro)ra/s with functions 7"# @ata and functions 7"> 5ibrarfunctions ," Arra-s ,"* =ne4di/ensional arra-s ,"$ Bulti4di/ensional arra-s ,"7 Arra-s as list ,", Sortin) ,"; Searchin) 8

4 ;" 3ointers and strin)s ;"* 3ointer basics ;"$ 3ointer arith/etic ;"7 3ointers% d-na/ic /e/or- allocation% lin&ed list and other pointer applications ;", Strin) functions ;"; Usin) a strin) class ;"< Convertin) strin)s to nu/eric data t-pes ;"# Advanced features of the strin) class <" Classes and data abstraction <"# CYY concepts of encapsulation and data hidin) <"> (ow classes can be defined and declared <"+ (ow /e/ber functions are defined in a class <"*? (ow CYY uses the access control specifiers public% private% and protected <"** Scopin) rules used in a CYY class <"*$ (ow CYY classes use static /e/bers <"*7 Codin) a pro)ra/ that i/ple/ents a si/ple ti/e ob8ect in CYY <"*, Codin) a constructor and a destructor pro)ra/ <"*; Usin) inheritance and derived classes <"*< @ifference between sin)le inheritance and /ultiple inheritance and identif-in) the /a8or pro)ra//in) considerations that concern /ultiple classes #" Inheritance ," @ifference between sin)le inheritance and /ultiple inheritance and identif-in) the /a8or pro)ra//in) considerations that concern /ultiple classes ;" Advanta)es of inheritance >" Strea/ inputCoutput >"* Ahat is /eant b- input and output strea/s >"$ @escribe various classes available in the Java inputCoutput pac&a)e >"7 Aritin) applications that use the classes in the Java iCo to perfor/ input and output of various t-pes of si/ple data and ob8ects to file strea/s 8

5 +" E1ception handlin) +"* 3urpose of e1ception handlin) +"$ S-nta1 and /echanics of e1ception handlin) /echanis/ +"7 Throwin) e1ceptions +", (andlin) e1ceptions +"; E1ception specifications +"< @esi)nin) e1ception t-pes *?" The database warehouse approach: *?"* Introduction to databases *?"*"* @ata independence *?"*"$ @atabase architecture *?"*"7 @atabase s-ste/ co/ponents *?"*", @ata /ana)e/ent s-ste/ overview *?"*"; @atabase /odels: hirerchical% networ&% relational% ob8ect4 oriented *?"$ .unda/entalsCentit- relationships and data flow dia)ra/s *?"7 Access database funda/entals *?", Rando/ on4line access *?"; Shared data (use of co//on data structures and s-ste/ fle1ibilit- *?"< Efficient and reliable stora)e *?"# The R@BBS (Relational @ata Base Bana)e/ent S-ste/ approach **" The entit-4relationship (ER /odel **"* (i)h4level conceptual data /odels for database desi)n **"$ ER /odel concepts **"7 !otation of ER dia)ra/s **", 3roper na/in) of sche/a constructs **"; Relationship t-pes of de)ree hi)her than two *$" The relational /odel *$"* Relational /odel concepts *$"$ Relational /odel constraints *$"7 Update operations on relations *$", @efinin) relations *$"; Relational inte)rit8

6 *7" Relational al)ebra and calculus *7"* Basics of relational al)ebra : funda/ental operations and ver- basic 0ueries *7"$ Tuple relational calculus and do/ain relational calculus *," SL5: 0ueries% pro)ra//in)% tri))ers *,"* Introduction to SL5 *,"$ Aritin) SL5 co//ands *,"7 @ata /anipulation *,", @ata definition *,"; Usin) 0uer-in) tools *,"< @ispla-in) the te1t of a pro)ra//in) ob8ect *,"# Introduction to tri))ers *;" Storin) data *;"* (ow to i/ple/ent variables to store data *;"$ Storin) data in arra-s *;"7 @esi)nin) a database sche/a to store data *;", Creatin) and e1ecutin) 0ueries to store and retrieve data fro/ a database *<" .ile or)ani2ation and inde1es *<"*.ile structure concepts: fields and records% search &e-s and canonical for/s% se0uential search and file access and file or)ani2ation *<"$=r)ani2in) files for perfor/ance: approaches to data co/pression% BinarSearch% sortin) procedures for handlin) lar)e files *<"7 Si/ple linear inde1in) *<", 3roperties of inde1es *<"; Use of inde1es to provide access to records b- /ore than one &e- *<"< Concept of inverted list and self4 inde1in) files *#" E1ternal sortin) *#"* Characteristics of e1ternal sortin) *#"$ E1ternal /er)esort *#"7 Balanced /ultiwa- /er)in) 8

7 *>" Evaluation of relational operators *>"* Relational e1pression *>"$ Relational operators precedence rules *>"7 E1pressions usin) relational operators *+" 3h-sical database desi)n and tunin) *+"* 3h-sical database desi)n *+"$ =pti/i2in) ph-sical desi)n *+"7 Concept of database tunin) *+", Tunin) issues related to co//on underl-in) co/ponents of database s-ste/s *+"; Tunin) principles $?" Securit- $?"* Basic principles H securit- )oals $?"$ Co//on vulnerabilities and e1posures $?"7 3ro)ra/ securit- $?", =peratin) s-ste/ securit- $?"; Cr-ptolo)S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Ate2eni% Ceri% 3araboschi D Torlone" .atabase Systems Conce'ts/ 4anguages and Architectures BcEraw (ill" th Carrano% .ran& B" ($??; " .ata Abstraction and Problem Solving (ith C==- 8alls and <irrors (, Ed " Addison4Aesle-" @eitel% (arve- B" and 3aul J" @eitel" ($??7 " C== 7o( to Program (,th Ed " 3rentice4(all" rd El/asri D !avathe" #undamentals o" .atabase Systems (7 Ed " Addison Aesle- rd Ra/a&rshnan% R" and J" Eehr&e" ($??< " .atabase <anagement Systems (7 Ed " BcEraw4(ill" 8

8 Co*rse Ti+,eF*)0'(e)+',s o4 A..o*)+i)3, P'r+ II Cre0i+Si1 (< units Prere1*isi+e.unda/entals of Accountin)% 3art I Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This is a continuation of the first course in accountin)" It deals with transactions% financial state/ents% and proble/s peculiar to the operations of partnerships and corporations as distin)uished fro/ sole proprietorships" Topics include: partnership for/ation and operations includin) accountin) for the ad/ission of partners% chan)es in capital% and profit4 and loss4 sharin) ratiosI the conversion of an unincorporated enterprise into a corporationI accountin) for incorporated enterprises% includin) corporate or)ani2ations% paid4in capital% accu/ulated earnin)s (loss % dividends and treasur- shares" It will also cover the preparation of financial state/ents for internal and e1ternal purposes% accountin) infor/ation s-ste/s /anual and co/puteri2ed special 8ournalsI understandin) balance sheet% inco/e state/ent% state/ent of cash flows and state/ent of chan)es in e0uit-I financial state/ents of co/panies in the service% /anufacturin) and tradin) industriesI and anal-sis of accountin) infor/ation and decision /a&in)" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Review of the accountin) process *"* @efinition and nature of accountin) *"$ The accountin) c-cle (Recordin) phase% Su//ari2in) phase $" Accountin) for partnership transactions $"* @efinition of partnership $"$ Characteristics of a partnership $"7 Advanta)es and disadvanta)es of a partnership $", Classification of partnerships $"; Ginds of partners $"< The partnership contract $"# Accountin) for partnership $"#"* Initial invest/ents b- partners $"#"$ 3artnership operations $"#"7 Sharin) partnership profits and losses (Sharin) based on partners a)ree/ent% Sharin) based on capital contribution% Sharin) based on capital contribution and on service% Sharin) based on salaries and on interest $"#", 3artners6 drawin)s 8

9 $"#"; Ad/ission of a partner (Ad/ission b- purchasin) a partner6s interest% Ad/ission b- investin) in the partnership% Ad/ission b- investin) in the partnership 4 bonus to the old partners% Ad/ission b- investin) in the partnership H bonus to the new partner $"#"< Aithdrawal of a partner (Aithdrawal at boo& value% Aithdrawal at less than boo& value% Aithdrawal at /ore than boo& value $"#"# @eath of a partner $"#"> 5i0uidation of a partnership WSale of non4cash assets (At a )ainI At a lossI At carr-in) value % 3a-/ent of partnership liabilities% @istribution of re/ainin) assets to partnersX $"#"+ 3artnership financial state/ents 7" Accountin) for corporate transactions 7"* @efinition of corporation 7"$ Characteristics of corporation 7"7 Advanta)es and disadvanta)es of corporation 7", Classification of corporations 7"; Steps in or)ani2in) a corporation 7"< Articles of incorporation and b-4laws of the corporation 7"# Ri)hts of shareholders 7"> Share capital (=rdinar- and preference shares% 3ar value and no4par value shares% Authori2ed and unissued capital shares% Issued and outstandin) capital shares% Cu/ulative and noncu/ulative preference shares% 3articipatin) and non participatin) preference shares 7"+ Accountin) for share capital transactions 7"+"* Recordin) b- /e/orandu/ entr/ethod and b- 8ournal entr- /ethod of the authori2ed share capital 7"+"$ Issuance of share capital for cash andCor other assets (3ar value share% !o4par value but with stated value% !o4par value and no stated par value 7"+"7 Share subscriptions (Receipt of subscription% Collection% Subscription defaults 7"+", Share transactions subse0uent to for/ation W3urchase of treasur- shares (cost /ethod onl- % Reissue of treasur- shares% Share retire/ent% Conversion of preference shares into ordinar- sharesX 7"*? =ther co/ponents of shareholders6 e0uit- 7"*?"* Retained earnin)s C Accu/ulated profit or loss (Addition of the profit or loss for the current period% @ividends paid or declared% Transfers to and fro/ reserves% Chan)es in accountin) polic9

0 and errors 7"*?"$ Reserves WAccountin) for appropriations of retained earnin)s (additionsCreversals % Asset revaluation surplus% .air value differences% .orei)n currenc- translation differencesX 7"** @ividends% boo& value per share% and earnin)s per share co/putation 7"**"* Journal entries to record the declaration and pa-/ent of dividends 7"**"$ Co/putation of basic earnin)s per ordinar- share 7"**"7 Co/putation of boo& value per share of preference and ordinar- shares 7"*$ Share capital transactions subse0uent to for/ation 7"*$"* Share capital retire/ent 7"*$"$ Treasur- shares 7"*$"7 Conversion of preference share into ordinar- shares ," .inancial reportin) and anal-sis ,"* Balance sheet ,"*"* =b8ective of a balance sheet ,"*"$ Balance sheet classifications WAssets (Current and !oncurrent % 5iabilities (Current and !oncurrent % E0uit-X ,"*"7 Infor/ation re0uired to be presented on the face of the balance sheet or in the notes ,"*", Illustrative balance sheet ,"$ Inco/e state/ent ,"$"* =b8ective of an inco/e state/ent ,"$"$ Infor/ation re0uired to be presented on the face of the inco/e state/ent or in the notes ,"$"7 Illustrative inco/e state/ent ,"7 State/ent of chan)es in e0uit- ,"7"* =b8ective of a state/ent of chan)es in e0uit,"7"$ Infor/ation re0uired to be presented on the face of the state/ent of chan)es in e0uit- or in the notes ,"7"7 Illustrative state/ent of chan)es in e0uit,", Cash flow state/ent ,","* =b8ective of a cash flow state/ent ,","$ Infor/ation re0uired to be presented on the face of the cash flow state/ent or in the notes ,","7 Illustrative state/ent of cash flows ,",", Appreciation of cash controls (Ban& reconciliation state/entI 3ett9

1 cash fund ;" Interpretin) financial state/ents usin) ratio anal-sis ;"* Evaluatin) li0uidit- (Current ratioI Acid4test ratioI Receivable turnoverI Inventor- turnover ;"$ Evaluatin) profitabilit- (Rate of return on net salesI Rate of return on total asstsI Rate of return on owner(s 6 e0uit;"7 Evaluatin) lon)4ter/ solvenc- (@ebt ratioI Ti/es interest4earned ratio ;", Evaluatin) cash flow ade0uac- (Cash flow li0uidit- ratioI @efensive interval ratio ;"; Evaluatin) /ar&et ratios (3riceCearnin)s ratioI @ividend -ield S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es- Ba-sa E"T"% and BC" N" 5upisan" ($??, " Accounting "or Partnershi' and Cor'oration Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Banuel% T" F" Partnershi' H Cor'oration Accounting "or the ?%stth Century% *? Ed" Banila: TF Banuel" Falencia% E" ($??; " Partnershi' H Cor'oration Accounting Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Ficente% F"F" and F" Calano)" ($??< " Accounting "or Partnershi' and Cor'oration" Banila: EIC Enterprises"

2 Co*rse Ti+,eL'9 o) O5,i3'+io)s ')0 Co)+r'.+s Cre0i+Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e!one Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course )ives the student an understandin) of the le)al concepts and rules )overnin) the law of obli)ations and contracts and application of these concepts to practical proble/s" It involves a discussion of the nature% sources% &inds% and e1tin)uish/ents of contracts includin) defective contracts and other /iscellaneous topics relevant to the course" Co*rse O*+,i)e A" =bli)ations *" Eeneral le)al concepts of enforceable ri)hts and obli)ations $" T-pes of laws: $"* Constitutional laws $"$ Ad/inistrative laws and re)ulations $"7 Cri/inal laws $", Civil laws $"; .iscal laws $"< Bercantile (co//ercial laws includin) laws of credit $"# Insolvenc- and ban&ruptc- laws 7" Sources of obli)ations and their concepts 7"* 5aw 7"$ Cotracts 7"7 Luasi4contracts 7", @elicts 7"; Luasi4delicts ," !ational le)al s-ste/ ,"* The s-ste/ of courts and the ad/inistration of 8ustice ,"$ Case laws andCor le)islation and re)ulations affectin) enterprises 9

3 ,"7 3recedents and statutor- interpretations a" @isputes and the use of e1perts 5. The nature% purpose% scope and &e- principles of national le)islation% directives and case law Ginds of obli)ations in )eneral under the Civil Code $"* Specific circu/stances affectin) obli)ations in )eneral $"$ .ortuitous events $"7 .raud $", !e)li)ence $"; @ela- $"< Breach of contract 7" @uties of the obli)or in obli)ation to do or not to do ," E1tin)uish/ent of obli)ation with special e/phasis on ,"* 3a-/ent of debts of /one- ,"$ Bercantile docu/ents as /eans of pa-/ent ,"7 Special for/s or /odes of pa-/ent ,", Re/ission or condonation% confusion% co/pensation and novation ,"; Effect of insolvencand ban&ruptc- on e1tin)uish/ent of obli)ation B" Contracts *" Concepts and classification $" Ele/ents and sta)es 7" Eeneral principles of the law of contracts 7"* .or/ation of a contract 7"$ Contract contents and ter/s% includin) e1clusion clauses 7"7 @ischar)e of a contract 7", Re/edies for failure to perfor/ contract ter/s ," .reedo/ fro/ contract and li/itation 9

4 ;" 3ersons bound <" Consent ;"* Capacitated persons ;"$ Re0uisites ;"7 Fices of consent #" =b8ects of contracts >" Considerations of contracts +" .or/alities of contracts *?" Interpretation and refor/ation of contract **" @efective contracts *?"* Rescissible *?"$ Foidable *?"7 Unenforceable *?", Foid S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es .eliciano% Julie @avid" ($??* " Gbligations and Contracts Sim'li"ied" Lue2on Cit-: JBC 3ress" !olledo% Jose !" (*++7 " 7andbook on Gbligations and Contracts" Caloocan Cit-: Eraphic Arts" Torres% Justo" ($??7 " Gbligations and Contracts- 8ith !ntroduction to 4a(" Banila: Re1 Boo&store" 9

5 Co*rse Ti+,eI).o(e T'<'+io) Cre0i+Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e.unda/entals of Accountin)% 3art II Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This introductor- Ta1ation course is pri/aril- concerned with inco/e ta1ation" The ob8ective is to develop a wor&in) &nowled)e of the basic principles and rules of the inco/e ta1 s-ste/ as these appl- to individuals% partnerships and corporations" It covers an overview of the national ta1 s-ste/% and the inco/e ta1ation of e/plo-ees and unincorporated businesses and incorporated businesses" It provides the students with &nowled)e of the capital )ains ta1% final ta1 on certain passive inco/e% and the -ear4end ta1" Includin) the /ini/u/ corporate inco/e ta1% the nor/al ta1% and the i/properl- accu/ulated profits ta1 of corporations and withholdin) ta1es" Ta1 for/s are provided for specific topics discussed" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" 3rinciples of Ta1ation and its Re/edies *"* !ature% scope% classification% and essential characteristics *"$ 3rinciples of sound ta1 s-ste/ *"7 5i/itations of the power of ta1ation (inherent li/itations and constitutional li/itations *", @ifferences between ta1ation and police power *"; @ifferences between ta1ation and e/inent do/ain *"< Si/ilarities a/on) ta1ation% police power and e/inent do/ain *"# Ta1 evasion vs" ta1 avoidance *"> SitesCplace of ta1ation *"+ @ouble ta1ation (direct and indirect *"*? Ta1es (essential characteristics% classification% ta1 vs" other char)es (toll% special assess/ent% license fee% debt $" 3owers and Authorit- of the Co//issioner of Internal Revenue under Section , to #% Title * of the Ta1 Code 7" Authorit- of the Co//issioner to Co/pro/ise Ta1 3a-/ents% Abate or Cancel Ta1 5iabilitand Refund or Credit Ta1es ," Ta1 Re/edies ,"* Re/edies of the )overn/ent (State (@efinition% scope% prescriptive 9

6 period% Ad/inistrative re/edies (ta1 lien% co/pro/ise% lev- and distraint % Judicial actions (civil or cri/inal ,"$ Re/edies of the ta1pa-er (3rescriptive periods% Ad/inistrative re/edies (a A)ainst an assess/ent (protest% re0uest for reinvesti)ation I (b Re0uest for refund or credit of ta1es (recover- of erroneousl- or ille)all- collected ta1es% forfeiture of cash refund and ta1 credit ,"7 E1panded 8urisdiction of the Court of Ta1 Appeals (li/ited to 8urisdiction ;" Inco/e Ta1 ;"* Ta1pa-er and ta1 base ;"*"* Individuals a" Classification (citi2ens% aliens% pure co/pensation co/e earner% /i1ed inco/e earner b" Basic and personal e1e/ptions c" 3re/iu/ pa-/ents for health andCor hospitali2ation insurance d" Ta1 on aliens e/plo-ed b- re)ional operatin) head0uarters of /ultinationals% offshore ban&in) units% petroleu/ service contractor or subcontractor ;"*"$ Corporations a" Classification (do/estic and forei)n b" Inco/e ta1es i" Re)ular corporate inco/e ta1 ii" Bini/u/ corporate inco/e ta1 iii" =ptional corporate inco/e ta1 iv" I/properl- accu/ulated earnin)s ta1 c" Special corporations i" @o/estic (proprietar- educational institution% non4profit hospitals% )overn/ent owned or controlled corporation% etc" ii" Resident forei)n (international carriers% offshore ban&in) units% re)ional operatin) head0uarters of /ultinationals% branch profits re/ittances iii" !on4resident forei)n (lessors of e0uip/ent% aircraft and /achiner-I owners of vessels chartered b- 3hilippine nationals% lessor% distributor or owner of cine/ato)raphic fil/s 9

7 ;"*"7 3artnerships ()eneral professional partnerships and business partnerships ;"*", Joint ventures (e1e/pt and ta1able ;"*"; Estate and trust (e1e/pt and ta1able ;"$ Eross inco/e ;"$"* Inclusions in the )ross inco/e (co/pensation for services% inco/e derived fro/ business% trade practice of profession% )ains derived fro/ dealin)s in propert-% interest% rents% ro-alties% dividends% annuities% pri2es and winnin)s% pensions% partner6s distributive share fro/ the net inco/e of the )eneral professional partnershipI other inco/e includin) special proble/s such as /er)ers and consolidation% transfers to controlled corporation% wash sale ;"$"$ E1clusions fro/ )ross inco/e ;"$"7 3assive inco/e sub8ect to final ta1 ;"$", Capital )ains ta1 on sale of real propert- classified as capital asset and the applicable docu/entar- sta/p ta1 (includin) e1e/ption fro/ the capital )ains ta1 ;"$"; Capital )ains ta1 on sale of shares of stoc& not throu)h the local stoc& e1chan)e and the applicable docu/entar- sta/p ta1 ;"$"< .inal inco/e ta1 on frin)e benefits (includin) e1e/ptions ;"7 @eductions fro/ )ross inco/e ;"7"* Ite/i2ed deductions ;"7"$ Ite/s not deductible ;"7"7 =ptional standard deduction ;", Accountin) periods (calendar -ear% fiscal -ear% short accountin) period ;"; Accountin) /ethods (cash% accrual% install/ent /ethod% deferred pa-/ent /ethod% lu/p su/ or outri)ht /ethod% annual or spread out /ethod% percenta)e of co/pletion /ethod% networth /ethod of deter/inin) ta1able inco/e ;"< Ta1 return preparation and ta1 pa-/ents (venue and due dates ;"<"* Re)ular filin) (includin) substituted filin) of return and electronic filin) ;"<"$ 5ar)e ta1pa-ers and non4lar)e ta1pa-ers ;"<"7 Inco/e ta1 credits (local and forei)n ;"<", 3a-/ent of ta1es in install/ent i" Capital )ains ta1 ii" Ta1 due e1ceeds 3$%???"?? 9

8 ;"# Aithholdin) ta1es (at source% e1panded or creditable withholdin) ta1% final withholdin) ta1es and withholdin) ta1 on )overn/ent pa-/ents <" Co/pliance Re0uire/ents <"* Ad/inistrative re0uire/ents (re)istration% issuance of receipts% printin) of receipts <"$ Attach/ents to the inco/e ta1 return% includin) C3A certificate% per !IRC re0uire/ent <"7 Geepin) of boo&s of accounts and records% includin) report of inventories <", 3rescriptive period of boo&s of accounts and other accountin) records #" =ther Topics #"* Special re)ulations applicable to )roups of co/panies #"$ Bini/i2in) and deferrin) ta1 liabilities #"7 3urchases and sales of a co/pan-6s own shares #", Ta1 effects of the ac0uisition and sales of co/panies owned S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Re-es% Fir)ilio @" !ncome Ta& 4a( and Accounting A $e( A''roach (June $??< Edition " Conanan Enterprises% Banila" Falencia% Edwin E" and Ere)orio Ro1as" ($??, " !ncome Ta&ation- Princi'les and 4a(s (ith Accounting A''lications Revised ed" Ba)uio Cit-: Falencia Educational Suppl-"

9 Co*rse Ti+,eMi.roe.o)o(i. T&eor8 ')0 Pr'.+i.e Cre0i+Three (7 units Prere1*isi+eIntroduction to Econo/ics and 3olic- Aith 5and Refor/ and Ta1ation Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course introduces the student to the three pillars of econo/ic anal-sis (choice% scarcit-% and coordination and the /athe/atical techni0ues that econo/ists use to represent these ideas (opti/i2ation% e0uilibriu/% and addin)4up constraints " Bost of the course is devoted to 9price theor-:% elasticit-% price re)ulation and consu/er choice% which is the anal-sis of the role that price pla- in facilitatin) coordination in a /ar&et econo/-" The last part of the course deals with situations where coordination throu)h prices /a- not result in desirable outco/es" This includes /ar&et structures: co/petition and /onopol-% and /onopolistic co/petition and oli)opol-" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Econo/ic 0uestions% econo/ic /ethods and the /ar&et *", Three pillars of econo/ic anal-sis: choice% scarcit- and coordination *"; The function and wor&in) parts of the nation6s econo/- *"< Bain alternative econo/ic s-ste/s in the world *"# Econo/ic theories and /odels includin): /odels of relationships between econo/ic variables at the /icro and /acro econo/ic levelsI the t-pes of econo/ic /odelsI and /athe/atical and statistical techni0ues used in constructin) econo/ic /odels *"> 3ropert- ri)hts and /one- *"+ @e/and and chan)es in de/and *"*? Suppl- and chan)es in suppl- *"** 3rice deter/ination $" Elasticit-% price re)ulation and consu/er choice $"* 3rice elasticit- of de/and $"$ =ther elasticities of de/and $"7 Elasticit- of suppl- $", 3rice re)ulation $"; Choices that consu/ers /a&e $"< Utilit- and utilit- /a1i/i2ation $"# Consu/er surplus 10

0 $"> .or/ulas and e0uations used in econo/ics $"+ .orecastin): the use of ob8ective data and sub8ective 8ud)/ent to assess the future values of certain econo/ic factorsI and de/and forecastin) 7" 3roduction and the enterprise6s econo/ic policies 7"+ The enterprise6s econo/ic proble/s 7"*? Ele/entar- business finance 7"** (istorical costs and opportunit- costs as econo/ic concepts 7"*$ The efficienc- of enterprises 7"*7 The enterprise6s ob8ectives and constraints 7"*, Short4ter/ costs 7"*; 5on)4ter/ costs 7"*< Cost /ini/i2ation 7"*# The enterprise6s costs% technolo)- and input prices ," Bar&et structures: co/petition and /onopol,"* The function of the /ar&et in allocatin) scarce econo/ic resources ,"$ T-pes of /ar&et structures ,"7 The concept of perfect co/petition ,", 3rofit4 /a1i/i2ation strate)ies of a co/petitive fir/ ,"; Co/petitive industr- in the lon) run ,"< Ah- perfect co/petition is efficient ,"# Bonopolies and whthe- arise ,"> The /onopol-6s profit4 /a1i/i2ation price and output ,"+ 3rice deter/ination ,"*? Bonopolies and efficienc- issues ,"** Rent4see&in) and wh- it arises ,"*$ Co/petition and /onopol- at the do/estic level ;" Bar&et structures: /onopolistic co/petition and oli)opol;"* The definition of /onopolistic co/petition and oli)opol- ;"$ 3rice and output in a /onopolisticall- co/petitive industr- ;"7 The efficiencof /onopolistic co/petition ;", 3riceCprofit strate)ies of enterprises in an oli)opolistic industr- ;"; 3rice and output behavior of a cartel ;"< Bonopolistic co/petition and oli)opol- at the do/estic level 10

1 ;"# Infor/ation as an econo/ic resource ;"> Bar&et failure and )overn/ent action to overco/e it S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es 3ind-c&% Robert S" and Rubinfield% @aniel 5" ($??; <icroeconomics% Si1th Edition" 3rentice (all" th Edition" Boston: BcEraw4(ill (ISB! ?4?#4$>*+7;4+ BcConnell%

Ca/pbell R" and Stanle- 5" Brue ($??; " Economics- Princi'les/ Problems and Policies/ *<th Edition" Southwestern 3ublishin)" !icholson% Aalter ($??$ " <icroeconomic Theory- Basic Princi'les and E&tensions% >th Slavin% Stephen 5 ($??; " <icroeconomics% # Edition" Burr Rid)e: Illinois: BcEraw4(illCIrwin" !icholson% Aalter ($??7 " !ntermediate <icroeconomics and !ts A''lications" +th ed" Sta/ford% CT: Tho/son 5earnin)% $??7" ISB!: ?7?$;+*<+" th Schiller% Bradle- R" ($??7 The <icroeconomy Today% + Edition" !ew Nor&: BcEraw4(illCIrwin" 10

2 Co*rse Ti+,e"oo0 "o;er)').e ')0 Cor2or'+e Res2o)si5i,i+8 Cre0i+Three (7 units Prere1*isi+es3rinciples of Bana)e/ent and =r)ani2ation and 5aw on Business =r)ani2ations Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is desi)ned to infor/ and sti/ulate thin&in) on issues of ethics and social responsibilit- encountered in business" The /aterial covered is intended to prepare students to reco)ni2e and /ana)e ethical and social responsibilit- issues as the- arise% and to help the/ for/ulate their own standards of inte)rit- and professionalis/" The overall course ob8ectives are to increase awareness of the ethical di/ension of business conduct% to contribute insi)ht into the professional standards and responsibilities of students in their future careersI to develop anal-tical s&ills for identif-in) and resolvin) ethical and social responsibilit- issues in businessI and to practice decision /a&in) about ethical and social responsibilit- issues" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" The corporation and corporate )overnance *"* The ai/s and ob8ectives of a corporation and the )oals of the different interest )roups involved *"$ The relationship between shareholders% bondholders% ban&ers and directorsI the potential for conflicts of interestsI the effect of the a)enc- theor- on concepts of )overnance *"7 The concept of )oal con)ruence and how it can be achieved *", The role of non4e1ecutive directors% ad/inistrators% /ana)e/ent bu-4outs and bu-4ins% e1ecutive share sche/es% etc" in corporate operations *"; The wa-s and /eans of pro/otin) ethical behavior within the or)ani2ation and in relation to the outside world *"< The role of the chief financial officer (C.= % the audit co//ittee% internal auditor and e1ternal auditors *"# @iscussion of corporate )overnance case studies in the local scene as well as relevant cases fro/ the international scene $" =r)ani2ations and their structural and political environ/ent $"* @e/o)raphic structures and product and labor /ar&ets $"$ Socio4econo/ic )roupin)sI the distribution of inco/e and wealth $"7 The influence of culture on or)ani2ational values% attitudes% behavior and perfor/ance 10

3 $", Social responsibilit- and or)ani2ations $"; Ethical behavior in the enterprise $"< The role of the state and its i/pact on or)ani2ations $"# 3olitical parties and pressure )roups and their influence on )overn/ent polic7" The internal and e1ternal institutions of corporate )overnance 7"* The purpose of the corporation: for who/ does the corporation e1ist: shareholders% sta&eholders% the co//unit- and the state 7"$ The internal institutions of corporate )overnance: directors% /ana)ers% and shareholders 7"7 Choices within le)al constraints: anti4ta&eover defensesI /iti)ation and inde/nification of director and officer liabilit-I shareholder li/itations% throu)h classes of stoc&% super/a8oritiesI contractual /atters such as /ana)e/ent a)ree/entsI FC and other invest/ent a)ree/entsI votin) a)ree/ents 7", The e1ternal institutions of corporate )overnance: re)ulators% /ar&ets% auditors% and others 7"; Alternative /odels of corporate re)ulation" (e")" disclosure /odel vs" /erit /odel 7"< Alternative /odels of corporate )overnance (e")" An)lo4A/erican vs" Continental European ," Corporate social responsibilit,"* The concept of corporate social responsibilit-: what is itP @oes it e1istP @oes it /atterP ,"$ Ethical leadership and the ps-cholo)- of decision /a&in) ,"7 Ethical decision /a&in) in or)ani2ations: a person4situation interactionist /odel ,", Is the social responsibilit- of business to increase its profitsP ,"; Corporate citi2enship% philanthrop- and social initiatives: theori2in) business citi2enship ,"< The co/petitive advanta)e of corporate philanthrop- ,"# Social screenin) of invest/ents ,"> Corporate social initiatives: corporate co//unit- involve/entI social accountabilit- and corporate )reenwashin) ,"+ Corporate social responsibilit- in the )lobal conte1t: /ultinationals and less developed countriesI international business% /oralit- and the co//on )oodI corruption in international business 10

