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1- Purpose This Standard policy is intended to ensure that: Competent employees are selected for all jobs; Recruitment complies with legal requirements; Recruitment is fair, transparent and equitable in line with the Gender quity ! "i#ersity $G "% &olicy and the Conflict of 'nterest $Co'% &olicy( 2- Recruitment Preparations Recruitments are aimed at responding to the need to ha#e staff in order to efficiently and effecti#ely implement project acti#ities( )owe#er, recruitment must be in accordance with the project * programme documents $project staffing, wor+plan, and budget%, and meet best human resource practice( ,efore recruiting a new employee, )ead "epartments $)"% are e-pected to first consider whether there is an alternati#e $internal . amongst e-isting staff% solution such as tas+s adjustment, lateral transfer, reassignment, or internal promotion $See 9%( 't should be noted that the recruitment of staff must be well/planned ahead, as usually it is a time consuming process( 0rom submission of the appro#ed &ersonnel Requisition 0orm to mployee1s starting date may ta+e 2 to 34 wee+s $See 10%( 'f it is agreed that recruitment is required, )ead "epartments complete a &ersonnel Requisition 0orm, so as to initiate a recruitment process( The process of recruitment consists of the following steps( These tas+s should be completed before proceeding to ad#ertise for the position:

Items 3 &repare or re#ise 5ob "escription;

Attac ments 5ob "escription 0ormat ! Guidelines &ersonnel Requisition 0orm

Responsi!i"it# )" ! )R

Complete &ersonnel Requisition 0orm, and ha#e it appro#ed by line management, together with all required attachents; "ecide if the position is to be ad#ertised internally or e-ternally; Set closing date for submission of applications and preferred inter#iew date$s%; Suggest salary range; "iscuss and agree on composition of a recruitment &anel $See 11%,

)" ! )R

)" ! )R )" ! )R C 7, )R8 ! 08 )" ! )R )" )R Support <ssistant, <"8 *<SST

9 :

Submit completed and appro#ed copy of $6% to )R8; Register the &ersonnel Requisition 0orm in the Recruitment ;og ,oo+ for ease of +eeping trac+ of further process(


Items 3 &repare or re#ise 5ob "escription;

Attac ments 5ob "escription 0ormat ! Guidelines &ersonnel Requisition 0orm

Responsi!i"it# )" ! )R

Complete &ersonnel Requisition 0orm, and ha#e it appro#ed by line management, together with all required attachents; "ecide if the position is to be ad#ertised internally or e-ternally; Set closing date for submission of applications and preferred inter#iew date$s%; Suggest salary range; "iscuss and agree on composition of a recruitment &anel $See 11%,

)" ! )R

)" ! )R )" ! )R C 7, )R8 ! 08 )" ! )R )" )R Support <ssistant, <"8 *<SST

9 :

Submit completed and appro#ed copy of $6% to )R8; Register the &ersonnel Requisition 0orm in the Recruitment ;og ,oo+ for ease of +eeping trac+ of further process(


$- A%&ertisin' Items 3 6 &repare 5ob <d#ertisement; 'f internally ad#ertised . ad#ertisement to be posted at all S=8) offices in an easily #iewable position( <d#ertisement to be posted on the 'nformation board at least 3 wee+ before the closing date; 'f e-ternally ad#ertised / ad#ertisement to be posted at all concerned 'nstitutions * >ni#ersities in =ampot &ro#ince, other agreed locations and selected media, and post on st 'nternet at least 6 wee+s from the 3 appearance to deadline for submission of application; &roceed with e-ternal ad#ertising; Copies of the 5ob "escription $and other rele#ant documents% should be made a#ailable by the super#isors for applicants upon request( <dmin * 0inance staff at field offices will assist( Attac ment Responsi!i"it# )" ! )R )R Support <ssistant, <dmin * <ssist

)R, )R Support <ssistant ! <dmin * <ssist

: ?

