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Regarding ObamaCare, note that even the N.Y.

Times [on page A1, "ANOTHER DELAY FOR HEALTH LAW AS SNAGS PERSIST: FUEL FOR G.O.P. CRITICS] has noted the political-damage associated with this move [Small Businesses Must Wait for a Year While Website Is Fixed] as it cites past and portends problems ["The administration had previously delayed online enrollment for them to the end of this month from Oct. 1. The date has now been pushed back to November 2014 for coverage that takes effect in January 2015....The announcement, just before Thanksgiving, was reminiscent of the way the White House announced, just before the Fourth of July weekend, a one-year delay in the requirement for larger employers to offer health insurance to employees."] Piling-on [a bit], note how these hyperlinks from Drudge [Boy with cancer loses coverage after Obamacare launch, Mike Tyson jabs rollout, Lack of Doctors May Worsen, HHS Drops VERIZON, BOEHNER: 'DELAY ENTIRE LAW'] vindicate Cruzs crusade. To any disinterested observer, it would appear the world could be converging on BHO [Obama's Orwellian Thanksgiving, White House Slam GOP's Food Stamp Reforms in Thanksgiving Message, Another Publication Joins Free Speech Boycott of W.H. Photos, Poll: Americans Narrowly Oppose Iran Deal, Islamists Arrested in Moscow Readying Suicide Attacks, Syrian Troops Capture Town Near Lebanon Border] even as libs protest [Larry King: Talk Radio 'Soapbox for Screaming, Yelling Idiots' Like Limbaugh] and the KO-Game runs rampant, even in Philly ['Knockout' thugs target student walking down hallway at high school, Another attack in Philly, NYTIMES, NPR: No big deal]. And anyone doubting the persistence of domestic anti-Semitism need only consult the latest rant [Kanye on BHO's Failures: 'Black People Don't Have the Same Connections as Jews'] and the latest blame-Bush deceit [media-still-feasting-on-bush-fake-turkey-claim]; and those who dont recognize the intransigence of those Jews who cant abandon FDRs Dems need only be reminded of a quotation from Theodore Bikel in todays Jewish Forward [the most contradictory two words in the English language are Jewish Republican]. Additional troubling hyperlinks span the political horizon, from local [de-blasio-appoints-transitionimam-who-helped-raise-money-for-hamas] to state-level [FLORIDA: Volusia County School Board caves to CAIR thugs, will continue using sharia-compliant history textbook that teaches Islamic propaganda and A gay restaurant server in New Jersey may or may not have been denied a tip] to international [Bachmann: Iran Nuclear Facilities Must be Bombed, Geneva Deal Obamas Biggest Cudgel to Prevent Israel Self-Defense and Palestinian Leaders Condemn a Terror Attack against Iran and Israel Concerned Palestinian Authority Is Destroying Hasmonean Artifacts and The battle over the Temple Mount rages on and Israeli toddler injured in Jerusalem stoning attack and UK PM Cameron to Britains Jews: I Share Your Skepticism Over the Iran Deal and The Middle East is in chaos because American power vanished.] Individually and in the aggregate, albeit to varying degrees sociologically, these fuel anti-BHO fervor.

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