4 ;" 9A)enc- proble/ in corporate )overnance: accountabilit- of /ana)ers and stoc&holders ;"* @efinin) and enforcin) /ana)ers6 duties ;"$ Bechanis/s of stoc&holders accountabilit-: votin) and pro1- contestsI derivative and class actionsI ta&eovers% tender offers% and /ar&ets for corporate control ;"7 =utside forces: re)ulators% )overn/ent enforce/ent (civil and cri/inal ;", 5e)islative (ntroduction to Sarbanes4=1le-% forei)n initiatives" ;"; Eate&eepers and access to capital: auditorsI invest/ent ban&ersI ratin) a)enciesI e1chan)es% the financial press <" Standards settin)% best practices and corporate )overnance refor/ <"* Role of institutional investors" <"$ Role of standard settin) or)ani2ations (e")" =EC@ <"7 5e)islative initiatives and proposals% e")"% Sarbanes4=1le-% (i))s Report <", The i/pact of cross listin) <"; The process and prospects of conver)ence of national standards #" Corporate )overnance in forei)n invest/ent% privati2ation and the si)nificance of insolvenc- re)i/es #"* Corporate )overnance and forei)n invest/ent #"$ Corporate )overnance and privati2ation #"7 Insolvenc- re)i/es and their effect on corporate )overnance S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es: Andriof and BcIntosh ($??* " Pers'ectives on Cor'orate CitiEenshi'" Ereenleaf 3ublishin) Bic&lewait% John and Adrian Aooldrid)e ($??7 The Com'any !ew Nor&: The Bodern 5ibrar-" Turner% B"% D (ul/e% @" (*++# " Governance/ administration and develo'ment" Bloo/field% CT: Gu/arian 3ress" ISB!: *;<;,+?#?7 Coffee% John C" Jr" ($??$ 9Racin) Towards the TopP: The I/pact of Cross45istin)s and Stoc& Bar&et Co/petition on International Corporate Eovernance%: 8orking Pa'er no ?6:/ The Center for 5aw and Econo/ic Studies% Colu/bia 5aw School% Ba- 7?% $??$" 10 5 @enis% @"G" et al% 9International Corporate Eovernance:% ECG!3#inance 8orking Pa'er $o 6:/?66) and Tuc&4JL.A Conte/porar- Corporate Eovernance Issues II Conference ($??7 " !"#$%320121#code 020731600.pdf&a'stractid(320121

C. Info$(%tion Technolo)* E&uc%tion Co*rse Ti+,e- IT Co).e2+s ')0 S8s+e(s A)',8sis ')0 Desi3) Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- .unda/entals of Co/puter Software Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is desi)ned to provide Accountanc- students with an overview of the s-ste/s anal-sis and desi)n concepts% /ethodolo)ies% techni0ues% and tools" The course starts with a discussion of the )eneral s-ste/ concepts% /ana)e/ent6s use of infor/ation% IT infrastructure and rules as the- pertain to accountin)% accountant6s functions with respect to IT% the /ana)e/ent of IT adoption% i/ple/entation and use% /ana)in) the securit- of infor/ation% and electronic co//erce" It then proceeds to a discussion of the s-ste/s develop/ent environ/ent% s-ste/ develop/ent life c-cle% s-ste/ anal-sis and desi)n techni0ues% s-ste/ ac0uisition% develop/ent life c-cle phases% tas&s and practices and /aintainin) control over s-ste/ develop/ent processes% and accountin) s-ste/ desi)n issues" Co*rse O*+,i)e I" Eeneral IT Concepts *" IT concepts for business s-ste/s: surve- of IT pertainin) to accountin) functions *"* Eeneral s-ste/ concepts *"*"* S-ste/s theor-% s-ste/ ob8ectives and t-pes of s-ste/s *"*"$ S-ste/ architecture *"*"7 Control and feedbac& in s-ste/s *"*", The nature% t-pes and attributes of infor/ation *"*"; The role of infor/ation within business *"$ Bana)e/ent6s use of infor/ation: )eneral overview of decision theor- *"$"* (u/an infor/ation processin) *"$"$ Transaction processin) t-pical business applications *"$"7 The co//unication of infor/ation *"$", .inancial anal-sis% decision support% e1ecutive infor/ation s-ste/s% and business intelli)ence 10

6 *"$"; Eeneral led)er% bud)etin) and infor/ation s-ste/s $" IT infrastructure and rules as the- pertain to accountin) functions $"* (ardware 4 capabilities (3C% /id4ran)e and /ainfra/es% wireless% costC replace/ent c-cles $"$ Software (applicationsCoperatin) s-ste/s capabilities% application software strate)-% inte)rated s-ste/s% databases% nature of the IT industr- and IS contracts% software (creation and /aintenance % costCreplace/ent c-cles $"7 Teleco/ (cost% capabilities% bandwidth% wireless% providers% re)ulatorenviron/ent $", Securit- $"; 3rivac7" Evolution of IS /odels 7"* Banual process /odel 7"$ .lat4file /odel 7"7 @atabase /odel 7", REA /odel 7"; ER3 s-ste/s ," @atabases and resources% events% and a)ents (REA ,"* Ele/ents of database environ/ent ,"$ @atabases in distributed environ/ent ,"7 @atabase applications on REA approach ,", @evelopin) REA /odel ;" Enterprise resource plannin) and e4co//erce ;"* ER3 s-ste/ confi)urations ;"$ @ata warehousin) ;"7 Ris&s associated with ER3 i/ple/entation ;", !etwor& topolo)- ;"; Electronic data interchan)e (E@I ;"< Ris&s associated with e4 co//erce ;"# Securit-% assurance% and trust ;"> I/plications for the accountin) profession 10

7 II" S-ste/s Anal-sis and @evelop/ent <" Introduction to s-ste/s anal-sis and desi)n <"* The S-ste/ @evelop/ent 5ife C-cle (S@5C /odel <"*"* S-ste/ desi)n /ethods and tools <"*"$ Co/puter4aided s-ste/s en)ineerin) <"$ S-ste/s develop/ent /ethodolo)ies <"7 3ro8ect tea/ roles and s&ills #" S-ste/s tools and docu/entation techni0ues #"* @ata flow dia)ra/ #"$ .lowchartin) >" S-ste/s plannin) >"* 3ro8ect initiation >"$ 3ro8ect /ana)e/ent +" S-ste/s anal-sis +"* Re0uire/ents deter/ination *?" S-ste/s desi)n **" S-ste/s i/ple/entation and /aintenance **"* Construction **"$ Installation and operations III" Accountant6s functions with respect to IT *" Specif-in) t-pes and characteristics of *"* End user hardware *"$ Application software *"7 Teleco//unications infrastructure $" Interactin) with IS $"* Eroup level 10

8 $"$ Individual level (software specification% software acceptance testin)% software /aintenance $"7 Interaction of accountants with IT technical staff 7" Accountant6s role on co/puterCITCIS co//ittees 7"* In strate)ic decisions about IT such as: 7"*"* Resource allocations 7"*"$ =utsourcin) 7"*"7 Strate)ic use of IT 7"$ @ata or)ani2ation and access /ethods 7"$"* @ata structures and life or)ani2ations 7"$"$ !etwor&s and electronic data transfer 7"$"7 Transaction processin) in t-pical business applications 7"$", 3roduction plannin) and schedulin)% includin) ER3% co/puter4aided desi)n CA@ and CAB ," The /ana)e/ent of IT adoption% i/ple/entation and use ,"* Strate)ic consideration in IT develop/ent ,"*"* 3lannin) of infor/ation s-ste/s based on business success factors and criteria ,"*"$ Co/ponents of lon)4ran)e plans ,"*"7 Inte)ration with business ob8ectives and success factors ,"*", 3articipation in strate)ic plannin) ,"$ Ad/inistrative Issues ,"$"* Job functions% or)ani2ation and reportin) relationships of the IT depart/ent ,"$"$ Recruitin) and developin) infor/ation s-ste/s hu/an resources (IT service inhouse vs" outsourced pac&a)ed software ,"7 .inancial control over IT Hbud)etin) and cost control ,", =perational issues ,","* @evelopin) operational priorities ,","$ Bana)e/ent of co/puter operations ,","7 Bana)e/ent of inter4or)ani2ational co/putin) ,"; Bana)e/ent of s-ste/ ac0uisition% develop/ent% and i/ple/entation ,";"* @evelop/ent ac0uisition alternatives ,";"$ Standards and controls applicable to IT develop/ent 10

9 pro8ects ,"< The /ana)e/ent of s-ste/ /aintenance and chan)e H standards and control role of infor/ation centres ,"# The /ana)e/ent of end4user co/putin) H the

,"> Char)e4bac& sche/es S * 3 3 e s + e 0 R e 4 e r e ) . e s


edition" John Aile- and Sons" th (all% Ja/es" ($??, " Accounting !n"ormation Systems/ , edition" SouthAestern Colle)e 3ublishin)" rd (offer% Jeffre- A% Joe- ." Eeor)e and Joseph S" Falacich" ($??$ " <odern Systems Analysis and .esign (7 Ed " !J: 3rentice (all" Ro/ne- and Steinbart" ($??7 " Accounting !n"ormation Systems/ +th edition" 3rentice (all" Shell-% Ear- B"% Tho/as J" Cash/an% (arr- J" Rosenlatt" ($??< " S-ste/s Anal-sis and @esi)n" Tho/son Corporation" ISB!: =4<*+4$;;*?4$" S * 3 3 e s + e

@ennis% Allan et al" ($??; % Systems Analysis and .esign/ $

0 S o 4 + 9

' r e Bicrosoft 3ro8ect 11

0 Co*rse Ti+,e- A..o*)+i)3 I)4or('+io) S8s+e(s Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- IT Concepts and S-ste/s and Anal-sis and @esi)n Co*rse Des.ri2+io) Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/s (AIS introduces students to the s-ste/s that underlie boo&&eepin)% accountin)% financial reportin)% ta1 reportin)% and auditin) in all business fir/s" Such s-ste/s are increasin)l- co/ple1 and in a continual state of flu1 do to rapidl- chan)in) technolo)ies and securit- ris&s" In this course% the students learn about the develop/ent standards and practices for accountin) infor/ation s-ste/s and )ain hands4on e1perience in% the use of electronic spreadsheet software for advanced business anal-sis% and to )ain hands4on e1perience with a co//ercial accountin) software pac&a)e" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Introduction to accountin) infor/ation s-ste/s *"* Review of /anual accountin) s-ste/s *"$ Traditional AIS *"7 The role of the AIS in the value chain *", @ata concepts *"; Business s-ste/ desi)n Infor/ation s-ste/s within a fir/ *","* The AIS and corporate strate)- *","$ Infor/ation technolo)- and business strate)*", Accountants as s-ste/s4oriented professionals $" The business environ/ent and the AIS $"* Business fir/s as s-ste/s $"$ =r)ani2ational structures in business fir/s $"7 =perational s-ste/s 7" Co/puter4based transaction processin) 7"* @ata input (=n4line and off4line 7"$ @ata processin) (3eriodic% real4ti/e% @irect updatin)% se0uential updatin)% inde1ed se0uential% rando/i2ation% Alternative processin) approaches% Codin) 7"7 @ata output 11

1 ," @evelop/ent standards and practices for accountin) infor/ation s-ste/s ,"* The role of infor/ation in or)ani2ation desi)n and behavior ,"*"* @atabases and database /ana)e/ent s-ste/s ,"*"$ S-ste/ develop/ent life c-cle ,"*"7 Ris&s: econo/ics% technical% operational and behavioral ,"*", Controls ,"$ Review of s-ste/ anal-sis and desi)n techni0ues ,"$"* Infor/ation re0uire/ents elicitation ,"$"$ @ocu/entation of anal-sis and re0uire/ents ,"$"7 S-ste/ desi)n ,"7 S-ste/ ac0uisition% develop/ent life c-cle phases% tas&s and practices% and /aintainin) control over s-ste/ develop/ent processes ,"7"* Investi)ation and feasibilit- studies ,"7"$ Re0uire/ents anal-sis and initial desi)n ;" Ris& e1posures and the internal control structure ;"* T-pes of ris&s ;"$ Co/puter cri/es ;"7 Control ob8ectives ;"7"* Ris&s and e1posure in co/puter4based infor/ation s-ste/s ;"7"$ The effect of the co/puter on processin) controls ;"7"7 The effect of IT on or)ani2ations and control ;"7", Responsibilit- for controls ;"7"; Effectiveness and efficiencof operations ;"7"< Reliabilit- of financial reportin) ;"7"# Co/pliance with applicable laws and re)ulations ;"7"> Cost effectiveness of control procedures ;", Internal and s-ste/s controls ;","* .ra/ewor&s for internal control ;","$ Specific internal control techni0ues ;","7 Control issues ;"; The control environ/ent ;";"* Bana)e/ent philosophies and operatin) st-les% or)ani2ation plans and structures% co//unication /ethods 11

2 and control /ethods and their effects on s-ste/ develop/ent ;";"$ Control over s-ste/ selection% ac0uisition and develop/ent ;";"7 Control over s-ste/ i/ple/entation ;";", Control over s-ste/ and pro)ra/ chan)es ;"< Ris& assess/ent ;"<"* Ris& e1posures ;"<"$ 3robabilit- and conse0uences of loss ;"<"7 3reventive% detective and corrective strate)ies ;"# Control activities ;"#"* The function of accountin) s-ste/s ;"#"$ Ad/inistrative and accountin) control procedures ;"#"7 Control desi)n 4 control over data inte)rit-% privac- and securit- ;"#", Continuit- of processin)% disaster recoverplannin) and control ;"#"; Infor/ation s-ste/ processin) and operations fro/ a control point of view ;"#"< Bonitorin) co/pliance with control H the role of /ana)e/ent users% internal auditors and e1ternal auditors ;" Eeneral controls and application controls ;"* 3rinciples of a reliable s-ste/ ;"$ Control classifications ;"7 Eeneral controls ;", Application controls <" Bana)in) the securit- of infor/ation <"* Control over data inte)rit-% privac-% and securit- <"$ I/portance of infor/ation securit- <"7 3rinciples of infor/ation securit- <", Best approaches to i/ple/entin) infor/ation securit- <"; Trade4 off between cost of securit- and a/ount of securit#" The Eeneral led)er and financial reportin) c-cle #"*.inancial transaction processin) s-ste/ architectures 11

3 #"$ Benefits and differences of a co/puteri2ed )eneral led)er s-ste/ #"7 Eeneral led)er and reportin) activities #", =b8ectives of the )eneral led)er s-ste/ #"; @ata input% data processin)% infor/ation output #"< Eeneral led)er ris& e1posures% )eneral controls% application controls #"# Aeb4securitprocedures >" The Revenue c-cle >"* Revenue c-cle business activities >"$ =b8ectives of the revenue c-cle activities >"7 @ata input% data processin)% infor/ation output >", Revenue c-cle ris& e1posures% )eneral controls% and application controls >"; Aeb4securitprocedures +" The E1penditure c-cle +"* 3urchasin) and cash disburse/ents +"$ .i1ed assets ac0uisition +"7 E1penditure c-cle business activities +", =b8ectives of the e1penditure c-cle activities +"; @ata input% data processin)% infor/ation output +"< E1penditure c-cle ris& e1posures% )eneral controls% and application controls +"# Aeb4securitprocedures *?" The hu/an resources ((R and pa-roll c-cle *?"* (R and pa-roll c-cle business activities *?"$ =b8ectives of the (R and pa-roll c-cle activities *?"7 @ata input% data processin)% infor/ation output *?", (R and pa-roll c-cle ris& e1posures% )eneral controls% and application controls *?"; Aeb4 securit- procedures **" Accountin) s-ste/ desi)n issues **"* S-ste/ ac0uisition 11

4 **"$ Basic flowchartin) techni0uesC s-ste/s **"7 .ile processin): **", Baster files **"; Transaction files **"< 3eriodic reportin) **"# 3roble/s with the traditional approach *$" Co//ercial software *7" Chan)e /ana)e/ent H behavioral issues *," Electronic co//erce *,"* The nature of electronic co//erce *,"$ Intra4co/pan- applications *,"7 The e1tranet and its applications for /ana)in) suppl- chains with suppliers% vendors% and contractors *,", The thConce'ts and A''licationss/ , edition" Internet and the worldwide web *,"; The John Aile- and Sons" S*33es+e0 So4+9're /ar&etin) of products and services *,"< E1ternal custo/ers transactions% pa-/ents and transfers *,"# =n4line ban&in) as it affects the fir/6s treasur- *,"> .inancial electronic data interchan)e (.@I *,"+ Securit- /atters related to electronic co//erce S * 3 3 e s + e 0 R e 4 e r e ) . e s

Ro/ne- and Steinbart ($??7 " Accounting !n"ormation Systems/ +th


Co/puteri2ed practice set (ACC3AC or an- co/puter software " t h Eelinas% Sutton and =ra/" ($??$ " Accounting !n"ormation Systems (< Ed " Southwestern 3ublishin)" ISB!: ?7$,$$??+>#" Burth-% Uda- S" and S" Bichael Eroo/er" ($??; " Accounting !n"ormation Systems" C-berte1t 3ublishin)" edition" 3rentice (all" S/ith% 5" Burph- and Gatherine T" S/ith" ($??, " Accounting !n"ormation Systems" (, Ed " (ou)hton Bifflin Custo/ 3ublishin)" ISB!: ?<*>4,<+?+;" Ail&inson% Joseph A" et al ($??? " Accounting !n"ormation System Essential 11

5 C o * r s e Ti + , e - A * 0 i + i ) 3 i ) ' C I S o f E ) ; i ro ) ( e ) + C re 0 i + - T h r e e ( 7 u n i t s P re re 1 * i s i + e - A c c o u nt i n ) I n f or / a t i o n I S-ste/ Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This T c o u r s e c o/ p l e / e n t s t h e c o u r s e i n a u d i t i n )" I t d i s c u s s e s i nf o r / a t i o n t e c h n ol o ) - ( I T 4 r e l a t e d r i s & s % s e c u r i t -a u a n d c o n t r ol / e c h a ni s / s a n d t e c h ni 0 u e s t h a t / a - b e e / p l o - e d t o a d d r e s s t he d in r i s & s % a n d t h e i / pa c t o f c o / p u t e r us e o t h e a u d i t " I t a l s o i nt r o d u c e s c o/ p u t e r t a s s i s t e d a u d i t t e c h ni 0 u e s a n d t o ol s " I n t hi s c o ur s e % s t u d e n t s ) a i n a n a p p r e c i a t i o n of t h e pa r t i c u l a r f e a t ur e s a n d u n de r s t a n d i n ) o f t h e r i s &s i n v ol v e d i n a u d i t i n ) i n a C I S e n v i r o n/ e n t % t h e C I S c o nt r o l s t he - w o u l d e 1 p e c t t o f i n d i n t h i s p a r t i c u l a r a r e a % h o w a u di t o r s u s e * C A AT S ( C o / p ut e r A s s i s t e d A u d i t ? Te c h n i 0 u e s i n t hi s a r e a " T h e s t u de n t s? ) a i n h a n d s 4 o n e 1 p e r i e n c e i n t he u s e o f 7 c o / p ut e r s i n p e r f o r / i n ) a u di t s " % * C ? o ? * > r % s * e ? ? O + * % + * , ? i * ) 7 e * " = v e r v i e w

*"* 3hilippine Standard on Auditin) (3SA ,?* *"$ 3hilippine Auditin) 3ractices State/ents (3A3S *??*% *??$%

$" 5e) al and ethi cal issu es for IT audi tors $"*

ISA CA cod e of ethi cs $"$ Irre )ula r and ille )al acts $"7 Re) ulat orand le)a l issu es 7 " I T r i s & s a n d c o n t r o l s 7

" * I d e n t i f i n ) I T r i s & s 7 " $ I d e n t i f i n ) I T c o n t r o l s

7 " 7 @ o c u / e n t i n ) I T c o n t r o l s 7 " , B o n i t o r i n ) I T 116 , " I T d e p l o / e n t r i s & s

r i s & s a n d c o n t r o l s

,"* @evelopin) strate)ic plans ,"$ Bana)in) develop/ent pro8ects ,"7 Ac0uirin) software applications

,", @evelopin) software applications ,"; Chan)in) software applications ,"< I/ple/entin) software applications ,"# Controllin) and auditin) the s-ste/s develop/ent ,"#"* Controllin) new s-ste/s develop/ent ,"#"$ Controllin) s-ste/s /aintenance ;" Bana)in) the IT function ;"* =r)ani2in)% financin)% staffin)% directin)% controllin) ;"$ Controllin) and auditin) co/puter operations <" @ata /ana)e/ent s-ste/s <"* @ata /ana)e/ent approaches <"$ Controllin) and auditin) data /ana)e/ent s-ste/s <"$"* Access controls <"$"$ Bac&up controls #" IT networ&s and teleco//unication ris&s #"* !etwor& and teleco//unication securities #"$ E4business ris&s #"7 Bana)in) third part- providers #", Third part- assurance services #"; Issues of increasin) i/portance to the accountin) profession #"< Controllin) and auditin) networ&s% internet% and e4co//erce >" Evaluation of co/puter4based s-ste/s >"* 5e)al% ethical% auditin) and infor/ation s-ste/ control standards >"*"* 5e)al and ethical re0uire/ents >"*"$ Auditin) standards relevant to infor/ation technolo)- (IT >"*"7 Co/puter control )uidelines >"$ Evaluation ob8ectives: >"$"* Efficienc-% effectiveness and econo/- of IT use >"$"$ Co/pliance with policies% statutes and re)ulations >"$"7 Evaluation of internal control in co/puter4based s-ste/s >"$", .airness of financial state/ent representations and the accurac- and co/pleteness of accountin) records 11

7 >"$"; Evaluation /ethods and techni0ues >"$";"* 3lannin)% schedulin) and staffin) >"$";"$ =btainin) an understandin) of s-ste/s in the business conte1t >"$";"7 @ocu/entin) s-ste/s and ele/ents of control structure >"$";", Tests of features% controls% transactions and balances >"$";"; Supervision% review and 0ualitassurance >"7 Co//unicatin) the results of evaluations: >"7"* T-pes of reports >"7"$ 5evels of assurance >"7"7 I/portance of co//unication s&ills >"7", .ollowin) upH fre0uenc-% ti/in) D reportin) >"7"; Specific t-pes of evaluations: >", Co/puter4assisted audit techni0ues (CAATs >","* Audit productivitsoftware >","$ Eenerali2ed audit software tools >","7 Testin) co/puter application controls >",", Co/puter4aided audit tools and techni0ues for testin) controls >","; Continuous auditin) techni0ues >","< (ands4 on trainin) with AC5 +" Audit software +"* Capabilities and li/itations of )enerali2ed audit software +"$ Steps in /ana)in) )enerali2ed audit software +"7 3roble/s in usin) )enerali2ed audit software +", Capabilities and li/itations of industr-4 specific audit software +"; Use of s-ste/s software and speciali2ed audit software +"< Control and inte)rit- issues in speciali2ed audit software *?" Auditin) the revenue c-cle usin) AC5 *?"* Audit ob8ectives% controls% and tests of controls **" Co/pletin) the IT audit **"* The IT audit life c-cle 11

8 **"$ .our t-pes of IT audit *$" .raud% fraud sche/es% and fraud detection *$"* The fraud dia/ond *$"$ Sarbanes4=1le- act *$"7 .raud sche/es *$", Auditor6s responsibilit- for detectin) fraud *$"; .raud detection techni0ues usin) AC5 S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es (unton% Ja/es E" et al" ($??, " Core Conce'ts o" !n"ormation Technology Auditing John Aile- and Sons" (all% J and Sin)leton% T" ($??, " !n"ormation Technology Auditing and Assurance South4Aestern Colle)e 3ublishin)" 3SA ,?* of the Auditin) Standards and 3ractices Council" 3A3S *??*% *??$% *??7% *??>% *??+% *?*7 of the Auditin) Standards and 3ractices Council" Infor/ation S-ste/s and Audit and Control Association ($??; " C!SA 9evie( <anual S*33es+e0 So4+9're AC5 H a )enerali2ed audit software 11

9 D. Account%nc* %n& Fin%nce E&uc%tion Othe$ Gene$%l E&uc%tion %n& 'usiness E&uc%tion Cou$ses Co*rse Ti+,e- C',.*,*s 4or *si)ess Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Colle)e Al)ebra Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course provides the students with an understandin) of calculus as it applies to business% econo/ics% and accountanc-" Topics include li/its% continuit-% derivatives of pol-no/ial and other al)ebraic functions% i/plicit differentiation% hi)her4order derivatives% e1tre/a% lo)arith/ic and e1ponential functions% definite and indefinite inte)rals% and applications to business and accountin) topics" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" .unctions and chan)e *"* Ahat is a functionP *"$ 5inear functions *"7 Rates of chan)e *", Applications of functions to business and econo/ics *"; E1ponential functions *"< !atural lo)arith/ *"# E1ponential )rowth and deca- *"> 3ol-no/ials *"+ 3eriodic function $" The @erivative $"* Techni0ues of differentiation (rectilinear /otion $"$ 3roduct and 0uotient rules $"7 (i)her order (derivation of product rule $", The chain rule $"; Bar)inal anal-sis and appro1i/ations usin) incre/ents (appro1i/ation of percenta)e chan)e $"< Applications: /ar)inal revenue% /ar)inal cost% /ar)inal profit 7" Increasin) and decreasin) functions 12

0 7"* Relative e1tre/a 7"$ Concavitand points of inflection 7"7 Curve s&etchin) 7", =pti/i2ati on (price elasticitof de/and and levels of elasticit7"; Additional applied opti/i2ati on , " E 1 p o n e n t i a l a n d e 1 p o n e n t i a l f u n c t i o n s ," * E 1 p o ne nt ia l fu nc ti o ns ," $ 5 o )a rit h / ic fu nc ti o ns ," 7 @ iff er en ti at io n of lo )a rit h / ic an d e1 p o ne nt ia l fu nc ti o ns ," , A d di ti o na l e1 p o ne nt ia l / o de ls ;" Anti4differentiation ;"* The indefinite inte)ral ;"$

Inte)ration b- substitution ;"7 The definite inte)ral and the funda/ental theore/ of calculus ;", Appl-in) definite inte)ration: area between curves and avera)e value < " . u n c t i o n s o f s e v e r a l v a r i a b l e s <"* 3artial derivative s (substitute and co/ple/e ntarco//odit

ies <"$ =pti/i2in ) function of two variables <"7 The /ethod of least s0uares <", Constrain ed opti/i2ati on: the /ethod of 5a)ran)e /ultiplier s S * 3 3 e s + e 0 R e 4 e r e ) . e s :
Bon&% E" S" ($??<

Soo Tan) Chan ($??< Calculus "or the <anagerial 4i"e and Social Sciences% # Edition" Tho/son Broo&sCCole" ISB! ?4;7,4,*+><4? 5arson D Edwards ($??< Calculus- An A''lied A''roach% #th Edition" (ou)hton Bifflin% Boston" (u)hes4(allett% Eleson% 5oc&% .lath et al ($??7 A''lied Calculus" John Aile- D Sons"

Calculus in Business and Economics" UniversitAa-% !E"

5aTorre% Gennell-% .etta%

(arris% Carpenter ($??; " h 121

Calculus Conce'ts- An !n"ormal Change (Brief Third Edition " A''roach to the <athematics o" (ou)hton Bifflin% Boston" t

Co*rse Ti+,e- Fi)e Ar+s (Vis*', ')0 of hu/an life *", Art evaluation and Per4or(i)3 Ar+s) Cre0i+- Three (7 units criticis/: censorship Prere1*isi+e- Art% Ban and Societ- Co*rse and public fundin) Des.ri2+io) The course is an introductor- studand appreciation of the visual and perfor/in) arts" $" Fisual arts $"* Fisual ele/ents: line% It includes instruction in art% photo)raph-% and shape% for/% /ass% value% color% te1ture $"$ other visual co//unications /edia" The students Balance% unit-% variet- and e/phasis $"7 also have an opportunit- to stud- and e1perience @rawin) and paintin) $", 3rint/a&in) $"; the /ost vibrant aspects of the perfor/in) arts" Sculpture: how it relates to the The- are introduced to the theatrical tradition and environ/ent (e")" sculpture about receive )roundin) in the ori)ins of the world4 ecolo)- I how it will be inte)rated into the fa/ous theatres" The /ain ob8ective of the course environ/ent (e")" si)ht specific sculpture I is to provide students with a foundation in visual how it affects the /ental% ph-sical% literac-% to introduce the/ to the special character e/otional% and spiritual environ/ents of of the visual arts and perfor/in) arts and to a e1istence critical vocabular- for anal-sis and interpretation $"< Cera/ics: nature of cla-I of those arts and their e1perience of the/" diverse /ethods of e1pression Co*rse O*+,i)epossible usin) traditional hand4 *" Introduction to art *"* 3urposes of art: buildin) techni0uesI introduction content and conte1t *"$ Ba&in) to the potter6s wheel connection with art: the /useu/ s-ste/ $"# Eraphic arts% /edia *"7 Ah- stud- visual and perfor/in) artsI /anipulationCadvertisin) $"> Co/puter art $"+ art and desi)n% dance% dra/a 3hoto)raph-: basics of ca/era controls% li)ht and /usic as and fil/% use of the dar&roo/ to shoot% develop essential co/ponents and print 122

$"*? Ani/ation $"** Ani/atronics 7" 3erfor/in) arts 7"* @ance: understandin) the historical contributions and cultural di/ensions of danceI aesthetic valuin) H respon 7"$ din)% anal-2in) and /a&in) 8ud)in) about wor&s of dance 7"7 Theatre: script readin)% i/provisational actin)% theatre )a/es% theoretical studiesI on4sta)e s&ill buildin) 7", Busic: overview of the /a8or aspects of /odern recorded /usic era (*+??4$??; ," Twentieth centur- art ,"* I/pressionis/ ,"$ Abstraction ,"7 =p Art ,", Atonalit- ,"; Electronic /usic ,"< Contribution of Asian artists and co/posers ;" Busic theor;"* Understandin) /usical concepts: readin) /usic% writin) /usic% har/onic anal-sis% for/al anal-sis% /elodic structure% for/ Stewart% 3eter" ($??; % 9oman Art% ;"$ Understandin) the histor- of introduction to opera ;"# =1ford" Bartin% ." @avid and /usic ;"7 Indi)enous /usic ;", 5itur)ical /usic ;"> Ja22 and 8a/ Cha/ber /usic ;"; S-/phonic ;"+ Band ;"*? =rchestra ;"** 5ee A" Jacobus ($??, The 3iano S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es- /usic ;"< Focal /usic: 7umanities through the Arts% <th 123

Edition" !N: BcEraw4(ill" =rti2% Ba" Aurora et" Al (*+#< Art- Perce'tion and A''reciation" Banila: Universit- of the East" Irwin% Robert (*++#2 !slamic Art in Conte&t" 124

!ew Nor&: Abra/s% (distributed b- 3rentice (all " Cunnin)ha/ and John Reich" Cultures and ;alues- A Survey o" the 8estern 7umanities/ :th Ed

Co*rse Ti+,e- %or,0 C*,+*re Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Art% Ban and Societ- Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course provides an anthropolo)ical understandin) of selected cultures in the world" Areas of stud- include the cultureJs lan)ua)e% processes of enculturation% subsistence patterns and econo/ics% &inship and descent% political or)ani2ation% reli)ion% art% histor-% and its reactions to the forces of )lobali2ation" In this course% the students are introduced to the art% architecture% archeolo)-% histor-% econo/ics% political or)ani2ation% and other aspects of the culture of .ilipinos and other Asians b- co/binin) lectures% site visits% and discover-4oriented investi)ative research. Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Culture and hu/anities *"* Theories of historical causation and develop/ent *"$ The relationship between the individual and the co//unit- *"7 The chan)in) i/portance of wealth and propert- *", The )ood life4or4the /eanin) and purpose of life *"; Technolo)-% science% and the cit-: 3ro/ise or threatP *"< Conceptions of hu/an nature *"# 3ro)ress: Ahat &ind and toward whatP *"> Chan)in) views of the ph-sical cos/os *"+ Chan)in) lives of /en and wo/en: The creation of an authentic selfP *"*? The Arts: In what wa-s do the- e1press the values of a culture% and to what e1tent do the- address 0uestions about the hu/an condition that transcend an- sin)le cultureP *"** Bodernis/ *"*$ The dile//a of 3ost/odernis/ $" Elobali2ation $"* Bultiple views of )lobali2ation(s : co/ple1ities% contradictions% oppositions $"$ Elobali2ation and the histor- of political and econo/ic liberali2ation $"7 !ationalis/% nation4state for/ation and the politics of collective identification 12

