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NEW RESEARCH FINDINGS show that all diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true

cause is nown! "his #oo descri#es the causes o$ #oth common and extraordinar% diseases and &ives speci$ic instructions $or their cure!

The Cure for all Diseases

With Many Case Histories

o$ dia#etes' hi&h #lood pressure' sei(ures' chronic $ati&ue s%ndrome' mi&raines' Al(heimer)s' *ar inson)s' multiple sclerosis' and others showin& that all o$ these can #e simpl% investi&ated and cured!

Hulda Re&ehr Clar ' *h!D!'N!D!

Electricity can now be used to kill bacteria, viruses and parasites in minutes, not days or weeks as antibiotics require. If you have been sufferin from a chronic infection or have cancer, or !I"#, learn to build the electronic device that will stop it immediately. It is safe and without side effects and does not interfere with any treatment you are now on.

The Cure For All Diseases

$ Copyri ht %&&' by Hulda (e ehr Clark, )h."., *.". !ll ri hts reserved. )ermission is hereby ranted to make copies of any part of this document for non+commercial purposes provided this pa e with the ori inal copyri ht notice is included. )ublished in the ,nited #tates by *ew Century )ress %-'' .ay .lvd., #uite C, Chula /ista, C! &%&%% 01%&2 341+43--, 05--2 '%&+631' I#.* %+5&--7'+-%+4 8ther books by "r. Clark available from *ew Century )ress9 The Cure For All Cancers Heilverfahren Aller Krebsarten (Cure For Cancers, German) The Cure for All Cancers (Japanese Translation) The Cure For All Cancers (Korean Translation) Heilung ist mglich (Cure For All iseases, German) The Cure For H!" An# A! $ The Cure For All A#vance# Cancers 7- 6& 65 64 61 6' 63 67 66 6%

Notice to the Reader:

:he opinions and conclusions e;pressed in this book are mine, and unless e;pressed otherwise, mine alone. :he opinions e;pressed herein are based on my scientific research and on specific case studies involvin my patients. .e advised that every person is unique and may respond differently to the treatments described in this book. 8n occasion we have provided dosa e recommendations where appropriate. ! ain, remember that we are all different and any new treatment should be applied in a cautious, common sense fashion. :he treatments outlined herein are not intended to be a re+ placement or substitute for other forms of conventional medical treatment. )lease feel free to consult with your physician or other health care provider. I have indicated throu hout this book the e;istence of pol+ lutants in food and other products. :hese pollutants were identi+ fied usin a testin device of my invention known as the #yncrometer.:M Complete instructions for buildin and usin this device are contained in this book. :herefore anyone can repeat the tests described and verify the data. :he #yncrometer is more accurate and versatile than the best e;istin testin methods. ! method for determinin the de ree of precision is also presented. However at this point it only yields positive or ne ative results, it does not quantify. :he chance of a false positive or a false ne ative is about '<, which can be lessened by test repetition. It is in the public interest to know when a sin le bottle of a sin le product tests positive to a serious pollutant. If one does, the safest course is to avoid all bottles of that product entirely, which is what I repeatedly advise. :hese recommendations should be interpreted as an intent to warn and protect the public, not to provide a statistically si nificant analysis. It is my fervent

hope that manufacturers use the new electronic techniques in this book to make purer products than they ever have before.

I would like to dedicate this book to all the persons who visited me professionally, from the very first person in %&17, Mrs. R. Biehl, to the present. I learned so much from each of you and I appreciate your confidence, your intelli ence and your reluctance to be defeated.

I would like to e;press my ratitude to my son, Geoffrey, who always listened to my =cra>y ideas? on #undays, ri ht at supper time. He was patient, kind, helpful and willin to share his e;pertise in electronics and computers. Without him, this book could not have been written. ! bi thank you oes to Frank Jerome, DDS. Without the loan of his parasite slide collection many of my discoveries could not have been make, and without his development of metal+free dentistry, many of these patient histories could not have ended happily. :hank you to Linda Jerome for nurturin us both with personal interest and patience. !nd thank you to Edna Bernstein for her resourceful assistance.

G!RES...................................................................... "

#REF$CE...................................................................."% T&E #R'M SE.................................................................( 8nly :wo Health )roblems.........................................6 .e ! Health "etective.................................................7 T&E D SC'%ER).............................................................* Everythin Has ! ,nique @requency..........................5 #elective Electrocution................................................& .ioradiation................................................................%6 Aappin .u s.............................................................%7 :he .ioradiation #pectrum........................................%1 B! LD +G $ ,$##ER....................................................(Billin :he #urvivin )atho ens...............................6Aapper )arts Cist..........................................................6% !ssemblin :he Aapper.................................................67 ,sin :he Aapper.........................................................65 #imple )ulser.............................................................65 ,sin :he #imple )ulser............................................... 7#$R$S TES . #'LL!T '+........................................... /( :he Worst )arasite.....................................................77 )ollution.....................................................................71 #olvent )ollution........................................................71 Metal )ollution...........................................................74 Mycoto;ins................................................................75 )hysical :o;ins..........................................................75 Chemical :o;ins........................................................3-

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

&'0 0E RE$LL) GET S C1...................................... 2/ #elf Health.................................................................31 How :o Heal..............................................................34 :he (oad :o Wellness...............................................3& #$ + FR'M T'E T' &E$D..........................................*( #earchin @or .acteria...............................................'7 What Dou Will @ind...................................................'3 :oe )ain.....................................................................'' .alance Dour pH..........................................................'4 @oot )ain....................................................................'& Heel )ain....................................................................1% Ce )ain In Children..................................................1& Ce )ain In !dults.....................................................4Ce )ain )rotocol.........................................................47 @ibromyositis and @ibromyal ia................................4' Eoint )ain or !rthritis.................................................45 8steo or Common !rthritis............................................4& (heumatoid !rthritis.................................................... 56 !ller ic !rthritis..........................................................53 :hi h )ain..................................................................51 Hip )ain.....................................................................54 .one #tren thenin ...................................................... 54 Froin )ain..................................................................5& Cow .ack )ain...........................................................&6 Cower !bdominal )ain..............................................&4 #tomach )ain.............................................................&5 !ppendicitis.............................................................%-,rinary :ract )ain....................................................%-% Irritable .owel #yndrome0I.#2, Colitis, and #pastic Colon........................................................................%-6 CrohnGs "isease........................................................%-7 Central !bdominal )ain...........................................%-5 Interstitial Cystitis....................................................%-5 ,terine )ain.............................................................%-& Endometriosis............................................................%-&



Contraception............................................................ %%6 :he #ilent Cervi;....................................................... %%6 Menopausal #ymptoms, Hot @lushes, )M#......................%%7

Infertility..................................................................%%4 *ausea..................................................................... %6% )rostate )roblems.....................................................%63 #ide )ain..................................................................%65 Midabdomen )ain, #tomach )ain............................%7% #tomach ,lcer..........................................................%76 Hiatal Hernia............................................................%77 (espiratory Illness...................................................%73 !sthma.....................................................................%73 .ronchitis, Croup, Chronic Cou h................................. %3.reast )ain...............................................................%36 .reast #ensitivity.....................................................%37 .reast Cumps.............................................................%33 Heart )ain.................................................................%31 #low )ulseH#yncope 0)assin 8ut2.................................%3& Chest )ain................................................................%3& ,pper .ack )ain......................................................%'#houlder )ain...........................................................%'% ,pper !rm )ain.......................................................%'7 Elbow )ain...............................................................%'3 Wrist )ain.................................................................%'3 :humb )ain and Hand )ain.....................................%'' @in er )ain...............................................................%'' .ack 8f *eck )ain...................................................%'1 @ront *eck )ain.......................................................%'1 :emporal Mandibular Eoint 0:ME2 )roblems..........%'4 :ooth !che...............................................................%'5 :hroat )ain...............................................................%'& Eye )ain...................................................................%1Macular "e eneration................................................. %16 Headache and Mi raines..........................................%16 Earache.....................................................................%15 Ear *oises !nd (in in ..........................................%1&


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

#calp )ain.................................................................%4% +'+3#$ +F!L D SE$SES............................................(4/ "iabetes....................................................................%47 )rediabetic................................................................ %45 "iabetes 8f Childhood................................................ %45 Herpes......................................................................%4& @ati ue......................................................................%56 #kin )roblems..........................................................%55 #ebaceous Cysts.........................................................%55 #kin (ash..................................................................%5& Hives....................................................................... %&% !cne........................................................................ %&6 )soriasis, Ec>ema....................................................... %&6 Warts........................................................................%&' :apeworm #ta es.....................................................%&4 :he @lu.....................................................................6-% @ever........................................................................6-7 Multiple #clerosis I !myotropic Cateral #clerosis 6-3 Hi h .lood )ressure................................................6%Flaucoma.................................................................6%7 :ooth "ecay.............................................................6%3 Muscle "iseases.......................................................6%5 Muscular "ystrophy....................................................6%& Myasthenia Fravis......................................................66% ,niversal !ller ies..................................................666 Environmental Illness..................................................667 !lcoholism...............................................................664 #ei>ures....................................................................67Wei ht )roblems......................................................674 #leep )roblems.........................................................63% #leep !pnea.............................................................. 63% Insomnia...................................................................637 Deast Infections.......................................................631 "iaper (ash...............................................................631 :reat Deast or @un us the #ame.................................... 634 @luke "isease...........................................................63&



@lukes and #olvents.................................................... 6'% @lukes *ot !lone....................................................... 6'6

.urnin !nd *umbness...........................................6'7 "epression................................................................6'1 Manic "epression....................................................6'4 #chi>ophrenia...........................................................61% !utism......................................................................617 "i estion )roblems..................................................611 !l>heimerGs..............................................................61& "ementias, Memory Coss........................................646 #!S& +G B$C1 $GE.................................................. 54* "iet...........................................................................64' Increase 8;y en.......................................................645 *iacin...................................................................... 64& :I!Js, #trokes and )urpura...........................................65% .lood )ressure...........................................................65% !ir )ollution..............................................................656 !nemia.....................................................................65' !cid Cevels............................................................... 654 Increase Minerals....................................................... 654 Chelation.................................................................. 65& )ulse........................................................................65& Heart Health.............................................................. 6&Incontinence.............................................................6&7 .ad "i estion...........................................................6&' Chewin ................................................................... 6&' #tomach !cid............................................................ 6&1 #almonella and #hi ella...............................................6&4 8ther Clues............................................................... 6&& Civer .ile..................................................................6&& Constipation.............................................................. 7-% )oop Dour :roubles !way........................................... 7-% #u ar (e ulation........................................................ 7-6 Elderly )ersonJs 4 "ay "iabetic "iet......................7-6 .reakfast.................................................................. 7-6 Cunch.......................................................................7-7 "inner......................................................................7-3

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

#upper......................................................................7-4 "iabetic #upplements..................................................7-& "iabetic Eatin 8ut.....................................................7-& E;tra "iet :ips @or :he Elderly.................................... 7-& #alt..........................................................................7%-

:remor......................................................................7%6 :remor (emedies....................................................... 7%7 Weakness.................................................................7%4 Heart "isease...........................................................7%5 HeartHBidney (elationship........................................... 76"iuretics...................................................................76% @eelin Comfortable................................................766 Hearin Coss............................................................763 Insomnia...................................................................761 Healthful Habits.......................................................761 *ot 8ld Det..............................................................765 #uper Con evity.......................................................76& "yin ........................................................................77C!R +G C$+CER........................................................//( !nother @luke "isease.............................................77% :eamed With ! #olvent...........................................776 )ropyl !lcohol )olluted )roducts............................77' Fettin Well !fter Cancer.......................................771 Herbal )arasite Billin )ro ram..............................775 )arasite )ro ram Handy Chart...................................... 73% Maintenance )arasite )ro ram................................73% )et )arasite )ro ram................................................737 )arasites Fone, :o;ins *e;t....................................73' Watch @or .acteria..................................................731 Help Dour @amily, :oo............................................734 !flato;in..................................................................735 C!R +G & %6$ DS..................................................../*( Method 8f :reatment..............................................7'7 .en>ene )olluted )roducts......................................7'3


C8*:E*:# )lan @or :he @uture.................................................7'1 C!R +G T&E C'MM'+ C'LD.................................../*4 :apeworm #ta e or Mites........................................7'4 Molds and Colds......................................................71:he Cure...................................................................717 Mold @ree "iet.........................................................71' )revention................................................................715 Curin #ymptoms....................................................71& :rue 8ri ins 8f /iruses...........................................74B'D) 0 SD'M $+D 0&) B$D F''D T$STES G''D /4/ #alt...........................................................................747 @ats...........................................................................743 #tarch.......................................................................743 #u ar........................................................................74' "islikes....................................................................74' 8utwit :he Cravin s................................................744 .ack :o *ormal.......................................................74& :o;ic @ood...............................................................74& Moldy @ood..............................................................75% !flato;in.................................................................. 756 Eradicatin !flato;in.................................................. 757 Aearalenone...............................................................753 #teri matocystin.........................................................75' Er ot........................................................................75' Cytochalasin ............................................................754 BoKic !cid................................................................ 755 :+6 :o;in..................................................................755 #or hum Molds..........................................................755 )atulin......................................................................755 Mold !voidance.........................................................75& Fettin !way @rom Frains...........................................7&6 )ets :each Health Cessons.......................................7&3

E$S) L FEST)LE M#R'%EME+TS............................ /-4 Civin Hand :o Mouth............................................7&4


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

.etter Caundry Habits..............................................7&5 .etter Bitchen Habits...............................................7&& .etter Housekeepin ................................................3-6 Windows 8pen 8r ClosedL.....................................3-' What Bind 8f Heat..................................................3-4 Fettin (id of Mites................................................3-4 F'!R CLE$+3!#S.......................................................27"ental Clean+up.......................................................3-& Fuidelines @or ! Healthy Mouth...................................3%% Horrors 8f Metal "entistry...........................................3%1 "ental (ewards..........................................................3%& "iet Clean+up...........................................................36.reakfast.................................................................. 36Cunch.......................................................................366 #upper......................................................................367 .evera es................................................................. 363 Horrors In Commercial .evera es................................. 365 @ood )reparation........................................................ 37@ood Fuidelines......................................................... 37% "inin 8ut................................................................ 377 .ody Clean+up.........................................................37' #top ,sin #upplements.............................................. 37& #afe #upplements....................................................... 33% Home Clean+up........................................................333 Dour .asement.......................................................... 333 Dour Fara e..............................................................33' #pecial Clean+up for @reon 0C@Cs2................................ 331 #pecial Clean+up for @iber lass.....................................334 #pecial Clean+up for !sbestos.......................................334 Dour House............................................................... 335 ,nnatural Chemicals................................................3'% B
'ELECTR'+ CS....................................................... 2*4 Makin ! #yncrometer............................................3'4 Makin a Hobby Bit #yncrometer..................................3'5 Makin :est )lates..................................................... 31:est )lates )arts Cist................................................... 31-



:est )lates !ssembly.................................................. 31%

,sin :he #yncrometer...........................................316 (esonance.................................................................31' Cesson 8ne............................................................... 311 White .lood Cells...................................................... 315 Makin a White .lood Cell #pecimen............................ 31& Cesson :wo...............................................................34Cesson :hree............................................................. 34Cesson @our...............................................................34% )reparin :est #ubstances............................................346 Impure :est #ubstances............................................... 346 Makin 8r an #pecimens............................................ 344 Makin a Complete #et of :issue #amples...................... 345 )urchasin a Complete #et of :issue #amples..................345 .ody @luid #pecimens.................................................34& Cesson @ive............................................................... 35% Cesson #i;................................................................ 356 Cesson #even.............................................................353 :estin the !ir...........................................................35' :estin #omeone Else................................................. 351 Cesson Ei ht..............................................................351 #aliva :estin ............................................................ 354 Cesson *ine.............................................................. 354 #urro ate :estin ....................................................... 355 Cesson :en................................................................35& Cesson Eleven............................................................3&% Cesson :welve...........................................................3&6 Cesson :hirteen..........................................................3&7 Cesson @ourteen......................................................... 3&7 Cesson @ifteen........................................................... 3&3 Cesson #i;teen...........................................................3&3 Cesson #eventeen....................................................... 3&' #ensitivity of )ollutant+In+)roduct :estin ...................... 3&4 Microscopy Cesson..................................................... 3&5 :akin )ictures 8f What Dou #ee..................................'-% ,sin ! @requency Fenerator.................................'-6 :he :heory................................................................'-6 Cesson Ei hteen......................................................... '-3 Cesson *ineteen.........................................................'-' Cesson :wenty...........................................................'-1


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Cesson :wenty 8ne.................................................... '-4 Cesson :wenty :wo....................................................'-4 Cesson :wenty :hree.................................................. '-5 Cesson :wenty @our....................................................'-5 Cesson :wenty @ive....................................................'-& Cesson :wenty #i;..................................................... '-& Cesson :wenty #even..................................................'-& Cesson :wenty Ei ht...................................................'%Cesson :wenty *ine................................................... '%-

REC #ES......................................................................*(/ .evera e (ecipes.....................................................'%7 Cemonade................................................................. '%7 @resh :omato Euice.....................................................'%7 @resh )ineapple Euice.................................................. '%3 Maple Milk #hake...................................................... '%3 Dankee "rink............................................................ '%3 Hot /anilla Milk........................................................ '%3 (ed Milk.................................................................. '%' C+Milk..................................................................... '%' My 8wn #oda )op......................................................'%' My 8wn #uper C+)op................................................. '%1 Half !nd Half............................................................'%1 .uttermilk+C............................................................. '%1 @ood (ecipes............................................................'%1 "aily @oods...............................................................'%4 :wo Franolas............................................................ '%5 )eanut .utter............................................................. '%& #weetenin and @lavorin ............................................ '%& )reserves.................................................................. '6C "ressin ................................................................ '6% Cheese #auce.............................................................'6% #our Cream+C............................................................'6% Do urt......................................................................'6% #oups.......................................................................'6% @ish and #eafood recipe............................................... '66 .aked !pples............................................................ '66 ' Minute Ice Cream.................................................... '66 #even "ay #ample Menu.........................................'67 (ecipes for *atural .ody )roducts..........................'6'


.ora; Ciquid #oap......................................................'61 @or Caundry.............................................................. '61 @or "ishes.................................................................'64 In :he "ishwasher......................................................'64 In :he #ink............................................................... '64 #hampoo...................................................................'65 Hair #pray.................................................................'6& Homemade #oap........................................................ '6& Ciquid #oap...............................................................'7#kin #aniti>er............................................................ '7"eodorant................................................................. '7% .rushin :eeth...........................................................'76 @or "entures..............................................................'77 Mouthwash............................................................... '77 Contact Cens #olution................................................. '77 Cip #oother............................................................... '73 @oot )owder.............................................................. '73 #kin Healer Moisturi>er Cotion..................................... '73 8ther #kin Healers......................................................'7' Massa e 8il.............................................................. '71 #unscreen Cotion........................................................'71 *ose #alve................................................................ '71 Muick Corn #tarch #kin #oftener................................... '74 Cornstarch #kin #oftener............................................. '74 !fter #haves..............................................................'74 )ersonal Cubricants.....................................................'74 .aby Wipes...............................................................'75 )eople Wipes.............................................................'75

(ecipes @or *atural Cosmetics................................'7& Eye liner and Eyebrow )encil....................................... '7& Cipstick.................................................................... '7& @ace )owder..............................................................'3.lush 0face powder in a cake form2................................'3(ecipes @or Household )roducts.............................'3@loor Cleaner.............................................................'3@urniture "uster and Window Cleaner............................'3@urniture )olish..........................................................'3% Insect Biller...............................................................'3% !nt (epellent.............................................................'3% @lower and @olia e #pray.............................................'36


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Moth .alls................................................................ '36 Carpet Cleaner...........................................................'36

Health Improvement (ecipes...................................'37 .lack Walnut Hull :incture..........................................'37 Muassia recipe............................................................'31 Emmena o ue 0Menstrual )eriod Inducer2......................'31 .owel )ro ram.......................................................... '31 Constipation :ea........................................................ '35 Wei ht (eduction.......................................................'35 Bidney Cleanse.......................................................... '3& Civer Herbs............................................................... ''6 Civer Cleanse.............................................................''6 Cu olJs Iodine #olution............................................... ''& /itamin " "rops........................................................'1#$T&'GE+ FRE8!E+C ES......................................... *9( .andwidth 8f 8r anism @amilies...........................'16 Mold, Mold :o;in @requencies...............................'16 .acteria and /iruses................................................'17 (oundworms, @latworms, 8ne+celled !nimals.......'11 Wart @requencies.....................................................'1& :apeworms...............................................................'1& Mite @requencies......................................................'4Miscellaneous @requencies......................................'4% :o;ic Elements........................................................'4% #olvents....................................................................'43 )atho en @requency Chart.......................................'41 S'!RCES..................................................................... *:( F



@i . % #elected animal bandwidths..............................................%4 @i . 6 #elected patho en bandwidths...........................................%5 @i . 7 Aapper schematic............................................................66 @i . 3 @inished >apper, outside and inside.................................... 64 @i . ' #imple pulser.................................................................6& @i . 1 !scaris......................................................................... 76 @i . 4 0C to (2 Human intestinal fluke, pancreatic fluke, sheep liver fluke, and human liver fluke...................................................... 77 @i . 5 @asciolopsisG normal life cycle...........................................7' @i . & @eed animals out of your yard and away from where children play. :heir wastes contain patho ens...........................................'@i . %- Dour kidneys with the adrenal lands sittin like hats on top. :he ureters lead to the bladder................................................... 1@i . %% !ll disposable diapers I tested had mercury and thalliumN :hese to;ins can be absorbed throu h babiesJ skin................................. 1& @i . %6 "o not use any commercial personal products, the risk of pollution is too reat................................................................ 4% @i . %7 #afe substitutes for personal products................................46 @i . %3 :ooth numberin system................................................ 43 @i . %' :richinella larvae settled in muscles................................. 41 @i . %1 Hookworms, stron yles, and whipworms...........................4& @i . %4 #tone round corn tortillas, hi h in calcium........................5% @i . %5 Dour lymph nodes are your best friends.............................&@i . %& Colon..........................................................................&4 @i . 6- Beep personal water bottles sterile....................................&5 @i . 6% Estro en and pro esterone levels 0p .Hml2........................ %%3 @i . 66 :he liver has a lar e lobe on your ri ht side with the allbladder tucked inside. :he left lobe is smaller........................ %65 @i . 67 Fallstones..................................................................%7@i . 63 #tomach, esopha us, diaphra m, allbladder....................%76 @i . 6' Hiatal hernia...............................................................%77 @i . 61 Cymph node neck lands.............................................. %'4 @i . 64 Eye...........................................................................%1@i . 65 .ottlin equipment should be rinsed with ethyl 0 rain2 alcohol, not propyl alcohol or wood alcohol........................................... %57


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

@i . 6& :i ht diapers are a modern atrocity, forcin mercury and thallium into the babyJs spon e+like skin....................................%&@i . 7- #ome cysticercus varieties 0types2 have multiple heads.......%&4 @i . 7% Emer ed cysticercus.................................................... %&5 @i . 76 #heep liver flukes. .lack threads in toilet are indicative of fluke remains........................................................................ 666 @i . 77 I found all calorie boosters to be polluted with wood alcohol. Make your own.....................................................................63@i . 73 !lcoholic bevera es contain er ot and aflato;in. !dd vitamin C 0%H5 tsp.2 upon openin and wait %- minutes for it to act................65@i . 7' Chlorinated water can cause mental problems................... 657 @i . 71 (ed blood cells, top and side view.................................. 65' @i . 74 Water pitcher with filter................................................655 @i . 75 #ea salt flats are often roostin places for sea ulls............7%% @i . 7& :oo hot and too cold.................................................... 767 @i . 3- )roducts with propyl alcohol......................................... 773 @i . 3% ,.#. re ulations on sterili>in solutions........................... 735 @i . 36 Beep both salt and vitamin C powders in closable plastic shakers................................................................................ 73& @i . 37 Frilled food has ben>opyrenes as do hot do s and =smoke flavored? foods......................................................................7'6 @i . 33 Me;ican made candy with no ben>ene.............................7'3 @i . 3' )ollutants are in unlikely places..................................... 7'' @i . 31 Every brand of popcorn and corn chips I tested had >earalenone contamination....................................................................... 7'' @i . 34 :his Me;ican bread has no molds. It is made from white, unbleached flour and is not wrapped in plastic.............................716 @i . 35 Foods baked in a panaderia 0Me;ican style bakery2 never tested positive to molds...........................................................714 @i . 3& #tarter set of homeopathic remedies................................ 71& @i . '- !ll ,.#. brands of pasta I tested had mold, includin health food brands like the one shown here 0left2. *o Me;ican brands of pasta, like the one pictured 0ri ht2, had any molds.................... 75' @i . '% !ll cold cereals I tested were full of mold to;ins 0besides solvents2, health food varieties were worst..................................754 @i . '6 )acka ed herb tea is moldy and polluted with solvents. Fet yours in bulk from an herb company..........................................7&@i . '7 :hree safe flavorin s....................................................7&% @i . '3 "onJt eat the reen on the potato....................................7&6 @i . '' )otato harvest of the future............................................7&7


@i . '1 #mooth floors allow every bit of dust to be removed..........3-3 @i . '4 Movin into the summer kitchen ot you away from the accumulation of filth from winterN............................................ 3-1 @i . '5 Mite..........................................................................3-5 @i . '& "ental replacements.....................................................3%% @i . 1- :ops and bottoms of some metal crowns..........................3%6 @i . 1% :hallium e;cerpt......................................................... 3%5 @i . 16 More dental metal....................................................... 3%& @i . 17 .eautiful plastic mouth.................................................3%& @i . 13 , ly metal in mouth.................................................... 36@i . 1' ,npolluted breakfast cereals..........................................36% @i . 11 Cawful uses of solvents in food......................................365 @i . 14 #ome unsafe bevera es.................................................37@i . 15 #ome ood foods.........................................................376 @i . 1& !ll breads I tested had mold if they were in plastic.............377 @i . 4- Food restaurant foods.................................................. 373 @i . 4% E;amples of commercial =food lube.?............................. 374 @i . 46 "eter ents with )C.s.................................................. 375 @i . 47 #afe soaps..................................................................375 @i . 43 #ome polluted supplements...........................................37& @i . 4' )ure salt.................................................................... 33@i . 41 Caboratory salt label.................................................... 33% @i . 44 Fara e fumes............................................................. 33' @i . 45 8ur future, unless we act.............................................. 3'1 @i . 4& #yncrometer schematic.................................................3'5 @i . 5- #yncrometer parts list...................................................3'& @i . 5% .ottle with white blood cells taped on top........................ 34@i . 56 #ome purchased parasite and tissue slides........................ 34& @i . 57 :able of the future....................................................... 357 @i . 53 Microscope, slides and coverslips...................................3&5 @i . 5' #etup for findin resonant frequencies.............................'-7 @i . 51 @unction enerators..................................................... '%6 @i . 54 Ci ht colored, roasted peanuts in the shell had no aflato;in. '%& @i . 55 Make a bottle of bora; liquid to fill your soap dispensers and shampoo bottle. ,se citric acid to rinse and condition...................'65 @i . 5& :hese are allstones.....................................................''3 @i . &- Chart of bandwidths for or anism families....................... '16


:he sick have been held hosta e for their money or intan ible assets since time immemorial. "octors, even primitive and natural healers, surround themselves with mystery as they use herbs or chemicals and incantations or =pro noses? to help the sick recover. :oday, the medical industry 0doctors and their suppliers and insurers2 take a si nificant amount of the workerGs earnin s. WouldnGt it be nice if they could all o back to ar+denin or some other primitive and useful endeavorL WouldnGt it be wonderful if the sick could Koin themL :he most promisin discovery in this book is the effective+ ness of electricity to kill viruses, bacteria and parasites. "oes this mean you can cancel your appointment with your clinical doctorL *o it does not. Billin your invaders does not make you well instantly. .ut happily, at your ne;t doctor visits she or he will be removin dru s, not addin them. Dou mi ht think that such an invention should be quickly patented. :hat was my universal advice. .ut I chose not to. It helps me, my children, and my randchildren, if you are well. :he whole world needs to come out of the dark a es of medicine and illness. !nd to learn the true causes of infection and disease. We must and can usher in the ne; a<e of disease3free li=in<. *o diabetes, no hi h blood pressure, no cancer, no HI/H!I"#, no mi raines, no lupus and so onN *ot a sin le disease is left unconquerable with this new un+ derstandin N


"he *romise
Step into a new world.
! world without chronic diseases.

Step out of your old world.

It has kept you a prisoner.

Try something new.

:he prison has no walls. It has only lines. Cines that mark the round around you. Inside the lines are your old ideas. 8utside are new ideas that invite you to step over and escape your prison. "are to try these new ideas and your illness promises to recede. In a few weeks it can be one. If you are very ill or chronically ill you must have asked yourself many times9 why have these problems chosen meL Will there never be a way to conquer themL Dou may be quite familiar with your doctorGs e;planation of your illness or your childGs illness. ! Co%sac&ie virus has en+ tered your childGs brain causin inflammation 0encephalitis2 there. Dou pray that your childGs immunity will overcome it. Dou may be familiar, but so very helpless a ainst this microscopic invader. If you had the proverbial 7 wishes they would be9 %2 please spare my childGs lifeO 62 please make it so my child doesnGt have permanent dama eO 72 please bless and uide the wonderful doctors and nurses who are keepin the o;y en tent oin , and are watchin my childGs temperature and vital si ns.

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# 0hat if you >ould turn a dial and in / minutes kill e=ery Co?sa>kie =irus in your >hild@s AodyB What if this had no side effectsL What if the virus never came backL In this book you will learn how to do that. Dou will also learn why your child ot encephalitis or other disease and how to prevent it forever. If this is too mind bo lin , Kust take it a step at a time9 @irst, learn about the radio+type broadcastin that all livin animals do. #econd, find the =station frequencies? that your particular invader0s2 broadcast at. :hird, learn how to =Kam? their frequency until they e?Cire9 it takes only minutesN @inally, learn how to make your own dia nostic and treat+ ment devices. :he instructions are simple enou h for anyone. 8nly by puttin this power in your hands will it be safe from overnment re ulation, however well intended.

nly Two !ealth "ro#lems

*o matter how lon and confusin is the list of symptoms a person has, from chronic fati ue to infertility to mental problems, I am sure to find only two thin s wron 9 they have in them Collutants andHor Carasites. I never find lack of e;ercise, vitamin deficiencies, hormone levels or anythin else to be a primary causative factor. #o the solution to ood health is obvi+ ous9

#roAlem )arasites )ollution

SimClest Cure Electronic and herbal treatment !voidance

ItGs a valiant quest9 :he quest for health. With optimism in one hand and determination in the other, you too can work the

:HE )(8MI#E miracles for yourself that my clients accomplished in the case histories. More ood news is that it is not e;pensive. :he cost will ran e from a few hundred dollars to only a few thousand in order to eliminate both problems and cure your chronic diseases.

$e A !ealth Detecti%e
!fter curin your own diseases, teach your friends and family how itGs done. @amilies are related and their problems are related. :his should make the task easier. Beep a small notebook to become part of the treasured family le acy as much as photo raphs do. If your aunt, father and brother had diabetes as well as yourself and all were cured after introducin them to this concept and technolo y, isnGt this worthy of notes in your familyGs historyL *otice what a stron line of inheritance there can be, not due to sharin< <enes but due to sharin a roof, a table, a su+ permarket, and a dentistN Many problems can be disinherited. Cure yourself of retinitis pi mentosa, Muscular dystrophy 0the =inherited? kind2, and break down your familyGs faith in the ene+concept for these diseases. .rin hope to your family by provin diseasesG true etiolo y. .rin respect back for your loyal enes that brin you hair color, and te;ture, not hair loss. :hat brin you eye color, not eye disease. Dour enes brou ht you the ood thin s about your ancestors, not the bad thin s. )arasites and pollution brou ht you the bad thin s. Billin all your invaders is Kust the first step, thou h. It is indeed the life+savin step. .ut ettin well is more than savin your life. *e;t comes the more tedious task of findin their sources. Where did they come fromL Why did they invade you so massively. Why youL

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

:he story of your personal pollution unfolds as in a book. Cook closely and you see the whole panorama of your numerous tiny invaders bein held at bay by your valiant immune system, your white blood cells. Dou can see what they are fi htin besides the invaders. Dour ill+chosen diet and lifestyle productsN Dour heart may o out to those tiny white blood cells. *ever a ain, you may say, will you ive them arsenic and mercury and lead. *ever a ain, cobalt and asbestos and freon. :hat reat body of wisdom, your body, the same as listened to your three wishes, will reward you over and over as you co+ operate with it, until you have had not 7 but 7- wishes ranted, each one seemin ly as impossible as climbin Mt. Everest. Dour chronic yeast infection can o away. Dour hair can stop fallin outPmi ht even row back. Dour body can become pre nantPwhen you had already iven up. Dour fati ue can vanish. Dour insomnia can be one. Dour warts can fall off. Dour si ht and hearin can sharpen. Dour constant hun er can disappear. Health isnGt Kust bein free of sickness. Health is feelin reat, feelin like lau hin at funny thin s. Health is feelin rateful to be alive. It is feelin happy to see the sky and to see rowin thin s and to feel confident in human societyGs pro ress. Health is rememberin the ood parts of childhood and believin you still have a lot of them.

"he Discover%
What makes me think I can find thin s in the human body that a blood test can notL What new technolo y makes this possibleL Why is electronic testin superior in many ways to chemical methodsL What are my claims of electrically killin parasites based onL In %&55 I discovered a new way to scan a body or an. It was electronic. We already can =see? an or an with a sono ram, Q+ rays, computeri>ed tomo raphy 0C!:2 scan, or with ma netic resonance ima ery 0M(I2. :hese techniques can identify ab+ normal shapes in an or an without havin to e;plore or uess. .ut my new electronic technique can check for viruses, bacteria, fun i, parasites, solvents and to;ins, and in addition is simple, cheap, fast and infallible. Electricity can do many ma ical thin sO now we can add detectin substances in our body to that list. :he method rests on radio electronic principles. If you match, very precisely, the capacitance and inductance properties of an e;ternal circuit so that its resonant frequency is the same as the emitted frequency comin from somewhere else, the circuit will oscillate. :his means there will be positive feedback in an amplifier circuit. Dou can hear it. Cike when a public address system squeals. :he e;ternal circuit I use is called an au#io oscillator, quite easy to build or buy. Dour body provides the emitted frequen+ cies. When you combine the audio oscillator circuit with your body, and you hear resonance, then you have detected a matchN #omethin in your body matches somethin in the circuit on the test plate. .y puttin a laboratory sample of, say, a virus on the test plate, you can determine if your body has that virus by lis+ tenin for resonance. Hearin resonance is easy if youGre a radio


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# technician or musician. 8thers must patiently practice. :he de+ tails are iven in the .ioelectronics chapter 0pa e 3'42. Dou do not have to be an e;pert in anythin to learn the electronic detection method. .ut a keen sense of hearin helps.
In %&55 I learned a way to put anythin on my skin, blind+ folded, and identify it electronically in a few minutes. I could taste somethin without flavor and identify it electronically. :he system worked fine for detectin thin s in the skin and ton ue. Would it be reliable for internal or ans, tooL ! whole world of discovery lay ahead of me. I wanted to know what was in my inner ear causin tinnitus, in my eyes causin pain, in my stomach causin indi estion and a thousand other thin s. .ut behind the daily e;citement of new discoveries, a nawin question lin ered in my mind. How is this possible without some pretty hi h frequency ener y source, radio fre+ quency in fact, runnin throu h my circuitL My audio oscillator was only %--- H> 0hert', or cycles per second2O radio frequency is hundreds of thousands of H>. !nd the phenomenon could be % produced with an old+fashioned #ermatron , too, that only puts out "C 0direct current2Pno frequencies at allN ! hi h frequency ener y had to be comin from somewhere. Was it meL (i#iculousN .ut there was a way to test. If my own body was puttin forth the hi h frequency ener y, it could be bled off and diverted into the round with a correct si>e capacitor. :his should stop the feedback oscillations. :his turned out to be trueO it was stopped. .ut ri#iculous kept rin in in my ears and I tried an+

"he dermatron was invented decades a&o and made $amous #% Dr! ,oll! Esta#lishment science disdained it-

:HE "I#C8/E(D
other test. If there was indeed radio frequency 0(@2 runnin throu h my circuit I should be able to block it with the ri ht snap+ on choke. It did block. I thou ht of a third test. If this was truly a resonance phenomenon I should be able to add a capacitance to this circuit and see the resonance destroyed. :hen add an inductance and see the resonance return. It did Kust that. I made raphs of the relationship between capacitance and inductance. :hey were entirely reproducible. :hen why couldnGt I see the (@ on my (@ oscilloscopeL )robably because it was hi h frequency ener y, not hi h ener y frequency, and I didnGt know how to amplify it above the back+ round noise level. It was nevertheless not convincin . Det much too tantali>in to i nore. I thou ht of yet a fourth test. If I was really producin (@ radiation that could be channeled throu h a circuit, I should be able to interfere with it by addin another (@ radiation from an outside source. I added a frequency from my frequency enerator, first at %,--- H>. *ow there was no resonance. It interfered. "id this mean that my body was not producin radiation at %,--- H>L 8r was my %,--- H> radiation bein matched and canceledL I raised the frequency radually, from %,--- to %-,--- to %--,--- to %,---,--- H>. :here was no resonance anywhere, and I couldnGt draw any conclusions. It was ' oGclock on #unday afternoon. Muittin time. .ut one last look at my enerator reminded me that it could reach 6,---,--- H> and I was Kust at %,---,---. 8ne more quick e;periment wouldnGt take much time. I cranked it to %,5--,--- H>. !nd now a resonance screamed outN Was I =hearin thin sL? *o more interference. I did it over and over. Why was it resonatin now and not beforeL Had I arrived at my bodyGs own ban#)i#th 0transmission ran e2, and this was the reason it no lon er interferedL I found the lowest frequency that resonated to be %,'16,--H>. !ll frequencies that I checked 0about 6,---2 from there up

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# to 6,---,--- 0my frequency enerator would o no hi her2 also resonated. ! year later I purchased a better frequency enerator to search for the upper end of my bandwidth. !ny frequency be+ tween %,'16,--- and &,3'4,--- H> could be added to the circuit and produce resonance. It seemed obvious, then, that the human body broadcasts electrically, Kust like a radio station, but over a wide band of frequencies and very low volta es, which is why it has not been detected and measured until now.

&%erything !as A 'ni(ue Fre(uency

It was a busy year, now %&5&. I was determined to find a bandwidth for other livin thin s9 I found them for flies, beetles, spiders, fleas, ants. :hey were between %,---,--- H> and %,'--,--- H>O cockroaches were hi hest amon st insects I tested. :hen came a dismayin findin . ! dead insect had a band+ width tooN Much narrower, and near the top end of the same ran e it had when livin , but distinctly present. #o it wasnGt al+ to ether a livin phenomenon. .ut if dead thin s had a resonant bandwidth, then maybe a prepared microscope slide of a dead creature could be used, and my trips to the arden and telephone calls to abattoirs 0for meat parasites2 could cease. :hat was a lucky thou ht. My first slide was of the human intestinal flu&e, a hu e parasite, scour e of humanity. I had Kust found it to be present in the liver 0not in+ testine2 of every cancer sufferer I saw. :he 0dead2 adult parasite

:HE "I#C8/E(D had a resonant frequency around 373,--- H>. #lides of that parasiteGs redia resonated nearby 0376,--- H>2, as did its other sta es. "ead thin s still resonatedN :he entire catalo of biolo ical supply companies, hundreds of specimens of viruses, bacteria, parasites, molds, and even to;ins, were now available to re+ search with this new techniqueN #uddenly an idea bolted out of the blue. If a person were to hold on to the frequency enerator while it was eneratin 373,--- H>, what would happen to the adult fluke, if you were infected with itL I tested this plan that same week on myself, not with the fluke but with $almonella bacteria and Giar#ia and Herpes that I carried chronically. !fter a 7 minute treatment, I retested myself. I could no lon er find them in my or ansN :here were no emissions at their characteristic frequencies. I repeated and re+peated. Were they really deadL Maybe they were Kust numbed or were suddenly hidin . .ut symptoms were one quickly too. My Herpes lesion stopped tin lin . It was all too simple and unbelievable. .ut was it safeL Within three weeks I had reliable data re+ ardin the necessary level of electrical treatment. It only took ' volts for three minutes at the specific frequency. It is not as if you had to use house current which would kill you, alon with the parasite.

Selecti%e &lectrocution
In twenty minutes 0three minutes at si; different frequencies2 a whole family could et rid of this parasite. Cancer cases showed that in a few hours the universal cancer marker, ortho*phospho*t+rosine could be banished from their bodies by killin this same parasite.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# =Incurable? HI/ cases lost their virus in a few hours, too. Caboratory retestin for HI/ came back ne ativeN Most cases of pain ot immediate relief if I could identify the correct =bu ? and have its frequency found by the ne;t office visit. :his seemed to be absolute proof that livin thin s had an essential hi h frequency output of some kind of ener y. What was actually happenin to the bacteria or parasitesL If I could kill somethin as lar e as an Ascaris worm or intestinal fluke, then perhaps I could kill somethin even lar er, like an earthworm or flea, somethin I could see with my own eyes in+ stead of havin to ima ine its demise inside my body. :en minutes at a frequency chosen near the top of their broadcast ran e seemed to anestheti>e them. .ut they didnGt die. Cater I checked the body bandwidth 0the ran e of frequencies they emit2 of each. :he earthworms had lost a lot of their band+ width, both at the top and bottom. :he fleas seemed hardierO they had only lost a little. However they did not recover, even weeks later, from this loss. Could it harm humans to douse them with (@ frequencies in their o;n Aand;idthB Muite probably, if the volta e were hi h enou h. :here was no need to e;periment, thou h, because the parasites we want to kill have characteristic frequencies that do not o=erlaC the characteristic frequencies of a human. In fact, they are far away 0see the chart on pa e %42. #o my electronic method attackin illness was born. @ind the resonant frequency of a bacterium, virus or parasite usin a slide or dead bit. :reat the livin invaders inside the human body with this frequency and in a matter of minutes they are no lon er transmittin their own bandwidthsRthey are dead or sick and will be removed by our white blood cells. It was a worrisome truth. )erhaps the department of defense would use this knowled e and develop super hi h volta e de+ vices to kill people 0=enemies?2 somewhere in the world. .ut I couldnGt let sick people suffer. .esides, it would probably re+


:HE "I#C8/E(D
quire a volta e much like li htnin to kill people from a distance. )ossibly a way could be found to shield yourself from frequencies harmful to humans by wearin a choke 0inductor2 coil which suppresses these frequencies. (emember, there was no recovery, Kust a slow death for my e;perimental animals. It must not happen to humansN Meanwhile, people must be alerted that they can safely kill their invaders and heal their chronic illnesses. Invaders that have been increasin e;ponentially due to lowered immunity in recent decades. )ossibly this is true for all species on our planet. :he pollution of the entire biosphere has been increasin and with it the prospect of acquired immune deficiency syndrome 0!I"#2 for all of us.

(emember, thou h, that the true challen e is not to kill our invaders but to re ain our health and immunity. More than Kust parasites are makin us sickN )ollution is too. #elective electrocution rarely makes people completely well. #ick people always have an environmental factor that must be corrected also. How do we do thatL :he ship of =pro ress?, of increasin ly comple;, processed foods and products, must be turned around and simplicity become our oal. #urvival is in simplicity of food intake, simplicity of life habits. "id (alph Waldo Emerson foresee this when he said =:o be simple is to be reat?L 8r will daily parasite and patho en electrocution become another crutch that makes us Kust enou h better that we can continue a detri+ mental lifestyleL Det another =.and+!id? treatment for our poi+ soned planetL


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

#tran e as it appears, it now seems obvious that every livin creature broadcasts its presence like a radio station, the sun, or the stars. I have named it biora#iation. )erhaps it is the same ener y as the !sian chiO perhaps it is merely related to it. )erhaps it is the ener y that runs alon the meridians discovered eons a o by !sian practitioners. )erhaps it is the ener y that faith healers and reli ious teachers know how to harness, perhaps not. )erhaps it is the ener y that psychics perceive and that drives occult phenomena, perhaps not. What is truly ama>in is that ordinary persons have discov+ ered such ener y well ahead of scientists. )ersons usin the =art? of kinesiolo y, pendulums, radionics, dousin rods and many other forms of =stran e ener y? have no doubt harnessed a part of this bioradiation. It is a tribute to the enerally hi h intelli ence of common people and to their open+mindedness that they discovered this ener y, in sCite of opposition from scientists of today. 8ver a century a o the scientists of Europe proposed the e;istence of a =life force? called =Slan vitale.? :hey were scorned out of e;istence 0and out of Kobs2. Doun scientists, 0includin myself2 were systematically tau ht to scorn this idea. 8f course we were also tau ht that a ood scientist was unemo+ tional, does not scorn ideas, has a completely open mind, and does not rule somethin out until it is disproved to their satis+ faction. :he youthfulness of colle e years is so susceptible to preKudices of all kinds, and the desire for acceptance is so reat, that special effort needs to be made to teach neutrality. 8r at least to distin uish between emotion and fact. Where have these basic peda o ic principles oneL I was indeed inspired with the phrase =search for truth? but then promptly led down the path of =search for acceptance.?


:HE "I#C8/E(D I do not know what bioradiation, this electrical broadcast from our cells, is made of. 8nly its frequency was noticed and cau ht 0modulated2 in such a way as to be measurable. !nd this frequency, %,'6-,--- to &,31-,--- H> 0for a human infant2 is in the radio frequency 0(@2 ran e6. !nyone who is e;perienced with (@ knows its stran e be+ havior. *ot stran e in the =unknown? sense but in the ama>in sense. Circuits donGt need to be complete or closed for it to travel. .odies and obKects can =pick it up? without bein in the circuit. :hese ama>in properties are due to the capacitive and inductive properties of obKects all around us, includin our+ selves.

)apping $ugs
.y 'apping I mean selectively electrocutin patho ens. @or years I used a commercial frequency enerator to =>ap? one patho en after another. @irst I made a chart of the frequencies for most of the bacteria and viruses in my collection 0over 5-, see pa e '1%2. :hen I would test the sick client for each one of these, and hope they did not have one for which I didnGt have a sample. Even persons with a simple cold typically had a do>en they tested positive to 0not Kust A#enovirus2. *e;t it was time to tune in the frequency enerator to a do>en frequencies for three minutes each. :he total process, testin and treatment, would take about two hours. :hey frequently ot immediate relief. .ut often the relief would be temporary. What I didnGt know at that time was that viruses could

A/ radio #roadcasts are $rom 012'222 H( to +'322'222 H( 4sli&ht overlap with lower end o$ human #and5' F/ is 66'222'222 to +26'222'222 H( 4out o$ the human ran&e5!


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# infect a lar er parasite such as a roundworm. ,ntil you killed your roundworm and your virus, you would keep ettin the virus back promptly. In %&&7 my son, Feoffrey, Koined me and we tried a new ap+ proach. He pro rammed a computer controlled frequency en+ erator to automatically cover all the frequencies populated by all the parasites, viruses, and bacteria, from 6&-,--- H> to 34-,--H>. It spent about three minutes for every %--- H> it covered. :his was more efficient, but it meant spendin ten hours bein >apped. ! ain, the results were disappointin . !rthritis pain, eye pain, colds were improved, but not completely cured overni ht. Months later I would find that or anisms were transmittin as low as %4-,---, and as hi h as 1&-,--- H>. My specimen col+ lection was obviously incomplete. :o cover this lar er ran e, spendin three minutes for every %--- H>, would take 61 hours. #till worth doin if it would indeed help all our illnesses. .ut even this method of >appin was not %--< effective for reasons yet to become clear. In %&&3 my son built a hand held, battery operated, accurate frequency enerator. :he purpose was to enable everyone to kill the intestinal fluke at 373,--- H> with a low cost device. Enou h benefit would be derived from >appin at various frequencies that I thou ht everyone should know how to make one. When I tested it on one of my own bacteria, however, three others at mu>h different freDuen>ies died alsoE :his had never happened before. When I tested it on others, even thou h they had do>ens of patho ens, all were killedN #ubsequent testin showed it was not due to some unique desi n, or special wave form produced by the device. It was due to battery operationN


:HE "I#C8/E(D

Any positi%ely offset fre(uency kills all #acte* ria+ %iruses and parasites simultaneously
iven sufficient volta e 0' to %- volts2, duration 0seven minutes2, and frequency 0anythin from %- H> to '--,--- H>2. .efore this I had always set my commercial frequency en+ erator to alternate between positive and ne ative volta e. *ow I tried settin it to alternate between positive and >ero volta e 0positive offset2. It was Kust as effective as the battery operated frequency enerator my son desi ned.

,enerating positi%e offset fre(uencies is the #est way to kill all pathogens (uickly. $ut it takes more than one treatment.
It takes three treatments to kill everythin . WhyL :he first >appin kills viruses, bacteria and parasites. .ut a few minutes later, bacteria and viruses 0different ones2 often recur. I conclude they had been infectin the parasites, and killin the parasites released them. :he second >appin kills the released viruses and bacteria, but soon a few viruses appear a ain. :hey must have been infectin some of the last bacteria. !fter a third >appin I never find any viruses, bacteria or parasites, even hours later. Why didnGt the virus inside the parasite die with the first >appin L It may be because electricity travels on the e;terior of thin s. :he body of the parasite shielded the interior. :his is why my earlier, promisin work spendin hours on a frequency enerator ave only partial or temporary improvementRit was


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# only done once, not three times. !nd it e;plains why a sin le treatment with a frequency enerator or >apper frequently ives you a coldN

)apping does not kill shielded organisms

such as those that may be in the middle of your stomach or intestines. :he electricity travels alon the stomach or intestine wall, not throu h their contents. #o >appin is still not perfect, but can brin such manifest relief that everyone should buy or make one. )arts cost less than T6'.--O the plans are in the ne;t chapter.

The $ioradiation Spectrum

Everythin emits a characteristic ran e of frequencies 0bandwidth2. In eneral, the more primitive the or anism, the lower its bandwidth. !dvanced animals have hi her frequencies and the ran e is wider.


:HE "I#C8/E(D B$+D0 DT& 'F B 'R$D $T '+ 'F $+ M$LS

-.+... /+... 0+... 1+... 2+... 3!4 5+... 6+... 7+... 8+... -+... . , e o ff + a g e 7 5

a mol d

#act eriu m

dust mite


goldf ish

cha mele on

cat+ 5 yrs

Fig, - $electe# animal ban#)i#ths,

:he human ran e is from %'6- BH> to &31- BH>. )atho ens 0molds, viruses, bacteria, worms, mites2 ran e from 44 BH> to &-- BH>. @ortunately for us we can work on >appin patho ens in the lower ran es without affectin humans in the upper ran e.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

B 'R$D $T '+ 'F T)# C$L #$T&'GE+S


/.. 0.. 1.. 2.. 3!4 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. -..

a sli m e m ol d 4A rc %ri a5
a virus 4Herpes simplex +5 a #acteri um4Sal monell at%ph!5 a $lat7 worm4 Fasciol opsis #!5
a tape7 worm 4Di7 ph%llo#o thriume! 5

a dust mite


$electe# pathogen ban#)i#ths,

!pplyin an alternatin electrical volta e within an or an+ ismGs bandwidth inKures it. #mall or anisms with narrow band+ widths are e;tin uished quite readily 0three minutes at five volts2. )ositively offset frequencies can kill the entire ran e of small or anisms 0viruses, bacteria, parasites2 in Kust seven minutes.


8uildin& A 9apper
.ein able to kill your bacteria and other invaders with electricity becomes much more of a panacea when you can do it all in three 4 minute sessions. *o need to sin le out specific frequencies or to sweep throu h a ran e of frequencies one BH> at a time. *o matter what frequency it is set at 0within reason2, it kills lar e and small invaders9 flukes, roundworms, mites, bacteria, viruses and fun i. It kills them all at once, in 4 minutes, even at ' volts. How does it workL I suppose that a positive volta e applied anywhere on the body attracts ne atively char ed thin s such as bacteria. )erhaps the battery volta e tu s at them, pullin them out of their locations in the cell doorways 0called con#uctance channels2. .ut doorways can be ne atively char ed too. "oes the volta e tu at them so they dis or e any bacteria stuck in themL How would the positive volta e act to kill a lar e parasite like a flukeL *one of these questions can be answered yet. 8ther fascinatin possibilities are that the intermittent posi+ tive volta e interferes with electron flow in some key metabolic route, or strai htens out the !:) molecule disallowin its breakdown. #uch biolo ical questions could be answered by studyin the effects of positive frequencies on bacteria in a lab. :he most important question, of course, is whether there is a harmful effect on you. I have seen no effects on blood pressure, mental alertness, or body temperatures. It has never produced pain, althou h it has often stopped pain instantly. :his does not prove its safety. Even knowin that the volta e comes from a small & volt battery does not prove safety, althou h it is reas+ surin . :he clottin of red blood cells, platelet a re ation and functions that depend on surface char es on cells need to be in+ vesti ated. .ut not before you can use it. Dour safety lies in the short period of e;posure that is necessary. /iruses and bacteria


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# disappear in 7 minutesO tapeworm sta es, flukes, roundworms in 'O and mites in 4. 8ne need not o beyond this time, althou h no bad effects have been seen at any len th of treatment. :he first seven minute >appin is followed by an intermis+ sion, lastin 6- to 7- minutes. "urin this time, bacteria and viruses are released from the dyin parasites and start to invade you instead. :he second seven minute session is intended to kill these newly released viruses and bacteria. If you omit it, you could catch a cold, sore throat or somethin else immediately. ! ain, viruses are released from the dyin bacteria. :he third session kills the last viruses released.

Do Not )ap 9f :ou Are "regnant r ;earing A "acemaker.

:hese situations have not been e;plored yet. "onGt do these e;periments yourself. Children as youn as 5 months have been >apped with no noticeable ill effects. @or them, you should wei h the possible benefits a ainst the unknown risks. :hat is all there is to it. !lmost all. :he >appin current does not reach deep into the eyeball or testicle or bowel contents. It does not reach into your allstones, or into your livin cells where Herpes virus lies latent or Can#i#a fun us e;tends its fin ers. .ut by >appin 7 times a day for a week or more you can deplete these populations, too, often to >ero.

3illing The Sur%i%ing "athogens

:he interior of allstones may house parasites inaccessible to the >appin . Eliminate this source of reinfection by flushin them out with liver cleanses 0pa e ''62. 6-

.,IC"I*F ! A!))E( !lthou h the center of the bowel contents is often unaffected by electric current, which lets bowel bacteria like $higella, .scherichia coli (., coli) and parasite sta es survive, sometimes it is nearly all sterili>ed by >appin . :his results in considerable shrinka e of the bowel movement. Eliminate remainin parasites and bacteria with a sin le dose 06 tsp.2 of .lack Walnut Hull :incture, E;tra #tren th 0see pa e '372. :here is no way of distin uishin between = ood? and =bad? bacteria with either of these methods. However even ood bacteria are bad if they come throu h the intestinal wall, so >appin tar ets mostly =bad? bacteria. :he ood news is that perfect bowel habits often result in a few days. Evidently, the ood bacteria are benefited by killin the invasive ones. Home+ made yo urt and buttermilk 0see (ecipes2 are especially ood at recoloni>in the bowel. .ut it does not seem wise to culture yourself with special commercial preparations and risk ettin parasite sta es a ain when you can become normal so soon anyway. If you do decide to take some aci#ophilus bacteria to replenish your intestinal flora make sure you test for parasites like .ur+trema first. When a lar e number of parasites, bacteria and viruses are killed, it can leave you fati ued. :ry to ive yourself a low+stress day after your initial >appin . .ut there are no si nificant side effects. I believe this is due to the second and third >appin which mops up bacteria and viruses that would otherwise be able to o on a feedin fren>y with so much dead prey available. :o build your >apper you may take this list of components to any electronics store 0(adio #hack part numbers are iven for convenience2.

,aCCer #arts List

9tem lar&e shoe #ox : volt #atter% Radio Shack Catalog Num#er


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

: volt #atter% clips =n7=$$ to&&le switch + > resistor <!: > resistor low7current red ?ED !221; uF capacitor !2+ uF capacitor 000 C/=S timer chip 6 pin wire7wrappin& soc et $or the chip .;27<.0 4set o$ 0' %ou need +5 .;073.1A micro mini to&&le switch .;+7+<.+ 4set o$ 0' %ou need .5 .;+7++.< 4set o$ .' %ou need .5 .;37211 or .;3721+ or .;37210 .;.7+<2 4set o$ .' %ou need +5 .;.7+230 4set o$ .' %ou need +5 .;37+;.< 4set o$ .' %ou need +5 .;37+:66 4set o$ .' %ou need +5 Note@ Radio Shac is discontinuin& all wire wrap soc ets! Find another parts store or use .;37+::0 4#ut the le&s are much shorter and harder to attach clips to5! an% electronics shop' &et 3 .;672+; 4%ou need . pac a&es o$ .5 hardware store

short 4+.A5 alli&ator clip leads /icroclip test Bumpers . #olts' a#out +C6A diameter' .A lon&' with 1 nuts and 1 washers . copper pipes' DA diameter' 1A hardware store lon& sharp ni$e' pin' lon&7nose pliers

&ints for aAsolute no=i>esF "onGt let unusual vocabulary deter you. ! =lead? is Kust a piece of wire used to make connec+tions. When you remove a component from its packa e, label it with a piece of tape. ! serrated kitchen knife works best as does a lar e safety pin. )ractice usin the microclips. If the metal ends are C+ shaped bend them into a , with the lon +nose pliers so they rab better. Chips and chip holders are very fra ile. It is wise to purchase an e;tra of each in case you break the connections.

R+ R. R< R1 C+ C. F< ?ED+ *in + pin 6

+> <!:> +> <!:> !2+E$ !221;E$ /C+100 . ma ?ED Red &round power

Give this to an electronics person or ma e it %oursel$ in a shoe#ox #% usin& the $ollowin& instructions!

Fig, / 0apper schematic, 66

.,IC"I*F ! A!))E(

$ssemAlin< The ,aCCer

%. Dou will be usin the lid of the shoe bo; to mount the components. #ave the bo; to enclose the finished proKect. 6. )ierce two holes near the ends of the lid. Enlar e the holes with a pen or pencil until the bolts would fit throu h. Mount the bolts on the outside about half way throu h the holes so there is a washer and nut holdin it in place on both sides. :i hten. Cabel one hole = roundin bolt? on the inside and outside. 7. Mount the ''' chip in the wire wrap socket. @ind the =top end? of the chip by searchin the outside surface carefully for a cookie+shaped bite or hole taken out of it. !li n the chip with the socket and very ently squee>e the pins of the chip into the socket until they click in place. 3. Make 5 pinholes to fit the wire wrap socket. Enlar e them sli htly with a sharp pencil. Mount it on the outside. Write in the numbers of the pins 0connections2 on both the outside and inside, startin with number one to the left of the =cookie bite? as seen from outside. !fter number 3, cross over to number ' and continue. *umber 5 will be across from number %. '. )ierce two holes U inch apart very near to pins ', 1, 4, and 5. :hey should be less than %H5 inch away. 08r, one end of each component can share a hole with the ''' chip.2 Mount the .-% u@ ca+ 67

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# pacitor near pin ' on the outside. 8n the inside connect pin ' to one end of this capacitor by simply twistin them to ether. Coop the capacitor wire around the pin firstO then twist with the lon +nose pliers until you have made a ti ht connection. .end the other wire from the capacitor flat a ainst the inside of the shoe bo; lid. Cabel it .-% on the outside and inside. Mount the .--34 u@ capacitor near pin 1. 8n the inside twist the capacitor wire around the pin. @latten the wire from the other end and label it .--34. Mount the 7.& B resistor near pin 4, connectin it on the inside to the pin. @latten the wire on the other end and label it 7.&. Mount the % B resistor and connect it similarly to pin 5 and label it %B. 6. )ierce two holes Uinch apart ne;t to pin 7 0a ain, you can share the hole for pin 7 if you wish2, in the direction of the bolt. Mount the other % B resistor and label inside and outside. :wist the connections to ether and flatten the re+ mainin wire. :his resistor protects the circuit if you should accidentally short the terminals. Mount the 7.&B resistor downward. 8ne end can o in the same hole as the %B resistor near pin 7. :wist that end around pin 7 which already has the %B resistor attached to it. @latten the far end. Cabel. 7. *e;t to the 7.&B resistor pierce two holes V inch apart for the CE". *o+


.,IC"I*F ! A!))E( tice that the CE" has a positive and ne ative connection. :he lon er wire is the anode 0positive2. Mount the CE" on the outside and bend back the wires, labelin them G and 3 on the inside. 5. *ear the top pierce a hole for the to le switch. Enlar e it until the shaft fits throu h from the inside. (emove nut and washer from switch before mountin . Dou may need to trim away some paper with a serrated knife before replacin washer and nut on the outside. :i hten. &. *e;t to the switch pierce two holes for the wires from the battery holder and poke them throu h. !ttach the battery and tape it to the outside.

N ;T

C NN&CT &<&R:T!9N,

@irst, make holes at the corners of the lid with a pencil. #lit each corner to the hole. :hey will accommodate e;tra loops of wire that you et from usin the clip leads to make connections. !fter each connection ently tuck away the e;cess wire. %. :wist the free ends of the two capacitors 0.-% and .--342 to ether. Connect this to the roundin bolt usin an alli+ ator clip. 2. .end the top ends of pin 6 and pin 1 0which already has a connection2 inward towards each other in an C shape. Catch them both with an alli ator clip and attach the other end of the alli ator clip to the free end of the 7.&B re+sistor by pin 4. 6'

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# 3. ,sin an alli ator clip connect pin 4 to the free end of the %B resistor attached to pin 5. 3. ,sin two microclips connect pin 5 to one end of the switch, and pin 3 to the same end of the switch. 0)ut one hook inside the hole and the other hook around the whole connection. Check to make sure they are securely con+ nected.2 5. ,se an alli ator clip to connect the free end of the other %B resistor 0by pin 72 to the bolt. 6. :wist the free end of the 7.&B resistor around the plus end of the CE". Connect the minus end of the CE" to the roundin bolt usin an alli ator clip. 4. Connect pin number % on the chip to the roundin bolt with an alli ator clip. 5. !ttach an alli ator clip to the outside of one of the bolts. !ttach the other end to a handhold 0copper pipe2. "o the same for the other bolt and handhold. &. Connect the minus end of the battery 0black wire2 to the roundin bolt with an alli ator clip. %-. Connect the plus end of the battery 0red wire2 to the free end of the switch usin a microclip lead. If the CE" li hts up you know the switch is 8*. If it does not, flip the switch and see if the CE" li hts. Cabel the switch clearly. If you cannot et the CE" to li ht in either switch position, you must double+check all of your connections, and make sure you have a fresh battery.


.,IC"I*F ! A!))E(

%%. @inally replace the lid on the bo;, loosely, and slip a cou+ ple of rubber bands around the bo; to keep it securely shut.

Fig, 1 Finishe# 'apper, outsi#e an# insi#e, 8ptional9 measure the frequency of your >apper by con+ nectin an oscilloscope or frequency counter to the hand+ holds. !ny electronics shop can do this. It should read between 6- and 3- kH>. 8ptional9 measure the volta e output by connectin it to an oscilloscope. It should be about 5 to & volts. +oteF a =olta<e meter ;ill only read 2 to * =olts. 8ptional9 measure the current that flows throu h you when you are ettin >apped. Dou will need a % B resistor and oscilloscope. Connect the roundin bolt on the >apper to one end of the resistor. Connect the other end of the resistor to a handhold. 0!ddin this resistor to the circuit decreases the current sli htly, but not si nificantly.2


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

:he other handhold is attached to the other bolt. Connect the scope round wire to one end of the resistor. Connect the scope probe to the other end of the resistor. :urn the >apper 8* and rasp the handholds. (ead the volta e on the scope. It will read about 7.' volts. Calculate current by dividin volta e by resistance. 7.' volts divided by % B is 7.' ma 0milliamperes2.

!sin< The ,aCCer

Wrap handholds in one layer of wet paper towel before usin . Frasp securely and turn the switch on to >ap. 6. Aap for 4 minutes, let o of the handholds, turn off the >apper, and rest for 6- minutes. :hen 4 minutes on, 6minutes rest, and a final 4 minutes on. :ryin the >apper on an illness to see =if it works? is not useful. Dour symptoms may be due to a non+parasite. 8r you may reinfect within hours of >appin . :he best way to test your device is to find a few invaders that you currently have 0see Cesson :welve, pa e 3&6, or Cesson :wenty #even, pa e '-&2. :his ives you a startin point. :hen >ap yourself. !fter the triple >appin , none of these invaders should be present. %.

Simple "ulser
If you are ill or want a reliable >appin , make the first model. However, there is another way to make a >apper if you can not afford to build the first model. !n ordinary battery is a source of positive volta e. It is the positive volta e that eliminates so many parasites at once, not a specific frequency. #o althou h the >apperGs frequency is about 7- kH> 0thirty thousand =>aps? per second2, even ' H> 0five


.,IC"I*F ! A!))E( =>aps? per second2, aAout as fast as you >an taC the Aattery ;ith your hand, is moderately effe>ti=eE Dou must be connected to both terminals. 8ne will be marked W 0positive2 and the other P 0ne ative2. If you simply touch these terminals with your wet fin ers, nothin much happens. :hat is because your resistance to the current starts oin up ri ht away, so less and less current passes throu h you.

Fig, 2 $imple pulser, However if you tap the positive terminal with your wet hand, and tap it at a fairly hi h rate, your bodyGs capacitors come into play. Capacitors only take part in the flow of electricity when they are char ed and dischar ed. :appin the terminal starts and stops the volta e so capacitors char e and dischar e. :his kind of resistance to current flow is much smaller. :he faster you tap, the reater the frequency of current pulses and the lower this kind of resistance becomes. *ow you can have a considerable sustained current flow throu h your body.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

If you can tap even twice per second 06 H>2 for ten minutes without interruption you can ive yourself a >appin that is moderately effective. (emember to take an intermission of twenty minutes and then repeat to avoid catchin new viruses. !fter a second twenty minute intermission repeat >appin a third time.

!sin< The SimCle #ulser

%. Wrap each handhold with one layer of wet paper towel. )lace each on a non+ conductiv e surface, like a plastic ba .
: volt #atter% . short 4+.A5 alli&ator clip leads 4$rom an% electronics shop5 . copper pipes' D A diameter' 1A lon& 4$rom a hardware store5

6. 7. 3. '. 1.


Connect the positive battery terminal to one handhold and the ne ative terminal to the other handhold usin alli ator clip leads. "onGt let the handholds touch. )lace a clock in front of you to time yourself. )ick up the ri ht handhold with your ri ht hand. Ceave the left handhold on the table. :ap it with your left hand, preferably the fleshy part of the palm. Dou may brace yourself with your fin ers on the plastic. Beep up a steady pace as fast as you are able. When you et tired pick up the left handhold with your left hand and tap with your ri ht hand. Beep chan in off with the least interruption.

(epeat a second time 6- minutes later, and a third time 6minutes after that. ! sin le & volt battery will wear out rather quickly used this way. )ut two to ether, in parallel, for lon er lastin power. :his requires two more short alli ator clips. Connect positive termi+ nals of the batteries to each other, and the ne atives also.



*arasites G *ollution
:he word =parasites? is used in two senses. Everythin liv+ in on you or in you, not Kust to perch, but to take its food from you is a parasite. *o matter what its si>e, it can be called a parasite. .ut in some way the bi worms need to be distin uished from the medium+si>ed amoebae, the even smaller bacteria and the smallest of allRviruses. #o often the term parasite is reserved for the bi er thin s, from amoebae on up. In this book, the word parasite will be used in both ways as usual. Dou can easily uess what is meant. )arasitic worms are divided into roun#)orms and flat* )orms. (oundworms are round like earthworms even thou h they may be as thin as hairs 0threadworms, filaria2 or micro+ scopically small 0like Trichinella2. @latworms are more like leeches. :hey have a way to attach themselves sometimes with the head 0scole%2 like tape)orms, sometimes with a special sucker like flu&es. Worms



"apeworms Flu es "hreadworms *inworms Hoo worms Worm parasites o throu h sta es of development that can look very, very different from the adult. 7%

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Round;orms like Ascaris 0common cat and do round+ worm2, are simplest. :he e<<s are swallowed by lickin or eatin a bit of filth. :hey hatch into a tiny larva. :he larva treks to the lun s. Dou cou h it up and swallow it. Meanwhile it has molted a few times. It then Fig, 3 Ascaris, crawls to the intestine where it becomes an adult, sheddin e s in your stool. Worms usually have preferred locations. :he favorite or an for irofilaria 0do heartworm2 is the heart 0even human heart2. #ometimes the rules can be broken. My tests show irofilaria can live in other or ans, too, if they are sufficiently polluted with solvents, metals and other to;ins. @latworms like taCe;orms are much more complicated in their life history. Dou could eat the e s accidentally with dirt. !fter hatchin , the tiny larva burrows into its favorite or an. Dour body encases it with a cyst. :he white blood cells have been tau ht never to attack your body...and the cyst case is your bodyN #o the tapeworm sta e has safe residence for some time. If you are a meat eater, you could eat such a cyst if it happens to be lod ed in the meat you are eatin N Dour teeth break it apart as you crunch. :he little larva is swallowed and tries to attach itself to your intestine with its head. :hen it rows lon er by makin se ment after se ment. :he se ments with their e s leave with the bowel contents. I often see do tapeworm of the small variety in their human family. @latworms like flukes are also very complicated. :he e s, passed out with bowel contents were not meant to be eaten as such. :hey were meant to hatch in a pond where snails and minnows eat them. :he larva rows up in these new


)!(!#I:E# I )8CC,:I8* =secondary? hosts. Cater, the snail sheds them and they attach themselves to folia e near the pond. :hey over+winter in a tou h metacercarial cyst. !n unsuspectin browsin animal now eats them. :hey come out of their metacercarial cyst as a small adult and quickly attach themselves to the intestine with a sucker. :hey now have =safe haven? and can o about maturin and layin e s. @our common flukes are9 human intestinal fluke, human li=er fluke, sheeC li=er fluke, Can>reati> fluke of >attle. "onGt let the terms sheep and cattle mislead you. :hey are all found in humans.

Fig, 4 (5 to () Human intestinal flu&e, pancreatic flu&e, sheep liver flu&e, an# human liver flu&e,

The ;orst "arasite

Fasciolopsis bus&ii is the fluke 0flatworm2 that I find in every case of cancer, HI/ infection, !l>heimerGs, CrohnGs dis+ ease, BaposiGs, endometriosis, and in many people without these diseases. Its life cycle involves si; different sta es9


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

- &gg 8 >iracidia

Normal =ife Cycle Expelled with #owel movement onto soil! Washed #% rain into ponds! Hatches $rom e&& in water! Has cilia' can swim vi&orousl% and must $ind intermediate snail host in one to two hours or ma% #e too exhausted to in7 vade! Develop inside miracidia as little #alls until expelled! "hose are HmotherH redia' and each one #ears Hdau&hterH redia $or up to 6 months' all still inside the snail' and livin& on the $luids in the l%mphatic spaces! Similarl%' dau&hter redia are continuall% developin& cer7 caria! Have a tail' use it to exit $rom snail and swim to a plant! I$ the snail is $eedin& on a plant' cercaria can latch onto plant with suc er mouth and start to enc%st 4$orm a HcocoonH5 within minutes! "ail #rea s o$$ and swims awa% to dissolve! "wo7walled c%st! "he outer wall is ver% stic %! 8ut as %ou eat the plant it is stuc to' the least pressure will #rea it' leavin& the c%st in the mouth! "he Halmost un#rea a#leH inner c%st wall protects it $rom chewin&' and the eratin7li e coat prevents di&estion #% stomach Buices! However when it reaches the duodenum' contact with intestinal Buices dissolves awa% the c%st7wall and $rees it! It then $astens itsel$ to the intestinal linin& and #e&ins to develop into an adult!

7 Redia

6 Cercaria

5 >etacercaria

3 4

)!(!#I:E# I )8CC,:I8*
2 Adult ?ives in %our intestine and can pro7 duce +222 e&&s per #owel movement and live man% %ears!

Fig, 6 Fasciolopsis7 normal life c+cle, *ote that the adult is the only sta e that =normally? lives in the human 0and then only in the intestine2. Fasciolopsis depends on a snail, called a secon#ar+ host, for part of its life cycle. But ;hen your Aody has sol=ents in it, the other fi=e sta<es >an de=eloC in youE If CroCyl al>ohol is the solvent, the intestinal fluke is invited to use another or an as a secondary hostRthis or an will become cancerous. If AenHene is the solvent, the intestinal fluke uses the thymus for its secondary host, settin the sta e for !I"#. 0ood al>ohol invites pancreatic flukes to use the pancreas as a secondary host. :his leads to pancreatic dysfunction which we call #iabetes. If ?ylene 0or toluene 2 are the solvents, I typically see any of four flukes usin the brain as a secondary host. If methyl ethyl ketone 0MEB2 or methyl Autyl ketone 0M.B2 are the solvents, the uterus becomes a secondary host and endometriosis a likely result. :his is a new kind of parasitism, based on pollution. I call the diseases caused by fluke sta es in inappropriate locations Fluke DiseaseO it is discussed in more detail later 0pa e 63&2. !re tapeworms and roundworms affected by solvents this way, tooL :his is a fascinatin and very important question. #earch for the answer and help others search for the answer. I do not know yet.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

)ollutants are all the dead thin s around us that should not et into your body because they interfere with its work. !s lon as they donGt penetrate your tissues, they wonGt interfere, like plastic eye lasses and clothin . .ut if they are invasive, your body must fi ht to remove them. )ollutants can invade your body via the air you breath, the foods and bevera es you eat, and the products you put on your skin.

The #iggest tragedy is not recogni4ing when a pollutant is harming you.

:wo people can use the same face cream. 8ne develops a rash, the other does not. :he one who did not assumes the cream is not harmful to themXthat they are like a bank vault, impre + nable to that product. ! better assumption is that the face cream is somewhat to;ic, as evidenced by the rash that can develop, and they escaped the rash only because they had a stron er im+ mune system. :he immune system is like money, paid out of the bank vault, for every to;ic invasion. When the money is one, the bank 0your health2 fails.

Sol%ent "ollution
#olvents are compounds that dissolve thin s. Water is a use+ ful, life ivin solvent. Most other solvents dissolve fats and are life threatenin , because fats form the membrane wall around each of our cells, especially our nerve cells. :he solvent that does the most harm is AenHene . It oes to the thymus, ruins our immune system, and causes !I"#. :he ne;t worst solvent is CroCyl al>ohol. It oes to the liver and


)!(!#I:E# I )8CC,:I8*

causes cancer in some distant or an. 8ther maKor culprits of disease are ?ylene, toluene, ;ood al>ohol, methylene >hloride, and tri>hloroethane 0:CE2. IGll discuss each one later, with the ailment itGs associated with.

>etal "ollution
.iochemists know that a mineral in raw element form always inhibits the en>yme usin that mineral. Copper from the meat and ve etables you eat is essential. Inor anic copper, like you would et from a copper bottomed kettle or copper plumbin , is 7 carcino enic . ,nfortunately, the inor anic form of metals is what pervades our environment. We put metal Kewelry on our skin, eat bread baked in metal pans, and drink water from metal plumbin . !nother obvious metallic threat is tooth fillin s. Mer>ury amal<am fillin<s, despite the assurances of the !merican "ental !ssociation, are not safe. !nd sometimes the mercury is polluted with thallium, even more to;ic than mercuryN Gold and sil=er seem to have fewer harmful effects, but no one should have any pure metal in or on their body. 8ther prevalent to;ic metals include lead and >admium from soldered and alvani>ed plumbin , ni>kel and >hromium from dentalware and cosmetics, and aluminum from food and drink cans, and cookin pots.

Haleem I! lssaJ' "he Role o$ /etals in "umor Development and inhi#ition! From Carcinogenicity and Metal Ions' volume +2' pa&e 3+' o$ a series called Metal Ions in Biological Systems' edited #% Helmut Si&el' +:62!



:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Molds produce some of the most to;ic substances known, called m+coto%ins. 8ne small moldy fruit or ve etable can pol+ lute a hu e batch of Kuice, Kam or other product. !lthou h molds are alive, and can be killed by >appin , mycoto;ins are not, and must be deto;ified by your liver. .ut because mycoto;ins are so e;tremely poisonous, a tiny amount can incapacitate a part of the liver for daysN $flato?in is the most common mycoto;in I detect. It is pro+ duced by molds that row on quite a variety of plants. @or that reason I am always cautionin people to eat only perfect citrus fruit, and never drink commercial fruit Kuice. 8f the thousands of oran es that o into the batch of oran e Kuice you drink, one is sure to be moldy, and that is all it takes to ive your liver a setback. ! heavy dose of vitamin C helps the liver recover quickly. It also helps et rid of aflato;in before it is consumed, ri ht in the food container. #o keep a plastic shaker of vitamin C powder handy and use it like salt on all your food. :here are thirteen other mycoto;ins I have searched for in our foods. :hey are described in the section on moldy food 0pa e 75%2.

