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6 Admonitions| For the 21st Century Future Physician

An Admonition Mild, kind, yet earnest reproof. Cautionary advice or warning.

From the Desk of Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

"It must be borne in mind that real patients and at the bedside teach the most powerful lessons in medicine."

Skills| Your Winning (and Losing) Habits

To be skilled for medical students and physicians in training means to be versatile. And versatility requires disciplined study and practice. To be a first class physician in the 21st century one has to have a solid fund of knowledge in the scientific basis of clinical medicine, good speaking skills, good writing skills, good listening skills, good clinical medicine skills and good patient and colleague rapport skills. With sincere effort, training, practice and persistent study in these domains (winning habits) you can become expert in the art and science of 21st century medicine.

Admonition 1
The difference between the possible and the impossible lies in a mans habits
From the Desk of Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

Resilience| Misfortunes Master

The key to dealing effectively with the unusually stressful and challenging experience of an undergraduate medical education is unrelenting, diligent, metacognitive study, repetition and bouncing back when you dont quite make the grade.

Admonition 2 If at first you dont succeed, try, try again

From the Desk of Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

Change| Keeping Current

What worked for medical students and doctors yesterday is insufficient today. With the discovery of the human genome and the advent of the WWW, medical knowledge and research is expanding our understanding of human health and disease at an unprecedented rate. The new physician must be one who can receive and transmit knowledge in keeping with these new discoveries and new technologies. Thus, he or she must make a firm commitment to becoming a life long learner.

Admonition 3 The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak tree that resist
From the Desk of Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

Vision| Your Virtual Reality

One of virtual realities most exciting applications is medical surgery. Simulating on virtual patients, surgeons today are able get a precise feel and sensations of performing delicate procedures. I like to think of the internet and World Wide Web as a sort of a virtual reality in comparison to face-to-face activities. The Web has become the future physicians gateway to limitless knowledge and professional vision.

Admonition 4
The degree of vision that dwells in a man is a correct measure of the mans potential heights
From the Desk of Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

Integrity| Your Absolute Bottom Line

One of the greatest gifts you can give medicine as a physician is a strong sense of ethical and moral values (integrity). For the sake of medicines integrity and your own, as a 21st century, you must always stride to be equally concerned with the health and wellness of all people in our multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multigenerational society. Situational integrity is an oxymoron. Integrity applied only to specific situations is not integrity at all, but expediency.

Admonition 5 Integrity is much easier kept than recovered

From the Desk of Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

Brotherly Love| Your Greatest Gift

I challenge each of you, as the future guardians of our health and wellbeing, to avoid, discard and act against all forms of discrimination, prejudice and preferential treatment in your medical career development, practice and personal value system. Make no mistake about it; selfishness and insensitivity still reside in medicine. However, by becoming socially conscious and politically active in medicine, through professional organizations and quality healthcare for all advocacy groups, you can contribute to making healthcare policy in American more equitable and culturally-sensitive (Brotherly love in motion).

Admonition 6 Indifference, not hate, is the strongest enemy of love

From the Desk of Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.



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From the Desk of Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D.

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