5 $", The transfor/ation of traditional econo/ic and cultural or)ani2ations under )lobali2ation $"; Consu/eris/ and the e/er)ence of a )lobal /ar&et 7" Elobal culture 7"* (ow national identities are for/ed 7"$ (ow /edia and teleco//unications brin) cultures to)ether or si/plAesterni2e ever-one 7"7 The spread of capitalis/ and consu/er culture 7", The influence of international or)ani2ations in for/in) a )lobal culture 7"; Issues of )lobal /i)ration and the clash of cultures over hu/an ri)hts" 7"< The role of Elobal Bana)ers and their responsibilit- in facilitatin) the cross4cultural interaction between co/paniesI /ana)ersI and staff" 7"# Reco)ni2in) culture and the various factors aidin) or hinderin) co//unication in business environ/ents ," The international fir/ ,"* @i/ensions of culture ,"$ =r)ani2ational structure ,"7 Bana)e/ent and structure of /ultinational fir/s Lis+ o4 Re4ere).es- Borthwic&% 3aul (*+++ " 7o( to Be a 8orld Class Christian Aa-nesboro% Ea": =B 5iterature" Castells% Banuel" (*++< " The !n"ormation Age- The 9ise o" the $et(ork Society Ca/brid)e% Bass" Blac&well 3ublishers th Cunnin)ha/% 5awrence and John Reich ($??$ " Culture and ;alues- A Survey o" the 7umanities/ ;ol !!% ; Edition" AadswothCTho/son 5earnin)" Euehenno% Jean4Barie (*++< " The End o" the $ation State Universit- of Binnesota" Robbins% Richard (" (*+++ " Global Problems and the Culture o" Ca'italism" 12

6 Co*rse Ti+,e- Forei3) L')3*'3e (>'2')ese) Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+eCo//unication S&ills% 3art II Co*rse Des.ri2+io) In this course% students will e1plore a specific lan)ua)e fro/ an interdisciplinar- approach% with focus on an- of the followin) /odern lan)ua)es: Chinese% Japanese% .rench% and Eer/an" The course% in the for/ of lectures% fil/s% discussions and e1a/ination of speech sa/ples" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Introduction to Japanese histor- *"* (istor- of Japan *"$ Custo/s and traditions *"7 The structure of /odern Japan *", The advance/ent of Japan and international relations *"; Bodern Japan and the world $" Introduction of written characters 7" Introduction of basic sentence patterns ," 3ractice readin) aloud ;" 3ractice usin) the lan)ua)e both b- spea&in) and b- ta&in) notes ;"* Rudi/intar- )ra//ar: vocabular- and e1pressions and throu)h partial co/positions will learn new ite/s: de/o% 4hodo% 4nara% 4te/o% 4te &uru% 4te shi/au% 4na)ara% 4-ou% 4)aru%4 &oto ni suruCnaru% 4to &a 4 to &a% 4saseru% 4te ta/aranai% 4ta ba&ari% 4/ono da% 4te /iru% 4 na&a% 4shi 4shi% 4&a /o shire/asen% tsu/ori% 4na&ereba naranai% 4&urai% 4/a/a% 4-ou to shinai% 4ta /ono da% 4&ara 4ni &a&ete% 4/ono no% 4-ara 4-ara% 4ni tsurete% 4ba 4hodo% 4to shite% 4ni -otte% 4to&oro% 4ni totte% 4ha2u da% 4sae% 4uchi ni% 4ha2u)anai%4 wa&eda%4na)ara%4/ai ;"$ Ran)e of e1pressions: self4introductions% re0uests% apolo)ies% instructions% telephone conversations% e1pressions of con)ratulation% e1pressions of condolence% lectures% se/inars% speeches% reports% spea&in) as chair of a /eetin)% announce/ents% the cr- of a street vendor% broadcast speech% recitation" 12

7 <" @evelopin) non4lin)uistic factors (visual data 7"* 3hoto)raphs 7"$ Illustrations 7"7 Icons% s-/bols 7", =ther visual data The class will involve the usa)e of practice assi)n/ents where the phrases% )ra//ar and vocabular- learned will be practiced" The content of the practice is as follows: *"5etJs /a&e a repl- $"5etJs use 7"5etJs su//ari2e ,"5etJs tal& ;"5etJs write S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Association for Japanese45an)ua)e Teachin) (*+>, " Fa'anese "or Busy Peo'le 1lessons %3%62" To&-o% Japan: Godansha International Jorden% E"(" and !oda% B"

Fa'anese- The S'oken 4anguage% 3art * !oda% B" Japanese: The S'oken 4anguage/ !nteractive C.39G< Program th !ippon" The 4and and !ts Peo'le" The # Edition% Ea&useisha 3ublishin) Co" 5td"% To&-o" Fa'anese at Iour #ingerti's ($??? " Universit- of Bar-land Universit- Colle)e% Asia" 12

8 Co*rse Ti+,e- *si)ess S+'+is+i.s Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Co//unication S&ills% 3art II Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course provides the student with the funda/ental understandin) of the concepts of probabilit- theor- and statistical inference necessar- to effectivel- e/plo- statistical /ethods in conte/porar- business situations" Topics covered are: probabilit- concepts% probabilit- distributions% sa/plin) and sa/plin) distributions% statistical esti/ation% h-pothesis testin)% re)ression% correlation% /ultiple re)ression% inde1 nu/bers and ti/e series% statistical decision theor- (probabilit- rules and Ba-es6 rules " An e1pected output of the course is the abilit- to use statistical presentation as an aid to reportin) infor/ation such as histo)ra/s% pie charts% o)ives% picto)ra/s% fre0uenc- pol-)ons and the 5oren2 curve" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Review of basic arith/etic operations with i/plications for accountin) *"* Arith/etic procedures% powers and roots and lo)arith/s *"$ 3ercenta)es and ratios *"7 Si/ple and co/pound interest concepts and no/inal and effective interest rates *", @iscounted cash flows% net present values and internal rates of return /easure/ents *"; The use of co/puters for arith/etic operations $" .unda/entals of probabilit$"* Basic probabilit- concepts $"$ Basic countin) rules $"7 3robabilit- rules $", 3robabilitdistributions 7" 3robabilit- distribution 7"* Bino/ial distribution 7"$ Continuous probabilit- distributions 7"7 !or/al probabilit- distribution 12

9 ," Sa/plin) and sa/plin) distributions ,"* Sa/ple desi)ns ,"$ Sa/ple statistics ,"7 The sa/plin) distribution of 1 ,", The t4 distribution ;" Statistical esti/ation ;"* 3roperties of esti/ators ;"$ Interval esti/ation ;"7 Sa/ple si2e deter/ination ;", Applications to auditin) <" (-pothesis testin) <"* Basic concepts of h-pothesis testin) <"$ (-pothesis tests on the /ean <"7 (-pothesis tests on the proportion <", Interval esti/ation and h-pothesis testin) #" Re)ression% correlation% /ultiple re)ression% inde1 nu/bers and ti/e series #"* Si/ple linear re)ression #"$ Correlation #"7 Re)ression anal-sis #", Bultiple re)ression #"; E1a/ination of re)ression assu/ptions #"< Inde1 nu/bers and ti/e series #"# Testin) /odels >" Statistical presentation as an aid to reportin) infor/ation >"* (isto)ra/s >"$ 3ie charts >"7 =)ives >", 3icto)ra/s >"; .re0uenc- pol-)ons >"< 5oren2 curve 13

0 +" The use of co/puter to )enerate statistical presentations of data and in )eneratin) and showin) these presentations S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Anderson% @avid R"% @ennis J" Sweene- and Tho/as A" Aillia/s" ($??* " <odern

Business Statistics (ith <icroso"t E&cel" South4Aestern Colle)e 3ublishin)" Berenson% Bar& 5"% @avid B" 5evine and Ti/oth- C" Grehbiel" ($??; " Business Statistics: A .irst Course" 3rentice (all" rd Blac&% G" ($??$ " Business Statistics- Contem'orary .ecision <aking (7 Ed " BinneapolisCSt" 3aul: Aest 3ublishin) Co" th Geller% E" and Aarrac&% B" ($??$ " Statistics "or <anagement and Economics (< Ed " Bel/ont% California: @u1bur- 3ress" Gohler% (" ($??$ " Statistics "or Business and Economics" =rlando% .lorida: (arcourt Colle)e 3ublishers" th Chase% Richard ."% Jacobs% Robert and A0uilano" ($??, " G'erations <anagement "or Com'etitive Advantage% *? Edition% BcEraw4 (ill" 131

Co*rse Ti+,e- ?*')+i+'+i;e Te.&)i1*es i) *si)ess Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+eBusiness Statistics Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course see&s to: enhance the student6s abilit- to perfor/ the 0uantitative anal-sis necessar-% understand the usefulness and li/itations of the /ethods% reco)ni2e situations where the /ethods can be applied beneficiall-% and be aware of the issues involved when utili2in) the results of the anal-ses" Covera)e is topical and includes review of basic statistics principles% re)ression anal-sis% ti/e4series anal-sis% non4para/etric statistics% and 0uantitative anal-sis techni0ues such as /atrices% )raphic linear ine0ualities% )raphical sensitivitanal-sis% linear pro)ra//in)% si/ulation% opti/i2ation theor-% decision anal-sis% and decision trees" The introduction of concepts via cases in decision/a&in) related to operations and strate)ies is preferred whenever appropriate" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Review of basic statistical principles *"* 3robabilit- concepts% addition and /ultiplication laws% and tree dia)ra/s *"$ !or/al distribution concepts *"7 Fariance with e1pected values *", E1pectation concepts and their application to decision proble/s *"; 3opulations and sa/ples *"< .re0uenc- distributions *"# Beasures of central location *"> Beasure of dispersion $" Statistical decision theor- $"* 3robabilitrules and Ba-es6 rules $"$ 3robabilit- decision trees 7" Bathe/atical decision /odels to represent the relationship a/on) ele/ents relevant to a )iven situation and to deter/ine the effects in e1ternal and internal conditions ," Batrices and linear pro)ra//in) ,"* Batrices ,"$ Eraphic linear ine0ualities 13

2 ,"7 The linear pro)ra//in) /odel ,", Eraphical sensitivit- anal-sis ,"; Use of the co/puter for linear% non4linear and inte)er pro)ra//in) ;" Ti/e series anal-sis ;"* Bethod of esti/atin) trend i" .ree hand /ethod ii" Bovin) avera)e /ethod iii" Se/i4avera)e /ethod iv" 5east s0uare re)ression /ethod ;"$ C-clical variation ;"7 Sin)le relation inde1 nu/ber i" @efinition: inde1 nu/ber ii" I/portance of inde1 nu/bers ;", Construction of: i" 3rice relative inde1 ii" Luantit- relative inde1 iii" Falue relative inde1 <" A))re)ate inde1es <"* Unwei)hted <"$ Aei)hted i" 5aspe-res inde1 nu/ber ii" 3aasche inde1 nu/ber iii" .i1ed wei)ht inde1 nu/ber <"7 Shiftin) the base period i" 3ercent chan)e ii" Rebasin) <", Applications i" Consu/er price inde1 ii" C3I as deflator iii" C3I as inflator S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Anderson% @avid R"% @ennis J" Sweene- and Tho/as A" Aillia/s Essentials o" <odern Business Statistics (ith <icroso"t E&cel ?e South4Aestern Colle)e 13

3ublishin)% Bason =(% $??,% ISB! ?47$,4 and Robert @" Bason" ($??$ " Statistical thTechni,ues in Business and Economics/ **rd *>,;$4$ Bonini% Charles and (aus/an% Aarren Edition" BcEraw4(ill Co Aarrac&% Geller" (" (*++# " @uantitative Analysis "or Essentials o" Business Statistics% $nd Edition" th<anagement% + Edition% BcEraw4(ill" BooreCBcCabe% @uc&worth and Sclobe" ($??7 " @ownin)% @ou)las and Jeffre- Clar&" Business The Practice o" Business Statistics- Using .ata "or Statistics% 7 Edition" Render% Barr- and Stair% .ecisions !ew Nor&: A"(" .ree/an and Ralph" ($??? " @uantitative Analysis "or Co/pan-" 5ind% @ou)las A"% Aillia/ E" Barchal <anagement% #th Edition% 3rentice4(all" 134

Co*rse Ti+,e- M'.roe.o)o(i. T&eor8 ')0 Pr'.+i.e Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+eBicroecono/ic Theor- and 3olicCo*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is concerned with the behavior of the econo/- as a whole" Bacroecono/ics addresses the deter/ination of the econo/-Js total output of )oods and services (E@3 % the )rowth of output% the deter/inants of the price level and the rate of inflation% the factors that deter/ine e/plo-/ent (and une/plo-/ent % the balance of pa-/ents% and e1chan)e rates" The purpose of this course is to address /acroecono/ics in theor- and practice" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" National econo/ic issues and /easures of perfor/ance *"* The costs and other aspects of une/plo-/ent *"$ Inflation and its effects *"7 The theor- of i/perfect co/petition in the /ar&et place *", Eross do/estic product (E@3 % no/inal E@3 and real E@3 *"; Erowth and fluctuations in the nation6s econo/- *"< The )overn/ent6s bud)et deficit *"# Beasurin) the national price level *"> E@3 as a /easure of econo/ic perfor/ance and econo/ic welfare $" E1penditure decisions $"* A))re)ate e1penditure and its co/ponents $"$ Consu/ption and savin)s decisions $"7 The role of invest/ents in the national econo/$", !et e1ports $"; A))re)ate planned e1penditure and real E@3 $"< E0uilibriu/ e1penditure $"# The concept of the /ultiplier effect $"> .iscal /ultipliers 7" Une/plo-/ent and inflation ;"* A))re)ate de/and and what deter/ines it 13

5 ;"$ A))re)ate suppl- and what deter/ines it ;"7 Bacroecono/ic e0uilibriu/ ;", Aa)es and e/plo-/ent ;"; Une/plo-/ent ;"< E1pectations ;"# E1pectations and /acroecono/ic e0uilibriu/ ;"> Inflation <" The )lobal environ/ent <"* Co/parative advanta)es and )ains fro/ trade <"$ The theor- and practice of free trade and proble/s of protectionis/ <"7 .orei)n e1chan)e controls and its effects and ris&s <", Trade restrictions <"; Econo/ic relations between developed and developin) nationsI proble/s of debt and develop/ent <"< Sin)le /ar&et a)ree/ents (e")" European Union <"# Re)ional trade a)ree/ents (e")" !A.TA% A.TA <"> International trade a)ree/ents (e"")" EATS and AT= <"+ International institutions li&e Aorld Ban& and International Bonetar- .und <"*? E1chan)e rate deter/ination and alternative e1chan)e rate re)i/es <"** 3olicies for national and international )rowth and develop/ent #" International business: co/petin) in the )lobal econo/#"* International factors affectin) business develop/ents #"$ The role of transnational corporations in the world econo/- with particular e/phasis on the role of financial /ar&ets in shapin) /ana)e/ent decisions of international fir/s #"$"* The ever4e/er)in) )lobal econo/#"$", The )lobal tradin) and /onetar- s-ste/ #"$"; .orei)n direct invest/ent #"$"< Re)ional #"$"$ !ational differences in econo/- and culture #"$"7 Cross4border trade and invest/ent econo/ic inte)ration #"$"# The forei)n e1chan)e /ar&et 136

S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es-

BcConnel and Brue" <acroeconomics/ *; Bo-es% Aillia/ and Bichael Belvin" (*+++ " <acroecomics/ , edition" !ew Nor&: (ou)hton Bifflin Co/pan-% *+++" th Colander% @avid C" <acroeconomics/ < Edition" Aall Street Journal Edition/

IrwinCBcEraw4(ill" (all% Robert E and Barc 5ieber/an"" ($??* " <acroeconomicsPrinci'les and A''lications% $nd edition" South4Aestern" th edition" BcEraw (ill 3ublishin)" th Slavin% Stephen 5" ($??, " <acroecomics% # edition" BcEraw (ill 3ublishin)" t


Co*rse Ti+,e- Pro0*.+io) ')0 O2er'+io)s M')'3e(e)+ Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+esBusiness Statistics and Luantitative Techni0ues in Business Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course e1a/ines the sub8ect of production and operations /ana)e/ent (3=B and discusses its i/portance to the overall strate)- and co/petitiveness of a fir/" In addition% this course focuses on specific tools used to /ana)e and enhance a fir/Js operations and production% such as facilit- la-out% product desi)n% a))re)ate plannin)% inventor- /ana)e/ent% and forecastin)" =ther topics include process anal-sis and selection% operations schedulin)% 0ualit- /ana)e/ent and statistical 0ualit- control and pro8ect /ana)e/ent" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Review of basic statistics principles and 0uantitative techni0ues *"* Basic statistics principles *"*"* 3robabilit- concepts *"*"$ 3robabilit- distributions *"*"7 Statistical esti/ation *"*", (-pothesis testin) *"*"; Anal-sis of variance *"*"< Re)ression anal-sis *"$ Luantitative techni0ues in business *"$"* Re)ression% correlation% /ultiple re)ression% inde1 nu/ber and ti/e seriesI si/ple linear re)ression *"$"$ Correlation *"$"7 Re)ression anal-sis *"$", Bultiple re)ression *"$"; E1a/ination of re)ression assu/ptions *"$"< Inde1 nu/bers and ti/e series *"$"# Testin) /odels *"$"> Batrices and linear pro)ra//in) *"$"+ Concept of si/ulation /odelin) *"$"*? Eeneratin) rando/ nu/bers for arbitrar- distributionsZ *"$"** Usin) the Central 5i/it Theore/ to esti/ate /odel para/eters and test h-potheses 13

8 *"$"*$ Usin) si/ulation to 9opti/i2e: or set /odel para/eters *"$"*7 @ecision theor- and decision trees $" @ecision /a&in) under certaint-Cuncertaint$"* Bodelin) discrete alternatives b- decision trees $"$ Co/putin) E1pected Bonetar- Falue (EBF b- rollin) bac& trees $"7 !eed for a theor- of probabilistic and 0uantitative anal-sis $", !eed for an esti/ation procedure to co/pute para/eters of a decision /odel $"; Usin) Ba-es6 theore/ to update beliefs $"< Falue of infor/ation (perfect and i/perfect $"# Sensitivit- anal-sis $"> Incorporatin) ris& via E1pected Utilit- theor- $"+ =ther decision rules (re)ret /ini/i2ation% E=5 7" Introduction to production and operations /ana)e/ent 7"* !ature and scope 7"$ Relationship to other /ana)e/ent functions 7"7 Strate)- and productivit-: role of productionCoperations and its lin& to co/petition and fir/6s co/petitive advanta)e ," 3roduct desi)n and process anal-sis and selection ,"* 3roduct desi)n and develop/ent processes ,"$ Econo/ic anal-sis ,"7 @esi)nin) product for custo/er and /anufacturin) ,", 3rocess anal-sis: t-pes of processes% /anufacturin) process perfor/ance% brea&even anal-sis and /anufacturin) process flow desi)n ,"; Service process selection and desi)n: desi)nin) service or)ani2ationsI three contrastin) service desi)ns ;" .acilit- la-out ;"* .acilities la-out and asse/bl- line balancin) ;"$ Capacit/ana)e/ent and process technolo)-: capacit- plannin) conceptsI capacit- plannin)I plannin) service capacit-I facilit- location <" .orecastin) <"* @e/and /ana)e/ent 13

9 <"$ Ti/e series anal-sis <"7 Causal relationship forecastin) <", .ocus forecastin) <"; Aeb4based forecastin)% <"< Collaborative plannin)% forecastin) and replenish/ent (C3.R #" A))re)ate 3lannin) #"* A))re)ate operations plan #"$ A))re)ate plannin) techni0ues #"7 Nield /anufacturin) >" Inventor- s-ste/s for independent de/and >"* Ahat is independent de/andP >"$ @eter/inistic /odels 4 continuous de/and >"7 Econo/ic =rder Luantit- (E=L >", Luantit- discounts and price variations >"; Bulti4ite/s H interaction constraints% individual% 8oint and coordinated >"< Econo/ic Batch Luantit- (EBL >"# Special ite/s: deca-in)% repairable% repairable and perishable +" Inventor- s-ste/s for dependent de/and +"* Ahat is dependent de/andP +"$ Ah- is dependent de/and necessar-P +"7 Baterials Re0uire/ents 3lannin) (BR3 s-ste/ features +", BR3 infor/ation s-ste/ inputs +"; BR3 infor/ation s-ste/ outputs +"< 5ot si2in) in BR3 s-ste/s +"# E/beddin) JIT into BR3 +"> BR3 II H Banufacturin) Resource 3lannin) *?" =perations schedulin) *?"* Banufacturin) e1ecution s-ste/s: priorit- rules and techni0ues% shop floor4control% personnel schedulin) in service *?"$ Se0uencin): sin)le /achine and /ultiple /achines *?"7 Stochastic static anal-sis and stochastic d-na/ic anal-sis *?", Fehicle schedulin) 14

0 *?"; Asse/bl- line balancin) *?"< Techni0ues of /anpower schedulin) **" Bana)in) operations and services **"* @eter/inin) the wor& to be underta&en: ti/e and resources needed and their costsI contin)enc- plannin) **"$ 3lannin) resources allocation **"7 Bonitorin) and /aintainin) services *$" Lualit- /ana)e/ent and statistical 0ualit- control *$"* Ahat is 0ualit-P @ifferent concepts of 0ualit- *$"$ @e/in)% Juran% Crossb- and other 0ualit- philosophers *$"7 The Balcol/ Baldri)e Lualit- Award *$", Custo/er focus *$"; Identification and /easure/ent of 0ualit- costs *$"< Issues related to products% processes% or)ani2ation% leadership% and co//it/ent for total 0ualit- achieve/ent *$"# Tools and techni0ues used in TLB: seven tools% new seven% essential features of LCC% T@% Gai2en% and JIT pro)ra/s *$"> .unda/ental concepts about Lualit- .unction @eplo-/ent (L.@ I Co/ponents of Total Lualit- S-ste/ (TLS in or)ani2ations *$"+ LualitAuditin): Introduction to IS= +??? and *,??? standards *$"*? Lualit/ana)e/ent: focus on Si1 Si)/a *$"** Statistical /ethods for 0ualit- control and i/prove/ent: statistical process control (S3C I @ e/in)6s Ba)nificent Seven% i/ple/entin) S3CI an application of S3CI non/anufacturin) application of S3C *7" 3ro8ect /ana)e/ent *7"* 3ERTCC3B *7"$ Resource levelin) *7"7 3ro8ect schedulin) S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es: Bertsi/as% @" and R" B" .reund" ($??? " .ata/ <odels/ and .ecisions- The #undamentals o" <anagement Science Tho/sonCSouthwestern 3ublishin)" th Chase% Richard B"% !icholas J" A0uilano and Robert ." Jacobs" ($??< " G'erations <anagement "or Com'etitive Advantage (**th Ed " Tata BcEraw4(ill% Eua8arati% @" ($??$ " Essentials o" Econometrics% ,ndedition% @" Eu8arati% BcEraw Render% Barr- and Ja- (ei2er (*++# " Princi'les o" G'erations <anagement% $ 14

1 Edition" 3rentice (all" Slac&% !"% S" Cha/bers and R" Jonston" ($??? " G'erations <anagement" (,th Ed " .inancial Ti/es 3rentice (all" ISB! ?4$#74<,<;#4;C So4+9're (o2+io)',)The class will /a&e substantial use of statistical software and E1cel" The followin) softwares are hi)hl- reco//ended : Treeplan: An E1cel add4in for decision trees" This co/es included with the C@R=B for the re0uired te1tboo& b- Evans and =lson" Cr-stal Ball: A powerful E1cel add4in for si/ulation" This also co/es with the C@4 R=B in Evans and =lson" =ptLuest: An E1cel add4in used for opti/i2ation% included within the Cr-stal Ball suite" 14

2 Co*rse Ti+,e- *si)ess Po,i.8 ')0 S+r'+e38 Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+es3roduction and =perations Bana)e/ent 3rinciples of Bar&etin) .inancial Bana)e/ent I Eood Eovernance and Social ResponsibilitCo*rse Des.ri2+io) The ai/ of this course is to provide students with a broad overview of the basic concepts in strate)ic /ana)e/ent" Students are e1posed to a nu/ber of fra/ewor&s and /odels to better understand and anal-2e the /acro4environ/ent% the industr- environ/ent% and fir/ level resources" The end )oal is for the students to be able to thin& strate)icall-% as opposed to onl- havin) a functional orientation% and to for/ulate and to i/ple/ent creative and innovative strate)ies that are conducive to the de/ands of the fir/ and the environ/ent in which it resides" To)ether with Bana)e/ent Consultanc-% this course serves as an inte)rative course to be ta&en in the last ter/Cse/ester" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Eeneral business policies *"* =ri)in of policies *"$ 3rocedures and rules *"7 .or/ulatin) and i/ple/entin) policies *", Inte)ratin) ob8ectives% strate)ies and policies $" Strate)ic /ana)e/ent: an overview $"* Strate)ic /ana)e/ent process $"$ @efinin) the or)ani2ation6s purpose% /ission and ob8ectives $"7 Selectin) a strate)- $", Bodel of the strate)ic /ana)e/ent process $"; Strate)ic /ana)e/ent and plannin): its purposeI /ethods usedI the effect of the e1ternal environ/ent on plannin)I understandin) and /ana)in) ris& $"< @istin)uishin) a/on) corporate% strate)ic and functional level strate)ies $"# .orecastin) the future for nations% industries% or)ani2ations and the wor&force for chan)es% develop/ents and opportunities 7" Strate)for/ulation 14

3 7"* Identif-in) opportunities and threats fro/ the e1ternal environ/ent as the- i/pact on or)ani2ations i" The processes b- which fir/s choose% /aintain or redirect their strate)ic positions within ever4chan)in) e1ternal environ/ents ii" Inte)rate business functions and identif- the or)ani2ation6s position in relation to the outside environ/ent 7"$ Industr- and co/petitive anal-sis 7"7 Co/petitive advanta)e: its /eanin) in different national and international /ar&ets and industries 7", SA=T anal-sis: the process b- which fir/s choose% /aintain or redirect their strate)ic positions within ever4chan)in) e1ternal environ/entsI inte)ratin) business functions and identif-in) the or)ani2ation6s position in relation to the outside environ/ent 7"; Anal-2in) the internal environ/ent and establishin) lon)4ran)e ob8ectives 7"< Identif-in) strate)ic alternatives 7"# Elobal strate)," Strate)- evaluation and selection ,"* The perfor/ance )ap ,"$ Ad8ustin) the current strate)-I chan)in) or addin) new strate)ies ,"7 Strate)- evaluation: Boston Consultin) Eroup6s Erowth Share Batri1I plannin) )ridI life c-cle approachI profit i/pact of /ar&et strate),", Lualitative factors in the strate),"; Strate)ic controls ;" Strate)i/ple/entation ;"* Co//unicatin) strate)- ;"$ Strate)- and structure ;"7 =r)ani2ational leadership ;", Strate)- and /otivational s-ste/s ;"; Establishin) short4 ran)e ob8ectives ;"< @evelopin) functional strate)ies: /ar&etin)% financial% productionCoperations% hu/an resource and research and develop/ent strate)ies ;"# Role of accountin) in settin) and i/ple/entin) /ana)e/ent strate)14

4 <" =r)ani2ations and technolo)#"* Chan)es in technolo)- and their i/plications for econo/ic efficiencand )rowth #"$ Bethods of production #"7 T-pes of products and or)ani2ational structure #" Special challen)es faced b- s/all enterprises >" !ot4for4profit and )overn/ental or)ani2ations <"* The different )oals of these t-pes of or)ani2ations in co/parison with for4profit or)ani2ations <"$ Evaluation of pro)ra/s <"7 Beasurin) effectiveness and efficiencS*33es+e0 Re4ere).es- th Aheelen% Tho/as and J" @avid (un)er ($??; " Strategic <anagement and Business Policy% *? Edition" 3rentice (all" th Strategic <anagement- Com'etitiveness and GlobaliEation 1Conce'ts and Cases2/ < Edition WSouth4Aestern 3ublishin) Corporation: BinneapolisX% $??;" .esigning GrganiEations- An E&ecutive Guide to Strategy/ Structure and Process 1$e( and 9evised WSan .rancisco: Josse-4BassX% $??$" Goteen% J" (*++# " Strategic management in 'ublic and non'ro"it organiEations in managing 'ublic concerns in an era o" limits ($nd ed" " 3rae)er" Erant% Robert B" Contem'orary Strategy Analysis- Conce'ts/ Techni,ues/ and A''lications" Balden% BA: Blac&well" st Edition% The Universit- of the 3hilippines 3ress" Ro/an% E/erlinda R" ($??7 " Cases on Strategic <anagement in the Phili''ine Setting% *th Tho/pson% Arthur Jr" A"% Stric&land% A" J" and Ea/ble% John E" ($??; Cra"ting and E&ecuting Strategy% *, Edition% BcEraw4(ill" th @avid% .red R" ($??; " Strategic <anagement% + Edition% 3earson Education" 14

5 Co*rse Ti+,e- L'9 o) *si)ess Or3')i='+io)s Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- 5aw on =bli)ations and Contracts Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is intended to )ive the students a broad &nowled)e of le)al provisions )overnin) business associations 4 li/ited liabilit- co/pan-% partnership% and corporations" Topics include: nature of partnershipsI ele/ents and &inds of partnershipI for/alities re0uiredI rules of /ana)e/ent% distribution of profits% and sharin) of losses and liabilitiesI /odes of dissolutionI li/ited partnershipI nature and classes of corporationsI re0uire/ents for incorporationI powers of a corporation (e1pressed% i/plied% and incidental I Board of @irectorsI classes of stoc&I powers and obli)ations of stoc&holdersI /a8orit- and /inoritcontrolsI corporate reor)ani2ation (/er)ers% consolidations% and other business co/binations I /odes of dissolution and li0uidationI and statutor- boo&s% records% and returns re0uired for a corporation" Also discussed are the laws of associations such as clubs" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" 5aw on 3artnership *"* !ature and as distin)uished fro/ corporation *"$ Ele/ents and &inds *"7 .or/alities re0uired *", Rules of /ana)e/ent *"; @istribution of profits and losses *"< Sharin) of losses and liabilities *"# Bodes of dissolution *"> 5i/ited partnership $" Corporations $"* !ature and classes of corporation $"$ Re0uire/ents for or)ani2ation $"7 3owers of a corporation $"7"* E1pressed $"7"$ I/plied $"7"7 Incidental 14

6 7" The Corporation 5aw 7"* The for/ation of a corporation and the articles of incorporation and b-4laws 7"$ The role of the Securities and E1chan)e Co//ission 7"7 The contractual capacit- of a corporation 7", Statutor- boo&s% records and reports re0uired for a corporation ," The /ana)e/ent and ad/inistration of corporations ,"* Board of directors ,"*"* Lualifications ,"*"$ Election and re/oval ,"*"7 3owers and fiduciarduties ,"*", Contractual capacit- of directors ,"*"; Self4dealin) b- directors ,"*< Shareholder re/edies ,"$ Corporate officers ,"$"* Titles and responsibilities ,"$"$ @ifferences between officers6 and directors6 duties and responsibilities ,"$"7 The co/pan- secretar-: appoint/ent% role and duties ,"7 E1ternal auditors ,"7"* The appoint/ent and reappoint/ent of auditors ,"7"$ Re/oval% resi)nation and replace/ent of auditors ,"7"7 @uties and responsibilities ;" 3owers% duties% ri)hts and obli)ations of stoc&holders <" Ba8orit- and /inorit- control #" Capital and the financin) of corporations #"* Share capital #"*"* Classes of stoc&s: concepts and subscriptions #"*"$ The issuance and transfer of shares #"*"$ 3urchase and rede/ption of shares #"*"7 @ividends 14