"hysical To?ins
.reathin in dust is quite bad for you so your body reKects it by snee>in , cou hin , spittin up and out. Ima ine breathin in broken lass particles. :hey cut into the lun s in a thousand places and couldnGt be cou hed up. :hey would travel. Ima ine swallowin a needle or open pin. If the tip was blunt it could move throu h the intestine. .ut because it is sharp it ets cau ht in your tissue, then works its way deeper and deeper.


)!(!#I:E# I )8CC,:I8* Would we ever knowin ly breathe in broken lassL We are Kustifiably afraid of it in our food or under our bare feet. We are unaware that it fills our homes when fiAer<lass insulation is left imperfectly sealed off. !ny hole made throu h the ceilin or wall, even if covered with cloth, lets swarms of broken lass bits into the house air. !ir currents flow inward, into your livin space. #o all holes leadin to the attic or insulated spaces must be sealed airti ht. 8f course, fiber lass should never be used in home construction, draperies, or around water heaters. :he best advice is to have it all removed while you are away and then vacuum and dust. 8ccasional e;posures by house builders workin outdoors does much less harm. Chronic e;posure from a sin le small hole in the ceilin does a lot of harm, leadin to cyst formation. !nd that cyst is a perfect place for parasites and bacteria to settle and multiply. When the intestinal fluke settles there it becomes mali nantN Cancer patients with soli# tumors have either fiber lass or asbestos in them. $sAestos is another tiny bit, sharp as lass, that moves throu h your body like a swordfish, impalin your cells until it, too, ets routed into a cyst. We have been led to believe that we no lon er have asbestos in our homes because we have outlawed the fireproofin mate+rials it was used in. While that may be true, the source I find most often is all too prevalent9 the clothes dryer belt. !s it ets hot the belt releases a blast of asbestos particles that are forced throu h the seams of your dryer, and also openin s in your e;haust hose, by the hi h pressure formed inside. It is now in your air.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Chemical To?ins
Chlorofluoro>arAons 0CFCs2 or freon is the refri erant in your air conditioner and refri erator coils. C@Cs are suspected of causin the o>one hole above the #outh )ole. !ll cancer suf+ferers test positive for C@Cs in their cancerous or anN I have preliminary evidence that it is C@Cs that attract other pollutantsP fiber lass, metals, )C.sPto form a rowin tumor instead of allowin their e;cretion. :his would make it a =super car+cino en.?. How could you detect C@Cs leakin in your homeL .y the time your air conditioner or refri erator needs rechar in , you have been e;posed for a lon time. We desperately need an ine;pensive, in+ home test for this unsuspected killer. $rseni> is used in pesticide. Why would we poison our+ selves alon with the cockroachesL Is it because we canGt see it happenin L Eust as we couldnGt see the fiber lass floatin in the airL 8ur dili ent scientists have studied the mechanism of arsenic poisonin in reat detail. :hen why are we allowed to put it on our lawns to be carried into our carpets via shoesL #oly>hlorinated AiChenyls 0)C.s2, oily compounds with wonderfully useful electrical properties, were ori inally used in transformers until their inability to break down into less to;ic substances in our environment was spotli hted. .anned from use, I find them in most commercial soap and deter entsN Is transformer oil bein disposed of by sellin it to soap makersL Formaldehyde is used to cure foam. !s a result, foam fur+ niture, pillows and mattresses ive off formaldehyde for about two years after manufacturin . If you sleep with your nose buried in a new foam pillow all ni ht, you are riskin maKor lun problems. Every cleanser in your house probably has a to;ic warnin on its label. Every fluid your automobile uses is to;ic. Every pesticide, herbicide and fertili>er you put on your lawn is probably to;ic. Every paint, varnish, wa;, lubricant, bleach and


)!(!#I:E# I )8CC,:I8*

deter ent will send you to the hospital if even a small amount is in ested. Why do we keep them aroundL #ee (ecipes 0pa e '%72 for safe, old+fashioned, alternatives. If you are ill even after >appin , it is to;ins still at work. Fettin rid of them is a maKor step toward bein well.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#


How We Reall% Get Sic

What if you invented a device that could search people for the presence of mycoto;ins 0e;tremely to;ic substances made by food molds2L !nd what if you found that althou h many people had them, those who were sick with a cold always had at least one of them. Would you ask whether a sudden buildup of mycoto;ins is what really lets colds developL Why do some people in the same family et the cold while others do notL What if you found everyone with >an>er had the human intestinal fluke in their liver, and no one else didL What if you found everyone with diaAetes had the pan+ creatic fluke of cattle in their pancreas, and few others didL What if you found everyone with en=ironmental illness tested positive for @asciola 0sheep liver fluke2 in their liverL What if you found everyone with asthma tested positive for !scaris in their lun sL

;hat if you always found e%ery mysteriously ill person had some unsuspected parasite or pollutant@
:he device is the #yncrometer , and these =what ifs? are all true. :hey forced me to alter my entire outlook on what really causes some of our =incurable?, mysterious diseases. We used to believe that diabetes was caused by over con+ sumption of su ars, a cold by a virus you cau ht from some+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# body, cancer from carcino en e;posure, depression from poor parentin . :his multicausal concept is what made the study of medicine so difficult that only a few could undertake it. !nd every year new syndromes are added to the list of human ill+ nesses. .ut these dia noses are based on a description of what is happenin at a particular place in your body. :his is like callin a mosquito bite behind the ears by one name and a mosquito bite behind the knee by another name. If you never see the true cause, a mosquito at work, this system could be e;cused as somewhat sensible. !nd, until now, the profession of medicine has made some sense. :he new truths, however, make the old descriptive system obsolete. Dou can now find the true causes of all your illnesses. !nd you can find them yourself by buildin the electronic dia nostic circuit 0pa e 3'42N 8nce you have seen a mosquito at work on your body you no lon er need to o to the doctor for a red, itchy bump. Dou donGt need to search for the correct dia nosis and an appropriate dru . )ou Cut uC s>reen doors and ;indo;sE 8nce you have seen how common house dust is implicated in the common cold you et rid of the house dust. 8nce you have seen the mold in your food facilitate the cold virus you throw out that moldy food. .ut only seein is believin . *othin is left to faith. :he electronic resonance method described in this book will let you see all these thin s for yourself. Dou are not a hapless pawn attacked by bacteria and viruses that dart at you from nowhere to make you ill. Dou are not at the mercy of diseases all around you, hopin , by chance, to escape, like a soldier hopin to come home from the war. *ature and your body make ood sense. :here is no disease that can outwit you if you know enou h about it. *ot even Cou Fehri Gs diseaseN *or asthma or diabetes. (ead how the people in the case histories made themselves



well. (ead why some people failed. Dou have an advanta e they did not have. :heir instructions were hard to carry out because they had to have faith in them. Dou donGt. Dou can replace faith with your own hard headed observations by buildin the dia nostic circuit 0#yncrometer2. :he reat convincer is seein it yourself. When you personally find the mold in your peanut butter, or $higella in your cheese, you have the knowled e, not faith, that convinces and uides you.

All illness comes from two causes+ "ARAS9T&S and " =='TANTS.
8nly two causesN :his is what simplifies the picture to make it possible for you to cure yourself. We have been tau ht that illness is lar ely our own fault. :hat it is due to =catchin somethin ?, not eatin what we should, like rou ha e or vitamins, or not doin what we should, like dressin properly, e;ercisin or oin to bed on time. #omehow, itGs our own fault. Either by doin somethin we shouldnGt or not doin somethin we should. When absolutely no fault can be found we are told itGs in our enesN :rue inherited diseases are e;tremely rare. 8ur enes have evolved over millions of years to produce healthy humans. *or are enes that mutate durin your lifetime at fault. )ollutants, which are known to be muta ens, are the real culprits. *either the parasites nor the pollutants in you are =your fault?. *otice that other people all around us are doin the same thin s or not doin the same thin s, and even share our enes and donGt have our illness. :he current concepts on disease causation blamin our actions and our enes are simply not lo ical. .ut until now they appeared lo ical. #uppose %--- people were bitten by a mosquito or flea, it would always be in a dif+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# ferent place, and if you were usin the location and effect system to dia nose the problem you could have a thousand dia noses listed for them, includin a defective ene. Could you be persuaded to accept a ene replacement for your red itchy bumpsL :he new ene mi ht be for antihistamine production so the welts donGt become lar e, red and hot, or lead to impeti o. If you were the research doctor, you mi ht be tempted to alleviate a thousand personsG distress with a new ene. @ortunately, you are not and only need to solve your own problems. Dou can be more lo ical. !fter you have found the parasite interlopers hidin in your body you can kill them electronically. !nd after you have iden+ tified the pollutants stuck in your or ans you can stop eatin them, breathin them or puttin them on yourself. In response, your body will be in to heal, Kust as surely as a mosquito bite heals. Heal from multiple sclerosis, emphysema, myastheniaL DesNN #ome healin will be swift. #ome healin will be slow. Healin is not understood. It is much faster in youn persons. .ut fast or slow you know it has be un. It will be an e;citin adventure to watch yourself lose your symptoms and et stron er.

Self !ealth
The entire CurCose of this Aook is to enaAle you to dia<3 nose and treat yourself for any disease. Dou have three new approaches that make this wish a reality9 the understandin that only pollution and parasites make you sick, the quick and ine;+ pensive dia nostic circuit that lets you find which pollutants and parasites they are, and the >apper or herbal recipe that kills the parasites.



WouldnGt it be nice not to have to o to the doctor for your aches and painsL !nd not to be dependent on the doctor to dia + nose and treat youL Self health means keepin yourself healthy. "oin it your3 self. #uppose your doctor has already dia nosed you as havin =!typical Cateral #clerosis? or =#houlder+Hip Firdle Metas+ table !plasia.? Could you re+dia nose this for yourself so as to treat and cure itL !nd be successfulL Why notL Dou have already succeeded in many enterprises. Dou learned to talk, walk, read, et alon with people. :hese skills took a few years to master. Cearnin to keep well is a new skill. It may take a few years too. !fter you have learned these skills you may pass them on to your children. !nd so a new ift is iven to humanity, like the ift of music or the art of cookin .

!ow To !eal
Dour body has been tryin to rid itself of its parasites and pollutants all your lifeN It had its own ways. It made stones, it made mucus secretions, it made itself to;ic dumpsites. :hese were ood tactics but now of course, they are no lon er neces+ sary. Can you help your body et rid of these accumulations and sweep itself clean a ainL #weepin your liver clean is the most powerful way of helpin your body to heal itself after the parasites are one. :here are thousands of bits of =trash? accumulated in the liver bile ducts. :hey will turn into stones 0 allstones2 if left in place. :he kidney, too, has made numerous small stones in its effort to keep your body clear of lead, cadmium, mercury and


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# other impassable pollutants. Dou can assist the kidney to e;pel all these. In days, not weeks or months, you can feel the healin effects of clearin allstones and kidney stones from your body. .ut there are miles of bile ducts 0'-,--- ducts2 in the liverO the herbal recipes that do this are used over and over, patiently, until all, the =trash? is removed. :his can take several years. #o, althou h you can stop your disease very quickly from pro ressin , the healin process may not be complete for years. *evertheless, you are healthy a ain. :his means your pains are either one or reatly reduced. Dour or ans are functionin better. Dou have a new sense of well bein . Dour ener y is up. Dour desire to live and accomplish somethin is back. 8r ans that have been dama ed beyond the ability of our simple methods to reverse can be treated with the ma ic of modern sur ery. Cataracts, bunions, old inKuries are e;amples. )ossibly, these too, are =stone? formations. .ut no recipe has been found to clear them up simply and in a useful time frame.
Billin parasites, removin pollutants and clearin allstones and kidney stones from your body is a powerful combination of treatments. It is so powerful you can chan e yourself into a new person in half a year. !nd then o on improvin for years more. #hould you stop takin your prescription medicine while you are treatin yourselfL *8. Wait until you have cured yourself of the condition that required the medicine. (educe your medicine and eventually o off it. Will your doctor approveL @ind one that will. (emember that the medicine is buyin you the time to cure yourself, somethin to be rateful for.



The Road To ;ellness

:o review our new understandin of health vs. disease9 We have only two problems9 parasites and pollutants. )arasites are thin s that live on us, usin up our food and ivin us their wastes. )ollutants are to;ic thin s in us makin it difficult for our or ans to do their work. :hese two thin s are responsible for all our other problems. 8ur bodies have been tryin to rid us of these by makin stones, makin secretions, ivin us swellin s, inflamma+ tions and beni n tumors. We develop deficiencies and dis+ abilities. @inally, some permanent dama e is done. 8ur hair turns ray, we develop cataracts, the spine bends, nerves and muscles die. We weaken. 8ur strate y to undo all this will be a lo ical one. First, we will kill all parasites, bacteria, viruses and fun i. Se>ond, we will remove the to;ic molds, metals and chemi+ cals in our foods and body products. Third, we will clear away and wash away the stones, secre+ tions and debris already formed, that hinder healin . Fourth, we will use herbs and special food factors to hasten healin , bein very careful to use pure products. 0:hese act more quickly when iven intravenously but the emphasis in this book will be on oral consumption.2 Finally, for repairs that are beyond our abilities, we will seek help from health and medical professionals. What could be more e;citin than findin the tremor is out of your arm or the pain is out of your shoulderL WonGt it be ad+ mirable to correct your pulse and your hi h blood pressure, by yourselfL What an adventure it could be to et rid of all your warts.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

.ut ettin rid of pain seems like a first priority to me, since pain often undermines our morale, our initiative to do thin s, even our interest in ettin wellN

/an% o$ our illnesses are caused #% unsuspected sources! I have $ound pi&eon tapeworm in humans' $or instance!

Fig, 8 Fee# animals out of +our +ar# an# a)a+ from )here chil#ren pla+, Their )astes contain pathogens,


*ain From "oe "o Head

I would rather die than endure e;cruciatin , unrelievable pain. :hat puts Cain at the very top of my priority list. @ortunately for us, pain killers are at hand to et us throu h it and buy us the time it takes to solve the real problem behind it. :he pain killin industry also brou ht us the addiction in+ dustry. !s we turn to electrical pain killin the need for addictin dru s should decline. :here are other very useful pain killers9 acupuncture, massa e, listenin to music, feedback devices, contemplation, hypnotism, and prayer. .ut we will focus on ettin rid of the cause of pain and healin the or ans that are in pain so none of these methods are needed. I am not talkin about the pain of a broken bone, twisted ankle, bee stin or sunburn. I am not talkin about the pain of a misali ned vertebra or stretch trauma in your le muscles or arm muscles. I am referrin to pain that is in one of your or ans and refuses to o away. @or e;ample, arthritis. 8ther pains are headache, foot pain, elbow pain, hip pain, chest pain. !ll of these may have special names like rheumatoid arthritis, cluster headache, fibromyal ia, bursitis, tennis elbow and so on, but they are all the same phenomenon. Bnowin that parasites and pollutants are the real culprits, let us et ri ht down to the Kob of findin out which they are, where they come from, and how to et rid of them. :he parasites that cause pain are not the lar e ones, like worms or amoebas. *or are they the very tiny viruses. :hey are bacteria. .acteria are the ri ht si>e to et into the doorways of our cells. 8ur cells try to keep their doorways ti ht+shut but, of course, they have to open to let food in, or hormones, or other life+si nals. If bacteria are swarmin around the outside of cells,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# some will mana e to slip into a doorway while it is open. ! battle be ins. :he cells refuse to let the bacteria in. :he bacteria refuse to let o of the door latch. :here is probably a specific electrical attraction between them and an e;act physical fit. :he bodyGs e;tra forces, the immune system, are called in to help quell the invasion. :he bacteria multiply as fast as they can. :here is swellin . :here is heat produced. :here is pressure a ainst other or ans. !ll to ether it is called inflammation and infection. :he answer is not to deinflame with dru s 0like the cortisone variety2. :he answer is not to reduce swellin or body tem+perature. The ans;er is >ertainly not Cain killer. :he answer is to kill the bacteria. 0Even this is not the ultimate answer. We must stop the source of the bacteria and your bodyGs invitation to be invaded. We will et to this later.2 #o SteC 'ne is to search for the bacteria nibblin at our painful re ions and identify them. :his ives us the clue to findin their source. SteC T;o is to e;terminate them electri+ cally. Within minutes they fall out of the doorways to our cells. Dour white blood cells are waitin for them, and will obble them up in a rand feast. .ut, remember, there is another cause of pain, pollutants. SteC Three is to find the pollutants and identify them because this ives us a clue as to their source. SteC Four is to eliminate our pollution sources. $nd the IoA is done. #ain is <one. !n intri uin question will pop into your head as you search your or ans for parasites and pollutants. Which came firstL )ollutants can Kam their way into your cellGs doorways too. "oes this allow the bacteria to swim inL 8r do the bacteria come first, Kammin open the doorways so the pollutants can enterL .oth seem possible. Maybe both events o on simultaneously. )erhaps that is why bacteria and pollutants are always seen to ether. /iruses can land on your cellGs doorways, too, and cause viral diseases, but they are not as often pain producin .


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!"

Dou will also notice somethin , as you keep testin and watchin over your health. )our Aody is =ery <ood at killin< Aa>teria and =iruses. Dour body kills them faster than a wave of a ma ic wandN :he only ones that et away are those that are stuck in doorways and Ychannels with pollutants in themN :his seems like evidence that pollutants do the ate+openin . .ut it isnGt proof and we must keep all possibilities in mind. @ortunately we do not have to know e;actly how parasites and pollution make us sick in order to et well.

Searching For $acteria

In order to find which or ans have the bacteria and which bacteria are present you will need to learn the new technolo y that makes all of this possible. :his technolo y is a simple electronic circuit that is capable of trappin frequencies in such a way that you can hear them. Dour bodyGs frequencies, the fre+ quencies of bacteria, viruses and parasites are all different and can be heard as distinctly as a mooo, Aaah, t;eet, or oink comin from a farm yard. .ut do you have to do all thatL *oN Dou donGt. Dou could simply electrocute all these tiny invaders. .ut how would you know what to avoid in the futureL If your pain returned how would you know if it was the same old bacteria or a new oneL

=earning to test takes the guesswork out of diagnosis.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

My hope is that you will find it all so intri uin , so abso+ lutely fascinatin , that in spite of some chronic pain, you will feel compelled to make the searches yourself. @ind someone willin to help. :rade your information. It is less difficult than learnin to use a computer.

;hat :ou ;ill Find

@irst we will study and cure pains of all kinds, startin with the toes and workin our way up the body. We donGt need to be very specific about the location of the pain since bacteria and to;ins flow over to nearby locations anyway. @or each kind of pain, we will look into the causes so you can eliminate them. )ain could come back in an hour if you didnGt know the bacteria were comin from cheese and you had a cheese sandwich after 'apping 0killin parasites electrically2. In fact, the pain may not have had time to o away before the ne;t onslau ht be ins and you mi ht conclude, wron ly, that this method doesnGt work. )arasites mi ht also come back to your specially painful place from a few far away places that are hard to reach by your >apperGs electrical current. :he inside of your eyeball, the testi+ cle, the interior of allstones, the middle of a tooth abscess or the bowel contents are such places. Dour >apper current, because it is hi h frequency, prefers to = o around? these items, rather than throu h them. .ut with repeated >appin , and herbal parasite treatment, you can decimate them, too, and stop reinfectin the rest of your body.


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!"

In fact, it is such knowled e about reinfection and sources of our pollutants that is the most important contribution of the case histories. !fter dealin with pains we will turn our attention to the diseases that arenGt pain producin , like diabetes, myasthenia ravis and so on.

Toe "ain
:he ends of your feet et the poorest =service? from your blood supply. :hey are the furthest away. :he blood here has the most accumulated acid and the least o;y en supply. :he body produces quite a bit of uric aci# and this should, of course, be e;creted into the bladder by the kidneys. .ut if the kidneys are doin a poor Kob of this, levels in the body and blood stream rise. :he blood can only hold so much. It holds even less in acid conditions such as the ends of your feet e;perience. ,ric acid be ins to settle out or precipitate at our feet. Hippuric aci#, too, is found where pain is found. Hippuric acid is made in lar e amounts 0about % ramHday2 by the liver because it is a deto;ification product. It makes no sense to con+ sume ben'oic aci#, the common preservative, since this is what the body deto;ifies into hippuric acid. (ead all labels on food you buy. "onGt buy any bevera es or baked oods preserved with ben>oic acid. Citric aci# is fine. :he Koints of the bi toes are favorite places for pain to develop. :his is made even worse when circulation is poor. :ake a ca+enne capsule with each meal to improve circulation. If you cannot find your pulse Kust below your inner ankle your circulation is poor. :he accumulation of uric and hippuric acid invites bacteria to feed on them. !s bacteria multiply the tissue fi hts back with


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

inflammation. *ow the sta e has been set for Cain. #ome people do not have pain althou h these acids and other deposits are present makin their Koints knobby and unbendin . .acteria have not found them yet or havenGt multiplied sufficiently in them to invade your tissues. )erhaps there are other reasons as well. If you have toe Cain your course of action is this9

%. Bill all bacteria possible with your >apper. (epeat daily until no further benefit is seen. 6. "issolve the deposits away. !n herbal recipe, quite elabo+ rate, is capable of doin this. It is called the Bidney Cleanse 0pa e '3&2. :oe deposits are made of the same crystals as kidney stones, which is why the Bidney Cleanse works for toe pain. .ut because these deposits are far away from the kidney, it takes lon er than merely cleanin up kidneys. It may take si; months to make a si nificant dent on these deposits. :his will at the same time remove kidney crystals so that these are no lon er a source of bacteria. 7. Fet teeth cavitations cleaned 0cavitations are bone infec+ tions in the Kaw where a tooth was pulledO it never healedO see "ental Cleanup pa e 3-&2. :his can =ma ically? stop the toe pain the same day as they are cleaned. :he effect lasts for days afterward showin it is not the dental anes+ thetic that is responsible. It also teaches you that the bacte+ ria in the toes can come from the teeth. .ut pain may return as other bacteria find the deposits. 3. Clean the liver of stones usin the Civer Cleanse 0pa e ''62. :his, too, can ive immediate pain relief in the toes showin you they are a source for bacteria. Civer cleanin may take you two years to completeN Meanwhile your toe pain is recedin . !nd, of course, this pays e;tra dividends in health for your body.


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!"

'. (educe the acidity in your toes. @irst, check your acidity

with pH paper meant for testin urinary pH, called *i+ tra>ine:M paper. 8rdinary pH paper, as for fish tanks, is almost as accurate and will serve as well. :ear a Uinch piece and hold it in the urine stream. Early mornin is the time your urine is most acid. If this reads below '.' your feet must have been even lower in the ni ht 0lower is more acid2.

8nce deposits start, it is hard to stop them. If they start formin at 6 a.m., they are likely to continue for several hours even if the pH oes back up to normal. Dour tactic will be to o to bed with an alkali>in action. :akin a calcium and ma ne+ sium supplement at bedtime, drinkin milk at bedtime, usin bakin soda at bedtime are all remedies to be tried. :hey should raise your urinary pH to 1 in the mornin .

Balan>e )our C&

Most persons with painful deposits anywhere in their feet have a mornin urine pH of 3.'N !t 3.' it is safe to uess that a lot has precipitated a ain in the ni ht. "urin the day, your bodyGs pH swin s back and forth. :he urine ets quite alkaline ri ht after a mealO this is called the al&aline ti#e. :hree meals a day would brin you three alkaline tides. "urin these periods, lastin about an hour, you have an opportunity to dissolve some of your foot deposits. .ut if you allow your pH to drop too low in the ni ht you put the deposits back a ain. :he net effect decides whether your deposits row or shrink. :o alkalini>e yourself at bedtime, choose one of these op+ tions9 %. :wo oyster shell tablets, equalin 4'- m . of calcium plus a ma nesium o;ide tablet, 7-- m 0see $ources2. :he ma nesium helps the calcium dissolve and stay in solu+


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tion. :akin more calcium at one time is not advised be+ cause it cannot be dissolved and absorbed anyway and mi ht constipate you. @or the elderly only one calcium tablet is advised. :ake calcium tablets with vitamin C or lemon water to help dissolve 0V tsp. vitamin C powderO addin honey is fine2. 8ne cup of sterili>ed milk or buttermilk, drunk hot or cold, plus % ma nesium o;ide tablet, 7-- m . 0addin cinnamon is fine2. If these two remedies work for you, your mornin urinary pH will come up to 1.- but if for some reason they donGt, you need to take more drastic measures. :ake the supple+ ments and milk earlier in the day and reserve bedtime for9 Utsp. bakin soda in water. :his is so#ium bicarbonate. .ut donGt use bakin soda from a store because most brands I have tested are polluted with ben>eneN 0#ee $ources for safe bakin soda.2 ,sin a combination of sodium and potassium bicarbonate in a ratio of 69% is actually a much more healthful potion. Dou can make your own or ask a pharmacist to make it for you. Mi; two parts bakin soda and one part potassium bicarbonate 0see $ources2 in a Kar. Beep ti htly closed. Cabel it sodium Cotassium Ai>arAonate alkaliHer 0this potion is also very useful in aller ic reactions of all kinds2. :ake % level tsp. in water at bedtime. If your pH reaches 1 in the mornin continue each ni ht at this dose. If it does not, take %Utsp. Beep watchin your pH, since it will radually normali>e and you will require less and less. If you are usin plain bakin soda, instead of the mi;ture, watch your pH each mornin , also, so you can cut back when the pH oes hi her than 1.

)ersons with a limit on their daily sodium intake must care+ fully count the rams of bakin soda consumed in this way.


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!"

Each tsp. wei hs about 6 rams, of which half 0% ram or %--milli rams is sodium. :he sodiumHpotassium mi;ture would only ive you half as much sodium 0U ram per tsp.2. .y comparison, the usual daily intake of sodium is about ' m., althou h salt eaters consume twice that amount. Dou have done five thin s to pull the ru out from under the bacteria livin in and around the deposits in your toes. *ow when you kill bacteria with your >apper, you can e;pect the pain to o away and stay away. Cocations at the base of toes may be painful due to a neu* roma. "eposits and bacteria here are even more painful because this is the location of nerve centers. If the build+up is lar e, you may prefer some sur ical help or a cortisone shot rather than wait several years for solid relief.

Foot "ain
:his kind of pain does not involve as much deposits as toe pain and is therefore easier to clear up. .ut trauma to the foot is more important. @irst, even thou h your shoes are comfortable, chan e them. Fet wider shoes, lon er shoes, lower heels. !lter+ nate two pairs of shoes in a sin le day. In your home take shoes off. Beep feet very warm. Wear natural fiber socks, not synthet+ ics. If your circulation is poor, take a ca+enne capsule with each meal. When circulation is moderately poor, your feet et cold easily. When circulation is very poor, the heart pulse cannot be felt in your feet 0take your pulse Kust below your inner ankle2. ! ain9 Fet teeth cavitations cleaned 0"ental Cleanup, pa e 3-&2. "o the herbal Bidney Cleanse 0pa e '3&2. Bill parasites and bacteria with a >apper.


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:hen clean the liver 0pa e ''62. Check body pH in the mornin upon risin usin *i+ :M tra>ine or other pH paper. Correct it as discussed in :oe )ain. If the urinary pH is 4 or hi her, it means you have a bladder infection. :reat it immediately 0pa e %-%2.

If there is any swellin around the foot or ankle, you are =holdin water.? It may be called e#ema. :his is due to poor adrenal and kidney function. :he adrenals are located on top of the kidneys and to ether they re ulate how much salt and water stays in your body. .ecause they are situated so close to ether, they share their parasites and pollution. When the kidneys form &i#ne+ cr+stals the flow throu h the kidney tubes is hindered, and less water and salt can leave the body. It stays in your tissues as edema. :he kidney herb recipe will dissolve the crystals. .ut you must remove to;ins such as metal from tooth fillin s and kill parasites. Continue doin the Bidney Cleanse after the ori inal Fig, -9 :our &i#ne+s )ith the si; weeks is up until all foot a#renal glan#s sitting li&e hats pain and edema are one. on top, The ureters lea# to the bla##er, Continue killin your tiny invaders with a >apper twice a week. Dou may need to cleanse the liver several times, too, before all the pain and edema are one. :he supplement, pantothenic aci# 0see $ources2, is particu+ larly ood for feet. :ake '-- m three times a day for several


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weeks to see if it helps. Massa e and refle;olo y are also ood for them.

!eel "ain
#ometimes heel pain is due to heel spurs, sometimes it is not. Heel spurs are due to deposits. :he usual heel deposits are uric aci# and various phosphates. ,ric acid deposits become a breedin round for bacteria. :he phosphates ive the deposits a ri id structure that is hard to dissolve. Dou may have to choose a pain killer, et specially built =orthopedic? shoes, or stop your daily walks to et relief from the piercin pains. :hese will not cure the problem but may =buy you some time? while you make basic chan es in your lifestyle. #top drinkin tea and cocoa because they contain o%alic aci#. #top drinkin coffee, decafs, fruit Kuice and soda pop because they are contaminated with solvents. !ll of these must be deto;ified by your body and eliminated by your kidneys. We should spare the kidneys these e;tra tasks when we wish them to clean up heel spur deposits. Dou must first dissolve the deposits, then help the kidneys eliminate them. :o dissolve them, you alkalini>e your bodyGs pH, watchin over it carefully with pH paper or *itra>ine paper. :o help kid+ neys eliminate them, use the Bidney Cleanse and drink lots of water. 8nly water, not a bevera e, helps the kidneys to eliminate. "rink a pint of water upon risin in the mornin , and a pint of water between meals. "o not buy =special? water. ,se your cold tap water only. If you donGt like the taste of your own tap water, et it from some+


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body elseGs tap. ,se only lass or reused polyethylene Ku s. )olyethylene is opaque, not clear. It has already lost its plasti+ ci>er into the water that stood in it earlier. 0#omebody drank itN2 )urchased water has traces of solvents from machinery and sterili>in equipment used in its bottlin . Dour own tap water is not pure 0indeed it may have '-- to;ic elements2, but it never contains solvents in amounts I can detect.

:races of solvents are worse than traces of other to;ins. 0ater filters are not the solution. :hey trap the pollutants and then allow a tiny amount to enter the water on a daily basis. Chronic to;in consumption is much worse for your health than periodic sur es of to;ins. Dou can use a small filter, that ets chan ed every month without much risk. :his would dechlorinate the water, at least, and improve the flavor. :he pitcher variety 0it should be made of hard, infle;ible plastic2 and the faucet variety are listed in $ources.

$ottled water is popular+

and tasty, and has appealin advertisin , but it is Kust not safe. Why is it easier for everyone to spend dollars per day, for the rest of their life, buyin water instead of insistin that their water pipes are metal+freeL

!nother reason not to drink water from bottles, however convenient, is that it is sta nant and is soon contaminated with our own bacteria from contact with mouth or hands. $taph+lo* coccus ($taph) and ., coli are commonly seen. :he solution is not to add still more chemical disinfectants, the solution is to drink from a flowin source, such as our faucets. If you must carry water, use lass containersO plastic is porous and much


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more difficult to wash clean 0sterili>in in a dishwasher is ef+ fective, thou h2. .y drinkin a total of four pints of water in a day, the kidneys will notice the assistance. 0!ny sin le herb tea without added salt or sweetener counts as water.2 :he urine will stop havin any odor and will become very li ht colored. :his is especially important while you are dissolvin the heel deposits since your body is now carryin these in the circulation. Billin bacteria with a >apper may ive you instant pain re+lief and is, of course, beneficial to your body. .ut you canGt e;+pect the pain to stay away until the deposits are one and the source of bacteria is also removed. Fo after the usual sources9 teeth and stones. !nother source is dairy food contaminated with $almonella and $higella bacteria. #terili>e all of it by boilin . Even the amount put on cereal in the mornin or used in scrambled e s is enou h to reinfect youN .utter and heavy whippin cream also need boilin . #top eatin yo urt and cheese which canGt be boiled. )hosphate deposits are a mi;ture of three phosphates9 monocalcium phosphate 0CaH6 )832, #icalcium phosphate 0Ca6H )832 and tricalcium phosphate 0Ca7 )832. :hey are formed by eatin too much 0way too much2 phosphate relative to calcium. 8ur hi h phosphate foods are meats, carbonated bevera es and rain products like rice, cereals, breads, pastas and nuts. :he bodyGs normal elimination tactic for phosphate is to combine it with calcium and ma nesium in order to neutrali>e it first. ,nneutrali>ed phosphate is very acidic and would burn the delicate kidneys. .ut where shall the calcium and ma nesium be taken fromL Ma nesium is often in very short supply since it comes from reen ve etables in the diet and is not stored up in any special or an. #o it falls on calcium to be used for this pur+ pose since it is stored up 0in your bones and teeth2.


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:he acid condition created by phosphates dissolves your bones and allows lar e amounts of bone structure to be washed out with the urine9 this can be directly seen with an analysis of urine 0you can ask your doctor to order this at a lab2. If you catch all the urine in a 63 hour period you can measure all the calcium you have wasted. Dou should not lose more than %'- m calcium in a day 3 because this is all you can absorb in a dayN If you do lose more than %'- m in a day, you are dissolvin your bones at a fast clip. :his also means there is too much calcium in your blood and lymph, from dissolvin so much bone so quickly. 8nce you have dissolved your bones it is not so easy to put the calcium back into them. Dour body will try to put it back as soon as possibleRas soon as your acid condition is one. .ut your bones canGt do this without vitamin . /itamin " may =come from? sunshine and from vitamin " in milk but it isnGt that simple. /itamin " must be activated by your kidneys before it can o to workN (emember, thou h, it was the kidneys that had a problem in the first place, allowin deposits to formN With old kidneys, clo ed with crystals, hampered by heavy metal and mold to;ins, and belea uered by bacteria and parasites, is it any wonder that sunshine and vitamin " fortified milk donGt supply lar e amounts of activated vitamin "L It takes lar e amounts to put back into your bones the lar e amount of calcium that dissolved out durin the acid state you put yourself in by over consumin phosphate food. If you canGt put the calcium back into your bones promptly where is it to oL It may attach itself to tissues that were never meant to be used this way. Dour arteries fill with =scale,? your

Kou a#sor# 0 to +2L o$ what %ou eat! I$ %ou eat + &ram 4+222 m&5 %ou a#sor# 02 to +22 m&! 8ut %ou a#sor# .0712L i$ it comes $rom mil -


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kidneys form calcium phosphate crystals, heels form spurs, Koints become knobby with deposits. Doun persons and children, with healthy unclo ed kidneys, makePthat is, activatePample vitamin ", so even if they consume too much phosphate and develop an acid condition that dissolves their teeth and bones, they >an Cut the dissol=ed >al>ium Aa>k in its CroCer Cla>e. :hey donGt develop hardened arteries, heel spurs, and knobby Koints, at least not at first. :heir bodies can take a considerable amount of abuse without showin it. In eneral, people eat way too much phosphate. Meat eaters eat too much meat. /e etarians eat too much rain. Most eve+ ryone drinks phosphated bevera es. In this way we set the sta e for hardened arteries, Koint disease, calcified tissues that no lon er have fle;ibility. We all et kidney crystals that become stones. :his is aging. !ll these deposits invite bacteria to live in them and on them, creatin pain. 8ld a e and pain o to ether as if they were true partners. Det it is Kust the result of bad food choices. :ry to undo as much of this false a in as possible. %. (educe your meat consumption. #witch to fish which supplies calcium in the tiny bones. It is true, these bones are made of calcium phosphate and one mi ht e;pect, lo ically, to be ettin a less effective calcium source. Co ic isnGt necessarily biolo ically correct. :he bones of fish work nicely as a calcium source and their phosphate content is not too reat. #uch a diet has worked for many primitive societies. @urther, I have never seen a case of mercury to;icity from eatin fishO amal am tooth fillin s are our truly si nificant source.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# 6. (educe your rain consumption. Instead of cereal for breakfast, add fruit and reduce the cereal to half. Cut bread consumption in half. Cut pasta consumption in half. Cut rice and corn consumption in half. Eat more bananas and other fruits. Eat more ve etablesO always choose potato 0not potato chips2 instead of rice or macaroni. !lways choose a leafy salad instead of pasta salad. !t any restaurant or salad bar ask yourself9 is this wheat, rice or cornL If so, choose potatoes or other ve etables. Choose coleslaw. Choose mi;ed fruit. Dou donGt need to o off the rains, only reduce them to improve your condition. 7. :ake vitamin " as a supplement. *othin less than 3-,--units has any real impact by the time there are problems. :his stren th is available by prescription only 0usually '-,--- units, which is close enou h2. :o avoid ettin a polluted product, ask your pharmacist to follow the recipe on pa e '1-. 0In the past some cases of poisonin by overdosin resulted in this re ulation. If you overdose you will et Koint and muscle pain and nausea but it is reversi+ ble.2 :ake one a day 0not more2, for the first three weeks, then two a week forever after. 3. @inally, toss the carbonated bevera es ri ht out of your diet or make your own 0see (ecipes2. It is not the carbonation that is harmful, it is the added phosphate. "rink water, herb teas, homemade fruit and ve etable Kuices, milk or buttermilk. Milk, like fish, is full of calcium in the form of calcium phosphate. ! ain, lo ic mi ht speak a ainst the effectiveness of this form of calcium. ! ain, lo ic is wron . Evidently, the cal+ cium and phosphate story must be much more comple; than I am depictin here. Milk works best as a calcium source, in spite of its phosphate content. )ossibly the lactose and other comple;ities of its


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composition contribute to this. My recommendation when de+ posits have formed anywhere in the body, such as heel, toe, ar+ teries, Koints, is to switch to milk as a bevera e. Compare the calcium level of your urine before and after the switch 0allowin several weeks first2. !lso compare calcium levels in your blood serum. It should move towards normal. :his means uC if it is too low 0below &.62. It means do;n if it is too hi h 0%-2. If you are monitorin the effectiveness of the kidney herb recipe in dissolvin away your phosphate crystals, notice that drinkin milk keeps them from reformin . :akin calcium tablets does notN :akin nothin lets them reform the quickest. :he milk must be 6< or hi her in butter fat to be effective. With your body fluids at their proper acid level, with your kidneys able to flush out acids, with heavy metal to;ins no lon er settlin in, with your bone+dissolvin stopped, your heel deposits can shrink. .acteria have no place to feed and breed. Dou can kill them several times more with your >apper to catch stra lers. !nd your heel pain becomes history. .e careful not to bruise the sensitive tissue with too much walkin or runnin immediately after the pain is one. Wear cushionin socks and well cushioned shoes. *ames in the case histories have been chan ed to ones of the same se;, picked at random from a telephone directory. 8ther facts may have been altered in non+essential ways.

Walter Iones' a man o$ 3;' was dia#etic $or +1 %ears! His $eet and upper le&s hurt so much $or the past +< %ears he could #arel% shu$$le alon& now! "he% were also cold and clamm%! "he her#' Buniper #err% was added to the >idne% Cleanse recipe to ma e it even more e$$ective $or him and he was advised to stop smo in&' usin& alcohol' and ca$$eine! He also started the parasite illin& pro&ram 4at that time an her#al parasite pro&ram was #ein& used


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instead o$ a (apper5 and a liver cleanse that %ielded several hun7 dred small &allstones! "hree months $rom his $irst visit his le&s were #etter and $eet =>' althou&h he still had some trou#le wal in& due to pain in upper thi&hs! Dinah Sa&un' a minister)s wi$e' had a lot o$ wal in& and standin& to do #esides travelin& a lot! She had nee sur&er% +0 %ears a&o to re7move deposits #ut now the% were &ettin& #ad a&ain! Also her heels were sore! /% tests showed she had phosphate and oxalate deposits in her idne%s! She was started on the >idne% Cleanse $ollowed #% the parasite pro&ram! She stopped usin& "/ #en(ene polluted items' especiall% her Chap Stic ! Her diet was chan&ed to include mil and leave out store7#ou&ht #evera&es! In 1M months her heel pain was &one alon& with the #ad headaches we had not even started to wor on! Iulie Fernande( came with a list o$ +2 serious pro#lems includin& $oot pain and an le swellin&! Her urinal%sis showed cr%stals! /% test showed the% were uric acid cr%stals! Her parasites included Tri-chinella! "here was a house cat! Her toxic metal test showed tel7lurium and platinum accumulation $rom metal dentalware and arsenic $rom pesticide! She was to start on a >idne% Cleanse and add the parasite pro&ram two wee s later! She was to remove all roach hives and other pest illers $rom her house and arran&e $or dental metal replacement! At her third visit' $our wee s later' she could wal without pain althou&h she still had Trichinella and ar7senic pro#lems! "wo months later she was achin& all over a&ain and her idne%s hurt! She still had Trichinella and some dental wor to do! She was to do a 07da% hi&h dose parasite treatment and treat the cat also and repeat the idne% cleanse! "his relieved her pain!
Doroth% Shelle% had numerous pains includin& $oot pain in the arch' lower #ac pain and cramps with her period! She had oxalate and uric acid cr%stals in the idne%s so was started on idne% her#s! "hree wee s later her $oot pain and low #ac pain were &one!

*aul ?on&tin had toe cramps' cal$ cramps' and heel pain! A$ter cuttin& down on smo in&' Juittin& ca$$eine and soda pop and ta in& niacin 4.02 m& time releaseN + capsule each meal and upon risin& in mornin&5 and doin& a idne% cleanse' all in three wee s' he was much improved and didn)t even need his arch supports!


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!"

Iuan =nle%' a&e 06' came $or his &out in #oth $eet and one hand! He could hardl% wal ' in spite o$ so$t shoes and pain iller! It started ; %ears a&o! He also had prostate pain and couldn)t sit com$orta#l%! /% tests showed his idne%s were $ull o$ uric acid' oxalate and c%stine stones! His prostate was $ull o$ Gardnerella and Campylo-bacter #acteria! His wisdom teeth were har#orin& plantar wart #4 virus and Co sac!ie B4 virus! Gardnerella o$ten comes with $lu e parasites and indeed he had intestinal $lu es in his idne%- He #e7&an with the idne% her# pro&ram' then the parasite illin& pro7&ram! It too $ive months to clear them all! "hen he could wal and sit without pain!

=eg "ain 9n Children

It is commonly accepted as normal0N2 in children to have pain in the shins or calves of the le . :hey may even be called = rowin pains.? Children may cry with the pain and never tell anyone the reason for cryin . It happens mostly after nappin . :his may be caused by crampin of the le or spasms of the blood vessels. 5ea# to%icit+ is a common cause of both. :est for the presence of both lead and >admium in the tap water. 8nly your own electronic tests are helpful. Fig, -- All #isposable #iapers ! Water department tests are teste# ha# mercur+ an# thallium; much too crude. These to%ins can be If either poison is absorbe# through babies< s&in,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# found, test the water supply from each faucet in the house, in the mornin , before it has been run. @ind the offendin sources, chan e the water pipes to polyvinyl chloride 0)/C2. !lso search for thallium or mercury in the childJs saliva. If it is there, remove all dental metal. #top usin all commercial disposable diapers, dental floss, cotton swabs and banda esO they are polluted with mercury and thallium probably from manufacturin them in forei n countries where it is le al to sterili>e with mercuric chloride. :est a ain, several times, after plumbin or dental work has been completed. :o relieve pain9 immerse le s in warm water massa e le s ently ive 6'+'- m niacin, not time+release, to dilate blood vessels.

=eg "ain 9n Adults

Ce pain in adults is usually associated with ca#mium or thallium. Cadmium is present in tap water that runs throu h cor+ roded alvani>ed pipes. :he cadmium is probably a contaminant of the >inc used for alvani>in . :est the water, electronically, for cadmium. If you have all copper pipes but there is cadmium in the water, there must be a short piece 0a ) or a T Koint2 made of old alvani>ed pipe lurkin somewhere. :rack it down by testin water from all your faucets. Cadmium causes the blood vessels to spasm and it is made worse by smokin , thatGs why the condition is sometimes called Smoker@s Le<. .ut e;tremely painful le s are due to chronic thallium poisonin more than any other causeN It is very important to know e;actly how to;ic thallium is. (ead the clippin on pa e 3%4 ri ht nowN


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!"

0here ;ould you e=er <et thalliumB @rom your very own mouthN :he mercury in fillin s is often itself polluted with thal+ liumN (eplace your amal am fillin s with composite.
$andages Sanitary napkins and tampons

Cotton swa#s

Cotton #alls


Toothpicks Athe one on the right is ten years old and had no mercury or thalliumB

Fig, -= o not use an+ commercial personal pro#ucts, the ris& of pollution is too great,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

:hallium has another source9 it is ridin alon as a pollutant in cotton swabs, cotton balls, commercial banda es, toothpicks, floss, au>e, sanitary napkins, tampons, disposable diapers, and paper towels. Evidently these are bein sterili>ed with mercuric chloride which, in turn, has thallium pollution. Cine disCosaAle diaCers with a tissue Cine sanitary naCkins and pads with a tissue ,se the Colyester Cuff in the top of vitamin bottles in place of cotton balls. :wirl some around a plastic stirrer for a swab. ,se pieces of tissue and maskin< taCe for banda es.

Fse cheesecloth in place o$ &au(e!

Fse mono$ilament $ish line 4. or 1 l#! test5 $or $loss

Fig, -/ $afe substitutes for personal pro#ucts,

If you do have thallium in your white blood cells and you havenGt used toothpicks, etc. earlier in the day, then it is in your

tooth fillin s and you ha=e no hi<her Criority than <ettin< the


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!" amal<ams out. @ind a dentist immediately who will remove them, drillin deeply and widely not to miss a speck of it, thereby ettin the thallium out, too. Dou cannot cure your le pains without removin thallium.

Le< #ain #roto>ol

%. 6. 7. #top smokin . (epair plumbin . "o dental cleanup and chelate out the mercury and thallium that has otten into your tissues with E":! 0see $ources2. Dou will need to find a chelatin doctorO ask a friendly chiropractor to help you locate one. 8r at least take thioctic acid %-- m , 06 three times a day2 and vitamin C 0' m or one teaspoon2 daily for a month. :ake ma nesium o;ide 7-- m 0take % twice a day2. :ake niacin, as much as you tolerateRtime release varie+ ties are less effective. :ry '- m with each meal. Chan e your diet to reduce phosphate and include milk 0sterili>ed2. "o the herbal Bidney Cleanse 0pa e '3&2 followed by a Civer Cleanse 0pa e ''62. Aap yourself on alternate days at bedtime. If this >appin makes no difference whatever, your problem is purely spasms. .ut if you et relief, even if itGs very short lived, you must have killed somethin . .acteria must come from somewhere. Concentrate your efforts on dental health and better diet.

3. '. 1. 4. 5.

Iean 8ooth' a&e <2' had sore' tired le&s and severe three7da% head7 aches! She would &et sta##in& pains in #ac o$ her thi&hs! A$ter we $ound thallium and mercur% in her idne%s she did a >idne% Cleanse and &ot all her metal tooth $illin&s replaced! She then $elt $ine $or one %ear! Suddenl% she &ot $ati&ue and heav% le&s a&ain with sta##in& pain at the outer thi&h! She had seen a neurolo&ist! Her chiropractor su&&ested it was le$tover mercur% so she came


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

#ac to us! Indeed' she was toxic with lead' mercur%' thallium' #ut her dentist could not $ind the le$tover metal in her mouth! "hree cavitations were cleanedN she was put on thioctic acidN ei&ht va7 rieties o$ #acteria and viruses were illed with a $reJuenc% &en7 erator and her le&s #ecame well a&ain! =ur test showed thallium at 1 teeth' #ut it was not a #i& enou&h deposit to show up on dental O7ra%! She ma% eventuall% choose to have these redrilled!

Charlie Snellin& was a picture o$ pain@ pain in arms' el#ows' shoulders' wrist' hands' chest' low #ac ' le&s' nees' and $eet! He was started on idne% her#s and a $ew pains were reduced! He was toxic with cadmium so he chan&ed his plum#in& to plastic! How7 ever' he continued to #e toxic with cadmium and thallium throwin& suspi7 cion on his numerous old tooth $illin&s! He &ot them all replaced and cavita7 tions cleaned! He used our $reJuenc% Fig, -1 Tooth num* bering s+stem, &enerator to ill beta Streptococcus' "seudomonas' Troglodytella and Staphylococcus aureus all o$ which were under one tooth 4P+05! A %ear later he still had #outs o$ le& pain! He still had numerous #acteria under his teeth #ecause the Baw #one was not healin&! He had not #een ta in& vitamin D' nor ma&nesium nor drin in& mil $or the necessar% calcium! 8ut he had improved enou&h to &o #ac to wor $ull time! ,ictor A#ha%' a&e +3' could no lon&er pla% in hi&h school sports #e7 cause o$ nee pain! It #e&an Qwith a virusA and hi&h temperature two %ears a&o! His nee started to #other him a$ter that! He had cysteine idne% cr%stals and $our parasites@ Cryptocotyl' human liver $lu e' #chinococcus granulosus c%st and #chinostomum revolutum in his white #lood cells! He was to start the idne% her# recipe and $ollow this with the parasite pro&ram! Five months later' when we next saw him' his nee was $ine!
>im /urph%' 10' had pain$ul le&s' $eet and nees! "he% also were swollen and itched! She was parasiti(ed #% Trichuris' 4do& whip7


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worm5! She also had tapeworm sta&es 4Taenia pisi$ormis5 and intestinal $lu e in the intestine! She started on the idne% her#s' $ollowed #% the parasite pro&ram! She stopped usin& (irconium7 containin& products 4deodorant5 and #arium 4lipstic 5! She sta%ed out o$ #us exhaust! 4She new she was aller&ic to diesel exhaust!5 In one month her le& pain and itchin& were &oneN sli&ht swellin& remained!
Nanc% "on&' 62)s' had edematous le&s! In $act she could &et no stoc in&s on! "he% appeared li e pillars with no taper at all! She was on diuretic medicine $rom her doctor! It ept her #lood pres7 sure down #ut she was losin& &round with water excretion! "his

raised her &eneral toxicit% 4#lood 8FN 5 which made her $eel #ad most o$ the time! Ket she dran enou&h water' curtailed her salt' used no ca$$eine and had no reall% #ad ha#its! She had to wear several pads $or incontinence! We $ound she was toxic with cad7 mium and lead' which were pro#a#l% responsi#le $or her hu&e ac7 cumulation o$ idne% stones! "he metals were in her tap water and she was una#le to resolve this pro#lem since she lived in a senior citi(en center! We advised her to move' or to have her tap water carried in' #ut she could do none o$ these! Althou&h the situation was hopeless' she did the idne% cleanse' parasite illin& pro&ram and chan&ed her metal rimmed &lasses and wrist watch to plastic! She &ained enou&h &round $rom these improvements to #e a#le to wear elastic hose and there#% &ive some ph%sical assistance to her #od%! "his encoura&ed her to do a liver cleanse! She had a headache with the cleanse #ut immediatel% a$terwards she $it into a smaller si(e Q>edsA 4elastici(ed stoc in&s5! A hal$ a %ear $rom the #e&innin&' her le&s had taper to themN she didn)t even mind wearin& a dress!

Fi#romyositis and Fi#romyalgia

When pain is widespread, not Kust in Koints or le s but in many muscles and soft tissues of your body your doctor may call it fibrom+ositis or fibrom+algia.

8FN stands $or #lood urea nitro&en! It is a #od% waste and is normall% ept low #% the idne%s!


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@or bacteria to et all over your body, they must be ridin alon with parasites that et all over your body. Microscopically tiny roundworms can do this. Trichinella is the most common cause of these diseases, but sometimes Ascaris larvae or hoo&)orms or strong+le larvae are the main culprits. :hese wormlets brin hosts of Aa>teria with them, mainly >$treps? 0$treptococcus varieties2 and >$taphs? 0$taph+lococcus varieties2, but also >Clostri#iums? 0Clostri#ium Fig, -2 Trichinella varieties2 and =Campyls? larvae settle# in mus* 0Camp+lobacter varieties2. :he cles, bacteria are probably the pain causers. .y killin all bacteriaR $taphs, $treps, Clostri#iums and Camp+lsRusin a >apper, you may et relief for one hourN .y killin Trichinella and Anc+lostomas 0worms2 first, fol+ lowed by the bacteria, you may et relief for several hours. .y killin the parasites and bacteria in every household member and the pets at the same time and by never puttin your fin ers to your mouth, you can e;pect permanent pain relief. It is interestin to speculate why the other family members, who are also infected with these tiny roundworms donGt develop fibrom+algia. )erhaps the larvae stay in the intestine or o to the diaphra m 0causin cou hin 2 or the eyes 0causin =la>y? eye muscles2. )erhaps they merely cause anemia. Trichinella, hookworms and strong+les are e;tremely difficult to et rid of in a family. :hese roundworm larvae undoubtedly cross the placenta into the unborn child durin pre nancy, too. #o they can be =inherited.? :ry to clear up the whole family before the ne;t pre nancy.


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Clearin up pets of these parasites is even harder. :he best advice is to ive your pets away. :hey will continue to harbor them even thou h they are on a pet parasite pro ram. It is im+ possible to stay free of the parasites your pets have9 they will move to your soft tissues immediately, ivin you the bacteria and inflammation a ain. :he ne;t most important advice is to keep fin ers out of your mouth 0read Hands, pa e 7&42. *one of these parasites enter throu h your skin 0this is in spite of teachin s that hook+worms enter this way2, you must put them into your mouth somehowN Consider your mouth off limits to anythin but food and kissin . @inally, if there is a baby in diapers in the family, be patient. When diaperin days are over you will have less bowel contact, ivin you an opportunity to finish your own treatment. Mean+ while, wash fin ernails in #kin #aniti>er 0see (ecipes2 after cleanin up childrenGs bowel movements, diapers and yourself. ,se bora; liquid for soap to leave an antibacterial residue on the skin. :ry to identify your parasites before killin them so you can be on the lookout for them in the future. Fet slides or dead cul+ tures of various patho ens and search in your white blood cells. If you canGt do this, at least save a saliva sample of your ownO keep it fro>en or preserved. !lso make a saliva sample for your pet. :his ives you specimens to test yourself for later. Dou wonGt know which parasite is in this saliva specimen, but if you ever test positive for it a ain you will know you ot it back. :hen >ap yourself.
8renda 8%rd was dia&nosed with m%o$i#rositis two %ears earlier at the a&e o$ <3! Her #lood test showed tri&l%cerides sli&htl% hi&h 4+0. m&!CD?5' indicatin& the #e&innin&s o$ urinar% tract pro#lems! Her urinal%sis stated Qha(%A 4ha(% with #acteria or cr%stals5 instead o$ clear urine! It also listed white #lood cells' red #lood cells' and a $ew #acteria present in her urine! =ur tests revealed mercur% and numerous other heav% metals distri#uted in her th%roid' stomach'


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idne%' lun&s' #ones and #one marrow! She was also $ull o$ #er%l7lium 4usuall% $rom Qcoal oilA5 contained in the hurricane lamps she ept in ever% room! She had numerous parasites' includin& Strongyloides and hoo worms spread throu&h her #od% tissues! She was thrilled to learn how to &et her health #ac and started with the dental pro#lem!
/arcia Cochran' <3' had muscles twitchin& all over her #od%! It was dia&nosed as $i#rom%al&ia! Her Boints were tender and her chest $elt Qti&ht!A She had #ronchitis twice a %ear! She was on Am%tr%p7taline "/ $or muscle twitchin& and 8ent%l to calm the intestine 4spastic colon5! She had depression with it and was on medicine $or that! It all started with $ever and chills that she thou&ht was the $lu #ut a$ter the% went awa%' she was le$t with a tremor! Sometimes she $elt that little electric shoc s were &oin& throu&h her! She had %scaris and hoo worm larvae widespread in her #od%! She had sheep liver $lu es in her liver! She was started on the parasite pro&ram! She was also toxic with *,C and tellurium 4dental metal5! "he *,C was traced to plastic storm windows applied to the inside o$ the window and to new shower curtains! "wo months passed and she had not solved an% o$ her pro#lems! "hen she did her $irst liver cleanse and &ot over +22 stones out! "his instantl% reduced her $i#rom%al&ia to occasional attac s! She was so encoura&ed she decided to &o ahead with dental cleanup!

Coint "ain or Arthritis

:wo main kinds of arthritis are reco ni>ed clinically, os* teoarthritis and rheumatoi# arthritis. In osteoarthritis the Koints have bacteria livin on the deposits left there. In rheumatoid arthritis the bacteria come from lar er parasitesRwormlets ac+ tually livin in these Koints. :he worms are the common little roundworms whose e s hatch into microscopic wormlets that travel.


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Fig, -3 Hoo&)orms, strong+les, an# )hip)orms,

We have four common roundworms9 Ascaris, hoo&)orm, $trong+loi#es, Trichinella. :heir life cycle normally directs them to travel to the lun s but in some people they travel throu h the entire body, includin brain, muscles and Koints. More research is necessary to e;plain this. My suspicion is that there are to;ins, like mer>ury, thallium, >admium, lead, as well as sol=ents, distributed throu h the body, lowerin immunity and allowin the tiny larvae to reside there. 8nce the pathway 0routin 2 to these or ans has been established, it continues to be used by other parasites as well. #oon a variety of parasites, their bacteria and viruses, and pollutants are all headed toward these or ans.

'steo or Common $rthritis

When Koints are painful it is a simple matter to kill the bac+ teria with an electronic >apper. :reat yourself with a >apper daily until the pain is one. Maybe it will stay away, but chances are the bacteria have a steady source. :he most common source for $taphs and $treps are small abscesses in the Kaw bone, under and beside old e;tractions, root canals and mercury fillin s. Dou may et immediate pain relief Kust from a dental cleanup, and a ain disappointment may follow. $taphs and $treps are such ubiquitous bacteria, they may come not only from Kaw bone infections but from allstones, kidney stones and other parasites. :he correct treatment for ar+


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thritis is a complete overhaul of body health9 a diet cleanup, a body cleanup, and environmental cleanup. #tart with the herbal parasite pro ram and >appin . @ollow this with a kidney cleanse, then liver cleanse. If any to;in is overlooked, especially asbestos and fiber lass, it is sure to find your Koints and permit bacteria to return and cause pain. Make sure to correct your body acid levels after doin pH measure+ ments of the urine 0pa e '42. !rthritic deposits contain a lar e amount of phosphates combined with calcium. :his calcium came from some other bone, such as the base of your spine or the wrist. Here the bones are ettin weaker due to this calcium loss. Calcium was taken out of your bones for the simple purpose of neutrali>in the e;+cess phosphate in your diet. (educe phosphate consumption 0meats, soda pop, rains2 by half, eatin fish, milk, ve etables and fruit instead. "rink three cups of milk a day. If you are al+ler ic to milk, do several liver cleanses, switch brands of milk, use milk di estant, and use it in cookin and bakin . Cheese and cotta e cheese are not substitutes for milk 0the calcium stayed in the whey2. "airy products must be boiled before consumin and should be no less than 6< butter fat. It takes bile to make calcium absorbable, yet milk with less than 6< butterfat does not tri er the allbladder to empty itGs bile at mealtime. If you are not used to dairy products, start slowly and work up radually to the 7 cups a day needed.
Carol ?achance was dia&nosed with arthritis o$ her #ac and nees! 4She had spurs in #oth places!5 She was positive $or Trichinella' %scaris and &iro$ilaria 4she also had pain over the heart5! "he% had an outdoor do&! Her #lood test showed a hi&h phosphate and al aline phosphatase level showin& she was dissolvin& her #ones! A$ter chan&in& her diet to include mil ' extra o%ster shell calcium 4one a da%5' ma&nesium oxide and vitamin 83' and reducin& her meat and &rain consumption her phosphate level went down to normal 4#elow 15! She did the idne% cleanse and liver cleanse as well as parasite pro&ram #ut still had pain! A toxic element test


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revealed lead in her #ones! It was traced to a dru&store variet% multivitamin ta#let she had ta en dail% $or %ears! When she stopped these and added prescription vitamin D 402'222 units5 $or three wee s to help her #ones heal she &ot relie$!
Gail Hilde#rand' a&e 3.' had pain$ul arthritic hands and &um disease! She had +. parasites $ree7loadin& on her and was toxic with as7 #estos! "his was traced to her clothes dr%er! Four months later' a$ter illin& parasites' her hand pain and &ums were much #etter! She had the dr%er vent taped up ti&hter and this &ot rid o$ her as7 #estos pro#lem! She started on idne% her#s and in one month saw that her enlar&ed nuc les were #e&innin& to &o down! Norma ?ittrell' a&e 0<' came in $or her severe arthritis o$ six %ears! Her nees' shoulders and hands were pain$ul! I explained to her that pain$ul shoulders did not #elon& to the arthritis picture #ut had a &allstone etiolo&% which she could easil% $ix in a sin&le ni&ht at a later time 4liver cleanse5! She also had mid7#ac ' upper #ac and lower #ac painN a&ain the upper #ac pain #elon&ed to the liver pro#lem! She had tricalcium phosphate idne% cr%stals as well as uric acid cr%stals! She was told to &o o$$ co$$ee 4no deca$ either5' decrease her meat and &rain consumption 4phosphate5 and in7 crease mil and use stone &round cornmeal products 4&enuine stone &round tortillas as well as pic led pi&s) $eet are hi&h in utili(a#le calcium5! She started on the idne% her#s! In << da%s her low #ac pain had improved a lot' she could wash her own hair a&ain and she could sit down and &et up $rom her livin& room $loor without pain! She was Fig, -4 $tone groun# corn tor* tillas, high in calcium, elated #ut we recommended less stress

than such exercises $or her Boints! *atricia Ro#inson' a&e ;3' had pain in her nees' $eet' lower #ac ' hands and wrists! Also in her shoulders and upper #ac which is not part o$ the arthritis


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picture! She had swollen pu$$% e%elids which is a telltale si&n o$ Ascaris! She had heart#urn' cold $eet and insomnia as well as hi&h #lood pressure! She was on several medicines! We started her on the idne% recipe and ornithine 4$our to ei&ht as needed at "/ #edtime5 $or sleep! We hoped she could stop her Ativan dru& soon! She was to &o o$$ co$$ee' tea and deca$s! Her hands were notted and misshapen at the Boints' also tender! "wo months "/ later there was little chan&eN her doctor had put her on *ro(ac and she hoped that would do a lot $or her 4so she stopped the idne% her#s5 #ut it didn)t! "he parasite test still showed %scaris and she was started on the parasite pro&ram! We also $ound $luoride 4$rom toothpaste5' iridium' samarium and palladium' all $rom her tooth implants! She was to remove as much metal as the dentist could replace' clean cavitations' and ta e thioctic acid' . a da%' to help clear metal $rom her #od%! In $our wee s the sharp pain in her #ac was &one and in three more wee s the pain in her hands was &one! ?%nne Sn%der' ;.' had pain in ever% Boint and had to #e on pain medi7cine to eep movin&! Her potassium level was ver% low 4<!3 Ran adrenalC idne% pro#lem5' and she was started on idne% her#s' carrot Buice' ve&eta#le Buice and #ananas! In ten da%s she could $eel some new ener&% #ut her pains were terri#le' especiall% her nees! She was ta en o$$ tomato Buice' cran#err% Buice' citrus' pepper 4she was usin& a lot5' and &iven #uttermil as a #evera&e which she enBo%ed! A$ter three wee s o$ idne% her#s she was started on parasite illin& her#s! In another month her arthritis was much #etter! She was not on an% pain medicine and could &et to sleep without it! She thou&ht it was mostl% &oin& o$$ pepper that helped!

Rheumatoid $rthritis
When inflammation and swellin affect your Koints, besides pain, it is called rheumatoi# arthritis. In addition, a blood test may reveal =rheumatoid factor? to be present. In this case, the common tiny round worms have invaded your Koints. :hese are Ascaris, Anc+lostomas, $trong+loi#es, and Trichinella. :heir e s are everywhere around us, in dust and dirt and the filth un+ der fin ernails and our own bowel movements.


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#uperior sanitation is your first defense. (inse fin ernails in alcohol after cleanin up bowel movements or chan in diapers. *ever, never, tolerate lon fin ernails in any family member. If this discipline canGt be enforced, do not allow food preparation by =lon nails? unless loves are worn. He or she may not be ettin ill 0yet2 from the family parasites, but you are. 8f course, you can kill them with a >apper 0internally, not the ones under the nails2 but that is after you have been infected. :hey are easily picked up a ain. It would be wise to >ap for roundworms every week, Kust in case. Make sure your pet is treated with parasite herbs or by >ap+ per as well. ! pet that oes outdoors will quickly 0the very ne;t day2 brin these roundworms into the house a ain. Five away your pets if possible. Check for dental problems. "o the "ental Clean+,p 0pa e 3-&2. :hen do a Bidney Cleanse and Civer Cleanse. Dou may relieve your pain and be in to heal immediately after >appin but it is wise to do all the health pro rams, anyway. Chan e your diet. (educe phosphate, start usin sterili>ed milk for calcium. #witch to fish from meats. "rink much more water. ,se only harmless bevera es 0see (ecipes2 and foods. #witch to to;in+free body products. Cive in a non+to;ic house. #tay on a maintenance parasite pro ram of herbs, and >ap re ularly. #tay on the kidney cleanse for three to si; weeks and repeat a one+ week session every few months to keep removin deposits which may also choose these sick Koints to settle in. Bnees are a favorite location for rheumatoid arthritis. Bnees are very dependent on kidneys. :o summari>e, do everythin as for osteoarthritis, empha+ si>in the roundworm parasites for elimination.


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$ller<i> $rthritis
! prominent food to;in that is said to affect knees is piper*ine, found in the pepper family which includes black and white pepper 0not cayenne2. :he $olanaceae family of plants 0potatoes, tomatoes, e plant, tobaccoN2 also has a common =aller en? that produces Koint pain. :ry oin off these for two weeks to see if it helps. :wo more chemicals that can tri er arthritis+like pain are hippuric aci# and phen+lisothioc+anate 0)I:2. Dour body makes lar e amounts of hippuric acid, up to a ram a day. It is the product of ben>oic acid deto;ification by the liver. Muite a few fruits contain natural ben>oic acid. .ut we can easily triple and quadruple our ben>oic acid intake by consumin commercial bevera es and pastries where ben>oic acid is used as a preservative. It is indeed a =natural? preservative. !ll of it must be deto;ified, thou h, and this ives us way too much hippuric acid. :he kidneys are unable to e;crete such overloads of hippuric acid, so it distributes itself in our or ans. I suspect a simple mechanism could e;plain its pain+tri erin action9 hippuric acid molecules could attach themselves to our cellGs conductance channels keepin the ates Kammed open. :his mi ht invite bacteria and viruses to enter there. .ut there are also hippuric acid+lovin bacteria that feed on it. )erhaps hippuric acid can cause pain without the help of bacteria. :his requires further study. It is only sensible for persons with chronic pain not to consume ben>oic acid 0or ben>oate2 preserved foods. )I: is a food chemical found especially in chicken, e s, the cabba e family, peas. )I: is also part of the bodyGs own chem+ istry, takin place in the liver, and involvin deto;ification of c+ani#e+containin foods. Many ve etables, notably the cabba e family, contain such cyanides, ivin them protection from insects, disease, and ra>in animals. It can take the liver a


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week to deto;ify a meal full of these cyanides9 in the meantime, )I: levels are hi her in the body. )I: is very reactive. In fact, it is the chemical used as a eneral reactant with amino acids in the well known Edman de<radation reaction. .ut now, your body is the reaction flask, supplyin the amino acids. #ince all or ans supply amino acids, it is no wonder they can all react to )I:, ivin you multiple aller ic reactions and pains. If you have any kind of arthritis, stop eatin the hi h+)I: foods and clean the liver until you are free of all aller ies you are aware of. :his su ests that the liver is capable, a ain, of deto;ifyin the cyanides for you in a reasonable time and you may eat them a ain. :hese foods do have many benefits, of course. Eoint pain, or arthritis, was known in antiquity lon before do s and cats were household pets and ivin us their parasites. )i s and horses harbor these roundworms too and may have been the source at that time. Herbs and treatments that help arthritis are, therefore, plenti+ ful. Maybe they act by killin roundworms, bacteria, and viruses, or help metaboli>e hippuric acid and )I:. Homeopathic treatments, as well as massa e, heat and electronic devices also help. With this wide ran e of effective treatments datin to the distant past, why is none of them a permanent cureL :he answer is simple. :he common roundworms are everywhere about us, sanitation is poor, and our civili>ed lifestyle leads to deposit formation that invites bacteria. .ut knowin this, you can stop your pain and remove the causes to become one of the first hu+ mans to achieve a permanent cure.
,erna *lum#' a&e 13' was dia&nosed with rheumatoid arthritis $our %ears earlier! Since then she had #een continuousl% on "/ "/ methotrexate and prednisone! "his had caused her to &ain a lot o$ wei&ht $rom water retention! "he dru&s were no lon&er e$$ective and she would need to do somethin& else ver% soon! She had the t%pical causes@ her #od% was toxic with mercur% and nic el $rom tooth $illin&s! Her idne%s were $ull o$ $ive inds o$


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stones! She had numerous roundworm parasites includin& two inds o$ %scaris' two inds o$ hoo worm' Strongyloides and Trichinella! She would have to clean ever%thin& up to &et relie$! She started on the idne% her#s' illed parasites with a $reJuenc% &en7erator and in two months noticed her swellin& was recedin&! Camille Fran lin had hands that were swollen and hot and pain$ul! She also had QarthritisA in shoulders and nees! We explained that shoulders were not part o$ the arthritis picture! She could deal with that in a sin&le evenin&' soon! She also had #one spurs at sinuses which needed sur&ical removal! Her idne%s revealed tricalcium phosphate cr%stals! She was &iven a diet chan&eN onto mil ' $ruits and ve&eta#les' o$$ other #evera&es' less meat and &rains! She was started on idne% her#s! In $ive wee s all the swellin& and redness and heat was out o$ her $in&er Boints!

Thigh "ain
Inner thi h pain often stems from the sciatic nerve which is sufferin pressure at the lower back. If this is so, chiropractic adKustments should help. :he correct treatment, after killin bacteria electronically, is to clean up the entire kidney area usin the kidney herb recipe. If this is not the correct e;planation, 0and youGre not ettin pain relief2 you may have a traumaRperhaps you overstretched your le in some e;ercise. :he minor trauma invited bacteria to settle there and ive you pain. If the pain recurs after clearin it several times, there must be a chronic source of bacteria. #ince the kidneys are already cleaned, consider the teeth, as well as recurrin parasites, and the liver. Clean the liver every two weeks until 6--- or more stones have appeared and no more appear. :his could take %+6 years. .e patient. "o a dental clean up. Beep killin the bacteria so they canGt spread. !nd, of course, let the painful le rest.


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!ip "ain
Hip pain is always due to bacteria. In fact, these bacteria re ularly come from two sources9 the kidneys and the teeth. :his simplifies the treatment since neither of these places takes a lon time to clear. #tart yourself immediately on the kidney cleanse 0pa e '3&2 to clean your kidneys. Continue on the recipe until the dental cleanup has been completed. .oth must be clean to ether to stop e;portin bacteria to the hip. :he dental cleanup could take several weeks if e;tensive work is required. "urin this time, kill all parasites electroni+ cally. Beep killin bacteria, especially $taphs, $treps, Clos* tri#ia, Camp+ls. :he dental problem is not always on the same side as the hip pain. :he Kaw may be very fra ile and porous, full of invadin bacteria. Cleanin these cavitations may ive immediate pain relief in the hip 0provin the bacterial source2. .ut ettin the Kaw bone to heal by takin up calcium a ain is not uaranteed by the cleanin process. Five your Kaw bone every chance to heal9 #tart takin vitamin " 03-,--- to '-,--- u.2, every day for three weeks from the day of the dental work or before. !fter this, take it twice a week forever. Do not take more. :ake vitamin C 0%W m a day2 and . 1 06'-+'-- m a day2 for healthy ums. Fet one ram of usable calcium in your daily diet.

Bone Stren<thenin<
%e<etaAle >al>ium canGt be dissolved by our stomachs 0ruminants, like cows, can dissolve itRthey have an e;tra stomach loaded with special bacteria who do the actual retriev+ in of calcium2. :ablet+form calcium canGt be dissolved well


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# either, especially as we a e. We need predissolved calcium if a little is to o a lon way. )rimitive people who lived on fish or stone+ round meal ate 1 3+1 rams of calcium a day. Even if only 6-< of this ot dis+ solved, they would still have about % ram of utili>able calcium for themselves. Chances are ood they dissolved even more, since they were youn 0life e;pectancy was less than '- years2. :heir skull remains show beautiful, cavity+free teeth. :hey lived outdoors, mainly, so ettin enou h sunshine+derived vitamin " was not a problem. :heir natural diet supplied enou h vitamin .6 to protect them from ,/ 0ultraviolet2 dama e from sunshine e;posure. .ut these are civili>ed times. 8ur lives are stretched into old a e, when our stomachs no lon er produce enou h acid to kill bacteria, nor to dissolve the minerals in our food. #o they need to be dissolved for us. Milk is a bevera e where the calcium has already been dissolved by the other in redients. :he lactic acid in milk formed durin di estion ives the calcium the correct chelated structure for absorption by the intestine. Even the bile participates in calcium absorption. Milk also contains phosphate, but not too much to be useful. I recommend milk as a calcium+source to heal the Kaw bone after and before dental work. Dou need %W rams a day. 8ne quart of milk has % m 0%--- m 2 of utili>able calcium. Dou absorb only 6'-+3-- m . :he rest is e;creted and eliminated. 8nly the absorbed calcium can heal your Kaw bone. ,se milk in cookin as well as a bevera e. :he calcium in it is indestructible. .ones are not made of calcium alone. Ma<nesium is essen+ tial. #ince ma nesium is more soluble and easy to assimilate than calcium, the tablet form 0ma nesium o;ide, 7-- m , see

Read Nutrition and *h%sical De&eneration #% Weston A! *rice' DDS $irst pu#lished in +:<:! At least' &a(e at the pictures! As %our li#rar% to #u% a cop%' availa#le $rom *rice7*otten&er Nutrition Founda7 tion' 46225 <337<;16!


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$ources2 will do. If you are not absorbin the ma nesium it will stay in your intestine and act as a la;ative. If this happens acidify your stomach durin meals9 always add fresh lemon, vine ar, or vitamin C to your food or drink to help di est milk and dissolve minerals for you. Boron 07 m . once a day2 and man<anese 0%' m . once a day2 are additional bone hardeners. When your diet is improved, your dental problem is cleared, and your kidneys are clean, your hip pain will stay away and you can stop thinkin about hip replacement sur ery.
/ar% Hammond' 16' had two pain$ul hips! She was dia#etic and drin in& $ive cups o$ co$$ee a da%! She had Staphylococcus aureus in$ections under three teeth that she no lon&er had! A$ter &oin& o$$ ca$$eine 4ca$$eine ma% spread #acteria #% ma in& tissues more permea#le5 and &ettin& some dental wor done' her ri&ht hip stopped hurtin&! When cavitations were cleaned' her le$t hip stopped hurtin& too' #ut a$ter a wee the pain returned! She still had parasites and their #acteria to ill! She had solvents to elimi7nate and a idne% cleanse to do #ut she was Juite enthusiastic and enBo%ed showin& o$$ how well she wal ed!

,roin "ain
LymCh nodes are situated here, as well as in armpits and around the neck. Cymph nodes are your best friends. :hey are hives of activity. Dour white blood cells =nest? here. Cymph nodes sample your body fluids 0lymph2 at these locations, much like the water department and health department sample our milk and water, makin sure they are pure and sterile. 8f course, they never really are. .ut your white blood cells keep workin at it. :hey are busy removin impurities like >irconium and titanium and patho ens like bacteria and viruses.


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When an especially challen in dose of parasite or pollution arrives at the node, it enlar es, in order to handle the bi er si>ed task. :his enlar ement can be felt. It may press a ainst other or ans and you feel the pain of pressure in the roin. :his should alert you, of course, to the dan er. Bill the parasites and patho ens immedi+ately with your >apper. #tart the kidney cleanse. #top usin to;ic products and eatin to;ic food. If you are bein effec+tive, the lymph nodes will be in to shrink in a few days, relievin the roin pain. If it does not come back, you probably elimi+nated the main cause. .ut if it recurs, try to dia nose it accurately. :est Fig, -6 :our l+mph yourself for HI/ and !I"# and then to pet no#es are +our best saliva, dairy products and other disease frien#s, specimens. #top reinfectin from humans or pets or dairy food. !ssist your body by cleanin up your dentalware, and environment. Check all supplements for to;ins before usin them on a daily basis. 0If they show up in your white blood cells a few minutes after eatin them, there is a to;in.2 If your roin pain doesnGt o away, you probably missed somethin N :here are other causes of roin pain, thou h, such as hernia. ! physician will help you identify it. Have it sur ically repaired. :he #houldice Hospital4 has the best sur ical record and will disclose their statisticsN Dou wonGt even need full anesthesia there. )ain from the o=aries is often felt near the roin. #ometimes a lar e cyst in the ovary puts pressure on the sensitive nearby

Shouldice Hospital' ;;02 8a%view Ave! 8ox <;2' "hornhill' =n7 tario' Canada ?<"71A<' telephone 41+35 66:7++.0!