)R ! <dmin* <ssist )R Support <ssistant, <dmin * <ssist

(- )ui%e"ine *or Interna" App"icants <ll S=8) staff is entitled to apply for any positions ad#ertised by S=8) Cambodia( 'f staff is short/listed for a test or inter#iew, )R" will contact her*his current super#isor before proceeding( Recruitment will include negotiations with the current and prospecti#e super#isor with line management in arbitration during transitional period( +- Preparin' *or ,e"ection Process Items 3 6 Recei#e and number all applications and C@s; Confirm notification of current line managers for all internal applicants; Confirm participants in &anel and request submission of Conflict of 'nterest $Co'% details; Screening of applications; Short/listing: Top qualified applicants shall be selected for inter#iews; &repare inter#iew questions and selection criteria; Scoring Sheet 'nter#iew Guidelines Attac ment Responsi!i"it# )R Support <ssistant ! )R )R Support <ssistant and )R8 )R Support <ssistant )R and )" &anel &anel

: ? A


2 B

Confirm inter#iew date$s% and amendments to be negotiated, if any; Set #enue and arrange inter#iew schedule with short/listed applicants( This may include telephone inter#iews; Identify short-listed candidates eligible for recruitment allowance and prepare reimbursement form before interviews; Travel Reimbursement Form

&anel &anel, assisted by )R Support <ssistant HR Support ssistant &anel 'nter#iew Selection 0orm &anel

34 Conduct inter#iews 33 0ill and sign the 'nter#iew Selection 0orm $indicating name*s of preferred candidate*s and reasons for selection%; 36 "iscuss points to focus when doing reference chec+; 39 Reference chec+ to be conducted on preferred applicant*s $Referees to include representati#e of most recent employer%; 3: 'dentity unsuitable applicants; documented and submit all inter#iew outcomes to )R8; 3? The preferred applicant*s may be re/ inter#iewed subject to circumstances or in#estigations; 3A 'f no suitable applicants are identified, the recruitment process may be re/assessed( 8ore applications may be sought: either through e-ploring pre#ious pools of applications, re/ad#ertising, head/hunting, spreading words of mouth, or using ser#ice of )R <gencies, etc( D,( 'n this case, the &anel will ha#e grounds in Edi#ertingF the usual process( This should be well/documented, and concerned persons should be consulted and informed, in order to ensure sufficient transparency( mployment Reference Chec+list 0orm

&anel &anel

&anel &anel

&anel and concerned &ersons

-- Per .iem *or , ort-Liste% Can%i%ates Short/listed applicants who tra#el from * to &hnom &enh $or pro#inces% for an inter#iew are entitled to ha#e their e-penses reimbursed: Tra&e" Costs/ to be based on actual e-penses with proofs $such as tra#el tic+ets, and*or rates that are commonly +nown%( <pplicants should be notified that $round trip% tra#el reimbursement is for land and ri#er tra#el only( S=8) does not reimburse airline tic+ets for recruiting purposes; Mea"s an% Accommo%ation A""o0ance/ to be pro#ided in accordance with S=8) &er diems policy(


1- Ne'otiatin' An O22er Items 3 Salary details are agreed according to peer benchmar+s within S=8), competencies of preferred applicant, and rele#ant policies; The preferred applicant is ad#ised of selection and salary offer( "etermine start date $Copy of Dational Staff &olicy 8anual to be pro#ided to the applicant%; The applicant to be offered up to 6 days to decide on offer( Ghere the offer is declined renegotiations may occur or an alternate candidate may be considered; Ghere the offer is accepted( <n mployment Contract will be signed by the C 7, )R8 The mployment Contract to be signed by the applicant( 7riginal copies to be held 3 by <pplicant and 3 by S=8) $6 originals %; Dotify unsuccessful applicants; 'nitiate personnel file and include recruitment details, ;etter of 7ffer and mployment Contract; Dotify 0inance * <dmin and concerned 7fficers of recruitment process to allow preparation for staff orientation; <pplications of short/listed candidates retained for the purpose of other possible recruitments $for A months%; Dew staff orientation conducted( )andouts mployment Contract Attac ments Compensation Gor+sheet Responsi!i"it# )", )R8 and C 7 ! 08 )R

Dational Staff &olicy 8anual


)R! )R Support <ssistant )R Support <ssistant )R Support <ssistant )R Support <ssistant )R Support <ssistant, )R8 )R Support <ssistant )R8 and Concerned 8anagers

A 2


3- .e"e'ation 0or recruitment of field/based positions $e-( "ay ;aborer% the recruitment process can be handled by the 0ield 7fficer( )owe#er, all rele#ant reports and supporting documents must be forwarded to )R "epartment for #erification and preparation of mployment Contract for signature( 9- Ot er A"ternati&es Ghere the wor+load requires it, and there are qualified staff a#ailable, the Super#isor can recommend tas+s adjustment, lateral transfer, reassignment, or internal promotion if s*he thin+s it is feasible and more appropriate rather than going for a full recruitment( 'n that case, s*he may request for one of these actions by following the steps in the table on ne-t page( )owe#er, identification of staff must be made transparently, and staff shall ha#e to pass a !-month probation period in the new position before it is confirmed(