7 #"*", Char)es a)ainst capital #"$ 5oan capital #"$"* Borrowin) powers #"$"$ T-pes of debentures and their creation #"$"7 Co/panchar)es for loan capital #"$", Re)istration of loans #"$"; Re/edies of loan creditors >" Corporate reor)ani2ation >"* Ber)ers >"$ Consolidations >"7 =ther business co/binations +" Insolvenc- +"* 3rocedures for filin) for insolvenc- under relevant laws +"$ Ri)hts of creditors and other interested parties *?" Bodes of dissolution and li0uidation **" .orei)n corporations **"* 5icense to do business (purpose of the license% re0uire/ents for applicationC issuance of license% and conse0uence of doin) business without a license **"$ @efinition and ri)hts of forei)n corporations **"7 @efinition of doin) business and its relation to forei)n invest/ents **", Resident a)ent (purpose% 0ualifications **"; Suits a)ainst forei)n corporations **"< SuspensionCrevocation of license **"# Aithdrawal fro/ business **"> Ginds and availabilit- of corporate boo&s *$" 5aws of associations such as clubs and partnerships to carr- out certain activities *$"* Ri)hts and duties of /e/bers and partners of such associations *$"$ Ri)hts of third parties *$"7 Rules )overnin) financial state/ents and prospectuses 14

S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es- Torres% Justo 3" (*++< "The 4a( on Business GrganiEations" Lue2on Cit-: RBS"


Co*rse Ti+,e- L'9 o) Ne3o+i'5,e I)s+r*(e)+s Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- 5aw on =bli)ations and Contracts Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course deals with the provisions of the law on ne)otiable instru/ents" It includes discussions on topics on ne)otiabilit- of the instru/entsI functions and &inds of ne)otiable instru/entI construction of a/bi)uous instru/entI for)er- and its effectI considerationI acco//odation part-I /anner and conse0uence of transfer of instru/entsI stri&in) out endorse/entsI re0uisites of holder in due courseI defense of the partiesI dischar)e of ne)otiable instru/ents and the parties secondaril- liableI liabilities of the partiesI effects of alterationI and other &inds of instru/ents such as pro/issor- notes and bills of e1chan)e" So/e of the /a8or the/es that will be e1plored in class include the process of ne)otiation and collectin) (i"e"% pa-in) and )ettin) paid % loss allocation (who pa-s when there is a proble/ % and e/er)in) pa-/ent s-ste/s usin) new technolo)- and the Internet (credit and debit card s-ste/s Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Introductor- concepts *"* The !e)otiable Instru/ents 5aw *"$ .or/s of ne)otiable instru/ents *"7 .unctions and &inds of ne)otiable instru/ents $" Re0uisites of ne)otiabilit$"* In writin) $"$ Si)nature of /a&er or drawer $"7 Ahen pro/ise or order is unconditional $", @eter/ination of certaint- of su/ pa-able $"; Ti/e of pa-/ent as re0uisite of ne)otiabilit- $"< Aho/ pa-able $"# @esi)nation of the drawee 7" !e)otiation 7"* Bodes of transfer of co//ercial papers 7"$ !e)otiation 7"7 Indorse/ent 15

0 7"7"* Ginds of indorse/ents 7"7"$ Special indorse/ent 7"7"7 Indorse/ent in blan& 7"7", Ahen indorse/ent is restrictive 7"7"; Effect of restrictive indorse/ent 7"7"< Ri)hts of indorsee 7"7"# Lualified indorse/ent 7"7"> Conditional indorse/ent 7"7"+ Effect of stri&in) out indorse/ent 7"7"*? Effect of transfer without indorse/ent ," Concepts of a holder in due course ,"* 3reli/inar- considerations ,"$ (older in due course ,"7 Ginds of defenses of parties ,"7"* .or)er- and its effects ,"7"$ Baterial alteration ;" 3arties and their liabilities <" 3resent/ent for pa-/ent <"* Beanin) of present/ent for pa-/ent <"$ Re0uisites of sufficient for pa-/ent <"7 Ahen present/ent for pa-/ent is unnecessar- <", Effects of present/ent for pa-/ent <"; =ther concepts #" !otice of dishonor #"* Beanin) of notice of dishonor #"$ Si)nificance of notice of dishonor #"7 Banner of )ivin) notice of dishonor #", Ahen notice of dishonor can be dispensed with and when it is not re0uired to be /ade #"; Effects if notice of dishonor is re0uired and it is not /ade #"< =ther concepts 15

1 >" Acceptance >"* Beanin) of acceptance >"$ Ginds of acceptance >"7 .or/al re0uisites of acceptance >", Ti/e allowed for drawee to adopt and when acceptance is /ade >"; =ther concepts +" 3resent/ent for acceptance +"* Beanin) of present/ent for acceptance +"$ Si)nificance of present/ent for acceptance +"7 Banner of /a&in) present/ent for acceptance +", Ahen present/ent for acceptance is e1cused +"; Effects if present/ent for acceptance is not /ade +"< other concepts *?" 3rotest *?"* Beanin) of a forei)n bill of e1chan)e *?"$ 3rotest as a re0uire/ent for forei)n bills *?"7 =ther concepts **" Acceptance for honor **"* Beanin) of acceptance for honor **"$ .or/al re0uisites of acceptance for honor **"7 Effects of acceptance for honor **", =ther concepts *$" 3a-/ent for honor *$"* Beanin) of pa-/ent for honor *$"$ 3urpose and function of pa-/ent for honor *$"7 Re0uisites of valid pa-/ent for honor *$", Effects in case bill is paid for honor *$"; Ri)hts of a part- who pa-s for honor *$"; =ther concepts *7" Bill in a set 15

2 *7"* Beanin) of bill in a set *7"$ Ri)hts of holders if different parts of a set is ne)otiated *7"7 5iabilities of parties of different parts of a set *7", Effects of dischar)in) part of a set *7"; 5iabilit- of an acceptor who pa-s part of a set *," @ischar)e of ne)otiable instru/ents and the parties secondaril- liable *,"* Beanin) of dischar)e of a ne)otiable instru/ent *,"$ (ow instru/ents are dischar)ed *,"$ Ahen persons secondaril- liable on the instru/ent are dischar)ed *,"7 Ri)ht of partwho dischar)es instru/ent *,", Renunciation b- holder *,"; CancellationI unintentionalI burden of proof *,"< Effect of alteration of instru/ent *;" E/er)in) pa-/ent s-ste/s usin) new technolo)- and the Internet *;"* Credit card s-ste/ *;"$ @ebit card s-ste/ S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Act !o" $?7*" The !e)otiable Instru/ents 5aw" !olledo% Jose !" (*+>+ " The !e)otiable Instru/ents Aith E1planations" evised ed" Banila: !BS" 5eon% (ector S" (*+++ The !e)otiable Instru/ents" Banila: RBS[ Torres% Jose 3" The !e)otiable Instru/ents" Justo 3" Torres" *++, ed" Banila: RBS" 153

Co*rse Ti+,e- S',es, A3e).8, L'5or ')0 O+&er Co((er.i', L'9s Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- 5aw on =bli)ations and Contracts Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course deals with the law on sales coverin) contracts for the sale of )oods includin) nature% for/s% and re0uisites% distin)uished fro/ dacion en 'ago% cession in pa-/ent% contract for a piece of wor&% and barterI earnest /one- as distin)uished fro/ option /one-I ri)htsCobli)ations of vendee and vendorI re/edies of unpaid sellerI warrantiesI sale with a ri)ht to repurchase or conventional rede/ption and le)al rede/ptionI sale on creditI and install/ent sales (personal propert- H Recto law% real propert- H Baceda law " It also covers the law on a)enc-I its nature% for/% and &indsI obli)ations of the a)ent and of the principalI and /odes of e1tin)uish/ents" Also discussed are pertinent provisions of the 5abor Code and the law on credit transactions such as loan% deposit% )uarantee% pled)e% real /ort)a)e% antichresis% and chattel /ort)a)e" =ther relevant laws on co//erce and trade such =/nibus Invest/ent Code% .orei)n Invest/ents Act% and Retail Trade 5iberali2ation 5aw are also discussed" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Contract of Sales *"* !ature% characteristics and &inds of sale *"$ Ele/ents% for/s% re0uisites and perfection of a contract of sale *"7 I/plied and specified ter/s *", @istin)uished fro/ *","* @acion en pa)o *","$ Cession in pa-/ent *","7 Contract for a piece of wor& *",", Barter *"; Earnest /one- as distin)uished fro/ option /one- *"< The seller H his ri)hts and obli)ations *"# The bu-er H his ri)hts and obli)ations *"> Re/edies of unpaid seller *"+ Aarranties (in relation to consu/er laws *"*? Sale with a ri)ht to repurchase or conventional rede/ption% le)al rede/ption *"** Sale on credit *"*$ Install/ent sales 15

4 *"*$"* 3ersonal propert- H Recto 5aw *"*$"$ Real propert- H Baceda 5aw *"*$"7 3@ +;# C Condo/iniu/ Act *"*7 Transfer of the possession of propert- *"*, 3erfor/ance *"*; Re/edies $" Contract of A)enc-% 3led)e and Bort)a)e $"* Contract of a)enc- $"*"* !ature% characteristics and &inds of contract of a)enc- $"*"$ .or/ and perfection of a contract of a)enc- $"*"7 The a)ent H his ri)hts and obli)ations $"*", The principal H his ri)hts and obli)ations $"*"; Euarant- of co//ission a)ents $"*", Bodes of e1tin)uish/ent $"$ 3led)e $"$"* !ature and bindin) effect on third persons $"$"$ =bli)ationsCri)hts of pled)or and pled)e $"$"7 3actu/ co//issoriu/ $"$", Bodes of e1tin)uish/ent $"7 Bort)a)e $"7"* Real and chattel $"7"$ !ature $"7"7 Re0uisites $"7", Ri)hts and obli)ations of /ort)a)or and /ort)a)ee $"7"; Re0uisites to have bindin) effect on third persons $"7"< Bode of e1tin)uish/ent 7" 5aw on credit transactionsCbail/ent 7"* 5oan 7"$ @eposit 7"7 Euarant7", 3led)e 7"; Bort)a)e (real and chattel 7";"* Antichresis 15

5 ," =ther lawsCle)al issues ,", =/nibus Invest/ent Code ,"; .orei)n Invest/ents Act ,"< Retail Trade 5iberali2ation 5aw ,"# 3roduct liabilit- ,"> Intellectual propert- ,"+ Third part- ri)hts ,"*? 3ersonal propert- S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Aralar% Re-naldo" (*+>; " Agency/ Sales and Bailments and/or Credit Transactions" *+>; ed" Re-naldo Aralar" 3aulino% Ben8a/in" (*+>* " The 4a( on Sales Agency and Bailments" Ben8a/in 3aulino" Banila: Re1 Boo&store" 15

6 Co*rse Ti+,e- *si)ess ')0 Tr')s4er T'<es Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Inco/e Ta1ation Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course involves an intensive stud- of the business and transfer ta1 s-ste/% includin) the estate ta1% the )ift ta1% and transfer ta1" The relationship between these three donative transfer ta1es% and between the transfer ta1es and the inco/e ta1% are e/phasi2ed" The polic- underpinnin)s of wealth transfer ta1ation% and the reasons for the recent erosion in its political support% will be e1plored" The E1panded Falue4Added Ta1 and percenta)es ta1es are also discussed" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Transfer ta1es *"* Estate ta1es *"*"* Eross estate *"*"$ @eductions allowed to estate (ordinar- and special deductions *"*"7 Ta1 credit for estate ta1 paid to a forei)n countr- *"*", .ilin) of estate ta1 returns% pa-/ent of estate ta1 re0uire/ents *"*"; Attach/ents to the estate ta1 return% includin) C3A certificate *"$ @onor6s ta1 *"$"* Eross )ift *"$"$ E1e/ption of certain )ifts and other deductions fro/ )ross )ift *"$"7 Ta1 rates in )eneral and when the donee is a stran)er *"$", .ilin) of donor6s ta1 returns% pa-/ent and re0uire/ents $" Falue Added Ta1 $"* FAT4sub8ect transactions $"*"* Sale of )oods or properties (actual sales% dee/ed sales% 2ero rated sales $"*"$ Sale of services and lease of properties (actual sales or lease% 2ero rated sales $"*"7 I/portation 15

7 $"$ FAT e1e/pt transactions $"7 Input value added ta1es $"7"* 3assed4on FAT $"7"$ Transitional FAT input $"7"$"* 3resu/ptive FAT input $"7"$"$ Aithholdin) FAT (creditable and final $"7"$"7 E1cess FAT input in previous return $", Refund of FAT input (2ero rated sales% purchase of land and capital )oods $"; Co/pliance re0uire/ents (invoicin)% returns and pa-/ent of value added ta1I power of the Co//issioner to suspend business 7" 3ercenta)e Ta1es 7"* Ta1pa-er% ta1 base and ta1 rates 7"$ Ta1 on persons e1e/pt fro/ value added ta1 (annual )ross sales or receipts do not e1ceed 3;;?%???"?? 7"7 Ta1 on do/estic or international carrier (includin) e1e/ptions 7", Ta1 on franchise 7"; =verseas co//unications ta1 (includin) e1e/ptions 7"< Ta1 on ban&s and non4ban& financial inter/ediaries perfor/in) 0uasi4 ban&in) functions 7"# Ta1 on other non4ban& financial inter/ediaries 7"> Ta1 on life insurance 7"+ Ta1 on a)ents of forei)n insurance co/panies 7"*? A/use/ent ta1es 7"** Ta1 on winnin)s 7"*$ Stoc& transaction ta1 7"*7 Returns and pa-/ent of percenta)e ta1 (re)ular filin) ," 5ocal direct ta1es ,"* Co//unit- ta1 (co/putation of basic% additional and optional co//unitta1 for individuals and corporations and the /a1i/u/ a/ount due ,"$ Real estate ta1 ,"7 =ther propert- ta1es 15

8 ;" Additions to ta1 ;"* Surchar)es (late filin)Cpa-/ent% wron) venue% willful ne)lect% false or fraudulent returns ;"$ Interests (on deficienc-% on delin0uenc-% on e1tended pa-/ents ;"7 Co/pro/ise penalties% a/ount to be specified in the proble/" <" Ta1 plannin) and the application of appropriate ta1 plannin) /easures #" The use of co/puters for ta1 plannin) and for the preparation of ta1 returns (electronic filin) >" Ethical considerations H ta1 avoidance and the /ini/i2ation of ta1 liabilities vs" ta1 evasion +" Road ta1es *?" !ational insurance and social securit- sche/es H SSS and ESIS S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Ceido% @ante Nson" Phili''ine Trans"er and Business Ta&es Re-es% Fir)ilio @"% Phili''ine Trans"er and Business Ta&es A $e( A''roach/ !ove/ber $??< Edition% Conanan Enterprises% Banila"


9 Co*rse Ti+,e- Fi)').i', M')'3e(e)+ I Credit: Three (7 units 3rere0uisite: Basic .inance Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course provides the s-nthesis of financial polic- into a )rand strate)which inte)rates or)ani2ational purpose and )oals" The focus of the course is on current thin&in) re)ardin) valuation of the fir/% invest/ent decision processes% financin)% and dividend polic-% asset /ana)e/ent and financial strate)ies and portfolio theor-" This course also covers the financial anal-sis (interpretin) and anal-2in) financial state/ents for indications of business perfor/ance and use of co/puters for financial anal-sis% assessin) infor/ation wea&nesses in financial state/ents % plannin)% and concept of ris&" It includes the for/ation and use of current assets% wor&in) capital% and credit polic-" .inall-% the course includes the understandin) of lon) ter/ financin) instru/ents and the capital structure" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" The financial ob8ectives of different t-pes of or)ani2ations *"* The nature% purpose% and scope of financial /ana)e/ent *"$ The relationship between financial /ana)e/ent% /ana)e/ent accountin) and financial accountin) *"7 The relationship of financial ob8ectives to or)ani2ational strate)- and to other or)ani2ational ob8ectives *", The nature% scope and for/ (lon)4ter/ and short4ter/ of financial ob8ectives of business or)ani2ations *"; @ecisions in finance *";"* Invest/ent *";"$ .inancin) *";"7 =peratin) *"< .unctions of finance *"<"* .inance in or)ani2ations *"<"$ Chief .inancial =fficer6s functions The roles% responsibilities and relationships of &e- personnel involved in and with or)ani2ations (shareholders% lenders% /ana)ers% e/plo-ees% custo/ers% suppliers and )overn/ent *"# The roles% responsibilities and relationships of &e- personnel involved in and with or)ani2ations (shareholders% lenders% /ana)ers% e/plo-ees% custo/ers% suppliers and )overn/ent 16

0 $" The fra/ewor& of financial /ana)e/ent $"* Advanced applications of /acroecono/ic theor- as a basis for understandin) the &e- econo/ic variables affectin) the business environ/ent $"$ .iscal policies: their nature and the effectiveness of fiscal polic- $"7 Boneand interest rates% the role of /one- in the econo/-% and the suppl- and de/and for /one- $", Bonetar- policies: attitudes to /onetarpolicies and their proble/s $"; Suppl-4side policies and proble/s and policies to i/prove suppl-4side policies $"< 3olicies towards /onopolies and oli)opolies% privati2ation and dere)ulation $"# Environ/ental (9)reen: policies and their i/plications for the /ana)e/ent of the econo/- and the fir/ $"> The 9efficient /ar&ets: h-pothesis and its relevance to decision4 /a&in) and to financial /ana)e/ent practice 7" Environ/ent of fir/s 7"* Internal environ/ent 7"*"* =r)ani2ation6s structures and s-ste/s 7"*"$ Stren)ths and wea&nesses 7"$ E1ternal environ/ent 7"$"* The financial s-ste/ of the countr- and selected ite/s of /onetar- and fiscal policies 7"$"$ =pportunities and threats ," Ti/e value of /one- ,"* =verview of /one-6s ti/e value ,"$ .uture value of one a/ount ,"7 .uture value of an annuit- ,", .uture of one as annuit- due ,"; .uture value of one a/ount ,"< 3resent value of annuitdue ;" Basic interpretation and use of financial state/ents ;"* Co/putation% interpretation and li/itations of si)nificant accountin) ratios for financial state/ent anal-sis purposes 16

1 ;"*"* Return on e0uit- ;"*"$ @upont6s efficiencand levera)e ratios ;"*"7 =ther ratios ;"$ Cost4volu/e4profit anal-sis ;"$"* Brea&even anal-sis (in unitsI in a/ounts ;"$"$ Sin)le productI /ultiple4product anal-ses ;"$"7 5evera)es ;"7 Cash flow anal-sis ;"7"* Contrastin) the concepts of funds flow and cash flow ;"7"$ @irect /ethod ;"7"7 Indirect /ethod ;", Appraisin) and co//unicatin) the financial position and prospects of a business based on )iven and prepared state/ents and ratios ;"; Appraisin) the validit- of available infor/ation for user purposes <" 3lannin) decisions <"* Short4ter/ (operatin) decisions <"*"* The operatin) plan <"*"$ Cash bud)ets <"*"7 3ro4 for/a inco/e state/ents% balance sheets <"$ 5on)4ter/ (strate)ic decisions <"$"* The sources of finance H basic covera)e (debt or capitalP <"$"$ The cost of lon)4ter/ debt <"$"7 The cost of e0uitcapital #" The /ana)e/ent of wor&in) capital #"* The nature and scope of wor&in) capital /ana)e/ent #"$ The i/portance of effective wor&in) capital /ana)e/ent to corporate survival #"7 Cash and short4ter/ invest/ents #", Receivables /ana)e/ent #"; Inventor- /ana)e/ent #"< =ther ite/s of wor&in) capital >" Asset ris&s concepts >"* Capital bud)etin) ris& 16

2 >"$ .inancial ris& +" Asset pricin) +"* Capital asset pricin) /odel +"$ Arbitra)e pricin) /odel Arnold% Eala)her and Andrew" ($??7 " #inancial <anagementPrinci'les " (7 S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Elen" (*++> "B" Cor'orate #inancial <anagement .inancial Ti/es 3it/an 3ublishin)" Beal% @" and Eo-en% ($??; !ntroducing Cor'orate #inance " Australia: John AileSons" th Bishop% R" .aff% B" =liver and E" Twite" ($??, " Cor'orate " (; Ed Jaffee" "D 3earson" ISB!: * S"% #,??+<,;$" rdEd " 3rentice (all 3ublishers" th Ross% #inance Aestefield and ($??; " Cor'orate #inance " (# Ed " BcEraw(ill% Inc" ISB!: ??#$>$+$?< NbaUe2% RoC" and Ilano%and Alberto" (*++> " Phili''ine Cor'orate #inance ;olume %% *st Edition% @C. and .ine1 Research @evelop/ent .oundation% Inc" 16

3 Co*rse Ti+,e- Fi)').i', M')'3e(e)+ II Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- .inancial Bana)e/ent I Co*rse Des.ri2+io) The course is a continuation of .inancial Bana)e/ent I and provides a conceptual fra/ewor& within which &e- financial decisions and ris&s relatin) to corporations are anal-2ed" This anal-sis considers shareholder wealth /a1i/i2ation% lon)4ter/ financin)% capital bud)etin)% ris& /ana)e/ent (the nature of ris&% ris& concepts% benefits of ris& /ana)e/ent% ris& /ana)e/ent processes% enterprise4wide ris& /ana)e/ent% /ana)in) operatin) ris& and financial ris&% credit ris& /odels includin) Basel II capital ac0uisition anal-sis% capital structure decision% valuation of financial instru/ents% and the dividend decision" It also e1a/ines the /ain t-pes of derivative contracts: forward contracts% futures% swaps and options% and how these instru/ents are used in /ana)in) and /odif-in) financial ris&s" Co*rse O*+,i)e *" Luantitative techni0ues and concepts in finance *"* Asset ris&s concept *"$ .inancial ris& *"7 Asset pricin) *"7"* Capital asset pricin) /odel *"7"$ Arbitra)e pricin) /odel $" Ris& and return of assets $"* =verview $"$ Ris& of one asset $"7 Ris& of a portfolio 7" .inancial ris& /ana)e/ent 7"* !ature of ris& 7"$ Co/parative advanta)e in ris& /ana)e/ent 7"7 Sources of ris& 7", Ris& /ana)e/ent strate)- 7"; Ris& and utilit- 7"< 3ortfolio theor- and ris& /ana)e/ent 16

4 7"# Cost of ris& to fir/s 7"> Benefits of ris& reduction 7"+ Beasurin) ris& on financial state/ents 7"*? I/ple/entin) a ris& /ana)e/ent pro)ra/ 7"** @erivatives: futures% options% forward contracts% hed)in)% swaps 7"*$ Falue at ris& (FAR 7"*7 Basel Accord (Basel * and $ 7"*, Credit ris& 7"*,"* Counterpart- ris& 7"*,"$ Ban&ruptc- ris& 7"*,"7 Credit scorin) and lendin) 7"*,", Bond ratin) 7"*; Enterprise4wide ris& /ana)e/ent ," Faluation of financial assets ,"* .unda/entals of valuation ,"$ Bond valuation ,"7 Share capital valuation ,", @ecisions on ordinar- share (co//on stoc& value ;" Cost of capital ;"* =verview ;"$ Cost of lon)4ter/ debt ;"7 Cost of preference shares (preferred stoc& ;", Cost of ordinar- shares (co//on stoc& ;"; Aei)hted avera)e cost of capital ;"< Bar)inal cost and invest/ent decisions <" 5on)4ter/ invest/ent decisions <"* Capital bud)etin) <"$ @ecision process <"7 Initial invest/ents <", =peratin) cash flows <"; Ter/inal cash flows <"< Relevant cash flows 16

5 #" Capital e1penditures and invest/ents H in4depth covera)e (advanced investin) decisions #"* (ow to identif- potential invest/ent opportunities #"$ Appraisin) capital invest/ents for non4co//ercial or)ani2ations throu)h the use of appropriate /ethods and techni0ues% includin): #"$"* Return on capital e/plo-ed #"$"$ 3a-bac& #"$"7 @iscountin) based /ethods% includin) the i/portance of the cost of capital to invest/ent appraisal and shareholder value #"$", Internal rates of return #"$"; Accountin) rate of return #"$"< !et present values #"$"# Capital rationin) #"$"> 5ease or bu- decisions #"7 The effects of ta1ation and inflation on invest/ent decisions and the handlin) of ris&s and uncertainties% for e1a/ple throu)h the use of probabilities% sensitivit- anal-sis and si/ulations #", 3ortfolio perfor/ance >" 5evera)e and capital structure >"* Brea&even anal-sis >"$ =peratin)% financial% and total levera)es >"7 =ptional capital structure +" Ber)ers and ac0uisitions (BDA +"* T-pes of transactions +"*"* Stoc& purchase +"*"$ Statutor/er)er or consolidation +"*"7 Asset purchase +"$ 3reparin) for the BDA +"$"* 3lannin) the BDA +"$"$ Issues to be considered +"7 @ue dili)ence +", Strate)ic plannin) and i/ple/entation +"; =r)ani2in) the wor& 16

6 *?" @ividend polic- *?"* .unda/entals *?"$ 3olic- theor- and ar)u/ents *?"7 .actors affectin) polic- *?", T-pes of policies *?"; =ther for/s of dividends **" International financial /ana)e/ent decisions **"* Alternative /ethods of financin) i/ports and e1ports **"$ The wor&in)s of international /one- and capital /ar&ets and the opportunities that the- offer to co/panies as a source of finance and as a repositorfor the invest/ent of funds **"7 The /ana)e/ent of financial resources within a )roup of co/panies% includin) pa-/ent between co/panies% cash /ana)e/ent% transfer pricin)% 8ud)in) the perfor/ance of co/panies within a )roup% and the financial control of a )roup of co/panies **", The appraisal of international capital invest/ents% appl-in) the appropriate techni0ues% and the consideration of the /a8or issues in the decision4/a&in) process% includin) strate)ic ob8ectives% the principle of ho/e countr- vs" host countr- returns% the for/ of forei)n invest/ents includin) use of branches vs" subsidiaries% the different /ethods of financin) forei)n invest/ents% the effect of ta1ation on forei)n invest/ent decisions% repatriation of sales a/ounts% earnin)s and char)es to forei)n operatin) co/panies% and political ris& anal-sis" *$" The financial ob8ectives of special t-pes of or)ani2ations *$"* The nature% purpose and scope of financial /ana)e/ent *$"$ The nature% scope and for/ (lon)4ter/ and short4ter/ of financial ob8ectives of special t-pes of or)ani2ations% includin) not4for4profit or)ani2ations *$"7 3roble/s faced b- s/all enterprises in obtainin) financin) *7" Special proble/s of financial /ana)e/ent in the public sector *," The sources of finance4 in4depth covera)e *,"* The i/pact of capital /ar&et derivatives *,"$ The deter/ination of e0uit- prices *,"7 The effect of dividend policies on financial needs and the for/ulation of dividend policies 16

7 *,", Ban& finance: the various for/s of short4% /ediu/4 and lon)4ter/ finance that are available% includin) leasin) arran)e/ents *,"; Trade credit *,"< Eovern/ent sources: )rants% local% re)ional and national aid sche/es% ta1 incentives% etc" *,"# Fenture capital and financial sources particularl- suited to the s/all enterprise *,"> International /one- and capital /ar&ets% includin) ban&in) and the financin) of forei)n trade *,"+ @eter/inin) the re0uire/ents for financin) (how /uch% for how lon)% and for what purpose in relation to an enterprise6s operational and strate)ic ob8ectivesI the i/portance of the choice of capital structure to an or)ani2ation *,"*? .inancial and actuarial /athe/atics *,"** Calculatin) financial )earin) and other &e- financial ratios and anal-2in) their si)nificance to the or)ani2ation *,"*$ !e)otiatin) ter/ loans with ban&s and other financial institutions *,"*7 Bicro credit pro)ra/s to finance develop/ent in rural areas *;" Treasur- /ana)e/ent *;"* =pti/i2in) the flow of financial assets for an or)ani2ation or an individual *;"$ Ris& /ana)e/ent and cost savin) within the or)ani2ation b- use of: *;"$"* =ptions% includin) caps% floors and collars *;"$"$ .utures *;"$"7 Swaps *;"7 The scope and benefits of financial en)ineerin) *;", .orei)n e1chan)e /ar&ets and hed)in) a)ainst forei)n e1chan)e ris&s *;"; The use of financial derivatives% includin) the Blac&4Scholes option4pricin) /odel *;"< @erivative re)ulations D accountin) standards *<" Ethics in corporate finance *,"* Eovernance and corporate control around the world *,"$ Corporate code of conduct and the success of )lobali2ation S*33es+e0 Re4ere).esth Breale-% Richard A" and Stewart C" B-ers" ($??< " 3rinciples of Corporate .inance (# Ed " IrwinCBcEraw4(ill" 16

th Bri)ht/an% E" and 3" @aves" ($??< Inter/ediate .inancial Bana)e/ent" (+ Ed" " Tho/son South4Aestern" Eun and Resnic&" ($??,2 !nternational #inancial <anagement" Irwin" nd Erinblatt% Bar& and Sheridan Tit/an" ($??$ " .inancial Bar&ets and Corporate Strate)-" ($ Ed " BcEraw4(ill 3ublishers" Gale and .endler" ($??, " 4ectures in 169

Cor'orate #inance" Gendall (unt 3ublishin)" NbaUe2% Ro- C" and Ilano% Alberto" (*++> " Phili''ine Cor'orate #inance ;olume ?% *st Edition% @C. and .ine1 Research and @evelop/ent .oundation% Inc" th (ull% John" ($??; " #undamentals o" #utures and G'tions <arkets% ; Edition% 3earson 3rentice4(all"

Co*rse Ti+,eFi)').i', A..o*)+i)3 : Re2or+i)3, P'r+ I Cre0i+Si1 (< units Prere1*isi+e.unda/entals of Accountin)% 3art II Co*rse Des.ri2+io)- This course introduces the nature% functions% scope% and li/itations of the broad field of accountin) theor-" It deals with the stud- of the theoretical accountin) fra/ewor& ob8ectives of financial state/ents% accountin) conventions% and )enerall- accepted accountin) principles% standard settin) process for accountin) practice% national as well as international principles relatin) to the preparation and presentation of financial state/ents% the conditions under which the- /a- be appropriatel- applied% their i/pact or effect on the financial state/entsI and the criticis/s co//onl- leveled a)ainst the/" The course covers the detailed discussion% appreciation% and application of accountin) principles coverin) the assets% financial and nonfinancial" E/phasis is )iven on the interpretation and application of theories of accountin) in relation to cash% te/porar- invest/ents% receivables% inventories% prepa-/ents% lon)4ter/ invest/ents% propert-% plant and e0uip/ent% intan)ibles% and other assets% includin) financial state/ent presentation and disclosure re0uire/ents" The related internal control% ethical issues% and /ana)e/ent of assets are also covered" E1posure to co/puteri2ed s-ste/ in receivables% inventor-% and lapsin) schedules is a re0uire/ent in this course" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Concepts and principles relatin) to the preparation and presentation of financial State/ents *"* !ature% principles and scope of accountin) *"$ !ature% principles and ob8ectives of financial and related records of an or)ani2ation *"7 The nature% role and si)nificance of accountin) theories and principles *", 3rinciples of conceptual fra/ewor&s of accountin) *"; 3hilippine financial reportin) standardsC3hilippine accountin) standards *"< The concept and role of the true and fair presentation of financial state/ents $" .inancial Reportin) Standards Council and Conceptual .ra/ewor& for the 3reparation and 3resentation of .inancial state/ents $"* .inancial Reportin) Standards Council (Creation% ob8ectives and functionsI Be/bership C co/positionI Standard settin) process $"$ The IASB% histor-% current structure and processes% )lobali2ation of capital /ar&ets% calls for the har/oni2ation of accountin) standards% for/ation and achieve/ents of the IASC 17

