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VERB RULES: Below are verb rules we should know: 1.

Verbs should agree with the number of the subject. ex. The three shirts I bought are all pink. (The subject 'three shirts' is plural, so 'are' is the verb used.) 2. Compound subjects that mean only one person or thing should take a singular verb. ex. The CEO and Creative Manager of the company is Miss White. (Miss White has two positions in the company-the CEO and Creative Manager, so the verb 'is' was used.) 3. Compound subjects introduced by each and every are regarded as singular and therefore takes a singular verb. ex. Every bird, cat and dog is welcome at her place. 4. Subjects joined by 'either...or' and 'neither...nor' follows the number of the subject nearer the verb. ex. Either the boys or Riza is not telling the truth. (The subject 'Riza' is nearer the verb, so the verb is singular.)

5. The number of a noun in a phrase does not affect the number of the verb. The verb still follows the number of the subject and not the phrase. ex. One of the girls is crying. (The subject is not the girls but just one of them.) 6. If a singular subject is followed by phrases like 'as well as', 'together with', 'along with, 'with' or 'including', the verb will still be singular. ex. The mayor as well as his councilors is to be awarded this afternoon. (The subject is the mayor.) 7. 'It' is always followed by 'is'. ex. It is the Jacintos, not the Dizons who will be there. 8. Both, several, many and few take plural verbs. ex. Few are really listening. 9. Every, each, neither, either, anyone, someone, everyone, everybody, and anybody take singular verbs. ex. Each is entitled to his own opinion.

10. Not all nouns ending in 's' require plural verbs. Some nouns are plural in form but take singular verbs. (ex. mathematics, measles, politics, physics, billiards, mumps, civics, molasses) ex. Politics is a dangerous game. 11. Some nouns have no singular form like pants, pliers, tweezers, tongs, scissors, etc. They denote pairs and take plural verbs. ex. Where are my glasses? 12. Collective nouns take singular verbs when the group acts as a unit, but if they are thought of individually, they take plural verbs. ex. The faculty is taking care of the new activity. The faculty are going to take their lunch. 13. For Math computations, singular verbs are used. ex. Seven and eight is fifteen. (These are but some verb rules. There are others which I did not mention anymore for they might be too complicated or they are already included in the discussion of the tenses. )

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