Items 3 Chec+ a#ailability * possibility in the project budget; 6 "iscuss with the identified staff; 9 "iscuss with higher le#el Super#isors and concerned officers $Coordinators, <C"s, )R8, etc(%; : 0ill up an mployment <ction 0orm $with justification on wor+ needs, and brief summary of outstanding achie#ements * performance, etc(, attached%; ? "iscuss and agree on salary range and effecti#e date; A <mendment of mployment Contract $after appro#al of mployment <ction 0orm by all concerned officers%; 2 <mendment signed $6 originals: 3 for )R file, 3 for Staff%; B 'nform 0inance and concerned )ead "epartments of the change in mployee and payment; C status =eep documents in )R file( 10- In%icati&e Recruitment Turn-aroun% Time Items 3 6 Reception of &ersonnel Requisition 0orm; &reparation of 5ob <d#ertisement and contact media; <d#ertisement: 6 <ppearances in 3 wee+; Time pro#ided for application $from announcement to deadline%; Short/listing by panel members, notify short/ listed candidates, test and*or inter#iew preparation, and time allowed for candidates to prepare themsel#es for the test and*or inter#iews; 'nter#iews, reference chec+s; Contract signed( Time for selected candidate to notify * resign from current wor+place( Tota" time/

Attac ments

Responsi!i"it# "irect Super#isor "irect Super#isor "irect Super#isor

mployment <ction 0orm

"irect Super#isor

)R8 )R Support <ssistant Staff and )", C77 *C 7 )R Support <ssistant )R Support <ssistant


Responsi!i"it# )R Support <ssistant

3 day

)"r ! )R Support <ssistant )R Support <ssistant

9 : ?

3 wee+ 6 wee+s 3 wee+

&anel, assisted by )R Support <ssistant &anel

A 2

3 wee+ 6 to : wee+s 1 to 10 0ee4s


11- Recruitment Pane" The &anel is a small group of officers selected among S=8) staff, &artners, or hired by S=8), entrusted with responsibility to fulfill staffing recruitment tas+s from short/ listing of applications to ma+ing a recommendation to C 7( Such recommendation is to be made among the &anel 8embers, free from interference of outsiders( The full recruitment process should be properly documented and +ept in confidential files in the )R "epartment( a- Composition o2 t e Pane" Recruitment &anel should consist of at least 9 persons: $3% )R8*Representati#e, who is )ead of the &anel, $6% Super#isor of the position being recruited, and $9% &eer* Staff from another >nit*&roject*&rogram; including at least one woman where possible( 'n particular cases there can be two other $optional% members, i(e( $:% < technical person with rele#ant e-pertise, and $?% Representati#e of a concerned entity $e(g( &artner%( &anel members should be selected among persons who ha#e higher or at least similar* equal position or le#el of e-pertise to the position being recruited( Composition of the &anel should be +nown among concerned persons only( !- Et ics o2 Pane" Mem!ers &anel members should not ha#e any +ind of direct communication with any of the candidates before recruitment recommendation has been made, unless s*he is assigned by the &anel to do so( 'n case of conflict of interest or if it happens that a &anel 8ember +nows a candidate, or feels uncomfortable to be in the &anel by any reason, s*he has to declare and, if necessary, withdraws him*herself from the &anel( Ghat has been discussed during the whole recruitment process should be +ept confidential among &anel 8embers only, and should not be +nown to outsiders( c- 5o0 t e Pane" 2unctions =ey tas+s of the &anel include: Re#iew application documents, and short/list candidates, using scoring sheet, based on selection criteria $as described in the 5ob "escription for the position%; &repare inter#iew questionnaires; <gree on inter#iew dates; Conduct inter#iews, complete 'nter#iew Guide 0orms; Sign 'nter#iew Selection 0orm, indicating name*s of the selected candidate*s $by ran+ing% basing on outcomes of the inter#iews; Degotiate with candidates and Super#isors; Chec+ references as appropriate $this can also be done by )R Support <ssistants%( %- .ecision-ma4in' o2 t e Pane" The final tas+ of the &anel is to discuss findings from the inter#iews and decide which applicant is most qualified or fit for the position; then, ma+e recommendation to the Country "irector for final recruitment decision; This recommendation is based on opinions of the majority of the &anel 8embers $each member has equal #oice%; ;astly, all documents should be gi#en to )R "epartment for further actions: contact referees $if required by &anel%, contact selected candidates,


contract preparation, and filing, in order to complete the recruitment process*/

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