0 $"7 Conceptual .ra/ewor& for the 3reparation and 3resentation of .inancial State/ents $"7"* Users and their infor/ation needs $"7"$ =b8ective of financial state/ents $"7"7 Underl-in) assu/ptions in the preparation of financial state/ents $"7", Lualitative characteristics of financial state/ents (Understandabilit-% Relevance% Reliabilit-% Co/parabilit- $"7"; 3rinciples of Reco)nition and Beasure/ent (Beasure/ent base $"7"< Ele/ents of financial state/ents and their definition (Assets% 5iabilities% E0uit-% Inco/e% E1penses $"7"# Reco)nition and /easure/ent of the ele/ents of financial state/ents $"7"> Concepts of capital and capital /aintenance (.inancial concept% 3h-sical concept 7" Introduction to .inancial Instru/ents 7"* @efinition of financial instru/ents W.inancial assets: nature and e1a/ples% .inancial liabilities: nature and e1a/ples% E0uit- instru/ents: nature and e1a/ples (@istinction between e0uit- and financial liabilities % Co/pound financial instru/entsX 7"$ Cate)ories of financial assets C financial liabilities 7"7 .inancial assets covered b- 3AS 7$ D 7+ 7", =ther financial assets e1cluded fro/ the scope of 3AS 7+ and addressed under other 3.RS 7"; Approach in accountin) for financial instru/ents 7"< !onfinancial assets C nonfinancial liabilities: nature and e1a/ples ," Accountin) for Cash ,"* @efinition% nature and co/position of cash and cash e0uivalents ,"$ Reco)nition and /easure/ent of cash ,"7 Bana)e/ent and control of cash (Accountin) of pettcash fund% Ban& reconciliation at a sin)le date ,", .inancial state/ent valuation% presentation and disclosure ;" Accountin) for Receivables ;"* @efinition% nature and classification of receivables ;"$ Accountin) for receivables WReco)nition% Initial and subse0uent /easure/ent% I/pair/ent and uncollectibilit- of receivables (Assess/ent and recordin) of i/pair/ent loss% Reversal or recover- of 17

1 i/pair/ent loss % @ereco)nition% Eeneratin) cash fro/ receivablesX ;"7 Accountin) for notesCloans receivable (@efinition and t-pes of pro/issor- notes% Reco)nition% Initial /easure/ent and valuation at present value ;", Receivable financin) arran)e/ents \Accounts receivable W3led)in) ()eneral assi)n/ent of receivables % .actorin)% Assi)n/ent of specific receivableXI !otes receivable (@iscountin) ] ;"; !otesCloans receivable i/pair/ent and uncollectibilit- ;"< .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosure ;"# Internal control /easures for receivable <" Accountin) for Invest/ents in E0uit- and @ebt Instru/ents includin) basic concepts on @erivatives (covered b- 3AS 7$ and 7+ <"* Invest/ent in e0uit- instru/ents covered b- 3AS 7$ and 7+ WInvest/ent in /ar&etable e0uit- securities (@esi)nated at fair value throu)h profit or loss% Tradin)% Available4for4sale % Invest/ent in un0uoted e0uit- securitiesX <"$ Invest/ent in debt instru/ents W(eld4to4/aturit- invest/ents% !ot held4to/aturit(Tradin)% Available4for4sale X #" Accountin) for Inventories #"* @efinition% nature and classes of inventories #"$ Reco)nition #"7 Initial /easure/ent at cost #", Inventor- recordin) s-ste/s (3eriodic inventor- s-ste/% 3erpetual inventors-ste/ #"; Inventor- costin) /ethods (Ite/s not ordinaril- interchan)eable: Specific identificationI .or ite/s that are interchan)eable: .irst in% .irst out% /ethod% Aei)hted avera)e cost /ethod #"< Inventor- esti/ation /ethods WEross profit /ethod% Retail inventor- /ethod (e1cludin) peso value and retail info X #"# Faluation at lower of cost and net reali2able value (Arite4down to net reali2able value% Reversal of write4down #"> =ther Inventor- Issues (3urchase co//it/ent% Inventor- valued at sellin) price% Use of /ore than one cost /ethod% Borrowin) costs% 5u/p4su/ ac0uisition% Inventorerrors #"+ .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures #"*? Internal control and /ana)e/ent of inventor>" Accountin) for a)ricultural activities and biolo)ical assets >"* @efinition% nature and classes 17

2 >"$ Reco)nition >"7 Initial /easure/ent at cost >", Faluation at lower of cost and net reali2able value (Arite4down to net reali2able value% Reversal of write4down >"; .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures +" Accountin) for 3ropert-% 3lant and E0uip/ent +"* @efinition% nature and classes +"$ Reco)nition +"7 Initial /easure/ent (Cash purchase% 3urchase on a deferred pa-/ent contract% Issuance of securities% @onation or discover-% Selfconstruction% E1chan)es of non4/onetar- and /onetar- assets +", E1penditures subse0uent to ac0uisition +"; Faluation or /easure/ent subse0uent to initial reco)nition (Bench/ar& /ethod H cost less accu/ulated depreciation and accu/ulated i/pair/ent lossesI Allowed alternative /ethod H revaluation at fair value less accu/ulated depreciation and accu/ulated i/pair/ent losses +"< @epreciation of assets (@efinition% nature and causesI .actors affectin) depreciationI Bethods of depreciation (Strai)ht4line /ethod% @eclinin) balance /ethod% Su/4of4the4 -ears6 di)its /ethod% Eroup and co/posite depreciation +"# @epletion of wastin) assets +"> Accountin) chan)es affectin) depreciation +"+ Revaluation of propert-% plant and e0uip/ent (Recordin) on date of revaluation% .re0uenc- of revaluation% Revaluation increase% Revaluation decrease% Reali2ed revaluation +"*? I/pair/ent of assets (@efinition% Ahen to reco)ni2e and how to /easure i/pair/ent loss% Beasure/ent of recoverable a/ount% I/pair/ent loss for an individual asset% I/pair/ent loss for cash4)eneratin) unit% Reversal of previouslreco)ni2ed i/pair/ent loss +"** Retire/ent and disposals +"*$ .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures +"*7 Internal control and /ana)e/ent of propert-% plant and e0uip/ent *?" Accountin) for Intan)ible Assets *?"* @efinition% nature% and classes *?"$ Reco)nition criteria *?"7 Initial /easure/ent and accountin) for intan)ibles (3atents% Cop-ri)ht% Trade/ar&s and trade na/es% .ranchise ri)hts% 5easeri)hts% Co/puter software% Eoodwill% Research and develop/ent costs% =ther intan)ible 17

3 assets *?", Subse0uentl- incurred costs *?"; Beasure/ent subse0uent to initial reco)nition (Cost /ethod% Revaluation /ethod *?"< A/orti2ation *?"# I/pair/ent of value of intan)ible assets *?"> Reversal of i/pair/ent loss *?"+ Retire/ents and disposition *?"*? .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures *?"** Internal control /easures for intan)ibles **" Accountin) for =ther T-pes of Invest/ents **"* Invest/ent in cash surrender value of life insurance **"$ Invest/ent in funds **"7 Invest/ent propert- **", Interests in 8oint ventures^ **"; Invest/ent in associates^ **"< Invest/ent in subsidiar-^ *$" Accountin) for !oncurrent Assets (eld for Sale .etailed discussion covered in Advanced Accounting sub*ects S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es- Alfredson% Geith% 5" Gen"% R" 3ic&er% 3" 3acter% and J" Radford" ($??; " A''lying !nternational Accounting Standards Australia: John Aile- and Sons% 5td" Cabrera% E" B" #inancial Accounting and 9e'orting/ Theory and Practice ;olume !% $??# Edition% EIC Enterprises% C"B" Recto% Banila Robles% !"% and 3" B" E/pleo" ($??; " !ntermediate Accounting ;olume ! ($??; % Bandalu-on): Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Fali1% C" T" and J" 3eralta" ($??# " #inancial Accounting ;olume ! 1Based on PAS/ P#9S/ !AS/ !#9S " Banila: EIC Enterprises" Falencia% E" and E" Ro1as ($??, " #inancial Accounting Bandalu-on) Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Ba-sa% Eloria T"% BC" N"5upisan% and E"."5edes/a" ($??< " #inancial Accounting Theory" Bandalu-on): Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" 3adilla% !" ($??; " #inancial Accounting Theory o" Accounts Banila: EIC Enterprises" th Ae-)andt% Gieso% and Aarfield% !ntermediate Accounting ($??, ** Ed"% Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc"% Shaw Blvd"% Bandalu-on) Cit- Co/pilation of Phili''ine Accounting Standards (3AS % Phili''ine #inancial 9e'orting Standards (3.RS 17

4 Co*rse Ti+,eFi)').i', A..o*)+i)3 : Re2or+i)3, P'r+ II Cre0i+Si1 (< units Prere1*isi+e.inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art I Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is a continuation of .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art I" It is desi)ned to cover the financial accountin) principles relative to reco)nition% /easure/ent% valuation% and financial state/ent of presentation of liabilities and shareholders6 e0uit-% includin) disclosure re0uire/ents" The related internal control% ethical issues% and /ana)e/ent of liabilities and owner(s 6 e0uit- are also covered" It also deals with conte/porar- issues such as leases% e/plo-ees6 retire/ent benefits% deferred ta1es% and other current related ite/s" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Accountin) for 5iabilities H Current 5iabilities *"* @efinition and co/position *"$ Reco)nition and /easure/ent of financialCnonfinancial liabilities *"$"* Reco)nition and /easure/ent of financial liabilities whose a/ount are definite H trade pa-ables% short4ter/ notes pa-able% co//ercial paper% current portion of lon)4ter/ debts% accrued e1penses *"$"$ Reco)nition of current non4financial liabilities H unearned revenues% custo/er6s deposits% outstandin) )ift certificates% liabilit- for warrant-% outstandin) pre/iu/s% deposits for returnable containers% bonuses% unearned service contracts% others *"$"7 @erivatives *"$", .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures $" !oncurrent 5iabilities $"* @efinition and Co/position $"$ Reco)nition and /easure/ent of noncurrent liabilities $"7 Accountin) for bonds pa-able $"7"* Issuance of bondsI accountin) for interest and a/orti2ation of pre/iu/ or discount usin) strai)ht4line and effective interest /ethods $"7"$ E1tin)uish/ent of bonds prior to /aturit- (includin) conversion bonds into ordinar- shares $"7"7 .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures 17

5 $", Accountin) for 5on)4ter/ !otes 3a-able $","* !ature of lon)4ter/ notes pa-able $","$ Accountin) for issuance of notes (Issued for cashI stated rate and /ar&et% Issued for assets or servicesI stated rate and /ar&et rate different% Install/ent note issued for noncash consideration% Innovative /ort)a)e notes% !ote with an unrealistic interest rate $"; 3rovisions% Contin)ent 5iabilities $";"* @efinition and nature $";"$ .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures 7" Accountin) for Shareholders6 E0uit7"* Contributed Capital 7"*"* Share capital H definition and classification (=rdinarshares% 3reference shares H cu/ulative% noncu/ulative% participatin) and nonparticipatin) 7"*"$ Authori2ation% subscription% and issuance of share capital 7"*"7 Subscription defaults 7"*", Share issuance costs 7"*"; Additional paid4 in4capital4definition and sources 7"*"< Ri)hts issues% share warrants% and share options 7"*"# Share appreciation ri)hts 7"*"> Rede/ption and conversion of preference shares 7"*"+ Share recapitali2ation and share splits 7"*"*? Treasur- shares 7"*"** .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures 7"$ Retained Earnin)s 7"$"* @efinition 7"$"$ .unda/ental errors (Correction of errors in prior period6s inco/e% Chan)e in accountin) policies 7"$"7 Accountin) for appropriations and subse0uent reversals 7"$", Accountin) for dividends H cash% propert-% share% scrip% li0uidatin) 7"$"; .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures 7"7 =ther Shareholders6 E0uit- Ite/s 7"7"* Revaluation surplus 7"7"$ Unreali2ed losses on decline in value of available4for4sale securities 7"7"7 .orei)n currenc- translation ad8ust/ent 7", Co/putation of earnin)s per share and boo& value per share of preference shares (if an- and ordinar- shares e0uivalents 17

6 ," Special Topics ,"* 5eases ,"*"* !ature and classification ,"*"$ Accountin) for leases H lessee6s viewpoint: =peratin) lease% Capital leaseCfinance lease ,"*"7 Accountin) for leases H lessor6s viewpoint: =peratin) lease% @irect .inancin) lease% Sales4t-pe lease% Sale of assets durin) lease ter/ ,"*", Accountin) for sale4leasebac& transactions ,"*"; 5evera)ed lease ,"*"< @isclosure re0uire/ents for leases ,"$ Inco/e Ta1es ,"$"* T-pes of inco/e ta1 allocation (Intraperiod% Interpreriod% Interperiod ta1 allocation ,"$"$ Te/porar- and per/anent differences (Ta1able te/porar- differences and deductible te/porar- differences% Reco)nition and /easure/ent of inco/e ta1 pa-able% deferred ta1 liabilities and deferred ta1 assets% Current and deferred ta1 e1pense and inco/e ta1 benefits% .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures ,"7 Accountin) for E/plo-ee Benefits ,"7"* E/plo-ee benefits defined ,"7"$ Short4 ter/ e/plo-ee benefits (Reco)nition and /easure/ent ,"7"7 3ost4e/plo-/ent benefits W!ature of pension plan% T-pes of pension plan (@efined contribution pension plans% @efined benefit pension plans % Accountin) for pension plansX ,"7", Ter/ination benefits ,"7"; E0uitco/pensation benefits ,"7"< 3re4retire/ent co/pensation plans ,"7"<"* Share4based co/pensation plans (Share award plans% Share option plans% Share appreciation ri)hts% Share purchase plans ,", Share4based 3a-/ent S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es: Alfredson% Geith% 5" Gen"% R" 3ic&er% 3" 3acter% and J" Radford" ($??;2 A''lying !nternational Accounting Standards Australia: John Aile- and Sons Australia% 5td" Cabrera% E" B" #inancial Accounting and 9e'orting/ Theory and Practice ;olume ?% $??# Edition" Banila: EIC Enterprises" Ba-sa% Eloria T"% BC" N"5upisan% and E" ." 5edes/a" ($??< " #inancial Accounting Theory" Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billeniu/ Boo&s% Inc" 17

Robles% !" and 3" B" E/pleo" ($??; " !ntermediate Accounting ;olume ? Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" 3adilla% !" ($??; " #inancial Accounting Theory o" Accounts Banila: EIC Enterprises" Fali1% C" T" and J" 3eralta" ($??; " #inancial Accounting ;olume ? 1Based on PAS/ P#9S/ !AS/ !#9S " Banila: EIC Enterprises"

Ae-)andt% Gieso% and Aarfield ($??, " !ntermediate Accounting ($??, **th Ed"% Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Co/pilation of Phili''ine Accounting Standards (3AS % Phili''ine #inancial 9e'orting Standards (3.RS


8 Co*rse Ti+,e: Fi)').i', A..o*)+i)3 : Re2or+i)3, P'r+ III Cre0i+Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e.inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art II This course is the cul/ination of the .inancial Accountin) cluster" It deals with the preparation of a properl- classified balance sheet% inco/e state/ent% state/ent of chan)es in e0uit-% and state/ent of cash flows% includin) the re0uired disclosures and notes to the financial state/ents" It also covers reconstruction of accounts fro/ inco/plete records% chan)e fro/ cash basis to accrual basis of accountin)% correction of errors% accountin) chan)es% discontinued operations% earnin)s per share% accountin) for chan)in) prices% interi/ reportin)% se)/ent reportin)% and other current related ite/s" The students will also be e1posed to the financial state/ents of speciali2ed industries" Co*rse O*+,i)e*" Review of the accountin) process *"* !ature *"$ 3hases *"$"* Recordin) phase *"$"$ Su//ari2in) phase *"7 Ad8ustin)% closin) and reversin) entries $" 3resentation of )eneral4purpose financial state/ents $"* !ature of )eneral4purpose financial state/ents $"$ =ver4all considerations in the preparation and presentation of financial state/ents $"7 Bini/u/ re0uire/ents for the content of financial state/ents $"7"* Balance sheet $"7"$ Inco/e state/ent $"7"7 State/ent of chan)es in owners6 e0uit- $"7", State/ent of cash flows $"7"; Accountin) and e1planator- notes $", 3rinciples of disclosure 7" Accountin) for results of operations 7"* Approaches to inco/e /easure/ent 7"*"* Econo/ic approach 17

9 7"*"$ Transaction approach 7"$ Concepts of capital and capital /aintenance 7"$"* .inancial concept 7"$"$ 3h-sical concept 7"7 Co/prehensive inco/e 7", Bases for reco)nition of inco/e 7","* Accrual basis 7","$ Cash basis 7","7 Bodified cash basis 7"; Ele/ents of inco/e state/ent 7";"* Inco/e 7";"$ E1penses 7"< Revenue% e1penses% )ains and losses 7"<"* @efinition 7"<"$ Reco)nition 7"<"7 Beasure/ent 7"<", @isclosure re0uire/ents 7"# Infor/ation re0uired to be presented on the face of the inco/e state/ent in the notes 7"#"* Revenue 7"#"$ .inance costs 7"#"7 Share of profit or loss of associates and 8oint ventures accounted for usin) the e0uit- /ethod 7"#", Ta1 e1pense 7"#"; A sin)le a/ount co/prisin) the total of the post4ta1 profit or loss of discontinued operations and the post4ta1 )ain or loss reco)ni2ed on the /easure/ent to fair value less costs to sell or on the disposal of the assets or disposal )roup(s constitutin) the discontinued operation 7"#"< 3rofit or loss 7"#"# Arite4downs of inventories to net reali2able value or of propert-% plant% and e0uip/ent to recoverable a/ounts% as well as reversals of such write4downs 7"#"> @isposals of ite/s of propert-% plant and e0uip/ent 7"#"+ @iscontinuin) operations 7"#"*? 5iti)ation settle/ents 7"#"** =ther reversals of provisions 7"> @iscontinued operations 18

0 7">"* @efinition and nature 7">"$ Accountin) treat/ent 7">"7 .inancial state/ent presentation and disclosures 7">", ," Balance sheet ,"* Classifications ,"*"* Assets and liabilities (Current% !oncurrent ,"*"$ =wners6 e0uit- (Contributed capital% Retained earnin)s% Capital /aintenance ad8ust/ents ,"$ Infor/ation re0uired to be presented on the face of the balance sheet or in the notes ;" State/ent of cash flows ;"* 3urposes of the state/ent ;"$ @efinin) cash and cash e0uivalents ;"7 Classification of cash flows (=peratin) activities% Investin) activities% .inancin) activities ;", Reportin) cash flows fro/ operatin) activities (@irect /ethod% Indirect /ethod ;"; =ther disclosure re0uire/ents <" Reconstruction of accounts <"* State/ents fro/ inco/plete records (sin)le4entr- s-ste/ <"$ Conversion fro/ cash to accrual basis #" Interi/ reportin) #"* @efinition and nature #"$ Approaches in treat/ent of interi/ period WIndependent approach (discreet approach % @ependent approach (inte)ral approach X #"7 Bini/u/ co/ponents of interi/ financial reports #", Reco)nition and /easure/ent of inco/e and e1penses reported in the interi/ financial state/ents >" Se)/ent reportin) >"* @efinition and nature >"$ T-pes of se)/ents (Business% Eeo)raphical >"7 Identification of reportable se)/ents 18

1 >", 3resentation and disclosure re0uire/ents +" Accountin) for chan)in) prices and reportin) in h-perinflationar- econo/ies +"* Accountin) for chan)in) prices +"*"* Review of historical cost and stabilit- of /one- concepts +"*"$ Rationale for accountin) for chan)in) prices +"*"7 Bonetar- vs" non/onetar- ite/s +"*", Constant peso accountin) vs" current cost accountin) +"*"; 3reparation of financial state/ents usin) constant peso accountin) and current cost accountin) +"$ Reportin) in h-perinflationar- econo/ies +"$"* Characteristics which indicate the e1istence of h-perinflation +"$"$ Restate/ent procedures +"$"7 Restate/ent of financial state/ents (Restatin) balance sheet% Restatin) inco/e state/ent% Restatin) co/ponents of e0uit+"$", Investee reportin) in the currenc- of a h-perinflationar- econo/*?" The professional activities of accountants: appl-in) IAS and I.RS *?"* Criticall- appraisin)% evaluatin) proposed chan)es and pro/otin) chan)es in *?"*"* Accountin) theories and principles *?"*"$ Concepts *?"*"7 I.RSs% IASs% E1posure @rafts of IASs and other IASB publications *?"$ Bonitorin) and evaluatin) *?"$"* International issues and case law *?"$"$ Ethical issues S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es- Alfredson% Geith% 5" Gen"% R" 3ic&er% 3" 3acter% and J" Radford" ($??; " A''lying !nternational Accounting Standards John Aile- and Sons Australia% ltd" Cabrera% E" B" #inancial Accounting and 9e'orting/ Theory and Practice ;olumes ! and !! $??# Edition% Banila: EIC Enterprises" Ba-sa% Eloria T"% B"C" N"5upisan% and E" ." 5edes/a" ($??< " #inancial Accounting Theory" Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" 3adilla% !" ($??< " #inancial Accounting Theory o" Accounts Banila: EIC Enterprises" Robles% !" and 3" B" E/pleo" ($??; " !ntermediate Accounting ;olume )/ ($??; % Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Falencia% E" and E" Ro1as" ($??, " #inancial Accounting Bandalu-on) Cit-: 18

Ae-)andt% Gieso% and Aarfield ($??, " !ntermediate Accounting ($??, **Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Fali1% C" T" and J" 3eralta" ($??; " #inancial Accounting ;olume ? 1Based on

PAS/ P#9S/ !AS/ !#9S " Banila: EIC Enterprises" th Ed"% Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Co/pilation of Phili''ine Accounting Standards (3AS % Phili''ine #inancial 9e'orting Standards (3.RS % 3IC3A


3 Co*rse Ti+,e- Cos+ A..o*)+i)3 : Cos+ M')'3e(e)+ Cre0i+- Si1 (< units Prere1*isi+es- .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art I Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is desi)ned to orient the students to the cost accountin) and cost /ana)e/ent fra/ewor& of business" Topics discussed are: overview of cost accountin)I /anufacturin) cost accountin) c-cleI costin) /ethods: 8ob and process cost s-ste/sI accountin)% plannin)% and control for /aterials% labor% and overheadI accountin) for 8oint and b-4product costsI and cost /ana)e/ent s-ste/s (CBS for the new /anufacturin) environ/ent such as activit-4based costin)% tar)et costin)% total 0ualit- /ana)e/ent% value reen)ineerin)% and theor- of constraints" Also discussed is the i/pact of environ/ental concerns on costs" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" =verview of cost accountin) *"* @efinition% scope% ob8ectives of cost accountin) *"$ Relationships of cost accountin) to financial and /ana)e/ent accountin) *"7 !ature% classification and purposes of cost *", Ele/ents of product cost% flow of cost in service% tradin) D /anufacturin) businesses $" The cost and /ana)e/ent accountin) fra/ewor& $"* Cost and /ana)e/ent accountin) in co/parison with financial accountin): their purposes% the role of cost accountin) as part of a /ana)e/ent infor/ation s-ste/% and the need for both financial as well as nonfinancial infor/ation $"$ Cost classification concepts and ter/inolo)- $"7 The use of linear% curvilinear and step functions and how their calculations are used to anal-2e cost behavior $", The concepts of cost units% cost centers and profit centers $"; Journal entries for /anufacturin) operations $"< 3reparation of cost state/ents (service% tradin) and /anufacturin) operations % inco/e state/ent and balance sheet 7" Cost deter/ination: the costin) of resource inputs 7"* Baterials 7"*"* Ac0uisition and usa)e of /aterials 18

4 7"*"$ Accountin) for stoc& (inventor- /ove/ents 7"*"7 @eter/ination of opti/u/ purchase 0uantities 7"*", Baterial pricin) issues 7"*"; Identification of accountin) for stoc& losses 7"$ 5abor 7"$"* The difference between direct and indirect labor 7"$"$ T-pes of labor re/uneration /ethods 7"$"7 5abor cost incurrence and distribution 7"$", 5abor efficienc- calculations and interpretations 7"$"; Recordin) labor costs 7"$"< Calculation and interpretation of labor turnover rates 7"7 =verheads 7"7"* Incurrence of overhead (WIte/s of overhead classified into fi1ed and variable% /ethods of separatin) fi1ed fro/ variable in a /i1ed cost% Actual vs" applied overhead (usin) different overhead rates % =ver4 or under4applied overhead reco)nition and dispositionX 7"7"$ =verhead cost anal-ses 7"7"7 The apportion/ent and absorption of overhead costs% includin) reciprocal service situations 7"7", Accountin) for the over4 and under4absorption of costs ," Baterials costin) and control ,"* Costin) based on ph-sical flow (.I.=% Avera)e ,"$ Traditional control procedures (=rder c-clin)% Bin4/a1% Two4bin% Auto/atic order% ABC plan ,"7 Alternative stoc&Cinventor- /ana)e/ent s-ste/s WEcono/ic =rder Luantit- (TLB % Total LualitBana)e/ent% Just In Ti/e (JIT (bac&flush costin) X ,", Accountin) and control of waste% scrap% spoiled and defective /aterials and )oods ,"; Cost reduction techni0ues (Aor& stud-% Ti/e and /otion stud-% Falue anal-sis ;" 5abor costin) and control ;"* @ocu/ents and their flow in labor costin) and control ;"$ 3a-roll preparation and distribution ;"7 5abor4related costs 18

5 <" =verhead costin) and control <"* Selection of activit- baseC level <"$ 3lant4wide vs" /ultiple overhead rates <"7 Separatin) variable fro/ fi1ed in /i1ed costs ((i)h4low% Scatter)raph% 5east s0uares% Fariable rate and fi1ed overhead rate <", Allocation of service depart/ent cost (@irect% Stepwise% Al)ebraic #" Costin) /ethods: the costin) of resource outputs #"* Job order cost s-ste/ #"*"* !ature% definition and characteristics #"*"$ Cost flow of /aterials% labor and overhead (.low of docu/ents% Journal entries% 3ostin) to 8ob order cost sheets #"*"7 Accountin) for 8obs co/pleted and sold #"$ 3rocess cost s-ste/ #"$"* @efinition% nature and characteristics of the 3rocess Cost S-ste/ #"$"$ E0uivalent units of production (Avera)e% .I.= #"$"7 Cost of production report (Sin)le and /ulti4depart/ent% Even and uneven application of cost #"$", 5ost units (!or/al% Abnor/al #"$"; Accretion in units in a subse0uent depart/ent (ad8ustin) unit cost prior process #"$"< Journal entries for the flow of costs #"$"# 3reparation of cost of )oods /anufactured and sold state/ent #"7 Batch and contract costin) /ethods #", =peration or service costin) >" Joint and b-4product costin) >"* @efinition and characteristics of 8oint4 and b-4products >"$ Bethods of allocatin) 8oint costs to 8oint products >"7 Bana)e/ent decisions re)ardin) 8oint process >", Accountin) for b-4 products and scrap >"; Journal entries for costs flow and preparation of cost of )oods /anufactured and sold and inco/e state/ents +" Standard costin) +"* @efinition and ob8ectives of standard costin) +"$ Uses and li/itations of standard costin) 18

6 +"7 @eter/ination and settin) up of standards +", Fariance anal-sis WBaterials (includin) /i1 and -ield % 5abor (includin) /i1 and -ield % =verhead (includin) four variance /ethod X +"; Journal entries and preparation of cost of )oods /anufactured and sold for t-pical fir/s usin) standard cost and how variances are recorded and disposed of" *?" Cost /ana)e/ent *?"* Activit- based costin): use of cost drivers and activities *?"$ Tar)et costin) (Conceptual foundation% Use of tar)et costin) facilitatin) strate)ic /ana)e/ent% Steps in i/ple/entin) tar)et costin) approach *?"7 Total 0ualit- /ana)e/ent *?", Falue reen)ineerin) WConceptual foundation% T-pes (.unctional anal-sis% @esi)n anal-sis X *?"; Theor- of constraints (Conceptual foundation% Application to facilitate strate)ic /ana)e/ent% Steps *?"< 5ife4c-cle costin) WConceptual foundation% Usin) life4c-cle costin) to facilitate strate)ic /ana)e/ent% 3ricin) usin) the cost4life c-cle (.ull /anufacturin) cost plus /ar&up% 5ife4c-cle cost plus /ar&up% .ull /anufacturin) cost and desired )ross /ar)in percent% @esired return on assets **" Environ/ental cost /ana)e/ent **"* Business process4oriented environ/ental /ana)e/ent and controllin) s-ste/s **"$ Inte)rated /ana)erial environ/ental infor/ation s-ste/ for supportin) environ/ental /ana)e/ent% controllin) and auditin) **"7 Inte)ration of 0ualit- and environ/ental /ana)e/ent% controllin) and auditin)" **", Environ/ental invest/ent /ana)e/ent **"; Environ/ental reportin) **"< Environ/ental ratio s-ste/s **"# Bana)erial evaluation of instru/ents of environ/ental policS*33es+e0 Re4ere).esth Barfield% Raiborn% D Ginne-" ($??7 " Cost Accounting/ ; Ed"% Bandanlu-on) Cit-: Butual Boo&s% Inc" th Carter and Usr-" Cost Accounting% *7th Ed" @e 5eon% !" ($??; " Cost Accounting Banila: EIC Enterprises" Raiborn% Ginne- D Ginse-% Cost Accounting% ($??< % < Ed" Bandalu-on) Cit-: 18

7 Butual Boo&s% Inc"% Shaw Blvd"% Bandalu-on) Cit- Ficente% F"F" ($??7 " Cost Accounting and Cost <anagement Bandalu-on) Cit-: Butual Boo&s% Inc"


8 Co*rse Ti+,e- M')'3e(e)+ A..o*)+i)3, P'r+ I Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+esCost Accountin) and Cost Bana)e/ent Co*rse Des.ri2+io)- This course is desi)ned to ac0uaint students with the role of the accountant in the /ana)e/ent tea/ b- providin) and assistin) in the anal-sis% interpretation% and forecastin) of business or)ani2ations" It covers the discussion of the foundation of /ana)e/ent accountin)I its e1pandin) role% or)ani2ational structure% and professional ethics for /ana)e/ent accountantsI desi)n of /ana)e/ent accountin) s-ste/s (e")"% responsibilit- accountin) s-ste/ % evaluatin) the i/pact of chan)es in business structure% functions% and appropriateness of /ana)e/ent accountin) techni0ues and /ethodsI basic interpretation and use of financial state/ents%I perfor/ance /easure/ent for plannin) and control such as: /ar)inal% absorption% and opportunit- costin)I cost behaviorI costvolu/e4profit relationshipI advanced anal-sis and appraisal of financial and related infor/ationI business plannin) and bud)etar- s-ste/sI standard costin) and variance anal-sisI 0uantitative techni0uesI and /ethods for plannin) and control" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Bac&)round infor/ation *"* I/portance of &nowled)e of the business processes and their technolo)ical i/plications *"$ The role of 0uantitative techni0ues in proble/4solvin) situations *"7 The value of 0ualitative and 0uantitative infor/ation in decision4/a&in) *", The interpretation of operatin) results and evaluation of the i/pact of opti/u/ decisions *"; The benefit of co/puter software (e")" spreadsheets and statistics pac&a)es in handlin) nu/erical infor/ation *"< The i/portance of effective co//unications to users of infor/ation $" The role% historical perspective and direction of /ana)e/ent accountin) $"* =b8ectives% Scope% Relationship with .inancial Accountin) and Cost Accountin) $"$ Role and Activities of Bana)e/ent Accountant $"7 The Controller as the Top Bana)e/ent Accountant $", =r)ani2ational Structure and the Bana)e/ent Accountant $"; The Chan)in) Aorld and E1pandin) Role of the Bana)e/ent Accountant $"< Bana)e/ent Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/ 18