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or ans. :he formation of cysts, c+stic ovaries, is a common condition of cats, too. 8bviously, somethin is not ri ht in the ovaries. 8varies make hormones9 Cro<esterone and estro<en. If bacteria 0like Gar#nerella, s+philis, gonorrhea2 are livin there, the ovaries are handicapped and may under+produce or over+ produce some hormone. :he first treatment should be to kill parasites, especially the flukes. :hen kill all other parasites and bacteria, especially Gar#nerella and enteric bacteria which can mi rate easily from intestine to ovary. In spite of all this, the cyst may not shrink. In order to shrink the cyst you must determine what is fillin the cyst. :hen stop fillin it. :he cyst will eliminate itself and shrink. Many kinds of pollution can fill an ovarian cyst. :est for C@Cs and )C.s. Fold is another favorite. )articulate pollutants like asbestos and fiber lass are often put into cysts by your body. Dour body is wise. If these canGt be eliminated throu h the kidneys or bile, it will at least keep them all to ether 0in the form of a cyst2 the same way a to;ic dump spares the rest of the landscape. !s lon as you are addin to it, it cannot et smaller. @ortunately, your loyal white blood cells are truckin to;ins away from your cysts every minute of every day and ni ht. !ll you need to do is stop addin . (emove dental mental, clean up your body, diet, and environment. Dou will notice shrinkin of cysts in three weeks. What you actually notice is absence of pain, implyin shrinka e. Mean+ while pain relief by killin bacteria, herbal ovarian assistance 0try wild yam2, chiropractic, pain killers are all useful. "e+ con est the area by means of a kidney cleanse. If your cyst does not shrink you have missed the pollutants. !fter it does shrink, stay on a re ular pro ram of parasite killin , herbal or elec+ tronic, and improved lifestyle.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# 8varies may be ivin you pain even without a cyst present. .y cleanin up parasites and pollutants you can eliminate it quicklyO much more quickly than when a cyst has formed. :M :M :M #ynthetic hormones 0)rovera, )remarin, 8 en, etc.2 are often used to clear up ovary problems of various kinds. "onGt continue to use them when the need no lon er e;ists. !lthou h they have low to;icity, there are disadvanta es such as the need for liver deto;ification, and risk of heavy metal pollutants. Cancer acceleration has been seen when takin estro ens.

=ow $ack "ain

We have been told that lower back pain ori inates in an in+ herited weakness of the spine at its base because we humans walk upri ht instead of on four le s. !nd we have been told that the bony hooks that keep the spine ali ned are flatter in some families, makin it harder for them to hold the spine to ether. We are also told that =proper e;ercises? could have kept this part of our bodies stron so lower back pain could be avoided.

These theories #ecome o#solete when+ with* out surgery or e?ercise or change in posture+ lower #ack pain can #e made to disappear (uickly and permanently.
!cupressure massa e and chiropractic can brin =miraculous? relief. :he most severely crippled lower back pain sufferer can shuffle lamely into a chiropractorGs office and walk out normally, without pain or painkiller after treatments. #o al+


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thou h there has been slippa e of disc or spine, apparently it oes back into place rather easily. If muscle rela;ation is the clue, we must ask why these muscles spasm so easily. !ny muscle spasms if you irritate or inKure it suddenly. In fact, your whole body spasms and flinches if a sliver or bit of broken lass is in your shoe. If you remove these obKects, the le can walk normally. '?ali> a>id >rystals are as sharp as broken lass. ,se the kidney cleanse 0pa e '3&2 to dissolve them and other stones. !ll lower back pain can be cured by removin the sharp crystals in the kidneys. It takes about three weeks to dissolve them. In some very severe cases, it may take si; weeks. Whether you have suffered a year or 6- years, the permanent cure is only weeks away. 8ur bodies make ei ht or more different kinds of kidney =stones.? :he o;alic acid variety is associated with sharp stab+ bin pains. In its effort to eliminate this e;tremely vicious acid your body neutrali>es it with calcium first to make calcium o;+ alate. Dour kidneys can keep a bit of calcium o;alate in solution but not a lot. :he e;cess hardens into crystals. ! lass of re ular or iced tea 0not herb tea or reen tea2 has about 6- m 5 of o;alic acidRway too much for kidneys to e;crete. :ea is a to;ic drink, not to be considered a bevera e. Chocolate is very hi h in o;+ alate, too, and should not be used as a bevera e 0as cocoa2. Children should never drink tea or cocoa. :heir delicate kidneys should not be faced with the daily burden of e;cretin lar e amounts of o;alic acid. !nd calcium used to neutrali>e

"a en $rom Food ,alues +1th ed! #% *ennin&ton and Church' +:60!


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o;alic acid is wasted. Calcium is a precious nutrient. It should be conserved for childrenGs bone development. It isnGt necessary to find which variety of kidney crystals are causin your muscle spasms. "ifferent herbs dissolve different kinds. !nd by combinin them into a rand herbal mi;ture you can be dissolvin all varieties at the same time. Wherever o;alate crystals have formed, a particular bacte+ rium, @roteus vulgaris, can be found. "oes that bacterium somehow thrive on o;alate crystalsL 8r even help them formL "oes @roteus itself contribute to lower back painL Is lower back pain in reality two pains in oneRthe sharp Kabbin of lass+like particles plus the inflammatory effect of bacteriaL @ortunately, you can kill @roteus vulgaris electronically. .y usin your new dia nostic skills, you can test your kid+ neys for crystals. :he kidney stone varieties I have tested for are9 >al>ium o?alate, uri> a>id, >ysteine, >ystine, mono>al>ium ChosChate, di>al>ium ChosChate, tri>al>ium ChosChate. !ll these varieties can be dissolved by the herbal mi;ture. .ut all can be formed a ain in a weekN :o prevent o?alate formation stop drinkin o;alic acid 0eatin o;alate rich ve etables is not si nificantRspinach, chard, rhubarb and sorrel all have their place in the diet2. !lso take ma nesium and .1 supplements 0as directed in the kidney cleanse2. :o prevent ChosChate crystals from formin , reduce phos+ phate consumption and drink milk as a calcium source. Beep your kidneys squeaky clean with herbs and copious water drinkin . !fter drinkin one quart of sterili>ed milk, two pints of water, one+ half lass of homemade fruit Kuice and one+half lass of ve etable Kuice, there is little desire for additional bevera es. I have no understandin of what may cause >ysteine or >ys3 tine stones 0the enetic theory does not e;plain them either, considerin that people without c+stinuria make these stones2.


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#ince they are sulfur+containin , and I have seen them appear after takin sulfa+dru s, it may be wise to avoid use of sulfa+ dru s if you have a choice, or o on the kidney cleanse after+ ward. If you have severe lower back pain you probably have sev+ eral kinds of stones. #ome persons have all seven kindsN
Rosie 9a ar' a&e <2' came to see us #ecause her mother was cured o$ lower #ac pain so severe she could do no housewor $or <2 %ears! Rosie had the usual cr%stals in her idne%s@ oxalate' urate and phosphates! She was started on the idne% her# recipe! In three wee s she was so much #etter she would have missed her appointment i$ she had not wanted to cure her di&estive pro#lem and $ati&ue too! ,era ,i&neault' a&e <.' came mainl% $or help in &ettin& pre&nant #ut she alread% had lower #ac pain and mid7#ac pain! I$ she had &otten pre&nant #e$ore clearin& this up' she mi&ht have developed eclampsia and hi&h #lood pressure which are idne%7 related disorders! She was started on idne% her#s $or these! She chewed &um a lot and had #leedin& &ums! She stated her #ad teeth were hereditar% 4meanin& other $amil% mem#ers had #ad teeth also5! For this she was instructed to stop chewin& &um' start drin in& three &lasses o$ .L mil a da% and ta e a vitamin AGD perle! She was to $loss her teeth once a da%! 4All $loss varieties are polluted with mercur% and thallium! Fse mono$ilament $ish line' . to 1 l#! wei&ht!5 Immediatel% a$ter $lossin& she was to #rush them with a new ver% so$t tooth#rush with $ive drops o$ +;M L $ood &rade h%dro&en peroxide! She was to avoid #rushin& teeth with metal $illin&s to reduce erosion! She was to #rush them a second time without $lossin& $irst' this time with $ive drops o$ white iodine 4potassium iodide5 made up #% the pharmacist' a&ain avoidin& the metal! She had onl% oxalate idne% stones and was to stop drin in& re&ular tea' replacin& it with sin&le7her# teas! In $ive wee s her &ums were #etter althou&h she was still chewin& a little &um and the Hperox%H had #een too pain$ul $or her to use! Her low #ac and mid7#ac pains were &one too!
Gerhard Ro&ers' a&e <:' came $or his lower #ac pain and le& cramps! He had mono' di and tricalcium phosphate cr%stals in his idne%s! His diet was chan&ed to reduce phosphate 4meat' cereal'


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#reads' pasta' car#onated #evera&e5 and increase calcium and minerals! He was to drin three &lasses o$ .L mil a da% and to start the idne% her# recipe! In .0 da%s he had onl% minor im7 provement! He still had phosphate cr%stals! He was a$raid to drin mil #ecause he had heard so man% #ad thin&s a#out it! He was told to #oil it $irst to eliminate these Q#ad thin&sA! A toxic element test showed a #uildup o$ copper' arsenic' co#alt' cadmium' lead' thallium' vanadium and radon! "his could easil% explain his le& cramps' headaches and sleep pro#lem' too! "he arsenic came $rom pesticide' co#alt $rom deter&ent' thallium and copper $rom tooth $illin&s! "he vanadium was $ixed #% havin& the &as pipes ti&htened' and radon could #e reduced #% improvin& ventilation under the house! He was than $ul $or the in$ormation and set a#out cleanin& up his #od% and environment!
Al#erta /ellos a&e 0.' came in $or lower #ac pain and upper #ac pain! It was explained to her that lower #ac pain was simpl% due to tin% stones cuttin& into her tissues #ut upper #ac pain was due to &allstones! She could clear her low #ac pain $irst! "he idne% test showed she had oxalate and c%steine cr%stals! She was started on the idne% her# recipe! Nineteen da%s later she arrived with a cold #ut stated that her low #ac pain was &one!

Glenn Dir ' a&e 3.' called on the telephone to sa% his urination had stopped' pro#a#l% due to idne% stones! "his had happened once #e$ore and now he was in a panic! He started our idne% her# recipe the same da% and passed ++; stones the same ni&ht with7 out #leedin& or enou&h pain to need pain iller! A$ter this' he could $ocus on his prostate enlar&ement and pain with sittin&! He had intestinal $lu es and other sta&es in his prostate &land as well as in his intestine! He also had Clonorchis 4human liver $lu es and their e&&s5 in his prostate! He had car#on tetrachloride meth%l #ut%l etone and "C Eth%lene $rom $ood pollution accumulated there too! A$ter stoppin& &rocer% store #evera&es and illin& parasites with a $reJuenc% &enerator' he could urinate normall%' $reel% and without pain!


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=ower A#dominal "ain

:he lower abdomen on the left side has the si moid colon as it comes down and bends. :his is a favorite location for lar er parasites to settle permanently. @lukes, roundworms, parasites of all kinds and their attendant bacteria and viruses can be felt if they produce as and pain. #ometimes they live perfectly quietly, seemin ly in harmony with us. Movin the bowel more frequently e;pels them repeatedly and prevents their numbers from ettin very hi h. *ature may help you with this by settin up diarrhea. "iarrhea is your clue that intestinal freeloaders are present.
"he small intestine leads into the colon at %our lower a#domen on the ri&ht side! At the Bunction is the ileocaecal valve that prevents #ac wash' and the appendix! "he ascendin& colon &oes up %our ri&ht side then #ecomes the transverse colon that crosses %our a#domen at the #ell% #utton level! "he colon descends on %our le$t side' leadin& into the si&moid!

Fig, -8 Colon,

., coli and $almonella and $higella are =enteric? 0they live in your bowel2 bacteria that can ive you severe abdominal dis+ tress and pain. In fact, you can become a chronic sufferer. :hey can live on hands and under your fin ernails, so reinfection from yourself is the most important source. *ever, never touch your fin ers to your lips. Most importantly, donGt try to stop


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your frequent bowel movements. :hey will stop on a dime when your parasites and bacteria are dead and one. 8ther sources of ., coli are personal water bottles, other peo+ pleGs hands, hands that have chan ed baby diapers or cleaned bathrooms. Hands do everythin . :o eliminate their threat of reinfection, cut out the section on hands 0pa e 7&42 and paste it on your refri + erator. Fig, =9 Keep personal )ater bottles sterile,

Stomach "ain

8ur dairy foods are polluted with $almonella and $higella bacteria. It is impossible to operate a dairy without ettin some cow manure into the milk. !lthou h udder wash contains antiseptic it does not kill all manure bacteria. Cater, when milk is pasteuri>ed, many heat sensitive bacteria are killed like the =friendly? streps and staphs, but not all the harmful $almonellas and $higellas. #ome survive to coloni>e the milk, then later infect the consumer. 8nly milk that is sterili>ed is safe. ! commercial source of sterili>ed 0safe2 milk can sometimes be found on the shelf 0unrefri erated2. If it had any bacteria, it would not survive shelf life for more than one dayN Dou may not notice any discomfort from drinkin milk, buttermilk, or eatin yo urt without sterili>in it. Dour stomach acids may be stron enou h to kill them, or your liver able to strain them out of your body fluids and dump them, dead, into your bile ducts. 8r they may live quietly in some part of the


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bowel where you feel no effects. #terili>e all your dairy foods by heatin at the boilin point for %- seconds, even if you have no symptoms. If you are intolerant of milk it doesnGt mean that you are lactase deficient, but that you are unable to kill any $almonellas and $higellas. :hese, in turn, can make you lactase deficient via frequent diarrheas. Dou can correct this situation by not eatin any more bacteria. Five your body clean food, as intended by nature. "onGt eat any deli foods, donGt eat salad bar food or res+ taurant food unless it has been baked or cooked. *ever eat chicken or red meat at restaurants. :hey are not thorou hly cooked. !s soon as a new abdominal pain or discomfort, or a assy condition appears, >ap bacteria and try to eliminate your bowel contents. ,se the herb, Cascara sagra#a 0follow directions on label2 as a la;ative, or Epsom salts if necessary. !lso start the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312. If you have chronic abdominal problems, make sure you eliminate the bowel contents two or three times a day. :here are herbs that can kill enteric bacteria, known to our ancestors of various cultures. E>hina>ea was a treasured herb of !merican Indians. Goldenseal is another favorite. Turmeri> can kill ., coli and some $higellas. Fennel can also kill some. .ut a sin le dose of .lack Walnut :incture E;tra #tren th seems to do the most. Make it yourself if possible 0see (ecipes, pa e '372. If your body has lost its ability to kill $almonellas and $hi* gellas, all the antibiotics and herbs and ood bowel habits can+ not protect you from these ubiquitous bacteria. Dou could ask how you lost your natural protection from them. :here is evi+ dence that common antiAioti>s that kill $treptococcus and $taph+lococcus varieties are responsible. ! fraction of your bowel bacteria should be the friendly $trep, lactis and $taph, epi#ermi#is. !fter repeated doses of penicillin+like antibiotics 0that you may be takin for your strep


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throat2 they are eradicated alon with the =bad? $trep, pneumo* niae bu . *o amount of acidophilus culture 0which contains ac+ tive 5actobacillus2 can replace these $treps or $taphs. In mice, it takes a million #almonella bacteria to start an in+ fection. !fter ivin them streptomycin, it only took %- bacteria to infect themN& Dour intestines are similarly handicapped after antibiotics, and allow even very small amounts of $almonella and $higella to escape and multiplyN :ry to et some natural killin power back. :his means im+ provin the stomachGs ability to produce acid and the liverGs ability to make bile. In turn, this means ettin the to;ins out of the stomach and cleanin the liver. Certain to;ins accumulate in the stomach when the liver and kidneys canGt keep up with elimination. !rsenic is a prominent stomach to;in. Fet all sources of arsenic removed. @reon is another stomach to;in. #witch to a non+@reon containin refri erator. :he metals from dentalware9 mercury, silver, copper, thal+ lium, first are swallowed and then land in the stomach. Clean up your dentalware. :o;ins you inhale such as asbestos, formalde+ hyde, fiber lass, also are cou hed up and swallowed to accu+ mulate in the stomach. :est for them and clean up your environment. !ny stomach can recover a si nificant part of its function by cleanin it up. Even thou h you re ain your tolerance toward minute bits of filth in dairy products, do not o back to unsterili>ed milk products.

:he lower abdomen on the ri ht side has the valve that sepa+rates the small intestine 0ileum2 from the lar e intestine

Sherwood ?! Gor#ach' /!D!' *ertur#ation o$ Intestinal /icro$lora' ,et Human "oxicol <0 4Supplement +5 +::<!


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!" 0caecum2 called the ileocaecal valve. It is a common trouble spot because lar e parasites can attach themselves behind it and keep themselves safe from elimination. 0! parasiteGs bi est worry is your elimination.2 It is a favorite location for pinworms in children. It is near this point where the appendi; attaches and this, too, is a favorite location of pinworms. With an appendi; full of pinworms and their bacteria, is it any wonder when it ets inflamed and causes painL Appen#icitis refers to inflammation of the appendi;. 8ften, the pain isnGt felt over the appendi; but over the navel 0this is an e;ample of pain bein caused at one location but felt at anotherO it is called referre# pain2. If there are any suspicions of appen+ dicitis, >ap pinworms and all enteric parasites and bacteria im+ mediately. .ecause the current does not penetrate the bowel contents very well, >ap every day for two weeks and take 6 tsp. 0Utsp. for children2 .lack Walnut Hull :incture E;tra #tren th one time. Make sure bowel movements are re ular after this 0see the .owel )ro ram, pa e '31, for hints2 and hands are washed after bathroom use and before eatin . Beep fin ernails short for the whole family. If appendicitis does not clear up it can lead to a burst appen+ di;, spewin the dreadful contents into the abdomen. Bill pin+ worms and roundworms and enteric parasites re ularly 0once a week2 in children. Beep pets on a re ular diet of parasite+killin herbs.

'rinary Tract "ain

,rinary tract infections, includin bladder, kidney, and ure+ thral infections, are easier to clear up than to test for. #tart by drinkin a half allon of water a day. )ut yourself on the kidney herb recipe 0pa e '3&2. :his will dissolve the tiny crystals where bacteria hide and multiply.


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Common urinary tract patho ens are Gar#nerella, @roteus, Trichomonas, Camp+lobacters, ., coli, and $almonellas. #e; will ive you an instant dose of your partnerGs urinary tract bac+ teria. Make sure both of you clean up the urinary tract by >appin and doin the Bidney Cleanse.

9rrita#le $owel SyndromeA9$SB+ Colitis+ and Spastic Colon

are all conditions that combine parasite and bacterial prob+ lems plus an aller ic tri er. If dairy foods tri er yours, you can uess it is not aller ic at all but simply $almonella or $higella infection. .oil all dairy foods, stop eatin ice cream, cheese and yo urt which you cannot boil. If eatin lettuce tri ers your intestinal attack, but other rou ha e does not, it may be a true aller en and cleanin the liver will eventually cure it. !pples, cinnamon and other =aller ic? foods can be salva ed the same way. Wheat =aller y? is due to the pancreas bein full of pancreatic flukes, wood alcohol, BoKic acid 0a mycoto;in2, and old. !ll these bowel diseases are quite easily cured by killin all parasites, bacteria, and viruses. #ince reinfection is such a bi problem, ive your pet away until you are completely cured. Have your pet on the herbal parasite pro ram before brin in it back. Clean up your diet, dentalware and environment. Dour abdomen will be happy once more and rateful to you for your kind attention. (emember that >appin does not penetrate into the bowel contents. It kills only the outside layer of patho ens. @or this reason you should >ap daily for several weeks. @or this reason, too, I recommend the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312 and .lack Walnut Hull :incture E;tra #tren th even thou h you may have otten immediate relief from >appin alone.


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CrohnDs Disease
is somewhat more serious because the sores are hi her up in the di estive tract. :his is because sheep liver fluke and pancre+ atic fluke are commonly the main parasites and these live in the pancreas and liver. :hey often spill over into the upper intestine. $almonella and $higella are always part of the picture, too, as are various amoebae and fun i. :he treatment is the same, kill all parasites and remove all pollutants, especially wood alcohol in commercial bevera es. Healin of the di estive tract is very quick, often in a week. (einfection is very quick too, if the rule about cookin dairy foods is not observed. Beep up meticulous hand sanitation.
/ichelle Whorton had stomach pain at the middle o$ her a#domen' not related to eatin&! She had occasional ver% #ad diarrhea and also dail% headaches! She was started on the idne% her#s $or other reasons! Her diarrhea disappeared- We $ound she had %scaris 4pro#a#l% in her stomach where the% cause indi&estion and in7$lammation5! She (apped them with a $reJuenc% &enerator set to 126 >H( $or three minutes at +2 volts! She was to #e ver% care$ul with sanitation since the% owned a num#er o$ $arm do&s! Next seen a$ter six wee s' she stated that all her previous pro#lems were &one #ut she had a di$$erent pain in the mid7lower a#domen that &ot worse durin& her period and sent pain shootin& down #oth le&s! "his turned out to #e uterine in ori&in' #ut not endometriosis! Her uterus was $ull o$ as#estos' arsenic' &old' silver' titanium' prop%l alcohol' #en(ene' st%rene' toluene and car#on tetrachloride! "his would invite an% #acteria toward it/ar ?ippman' a&e 0+' came in $or his irrita#le #owel s%ndrome' hop7in& we would $ind Giardia and put an end to it Juic l%! Actuall%' he had intestinal $lu es' #e&innin& to invade the liver! He also had prop%l alcohol #uilt up in his #od% &ivin& him a precancerous con7dition that needed immediate attention! "he $lu es were illed in twent% minutes' alon& with %scaris 4he had swollen e%elids5! He was aller&ic to mil as could #e expected with so much inter$er7


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

ence with di&estion! He was immediatel% #etter and did not need to come #ac ! 8ill% Henr%' a :7%ear7old #o%' had diarrhea dail% and stomach aches! He also wet the #ed! "here was an indoor pet do& and a #ird! Electronic testin& showed he had two inds o$ %scaris and pin7 worms! His %oun& #od% also had a #uildup o$ #en(ene' moth #alls and car#on tetrachloride that he was eatin&' drin in&' and #reathin&! His #ed wettin& stopped a$ter illin& parasites with the her#al pro&ram! His other pro#lems recurred until he was older and could stop lic in& his $in&ers when eatin&! "om =chs' a&e <3' had chronic stomach pro#lems' alternatin& consti7 pation and diarrhea' was la#eled Qlactose intolerantA a$ter an ela#orate test' and $inall% had #een dia&nosed with irrita#le #owel s%ndrome! Actuall%' he had %scaris' #esides other smaller para7 sites! He was also toxic with cesium $rom drin in& #evera&es out o$ clear plastic #ottles! "his $reJuentl% causes depression and he was happ% to understand his mood chan&es! A$ter chan&in& to purer $ood and products and illin& his parasites' he did not need to come #ac ! Five months later he was a#le to drin all the mil he wanted' no lon&er had sinus pro#lems and lost his I8S! Rex Callahan' a&e 0' had dar circles under his e%es' numerous ear in$ections until tonsils were removed and tu#es put in' and man% strep throat in$ections! Clinicall%' he was $ound aller&ic to dust mites' pollens' and animal dander! His s in &ot Qrash%A i$ he dran too much $ruit Buice! He had $reJuent diarrhea! We $ound he had %scaris parasites! "he% were not di$$icult to clear and he was soon a new person!
David Falls' a&e 0.' had stomach pain and numerous health pro#lems stemmin&' no dou#t' $rom his dia&nosed Crohn)s disease! He #e7 came aller&ic to the sul$a dru&s commonl% used in this disease!

We $ound he had sheep liver $lu es and all their developmental sta&es in his #lood and intestine! He was put on the her#al parasite pro&ram which he $ound di$$icult to $ollow! Nevertheless' in three months his #owel was nearl% normal and the pain in his intestine much less!
Edward /arsili a&e ;' had #outs o$ stomach pain! He had intestinal $lu es and a #uild7up o$ #en(ene in his #od%! "his would seriousl% lower his immunit% and a#ilit% to $i&ht o$$ tin% parasites! He was


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usin& a product containin& an her#al oil that was polluted with #en(ene! His parasites were Juic l% illed with a $reJuenc% &en7 erator and he was put on the her#al parasite pro&ram! =ne month later his stomach $elt much #etter' #ut he still had an occasional stomach ache! "estin& showed hoo worm and ra##it $lu e! His #en(ene was now &one so the tendenc% to Qpic up ever%thin&A was &one too! Sta%in& on a child)s maintenance parasite pro&ram would protect him!
>im Iohnson' almost two %ears old' had lots o$ ear in$ections! It started at ei&ht months so the mother too her o$$ cow)s mil and wheat! "his stopped her ear in$ections until mid7winter! She had to #e #ac on anti#iotics and a $ew months a&o the doctor #e&an discussin& tu#e implants with her since she was still on anti#iotics 4six months5! Another ear' nose and throat doctor a&reed with this opinion' #ut was willin& to wait until Autumn! "he #a#% had #een passin& a lot o$ undi&ested $ood and was unhapp%! "he% were ve&etarians! "he #a#% nursed! =ur test showed pancreatic $lu e in$estationN this would easil% lead to #ad di&estion' especiall% o$ mil and &luten in wheat! Fortunatel%' she was nursed throu&hout' in spite o$ &oin& to da%care! Simpl% illin& the parasites 4in #oth mother and #a#%5 solved #oth pro#lems and she did not need to come #ac ! "he ear in$ections were pro#a#l% caused #% #acteria and viruses #rou&ht in #% the parasites!

C%nthia *rout' a&e <3' #rou&ht her three children #ecause o$ their poor health! "he% all' includin& hersel$' had stomach pro#lems' a lot o$ aller&ies' asthma' ear in$ections' and mil intolerance! =ne #o%' a&e 6' was intolerant o$ #oth mil and wheat and hadn)t had them $or %ears! He was in$ested with two inds o$ %scaris and pancreatic $lu es! His sister' Nola' had itchin& le&s and headaches #esidesN she was toxic with #ismuth and antimon% 4$rom shampoo $ra&rance and laundr% $ra&rance5! She also showed a #uild up o$ vanadium' impl%in& a &as lea in the home! "he %oun&est' a&e 0' had $reJuent stomach aches and vomitin&! It was a simple matter to ill %scaris electronicall% at 126 >H( and the pancreatic $lu e with all its sta&es 41.+ throu&h 1<15 a$ter which the children did $ine!
So$ia So#el had extreme ulcerative colitis althou&h she came $or her headache! She had #een on *rednisone $or a month with no relie$! We $ound she had the three lar&e $lu es plus Chilomasti ' do& whip worm' and amoe#as in her intestine 4#ut not in #od% or&ans5!


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"here were several house do&s! Her stomach and intestines were much too sensitive to accept parasite her#s' or in $act' an%thin&R an%thin& except slipper% elm powder! "his her# 4+ t#s! made into a paste $irst with water and then drun as a #evera&e three times a da%5 paved the wa% $or acceptance o$ two o%ster shell calcium' one ma&nesium and one (inc ta#let! Her #lood test showed hi&h phosphate levels since she was dissolvin& her #ones to &et cal7cium! She added sodium al&inate 4S tsp! to a cup o$ ve&eta#le #roth soup5 twice a da% to help her tolerate the parasite illin& her#s! Her children were &iven ,/F 4vermi$u&e or parasite illin&5 s%rup! 8% the da% o$ the parasite pro&ram she no lon&er needed colitis medicineN her #owel movements were down to twice a da%' so$t and $ormed' #ut still with a little #lood strea in&! She loved the al&inate mixed with slipper% elm! She was a#le to eat $ruits and ve&eta#les #ut a&reed to sta% o$$ wheat and corn until her liver was cleansed! In another wee she was $ree $rom all a#dominal complaints except a heaviness over the uterus' possi#l% due to two missed periods! "he thou&ht o$ pre&nanc% put her in a panic! She was instructed to induce her period 4Emmena&o&ue' see 'ecipes5! She was sure she wanted her period' not a pre&nanc% and this seemed to #e her God7 &iven ri&ht! "hree wee s later she had a $lare up o$ colitis due to Salmonella in $oodN it also &ave her a urinar% tract in$ection! "his time she too Tuassia her# to ill invaders in addition to the maintenance parasite pro&ram which she had #e&un to ne&lect! She had #een ver% #us%' had lots o$ ener&% and wasn)t on medications! She treated her urinar% tract in$ection with #etaine7h%drochloride 4to acidi$% the stomach5' #e&an usin& plastic utensils to reduce her nic el inta e 4see *rostate *ain' pa&e +.155 and dran a lot o$ water! "his experience tau&ht her valua#le lessons that she was ea&er to learn' #ene$itin& her $amil% and hersel$ immensel%!

Re#ecca Goet(' a&e 0<' had ulcerative colitis and her hus#and had Crohn)s disease! She had #een on A(ul$idine"/ and Fla&%l"/ $re7 Juentl%! Her parasites were onl% intestinal $lu es and their sta&es' and #ndolima ' an amoe#a! It was a simple tas $or her to clear her pro#lems #% illin& them and #% sterili(in& her dair% $oods! Wes' her hus#and' had three sur&eries to remove sections o$ #owel due to Crohn)s disease! He now had a colostom% #ut was on Advil"/ $or pain in the rectal area! He could hardl% sit! He had #een tried on anti parasitic medicine 4C%pril"/ and Fla&%l"/5 #ut


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the% did no &ood! He had intestinal $lu es and all their reproductive sta&es in his #od%' also pancreatic $lu es' Capillaria roundworm' and &iphyllobothrium erinacea scolex! We interrupted his testin& at that point! His idne%s were $ull o$ phosphate cr%stalsR he ate no dair% products! He was started on hal$7doses o$ idne% her#s and onl% part o$ the parasite pro&ram in view o$ his colostom% and possi#le diarrhea! "wo wee s later we continued testin&' $indin& pinworms' (aemonchus' )eishmania tropica' "aragonimus' Sarcocystis' Stephanuris and Trichuris 4whip worm!5 Tuassia was added and doses increased! His #lood test showed a hi&h th%roid hormone level 4"15' contri#utor% to over activit% o$ his #owel He was started on &oat mil ' vitamin C 4< &m! dail%5 and 8+. shots! He was &iven ma&nets to sit on $or pain! He was toxic with cadmium' $rom his old tooth $illin&s! 8ut in $ive wee s he could sit com$orta#l% without pain pills! "here was less #lood in the stool! Dental wor would #rin& him his next #i& improvement! 8enito ,illamar' a middle a&e man' had severe side pain $or several wee s! He was also &ass%! He had sheep liver $lu e and sta&es in his th%mus and intestine! "he th%mus is under the top o$ the #reast#one and is a ver% important or&an o$ immune $unction! It is easil% dama&ed #% #en(ene! He did' indeed' have #en(ene ac7 cumulated there! He was &iven a list o$ #en(ene7polluted products to avoid and was started on the parasite illin& her#s a$ter illin& the $lu es instantl% with the $reJuenc% &enerator! "wo wee s later his side was ver% much #etter' his #en(ene was &one and he was ea&er to rid himsel$ o$ lower #ac pain' which he also had!

Al ,ic ers' a&e :' had stomach aches' headaches' a constantl% runn% "/ nose and asthma! He was on Slo78id medicine and aller&% treatment! He had a sleep pro#lem! He also had two do&s' one rat and two hamsters! "he do&s and he had hi&h levels o$ %scaris! He was (apped $or %scaris and the $our common $lu es 4without testin&5! He was put on vermi$u&e s%rup and Rascal capsules! "his ended his pro#lems and #e&an a new chapter o$ #etter care $or his health #% his parents!
"im /elton' a&e +3' had several colitis attac s %earl%' reJuirin& hos7 pitali(ation' $rom third &rade to the present! He also drooled con7 stantl%' needin& to spit a lot! 4"his is due to mercur% toxicit% $rom amal&am $illin&s! It is #etter to spit out the mercur% than to swal7


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low it!5 He had intestinal $lu es at a hi&h level $or which he was started on the parasite pro&ram! =ne month later he was ver% much #etter! He had onl% one diarrhea session since the last visit! 8ut he still had sharp pains under #oth #uttoc s 4pro#a#l% due to idne% stones5! He had #een an iced tea drin er and had numer7ous oxalate and c%steine cr%stals deposited! He was appalled that a common #evera&e could #e so harm$ul!

Central A#dominal "ain

can be comin from the uterus, bladder, or bowel. It is diffi+ cult to tell which is the source. :he first step is to simply kill enteric 0bowel2 free+loaders and et into ood bowel habits. Fas and bloatin should be one. If this isnGt the solution to the pain there may be special bladder parasites with their bacteria. $chistosomes prefer to invade the bladder wall. In fact, very many parasites temporarily invade the bladder because the body is tryin to e;crete many of them. :he whole family should be cleared of these same parasites. Bill them by >appin . )ets should not be kept indoors since they have many of these para+ sites, too, and they are easily transmitted to us.

9nterstitial Cystitis
is one of the most painful conditions described by clients. $chistosomes are the real perpetrators but after the bladder wall is weakened, other parasites and their bacteria and viruses ac+ cumulate here too. :o re ain your bladderGs health all to;ins must be cleared as well. "ental metal, environmental to;ins, includin radon, asbestos, formaldehyde, must be cleaned up. :he diet, body products and home should be carefully searched for to;ins. $chistosomes are easily >apped but easily picked up


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off toilet seats and doorknobs. !lways wash hands after toilet+ in 9 a sin le droplet reinfects youN

'terine "ain
Many a womanGs dreams have been shattered by her inability to have a child. Endometriosis is often the cause. It starts with painful cramps at period times. :hey et worse and worse until pain killers are necessary Kust to et out of bed and move about the house. :here are flukes in the uterusN Car e intestinal flukes in a rather small or anN "id they mi rate to the uterus from the intestine or did they develop there from e sL #ometimes sheep liver fluke is seen there. 8nce an avenue to the uterus is established, numerous other parasites move in the same direction9 Clonorchis, the human liver fluke and even .ur+trema, the pancreatic fluke, can invade the uterus wall. Why have they taken up so abnormal a livin placeL .ecause the uterus has solvents in itN :his is the reen li ht for flukes. :his disarms your or ans so they are left helpless a ainst fluke sta es left there by the blood and lymph. #top eatin solvent+polluted foods. :here are solvents in all cold cereals. Make cooked cereal. :here are solvents in purchased drinkin water. "rink from your cold kitchen faucet. :here are solvents in rocery store bread, rocery baked oods and cholesterol+reduced foods. Eat none of these. .uy baked oods and bread at your local bakery. #tay away from =low cholesterol? foods. :here are solvents in decaffeinated and other powdered mi;es for bevera es. "rink nothin e;cept milk from the rocery store 0sterili>e it2. Milk does not have solvent pollution. :he hormones, antibiotics and udder wash can be toleratedRsolvents cannot.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# .evera es and powdered mi;tures sold at health food stores are no e;ception. ,se no powdered mi;ture intended for wei ht loss or wei ht ain, nor vitality supports, nor dietary supple+ ments. :hey are all polluted. #ome solvents 0I often see methyl ethyl ketone and methyl butyl ketone2 choose the uterus to ac+ cumulate in. :his sets the sta e for endometriosis and fertility problems. Where there are lar e parasites, smaller ones soon crowd in. !ll brin their own bacteria and viruses. Gar#nerella, especially, is found in cases of endometriosis, ovarian cysts and menstrual problems. :he flukes evidently travel from the uterus to other parts of your body cavity, distributin bits of the uterine linin as they o. 8nce this distribution has occurred, can the bleedin 0re ular menstrual bleedin 2 at these e;tra sites ever be stoppedL It stops immediately when the flukes are deadN Dour body knows how to clean up after dead flukes and does the Kob perfectly. Dou can be free of pain in time for your ne;t period. Aap to kill the four common flukes, Gar#nerella, all other common parasites, and urinary tract bacteria 0common ones include @roteus, $almonella, Camp+lobacter, Chlam+#ia, Trichomonas2. !void reinfection by avoidin solventsN It is im+ possible not to pick up parasites. If your uterus has solvent in it, they will find their way to it in a day. Without solvent, they will not. :he solvents will leave by themselves. Help your body et rid of them with vitamin C and .6 07 rams and 7-- m . re+ spectively, daily, see $ources2. :o heal the uterus so it no lon er attracts parasites, clear up its internal pollution besides solvents. :his means mainly the dental metal that has piled up and environmental to;ins such as asbestos, arsenic, fiber lass, and formaldehyde. Fold and silver


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are especially attracted to the uterus. "onGt wear old rin s or any metal Kewelry touchin your skin anymore, and, of course, et all metal out of your teeth. *ever try to et pre nant before you have cleared up endometriosis. :he advice iven by obstetricians to et pre nant to solve your pain problem is most unwise. Indeed, pre nancy chan es your bodyGs metabolism and without periods you et pain relief. .ut it seems much too risky to row a baby in an infested, pol+ luted uterus. @ear of birth defects is an intelli ent fear. .e careful not to et pre nant while you are killin parasites and ettin mercury removed from your teeth. Healin starts as soon as all the parasites and pollutants are one.
Ioanne 8iro' a&e ..' had severe crampin& pain with her periods' di7 a&nosed as endometriosis! She had adult intestinal $lu es and the cercaria sta&e in her uterus! She had a x%lene 4solvent5 #uildup in #oth her #rain 4cere#rum and cere#ellum5 and uterus! She was started on the her#al parasite pro&ram $ollowin& the idne% cleanse! Her next period was pain $ree! A chec up showed she was $ree o$ $lu es #ut had thallium in her immune s%stem! Dental cleanup was next on her a&enda!
Denise ?e%va' ..' was on #irth control pills to control the &rowth o$ endometrial tissue! She had laser sur&er% previousl%! She had hexanedione and meth%l #ut%l etone #uildup in her uterus sup7 portin& the intestinal $lu e and its e&&s in the uterus! "here were also some sheep liver $lu es and human liver $lu e sta&es thereShe was advised to stop eatin& cold cereals and commercial #ev7 era&es and ill the parasites immediatel%! She had no recurrence!

Anita *ierce' a&e <.' had numerous sur&eries $or her endometriosis! She also had chronic $ati&ue s%ndrome' and several aller&ies! She had two #eauti$ul poodles in her home! She could not part with them so she &ave them the pet parasite her#s $aith$ull%! She had intestinal $lu es' tapeworm sta&es' %scaris and various other


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$lu es in the uterus! She had all her dental metal removed and home detoxi$ied! Her #od% was teemin& with *ocardia and Epstein 8arre ,irus 4E8,5! In spite o$ repeatedl% illin& the $lu es and #acteria with a $reJuenc% &enerator and ma in& herculean e$$orts she was no #etter o$$ ei&ht months later! She was una#le to solve the pro#lem o$ rein$ection $rom her do&s!
Christine Solton' a&e .;' had extremel% heav% and pain$ul periods and didn)t stop #leedin& #etween periods! A lar&e c%st had #een seen #% O7ra% in the uterine wall! She also had constant #ladder pain!

8oth pro#lems ept her in the #athroom most o$ the time 4:2 vis7 itsCda%5! She had the intestinal $lu e in her uterus 4pro#a#le cause o$ c%st5 and Schistosoma haematobium 4#ladder parasite5 throu&hout her #od%! She was started on the parasite pro&ram and in one wee her #ladder pain was under control #ut #leedin& 4$rom the c%st in uterine wall5 continued! Schistosomes are ver% conta&ious' pro#a#l% even $rom toilet seats and the house dust o$ an in$ected person! She had them a&ain three wee s later! "his time she (apped them and &ot instant relie$! Her #ladder and uterus were #oth $ull o$ prop%l alcohol' tooth metal' $luoride' co#alt' (irconium' aluminum' antimon%' cadmium' and $ormaldeh%de! She was deli&hted' thou&h' to understand her pro#lem and made the dental appointment!

:here is an e;cellent pamphlet available at health food stores, called Wild Dam for .irth Control Without @ear %- that informs that 7 capsules taken two times a day provides reliable 0perfect2 contraception provided you ive it a two month head start. !lso, an emmena o ue recipe is on pa e '31.

The Silent Cer=i?

:he cervi; is a bi =trouble spot? for women Kust as the prostate is for men. It seldom lets you know with pain, however,

Willa Sha$$er' pu#lished #% Woodland Health 8oo s' *= 8ox +1..' *rovo' Ftah 6132<!



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that bacteria or parasites or to;ins are present. #ometimes a brief needle+like pain does alert you to somethin oin on there, but it is easy to miss. :he cervi; is constantly secretin a little bit of mucous and this helps it stay clean but why ive it mercury and copper and old to secreteL Many a fertility problem has been solved by stoppin the to;ic pollution of uterus, ovaries, and cervi;. Clean up your dentalware and clean up your diet and environment. Bill parasites and bacteria re ularly, every week, with the herbal recipe or by >appin . Dou should have no pain with men+ struation, no bloatin , fati ue or headaches. ! )!) smear test should always be = ood?. If it isnGt, hurry to the rescue of your cervi;.

MenoCausal SymCtoms, &ot Flushes, #MS

Insomnia, irritability, )M# 0pre+menstrual syndrome2, de+ pression, an;iety, nervousness, are all not to be e;pected at and after menopause. :hey may certainly be caused by hormone imbalances. It is these imbalances that are not normal.

menopausal symptoms are normal

!fter the ovaries are done with their cycles of estro en and pro esterone production, the adrenal <lands@ hormone produc+ tion was meant to =kick in? and make up any deficit. "urin your fertile years, you were meant to have a peak of %-- pico ramsHmilliliter 0p .Hml2 of estro en on day & and day 66 of your cycle. )ro esterone, on the other hand, only peaks once, on day 66, and it should reach a level 6- to %-- times as hi h as estro enN !fter this ends, your adrenals can still keep your hormone levels re ulated. :ypical values are 6- p .Hml


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estro en and, a ain, 6- to %-- times as much pro esterone. Beepin these two hormones in balance is Kust as important as the actual amounts. 57 C<.6ml estro<en is enou<h to Cre=ent menoCausal symCtoms includin hot flushes, and to ive you heart protection and bone density protection. :akin synthetic hormones usually ives you e;actly such levels. .ut if your own adrenal lands can supply them, surely it is a better approach. 0! blood test can tell you your levelsO do it on day 6%, 66 or 67 before menopause, after menopause the day is not critical.2

daily progesteron le%els daily estrogen le%els

Fig, =- .strogen an# progesterone levels (pg,Aml), Why arenGt your adrenals producin themL .ecause they are hampered by parasites and pollutantsN Bill all the parasites, bacteria and viruses, especially Gar#nerella, @roteus, Chlam+* #ia, Camp+lobacter, Beisseria, Treponema, $almonella. ,se the >apper. *otice that these are also the favorite urinary tract bacteriaN :his makes ood sense, because the adrenal lands sit ri ht on the kidneys and would be eo raphically close to the kidney bacteria. :o avoid ettin them back, do a kidney cleanse 0pa e '3&2 to remove all crystals where they mi ht hide.


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!" !fter this, hot flushes can be suddenly one. If not, continue the cleanse. Meanwhile, do some permanent lifestyle improve+ ment. #tart drinkin two pints of water between meals plus water and milk 0sterili>ed2 at mealtime. "onGt drink cranberry Kuice with its copious hippuric aci# and its solvent pollutants. Dou wonGt need such insufficient help after cleanin up your body, dentalware, and environment. .e+ sides ivin you a better hormone supply, your newly revitali>ed adrenals will et you throu h stress in better shape and keep your blood pressure normal. If bacteria are not kept down they will be in to invade other or ans. Gar#nerella oes to ovaries to feast on the corpus luteum after ovulation. :his keeps the corpus luteum from makin enou h pro esterone and )M# results. Menstrual problems and )M#, in eneral, althou h they may not be pain+causers, are a si n that all is not well with the uterus and ovaries. Fo on a cleanup pro ram. Bill your invaders with herbs or the >apper. Clear up your to;ic accumulations from dental metal and environmental sources. "onGt be surprised by a pre nancyN :his is not the time to et pre nant, thou h. If you wish to et pre nant, clean up your body first, bein very careful to prevent pre nancy durin this time. If this is not under your control do your dental work first. #ince every cleanup Kob increases your fertility, it is best to et the mercury, thallium, copper and nickel out of your body before your risk of conception is raised further by makin other improvements. Many an amal am replacement Kob had to be halted in the middle due to pre nancyN Couples Kust couldnGt believe they could have a child as a result of cleanin up their bodies so they were careless in spite of my warnin sN $ dentist ;ill not take out mer>ury durin< Cre<nan>y.
Nicole "ruett' 12ish' had */S #e$ore her periods! She was a returnin& student and couldn)t a$$ord to $eel emotionall% upset! She also had recurrent %east in$ections' (erpes and panic attac s! She com7


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plained that her thin in& was weird' althou&h she was an excellent student 4she &ot her #irth date wron& on our o$$ice $orms-5 She had hi&h levels o$ mercur% and we su&&ested dental wor imme7diatel%! "wo months later she was $eelin& much #etter and had all metal removed #ut was experiencin& a sli&ht return o$ s%mptoms which panic ed her! She still had #+ coli and Bacillus anthracus at $our tooth locations' &ivin& her chronic sinus s%mptoms! She needed her cavitations cleaned! Four wee s later she descri#ed how she had &otten immediate emotional relie$ a$ter two cavitations were done! =ur solvent test showed meth%l #ut%l etone' #en(ene and car#on tetrachloride 4which we $ound in her /ountain ,alle% Ar ansas Sprin& Water5! "he% were lowerin& her immunit% &ivin& recurrent Herpes and %east pro#lems! "hese disappeared in a wee ! She was so happ% to $ind the cause o$ her pro#lems and %et so an&r% at the nature o$ the cause that she planned to write to the water compan%! We need more such environmental activists! /onica >o(iol was on I#upro$en $or menstrual cramps! She also &ot a severe su&ar cravin& and minor depression and headache with her period! She was toxic with silver' copper' platinum' mercur% and lead! She also had hoo worms' pinworms' human liver $lu e and cat liver $lu es in$estin& her! A hormone test showed ver% low estro&en 40;!3 p&Cml5 pro#a#l% due to all these inter$erin& $actors! She had all the metal $rom her $illin&s replaced and illed parasites with the her#al recipe! "his &ave her re&ular normal periods $or several months! She decided to &et pre&nant #ut couldn)t! A $ollow7up showed she was $ull o$ parasites a&ain! She had stopped the maintenance parasite pro&ram! She resumed it and #e&an idne% and liver cleanses to &et lon&er lastin& #ene$its!

8ar#ara Ash#%' a&e 1<' had su$$ered $or +M %ears $rom menstrual pain! She had oxalate cr%stals in her idne%s and was started on the idne% cleanse! She $ollowed this with the parasite pro&ram and dental metal replacement! "hen she cleaned her liver and a$ter three cleanses 4she &ot over +'222 stones the $irst time-5 she said she $elt &reat a&ain!
"erri Ent(min&er' a&e +3' had a lon& list o$ health pro#lems includin& pain$ul ovaries and pain$ul periods $or which she was put on #irth control pills #% her doctor! She had several #acteria in her &enital tract@ *eisseria gonorrhea' "lasmodium cyano' Staphylococcus


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aureus 4also at tooth P.6 which had a plastic $illin&5' Streptococ-cus pyogenes 4also at tooth P.65! A parasite test showed intestinal $lu e adults in the uterus' not in the intestine or liver! "here were also $lu e cercaria here! She was started on the parasite her#s! "hree wee s later there was no improvement! She had a ra##it' a do& and a hamster! She was to &et them all onto the pet parasite pro&ram! Her diet was chan&ed to exclude solvents! Six wee s later her periods were Q&reatA' she did not need the pill and she was eepin& the whole household on a maintenance pro&ram illin& parasites! "hree wee s later she had cramps a&ain! "his time it was sheep liver $lu e in the uterus! She pro#a#l% &ot them $rom the snails in her $ish tan s! She was o$$ the maintenance pro&ram and drin in& ca$$eine $ree cola a&ain! "his would $ill her with solvents that ma e $lu e disease possi#le! She illed them all with a $reJuenc% &enerator and decided to #e more vi&ilant over parasites as lon& as she was such an ardent animal lover! A(ar /o%a' 0;' was on *remarin"/ and *rovera"/ $or hot $lushes and emotional extremes' S%nthroid $or the th%roid' Oanax $or nerves and sleep pro#lems' somethin& $or diarrhea and somethin& $or depression! In $ive months she needed none o$ it! She had done a liver cleanse #% then and &ot a commode7$ull o$ stones 4a#out +'2225' she had chan&ed her plum#in&' &ot rid o$ the water so$tener' illed parasites and cleansed her idne%s! She still had sinus pro#lems and some arthritis and was plannin& dental metal replacement and cavitation cleanin& to clear them up too!
"/ "/

$n ominous si<n in any sCe>ies, infertility is not Iust an3 other disease or JCroAlem.K When birdsG e s donGt hatch their species is doomed. #o we learned from the "": e;periment humans did with birds in the %&1-Gs. :he "": chan ed the thickness of their e shells so they cracked when the mother bird sat on them. !ll chan es are e;periments whether intentional or unintentional. *ature by itself produces sweepin chan es, too, such as drou hts, wind


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storms, fires, ice a es, but usually livin thin s had time or mo+ bility to adapt to them. When there wasnGt time, and they couldnGt run away, the species went e;tinct. !re we humans an e;ception to this rule of adapt or perishL *obody feels more helpless and hopeless than the infertile cou+ ple. :hey can not run away, time is limited, and obviously ad+ aptation is not occurrin . More likely their linea e will perish. :he couplesG only wish is =Five us one child, now.? #urely, it is their birthri ht, as it is any livin creaturesG, to reproduce. Can we rela; with the assurance that our intelli ence, throu h the arm of science, will always rescue usL !re test tube fertili>ations, fertility dru s, Cesarean sections, incubators for premature babies all triumphs for scienceL *o, they are si ns of reproductive failure for the human species. When the concern is overpopulation of this planet, repro+ ductive failure mi ht seem less ominous. Maybe itGs no worse than the natural way any species curbs its rowth rate. Maybe only those who can survive parasitism, pollution and immune deficiency should survive in order to stren then the species. .ut when reproductive intervention becomes a necessity, not an op+ tion, surely the dan er si nal is present as it was for the "":Gd birds who saw cracks develop in their e s. :he solution to our reproductive failure is not to find ever more artificial ways to conceive, to ive birth, and to care for dama ed babies. :he solution is to fi; the old fashioned wayO to safe uard the natural way. If you are unable to conceive or to provide viable sperms use an intelli ent approach. (emove the obstacles. The oAsta>les are Carasites and Collutants, the same enemies of health ;e ha=e seen Aefore. Bill all lar e and small parasites with a >apper and the herbal parasite killin pro ram. "onGt try to keep a pet parasite free, ive it away. Civin close to another species is a lu;ury you canGt afford at present. :he pet can live with its parasites,


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!" you canGt. (emember to kill bacteria and viruses too, especially Gar#nerella, Beisseria, Treponema, the ancient enemies of hu+ man reproduction.

9s it safe to kill parasites if you might #e pregnant@

:he electronic way of killin parasites is safe if you use a frequency enerator. :he frequencies of parasites and bacteria are far away from human frequencies. :he treatment with each frequency is short. :here are no side effects. The HaCCer has not Aeen tested and should not Ae used durin< Cre<nan>y. :he herbal way of killin parasites has been used by pre nant women without bad effects but this is not enou h safe uard. I recommend waitin until the baby is born if at all possible. :he treatment is lon and intense. :he rowin baby is e;posed continuously to herbs. )erhaps this is preferable to the to;ins produced by parasites. Dou must use your own Kud ment. 8bviously it is wiser to take a chance on herbs than to take a chance on inheritin !I"# or = enetic? diseases. )art two of re ainin your reproductive freedom to have a child is removin pollutants. Fold, silver, copper and mercury can accumulate in the reproductive or ans, wreckin the delicate hormone balance between estro en and pro esterone, or wreckin the motility of sperm. (esearch has not been done to search for dental metal in the uterus, ovaries and testicle of in+ fertile couples. Dou can do this research yourself. #lides of ovary tissue cost less than T%-.-- as do other parts of the repro+ ductive system. #earch for dental metal yourself. (emove all dental metal from your mouth, and replace it with metal+free composite. E;tract teeth with root canals.


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A ;ord

f ;arningE

.e e;tra careful with contraception durin the dental cleanup. Dou could et pre nant the very ne;t dayN This is no Ioke. It is a serious ha>ard to conceive a child while mercury is loose and rampant in your body from the removal process. It may be a hi her risk than leavin it untouched. If you are pre nant no dentist will want to finish the Kob of mercury removalN Don@t try to <et Cre<nant yet.

Dou may have tried fertility pills, in vitro fertili>ation, and other methods for ettin pre nant over a ten year time period, all to no avail. :hen you start cleanin up your body and takin your mercury out and suddenly you are pre nant before the Kob is completeN It may seem unreasonable and illo ical to have to be careful after ten years of no worries, but play it safe. If you fail to observe this warnin and do et pre nant too soon, you may pray for miscarria e. 8therwise, take vitamin C and thioctic acid and hope for the best. Men should add daily >inc and ar inine 01- m . and 3'- m , respectively2 to their di+ ets. .oth men and women should add vitamin E 06-- m .2, a prenatal multivitamin and multimineral tablet, eat freshly rown ve etables for folic acid, and add vitamin C 0at least a ram daily, see $ources2. +o other suCClementsN #upplements pol+ luted with heavy metals or solvents do more harm than ood. If you are not sure of their purity, test one by eatin it and searchin for it in your immune system five minutes later. If it is there, it is harmfulO eat no more.


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of pre nancy is the scour e of e;pectant parents. !fter waitin hard and lon for the desired pre nancy, the mother+to+be feels rotten, salivates and a s at the thou ht of food, and wants no more se;. Maybe se; is ill+advised durin pre nancy, no matter how reassurin the male or male+oriented obstetrician isN Maybe salivation is actually mercury e;cretion bein attempted by the body. Maybe nausea is all about keepin to;ins out of the body and away from the developin child. :hese are intri uin possibilities, worthy of your research e;pertise. ! few decades a o the treatment for nausea was a weekly .1 and .%6 shot. !sk your obstetrician for this to see if it helps. !n older, herbal remedy was cinnamon tea9 6 tbs. cinnamon 0bark or powder2 in 6Ucups boilin water, steeped for %- min+ utes. #train and add honey to taste. "ose9 V cup three times a day before meals. *ausea invites starch eatin Rpasta, potatoes, rice and bread. #tarches can absorb. )erhaps they absorb the no;ious substances causin nausea. Make sure you add vitamin C to rains. In any case you must still eat additional nutritious food to row your baby. In spite of cravin a picklesHchocolate puddin Hcarbonated bevera e lifestyle, you must eat mainly ood food. Cravin can take stran e turns. #earch for the taste you crave in ood food and in lon for otten childhood foods.

:hese are all the fertility cases I saw in a yearGs time. *one were left out in order to hide failure. !ssess the success rate yourself9
Domilita Renshaw and her hus#and had #een tr%in& $or six %ears to &et pre&nant! 8oth had #een tested and treated in assorted wa%s! Domilita)s period was irre&ular' a sure si&n that all is not well in


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the area o$ reproduction! I &ave them the usual warnin& a#out not ris in& pre&nanc% durin& their deparasiti(in& and depollutin& pro7 cedures the% #oth would #e &oin& throu&h! Her hormone test showed sli&htl% hi&h 4+.0 p&Cml5 estro&en levels $or da% .. 4i$ it reall% was da% ..-5 and hi&her still i$ it was not %et da% ..- =#vi7 ousl%' somethin& was irritatin& the ovaries into overproduction o$ estro&en! She had oxalate and urate cr%stals and was put on the idne% her# recipe! She was switched to mil 4< &lasses .L a da%5 as her primar% #evera&e #esides water! She was toxic with nic el 4dental metal5 which would invite hordes o$ urinar% tract #acteria' dan&erousl% close to the ovaries! She made her dental appointment! She had sheep liver $lu es and was started on the parasite pro&ram! She #ro e out in hives $rom a new hair spra% polluted with praseod%mium which &ot into her ovaries! She pre7 pared to clean her liver $or her $reJuent hives! "hen she called to cancel her next appointment #ecause she was pre&nant 4$our months $rom $irst visit5! Fortunatel% she had one visit with dentist completed! Nine months later she had a #eauti$ul per$ect #a#%!

?ind% /alo% and her hus#and had #een tr%in& $or ei&ht %ears to have their second child! "he% all had %scaris' includin&' o$ course' their house do&! "he% wormed the do& monthl% and did not want to part with it since the% did not #elieve it mattered! "he% used the pet parasite pro&ram' #ut $ive months later she had hi&her %scaris loads than ever! She also could not rid her uterus o$ intestinal $lu e sta&es in spite o$ illin& them with a $reJuenc% &enerator and usin& the parasite her#s! She remained $ull o$ solvents' #acteria and platinum $rom dentalware! Her endometriosis continued! "he% &ave up!
Rosemar% *eterson' a&e <<' had #een tr%in& to &et pre&nant $or $ourteen %ears! She had seven laparoscopies $or endometriosis and ver% hard cramps with her period! She had intestinal $lu es and sheep liver $lu es in her uterus! "here were sheep liver $lu es and human liver $lu es in her liver! "here were intestinal $lu e redia and cercaria in her saliva! "he solvents in her uterus were meth%l #ut%l etone' acetone' car#on tetrachloride 4$rom drin in& store #ou&ht water5' st%rene 4$rom drin in& out o$ st%ro$oam cups5' x%lene 4$rom car#onated #evera&es5 and decane 4$rom cholesterol7reduced $oods5! She also had a chronic %east in$ec7tion' treatin& it constantl% with N%statin"/! She illed the $lu es and %east electronicall% #e$ore leavin& the o$$ice and started her7


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sel$ on the parasite pro&ram and diet restriction! She &ot pre&nant immediatel%' and did not return! Elisa#eth "ran' a&e <;' had tried to &et pre&nant $or $ive %ears! She did &et pre&nant recentl%' on a special Q&i$tA sur&er% pro&ram' #ut lost it! Her ovaries and uterus were toxic with mercur% and thallium $rom polluted dental allo%! She also had #arium and titanium in them' pro#a#l% $rom lipstic ! We did not see her a&ain' we hope she solved these pro#lems!
Christopher Gravel%' a %oun& man o$ .3 and Frederica' ..' promised $aith$ull% not to &et pre&nant until their cleanup was complete! He was $ound #% his doctor to have slow movin& 4low motilit%5 sperm! He was ro#ust and health% loo in& #ut su$$ered a lot $rom low #ac pain Ra clue to swarms o$ #acteria in the lower a#domen! An electronic search o$ his testicles and prostate 4which had #een in$ected once5 revealed iridium' platinum and %ttrium! "his impli7cated tooth metal! He was also started on idne% her#s! Ei&ht months later he had completed all his tas s' his low #ac and pain with urination had stopped' and this encoura&ed him to continue with his $ertilit% pro&ram! We started him on thioctic acid two a da% and (inc 432 m&!5 two a da%' switched him to an electric ra(or so he wouldn)t have to use an% chemicals on his $ace' and recom7mended that he ventilate his &ara&e which was attached to the house' to reduce $umes in his home!

/eanwhile' Frederica' his wi$e' was also chec ed $or toxic ele7 ments! She had antimon% 4$rom mascara5 in her ovaries and #reasts! She had sensitive pain$ul #reasts durin& her periods which were Juite irre&ular! She also had indium and &allium' dental allo%s in the ovaries and #reasts! She' too' was started on the idne% her#s and instructed to &et metal tooth $illin&s replaced! A$ter two months the% canceled their appointment! Frederica was pre&nant- Not $or lon&' thou&h' and a wiser couple returned a $ew months later! Frederica $inished her dental wor ! 8oth started the parasite pro&ram! Frederica)s periods #ecame re&ular! She was started on thioctic acid 4one a da%5 plus (inc' 4one a da%5' until her $irst missed period! "welve months later the% sent me their #a#%)s picture@ he was two months old!


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Gin&er Hart had #een tr%in& $or three %ears to &et pre&nant! A$ter an endometrial #iops%' a DGC' and laparoscop% she was dia&nosed with QinadeJuate corpus luteum!A We $ound her ovaries toxic with nic el and europium $rom tooth $illin&s and strontium $rom toothpaste! She was deli&hted to understand her pro#lem and set a#out correctin& it! /arBor% Davis' a&e .6' had #een on the QpillA 4s%nthetic hormones5 a lon& time #ut was o$$ now and couldn)t &et pre&nant! She actuall% &ot pre&nant a#out one %ear a&o #ut lost it at one month! A toxic element test showed her ovaries and uterus were $ull o$ #er%llium 4&asoline and coal oil5' &adolinium and &allium! "he metals are allo%s o$ &old used in dentistr%! She wore a lot o$ Bewelr%' Bust loved her chains' nec laces' rin&s' etc! 8ut she a&reed to &o o$$ all except two rin&s which did not have these allo%s! "o reduce $ossil $uel $umes in the house she removed all &as cans and the lawn mower $rom the attached &ara&e! "he% par ed the cars outside! She was started on idne% her#s and promised to use con7traception until she was done! She was to drin three &lasses o$ .L mil a da% and ta e a ma&nesium ta#let and stop drin in& other #evera&es! "hree wee s later her hus#and canceled her appointment #ecause she was too em#arrassed and deli&hted to call hersel$!

"rostate "ro#lems
If urination is not complete, so you must soon o a ain, es+ pecially in the ni ht, it is su estive of pressure on the urethra from an enlar ed prostate land. Beepin a little urine from bein voided is conducive to bladder and kidney infection, too, because bacteria soon find this =free food.? :he prostate collects to;ins as if it were a desi nated dump site, especially for nickel. ,rinary tract bacteria quickly find =their? metal, nickel. !ny supply of nickel will attract bacteria

A sur&ical procedure' called dilation and curettage' meanin& di7 late the #ladder with air and scrape awa% the inner linin&!



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as quickly as crumbs and cheese attract mice. ,rinary tract bacteria are makin use of your urea as their food. :o di est it, they first break the urea molecule apart into two ammonia molecules. It is the ammonia smell of the urine that ives away their presence. :he urine should have no ammonia smell. 8ur bodies do not make ammonia. 8nly bacteria can do thisN :heir di estive en>yme is called urease. In order to do its Kob, this en>yme requires the element nickel. *ickel is plentiful in the soil which is undoubtedly where these bacteria belon , breakin up and utili>in the urine and droppin s left there by animals. :hey perform an essential task in our environment, destroyin animal e;crement and thereby cleanin +up the soil around us. What folly it is to load ourselves up with nickel so that in one short hop from the earth they are residin in usN .acteria are all around us doin their valuable Kobs. We cannot stop associatin with bacteria. We were not meant to feed them, however. If we did not supply them with nickel, as if we were Kust another patch of earth, they could not ain a foothold in our urinary tract and then to the prostate. How can we rid our bodies of nickelL :his is the challen e. !re we eatin dirtL ! small amount of dirt canGt be avoided on our food. .ut we can stop suckin on nickel as if it were a lolli+pop. 8ur spoons, forks and knives are made of nickelN #tainless steel is 5< nickelN "oes it really come off as you eatL When you stick a knife into the mayonnaise Kar, it is stained in a few minutes. :ry it. :he mayonnaise has reacted with the metal loosenin the nickel. When you smear the knife over your bread, this film comes off and you eat it. If you were to put the knife in your mouth, now, you could taste the metal. Dou will later wash the knife but not before you have eaten enou h nickel to supply all the bacteria in your body with the daily allowance of their essential element, nickel. *ickel is not our essential mineral. Even plants keep their nickel levels very low. .ut due to pollution of animal feed with it, even a henGs e now has 7


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mc H%-- m of nickel in it.%6 :o produce a nickel+polluted e , the chicken must be polluted. Especially infants and children should never be iven metal cups or cutlery. :hey need all their immune power to combat the barra e of new bacteria and viruses that is emer in in this a e of !I"#. *ickel is part of dirt and belon s there, not in our pots and cutlery. !nother lar e source of nickel is metal dentalware. It is used to harden oldN If you suffer from prostate problems, remove metal from your dentalware. *ickel is used to make brid es, old crowns, retainers, amal ams. E;chan e it all for plastic ware and composite buildups 0see $ources for more dental information2. #top eatin and cookin with metal utensilsO use old fashioned wooden or sturdy plastic cutlery instead. !lways use a plastic knife for butter or mayonnaise. *ever buy foil+wrapped butter. *ickel is fat soluble and is stored in your skin fat temporarily when a sur e of it enters the body. Dour skin oils may be loaded with nickel causin =aller ies? in the skin. Male pattern baldness is such an aller y. :he sweat tries to e;crete it for you. !lways wash off your scalp sweat to help with this e;cretion. :he skin oils dissolve nickel from metal Kewelry 0sometimes leavin your skin with a reenish black color2 and transport it into your body. "onGt wear metal Kewelry. Earrin posts should be plastic. Metal watches and metal rimmed lasses should be replaced with all plastic types. Metal rin s should be replaced. !fter lowerin your total body nickel levels and your prostate disease is only a memory, you mi ht notice scalp hair returnin to sparse areas. #earch around the ed e of the hair line for the first returnees. .acteria cannot live in the prostate without nickel bein pre+ sent. Dou can cure your prostate problems with the simple tactic


Food ,alues #% *ennin&ton and Church' +:60


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!" of stoppin nickel pollution of your body. *otice that you et a fresh attack after accidentally usin metal cutlery in a restaurant or eatin mayonnaise+style salad with a metal spoon stuck in it. It mi ht be wise to take a histidine capsule 0about '-- m ., one a day for three weeks, see $ources2 when this happens. Histidine is a nickel chelator. :akin Hin> is helpful too 01- m . two times a day for a month2. )ossibly, the nickel was poisonin >inc en>ymes. (ead about the benefits of fla?seed, too, but remember to test every product for pollutants before acceptin it as a supplement. )rostate problems of all kinds clear up when bacteria are >apped, the Bidney Cleanse is done, dental cleanup is done, and the .owel )ro ram is followed.
Richard "ra%lor' a&e ;+' had su$$ered $rom prostate and urinar% tract disease $or three %ears! Scar tissue had to #e removed occasion7 all% $rom prior treatments o$ them! He was started on the idne% her#s and in two wee s 4+< da%s5 he had a considera#le im7 provement in urine $low! At his $ollow7up visit we searched $or toxins! He had radon' chromate' %ttrium and strontium in his &enital and urinar% tract! He &ot rid o$ his water so$tener 4such salts are polluted with chromate5' toothpaste 4strontium source5 and opened the crawl space vents 4source o$ radon5! "his cured these pro#lems in less than two months! It also cured his stomach ulcers $or which he had to ta e medicine! He was so pleased he decided to install a crawl space $an and pursue a parasite pro&ram and dental health Bust to see what extra health improvements he mi&ht &et!
=mer Whitne%' a&e 10' had alwa%s #een a stron&' health%' hard wor er! He could now #arel% wal ' due to wea ness and pains o$ several indsN his prostate pro#lems #e&an several %ears a&o! =ur tests showed 1 inds o$ idne% stones! He was started on onl% hal$ a dose o$ the her#al recipe to &ive them a chance to dissolve more slowl%! =ne month later he still had some stones althou&h his le& cramps were alread% &one! At this time we $ound %scaris 4#oth inds5 which he illed with a $reJuenc% &enerator! We also $ound car#on tetrachloride and pentane 4in deca$ #evera&es5 #uilt up in himN also &asoline and "CE! He was considera7


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#l% improved $ive wee s later and was Juite ea&er to improve $urther! A toxic element test showed he was $ull o$ copper' anti7 mon% 4$rom mineral ice massa&es5' co#alt 4a$tershave5' (irconium 4deodorant5' thulium 4vitamin C $orti$ied oran&e drin 5 and mercur% 4ver% hi&h' $rom tooth $illin&s5! He planned on cleanin& all o$ it out o$ his #od% and re&ainin& his lost stren&th! Harve% ,an "il' a&e <0' came in $or his prostate and testicle swellin& which #e&an shortl% a$ter a vasectom% ! He ached over the $ront ri&ht side o$ his a#domen! He was started on the idne% her#s and in $our wee s he had eliminated his oxalate cr%stals and $elt considera#l% #etter! We next $ound the adult intestinal $lu es and human liver $lu es in his prostate &land- A$ter illin& them immedi7atel% with a $reJuenc% &enerator and &ettin& instant relie$ o$ pain' he &ot his own device and did not need to return!
Cla%ton Gamino' .3' had pain durin& urination which he interpreted as a le$t7over $rom a prostate in$ection he once had! He &ot all the metal out o$ his mouth' and did a idne% cleanse! A hal$ %ear later he had no remainin& pains and was a#le to $ather his $irst child!

Side "ain
)ain on the ri ht side can come from problems at the ileocaecal valve or the appen+di; or the lar e intestine itself. It can also come from the liver which is hi her up but is sendin its pain messa e to your side. )ursue it as an in+testinal problem first, killin parasites and bacteria and normali>in bowel movements with the .owel )ro ram. If the pain persists, especially if it reaches up the side to the

Fig, == The liver has a large lobe on +our right si#e )ith the gallbla##er tuc&e# insi#e, The left lobe is smaller,


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middle of the waist, it is probably due to the liver. :he liver is a lar e or an, mostly on the ri ht side of the body, but with a smaller lobe on the left side. It is the chemical manufacturin plant for the body. It pulls in the food from the intestine 0that you ate hours a o2 and makes your bodyGs chemi+ cals from them. :o;ic items are chan ed chemically into non+ to;ic items that the kidney is able to e;crete into the bladder. @atty thin s must be made water soluble for them to leave with the urine. :he liver also makes bile and sends to;ic items alon with it to the intestine throu h the bile ducts. :he bile enables calcium and fat to be absorbed. If the liver isnGt ettin much bile to the intestine, fat is left in the bowel contents and the feces will float in the toilet bowl. :hat is your clue to bile duct blocka e. .ile is bri ht reen. Mi;ed with intestinal contents it turns the bowel movement dark brown. If the bile is not arrivin in the intestine the bowel movement will stay li ht colored, even yellow or oran e. :his is another clue to bile duct blocka e. 8ver a quart of bile should e;it the body each day. #ince bile is loaded with cholesterol this daily e;cretion of bile is a maKor method of keepin cholesterol levels low. If the bile ducts are choked with debris so only half as much 0often only a cup instead of a quartN2 bile is produced and e;creted you can e;pect cholesterol levels to rise, and di estion to be bad. When food isnGt promptly di ested and absorbed the ever present, ever+ ready bacteria will rab it for themselves. :akin cholesterol+lowerin dru s should be reserved for cases where natural e;cretion cannot be re ained. ., coli and other intestinal bacteria, which do no harm in moderate numbers, can over row in a few hours to ive you bloatin , as and pain. Dour body produces no as. 8nly bacte+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# ria can produce as. If your side pain is accompanied by bloatin and as, you know you have a di estive problem. !nd that this di estive problem stems from a con ested liver if the pain is directly under it or over it, or if the feces are li ht colored or your cholesterol levels are hi h. *ot everybody has all the symptoms. :o clear the clo ed passa es of the bile ducts, you simply do the liver cleanse 0pa e ''62 over and over until the problem is one. :here is one catch. If there are livin parasites in the bile ducts, they will not let the bile ducts clear themselves. :hey are stuck fast to your ducts as a tick can be to your skin. :hey must be killed before they will let o. Aap them all, or you may use the herbal parasite pro ram, stayin on a twice a week maintenance pro ram. 8nly after parasites are dead 0after day 6- if usin the herbal pro ram2 will you et a lot of = reen stuff? and be able to clear =stones? out of your bile ducts. 8nly one lar e duct at a time will clean itself. We have hundreds of lar er ducts and thousands of tiny ducts feedin into the lar er onesN #tay on a schedule of cleansin the liver every two weeks 0unless you are ill2 until your side pain is one, your di estion is normal, and you are bouncin with ener y. Dou may also lose some wei ht, but only if you are overwei ht. (emember that a clo ed liver does not necessarily ive you pain by itself. It is more likely the bacteria in the all bladder and bile ducts, causin inflammation there and in your intestine, that cause pain. "onGt wait till pain occurs over the liver. ,se whatever clues you can to dia + nose your clo ed condition. 8r Kust assume it is clo ed. "o the cleanse, and see if you et any stones out. It can never hurt and can help a lot. Fig, =/ Gallstones,


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8ruce Hearn' 12ish' had severe side pain $or several wee s and was rather &ass%! He had seen a clinical doctor who $ound him in &ood health! 8ut we $ound sheep liver $lu es in the intestine and in the th%mus- "he th%mus is an immunit%7&ivin& &land' so an%thin& in the th%mus is a ver% serious matter! He also had #en(ene in his th%mus 4invitin& AIDS5! He Juic l% switched $rom drin in& soda to drin in& mil ! He went o$$ ever%thin& in the #en(ene list! He illed the $lu es electronicall% and started on the parasite pro&ram! "hree wee s later the #en(ene was &one' his side was ver% much #etter and he could #e&in a idne% cleanse $or his low #ac pain! He hadn)t cleansed his liver %et- His improvement was pro#a#l% due to improvin& his immunit% which then controlled the #acteria!

>ida#domen "ain+ Stomach "ain

:he colon crosses over from your ri ht side to the left side at the midabdomen. :his is also the location for the bile duct to Koin your small intestine. Most midabdomen pain comes from either the colon or the bile duct connections. Bill parasites and bacteria by >appin or with the herbal recipe. Improve your di estion with diet clean up 0off moldy food, boil dairy products2. #ometimes the midabdomen pain stems from the stomach itself. :he valves at the top and bottom of the stomach are meant to keep the food in. :he valve at the top where the stomach Koins the esopha us is a favorite location for bacteria. Dou seldom feel them here thou h. :his is Kust under your breastbone. :hey do their work quietly. Eventually, the tissue there is so weakened, the valve canGt shut ti htly and food is al+ lowed to o back up the esopha us. :his is called reflu% and you may be told to sleep with your head elevated and to eat small meals, especially at bedtime. Dou may be iven (e lan, :M a dru to help empty the stomach faster. "i estive en>ymes will help empty the stomach, too, but may harbor molds. :he real solution is to kill the bacteria in this area and


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keep them from reinvadin it. #tart by killin the $almonellas and Camp+lobacters 0>ap them2. Within a day or so, however, the area can be re+invaded. #ome bacteria are comin from your teethN #ome come from the liverN 8ften both sources are supplyin bacteria to the stomach. :he stomach allows a little bile to enter at the end Fig, =1 $tomach, esophagus, of each meal, this is #iaphragm, gallbla##er, normal. .ut if the bile is full of live parasite sta es and bacteria they may try to colo+ni>e the stomach, too. If there is insufficient stomach acid to kill them or if there is an accumulation of to;in in the stomach, they will et a foothold. :hen they can burrow down deep to escape acid. Eventually, an ulcer can develop.

Stomach 'lcer
8ften, such an ulcer is painless. Dou are, therefore, not alerted to the parasitesG presence until they have established themselves in ood hidin places. :akin antacids, of course, works in their favor. :he solution for both stomach pain and stomach ulcers is to kill parasites and bacteria, followed by dental and liver clean ups. 8ne very common to;in that accumulates in the stomach is the pesticide arseni>. Dou inhale it ri ht alon with the flies and roaches you may be tryin to kill with arsenic+laced pesticides.


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8ther inhaled to;ins are fiber lass, asbestos, formaldehyde and freon. Dour nose and mouth mucous traps a lot of these whereupon you swallow them and they lide into the stomach. :ooth bacteria and tooth metal et into the stomach the same way. Dou simply swallow them. Clean up your air, donGt use any pesticides 0see other methods in (ecipes2. Dour dentalware may be cleaned up in a few dental visits but the liver cleanses must o on for a year or two before it is reasonably clean. Dou may et pain relief in a few weeks but this should not derail your intention to revitali>e yourself completely with a cleaned liver and stomach.

