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Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is a life that keeps you fit, energetic and reduces the risk of many diseases, based on the choices you make about your daily habits. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social ell!being" Healthy #i$ing is about taking responsibility and making smart e are going to ith this health choices for today and for the future% (&''(). )n this essay

describe *ust some of the proper habits you can take into account to start emotional ellness are the foundations for ha$ing a good health.

lifestyle+ good nutrition, daily e,ercise, an ade-uate sleep and also physical and

.irstly, a good nutrition is a crucial part for being healthy. /o get the dozens of essential forms of protein, $itamins, carbohydrates, minerals and fats, you need to eat a $aried diet. 0otate your choices among grains, $egetables, fruits, dairy and protein food groups that are di$erse in nutrition. 1imilarly, limit your portion sizes at meals to control your eight and reduce risks for cardio$ascular and other diseases. )t is important to keep in mind that the cardio$ascular, muscular, immune and other body systems depend on a permanent supply of nutrients to feed cell gro th and metabolism. 1econdly, e,ercising is another important aspect for ha$ing a healthy life. 2alories accompany the nutrition in foods, and if you do not e,pend them all, you gain eight. 2onse-uently, ha$ing e,tra type & diabetes and cancer. 3our lifestyle should support a constant healthy ill eight increases your risk for heart disease, eight, so

it is important that you remain acti$e daily by doing some e,ercises outdoors. 4ost doctors from the American Heart Association recommend at least 5' minutes a day of moderate aerobic e,ercise to burn calories and build up your heart and lungs. Additionally, eightlifting or another form of strength training keeps your muscles and bones fit and free from pain, strain and fractures. /hirdly, sleeping the necessary hours is $ital for ha$ing a good health. 6sually, from 7 or 8 hours is considered to be a good amount of sleep. 1leep is a time for the body to rela,, recharge its batteries%, regenerate ne cells, rest the mind and allo

the immune system to function at its highest capacity. .or this reason, sleep actually can pre$ent people from getting sick. )n addition, staying ell!rested allo s you to think more clearly, impro$es your mood and reduces the risk for depression. .inally, a physical and emotional ellness can ha$e a positi$e influence in your ith a release of hormones

healthy lifestyle. 3our body responds to e$eryday stress

that prepares you to react. )f you do not relie$e this state through rela,ation, the effects accumulate and can create muscular pain, headaches, sleep disturbances and other symptoms. A lifestyle that includes regular stress management breaks this cycle before it can progress to unhealthy le$els. #ike ise, managing stress in positi$e instead of smoking or drinking alcohol, reduces ays, ear and tear on your body. /he 6.1.

9epartment of Health and Human 1er$ices suggests limiting some of your acti$ities to make time for rela,ation. )t is recommended that to achie$e physical release you can do it through stretching, massages, yoga or en*oyable e,ercises. .urthermore, to ha$e a good emotional ellness you can be in contact ith friends and family to relie$e mental pressures, and take time out to read, make a hobby or e,perience another acti$ity that makes you feel good. )n conclusion, there are many other habits you can find out in books or other sources, any of them can take you to a ne lifestyle in hich your health and body ill be the main benefited. .eel free to add as many habits as you need to achie$e this. :e$ertheless, do not try to do them all at once, start ith ( or & for a month and then e add others until you ha$e achie$ed all your goals. )f you can follo the simple steps described abo$e you ill be on your ay to li$ing a healthier life.
1ources+ 1uccessful ;alanced and Healthy lifestyle program, ;<= >anaka das, (April &?, &'(() from+ http+@@bhls.'((@'A@&?@definition!of!balanced!and!healthy!lifestyle@ 60#+ Healthy Holistic #i$ing @ 9efinition of healthy li$ing+ http+@@ .healthy!holistic!li$!of!Healthy!#i$ing.html World Health Organization (WHO)+ http+@@ . /he American Heart Association+ /he 6.1. 9epartment of Health and Human 1er$ices+ .hhs.go$@

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