9 $"<"* Bana)e/ent .unctions and Accountin) $"<"$ Infor/ation !eeds of Bana)ers and =ther Users for 3lannin) and Control (The Falue Chain% Enhancin) the Falue of Bana)e/ent Accountin) S-ste/ $"<"7 International Aspects of Bana)e/ent Accountin) 7" Bana)e/ent Accountin) and Ethical Conduct 7"* Ethical Behavior 7"$ Code of Conduct for Bana)e/ent Accountants 7"7 Standards of Ethical Conduct for 3ractitioners of Bana)e/ent Accountin) and .inancial Bana)e/ent 7", Codes of Conduct on the International 5evel ," Current .ocus of Bana)e/ent Accountin) ,"* I/pact on =r)ani2ation Structure ,"$ .ocus on the Custo/er ,"7 Cross4.unctional Tea/s ,", Co/puter4Inte)rated Banufacturin) ,"; 3roduct 5ife C-cles and @iversit- ,"< Ti/e4Based Co/petition ,"# Elobal Co/petition ,"> Infor/ation and Co//unication Technolo)Bana)e/ent ,"+ Just4in4Ti/e Inventor- ,"*? Total LualitBana)e/ent ,"** Continuous I/prove/ent ,"*$ Cost Bana)e/ent S-ste/ ;" Certification Available to Bana)e/ent Accountants ;"* The Institute of Bana)e/ent Accountants ;"$ The CBA Certification <" .oundation of Bana)e/ent Accountin) <"* Understandin) E1ternal .inancial State/ents <"*"* Conceptual .ra/ewor& for the 3reparation and 3resentation of the .inancial State/entI Lualitative Characteristics of Accountin) Infor/ation <"*"$ The Basic .inancial State/ents (The Balance Sheet State/ent% The 19

0 Inco/e State/ent% The State/ent of Chan)es in E0uit-% The Cash .low State/ent <"*"7 Assessin) Infor/ation Aea&ness in .inancial State/ents <"$ Basic anal-sis and interpretation of financial state/ents <"$"* =b8ectives of .inancial State/ent Anal-sis <"$"$ Eeneral Approach to .inancial State/ent Anal-sis <"$"7 5i/itations of .inancial State/ent Anal-sis <"$", Steps in .inancial State/ent Anal-sis <"$"; Identification of Batters for .urther Interpretation of Infor/ation 3roduced (e")"% prior -ears6 data% bud)ets and other tar)ets% industr- nor/s and the state of the econo/<"$"< Assess/ent of the I/pact of 3rice4level Chan)es on .inancial Anal-ses <"7 Advanced concepts for anal-2in) and appraisin) financial and related infor/ation <"7"* Interpretin) and anal-2in) financial state/ents for indications of business perfor/ance (Co/parative .inancial State/ents C Correspondin) fi)ures% Trend 3ercenta)es% Co//on4si2e .inancial State/ents% .inancial Ratios% Cash .low Anal-sis% Eross 3rofit Fariation Anal-sis <"7"$ Use of co/puters for financial anal-sis <"7"7 Assessin) infor/ation wea&nesses in financial state/ents <"7", Business valuation <", Assessin) infor/ational wea&nesses and li/itations of financial state/ents and anal-ses #" Cost Ter/s and Concepts #"* !ature and Classification of Costs #"$ Basics of Cost Behavior #"7 Cost Classifications on .inancial State/ents #", .low of Costs in Banufacturin)% Co//ercial or Tradin) and Service Co/panies >" @esi)n of Cost and Bana)e/ent Accountin) S-ste/s >"* S-ste/s @esi)n: Job4=rder Costin) and 3rocess Costin) >"*"* S-ste/s @esi)n: Activit-4Based Costin) and Bana)e/ent (Rationale% Advanta)es and 5i/itations% @esi)n% Banufacturin) Applications% Application to a Berchandisin) Co/pan-% Application to a Service Co/pan19

1 +" Costin) s-ste/s: /ar)inal contrasted with absorption costin) +"* The concept of profit contribution +"$ The difference between /ar)inal and absorption costin) +"7 Underl-in) concepts of variable costin) +", Advanta)es C disadvanta)es of usin) variable costin) +"; Bar)inal cost accountin): process cost accountin) transactions in a /ar)inal costin) s-ste/ +"< 3reparation of financial state/ents under variable costin) C absorption costin) *?" =pportunit- costin) concepts *?"* Relevant costs considered in evaluatin) business opportunities (e")"% avoidable costs% i/puted costs and other non4historical costs **" Bana)e/ent Accountin) Techni0ues for 3lannin) and Control **"* Cost4Folu/e43rofit Relationship (Basics of CF3 Anal-sis% Si)nificance and Uses% Assu/ptions and 5i/itations% Chan)es in Cost Structure% CF3 Anal-sis for a Bulti4 3roduct .ir/% 3reparation of Brea&4even Eraph **"$ Responsibilit- Accountin) and Transfer 3ricin) **"$"* Eoal Con)ruence and Botivation **"$"$ T-pes of Responsibilit- Centers (Cost Center% Revenue Center% 3rofit Center% Invest/ent Center **"7 Transfer 3ricin) (Rationale% The !eed for Transfer 3rice **"7"* Alternative Transfer 3ricin) Sche/es (Bini/u/ Transfer 3rice% Bar&et4 based Transfer 3rice% Cost4based Transfer 3rice% !e)otiated Transfer 3rice **"7"$ Transfer 3rice for Services **"7"7 Bultinational Transfer 3ricin) *$" .unctional and Activit-4Based Bud)etin) (The Basic .ra/ewor& of .unctional and Activit-4Based Bud)etin)% Relationship between 3lannin) and Control *$"* Underl-in) Concepts *$"*"* Bud)etin) as a /ulti4purpose activit*$"*"$ Bud)et as a tool for decision /a&in) *$"*"$"* Baster bud)ets *$"*"$"$ .le1ible bud)ets and variance anal-sis 19

2 *$"*"7 Bud)etin) and Behavioral Influences *$"*", Control Theor- and Bud)etin) *$"*"; Uncertaint- and Bud)etin) *$"*"< T-pes of Bud)etarS-ste/s: .i1ed and .le1ible Bud)ets% Tero4based Bud)ets% and Incre/ental% 3eriodic and Continuous Bud)etin) *$"$ @evelopin) and I/ple/entin) Bud)etin) S-ste/s: .unctional and SubsidiarBud)ets and Baster Bud)ets *$"7 International Aspects of Bud)etin) *7" Standard costin) *7"* The uses and li/itations of standard costin) /ethods *7"$ The deter/ination of standards (settin) direct /aterials standards% labor standards and overhead standards *7"7 Identification and calculation of variances: sales variances (includin) 0uantit- and /i1 I cost variances (includin) /i1 and -ield I absorption and /ar)inal approaches *7", Identification of si)nificant variances and their interrelationship *7"; The uses of plannin) and operational variances *7"< Trends% /aterialit- and controllabilit- of variances *7"# Uncertaint- and variance anal-sis *7"> Identification of relevance% stren)ths and wea&nesses of standard costin) and variance anal-sis for perfor/ance and control *," Application of Luantitative Techni0ues in 3lannin) and Control (Rationale in Usin) Luantitative techni0ues *,"* @ecision Theor- *,"$ @ecision /a&in) under certaint-I under uncertaint- (Assi)nin) 3robabilities% E1pected value of perfect infor/ation% 3a-4off *,"7 Eantt Chart (Advanta)es% Steps in 3reparin) a Eantt Chart% Illustration *,", @ecision Tree (Underl-in) Concept% Advanta)es and 5i/itations% Steps in the 3reparation of a @ecision Tree *,"; 5inear 3ro)ra//in) W!ature and Application% Steps in the for/ulation of a linear pro)ra/% Co/putational Bethods of linear pro)ra//in) (Eraphic Bethod% Si/ple1 Bethod % Shadow 3ricesX *,"< Inventor- Bodelin) (Inventor- cost% E=L /odel% Reorder 3oint% Safet- Stoc& *,"# Sensitivit- Anal-sis *,"> Lueuin) 19

3 *,"+ 3ro)ra/ Evaluation and Review Techni0ues (3ERT (Basic Underl-in) Concept% Accountant6s Role in 3ERT% Benefits and 5i/itations% E1pected Activit- Ti/e% Concept of Critical 3ath% Cost Esti/atin)% Crashin) the !etwor&% 3ERT4Cost !etwor&% Fariation in Activit- Ti/e% Fariation Alon) a 3ath S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Cabrera% E"B" <anagement Accounting- Conce'ts and A''lications ;olume ! $??; Edition% Banila: EIC Enterprises" 5ouderbac&% (ol/en% D @o/inia&" ($??7 " <anagerial Accounting *?th A)a/ata% ." ($??, " <anagement Advisory Services Banila: EIC Enterprises" Earrison% !oreen% Brewer" ($??< " <anagerial Accounting ** Ed" !ew Nor&: BcEraw (ill Education (Asia " th Ed"% Bandalu-on) Cit-: Butual Boo&s% Inc" th Be8orada% !" @" ($??, " <anagement Services/ Part !/ D Ed Banila: Eoodwill Boo&store" rd Ae-)andt% Gieso% Gi//el% ($??; " Bana)erial Accountin)% 7 Ed" Bandalu-on) Cit-I Billeniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Echanis% Erlinda S"% Rodri)ue2% Rafael A" and Ti)pos% Banuel" ($??$ " <anagement Accounting and Control- Te&t and Phili''ine Cases% *st Edition% @C. and .ine1 Research and @evelop/ent .oundation% Inc"


4 Co*rse Ti+,e- M')'3e(e)+ A..o*)+i)3, P'r+ f II Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+es) Bana)e/ent Accountin)% 3art I Co*rse o Des.ri2+io) o This is the second part of Bana)e/ent Accountin) d and deals with the application of techni0ues and s concepts focusin) on se)/ent reportin)% profitabilit- anal-sis% and decentrali2ationI a infor/ation for decision4/a&in) purposes (short4n ter/ and lon)4ter/ and non4financial indicators d such as productivit- per e/plo-ee or per service unitI decision /a&in) affectin) short4run s operations of the co/pan-I capital bud)etin) e decisionsI pricin) of )oods and servicesI and r environ/ental cost accountin)" v i Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Usin) accountin) c infor/ation in decision /a&in)% relevant e costs and benefits s *"* The decision /a&in) process *"$ Identif-in) relevant costs *"7 Approaches in anal-2in) alternatives in nonroutine decision /a&in) *", T-pes of decisions (Ba&e or Bu- @ecision% Addin) or @roppin) 3roductsC Se)/ents% Sell !ow or 3rocess .urther% Special Sales 3ricin)% Utili2ation of Scarce Resources% Shutdown or Continue =perations% 3ricin) 3roducts and Services $ " T h e p r i c i n ) o

$"* Tar)et and /ini/u/ pricin) $"$ 3rice Cde/and relationships $"7 The pricin) of special orders and short4life products $", Transfer pricin) between divisions in a )roup $"; 3ricin) in service industries $"< 3ricin) internal services

7 " C a p i t a l

B u d ) e t i n ) @ 195

e c i s i o n s 7"* Capital Bud)etin) @efined

7"$ Characteristics of a Capital Invest/ent @ecision 7"7 Cate)ories of Capital Invest/ent 7", Ele/ents of Capital Bud)etin) 7"; !et Initial Invest/ent or 3ro8ect Cost 7"< !et Cash Returns 7"# Bini/u/ or 5owest Acceptable Rate of Return C Cost of Capital 7"> 3rocess of Capital Bud)etin) 7"+ Cate)ories of 3ro8ect Cash .low 7"*? Screenin) Capital Invest/ent 3roposals W3a-bac& period% Bail4out period% Accountin) Rate of Return% @iscounted Cash .low Techni0ues (!et 3resent Falue% @iscounted Rate of Return% 3a-bac& Reciprocal% 3rofitabilit- Inde1% @iscounted 3a-bac& period X 7"** 3reference @ecisions 4 The Ran&in) of Invest/ent 3ro8ects 7"*$ Co/parin) 3reference Rates 7"*7 Inflation and Capital Bud)etin) 7"*, =pti/al Capital Bud)et ," Se)/ent Reportin) and @ecentrali2ation ,"* @ecentrali2ation in =r)ani2ations (Advanta)es and @isadvanta)es of @ecentrali2ation ,"$ @ecentrali2ation and Se)/ent Reportin) ,"7 Se)/ent Reportin) and 3rofitabilitAnal-sis (5evels of Se)/ented State/ents% Sales and Contribution Bar)in% Traceable and Co//on .i1ed Costs% Se)/ent Bar)in% Se)/ented .inancial Infor/ation on E1ternal Reports% (indrances to 3roper Cost Bana)e/ent% Rate of Return for Beasurin) Bana)erial 3erfor/ance% Controllin) the Rate of Return% Residual Inco/e% Total Lualit- Bana)e/ent ;" Environ/ental Cost Bana)e/ent ;"* Beasurin) Environ/ental Cost ;"$ Assi)nin) Environ/ental Cost 19

6 ;"7 5ife4C-cle Cost Assess/ent ;", Strate)ic4 Based Environ/ental Cost ;"; ResponsibilitAccountin) <" Business 3lannin) <"* =b8ective and Uses of a Business 3lan <"$ @istinction between a Business 3lan and Strate)ic 3lan <"7 Settin) Short4ter/ =b8ectives which are Consistent with 5on)4ter/ Strate)ies <", @evelop/ent of Business 3lans to Beet A)reed =b8ectives <"; Basic Se)/ents of a Business 3lan (@escription of the Co/pan-% Bar&etin) 3lan% 3roduction or =perations 3lan% 3ersonnel 3lan% .inancial 3lan% .inancial .orecastin) <"< Strate)ic 3lannin) (@eter/ination of Co/pan- Bission% Erowth =b8ectives% Bar&et !iches% Co/parative Anal-sis% Econo/ic C Business C-cle Indicators% 5on)4ter/ .inancial 3lannin) #" Balanced Scorecard and Advanced Anal-sis and Appraisal of 3erfor/ance% .inancial and Related Infor/ation #"* !ature of the Balanced Scorecard #"$ 3erspectives of the Balanced Scorecard (.inancial 3erspective% Custo/er 3erspective% Internal Business 3rocess 3erspective% 5earnin) and Erowth 3erspective #"7 Ali)nin) the Balanced Scorecard to Strate)- #", .eatures of a Eood Balanced Scorecard #"; 3itfalls Ahen I/ple/entin) a Balanced Scorecard #"< Evaluation of the Success of a Strate)- #"# Strate)ic Anal-sis of =peratin) Inco/e #"> 3roductivit- Beasure/ent >" 3erfor/ance Beasure/ent% Co/pensation% and Bultinational Considerations 19

7 >"* .inancial and !onfinancial 3erfor/ance Beasures >"$ Choosin) A/on) @ifferent 3erfor/ance Beasures (Return on Invest/ent% Residual Inco/e% Econo/ic Falue Added% Return on Sales% Co/parin) 3erfor/ance Beasures >"7 Choosin) the Ti/e (ori2on of the 3erfor/ance Beasures >", Choosin) Alternative @efinitions for 3erfor/ance Beasures >"; Choosin) Beasure/ent Alternatives for 3erfor/ance Beasures (Current Cost% 5on)4ter/ Assets: Eross or !et Boo& FalueP >"< Choosin) Tar)et 5evels of 3erfor/ance >"# Choosin) the Ti/in) of .eedbac& >"> 3erfor/ance Beasure/ent in Bultinational Co/panies (Calculatin) the .orei)n @ivision6s R=I in the .orei)n Currenc-% Calculatin) the .orei)n @ivision6s R=I in 3hilippine 3eso >"+ @istinction Between Bana)ers and =r)ani2ation Units (The Basic Trade=ff: Creatin) Incentives Fersus I/posin) Ris&% Intensit- of Incentives and .inancial and !onfinancial Beasure/ents% Bench/ar&s and Relative 3erfor/ance Evaluation >"*? 3erfor/ance Beasures at the Individual Activit- 5evel (3erfor/in) Bultiple Tas&s% Tea/4Based Co/pensation Arran)e/ents >"** E1ecutive 3erfor/ance Beasures and Co/pensation >"*$ Environ/ental and Ethical Responsibilities +" Bana)e/ent Accountin) in a Chan)in) Environ/ent +"* Inte)rative .ra/ewor& (=r)ani2ational Architecture% Business Strate)-% Environ/ental and Co/petitive .orces Affectin) =r)ani2ations% I/plications +"$ =r)ani2ational Innovations and Bana)e/ent Accountin) (3roductivit-% Total Lualit- Bana)e/ent (TLB % Just4in4Ti/e (JIT 3roduction% 3rocess Reen)ineerin)% Theor- of Constraints% E4Co//erce S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Cabrera% E"B" <anagement Accounting- Conce'ts and A''lications ;olume !!/ $??; Edition" Banila: EIC Enterprises" 19


A)a/ata% ." ($??, " <anagement Advisory Services Banila: EIC Enterprises" Earrison% !oreen% Brewer" ($??< " <anagerial Accounting ($??< % ** Ed" !ew Nor&: BcEraw (ill Education (Asia " Be8orada% !"@" ($??< " <anagement Advisory Services Part ? Banila: Eoodwill Boo&store" Ae-)andt% Gieso% Gi//el" ($??; " <anagerial Accounting" Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billeniu/ Boo&s% Inc" th 5ouderbac&% (ol/en% D @o/inia& ($??7 " <anagerial Accounting *? Ed"% Bandalu-on) Cit-: Butual Boo&s% Inc" Echanis% Erlinda S"% Rodri)ue2% Rafael A" and Ti)pos% Banuel" ($??$ " <anagement Accounting and Control- Te&t and Phili''ine Cases% *st Edition% @C. and .ine1 Research and @evelop/ent .oundation% Inc"


9 Co*rse Ti+,e- M')'3e(e)+ Co)s*,+').8 Attributes of Bana)e/ent Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+eConsultants Bana)e/ent Accountin)% 3art II Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course covers basic 7 considerations of /ana)e/ent consultanc" en)a)e/ents b- C3AsI areas of /ana)e/ent * consultanc-% professional attributes of /ana)e/ent standards% and ethical considerations" It also T covers pro8ect feasibilit- H aspects of pro8ect e develop/ent c-cle% econo/ic aspect% technical c aspect% financial aspect (invest/ent cost% h financin)% evaluation I infor/ation s-ste/ (IS n en)a)e/ent% /ana)e/entCoperations audits% and i business process i/prove/entCreen)ineerin)" c To)ether Business 3olic- and Strate)-% this course a serves as an inte)rative course to be ta&en in the l last ter/Cse/ester. S Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Basic Considerations in & Bana)e/ent Advisor- Services (BAS i (=verview of BAS b- C3As *"* Evolution of l BAS *"$ @evelopin) Trends *"7 .uture 3rospects l *", !ature of BAS b- Independent Accountin) s .ir/s *"; Rationale for Usin) Bana)e/ent Consultants *"< Independent Accountin) .ir/6s 7 Role in BAS *"# C3A6s =b8ective in En)a)in) in " BAS $ $" Areas I of n Bana) t e/ent e Advis r orp Servic e es r s $"* Areas of o BAS n 3ractice a (Traditional% l E/er)in) $"$ S @eter/inin) & a Scope of i Service $"7 l T-pes of l Clients s Served 7" 3rofessional

7 " 7 C o n s u l t i n ) 3 200

r o c e s s S & i l l s

," BAS 3ractice Standards and Ethical Considerations ,"* BAS 3ractice Standards ,"$ Code of Ethics for BAS in the 3hilippines ,"7 Code of Ethics for Bana)e/ent Consultants (AIC3A% Institute of Bana)e/ent Consultants and Association of Bana)e/ent Consultin) .ir/s ;" =r)ani2ation and Bana)e/ent of the BAS 3ractice ;"* Staff 3-ra/id and .ee Structures ;"$ Billin) Rates ;"7 @efinin) the Tar)et 5evel of Co/petence of Bana)e/ent Consultants ;", Bana)e/ent of BAS 3ractice ;"; Sources of BAS En)a)e/ents ;"< 3roble/ Areas in Renderin) BAS b- an Independent Accountin) .ir/ ;"# .inancial Bana)e/ent of an BAS 3ractice <" Sta)es of Bana)e/ent Consultin) En)a)e/ent 4 3art I <"* !e)otiatin) the En)a)e/ent (Approach to the Stud-% 3ro8ect =r)ani2ation% .ees and Billin) Arran)e/ent% 3roposal 5etter <"$ En)a)e/ent 3lannin) (En)a)e/ent 3ro)ra/ or Aor& 3lan% Staffin) the 3ro8ect% Schedulin) Tas&s% 3ro8ect Costin)% @etailed Aor& 3lan Review <"7 3roble/ @efinition <", @ata Eatherin) and Anal-sis (Sources of @ata% @ata4)atherin) Techni0ues% .act Anal-sis Techni0ues <"; Co//on Barriers to Effective Co//unication between the Client and the Consultant #" Sta)es of Bana)e/ent Consultin) En)a)e/ent 4 3art II #"* Solution @evelop/ent (Eeneration of Alternative Solution% Evaluation of Solution Alternative% Choice of the Bost 3referred Solution #"$ 3reparation and 3resentation of the Report and Reco//ended Solution #"7 I/ple/entation of the Reco//endation #", Evaluatin) the En)a)e/ent and 3ost4 En)a)e/ent .ollow4up >" Areas of Bana)e/ent Consultanc>"* 3ro8ect feasibilit- studies >"$ Infor/ation s-ste/s (IS consultin) 20

1 >"7 Bana)e/entCoperations audit >", Business process i/prove/entCreen)ineerin) >"; =thers +" Bana)e/ent of the Client Relationship +"* Sellin) of consultin) services +"$ Client behavior and ob8ectives +"7 Assess/ent of client needs +", Scopin) of assi)n/ents and pro8ects +"; Lualification of business opportunities +"< 3roposalsCBids +"# Contracts and I3R +"> !e)otiation the en)a)e/ent +"+ Bana)e/ent of clientCconsultant relations +"*? Issues for clients in the effective use of professional advisers and consultants +"** Issues for sole practitioners in client relationships *?" Assi)n/ent structure% /ana)e/ent and control *?"* Assi)n/ent /ethodolo)ies 44 t-pical /odels in current use *?"$ 3ro8ect plannin) and pro8ect /ana)e/ent principles *?"7 3ro8ect deliver- *?", 3ro)ress /onitorin)% control and reportin) *?"; Assi)n/ent testin)% co/pletion and handover *?"< Aithdrawal fro/ the assi)n/ent and fro/ the client *?"# Evaluation% follow4up and business develop/ent **" Bana)e/ent of people and relationships **"* 3eople /ana)e/ent and dele)ation **"$ Aor&in) in tea/s **"7 Botivation and develop/ent of the consultant **", Self develop/ent and personal learnin) **"; 3ersuasion% sellin) and business develop/ent **"< Special considerations for the sole practitioner operatin) as a /ana)e/ent consultant 20

2 *$" Conductin) a consultin) assi)n/ent *$"* 3roble/ identification and solution *$"$ Identification of suitable and accurate sources of infor/ation *$"7 =btainin) infor/ation 4 data collection *$", @ata anal-sis and dia)nosis *$"; Creative thin&in) *$"< Solution selection and i/ple/entation *$"# Review and assess/ent of effectiveness *$"> Co//unications *$"+ Beetin) s&ills *$"*? 5istenin) *$"** Interviewin) 4 Luestionin) *$"*$ 3resentin) *$"*7 Aritin) *$"*, I/ple/entation of /ana)e/ent consultin) assi)n/ent reco//endations *7" Bana)in) the 0ualit- of consultin) en)a)e/ents *7"* Lualit- /ana)e/ent s-ste/s *7"$ 3ro8ect ris& assess/ent *7"7 Standards *7", 3lans *7"; Control *7"< Assurance *7"# Evaluatin) the consultin) assi)n/ent in the li)ht of the outco/es for the client *7"> 5e)islation% Ethics% 3rofessional Standards and ConsultancCode of 3ractice *7"+ Special considerations for the sole practitioner operatin) as a /ana)e/ent consultant *," .inancial Bana)e/ent4Related En)a)e/ents *,"* Aor&in) Capital and the .inancin) @ecision (Basic Concepts% Si)nificance% Aor&in) Capital 3olic-% Advanta)es of Ade0uate Aor&in) Capital% @isadvanta)es of Inade0uate Aor&in) Capital% @isadvanta)es of E1cessive Aor&in) Capital% Alternative Current Asset Invest/ent 3olicies% Alternative Current Asset .inancin) 3olicies% Ris&4 Return Tradeoff *,"$ Bana)e/ent of Current Assets 20

3 *,"$"* =b8ective of Current Assets Bana)e/ent *,"$"$ Cash Conversion C-cle *,"$"7 Cash Bana)e/ent (=b8ective% Reasons for (oldin) Cash% Bana)in) Cash .lows% Techni0ues for 5essenin) Cash !eeds *,"$", Bar&etable Securities Bana)e/ent (=b8ective% Reasons for (oldin) Bar&etable Securities% .actors Influencin) the Choice of Bar&etable Securities *,"$"; Receivable Bana)e/ent (=b8ective% .actors in @eter/inin) Accounts Receivable 3olic-% Costs Associated with Accounts Receivable% Su//ar- of Trade4offs in Credit and Collection 3olicies% Bar)inal or Incre/ental Anal-sis of Credit 3olicies *,"$"< Inventor- Bana)e/ent (=b8ective% .unctions of Inventories% InventorBana)e/ent Techni0ues% Inventor- Control S-ste/s *,"7 Short4Ter/ Credit for .inancin) Current Assets W.actors in Selectin) Source of Short4ter/ .unds% Esti/atin) Cost of Short4ter/ Credit% Sources of Short4ter/ .unds% Secured Short4ter/ .inancin) (3led)in) of Accounts Receivable% .actorin) Accounts Receivable% Inventor- .inancin) X *,", 5on)4Ter/ .inancin) @ecisions (Basic Concepts% Basic Tools of Capital Structure Bana)e/ent% .actors Influencin) Capital Structure @ecisions% Incorporatin) Capital Structure into Capital Bud)etin)% Effect of =peratin) 5evera)e and .inancial 5evera)e on Capital Structure% @eter/inin) the =pti/al Capital Structure *,"; Sources of Inter/ediate and 5on)4ter/ .inancin) *,";"* 3rincipal Sources of .unds *,";"$ @ebt .inancin) WBenefits and @rawbac&s of @ebt% Ter/ 5oans% Bonds or 5on)4ter/ @ebt (Classification of Bonds% Retire/ent of Bonds X *,";"7 E0uit- .inancin) (=rdinar- Shares% Retained Earnin)s X *,"< (-brid .inancin): 3reference Shares% 5easin)% =ptions% Aarrants% and Convertibles (3reference Shares% Advanta)es and @isadvanta)es of Issuin) 3reference% 5easin)% 3otential Benefits fro/ 5easin)% Capital or .inance 5ease% =peratin) 5ease% Convertibles% =ption% Aarrants *;" 3ro8ect .easibilit- Stud- WBasic Concepts (@efinition% Introduction to Research% Si)nificance and =b8ectives X *;"* T-pes of Research and their 3urposes and Characteristics *;"*"* B- 3urpose (Basic Research% Applied Research% Action Research *;"*"$ B- Bethod W(istorical Research% @escriptive Research% E1peri/ental Research% Correlation Research% E14post .actor Research (cause and effect X *;"*"7 Basic Steps in Conductin) Research 20

4 *;"$ 3.S: 3ro8ect Bac&)round and Econo/ic Aspect (3ro8ect Bac&)round and (istor-% Econo/ic Aspect: Bar&et Anal-sis% @e/and and Bar&et Anal-sis% @e/and 3ro8ection and Sensitivit- Anal-sis% @e/and .orecastin) Techni0ues% Sensitivit- Anal-sis% 3recautions for Statistical Anal-sis% @ata for @e/and and Bar&et Anal-sis% Sources of @ata% Sales .orecast and Bar&etin)% 3roduct 3ricin)% Bar&etin) Strate)-% After4Sales .acilities and Services% Sales Revenue 3ro8ection *;"7 3.S: Technical Aspect W3roduction 3ro)ra/% 3lant Capacit- (@eter/ination of 3lant Capacit- % Baterials and Inputs% 5ocation and Site% 3ro8ect En)ineerin)X *;", 3.S: .inancial Aspect 4 Invest/ent Cost *;","* @eter/ination of Total Invest/ent Cost WInitial Invest/ent Cost (.i1ed Invest/ents% 3re4operatin) E1penditures% !et Aor&in) Capital % Steps in the Calculation of !et Aor&in) CapitalX *;"; 3.S: .inancial Aspect 4 3ro8ect .inancin) and Evaluation *;";"* @eter/inin) .unds Re0uire/ent and 3rofitabilit- (3ro8ected Inco/e State/ent% 3ro8ected Balance Sheet State/ent% 3ro8ected Cash .low State/ent *;";"$ Source of .inancin) *;";"7 Econo/ic Evaluation (Brea&4even Anal-sis% !et 3resent Falue% Internal Rate of Return% Brea&4even Ti/e or @iscounted 3a-bac& Bethod% 3a-bac& 3eriod% Si/ple or Accountin) Rate of Return% .inancial Anal-sis% Sensitivit- Anal-sis *<" Infor/ation S-ste/ En)a)e/ents *<"* Bana)e/ent Infor/ation S-ste/ En)a)e/ents *<"*"* Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/ (AIS En)a)e/ent (Basic Concepts% Role of Consultants% =b8ective% Essential Ele/ents% Characteristics of an Effective AIS% Basic Co/ponents of a Banual Accountin) S-ste/% =verview of a Co/puteri2ed Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/% Co/parison of the Accountin) C-cle in a Co/puteri2ed and Banual S-ste/% @ifference between Co/puteri2ed @ata 3rocessin) (E@3 and Banual 3rocessin)% 3rinciple of Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/s @esi)n% Co//on Business Applications of Co/puters (BIS% Transaction 3rocessin) S-ste/% =ffice Auto/ation S-ste/% @ecision Support S-ste/% Spreadsheet 3ro)ra/s% Artificial Intelli)ence% e")"% E1pert S-ste/s% !eural !etwor&s% CaseBased Reasonin) S-ste/s *<"*"$ !on4accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/ En)a)e/ent (e")"% hu/an resources% lo)istics% /ar&etin) *<"$ .unda/entals of Co/puter4based @ata 3rocessin) (@ata 3rocessin) @efined% @ata and Infor/ation @istin)uished% Basic Ele/ents of a @ata 3rocessin) S-ste/ *<"$"* Basic @ata 3rocessin) =perations 20