!iatal !ernia
When bacteria have spread to the diaphra m and weak+ ened it, alon with the upper+ Fig, =2 Hiatal hernia, stomach valve, food is al+ lowed to et pushed up ri ht throu h the diaphra m. )res+ sure in the abdomen from overeatin or sittin in an easy chair pushes it up. Walk after eatin . Empty the stomach before oin to bed. "onGt sit in recliners. /ery many of us, about 6'<, have a small hiatal hernia. It only hurts if it is inflamed. Work at clearin the inflammation first, to et pain relief. In time, the area will stren then and the hernia itself may et smaller.
Ie$$%' <M months' had #een screamin& a lot ever since #irth! He was ver% &ass%! He could not #e put down without startin& to cr%! He was con&ested and had colds! He was on mother)s mil exclusivel% so his chronic Salmonella in$ection must have come $rom someone who was a carrier' possi#l% his mother' althou&h she


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had no s%mptoms! "he mother had platinum and tellurium in her mil 4Salmonella can #e transmitted in mil #ut this was not chec ed5! "he solution was to clean up the mother)s mil #% &ettin& the dental metal out o$ her mouth' and washin& hands #e$ore nursin&! Ie$$%)s $ather had an %scaris and intestinal $lu e in$esta7tion! It is Juite possi#le the #a#% had these also' &ivin& him a nast% tumm% ache in addition to the &as pains! "he #a#%)s older sister had screamed and cried the $irst nine months' too' so the parents were told it was a Q$amilial thin&!A She also had ear in$ections' colds and a $la % patch o$ s in occasionall%! She' too' had %scaris! "he% were ver% pleased to #e a#le to clear up the whole $amil%)s pro#lems #% illin& parasites and removin& toxins! Ru#% Adair' a&e +1' $illed a pa&e with her s%mptoms! She was also chronicall% $ati&ued and had consumed enou&h anti#iotic Qto $ill a room!A She had shootin& pains $rom under her $eet up her le&s! A Juic chec revealed mercur% and thallium in her immune s%stem! Instead o$ #ein& disma%ed' this news $illed her with hope $or re7 cover%! She arran&ed $or dental metal replacement! "hen she re7 lated her stomach Qstor%A! While at a weddin&' a %ear a&o' she #e&an vomitin& with diarrhea! She thou&ht it was the stomach Q$luA #ut she didn)t recover $or six months and had to miss school! "he ps%cholo&ist thou&ht it was emotional! She was still onl% attendin& school one hour a da%! We $ound ,asciolopsis' the intestinal $lu e' in her stomach wall as well as in her intestine! She started the parasite pro&ram and in three wee s her appetite was #ac ' in7somnia was &one' $ati&ue was #etter and a si&ni$icant improvement was evident!

Respiratory 9llness
is a very old disease described in the ancient literature. :he only pro ress we have made to date with this disease is to ive dru s to soothe the symptoms. !sthma is associated in all 0%--<2 cases with tiny Ascaris larvae. !s soon as e s hatch 0in the stomach, immediately after


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swallowin filth2 the microscopic larvae travel to the lun s, not the intestines. Ima ine the distress of lun s full of tiny wormsN 8ne tries to cou h them up, of course, but in our mis uided effort to be polite we teach children to swallow anythin they cou h upN #ome swallowin is inevitable and the youn worms are back in the stomach, this time to set up their housekeepin in the intestine. #ome never leave the stomach, causin children stomach aches and, of course, a lar e entoura e of bacteria which, in turn, have their viruses. Most cases of Ascaris infestation also show Cacteroi#es fragilis bacteria which, in turn, carry the Co%sac&ie viruses 0brain viruses2. Whether or not these bacteria or viruses will thrive in you depends on whether you make a ood home for them, namely have low immunity in some or an. :he preferred or ans for Cacteroi#es are liver and brain 0brain tumors always show Cacteroi#es2. :he preferred or ans for Co%sac&ie viruses appear to be tooth abscesses and brain. *ot everybody with Ascaris develops asthma, even thou h they always o throu h a lun sta e. "oes it depend on the a e of the person when the infection developsL 8r how many Ascaris are presentL 8r the time of year when lun infection is presentL :hat innocent cou h of early childhood should not be ne+ lected, as simply =croup.? !t the first si n of a cou h, use a frequency enerator set to 3-5 BH>, the frequency for Ascaris, or use a >apper. )ay e;tra attention to washin hands before meals. )ay e;tra attention to the animals nearby. Bill their Ascaris with a >apper and keep it up daily or put parasite killin herbs in their food. !sthma sufferers become aller<i> to many air pollutants such as pollen, animal dander, smoke. :he production of histamine in the lun s and the vast interconnectedness of histamine to aller ies has been well studied scientifically. !lthou h invasion by worms is known to result in both histamine production


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and hi h eosinophil counts 0over 72, and asthma >lients tyCi3 >ally ha=e Aoth, they are not routinely checked for worms clinicallyN :hey are simply iven dru s to enable better breath+ in . More and better 0thou h to;ic2 dru s have been developed. .ut you can put an end to your asthma by terminatin your Ascaris infection. :hen wash your hands and fin ernails with rain alcohol, and let no more filth past your lips. Wear plastic loves for a week to break a nail bitin or fin er suckin habit. @or children wash hands before eatin anythin , even between mealsO keep fin ernails short. "o s, cats, pi s and horses all et Ascaris. *ever, never let a child clean up any vomit or mess left by an animal. :his could lead to massive infection, the kind that could result not only in asthma but seiHures. Bill the worms in animal messes before you clean them up too. *ever use your dustpan or broom. ,se cardboard, newspaper or anythin that you can afford to throw away with the mess. #quirt povidone iodine 0available at dru stores2 on the messPeven if itGs outsidePand cover with salt be+ fore cleanin up. "iscard it in outside trash. Wash your hands with rain alcohol, payin special attention to fin ernails. If you are a food preparer, you could infect the whole family if you donGt wash carefully. If there is an asthmatic in your family, the whole family should be treated for Ascaris with a >apper or with the herbal parasiticides. Even after everybody includin the pets have been treated, pets should not be allowed in the bedroom of the asth+ matic person. !sthma is more than parasitism. It is also an al+ ler ic reaction, to the pet and to other inhaled bits of matter. Clean the air. #moke of any kind, fra rance and chemicals of any kind, all household cleaners, polishes, and so forth should be removed. #tore essentials in the ara e, not the basement, since basement air rises. Clean up the whole house. )ersons who must use hair spray or nail polish should do so outside in the summer and in their own rooms with the doors closed in


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winter. ,se a chlorine filter for the water, especially at the shower. Install central air conditionin if possible, with ma;i+ mum filterin 0but never with chemicals added to the filter and never with a fiber lass filter2 at the furnace. ! room air filter 0not fiber lass2 is ne;t best. ,se it for an hour in the bedroom ahead of bedtime so the air currents can cease. Eust movin dust around is worse than leavin it there. *ever do dustin when an asthmatic is in the house. Cun s heal quickly when the air is clean and there is no reinfection. :he best place to recover is outdoors away from trees and bushes or indoors with total pollution+free air conditionin 0free of asbestos, formaldehyde, arsenic, fiber lass, pet dander2. !s your asthma lessens, reduce your inhalers, but always keep them on hand. When you suddenly need them, try to identify your source of reinfection or aller ens. ,se this e;perience wisely. :ry to understand the recurrence of your asthma. Beep notes. It may take half a year with a do>en recurrences to finally learn and conquerN It will feel reat to breathe without sprayin yourself and takin medicine. If it comes back a year later, fi ure out what is happenin thatGs seasonal. ! pine tree near the house, a flowerin bush, the first mown rassL #tay away from these until you are completely healed. :here are traditional herbs for helpin lun s. Frow your own >omfrey and <arli>. Make mullein tea from the dried herb 0see $ources2. (ead herb books for more help. "ry some for winter use, bein careful to do it ri ht and not let it mold.
Su(anne Carl%le' 10' had asthma $rom in$anc%! She was currentl% on "/ Al#utesol spra% and ta#lets dail%! Now she was #e&innin& to have arthritis too! She was &iven ar&inine to replace ca$$eine! She had two species o$ %scaris and was aller&ic to cats and other animals! She was started on the her#al parasite pro&ram a$ter illin& %scaris' Bacteroides and Co sac!ie viruses with a $reJuenc% &enerator! Her lun&s showed erosene' car#on tetrachloride' mineral oil' #en(al onium 4$rom udder wash' she was also mil sensitive5' aluminum $rom her coo ware' and aluminum sili7


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cate $rom her salt! She had two extra lun& parasites@ "aragonimus' a lun& $lu e' and "neumocystis! She was immediatel% improved a$ter cleanin& up these sources and canceled her $uture appointment! Ca% Wen ert' 3<' had asthma $or man% %ears $or which she too "/ *roventil ' #ut this &ave her such #ad side e$$ects she had to sta% home now and not venture out! Her lun&s were $ull o$ #en(al onium 4toothpaste5' arsenic 4ant poison under itchen sin 5' (irconium 4deodorant5' and nic el $rom tooth metal! She had do& heartworm in her lun&s4-5' in addition to her heart where she sometimes $elt pain! She had %scaris and *aegleria' mycoplasma' #ndolima and the intestinal $lu e in her lun&s- She cou&hed up #lood' a$ter her doctor had dia&nosed bronchiestasis recentl%' meanin& her lun&s were not capa#le o$ sweepin& out the dail% re$use we all #reathe in! In spite o$ illin& these and cleanin& up her environment she &ot no improvement! She repeatedl% &ot parasiti(ed! She had $our or $ive root canal teeth which she was unwillin& to have pulled! Hope$ull%' the tradeo$$ #etween teeth and health will soon #e&in to loo poor!
Am% New#err%' 1+' had recentl% #e&un to have asthma attac s! She had #een on cortisone #ut now was on inhalers throu&h the da% 4two "/ "/ pu$$s ,entillin <xCda%' plus three pu$$s Intel <xCda% plus $our pu$$s Asthmacort"/ <xCda%5! She was o$ten hospitali(ed $or attac s! She also had stomach trou#le and sinus pro#lems 4had pneumonia recentl%5! She had %scaris larvae' #ndolima ' *aegle-ria and %canthocephala in her lun&s- She also had arsenic and palladium 4tooth metal5! Goin& onto homeopathic medicine $or stu$$iness helped her avoid some hospital visits! It too several months 40 visits5 to trac her arsenic source to the #edroom car7pets 4stain resistance-5! A$ter steam cleanin& it hersel$ and doin& a liver cleanse 4a$ter $irst illin& parasites5 she was ama(ed at her improvement! She had not #een to the hospital in a month and was onl% usin& inhalers preventivel%! She planned to &et dental wor done! She &ot all her $ormer health #ac ! ?aura 8rewster' .0' lived in a ver% old house! "he sli&htest exertion would &ive her an asthma attac ! She $reJuentl% &ot pneumonia' too! Her lun&s had #er%llium 4coal oil5 and as#estos' and two parasites' "aragonimus 4lun& $lu e5 and %scaris! She &ot rid o$ all the old $ashioned lamps and candles in the house' #ut could not


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$ind the source o$ as#estos! She &ot rid o$ the attac s #ut her cou&h and pneumonia #outs will continue until she moves $rom that house!
8rett Wilse%' ;2' was con&ested most o$ the time' had chronic sinus pro#lems' was &ettin& aller&% shots $or dust and mold' and was on several inhalers $or his asthma plus emph%sema! He had asthma $or ei&ht %ears! He had oxalate' urate' and all three phosphate va7riet% cr%stals in his idne%s! He was started on idne% her#s! His #lood test showed hi&h Qtotal car#on dioxideA or Qcar#onateA showin& that his air exchan&e was not &ood! His potassium was low' showin& that his adrenals couldn)t eep his electrol%tes 4sodium' potassium and chloride5 re&ulated' in turn' &ivin& him muscle wea ness! His ?DH was ver% hi&h' showin& that his heart muscle5 was in distress' too! Fortunatel%' his R8C was sli&htl% elevated' to help with ox%&en deliver%! 4See Anemia pa&e .605! His eosinophil count was hi&h' as is the rule $or asthmatics since the% all have %scaris worms! 8esides %scaris he had pancreatic and intestinal $lu es in his lun&s4-5 plus (etera!is 4a chic en roundworm5' human hoo worm' and "rosthogonimus' another $lu e! He was started on the parasite her#s! "wo wee s later he $elt a lot #etter althou&h he still had some %scaris! He was toxic with #arium and ha$nium 4which were traced to his dentures5 nic el' tin' rhenium! He stopped usin& commercial Qdenture7soa !A His wi$e stopped usin& hair spra% and the% started leavin& the car out o$ the &ara&e and wal ed around to the $ront door' instead o$ usin& the attached &ara&e! He also started drin in& homemade com$re% tea! "his made him $eel still #etter!

When he removed his watch he &ot rid o$ his nic el source! Nic el has an a$$init% $or lun&s 4as well as prostate and s in5! He was now down to one pu$$ o$ inhaler instead o$ two' onl% $our times a da% instead o$ hourl%! He could #reathe deeper than #e$ore! "hen the lead in his water was $ound and traced to a sin&le QsweatedA Boint in the pipes! He was started on $ood &rade h%dro&en peroxide' wor in& up a drop at a timeN now his cou&h #ecame QproductiveA' he was cou&hin& up a lot! He &ot the plum#in& $ixed and did a liver cleanse a$ter which his $ati&ue li$ted! He couldn)t stop lau&hin& and Bo in& a#out the Qemph%semaA he was so worried over earlier!


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8ea >arnes' 1:' had asthma $rom childhood when she also had ec7 (ema! She was presentl% on several medicines plus aller&% shots and anti#iotics $or it! She was toxic with antimon% althou&h she used no e%e ma eup and europium' tantalum' and &adolinium $rom dental metal! She also had hand swellin& in the mornin& and was started on idne% her#s! She illed her intestinal $lu es 4in the intestine5 and %scaris in her lun&s and was not seen $or hal$ a %ear! When we eventuall% saw her' she said her asthma had #een Qwonder$ul!A She was $aith$ull% controllin& parasites with the maintenance pro&ram and occasionall% drin in& idne% her# tea! C%nthia *rout)s whole $amil% 4mentioned previousl%5 had asthma! She was told it was inherited! "he three %oun& children and hersel$ were on inhalers' nose spra%s' cou&h s%rups and anti#iotics! Nola' a&e +2' also had ear in$ections and numerous aller&ies! ?ewis' a&e 6' was a sli&ht' nervous #o%N he had #een o$$ wheat and mil $or man% %ears due to intolerance! Irwin' a&e 0' seldom went with the $amil% due to his $reJuent stomach aches and the $act he could vomit without notice! "he mother and two children who were with her 4Irwin sta%ed home5 had %scaris in$ection and ?ewis also had pancreatic $lu es! "heir home was toxic with vanadium' namel%' a &as lea ! "he parasites were Juic l% illed and &as lea repaired! "he whole $amil% &ot well and canceled their next appointment! Some inherited disease-

!sthma is Kust one of our common respiratory problems. :he causes are always a combination of Ascaris and other parasites with pollutants 0aller ies2.

Bron>hitis, CrouC, Chroni> Cou<h

In Aron>hitis the bronchioles are the site of the problem. In >rouC itGs further down. In cases of >hroni> little ha>ky >ou<hs it may be heart+ wormN
8ud *ortillo' 3.' wor ed on earth movin& machines! He $reJuentl% had a Q#ronchial virusA or Q#ronchial in$ection!A He was alwa%s cou&h7


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in&! He had %scaris in$estation and arsenic pollution in his home! He also had palladium toxicit% $rom tooth $illin&s! As soon as the% removed the mouse #ait $rom their home' tore down the hallwa% wallpaper 4arsenic source5 and chan&ed wells 4the well water had arsenic in it $rom seepa&e-5 and illed parasites' his cou&h was &one! He also $inished his dental wor ! All this too six months!

Gene /i(ell' a&e 1' was constantl% clearin& his throat! His parents wondered i$ it was a Qnervous ha#it!A He had two species o$ %scaris livin& inside his small #od%! He was started on a small dose o$ parasite her#s immediatel%' stirred into a dail% dose o$ ,/F s%rup 4see Sources5! He also had *C8s' aluminum silicate' lute7 tium $rom recent paintin& in the house and x%lene and toluene solvents! He was switched o$$ soda pop and onto mil ! We saw him $ive wee s later! He had &one throu&h three treatments with vermi$u&e s%rup! His throat clearin& was &one' as well as his hac % cou&h and the #lue circles around his e%es! He still had *C8s' which the% later cleared #% switchin& o$$ deter&ent!
Carmen Castro' <2ish' had a chronic cou&h without #ein& ill! She also had some heart irre&ularit%! She had &iro$ilaria 4do& heartworm5 and )oa loa! "here were no indoor pets! A$ter illin& the parasites with a $reJuenc% &enerator and startin& on the parasite her#s she was still cou&hin& a #it #ut her pulse was down to 62 4$rom +.25! She still had toluene' "C Eth%lene solvents and mercur%' platinum and lead in her #od%! "hen a &as lea developed in their home! She used moth #alls and painted a room! A$ter this she had to #e on anti#iotics $or her extreme cou&h! "his time she had myco-plasma' (aemophilus and in$luen-a! She illed these electroni7call% and her cou&hin& stopped! Fntil she &ets the dental wor done she will continue to pic up new in$ections!

Hope Feldman' 0;' had #een cou&hin& $or hal$ a %ear! She had seen man% doctors includin& a re$lexolo&ist! She had mycoplasma and alpha strep at tooth P+; 4lower le$t wisdom tooth5! As soon as these were illed with a $reJuenc% &enerator her cou&h stopped! She was advised to wear turtlenec sweaters $or extra warmth over her #ronchii and &et a cavitation cleaned at tooth P+;!
"eresa White' <;' had #ronchitis several times each winter and was put on anti#iotic $or the whole season to eep it $rom #rea in& out! Her lun&s were loaded with tantalum $rom dental metal' co#alt $rom deter&ent and thulium $rom her vitamin C! She had ta en


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hersel$ o$$ mil ' thin in& it mi&ht #e a $actor' and used an air cleaner #ut without results! As soon as she had the tooth metal replaced with plastic 4in less than a month5 she could &o o$$ anti7 #iotics and also was rid o$ a chronic sinus condition' #ut still had a #ronchitis #out! She had %scaris larvae in her lun&s and phos7 phate and oxalate cr%stals in her idne%s! Her diet was chan&ed to include mil and $ish' ma&nesium' l%sine 4022 m& one a da%5' vitamin 83 and a vitamin AUD capsule! She started on the idne% cleansin& her#s and then the parasite pro&ram! In another month the whole pro#lem was &one! Wisel%' she &ot read% to cleanse her liver! Crai& Stewart' .' had a histor% o$ respirator% pro#lems! He had #een "/ "/ on Ceclor and ,entilin $or a lon& timeN he had pneumonia the previous %ear! He had whip worm 4Trichuris5 in$estin& his intestine which was promptl% illed with parasite her#s 4as much as his parents could &et down him was e$$ective5! He was toxic with as7#estos! When the clothes dr%er #elt was chan&ed to a F!S! variet% 4imported #elts contain as#estos which $lies into the air when the dr%er is used5' Crai&)s health turned around!
Doris Gum#' .3' was on Isonia(id"/' "ussionex"/ and Ri$odin"/ $or tu#erculosis! It started with cou&hin&! She was down to :6 l#! in wei&ht! Her lun&s were toxic with #er%llium 4coal oil $uel5' mercur%' uranium' and tellurium! She #e&an #% clearin& all toxic items $rom her house and #asement and then #rin&in& an air sample $or testin&! She also had %scaris larvae in her lun&s and pancreatic $lu e in her pancreas! In three wee s she was cou&hin& less and producin& less with each cou&h! "he QcleanA air sample still had uranium' tellurium' mercur% and #er%llium! She had no metal tooth $illin&s' thou&h! In the next three wee s she $ound a hole in the $loor to the crawl space! It was lettin& up uranium dust and radon! "he mercur% was traced to the carpet in a child)s #edroom! A$ter throwin& it out' her sputum cleared up and she was on the wa% to recover%' althou&h we never $ound the source o$ tellurium!

$reast "ain
!lthou h lumps and cancer in the breast produce no pain, they sometimes do ive you little warnin twin es. :hese


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twin es cross into the breast from the armpit or from any direc+ tion. It is one in a second, leadin one to believe it couldnGt be serious. If the breast has any unusual sensations, painful or not, investi ate immediately. :est yourself for cancer. 0Dou may use a specimen of motherGs milk as a cancer test since this has mitotic stimulants in itRsee Curin Cancer pa e 77%2. If you have purchased a slide of breast tissue 0mammary land2 you can search your breast for cancer. If not, but you find =motherGs milk? in your white blood cells, assume it is cancer and clear it up immediately. If you donGt have cancer, search for the pollutants ivin you these twin es of pain. #earch for your deodorant, cosmetics, and soap in your white blood cells. #earch for dental metal. :he breasts are often full of nickel. *ickel is quite soluble in fat and the breast is mainly fat. *ickel is one of the top carcino ens listed by researchers. It could even e;plain the hi h incidence of breast cancer. .ut titanium and barium from cosmetics, as well as asbestos and fiber lass are also quickly accumulated in the breast. Clean up your dentalware and body products. Check for e;posed fiber lass. Chan e your dryer belt. .uy a new non+C@C refri erator. *ever try to et rid of these pains with pain killersO let the pains show you whether the clean up has been complete.

$reast Sensiti%ity
.reast sensitivity can be quite uncomfortable to the point of not bein able to wear a bra, especially near period time. It may be due to hi h estro en levelsO this is also conducive to breast lumps and breast cancer. Most of your estro en is produced by the ovaries before menopause and later by the adrenal lands. :oo hi h estro en levels pla ue the modern woman. Certain


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food molds, particularly Hearalenone , causes over+ estro eni>ation. It affects men too. I have found it in popcorn and corn chipsN !nd brown rice. #top eatin these. Eat white rice. If you make cooked cereals be sure to add vitamin C to them before cookin 0%H5 tsp. per cup2, to deto;ify food molds. I do not know whether takin vitamin C with your popcorn would deto;ify >earalenone. "onGt risk it. :he e;cess estro en compounds must be deto;ified by the liver. Det, the liver may be incapable of this because you ate yet another food moldN #ee the section on moldy food 0pa e 75%2. 8ver+estro eni>ed women are over+emotional, seemin ly on a roller coaster of enthusiasm and despondence. :hey can de+ velop a hi h pitched voice, that almost sounds squeaky. Hi h enou h estro en levels are important for fertility but too hi h levels can cause infertility. Dour body is ea er to set the level Kust ri ht, if only you will clean up the ovaries of parasites and pollution. "onGt stop your clean up until the breast feels normal a ain throu hout your cycle and you donGt feel over+emotional, even Kust before your period.

Breast LumCs
.reast lumps may or may not be painful. If you feel one, donGt wait to be more certain, donGt wait to analy>e it with tests, donGt wait for a doctorGs dia nosis or a mammo ram. 8btain a frequency enerator or >apper and >ap yourself immediately. !lso do the herbal parasite pro ram immediately 0pa e 7752. Dour body often turns the breast into a collectin station for to;ic wastes that have been drawn downward from the top of your body. @rom your head where shampoo and hair spray and cosmetics leave their daily deposits, from your dentalware with its constant supply of heavy metals, from neck and armpits where colo ne, deodorant and soap leave their to;ic residues. :he lymph nodes under the armpit and the re ion above the


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breast, collect it all and let it slip into the breast where it is bun+ dled up in a cyst. )erhaps the kidneys are clo ed so to;ins are forced to o to a desi nated dump site instead of out throu h the bladder. "o a kidney cleanse. "onGt rest until all your breast lumps are one. :hey will be in to shrink in three weeks if you are removin the correct to;ins. Even radon and asbestos o to the breast, so be meticulous with your cleanup. When the platelet count 0in a blood test2 is very hi h 0over 3--2 there is quite a tendency to form cysts or lumps since platelets make your blood clot. :he platelet count oes up when parasites are present. Maybe your blood is attemptin to clot themN :hese clots make =nests? for fluke sta es which may be why breast lumps often become cancerous. If yours is over 7--, 0it should be 6'-,---Hcu mm2 start patrollin parasites re ularly. #toppin the use of caffeine and takin vitamin E 03-- u. a day2 are helpful in recovery but donGt rely on these minor measures. .reast lumps definitely invite breast cancer.
?eslie Kea&er' a&e <;' had #reast soreness and H$i#roc%stic lumpsA! She had cerium and nic el accumulated in her #reasts! "he% cleared up in wee s a$ter her dental metal was &one 4she simpl% too out her retainer5! ?ater she replaced it with a partial made o$ plastic!
>ari *$ei$er' a&e <3' had numerous c%sts in #oth #reasts and uterus! Her estro&en level was too hi&h 4+6; p&Cml on da% .. o$ her c%cleN the da% o$ testin& is important since it varies throu&h the c%cle5! Her #reasts were $ull o$ #er%llium 4coal oil $rom hurricane lamps5 and radon! A$ter these toxins were removed' all her #reast lumps &ot smaller! A$ter she did the idne% and ?iver Cleanse' the lumps &ot so$ter and #reasts were no lon&er pain$ul! She had several root canals which $illed her #reasts with numerous #acteria' mainl% (istoplasma cap 4root canals develop in$ection around themselves5! A$ter startin& her dental cleanup and illin& #acteria with a $reJuenc% &enerator' all her #reast lumps disappeared! Claudia Davis' a&e 1+' had #reast soreness ever since a mammo&ram two %ears earlier! She had numerous other pains and indi&estion! She had intestinal $lu es in her intestine and $lu e e&&s in


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her #lood@ a dan&erous situation! "he% mi&ht land in the #reasts and start developin& there! "his is how cancer #e&ins! 8ut she did not have cancer %et! She had a #uildup o$ nio#ium $rom polluted pain iller dru&s and thulium $rom her vitamin C! She had Salmonella and several other #acteria in her white #lood cells' which accounted $or di&estive pro#lems! In ei&ht wee s she had cleaned idne%s' illed parasites and &otten rid o$ her heav% met7als! Her #reast pain was #etter and a lump on her e%elid had also disappeared! Stephanie Na amura' 36' had six sur&eries to remove #reast lumps' &oin& #ac to %outh! Her recent mammo&ram was =!>! Her #reasts were toxic with cadmium' lead' &old' radon' uranium' &al7 lium' silver! =ur tests showed she had idne% cr%stals and she was started on the idne% cleanse! She was &iven vitamin E' 4122 units dail%5' sodium selenite 4+02 mc& dail%5 and vitamin C 4+ or more &rams dail%5! Her tri&l%cerides were also ver% hi&h showin& a&ain that she had idne% pro#lems! She was &iven ma&nesium 4<22 m& dail%5' vitamin 83 4.02 m& dail%5 and l%sine 4022 m& dail%5! She illed parasites and cleaned up ever%thin& except &allium' silver' mercur%' &old' cadmium! "hese must have come $rom her &old crowns! Her dentist advised a&ainst removin& these and proclaimed the% had nothin& to do with her developin& &laucoma' arthritis and stomach ulcers! It was a tou&h decision $or her and she made the wron& choice! *erhaps i$ she had #een up $or the next #reast sur&er% she would have &otten those Q&oldA crowns replaced with composite too!

!eart "ain
)ain over the heart re ion is usually quite real, even thou h an EBF does not find any abnormality. :he most common cause is irofilaria, heartworm of do s. It often be ins as a pain Kust above the heart but spreads itself over the whole heart re ion. Bill it with your >apper. )arasite herbs can also be effective. If you did kill them, the pain often intensifies for a day before it leaves. :hen the pain should be completely one.


)!I* @(8M :8E :8 HE!" Heartworm is very easy to pick up a ain. If you have had heartworm, you should no lon er keep a do for a pet. Five it away. !nother heart parasite, 5oa loa, is also a filarial worm and may be the causative factor. .oth irofilaria and 5oa loa can be obtained as slide specimens to use for testin yourself. Heart muscle can also be obtained as a slide specimen, but a chicken heart from the rocery store or snippets of beef heart 0make sure to sample all 3 chambers2 will do. @ollow up on your heart, even when no pain remains. :hese tiny heart parasites have sta es that you may not be able to pur+ chase in slide form and therefore canGt test for. :hese sta es, if not killed, will become adults so a maintenance parasite killin pro ram, herbal or electronic, is essential. /irtually all do s have irofilaria in spite of monthly medicine to kill it. :hey pick it up immediately after their last treatment for it and can ive it to you a ain. :he only way to live safely with pets is to ive them parasite killin herbs daily in the feed. 8ther heart problems such as irre ular beat and mitral valve prolapse can clear up alon with the pain. 8r they may be due to bacteria 0see Heart "isease, pa e 7%52.
/eredith 9ac man' a&e 0<' came $or her dia&nosed cardiom%opath% 4heart disease5! She owned a #eauti$ul' old' ver% #i& do&' and o$ course she would never part $rom him! We new she would lose her #attle a&ainst heart disease! She had #oth &iro$ilaria and )oa loa which we illed instantl% with a $reJuenc% &enerator! She was on ?anoxin ' Furosemide ' Captopril and /etoprolol! We $ound she also had Cytomegalovirus' Staphylococcus aureus' Streptococcus pneumonia in her heart! "he Staph #u&s were also in tooth P+;! She had copper in her heart 4$rom tooth $illin&s5 and co#alt and *C8 $rom her deter&ent! "here was (irconium $rom her deodorant and $i#er&lass $rom somewhere! Her pulse was t%picall% in the :2)s! Ei&ht da%s later' a$ter her dental wor to replace metal was done her pulse was normal 4low ;2)s5' #oth worms were &one and she $elt much #etter! 8ut she still carried $our #acteria' $ive viruses and two tapeworm sta&es@ Taenia solium
"/ "/ "/ "/


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scolex in the spleen 4she had chronic pain there5 and Taenia pisi$ormis in the liver! She was started on Rascal 4an her#al com7 #ination5 $or these! Six da%s later she had all o$ her pro#lems #ac includin& )oa loa! She repeated ever%thin&' then she had to &o o$$ her heart medications #ecause the% lowered her #lood pressure and pulse too much! She started the do& on the parasite pro&ram #ut continued to #e heavil% laden with parasites and #acteria that alwa%s $ound their wa% to her heart! She purchased her own $re7Juenc% &enerator and was Juite $aith$ul with do& treatments! She ma% outlive her do& and then re&ain her health' $inall%!

8ruce Wal#%' a&e 1.' had chest pain $or three %ears! We $ound he had &iro$ilaria and )oa loa in all $our cham#ers o$ his heart! When he (apped them' the pain le$t a da% or so later! D)Ann Fonties' a&e ..' had a lot o$ chest pain #ut was told #% her doctor it was simpl% Q&as #u##lesA! She also had a serious di&es7 tion pro#lem! She had &iro$ilaria' hi&h levels o$ st%rene 4$rom st%7 ro$oam drin in& cups5 and #en(ene! "his in$ormation deli&hted her and she planned to chan&e her ha#its!
Sheila =s#orn' a&e .;' had chest pain when she li$ted o#Bects! Her pulse was sli&htl% elevated 46+5 and sli&htl% irre&ular! She had &iro$ilaria! Five wee s a$ter startin& the parasite pro&ram she was $eelin& much #etter #ut still had the chest pain! "his time she had

)oa loa 4#ut not &iro$ilaria5! Wend% ?ewellen' a&e .6' had a chronic cou&h and chest pain at mid7 sternum 4the sternum is the #one attached to the ri#s and runs up the middle o$ the chest5! She had &iro$ilaria in one cham#er o$ her heart 4ri&ht auricle5! She had x%lene and toluene solvents "/ which came $rom her dail% #evera&e' /ountain Dew! She was also $ull o$ as#estos $rom her trips to do laundr% near#% 4this could not #e proved' #ut when she switched laundromats' the as#estos went awa%5! "wo months later' a$ter illin& parasites' she was $ree o$ heartworm and her cou&h and chest pain were almost &one! She was pro#a#l% healin& ver% slowl% due to the as#estos which was still present! ?upita Cline' a %oun& mother' had a chronic hac % cou&h and irre&ular heart #eat! She had &iro$ilaria in all cham#ers o$ her heart and )oa loa in her #lood #ut not in her heart! She had car#on tetrachloride' prop%l alcohol' hexanedione' toluene' and "C Eth%lene


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#uildup $rom drin in& *epsi and /ountain Dew! Her pulse was sli&htl% elevated at 62! "here were no pets in the house! She was started on the parasite pro&ram and two months later was rid o$ her heartworm #ut now had )oa loa in her heart and was still cou&hin& a #it! She was $ull o$ platinum' mercur% and palladium $rom tooth metal as well as vanadium $rom a &as lea in her home and paradichloro#en(ene $rom usin& moth #alls! She was on anti7#iotics $or a Q#ronchial in$ectionA and was happ% to learn a#out a #etter solution!



Slo; #ulse6Syn>oCe L#assin< 'utM

/ason Hec ler' <2s' was a mechanic #% trade and could not a$$ord to pass out on the Bo#! Ket' it had #een happenin& o$$ and on $or +2 %ears! He had acJuired hi&h #lood pressure in his teens- "his was soon $ollowed #% an extremel% slow pulse 402 #eatsCmm5! No medicine wor ed 4he had #een tried on man%5 so he was on none! "hen he &ot hi&h #lood pressure' it was +32C62 currentl%! He also had constant chest pain around the le$t nipple! He had heartworm and was started on the her#al parasite pro&ram! He never had a do&! In $ive wee s his pulse was ;.N the parasite was &one! I pre7sume his s%ncopes were due to sudden #lood pressure chan&es or missin& a $ew heart #eats in a row! He #e&an the idne% cleanse next to lower his #lood pressure!

Chest "ain
When there is a ti htness or Kust a little pain at the middle of the chest, especially under the breastbone, you may be merely havin an aller ic reaction. Dou mi ht be feelin little spasms comin from the esopha us, and reachin up toward the throat from allstones. Dou mi ht also have HI/H!I"# disease which has a similar symptom over the sternum. #o it is very important to pay attention to even a minor symptom in the chest. (ulin out HI/ disease ranks first in importance. #earch for its emission at 71' BH>, or purchase a microscope slide with


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the dead virus on it as a test specimen 0see $ources2. 8r pur+ chase a set of slides representin all the sta es of Fasciolopsis bus&ii. Without this parasite you canGt et the HI/ virus. )urchase a slide of the thymus land or make your own specimen of throat sweetbreads. Check yourself for ben>ene buildup in the thymus. 0#ee ,sin :he #yncrometer pa e 316.2 If you have neither the ben>ene nor the parasite sta es, you have no risk. Dour chest distress is due to somethin else. Im+ prove your air quality so that your lun s are not in distress. :his includes radon, chlorine 0from the bleach bottle under the sink2, colo nes, room fresheners as well as the usual pollutants 0asbestos, arsenic, formaldehyde, fiber lass, freon2. If you feel waves of pain reachin up to your throat, you probably have a allstone stuck in a bile duct. Epsom salts can rela; that bile duct in 6- minutes. :ake a tablespoon in Z cup water but only on an empty stomach or you may feel quite ill. :akin a lar e dose of valerian herb 01 to 5 capsules2 may also buy you a little time by rela;in the duct. If you do et relief, you can be sure it was a spasm of some kind. :he ma nesium in Epsom salts rela;es spasms. I would recommend cleanin the liver 0pa e ''62 a number of times to try to dislod e the stickin allstone. :he instructions for liver cleansin advise you to kill parasites and cleanse the kidneys first. .ut if your throat pain is severe enou h, you mi ht Kust >ap and o ahead with it at once.

'pper $ack "ain

:he main pain may be a dull ache over a shoulder blade, or between the shoulder blades or runnin ri ht throu h you from the front to the back of the chest. :hese are all allstone pains comin from the liverN Fet yourself ready to clean them out. Clean the kidneys first, kill all the parasites that mi ht be re+


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sidin in the bile ducts and blockin them 0flukes, pinworms and roundworms2 and et onto a maintenance parasite pro ram. :hen mark your calendar for your first liver cleanse. Even if your first cleanse ives you only a do>en bits of reen =stuff? you have done wellO you have accessed the bile ducts. :he pains will probably be =ma ically? one the ne;t day, but they mi ht start to return in two days. :he bile ducts are havin spasms a ain due to the remainin stones. !fter you have cleaned out %,--- or more, you will et per+ manent relief. (epeat every two weeks, unless ill, until the upper back pains are one, permanently. If chest pain or upper back pain is severe, try oin off your favorite hi h fat food 0ice cream, butter, cheese2. !lso try takin 1 valerian capsules, 3 times a day includin bedtime to relieve the spasms.

Shoulder "ain
#ome shoulder pain is called bursitis and some is called ar* thritis. .ut it always derives from stuck allstones in the bile ducts of the liverN Dou can prove this by takin a tablespoon of Epsom salts in Zcup water at 1 p.m. instead of supper and on an empty stomach 0or you may feel quite ill2. If some of the pain subsides then you have evidence as to its true cause, because Epsom salts rela; the bile duct valves. Fet started cleanin the liver 0pa e ''62. .y the time you have chronic or acute shoulder pain you have about 7,--#tonesN Count them rou hly, as they float in the toilet after the liver cleanse so you know how much pro ress you have made toward the final oal. "onGt start cleanin the liver until you have killed parasites and spent three weeks cleanin the kidneys thou h. :his improves elimination of liquid to;ins so a liver cleanse is promptly cleaned up for you.


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What emer es from the liver is the most contaminated mess ima inable, full of bacteria and viruses and parasite e s and sta es 0all dead we hope2 of every kind. It needs prompt clearin from your body. :he diarrhea sees to the bowel elimination. .ut some to;ins can only pass throu h the kidneys. Bidneys should be clean and capable of doin the Kob. (emember it is unwise to clean the liver before all parasites are dead, especially flukes, because they produce a substance that inhibits any action of the bile ductsN Dou are only one day away from freedom of shoulder motion and sleepin on your side a ain. )ermanent improvement, thou h, depends on pro ress with your total stone count. Dour bursitis can return in a few days or a few weeks. .e patient. Dou may only cleanse once in two weeks, and not if you are ill. !fter si; cleanses you can be quite sure of bein relatively pain free. .etween cleanses use valerian capsules to stop the spasms. It takes 1 capsules 3 times a day to be effective. :ypically only some bile ducts are spasmin , and typically those ducts have a sin le fatty food tri er. #top eatin the hi h fat food you consume the most 0itGs probably your favorite2. If that hasnGt helped in two days choose a different hi h fat food to omit. :he most common culprits are ice cream, potato chips, salad dressin s, cheese, butter, cream, and milk. )erhaps the pain is actually caused by bacteria livin in the blocked bile ducts and invadin the shoulder. :his point has not been clarified. ,sin your >apper or frequency enerator does no ood for this pain. 8nly liver cleanin brin s your shoulders back to their youthful mobility.


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'pper Arm "ain

E;cruciatin pain in the upper arm soft tissues can keep your arm han in strai ht down for fear of worsenin it with motion. Ma nets of hi h stren th 06;'--- auss2 taped to your arm, under your sleeve, can et you throu h the day. !lso try valerian capsules 01 capsules four times a day2. Fo off all fat in the diet to let the spasm subside. :hen start your liver cleanse at 1 p.m. If you used pain killer dru s durin the day, the cleanse may not yield anythin but itGs worth a try anyway. Dou mi ht be lucky and pop out the chief culprit stone. If not, you should wait several days before tryin a ainO this time avoid pain killers the day of the cleanse. .e sure to >ap parasites the day before or earlier.
*e&&% *atton' a&e 32' had shoulder pain and pain$ul $eet in addition to achin& all over! "he achin& was due to Trichinella which #oth she and her hus#and had! It too six months on the parasite pro&ram #e$ore it sta%ed awa%! She had cla% colored stools' evidence o$ #ile duct #loc a&e! "hen two liver cleanses cured her shoulder pain' nausea and remainin& pains! She started &ardenin& a&ain and immediatel% pic ed up hoo worms and Trichinella a&ain! 8ut she learned to saniti(e her hands with &rain alcohol a$ter washin& awa% dirt and this ept her parasites in chec ! Iessica At inson' a middle a&e school teacher' developed a pain in the ri&ht chee Juite suddenl%! She also had pain over the ri&ht mid a#domen and ri&ht side at the waist #ut O7ra%s and scans showed nothin& 4she had #een O7ra%ed three times5! She stru&&led $or seven %ears to sta% emplo%ed! She was havin& severe pain attac s over the liver and descri#ed her stool as almost white a$ter these attac s! She cleaned her liver at least <2 times #e$ore she related' one da%' that her Bo% in livin& had returned! Her &allstones were exceptionall% lar&e 4M x D inch5! Eventuall% the a#scesses in her upper teeth were $ound' clearin& up her chee pain and protectin& the liver $rom recurrent in$ections $rom these #acteria! =nl% then did she &et permanent and complete pain relie$!


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?isa /attie' ;.' had her ri&ht arm han&in& limpl% #% her side! It was so pain$ul she #ent $orward to let it han& strai&ht down! 8ut in seven months she had done 3 liver cleanses' &ettin& over <'222 stones out! All pain was &one althou&h some num#ness in that "/ arm per7sisted! She could also stop usin& "ums ' stop cou&hin&' and no lon&er was #othered #% her hiatal hernia!

&l#ow "ain
8ne variety of elbow pain is due to an inflamed tendon thereO it is sometimes called =tennis elbow.? It is not due to playin tennis or any other arm use. :he inflammation is caused by a liver full of stones and parasites, especially flukes which manufacture a chemical that affects tendons. Bill all flukes and cleanse the liver for quick relief. ,sin your elbows while they are inflamed is traumatic to them, like workin with a sore thumb. "onGt play tennis or do other arm e;ercises until they are pain free. )arasites consume lar e amounts of your vitamins and min+ erals. Five yourself vitamin ! 06',--- u daily2, >inc 01- m . daily2, and .1 06'- m twice a day2 until the pain is one.

;rist "ain
:endons passin throu h the wrist can become inflamed from the unnatural chemicals produced by fluke parasites in the liver. ,sin the wrists to work further traumati>es them 0inKures them2 makin it harder for them to heal. ! small hole between the tendons lets the nerve and blood vessels throu h into the hand. @luke parasites also make chemicals that thicken tendons. When tendons at the wrist thicken, they can squee>e down on the nerves and blood vessels until the hand or fin ers feel numb. If you have pain at the wrist or numbness in your hands, killin


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parasites and cleanin the liver may ive you the permanent cure. Wearin a wrist banda e or support can help reduce trauma dama e to the wrist while it is healin . *umbness of hands, without wrist pain, is more often due to a brain problem with parasites and pollutants. Cead, mercury, fluke parasites are the usual culprits.

Thum# "ain and !and "ain

can be due to liver parasites. Fet yourself ready for a liver cleanse. If the pain oes away beforehand, while you are on the kidney cleanse, it shows you had deposits in your Koints. Dou were headed for arthritis in your hands. (ead the information on arthritis 0pa e 452 to protect yourself.

Finger "ain
:his is pain in a Koint, often accompanied by some enlar e+ ment or knobbyness of the Koint. It is not hard to reco ni>e these as deposits of the same kind as we saw in the toes. Dou can test yourself to identify the variety. !ri> a>id and ChosChates are the commonest types. (ead the section on toe pain 0pa e ''2 for detailed instructions. Dou can reatly reduce your fin er Koint deposits and the si>e of the knobs. In si; weeks after startin the kidney cleanse and chan in your diet, the knobs may already be shrinkin . ! lar e ma net 0'--- aussRused only as directed2 may brin pain relief but only dental cleanup and environmental cleanup will ive you lastin improvement.


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f Neck "ain

:he back sides of the neck seem to be hi hways that run between the teeth and liver. .oth contribute to pain at the back of the neck. )ullin an infected tooth or cleanin a cavitation can brin complete relief, only to return the ne;t time a tooth is e;tracted. E;tractions should be followed by cleanin out the cavity created so an infection canGt start here. Cleanin the liver can also brin immediate relief, only to find pain and stiffness to return months later. Dou must cleanse many times for permanent relief. !n aller ic reaction to potatoes and tomatoes can e;press it+ self in neck pain too. When the liver can no lon er deto;ify the chemicals 0solanine, etc.2 in this food family they are free to roam the body with the circulation. )erhaps they prefer to attach themselves at a particular neck site and cause inflammation here. )erhaps an inKury was already there, beforehand. Whiplash is often blamed for back+neck pain and indeed chiropractic ad+ Kustments can brin total relief. )erhaps the trauma of whiplash first invited all of these contributors. Merely killin bacteria with a >apper is not lon lastin . .ut dental cleanup plus liver cleansin is.

Front Neck "ain

Cymph nodes under the Kaw strain your body fluids of the head, removin bacteria and to;ins. :hey are sometimes called =neck lands.? If the stream of bacteria is endless such as when they are comin from a hidden tooth infection, the lymph nodes will enlar e to do a better Kob. :hey will also try to remove to;ic metals, mouthwash, and toothpaste for you.


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:o see what is affectin your lymph nodes, purchase a slide of lymph nodes. #ince we have lymph nodes in many locations in the body, you canGt sin le out the neck nodes for study. #o you will et to see all the to;ins af+ fectin lymph nodes every+ where9 )C.s in your underwear bein removed by roin lymph nodes, lead in
your intestinal lymph nodes Fig, =3 5+mph no#e nec& glan#s from the water you are

drinkin , mercury in your neck lymph nodes from amal am fillin s. Eliminate all these. "onGt rest as lon as any of your lands are enlar ed.
Roland San$ord' .<' had minor pain and a lot o$ sti$$ness alon& the sides o$ his nec ! His arms had some num#ness! He onl% had one metal tooth $illin& #ut his whole #od% was toxic with samarium' #e7 r%llium' indium' copper' cesium' and mercur%! When it was re7placed' his nec pain and num#ness &ot #etter! Audre% Do%le had severe nec pains she attri#uted to sittin& all da% and sleepin& in her wheelchair! She had to ta e pain illers to &et to sleep at ni&ht #ecause the% were so #ad! She new eatin& cream and #utter made it worse #ut she had no will power' she said! A$ter a liver cleanse' &ettin& QthousandsA o$ tin% stones' she was $ree o$ it!! $or one da%- 8ut it was enou&h to convince her and she was determined to #e o$$ pain illers!

Temporal >andi#ular Coint AT>CB "ro#lems

)ain at the an le of your Kaw is not due to a poorly fittin Koint. It fits perfectly but the muscles nearby are pullin it out of

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# Koint with their frequent spasms. :here is always a hidden tooth infection present. !sk the dentist to search for hidden tooth in+ fections and to clean your cavitations 0you will need to find an alternative dentist, and read "ental Cleanup, pa e 3-&2. .e in immediately to heal these bone lesions with vitamin " 03-,--to '-,--- units once a day for 7 weeks, followed by 6 such doses per week forever2, milk+consumption for calcium, and a ma nesium o;ide tablet. 0#ee bone healin , pa e 542. Bill pinworms with a >apper or frequency enerator in your+ self and family members twice a week and keep everyoneGs fin+ ernails short for e;tra hy iene in the family for a month to prevent reinfection. )inworms can cause tooth rindin and contribute to :ME dysfunction. @or e;tra muscle rela;ation, take two ma nesium tablets at bedtime and valerian capsules.

Tooth Ache
.efore the pain becomes acute and e;cruciatin , kill bacteria of the mouth, includin =tooth decay? and =tooth plaque? frequencies 0see frequency list, pa e '1%2. Make your dental appointment immediately. If >appin bacteria several times in a few hours relieves pain enou h to et you throu h the ni ht or past the weekend, do not delay a sin le day. Aappin does not reach into the middle of an abscessRit circles around, so some bacteria are left to repopulate. :ry to understand the problem. If there are teeth with root canals near the location of pain, e;tract them. :he to;ic materials of the root canal Keopardi>e your total body health. (emovin them always helps and may let the Kaw heal normally where they were e;tracted. #ince the pain is caused by a bul in infection pressin on a Kaw nerve, and because each tooth has a related or an0s2 it is especially important to clear up all infections to protect these or ans.


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:hese relationships are not understood yet. @indin that teeth have the same tissue frequency as some distant or an sheds a little li ht on the situation. ,ntil the meanin and function of these frequencies is understood we can only uess that they interact somehow. .acteria have taken advanta e of this common resonance and have invaded both or ans. Heart infection by $taph+lococcus aureus is an e;ample. It is a common heart bacterium, causin much of our heart ailments, particularly mitral valve disease and irre ularity problems. :hey always derive from teeth, whether present or missin N !fter wisdom teeth are e;tracted, the hole left in the Kaw frequently does not heal, it picks up $taph+lococcus aureus from the mouth and a chronic infection is started. @or this reason it seems ill advised to pull wisdom teeth if it isnGt necessary. !nother heart bacterium, Bocar#ia, can ori inate in the teeth. Bocar#ia can also invade the brain and nerves. )ersons with )arkinsonGs disease always harbor quite a population of Bocar#ia. Aap all these bacteria before and after your dental visits. (emember that killin bacteria in itself is not a panacea. )ain and body dama e will return unless you do the proper re+ pair and cleanup work.

Throat "ain
(ecurrin sore throats are always improved by removin dental metal and root canals, and by cleanin up hidden tooth infections. :his is essential for a permanent solution. .acteria and viruses that cause sore throats are thrivin in hidin places under and around dental metal. It is quite difficult to reach the center of such places 0abscesses2 with electric currents. Even if you could, you would reinfect the very ne;t time you ate non+ sterile foodN Aappin is not a substitute for cleanin up your dentalware.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# Beep your neck warmer than would be perfectly comfortable, ar le with hot water to brin in e;tra circulation. ,se >inc tablets 01- m . see $ources2 twice a dayO suck on them before swallowin . !fter cleanin up dentalware you may never have another sore throatN Children with recurrent sore throats usually do not have a dental problem. :hey invariably have an air pollution problem. !sbestos, formaldehyde, fiber lass, @reon and arsenic are the chief culprits. Clean these out of the house. Eatin moldy food is especially conducive to respiratory illness. :he immunity drop can last for weeksN Fo off the moldy suspects to raise your familyGs resistance.

&ye "ain
is caused by parasites. :he eye is a favorite location for many para+ sites, includin Giar#ia, amoebas, hoo&)orm, schistosomes, To%oplasma, and innu+ merable others. :he eye has two lar e bodies of watery fluid9 the aDueous humor and vitreous humor, where no blood traverses to brin in e;tra white blood cells when the need arises. It has its own protective devices, like tears, but some parasites, like To%oplasma, have

?i&ht travels throu&h the cornea' throu&h the aJueous liJuid' the lens' and then the vast vitreous humor' $inall% stri in& the super sensitive spot on the retina' called the macula!

Fig, =4 .+e, overcome all the



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defenses and re ularly invade the eye if they et into the body somewhere. We et To%oplasma from catsO the infectious sta e is in cat feces. To%oplasma infection could be the be innin of a lifetime of eye disease due to weakenin of the eyes at an early a e. To%oplasma also invades the brain, frequently causin a dull ache or pressure at the back of the head. Trichinella is another common eye parasite, invadin the eye muscles, so that a muscle is weakened and doesnGt allow perfect ali nment of the two eyes. "o s and cats are the source of these.

There should ne%er #e a cat #o? in the house. Ne%er let a child near a cat #o?.
.y killin all the lar e parasites plus a few bacteria 0$taph+lococci, Chlam+#ias, Beisserias2 the eye can become pain free in a few days. If pain returns, you missed somethin or reinfected yourself. Everyone in the family includin pets needs to be treated for all the parasites. *o indoor pets should be kept by a person of low immunity, since infectin yourself daily and then killin parasites daily is not a solution. Herpes of the eye is not a sin le actor. :he true host of this virus is a lar er parasite, possibly a tapeworm sta e. :apeworm sta es should be killed with an herbal preparation, (ascal, or with a >apper. 0*ot with a frequency enerator. 8nly a >apper can kill all the se ments and e s at once, leavin nothin alive to wander about and find a new tissue to invade.2
/ar% Rauch' a&e 32' $illed a pa&e with di$$erent pains and pro#lems! Even her e%es had a dull ache around and #ehind them' some7 times reachin& to the #ac o$ the head! Her teeth hurt when she ate and she had #een &ettin& 8+. shots once a wee $or <3 %ears


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$or pernicious anemia! She was $ull o$ %scaris' amoe#as and pin7worms which ept her le&s twitchin& and Ber in& in #ed at ni&ht' even wa in& her up! She was so much #etter a$ter the idne% cleanse and parasite pro&ram she was ea&er to cleanse her liver! 8e$ore two months had passed her e%e pain was &one! Iessie Heal%' middle a&ed and in &ood health otherwise' had carried the anxiet% o$ havin& inherited retinitis pigmentosa $or $ort% %ears! Now her drivers) license was in Beopard% due to $ast pro&ression o$ her disease! Numerous heav% metals had accumulated in her retina' includin& cerium $rom dental $loss' arsenic $rom pesticide' tin $rom health $ood #rand deodorant' *C8 $rom s in salve' co#alt $rom dish deter&ent and indium $rom tooth metal! She had ei&ht parasites in the retina includin& To oplasma $rom association with cats %ears a&o! Removal o$ dental metal alone arrested the disease process! "wo %ears later she was sli&htl% improved and still drivin& her car!

Ma>ular De<eneration
Dolores 8ollapra&ada' 02ish' had su$$ered $rom clinical er&ot poison7 in& in the past which put her in a coma $or several wee s! Er&ot is a &rain 4especiall% r%e5 $un&us' ver% toxic to the liver! Its #%prod7ucts are used in mi&raine medicine! She had overdosed' some7how! *erhaps her liver never recovered! It no lon&er detoxi$ied solvents $or her' allowin& them to accumulate in her retina! "here she had prop%l alcohol' #en(ene' car#on tetrachloride acetone' #ut%l nitrite' st%rene' &asoline' wood alcohol' paradichloro#en(ene 4moth #alls5' pentane' meth%lene chloride and decane! She stopped snac in& on cold cereal throu&h the da%! She had man% ha#its and products to chan&e! 8ut she was determined to salva&e her si&ht! She did!

!eadache and >igraines

Headaches can take the Koy out of livin . :hey can lower your motivation level so low that you donGt even want to do anythin about themN )eople with daily headache deserve our


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deepest sympathy since they must carry on with lifeGs daily duties in spite of it. 8ften, no medicine helps. !lthou h there are common headaches, sinus headaches, mi raines, and others, the causes of all overlap a reat deal. :ooth infection, urinary tract infection, bowel problems, and a wormlet, $trong+loi#es are the common causes. :here are also aller ic connections which include milk, e s, citrus and salty foods. .ut the aller y+approach is difficult to put into practice. It is almost impossible to stay off these foods for lon time periods. Eliminatin bacteria and $trong+loi#es leads to a permanent solution. )ossibly the parasite wormlet comes first, since even youn children can suffer with mi raines. $trong+loi#es is a micro+ scopically small threadworm that horses are pla ued with, but humans and our pets pick it up easily. Every mi raine sufferer 0%--<2 has hi h levels of this tiny worm. )erhaps it is really the special bacteria it brin s with it that cause the blood vessels to seep or to spasm in the brain, causin pain. Aap it immediately. .acteria hidden under a tooth fillin or root canal or in a space where once a tooth was pulled can be the cause. $taph+lo*coccus aureus is a favorite, but various Clostri#ia, $treps and others are often seen, too. Dou donGt feel pain from this small abscess because the pressure isnGt buildin up inside it. It has found a way into your bodyPnamely, your brainNPso no pressure builds up to alert you. @ind an alternative dentist with e;perience cleanin cavitations and findin small hidden abscesses. If you et immediate relief from dental work, only to lose round a ain later, the abscess may have formed a ain 0they are notorious for formin a ain2. Fo back to the dentist. Irri ate the dental wound site with white iodine 0potassium iodide, %6 drops2 or Cu olJs 01 drops2 to V cup water usin a curved+tip syrin e.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# Do not use iodine if you kno; you are aller<i> to it. :he colon is always a thrivin mass of bacteria. It should be emptied at least twice a day to keep their levels down. ,se the simple herb, Cascara sagra#a, senna tea, or ma nesium o;ide tablets 06 to 7 a day2 to help you eliminate frequently if your own re ularity is lackin . Fallstones in the liver and a con ested liver are sources of bacteria, too. "o several liver cleanses and note the effect. Is it the to;ins made by bacteria or the inflammation from the bacteria or wormlets themselves that produces the headacheL Certainly, one can eat the to;ins by themselves in foods like yo urt, cheese, wine, sour cream and develop =royal? headaches. #tay away from these tyramine containin foods. .oil all your dairy foods to prevent $almonellas and $higellas from swimmin into your belea uered brain. "onGt eat dairy foods that canGt be boiled for ten seconds. .e in by killin all $trong+loi#es and other parasites, bacte+ria and viruses with a >apper. Hopefully, this will only leave a few stra lers behind in abscesses, allstones and the colon contents. If the colon bacterium, ., coli, is your headache cause, start the .owel )ro ram. #earch for the source of your ., coli in food or polluted water. #top reusin water bottles. Most people et their $trong+loi#es back in a few days from pets, other fam+ily members, and themselvesN Aap every day for three weeks. :ry to =clean up? family members and pets. *ever let a horse or pet salivate on you. *ever put your fin ers in your mouth. !lways saniti>e your hands with rain alcohol after usin the bathroom. :o summari>e the steps to cure mi raine headaches9 %. 6. 7. 3. Bill $trong+loi#es and bacteria by >appin . "o the herbal kidney cleanse. Clean up dentalware. "o the .owel )ro ram.


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'. .oil all dairy foods. 1. "o liver cleanses. :his has never failed to substantially reduce mi raine inten+ sity and frequency. Headaches are also caused by to;ins in your environmentO especially thin s you breathe in. Household as is the most common offender. Dou donGt smell it after you et used to itN Fas pipes are notoriously leaky. Conductin ases throu h pipes with Koints in them, where ases could escape, must be the most ludicrous of all modern =conveniences?. Would you try to conduct water throu h pipes with holes in themL Dou would soon see the water on your kitchen or bathroom floor. .ut as doesnGt land on the floor, it doesnGt make a puddle, so you, the consumer, are left helplessly believin you donGt have leaks. Every as pipe that has a seam should have a clear plastic boot around it containin indicator compound to let it be known when as is escapin . 8ther methods could be invented to make the as utility safe. !s you will see from the case histories, very many persons are livin in a cloud of poisonous as. :he telltale element is =anadium. When your vanadium test is positive, you have a as leak that your body found, even thou h the as company may not. Many as companies use outmoded equipment to search for it. @our out of five as companies miss the as leak. Health "epartments and buildin contractors use modern equipment that detects even the tiniest leakO call them. If you are a headache sufferer, fi;in the pipes is not ood enou h. #witch from fossil fuels to electric. :here will be many dividends. 0(emember not to use candles as part of your life+ style, nor to be a smoker.2 Dour air needs to be clean9 clean of perfumes and colo nes, clean of potpourri and air fresheners, clean of air sprays, pesticides, formaldehyde, freon, carpet and car odor, fireplace li hter, and of wood smoke.


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Ianette Donovan' a&e 0.' had mi&raines ever% da% #ut could not tol7erate an% medication $or it! She wal ed a#out Qli e a (om#ieA most o$ the time! She $reJuentl% had vomitin& with them! She was &ass%' had pain in her ri&ht &roin $or man% %ears and chronic #ladder lea a&e! =ur idne% stone test showed urate cr%stals! Her urinal%sis also showed urate cr%stals and a sli&ht amount o$ #lood' o#viousl% chronic urinar% tract in$ection! "he parasite test showed

Strongyloides' Trichuris and ,asciolopsis bus!ii in the intestines! Her heav% metal test showed #er%llium! "his was trac ed down to hurricane lamps that once held coal7oil in themR it $illed her house air un#e nownst to her! "hirt% $ive da%s later she had done an her#al parasite illin& pro&ram' done the idne% cleanse' cleared out the hurricane lamps and all $uel containers! Her headaches were Qmore li e pressureA now than pain! She still had Strongyloides! Four months later she had some headaches still #ut not mi&raines! "he% were down to once a wee ! "hree months a$ter that she had done a liver cleanse and &otten a#ut <'222 stones out- She was still &ettin& some headaches! She tested positive to (istoplasma and Co sac!ie virus #4 4a common #rain virus5 pro#a#l% stemmin& $rom dentalware! She had man% root canals and couldn)t decide what to do! >eep her teeth and ris return o$ mi&rainesN or &et partial dentures! A$ter ei&ht months o$ indecisiveness she was #ac up to ten headaches per month' althou&h not mi&raines! *ats% =lsen' a&e <2' had mi&raines dail%' $reJuentl% with vomitin&! She had Strongyloides as well as %scaris' and other #owel para7 sites as did her hus#and and two children! She couldn)t tolerate an% medication and had to &ive hersel$ an enema dail% $or consti7pation! "he whole $amil% was put on parasite illin& her#s! A &as lea was $ound and $ixed and the #a#%)s diapers were chan&ed to non $ra&rant! "en months later' the whole $amil% still had Strongy-loides! 8% one %ear she was experiencin& a couple o$ &ood da%s a month althou&h she still had %scaris' Co sac!ie viruses' and various tooth7related #acteria! Her two and a hal$ %ear old had swollen nec &lands' was toxic with #ismuth $rom disposa#le diapers #ut did not have Strongyloides! "he ei&ht %ear old was also toxic with the lotions and $ra&rance o$ #a#%7 stu$$ in the homeN she was constantl% con&ested and cou&hin& #ut #ecame $ree o$ Strongyloides in six months! A$ter another ten months 4the #a#% had #een


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pott%7trained meanwhile5 the mother #e&an to have headache7 $ree da%s! Donald Schai#le' a&e +1' had mi&raines' learnin& disa#ilities and se7vere acne! "he parasite test showed Strongyloides' hoo!worm and %scaris! In spite o$ #ein& on the parasite pro&ram two wee s and (appin&' he still had Strongyloides! >enneth Iones had mi&raines $or thirt% $ive %ears and had tried all the new medications! "he% wor ed $or a while' then stopped helpin&' #ut he continued ta in& them an%wa%! He usuall% went to the emer&enc% room $or the reall% #ad ones' once a wee #ut lived with the constant dail% variet%! "here were two house do&s! "he% and the whole $amil% had Strongyloides! A$ter cleanin& up an as7 #estos pro#lem' illin& parasites $or $ive months and clearin& id7 ne%s o$ urate stones' he was down to two to three mere headaches a wee ! "wo months later' he was &ettin& mi&raines a&ainN the% all had Strongyloides a&ain! With renewed e$$orts' one month later his #ad headaches were down to one a month' althou&h his low level chronic headache persisted@ the% had the do&s on a strict schedule o$ parasite illin& her#s as well as themselves! He had not #een to the emer&enc% room $or a month! An&elina Gander' a&e 13' had dail% headaches' not mi&raines! She also had persistent urinar% tract in$ection and sinus in$ection! She was put on the her#al parasite pro&ram and $our wee s later was much #etter! She also lost her chest pain due to heartworm and re&ained her mil tolerance!
Gracie Arlin&ton had a #o% a&e 3 who wet the #ed' a &irl a&e 6 with a #ehavior pro#lem at school! She was stressed #% an un$aith$ul spouse and thou&ht she should &o #ac to school $or a Nursin& de&ree so she could support the $amil%! 8ut she was &ettin& two or three mi&raines a wee in addition to colitis attac s which she $eared would ma e her una#le to stud%! "he two cats' a do&' the children and hersel$ all had Strongyloides' %scaris' and a variet% o$ other intestinal parasites! "he humans were promptl% (apped $or parasites and the #o% was dr% that ni&ht $or the $irst time in his li$e! A $ew ni&hts later he was wet a&ain! "his time the animals were (apped and put on the pet parasite pro&ram and the children)s toiletin& was care$ull% supervised! When she dropped her extreme vi&ilance over all' the% all relapsed! A$ter a %ear o$ tr%in&' the% &ave awa% their #eloved do&' put the cat #ox in the porch


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and the mother did the cleanin& hersel$ #ut nothin& prevented re7 lapses! A hal$ %ear later' her six %ear old son as ed i$ he could launder his own sheets and #lan ets! "his reJuest #ro e her heart and she planned to &ive awa% one cat! Even with onl% one cat' the &irl)s #ehavior and &rades $luctuated extremel%' the mother had a mi&raine a wee and the #o% wet! Durin& a vacation the mother loaned the last cat' 4her cat5 to which she was ver% endeared' to a $riend' to see i$ it made a di$$erence! "he #o% never wet a&ain' the &irl made strai&ht A)s' and the mother)s headaches #ecame sinus headaches! Some intensive dental wor cleared these up! She #rou&ht her Nursin& diploma to our o$$ice two %ears a$ter #e&in7nin&! She should have had another diploma $or 9ntelligent "ar*enting.

Earache is particularly common in children. .acteria, mainly $treptococcus pneumoniae, have built up to a hi h level. Aap them. :hey were probably introduced by some lar er parasite. .ut why did they multiply and thrive in your childGs earL :here must have been food for them and protection from the immune system. )robably the Eustachian tubes are full of mucous, providin habitat. :he mucous is present because some air to;in is irritatin the sensitive linin s. Clean up the air9 not Kust asbestos, fiber lass, formaldehyde, freon, and arsenic, but per+ fumes, fra rant school supplies, potpourri. .ein housebound, as in winter, makes the air+to;in problem worse. ,se summer time to stren then your child for the winterR spend summer outdoors. !lways wash hands a lot. #tay away from moldy food. Five small doses of niacin 06' m ., niacin thins mucous so it can run away2 alon with vitamin C 06'- m .2 at bedtime. )uttin in =tubes? is a short term solution that is better than perpetually stayin on antibiotics, but neither should be neces+ sary.


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:o hasten healin , as soon as earache is suspected put room temperature olive oil in both ears, tu the earlobe to let bubbles out, and stopper them with cotton wool salva ed from vitamin bottles 0other types are polluted with mercury2. )ut on a li ht bat that covers the ears. When adults et earache, the $treps are hidin under tooth fillin s and in allstones. Clean up these two sources and >ap. "rinkin non sterile milk adds $almonellas and $higellas to the $trep ear infectionN #mall wonder milk is thou ht to make people mucousy. :he ears must now battle them, too. Even a few bacteria consumed in milk can start a whole colony if bowel bacteria have been disturbed by antibiotics. If your child has become =aller ic? to milk or ets mucousy, remove cheese and ice creamPnot milkPfrom the diet. Even cheese can be eaten if baked as in pi>>a or casseroles. Milk must be boiled. :ry to reduce the childGs $almonella sensitivity by avoidin unneces+ sary antibiotics. Beep immunity hi h by avoidin moldy foodN

&ar Noises And Ringing

:his is also called tinnitus. ! hissin or bu>>in sound is heard in one or both ears. It can be continuous or pulsin off and on. It can be as loud as roarin . :innitus is caused by three thin s actin in partnership9 to;ic elements, an aller y to salic+lates 0the aspirin family2 and a bacterium $treptococcus pneumoniae 0the pneumonia bu 2. :his =bu ? can be carried in the chronic state after a bout of pneumonia or what seems to be a head+cold. It is always present in earache. It is easily activated by e;posure to cold wind or drafts and certain to;ic substances. @or this reason I recommend keepin the ears warm in winter by keepin them covered or wearin a cotton plu or ear+muffs. :he $trep bu can also cause Eeniere7s s+n#rome, con estion, loss of balance and


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chronic sinus problems. 8ften an antibiotic of the penicillin family helps immediately, then loses its effectiveness. :his shows you that bacteria are involved but cannot be truly van+ quished with antibiotics. $treptococcus pneumoniae often hides in pockets under in+ fected teeth and in holes left where teeth have been pulledR especially wisdom teeth. :hese can be found by alternative dentists who clean these cavitations. $trep also resides in the liverO clean them out with liver flushes. Certain foods and many medicines, especially cou h medi+ cine and lo>en es contain salicylate. :o cure the tinnitus we must stop usin aspirin or any hi h level source of salicylates. We must also stop the e;posure to certain to;ic elementsRlead, beryllium, >irconium, ben>alk+ onium. :hey are present in the air at as stations and in many of our body lotions, soaps and salves. #witch to safe varieties. *iacin tablets, such as %-- m , taken three times daily is another treatment, intended to increase the blood supply to the inner ear. :akin a thyroid tablet, by prescription, often helps too. :hese methods never fail to improve tinnitus but a complete cure is seldom possible.
William "hall' 1;' had a headache dail% and was on pain medicine $or it dail%! He had tinnitus' a loud hummin& noise in the ri&ht ear! He had Shigella 4producin& nerve toxins5 and Borellia 4?%me disease virus5! He had Ga$$!ya' a respirator% #acterium under two wisdom teeth 4ri&ht side5! He also had Campylobacter and %naplasma &rowin& on him somewhere! He had Strongyloides too! He was toxic with vanadium 4&as lea 5 and as#estos! A$ter ten wee s he had two cavitations on the ri&ht side o$ his Baw cleaned' he had #een on the parasite pro&ram and his tinnitus was &one' 4he still had occasional headaches indicatin& he still had some Strongy-loides5!
8illie Scott' .3' had a histor% o$ ear pro#lems' and lots o$ headaches! She was started on the idne% cleanse! "hen she added the parasite pro&ram includin& their two do&s! She had a c%st in her


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le$t #uttoc ' due to *C8s traced to the well water! She stopped usin& this well and switched o$$ deter&ents $or laundr% and dishes! She switched o$$ soda pop' onto mil ! In <M months her tinnitus was &one and the c%st was shrin in&!
?arr% *ele&rini' 0:' had tinnitus in #oth ears #ut was otherwise a stron&' tall' intelli&ent person' who cared $or sic people' whether $amil% or not! As soon as he saw how simple it was to ill invaders with a $reJuenc% &enerator' he #ou&ht one! *reventin& their recur7rence was his #i& challen&e since he had neither the means nor insurance to do dental wor ! He was toxic with aluminum' copper and *C8s! A$ter switchin& to #orax $or all washin& purposes' he &ot rid o$ aluminum and could $eel his memor% improve! "he id7ne% her#s cleared him o$ uric acid and oxalate and he $elt more supple! He had to &o o$$ his $avorite #evera&e to &et rid o$ pentane and meth%l eth%l etone! "wice a wee he illed two do(en parasites and #acteria' that Bust seemed to pop up $rom nowhere' in order to $eel #etter and reduce his tinnitus! 8ut he lived alone' had to coo ' &arden' ta e care o$ animals and his sic $riends which &ave him a lot o$ parasite exposure! Sometimes he would #e toxic with arsenic 4a new pesticide he tried out5 or vanadium 4&as lea 5 #ut mainl% it was tooth $illin& metal! I$ onl% this wonder$ul man could a$$ord his dental wor @ what a #lessin& to societ% he could #e $or a lon& time to come!

Scalp "ain
Infection anywhere in the head can cause sensitive scalp and scalp pain. Even a common cold can cause bouts of scalp pain. Clean up your dentalware and environment. LumCs on the scalp are often called sebaceous c+sts, actu+ ally this is where your body has sequestered )C.s 0polychlorinated biphenyls, e;tremely ha>ardous, now banned in the ,.#., but often a pollutant in deter ents.2 Fet rid of them by switchin off deter ents for all purposes. #ee (ecipes for dishwasher liquid, dishwasher deter ent, and laundry deter ent replacements.


Non7*ain$ul Diseases
E;planations for many of these =mysterious? diseases be+ come rather obvious when you see a >ommon Carasite, or Collutant, or Aoth consistently show up in case after case.

!ll diabetics have a common fluke parasite, .ur+trema pan* creaticum, the pancreatic fluke of cattle, in their own pancreas. It seems likely that we et it from cattle, repeatedly, by eatin their meat or dairy products in a raw state. It is not hard to kill with a >apper but because of its infective sta es in our food supply we can immediately be reinfected. .ur+trema will not settle and multiply in our pancreas with+ out the presence of ;ood al>ohol 0methanol2. Methanol pollution pervades our food supplyRit is found in processed food includin bottled water, artificial sweetener, soda pop, baby formula and powdered drinks of all kinds includin health food varieties. I presume wood alcohol is used to wash equipment used in manufacturin . If your child has diabetes, use nothin< out of a >an, Ca>ka<e or Aottle e;cept re ular milk, and no processed foods. .y killin this parasite and removin wood alcohol from the diet, the need for insulin can be cut in half in three weeks 0or soonerN2 .e vi ilant with your blood su ar checks. :he pancreas with its tiny islets that produce insulin recovers very quickly. Even if &-< of them were destroyed, requirin daily insulin shots, half


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of them can recover or re enerate so insulin is no lon er neces+ sary. :he insulin shot itself may be polluted with wood alcohol 0this is an especially cruel ironyRthe treatment itself is wors+ enin the condition2. :est it yourself, usin the wood alcohol in automotive fluids 0windshield washer2 or from a paint store, as a test substance. :ry different brands of insulin until you find one that is free of methanol. $rtifi>ial s;eeteners are Colluted ;ith ;ood al>oholE In+ stead of helpin you cope with diabetes, they are actually pro+ motin itN "o not use them. "ru s that stimulate your pancreas to make more insulin may also carry solvent pollutionO test them for wood alcohol and switch brands and bottles until you find a pure one. Dou may not need them much lon er, so the e;tra e;pense now may soon reward you. Many persons can deto;ify the amount of wood alcohol that pollutes our foods. :hey do not have a food mold, 1oIi> a>id, built up in their bodies as diabetics do. I have found BoKic acid in coffee, and potatoes with ray areas inside. "o not eat dis+ colored potatoes or peels, even if cooked or baked. .ein able to deto;ify a poisonous substance like wood alcohol should not ive us the Kustification for consumin it. !ll poisons are bad for us. "o not consume them. !ll diabetic persons also carry a virus, HA virus in the pan+ creas. :his virus rows in the skin as a wart but is spread quite widely in the body such as in the spleen or liver besides pan+ creas. It is not necessary to kill this virus since it disappears when the pancreatic fluke is one. :he H! virus undoubtedly belon s to the pancreatic fluke. :he question can be asked9 "oes the fluke or its virus cause diabetesL :here mi ht even be a bacterium, so far missed in our observations, that is the real perpetrator.


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# While recoverin from diabetes, it is very important to check your blood su ar every day. Improvement is so rapid, you may suddenly be over+insulini>ed by your ne;t shot. Cut down your dose to suit your actual need. :here are additional aspects to diabetes that have been studied by alternative physicians. @or instance, aller y to wheat and other rains containin luten is common. )erhaps the pan+ creas and its islets would heal much faster if rains were out of the diet for a while. )erhaps the '-< improvement that is con+ sistently possible Kust by killin parasites and stoppin wood alcohol consumption could be improved further by a month of rain+free diet. Eatin fenu<reek seeds has been reported to reatly benefit 0actually cure2 diabetes cases. !re they a specific fluke killer, virus killer, or neitherL It seems like a ood idea to add this to your diet if you are a diabetic. Wood alcohol also accumulates in the eyes, and there is a connection between dia+ betes and eye disease. BilAerry lea=es are an herbal treatment for both diabetes and weak eyes. "o they help by counteractin wood alcohol or deto;ifyin BoKic acidL Make a tea for yourself, usin V cup leaves to three cups water. "rink Ucup a day. Chromium is another must for diabetics 06-- mc three times a day2. It helps insulin enter your cells. Fold is attracted to the pancreas. Heavy metals should be removed from dentalware includin all old crowns and no metal should be worn ne;t to the skin as Kewelry, includin all old items.
8l%the Ien ins was on /icronase 40 m&5 dail% $or her dia#etes #ut she still had a mornin& #lood su&ar o$ +6<! She had pancreatic $lu es and sheep liver $lu es in her pancreas' vanadium 4a &as lea 5 in her home and cadmium in her water 4old pipes5! A$ter ill7 in& parasites and cleanin& idne%s her mornin& #lood su&ar was down to +16! She also &ot rid o$ her hot $lushes' &roin and le&


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pain! "his encoura&ed her so much she did the rest o$ her #od% cleanup and could &o o$$ her medicine completel%!
Ro#ert Greene' a&e 30' had #een on insulin $ive %ears alread%' &ettin& two shots a da% 4.0 u each5' and even this was not controllin& his #lood su&ar which was .66 in the mornin&! He was raised to <2 units without much improvement! His le&s and $eet were too pain$ul to wal without a wal er to lean on! He had )oa loa in his pancreas! 4"his is another example o$ a parasite &oin& to the Qwron&A location' this time the pancreas instead o$ the heart! I #e7lieve the solvent ma es this possi#le!5 Also mumps virus' (% wart virus' mycoplasma' $lu virus' chic!en po virus' %denovirus and Shigella' all ma in& their home in his pancreas- "his was possi#le #ecause he had wood alcohol accumulated there' $rom drin in& various #evera&es and usin& arti$icial sweetener! As soon as he stopped this practice and illed ever%thin& with a $reJuenc% &en7 erator his #lood su&ar $ell #elow +22 in the mornin& and he had to reduce his insulin to .2 units! He was also on chromium .22 mc& 4. three times a da%5! /eanwhile' he cleared .'222 stones out o$ his liver! He could now wal well a&ain and decided to ta e a part time Bo#! "he whole process too one %ear!

