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2011-2015 SUV

China SUV Industry Market Prospective and Investment Strategy Report, 2011 201!
In current years, with the develop ent and aturity o! auto ar"et and #rowth o! econo y and consu ption level, custo ers$ de and !or cars is no lon#er con!ined to the !unction o! conveyance, %ut e phases e&cellent sense o! control and co !orta%le handle and drivin# which %ase on the product practica%ility and econo ical e!!iciency' (here!ore, the econo ical ur%an SUV CD"E(FGHIJKLMN http)**en'+ian,han'co *report*detail*d!d-0.%-da1a4./ SUV OPQ SUV RSTUVW c'ht l0 which is desi#ned !or the iddle and low end 2011 SUV <XYZ[\]^[\_ ar"et rises and develops +uic"ly' 1any independent 2010 23`abcdefghSij2k auto corporations such as 2hery, 3eely, 456, the 30%-40%lmnoj2apq 3reat 7all, 8ilin, 9:7(:I 1;(;< and 8:2 set !oot 150 r in SUV with rich odels' <elated auto reports in 2011 reveal there are a%out 10 odels o! independent 2011 2st"OP SUV <>V econo ical ur%an SUV which will shortly on the AB!2SUV u v w x A B > y ar"et in the !irst hal! year' (he co petition is z@{|y(}~fN de!initely !ierce' ]{va 7ith the pro otion o! diversi!ied auto consu ption mEHSUV and twice auto purchasin# #roup, !uture develop ent wx>( space o! SUV ar"et which includes lar#e-andSUV uv N ediu -si,e cities is +uite vast' (he #rowth o! SUV !Q} SUV 96Nw SUV ar"et in 2011 will "eeps in a relatively hi#h-speed k SUV u- %ut ay decrease a %it co parin# with that in 2010' 6aw SUV / 2011 =redicted %y data !ro all rounds, the year-round yearSUV N\]<QQ on-year #rowth rate o! 30% to 40% ay in a reasona%le level and the year-round production and SUV "> Q SUV ar"etin# a ount is hope!ully to reach 1'5 illion' l_t SUV 2o petition o! 2hina auto ar"et, includin# the SUV u+S ar"et in 2011 is e&tre ely !ierce' SUV anu!acturers 5 will ta"e various eans to %e success!ul in the !ierce SUV "ghj ar"et co petition, and the ost e!!ective one is new dZ]S 5*{w products' (he ar"et ature de#ree %ases on !orci%le SUV "SUV " core technolo#y which is pro oted %y anu!acturers SUV "SUV and #ains the ac"nowled#e ent o! rational consu ers' _SUV ">_ In other words, the SUV ar"et has entered the era SUV "+SUV " which technolo#y eans ost' In order to #ain ore SUV !"# $ %&' ()*+,-./012011 234" 56789:2;<9)* SUV 10 = > ? @ A B

_kHj ! 2Sj !~ghj SUV " dx>

ar"et share, SUV anu!acturers all !asten steps to update new products' (he nu erous new SUV on the ar"et and correct ar"et positionin# pro ote the overall develop ent o! SUV ar"et' It is predicted that the speed o! SUV new product introduction will 5Q 5Q %e #reatly increased in 2011' !~gh :s the co petition o! SUV industry is !iercer, the SUV " > do estic outstandin# SUV corporations pay ore and h SUV "I(2 ore attention to the industry ar"et research, SUV "RS especially the in-depth research o! industry SUV "u+ + + develop ent environ ent and consu ers' 7ith w SUV "` >orward$s the lon#-ter trac"in# and collectin# ar"et +f( 6 data o! SUV industry, we roundly and accurately ! SUV "HI+ analy,e the structure syste !or you !ro the view o! j5 asterin# the whole industry' (his report ainly analy,es the !ollowin# aspects) current ar"et 5xqwt t develop ent status o! 2hina SUV industry? ar"etin# 4 tb tv strate#y o! SUV industry? ar"et de and !eatures o! QHItb SUV industry? a@or SUV products and re#ional 'QYx/s ar"et develop ent status? co petitive landscape and 8 trend o! SUV industry? leadin# corporations$ operational status o! SUV ar"et? develop ent trend 5Qgh+ and prospect !orecast o! SUV industry' 1eanwhile, gh+p{+W to#ether with the co prehensive and detailed ar"et 5 /u!< data which is accu ulated !or 5 years, >orward helps you to #rasp the ar"et and develop ent trends o! SUV industry, so as to win advanta#es !ro co petitionA SUV 1a@or characteristics o! this report are !orward-loo"in# and ti eliness' 4ase on the !orward-loo"in# analysis o! assive research data, we !urther analy,e the develop ent scale and co petitive landscape o! SUV industry' :lon# with the industry develop ent route and our practical e&perience, we analy,e and predict the !uture develop ent prospect o! SUV industry' (his report contains a hi#h value !or enterprises li"e SUV anu!acturers, <B6 institutions, sales corporations and invest ent corporations that they can accurately "now the latest industry develop ent trend, o%tain ar"et opportunities and deter ine an insi#ht!ul operation strate#y and develop ent direction' In the eanti e, it is the !irst heavy wei#ht report to analy,e the up*down-strea industry chain and industry

leadin# corporations o! SUV industry in an overall and syste ic way' 9ere, we$d li"e to e&press our sincere #ratitude to Cational Statistics 4ureau o! 2hina, International In!or ation Institute, 3eneral :d inistration o! 2usto s, Cational Institute o! the 1inistry o! 2o erce, Cational (sin# 9ua University Di%rary, Institute o! 1ar"et Econo y o! the State 2ouncil 6evelop ent <esearch 2enter, and 4ei@in# Fin#hua >orward 1ar"et <esearch 2enter, etc' (han" you so uchA Cotice) all the ar"et data, especially the corporation list data in this report is only !or %usiness re!erence' =lease don$t ta"e the data !or enterprise pu%licity' (han" youA ;r >orward shall not ta"e any responsi%ility !or any conse+uencesA >orward and Intelli#ence 2o', Dtd' Industry <esearch 2enter <esearch (ea o! SUV Industry

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