5 *<"$"$ Bethods of @ata 3rocessin) (Banual @ata 3rocessin)% Electro/echanical @ata 3rocessin)% Electronic @ata 3rocessin) *<"$"7 =verview of Co/puter4based @ata 3rocessin) (E@3 @efined% Advanta)es C @isadvanta)es *<"$", Co/ponents of the Co/puter S-ste/ ((ardware% Software% 3ersonnel% 3rocedures% @ata *<"$"; .lowcharts *<"$"< (ierarch- of Co/puter 3rocesses *<"$"# Bodes of Co/puter =perations (Batch 3rocessin)% =n4line 3rocessin)% In4house% !on4in4 house *<"$"> Co/puter Infor/ation S-ste/s (S/all Co/puters% Co/puter !etwor&s 4 5A!s and AA!s *<"$"+ Teleco//unications (Electronic Co//erce% Electronic @ata Interchan)e% @atabase Bana)e/ent S-ste/s% End4 user Co/putin)% Co/puter Service Bureau% Internet% Intranet% E1tranet% E4/ail% Eroupware% and Electronic Conferencin) *<"7 S-ste/s Controls and Securit- Beasures in a Co/puteri2ed Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/ En)a)e/ent *<"7"* Controls for Co/puteri2ed Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/ *<"7"$ Eeneral Controls (=r)ani2ational or 3ersonnel Controls% .ile Securit- C Software Controls% (ardware Controls% Access to Co/puter and @ata .iles Controls% =ther @ata and 3rocedural Controls *<"7"7 Application Controls (Input Controls% 3rocessin) Controls% =utput Controls *<"7", Co/puter .raud *#" =perational Audit C Bana)e/ent Audit *#"* !ature of =perational Audit *#"$ =b8ectives of =perational Audit *#"7 @ifferences between =perational and .inancial Auditin) *#", Effectiveness versus Efficienc- *#"; Criteria for Evaluatin) Efficienc- and Effectiveness *#"< Relationship between =perational Auditin) and Internal Control *#"# T-pes of =perational Audit *#"> Aho 3erfor/s =perational Audit *#"+ Independence and Co/petence of =perational Auditors *#"*? Eeneral Approach to =perational Audit (@efinition of 3roposal% .a/iliari2ation% 3reli/inar- Surve-% 3ro)ra/ @evelop/ent% .eedbac&% Reportin) the .indin)s% .ollow4up 20

6 *#"** Illustrative =perational Audit Report *>" Business 3rocess I/prove/ent C Reen)ineerin) *>"* .unda/entals of wor& si/plification *>"$ 3rocess /appin) *>"7 3ro8ect definition *>", @ata collection *>"; @ata or)ani2ation *>"< 3rocess anal-sis *>"# Reducin) process ti/e *>"> @etailed i/prove/ent *>"+ The botto/ line: calculatin) benefits and costs *>"*? =btainin) approval *>"** Installation S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Cabrera% E"B"% <anagement Consultancy- Princi'les and Engagements ($??< Edition " Banila: EIC Enterprises" Curnow% Barr- and Jonathan Reuvid (Editors " ($??7 " !nternational Guide to <anagement Consultancy- The Evolution/ Practice and Structure o" <anagement Consultancy 8orld(ide" Go)an 3a)e 5td" ISB!: ?#,,+,,?#+* Bar&ha/% Calvert" (*++# " Practical <anagement Consultancy" A/a2on"co/% Inc" ISB!: *>;7;;#$## th =6Brien% J" A" ($??< " <anagement !n"ormation Systems- <anaging !n"ormation Technology in the E3Business Ent # Edition% Irwin BcEraw4(ill" Sadler% 3hilip (ed " (*++> " <anagement Consultancy- A 7andbook o" Best Practice" Go)an 3a)e 5td" 20

7 Co*rse Ti+,e- A0;').e0 Fi)').i', A..o*)+i)3 : Re2or+i)3, P'r+ I Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- .inancial Accountin) and Reportin) I Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course deals with speciali2ed accountin) proble/s li&el- to be encountered b- accountants" The stud- of the various topics in this course is based upon funda/ental valuation accountin) and accountin) theor- as applied to special inco/e and e1pense reco)nition /ethods and e1panded business operations" This course includes speciali2ed proble/s in partnership accountin)I accountin) for 8oint ventures and associated enterprises (includin) International Accountin) Standards State/ents !os" $,% $>% and 7* I accountin) for do/estic branchesI accountin) for install/ent salesI accountin) for lon)4 ter/ construction contractsI fire insurance accountin)I and other special issues such as build4 operate4transfer (B=T and si/ilar sche/es" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" 3artnership *"* !ature% definition% characteristics *"$ .or/ation *"7 =peration *", .inancial state/ent preparation $" 3artnership @issolution $"* Ad/ission of new partner $"$ Retire/ent or withdrawal of a partner $"7 @eath% incapacit-% ban&ruptc- of a partner $", Incorporation of a partnership 7" 3artnership 5i0uidation 7"* @issolution with li0uidation 7"$ 5i0uidation t-pes4 lu/p su/ and install/ent 7"7 3rocedures in li0uidation 7", Journal entries and preparation of state/ent of li0uidation ," Joint Fenture Enterprises (3AS 7* ,"* !ature% for/s and structure ,"$ Journal entries and report preparation ;" Consi)n/ent Sales ;"* @efinition% nature% characteristics ;"$ Accountin) for consi)n/ent sales 20

8 <" Install/ent Sales <"* @efinition% nature and characteristics <"$ Install/ent sales /ethod 4 real estate and /erchandise <"7 3rocedures of calculatin) reali2ed )ross profit <", .inancial state/ent preparation with allocation of cost of )oods sold <"; Special proble/s in install/ent sales (@efaults and repossessions% Trade4ins% Interest on unpaid balance <"< Install/ent sales of real estate dealers #" Accountin) for 5on)4Ter/ Construction Contracts #"* !ature of construction business #"$ @efinition of ter/s and accounts used #"7 3ercenta)e of co/pletion /ethod C Cost recover- /ethod #", Journal entries and preparation of financial state/ents >" Accountin) for .ranchise .ee >"* !ature and definition >"$ Bethods of accountin) for initial franchise fee and related cost of franchise revenue W3rior to substantial perfor/ance of services% Upon substantial perfor/ance of services (accrual D install/ent sales /ethodX +" Accountin) for Branches and A)encies +"* !ature and definition of a)enc-Cbranch +"$ Accountin) for a)encies and branches +"7 3reparation of co/bined state/ents +", Reconciliation of reciprocal accounts +"; Special proble/s in branch accountin) (Inter4 branch cash D /erchandise transfers% Ship/entsCreturns of /erchandise above cost *?" Accountin) for .ire Insurance *?"* @efinition and t-pes of contracts *?"$ @eter/ination of a/ount recoverable fro/ insurance co/pan- *?"7 Journal entries to record fire loss *?", 3resentation of fire loss in inco/e state/ent **" =ther Special Topics **"* Build4=perate4and4Transfer Sche/es and its Fariants S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Ba-sa% E" T" and BC" N" 5upisan" ($??; " Advanced Accounting Part !" Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Bea/s% .lo-d A" Advanced Accounting% 5atest Edition" !ew Jerse-: 3rentice (all% Inc" @e 5eon% E" and !" de 5eon" ($??< " Practical Accounting ? 1Ada'ted "rom 9PCPA/ A!CPA E&ams" Banila: EIC Enterprises" 20


Be8orada% !" @" ($??; " Advanced Accounting Part % ; Ed" Banila: Eoodwill Boo&store" Ficente% F"F" ($??; " Advanced Accounting/ ;ol % Bandalu-on) Cit-: Butual Boo&s% Inc" 21

0 Co*rse Ti+,e- A0;').e0 Fi)').i', A..o*)+i)3 : Re2or+i)3, P'r+ II Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Advanced .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art I This course is a continuation of Advanced .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art I" It deals /ainl- with consolidation and /er)ers% parent4subsidiar- relationships% and consolidated state/ents% includin) forei)n subsidiaries" The other topics deal with accountin) for the effects of chan)es in forei)n e1chan)e rates and other si/ilar current issues" Also discussed are debt restructurin)% accountin) for financiall- distressed corporations% accountin) for the windin) up of an enterprise and accountin) variations a/on) countries" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Accountin) for Business Co/binations *"* @efinition of ter/s related to business co/binations *"$ Reasons for business co/binations *"7 Stoc& distributionCallocation (sin)le and two classes of stoc& *", Bethod of accountin) for business co/binations (purchase /ethod *"; 3reparation of financial state/ents after business co/bination $" Consolidated .inancial State/ents $"* @efinition of ter/s related to ac0uisitions $"$ Basic conceptsCapproaches Cprocedures in preparin) consolidated financial state/ents $"7 Consolidated balance sheet at date of ac0uisition (3urchase $", Consolidated financial state/ents subse0uent to date of ac0uisition (Cost and e0uit- /ethodsI @eter/ination of e0uit- in subsidiar- inco/e% invest/ent balance% /inorit- interest% /inorit- interest net inco/e and consolidated net inco/eI Eli/ination and consolidation procedures applied on wor&in) papers for consolidated state/ents $"; 3reparation of consolidated state/ents 7" Accountin) for forei)n currenctransactions and translation of financial state/ents of forei)n entit- H forei)n subsidiaries 7"* @efinition% nature of forei)n currenc- transactions and forei)n currenc- financial state/ents 7"$ Journal entries showin) )ain or loss on e1chan)e difference 7"7 Translation /ethods 4 te/poral% /onetar-4non4/onetar-% and current 7", Translation ad8ust/ent treat/ent ," Accountin) for financiall- distressed corporations ,"* Luasi4reor)ani2ation ,"$ Troubled debt restructurin) (Asset swap% E0uitswap% Bodification of 21

1 debt ter/s ,"7 3reparation of state/ent of affairs with deficienc- state/ent ,", Trusteeship operations ,"; 3reparation of state/ent of reali2ation and li0uidation (conventional and alternative for/ S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Ba-sa% E" T" and B"C" N" 5upisan" ($??; " Advanced Accounting Part ? Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Bea/s% .lo-d A" Advanced Accounting% 5atest Edition" !ew Jerse-: 3rentice (all% Inc" @e 5eon% E" and !" de 5eon" ($??< " Practical Accounting ? 1Ada'ted "rom 9PCPA/ A!CPA E&ams" Banila: EIC Enterprises" th Be8orada% !" @" ($??; " Advanced Accounting Part ?/ ; Ed" Banila: Eoodwill Boo&store" Ficente% F"F" ($??; " Advanced Accounting/ ;ol !! Bandalu-on) Cit-: Butual Boo&s% Inc"


2 Co*rse Ti+,e- A..o*)+i)3 4or "o;er)(e)+',, No+@4or@Pro4i+ E)+i+ies ')0 S2e.i',i=e0 I)0*s+ries Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Advanced .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art II Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is the last part of the advanced financial accountin) and reportin) for )overn/ent and not4for4profit or)ani2ations such as universities% !E=s and hospitals accountin) and speciali2ed industries li&e ban&in)% insurance and e1tractive industries" A lar)e part of the course covers the 3hilippine Eovern/ent Accountin) Standards (3EAS and the !ew Eovern/ent Accountin) S-ste/ (!EAS prescribed b- the Co//ission on Audit" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Eovern/ent Accountin) *"* Basic concepts in )overn/ent accountin) *"*"* 3rinciples of accountin) and financial reportin) for national% )overn/ent owned and controlled corporations and local )overn/ent units *"*"$ Anal-sis of )overn/ental financial perfor/ance *"*"7 Auditin) )overn/ental a)encies *"$ Eovern/ent bud)etin) *"7 !ew Eovern/ent Accountin) S-ste/ (!EAS *"7"* Basic features and policies *"7"$ Accountin) boo&s% records% for/s and reports *"7"7 Chart of accounts *"7", Accountin) s-ste/ *"7"; Special funds *"7"< Special accounts *"7"# Supplies or propert- *"7"> Trial balance *"7"+ .inancial reports and state/ents $" .inancial reportin) for not4for4profit or)ani2ations $"* @efinition and description of nature and operations of not4for4profit or)ani2ations and the different funds used b- the/ 21

3 $"*"* !on4)overn/ental colle)es and universities $"*"$ (ealth care providers $"*"7 Foluntar- health and welfare or)ani2ations $"$ Journal entries of t-pical transactions of not4for4profit or)ani2ations $"7 3reparation of financial state/ents 7" Accountin) for @erivatives 7"* !ature of @erivatives 7"$ E1a/ples of @erivatives 7"$"* .inancial .utures 7"$"$ .inancial .orward Contracts 7"$"7 =ptions 7"$", .orei)n Currenc- .utures 7"$"; Interest Rate Swaps 7"7 Accountin) for @erivatives 7"7"* .air Falue (ed)e 7"7"$ Cash .low (ed)e 7"7"7 .orei)n Currenc- T-pe of (ed)e ," .inancial reportin) for speciali2ed industries ,"* Insurance ,"*"* I.RS , (Insurance contracts ,"*"$ 3ASCIAS 7+ (.inancial Instru/ents: Reco)nition and /easure/ent ,"*"7 (ow insurance liabilities should be valued ,"$ Ban&s ,"$"* EAA3 versus Re)ulator- Accountin) 3rinciples (RA3 ,"$"$ Calculation of basic capital ratios and their si)nificance ,"$"7 Anal-sis of a t-pical depositor- institution6s EAA3 balance sheet% inco/e state/ent% state/ent of chan)es in e0uit-% state/ent of cash flows and related footnotes ,"$", Transactions that are uni0ue to depositor- accountin) (nonrefundable fees and costs% financial instru/ents fair value disclosure% invest/ent in securities% loan i/pair/ents% etc " ,"7 A)ricultural far/s ,"7"* 3AS ,* 21

4 ;" .inancial reportin) for speciali2ed topics ;"* Environ/ental costs and liabilities ;"$ Eovern/ental assistance S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es $e( Government Accounting System" ($??, " Lue2on Cit-: Co//ission on Audit" Eross% Balvern J"% Richard ." 5ar&in% Ro)er S" Brutto/esso% Jo Bc!all-" (*++; " #inancial and Accounting Guide "or $ot3"or3Pro"it GrganiEations" John Aile- D Sons" 3un2alan D Cardona" ($??, " Government Accounting 1$GAS " Banila: EIC Enterprises" Cabrera% E" B" #inancial Accounting and 9e'orting/ Theory and Practice ;olumes ! and !! $??# Edition% Banila: EIC Enterprises" 3hilippine Accountin) Standard *?*% 3hilippine Accountin) Standard 7$% 7+ 3hilippine .inancial Reportin) Standards 21

5 Co*rse Ti+,e- Ass*r').e Pri).i2,es, Pro4essio)', E+&i.s ')0 "oo0 "o;er)').e Cre0i+- Si1 (< units Prere1*isi+es- .inancial Accountin) D Reportin)% 3art III Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is desi)ned to e1pose students both to the de/and for and the suppl- of the profession6s fla)ship service 4 financial state/ent audits 4 and to the nature of the valueadded assurance services which decision /a&ers de/and in the infor/ation a)e" Topics include: nature of the accountin) profession% auditin) and assurance funda/entals: relationship a/on) assurance% attestation% and audit servicesI consultin) vs" assurance servicesI t-pes of attestation services (a)reed4upon procedures en)a)e/ent and review en)a)e/ent I t-pes of audits (internal% e1ternal or financial state/ent audits% )overn/ent audit% and special purpose audits I relationship of accountin) and auditin)I other services (operational audits% co/pliance audits% and non4attest services I professional standards: assurance standards and attestation and auditin) standardsI public sector re)ulation of accountin) practice and le)al liabilit-I the fra/ewor& of financial state/ents auditin): ris&4 based approach as audit /ethodolo)-I audit evaluation and plannin)% includin) the concept of ris& and /aterialit-I assessin) internal controls% and tests of controls includin) internal controls in co/puter4based business s-ste/sI perfor/ance of an audit: evidence collection% anal-sis% and substantive testsI reportin): reports on assurance services% attestation services% and financial state/ent auditsI and co/pletin) the audit includin) co//unications with board of directors and /ana)e/ent concernin) internal control wea&nesses" Also discussed in detail are the basic professional values and the Code of Ethics for 3rofessional Accountants and SEC6s Code of Corporate Eovernance" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" .unda/entals of auditin) and assurance services *"* Universe of C3A services *"*"* Assurance en)a)e/ents Wnature% ob8ective% ran)e% t-pes (audits% Reviews % Assurance Services vis4K4vis Attestation ServicesX *"*"$ !on4 assurance En)a)e/ents WA)reed4upon 3rocedures% Co/putation of .inancial or =ther Infor/ation% Ta1 Services% Bana)e/ent Consultin)% Accountin) and @ata 3rocessin) or Infor/ation Technolo)- S-ste/s ServicesX *"$ Ele/ents of an Assurance En)a)e/ent *"$"* (i)h45evel Assurance En)a)e/ent W=b8ective% Ethical Re0uire/ents% Acceptin) the En)a)e/ent% A)reein) the Ter/s of the En)a)e/ent% Lualit- Control% 3lannin) and Conductin) the En)a)e/ent% Evidence% @ocu/entation% Subse0uent Event% Usin) the Aor& of an E1pert% Reportin) 21

6 $" Introduction to Auditin) $"* The nature% purpose and scope of an audit $"*"* The historical develop/ent of auditin) $"*"$ The ethical case of auditin) $"*"$"* 3hilosoph- of an audit $"*"$"$ @efinition and ob8ective $"*"$"7 Ah- independent auditin) is necessar$"*"7 The notion of accountabilit-% stewardship and a)enc- $"*", The social concept of an audit and its chan)in) role $"*"; 3hilippine Standards on Auditin) (3SAs $"$ T-pes of Audit W.inancial State/ents Audit% =perational Audit% Co/pliance AuditX $"7 T-pes of Auditors $", Eeneral T-pes of Audit $","* E1ternal Independent .inancial State/ents Audit W!ature% =b8ectives% Scope% Advanta)es and 3ractical Benefits% Ba8or Steps in the S-ste/atic 3rocess% T-pes of =pinion and Situations 5eadin) to their E1pression H Un0ualified% Lualified% Adverse% @isclai/er% 3iece/eal% Basic Re0uire/ent for an Effective .inancial State/ents AuditX $","$ Internal Audit W!ature% =b8ective and Scope% Responsibilit- and Authorit-% Independence% Relationship to E1ternal Audit% Internal Auditin) Approach and Techni0ues% Characteristics of Internal Audit ReportX $","7 Eovern/ent Auditin) W!ature and Scope% Co//ission on Audit% 3rincipal @uties of the C=A% .unctions of Eovern/ent AuditorsX $",", Special 3urpose Audit (e")"% =perational or Bana)e/ent Audit% Co/pliance Audit 7" The 3rofessional 3ractice of Accountin) 7"* The nature of the accountin) profession 7"*"* Italian initiatives in the si1teenth centur- 7"*"$ =ri)ins of the /odern profession in the earl- nineteenth centur- 7"*"7 The develop/ent of professional bodies in the En)lish4spea&in) world 7"*", @evelop/ents in Asia 3acific in the twentieth centur- 7"*"; The international di/ension and the 9bi) four: international accountanc- fir/s 21

7 7"$ Standard4settin) and re)ulation in accountin) practice 7"$"* Earl- sources of re)ulation 7"$"*"* 3ublic sector re)ulation of accountin) practice 7"$"*"$ !ational securities co//issions and their role in effect on professional accountin) re)ulations standards 7"$"*"7 3rivate sector standard4settin) for accountin) practice 7"$"$ (ar/oni2ation of accountin) practice internationall- 7"$"$"* The International Accountin) Standards Board (IASB and its I.RS 7"$"$"$ The United !ations Inter)overn/ental Aor&in) Eroup of E1perts on International Standards of Accountin) and Reportin) (ISAR 7"7 3ublic Accountin) 3rofession W3ublic Accountin) as a 3rofession% Certified 3ublic Accountant% =r)ani2ations that Affect 3ublic Accountin) (Re)ulator- Eovern/ent A)encies% 3rofessional =r)ani2ations% Standard4Settin) Bodies 7"7"* Re)ulation of the 3ublic Accountin) 3ractice 7"7"$ Re)ulation within the .ir/ 7"7"7 Lualit- Control for .ir/s 3erfor/in) Audits and Reviews of (istorical .inancial Infor/ation and =ther Assurance and Related Service En)a)e/ents 7"7", Lualit- Control for Audits of (istorical .inancial Infor/ation (3SA $$? Revised 7"7"; 3eer Re)ulation 7"7"< Services of a C3A in 3ublic 3ractice 7"7"# Core Co/petencies Re0uired in the 3ublic Accountin) 3rofession 7"7"> E/er)in) Assurance and Consultanc- Services of C3As 7"7"+ Auditor6s ris&s of professional liabilities 7"7"+"* Si)nificance of the proble/ 7"7"+"$ .unctions and duties of independent auditors for servin) the public interest H clients and third parties 7"7"+"7 Auditors6 liabilities to clients and to third parties for their actions 7"7"+", 5iabilit- laws in civil law countries 7"7"+"; 5iabilitlaws in co//on law countries 7"7"+"< .raud vs" ne)li)ence 7"7"+"# 3rofessional liabilit- insurance 7"7"+"> Ahat auditors can and should do to /ini/i2e their ris&s 21

8 7"7"+"+ Corporate )overnance and the auditors 7", Bana)e/ent of a public accountin) practice 7","* 3ractice of public accountancdefined 7","$ Establish/ent and operations of a public accountin) practice (Re)istration with 3RC4B=A% =perations% Sources of Clients% Announce/ent% 3rofessional .ees% Bethods of Billin) Clients% =r)ani2ation of C3A .ir/s 7","7 Ter/s of audit en)a)e/ents 7",", Acceptance and retention of audit 7",","* Appoint/ent of auditors 7",","$ En)a)e/ent 5etter 7",","7 Client continuance 7",",", Recurrin) audits 7",","; Acceptance of a chan)e in en)a)e/ent 7","; Bana)e/ent6s Responsibilit- for .inancial Reportin) and the Role of the Audit Co//ittee 7",";"* Bana)e/ent6s role and responsibilities in an audit and the en)a)e/ent letter 7",";"$ The Audit Co//ittee 7","< Auditin) in a )lobali2ed environ/ent ," The C3A6s 3rofessional Responsibilities ,"* 3hilippine Standards on Auditin) (ISAs4Based WIntroduction and Status% Elossarof Ter/s% .ra/ewor&% =b8ective and Eeneral 3rinciples Eovernin) an Audit of .inancial State/ents% Scope of an Audit% Reasonable Assurance% Responsibilit- for the .inancial State/entsX ,"$ Code of Ethics for 3rofessional Accountants in the 3hilippines (effective Januar- *% $??, WApplicable to all 3rofessional Accountants% Applicable to 3rofessional Accountants in 3ublic 3ractice% Applicable to E/plo-ed 3rofessional AccountantsX ,"7 Auditor6s 5e)al 5iabilit- WConsideration of 5aw and Re)ulations in an Audit of .inancial State/ents% 5e)al Concepts Related to Auditor6s 5iabilit-% 5e)al 5iabilit- of the Independent Auditor (5e)al 5iabilit- of the Independent Auditor to Clients% 5e)al 5iabilit- of the Independent Auditor to Third 3arties % Responsibilit- in Ta1 3ractice% 5i/itation on Auditor6s Responsibilit-% Auditor6s @efenses A)ainst Client Suits% Auditor6s @efenses A)ainst Third43art- 5awsuits% Bini/i2in) E1posure to 5e)al 5iabilit-% Co//unications of Audit Batters with Those Char)ed with Eovernance 21

9 ;" SEC Code of Eood Eovernance <" The .ra/ewor& of .inancial State/ents Audit <"* Audit 3lannin)% Supervision and Bonitorin) <"*"* Scope and 3urposes of Audit 3lannin) <"*"$ Audit 3lannin) Considerations WUnderstandin) the Accountin) and Internal Control S-ste/% Assess/ent of Ris& and Baterialit-% Application of Anal-tical 3rocedures% Coordination% @irection% Supervision% and Review% =ther Critical Batters in En)a)e/ent 3lannin) (Assess/ent of Eoin) Concern Assu/ption% Identification of Related 3arties% Client6s 5e)al =bli)ations X <"*"7 3lannin) the Audit Aor& <"*", 3lannin) a Repeat En)a)e/ent <"*"; Supervisin) and Bonitorin) the En)a)e/ent <"*"< Special Considerations in the Audit of S/all Entities <"*"# Consideration of Environ/ental Batters in the Audit of .inancial State/ents <"$ A Ris&4based Audit Approach H 3art I <"$"* Introduction <"$"$ Application of the Concept of Baterialit- to Audit <"$"7 A Ris&4based Audit Approach W@eter/inin) 3lannin) Baterialit-% Evaluatin) Ris& at the .inancial State/ent 5evel (Auditor6s Responsibilit- to @etect and Report Client Errors% Irre)ularities% and Ille)al Acts % @ividin) the Audit into Co/ponents (Business Ris&s% Si)nificant Classes of Transactions % Identif-in) Bana)e/ent Assertions about .inancial State/ents% Usin) Assertions to @eter/ine the Audit 3rocedures to 3erfor/% Assi)nin) Tolerable Bisstate/ent to Accounts and Classes of TransactionsX <"7 A Ris&4based Audit Approach H 3art II <"7"* Assessin) Inherent Ris& and Control Ris& at the Assertion 5evel (Inherent Ris&% Control Ris&% @etection Ris& <"7"$ Usin) the Audit Ris& Bodel to @eter/ine the !ature% Ti/in)% and E1tent of Audit 3rocedures <"7"7 Audit Ris& in the S/all Business <"7", Bana)in) Audit Ris& (Business Ris&s% BTransaction C-cle #" Eatherin) and Evaluatin) Audit Evidence #"* Audit 3rocedures (!ature of Audit 3rocedures% Cate)ories and @escription of Audit 3rocedures Used to =btain Audit Evidence% Relationship of Audit Techni0ues% Auditin) 3rocedures and Assertions% T-pes of Audit 22

0 Tests% @ecidin) the !u/ber of Ite/s to Audit% Ti/in) of Testin)% Selectin) the Audit 3rocedures that will be Applied #"$ Audit Evidence (!ature and Si)nificance% Eeneral Cate)ories of Evidential Batter% Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence% Co/petence or Appropriateness of Evidence% Sufficienc- of Evidence% T-pes of Audit Evidence% Relationship of T-pes of Evidence to Audit =b8ectives% Audit Evidence H 3ractical 3roble/s in an audit of financial state/ents #"7 @ocu/entation: Audit Aor&in) 3apers (!ature% 3urpose% Contents% Identification of 3reparer and Reviewer% T-pes% Relationship of Aor&in) 3apers to .inancial State/ents% Aor&in) 3aper .iles% Bechanics of Aor&in) 3aper 3reparation% Co/puter4)enerated Aor&in) 3apers% =wnership and Custod- of Aor&in) 3apers% Confidentialit- of Aor&in) 3apers% Chan)es to audit docu/entation in e1ceptional circu/stance after the date of auditors6 report" >" Stud- and Evaluation of Internal Control >"* Basic Concepts and Ele/ents of Internal Control WIntroduction% !ature and 3urpose% Co/ponents C Ele/ents% 5i/itations of Internal Accountin) Control% Concept of Reasonable Assurance% Illustration of a T-pical Internal Control S-ste/ (3rocessin) Sales and Collection% Ac0uisitions and 3a-/ents C-cle% 3a-roll and 3ersonnel C-cle% 3roduction C-cle X >"$ Consideration of Internal Control in a .inancial State/ents Audit W=b8ective% Sta)es of Stud- and Evaluation of Internal Control (=btainin) an Understandin) of the Entit-6s Internal Control Structure (Understandin) the Control Environ/ent% Control 3rocedures% and the Accountin) and Internal Control S-ste/s% @ocu/entation of Understandin) % Assessin) the 3reli/inar- 5evel of Control Ris& (Identification of Specific Internal Control 3olicies to Specific Assertions % =btainin) Evidential Batter to Support the Assessed 5evel of Control Ris&% Evaluation of the Results of the Evidential Batter% @eter/inin) the !ecessar- 5evel of @etection Ris& >"7 (ow Ade0uac- or Inade0uac- of Internal Control affects Audit 3rocedures >", Co//unications with boards of directors and /ana)e/ent concernin) internal control wea&nesses detected in audits >"; Audit Considerations Relatin) to Entities Usin) Service =r)ani2ations +" Audit Sa/plin) +"* Basic Audit Sa/plin) Concepts (!ature and 3urpose% Ah- Auditors Sa/ple% Testin) 3rocedures Ahich @o !ot Involve Sa/plin)% Sa/plin) vs" !onsa/plin) Ris&% !onstatistical and Statistical Sa/plin)% Attribute and Fariables Sa/plin) Techni0ues% .actors Affectin) Sa/ple @esi)n% Sa/ple Selection Bethods% Sa/ple Si2e% Evaluation of Sa/ple Results% @etailed Audit Sa/plin) 3lans +"$ Audit Sa/plin) for Tests of Controls (Steps in the Application of Audit 22

1 Sa/plin) in Test of Controls% Illustration of Attributes Sa/plin)% !onstatistical Attributes Sa/plin) +"7 Audit Sa/plin) for Substantive Tests WRis&s in Substantive Tests% 3robabilit-4 3roportional4to4Si2e Sa/plin)% Classical Fariables Sa/plin)% Fariations of Classical Fariables Sa/plin)% Steps in Fariables Sa/plin) for Substantive Tests% Application of the Steps in Fariables Sa/plin) 3lan% Usin) 33S Techni0ue for Substantive Tests% Reachin) for a Conclusion in 33S Sa/plin)% Application of Classical Fariables Sa/plin) 3lan Usin) Classical Techni0ues (Bean4per4unit Esti/ation% Ratio Esti/ation% @ifference Esti/ation % !onstatistical Sa/plin) for Substantive TestsX *?" Auditin) in a Co/puteri2ed Infor/ation S-ste/s Environ/ent *?"* The Co/puter Environ/ent (Introduction to an Electronic @ata 3rocessin) S-ste/% Uni0ue Characteristics of Specific E@3 S-ste/s% I/pact of Co/puters on Accountin) S-ste/s% Ba8or T-pes of Co/puter .raud% Electronic Co//erce H Effect on the Audit of .inancial State/ents *?"$ Ris& Assess/ent Internal Control in the Co/puter Infor/ation S-ste/s (Auditor6s Responsibilities% Internal Control =ver E@3 Activities% Eeneral Controls% Application Controls *?"7 Basic Approach to the Audit of Electronicall- 3rocessed @ata (Introduction% Effects of Co/puters on the Audit 3rocess% Auditin) Clients that use CIS% Audit Techni0ues usin) E@3% Co/puter Gnowled)e% E1pertise% and E1perience of the Auditor **" Audit 3ro)ra/ Applications **"* Tests of Controls (Sales and Collections 3rocess% 3urchases and @isburse/ents 3rocess% 3a-roll 3rocess% 3roduction 3rocess% Inventor- Aarehousin) 3rocess% Co//unication of 3erfor/ance% I/prove/ents and =bservations in Internal Control to Bana)e/ent **"$ Substantive Tests of Transactions (Sales Transactions% Cash Receipts Transactions% 3urchases Transactions% Cash @isburse/ents Transactions% 3roduction Transactions% Inventor- Aarehousin) Transactions% !on4routine Transactions% Audit of Accountin) Esti/ates **"7 Substantive Tests of Balances (Assets% 5iabilities% =wner(s 6 E0uit-% Revenue and E1penses **", Auditin) .air Falue Beasure/ents and @isclosures **"; Usin) the Aor& of =thers **";"* Usin) the Aor& of Another Auditor (The 3rincipal Auditor6s 3rocedures% Cooperation between Auditors% Reportin) Considerations% @ivision of Responsibilit-% Considerin) the Aor& of Internal Auditor% Relationship of Internal and E1ternal Auditors% **";"$ Usin) the Aor& of an E1pert C Specialist (Co/petence and =b8ectivit- of the E1pert% Scope of the E1pert6s Aor&% 22