Ralph Dixon' a&e ;.' had #een switched to <2 units o$ insulin' once a da%' a$ter six %ears on pills $or his dia#etes! He still had a $astin& #lood su&ar o$ .1.! He had the pancreatic $lu e and a host o$ #acteria and viruses in his pancreas! He had a poodle! A$ter illin& the patho&ens and cleanin& his idne%s' his #lood su&ar dropped so he cut his insulin to .0 units 4#lood su&ar was at +++5 Soon he had to cut it to .2 units! He was also on chromium .22 mc& 4. three times a da%5' man&anese 02 m&! 4one a da%5' $enu&ree capsules 4. a da%5' and #il#err% leaves' each supplement #% itsel$! He also lost his an&ina and $ati&ue with all this #od%7cleanin&! 8ut i$ he went o$$ the maintenance parasite pro&ram he would promptl% &et a spi e in his #lood su&ar' showin& how eas% it was $or him to rein$ect and how new parasites would immediatel% $ind his pancreas!
/elissa 8ird' 01' had maBor illnesses includin& heart disease 4. an7 &ioplasties5' numerous other sur&eries and dia#etes! She too +07 +6 units o$ insulin once a da%! 8esides pancreatic $lu es in her pancreas' she also had intestinal $lu es there4-5 plus widespread %scaris! She also had warts and candidiasis! Fortunatel% there


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were no pets! Her parasites were instantl% eliminated with a $re7 Juenc% &enerator and she was started on idne% her#s $or her other pro#lems! Seven wee s later she stated she had to cut down her insulin #ecause her mornin& #lood su&ar had dropped to :2! "hen she eliminated the deca$s and arti$icial sweetener that were &ivin& her wood alcohol' started the parasite her#s and did a liver cleanse! "he da% a$ter the liver cleanse her #lood su&ar went up to +31 #ut was completel% normal a$ter that 4under +225 and she did not dare ta e an% more insulin or pills! We advised her to eep monitorin& her #lood su&ar and #e ver%' ver% vi&ilant and to please stop smo in&! Iohn An&ert' 30' was not on an% medicine in spite o$ his dia#etes! He was too em#arrassed to tell us his #lood su&ar! He had a lon& list o$ other health pro#lems' too! He was toxic with thulium 4vitamin C5 and palladium 4$rom tooth $illin&s5! He had a variet% o$ parasites! A$ter doin& some dental wor and parasite illin& his $astin& #lood su&ar dropped to a normal :6! 8ut his le& cramps ept returnin& in spite o$ doin& a idne% cleanse! =nl% a$ter chan&in& his diet to include mil did the phosphate cr%stals sta% awa% and eliminate his cramps! Cornelius Edens' a&e <<' came $or his dia#etes' althou&h he also had $ati&ue' di&estion pro#lems' and headaches! He had numerous other minor s%mptoms li e chest pain over the heart' soreness in testicles' etc! His dia#etes was onl% dia&nosed one %ear a&o! he "/ was on insulin 4Humulin .2 lon& actin& plus 3 re&ular units5 in the mornin&! He o$ten omitted the evenin& dose which should #e +1 lon& plus 3 re&ular! "his #rou&ht his $astin& #lood su&ar down to +33 in the mornin&!
He had pancreatic $lu es in his testicles #esides in his pancreas! His a$latoxin level was ver% hi&hN he was told to stop eatin& &rocer% store #read' eat #a er% #read onl%! He had silver' nic el and ver% hi&h levels o$ &oldPpro#a#l% all three comin& $rom his &old crowns P he was to have them all replaced with composite! He had $i#er&lass in his pancreas! Wood alcohol was present in lar&e amounts in his pancreas as expected! He was to stop drin in& all store #ou&ht #evera&es' whether $ro(en' powdered' or read% to drin ! He did not test positive to #en(ene' prop%l alcohol' Salmonellas'

Shigellas' or #+ coli! 8ut he had Staph aureus &rowin& at hi&h levels in his pancreas! "he usual source $or this is in teeth'


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so he was told to as his dentist to search $or cavitations and clean up hidden tooth in$ections while replacin& the &old crowns! He was to $ind the exposed $i#er&lass and seal it o$$! He was to (ap parasites ever% other da% $or + month! His supplements were vitamin C 4+ tsp! with each meal $or constipationN then + tsp! dail%5' vitamin 8702 complex 4. per da%5' thioctic acid 4. per da%5! He was to start the >idne% Cleanse recipe $or his testicle pro#lem' and a$ter 3 wee s do a ?iver Cleanse! He was to $ollow up with us in < wee s' a$ter dental wor was completed! He never returned! Four months later we received a phone call he was too em#arrassed to ma e himsel$! He needed no insulin and was doin& $ine! Another < months later he was still doin& well' and o$$ insulin!

Al%ce Dold' 31' came #ecause she was worried a#out her #lood su&ar and chest pain! Indeed' a #lood test showed her $astin& #lood su&ar to #e +<3' Bust #e&innin& to show insu$$icient insulin produc7tion #% her pancreas! She had pancreatic $lu es and wood alcohol there! Also mumps virus and (% virus! She had six more solvents accumulated due to eatin& raisin #ran and other cold cereals each da%! She was &lad to #e $orced o$$ this routine@ she switched to . e&&s ever% other da% with #iscuits or #read 4not toast5 and coo ed cereal in #etween! Her chest pain was due to do& heartworm and Staphylococcus aureus #acteria that ori&inated at teeth P+3' +;' +' <.! "he worms and Staph were illed with a $reJuenc% &en7erator! She was re$erred to a dentist $or cavitations and started on idne% her#s! "wo wee s later' there was still a little residual heart pain due to StaphN dental wor was not %et done! She was &iven chromium 4322 mc& per da%5 to help her insulin re&ulate su&ar! Her ?DH 4See tests5 was still hi&h $rom the recent heart stress' no dou#t! 8ut she had accomplished a lot and planned to &et it all done!

DiaAetes 'f Childhood

:he problem is the same for diabetes of childhood as for diabetes of later onset, but much easier to clear up, provided the whole family cooperates.


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Wesle% Evanco' a&e 3' had his onset at a&e ++ months! *rior to that he had chic en pox and his #a#% shots! He had pancreatic $lu es and their reproductive sta&es in his pancreas as well as wood al7cohol! He had no other solvents accumulated! "he pro#lem was clearl% due to these two enemies o$ his small #od%! Wesle%)s $a7ther did not have pancreatic $lu es #ut his mother had ver% hi&h levels' alon& with wood alcohol! She had to clear hers up #e$ore Wesle% could recover! She chose not to! She couldn)t #elieve the connection! =ur most persuasive e$$orts were not success$ul! We hope Wesle% can $or&ive us all in due time!

:he Herpes family of viruses includes Herpes $imple% "irus 0H#/2 % and 6, .pstein Carre "irus 0E./2, shingles or Chic&en @o% 0"aricella 'oster2, C+tomegalovirus 0CM/2 and some newly discovered ones. Herpes simple% virus - is the virus that breaks out around or inside the mouth. We call it a cold sore because it often follows a cold in childhood. !s children, we may et H#/ % once or twice each winter. When they come more often the childGs im+ munity is low. !dults who et repeated attacks also have low immunity 0this is obvious from a blood test where the white blood cell count is less than ',--- per cu mm2. Herpes simple% virus = breaks out in the enital area. It is often blamed on promiscuous se; but I believe it has quite dif+ ferent ori ins. I believe the virus is introduced to our bodies by another lar e parasite. )erhaps it is pinworms, or Ascaris. )erhaps it is a tapeworm sta e, picked up from dust and dirt. I have some evidence that it is released from do tapeworm sta es when these are bein killed by your immune system. It is probably the same tapeworm sta e as releases the A#enovirus 0cold virus2 which would e;plain why children frequently et


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# =cold sores? durin or after a cold. 0#ee Curin :he Common Cold, pa e 7'4.2 *evertheless, you would not et sick from these viral re+ leases unless your immunity was lowered. Herpes lives in your nerve centers 0ganglia2 and it is from here that you can be attacked after the initial infection. Evidently your immune system can destroy them as quickly as they emer e. .ut a meal of aflato?in or other moldy food suddenly = a s? your white blood cells and lets a viral attack happen. :he viruses can also be =tri ered? which lets them out of hibernation 0latency2 to multiply and travel alon the nerve fiber to the skin. :ri ers are thin s that put these nerve centers to work9 sudden cold and heat, trauma from chafin and friction. *ever drink water with ice cubes in it. *ever eat hot soup with a metal spoon. "onGt twee>e hairs. .e in your prevention pro ram by raisin the immunity of your skinO this means removin all to;ins from the skin. ,se only natural lotions, softeners, cleansers on your skin made from recipes in this book. Health food brands are not superior. :his will et rid of nickel, chromate, titanium, >irconium, aluminum, and ben>alkonium from your skin and probably your whole bodyN "o laundry with bora; and washin soda, only, to eliminate commercial deter ent as a source, too. !s soon as you feel that warnin tin le or sensation of Her* pes, >ap or use a frequency enerator at 6&7 and 73' BH> 0H#/ %2 or 71- and 7'' BH> 0for H#/ 62. Immediately take a >ayenne capsule and 5 lysine tablets 0'-- m each2. :he cayenne slows down travel of the virus alon the nerve. !ttacks probably occur when the tri ers act at the same time as an immune drop occurs. Immune drops happen frequently due to eatin moldy food. 8f course, mercury in amal am tooth fillin s keeps immunity chronically lowered. Many persons report they stopped breakin out with Herpes - after


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# replacin their amal ams. #toppin wearin ti ht synthetic un+ derpants helps reduce Herpes = out breaks. When you et an outbreak, mop up a droplet of the blister fluid and prepare it as a specimen for yourself. If you search for it in your white blood cells when your attack is over, it will not be found because it is in hidin inside your nerve cells. Aappin does not reach them inside your own cells. *evertheless, you can totally eliminate them by repeated >appin provided you kill them at their earliest warnin . Evidently, they havenGt multiplied yet, so radually their numbers o down. Even after you have been Herpes free for a lon time, stick to your preventive principles. !void the tri er foods, peanuts, and chocolate, or be ready to >ap. !void cold wind or direct sunli ht on your face. "onGt eat abrasive or acid foods like popcorn, nuts, toast, crackers, candy, citrus. !lthou h you may stop the virus in its tracks by >appin , healin the lesion takes time. Beep the skin softened with a cornstarch or sodium al inate recipe 0see (ecipes2. ! lysine mush helps too9 crush a lysine table with a lar e wooden spoon, add a pinch of vitamin C powder and a pinch of >inc o;ide. #ave part of this mi;ture for later use. Wet a small bit of it with a few drops of water to make a paste. !pply to lesions.
8a(e(ew Haile%' <6' started #rea in& out in the &enital area a$ter a period o$ anti#iotic use! She was started on l%sine 4022 m&' 6 a da%5' ca%enne caps 4one with each meal5! She was to $ill her pre7 "/ scription $or 9ovirax $rom her doctor' thou&h! 8% the time she had it $illed' the next da%' her lesion had stopped enlar&in&' and she could reduce her supplements! Her s in was $ull o$ mercur%' lead' strontium' aluminum! Her white #lood cell count was low' showin& low immunit%! Her ratio o$ se&mental to l%mphoc%te white #lood cells was low' evidence $or a chronic viral condition! Her #one marrow contained lead and radon! She stopped usin& tooth7paste 4strontium5' salt' deodorant' deter&ents 4aluminum5! She &ot the metal out o$ her mouth and eliminated her radon pro#lem #% openin& crawl space vents! "he lead source was never $ound' #ut


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a$ter she moved to a new house it went awa%! (erpes . sta%ed "/ awa%! A %ear later she still hadn)t opened the 9ovirax #ottle!

@ati ue, whether minor or e;treme, is always associated with blood su ar disturbances. :he more disturbance, the more fati ue. We have three or ans that do most of the su ar re u+ latin 9 our adrenals, the li=er, and the islets in the Can>reas. In severe fati ue, that keeps you partly bedridden, all three or ans are heavily parasiti>ed. .pstein Carre "irus 0E./2 is runnin amok in your body, as a rule, even when clinical culture techniques cannot find it. With your frequency enerator and #yncrometer you can find it emittin at 75- BH>. Billin the viruses is not as important as killin the lar er parasites and ettin your or ans functionin for you a ain. :he viruses will o away by themselves. :he liverGs role in blood su ar re ulation is to et it out of stora e when needed. When sheep liver flukes have taken up residence theyGre spewin their chemicals as well as their own bacteria and viruses into your circulationO it is surprisin that the liver has any su ar in reserve and can function at all. #heep liver flukes are commonly seen in fati ue syndrome cases. :he adrenals 0the outer layer called the corte;2 help to re ulate the blood su ar in a comple; way. #ome adrenal factors influence the thyroid which is another ener y+related or an. .oth adrenals and thyroid have to;ic buildups in fati ue casesN :heir work is hampered. :he heart of su ar re ulation is in your pancreas in the tiny islands of cells that secrete insulin, called the islets of 5anger* hans. Here we always find the pancreatic fluke in residence. It actually breeds there when wood alcohol accumulates in it. Wood alcohol is a common pollutant of food, even in artificial


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su ar which is often recommended to replace real su ar and spare the pancreas. :here is wood alcohol in store+bou ht drinkin water, fruit Kuice, powders meant to be stirred into bev+ era es, even if they are health food varieties. ItGs probably bein used to clean tubes and hoses in the manufacturin plant. :he only bevera e you can safely buy 0not safe unless you sterili>e it, thou h2 at a rocery store is milk. Make your own bevera es usin recipes in this book.

Fig, =6 Cottling eDuipment shoul# be rinse# )ith eth+l (grain) alcohol, not prop+l alcohol or )oo# alcohol,
Dour first step toward curin your fati ue syndrome is to kill the pancreatic fluke and all other livin invaders of the pancreas, liver, adrenals and thyroid. ,se a >apper. "rink milk or


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buttermilk for several days afterward to provide lactic acid for the = ood? bacteria to feed and recover on. Dour second step is removin metal from your mouth, par+ ticularly old. Fold from teeth and Kewelry readily oes to the pancreasN "o everythin in the .as+ 5ifest+le !mprovements chapter. Dour ener y can bounce back in a few weeks by attendin your liver, adrenals and pancreas. Help these or ans heal and row stron a ain. !void food molds 0read Moldy @ood, pa e 75%2. :he most powerful assistance to the liver is a cleanse. :his will eliminate liver viruses such as E./ and C+tomegalovirus 0CM/2. .e patient. "o it on a schedule until you have over 6,--- stones out. :ake =itamin C at least 7 mHday, to help both liver and adrenals. :ake B5 and B9 to help adrenals and kidneys. :ake lucose tolerance factor, >hromium 0two 6-- mc tablets 7;Hday2. #ee $ources for all of these. :ake these supplements for three weeks, then cut the dose in half, and take on alternate days only, as a hed e a ainst possible pollution in these. !lthou h your ener y may be normal in three weeks, you are at hi her risk for fati ue than the avera e person. (einfection with anythin will put the new parasites ri ht back where the old ones were. 8ther bacteria, solvents and to;ins will head for the pancreas, liver and adrenals a ain because these are weakened or ans. It could take two years to build your health to its previous level, but is well worth it to have youth, initiative, and a beautiful appearance a ain. Foin back to school is a ood use of your time when your initiative has returned but your physical stren th is still not up to housework or a Kob. When your ener y comes back to you, it is temptin to overwork9 to clean the whole house or to et into some ardenin .


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9t is #etter to #e moderate today than in #ed tomorrow.

!nyone who has suffered from Chronic @ati ue #yndrome 0C@#2 or recurrent E./ has learned that lesson well.
Iune "imon%' a&e <6' was dia&nosed with Chronic Fati&ue S%n7 drome5' E8, and Candida around +M %ears a&o #% her $amil% doctor! She also had a th%roid pro#lem and a hi&h estro&en level 4+30 p&Cml5! She had severe depression at times! =ur test showed her #od% was $ull o$ #ismuth 4$ra&rance5 and silver 4tooth $illin&s5 especiall% in the ovaries! She cleansed her idne%s and illed parasites #ut could not ma e up her mind to do the expensive dental wor !
Ianice 8rown' a&e .+' had E8, with chronic $ati&ue and depression alon& with a do(en more s%mptoms! Her s in' idne%s' #reasts' #rain' ovaries and pancreas were all loaded with mercur%' platinum and other metals! She was $ull o$ radon and #us exhaust and the plum#in& was sheddin& cadmium! Rather than do all this she and her hus#and decided to move! 8e$ore the movin& date arrived she had cleansed idne%s' illed parasites and done dental wor and was $eelin& noticea#l% #etter! "hen the% moved! She immediatel% was ver% $ati&ued a&ain and worried that the move had #een in vain! "his time she had a liver $ull o$ Salmonella and a return o$ phosphate cr%stals in her idne%s! 8ut it was eas% to clear up and it was a ver% use$ul lesson to her to avoid unsterili(ed dair% products! She was much more care$ul a$ter this!

Dee Sa$ian' a&e <3' came especiall% $or her low ener&%! She had E8, once! It le$t her extremel% nervous! We advised &oin& o$$ ca$$eine #ut not su#stitutin& $or it #% drin in& deca$s! Her tissues were $ull o$ arsenic $rom pesticideN her urinal%sis showed idne% cr%stals and her eosinophil count was hi&h 0!0L 4parasites5! She had sheep liver $lu es and sta&es in her pancreas due to a #uildup o$ wood alcohol there! In $our months a$ter illin& parasites and doin& a idne% cleanse she was much improved!


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Iose$ina ?in(er' a&e <.' came $or her $ati&ue and depression! Her tissues were $ull o$ arsenic' *C8s' chromate 4e%e ma eup5' mer7 cur%' %ttrium' radon and ter#ium! She needed tooth metal re7 placement #ut could not schedule it immediatel%! She had %scaris and pancreatic $lu es in her pancreas and reacted to su&ar in her diet Juite stron&l%' so avoided it! She also had Strongyloides and Trichinella! She illed all these with a $reJuenc% &enerator and started on the idne% her#s! Her wood alcohol #uildup was comin& $rom car#onated #evera&es! She went o$$! In 3 wee s she had done ever%thin& except the mercur% removal and was $eelin& much #etter!
8ri&ette Dawn' a&e .+' had Chronic Fati&ue S%ndrome with E8,' alon& with other pro#lems! She cleaned her home and cleansed idne%s' illed parasites' and did two liver cleanses! Still the $ati&ue would return two da%s later! /eanwhile' thou&h' her in$ertilit% pro#lem &ot solved 4she &ot pre&nant5 and this encoura&ed her to continue the #attle a&ainst $ati&ue a$ter the #a#% was #orn!

Hector Garcia' a&e +1' was &ettin& &amma &lo#ulin inBections ever% three wee s $or his chronic $ati&ue s%ndrome! He had pancreatic $lu es in his pancreas' sheep and human liver $lu es in his liver and intestinal $lu e in his intestine! He had a #uildup o$ #en(ene' propanol' and car#on tetrachloride as well as a$latoxin $rom his &ranola #rea $asts! He also had Candida and measles in his white #lood cells! He illed parasites with a $reJuenc% &enerator and went o$$ the solvent polluted items in the prop%l alcohol and #en7(ene lists! He immediatel% 4in .2 da%s5 $elt much #etter!
Dana ?evi' a&e +3' had chronic $ati&ue s%ndrome and di((inessN he was not in school! He had pancreatic $lu e in his pancreas' sheep' human and intestinal $lu es in his liver- 8oth #en(ene and prop%l alcohol were present in his immune s%stem! As soon as the para7sites were illed 4with a $reJuenc% &enerator5 and he chan&ed a lot o$ his products' he $elt #etter #ut soon lost his improvement! At the next visit' our tests showed a #uildup o$ vanadium 4$rom #urnin& candles in his #edroom5! When he stopped this' he was #etter a&ain $or a while onl% to relapse a&ain! His prop%l alcohol level was up as was a$latoxin! 8ut &ettin& a taste o$ normal ener&% &ave him the determination to &et himsel$ well- He em#ar ed on a liver cleanse pro&ram and still more care$ul $ood selection!


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Dennis Dillard' a&e +3' was #e&innin& to do poorl% at school due to $ati&ue! He had to stop athletics althou&h his re&ular doctor pro7 nounced him well! He was also &ettin& chronic sinus in$ections! His lun&s and trachea had accumulated seven heav% metals@ va7nadium' palladium' cerium' #arium' tin' europium' #er%llium! His $astin& #lood su&ar was low 4;< m&CD?5 and ?DH ver% low 4:2 uC?N it should have #een +325! "he #od% ma es ?DH in response to lactic acid levels! When the muscles aren)t ma in& much lactic acid $rom their normal meta#olism' ?DH levels will $all too! Was he developin& a muscle diseaseV "he &as lea was $ixed 4vanadium5' the &ara&e was sealed o$$ $rom the house to eliminate #arium and #er%llium #ut the other toxic elements came $rom his dental retainer! As soon as his retainer came out' and the% stopped usin& $lea powder on their do&' his ener&% #ecame normal and sinuses cleared up! A %ear later he still had not #een ill! Evelina RoBas' a&e +.' was havin& extreme $ati&ue with mood pro#lems and sudden $evers! She illed %scaris and sheep liver $lu es with the parasite pro&ram #ut promptl% &ot them #ac due to a #en(ene #uildup I #elieve due to usin& products containin& an her#al oil! Her hi&h levels o$ Streptococcus pneumoniae 4cause o$ $evers5'

Staphylococcus aureus and *ocardia could not #e eliminated until her three #a#% teeth 4with root canals5 were pulled! A$ter that' she was well! Elaine *er ins' 16' came speci$icall% $or her low ener&% and nervous7ness! She was toxic with arsenic' a su#stance that replaces en7er&% with nervous excitement and exhaustion! She also had a #ac lo& o$ antimon% 4usin& #a#% oil5' aluminum' rhenium 4hair spra%5' #en(al onium 4toothpaste5 and radon! In $our months' she had the arsenic and three other toxins eliminated and alread% had more ener&%! Neil Koun&#lood' 0<' was so $ati&ued' he had to #race himsel$ even while sittin&! A #lood th%roxin level 4"15 o$ +!2 instead o$ the normal ;!0 mc&CD? explained his $ati&ue! He had a mouth$ul o$ assorted dental metals which were accumulatin& in the th%roid' invitin& viruses' particularl% C/,' into it! He had to #e on $our &rains o$ th%roid to $eel near normal! A$ter he had all his tooth metal removed' he onl% needed one &rain to $eel =!>! "his encoura&ed him to clean up more o$ his #od%!


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Scott *ennin&ton' 02ish' was on th%roid medicine $or his h%perth%7 roidism! He had #een on iodine7radium earlier! He had the miracidia o$ the intestinal $lu e' sheep liver $lu e' and pancreatic $lu e in his th%roid- Adult human liver $lu es were also there- His th%roid was toxic with iridium' nic el' tellurium and mercur% 4metal tooth $illin&s5 and decane' "C Eth%lene and pentane solvents! He had #een drin in& a &reat deal o$ re&ular tea' which let oxalate cr%stals deposit in his idne% and slow down the excretion o$ toxins! "he parasites were illed with a $reJuenc% &enerator' he chan&ed his diet to &et rid o$ solvents! In two wee s he was $eelin& #etter' had more ener&% and #etter sleep! "his encoura&ed him to do the dental wor !

Skin "ro#lems
SeAa>eous Cysts
Dour body, in its wisdom, keeps to;ins to ether and out of harmGs way by makin a cyst out of it. !ll the sebaceous c+sts I have seen are filled with pol+chlorinate# biphen+ls 0)C.s2. Fet rid of )C. sources in order to clear )C.s from your body. :his can take 1 to %6 months. Chan e all deter ents 0for dishes, laundry, and body use2 to bora; andHor washin soda.

Commercial detergents are wonderful cleaners...

but are unquestionably to;ic. Whether you have cysts or not, it is always a ood idea to use bora; and washin soda instead. If you have a particularly visible cyst, try to poultice it to the surface. Washin away some of it would be a reat help to your body. (ead herb books on poultices or Kust take whatever wild


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# leaves you can atherO make a mush out of them with a blender, mi; with honey or homemade skin softener to make it spread like peanut butter and cover the cyst with it ni ht and day, covered with a piece of plastic. :he wetness has drawin power. :he plant Kuices have other benefits. If you canGt poultice and must rely on kidney e;cretion, be sure to take kidney herbs at the same time.

Skin Rash
(ashes can be caused by many thin s. :o find the cause, follow a lo ical pattern. It may be due to9 HI/ Deast and @un us !ller y Childhood "iseases 0rubella, etc.2 & % is the most alarmin possibility. Eliminate it first by testin for it. ItGs often too early for a clinical test to be positive for HI/, so use the #yncrometer 0pa e 3'42. I often see the rash disappear within days of eliminatin the virus. )robably the most common cause of rash is yeast. Can#i#a has a resonant frequency of 753+755 BH>. If you test positive for it, stop all commercial soap and deter ent for all possible uses. Aappin Can#i#a may drive it away for a few days. :he fun us is hosted by another parasite but finds your skin quite satisfactory for a home, at least while your skin immunity is low. It may be low from wearin metal Kewelry, havin metal tooth fillin s, aluminum 0from lotions and soaps2, cobalt 0from shavin supplies2, and >irconium 0from deodorant.2. When all these are removed, the skin will dry up quickly in open air or under a heat lamp. In babiesG skin, immunity is low from diaper chemicals 0mercury and thallium2, wipes, and soap and deter ent chemi+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# cals. :i ht fittin , mercury treated diapers are a modern atrocity. !lways line them with a tissue and keep them loose fittin . :he skin that has rash or fun us should be dried with paper towels, unfra ranced and uncolored, in order not to contaminate the cloth towels, and thereby transport the tiny infectious spores to other skin loca+ tions. Dou may use skin healers. 8nly the skin healers iven in (ecipes are safe to use. Beep them refri erated when not in daily use. Commercial lotions, includin health varieties, all contain to;ic in redients. Many adult rashes are due to aller<ies. !ller y to nickel is common, the reaction is easiest to see under rin s or watches. :he Fig, =8 Tight #ia* metal is pulled into the body for elimination. pers are a mo#ern #ince nickel is used by so many bacteria, atrocit+, forcing mercur+ an# thal* especially urinary tract bacteria, it doesnGt et lium into the eliminated, it ets taken up by bacteria. It bab+<s sponge*li&e also piles up in kidneys, adrenals, bladder s&in, and prostate where bacteria thrive on it. #tran ely, it also accumulates in the male scalp 0and in womenGs scalps who have male pattern baldness2. !ller y to strawberries, perfume, deodorant or chlorinated water, however different they are, can all be e;pressed the same way, in a rash. :he liver has refused 0been unable2 to deto;ify the chemicals in these items and allows them to circulate in the body. *ot for lon , thou h, since reat dama e could be done to brain and other tissues. Mercifully, the skin rabs these chemi+ cals into itself. ,ltimately, it must still be removed. :he aller ic reaction and your immune system come to your skinGs rescue, althou h brin in you discomfort.


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# Why didnGt the liver deto;ify the chemicals iven to itL :he answer is based on a simple e;periment. :ry cleanin your liver 0pa e ''62 several times or until %,--- bits of refuse have been washed out of the bile ducts. :his relieves the back pressure on that part of the liver, and allows it to do its work a ain. :he physiolo ical details are not understood. @ortunately, the results are instantaneous. :he day before the liver cleanse you would never eat a strawberry or peanut for fear of a reaction. ! few days after the cleanse, your body =knows? which food it mi ht tolerate and as you try a bit, you notice no reaction, no rash :his simple e;periment su ests that the liver couldnGt deto;ify these foods because of the refuse in its ducts. Each liver cleanse =cures? a different set of aller ies su + estin that the liver is compartmentali>edRdifferent parts havin different duties. It follows that by ettin all the stones out all your aller ies will disappear. E;perience shows this to be true, althou h it can take two years to carry out such a pro ram. Meanwhile, avoidin the offensive food or product is very important. It is quite destructive to bathe the brain in strawberry chemicals or your toes in maple syrup chemicals. #tay off al+ ler y+producin foods and products even if you can tolerate a little or can be =desensiti>ed? to them with shots or homeopathic methods. ,se these methods for relief, not license to continue usin items that ta; your body. Certain >hildhood diseases produce a rash and this can be dia nosed by testin for the suspected disease with a slide or culture of it. :hen use a >apper to kill both the bu and any lar er parasites that may have brou ht it in.

#ometimes your body will break out in hives instead of a rash. ! ain, allstones in the liver and allbladder are responsi+ ble. "o the Civer Cleanse.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

:he more severe cases of acne cover parts of the body as well as face and can pit the face so badly there is hardly any clear skin left. In ten days you can reverse this, so most of the skin is beau+ tifully clear. :here are bacteria involved and skin oils of youth feed these bacteria. !cne has been e;tensively studied by scien+ tists. )erhaps the true culprit was too bi to be seen with a mi+ croscope or too small 0anti en2 to be reco ni>ed or Kust too unima inable. I inevitably find Trichinella, one of the four common roundworms that infect humans. :est yourself to Trichinella with the slide called =larvae in tissue.? #earch for it in your skin. It is enerally believed to re+ side in muscles, especially the diaphra m, but in acne cases it is in the skin. If you only have a frequency enerator, set it at 3-3.' BH> and at nei hborin numbers, e;tendin ' BH> on each side, to be sure to include all e s and other molt sta es. 8r >ap.

#soriasis, E>Hema
)soriasis and ec>ema are both caused by Ascaris. :heir moltin chemicals are quite aller enicO perhaps it is these that are affectin the skin. #ince pets pick these worms up daily, there is chronic reinfection in families with pets. Beep >appin .
8ernadette /cNutt' <1' had acne on her #ac ' chest and $ace! She had #een treated since teen a&e with ultraviolet li&ht' Retin A' and anti#iotics! She alread% had a histor% o$ shin&les and $un&us' two more s in conditions! Her s in was toxic with strontium and her idne%s had cadmium' silver and #er%llium deposits inhi#itin& ex7cretion! She had onl% one parasite' extremel% hi&h levels o$ Tri-chinella! Her children were also in$ected as was the cat! In spite o$ usin& parasite her#s $or months she &ot no improvement until the #a#% was out o$ diapers! "hen she cleared up!


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E#
Ro%ce Hamilton' +;' had acne so dense on his $ace there was no &ood spot the si(e o$ a dime an%where! He had it a#out one %ear! His urinal%sis showed QamorphousA cr%stals 4stones o$ all inds5 and a trace o$ protein! He had Trichinella worms throu&hout his or&ans! He was ver% $ati&ued! He was started on idne% her#s so there would #e &ood excretion a$ter illin& the Trichinella! His th%roid and idne%s were $ull o$ (irconium and titanium $rom all the lotions he used $or his s in! He didn)t need deodorant! Evidentl% even his armpit #acteria had #een a$$ected! It too $our months to clear his Trichinella althou&h there were no %oun& children or pets in the house! His $ace was #e&innin& to heal' #ut three months later he had a recurrence' althou&h his parent was not a carrier! A$ter this' he cleared it up a&ain and his $ace loo ed as #eauti$ul as a child)s!

Evan >ni&ht' <3' had psoriasis at el#ows and nees $rom a&e : #ut now it was spreadin& to his $in&ers and scalp! He occasionall% had #ronchitis and pu$$% e%elids' indicative o$ %scaris #ut at the time o$ his visit he had Trichinella $lu e sta&es and #chinostomum in his s in! He was started on the parasite pro&ram and in three wee s it was clearin& instead o$ advancin&! He switched to mil $or his #evera&e to raise his immunit% and removed the arsenic' $ormaldeh%de and thulium 4$rom his vitamin C5 #% doin& the necessar% cleanups! Gerr% Chastain' 1+' had a red nose' erupted alon& the sides! He had "/ #een on sul$a dru&s and Em%cin! He had )eishmania tropica! He illed it in the o$$ice with a $reJuenc% &enerator and &ot imme7 diate improvement #ut $our wee s later it was #ac ! He had $our solvents #uilt up in his #od%@ #en(ene' "CE' "C Eth%lene and hexanedione! "his situation would ma e recover% impossi#le since he was no dou#t rein$ectin& himsel$! He also had titanium' platinum and silver accumulated in his tissues and needed to replace his dentalware #e$ore expectin& a permanent cure!
Flo%d =ldham' 02s' was &ettin& pimples on his nose! His whole $ace was red and $lushed loo in&! His #owels were loose and he had some urinar% ur&enc%! He har#ored two inds o$ )eishmania 4bra--iliensis and tropica5! He illed the )eishmanias with a $reJuenc% &enerator and started himsel$ on the idne% her# pro&ram! Five wee s later the pimples were &one #ut &eneral redness had


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

reappeared! "he )eishmanias were still &one #ut this time he was toxic with co#alt!

Cobalt is known to promote skin cancers and also heart dis+ ease. :his was discovered decades a o when an outbreak of heart disease occurred in En land. It was traced to a pub 0where they all partook2 where cobalt was added to the beer to make the foam rise hi herN In fact, the foam will Kust stay in place like a hairdo, if you add cobalt. It was made an ille al additive. Fradually, it has crept back into consumerGs products9 first toilet cake 0blue2, then window washer 0blue2, then dishwasher deter+ ent, and now even mouthwash. If you see a blue colored prod+ uct, stay a;ay from it. It accumulates in the heart and skin. )eople with skin cancers often have cobalt build up.
Flo%d stopped usin& all these products and cleared up a&ain! Grethe Driscoll' middle a&ed' wore tons o$ ma e up' so s ill$ull% applied that scars $rom a $ace li$t could never #e detected! When she had minor #rea outs' which usuall% occurred while awa% on a trip' it seemed li e a catastrophe! She tried ever%thin& availa#le #ut could not &et to her parasite her#s until she was #ac home several wee s later! A$ter one wee on them 40 da% hi&h dose plus maintenance5 her complexion was per$ect a&ain!
Cro$ton "hornton' +0' had an em#arrassin& case o$ acne! He had %scaris' hoo worm and Strongyloides 4he also had mi&raines5 all re7 actin& in the s in! He stopped drin in& commercial #evera&es that &ave him solvents! He illed parasites electronicall% and with her#s and &ot a considera#le improvement! 8ut he still had Strongyloides one month later! Nevertheless' he had seen the connection and he new it was Bust a matter o$ persistence to a clear complexion!

Note' he should have had TrichinellaRdid I miss testin& $or itV


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E#

Could we et warts from playin with toads in childhoodL We donGt play with toads anymore. Det we et warts. We donGt know how we et them. .ut after learnin how to et rid of them, you will probably know how you ot them. *ot all warts are the same. In fact, they mi ht all be different9 each one is made up of ' or 1 different viruses, not Kust one as we had believed. )eel a tiny fra ment off one of your warts. )repare it for testin by placin it in a small bottle. !dd a few tsp. filtered water and a V tsp. rain alcohol, Cabel it with the location you ot it from9 like =left middle fin er knuckle. =@irst, search your body for other locations of this wart 0or ans that test positive to your sample2. Dou can easily find them in your skin, of course. .ut also search electronically in your liver, spleen, muscles, stomach, heart, pancreas. +oti>e ho; often they are Cresent in the Can>reas. :he pancreas seems to be a wart+virus heaven. !re they in the islets or the rest of the pancreasL Without a >apper, you will need to find the frequency of each virus to completely destroy it. !ttach your frequency enerator and search between 3-- and 6&- BH>. When you find its resonant frequency, kill it by treatin yourself for three minutes at %- volts from a frequency enerator. Will your warts fall offL In a few days one or two of your warts will be in to shred. !fter a week you may lose one or two completely, and find that several more have become smaller. :he remainder are un+ chan ed. Continue to identify and kill them. *otice that they are not necessarily one from the pancreas or other or ans at the same time as they are one from the skin. )erhaps warts are not the beni n entities we have believed them to be. :hey may, in fact, ride into the body on some common bacteria, like $almo* nella, or common parasite like pinworms or tapeworm sta es.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# Aappin doesnGt reach all the viruses in a wart either. It takes repeated >appin s to start the shreddin and radual killin of warts.
Gu% ?aird' a&e ++' had warts on his lips #esides $in&ers! His Bo# was $eedin& the three outdoor do&s! He was $ull o$ %scaris! He had

Taenia pisi$ormis and Taenia solium #ladder c%sts in his liver! "hese were sheddin& viruses into Gu%! He was started on Rascal $or six wee s 4this was #e$ore the (apper was invented5! /a%#e his #en(ene #uildup was responsi#le $or lettin& so man% parasites 4and their viruses5 survive and multipl% in his #od%! He stopped usin& toothpaste' illed %scaris 4126 >H(5 and some $lu es 41<1 to 1.+ >H(5 and improved his diet! All except one wart came o$$ 4without #leedin&5! He was &iven di$$erent chores' too' to reduce his contact with animals and their parasites! Geor&ianna /ills' a middle a&e music teacher' #ro e out with warts all over her hands' at least <2 in total! A $ew months later she was dia&nosed with #one cancerN she alwa%s wondered i$ there was a connection! She cleared up her cancer and illed her viruses and #acteria with a $reJuenc% &enerator! Nearl% all her warts disap7peared! 8ut her indoor pet #rou&ht new parasites dail%' especiall% Monie-ia tapeworm sta&es! With each Monie-ia in$ection 4a#out once a month5 she &ot new warts! She was never a#le to clear them completel%!

I concluded that each wart is actually composed of 7 to 1 vi+ ruses and these viruses are distributed throu hout our bodiesN How satisfyin to be able to rid our bodies of them, once and for all even in internal or ans. :here is a catch. #mall remnants of some warts do not disappear in spite of killin most of them. More accurately, they disappear and then reappear in our internal or ans. Could this su est to us their true ori inL Could it be a tapeworm sta eL


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E#

Tapeworm Stages
8ur bodies harbor numerous sta es of tapeworms. .ut not the tapeworm itself, which may belon to a do , cow, or pi eon. :apeworms lead complicated lives, much like insects with their caterpillars, larvae, larval molts, pupae and eventual adults. :apeworms shed e s with the bowel movement of the animal host. :he e s blow in the dust and reside in the earth. ! ve e+ tarian animal nibblin ve etation near this filth, or lickin dirt and dust off its coat, swallows the e s. Humans, too, eat plenty of filth by lickin their fin ers. !s children we all eat dirt simply by eatin with unwashed hands. :he Eewish society discovered the reat importance of washin hands before eatin , thousands of years a o. .ut many of us choose to i nore truths that seem old fashioned. In our own relatively short life times we cannot see the whole picture as well as the prophets and seers of ancient cultures could. We eat plenty of dirt and alon with it, the e s of tape+worms. "o and cat tapeworms are most prevalent, but sheep, cow, pi , and sea+ ull tapeworms are also common. :here is hardly a predator species in e;istence that doesnGt have its own char+ acteristic tapeworm. Whatever animal species you live near, or once lived near, you probably swallowed some of its filth and some tape e s. :he e<<s hatch in your stomach and the tiny lar=ae burrow into a nei hborin or an without any consideration that this is your stomach Fig, /9 $ome c+s* wall or spleen or muscle. :he larvaGs plan ticercus varieties is not to row into a lon wormR that can (t+pes) have multiple wait. :he larva must simply hea#s,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# survive until you can be conveniently eatenN ! wolf or a ti er will surely come alon N In by one days it did. :he larva is about V inch lon , surrounded by a =sac of wa+ ters,? like a tiny water balloon. Cookin very closely at this sac, called a >ysti>er>us, we see a head 0scole;2, complete with hooks and suckers, turned inside out, inside a bladder. !s the ti erGs teeth bite down on the cysticercus, the pressure pops it out. :he head is now ri ht side out with hooks and suckers ready for action. *ow it rows in the ti erN It quickly hooks into a loop of intes+ tinal wall so it canGt be swept away and be ins its rowth into a re ular lon adult tapeworm. :he ti er is the true or Fig, /- .merge# Crimary host. We were merely the sec+ c+sticercus, ondary or intermediate host. Why does the adult tapeworm prefer the ti er instead of usL 8nly Mother *ature knows. .ut the best way to et to a carnivore is throu h its prey. Dou can find these larval cysts in your or ans usin slides of the c+sticercus sta e of various common tapeworms. #earch in your muscles, liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestine and even brain. )ou ;ill not find e=en little Aits of them in your ;hite Alood >ells. My e;planation for this curious findin is that the tapeworm leaves no debris to be cleaned up by your white blood cells. Evidently your body builds a cyst wall around the larva to ti htly encase it and prevent to;ins and debris from enterin your body. :hus your white blood cells are not alerted in any way. 8f course, the larva is much too bi to be devoured by tiny white blood cells anyway. Det, it seems that if a pack of white blood cells had attacked the larva Kust as soon as it hatched from the e they would have been able to devour it. )erhaps it enlar es too rapidly. )erhaps our white blood cells are preoccupied. In any case, we be in to load up on tapeworm %&5

*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# sta es from infancy and by the time we are middle a ed we have do>ens tucked away in our or ans. #ome do die in the course of time. )erhaps their true secon+ dary host is a rabbit or a mouse instead of a human. :he short life span of these other hosts mi ht mean that the life span of the c+sticercus is also quite short, not 3- yearsN When they die, the white blood cells do clean them up and we can see them in our white blood cells at this time. It can take several weeks for the c+sticercus to be completely one by this natural method. "urin this time, we become illN *umerous bacteria and viruses sprin up, as if from nowhere, in our or ans. "onGt be surprised if you are testin yourself durin illness to find a tapeworm or two in your white blood cellsN It is well worth searchin for at such a time. Help your body dispatch the tapeworm sta es all to ether with your >apper. ! frequency enerator is bound to miss some. #ome cysticercus varieties consist of many heads, and each head has even more heads inside itN :hese mi ht have different resonant frequencies. 8nly killin them to ether has the desired effect. (emember bacteria and viruses are released by killin tapeworms, so always follow with a second >appin in 6- minutes, and a third >appin 6minutes after that. 8nly then can your tapeworm+related illness disappear. If you do nothin , your body will be kept busy killin bacte+ ria and viruses as the tape cysticercus wears down and eventu+ ally dies. Dou may not wish to identify all of them 0but at least search for A#enovirus, the common cold2 and Kust note where you are bein attacked9 your nose, throat, ears, lun s, bronchi. Internal or ans are attacked too. It seldom takes more than three weeks, thou h, for your body to clean up a tape sta e even without any help from a >apper. :he attendant illness will be one by then, too. Watchin these events in your body ives you insi ht into the very powerful forces at work, called immunity or body de+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# fense. :he body =knows? a reat deal more than we have sur+ mised. :here is yet so much to discover. What initiated the death or dyin process of the tapeworm sta e in the first placeL Has your body been tryin all alon and finally succeededL Has the c+sticercus reached the end of its life span naturallyL Have its 0the tapewormGs2 own viruses and bac+ teria otten the upper hand and killed itL "id it accidentally ab+ sorb somethin that killed itL .y takin a herbal combination, (ascal, you can soon find a tapeworm sta e in your white blood cells where you could not find it earlier. It is now dead or dyin . :his proves the effec+ tiveness of (ascal, even thou h it is slow. #ince we all eat dirt and inhale dust that is laden with do feces or other animal e;crement, we all harbor tapeworm sta es, althou h none may be present in our white blood cells. $re they harmin< usB )erhaps they are livin out their lives as quietly as they can in our or ans, the way mice or ants try to live in our dwellin s. Det, when tapeworm sta es are bein killed, either spontaneously by your body or with a >appin device, we see an assortment of bacteria and viruses spread throu h the body, includin the common cold. Fettin rid of the tapeworm sta es in your or ans seems a very worthwhile oal. #ince each of us has been associated with do>ens of animal species in our past, we probably have do>ens of varieties of tapeworm sta es in us. I cannot identify more than a handful due to lack of prepared slides. Dou can find them without identifyin first, thou h, by listenin to their emission frequencies. :heir emissions are often e;tremely weak, possibly due to bein encased in a cyst. #earch between '%- BH> and 3%- BH>. Dou may wish to =track? them for a while before killin them. Dou may wish to search for identical frequencies in your petGs saliva. 8r you may wish to dispatch them as rapidly as possible. ,se the >apper, not a frequency enerator. (emember to =mop up? after your tapeworm killin by >appin


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# a ain to kill bacteria and viruses that have been released from the tapeworm. Dou may be disappointed not to feel any different after rid+ din yourself of numerous tapeworms and their patho ens. Evi+ dently, the tapeworm sta e itself doesnGt make you sickO it is simply there like a wart is there, without makin you sick. Its viruses can make you sick. "ependin on which virus it is, it can make you very sick or not sick at all. "ifferent viruses invade different or ans. !nd some of these turn into wartsN

The Flu
!nfluen'a is a virus that can cause =the flu.? "oes it belon to us as humans or to a lar er parasite we are hostin L It is easily transmitted from person to person and in less than a year can spread across the planet. #ome flu e;amples are Influen>a !, ., C and #wine flu. However, much that is called =flu? is actually caused by a bacterium, either $almonella or $higella. If someone in your family is =catchin ? a flu, test their saliva for the presence of dairy products, implicatin the $almonellas and $higellas. !lso test for influen>a !, ., and C. ChildrenGs =flus?, especially when there is a fever, are usually due to $almonellas. Even after >appin it can take an hour for the symptoms and fever to o away. Fo strai ht to the refri erator and throw away all dairy products. :hrow away all milk, cheesecakes, buttermilk, cream, butter, yo urt and cotta e cheese, deli food and leftovers. Dou may wish to identify the food source of your familyGs bacteria first, and save the uncontaminated food. ,se the sick person as a subKect, searchin for foods that appear in her white blood cells 0or search their saliva sample for the food offender2. If the flu is = oin around? your nei hborhood, you mi ht wish to tell


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# some of your nei hbors which foods you found were contami+ nated. :hey may have purchased the same foodN 8bviously, when a contaminated shipment of dairy products arrives in your rocery stores, quite a few people will be consumin it, settin the sta e for a =bad flu? that = oes around?. Why can some people eat contaminated food without ettin sickL Maybe their $almonellas donGt multiply rapidly. Maybe their stomach acid is stron enou h to kill most of them. Maybe their bowel movements are frequent enou h to e;pel them quickly. Maybe they havenGt been on frequent treatments with anti+strep antibiotics. :he answer is not known yet. !fter a seri+ous bout with $almonellas or $higellas the body does not com+pletely clear itself of them. :hey stay in hidin somewhere. When a new batch of bacteria arrives, even thou h very sparse, as in % tbs. of milk, the two subtypes can hybridi>e and produce a much more vi orous offsprin . :his is called virulence. Dou are made much sicker by more virulent subtypes of bacteria. Dou may have diarrhea, vomitin , illness. Especially if you believe you have =lactose intolerance,? pay attention to $almonella and $higella. If your flu is due to an influen>a virus, kill it with your >ap+ per. #ome family members may prefer to take a homeopathic flu =remedy? such as 8scillococcinum:M or @lusolution.:M 8thers may take herbs. :hese probably act by pryin the viruses out of your cellsG ateways and channels so the white blood cells can easily devour them. .ut flu due to $almonella is not easily >apped away. (e+ member, the >apper current does not penetrate the bowel con+ tents, which is e;actly where $almonella livesN .esides >appin to clear them from your tissues, you must eliminate them from the bowel by usin the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312. Lu<olNs iodine solution 0see (ecipes2 can quite quickly et rid of #almonella throu hout the body. ,se 1 drops 0small drops from an eyedropper2 in U lass of water four times a day. If no


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# more $almonella is consumed, it will be vanquished in a day or two. If your flu brin s you a fever, use Cu olJs.

@evers are there to help your body fi ht the invaders...up to a point. "onGt use a fever medication unless the body temperature oes over %-6[@, and then only enou h to brin the fever down a bit. Most fevers, especially Jfe=ers of unkno;n ori<inK are due to $almonellas and $higellas. Dour body may be youn and stron enou h to kill them but not stron enou h to kill an ev+ erlastin supply of them comin from dairy foods you eat on a daily basis. #top eatin salads at restaurants immediately. #top eatin food made by othersG hands unless it is sterili>ed. #top eatin dairy foods until you have cooked them. #top eatin those that canGt be cooked.
Sam Ellis' a&e ;' had two episodes o$ severe a#dominal pain with $ever lastin& two wee s! He &ot h%peractive with mil products' had a $reJuent cou&h and stu$$% nose! 4Here the picture is Juite clear! "he mil products were #rin&in& him Salmonellas' Shigellas and other #acteria which &rew in his intestine to produce pain! 8ut wh% onl% Sam and not his #rothersV5 Sam had a #uildup o$ #en(ene $rom usin& #athroom soap containin& a special her#al oil! Sam also had hoo worms' intestinal $lu e' and ra##it $lu e' pro#a#l% due to his lowered immunit% $rom the #en(ene! "hen his mother #oiled Sam)s mil ' removed the polluted soap 4she planned to use it hersel$-5 and illed his parasites with the parasite her#s! His $ever went awa% and sta%ed awa%! He said he enBo%ed all this #ecause now he Qcould pla% a$ter schoolA without a stomach ache and he wasn)t #ein& sent to the nurse)s o$$ice #ecause o$ a $ever! Notice the #acteria causin& the temperature went awa% #% themselves' pro#a#l% due to the return o$ his normall% stron& immune s%stem!


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Ialene /cCormic ' 13' had #een passin& lots o$ idne% stones 4hundreds5 $or %ears and had a temperature most o$ the time $or which she was on anti#iotics! It too her six months on our idne% her# recipe to dissolve and pass so man% the% no lon&er showed up on O7ra%' and to stop ma in& them! "hen her $ever le$t' not to return!
>risten Iane Iohnson' a %oun& mother' had recurrent $evers and $a7ti&ue #ut' #esides E8,' her doctors $ound no cause! We $ound HI, virus and a lot o$ #acteria and parasites! "he $ever7causin& #acterium was Salmonella! "o stop her Salmonella attac s she had to raise her immunit% #esides #oilin& all dair% products! /old% $oods 4pasta5 and lunch meats 4#en(op%renes5 were the source o$ liver toxicit%! Each new Salmonella attac immediatel% invaded the liver so a vicious c%cle was set up! When she sta%ed meticulousl% on the parasite pro&ram' meticulousl% o$$ unsterili(ed dair% prod7ucts' and meticulousl% o$$ #en(ene7polluted items' she cured her7sel$ o$ $evers and ni&ht sweats and the HI, in$ection! *erhaps in two %ears the liver will have recovered enou&h to ill Salmonella that enter it' #ut she is not ta in& an% chances till then!

!lthou h Bristen was eatin food polluted with both $al* monellas and $higellas she only =picked up? $almonella, never $higellaN Why is thatL In contrast, people with multiple sclerosis =pick up? $higellas, not $almonellas.

>ultiple Sclerosis F Amyotropic =ateral Sclerosis

Eultiple sclerosis 0M#2 is a disease of the brain and spinal cord. It is called lateral sclerosis if the disease is mainly in the spinal cord. It is caused by fluke parasites reachin the brain or spinal cord and attemptin to multiply there. !ny of the four common flukes may be responsible. Bill them immediately with your >apper or a frequency enerator 0373 BH> to 36% BH>2. :hey


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# cannot return unless you reinfect yourself. #top eatin meats, e;cept fish and seafood. !ll meats are a source of fluke parasite sta es unless canned or very well cooked. )ets and family members are undoubtedly carriers of the same flukes, althou h they do not show the same symptoms. Five away your house pets. "onGt kiss your loved ones on the mouth. Make sure your se; partner has also been freed of fluke parasites. :he most important question you must be able to answer is why did these parasites enter your brain and spinal cordL When the brain contains solvents, it allows flukes to multiply there. :he solvents, ?ylene and toluene are common brain solvents always seen in M# cases. Evidently these solvents accumulate first in the motor and sensory re ions of the brain, invitin the parasites to these locations. Qylene and toluene are industrial solvents used in paint and thinners. It is also a pollutant of certain carbonated bevera es 0I found it in 4+,p,:M in er ale and others that I tested2. #top drinkin them. !ll M# cases I have seen also harbor $higella bacteria in the brain and spinal cord. :hese come from dairy products. :hey are manure bacteria. .e absolutely meticulous about sterili>in dairy products. Even one tsp. unsterili>ed milk added to scrambled e s could reinfect you. *ot even heavy whippin cream or butter is safe without boilin . Bill bacteria every day with a >apper. $higellas produce chemicals that are to;ic to the brain and spinal cord. Eliminatin $higellas brin s immediate im+provement. !ll lar e parasites like flukes have their own entoura e of bacteria and viruses. )erhaps it is these that initiate the brainGs reaction, which is inflammation and scar tissue formation in the outer coverin of brain cells and nerve fibers. )erhaps it is the fluke sta es themselves. Dour brain is tryin desperately to heal these lesions, only to be assailed by a fresh batch of solvent and $higellas and another eneration of parasites and patho ens.


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:he other pollutant associated with M# is mer>ury from dental metal. :he mercury that is constantly released in the mouth does not all et e;creted by the kidneys or eliminated by the bowels. #ome of it travels up to the brain and ets into the spinal cord as well. Dou will be able to eliminate and e;crete more mercury by doin a kidney and liver cleanse. :he mercury may itself be polluted with thallium which is even more to;ic. @or this reason mercury removal should be done e;tra thorou hly to be sure no thallium has been left behind. If you are concerned about M#+like symptoms, purchase slides of the brain re ions, cerebrum, and cerebellum. 8r pur+chase pork brains at the rocery store and snip out a portion of the sensory lobe and cerebellum. )repare these as test substances 0sterili>e your hands afterward2. :est your daily foods and body products for their presence in these brain areas. !lso test for parasites, bacteria 0especially Bocar#ia and $higella2 and other pollutants such as arsenic and pesticides. If the disease 0tremor and lack of sensation2 has not pro ressed too far, you can cure it. In all cases you can stop it from pro ressin further by cleanin up dentalware, the environment and diet.
8randi Raine%' a&e <1' o$ Amish reli&ious culture' was dia&nosed with /S $our months earlier a$ter an /RI con$irmed it althou&h she had s%mptoms $or man% %ears! She was told she had inherited a &ene $or it and that Amish $ol are particularl% suscepti#le to /S $or reasons o$ in#reedin&! She had a constant pain runnin& down the side o$ her nec ' and headache! Her le&s were &ettin& too heav% to &et up stairs! =ur tests showed her #rain was $ull o$ scandium 4tooth metal allo%5 and $luoride 4toothpaste5! Her vision was &ettin& worseN her e%es were $ull o$ wood alcohol! She lost no time in &ettin& dentures@ there were no teeth that could #e saved! She had several #acteria &rowin& in her Baw #one@ Strep G 4sore throat #acteria5' Staphylococcus aureus 4this was raisin& her pulse to over +225' Clostridium tetani 4causes &reat sti$$ness5' and Shigella 4produces nerve toxins5! She illed these with a $reJuenc% &en7erator! Five wee s later the pain and sti$$ness in her nec were &one' her pulse was down to +22' her periods were $ree o$ pain


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and her hands seemed to sha e less! She was put on the parasite pro&ram plus thioctic acid 4. a da%5 and histidine 4022 m&' one a da% to eep nic el levels down5and advised to coo and eat with non metal! Four wee s later her pulse was down to 62' her le&s were much #etter! She (apped $our remainin& #acteria! "wo months later the num#ness and tremor had le$tN her le&s still $elt tired and her hands sometimes shoo #ut she was Juite reassured that /S would not claim her li$e! Nor had a &ene #etra%ed her! A hal$ %ear later she was wal in& and wor in& normall%' doin& liver cleanses and eepin& up her vi&ilance a&ainst parasites and pollutants!
>endra Welch' 03' was dia&nosed with /S a %ear a&o' #% /RI! She went to a chelatin& doctor and this cleared up her temporar% ischemic attac s 4"!I!A)s5 which were occurrin& dail%! 8ut she had lost her #alance' e%esi&ht was &ettin& worse' her $eet and hands stun&! Her sister also had /S #ut no#od% else in the $amil% did which #a$$led her doctor! Her #rain tissue was $ull o$ #arium' europium' &adolinium' and platinum! "hese are dental allo%s' al7 thou&h #arium could come $rom #us exhaust 4she wore no lip7stic 5! She was advised to have all metal removed $rom her mouth immediatel%! "wo da%s a$terward she came into the o$$ice without an% neurolo&ical s%mptoms! She stated she was a$raid to stop her new health pro&ram' thou&h' and this was &ood polic%! ?%nne Ceretto' a&e +0' was dia&nosed with an Q/S7li e s%ndromeA #% /RI! She had intestinal $lu es and sta&es' human liver $lu es and Trichinella in the #rain! She had no tooth $illin&s! 8ut there was #en(ene in her th%mus eepin& her immunit% low! She also had propane and as#estos in her #rain $rom lea % pipes and a worn washin& machine #elt! She' too' was told she had a Q#adA &ene! She was #arel% a#le to wal with help! It too several months to trac down the source o$ #en(eneRthe drin in& water! Sometimes it was pollutedN sometimes it was not- When the pump was oiled' some o$ it dripped onto the cement plat$orm! Rain washed it to the center and down the pipe in the well! "he% ea&erl% removed the plat$orm' $ound the oil on the water sur$ace' cleaned ever%thin& up care$ull%' until no #en(ene could #e $ound which put her on the road to recover%! A %ear later she had recovered $urther! Norma ?uellen' a %oun& mother' had tin&lin&' num#ness and wea ness on the entire le$t side o$ her #od%! She was in process o$


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clinical tests $or /S! Her #od% was $ull o$ pentane' possi#l% $rom her wor place since +. other persons wor in& there also had /S 4such a situation should ma e our &overnment ea&er to Bump at investi&ations5- She had intestinal $lu es and their sta&es' not in the intestine or liver or th%mus' #ut in her #rain- We $ound her home air toxic with #ismuth too' pro#a#l% $rom cosmetics! In spite o$ sta%in& on the parasite pro&ram she &ot rein$ected with sheep liver $lu e' pro#a#l% $rom eatin& ham#ur&ers! She was not a#le to stop her car#onated #evera&e ha#it and $reJuentl% showed x%lene' acetone' meth%lene chloride in addition to pentane in her white #lood cells!
Shannon S%nder' a&e 11' had #een &ettin& more num# over her whole #od% $or several %ears and was presentl% considered #% her doctor to have /S! Her muscles twitched all ni&ht' ma in& sleep impossi#le' and her hands shoo ! She had intestinal $lu es in the #rain 4cere#rum and cere#ellum5 #ut none in the intestine- "he #rain also had wood alcohol $rom drin in& Diet Co e! "/ She also had #ismuth 4cosmetics5' palladium' copper' samarium' and tellurium 4tooth allo%s5 in her #rain! She #e&an to improve enou&h to #e o$$ *rednisone #% her +2th da% o$ the parasite pro&ram! Erica 8la e' a&e 1+' was dia&nosed with /S two %ears earlier althou&h her s%mptoms went #ac +< %ears! She was on *rednisone "/ #ut her #alance was &ettin& so #ad she had to #e in a wheelchair! Chelation treatments ept her $rom deterioratin& $urther! Her #rain was $ull o$ &asolineN she used to wor at a &as station and now was &ettin& it $rom the attached &ara&e! Her hands and $eet were completel% num#! She had 0 root canals extracted and a $ew da%s later was a#le to stand! She could now wal with a cane! She had human liver $lu es' sheep liver $lu e and Trichinellas and do& tapeworm sta&es in her cere#ellum 4motor control center5! A$ter illin& parasites and startin& to ta e thioctic acid 41 a da%5 and cleanin& up her environment she improved enou&h to drive a car a&ain' wal without a cane in her home! She re&ained enou&h $eelin& in her hands and le&s to do her housewor ' too!

>urt Nielsen' a&e 1<' was told he had peripheral neuropath%! His $eet were so num# he had to loo at the clutch to drive! Also #oth hands were num#! He was $ull o$ erosene and #en(ene possi#l% $rom $uel oil that he pumped $or a livin&! "here were $lu e sta&es


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in his #rain and a do(en #acteria and viruses! He also had mer7 cur% and thallium in his immune s%stem which came $rom tooth $illin&s! However' he had all his metal $illin&s replaced two %ears earlier- He thou&ht there was no mercur% le$t in his mouth- Actu7 all%' he had little #its 4called tattoos5 le$t somewhere! And the% were &ivin& him the classical s%mptoms@ num#ness o$ hands and $eet and &radual destruction o$ his nervous s%stem! His peripheral neuropath% was due to thallium poisonin&! "he dentist couldn)t $ind tattoos' and he was le$t in his predicament! 4"his was #e$ore I $ound mercur% and thallium sources in man% personal products!5 Duncan Wood' a middle a&e $ather o$ 0 %oun& children' could still slowl% shu$$le alon& when he arrived! He could not raise his arms to eat! He had uncontrolled inappropriate lau&hter ever% minute! He was dia&nosed with /S two %ears earlier and told he had a Q#adA &ene! "he $act that one child was #e&innin& to show similar s%mptoms stren&thened their #elie$ in the &ene theor%! "en da%s later his inappropriate lau&hter stoppedN he could &et his ri&ht hand to his $ace' he wal ed twice as $ast and had ver% little tremor remainin&! Stron& chelatin& treatments o#tained at a /exican clinic had drawn much o$ the mercur% and thallium out o$ his #rain! He illed the $lu es and Shigella #acteria electronicall% and stopped consumin& un#oiled mil ! "he #rain solvents' x%lene and toluene were removed Juic l%' too' as well as as#estos! His $ast improvement showed them how important it was to remove the source o$ these pollutants in his home! "wo da%s later he re&ressed considera#l% which made him $eel Juite depressed' since his chelatin& treatments had not stopped! Was there still an un nown $actorV It was a return o$ Shigella #acteria- He had inadvertentl% eaten a non7sterile dair% $ood@ mil added to soup when it was alread% done coo in&- "his was a valua#le lesson! Nothin& else had returned! He was awa% $rom the as#estos and x%lene $rom the wor shop at home! He (apped the #acteria a&ain and applied &reater vi&ilance to eatin& onl% sterili(ed dair% $oods! He recouped his losses in one da%!
"hen the% scheduled their dental wor ' which had alread% #een done once two %ears a&o- He had le$tover mercur% and thallium! Now' selectin& a dentist with experience in $indin& tattoos and cleanin& cavitations made much more sense to him than it had #e$ore! He also planned to do a idne% and liver cleanse a$ter re7


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turnin& home! And to sta% out o$ the wor shop until the as#estos7containin& #elt had #een replaced and the $urniture paintin& had #een moved to a di$$erent #uildin&!

Shi<ella also >auses irritaAility and deCression, a freDuent CroAlem for MS >ases.

!igh $lood "ressure

Hi h blood pressure is one of the easiest problems to correct without resortin to dru s. :he most important chan e to make is to stop usin caffeine as in coffee, tea, or carbonated bevera es. "onGt use decaffein+ ated coffee or tea either because of the solvent pollution in them. #witch to hot milk or hot water if a hot bevera e is desired, or any of the bevera es iven in the recipe section. If bein without caffeine leaves you fati ued, take an ar inine tablet in the mornin 0'-- m 2. .lood pressure is mainly controlled by the adrenal lands which sit like little caps on top of the kidneys. Whatever is af+ fectin the kidneys is probably affectin the adrenals, too, since theyGre so close to each other. Dou must find out what it is. Dou could do your search in the kidneys since kidney tissue is available in rocery stores. !drenal tissue is available on mi+ croscope slides. What will you findL )robably >admium. #earch for the cadmium source in your drinkin waterN Cadmium comes from the metal pipes. In fact, you could scrape a alvani>ed pipe to et a cadmium test substance. Conductin or storin drinkin water in containers of metal is as foolish a practice as eatin food off the floor. Water picks up everythin it touches simply because it is wetN Dou may not see what it picked up any more than you can see if it has picked up su ar or salt. :he cadmium and other metal is dissolved in the water. :he older the pipes the softer, more corroded they are, and the


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# more metal is picked up as the water rushes by. If you find cadmium in your hot or cold water, you will never be able to filter it out. *or should you switch to bottled water. :he amount of cadmium in your clothin from doin laundry with this water is already too much for your adrenals and kidneys. Chan e your alvani>ed pipes to )/C plastic. If you believe you already have plastic pipes or all copper 0which leads to leu+ kemia, schi>ophrenia and fertility problems2 you will need to search every inch of plumbin for a very short piece of alva+ ni>ed pipe left in the systemN ! piece as short as a 6 inch : or D can be causin all the trouble. :he to;icity of cadmium, in fact, the hi h blood pressure connection, has been known a lon time. !fter findin the cad+ mium start on the kidney cleanse. Dou mi ht miss the cadmium problem if you donGt attend to it first. !lso remove all metal from your mouth. !ll 0%--<2 cases of hi h blood pressure I have seen could be easily cured by eliminatin cadmium and other pollutants, followed by cleansin the kidneys. :o test whether you still need your blood pressure medicine, wait until your pressure is down to %3-H&- or better. :hen cut the dose in half. Check it a ain ne;t day. If it has climbed back up you are not readyO o back to Zor a full dose of medicine. :ry a ain a few days later. If your blood pressure stays down, cut your medicine in half a ain 0you are now down to V the re ular dose2 and see if your blood pressure stays improved. When you are down to %7-H5- o off completely. .ut stay on the kidney herb recipe. !t %6-H5- try yourself on a few shakes of sea salt. :he amount of salt eaten, once the pressure is down, has little influence. In fact increasin salt intake improves ener y without raisin blood pressure. :ake no more than one teaspoon a day 06,--- m sodium2, total, includin cookin . .etter yet, make a salt that is a mi;ture of sodium and potassium chlorides 0see $ources2. Mi; it for yourself in a % to %


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# ratio or whatever your taste can accept. :he sodium portion could be sterili>ed sea salt 0test and make sure it has no alumi+ num silicate in it first2. Mold to;ins have specific kidney effectsN Especially T35 to?in, found mostly in dried peas, beans and lentils. (inse these thorou hly first, throw away shriveled ones, and add vitamin C to the cookin water. !ll cases of serious kidney disease show a build up of :+6 to;in. .e e;tra careful to avoid moldy food 0read Moldy @ood, pa e 75%2.
8ala Cu(min' a&e ;.' had hi&h #lood pressure $or ten %ears #ut the upper 4s%stolic5 pressure remained hi&h in spite o$ various medi7 cines that were tried! She had three inds o$ idne% stones and onl% one $unctional idne%! She stopped usin& ca$$eine' switchin& to ar&inine ta#lets to &et over the let7down! Her diet was chan&ed to reduce phosphate and add calcium' and she too ma&nesium and ,itamin 83 to assist the idne%s! She was ver% anemic and her mean cell volume 4/C,5 was hi&h due to %scaris in$estation! She illed parasites' cleansed idne%s #ut saw no drop in #lood pressure which sta%ed at +02 to +;2 s%stolic! Her adrenal &lands were cho ed with copper and platinum! She had all the metal in her mouth replaced and promptl% saw a #lood pressure drop to +107+ 02! "hree months later it was at +.6 to +<< on hal$ her medicine! She had not #een tested $or "7. toxin %et' nor chan&ed her copper water pipes! Sa#rina *atton' 33' had a lon& list o$ health pro#lems' includin& hi&h "/ #lood pressure $or six %ears! She was on Cor&ard and dia(ide dru&s which ept it down to +127+32C;1762! She had phosphate cr%stals in her idne%s and was started on idne% her#s and a diet chan&e to include mil and exclude soda pop! She had hi&h levels o$ mercur% and copper in her immune s%stem! She was $eelin& so much #etter a$ter the idne% cleanse that she decided to remove her last $illin&s and replace her #rid&e' too' since it was sheddin& ruthenium! =n her wa% home $rom the dentist' her ears stopped rin&in& and soon her #lood pressure was down to +.3C36! She was still on hal$ a dose o$ dru&s #ecause she was too a$raid to &o o$$ entirel%! 8ut when her pressure sta%ed down she $ound the coura&e to &o o$$ completel%! "his &ave her the ener&% she wanted to pla% #as et#all with the &randchildren a&ain!


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Rol$ Ehrhart' 3+' had 62L #loc a&e o$ heart arteries and hi&h #lood pressure $or which he was on a H%dropres"/ patch' "enormin"/' and ?o&ol"/ 4diuretic5! He had phosphate and uric acid cr%stals in his idne%s! He was started on idne% her#s $ollowed #% the para7site her#s! His %scaris and $lu es were (apped! He stopped usin& store7#ou&ht #evera&es! "hen he could cut #ac on his medicines' measurin& his #lood pressure dail% to &uide him! A$ter seven wee s it was down to +12C60' so he decided to do without medicine' a #it earl%! He was also &ettin& chelation therap% and was now a#le to wal .71 miles a da%! His next chore' which he approached &ladl%' was removal o$ all metal $rom his mouth! ?en Gerald' 10' was on ,asotec $or hi&h #lood pressure! He was constantl% sleep%N his #lood test showed a low th%roid level in "/ spite o$ #ein& on Euth%roid! He was started on idne% her#s $ollowed #% parasite her#s! In two wee s' #arel% into his pro&ram' his #lood pressure dropped! He had to &o o$$ his #lood pressure medicine! It sta%ed at +.3C62! He still had some %scaris and other health pro#lems #ut was hi&hl% motivated to clean them up' too!

In laucoma the pressure in the eyeball ets too hi h, puttin pressure on fra ile retina cells that do your seein . :he first question to ask is9 =Is my blood pressure too hi hL,? because there is a link between hi h blood pressure and elevated eyeball pressure. Dour blood pressure should be %6-H5-. Dour doctor may say %3-H5' is =not hi h.? He or she is kindly refrainin from ivin you dru s until this level of pressure is reached. It is your tip+ off, thou h, that somethin is not ri ht and you should correct it now, when it is easy, and before other dama e is done. (ead the section on hi h blood pressure 0pa e 6%-2 to learn how to reduce it by oin off caffeine, checkin for cadmium poisonin from your water pipes, and cleansin the kidneys 0pa e '3&2. Even thou h your doctor has e;plained how the tiny tube drainin your eyeball is too narrow, you should ask9 was it not 6%7

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too narrow before hi h blood pressure struckL #imply ettin your blood pressure to normal is sufficient help for be innin laucoma.
Antonia Guerrero' a&e 0+' had &laucoma $or $ive %ears and was dete7 rioratin& rapidl%! She cleansed her idne%s' illed parasites and chan&ed her diet to the anti7arthritic one since she also su$$ered $rom arthritis in her hands $or ten %ears with pain$ul enlar&ed nuc les! She didn)t &et relie$ $rom ta in& aspirin! She &ot rid o$ her as#estos toxins #% #rin&in& her own hair #lower with her to the hairdresser! A$ter seven months she had pain relie$ $or her arthritis 4without aspirin5 and her &laucoma was pronounced sta#le #% her ophthalmolo&ist!

Tooth Decay
:he stron est part of our body structure is our bones. :he stron est bones are our teeth. How can they decayL We must look at the enamel, dentine and root of the tooth as well as the bone they rest in for some answers. #cientists have already searched very hard and lon for an+ swers. .ut their work is hampered by commercial interests that try to shape the results. #ince commerce determines which re+ search can be done 0that is, paid for2 sacred territory can be i + nored. @or e;ample, the effects of su ar+eatin , um+chewin , tooth brushin , fluoridation, tooth fillin materials and diet can be i nored if it interferes with product sales. :rivial studies such as comparin shapes of toothbrushes, studyin the chemical composition of plaque, and studies of bacterial structure and enes are done instead. #tudies =at the molecular level? do not threaten e;istin industries. Important research has lapsed since the 3-Gs and '-Gs. )er+ spective on tooth health was sound and clear in the mind of "r. Weston )rice in the %&7-Gs. His scientific studies stand as a bea+ con even today because truths, once found, do not chan e. He


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# traveled the world over in search of ood teeth. !nywhere and anytime he found them, he described the people who had them. :his is e;cellent science. It lets you draw the conclusions. He described what he saw in a book, titled *utrition and )hysical "e eneration.%7 :hey came to these conclusions from the fol+ lowin observable facts9 %. #kulls of primitive peoples who lived alon coastlines, such as )eruvians, #candinavians and various islanders, and whose staple foods included fish daily, showed perfect teethO not a sin le cavity in a lifetime. :hey had stron bones that didnGt break even once in a lifetime of 3' years. #keletal structure was fully developed, meanin the Kaw bone was not undershot or cheek bones squee>ed to ether, forcin the teeth to row into a smaller than ideal space. Consequently, there was room for the wisdom teeth, and no need to crowd the remainder. :hey saw no crooked teeth or unerupted wisdom teeth. :he authors estimated a daily consumption of 2 to * <rams of >al>ium in their fish containin diet. 8ur daily consumption of less than % ram calcium daily is small by comparison. 8ur wisdom teeth erupt poorly, our other teeth are often crooked. .ut today bad teeth o shamefully un+ heeded because we donGt need to chew our food, we can lap it 0ice cream2 or suck it, or um it 0applesauce2. 6. :hese primitive peoples ot all the calcium, ma nesium, phosphate, boron and other bone builders they needed simply from eatin 0fish2 bones. Me;ican peoples ot 3 to 1 rams of calcium a day from stone3<rindin< of corn for their staple, tortillas, instead of from fish.

It is still availa#le $rom the *rice7*otten&er Nutrition Foundation' a non7pro$it or&ani(ation that see s to eep his o#servations alive! "heir address is *= 8ox .3+1' ?a /esa' Cali$ornia :+:1<' 46225 <337<;16!



:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# Where do we et our calciumL Milk is our only supply. 8ne quart supplies one ram. :here is little e;cuse for a carnivorous society like ours to re ularly throw away the bones of its food animals in view of our dire shorta e. It leaves us dependent on milk alone. Milk has so many disadvanta es. It is impossible to milk a cow by machine and not et a few manure bacteria, $al* monellas and $higellas, into the milk. :hese bacteria are not completely killed by pasteuri>ation the way more susceptible bacteria are. It takes boilin temperature to kill all of them. Why isnGt milk sterili>edL Water was sterili>ed for human consumption in distant decades. Chlorination of water is not ideal but it did sterili>e the water. Milk could be sterili>ed by boilin or flash+heatin . Milk has other disadvanta es9 do>ens of antibiotics, both by feed and by shot, bovine rowth hormone, chemicals added in milk processin , the bad effects of homo eni>ation, and aller y to milk. Det, in a choice between milk drinkin and bone loss, one must choose the milk. :his would not be necessary if bones were properly salva edP round to powder and added back to the meat where it belon sPto offset the acidifyin effect of the phosphate in meat. 8ne ram of calcium is not much bone 0Utsp.2 but it requires a whole quart of milk. .one powder added back to round meat, soups, stews could reatly improve our tooth decay problem, bone density problem, and skeletal rowth problems.

Softened teeth set the stage for decayG #acteria do the dirty work.
Aappin bacteria does not kill them all. :he >apper current does not reach into abscesses under metal filled teeth or around root canals. $taph+lococcus aureus, which we are constantly


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stuffin in our mouths as we lick our fin ers, finds an immediate hidin place in a crevice where it canGt be >apped. Many other bacteria hide here, too9 those that cause ear ache, sore throats, bronchitis, stiff knees, Koint disease. Dou can try >appin all the Clostri#ia, $treps and tooth decay or plaque bacteria. .ut the only way to successfully eliminate them is to pry them out of hidin and wash them away. :his is a Kob for the dentist 0see "ental Cleanup pa e 3-&2. $trep, mutans is considered to be the bacterium that causes tooth cavities. I have found it in milk, evidently another pas+ teuri>ation escapee. !ll the more reason to sterili>e dairy prod+ ucts.
Frannie ?aSalle' 0.' was &ettin& compression $ractures in her spine' #ut the wea #one condition was evident in her mouth 4man% teeth were looseRthe% could #e Bi&&led-5! Her &ums were red and in$lamed! A low th%roid condition 4she needed .M &rains a da% o$ th%roidRin one da% the normal #od% &oes throu&h 0 &rains o$ th%7roid products5 contri#uted to this! Her #lood phosphate level was hi&h 41!; m&CD?Rshould #e #elow 1!25 and her al aline phos7phatase was .20' also hi&h' showin& she was dissolvin& her #ones 4includin& tooth soc ets5 at a rapid pace! Her whole s%stem was too acid' as could #e seen in elevated C=. levels 4.6' when .<7<2 is normal5!
=nl% the maBor minerals' sodium' potassium' calcium and ma&ne7 sium can have an impact on this maBor distur#ance! "he dentist said she had to have all her teeth pulled and replaced with den7tures! Her idne%s showed all three t%pes o$ calcium phosphate cr%stals! She dran no mil ! She had onl% three wee s #e$ore her oral sur&er% appointment! She was started on M cup .L mil ' 3 times a da% plus 02'222 units o$ vitamin D 4a prescription dose5 to ma e sure she a#sor#ed all the calcium! She also too ma&nesium oxide 4<22 m&! once a da%5 and vitamin 83 022 m& 4one a da%5! She was started on the idne% cleanse to help activate the vitamin D and to help the adrenal &lands ma e estrogen! Her estro&en level 40!. p&Cml5 was too low to &et the calcium deposited #ac into her #ones! She was also &iven licorice her# $or their estro7


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&en7li e action to help with this and vitamin C' + &ram 4+'222 m&5 . to < a da%! Her mouth care was to #e as $ollows@ potassium iodide 4white io7 dine' made up #% dissolvin& 66 &m potassium iodide in one li7 terCJuart water5! *urchase a new ver% so$t tooth#rush! Fse no toothpaste or store #ou&ht $loss! Fse . l#! or 1 l#! 4the 1 l#! is coarser5 $ish line 4rinse $irst5! 8rush twice a da%N $loss onl% once at #edtime #e$ore #rushin&! Fse 3 drops o$ $ood &rade h%dro&en peroxide $or da%time #rushin&! Fse 3 drops o$ potassium iodide $or ni&httime #rushin&! Fse no mouthwash' chewin& &um' cand%! In three wee s her teeth could not #e Bi&&led! Her dentist was as7 tonished 4#ut was not interested in how she achieved this5! In six wee s her mouth loo ed normal and she could chew some $oods! Her vitamin D was tapered as $ollows@ "a e 3 a wee $or the $irst wee 4miss one da%5! "a e 0 a wee $or the second wee 4miss two da%s5! "a e 1 a wee $or the third wee ! "hen . a wee in7 de$initel%! She never lost a tooth!