2 Assessin) the Aor& of the E1pert% Reference to an E1pert **";"7 Co//unication of Audit Batters with Those Char)ed with Eovernance **";", Audit Considerations Relatin) to Entities Usin) Service =r)ani2ations *$" Co/pletin) the Audit C 3ost4Audit Responsibilities *$"* Related 3art- Transactions (Related 3art- Relationships% Audit 3rocedures% @isclosure Re0uire/ent *$"$ Subse0uent Events Review (Events =ccurrin) up to the @ate of the Auditor6s Report% .acts @iscovered after the @ate of the Auditor6s Report and Before the .inancial State/ents are Issued% .acts @iscovered after the .inancial State/ents have been Issued *$"7 5etters of In0uir- C Review for Contin)ent 5iabilities (Audit In0uir- 5etter to Client6s 5aw-er *$", Evaluation of Eoin) Concern Assu/ption (Audit 3rocedures *$"; Bana)e/ent Representations (@ocu/entation% Basic Ele/ents *$"< Anal-tical 3rocedures *$"# Evaluatin) .indin)s% .or/ulatin) an =pinion and @raftin) the Audit Report (Ba&in) a .inal Assess/ent of Baterialit- and Audit Ris&% Evaluatin) the Results% Sufficienc- and Ade0uac- of Evidence% Ade0uac- of @isclosure and Confor/it- with Statutor- and Re)ulator-% Re0uire/ents% Evidence Supportin) the Auditor6s =pinion% @raftin) the Audit Report and =ther @eliverables to Clients *7" Reports on Audited .inancial State/ents *7"* Independent Auditor6s Report on a Co/plete Set of Eeneral 3urpose .inancial State/ents (Auditor6s Report on .inancial State/ents% Ele/ents of the Auditor6s Report in an Audit Conducted in Accordance with 3SAs% Auditor6s Report% Auditor6s Report for Audits Conducted in Accordance% with Both ISAs and 3SAs% Unaudited Supple/entarInfor/ation 3resented with Audited .inancial State/ents *7"$ Bodifications to the Independent Auditor6s Report (Batters that @o !ot Affect the Auditor6s Report 4 E/phasis of a BatterI Batters that @o Affect the Auditor6s Report 4 Lualified =pinion% @isclai/er of =pinion% Adverse =pinionI Circu/stances that /a- Result in =ther Than an Un0ualified =pinionX *," =ther Services and Reports *,"* Independent Auditor6s Report on Special 3urpose Audit En)a)e/ents (Eeneral Consideration% Reports on .inancial State/ents 3repared in Accordance with =ther Co/prehensive Basis of Accountin)% Reports on a Co/ponent of .inancial State/ents% Reports on Co/pliance of 22

3 Contractual A)ree/ents% Reports on Su//ari2ed .inancial State/ents *,"$ !onaudit En)a)e/ents: 3rocedures and Reports *,"$"* E1a/ination of 3rospective .inancial Infor/ation (Acceptance of En)a)e/ent% !ature and 3urpose of 3rospective .inancial Infor/ation% Approach and Assurance Re)ardin) 3rospective .inancial Infor/ation% E1a/ination 3rocedures% 3resentation and @isclosure% Report on E1a/ination of 3rospective .inancial Infor/ation *,"$"$ En)a)e/ents to Review .inancial State/ents (=b8ectives of a Review En)a)e/ent% Eeneral 3rinciples of a Review En)a)e/ent% Scope a Review% Ter/s of En)a)e/ent% 3lannin)% 3rocedures for the Review% Conclusions and Reportin) *,"$"7 En)a)e/ents to 3erfor/ A)reed4upon 3rocedures Re)ardin) .inancial Infor/ation (=b8ective of an A)reed4upon 3rocedures En)a)e/ent% Eeneral 3rinciples of an A)reed4upon 3rocedures En)a)e/ent% 3rocedures *,"$", En)a)e/ent to Co/pile .inancial Infor/ation (!ature of Service% =b8ective of a Co/pilation En)a)e/ent% Eeneral 3rinciples of a Co/pilation% @efinin) the Ter/s of the En)a)e/ent% 3rocedures% Responsibilit- of Bana)e/ent% Reportin)% Accountin) Services " *,"7 =perations auditin) *,", Environ/ental audit *,","* Environ/ental perfor/ance indicators Accountin) issues in environ/ental audit *,",", *,","$ .inancial perfor/ance indicators *,","7 Audit report S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Auditin) Standards D 3ractices Council" ($??< Com'ilations on Phili''ine Standards on Auditing H Phili''ine Auditing Practice Statements" Cabrera% E" B" Princi'les o" Auditing and Gther Assurance Services" $??# Edition" Banila: EIC Enterprises" Evan)elista% R" and C" Raca2a" ($??, " Auditin) Theor- for Students and 3ractice Euide for Auditors% Fol" * D $% Banila: EIC Enterprises" .rias% S" ." ($??7 " Te&tbook in Auditing Theory Banila: Eoodwill Boo&storeC Salosa)col% J" E" and B" ."% Tiu" ($??; " Auditing Theory Banila: CRC4ACEC 224

Co*rse Ti+,e- A22,ie0 A*0i+i)3 Cre0i+- Si1 (< units Prere1*isi+es- Assurance 3rinciples% 3rofessional Ethics and Eood Eovernance This is a continuation of Assurance 3rinciples% 3rofessional Ethics and Eood Eovernance% focusin) on financial state/ents audit" It covers detailed approaches to proble/s and situations nor/all- encountered in the independent e1a/ination of cash% receivables% inventories% invest/ents% prepaid e1penses% deferred char)es% propert-% plant and e0uip/ent% intan)ibles% liabilities% owners6 e0uit-% and revenue and e1penses" It deals specificall- with the application of auditin) standards% techni0ues% and proceduresI internal control evaluationI preparation of audit wor&in) papersI introduction of co/puter application in auditin)I audit ad8ust/entsI and audit reports pertainin) to a /ediu/4 si2ed /anufacturin) or tradin) concern" The deter/ination of audit ob8ectives and audit pro)ra/s% evaluation of internal control% and deter/ination of substantive procedures as applied to various accounts are better appreciated as the transaction c-cle approach is e/plo-ed in the course" Audit wor&in) papers and audited financial state/ents are the natural outputs of this course leadin) to the preparation of audit reports" Co*rse O*+,i)e- *" Review of overview of auditin) *"* @efinition *"$ =b8ective and )eneral principles of auditin) *"7 The audit process *", Ba8or steps in the s-ste/atic process of financial state/ents audit *","* 3hase I: 3re4en)a)e/ent and audit plannin) activities *","$ 3hase II: Eatherin) and evaluatin) audit evidence% interi/ audit phase% final audit phase% *","7 3hase III: Issuin) the audit report $" Audit plannin) $"* 3urposes $"$ Audit plannin) considerations $"$"* Gnowled)e of the business $"$"$ Understandin) the accountin) and internal control s-ste/ $"$"7 Assess/ent of ris& and /aterialit-% application of anal-tical procedures% coordination% direction% supervision% and review% other critical /atters in en)a)e/ent plannin)% plannin) the audit wor& 22

5 7" Evidence accu/ulation and evaluation H interi/ audit phase: tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions 7"* Audit of the revenue and collection c-cle: tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions 7"*"* !ature% docu/ents used and their audit si)nificance% accountin) records in the revenue and collection c-cle 7"*"$ Audit of si)nificant sales transactions (evaluation of internal control over sales transactions% tests of controls over sales and receivables% audit pro)ra/ for tests of controls: sales% substantive tests of sales transactions 7"*"7 Audit of sales ad8ust/ents transactions (evaluation of internal control over sales ad8ust/ents transactions% tests of controls over sales ad8ust/ents transactions% audit pro)ra/ for test of controls: sales ad8ust/ents transactions% substantive tests for sales returns and allowances 7"*", Audit of cash receipts transactions (basic considerations% evaluation of internal control over cash receipts transactions% tests of controls over cash receipts transactions% audit pro)ra/ for tests of controls: cash receipts transactions% substantive tests of cash receipts transactions X 7"$ Audit of the e1penditure c-cle: tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions 4 I 7"$"* !ature of the e1penditure c-cle% docu/ents used in the E1penditure c-cle and their audit si)nificance% accountin) records involved in the e1penditure c-cle 7"$"$ Audit of ac0uisitions and cash disburse/ents transactions (audit of ac0uisitions 4 evaluation of internal control over ac0uisitions% tests of controls: ac0uisitions% audit pro)ra/ for tests of controls: ac0uisition transactions% substantive tests of transactions: ac0uisitionsI 7"$"7 Audit of cash disburse/ents 4 evaluation of internal control over cash disburse/ents transactions% tests of controls: cash disburse/ents transactions% audit pro)ra/ for tests of controls: cash disburse/ents transactions% substantive tests of transactions: cash disburse/ents X 7"7 Audit of the e1penditure c-cle: tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions H II 7"7"* Audit of pa-roll transactions (nature of pa-roll transactions% evaluation of internal control over pa-roll transactions% tests of controls: pa-roll% audit pro)ra/ for tests of controls over pa-roll transactions% substantive tests of transactions: pa-roll I 7"7"$ Audit of production c-cle transactions (nature of production c-cle% docu/ents used in production activities and their audit si)nificance% accountin) records involved in production activities% evaluation of internal control over production 22

6 transactions% tests of controls: production transactions% audit pro)ra/ for tests of controls over production transactions% substantive tests of transactions: production I 7"7"7 Audit of inventor- warehousin) (tests of Controls: inventor- warehousin)% audit pro)ra/ for tests of controls over inventor- warehousin) transactions% substantive tests of inventor- warehousin) transactions " 7", Audit of the financin) and investin) c-cle: tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions W!ature% financin) c-cle transactions% investin) c-cle transactions% docu/ents and records 7","* Audit of the financin) c-cle (basic considerations% internal control over financin) c-cle transactions% stud- and evaluation of internal control over financin) c-cle transactions% tests of control and substantive tests of transactions: financin) c-cle 7","$ Audit of the investin) c-cle (basic considerations% internal control over investin) c-cle transactions% stud- and evaluation of internal control over investin) c-cle transactions% tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions: investin) c-cle ," Evidence accu/ulation and evaluation H final audit phase: substantive tests of balances and anal-tical procedures ,"* Substantive tests of cash (audit of cash on hand and in ban&% audit ob8ectives and procedures% discussion of substantive audit procedures % proof of cash (four4colu/n reconciliation ,"$ Substantive tests of receivables and sales (audit of trade receivables and sales balances% audit ob8ectives and procedures% discussion of audit procedures ,"7 Substantive tests of inventories and cost of )oods sold (substantive tests of inventories and cost of )oods sold balances% audit ob8ectives and procedures% discussion of audit procedures ,", Substantive tests of invest/ents (audit ob8ectives and procedures% discussion of audit procedures ,"; Substantive tests of propert- and e0uip/ent (audit ob8ectives and procedures% discussion of audit procedures ,"< Substantive tests of intan)ible assets (audit ob8ectives and procedures% discussion of audit procedures ,"# Substantive tests of prepaid e1penses and deferred char)es (audit ob8ectives% substantive audit procedures ,"> Substantive tests of liabilities (audit of current liabilities: accounts and notes pa-able% other current liabilitiesI audit of lon)4ter/ liabilities: /ort)a)e pa-able% bonds pa-able% notes pa-able H lon)4ter/ ,"+ Substantive tests of owners6 e0uit- accounts (audit of sole proprietorship and partnershipI audit of e0uit- accountsI audit of shareholders6 e0uit- accounts ,"*? Substantive tests of inco/e state/ent accounts (substantive audit of the revenue and e1pense accounts: audit ob8ectives% auditor6s approach in 22

7 the e1a/ination of revenues and e1penses% anal-tical review of operations% account anal-sis% classification and disclosure ;" Co/pletin) the audit and report preparation ;"* Co/pletin) the audit ;"*"* Related part- transactions (related part- relationships% audit procedures% disclosure re0uire/ent ;"*"$ Subse0uent events review (events occurrin) up to the date of the auditor6s report% facts discovered after the date of the auditor6s report and before the financial state/ents are issued% letters of in0uir- C review for contin)ent liabilities% audit in0uir- letter to client6s law-er ;"*"7 Evaluation of )oin) concern assu/ption ;"*", Bana)e/ent representations (docu/entation of representations b- /ana)e/ent% basic ele/ents of a /ana)e/ent representation letter ;"*"; Anal-tical procedures ;"*"< Evaluatin) findin)s% for/ulatin) an opinion and draftin) the audit report (/a&in) a final assess/ent of /aterialit- and audit ris&% wor&in) paper review% evaluatin) the results% sufficienc- of evidence% evidence supports auditor6s opinion% other co//unications with clients ;"$ 3reparation of audited financial state/ents ;"$"* Su//ar- of principles and )uidelines in financial state/ents preparation ;"7 Reports on audited financial state/ents ;"7"* Independent auditor6s report on a co/plete set of )eneral purpose financial state/ents (auditor6s report on financial state/ents % ele/ents of the auditor6s report in an audit% conducted in accordance with 3SAs% auditor6s report% auditor6s report for audits conducted in accordance with both ISAs and 3SAs% unaudited supple/entar- infor/ation presented with audited financial state/ents" ;"7"$ Bodifications to the independent auditor6s report W/atters that do not affect the auditor6s report 4 e/phasis of a /atter% /atters that do affect the auditor6s report (0ualified opinion% disclai/er of opinion% adverse opinion % circu/stances that /a- result in other than an un0ualified opinion" S*33es+e0 Re4ere).es Cabrera% E" B" A''lied Auditing/ $??# Edition" Banila: EIC Enterprises% Banila Arens% A"A"% 5oebbec&e% J" G" 5e/on% A" B" and Splettstoesser% I"B" ($??7 " thAuditing and Gther Assurance Services ((+ Ed " Toronto% =!: 3earson Education 22

8 Canada% Inc" ISB! ?4*74??+*$,47" 5eun)% Cora/% Cooper% Cosserat and Eill" ($??, " <odern Auditing and ndAssurance Services ($ Ed " John Aile-" Ricchuite% @avid !" ($??7 Auditing and Assurance #th 3hilippine Ed" Bandalu-on) Cit-: Butual Boo&s" San)cal% Tenaida" ($??, " Practical Auditing Bandalu-on) Cit-: Billenniu/ Boo&s% Inc" Practice Set: Cabrera D .rias" ($??, " 3ractice Set H Practical Auditing 1Grace Cor'oration Banila: EIC Enterprises" 229

Co*rse Ti+,e- I)+er)s&i2 Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Co/pletion of at least >?M of courses in the entire curriculu/ Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This is an applied acade/ic e1perience conducted under 8oint facult- and e/plo-er supervision which re0uires a /ini/u/ of one se/ester and will include a /ini/u/ of *<? contact hours" This /a- be in the areas of accountin)% e1ternal audit% internal audit% or ta1" Each intern re)isters for this course which will be )iven three hours credit" A re)ular letter )rade will be )iven at the end of the internship with input fro/ both the e/plo-er and the Accountanc- 3ro)ra/ Chair or @ean" Each internship assi)n/ent shall /eet the followin) re0uire/ents: *" Be substantial and practical% includin) anal-sis% evaluation% and application of business% accountin)% and auditin) conceptsI $" Be sub8ect to periodic docu/entation of pro)ress and review b- both the e/plo-er and the Accountanc3ro)ra/ Chair or @eanI and 7" Cul/inate in a final evaluation prepared b- the e/plo-er and a final course )rade awarded b- the Accountanc- 3ro)ra/ ChairC@ean" Students are re0uired to sub/it a written report docu/entin) the tas&s% responsibilities% learnin) e1periences% trainin)% and hours wor&ed" Reports should include co//ents on areas such as hu/an relations aspects of their wor&% includin) leadership and /ana)e/ent s&illsI i/portance and e/phasis on tea/wor& as opposed to individual wor&I technical% intellectual% ph-sical% and social challen)esI wor& scheduleI and how the B"S" Accountanc- 3ro)ra/ course wor& prepared the/ for internship" The report should also cover the followin): (a description of &e- tas&s and responsibilities perfor/ed durin) their internship% includin) their assess/ent of the /ost valuable thin)s -ou learnedI (b evaluation of the trainin) and overall learnin) environ/ent provided btheir e/plo-erI (c evaluation of their internship e1perience and how it has i/pacted their career )oalsI (d how well the Accountanc- 3ro)ra/ prepared the/ for the internship includin) a description of how their for/al education and wor& e1perience interrelateI (e reco//endations for i/prove/ent of their specific internship position and the Accountanc- Internship Course in )eneralI and (f total nu/ber of hours wor&ed durin) internship" "*i0e,i)es In order to ensure a fair and /ana)eable s-ste/ to deal with internships% the followin) )uidelines are adopted to serve as /ini/u/ re0uire/ents for a student to receive internship credit" *" Internships are )enerall- reserved for )raduatin) students or those who have alreadco/pleted all or /ost of their /a8or field courses 44 seniors or near4seniors 23

$" Credit will onl- be assi)ned or accepted in cases where a facult- /e/ber is directl- involved

in deter/inin) both the course content and in evaluatin) the studentJs wor&"
7" The internship should be purposeful% provide opportunities for reflection% present a continual

challen)e to the student% and incorporate active learnin)% with the student an active participant in all sta)es of the learnin) e1perience fro/ plannin) to evaluation"
," The student /ust discuss the internship plan with the facult- internship advisor before si)nin)

up for the course" Internships are arran)ed individuall- and /ust be set up before re)istration so that proper arran)e/ents can be /ade for supervision of the wor&% for the t-pe and a/ount of wor& to be done% and for evaluation of the wor&" Unusual internships should be discussed with the @eanJs office before the- are approved for offerin) to the student"
;" Before a student be)ins the internship% a learnin) contract needs to be written between the

facult- internship advisor on ca/pus% the supervisor at the location% and the student" This contract should state the conditions of the wor& assi)n/ents% supervisor% learnin) )oals% nu/ber of credits% and /ethods of evaluation of the wor&" A contract for/ can be obtained fro/ the @eanCChairperson of the School of Accountanc-"
<" The internship situation /ust have the followin) co/ponents or ele/ents before it will

0ualif- for )ivin) the student credit: It /ust be a position in which the student will do wor& that is directl- related to accountin) or auditin)" The student /ust be supervised b- so/eone at the internship location who will be in a position to oversee and evaluate the wor& of the intern" The specific conditions of the internship are to be wor&ed out between this supervisor and the professor in the School of Accountanc-" The internship supervisor will co/pose a written evaluation of the studentJs wor& at the conclusion of the internship and send it to the supervisin) professor" A written s-llabus should be produced and distributed to the student% the supervisin) professor% and the supervisor at the internship site before the internship be)ins" This s-llabus should )ive a )ood idea of the wor& to be done% when it is to be done% and how the wor& will be evaluated" The internship situation /ust be one in which the student can sub/it stron) and tan)ible evidence of his or her wor& to the supervisin) acade/ic depart/ent for evaluation #" The a/ount of accountin) or audit wor& /a- var-% accordin) to the difficult- level of such wor&" (owever% the supervisin) teacher should e1pect to receive wor& of the sa/e 0ualit- and volu/e as would be e1pected in an- course at the sa/e level as the internship course for si/ilar hours of credit" >" The internin) studentJs )rade will be deter/ined b- the supervisin) professor% based on the followin) co/ponents: the teacherJs assess/ent of the studentJs wor& done durin) the internship the on4site supervisorJs assess/ent of the studentJs wor&% with e/phasis on the studentJs wor& directl- applicable to the acade/ic area the studentJs self4assess/ent of the internship% notin) in particular how the internship contributed to the studentJs understandin) of and abilit- in the field 23

The internin) student should note the dates for be)innin) and endin) the 0uarterI he or she

/ust sub/it the wor& done and the evaluations in ti/e for the professor to sub/it the course )rade" This ti/e should be set at the be)innin) of the 0uarter and should be a)reeable to the student% the on4site supervisor% and the supervisin) acade/ic professor Students need to &eep their facult- internship advisor updated on the pro)ress of the internship while awa- fro/ ca/pus" 23

2 Co*rse Ti+,e- A..o*)+i)3 T&esis Cre0i+- Three (7 units Prere1*isi+e- Co/pletion of at least >?M of courses in the entire curriculu/ Co*rse Des.ri2+io) This course is a capstone course where students are re0uired to use &nowled)e obtained fro/ previous accountin) and finance courses includin) the research s&ills learned in this course to solve accountin) and finance proble/s" It introduces students to research of current issues in accountin) and finance usin) various online databases" The students learn applied research for solvin) co/ple1 accountin) and reportin) issues includin) both financial and ta1 accountin) cases" .or/al defense of results of research is re0uired" "*i0e,i)es *" Bentor 4 The /entor for Accountin) Thesis /ust be a facult- /e/ber in the School of Accountanc- and /ust be selected in consultation with the deanCdepart/ent chair% /ust have research% applied andCor creative e1pertise and interests that are consistent with the proposed thesis pro8ect" A facult- /e/ber /a- accept one new thesis each -ear and /a- supervise up to two thesis pro8ects at the sa/e ti/e% one in pro)ress and one new thesis" The /entor is responsible for coordinatin) with the co//ittee /e/bers to oversee the pro8ect" Co//ittee /e/bers will assist the /entor in reviewin) inter/ediate and final wor& products% as necessar-" Students should be full- aware of which facult- /e/bers in the depart/ent are available to serve as /entors% and what &inds of theses those facult- /e/bers feel co/petent to direct" .acult- /e/bers% in turn% should &now so/ethin) about the students interested in wor&in) with the/ on the thesis and wh- the- are drawn to their topics" Ahile it /a- not be necessar- to institute an- for/al depart/ental procedure in the process of /atchin) students with /entors% facult- /e/bers have a responsibilit- to en)a)e in careful% serious conversation with potential honors thesis advisees before a)reein) to direct a thesis" There are two principal )oals of those initial conversations: to ensure that the student has an appropriate level of bac&)round and interest in hisCher topicI and to /a&e the student aware of other facult- /e/bers who /i)ht also be 0ualified to direct the thesis" Because the depart/ent does not anticipate a lar)e nu/ber of candidates% we would e1pect the student to be in contact with the depart/ent chair to initiate the process of selectin) an appropriate /entor for the student" $" Thesis Co//ittee 4 The School of Accountanc- should have a Thesis Co//ittee /ade up of three facult- with the appropriate )raduate de)rees and who have a bac&)round or e1pertise that allow the/ to contribute to the pro8ect and evaluate 23

3 the wor&" 7" The Research Topic H There is fle1ibilit- in the choice of topic and nature of the thesis" (owever% the topic chosen /ust /a&e a si)nificant research or applied contribution to the stud- or practice of accountin) or finance" It is e1pected that the thesis will ta&e one of four for/s"
The thesis /a- involve a substantial research pro8ect or a develop/ental pro8ect

(applied thesis with a business client" As such% the thesis /ust /a&e a si)nificant applied contribution to the practice of accountin) or finance" Alternativel-% the thesis /a- involve an ori)inal e/pirical stud-% includin) the application of accountin) or finance theor- to appropriate data" A stud- of the latter t-pe should be structured as a publishable research paper in accountin) or finance% in anticipation of the paper bein) presented at a re)ional or national accountin) or finance conference" A third choice for the thesis /a- ta&e the for/ of an e1tensive case stud-" The case stud- should ta&e the )eneral for/ of a (arvard business case% with e1tensive citin) of appropriate accountin) or finance articles and te1ts% as well discussin) i/portant 0uestions and issues raised b- the case" .inall-% in the area of ta1ation% the thesis /a- ta&e the for/ of standard le)al research stud- in which the topic involves ta1 polic- or co/binations of ta1 policand ta1 applications" A stud- utili2in) this /ethodolo)- should be structured as a publishable research paper in an appropriate ta1 or accountin) outlet" *?" Research .or/at 4 Traditional 0ualitative and 0uantitative research pro8ects as well as anle)al research /ust follow established conventions% be consistent with the develop/ent of such pro8ects% and confor/ to for/at )uidelines established b- the institution" The pro8ect report /abe structured as an acade/ic article suitable for sub/ission to an acade/ic 8ournal in the field" Euidelines for such wor&s% includin) pa)e len)ths and for/ats% /ust be discussed with the facult- /entor" Thesis pro8ects /ust /anifest appropriate theoretical concepts% follow content and production conventions for such wor&s% and incorporate appropriate research /ethodolo)ies" Such thesis /ust include sections of the research e1plainin) the si)nificance of the wor&% reviewin) pertinent literature% and providin) historical% theoretical% /ethodolo)ical% conte1tual andCor other appropriate 8ustification of the pro8ect% plus biblio)raph- and appendices" **" Acade/ic CreditCTi/eline 4 The Accountin) Thesis /a- ta&e /ore than one se/ester H but not /ore than two se/esters" If /ore than one se/ester% the student will re)ister for acade/ic credit as su))ested below" The ti/eline for co/pletion of the thesis /ust be established b- the School of Accountanc-" T i / e l i n e C r e d i t ( r s " ( R e c o / / e n d e d . i r s t S e / e s t e r ? Choose appropriate thesis topic% identif- a /entor (in 23

4 c o n s u l t a t i o n w i t h t h e a n C C h a i r o f A c c o u n t i n ) a n d n a n c e % A r i t e t h e s i s o p o s a l S u b / i t p r o p o s a l t o n t o r a n d @ e a n C C h a i r c o n d S e / e s t e r 7 n d u c t r e s e a r c h S u b / i t u ) h d r a f t S u b / i t o ) r e s s r e p o r t t o T h e s i s / / i t t e e a t t h e e n d o f e a c h n t h Co/plete research% writin) and editin) in consultation with /entor and co//ittee Sub/it final draft to co//ittee one wee& before defense Schedule thesis defense Thesis defense *$" Thesis @efense 4 The thesis defense /ust co/pl- with the for/at and policies of the Institution" All BSA students /ust also /a&e a for/al presentation of their results directed to the 3anel co/posed of facult- and at least one C3A practitioner in the localit- and allow audience 0uestions" @ e . i p r B e S e C o r o p r C o / o 23

5 Co*rse Ti+,e- S8)+&esis Cre0i+- =ne (* unit local and )lobal cases% situation anal-sis% )uest spea&ers% role4pla-% tea/ wor&% and Prere1*isi+e- Co/pletion of at least >?M of co/puteri2ed si/ulation )a/es" courses in the entire curriculu/ Co*rse Des.ri2+io) Accountin) 7" =utputs /a- ta&e a co/bination of the S-nthesis is a one unit course that provides an followin): a" Eroup position papers on ti/elandCor controversial issues such as reportin) on inte)ratin) fra/ewor& and e1periences for an enterpriseJs contributions to environ/ental understandin) the roles of accountants% their functions% and how the- fit within the conte1t of proble/s b" Cases with inherent ethical business and the lar)er environ/ent" Students will challen)es c" 3osition papers on a current ac0uire &nowled)e and develop the s&ills business or accountin) issue d" E1ercises that necessar- to be effective in or)ani2ations and to re0uire students to forecast uncertain learn )eneral principles associated with their environ/ental% social and ethical events and profession as accountants" A paper inte)ratin) the interpret feedbac& on their i/pact and accuracconcepts tau)ht in all courses is re0uired" Students e" Incorporatin) the financial i/pact of e1hibit &nowled)e of these concepts b- /a&in) an environ/ental issues in financin)% investin) infor/ed decision on a current andCor operatin) decisions (e")" waste disposal accountin)Cfinancial issue" The course is desi)ned and depletion of natural resources and the i/pact to cultivate studentsJ abilit- to /a&e strate)ic on cost and profit calculations in the short and decisions lo)icall- based on /ultidi/ensional lon) ter/s f" Applied research on ta1 avoidance anal-ses of corporate structure% strate)-% finance% and ta1 evasion issues )" Role pla-in) on and so forth" "*i0e,i)es- *" In the course% the situations that focus on re)ulator- /atters such students discuss e/er)in) accountin) concerns% as le)islative hearin)s on utilit- rates especiallcurrent professional topics% environ/ental issues%on the role of accountin) in re)ulations h" corporate )overnance /atters% conte/porarCorporate )overnance proble/s and financial business and societal the/es% and international reportin) proble/s issues ta&en fro/ local% business develop/ents national and international case studies" $" Course /ethodolo)- includes si/ulation of real4world decision4/a&in) conte1ts b- usin) 236



.irst Near .irst Se/ester Second Se/ester Co//unication S&ills * 7 Co//unication S&ills $ 7 Eeneral 3s-cholo)- 7 Intro to 3hilosophwith 5o)ic and Critical Thin&in) 7 3E * $ 3E $ $ Colle)e Al)ebra 7 Bathe/atics of Invest/ent 7 Co/puter Software and Applications 7 Bus" =r)" and Bana)e/ent 7 Basic .inance 7 @atabase Theor- and Applications 7 .unda/entals of Accountin) I < .unda/entals of Accountin) II < *, + ** *$ Su//er: 3hilippine (istor- with 3olitics and Eovernance 7 Biolo)ical Science 7 !ST3 * 7 + S e c o n d N e a r .irst Se/ester Second Se/ester (u/anities * 4 Art% Ban% and Societ- 7 5iterature of the 3hils" 7 Introduction to Econo/ics with 5and Refor/ and Ta1ation 7 3E , $ 3E 7 $ Bar&etin) 7 Sinin) n) 3a&i&ipa)talastasan 7 Bicroecono/ic Theor- and 3ractice 7 Calculus for Business 7 Business Statistics 7 Eood Eovernance and Social Responsibilit- 7 Cost Accountin) D Cost Bana)e/ent I 7 .in6l Acct)" and Reportin) I < .in6l Acct) and Reportin) II < ** *$ ; *> Su//er: 3h-sical Science 7 3a)basaC3a)sulat sa Iba6t Iban) @isiplina 7 !ST3 $ 7 + 23

7 Third Near .irst Se/ester Second Se/ester Technical Aritin) 7 .inancial Bana)e/ent I 7 Cost Accountin) D Cost Bana)e/ent II 7 Assurance 3rinciples% 3rofessional Ethics and Eood Eovernance < .in6l Accountin) and Reportin) III 7 3roduction and =perations Bana)e/ent 7 (u/an Behavior in =r)ani2ation 7 Bana)e/ent Accountin) I 7 Bacroecono/ic Theor- and 3ractice 7 5ife andAor&s of Ri2al 7 .unda/entals of Infor/ation 7 Advanced .in6l Acct)" D S-ste/s and S-ste/ @evelop/ent Reportin) I 7 Luantitative Techni0ues in Business 5aw on =bli)ations and Contracts 7 5aw on Business =r)ani2ations 7 7 $, 7 $* S u / / e r : I n t e r n s h i C A c c o u n t i n ) T h e s i s 7 . o u r t h N e a r .irst Se/ester Second Se/ester Accountin) Infor/ation S-ste/ 7 Business and Transfer Ta1es 7 Bana)e/ent Accountin) II 7 Bana)e/ent Consultanc- 7 Applied Auditin) < Business 3olic- and Strate)- 7 Inco/e Ta1ation 7 Auditin) in a CIS Environ/ent 7 Societ- and Culture with 7 .a/il- 3lannin) 7 Accountin) for Eovern/ental% !ot4for43rofit Entities D Speciali2ed Industries Advanced .in6l Acct)" D Reportin) II 7 S-nthesis * 5aw on !e)otiable Instru/ents 7 Sales% A)enc-% 5abor and =ther Co//ercial 5aws 7 .inancial Bana)e/ent II 7 (u/anities $ H Elective 7 7 $* $; 23 DAP Building, San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig 8)""*+ , - ./01,2)!3 201$"4 ,05! * *65*",$"4 City 239 )"% 32*$! 7!*8!*65$ $3* Ple%se see sep%$%te file.

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