>uscle Diseases
:here are a variety of muscle wastin diseases, thou ht to be enetic in their cause. Det, what could be more easily inherited than a parasiteL )ersons livin to ether share food, livin habits. refri erators, and parasites. :heir shared enes indeed ive them similar susceptibilities but if we take muscle parasites away, muscle diseases =ma ically? disappear. 8f course, there is no ma ic involved. It is actually hard work. Hard work to rid the whole family of parasites that are shared and possibly were present even at birth. )arasites that normally donGt o to the muscles. @or e;ample liver flukes and intestinal flukes. :hey belon in the liver and intestineN Det, in muscle disease they show up and reproduce themselves in the muscles. :he reason for this becomes clearer when you see that certain solvents have accumulated there. Heavy metals, bacteria, and viruses have accumulated there, too. :he hostGs muscles,


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instead of kidney and bowel, have taken on the duties of to;ic dumpin rounds. Could it be that the re ular routes of elimi+ nation were overwhelmedL 8r did the muscles, traumati>ed by these unusual parasites, invite the to;insL ! tantali>in question. .ut in seven minutes you can methodically kill everythin and anythin that is alive in your muscles and shouldnGt be there. Aap until you are free of all parasite invaders. Dour muscles will feel li hter afterward.

Mus>ular DystroChy
In muscular dystrophy the solvents, ?ylene and toluene are seen to accumulate in muscles. :hese also accumulate in brain and nervous tissueN 0#ee !l>heimerGs pa e 61& and multiple sclerosis, pa e 6-32. Could it be that these solvents are actually present in the nerves of the musclesL @ortunately these solvents will leave your body, by them+ selves, in five days after you stop consumin themN #top drinkin all store bou ht bevera es, includin water and powders that you mi;, and includin health food varieties. Water claims and health food powder claims sound as convincin and stron as a twelve inch plank to walk on. .ut if the plank leads out over the side of a ship, would you walk itL :hrow all your possible sources of solvents out. @lavored foods are the chief offenders 0cold cereals, sweets and candy too2. .ut of course, you should check in your basement or at+ tached ara e for cleanin solvents. )laces where paintin is done or automobiles are worked on should be off limits to you. If youGve been wonderin whether you have muscular dys+ trophy, which I consider to be a fluke disease, search your mus+ cles electronically. ,se prepared slides of flukes alon with a sample of hambur er meat to represent your muscles. If flukes have already taken up residence in them, you should dia nose


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yourself as =)ositive?. If not, but other parasites and to;ins are present, you have pre+muscular dystrophy. !lso, the likelihood of findin thallium is quite hi h, Kud in by the case histories.
/el Ric lin&' a&e +6' had #een seein& a specialist $or #outs o$ mus7cular wea ness $or several %ears' #ut no dia&nosis was &iven! His condition was not %et severe enou&h althou&h it was di$$icult $or him to raise an empt% &lass or &et upstairs! It #e&an at pu#ert%' not too lon& a$ter his $irst mercur% tooth $illin&! He had asthma in childhood! "he $lu es attac in& his muscles were liver $lu e' in7testinal $lu e' and pancreatic $lu e! =ther parasites in his muscles were )eishmanias' several do& tapeworm c%sts' and pinworm! He also had assorted #acteria in his muscles! "he solvents prop%l alcohol' #en(ene' toluene' and x%lene were accumulated there too! =rtho7phospho7t%rosine 4cancer test5 was alread% positive! His doctors had not searched $or cancer in their #iopsies! His drin in& water contained lead and since he had lived in one house since #irth he was pro#a#l% drin in& lead ever% da% o$ his li$e! He also had hi&h levels o$ mercur% and some thallium accumulated in his musclesN these came $rom the tooth $illin&s in his mouth and could explain wh% his pro#lems #e&an a$ter his $irst $illin& was put in!

His $lu es and other lar&e parasites were illed immediatel% with a $reJuenc% &enerator! He was started on the her#al parasite pro7 &ram to prevent rein$ection! His diet and #od% products were chan&ed to exclude solvent pollution! He could have no commer7 ciall% prepared #evera&es except mil which needed to #e #oiled to ill #acteria! In twelve da%s his dail% stomach pains were &one' so he was a#le to eat more and &ain some much needed wei&ht! "he rash on his $ace was &one' the pain at his ri&ht side was &one' his muscle twitches were &one' his Boints no lon&er ached and his mood was much #etter! "he whole $amil% was put on the parasite pro&ram and /el was scheduled $or dental cleanup! "he plum#in& repairs removed lead $rom the water and he was soon a#le to wal upstairs' in $act run upstairs! A %oun& man' seein& himsel$ re&ain normalc%' wants nothin& more than to lead a normal li$eA which includes rec less #ehavior! 8ut a$ter several warnin&s $rom his muscles he stuc to his re7


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strictions and &ained the wei&ht he wanted in order to participate in athletics!

Myasthenia Gra=is
is probably a fluke disease. #ome chemical, possibly comin from the fluke, may affect the acetylcholine receptors, thereby causin an aller ic reaction so they become inefficient. :his is most noticeable in the eyelids. :hey droop from lack of stren th to lift them. :he thymus is often involved, too. :he thymus is e;tremely sensitive to ben>ene and with so much ben>ene pollution in our products and foods 0pollution from asoline is ne li ible by comparison2, you will probably find ben>ene accumulated there. #earch the thymus and the muscles for parasites, bacteria and tooth metal as well as to;ins in the foods eaten daily. Bill in+ vaders twice a week with a >apper or stay on an herbal parasite pro ram until all dan er of recurrence is past 0one to two years2. Clean up dentalware, diet and environment. Beep no indoor pets since any new parasite, however tiny, will surely find the niche left behind by the flukes and ive you a new myasthenia ravis+like disease. :he whole family must be parasite+free to protect the member with myasthenia ravis. .ut it is a task easily accomplished and desirable in its own ri ht, so discuss your plan immediately with family members. "onGt delay. :he flukes donGt waste a sin le minute. :hey o ri ht on feedin and breedin .
Carmen =psal' a&e <;' was told #% her specialist she had her m%as7 thenia $rom #irth since she didn)t have the stren&th to nurse! She had pancreatic $lu e sta&es throu&hout her #od%! Her plan was to start on the parasite illin& pro&ram' clean her idne%s' remove toxic elements' ill #acteria and clean her liver! ?on& #e$ore she accomplished this' in one month' she was $eelin& #etter and had return o$ her stren&th on some da%s! She still had the solvent' meth%lene chloride' $rom drin in& QpureA oran&e Buice and praseo7 d%mium $rom eatin& $oil7pac a&ed $oods' also thulium $rom her


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#rand o$ vitamin C! She was $ull o$ auto exhaust and nic el $rom dental metal! "here was ha$nium $rom nail polish and hair spra% and (irconium $rom deodorant! She planned to &et rid o$ it all' and never need to return!

'ni%ersal Allergies
If minor aller ies are due to a disabled liver, then e;treme aller ies must be due to an e;tremely disabled liver. :his is the case for persons sufferin from =universal? aller ies, namely =everythin ?, like the lacquer on floors, plastic chairs, the nei hborGs flowers, and the rocery store.

Fig, /= $heep liver flu&es, Clac& threa#s in toilet are in#icative of flu&e remains,


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# :hey have more than merely clo ed bile ducts. :hey have the sheep liver fluke livin in the bile ductsN ! tip+off to this situation is aller y to wool and wool fat 0lanolin2. ! few flukes mi ht not be noticed but a liver full of flukes that spill over into the intestine can ive the worst case of aller y ima inable. #ometimes the body mana es to kill them with its own re+ sources 0maybe you ate somethin even too to;ic for themN2 :hey come throu h the bowel in a torrent. In the water of the toilet bowel they e;plode, spewin their infectious e s all over in little black threads. .ecause these look like hairs, you may believe you passed =thin s with black hairy le s.? :hese are actually burst flukes with black strin s of hi hly infectious e s. Why some people are literally taken over by these flukes is unclear. !mon st sheep, only certain sheep will be severely affected, bein called =liver+rot.? :he disease in animals has been e;tensively studied. Bill flukes with a frequency enerator 0373+36% BH>2 or >apper. Come to the aid of the liver by avoidin food molds, removin dental metals, stoppin chronic $almonella infection and finally cleanin the kidneys and liver.

En=ironmental llness
is another name for =universal? aller ies. When more than a few flukes are present in the liver, they keep the liver from doin its maKor Kob9 deto;ifyin all the food and chemicals that are taken into your body. "ifferent parts of the liver have different deto;ifyin Kobs. 8ne part deto;ifies plastics and solvents, another part deto;ifies perfumes and another newsprint ink, and so on. @oods have natural chemicals that need deto;ification. .y chan in our food constantly we avoid overburdenin any one of our deto;ifyin mechanisms. :his is probably the basis for wantin differ+


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ent food at each meal and different meals each day. We somehow =know? when weGre ready for the same food a ain. Cess e;treme forms of aller y can be due to other flukes in the liver, such as human liver fluke 0 Clonorchis2, or Kust plain clo in with numerous cholesterol crystals. !nythin that is lod ed in the bile ducts obstructs the flow of bile. :his causes back pressure in that part of the liver so it produces less bile. :he bile duct system is a i antic tree with lots of intercon+ nectin branches. (emember how =strin y? liver can be when you buy it in the rocery store. :hese strin s are bile ducts. When one is obstructed, others take over its Kob. .ut when a whole section of the liver ets obstructed and it canGt deto;ify a whole set of chemicals you dare not et those chemicals into you a ain. What if you doL :hese chemicals o coursin all over your bodyN :hey are taken up by various or ans. :he brain has special protection, called the bloo# brain barrier. .ut this can et broken by parasites that burrow. *ow chemicals can roam throu h the brain. #ome attach themselves and cause an =aller ic reaction?. .eryllium, from =coal oil,? kerosene and asoline attaches itself to the brain easily. :hen other thin s attach themselves to the berylliumN :he e;treme form of aller ies simply requires killin the sheep liver fluke and other flukes inhabitin the liver. :hey tend to overflow the liver and inhabit the intestine, too. In this case, you mi ht actually see some in the bowel movement after killin them. :hey wonGt let o of you as lon as they are alive. :hey have two attachments to hold onto you, yet, they are not difficult to kill, even with herbs. ,se the herbal parasite recipe 0pa e 7752, >apper, or a frequency enerator. #heep liver flukes mi ht actually be breedin , that is, multi+ plyin in the liver of the hyperaller ic person. :his is not normal. #heep liver flukes =should? only spend their adulthood in


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# our bodies. When the baby sta es are also found in our bodies, 0instead of in minnows or snails2 there is undoubtedly a specific solvent involved. Environmentally ill persons have quite a few solvents accumulated in their or an tissues. Which one enables the sheep liver fluke to o throu h all of its development in the human is not known yet. 8bviously, the e;tremely aller ic person, should remove all solvents from their diet and environment. .e in with eliminatin propyl alcohol and ben>ene. :he same products have other solvents too. It is processin of foods that puts solvents into them. Fo completely natural. "airy products are free of solvents, e;cept for some cheeses. (emember to boil them to et rid of bacteria. #alt, olive oil, butter, and honey are free of solvents. With electronic technolo y, you can find solvent free products. 8therwise, if it didnGt row or you didnGt make it from scratch, you must assume it has solventsN Cook from scratch, make your own pasta, bread, fruit Kuices, bevera es. 8ften, but not always, persons with sheep liver fluke, have a specific aller y to lanolin, a sheep product. #ince lanolin is widely used in other products, this becomes a very broad ran e aller y. #uch persons =can et no fat? at mealtimes or wear no wool without a considerable reaction. :he aller y to lanolin does not disappear the day the flukes are all dead. .ut cleanin the liver with several liver cleanses 0pa e ''62 after killin parasites will start the recovery process. Which comes first, the flukes or the solventsL :hat canGt be answered. .ut what happens ne;t is easily seen. :he more flukes, the less able the liver is to deto;ify solvents. :he more solvents the better able the fluke is to multiply. ! vicious cycle is set up that accelerates the illness. )erhaps neither of these came first. )erhaps somethin else poisoned the liver so both solvents and flukes are iven a home in your liverN #uch a powerful liver poison would be a food mold9 aflato%in, c+tochalasin C, sterigmatoc+stin, 'earalenone,


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ochrato%in, sorghum mol#, griseofulvin, citrinin, T*= to%in, Ko* Fic aci#, ergot and others. !void food moldsRsee Mold @ree "iet, pa e 71'. :he diet must be quite limited at first, to allow the liver time to =re ain? its deto;ifyin capability. 8f course, it is assumed that environmentally ill persons have had their dental metal replaced by metal free composite. :his includes old. Fold accumulates in the pancreas, another or an of di estion. :his may mean choosin partial dentures. (ead the section on healin the Kaw and .one #tren thenin 0pa e 542 to ensure this move brin s you success. :he liver is a versatile or an. It can re enerate itself but it wonGt if food molds block re eneration. Fiven half a chance it will become like new. !fter killin parasites do the liver cleanse 0pa e ''62. If it has been a month or more since you killed para+ sites, then o on a hi h dose parasite herb treatment the week before, or >ap. "onGt use the herbs the day of the cleanse. With one maKor aller y one after each cleanse and by timin liver cleanses two weeks apart, it takes only si; months to have a rea+ sonably normal life a ain. Dou can endure indoor air a ain, sit on plastic chairs, read newspapers, wear cotton clothin and leather shoes without reactin . Dou must still be patient and careful as you take back the world for you to live in.
Delores Flores' 0<' was #rou&ht #% her hus#and to the drivewa% in $ront o$ the o$$ice! "here she put on her mas and advanced to the outdoor #ench! She did not dare to come in! Without doin& an% testin& her condition was o#vious! She must start illin& liver parasites! 8ut it seemed too simple to #e #elieva#le! And she new sheWd #e aller&ic to the parasite illin& her#s 4this was #e$ore the (apper5! She decided to do nothin&! *atricia Humphr% arrived wearin& an industrial paintersW mas ! It smelled ru##er%! Her winter #oots smelled mold%! And a $aint scent o$ moth#alls came $rom somewhere! Even her car had an en&ine pro#lem' spewin& exhaust $umes into the drivewa%! I su&&ested she #e&in with some #asic readin& material on aller&ies! She did not return either!


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Arlene >ell%' 02ish' could eat no $atRnot the tiniest snippet! 8ut at "han s&ivin& she allowed hersel$ a little &rav%! "he conseJuences were swollen e%elids' swollen $ace' swollen throat@ Juite a dan&erous situation! A$ter illin& %scaris and the $lu es' and cleansin& the liver 4all in time $or Christmas5 she dared a little pieR and &ot alon& Juite well-

When the portion of liver that deto;ifies ethyl alcohol 0the drinkin kind2 is hampered you are at risk for alcoholism. :he other contributors to alcoholism are Aeryllium and er<ot. )er+ haps there are even more contributors. .eryllium is plentiful in coal products such as =coal oil?, and in asoline to which kerosene or coal oil has been added. @uel for =hurricane lamps? is a common offender, fillin the air with beryllium. Civer blocka e can force beryllium to circulate throu h the bodyO if it happens to attach itself to the addiction center of the brain, youGre in a heap of trouble. .eryllium is very reactive. !ny other aller en coursin by can react with it. If this happens to be alcoholPthe drinkin kindPyou will be alcoholic unbeknownst to you. When the liver is quite disabled, there may still be alcohol coursin throu h your body the day after you drank even a little bitN It is bound to find the beryllium stuck to the addiction center. :o ether, they turn the brain into a uncontrolled machine. *eurotransmitters are released that shouldnGt beO others not re+ leased that should be. Mood is affected in a typically =alcoholic? way. "epression may be liftedRor causedN !lcoholic persons should remove all fossil fuels from their environment, and never choose a career that e;poses them to paint, cleaners, or automotive products. :hey should do liver cleanses until 6,--- stones or more are out.


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8f course, they should never touch a drop of alcohol9 not even the .lack Walnut Hull :incture in the herbal parasite pro+ ram. :he aqueous recipe should be made for them. #ince alco+ hol is produced anyway, in the body, the liver should never be poisoned by molds, especially er ot9 the very mold that is so abundant in alcoholic bevera esN !lcohol and er ot interact to make each more to;ic. :o help the brain recover its neurotransmitter status, take lutamine 0'-- m .2, a .+'- comple;, and niacinamide 0'-- m Rto help deto;ify er ot2, with each meal. :o prevent alcoholism, protect your liver from food molds, especially er ot. !dd vitamin C to nuts, pasta cereals, rains and even alcoholic bevera esN !void fossil fuel pollution of your home by switchin to all electric utilities.

$l>ohol $ddi>tion
:here are many definitions of addiction. My definition is based on the special brain to;ins, ber+llium and ergot. :he brain has a re ion called the addiction center. If this center is stimulated it produces pleasure+chemicals. It is care+ fully controlled so that not too much pleasure or happiness can be e;perienced. When a to;ic substance, beryllium, is inhaled it circulates with the blood to the brain and may land at the addiction center. :he more beryllium is inhaled the bi er the chance that it will occupy the addiction center. :he brain cells in the addiction center have receptor sites for glutamate 0the same lutamic acid that comes from the protein in our food2. *ormally, lutamate activates the addiction center. .ut when beryllium has =stolen? these seats, the lutamate is powerless to activate the Koy and happiness center. :he result is a low level chronic depression. :he more beryllium there is to clo the receptors the worse the depression. Fivin lutamic acid does not help but ivin <lu3


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# tamine doesN !ddicted or depressed persons should take lu+ tamine, no less than 7 rams 07--- m 2 a day. It comes in '-m . tablets. It is completely harmless. When we drink alcohol or put it on the skin 0as in mouth+wash, tinctures, medicine2 or produce it by fermentation in the intestines 0Can#i#a produces alcohol2 a substance, salsol, is formed. #alsol reacts with beryllium. If the beryllium is in the pleasure center it reacts with it there. :his reaction has the effect of activatin the cellsN *ow a lar e amount of pleasure+chemical can be released. :he amount is lar er than normal because so many clo ed cells are activated to ether. :his e;plains the alcohol =hi h?. In all the alcohol+addicted persons I studied, salsol was present, alon with beryllium, on the receptor sites normally activated by lutamate 0or *M"! or kainate2. !s we removed the beryllium we saw that the salsol also disappeared. :he solution to alcoholism is to avoid er ot contaminated food and avoid beryllium inhalation. We also remove the brain beryllium usin thio>ti> a>id. #toppin the use of alcohol may save a life or career but does not correct the problem. Even after 7- years of abstinence, I still see the beryllium present in the addiction center and the salsol, derived no doubt from endo e+ nous sources, still attached to the beryllium. :his is why the ad+ diction is never one even after years of abstinence. If any member of the family is, or was, addicted to alcohol the house should be searched for beryllium sources. Hurricane lamps or antique lamps are the most common sources. (emove them permanently. Washin does not clean them. (emove all solvents, cleaners, li hters. #witch to a butane li hter. :he air should be tested for beryllium. :he ara e door to the house should be permanently closed, and the car and lawnmower kept out of it. !ddicted persons should not be paintersN *or walk into a dry+cleanin business. #oon you will see a more cheerful


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# disposition in the addicted person and this will be rewardin for the whole family.
/i&uel Alcorn)s wi$e cleaned up the environment $or /i&uel' whose alcoholism was <2 %ears lon&! Even li&hter $luid was removed! "he &ara&e was sealed o$$ $rom the house! She added vitamin C to his meals so he didn)t have to Qta e an%thin&A! She was ver% care$ul a#out mold% &rains! He lost his preoccupation with drin in& a$ter illin& parasites! She #elieves he is not snea in& an%! =ur hats are o$$ to her!

are always caused by tiny Ascaris larvae in the brain. I suppose they find their way to the sei>ure center by acci+ dent. It is not normal for them to be in the brain, they typically travel between the stomach and lun s. Ascaris e s are present everywhere in animal filth. "o s, cats, horses and pi s all et Ascaris. :heir e;crement dries and flies about in the dust, but mostly it resides in the soil. Children playin in the dirt cannot help but pick up Ascaris e s. :he e s hatch in the stomach and the tiny larvae, microscopic in si>e, travel first to the lun s. Here they o throu h a molt. :his causes some cou hin . Whenever a child cou hs for part of the day do not assume it is harmless. ,se a frequency enerator set to 3-5 BH>, or use a >apper. Children should be treated for Ascaris anyway, whether cou hin or not, once a week. :he tiny larvae are in the cou h up. Children should not be tau ht to politely swallow this. :hey could be swallowin their own future sei>ures, asthma, or ec>ema. :each children to use tissues for all spit up. :he lun s are doin what they can to rid the body of these invaders. Dour intelli ence must cooperate with your lun s. Ascaris do not come sweet and clean in themselves. :hey brin their own bacteria and viruses. 8ne of these bacteria is Cacteroi#es fragilis. Cacteroi#es needs a host like Ascaris so it


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# can be o;y en+free. #uch a requirement is termed obligator+ anaerobic meanin =must have absence of air.? .ein transported to the brain inside Ascaris larvae is probably the means by which Cacteroi#es ets into the brain. .rain abscesses and brain tumors usually have Cacteroi#es fra*gilis rowin there. .rain tumors will not shrink unless all the parasites, bacteria and viruses are dead. Cacteroi#es, in turn, are bi enou h to house thousands of viruses. :wo common viruses seen with Ascaris are Co%sac&ie C- and Co%sac&ie C1. )erhaps it is the to;ins of the Ascaris larvae or Cacteroi#es or Co%sac&ies that induces the sei>ures. Maybe it is somethin else about the infestation that induces them. .ut by killin Ascaris, Cacteroi#es and Co%sac&ies 0>apper or frequency enerator at 3-5, 76', 713, 716.' BH>2 you have eliminated the first essential link in the chain of developments that causes sei>ures. :he brain does not quietly tolerate these invaders. It fi hts back with its immune system. .ut the wormlets are already too bi to be eaten by white blood cells. :he brain fi hts back by producin inflammation. Inflammations are intended to attract calcium so a wall can be built around the intruders. Inflammations are ne atively char ed re ions so the positively char ed calcium can find its way to the inflamed site. .ut lead and mercury are also posi+ tively char edN )erhaps this is how these to?i> metals are at+ tracted to the brain. !ll metals are positively char ed. )erhaps this is their fateful poisonous attraction to livin thin s. )erhaps they do not poison when no inflammations are presentN In sei>ure cases we see many tooth metals in the brain. :hese must be removed so the inflamed site can heal. 8ther to;ic substances have also found their way to the in+ flammation at the sei>ure center9 =anadium from leakin household asO #%C from new carpetsO titanium from face powderO Hir>onium from deodorantO asAestos from the clothes


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# dryer belt or hair blowerO lead from tainted drinkin water. "o a ood clean up of your environment. #olvents accumulate here, too. Especially toluene and ?y3 lene. :hese are found in paint 0persons with sei>ures should never be around fresh paint2 but are also found in trace amounts in carbonated bevera es. ! person with sei>ures should drink no commercial bevera es9 see the (ecipe section for homemade carbonated and other bevera es. :here are several other specific brain irritants that accumulate at the sei>ure center. :he food fun us, er<ot, is always seen in sei>ure cases. )er+ haps it can act alone to produce sei>ures. !fter all, sei>ures are an ancient malady, e;istin lon before chemicals and solvents were manufactured. MSG, which is monoso#ium glutamate should never be used in food. It was already banned in infant food in Europe a decade a o. Why are we still allowin itL !re our children not as preciousL Healthy adults may tolerate it better than youn children. .ut what about sick adultsL #pecifically, adults with a brain illnessL Flutamic acid is a natural constituent of protein in our foods. !nd the sodium lutamate it must form in the body does no harm. .ut M#F is not biolo ically produced. It is lab+ made. Cab+made amino acids are not the same as biolo ically made. )erhaps it is these =isomers?, perhaps it is the simple overdose of a natural thin that is brain+to;ic. Whatever the mechanism, M#F should not be consumed by anyone, let alone a sei>ure sufferer. @ortunately, you can ask at restaurants, where 0not whether2 M#F is used so you can avoid these foods. B&T and B&$, standin for bish+#ro%+toluene and bish+* #ro%+anisole are food preservatives and also sei>ure tri ers. :hey are often put on the bo;es of cereals, rather than the cereals themselves, so the cereals can be pronounced preservative+free. Ima ine how much the bo; must be drenched with to prevent o;y en leaka e into the interiorL


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# ! more insidious sei>ure tri er is a perfectly natural sub+ stance, mal=in. Malvin is the natural dye found in rapes, strawberries, plums and blueberries. #top eatin strawberry and rape Kam or Kuice. Chickens and the e s they lay, have lots of malvin too, stop eatin chicken and e s. Here are foods relatively free of malvin9 artichokes, aspara+ us, almonds, barley, beans of all kinds, reen beans, broccoli, .russels sprouts, cantaloupe, celery, nectarines, citrus, dates, man o, pears, kiwi, pineapple, Franny #mith apples.%3

To SummariHe
:o stop your sei>ures on a dime, and not have another one9 !void malvin in food. Eat nothin colored red or blue, chicken, e s, M#F, .H! I .H:. .oil all dairy products or donGt eat them. 6. !void er ot in food. Eat no whole rain productsO take niacinamide '-- m three times a day to help the liver deto;ify tiny bits in other foods. 7. Bill Ascaris, Cacteroi#es and Co%sac&ie virus and stay on a maintenance pro ram of killin them. !void reinfection. It would be wise to have only outdoor pets. 3. (eplace dental metal with metal+free plastic 0#ee "ental Clean+up2. '. Clean up the home environment and body products of to;ic substances. 1. Beep your fin ers sanitary9 spray them with %-< rain al+ cohol or vodka after bathroom use. Dou can often tell by how you feel whether you are near to havin a sei>ure. .ut some people et no warnin . "onGt take %.

"a en $rom % Guide to the Identi$ication and Treatment o$ Biocatalyst and Biochemical Intolerances' +:66 #% I! A! >rohn' ?os Ala7 mos /edical Center' <:+; West Road Suite +<3' ?os Alamos' N/ 6;011!



:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

chances. Beep your dru s with you, even thou h you no lon er :M :M need to take them. "ru s like :e retol and )henobarbital are not harmless. 8nce you can tell that youGre better, try reducin your dru dosa e sli htly. #ee how you mana e. If you have a breakthrou h sei>ure you could fall and break a bone. "onGt take chances. Even a year after your last sei>ure you should carry your medicine with you and have some in your house. :his is because it is so easy to pick up Ascaris a ain. :he hi hway to the brainP its sei>ure centerPis still open. :hey will travel it a ain. It mi ht only take two days from the time of accidental swallowin of animal filth, to havin little larvae in the brain. ,se a frequency enerator every day at first, or >ap daily to uard a ainst this. *otice that killin parasites the first time may actually start a sei>ure comin . #imply stop >appin if you feel one comin . "o shortened >appin until you can tolerate a re ular treatment. Have someone with you while >appin . #ay ood+bye to sei>ures forever. .ut donGt for et your sus+ ceptibility. I believe you should be e;tra careful for two years. If you have a recurrence, repeat the whole procedure. :his time it should be curable in a sin le day.
Dou&)s mother was distrau&ht when she #rou&ht him' a&e 6 months! Her doctor onl% seemed s%mpathetic with her purpose to eep the #a#%)s temperature down the next time he catches a cold! 8ut her doctor had re$erred her to the count% social wor er! She had #een completel% honest with her doctor' #ecause she was that ind o$ trustin& person! Since her #a#% had onl% experienced one sei(ure 4which was durin& a $ever5' she didn)t see wh% her #eauti$ul $irst #orn child should #e on medicine Qthe rest o$ his li$eA! She wanted her #a#% to #e per$ect! 8ut the social wor er had called her' tal ed a#out Qthe lawA and #ein& an un$it mother! She was all apart! "he #a#% was "/ supposed to #e on *heno#ar#ital twice a da%! =ur tests showed Dou& had %scaris plus lead toxicit%! He was also &ettin& home made straw#err% and &rape Buice! She promised to put the three cats outdoors' eep the #a#% o$$ the $loor' eep Dou&)s $in&ernails short and alwa%s wash his hands #e$ore eatin&! "he parasites were easil% illed! "he lead was spo7


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E#
radicall% present in the water! She planned to move' and until then would $ilter all the drin in& water so her #reast mil would #e $ree o$ it too! His diet was chan&ed to eliminate e&&s' chic en and the red and #lue $ruits! We recommended leavin& the state in order to #e a#le to peace$ull% raise her child! We promised to treat her child $ree o$ char&e i$ another sei(ure should occur! "wo %ears passed and we heard she was doin& $ine with her child!

Clara Scru&&s' 02ish was losin& control over her sei(ures and had to #e hospitali(ed while a new medicine was tried! It chan&ed her personalit% 4a&ain-5 which upset her hus#and' too! She was started on the her#al parasite pro&ram #ut could onl% increase #% one drop o$ 8lac Walnut Hull "incture a wee ' instead o$ dail%' since each new increase would &ive her a sei(ure! In hal$ a %ear she was $airl% $ree o$ sei(ures in spite o$ #ein& o$$ dru&s! A$ter each sei(ure' a chec up showed she had pic ed up %scaris a&ain sometimes with additional parasites! She could not #ear to put her cat outsideN 8oots had #een a $riend in need man% times! When she $inall% &ot 8oots onto a re&ular parasite pro&ram she improved enou&h to &o to church and church events a&ain! When 8oots $inall% Qwanted outA she didn)t mind! She decided to do a liver cleanseRthis' too' &ave her two sei(ures the next da% #ut paid #i& dividends in other wa%s! She eventuall% improved to an incidence o$ one small sei(ure 4Qspace%A time or incoherent speech5 in two wee s! Chun Kee' a&e .6' has #een on Dilantin $rom a&e +0! Now he was up to $ive pills a da% and it didn)t control his sei(ures! An% activit% would tri&&er it! He was put on a low malvin diet and started on the idne% cleanse! His #lood test showed he was anemic with a hi&h /C, 4+21 cu microns5' su&&estin& the %scaris worms were usin& up all his vitamin 8+. too! In six wee s he was down to one or two sei(ures per wee ' althou&h he had not %et started the parasite pro&ram! He had #er%llium #uilt up in him' pro#a#l% $rom a erosene heater! When the pets and $amil% were all treated $or parasites he had no more #rea throu&h sei(ures and could cut his medicine in hal$ which &ave him much more ener&%! He was no lon&er in dan&er o$ losin& his Bo#!
Shiresse No#el' a&e ;' was havin& minimal sei(ures #ut the mother did not want to start her on medicine! Shiresse had hi&h levels o$ mercur% in her #od%' althou&h she had no tooth $illin&s! "he whole


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

$amil% cleared their Ascaris in$estation and in three wee s the sei7 (ures were &one #ut a&&ressive #ehavior remained! "here was mercur% in the air o$ some rooms #ut it was not in the paint! "he #athroom was the worst! When ever%thin& in the #athroom was removed' the air cleared and so did Shiresse)s #ehavior pro#lem!

Drew Seaton' a&e 6' had his $irst sei(ure lastin& nearl% a minute! "he parents were ver% $astidious and extremel% conscientious a#out diet and ha#its! "he% were distrau&ht! "he% all had %scaris! A #a#% was still #ein& diapered! Drew had arsenic 4pesticide under itchen sin 5' $ormaldeh%de 4some remodelin&5 and *,C 4a new carpet5 accumulated in his #od%! "he carpets had to #e steam cleaned to &et rid o$ the arsenic! He was started on parasite her#s at once' since he was on medication that would shield him $rom havin& another sei(ure while illin& %scaris! "wo wee s later eve7r%#od%' except the mother' was $ree o$ %scaris! In another two wee s the% were all $ree and had cleaned up house toxins! "he% dared to stop his medicine! "his let Drew)s $ormer happ% person7alit% come #ac to ever%one)s deli&ht! "wo %ears later there was still no recurrence!
Cosmo /aser' <2ish' was in a hospital across the countr%! He was havin& continuous sei(ures' althou&h he had #een there a wee ! It seemed impossi#le to transport him #ut' a&ainst doctor)s orders' the% &ot him into a station wa&on! He had nothin& to eat or drin that had an% malvin in it 4he ate $our ver% well done ham#ur&ers' plain' with lettuce on his trip5 and his sei(ures stopped immedi7atel%! "he% $elt a #it sheepish upon arrival .2 hours later since he could sit up' could tell his own stor% and no lon&er loo ed ill! He was without medication' too! "he% had le$t in a hurr%! "he% imme7diatel% removed all the metal $rom his mouthN this cleared his mercur% pro#lem! He was started on parasite medicine and weathered the small sei(ures each increase &ave him! He could return home in $ive da%s with his new diet and thioctic acid dail% as a supplement! He occasionall% had a sei(ure 4. a month5 until the% moved awa% $rom the #us% street #elow their apartment! A#out a %ear later he could hold a Bo# and &o o$$ Social Securit% support!


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E#

;eight "ro#lems
Gver)eight is not the same problem as obesit+. In fact, I do not have the answer to either problem, only a part of the answer. In oAese women, the ovaries, pancreas and thyroid are all involved. )erhaps the adrenals, the brain satiety center, and the liver are also involved. Maybe itGs as simple as old accumula+ tion in all these places. )erhaps it is bacteria in all these places. When you wei h close to 7-- pounds obviously some or an isnGt workin ri ht. :ry several thin s, but not a starvation diet. :he cause is not eatin too much. :ry removin all old9 old teeth, old Kewelry and old rin s. (eplace them with non metal varieties. !fter removin the old, pull the remainin old out of your tissues with thioctic acid 06 or 7 a day for several months2. Make sure kidneys are able to e;crete the old instead of makin crystals by doin a kidney cleanse. Fold accumulates in the pancreas, the brain 0possibly in a control center here2 and the ovaries 0causes some infertility here2. !lso try clearin the body of all bacteria and parasites by re ularly usin a >apper. ,se the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312 to evict the last of the $higellas. .e very careful to avoid nonsterile dairy products. :ry cleansin your liver by doin liver cleanses. Fet 7,--- stones out. Make sure you are ettin enou h nutritious foodO make carrot and ve etable KuiceO use no commercial bevera es. !void moldy foodRdonGt take risks. If all these measures brin your wei ht down to the level of mere overwei ht ive yourself ood rades. '=er;ei<ht is a low ener y condition. Dour food is bein turned into fat instead of ener y. :he decision not to make ener y is bein made in the liver mainly, but perhaps other or ans as well. :ry cleanin the liver 0pa e ''62 until no more stones come out9 et at least 6,--- stones. *otice that as the liver ets


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cleaner you et more and more ener y ri ht after each cleanse. #ome cleanses have a dramatic effect. 8thers do not. :his su + ests that a certain part of the liver is the responsible part. #oon after the cleansePwithin a weekPthe same old lassitude sets in. .ut durin these few days notice how your body feels. It feels li ht. Dour abdomen feels ti ht, like itGs a part of you a ain. DouGre mind isnGt on food throu hout the day. ItGs very easy to lose wei ht, in fact you may lose five pounds in these few days without dietin or e;ercisin . "efinitely, your lon +lost wei ht re ulation is back in force. .ut then it vanishes. @ortunately, a bit of the wei ht loss stays with you, and by repeatin cleanses 0only once in 6 weeks, thou h2 you can shed the pounds you want and ain ener y in a permanent way. It is probably the way nature intended. :ry increasin your bowel movements. *otice how cats and do s seem to derive ener y from emptyin their bowels. ! cat walks to its litter bo;O after emptyin its bowels and carefully coverin it up, it Kumps from the bo; and runs away. It now has its playful mood. ! body chemical, acet+lcholine, plays a role in emptyin the bowels. !cetylcholine is a necessary operator for many of our muscles. Is there a disturbance in our acetyl+ choline metabolism in overwei ht conditionsL Coa; your body to release more acetylcholine, at least in the intestines, by usin a herbal la;ative like Cascara sa rada. 8ther varieties are useful, too, but donGt use a dru la;ative9 it burdens the liver more. :ry to have three bowel movements a day. $higella bacteria can cause dreadful constipation. Immedi+ ately, the body feels slu ish, abdomen feels disconnected or han in out. ! nameless hun er sets in. Beep a close watch on dairy foods to make sure they are sterile. Aap when in doubt and do the .owel )ro ram. E;ercise helps as lon as you keep at it. #trict dietin works as lon as you keep doin it. .ut thereGs the problem. When you


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# stop, you lose round. It doesnGt solve the problem of an ineffi+ cient body metabolism. (aisin thyroid levels helps but this can be dan erous. (aisin thyroid levels naturally, by removin to;ins is a very effective methodRprovided it was low to be in with. 8ver+wei ht people often have a low body temperature, showin that the thyroid is involved9 it is under producin . But <i=in< the Aody e?tra thyroid doesn@t sol=e the thyroid@s CroAlem. t only temCorarily sol=es the rest of the Aody@s CroAlem. :he thyroid will have viruses and heavy metals in it. :he metal in your mouth drains downward to the stomach passin very close to the thyroid. )erhaps its iodine uptake is inhibited. :he chlorine in water and bromine in bread may inhibit iodine uptake by the thyroid, too. !fter all, they are all halo ens. #top eatin bleached bread and filter out the chlorine in your water. If this raises your body temperature you could e;pect better wei ht control. :he traditional herb, Fucus, was used to treat thyroid prob+ lems 0and overwei ht2 in days when herbs ruled medicine. Herbalists made a point of discoura in use of plain iodine. @u+ cus, they said, was much more effective. #ee (ecipes. If all these measures donGt work for you, at least you have improved your health tryin . :here are some advanta es of bein overwei ht. 8verwei ht people seem to weather illness better. :hey lau h more. .ut one look in the mirror or at the scales ruins it. )ut away the lon mirror and scales. "onGt ruin your whole life over it. Make a reasonable effort and then let o. EnKoy your stay on this planet. !nder;ei<ht can be Kust as difficult as overwei ht to cor+ rect. 8nce the stomach has been trained to say =full? or =full enou h,? even after a few mouthfuls, it is difficult to heal. $al* monellas in the stomach wall are often seen. Giar#ia and other


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# common parasites, that donGt belon in the stomach, are seen here in cases of underwei ht. :he stomach is invaded by bacteria and parasites when its immunity is low. :he common culprit is tooth metal drainin down continuously into the stomach. (emove every bit of mouth metal. "onGt cook or eat with metal. #timulate your appetite with .+vitamins. !nd, a ain, the liver plays a role. If it is to;ic with mold, it may say =eat no more? and the body obeys. ! sta e of cancer illness is wei ht loss. :his is called cache%ia. :he victim believes he or she is eatin enou h. :hey may not even have a poor appetite. Det wei ht drops steadily. :his metabolic problem has been studied scien+ tifically. ! chemical, hydraHine sulfate 0prescription only2, can reverse it to some de+ ree. ,se 1' m three times a day for 7- days. )erhaps a lesson taken from cache;ia metabo+ lism could be applied to Fig, // ! foun# all calorie boosters obesity. @or the cache;ia to be pollute# )ith )oo# alcohol, sufferer, life would end Ea&e +our o)n, sooner if hi h calorie supplements were not used. .ut donGt use canned =calorie boosters?. :hey are pollutedRoften with the very solvent that makes the condition worse. Instead, make an e no 9 Ucup boiled milk, V cup boiled whippin cream, a raw e 0e;terior carefully washed2, % tsp. olive oil, a banana, honey, cinnamon, cloves, nutme to taste. Mi; all in a blender. "rink % cup a day. /ary it daily to keep it interestin .


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# If all this fails, ive yourself credit for achievin health im+ provement and shift your focus to a different proKect. ,nder+ wei ht is not all bad either.

Sleep "ro#lems
!ll bi animals sleep, but some sleep by day instead of ni ht. When humans do this, that is, work the ni ht shift, they donGt feel as well. Humans need about seven hours of sleep out of the twenty+four. Doun er ones sleep moreO newborns sleep much more. When we are deprived of sleep we are rouchy, think less clearly ne;t day and have less ener y. In spite of lots of research at =sleep labs? sleep problems are not understood, e;cept for sleep apnea. .reathin should be even. When breaths are missed it is called apnea. It is especially disturbin when a baby shows apnea.

SleeC $Cnea
#ince breathin is re ulated by acid levels in the blood and this is influenced by air quality, air to;ins should be searched for first. Ci<arette smoke is an air to;in. %anadium from a as leak is a very serious air to;in and can o unnoticed. "o your own checkin since as companies ive wron answers four out of five times. !sk a home construction company to check for as leaks or the Health "epartment. #%C from new carpetin may be pollutin the air. $rseni> from =treated? carpets and drapes and furniture also pollutes. $sAestos from clothes and hair dryers may be the to;in responsible. )erhaps even fiAer<lass, formaldehyde, or freon. !dults with sleep apnea show swollen throat tissues9 not necessarily pain. :his makes the air passa e smallerO lon asps


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of air are taken to try to make up for the missed o;y en and the carbon dio;ide build up. #wellin of the throat is a common aller ic reaction. :he possibility of aller y should et second consideration after air quality. "ru reactions, even in a nursin baby, where only the mother is usin a medicine could be the problem. !ller y to food, chemicals has been su ested, as well as a simple lack of vitamin C 0implicatin mold and medicine which consume vi+ tamin C in the deto;ification process2. ! third possibility is infection. Many bacteria and viruses can cause throat swellin . (edness of the throat is a telltale si n. It doesnGt necessarily hurt. Bill all invaders with a >apper and try to understand the basis of low immunity in the throat. Beepin metal in the mouth constantly, is a cause of low throat immunity since it must drain past the throat. If you snore, you can deduce that your throat is swollen, even if you donGt have sleep apnea. )ursue all three possible causes 0air to;in, aller y, infection2. 8verwei ht and obesity have been emphasi>ed as causes. :his may apply to some cases but certainly not to babies. Whatever you do, donGt do nothin . Beep removin bad thin s until you find the cause of irre ular breathin .
Chester Fannon' 0=ish' was Juite overwei&ht and wore a mas at ni&ht with an air #lower to assist his #reathin&! He had #een re$erred to a sleep center $or sleep apnea! He had extreme dr%ness o$ his throat at ni&ht and some hearin& loss in one ear! He was toxic with arsenic 4roach iller5' #ismuth 4colo&ne5' tin 4toothpaste5' and thallium 4polluted dentalware5! He was in$ested with #oth species o$ %scaris and had a hac % cou&h! He had $our solvents accumulated in his tissues! He was &rowin& nine patho&ens@ Mycoplasma' (aemophilus in$+' Streptococcus pneu' %-strep' *ocardia' Staphylococcus aureus' Bacillus cereus and Flu virus' over hal$ o$ them in his throat! "hese were illed with a $reJuenc% &enerator and a &eneral cleanup was done! A$ter two teeth were pulled he no lon&er needed his mas ' he no lon&er had apnea!


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E#
*eter Da%' middle a&e' was set $or throat sur&er% in a $ew da%s! He had a couple o$ scar% ni&hts when he thou&ht he was d%in& and couldn)t ris man% more ni&hts with his o#structed airwa%s! He was overwei&ht! His throat was red and swollen' althou&h he $elt nothin&! He never even had colds! His diet was completel% chan&ed' to thin&s he rarel% ate 4#ananas' mil ' soup' oatmeal5 and o$$ thin&s he ate dail% 4ham#ur&ers' $ries' tea' panca es with &enuine maple s%rup5! In two da%s' his throat was Juite clear' the tissues havin& #ecome unswollen! /a%#e it was the molds in the maple s%rup' ma%#e it was the oxalic acid in the tea' or somethin& else he could not detoxi$% in these $oods! He was certainl% happ% not to live the rest o$ his li$e with an arti$icial voice #ox!

!nother sleep disturbance is wakin in the ni ht and not bein able to o back to sleep for hours. 8r not bein able to et to sleep. I believe these problems are caused by a hi h ammonia level in the brain. :his belief is based on two observations. 'rnithine, an ammonia reducer, induces a wonderful sleep in sleep+deprived persons. It is also observed that after killin parasites, which produce ammonia, sleep is much improved. 8ur metabo+lism does not produce ammonia. We produce urea which is e;+creted by the kidneys alon with water and then called urine. When we are parasiti>ed, our metabolism is burdened with am+ monia, thou h, made by the parasites. We have to turn it into urea in the liver and kidneys so we can e;crete for them. .ut this canGt be done in the brainN :he brain lacks an essential en>yme, ornithine carbam+l*transferase, for this bit of biochemistry. :he brain was never meant to be parasiti>ed or infected and has no defense. Most of our parasites come from animals we associate with. We werenGt meant to live with horses, cows, sheep, pi s, monkeys, uinea pi s, cats, do s and chickens nor to come in contact with do>ens more at a >oo. We do so at our own peril.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# It is known that ammonia is a stron brain irritant. In fact, a person can be awakened from a coma by bein made to smell ammonia =smellin salts.? 8rnithine reacts with ammonia, moppin it up like a spon e. $r<inine, another amino acid, also reacts with ammonia, but does not put you to sleep. #o there is more to insomnia than mere inability to reduce ammonia levels. !r inine results in alertness and therefore should be used in the mornin , when needed. 8rnithine, iven at bedtime, may take U hour to do its ma ic. .oth are perfectly safe, since they are natural to your body, and a food constituent. #tart by takin two ornithine capsules 0each '-- m .2 on the first ni ht. :ake four the ne;t ni ht. :ake si; the ni ht after and choose the dose you like best. #ometimes it takes five days to =catch up? on everythin that needs to be done for the brain and et you sleepin . Meanwhile, of course, you are plannin to kill your parasites and be done with insomnia in the most effective way of all. !nother sleep aid is herbal. ! couple of herbs, =alerian and skull>aC, are known for such action. :he mechanisms are not understood and this makes for nonuniform action. #ome persons sleep well with them, others do not. #imply try them to find out. We are all so different in our metabolism details, we respond differently to herbs. .ut it is a blessin that the mechanism is not understood. Herbs, a tradition that precedes civili>ation, need to be forever off limits for intervention by overnment a encies. TryCtoChane, another amino acid, is about twice as power+ ful as ornithine, but was taken off the market a few years a o. #ome persons takin it daily were seen to become quite ill and some deaths ensued. #ince tryptophane had been used in prior years without noticin to;icity, somethin unusual should have been suspected. My tests showed e;treme pollution of trypto+ phane capsules. :hey contained )C.s, mercury, ruthenium, strontium, praseodymium, aluminum, and ben>alkonium. I can


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# only speculate that a mi;in vat broke, dumpin its precious load onto the floorRbut it was salva ed. 8r that the mi;in vat wasnGt cleaned thorou hly from itGs last use. )ersons with illness due to takin tryptophane developed an e;tremely hi h eosinophil count in their blood testRan inde; of parasitism, too. )arasitism, that would have led to insomnia in the first placeN Were these unfortunate victims seein the cause or the result of their tryptophane useL :his tra ic event should have led to a discovery of the heavy pollution, a revelation of the industrial manufacturin process, and a safe uardin a ainst any repetition. It has not been done 0certainly not publicly2. @orei n countriesG manufacturin processes do not come un+der ,.#. scrutiny or Kurisdiction, althou h some imported prod+ucts must pass tests. :here are no safe uards a ainst repetition of the tryptophane e;perience. It behooves us to demand safe supplements and medicines. It is not the list of in redients that informs. Cot analysis, after bottlin , would ive us the necessary safe uard. :he presence of filth contamination and to;ins cannot be completely avoided but the consumer can make informed choices if he or she knows it is there. "isclosure, of course, is the bane of the manufacturin business. Interest rate disclosure was the bane of the money lendin business. #uch important matters canGt be left to =self+re ulation? policies. :he consumers must simply demand to know what they are consumin .
Ru#% Adair' +1' ached all over' had rin&in& in her ears' sinus pro#lems and chronic $ati&ue! She couldn)t &et to sleep' everN and had #een hal$ a %ear out o$ school alread%! She had intestinal $lu es in her stomach! In three wee s she had eliminated them with parasite her#s and she could &o to sleep naturall%!


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:east 9nfections
:he most common yeast in humans is Can#i#a albicans. Can#i#a has always been around. It flies in the air, searchin for a place to land and reproduce. It can invade a variety of human tissues like the mouth 0called thrush2, skin 0includin some kinds of diaper rash2, va ina, and the di estive tract. We all have some yeast in our di estive tract, but when it ets out of hand, itGs called can#i#iasis. Deast is a fun<us. It needs dampness to survive and su ar to row. 8ur immune system, white blood cells, are capable of eradi+ catin yeast provided it isnGt rowin too fast. !nd provided the white blood cells arenGt immobili>ed or preoccupied with somethin else.

DiaCer Rash
! babyGs rash is an e;ample of the white blood cells bein preoccupied. When chemicals are used in the diaper, the white blood cells o after the chemicals and let the yeast row. "ryin the babyGs skin helps since the yeast must have dampness. :his should be done with air, sunli ht and a heat lamp, not with more chemicalsN Certainly not with cortisone containin salves that further reduce the immune competence of white blood cells. ,se a heat lamp for five minutes at a time, several times a day. #witch to cloth diapersO do not bleach them with chlorine bleach, the residual chlorine trapped in the cloth is a chronic irritant, settin the sta e for another rash and future chlorine+ aller y. Cloth diapers should be sterili>ed, not bleached. ,se the hottest water your laundry system is capable of producin . !dd U cup bora; for the washin process. If you have homemade Cu olJs iodine 0made by your pharmacist or by yourself, see (ecipes2, add a tsp. to the wash or rinse. /ine ar is a yeast in+


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# hibitor, add it to the rinse. "ry diapers at the hottest settin . "ry to kill. Bill all the yeast spores in the diapers. :o stren then the babyGs skin a ainst future infection, do not put chemicals on the skin. "o not use any soap, fra rance, bath oil, ointment or lotion. "o not use cotton balls or baby wipes. "o not ive a daily bath. Wash bottoms ently, with bora; followed by a vitamin C rinse. /itamin C is acid and is our natural healin a ent but it will stin on a broken skin surface. ,se it as dilute as necessary to be tolerated. Ainc o;ide is another natural healer because it competes away the iron that fun us and bacteria need for their reproduction. *ever use commercially available >inc compounds thou h, simply purchase your own >inc o;ide powder, mi; it with cornstarch and keep in a lar e old salt shaker, dust it wherever there is moisture or fun us rowth.

Treat )east or Fun<us the Same

8ther fun us rowths, like Tinea 0crotch itch2, rin worm 0not a worm at all2, athleteGs foot, alon with Can#i#a, can be similarly eradicated9 %. "eprive the fun us of moisture. 6. "eprive the invaders of iron. 7. "eprive the fun us of su ar. 3. #tren then the skinGs immune power. '. #tren then the skinGs healin ability. It may be impossible to deprive the fun us of moisture, for e;ample if your feet sweat and you must wear socks. :ake your socks off as soon as you are at home, treat your feet with a heat lamp. ,se >inc o;ide or cornstarch to powder and dry the skin. .oil your socks when launderin . "ry them to tinder+heat 0too hot to touch2. Caunder with bora; only 0soaps and deter ents contain aluminum which pollutes the skin2. (inse skin with vi+ tamin C water. It takes all these measures used simultaneously


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# to clear up athleteGs foot fun us. !nd reat persistence. :hey may have developed a foothold underneath the toe nail where a steady supply of moisture, iron and su ar is available to them. *evertheless, your white blood cells will eventually obble them up if you let them. In thrush 0yeast infection of the mouth2 you must a ain outwit its rowth by doin everythin possible at one time. Eat no su ar, drink no fruit Kuice, stay off antibiotic. !void trauma like eatin abrasive foods 0crusts, popcorn, nuts, lo>en es2 or suckin on thin s. @loss teeth only once a day 0usin monofilament fish line2, followed immediately by brushin with white iodine 0or Cu olJs, but this may temporarily stain2. Hydro en pero;ide is not stron enou h. (emember to sterili>e your toothbrush with rain alcohol or iodine. Dou may also rinse your mouth with Cu olJs 01 drops to V cup of water2. 8r apply 1 drops directly to the ton ue and rub it in li htly with your lips. "o not use Cu olJs iodine if you have been told you are al+ ler ic to iodine. Bill Can#i#a daily with a frequency enerator or >apper. #ince reinfection is constant, you must continue to do all the treatments iven to permanently cure yourself of fun us disease. #ince Can#i#a rows ri ht into your livin cells 0which you are not attackin N2 you cannot kill it all at once. 8nly surface fun us can be accessed by either Cu olJs or electrical =>appin ?. .ut as the top layer is killed, e;posin the ne;t layer, you will make pro ress. It will take a month of daily treatment to clear it. Clearin up fun us at one location but not another will not brin you a permanent cure, either. "amp locations like under the breasts, under the belly fold, roin and crotch need to be


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# kept dry with cornstarch daily. Beep it up lon after it seems to be cured.

Fluke Disease
Flu&es, or flatworms, have a comple; life cycle with many sta es. !lthou h sheep, cattle, pi s and humans can be =natural? hosts to the adult sta e, the other sta es are meant to develop outdoors and in secondary hosts. When fluke sta es other than the adult are able to develop in us, I call it flu&e #isease. 8r, when an adult that =normally belon s? to another species is able to develop in us, I also call that fluke disease. 8r even with adult flukes in their =normal? host, when they move from the or an that they =normally? coloni>e to other or ans in the body I call this fluke disease, too. @our fluke varieties en a ed in this e;tra territorial pursuit are the intestinal fluke, sheeC li=er fluke, Can>reati> fluke, and human li=er fluke. !s you can see from their names, scientists have studied them well, and know e;actly which animals are the =normal? hosts, and which or an in that animal is the adult flukeGs =normal? home. @luke disease is when any of these is =wron .? @lukes donGt have eyes to see with or le s to walk with, so how can they find and travel to the or an they want in the middle of your bodyL #cientists do not know for sure. However itGs concluded from many scientific studies that the liver fluke, Fas*ciola, for e;ample, has no trouble seekin out and coloni>in the liver. Here are some e;amples of what can happen when flukes o =wron 9? !dult flukes 0any of the four mentioned2 in the uterine wall causes crampin and bleedin when it is not men+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# strual period time. If an adult crosses the wall to the inside and then mana es to et out throu h the fallopian tubes to the abdominal cavity it takes some endometrium with itR causin endometriosis. If adults develop in the kidneys, it can cause luCus or &od<kin@s disease. If adults complete their cycle in the brain, $lHheimer@s disease and multiCle s>lerosis result. If the intestinal fluke 0Fasciolopsis bus&ii2 becomes adult in the liver it causes >an>ers of many 0hundreds2 kinds. If the pancreatic fluke completes its cycle in the pancreas it leads to diaAetes. :his is not an e;ample of flukes strayin into the wron or ans, but of havin its sta es reproducin where they never could before. If flukes develop in the thymus, immunity is lowered. If it happens to be the intestinal fluke, & % 0Human Immu+ nodeficiency /irus2 is released there. In turn, HI/ invades other tissues, like penis and va ina. :hese four flukes can also invade the muscles, causin dystroChies.

!s dissimilar as we always thou ht these diseases to be, itGs obvious to me that they are but one diseaseRfluke disease
Considerin the si>e of these flukes 0adults are easily visi+ble2, it is not surprisin that they can quickly lay waste a humanGs or ans. Det a human is bi and makes a valiant effort to kill the sta es, block access to tissues and otherwise battle them. .ut only the humanGs intelli ence can be counted on to defeat them. :he intelli ent approach is to discover what enables these mi hty monsters to do their reproducin in our bodies instead of the pond with its snailHminnow secondary hosts.


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Flukes and Sol=ents

:he e;planation I have found for two of these flukes is the presence of solvents in our bodies. :he presence of isoprop+l alcohol is associated in %--< of cancer cases 0over '-- cases2 with reproduction of the intestinal fluke sta es in a variety of or ans causin cancers in these or ans. :he presence of ben'ene is associated in %--< of HI/ cases 0over %-- cases2 with reproduction of intestinal fluke sta es in the thymus. :he presence of )oo# alcohol is associated in %--< of dia+ betes cases 0over '- cases2 with reproduction of pancreatic fluke sta es in the pancreas. :he presence of %+lene and toluene is associated in %--< of !l>heimer cases 0over %- cases2 with the reproduction of intes+ tinal fluke sta es in the brain. Much more work needs to be done to e;amine the relation+ ship between fluke reproduction, the solvent and the chosen or+ an. .ut it seems probable that the solvent allows it all to happen. !nd our intelli ence, to save us, must find a solution. #toppin use of these solvents seems to me to be the most ur ent advice. @indin which foods and products are polluted with them is the first step. It is imperative that you test everythin you use or eat for solvent pollution. :he #yncrometer makes that an easy task. Ideally, we should all pool our results, addin to the body of knowled e I have be un. In my observations, when the bi sources of solvents are stopped, the bodyGs levels o back to >ero. In other words, the minute amounts that we inhale here and there do not accumulate to the point of serious dama e. We have to eat, drink or absorb them on a daily basis to inKure usN #o where can they come fromL :he sources of ben>ene and propyl alcohol that I found are iven in special lists 0pa e 7'3 and 77'2. :he sources of wood


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# alcohol are not as well known, but include commercial bever+ a es, cold cereals, artificial sweetener, vitamins, and dru s. 8ther solvents are even less studied. .ut a pattern is emer in 9 foods and products that require sterili>ation of bottles and ma+ chinery to fill these bottles are polluted with propyl alcohol or wood alcohol. @oods and products containin flavorin s or oils are polluted with ben>ene. Cet the buyer 0you2 be waryN :est your own products if possible. If not, do not purchase them. :here are many other flukes and many other diseases. !re there other flukeHsolventHdisease triosL Has fluke disease been oin on for a lon time or is it a recent phenomenonL Certainly cancer is %-- years old, so is the use of propyl alcohol. "iabetes is quite old as an illness, too, and so is its associated solvent, wood alcohol. .ut HI/, !I"# and !l>heimerGs are recent dis+ eases. #hould we conclude that ben>ene, ;ylene and toluene were used much less in the pastL @luke diseases could be eradicated with some simple ac+ tions9 monitorin of solvents in foods, feeds and products. Hopefully, this will be in. It is in the interest of the consumer to have her or his own independent way of monitorin too. Chemical ways can be devised, besides the electronic way pre+ sented in this book. Ima ine a small test strip like a flat toothpick which turns color when in contact with propyl alcohol. Beep a pack in your pocket and never be unknowin ly dosed a ain...all in tomorrowGs world.

Flukes +ot $lone

:here are other families of parasites. :he roundworms and tapeworms are ainin round too. !re they associated with solventsL 8r with yet undiscovered factorsL !re they chan in their life cycles to take advanta e of our lowered immunityL :hese are important questions. .ut you are armed with e;cellent technolo y. :he answers will be found.


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# !nd alon with answers there will surely develop a new in+ dustry. !n industry that not only proclaims purity for its products but provides the proof to your satisfaction.

$urning And Num#ness

Burnin< sensations in the skin let you know that nerves are involved. Mercury is the most common offender. Mercury may have started the trek of a host of other to;ins as well into your nervous system9 pesticide, automotive chemicals, household chemicals, fra rance and even food chemicals. #ome people can et a burnin sensation after a car trip, some when e;posed to perfume, some when walkin down the soap aisle in a rocery store. When the affected nerves donGt o to skin but instead o to an or an like toes, you mi ht feel a toe cramp or fin er cramp instead. (emove your mercury sources. .urnin skin is an ancient maladyRmaybe even the basis of concepts like =hell.? #t. !nthonyGs fire was caused by ergot 0food fun us2 in estion. Molds donGt necessarily come sin ly. Maybe other mold to;ins can o to your nerves, too 0see Moldy @ood, pa e 75%2. Maybe the mold to;ins interfere with Can3 totheni> a>id used by your body, because ivin pantothenate 0'-- m three times a day2 can sometimes relieve the condition and, of course, this is ood for your body. Eonoso#ium glutamate 0M#F2 can cause burnin , espe+ cially of the face and lips. #ometimes swellin occurs too. M#F is used as a flavor enhancer. It was found decades a o to be a brain to;in and was taken out of baby food. .ut what about adultsL Especially those who already have a brain problem. :hrow it all out of your kitchen. !sk at restaurants which foods have it.


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+umAness has a similar cause. *umbness of fin ers or feet has become quite common since thallium and mercury to;icity has spread so widely. If you have burnin and numbness, can multiple sclerosis 0M#2 be far awayL (emove all the metal in your dentalware immediately, replacin with composite 0see "ental Cleanup, pa e 3-&2. Hopefully, your immune system is still stron enou h to clear the bacteria rowin around the metal and in pockets in the Kaw. Check and clean cavitations. #tart your Kaw healin with the milk, ma nesium, vitamin " diet. ,se thioctic acid to help clear your tissues of remainin metal 07 to 1 a day2. :he most common nervous system bacterium is $higella. Its be innin can already be seen in cases of burnin and numbness. It is deeply entrenched in cases of M#. :hree kinds of $higella are readily obtainable on slides9 $higella #+senteriae, $higella fle%neri, $higella sonnei. $higella fle% causes depression and irritability. !ll can cause as and bloatin . Aappin doesnGt kill all of them because they inhabit the bowel. Dou must empty your bowels frequently, two or three times a day. !nd do the .owel )ro ram until all symptoms are one. .e very careful not to put contaminated dairy food in your mouth a ain. .oil all milk products. :hey must be at boilin point for %- seconds. :his includes cheese, cotta e cheese, buttermilk and re ular milk. Eat only home made yo urt or home made buttermilk. .utter and whippin cream need this treatment, too. *ever use raw dairy products.
Nana Hu&hes' 16' had num#ness o$ the whole ri&ht arm' hand and ri&ht side o$ her headN it was particularl% #ad in the last $our months! She was toxic with *C8s' titanium and d%sprosium "/ 4paint5! She was on th%roid' Oantac 4$or stomach5 and chlora(ipate medicines! We also $ound do& heartworm 4she had chest pain over the heart5! She started on the parasite pro&ram' stopped usin& nail polish' and stopped all deter&ents $or dishes or laundr%! In three wee s her num#ness was &reatl% reduced! She still had titanium #uildup $rom dental metal 4a partial #rid&e5! See7


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E#
in& she was on the ri&ht trac ' she stopped use o$ /SG in her $ood' switched $rom concocted #evera&es to mil and cut down on her smo in&! She #rou&ht her arm prett% near to normal! /aria Santana' 10' had num#ness in #oth armsN the% would tin&le and Q&o to sleepA a lot! It was spreadin& to one le&! Her muscles were toxic with thallium! It was in some ver% old pesticide' still e$$ective and still in use in the house! It was also in the well water' pro#a#l%' $rom pesticide seepa&e! She went o$$ all commercial #od% products' did a idne% cleanse and illed parasites! She had di$$i7cult% &ettin& rid o$ "rosthogonimus #ut in two months she had ever%thin& cleaned up! Her le&s' arms' sleep pro#lem' urinar% tract pro#lems were all &one and she could $ocus on her last pro#lem' di&estion!
Cand% Donaldson' 11' had num#ness $rom her shoulder to the wrist o$ one arm' it started a %ear a&o! She was toxic with iridium' lithium and vanadium $rom a &as lea ! She was advised to stop ca$$eine use and switch to mil 4her calcium level was low@ :!2 m&CD?5 and a ma&nesium ta#let 4<22 m& dail%5! Her tri&l%cerides were hi&h' impl%in& a idne% pro#lem! She had urate and phosphate cr%stals in her idne%! She decreased the phosphate in her diet 4meat' nuts' &rains' soda pop5 and started the idne% cleanse! When the &as lea was $ixed' #oth her lithium and vanadium toxicit% disap7peared! In six wee s she had also illed parasites and her periods #ecame re&ular $or the $irst time! An ovarian c%st had disap7peared' too' as chec ed #% ultrasound! Soon her */S was &one' includin& hot $lushes! A$ter $our months she had done three liver cleanses and suddenl% her num#ness improved! A$ter a $ew more there was no num#ness at all!

If cleanin cavitations brin s you immediate improvement you know that these bacteria were part of the problem. Have them checked a ain if problems returnO dental bacteria are noto+rious for returnin . If kidney cleansin makes it worse for a day and then better, you know kidney bacteria are partly responsible. If liver cleanses 0pa e ''62 make matters worse for a day and then better, you know bacteria are entrenched in the liver. Continue cleansin until none of these sources e;ist any lon er. Bill all bacteria at least once a week electronically. .urnin and


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numbness can be cured, not Kust arrested. In other words, your nerves can be cleaned up and healed.

!ll persons I have seen with clinical depression had small roundworms in the brain. Is it any wonder the brain canGt make enou h neurotransmitters or ets them out of balanceL :he usual worms are hookworms 0Anc+lostoma2, Ascaris of cats and do s, Trichinellas and $trong+loi#es. !lthou h it is commonly believed that hookworms penetrate the skin when walkin barefoot on earth, this appears to be a ne li ible route. :he important routes are eatin animal filth and inhalin filthy dust. 8ur pets pick these worms up daily. We et them and ive them in constant e;chan e with our pets and family members. "iaperin babies is an especially ha>ardous, thou h necessary, business. Cettin little children clean up after their own bowel movements is even more ha>ardous. Hands should be saniti>ed with rain alcohol after dealin with bowel contents, whether your own, your childGs, or an animalGs. If you clean up a messy diaper and then your hands well with soap, then o to make the chopped salad for dinner, youGre sure to ive each family member a dose of whatever the baby has. It was hidin under the fin ernails. !nimals clean up the easy way9 they simply lick the youn sterGs bottom. .ut, we humans are not stron enou h to take on a dose of bottom with each meal. 0e must sanitiHe our hands. Cleanin bathrooms is also dan erous. Wear loves. If no+ body suffers from depression, you can use bleach 0stored in the ara e2 to disinfect the stool, otherwise use alcohol 0'-< rain alcohol2. Beep doorknobs and faucet handles wiped with alco+ hol, too.


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If you suffer from depression use your >apper to immediately kill these four roundworm species9 Anc+lostoma, Ascaris, Trichinella and $trong+loi#es. 8ther family members should be cleared of these four worms on the same day or as close to it as possible. (einfection always occurs. In the depressed person, the microscopic parasites travel immediately to the brain. In others, they may simply reside in the intestine or lun s or liver, or other or ans. )athways 0routes2 to the brain have become established for the depressed person. :hese must heal before there is any tolerance to reinfection. #olvents and other to;ins, also in the brain, slow down or prevent healin . @or this reason the depressed person should do the Four Clean*ups. :he bacteria of the $higella family are always seen in de+ pression cases. Bill all $higellas and avoid reinfection by boil+ in dairy products and not eatin those that canGt be boiled. Fo on the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312. "o not eat deli food or hand prepared salads at salad bars. @inally, do the Civer Cleanse, re+ peatin every two weeks. "epression, even of lon standin , can lift within days after the brain finally has its territory to itself. Cook in the mirror and smile at yourself for your success in vanquishin your invaders. *ever a ain, let these creepy crawl+ers into the happiness+center of your brain.

>anic Depression
:his variety of depression is associated with $trong+loi#es, as the main parasite in the brain. )lus >hlorine as an aller enN $trong+loi#es is the same worm that causes mi raines and other severe types of recurrent headache. It probably depends on where these tiny worms have set up their =housekeepin ? which


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symptoms you et9 manic depression or mi raines. Maybe chlo+ rine is the decidin factor. :hese tiny wormlets can pass the placenta into the unborn fetus. Is it any wonder that these brain disturbances seem to be inheritedL 8f course, there is ample opportunity to simply eat them off hands, other peopleGs hands, and off floors durin childhood. :he ama>in truth is that some family members do not et infected with it or at least do not et brain symptomsN It is very difficult to eradicate $trong+loi#es in a whole family and thereby let the depressed person et well. It is, in fact, impossi+ ble if there is a pet or other animal connection. Fettin rid of the chlorine aller y is also very challen in . #tep one is to >ap all parasites. I usually see an accumulation of Aromine as well. #ince bromine, fluorine and chlorine are all halogens, maybe ettin too much of any one could saturate the liverGs ability to deto;ify chlorine. #top eatin brominated 0bleached2 bread. #top takin dru s containin bromides. :hat is the easy part. Dou must also stop even washin your face in chlorinated water 0use a pure carbon filter system2. Dou inhale it as you wash. *ever drink it or use it for any purpose. 8f course, there should be no bleach container in the house, even when ti htly closedO nor should bleached clothin be worn. "o the Four Clean*ups. #ometimes the cloud lifts and the mind clears on the way home from the dentist. (ecovery can be very rapidRless than a week. !nd recurrence Kust as rapid when a tiny bit of chlorine is inhaled or drunk. .ut your careful vi i+ lance pays off. In half a year you can e;pect no recurrence. Humans, it seems, must lick fin ers with the same compulsion that cows lick their noses and cats lick their rears. :he sin le, most si nificant advance in human hy iene would most assuredly be stoppin the hand to mouth habit. We must always eat with utensils. !nd never leave a bathroom without washin . :hese are difficult chan es but the new a e of parasitism makes


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# it necessary. :o ether with the new pollutants, solvents, and heavy metals, parasites will overtake us unless we chan e. "onGt o off lithium and other medicines until your doctor a rees you are ready, about a half year. !fter this, make sure you still keep it handy. !lthou h you may be free of manic depression in a day, reinfectin yourself weeks later will attack your brain like a hurricaneO it has not yet healed, the routes are open. .e patientO healin will happen as it did for these happy persons.
?ena Constantine' a&e <:' had a histor% o$ mi&raine' "/I' heav% clot7 tin& with periods and numerous pains #ut it shouldn)t have made "/ her tr% suicide +M %ears a&o! She was put on *ro(ac a$terward! She was parasiti(ed #% intestinal $lu es 4in the intestine5' do& whipworm' Strongyloides and human liver $lu es! She was started on a parasite pro&ram and idne% cleanse! "his "/ made her $eel so &ood she too hersel$ o$$ *ro(ac and landed in the hospital $or reasons she couldn)t remem#er! A$ter 1. da%s spent there she &ot out' wiser than #e$ore! She set to wor a&ain' leavin& no detail undone' #ecause she could remem#er how &ood it $elt to #e $ree o$ depression 4not dru&&ed out o$ it5! "hree months later she still had Strongyloides 4she had a cat5 #ut she did her $irst liver cleanse an%wa%! She &ot over 022 stones out! Her depression was &one! She su#stituted 1 ornithine and . &insen& capsules dail% 4more i$ tension was not relieved5 $or *ro(ac and cured her pro#lem! /ona 9a#ala' <<' was extremel% depressed over her Bo#! She was $ull o$ mercur%' arsenic' *C8s' chromate $rom e%e liner' wood alcohol $rom drin in& colas and she had %scaris' pancreatic $lu es' Tri-chinellas and Strongyloides! She thou&ht she was a hopeless case! 8ut in less than three months' when onl% hal$ her clean7up chores were done' she was alread% sa%in& positive thin&s a#out her Bo#!
Ace% =)Hara' a %oun& &raduate student' was ver% care$ul to avoid Bun $ood' ca$$eine' $ra&rance' and #od% products #ecause he had learned the hard wa% that he didn)t tolerate them! When Qcr%in&A depression hit him he was not onl% surprised #ut an&r% that his &ood health ha#its Qhadn)t paid o$$!A He was #u%in& his drin in& waterN it came in clear plastic containers! He had cesium in his


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tissues and #rain! When he switched #ac to plain tap water 4$iltered in small Juantities5 the depression li$ted in a wee and he was no lon&er cr%in& over an%thin&! ?eisa Fnderwood' 13' was clinicall% depressed and in therap%! She #elieved it was due to &oin& throu&h menopause! She had a heav% #urden o$ Strongyloides #ut no other worms! =nl% one o$ her two do&s had Strongyloides 4saliva test5 and the cat was $ree o$ them also! She was $ull o$ cesium 4$rom drin in& re$ri&erator water5 and vanadium 4$rom a &as lea 5! In two months she had accomplished the impossi#le@ all pets and hersel$ were $ree o$ Strongyloides' the% had repaired three &as lea s and her depression was Bust a memor%!
Roland Greele% was dia&nosed as manic depressive a $ew %ears a&o "/ "/ and was put on Ativan and *ro(ac! "his controlled him #ut did not relieve depression! He had a prominent tremor! He had %scaris and sheep liver $lu e sta&es in the #rain! Also Trichinella' Strongyloides and human liver $lu e sta&es! St%rene 4$rom st%ro7 $oam cups5' meth%l eth%l etone 4#evera&e5 and car#on tetrachlo7 ride were in his #rain also' pro#a#l% settin& the sta&e $or parasite reproduction! He had hi&h levels o$ mercur% and silver #ut hi&hest o$ allXthrou&hout his #od%Xwas chlorine 4$rom #leach and tap water5! In $our wee s he had all the metal removed $rom his mouth! He stated that this QunchainedA him! He could alread% tell on his wa% home $rom the dentist that somethin& special had happened! His depression was simpl% &one Qthe wa% %ou li$t a #lan et o$$ a #edA! He resolved to clean up his whole #od% and recover $rom his illness usin& lo&ical methods' li e ours! Sta%in& awa% $rom re&ular chlorinated water was a $ine challen&e to his resolve #ut with whole house $ilterin& now availa#le he ma% have done it! Darren >nox' a&e 16' had #een on "hora(ine
"/ "/

$or <3 %ears #ut was

recentl% chan&ed to Des%ral and ,alium and lithium! He had %scaris and hoo worm and two do(en more assorted parasites includin& $lu e sta&es! His #rain was also hostin& Bacteroides and *ocardia! All parasites were illed in hal$ an hour #% $reJuenc% &enerator at his $irst visit whereupon he immediatel% announced himsel$ $ree o$ depressionN #etter than the last ei&ht %ears! He had man% metals in his #rain' also chlorine! In $our wee s his tremor



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was wa% down' a$ter dechlorinatin& his tap water! His depression never came #ac a$ter dental wor was done!

Much more mold to;in was seen in schi>ophrenic families than in other kinds of illness. :hey usually had four or more kinds of mold to;ins at the same time, meanin that one to;in was not deto;ified before the ne;t was already eaten. It may reflect on the liver as much as the food selected. :he initial inKury, thou h, to the liver may have occurred in early childhood. #chi>ophrenia does not require mercury or other dental metal pollution for its e;pression. :his pattern is lo ical when it is seen that youn children can have schi>ophrenia. #chi>ophrenia is an ancient illness, bein described in some very old literature, before dentistry e;isted. .ut parasites e;isted. !nd moldy food e;isted. !nd copper e;istedN .rgot is always seen in sick persons. 8ther mycoto;ins are also present, includin sterigmatoc+stin, c+tochalasin C, and aflato%in. !s the mycoto;in panorama chan es, brain symptoms can chan e from compulsive hand washin to paranoia or from hearin voices to meanness in disposition.

It is my belief that the current increase in violent crime in ,.#. society can be attributed to the especially hi h levels of mold consumption in foods and bevera es, with the resultant effect that behavior erupts into violence with almost no provo+ cation, merely some frustration. It would not be difficult or e;+ pensive to e;periment with a mold+free diet in our prisons. ! bacterium, E+cobacterium phlei, may also be a cause be+ cause I have seen a hi h correlation between it and schi>ophre+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# nia cases. What its specific effects are, I donGt yet know. :his bacterium may be hidin under teeth. It is also seen in do s. $higella bacteria from nonsterile dairy foods are part of the problem, too. :hey produce brain and nerve to;ins resultin in irritability, depression, an er. In fact, an er can be so intense, it erupts in violence. Cead and copper are commonly seen in schi>ophrenia suf+ ferers. :he usual source for these is the household water 0household plumbin may have lead solder Koints2. Chan e plumbin to )/C, then take thioctic acid 0%-- m , twice a day2. )arasites always found in schi>ophrenia are hookworms 03 Anc+lostoma varieties2 in the brain. Instructions9 %. #top eatin all rain products, nut products and syrups immediately. 6. #terili>e all dairy products. 7. #earch for lead and copper in the water. 3. #top drinkin commercial bevera es, includin bottled water. '. Aap the parasites in the whole family for three days, fol+ lowed by repetitions twice a week. 1. Eliminate $higellas with the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312. 4. Five away pets. #chi>ophrenia is too serious to risk rein+ fection. 5. "o the dental cleanup 0pa e 3-&2. :he need to >ap repeatedly arises from reinfection. *othin needs to be killed twice. .ut reinfection from self, family mem+ bers, pets and food happens every hour. 8ne cannot rely on >appin to stay well. "o a thorou h dia nostic search of all foods eaten at the last meal, the water drunk, the air breathed. 8nly when all these are clean, will the brain heal. When can you eat rains a ainL When you are well. @ind a cereal or pasta that has no mold. :est it for the mold frequencies 044, 55, %--, %61, %7%, %44, %55, 676, 636, 644, 65%, 655, 6&'


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# BH>2. #earch especially for er ot 06&'2. (emember, er ot makes l+sergic aci# #ieth+lami#e 0C#"2, not a ood thin for a schi>ophrenic brain. Honeys, too, have er ot. Er ot takes lon er 0up to 6- minutes2 to deto;ify with added vitamin C. 0(ead the section on Moldy @ood, pa e 75%2. If you become ill a ain after startin rains, o off a ain. :ake '-- m . niacinamide 7 times a day to speed up er ot deto;ification by the liver. !voidance is much easier. Healin of the brain is very rapidO in less than one week feelin s and behavior are more normal. )erhaps there are herbs that hasten healin O considerin how old the illness is, there must surely be several useful herbs. .ut considerin that herbs, too, can be moldy, be very careful to search for molds electronically before usin any herbs. .lue vervain, sa e, and insen are herbs worth tryin . ! question may have popped into your mind as well as mine. If the whole family is eatin moldy food, why arenGt they all schi>ophrenicL In fact, family members usually do suffer from some symptoms that are similar to the victim. .ut every personGs collection of parasites and pollutants is unique. Certainly, the whole family should obey the moldy food rules, in order to function better.

Childhood brain disorders su est an inherited enetic de+ fect. Det numerous parasites and pollutants are able to pass into the unborn child throu h the placenta. Even some bacteria and viruses can. Lead a>>umulation is al;ays seen in >hildren ;ith autism. Was it acquired before birthL Mercury can be transmitted from mother to child, too. If mercury fillin s were not removed before pre nancy, have them


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replaced as soon after delivery as possible 0never durin pre + nancy since the removal itself causes a sur e of heavy metal to enter the body2. :he common tiny worms such as Ascaris, hookworm, $trong+loi#es and Trichinellas easily enter the brain. :hey are present in dirt. "irt enters buildin s via shoes. #hoes carry ani+ mal filth. "onGt let children put their own shoes on until they have learned to avoid touchin the soles. "onGt let your child crawl on the floor of a public buildin , even thou h it looks lossy. "onGt set shoes on furniture or tableN ! preferred habit is to leave shoes at the door. 8nce wormlets have found a pathway to the childGs brain it is difficult to reroute them. :hey must all be killed repeatedly since there is daily reinfection from puttin hands in mouths. !ll family members should kill these parasites weekly to protect the child with autism. When lead and parasites are one consistently for several weeks the pathway to the brain heals and reinfection no lon er sends them to the brain and your child can resume a normal life. I have not treated enou h cases to point to a particular para+ site or pollutant. @or this reason you must do a total cleanup9 body, environment, dental, diet 0especially solvents and molds2.
?eon Dic son' a&e +2' appeared normal at #irth #ut he crawled and wal ed late! At a&e <M he #e&an havin& sei(ures and was also dia&nosed with autism! 4Sei(ures are caused #% %scaris larvae' the% pro#a#l% #e&an the routin& to the #rain5! He was started on *heno#ar#ital"/ #% his clinical doctorN switched to Dilantin"/ then two other dru&s were tried! Now he was on "e&retol

plus Depa7

cote!"/ "he mother used no anti nausea medicine durin& pre&7 nanc%' no ca$$eine' no alcohol or nicotine' not even a sin&le aspirin! In spite o$ his medicines he seemed to have headaches' continued to have sei(ures which distur#ed his sleep and he wasn)t tr%in& to tal ! He vomited a lot! He would ta e no pills or drops 4no her#s even mixed with hone%5 and our $reJuenc% &enerator method was not discovered at that time! He couldn)t ill his para7sites and Shigellas! His #rain was $ull o$ thallium 4not mercur%-5


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#esides the roundworm larvae! He must have &otten this $rom "/ T7tips or cotton #alls or some other mercur%7sterili(ed product! ?eon)s $avorite $ood was &rilled chic en which he ate nearl% ever% da%' as well as two e&&s a da%! His diet was chan&ed to exclude chic en' e&&s' #acon' chips' preservatives and colors in $oods' &rape Bell% and straw#err% Bam! =ne month later he had not improved' nor had the% #een a#le to ill his parasites with the her#al recipe! "he diet chan&e was ex7tremel% di$$icultN he was screamin& $or his $avorite Bun $ood and the whole $amil% was upset over his restrictions! 8ut we encour7a&ed the mother to stic to her purpose' &et a di$$erent #a#%7sitter who would o#e% her' and to tr% to &et some parasite her#s and thioctic acid 4+22 m&! dail%' stirred into hone%' to ta e out lead5 down him! "he $irst wee the new #a#%7sitter succeeded in &ettin& him to ta e thioctic acid! He had onl% one sei(ure that wee ! "his encoura&ed the mother to en$orce the parasite pro&ram and the diet rules! He #ecame attentive in one month and tried to voice sounds!

:he problem with e s is that they are contaminated with $almonellas. I find, however that it is the outside of the e shell and the carton that is contaminated. :he safe way to handle e s is to remove them and return the carton to the refri erator, then wash the e s and your hands before crackin them. E s also contain malvin, a known sei>ure tri er.
>ir *eeples' a&e 0' did not have an% words %et #ut he would point to somethin& and voice /7/7/ to mean he wanted it 4usuall% $ood5! He was in a special school and Qdoin& well!A He had the #rain toxin /SG' and antioxidants 8H" and 8HA accumulated in him! In other words' his liver was not a#le to detoxi$% these common $ood chemicals! At that time' I had not $ound the mold toxins %etN I would now surmise that the% were responsi#le $or the liver)s disa#ilit%! 8esides &oin& o$$ these $ood additives he was Qdesensiti(edA to them with homeopathic drops #% an alternative aller&ist! "he result was immediate! In one wee he tried several new sounds and mana&ed his $irst word@ Q#ox!A A$ter illin& parasites with the her#al pro&ram over a $our wee time period he could spea +: words! "he parents were #ewildered with Bo%! "he% cleaned the toxins out o$ their home so thorou&hl%' there


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was no place to sit and nothin& $amiliar to eat! 8ut their son could sa% thin&s and the parents loved each new sound as i$ it came $rom a new#orn #a#%! In two months he was sa%in& two7 s%lla#le words and puttin& phrases to&ether! He needed us no more 4he was on homeopathic th%roid drops' too5! Geo$$ 8er el% was dia&nosed autistic! He went a#out his #usiness o$ examinin& ever%thin& in the o$$ice without a word! He was in$ested with #oth species o$ %scaris 4there was a pet do&5 and was started on the her#al parasite pro&ram@ Bust a little less than the adult doses! 4Children)s) s%rups are not as e$$ective!5 He was toxic with mercur%' too! He had . or < Q#a#%A root canals! "hese were to #e pulled out! He was also ta en o$$ $ood color' /SG' chic en and e&&s! "he parents accomplished all this ver% Juic l% and called to sa% their child had #ecome normal #ut the% didn)t want us to spread the &ood news to the QautismA clu# the% attended $or $ear o$ criticism $or doin& unorthodox thin&s! =nl% in the FSA could such thin in& occur-

Digestion "ro#lems
.urpin , bloatin , and bein assy are si ns that your di+ estion isnGt perfect. What has one wron L .urps are ases es+ capin upward. .loatin is due to bubbles of as causin pressure. Dour body does not make asN Fas can only be made by bacteria. :he immediate conclusion is that bacteria are rowin in your di estive tract 0stomach and intestines2 that should not be allowed to do so. :hey are likely to be the common enteric 0di estive tract2 bacteria9 $almonellas, $higellas, ., coli, Cacteroi#es fragilis. Dou may wish to identify them before killin them with the >apper. 8r you can sweep throu h the whole bacterial and viral ran e killin all with a frequency enerator. :he ood effects can be felt in an hour, althou h the last ases may take days to et rid of. $almonella and Cacteroi#es fragilis are two bacteria that can eat bile, and can do without o;y en, so they are com+


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# monly seen in the liver. Cacteroi#es probably escaped from its roundworm host, Ascaris. $almonella probably came with non+ sterile dairy food. If you have an intestinal problem involvin di estion or pain, start immediately to boil all dairy foods. #top eatin those that canGt be boiled9 cheese sandwiches, yo urt, ice cream. It must be boiled for %- seconds. :he bacteria are in the liver because your liver attempted to strain them out of your blood and lymph in order to kill them with bile. Instead, they turned around and =ate? the bile, turnin it brown as evidence. *ow, every time the liver lets down bile into the intestine 0and stomach2, a population of these bacteria oes with it. :he intestine becomes a seethin mass of bacteria, bubblin away as they produce C8 6, #86, H6#, C8 0carbon dio;ide, sulfur dio;ide, hydro en sulfide, carbon mono;ide2. #ome of these ases are quite to;ic. Help your liver e;pel its bacterial overload with liver cleanses 0pa e ''62 until all the bile is a beautiful bri ht reen. :his is evident as dark brown bowel movements. Without the reen color of bile added to your intestine, the bowel movement remains li ht colored, such as tan, yellow or oran eN .y stoppin eatin polluted food, killin bacteria and cleansin the liver, di estion becomes normal a ain. 8f course, there must be enou h acid in the stomach and di+ estive en>ymes produced to make ood di estion possible. 8therwise, leftover food oes to feed the waitin bacteria. )ersons with a chronic di estion problem may also find they harbor lead, cadmium, or mercury in the intestineN :his is very ood in a sense. Dour body has kept these to;ins in the intestine, preventin it from ettin into your vital or ans. :he bad news is that their presence in the intestine could start an intestinal disease. :o;ins in the intestine would inhibit your immune system 0here the white blood cells are in clumps called @e+er7s patches2, from obblin up the =bad? enteric bacteria. Maybe


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the = ood? bacteria found your intestine too to;ic to live there. Clean up your dentalware. #earch for lead and cadmium in your drinkin water. !fter improvin your lifestyle, continue to do liver cleanses. Beep your oals hi h9 a flat tummy that feels en+ er etic, no burps or as. Stoma>h a>he 0pa e &52 and hiatal hernia 0pa e %772 are also di estive problems but are dealt with under pain. 0#ee also lower abdominal pains, pa e &4, and appendicitis, pa e %--2.
Alan 8arth had his two %oun& sons with him! =ne o$ them had a ver% sensitive stomach' a poor appetite' wantin& nothin& #ut sweets or chips to eat! "he +3 %ear old had aches and pains that were eepin& him out o$ sports! "he $ather had a tonsil pro#lemN the% swelled i$ he dran mil ! =ne pro#lem was o#vious! "heir mil was tainted with Salmonellas and Shigellas' settin& up throat pro#lems $or the $ather' stomach pro#lems $or one child and a pain s%ndrome $or the other child! 8oilin& all their mil ' not #rin&in& raw chic en into the house 4Salmonella Source5 and stoppin& eatin& %o&urt and cheese was the solution! "here were traces o$ lead in their tap water and the house air had vanadium in it' announcin& a &as lea ! "he% were all heavil% parasiti(ed! When these pro#lems were cleaned up' the whole $amil%)s health improved! >ae Na aBima' middle a&e' had a histor% o$ ulcers and stomach pro#7 "/ "/ lems! She too a lot o$ 9antac and "a&amet over the %ears! She was drin in& co$$ee' tea and colas! She had %scaris and cadmium in her stomach! Five months later she had cleaned up ever%thin& except dentalware and was $eelin& ver% &ood! She didn)t need an% medicines! She still had arthritis and sinus pro#7lems #ut $elt so encoura&ed she had the dental wor scheduled! Sven ?ippencott' a&e 1' had #een tu#e $ed $or several %ears due to wea stomach action! He was Juite underwei&ht $or his a&e! He had a population o$ intestinal $lu e in his stomach alon& with arse7nic 4pesticide5! "he rest o$ the $amil% also had intestinal $lu es! A$ter illin& parasites and washin& the upholstered $urniture' Sven)s appetite went up so he ate more #% mouth and &rew immediatel%! 8ut he soon pic ed up %scaris and cat liver $lu e 4there was an indoor cat5! "hen the whole $amil% &ot intestinal $lu es a&ain! "he% all' includin& Sven' dran car#onated #evera&es ad


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E#
libitum 4whenever the% wished5! With #oth parents wor in& it would not #e possi#le to discipline the ha#it! Sven had wood alcohol' meth%l #ut%l etone' hexanedione' meth%lene chloride and toluene #uildup ma in& his recover% hopeless!

What was once a rare disease has become a household word because it now affects so many. :wo new pollutants of the brain, invitin an old parasite to a location it would not normally be, is the e;planation. :he new pollutants are solvents that seek the brain. "ylene and toluene are pollutants of popular bevera es, de+ caffeinated powders and carbonated drinks. !t first, the body can deto;ify these but with a steady stream of solvent arrivin , deto;ification slows down and parasites be in to build up in the brain. Common fluke parasites which we eat in undercooked meat and perhaps et from our pets, can now reach the brain and multiply there. 8ther to;ins are also present, such as aluminum, mercury, freon, thallium, cadmium. !luminum buildup is seen in all !l>+ heimerGs sufferers 0%--<2. :his is undoubtedly part of the true cause. "id it come before or after the parasitesL Whatever the answer, your Kob is clear. (emove every bit of aluminum from the food and environment. :hrow out the pots, the aluminum foil, the cookie sheets, the tea ball. :hrow out the kitchen salt, the pickles, the bakin powder. .uy thin s made with bakin soda 0not bakin powder2, use a plastic salt shaker, buy salt without added aluminum. #top usin commercial soaps and lotions. Make the soap recipes in this book. @inally, tape over all aluminum handles in the bathroom and elsewhere 0e. . the walker2 with maskin tape. :hen find a chelatin doctor to help remove aluminum from the brain. !lso use thioctic acid 0%-- m O take 6 three times a day2.


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Bill the four common flukes with the first frequency enrator or >apper you can et your hands on. )revent reinfection from meats and pets. #top all commercial bevera es, includin water. :he processin has left ;ylene and toluene in them. :hey are not put in intentionally. @or the same reason, health food bevera es are similarly polluted. 8nly milk is safely bou ht from the store. Dou must still sterili>e it, however. Make your own fruit Kuices. #elect bevera es from the list of recipes iven. "rink water from your cold water tap, filterin it with a small pure carbon filter as in a filter pitcher 0see $ources2. !s much as ;ylene and toluene are brain+seekin solvents, $higella is a brain+seekin bacterium. :he symptoms it causes are not always the same since they depend on the location of infection. #ometimes they cause tremor, sometimes loss of bal+ ance, sometimes speech problems. .ut they are very serious problems. Bill $higellas every day at bedtime with your >apper. #tart the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312. When improvement is lastin you know you have stopped reinfectin from your own bowel or from polluted dairy products. (emove dental metal and use thioctic acid as a help to clear tissues of metal. ,se vitamin C 07 rams2 and . 6 07-- m 2 to assist the liver with deto;ification. ,se . comple; 06 a day2 to assist the liver enerally. !void food moldsO er ot especially has stron mental effects 0see Moldy @ood, pa e 75%2. #tart a kidney cleanse 0pa e '3&2 as soon as you can. @ollow this with a liver cleanse 0pa e ''62. Clean up environment and diet. Dour beloved family member or friend with !l>heimerGs can re ain her or his mental function to a considerable de ree. Most imCortant is stoCCin< the mental deterioration before it is not reversible.
?isa Anne Reed' 32ish' was tentativel% dia&nosed with Al(heimer)s +2 %ears a&o! She needed complete care at present #ut was a#le to wal 4could disappear Juic l%5 and eat! She could occasionall% sa% her name! Her #rain had intestinal $lu es and their e&&s and


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was toxic with aluminum 4coo in& pots5 and aluminum silicate 4salt5! =ne wee later she still had the parasites #ecause no#od% could s ill$ull% &ive her the parasite pro&ram! She was also toxic with #en(ene so rein$ection was occurrin&! In addition she was toxic with #romine 4$rom #rominated #readV5' chlorine 4chlorinated waterV5 lithium' #ismuth' vanadium' and tun&sten' all nown to have stron& #rain e$$ects! She was also toxic with moth #alls and iridium! She har#ored *aegleria' another #rain parasite! In another wee there still were no chan&es due to ina#ilit% to administer the treatment! Isa#elita F$$ord' ;;' was in a wheelchair' #rou&ht #% her two "/ dau&hters who too turns carin& $or her! She was on Clanopin medicine' did not tr% to spea and needed total care' includin& $eedin&! She had #een ill a#out seven %ears! She had intestinal $lu es and their sta&es in her #rain 4the cere#rum5 as well as intestine! She also had isopropanol solvent' aluminum' chromate and hi&h levels o$ arsenic in her #od%! She was &iven the parasite her#s plus in7struction to &et rid o$ solvents and metals #ut the plans could not #e carried out! "he parasites could not #e illed without considera#l% more help than was availa#le! She was a dear' sweet person! "he dau&hters were hi&hl% motivated #ut were overwhelmed with the si(e o$ the tas !
8eth Hamm' 32ish' arrived led #% her ever7vi&ilant' ever7carin& hus7#and! She was started #% medical doctors on ED"A chelation to remove aluminum $rom her #rain! /% tests showed aluminum' toluene' sheep liver $lu es' as#estos and Shigella #acteria! "he parasites and #acteria were (apped immediatel% and her hus#and #e&an the di$$icult tas o$ excludin& non7sterile dair% products $rom the diet provided! In $our da%s she was a#le to wal #% hersel$' nowin& where she was &oin&! She could $inish a short sentence and compl% with directions to sit down and &et up! "hen she had a set #ac Rshe had acJuired Salmonellas in the #rain $rom a #it o$ dair% $ood that had slipped #% his attention! She was &iven ?u&olWs and she improved $urther! In ten da%s she was a new personN an interview o$ twent% minutes len&th did not reveal Al(heimer s%mptoms! Will she #e a#le to hold on to her &ainsV =nl% i$ the aluminum and as#estos are removed $rom her home environment' his vi&ilance with dair% $ood eeps up' and she sta%s on a maintenance parasite pro&ram! 8ut her hus#and appeared intent


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on her recover%! She is a person a&ain! And there seems to #e a deli&ht$ul companionship! Ru#en Cam#eros was #rou&ht #% his wi$e and a $riend $or Al(heimer)s! "he $irst da% he arrived' the intestinal $lu es in his #rain were $ound and illed! He was started on ED"A chelation! "he% were warned a#out non sterile dair% $oods! His Shigella was (apped! Four da%s later he spo e his $irst meanin&$ul sentence@ it was three words lon&! He could pa% attention to the appointment proceedin&s! "wo da%s a$ter that he was readin& a newspaper! "his was utterl% shoc in& to his wi$e! In another three da%s' he could hold a conversation consistin& o$ ver% short sentences! ?ar&er ones #ecame hopelessl% &ar#led! He was started on orni7 thine 415 and valerian capsules 435 at #edtime@ this produced a #eauti$ul ni&hts sleep 4especiall% $or his careta ers-5 and his da%s were less a&itated! "here were still set#ac s later #ut his wi$e was determined to &et him well!

Dementias+ >emory =oss

Memory loss is pro ressive with a e but not due to a in . :here are plenty of nona enarians and centenarians with clear minds and ood memories to prove that a e is not the decidin factor in the dementias. Why do some people deteriorate much soonerL Could you prevent personal deterioration of mental abilitiesL Dou probably can. Dou will know it by noticin memory improvement. :elephone numbers that left you with no recall, unless you wrote them down, number by number, now form roups as you hear them, and you can Kot them down the way you always didN :his is a ood si n of memory improve+ment. Dour writin can improve. :he Ka ed, crooked, mis+ali ned words can be smoothly written a ainN Dou can remember thin s that happened earlier in the day and talk about it later, at mealtime. Dou can finish your thou hts in conversation.


*8*+)!I*@,C "I#E!#E# Mental deterioration of the elderly is not as complicated as is enerally believed. !lthou h circulation and blood pressure play a role, the effe>t of to?ins is mu>h <reater. :he action of to;ins is reater in a e than in youth. :he same polluted water and food causes disorientation in the elderly when it only ives a youn person a stomach ache. :he liverGs deto;ification capability may be the real issue. Indeed, the liver may a e, in accordance with the calendar date. )erhaps the liver is the only truly a in or an. It may even de+ termine your life span. :he answer, then, is to stop ivin it to;ic substances and shortenin your life span.
!s the liver is less able to deto;ify them, common to;ins are allowed to roam the body with the circulation, doin harm to all the or ans. :he brain feels disoriented or di>>yO there is memory loss. !t first, the liver can =catch up? its work and finally clear the to;in for e;cretion. .ut, eventually, it canGt catch up or keep up. :he body, notably the brain, is bathed in to;ic chemicals that interfere with its functionin . *ow, the elderly person must use a cane for stability, must walk very carefully not to fall, must write everythin down to remember it, calls people by their wron names, canGt =find? the ri ht words to speak with, canGt finish sentences, must write on a calendar to keep the days strai ht, starts talkin to themselves to help think of thin s, develops tremors and unsteady ait, acquires a passive personality, loses wei ht, ets stooped, stops readin the newspaper.

!ll these si ns of a in 0dementias2 can be reversed by sim+ ply removin the common to;ins with which we are already familiar.


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8f primary si nificance are food molds. :hese cause brain hemorrha es. Clean up diet, mouth, body, environment, very meticulously. 8f course, an elderly person cannot brin these chan es to herself or himself. If you have a loved one with symptoms of a in , and this person is willin to cooperate with you, you can honestly promise them numerous improvements. #pend a ood deal of your effort on persuasion since livin lon er or bein healthier may not seem worth ivin up a coffee and dou hnut breakfast. 8n the other hand, they mi ht respond to the oal of needin fewer pills, ettin into their own apartment a ain or becomin freed from a walker.
Walter He$$ern' 31' had #een to various neurolo&ists #ut could not $ind an% help! He appeared to have the same ind o$ mental deteriora7tion as his mother' #ut at a much earlier a&e! He couldn)t under7stand an ordinar% conversationN he constantl% spo e a#out winnin& mone%' wal ed hesitantl% and had to #e le$t undistur#ed to accomplish an%thin&Reven eatin& and dressin&! He needed a lot o$ care! We $ound he had %scaris larvae in the #rainRin the cere#rum' where %ou thin ! He also had %canthocephala' &ipe-talonema 4a chic en roundworm5' amoe#a 4#ntamoeba histo-lytica5 and ,ischoedrius in the thin in& part o$ his #rain! He had #een in the poultr% #usiness all his li$e@ his mother pro#a#l% shared this exposure' as well as other li$est%le ha#its that &ave them solvents and pollutants #esides parasites! He had constant rin&in& in his ears' this could a$$ect hearin& an ordinar% conversation! He had a water so$tener that would have supplied a dail% dose o$ aluminum to the #rain' too! "here alwa%s were do&s in the house! *erhaps the marvel is that he was no worse o$$' a tri#ute to human stren&th in &eneral!


*ushin& 8ac A&e

This chapter is a tribute to Jimm+, Ba'+, Eichele, $u'anne, Earlena an# all the others )ho achieve# e%cellence )ith #ail+ care*ta&ing of Ear+ Austin, #ecease# at 84, ItGs true that we have to die sometime. .ut why die before our life span is upL If many people can live to %-- years, then surely this is the human life span, not three score and ten. #ome scientists think the true human life span is closer to %3- yearsN !nd that we all lead shortened lives. :he shortenin is due to failure of some or an in us. 8ther or ans are dependent on the failin or an and be in to fail also. When the brain fails, death occurs, sometimes in five minutes. If we knew which or an is failin , we could come to its as+ sistance and prevent the collapse of the whole body. 8ften it is easy to see which or an is failin . .ut whether this is the true be innin of the bodyGs problems we cannot know. .efore death there may have been appetite loss. .efore the appetite loss there may have been a broken hip. .efore the broken hip, di>>iness. .efore the di>>iness a blood pressure or blood su ar problem. .efore these, an episode of =flu? or a dental =repair.? #ometimes we know what started it all. .ut often we donGt. Eust make a uess and be in somewhere.

If your a in friend or relative is in a home for the elderly, you may be able to persuade him or her to choose a diet that is wiser than the avera e diet people eat there. :his can help a lot. Eust stoppin drinkin the coffee, decaf, iced tea and carbonated bevera es that are served, and switchin to the recipes in this book could et them off some of their medicines.


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:he bevera es to encoura e are sterili>ed milk and hot wa+ terRdelicious with whippin cream, honey and cinnamon. :his ets them away from solvents, o;alic acid and caffeine. 8ld a e is not a time when you =no lon er need milk.? Cal+ cium losses increase in old a e. Milk has the or anic form of calcium, chelated with lactic acid, and it has the cream to pro+ mote absorption. @or this reason, milk should never be reduced in fat content 0not less than 6<2. :he cream is necessary to im+ prove calcium absorption. In old a e it is downri ht dan erous to be takin many cal+ cium tablets. :he stomach does not have the acid necessary to dissolve them. :hey pass into the intestine, disturbin its function and acid levels. With tablets, too, one must be careful with dosa es, while food is self limitin . *o elderly person would be able to drink more than one cup of milk at a time. :his contains 6'- m . of calcium. Milk, however, requires stomach acid to curdle it as the first step in di estion. If there is not sufficient acid, it will pass undi+ ested into the intestine, causin new problems. We must listen to the elderly when they say milk ives them as or other troubles. Havin the milk warm to hot helps in ettin di estion started in the stomach. Milk served hot with cinnamon accomplishes two purposes9 it will stimulate acid secretion and the cinnamon is an insulin aid. Milk served hot with honey adds the nutritive value of honey, displacin the need for other unnatural sweets. :he meal should always include somethin sour to curdle the milk. It does not have to be added to the milkO it can simply be included with the meal somewhere. Cemon Kuice or vine ar can be put in certain foods but the most reliable way to et it into the diet is to put % tablespoon into the water lass alon with a teaspoon of honey. :his ives the water a =sweet and sour? flavor, enou h to make it interestin throu hout the meal. :he fresh lemon Kuice or white dis+


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tilled vine ar and a honey dispenser that is easy to use should always be on the table. .rin these two items to your loved one at the =home? if it cannot be provided re ularly and reliably. )op in at mealtime to check up on it. )owdered vitamin C 0V tsp.2 is another useful acid if the first two are not effective enou h. :he lemon and honey habit, alone, can add years 0healthier years2 to an elderly person. :he e;tra acid taken with lunch and supper 0the stomach has its own best supply of acid in the mornin , for breakfast2 improves overall di estion and helps dissolve the calcium, ma nesium, iron, >inc, man anese, and other minerals in the food so they can be absorbed. :he habit of usin vine ar and honey in water as a bevera e was made famous by "r. Earvis in his book Fol& Ee#icine, circa %&1-. He recommended apple cider vine ar for its e;tra potas+ sium. In those days, vine ar was made of ood apples. *ow, all the re ular vine ars have mold in them. :he to;in, patulin, in moldy apples has been carefully studied by scientists. It taints the vine ar as well as apple Kuice and concentrate made from them. I have not tested patulin to see if it can be deto;ified by vitamin C. We must use only white distilled vine ar, even thou h it lacks potassium, aroma and popularity. ,sin a variety of honeys can make up for the need to vary the flavor. Fet oran e blossom, linden blossom, buckwheat, wildflower, and sa e honey, besides clover blossom. .ut honey is not perfect food. It usually has ergot mold, a very serious to;in. :o deto;ify the er ot, you simply add vitamin C to the honey as soon as it arrives from the supermarket. :his ives it plenty of time to react with the er ot before you eat it. .rin your =fi;ed? honeys to the home. If your elderly loved one has not tolerated milk in years, start with the vine ar and honey bevera e, or lemon and honey, and be patient until that is accepted. :hen add only V cup milk to the dayGs diet, 0in the mornin , on homemade cereal2. Fo up


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very radually and only when di estion allows it. 8f course, the milk must be sterile. If it is not sterile, the final warmin will only increase the bacterial count. Dou must be sure of its sterility. .oil the milk yourself. *ear+boilin is not hot enou h. It must be heated until it bubbles up and almost oes over the container for ten seconds. ,se a non+metal pot that holds one to two quarts. Dou may throw away the skin. :hen cool and refri erate. #upply it to the home, too. Milk that is marketed in paper containers that need no re+ fri eration has been sterili>edO it is safe. 8nce the body, even an a ed body, finds a nutritious food that does not cause troubles of its own, it asks for more. Dour loved one will accept it and drink it without forceful coa;in , if there is no problem with it. !s lon as your loved one tries to avoid drinkin it, your challen e is to find the problem and solve it. It is not a matter of taste or habit. It is a matter of di estibility and lack of to;icity. When your loved one is drinkin three cups of milk 0or buttermilk or whey2 a day and three cups of water, there will be no room 0nor request2 for the usual coffee and tea and other bad bevera es. We all must die of somethin . .ut it neednGt be a stroke, or heart failure, or cancer. Choose what seems to be the most pressin problem to work on. Common problems that pla ue the a ed are brain problems, incontinence, bad di estion, diabetes, tremor, weakness, feelin cold, sensitivity to noise, losin the sense of taste and smell, hearin loss, insomnia, kidney and heart failure.



.rain problems include memory loss, communication deficit, dementia 0callin thin s by inappropriate names and sayin


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inappropriate thin s2. :he brain is simply not ettin enou h o;y en and food to work ri ht. It is like havin a pocket calcu+ lator with rundown batteries9 it will ive you wron answers 0without tellin you they are wron 2. *ot enou h o;y en to the brain is the main cause of memory loss, inability to find the ri ht words, ettin words mi;ed up and not bein able to speak in sentences. Dou can prove this by providin o;y en from a tankO modern equipment is very easy to use and ine;pensive. If your loved one responds well to a few hours of o;y en, you have proof of the problem. How can you increase o;y en in the brainL %. 8pen the blood vessels wider. 6. Increase pressure of blood runnin throu h the blood ves+ sels. 7. (aise the o;y en level in the air that is breathed. Cess car+ bon dio;ide, tobacco smoke and auto e;haust. !ll these, includin a as leak from the pipes in the house, compete with o;y en. 3. Increase the o;y en delivery system to the brain by raisin hemo lobin levels. Cure anemia and low iron levels. '. (aise o;y en saturation of blood by keepin body acidity down. 1. Correct a slow and irre ular heart beat.

8pen blood vessels wider by ivin nia>in. Five it early in the mornin , upon risin , as soon as the feet are set on the floor. Beep it at the bedside, use small capsules or tablets and combine this chore with water drinkin . :he water should not be cold and should have nothin added to make it a bevera e. 0"rinkin water within minutes of sittin upri ht may also move the bowels soon.2 ! 6'- m . time+release niacin tablet 0see $ources2 is a oodchoice.:heelderlyhavelittle sideef+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# fects. Even the niacin+flush, which reddens the face and neck is welcomed since it ives a sensation of warmth. :he flush is intensified by ivin hot liquids or acids 0even vitamin C2 to drink. :he flush is reduced by ivin cold liquids. :he openin of blood vessels by niacin only lasts a few hours. If you see it has a ood effect on your loved one, ive several a day. "o not use a prescription variety, since they are polluted with heavy metalsO use only the brand in $ources, or a brand that you have tested pure. Dou can freely e;periment with niacin to find the best dosa e and varietyO it is not to;ic in this amountO but the si>e of the tablet should not turn it into an unpleasant chore. (educe it if it seems too lar e to swallow. "onGt cut tablets in half, the rou h ed es can scratch the throat. &a;thorn Aerry is an herb that opens blood vessels, par+ ticularly to the heart. Carefully watch the effect on blood pres+ sure when usin it. @ood mold, particularly er+ ot, has the opposite effect of niacin. .rain blood vessels are made narrower, cuttin down the o;y en supply. Er ot is a common contaminant of rains9 donGt provide rye or pumpernickel breads or crack+ ers. "onGt provide wine or other alcoholic bevera esO they are too contaminated with er+ ot and aflato;in. *arrowin the Fig, /1 Alcoholic beverages blood vessels in the brain can contain ergot an# aflato%in, lead to stroke. If you notice an A## vitamin C (-A6 tsp,) upon attack of dementia comin , try a opening an# )ait -9 minutes for it to act, niacin tablet 0%-- m , not timed release2 immediately.


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T $Ns, Strokes and #urCura

#ometimes, the elderly person is aware of the onset of a brain attackO they may see stars or peculiar shapes or lose vision temporarily. :hese are called temporar+ ischemic attac&s 0:I!Gs2. Immediately ive a %-- m tablet of niacin, % ram vi+ tamin C, and a .+comple; in this order of importance. :I!Js are caused by spasmin in the brain blood vessels. If this causes them to sprin a tiny leak somewhere, a part of the brain will not et its usual o;y en and nourishment. ! stroke results. :he spasmin was probably caused by sor hum molds. Cookin durin the manufacturin of sor hum syrup kills the mold but its to;ic byproducts 0mycoto;ins2 are still present. 8ther syrups may have sor hum added, pollutin them. .rown su ar is also polluted with sor hum molds, but fortunately you can deto;ify this mold with vitamin C as usual. Mi; well V tsp. powdered vitamin C with each new 0% lb.2 bo; of brown su ar. )urple patches, like bruises, on the hands or arms of an eld+ erly person are called purpura, and is also caused by sor hum molds. It weakens blood vessels so they break easily. When an elderly person has purpura or :I!Js and the mold source isnJt obvious, you must track it down. :est in a saliva sample for all the sweetenin s used recently 0at least an hour a o2. !t the very least, keep notes on all the sweeteners bein used. Cook for a common one at the ne;t attack. *ever let the tri er food be eaten a ain.

Blood #ressure
Increase blood pressure if it is habitually too low. .lood pressures below %%- may prevent strokes but ruin the quality of life. Cow blood pressures are often due to to;ins from foods. .ut severe salt deprivation in the diet can also cause this. If the adrenal lands are not conservin salt properly, too much so+


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dium is allowed to leave the body with the urine, resultin in low sodium levels in the blood and a blood pressure drop. !drenal performance is improved by takin the kidney herb recipe. :he kidney herbs 0pa e '3&2, at half dose level 0Ucup a day instead of a whole cup2 can be iven daily for three weeks and then on alternate days indefinitely. .e very careful to keep the herbal tea sterile by reheatin . Elderly people seem to sense the improvement iven by kidney herbs. :ry other kidney herbs from time to time9 sha=e <rass, >edar Aerries, IuniCer Aerries, Aut>herNs Aroom, >ornsilk. *one interfere with dru s. (e+ member, they also have a diuretic effect. .e prepared to use e;+ tra paper paddin in underwear to help catch the e;tra urine output. :he first few ni hts may be disturbed by e;tra urination. Interpret this positively. !fter the blood pressure comes up to %%' 0systolic2 mental performance will be reatly improved. "onGt try to brin it up to %6- since this raises the stroke potential without ivin you much improvement in performance. ,se an electronic device to measure blood pressure, one with a fin er cuff, not an arm cuff which can itself induce broken blood vessels. )urchase a device that needs no adKustments of any kind and has automatic cuff tension control 0see mail order catalo s if your pharmacy does not have one2.

$ir #ollution
Improve the quality of the air by lowerin the pollution level. Check into carbon dio;ide, carbon mono;ide, fumes from a as stove pilot li ht, auto e;haust from an attached ara e or nearby hi hway, arsenic from household pesticide, )/C from new plastic curtains or carpetin , formaldehyde from wearin new clothin before washin it, asbestos from hair dryers, freon from a refri erator, fiber lass, and chlorine from runnin tap water. #ome of these displace o;y en, some are simply to;ic to


),#HI*F .!CB !FE the body and lun s. Clean up the air accordin to the eneral principles of environmental cleanup 0see @our Clean+ups, pa e 3-&2. @or the elderly pay special attention to >hlorine in the air. #hower water puts a lot of chlorine into the bathroom air which then distributes itself throu h the rest of the house. *otice whether your elderly person oes into the bathroom in fair shape mentally but comes out confused, unreasonable. *ot every dayGs chlorine e;posure will have the same effect. :rust your Kud ment. !ttach a carbon filter to the shower head 0see $ources2. )urchase a variety that has very simple+to+replace cartrid es. @i ure out how lon it should last and write the date for replacement on the outside of it for your own convenience.

When into and out o$ the #athroom is a di$$erent per$ormance suspect chlorine! *ut a $ilter on %our $aucets!

Fig, /2 Chlorinate# )ater can cause mental problems, Washin hands and face in chlorinated water can ive off enou h chlorine to tri er a manic episode in a manic+ depressive person. Certainly, it is enou h to cause mental ef+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# fects in an elderly person. 8f course, the chlorine bleach bottle should not be kept under the sink. It should be kept in a closed plastic ba in the ara e. It should not be used while the elderly person is in the house and never for his or her laundry. ,se chlorine+free bleach. "onGt pollute the air with fresh flowers, potpourris, or room fresheners. :hese can induce a di>>y spell. (oom air conditioners may have a fiber lass filterN :his fills the house with tiny particles of lass to be breathed by every+ body. :he body makes tumors out of them in order to stop them from cuttin throu h your tissue. (eplace the filter with a foam sheet. :his sheet is %H5 inch thick and washable. I have not found these types of foam filters to emit formaldehyde. (oom air filters are not the answer to polluted air. (emovin the pollution source is. !ir filters may remove some of the to;ic elements but by blowin the air 0and dust2 around vi orously the remainin to;ins are made much more vicious in their effect. :he noise of a filter motor and fumes it may put out itself adds misery to the simple Kob of breathin . ,sin a non+ fiber lass filter at the furnace is a better idea. Make sure all fra rances are removed from the air, even thou h family members =like? them. :hey donGt belon in air. :he lun s treat them like to;ins to be cou hed up or removed by the kidneys and immune system. :his includes colo nes, scented tissues, soap and shampoo and shavin supplies. If you can walk into the bathroom blindfolded and know youGre in the bathroom, itGs not clean enou h. Everythin in the bathroom pollutes the air of the whole house. )eople who must use fra rance should apply it outdoors to keep the indoor air less polluted.


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8;y en ets to the brain on a carrier system of tiny rafts called re# bloo# cells. :hey were meant to be an e;act shape and si>e to fit the most o;y en molecules onto them. Fig, /3 (e# bloo# Each red blood cell is shaped like a cells, top an# si#e dou hnut without the hole. :his fits a vie), lot more o;y en, 86, than round balls would. Det, if there isnGt enou h vitamin . %6, the dimple isnGt put into them to make them dou hnut shaped. :his reduces the bodyGs o;y en supply and the disorder is called >pernicious? anemia. :he chan ed shape of the red blood cells is reflected in a bi er volume called mean cell volume 0MC/2. :he correct volume for red blood cells is about &- cubic microns. Many elderly persons have a MC/ over %--N I have seen pernicious anemia to be associated with Ascaris infestation. Bill Ascaris on a frequency enerator 03-5 BH>2 or >ap. :he source of Ascaris is usually a pet, owned in the past. 8nce infected, the tiny worms do not leave your body on their own. :he infestation may date back to childhood. What a relief for the bone marrow whose Kob it is to make red blood cells to have enou h vitamin .%6 a ainN What does Ascaris do with your .%6L .%6 is a beautiful rose colored vitamin. #ome worms are actually pink from absorbin your .%6N Fivin .%6 shots is the current clinical treatment for . %6 deficiency. Billin Ascaris twice a week by >appin and takin .%6 lo>en es 0see $ources2 is a better solution. 0If your loved one is ettin shots, make sure that no isopropyl alcohol is used on the skin beforehand. )rovide vodka yourself in a small pocket flask or 4-< rain alcohol for this purpose. ,nfortunately, the shot itself may contain traces of this harmful solventRtake a sample home for testin .2


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# 8ther kinds of =anemia? can deprive your elderly person of o;y en. ! low red blood cell count 0under 3.3 millionHmm72 is the = arden? variety. #ometimes iron levels are low and can e;+ plain the low red blood cell count. #ometimes they are not. Most re ular anemias, includin low iron levels, are associ+ ated with hookworm infestations. Bill all Anc+lostomas alon with Ascaris twice a week. It is not wise to take iron pills, even if they do raise hemo lobin lev+ els, e;cept in life+threatenin situations. (emove the tiny crea+ tures that cause microscopic bleedin instead. Iron in the form of pills is too easily snatched up by bacteria who also need it, makin them more virulent to the body. ,se rain alcohol rinse in the bathroom to kill Ascaris and hookworm e s under fin+ ernails. "onGt have pets in the house or keep them on daily parasite killin herbs. It takes nutritious food to build the blood back up to its normal hemo lobin level. E s and meats 0all very well cooked2 are the richest sources of iron and other minerals used in blood buildin . .1 and other vitamins are also involved and can be iven as a .+comple; 0see $ources2. "o not use black strap molasses as an iron source, or any molasses, since it contains to;ic molds. 0:he molds could be deto;ified with vitamin C the same way as honey. However, I have not tested enou h molasses for solvents and you cannot risk these.2 In the past, when the nutrient properties of molasses were discovered, the molasses manufacturin was a small, carefully conducted business. *ow it has molds which cause platelet destruction, 0purpuric spots2 internal bleedin , and immune failure.


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$>id Le=els
8;y en must first Kump onto its raft, the hemo lobin, in the lun s. Cater, in the brain, o;y en must Kump off a ain to enter the brain cells. ! difference in acid levels makes this possible. !cid levels operate the latchin system that decides whether o;y en will be attached to hemo lobin or let oN !cidity unlatches o;y en. :here should be no acidity in the lun s so o;y en can attach here. #ometimes, the entire body is too acidN "iabetics, asthmatics, arthritics, especially, suffer from total body acidity. !cid was meant to be removed from the blood and loaded into the stomach at mealtime for di estion. When this isnGt hap+penin , it was meant to be shipped out of the body with the urine. .ut the kidneys may be doin a poor Kob because they are clo ed with tiny crystals and because not enou h water is drunk, so the bodyGs acid levels rise. Dou can test total body acidity by measurin the pH of the mornin urine. It should not be under 0more acid than2 '.'. If the body acid level is too hi h, help the kidneys e;crete it by addin more water to the diet and more minerals to neutrali>e the acid. :he main minerals for this purpose are calcium and ma nesium.

n>rease Minerals
!ddin water to the diet could be the most difficult of tasks if your elderly loved one =doesnGt like it.? Calcium should be in the form of milk, ma nesium as a tablet. When tablets cannot be swallowedO use ma nesium o;ide powder 0see $ources2. ,se %H5 tsp. added to cooked cereal, soup, stew, puddin . Ma nesium, bein a mineral, does not et destroyed as vitamins may. Dou can add it anywhere in the diet where it wonGt be tasted. *otice how calmin it is to have e;tra ma nesium in this radual way. !nd how much better the sleep is at ni ht.


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When water =doesnGt taste ood,? there is probably a valid reason. :he body may be tryin to reKect chlorine or other to;ins in it. In this case, filter it with a small all+carbon unit that is chan ed ri ht on sched+ ule. ! plastic pitcher 0not clear plastic or fle;ible plastic2 with a carbon pack fitted into the top is best. #terili>e it once a week by puttin a cup of water and one tbs. of rain alcohol in it and turnin it upside down so the filter can soak for %' minutes. @lush out the alcohol with two pitchers of water. Make sure the temperature suits the person. :emperature can mean everythin to the never+thirsty person.

"onGt allow ice cubes, however, nor bevera e makin , with the essen+ Fig, /4 Hater pitcher )ith filter, tial water. !ddin lemon or vine ar 0white dis+ tilled2 and % tsp. honey is probably the best way to stimulate both thirst and appetite. When blood is properly o;y enated it takes on a bri ht red color, uno;y enated blood is more purple. ! chelation doctor can easily see the state of o;y enation.


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Chelation is a powerful way to quickly improve o;y enation of blood. :he most important rule to observe, thou h, is to take the treatment slowly. Especially if eth+lene #iamine tetra acetate 0E":!2 is bein used to remove heavy metals, it is im+ portant to take the treatment over a two hour time period. Mini doses may be iven in a shorter time. Fenerally, you are in char e of the flow rate. "iscuss it with the nurse. Weekly chelations can correct many problems of the elderly that no other treatment could. .ecause of hostility from insurance companies who do not wish to add another cost to their led er and doctors indoctrinated with misinformation, bad publicity is iven to this wonderful, life+ prolon in mode of treatment. Clinical doctors who have no time to really investi ate the statistics of chelation treatments and for whom this is purely competition may feel anta onistic to these treatments. Dour loved one should not be the one who must suffer from medical politics. Fo to see for yourself what chelation is all about. :he receptionist should be lad to show you around. :he secret is to talk to the patients themselves. :hey are usually sittin around a room, eatin their lunch and readin as their I/Gs drip. :he pulse, blood pressure and blood chemistry is also carefully monitored. #it down with them to find out their stories. Fet a realistic picture of benefits and costs.

:he pulse reflects the heartbeat. ! slo; Culse can ive weird brain symptoms besides reat fati ue. :he cause is usually a dru that is bein taken to correct a fast CulseN Check with the nurse. (ead the insert included with packa in for all dru s used. :he dru s responsible are usually =beta blockers?,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# used for the purpose of smoothin out the heart beat, that is, makin it re ular. 8ften the dru can be chan ed. Cess than 1- beats per minute will lead to trouble. @or a youn person it is a ood si n to be as low as 1-, provided no dru is involved. .ut for the elderly it does not reflect a stron athletic heart beat. :he heart is made of four separate =chambers? or compart+ ments each pulsin in turn. :hey are like four horses pullin a wa on. ,nless they pull evenly, the wa on feels Kerky, and ir+ re ular. :he wa on will wear out sooner with Kerky pullin . :o smooth them out you simply slow them down. !pparently they sense each other better and can pull evenly now. ! heart that is beatin %-- times per minute, not unusual for a weak old heart, can be so irre ular that it misses every fourth beat. :hat creates a terrible deficiency of o;y en. Ima ine your four cylinder car or lawnmower missin one out of four en ine strokesN .eta+blockers have some quite undesirable side effects but heart re ularity has a hi her priority. #o dru s are the im+ mediate choice. Cater, when heart health is improved, the heart will beat re ularly without dru use. In the meantime, watch over the pulse. When the pulse drops below 1- the new dan er is slowness. :ake the pulse daily when a new dru has been added, or when you are workin on heart health, without ettin your loved one an;ious about it.

&eart &ealth
:o improve heart health, the first steps of course would be to o off caffeine and to kill parasites and bacteria. :his alone could drop the pulse from %6- to 5- in a few days. 8bviously, the need for a dru is one. Cut the dru dosa e in half immedi+ ately. "onGt wait for a doctorGs appointment to 8.B. it. If you waited another day the pulse could be below 1-.


),#HI*F .!CB !FE Many common bacteria, especially $taph+lococcus aureus, choose the heart as their favorite location. :heir nestin place, thou h, will be under a missin tooth in the Kaw 0cavitation2. Heartworm and 5oa loa are two very common heart parasites. Dou can have all these killed in a day, without side effects and your heart is once more free to beat re ularly. "onGt take a chance on over+medicatin . !s soon as the beat is re ular and under %-- per minute, reduce your heart dru s. #top them when you are re ular and under 5-. @ati ue will leave and the brain will work better. (aisin potassium levels slows the pulse. :ry to do this with diet by eatin more potassium rich food and by conservin on potassium losses. :he adrenals are in control of losses. Five them a thorou h cleanin . :he adrenals are situated ri ht on top of the kidneys where all to;ic thin s are bein e;creted. .ein this near to the urinary tract will result in shared to;ins. ,rinary tract bacteria, small kidney stones, moldy foods and metal from dentalware are the chief offenders. #witch to composite tooth fillin s. ,se non+metal Kewelry. Cook and eat with non+metal ware. "onGt handle metal unconsciously throu hout the day. !luminum obKects that must be touched should be wrapped in maskin tape9 this includes walker, shower door, bathroom sup+ ports. "oor knobs, taped walker handles, and cane handles should be wiped daily with a rain alcohol solution.

Treat the adrenal glands to 5 supplements

%. %itamin CF shake some into all foods that can absorb a bit of the sour taste, even cooked cereal and vine ar water. 6. #antotheni> a>idF '-- m ., one daily. 7. B9F 6'-+'-- m . daily.


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3. Foli> a>idF 5-- mc . daily. '. B5F %'- m . daily. :hese are minimum dosa es. If no capsules or tablets can be swallowed put a three day supply in a heavy plastic ba . )ound with a hammerO then roll finer with a bi lass Kar. ,se about %H7 of the mi; each day. If you are tryin to do all this in a nursin home, feed it to your loved one while visitin . )ut the powder mi; in a plastic 0not styrofoam2 cup, add honey and stir until you et a paste. @eed the paste directly by spoon. 8ften the elderly prefer it this way in order not to bother with pill takin at meal time. (emind them it will turn the urine yellow. When the brain problems are corrected for an elderly person, be sure to relate the improvement to him or her. Improvements should not be dismissed li htly. Beep notes. :his encoura es the elderly, lettin them know their e;istence and quality of life is important to you. Improvements are not merely steps to yet further improvements. EnKoy each bit of pro ressO it is often too subtle for your loved one to notice even when it is larin ly obvious to you. .efore and after a chelation treatment can show a dramatic chan e in mood, ener y, appetite and communication ability, yet et no comment from your loved one. )oint it out e;plicitly so your loved one can look forward to it, too. $<in< is no fun. :he elderly lon for a brisk ait, lau hter, and a picnic at a park a ain. :hey dwell on dyin , thou h, be+ cause they know it isnGt far away and wonder what to do about it. :hey dare not talk about it because it is too painful a subKect for the loved ones. !nd the immediate problems are too pressin to allow much contemplation of future problems. :alk about a in in its positive aspects. Cet your loved one e;press feelin s about it.


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pla ues most elderly persons. It be ins to pla ue women much earlierRafter childbirth, for instance. #ur ically shortenin the bands that hold the bladder in position 0called bladder =liftin ?2 can ive temporary relief, but the sur eon may be the first to tell you that it is a temporary fi;. #till, it is so shockin not to be able to run a few steps or snee>e or cou h without wettin the underwear, that anythin seems better than doin nothin . #ur eons will tell you that the bands have been =overstretched.? :he real reason why nothin , not even sur ery, is permanent is that the support bands are weak. .acterial invasion causes most of this weakness. Cow potassium levels 0due to e;cess potassium losses by the adrenals2 causes more weakness. When you kill bacteria 0and $chistosomes and Ascaris and other para+sites that brin in bacteria2 and blood potassium levels o up, the problem is solved. 8verni ht you may throw those pads away. Even thou h you needed three pads to be =safe? you will not need any. Whether you have killed bacteria permanently determines whether you have permanently cured the condition. Make sure all dairy foods are absolutely sterile. !sk that the milk be boiled for ten seconds and other foods that canGt be sterili>ed are not on the menu, like sour cream. #our cream has too much t+ramine to be safe. :yramine is a bacterial by product that is quite to;icO it is rather hi h in a ed cheese, also. With the food bacteria, $almonellas and $higella, out of the way and parasites bein killed re ularly, you can focus attention on the adrenals which control potassium levels. .e careful not to rave about the foods that your loved one cannot eat.


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Eatin more potassium in food is a ood nutrition proKect. .ananas are the top choice. @resh fruit salad and baked potatoes and soup also provides a lot. Mi;in potassium salt with re ular salt, half and half, for the shaker is another easy trick, even if you only use it in cookin where the taste cannot be detected. )otassium by prescription is often used by clinicians to conserve body potassium durin diuretic use. :his need not be stopped 0if the pills are not polluted2 althou h takin potassium pills is less useful than saltin it in because the adrenals will let any bi dose escape anyway. ! si n of too much potassium is a slow pulse. It may be necessary to wear some kind of incontinence un+ derwear. :ry to avoid them at ni ht, thou h, so the skin can breathe freely. .rin a commode near the bed for the ni ht, rather than diaperin your loved one 0but donGt call them diapersO say =underwear?2. !bsorbent pants of all kinds are heavily chemicali>ed. :his is absorbed by the skin and adds to the to;in level. Cess will be absorbed if you powder the skin with corn+ starch first. ,se them minimally and line them with tissue or paper towel. Chair and bed pads, too, are chemicali>ed. "onGt sit on them with bare skin. :o facilitate ettin to the commode quickly in the ni ht, dress the elderly in a short ni ht shirt, no paKamas or lon own. .ed socks on the feet help with warmth. Wash the body parts daily, around the urinary and rectal outlet, usin bora; water. @ollow with '< rain alcohol. )ut washcloth in laundry after a sin le use. *othin , not even brain improvement, impresses and encoura es an elderly person as much as seein the incontinence lessen. :his bit of pro ress will put him or her solidly on your side. When they believe in you, it makes your task more rewardin . (emember to enKoy and cele+ brate your achievements to etherO donGt make a rim business out of it.


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$ad Digestion
with its e;cessive as and burpin is another pla ue of the elderly. :hey would rather not o to church nor visit a friend than embarrass themselves in that way.

It all be ins with the stomach althou h chewin food well is essential for really ood di estion. "entures should fit perfectly so the mouth does not develop sores. ,sin denture cream is not a ood substitute for correct fit and is to;ic. "enture plastic is often to;ic, even containin mercury in its compositionN :o;ins in plastic can seepN #uch to;ins lower the immunity of the mouth and throat and stomach since it all flows down into the stomach. Cow immunity in the mouth permits throat infections to be chronic. If your elderly loved one has a red+lookin mouth or throat, instead of pink, an infection is oin on in spite of no cou hs and no complaints. It will do no ood to keep >appin bacteria when reinfection is so easy. @irst kill the bacteria in the dentures by soakin in 4-< rain alcohol. :hen test the dentures for to;ins. #oak the dentures in water for several hours. (inse and soak a ain in fresh water. (epeat a third time to insure that any to;in found came from the dentures, not the saliva. #ave this water for testin . #earch for heavy metals in the denture water. If you find any, you know the dentures are to;icN Fet new ones, made of uncolored methacrylate 0see "ental Cleanup, pa e 3-&2. :he denture+soak should kill bacteria each ni ht. )lastic has tiny pores where bacteria can hide. ,se 4-< rain alcohol which you make yourself or plain vodka which is about '-< alcohol. #ince alcohol evaporates and is e;pensive, use a wide mouth Kar with close fittin non+metal lid for all this. @ish them out with your toothbrush so it ets sterili>ed too. It only takes


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minutes to kill everythin . Commercial denture cleaners are much more to;ic than rain alcoholO donGt use them. ,se food rade hydro en pero;ide or salt water to brush teeth in your mouth, never toothCaste. :oothpaste has to;ic metals 0tin, fluoride, strontium2 besides ben>ene pollution. #ee the section on brushin teeth 0pa e '762 for details and sources. If you are responsible for this daily chore, use homemade floss 06 pound to 3 pound nylon fish line2 firstO then brush. If your loved one is seated they may be able to handle the brush by themselves, ivin them pride in the achievement. If an elderly person refuses or canGt wear dentures, provide food that is soft and without chunks since this decides whether the stomach can di est it. :he stomach is the weak point of the di estive process for the elderly because nearly all donGt produce enou h acid to et the Kob done.

Stoma>h $>id
:he body produces hydrochloric acid 0HCC2 which ets pushed into the stomach from the bloodN :he en>yme, carbonic anh+#rase, a >inc en>yme, is involved. *ot many ways are known to stimulate this whole process. "rinkin water before meals stimulates it in unknown ways but is hard to do for the elderly. *e;t best is to provide acid. .ecause stron HCC would dissolve teeth it is not available as a solution to aid di estion. !sk a pharmacist to make a %< HCC solution and use %- drops of it in a bevera e at mealtime once a day. HCC as a tablet 0=.etaine HCC?2 is available but doesnGt have enou h HCC in it. ,sin a lemon or vine ar and honey bevera e helps with di+ estion althou h this provides citric or acetic acid, not hydro+ chloric. :hese acids are completely metaboli>ed so they donGt add to the body acid level. .ut the fact that it is not hydrochloric means that it canGt kill bacteria and parasites in the stomach


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like re ular hydrochloric acid could. :he stomach becomes a haven for $almonellas and other bacteria and this is the Ai<<est di<esti=e Cla<ue of the elderly . $almonellas di deep into the stomach wall, safe from antibiotics and stomach acid and arenGt washed away with the food. When they take over the re ion near the top of the stomach, it weakens the esopha eal sphincter and food keeps comin back up a bitRa most uncomfortable development, especially after supper or when lyin down. When the #almonellas spread out further to invade the dia+ phra m around the sphincter, the diaphra m weakens, and lets a bit of the stomach up throu h the hole. :his causes hiatal hernia distress. "onGt settle your loved one in an easy chair after supper. :his presses the stomach up+ward and the food up, too. Ceave them sittin at the table a while, then walk a bit, to et the food down lower. :he food will sink lower if some of it can leave the stomach at the lower pyloric end. .ut if $almonellas are entrenched here, too, the lower end does not have enou h action to push the food throu h the valve. :M "ru s like (e lan are iven to speed this up. What helps most is ettin di estion completed. :his sets up the natural cues for emptyin . "i estive en>yme tablets have been in popular use to help di estion. .ut they may not be safe since they have not been sterili>ed. !lways try the vine ar and honey method first. Cou hin durin eatin is a si n that the diaphra m is irritated 0by a hiatal hernia2. If drinkin water starts the cou hin , omit it at the be innin of meals. Work in sips durin the meal.

Salmonella and Shi<ella

#ome $almonella infections can brin di>>iness to your eld+ erly person. "i>>iness is another pla ue of the elderly, keepin them from oin shoppin , ettin to church and even from :M ettin around their own homes. "ru s such as !ntivert are


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iven but only take the ed e off the problem. @eelin di>>y can make your loved one home bound and stuck to a walker for every move. $almonellas, alon with $higellas, produce very to;ic sub+ stances that cause di>>iness. :here are three common $almonella varieties9 $almonella enteri#itis, $almonella parat+phi, and $almonella t+phimurium 0751, 75-, 7'3 BH>2. Bill $almonellas daily for a month by takin Cu olJs iodine 01 drops in a half cup water, after meals and bedtime, see (ecipes2. ,nfortunately, this will not kill $higellasO follow the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312 to et them. "urin this time set up a system of sterili>in all dairy products 0see Milk, pa e 36'2 since this is the source of rein+ fection. #et up a system of rinsin fin ers 0and fin ernails2 in %-< rain alcohol in the bathroom. "eli food and restaurant salads carry $almonellas and $higellas, too. Bill them, rou+ tinely, after eatin such food due to necessity. ! warm stomach full of food at a neutral pH is Kust the ri ht culture condition for these bacteria. ItGs like puttin yeast into a bowl of warm water, flour and su ar. In half an hour it is overflowin with rowth. 8nce $almonella is entrenched in an or an it is difficult to eliminate. 8nly an electric >apper can kill them all 0in an or an, not the bowel2. If your body has the ri ht conditions 0like a low acid stomach2 to let them row you dare not swallow another oneN $higellas arrive with dairy foods, too, but prefer the lower intestine as their headquarters. Indi estion that starts ri ht after eatin is probably due to $almonellas. If your indi estion comes in the ni ht, this su ests $higellas, since theyGve had time to reach their favorite place further down. Camp+lobacter and ., coli, other di estive bacteria, are sometimes the culprits. :he .owel )ro ram is effective a ainst these also. .esides ettin di estive improvement you et mental improvement, less depression, less di>>iness, less irritability after clearin these up. (emember that eatin bacteria and


),#HI*F .!CB !FE killin them later will not solve the problem. #toppin eatin them will.

'ther Clues
"i estion problems that remain after eliminatin bacteria can be dia nosed in a rational way. !sk these questions9 Is the stool oran ish+yellow, or very pale, instead of reenish brownL If so, bile isnGt ettin delivered to the small intestine from the liver. Is there abdominal painL 0More about this on pa e &42. It may be due to Ascaris, flukes, or other parasites. Is there constipationL :his will let wastes accumulate, all the lon er for bacteria to thrive on them. Is there bloatin L :his is due to as made by bacteria. "oes the stool floatL If so, it must be li hter than water and contain fat or a reat deal of undi ested material.

Li=er Bile
.ile is necessary for di estion. !bsorption of fat and calcium depends on bile mi;in with the food. When fat isnGt absorbed, it stays in the intestine. @at is li hter than waterO it makes the stool float. @eces should not float. When the stool floats you can assume that calcium isnGt bein absorbed either, leavin the blood in a deficit which will be taken from the bones. If the stool floats or is oran ish in color prepare your elderly person for a liver cleanse 0pa e ''62 to clear a bile duct of ob+ struction. :hey et quite fond of these cleanses and will ask to have one. Civer cleanses are completely safe, even for persons in their 5-Gs. 8ne of the stones pictured on pa e ''3 came from a woman a e &4. :he eneral rules apply to the e;tremely elderly9 kill all parasites first by >apper if possible, otherwise by


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herbal parasite killin . "o a kidney cleanse 0pa e '3&2 first, usin half a dose instead of the re ular dose, for three to si; weeks. !ttend your loved one in person for the liver cleanse, have a commode at bedside, protect beddin from accident9 use paper underwear if necessary. #hare the Koy of ettin allstones out painlessly with your loved oneO let them see and count them if they wish before you flush them 0use a flashli ht2. .e e;tra careful with the skin cleansin . Hot water soothes and heals. ,se starch skin soother to dispense onto the wet paper towel, besides bora; solution and alcohol. "onGt use ordinary soap. :he starch skin softener ives the smoothness of soap, and prevents the pain of friction. !n elderly person may have no diarrhea at all with the Epsom saltsN Evidently the body absorbs all the ma nesium so ea erly, none is left in the intestine to absorb water and create diarrhea. It is especially important thou h to rehydrate your elderly person after a diarrhea. :his time they do not balk at water consumption. :he liver cleanse, it seems, ives them new thirst as well as new appetite. .ut it doesnGt last lon . !s the stones from the far corners of the liver move forward, they compact into lar er stones and plu the ducts a ain. :heir previous symptoms return. :ry to ive a cleanse once a month until the dark color of the stool returns and it no lon er floats. :he benefits of a liver cleanse will last lon er if =alerian herA is taken the day after the cleanse and from then forward. It may be preventin spasm of the bile ducts. ,se 6 o>. of the herb 0cut2 in 7 cups water. #immer for '+%- minutes, let settle or strain. !dd honey to sweeten. Five a few tbs. every 3 hours 0or 1 capsules2 for several days followed by a daily dose at bedtime.


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If constipation is a problem, use an herbal product rather than a dru until you have removed the cause. Cas>ara sa<rada 0half dosa e2 or Crunes work for many people. !ddin rou<ha<e to the diet is a ood solution but often doesnGt work. If you try bran, you should add vitamin C and boil it, first, because it is very moldy. .ut even eatin tree branches for supper wonGt move a bowel that has the wron bacteria in it. .acteria are part of the causeO and part of the resultN Consti+ pation increases the bacteria level which causes further consti+ pationN Dou may solve the constipation problem immediately by >appin . Even thou h this kills some = ood? with some =bad? bacteria, no harm is done. :he stool is recoloni>ed in one to two days.

#ooC )our TrouAles $;ay

:wo bowel movements a day are the minimum necessary for ood health. :he first one should be in the mornin . :he mornin cup of water, drunk at the bedside has the ma ical ability to move the bowels. Cold water may fail. .ut the water effect only works in the early mornin . Waitin until after breakfast may not work. *otice the ener y lift your loved one ets from this most primitive body cleanse. :ake advanta e of this to e;ercise them. Fo immediately for the mornin walk. :his mi ht be the only time of day they can enKoy their walk. 0alkin< and li=er >leansin< are the most health+promotin activities you can do for your loved one. Make walkin as essential as eatin . Walkin is not merely walkin about the house or shoppin . Walkin should be done outdoors. Walkin is a brisk e;ercise, done as speedily as possi+


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ble and lastin at least Uhour. 8nly if the weather doesnGt allow outdoor walkin can an indoor walk be substituted. "onGt let your elderly person choose whether they will walk that day. :o overcome resistance, find a cheerful nei hborhood person will+ in to do this task for pay. :he need to respond to a new stran er ener i>es the elderly more than your persuasion can.

Su<ar Re<ulation
"iabetes is a common development in the elderly. If your loved one is already on a pill for be innin diabetes, take this as your challen e never to let it et worse. It is not a chronic meta+ bolic deterioration. It is a destruction of the pancreas 0specifically the islets2 by the pancreatic fluke which is attracted to the pancreas by wood alcohol. Aap flukes and eliminate wood alcohol as described in the section on diabetes 0pa e %472. ,se no artificial sweetener and no bevera es besides milk, water and the recipes iven in this book. :his is one re imen your loved one will not resent. :hey are well motivated to pre+ vent the need for ivin themselves daily shots of insulin. ,se this motivation to acquire the taste for new foods and bevera es.

&lderly "ersonHs 1 Day Dia#etic Diet

Daily suCClementsF 3 chromium 06-- mc . each2, % or 6 .+ '- comple;, vitamin C 0%,--- m . or V tsp.2. :ake with food.

Choose any oneO they need not be in order. %. :wo e s, 0replace carton and wash hands and e s before crackin 2, wheat+free, corn+free bread, not toasted 0special breads can be found in the free>er section of natural food


),#HI*F .!CB !FE stores2, with butter and % tbs. oran e blossom honey. % peeled pear, raw, with whippin cream. 8ne cup hot milk with cinnamon. 6. 8ld fashioned oats, with %H3 tsp. cinnamon and %H5 tsp. vitamin C, stirred in Kust before servin . Mi; whippin cream with sterili>ed milk to make a =half n half? for the cereal. % tbs. honey. % banana. 8ne half cup milk, one half lass water with honey and vine ar. 7. @ried potatoes with 6 e s 0use only butter, olive oil or lard2, % cup hot or cold milk. ! quartered oran e 0wash the oran e before quarterin 2. 3. Cream of rice, with homemade =half n half? or whippin cream, cinnamon and vitamin C stirred in. % cup milk, % banana. '. Cotta e cheese, cooked in covered skillet to sterili>e. !dd chives or peeled fruit 0not canned2. Wheat+free, corn+free bread, or rice bread with % tbs. honey. % nectarine or piece of melon. % cup hot milk. Water with vine ar and honey. 1. )ancakes or waffles with butter and e s 0no sweetenin 2. @ruit 0peeled2, hot milk, water. 4. @ruit cup, lar e bowl of peeled, chopped mi;ed fruit with whippin cream and % tbs. honey and rice bread or other wheat+free, corn+free bread with unsalted butter. % cup hot milk with cinnamon. (emember, all honey must be pretreated with vitamin C. !ll fruit is peeled and free of blemishes and soft spots. !ll milk, cream, butter must be sterili>ed for %- seconds at full boilin point. .utter must not be =raw?. Fet wheat+free, corn+free bread at a natural foods store.

It is better to have most of the dayGs calories in the middle of the day than at the end. !rran e for dinner at noon if possible.


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Choose any one. %. Freen beans with potatoes, meat dish, cabba e apple salad, water with lemon Kuice and honey, % cup hot milk. Water. @resh reen beans, especially fava beans contain a sub+ stance that is described in old herbal literature to be espe+ cially beneficial to diabetics. "onGt overcook themRit mi ht harm this substance. @or the same reason, donGt use canned reen beans. If =fresh? isnGt possible, choose =fro>en? but rinse the chemicals off before cookin . )otatoes 0not overcooked2, peeled to make sure there are no blemishes 0contain mold and pesticide2 can be cooked with the beans. Cook with onions and ore ano for flavorin . !dd fresh chopped parsley to the sauce or butter for both reen beans and potatoes. @resh parsley has special herbal oodness 0hi h ma nesium, hi h potassium, diuretic.2 :he meat dish should be overdone. =@ast food? is plopped from the free>er into the boilin rease which browns the outside nicely but can easily leave the inside undercooked. Meat must never be =rare.? :here should be no redness near bonesN Canned meat is safe from parasites but may have smoke flavorin added 0contains ben>opy+ rene2 or nitrates. !void these chemicals. !void M#F too. Whenever a meat dish is not accepted, substitute sardines. Cet them choose from a display of si; kinds. )urchase the flip+top cans to avoid eatin metal rindin s from the can openin process. Cabba e for salad should be chopped fine enou h to be di estible. !dd finely chopped apples 0peeled2 and a few apple seeds and whippin cream for the dressin .


),#HI*F .!CB !FE #weet thin s are reserved for dessert. #ince a diabeticGs tissues are not absorbin su ar, they crave it more and more. !s the diabetes improves they crave it less. @or des+ sert, serve % tbs. of honey to satisfy this cravin without endan erin their blood su ar re ulation. It can be used in the hot milk or in other ways. ,ndercookin the ve etables also helps slow down the su ar release. *ever serve mashed potatoes for this reason. :he drinkin water should always have a little vitamin C, lemon Kuice or vine ar added, and % tsp. honey if desired. 6. !spara us, potato, raw salad, fowl dish, fruit, water with vine ar and honey, % cup hot milk. :he aspara us can be fresh or canned. .ake the potato9 not in aluminum foil, not baked until fluffy. "onGt let the skin be eaten. ,se enuine butter, only, or a homemade sour cream dressin 0see (ecipes2. @resh chopped chives may be added but no re ular sour cream since this is very hi h in t+ramine, a brain to;in. :he raw salad should be chopped small enou h to be edible by dentures. ,se homemade salad dressin with a preference for oil and vine ar styles. :he fowl dish should be very well done, never =fast food?. @or dessert, fresh fruit chunks dipped in a homemade honey sauce 0honey, water and cinnamon2. Cess sweets are consumed if you dip the fruit rather than pour the sauce over. Cimit the total to % tbs. honey. "onGt serve rapes or strawberries due to the intense mold problem. 7. #oup, sandwich, fruit, hot milk, water. #oup should be homemade from scratch. !dd bones and % tbs. vine ar 0white distilled2 or a tomato to the kettle to ensure some calcium leaches out of the bones. ! fish chowder serves this purpose very well, too.


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:he sandwich has lettuce, real butter, and whatever else tastes ood 0no cheese, bacon bits or condiments2. :he bread is wheat+free, corn+free, stored in free>er. Home+ made salad dressin can be added. :he fruit may be chopped with whippin cream, cinna+ mon and honey sauce 0not more than % tbs. honey2. :he water may be plain if there was vine ar in the soup. 3. @ish, reen beans, potatoes, other reens, fruit, hot milk, water. @ried or baked fish is served with lemon or lime. Freen beans are served with a cheese sauce so a lot will be eaten. 0Cheese sauce9 add milk, olive oil to a block of cheese. Melt and cook at least %- seconds.2 #erve au ratin pota+toes or scalloped potatoes or any kind of potatoes that will be enKoyed. :he e;tra reens can be beet reens, collards, mustard reens or spinach served with a favorite dressin to make sure itGs eaten. 0*o croutons or bacon bits, thou h.2 *ever serve dessert if the plate has not been cleared. Dour loved one isnGt hun ry enou h. If appetite is very poor, sweets will only worsen the problem. :ry to chan e the menu to stimulate the appetite. !cid foods stimulateO spices and .+vitamins 0especially .%2 stimulateO hot foods stimulate. Much appetite is controlled by the liver and brain. :o;ins at either location 0especially food+derived to;ins2 tell the body to stop eatin . #uspect food molds first, bacteria and chemical additives ne;t. '. !spara us, meat dish, white rice 0brown rice contains mold2, coleslaw, milk, water, ice cream. ! hot meat dish 0no pasta, no wheat flour, no re ular ravy2 can be fried, cooked or baked, but not rilled. !s+ para us is fresh, fro>en or canned. (inse if fro>en. @i; it differently than last time. #eason rice with parsley and minimal salt and pure herbs like thymeO no M#F or mi;ed


),#HI*F .!CB !FE seasonin , make butter sauce. "essert is homemade ice cream 0see (ecipes2. 1. @ish or seafood hot dish. Freen peas or peas and onions. )eeled sweet potato with butter 0not canned2. May switch sweet potato with rice on aspara us day. #liced tomatoes or cucumber or other raw ve etables with or without dressin . Milk, % tbs. honey 0can be used on sweet potato2. 4. Chili or stew with unlimited rice+bread and butter. If chili produces as, stay away from it. #erve no canned varieties. Frated carrot salad with stewed raisins added and heavy cream. Milk, water as usual. .lueberry pie, sweet potato pie, custard pie. If more bread is requested, provide a wheat+free, corn+free varietyO but limit bread eatin to =after main dish? eatin . If not enou h milk is drunk9 make custard puddin or rice puddin so the daily amount 07 cups2 is consumed.

%. :una with salad dressin or tuna salad 0no pasta2. *on+ wheat raisin bread 0from natural foods store2 and butter. Milk, water. 6. Custard, cooked reens, baked potato. (ice+bread and butter. Herb tea with milk added 0sin le herb only, not mi;ed herbs2. 7. /e etable soup, homemade, from scratch. Ceftover meat sandwich with rice+bread 0no deli or cold cuts or luncheon meat2. Milk, water. 3. .aked squash with butter, rice puddin with cinnamon, raisins, and honey. Canned salmon or sardines with wheat free, corn free bread. Milk, water. '. Chili or stew leftovers with wheat free, corn free bread. Custard puddin sweetened with honey, and nut+ me Hcinnamon mi;. Milk, water.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# 1. #ardines and rice bread or other wheat free, corn free bread. Homemade tomato Kuice with celery, strained. Milk, plain water. )ie a la mode 0homemade pumpkin or squash pie and homemade ice cream2. 4. )otato salad. Ceftover meat dish and beans, stewed toma+ toes, squash. .aked apple with cinnamon, cream and honey. Milk, water. Many diabetics lose '- points 0m H"C2 of blood su ar in a few days on this diet. :his is why9 there is less bread than a dia+ betic would prefer. :here is very little cheese 0it must always be boiled in a sauce to sterili>e2. :here is no fruit or ve etable Kuice e;cept homemade, and not much of that because it crowds out milk and water. If your elderly loved one canGt eat all this, make sure there are no snacks consumed between meals that are for+ bidden. :here is no pasta anywhere. )asta is mold+ridden. Even after cookin , it may be to;ic. :here is no wheat or corn bread. :he menu is heavy on reen beans and aspara us and cinnamon. If by chance, your elderly person hates these and starves themselves to et your sympathy, add a lot more potatoes and rice 0never brown2 to raise calories. :here is no sweetenin other than honey 0' kinds2. :here are no syrups or su ars. Honey is self limitin Rthe taste for it is all one after % tbs. *ot so for other su ars. :he heavy use of cream and butter is offset by no deep fat fried food and little cheese. Beep in mind that this diet may reduce the need for insulin almost immediately. Dou may have to cut it in halfN .ut how would you know thisL :he mornin blood su ar test is essential to keep track of chan in circumstances. "onGt ne lect it. .e careful not to use rubbin alcohol when makin the fin er stick 0use vodka or rain alcohol2. Dour elderly person will feel it is all worthwhile 0doin without coffee or pie2 if one less insulin shot is needed or if they can o back on tablets instead of insu+


),#HI*F .!CB !FE lin. 8r even Kust the knowled e they are stayin well controlled and will never have to take insulin shots. (emember to ive yourself the credit for a fine accomplishment when your loved oneGs diabetes improves.

DiaAeti> SuCClements
#everal supplements are especially ood for diabetics9 @enu reek seeds, 7 capsules with each meal. @resh ve etable Kuice made of raw reen beans and carrots 0Ucup total2. .ilberry leaves. Maybe they have somethin in them that helps deto;ify wood alcohol, since bilberry leaves are ood for eyes, too. Fet in capsules or make a tea.

DiaAeti> Eatin< 'ut

#ince the rules are always somewhat rela;ed when =eatin out? a diabetic loved one will bad er you to o out with them. If rules are sure to be broken, calculate it into the rest of the day so you can compensate for it.

E?tra Diet TiCs For The Elderly

@ood should taste ood. Eatin is a fundamental pleasure of livin . In old a e there is no other pleasure that can equal enKoyment of food. It is a time when we lon for the foods of our own childhood, too. Ethnic foods often had to be iven up when children were raised 0switched to hot do s and pi>>a2 but with this diversion one, a return to family food would be most welcome and most healthful. Ethnic foods were made from scratch. !nd they certainly were made at home where cleanliness and =persnickitiness? are at their finestN ! speck in the batter ets noticed. *ot so in a


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# commercial mi;in vat. )ots and pans are saniti>ed with hot water, not chemicals. Food advice is to return to old fashioned home cookin 9 with its flour and butter, lard and cream, homemade pasta, olive oil and soup, coarse cereal rains and plain fruit. Fone are the fruit Kuices, flour mi;es, crackers and sweets that fill rocery shelves. What about convenienceL 8ld fashioned cookin took most of the day. It does take 7 or 3 hours to make a soup from scratch. .ut you then et 7 days offN Each day you reboil it, it is sterile a ain. 8r free>e half of it 0take the potatoes out first2. It does take a whole mornin to make pasta or some ethnic dish. @ree>e it in plastic sealed containers so the delicate flavor isnGt spoiled. .akin homemade bread is automated now. "o at least this much to et away from the mold+ridden rocery store loaves. Make your own ice cream and nut butters. :hey last many days and free your schedule. :ime is the reat inhibitor but if you have the means or the help, the best advice, nutritionally, is a return to old+fashioned cookin and recipes. ,se your new insi hts to improve them where you can. "onGt use your motherGs aluminum wareO use her enamel ware or the new lass and ceramic ware. "onGt use her copper+bottomed tea kettle or old+rimmed cups or =silver?. ,se her wooden spoons, lass lasses, and plain dishes, her wooden and straw bowls and enamel pots and pans.

#hould you avoid saltL *o. .ut a ood salt rule is to either cook with it or have it on the table, but not both. ,se aluminum+ free sea salt, and make sure the salt is sterili>ed by heatin five minutes at 3--[@ in a lass pie plate to kill mold. 0#ea ulls fly over the salt flats where sea salt is athered. :heir droppin s provide a medium for mold.2


),#HI*F .!CB !FE

Fig, /6 $ea salt flats are often roosting places for sea gulls, :he best salt is a mi;ture of % part of your aluminum+free, sterili>ed sea salt and % part potassium chloride 0another kind of salt, see $ources2. )otassium ousts sodium 0salt2 from your body, so you can use twice as much of this kind of saltN !lso, the e;tra potassium helps lift fati ue and has other benefits. !lways use a non+metal salt shaker with a closable lid to keep out moisture. "onGt put rice in your salt because it invites mold. #ince you, the cook, know where the salt is, 0mostly in soups and stews2, donGt serve as much of these when there is heart and kidney illness or hi h blood pressure. "onGt put salt in cereal, cookin ve etables, or other dishes. Eust leave it outN ,se herbs instead. TiCF encapsulated herbs stay fresher and are more potent. @enu reek and thyme are the most beneficial of the common cookin herbs. Eust open a capsule and season.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

:remor is a symptom, not a natural part of a in . :he nerves controllin the hands and arms are poisoned. :he nerves ori inate in the brain where the poison has accumulated. What is the poisonL "id it happen lon a oL *oN It could have happened as lon as two weeks a o but not lon erN :remor is the result of on oin poisonin N It is important to find the poison as soon as you can since the rest of the body will soon be affected, too. #earch your memory for the new thin s that happened in the last two weeks. It is a herculean task but only ets harder each day, so keep notes as you ask9 Is there new carpetin L Is there a new furnaceL Is there a different water supplyL Is there a new hair dresserL "id somebody brin a vase of fresh flowersL Is there a new laundry personL Was the place sprayed for insectsL Is there a new medicine 0dru 2 or supple+ mentL Was remodelin doneL Is there a new foodL :he list is endless and the situation looks hopeless because so many new thin s can happen in two weeks. (ather than askin individual questions like these, letGs ask only fi=e <eneral Duestions and have the assurance that one of them will catch the culprit. %. Is it in the airL :his will catch insecticide, flowers, carpets all to ether. 6. Is it in the ;aterL 7. Is it in the medi>ines or suCClementsL 3. Is it in the >lothin<L '. Is it in the food or on the dishesL :o answer each question, test the item usin your #yn+ crometer searchin technique. Make a test substance. :hen search a saliva sample for it. :o test the air, take a dust sample off the kitchen counter or table 0this ives you fresh dust2. )ick up the dust with a few


),#HI*F .!CB !FE wipes by a small, two inch square of damp paper towel. )lace in a resealable ba y. :o test the water, make samples by puttin about a tsp. of hot, cold, or filtered water into a resealable ba y with a bit of paper towel in it. :ry to et the first mornin water before it has run. :o test the medicines and supplements put one of each in re+ sealable ba ies. :o test clothin 0laundry2 use a bit of it, 0such as a sock2 rolled up ti htly. :estin food is the bi est Kob. If there are leftovers in the refri erator or free>er, this helps. Dou can combine all the lefto+ vers in a sin le ba y. @ro>en thin s donGt need to be thawed for testin . #till, the chance of missin a food culprit is quite hi h. .e sure to test everythin eaten in a two week time period9 un+ usual thin s like popcorn, candy, crackers, cookies, health foods and special powders. ! consolation is that you will find a num+ ber of bad foods that are not necessarily the tremor causes but which cause other health problems.

Tremor Remedies
%. Cet us ima ine that the air 0dust2 sample proves to;ic 0resonates with the saliva sample2. What is it in the air that is to;icL :hese are the bi est suspects9 C@Cs 0from leakin refri erant, check refri erator and air conditioner by removin them from the house and retestin the dust after three days, or simply buy a non+C@C variety2 vanadium 0from leakin house as from a fuel lineR repair2 arsenic from pesticide 0switch to boric acid2 solvent from a lamp or can of li hter fuel 0take them out of the house2


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

chlorine from water 0use carbon filtersO remove bleach bottles2 asbestos 0clothes dryer belt2 paint thinner, carpet cleaner 0remove from house2 fiber lass from bare insulation somewhere 0fi; holes in ceilin or wall2 formaldehyde 0new foam beddin , new fabric or clothin 2 6. #uppose the water proves to;ic 0appears in your white blood cells2O search for lead, copper, and cadmium. !lthou h municipal water tests occasionally detect small amounts of pro+ pyl alcohol, ben>ene, or wood alcohol, I have never detected themRyou need not search for them. 7. If the medicines are to;ic Kust chan e brands. Dour pharmacist can help you find a replacement brand. @ind which ones are to;ic and stop usin them. 0"onGt use up any of the polluted pills or supplements.2 :hey do more harm than ood. 3. If the clothin or dishes are to;ic 0appear in the saliva2, suspect \ cobalt \ )C. \ aluminum #top all deter ent use. ,se bora;, or washin soda, or use paper plates and plastic cups 0not styrofoam2. '. If the food is to;ic, suspect \ food molds \ aluminum \ bacteria "onGt eat that food any more. 1. !ny bacterium or to;in that invades certain brain centers can cause tremor. :he most common culprits are $higella, mer+ cury, thallium and arsenic. :ry to identify these for your sake as well as your loved one. :he $almonellas and $higellas will have come from some food. .e sure all dairy foods, includin butter and whippin cream, are sterili>ed. )arasites come from meats. .e sure no un+ dercooked or fast food meats are eaten. Bill all bacteria, viruses and parasites with a >apper. #terili>e fin ernails with rain al+


),#HI*F .!CB !FE cohol to prevent reinfection. ,se Cu olJs 0see (ecipes2 and the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312 to clear them up. .acteria, comin from teeth and Kaw 0bone infections, called cavitations2 may not seem as recent as two weeks. Indeed, they may have been there for ten years. .ut somethin recent may have a ravated them, so they now can enter more easily into the blood and brain. Dou may never find out what caused this. It is wisest to check this possibility with a dentist before doin weeks of other testin . #ee a dentist who can find and clean cavitations. "o dental repair accordin to the principles described in the dental section.

,oing after a tremor pro#lem in this logical way always finds the cause of tremor
whether its a simple short attack or a situation of lon standin tremor with head shakin and droolin . If your situation is e;tra difficult, you will at least improve it and stop its pro ression. This in>ludes #arkinson@s >ases. In cases of )arkinsonJs disease I often find the bacterium Clostri#ium tetani, well known for causin stiffness. It hides under tooth fillin s, too. (emember, there is a consolation for doin all this work. When you find the culprit, you not only will be stoppin the tremor, you will be improvin a lot of other conditions alon the way. Conditions like hesitant speech, shufflin walk, ettin up stiffly and slowly from a chair. :hese are e;tra dividends for your loved one. !nd you have learned which thin s to avoid for yourself too.


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ne more thing+ donDt take no for an answer.

If the problem is a dru , donGt accept =*o, it canGt be chan ed.? Everythin can be chan ed. Fo to hi her levels of authority. "octors are very understandin and sympathetic with your intent. If the problem is leakin house as, donGt accept =We canGt find a leak,? implyin there is none. Fo to a buildin contractor or the Health "epartment. :heir equipment is better. If you et nowhere, chan e to electric utilities. If the problem is auto e;haust, donGt accept =.ut we have to use the kitchen door to the ara e, because itGs cold outside.? Conveniences vs. tremor is no contest. Everyone benefits by e;cludin auto fumes from the house. Cock the door and cover it with plastic. .y the time you have identified the culprits 0probably 6- hours of work2 surely you have won the ri ht to make chan es. 8ften others are not impressed. Even when the tremor lessens and the elderly person plainly states they feel better, family members may disre ard your recommendations. Get tou<hE ItGs your loved one. Dou have somethin at stake too. .e sympathetic with ne ative responses. .ut very firm. Make their choices clear9 Either the inside door to the ara e ets sealed off or the cars and lawn mower et parked outside and anythin containin asoline or solvents ets put in a detached shed. Either the irls use their hair dryers in their bedrooms with the door closed or youGll et them all new ones that donGt contain asbestos. Either the clothes dryer ets a new belt or it is taped se+ curely shut and the laundry is dried on the line or taken to a Caundromat. Either the plumbin ets chan ed 0to plastic2 or each faucet in the house ets a filter. 0If your plumbin is corrod+


),#HI*F .!CB !FE in , not even filters are a ood ideaRyou would have to chan e them every weekN2

should not be taken for ranted in the elderly. Especially if they themselves complain about it. It isnGt normal for them. #ometimes they will describe =spells? of weakness. :his is an important clue. Check the pulse immediately. Count for 7- beats at least. !re there missin beatsL :here should not beN Missin two beats in a row certainly can produce a weak or =sinkin ? spell. :he brain and body need every pulse of blood sent out ri ht on time. Check into caffeine use first. :ake it all away. Caffeine speeds up the heartO then the overworked heart has to =take time out? for itself by missin a beat. "onGt switch to decafs because this introduces solvents and new problems. If no other natural bevera es appeal, serve hot water with cream and cinnamon. !fter stoppin caffeine use ask9 Is the pulse too slow or too fastL :he pulse should be between 1- and 5- beats per minute. If it is lower than 1-, a medicine may be at fault. !sk the clinical doctor about it immediately. ! slow pulse could cer+ tainly brin about weakness. ! youn athlete may have a slow pulse le itimately, due to havin a very stron efficient heart, but your elderly person does not fit this cate ory. :he cause must be found. If the pulse is quite hi h, over %-- perhaps, this will wear the heart out much sooner than necessary. !sk why it is beatin so fastL ! probable answer is that it is so weak that it has to beat faster to keep up with its Kob of circulatin the blood. What is makin the heart so weakL


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!eart Disease
When the heart is enlar ed, the valves donGt quite close where they should, makin the work harder for it and weakenin it. It may be called =con estive heart failure.? Why is it en+lar edL )ossibly because it is so weakN Des, it becomes a vicious cycle, ettin worse and worse. .ut you can break into this cycle and et it all reversed a ain. :he real culprit is para+ site invaders and to;ic pollutants. :he most common parasite heart invaders are irofilaria, heartworm =of do s? and 5oa loa, another small filaria worm. !t one sta e these worms are so tiny that they can slide throu h the smallest blood vessels. :hey are very conta ious. Even persons who donGt live with a house do can pick up heartworm. 5oa loa is thou ht to be a tropical parasite but it is alive and thrivin in the ,#!N :he source of 5oa loa seems to be tapeworm sta esO this is not a certainty. .oth heartworm and 5oa loa are very easy to kill with a >apper and both are very easy to pick up a ain. :reat your eld+ erly person twice a week if there is any heart problem. It makes no difference that the house do is ettin monthly preventive treatments for heartworm. :hey pick it up daily and have thirty days to develop it and ive it to others between treatments. Billin the do Gs parasites twice a week with a >apper would be very helpful to you. :hese heart parasites may not cause any pains, yet disturb the rhythm or the pulse of the heart and cause it to enlar e. $taph+lococcus aureus is a bacterium hidin out in far away places like pockets left under teeth when they were e;tracted or alon root canals. Make sure e;tractions heal and donGt leave permanent cavitations where bacteria can live. !sk a dentist fa+ miliar with cavitations to do a mouth search. 8nce the mouth source is cleaned up, the bacteria do not come back to the heart 0after one last >appin 2. If they do, o back to the dentistN


),#HI*F .!CB !FE Billin these three invaders 0heartworm, 5oa loa, $taph+lo* coccus aureus2 should cure an irre ular heart beat immediately 0within a day2. If the elderly person is on a heart+slowin dru , check the pulse twice a day after >appin to make sure it doesnGt drop too low. :hey may need to be off their heart medicine. *obody will notice the relief of oin off this medicine as much as you. :he sunshine breaks outN Dour loved one can smile a ain at little thin sN Even interest in se; returns so watch outN Cife is nor+ mali>ed when dru s, especially beta blockers are one. 08ther :M heart medicines, such as "i ito;in, donGt have this depressive effect. :hey are used to make the heart beat stron er, not to affect the rate of beatin .2 :he pulse should be around 4- beats per minute and perfectly re ular. If it isnGt, there is still somethin wron . Fet rid of to;ic body products and house pollutants. :est your air for as leaks frequently. Fas heat, as stoves and as water heaters are noto+ riously leaky. Weather chan es, namely temperature chan es make pipes e;pand or shrinkRleavin cracksN :he as is to;ic and a small amount canGt be smelled. What a predicamentN "e+ liverin poisonous house as to our homes in pipes that are not fail+safe is an archaic practice. Especially when the blood test shows a hi h =total C86] level, near the upper limit, search for an air pollutant like house as or auto fumes. !nd read the sec+ tions in this book on pulse 0pa e 65&2 and brain problems 0pa e 6452 very closely for more thin s to check. With the heart re ular a ain, it will be much stron er, too, since it doesnGt have to work a ainst itself. :his stren th is nec+ essary to push the blood into the farthest =corners? of the body, especially the hands and feet, and warm them upN If your loved


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# one constantly has cold hands or feet, try to improve circulation. "issolve phosphate crystals with the kidney herb recipe. Five niacin 0pa e 64&2. Five cayenne capsules 0one with each meal2. .lood thinnin dru s to improve circulation are dan erousR use only if the doctor insists. Monitor blood clottin time if your loved one is on a thinner.

&eart61idney RelationshiC
! stron heart is necessary, too, to push the blood throu h the kidneys. 8ften a kidney problem is linked to the heart disorder. Bidneys are made of tubes that et finer and finer. It takes pressure, namely stren th, to push the blood throu h them so wastes and e;tra water can be let down the kidney tube. :hink of the kidneys as a colander full of tiny holes of various si>es that let certain thin s throu h them but not bi er thin s. :hese holes are constantly bein adKusted by the adrenals which sit ri ht on top of the kidneys and =supervise?. If the elderly person is not producin four cups of urine in a day 063 hours2, it is not enou h. :he body cannot et enou h cleansin action from less than four cups. More liquid must be consumed. If most of the urine is passed in the ni ht this reflects on unhealthy kidneys. ,se the kidney herb recipeRbut only half a dose 0so it will take si; weeks instead of three to see ood effects2. !s the tiny =colander? holes open up there is freer flow and many more trips to the bathroom result. :he urine loses its awful odor 0no ammonia, acetone and bacteriaN2 and ets a clear look that shows no sediment. *ow that water and wastes 0urea and uric acid and other acids2 can leave the body quickly throu h more holes, it takes less pressure from the heart to et blood pushed throu h the kidneys. :his brin s relief to the heart because its work is easier. :he heart and kidneys work to ether. Cike horse and wa on the heart provides the power and the kid+ neys follow.


),#HI*F .!CB !FE :his is why heart medicine and diuretics are commonly iven to ether. iuresis 0urine flow2 helps the heart and a stron er heart helps the kidneys. #imilarly, they fail to ether. In the old days this was called #rops+. ,rine that should have left the body is backed up in the tissues. #ometimes it shows up in pockets that han like iant oran es from the skin. Even 0especially2 when the stron est diuretics 0Ma;>ide:M, Casi;:M2 fail to work, even when coupled with stron heart medicine 0"i ito;in:M2, the kidney herb recipe can bail you out of the emer ency. :he secret is in the varied actions of different herbs. :his makes them work to ether. .e very careful to keep the herb tea sterile by reheatin every fourth day. @ree>e unused lar er amounts. If too much is drunk at once, especially on the first day, a stomach ache can develop and a pressure felt in the bladder that is most uncomfortable. Fo e;tra slow on the first few days, even thou h you find it quite tasty, so there is no discomfort 0only lots of bathroom visits2.

!s soon as urine is flowin better, blood pressure may drop. Beep track of this twice a day with a modern electronic fin er device 0not an arm cuff that itself can break blood vessels2. Cut down on dru diuretics radually, usin only Zdose the first day, then Udose, then V dose. :he amount of urine produced or the wei ht of the person can be used to assess how effective your method is. )our <oal is to not need any dru< diureti>s. ! ain, mood will improve dramatically when diuretic dru s are removed for your loved one. :he sense of humor comes back9


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# be prepared for some new Kokes and new lau hter. Five yourself ood rades for this accomplishment. "onGt throw out the dru diuretics. !fter bein off them for a while, they become more potent a ain. #o if an emer ency 0sudden edema2 should arise they could a ain be useful. With a parasite and pollution+free heart and a low+resistance, freely flowin kidney, some reserve stren th will soon be built up. Weak spells are one and for otten. Dour loved one is walkin better, needin less sleep, and a = olden a e? finally arrives. It is free of pain, free of medicine, free of shots and doctor visits, free of dementia, free of the dreadful weakness that demands so much help. :hey are free to enKoy family and friends a ain. #eein themselves ain stren th and be able to do more for themselves ives the elderly a sense of pride. Five them the credit for improvin their health. When they balk at havin to take herbs or ve etable Kuice, remind them of the days they were on a handful of pills and still had heart fail+ ure, pain and kidney disease.

Feeling Comforta#le
If all this improvement doesnGt warm up their feet or hands 0feel them yourself2 put e;tra socks on. Warmin up their feet mi ht have the effect of warmin up hands, too. .ut if it doesnGt, raise the room temperature. .ein forced to feel cold is an undeserved misery of the a ed. 8thers must accommodate to the elderlyGs need for body warmth. :he thermometer does not tell all. Comfort is paramount for each of us. Doun er persons can undress for comfort. :he elderly canGt make chan es for themselves. ,sually, by the time they are complainin of cold, they have suffered a lon


),#HI*F .!CB !FE time, feelin too uilty to request a temperature hike. !sk your loved one. :hey will appreciate it. ! shawl, a lap+blanket, woolen sweater, lon underwear and fleecy thermal outerwear help a lot. .ut if your hand still senses cold feet, the thermostat must still o hi her. Cold body temperature is an invitation for fun us and viruses to multiply. /iruses escape into the body daily. "onGt ive them the advanta e.
Do %ou $ind it warm in hereV
"hatWs =>' /om' I donWt mind!

Fig, /8 Too hot an# too col#, .ut unless all these thin s are tried, donGt raise the tempera+ ture. It is much healthier to be warmly dressed and breathe cool air than to be li htly dressed in an 5-[@ room. :he heart, espe+ cially, benefits by the cooler air temperature. @or this reason, it is important to have air conditionin durin the hot season. Beep your elderly person warmly dressed, away from air conditioner or fan drafts, but keep it cool. !s cool as their body temperature and comfort will allow. "onGt seat an elderly person under a fan in restaurants. :he blowin air not


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# only chills them, but brin s filth in dust that blows in the air currents. .acteria and viruses are soon to follow. .ein comfortable, knowin you are there to care for them, brin s out the best in your elderly person. :hey mi ht et well enou h to lon for a enuine relationship a ain. !nd put you to the test. :he test of listenin . :his can be very rewardin if they are still able to communicate and distill their life e;perience into wisdom for you. If you can listen and be interested in their dis+ tillations or their ramblin s their lon in for relationship will be fulfilled. :hereGs Kust one catch, if the new found interest in communication canGt be e;pressed. If they havenGt communicated much for a lon time, it would be easy for you to miss a simple fact. :hey canGt hearN

!earing =oss
:he hearin deficit in an elderly person is always much reater than they or you reali>e. :ry to understand these com+ munications9
;hat you Acaregi%erB say Q?oo at the sun7 shine' isn)t it a nice da%VA QWe)ll have such a nice wal !A QWhat ind o$ soup should I ma eVA ;hat the eld* erly person hears Q?oo at some7 thin&' isn)t it a nice #a%VA QHave aYroc !A ;hat they think ;hat they respond Q/mmHmmmA 4/eanin&' Q%es!A5

QWhat ind o$ hoop should I ma eVA

What a stupid sen7 tence! 8ut she wants an answer! So here &oes' Roc whatV I)m not in a roc in& char! I #etter not sa% an%thin&! I haven)t used a hoop $or em#roider% $or a lon& time! Wh% is she di&&in& that up! I #etter sa% I don)t now!

QI don)t now!A

"onGt let this ruin your relationship. It takes the fun out of their life as much as yours. Get hearin< aids.


),#HI*F .!CB !FE

"onGt ask your loved one if they need a hearin aid. :he an+ swer may be =IGm not deaf.? Dou can o about it more persua+ sively. Every time you talk, come quite near to the personGs ear and speak loudly. :hey can see that you must come near. If they are fi htin a ainst the whole business, they will say thin s like, =Dou donGt have to shout. I can hear you.? 0ItGs what youGre sayin thatGs wron N2 !rran e for a hearin test. It is free. :hat will appeal. :he results of a hearin test, as it is told by a salesperson, is much more persuasive than you can be. Cet the salesperson use his or her special talents to sell your loved one on hearin aids. .ut you make the choice on quality. .oth you and your elderly person deserve the best tone quality that is made. )lus a re ular cleanin service. Most companies do offer this but donGt tell the customer because of the dreadful amount of time it would take if everybody took advanta e of it. Dou take advanta e of it. Clo ed hearin aids are the most troublesome feature of any of themRand never mentionedN Make it a rule to buy your batteries at the same hearin aid office where they are cleaned free of char e. :his repays them and serves the elderly best. Hearin loss is too subtle to leave to chanceO have the hearin aids cleaned each time you buy fresh batteries 0about three months2. :ake your loved one to a nurse for ear cleanin every si; months after hearin aids are be un. Wa; and debris accumulate behind the aid because the channel is stopped up. With hearin aids that hear, and kidneys that flush and a heart that beats stron ly, your elderly person may choose to attend concerts a ain, o to church or atherin sRand leave you out of the picture. Five yourself ood rades for this achievement. Fet them incontinence pants, et re ular ta;i service. Do ;hate=er it takes to <et your lo=ed one out into the ;orld a<ainE If the e;citement of a ni ht out keeps him or her from sleepin use ornithine and =alerian capsules. :hey are ood


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

for the health anyway. Hot milk and a piece of cake 0homemade, never chocolate2 may do as much. .ut if insomnia is the rule, not the e;ception, you need to o after it as a special problem.

is always associated with hi h levels of parasites and bacte+ ria. :his leads me to believe it is their waste products, namely ammonia, that really causes insomnia. (ead the section on In+ somnia under #leep )roblems for more on this 0pa e 6372. ! sound sleep refreshes as nothin else can. Dour elderly person will have more ener y throu hout the day and a better mood if sleep was ood. 8f course you must uard a ainst daytime nappin if ni hts are sleepless. #leep at ni ht is more important than sleep by day. :hey are not equal. :ry to turn your loved oneGs cycle back to ni ht+time sleepin if it has become turned around by bad kidney function 0frequent urination at ni ht2 or too much daytime nappin . #leep can be disturbed by takin vitamins at bedtime too. #leep is enhanced by takin ma nesium. Cimit bedtime supplements to ma nesium, ornithine, valerian 01 capsules2 taken with hot milk.

!ealthful !a#its
If your loved one had his or her way, they would drive the car forever, wear the same cosmetics forever, smoke or chew tobacco forever and eat their favorite dessert forever. .ut if you are the caretaker, you know that some thin s must stop. Dou also know that entle persuasion is uselessO it merely erodes your relationship. Here are a few tips.


),#HI*F .!CB !FE %. !sk your loved one to ask their doctor 0clinical doctor or trusted medical advisor2 the followin question9 =Would it be better for my lun s to stop smokin L? .e present so the question does not turn into =Will smokin a few ci arettes once in a while kill meL? Hearin it from the doctor is whatGs needed. "onGt ever purchase somethin you believe is detrimental to your elderly person. Whether itGs coffee, ci arettes, beer or lipstick, say =:hat is somethin I canGt buy for youO itGs a ainst my principles.? "onGt be surprised if you cave in a few times to some super ruse they use on you. .ut the ne;t time, have your answer ready. Cet your family and other caretakers know you are no lon er supplyin these items 0the car keys, the wine bottle, the codeine+containin pain pills2. :ry to et cooperation. "iscussin it with your loved one may do more harm than ood. If they start the discussion, you end it. :his is not a task for the timidN !fter itGs done, youGll wonder what was so difficult. "onGt buy a wheelchair if your loved one can still walk with your help. #tay with a cane as lon as possible. :hen the walker. #tay with a walker as lon as possible. :hen your personal help. 8nce a wheelchair has been accepted, the last bit of e;ercise, walkin , is lost. @i ht a ainst it. Hide it in a far away closet.




Aging is necessary #ut chronic illness and pain are not.

If you have mana ed to free your loved one from havin to take pills or from certain disabilities that would soon require pills, you can ive yourself reat credit. )erhaps you, too, will find the needed natural help when you are a ed and have lost your authority and your way mentally. 8ur lives are all fore+ 764

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shortened, much like the life of a domestic steerGs. "oes a captive animal learn from seein its companion disappearL It does nothin to escape its fate. #hould we accept our fate with the same docilityL *one of us can remember how thin s were in precivili>ed times. We are ea er to believe the present is the best time that has ever been. :he steer, too, has its feed provided, its water provided, its shelter for the ni ht provided, seemin ly the best time it ever had. )erhaps the price we pay for civili>ation, like the steerGs price, is simply too hi h. :here must be other ways. !s a society, we should search for our lost lon evity.


ld :et

@or persons merely over 3- and not ill a most important rule is9 don@t o=erdo. ItGs easy to inKure tendons and muscles by pullin or stretchin them too far. "onGt try, with almi hty determination to open a Kar. Ceave it for stron er hands. "onGt try to stretch a i antic stretch to reach somethin on a hi h shelf. Wait for someone taller to come alon and reach it down for you. "onGt do e;ercises, that have left you with strains in the past. "o different e;ercises. "onGt do new e;ercises, with a determined approachO start moderatelyO stay moderate. If you start a new Kob that uses a foot, le , hand or wrist a lot, more than it was used before, even thou h itGs in ordinary use, it can feel inKured. :hese stresses and strains invite bacteria toward themselves. .acteria from the liver or your own intestines find these strained tissues immediately and intensify the pain. Bill the bacteria with a >apper, cleanse the liver, and start the .owel )ro ram if this has already happened to you.


),#HI*F .!CB !FE

"onGt kneel on the floor to do some cleanin Kob. "onGt sit on the floor at a atherin . "onGt let your randchildren take =rides? on you. "onGt bend over as far as you can to pick somethin up. Cet your family know you are aimin to reach %-- years in healthy condition.

Super =onge%ity
We should be able to live to %3- years of a e. Middle a e mi ht be in at 1', old a e at &-. What is the clue to lon lifeL #urely it is keepin all your cells healthy so they can coordinate the constant tasks of nourishin themselves, removin their wastes, plus whatever Kob that cell was meant to do. #ince your cells divide and therefore start a ain at a e >ero, even thou h you are &-, why do you a e at allL 8nly the nervous system does not divide. Is it the nerve that a es then, and decides death for each of usL It would never do to live forever. It would clutter the planet. !re evolutionary forces at work preventin thisL .ut we have never cluttered the planet yet. #o how could evolutionary forces have =learned? to establish death to prevent overpopulationL Civin to a e %3- is not livin forever. Wisdom comes with a e. Wisdom would serve our society well. )erhaps wisdom is needed more than ever for humans to survive. )art of the human tra edy is war. Wisdom athered from a knowled e of history, mi ht help end warsN .ut history canGt be athered and under+ stood in less than %-- years. If centenarians canGt think well or e;press themselves, their perspectives are lost. Con evity seems a very useful trait if only it were accompanied by healthN


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

!lthou h it canGt be avoided it can be helped. "yin alone is the most barbaric of all societyGs practices. It is still like death in the forest amon st chimpan>ees. ,nable to feed, to run, to call for help brin s pain, fear, loneliness and finally, death. When your loved one is in the mood to talk about dyin , listen. Especially if it is about their own imminent death. :his doesnGt obli ate you to carry out any of their wishes. When death approaches the important thin is simply to be there. :hey may not have requested this, out of a sense of uilt or masochism, or plain dementia. .ut it is the most primitive of needs, the same as havin a loved one nearby durin childbirth. It is Kust a presence that counts. How can you be there if you have a Kob or are attendin a familyGs needsL It is a time of reat frustration for you. !ll your hard work and successes are culminatin in one rand failureN :he ood news is that it need not be you who attends your loved one every minute of the last week. )ay for someone to sit Rsomeone who is reco ni>ed. .ut arran e for immediate privacy when you return. *o matter how much your loved one admonishes you to o about your business, you will know when you share the final minute that your presence helped. :he lone+ liness of the last coma, the last silence is unspeakable. Five yourself the reward of knowin you shared the pain, fear and silent cry for help.


Curin& Cancer
Cancer is no lon er the deadly disease it once was. In fact, you can clear it up in less time than it takes to et a doctorGs ap+ pointment for a check up. If you notice a lump or think you mi ht have cancer, donGt rush to see a doctor first. (ush to clear it up, yourself, first. .y the time your doctorGs appointment arrives, you can be sure of a ne ative test.

Another Fluke Disease

Cancer is so easily cured because it is a parasite+caused dis+ ease. Bill the parasite and you have stopped the cancer. :his does not mean you have also stopped bein ill. If the cancer dama ed your ovaries or prostate, you still must heal these or+ ans. :he Ca+%6' or )#! test will not drop to normal unless you be in to heal them. :hese markers reflect the condition of the or an, not its mali nant nature. (emember that killin a mosquito does not remove the lump it caused. :hat will take its course. It will heal beautifully if you let it. .ut if you scratch it mercilessly, it will take lon er. (emovin to;ins from the affected or ans lets them heal. @ortunately for us, >an>er is not like a fire, unstoCCaAle on>e it has started. It takes only 4 minutes to >ap all the parasite adults and their sta es which cause your cells to multiply. :he responsible parasite is Fasciolopsis bus&ii, the human intestinal fluke, a flatworm. It is a human parasite althou h it can also parasiti>e other species. It normally lives quietly in the intestine. 0:he oal for all lar er parasites is to live quietly. !f+ ter all, your demise is their demise.2 :hey were meant to pass their thousands of e s with your bowel movement, outside, to some pond where snails live. .ut when the e s hatch before


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# they leave your body and are allowed to continue their devel+ opment inside you, the settin is ri ht for cancer to develop. If the fluke e s and other sta es o throu h their develop+ ment in your breast it can become breast cancer. If it is in the prostate it can become prostate cancer. !nd so on. Each different kind of cancer means the developmental sta es of the intestinal fluke are present there. 8nly one more thin is needed to brin about an avalanche of reproduction, so that hundreds of little larvae turn into hundreds more in a short time9 a rowth factor. It makes them multiply and your cells are similarly affected. :his rowth factor, ortho*phospho*t+rosine 0and possibly, also, epi#ermal gro)th factor and insulin*#epen#ent gro)th factor2 really be ins your cancer.

Teamed ;ith A Sol%ent

:he ood news is that this rowth factor, which is essential for cancer to develop, cannot be made, without the presence of an abnormal solvent, CroCyl al>ohol 0or more e;actly, isopropyl alcohol2. Without takin in propyl alcohol you could never et cancer. It takes two thin s, to ether, to ive you cancer9 propyl alcohol and the human intestinal fluke parasite. #ince it takes a frequency enerator 07 minutes at each of 373, 376, 364, 36', 367, 36% BH>2 or >apper mere minutes to kill the fluke and its sta es you will be stoppin the production of rowth factors immediately.

)ap yourself e%ery day for three se%en minute periods+ until after you are completely well.


C,(I*F C!*CE( !fter killin the flukes, those rowth factors already formed will disappear in one hour. Dour mali nancy is stopped. It cannot return unless you infect yourself with the parasite a ainN Fettin rid of propyl alcohol is also a simple task. 8nce you have stopped usin it, the last remnants leave your body within three days. We must marvel at the bodyGs wisdom and capabilities for restorin health. Dou are not permanently dama ed by this lar e and hun ry parasite. Fiven half a chance your body will throw the rascals out and restore order in your tissues. (ead the list of foods and products that are polluted with propyl alcohol. It is not, of course, usually on the label. If it is used as an in redient, it is on the label, easy for you to avoid. It is the pollutants not appearin on the label that pose sinister ha>ards.

All the store #ou&ht shampoo I tested had prop%l alcohol! Health #rands were no exception


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

All #ottled water is polluted with antiseptics $rom the #ottlin& procedure! "his is a main source o$ prop%l alcohol!

Cosmetics are laced with prop%l alcohol! Fse the recipes in this #oo to ma e %our own!

Fig, 19 @ro#ucts )ith prop+l alcohol,


C,(I*F C!*CE(

"ropyl Alcohol "olluted "roducts

T!R ; T!&S& 'T
even if propyl alcohol is not listed on the labelN shamCoo, even health brands hair sCray and mousse >old >ereals, even =natural? ranolas >osmeti>s 0make your own2 mouth;ash de>affeinated >offee, )ostum:M, herb tea blends 0sin le herb teas are 8B2 =itamins, minerals and suCClements 0unless you test them2 Aottled ;ater, distilled water, or sprin water ruAAin< al>ohol ;hite su<ar 0brown is 8B if deto;ified2 all sha=in< suCClies in+cludin aftershave >arAonated Ae=era<es store+bou ht fruit Iui>e, includin health food brands

:ear out this pa e, put it on your refri erator, and make a copy to stick on your medicine cabinet. (emember propyl alco+ hol is also called propanol, isopropanol, isopropyl alcohol and rubbin alcohol. Dou wonGt drop dead from ettin propyl alcohol, but your cancer will flare up with each small addition.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# !void the entire list, meticulously. Even usin one of these, like your fa=orite shamCoo or Aottled ;ater , will result in failure. Dour body will continue to make human chorionic go* na#otropin 0hCF2 and the patholo y will remain =indeterminate?Rnot cancerous but not well, either. If you have learned the new bioelectronic technolo y described in this book, you can test all your foods and products for isopropyl alcohol. When you find a bevera e that is free of propyl alcohol, it may have other pollutants. Qylene and toluene invite parasites to the brain. Wood alcohol invites them to eyes and pancreas. :he diseases caused by these are not as fri htenin , perhaps, as cancer, but entirely avoidable. @or this reason, I su est in this book that you o back 0actually =forward?2 to self made prod+ ucts, unprocessed food and a limited number of tested supple+ ments.

,etting ;ell After Cancer

:he rava es of cancer must be healed once the mali nancy has been stopped. :his is where carcinogens play a role. :he lun lesions will not heal unless ci arette smokin , freon, as+ bestos, and fiber lass e;posure is stopped. Carcino ens were thou ht to be the cause of cancer. !ctually, they drew the cancer to the or an. *ickel draws cancer to the prostate. .arium found in lipstick draws cancer to the breast. !nd so on. :he followin to;ins can be present in any or anN I consider these to be our most serious threat. #tartin with the worst, they are9 %. Freon 0same as CFCs or refri erant2. I have not found a sin le person to be entirely free of it, includin persons without cancer or disease. .ut in cancer sufferers it is al+ ways concentrated in the cancerous or an, and facilitates the accumulation of other to;ins. :his makes your refri +


C,(I*F C!*CE( erator, if it leaks even microscopically, the top cancer ha>ard in the countryN CoCCer from water pipes. !ll cancer sufferers have an accumulation in the cancerous tissue. :his makes plumbin the second reatest ha>ard. FiAer<lass or asAestos is present in about 6'< of the cancer victims I see. Mer>ury as in tooth fillin s. Lead from solder Koints in copper plumbin . !ll colon cancer sufferers test positive. Formaldehyde as in foam beddin and new clothin . +i>kel usually from dental metal. Most prostate cancer sufferers test positive.

6. 7. 3. '. 1. 4.

!t first, tumors are beni nRwhat a relief to find your tumor was beni n. Its true nature is still unknown, but it contains freon, other to;ins, and later propyl alcoholN #ince tumors are often lar e, many centimeters in diameter, and to;ins do not occupy much space, there is much unidentified substance. :hese tumors can multiply and enlar e, as in fibrocystic breast disease, all without bein mali nant. .ut what a convenient place for baby sta es of the fluke to hide out and multiply, safe from your immune system. !fter bein coloni>ed by fluke sta es, the tumors become mali nant. Eventually they also become infected when metastasis sets in. !ll mali nancies have the same two fundamental causes9 intestinal flukes and propyl alcohol. Whether you have a rhab+ domyosarcoma or a mesothelioma or melanoma, you can cure it quickly, never to return.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

!er#al "arasite 3illing "rogram

@latworms, roundworms, proto>oa, even bacteria and viruses are remarkably easy to kill usin a combination of >appin and this herbal pro ram. :hus it is not Kust for cancer, but a eneral treatment that can benefit almost every illness %. Bla>k 0alnut &ull Tin>ture E?tra Stren<th 0see (eci* pes, pa e '3729 "ay %9 0this is the day you be inO start the same day you receive it2 Ta&e one #rop, @ut it in Icup of )ater, $ip it on an empt+ stomach such as before a meal, "ay 69 :ake 6 drops in Ucup water same as above. "ay 79 :ake 7 drops in Ucup water same as above. "ay 39 :ake 3 drops in Ucup water same as above. "ay '9 :ake ' drops in Ucup water same as above. "ay 19 :ake 6 tsp., all to ether in V cup water. #ip it, donGt ulp it. Fet it down within %' minutes. 0If you are over %'- pounds, take 6Utsp. "o not take more than 7 tsp. because no additional value has been observed.2 This #ose &ills an+ remaining stages throughout the bo#+, inclu#ing the bo)el contents, a location unreachable b+ electric current, The alcohol in the tincture can ma&e +ou slightl+ )oo'+ for several minutes, $impl+ sta+ seate# un* til +ou are comfortable again, :ou ma+ put the tincture in lu&e)arm )ater to help evaporate some of the alcohol, but #o not use hot )ater because that ma+ #amage its parasitici#e po)er, Then ta&e niacinami#e 299 mg to counteract the to%icit+ of the alcohol, :ou coul# also feel a slight nausea for a fe) minutes, Hal& in the fresh air or


C,(I*F C!*CE( simpl+ rest until it passes, :ou ma+ a## more )ater or hone+ or a spice to ma&e it more palatable, @or a year9 take 6 tsp. .lack Walnut Hull :incture E;tra #tren th every week or until your illness is but a ha>y memory. :his is to kill any parasite sta es you pick up from your family, friends, or pets. @amily members and friends should take 6 tsp. every other week to avoid reinfectin you. :hey may be harborin a few parasite sta es in their intestinal tract without havin symptoms. .ut when these sta es are transmitted to a cancer patient, they immediately seek out the cancerous or an a ain. :ou ma+ be )on#ering )h+ +ou shoul# )ait for five #a+s before ta&ing the = tsp, #ose, !t is for +our convenience onl+, :ou ma+ have a sensitive stomach or be )orrie# about to%icit+ or si#e effects, C+ the si%th #a+ +ou )ill have convince# +ourself there is no to%icit+ or si#e effects, Going faster, !n fact, if +ou are convince# after the first #rop of the restorative po)ers of Clac& Halnut Hull Tincture .%tra $trength, ta&e the = tsp, #ose on the ver+ first #a+, Going slower, Gn the other han#, if +ou cringe at the thought of ta&ing an herb or +ou are an%ious about it<s safet+, continue the #rops, increasing at +our o)n pace, until +ou are rea#+ to brave the #ecisive = tsp, #ose, 6. 0orm;ood capsules 0should contain 6--+7-- m wormwood, see $ources29 "ay %9 :ake % capsule before supper 0with water2. "ay 69 :ake % capsule before supper. of


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# "ay 79 :ake 6 capsules before supper. "ay 39 :ake 6 capsules before supper. Continue increasing in this )a+ to #a+ -1, )hereupon +ou are up to seven capsules, :ou ta&e the capsules all in a single #ose (+ou ma+ ta&e a fe) at a time until the+ are all gone), Then +ou #o = more #a+s of 4 capsules each, After this, +ou ta&e 4 capsules once a )ee& forever, as it states in the Eaintenance @arasite @rogram, Tr+ not to get interrupte# before the 3th #a+, so +ou &no) the a#ult intestinal flu&es are #ea#, After this, +ou ma+ procee# more slo)l+ if +ou )ish, Ean+ persons )ith sensitive stomachs prefer to sta+ longer on each #ose instea# of increasing accor#ing to this sche#ule, :ou ma+ choose the pace after the si%th #a+, 7. Clo=es9 Fill si'e 99 capsules )ith fresh groun# clovesJ if this si'e is not available, use si'e 9 or 999, !n a pinch, bu+ gelatin capsules an# empt+ them or empt+ other vitamin capsules, :ou ma+ be able to purchase fresh groun# cloves that are alrea#+ encapsulate#J the+ shoul# be about 299 mg, Grocer+ store groun# cloves #o not )or&; .ither grin# them +ourself or see #ources. "ay %9 :ake one capsule 7 times a day before meals. "ay 69 :ake two capsules 7 times a day. "ays 7, 3, ', 1, 4, 5, &, %-9 :ake three capsules 7 times a day. !fter day %-9 :ake 7 capsules all to ether once a week forever, as in the Maintenance )arasite )ro ram. :ake ornithine at bedtime for insomnia. Even if you do not suffer from insomnia now, you may when you kill parasites.


C,(I*F C!*CE(

#arasite #ro<ram &andy Chart

#trike out the doses as you take them.
$lack ;alnut !ull Tincture &?tra Strength Dose drops + time per da%' li e #e$ore a meal + . < 1 0 . tsp! Now once a wee ;ormwood Capsule Dose A8..*7.. mgB capsules + time per da%' on empt% stom7 ach 4#e$ore meal5 + + . . < < 1 1 0 0 3 3 ; ; ; ; Now once a wee Clo%e Capsule Dose ASi4e . or ..B capsules < times per da%' li e at mealtime +' +' + .' .' . <' <' < <' <' < <' <' < <' <' < <' <' < <' <' < <' <' < <' <' <! < Now once a wee


8 7 6 5 2 1 0 / -. --8 -7 -6 -5 -2 -1 -0

. tsp!


!t this point you do not need to keep a strict schedule, but instead may choose any day of the week to take all the parasite pro ram in redients. Continue on the Maintenance )arasite )ro ram, indefinitely, to prevent future reinfection.

>aintenance "arasite "rogram

D8, !(E !CW!D# )ICBI*F ,) )!(!#I:E#N )!(!#I:E# !(E E/E(DWHE(E !(8,*" D8,N D8, FE: :HEM @(8M 8:HE( )E8)CE, D8,( @!MICD,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# D8,(#EC@, D8,( H8ME, D8,( )E:#, ,*"E(C88BE" ME!:, !*" ,*"E(C88BE" "!I(D )(8",C:#. I believe the main source of the intestinal fluke is under+ cooked meat. !fter we are infected with it this way, we can ive it to each other throu h blood, saliva, semen, and breast milk, which means kissin on the mouth, se;, nursin , and childbearin . @amily members nearly always have the same parasites. If one person develops cancer or HI/, the others probably have the intestinal fluke also. :hese diseases are caused by the same parasite. :hey should ive themselves the same de+parasiti>in pro ram. "o this once a week. Dou may take these at different times in the day or to ether9 %. 6. 7. 3. Bla>k 0alnut &ull Tin>ture E?tra Stren<th 9 6 tsp. on an empty stomach, like before a meal. 0orm;ood >aCsules9 4 capsules 0with 6--+7-- m wormwood each2 at once on an empty stomach. Clo=es9 7 capsules 0about '-- m . each, or fill si>e -capsules yourself2 at once on an empty stomach. :ake ornithine as needed.
$lack ;alnut !ull Tincture &?tra Strength Dose + time per da%' on empt% stomach . tsp! ;ormwood Capsule Dose A8..*7.. mgB capsules + time per da%' on empt% stom7 ach ; Clo%e Capsule Dose ASi4e . or ..B capsules + time per da%' on empt% stom7 ach <


8 7 6 5 2 1 0 / -.

. tsp!


34 2

C,(I*F C!*CE(
--8 -7 -6 -5 and so

. tsp! on...


:he only after+effects you may feel are due to bacteria and viruses escapin from dead parasitesN .e sure to >ap after takin your maintenance parasite treatment. !fter+effects also let you know that you did indeed kill somethin . :ry to discover how you mi ht have picked up parasites and avoid them ne;t time.

"et "arasite "rogram

)ets have many of the same parasites that we et, includin Ascaris 0common roundworm2, hookworm, Trichinella, $trong+loi#es, heartworm and a variety of tapeworms. Every pet livin in your home should be deparasiti>ed 0cleared of para+ sites2 and maintained on a parasite pro ram. Monthly trips to your vet are not sufficient. Dou may not need to et rid of your pet to keep yourself free of parasites. .ut if you are quite ill it is best to board it with a friend until you are better. Dour pet is part of your family and should be kept as sweet and clean and healthy as yourself. :his is not difficult to achieve. Here is the recipe9 %. #arsley ;ater9 cook a bi bunch of fresh parsley in a quart of water for 7 minutes. :hrow away the parsley. !fter coolin , you may free>e most of it in several % cup containers. :his is a monthGs supply. )ut % tsp. parsley


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# water on the petGs food. Dou donGt have to watch it o down. Whatever amount is eaten is satisfactory. !ll dosa es are based on a %- pound 0' kilo2 cat or do . "ouble them for a 6- pound pet, and so forth. )ets are so full of parasites, you must be quite careful not to deparasiti>e too quickly. :he purpose of the parsley water is to keep the kidneys flowin well so dead parasite refuse is elimi+ nated promptly. :hey et quite fond of their parsley water. )er+ haps they can sense the benefit it brin s them. "o this for a week before startin the .lack Walnut Hull :incture.
6. Bla>k 0alnut &ull Tin>ture Lre<ular stren<thMF % drop on the food. "onGt force them to eat it. Count carefully. :reat cats only twice a week. :reat do s daily, for in+stance a 7pound do would et 7 drops per day 0but work up to it, increasin one drop per day2. "o not use E;tra #tren th. If your pet vomits or has diarrhea, you may e;pect to see worms. :his is e;tremely infectious and ha>ardous. *ever let a %' child clean up a pet mess. .e in by pourin salt and iodine on the mess and lettin it stand for ' minutes before cleanin it up. Clean up outdoor messes the same way. @inally, clean your hands with diluted rain alcohol 0dilute % part alcohol with 3 parts water2 or vodka. .e careful to keep all alcohol out of si ht of childrenO donGt rely on discipline for this. .e careful not to buy isopropyl rubbin alcohol for this purpose. #tart the wormwood a week later.

Q*ovidoneA iodine! topical antiseptic' is availa#le in most dru& stores!



C,(I*F C!*CE( 7. 0orm;ood >aCsulesF 06--+7-- m wormwood per cap+ sule2 open a capsule and put the smallest pinch possible on their dry food. "o this for a week before startin the cloves.
3. Clo=esF put the smallest pinch possible on their dry food. Beep all of this up as a routine so that you need not fear your pets. !lso, notice how peppy and happy they become. Fo slowly so the pet can learn to eat all of it. :o repeat9 Week %9 parsley water. Week 69 parsley water and black walnut. Week 79 parsley water, black walnut, and wormwood. Week 39 parsley water, black walnut, wormwood, and cloves.
"arsley ;ater ;eek teaspoons on $ood $lack ;alnut !ull Tincture Dose drops on $ood' cats twice per wee ' do&s dail% ;ormwood Capsule Dose open capsule' put smallest pinch on $ood Clo%e Cap* sule Dose ASi4e . or ..B open capsule' put smallest pinch on $ood

8 7 6 5 and onward

+ or more' #ased on si(e + or more + or more + or more + or more

+ + or more' #ased on si(e + or more + or more

+ + + + +

"arasites ,one+ To?ins Ne?t

Healin is automatic when you clean up your body tissues. Billin parasites and bacterial and viral invaders is fundamental. (emovin to;ins which invite them into your or ans is even more fundamental.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

How do you know which to;ins are responsible for your cancerL ,nless you use a #yncrometer to test, you can not know. #o learn to use a #yncrometer, it will save your life. :he only other alternative is to move to a safer environment. Fo on vacation. #tay in hotels less than ten years old 0so the plumbin hasnGt started to corrode2 but not in new construction 0 ive the carpets time to out as2. "o not have a freon containin refri erator in your room. "o not use the hair drier they supply. "o not let them spray your room with anythin . Caunder the sheets and towels yourself at a Caundromat with bora; andHor washin soda. "onGt hesitate to drink the municipal water. Fet busy with your dental cleanup. When you et better on vacation, let that be your inspiration to move from your home. !ll of the to;ins come from a civili>ed lifestyle. (esolve to leave it behind. #elect a warm climate where you can spend your time outdoors in the shade most of the day. Have no refri erator, air conditioner, clothes dryer, hair dryer, new clothin , deter ent. Check that the plumbin is rela+tively new and that no pesticide is bein used. Make the Easy Cifestyle Improvements 0pa e 7&42. :hrow away non+essential health supplements 0unless tested2 and dru s. :he risk is reater than the benefit.

;atch For $acteria

In the later sta es of cancer the tumors are more and more infected with the common bacteria $almonella, $higella, and $taph+lococcus aureus. Billin parasites prepares a feast for these ubiquitous bacteria. *ow, more than ever, must you stay off dairy products 0e;cept for boiled milk2, do the .owel )ro ram, take Cu olJs. (emove $taphs by doin the dental cleanup 0pa e 3-&2. "onGt delay.


C,(I*F C!*CE(

!elp :our Family+ Too

If you had cancer, your whole family should be freed of in+ testinal fluke parasites to protect youN :hey may not be ettin cancer 0yetN2 but your closeness puts you at risk. Bissin on the mouth could reinfect you. (equest that family members >ap themselves and take at least one 6 tsp. dose of .lack Walnut Hull :incture E;tra #tren th while livin with you. )ets, too, can be a source of cancer fluke sta es 0in their drool2. :hey et propyl alcohol from their feed. ,se unflavored, uncolored feed for them to minimi>e pollution from processin . !dd % tbs. vitamin C powder to the top of a ' lb. ba O it will stick to the pellets as they pour out. Aap your pet alon with yourself by holdin them and touchin a bare spot such as nose or paw. *ever eat rare meats or fast food chicken. )arasite sta es survive heat up to the boilin point. If you have taken a risk, >ap yourself as soon as you et home to minimi>e the dama e. Cancer could be completely eliminated in the entire country if laws required testin for solvents in animal feeds and human food and products. )resently it is allowed in the ,nited #tates Code of @ederal (e ulations 0C@(2 0see pa e 3652N !nother reason for propyl alcohol pollution 0and other pol+ lutants2 in our food are the chemicals used by manufacturers to sterili>e their food handlin equipment.
5( CFR (4:.(7(7 L23(3-2 EditionM SanitiHin< solutions. #aniti>in solutions may be safely used on food+processin equipment and utensils, and on other food+contact articles as specified in this section, within the followin prescribed condi+ tions9 0a2 #uch saniti>in solutions are used, followed by adequate drainin , before contact with food. O+ote rinsin< or dryin< is not reDuiredEP


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

0b2 :he solutions consist of one of the followin , to which may be added components eneral reco ni>ed as safe and com+ ponents which are permitted by prior sanction or approval. ^*ow comes 0%2 throu h 0372 permissible sterili>in solu+ tions, includin several with isopropyl alcohol, like9_ 06'2 !n aqueous solution containin elemental iodine 0C!# (e . *o. 4''7+'1+62, potassium iodide 0C!# (e . *o. 415%+%%+ -2, and isopropanol 0C!# (e . *o. 14+17+-2. In addition to use on food processin equipment and utensils, this solution may be used on bevera e containers, includin milk containers and equipment and on food+contact surfaces in public eatin places. ^:hen in para raph 0c20 %&2 the e;act concentration of the iodine is specified. *owhere is the concentration of the isopropanol specified. It can be as stron as desired._

Fig, 1- K,$, regulations on sterili'ing solutions, Even if there were re ulations overnin removal of sani+ ti>in solutions, the overwhelmin truth is missed9 that nothin< >an e=er Ae >omCletely remo=ed after it has Aeen added . 8r perhaps the lawmakers didnGt miss this fact. )erhaps they be+ lieved that small amountsPtoo small to measure with an ultra+ violet spectrophotometerPcould surely do no harm. Meanwhile, protect yourself by avoidin propyl alcohol. !nd by observin 6 e;tra rules9 (. +e=er eat moldy foods.
5. $l;ays take =itamin C.

! common mold found on bread, nuts and fruit and in beer, apple cider vine ar and syrups, produces aflato%in. :his is what prevents you from deto;ifyin tiny bits of propyl alcohol that et into your bodyN .uy bakery bread or bake your own. (oast nuts after washin in vitamin C water to destroy aflato;in and then store in re+


C,(I*F C!*CE( fri erator. Beep moldy fruit out of the refri erator where the spores can spread. ,se only white distilled vine ar. ,se honeys instead of syrups and even add vitamin C to them.

<itamin C helps your #ody deto?ify all the mold to?ins 9 ha%e tested+ including aflato?in.
Beep powdered vitamin C in a salt shaker. It belon s on the table with salt and pepper, and at the stove. )ut it in everythin possible, from cereal to soup to rice 0%H5 tsp. is enou h2. .esides this take %H5 tsp. powdered vitamin C with each meal 0'-m 2. "evelopin cancer is a chain of events. :his e;plains why it is a disease of a in . @or ten years or more you poi+ soned your body with freon, fiber lass, asbestos, mercury, lead, copper, etc. Dou con+ tinually ate moldy food 0chips, nuts, etc.2 which was to;ic to the liver. .ut the liver re en+ erated the pieces that died. Eventually a mold to;in pre+ vents the liver from re ener+ atin . Dour aflato;in+ed liver Fig, 1= Keep both salt an# vi* then lets propyl alcohol build tamin C po)#ers in closable plastic sha&ers, up after usin it. Dou use more

and more propyl alcohol. #omewhere, over the years, you pick up the intestinal fluke in a hambur er or from a pet or person. :he sta e is set and cancer is inevitable.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

.ut pull out any one of the links in this chain and cancer is impossible. #ull them all out for a return to <ood health. #o cure yourself, prevent reinfection, heal the dama e and o throu h life without this sword han in over you. '=er (77 >onse>uti=e >ase histories of >ured >an>er =i>3 tims are the subKect of another book%1 alon with more detailed instructions and su estions.

The Cure ,or %ll Cancers' #% the same author' New Centur% *ress +::<!



HI/ and !I"# disease are very similar to cancer. :hat is why cancer is so often seen with HI/H!I"#. It is caused by the same parasite but the solvent is AenHene instead of propyl alco+ hol.

!9< stands for !uman 9mmunodeficiency <irus A9DS stands for Ac(uired 9mmune Deficiency Syndrome
Many researchers believe HI/ causes !I"#. I observe them both caused by parasites and solventsN
When the body can no lon er deto;ify ben>ene it soon may not be able to deto;ify propyl alcohol. @ood mold, at the base of the propyl alcohol problem, is also at the base of the ben>ene problem. Aearalenone, a mycoto;in I find in popcorn, corn chips, and brown rice specifically inhibits deto;ification of ben>ene. *one of us should be eatin these foods untested. #everal common mold to;ins inhibit the immune system, too, specifically those white blood cells that are supposed to eat and destroy viruses. Consequently, the HI/ virus cannot be checked once it is introduced in the body. .en>ene oes to the bone marrow where :+cells are made, and to the thymus where :+cells are pro rammed, two bi blows to the immune system. .en>ene, a most unthinkable pollutant, is widespread in e;+ tremely small amounts. .ut when AenHoCyrenes are added, the


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# total is entirely too much for the liver and it be ins to accumulate in your thymus.

Fig, 1/ Grille# foo# has ben'op+renes as #o hot #ogs an# >smo&e flavore#? foo#s, .en>opyrenes are made ri ht in your food by direct flame+ heat. Frilled food, smoked food, hot do s and lunch meats with =smoke flavor? all have ben>opyrenesReven toast has it. @ood fried in a skillet does not 0even if you burn it blackN2. !s the thymus deteriorates from its ben>ene burden so does your im+ munity.

;ithout #en4ene in your #ody you canDt get A9DS. ;ithout the intestinal fluke in your #ody you canDt get !9<.
!fter killin the parasite and its sta es the HI/ virus will be one in 6 hours, almost as quickly as the cancer marker, ortho+


C,(I*F HI/H!I"#

phospho+tyrosine. It is not necessary to >ap the virus itself at 71' BH>. .ut the !I"# is not one. :his depends on removin ben>ene from your body and keepin it out of your body. Beepin it out on alternate days or ' days of the week will not suffice. It must be out consistently. 8nly then can your thymus and bone marrow recover. !s your thymus recovers your immunity returns. Immunity to all the diseases that lurk at very low level in our bodies. :hey are already in us. We have accumulated them in a lifetime. Mumps, measles, chicken po;, CM/, $taph+lococcus aureus, ., coli, are all there. ,ntil now they have been controlledPkept downPby an ever vi ilant immune system. If this system fails you are an easy tar et for any and all of these invaders.


f Treatment

!s soon as you find you are HI/ positive, donGt panic. It was inevitable. It is also inevitable for many others with une;+ plainable risk factors. If you have a source of infection with the intestinal fluke and at the same time a source of ben>ene, HI/ and !I"# are a lo ical result. Dou must stop the source of both. )urchase or make a >apper or use somebodyGs frequency enerator 0373 BH> to 36% BH> ivin 7 minutes to each BH>2. Bill your flukes immediately. :ake vitamin .6 immediately to help deto;ify ben>ene 0three %-- m . tablets 7 times a day, & alto ether2. Aap daily until you feel completely well9 no ni ht sweats, no cou hin , no symptoms of any kind. (emember parasites are all around us. We pick them up daily. !nd your weakened immune system lets everythin ain a foothold in your body. !voidin ben>ene will restore your immunity. ,se the ben>ene pollution list to uide you.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

$en4ene "olluted "roducts

T!R ; T!&S& 'T

Dour health is worth more than the fortune you spent on themN safe one.

Fla=ored food, yo urt, Kello, candies, throat lo>+en es, store+bou ht cook+ies, cakes Cookin< oil and shortenin 0use only olive oil, butter and lard2 Bottled ;ater, whether distilled, sprin , mineral, or name brand. .ottled fruit Kuice. Cold >ereal, includin ranola and health brands ToothCaste, includin health brands Che;in< <um >e >ream and fro>en yo+ urt #ills and >aCsules. !t least a third of all I test are polluted. :his includes herbal e;tracts and pre+scription dru s. :est yours and switch brands until you find a

%aseline Crodu>ts :herapy:M2, chap stick, hand cleaners %itamins and other health suCClements, unless tested. Ri>e >akes, even the plain ones #ersonal luAri>ant, in+ cludin lubricated
0*o;>ema Cip



condoms Bakin< soda and >orn3 star>h 0see $ources2 SoaCs, hand >reams, skin creams, moisturi>ers @lavored pet food, both for cats and do s .ird food made into cakes

Fig, 11 Ee%ican ma#e can#+ )ith no ben'ene,


C,(I*F HI/H!I"# It is impossible for me to have tested every batch of every food and product, but so many test positive you simply can not risk any of the foods and products on the list. Cearn to use the #yncrometer to do your own testin . While you are learn+in , observe the rules perfectly. :here is no half way measure with ben>ene. :ake an attitude of over+compliance, not = ettin away? with as much as possible. Fig, 12 @ollutants are 8ver+compliance can brin back radiant in unli&el+ places health, stren th you never knew you had, a beautiful normal body a ainN Dou will be able to resume your plans for education, professional life, personal relationships, free of the sword han in over you. Dou will not be infectious to anybody. Cet over+compliance enthuse you.

Fig, 13 .ver+ bran# of popcorn an# corn chips ! teste# ha# 'earalenone contamination, :here are 6 e;tra rules that help eliminate ben>ene buildup9


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# %. *ever eat moldy or rilled foods includin popcorn, corn chips, rocery store breads, pasta, nuts, alcoholic bever+ a es, toast, brown rice 0white is 8B2. !lways take /itamin .6 0three %-- m tablets three times a day2 and vitamin C 0%H5 tsp. with each meal2.


"lan For The Future

!fter you are well a ain, you may wish to indul e in some philosophy. How did an obscure virusPa snail virusNPbecome a human virusL :his is not so bi>arre. !fter all, rabies virus comes to us from animals, and many encephalitis viruses come from mosquitoes. How did HI/ spread so rapidlyL How did a pollutant as dan erous as ben>ene et to be in our very foodL !re other parasites ettin set to sprin on usL What must be done to protect ourselves and loved ones from future disastersL Would ettin away from fossil fuel be a bi answerL Would ettin away from preoccupation with chemistry be a bi answerL Would more disclosure of industrial practices be an answerL #hould the overnment a encies responsible for food and product safety be depolitici>edL #hould public inspection of food manufacturin be a ri htL #hould disclosure of forei n ori ins of food in redients be mandatoryL Would communicatin with other cancer and !I"# survivors be usefulL :he computer a e would make communication possible. Communication leads to answers. !nswers mi ht lead to new policies. )olicies supported at the rass roots level can brin about chan e. '=er *7 >ase histories of >ured & % =i>tims are the %4 subKect of another book alon with more detailed instructions and su estions.
The Cure $or (I/ and %I&S' #% the same author' New Centur% *ress' +::<!


Curin& "he Common Cold

#ometimes you can >ap A#enovirus, the common cold virus, at 7&7 BH> for three minutes with a frequency enerator and be rid of your cold, ma ically, in five minutes. .ut ma ic and luck are not really responsible for this. !nd most of the time the cold will reappear a few hours later. Homeopathy, too, can immediately banish your cold symp+ toms. :he reason is not mysterious either. .ut, this time, the cold reappears later in a different location. Choose the ri ht homeopathic remedy for that, and you can chase it away a ain.

Tapeworm Stage or >ites

:he fascinatin story of how we really =catch? a cold kept me spellbound for a year. I was hot on the heels of A#enovirus wherever it mi ht be in my body. #ometimes I saw itO sometimes I didnGt. #ometimes I had cold symptomsO sometimes I didnGt. #ometimes I could >ap itO sometimes it did no ood. It is now apparent to me that A#enovirus isnGt our 0a human2 virus at allN It belon s to other parasites. )arasites as varied as tapeworm sta es and mites. )erhaps it belon s to many other parasites, as well. My evidence comes from a tapeworm sta e, cysticercus of iph+llobothrium erinacea, the mites $arcoptes and ermatophagoi#es, and our own colon bacteria, ., coli. :he tapeworm sta e flies in the dust as e s, you can trap these by settin out a pint Kar with a little water in it. In three daysG time you are likely to find its frequency near 354 BH> in your Kar. Dou are also likely to find it on your kitchen spon e,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

since you wipe up dust each day. :o test it, place it in a plastic ba , wet it thorou hly and search from '%- BH> downward, one BH> at a time. :he various tapeworm sta es emit between '%- and 33- BH>. If you have a household pet, you will always be able to find a tapeworm sta e in your spon e or in a dust sample you collect from the table or kitchen counter in the mornin . Father dust with a damp bit of paper towel, put it in a plastic ba . :hen wash your hands or you may accidentally eat some. :his, of course, happens to every household member. Eatin the dust off the tables, inhalin the dust, and eatin off surfaces wiped by the kitchen spon e happens to everyone. !nd everyone =catches? colds. If you search for A#enovirus, thou h, in your dust sample, it isnGt thereN #imilarly, you can search for the mites in your house dust. #earch near the frequencies iven for them. :here is a ood chance you will have one that is not iven, because the list is so incomplete. *ame it after yourself. Compare notes with othersO maybe it is common, maybe itGs a rare one. ! ain, you will not find A#enovirus beepin its characteristic frequency out of your mite specimen. Why notL )ossibly, it is too faintO it must multiply and create a loud chorus before you can hear it. .ut multiply it will, if iven a chance, in you. Dou must, of course, first eat or inhale the dust. :hen the tape e s hatch into the c+sticercus sta e, which promptly ets to the liver. #ometimes it ets to other or ans, like the muscles, the spleen, the pancreas. )resumably the liver screened it out of the blood ori inally. #oon you will >ap them, wherever they are. If you are usin a slide specimen of c+sticercus you can locate it in your body. If you are only listenin to its beeps, you canGt. If you can do both, you may be able to see which or an allows the virus to replicate after it emer es. Maybe only the respiratory or ans doO maybe they start to replicate in the or an where they emer e, such as


C,(I*F :HE C8MM8* C8C" the liver and then et to the respiratory tract. :his is a fascinatin avenue I have not yet e;plored. Mites are inhaled or swallowed or both, Kust as tapeworm e s are. :hey are on your kitchen spon e, and in any food or dishes that stand uncovered anywhere in the home. *ever drink water from a lass that has =stood out? all day. !fter findin one, you will notice it beepin in you for several days. :hen the beep disappearsO presumably the mite is dead. :he tapeworm sta e beeps may disappear in a few days, too, presumably dead. E;cept in cases of disease. Muscles that are diseased will take in the newcomer and allow it to survive add+ in to the parasites and pollutants already thereN Evidently the immune power of such diseased locations is way down.

n the day that the mite stops #eeping+ the day it dies+ Adenovirus appearsE
*ot many A#enovirus at first. Dou will need to search sev+ eral times durin the day to find it in your white blood cells. 0!nd you have no symptoms, yet, eitherN2 Is it a coincidence that A#enovirus appeared directly after a tapeworm sta e or mite diedL Dou can find out by waitin until a time when you have a tapeworm sta e or mite and no A#enovirus. :hen kill your tapeworm sta e or mite by >appin for seven minutes. Within minutes after that, the beepin of the tapeworm sta e or mite is one and A#enovirus can be heard, loud and clear at 7&7 BH>N !nd minutes later you may feel a stuffy nose, a sli ht con estion developin , a certain head feelin that is different. Dou are =catchin ? a coldN Will you really et this coldL Will it become a full blown cold of the usual kindL !fter seein this happen do>ens of times


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# after killin a mite or tapeworm sta e I concluded that A#enovi* rus really belon s to themO the virus is scuttlin its dyin host like people Kumpin off a sinkin ship into the ocean. 8ur bodies are the ocean for them. :hey too, immediately swim and search for a hospitable island. 8ur respiratory tract is such an islandO perhaps other or ans, too. Des, this =baby cold? will develop into a full blown cold if, but only if, you have a mold in youN

>olds and Colds

:his is part two of the cold story. Dou may have A#enovi* ruses quietly slippin into your blood stream and tissues from a tapeworm sta e or mite you inhaled, or ., coli bacteria that strayed into your tissues, and which is bein slowly killed by your immune system. Dour immune system can keep up with them quite easily provided you donGt have a mold in you at the same time. :he si nificance of the mold is that it lowers your immunity, specifically and enerally.

>old eluded+ is health impro%ed.

:his has already been studied e;tensively for a number of food molds. :here are a variety of ways that mold to;ins lower immunity. #ome simply kill white blood cells. 8thers seem to =bind and a ? them so they Kust canGt o about eatin viruses. #o with mold to;ins present, A#enovirus, fleein the dead tapeworm sta e, mite, or ., coli is not obbled up. It has time to et to its favorite or an and enter the cells there. It may et in


C,(I*F :HE C8MM8* C8C" your lun s if theyGre full of arsenic or formaldehyde, in your throat if itGs full of mercury from your fillin s, in your spinal cord if itGs full of thallium. #ometimes you feel the viral attack, sometimes you donGt. When ., coli is the source of your A#enovirus, a question pops up. Why donGt you have a perpetual cold, since these bac+ teria are always in your colon...and should beN !s lon as ., coli stays dutifully in your colon, no A#enovirus is seen. .ut as soon as any cross the colon wall to invade your body, your white blood cells pounce on them. !fter this, A#enovirus appears and a ain you are catchin a cold. :hey may o to your internal or+ ans where you donGt feel them. 8ne place you do feel an attack is in your respiratory tract9 lun s, bronchi, sinuses, nose, Eustachian tubes, inner ear, eyes or head. !nd the si>e of the attack depends on whether you recently ate moldy food. Human food 0in eneral, in the ,.#.2 is very, very moldy. We do not taste it because manufacturers have been usin more and more flavorin s in food. :his covers up small amounts of mold or =off? flavor. Measures to reduce mold are not effective enou h. .read is a ood e;ample. Calcium propionate is added to bread+stuff to inhibit moldin . :hatGs fine. .ut then the bread is encased in plastic to hold in moisture and keep it =fresh?. :he moisture acts to incubate mold spores and overwhelms the in+ hibitor. /ine ar is used instead of calcium propionate in some breads but, a ain, the plastic ruins its effectiveness. !nother ood mold inhibitor is lime water. :his is used in makin tortillas. *one of the old fashioned tortillas 0made with Kust corn, water, lime2 that I tested had any mold, even without propionate addedN 8ther tortillas made of flour and calcium propionate frequently had molds.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Fig, 14 This Ee%ican brea# has no mol#s, !t is ma#e from )hite, unbleache# flour an# is not )rappe# in plastic, .read is such a staple we must correct its mold problem immediately. :he two likely sources for the mold spores are9 in the flour to be in with, or Kust flyin about the bakery and landin on the newly baked loaves. .read flour in the rocery store is quite free of mold spores, so maybe it is the bakery that needs to chan e. )erhaps it is not possible to bake 63 hours a day in the same buildin , year after year, without bits of flour and moisture accumulatin in the millions of tiny cracks and crevices that all buildin s have and erminatin mold. Det bread from small nei hborhood bakeries does not have moldN


C,(I*F :HE C8MM8* C8C"

nly #uy fresh #read not wrapped in plastic.

!s soon as you feel a cold comin , ask yourself9 what did you eat recently that mi ht have been moldyL Cold cereal, hot cereal, bread, crackers, cookies, rice, other rains, fresh fruit, store bou ht fruit Kuice, nuts, syrups, pasta, honeyL :his takes up a lar e part of any personGs diet, even in a sin le meal. :he answer is yes, no doubt you ate moldy food recently. #o you canGt catch a cold directly from some snee>y com+ panion, or ., coli, or tapeworm sta es, or mites. Dou have to eat moldy food first. :his lowers your immunity, allowin any A#enovirus to invade your weakest tissues. If that happens to be your respiratory system, you et classic symptoms. 0:hose same =cold? symptoms can be caused by bacteria, for which I have preliminary evidence of arrivin in a similar fashion.2 !s fascinatin as this whole story is, the bottom line is9 how can you stop a cold, in record timeL

The Cure
(emember, >appin does not kill your cells. #o anythin hidin in them will not be harmed by the electric current either. /iruses live inside your cells while they reproduce. Dou can only kill the outsiders9 those stuck in your cell ateways. :he rest will be killed by your own cells in time. *ot much time. @ive or si; hours at most. Dour cells do it with mucous secretion, inflammation and other unknown ways. #o >appin is an imperfect solution. ,sin a frequency enerator to electrocute A#enovirus 07&7 BH> for three minutes2 is not effective either because you are


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# not killin the mites and tapeworm sta es at the same time, and the A#enoviruses are comin from them. :he best advice to stop a cold is to9 %. Eat sterile food for 52 hours. @ollow the Mold @ree "iet on pa e 71'. "o not eat one questionable item. 6. :ake =itamin C 0%- rams or 6 tsp.2, a B*7 >omCle? 06 tablets2, and niacinamide 07 '-- m tablets2 to help de+ to;ify the mycoto;ins already in you. #ee $ources. It will still take five or si; hours for your white blood cells to re+ cover their ability to capture viruses, for the = a ? to wear off. 7. ,aC for seven minutes, killin all viruses, tapeworm sta es and mites to ether. 0ait twenty minutes to let viruses and bacteria in the dead lar er parasites emer e. ,aC a second time for seven minutes to kill those viruses and bacteria. 0ait twenty minutes to let any viruses infectin the killed bacteria emer e. ,aC a third time for seven minutes to kill the last viruses. 3. *ow you need only wait for your tissues to decon est and stop makin mucous, etc. '. Immediately start the .owel )ro ram 0pa e '312 in case yours is an ., coli cold. Dou canGt, and wouldnGt want to, kill all the bacteria in your bowel. Aappin kills the escap+ ees, thou h, to ive a bit of relief, and the .owel )ro ram stops the invasive ., coli. 1. "o additional >appin as time permits until the .owel )ro ram has stemmed the invasion.

9n fi%e or si? hours your cold could #e gone.

'f all these measures, stoCCin< mold >onsumCtion is the most imCortant. If you eat peanut butter now, your cold will


C,(I*F :HE C8MM8* C8C"

return with a ven eance. If you eat cheese it will add $almonella to your illness and you may develop a fever. Dour own immune system is the most powerful cold killer, so stop handicappin it. :est yourself for the presence of molds to see if you are ac+ complishin your oal. :he various molds I have tested had these emittin frequencies9 44, 55, %--, %61, %77, %44, %5%, %55, 676, 636, 644, 655, 6&' BH>. In about five hours, some relief will be felt. :he time it takes depends on how much mold you ate. .ut if you stop immediately and eat only perfectly safe food, your illness will be over in the shortest time. #horter than merely >appin .

>old Free Diet

#tick to this for 63 hours, even if you feel better much sooner.

.efore startin to cook sterili>e your kitchen spon e 0microwave it for three minutes2, and wash hands.

% or 6 e s any style. :he e carton and e e;terior have $almonella on them, so remove the e s, replace the carton, wash the e;terior of the e s and then your hands a ain before crackin them. Dou donGt want a $almonella infection added to your cold. Hash brown potatoes )ancakes or waffles with artificial maple syrup made with brown su ar and vitamin C. % cup herb tea with vitamin C, cinnamon, or other spice.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# \ Water with a tsp. of vine ar and honey.

#oup without noodles, without rice or any rain product. Homemade biscuits or bakery bread with butter. Homemade puddin or custard, all in redients well cooked.

Well cooked fish or seafood 0canned 8.B., like sardines, salmon and tuna2. @resh reen ve etables, in perfect condition. Cooked ve etables with olive oil and salt 0pure, see $ources2. Canned beans, any variety. .aked or boiled potato 0donGt eat skin2 with olive oil and salt as described on pa e 7%-. Hot water with whippin cream and cinnamon. ! perfectly unblemished banana. Water with lemon.
Dou can =mi; and match? these safe foods. If you et a hefty dose of mold at the outset of your cold, the to;icity lasts quite a lon time. (epeat the diet the ne;t day and the ne;t until you are well. In animal e;periments reported by scientists, to;icity from mold usually lasted three weeks. #ometimes the real dama e was only seen after three weeksN Beep up your vi ilance. When you decide to take some risks, make sure vitamin C has been added to the new food and mi;ed with it thorou hly.


C,(I*F :HE C8MM8* C8C"

Fig, 16 Goo#s ba&e# in a pana#eria (Ee%ican st+le ba&er+) never teste# positive to mol#s, 714

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

What is the best way to prevent a coldL #top eatin moldy food. We were never meant to eat rottin , spoilin food. We were meant to be repelled by the bad odor, the bad appearance, the bad taste. 8ur parents were supposed to teach us in childhood to distin uish between ood and bad food. :his system no lon er works. .y mi;in spoiled food with ood food, by addin flavors and chan in the food consistency, parents canGt distin uish substandard foods, nor teach their children to. We rely on overnment a ency assurances, like beef rades, e;piration dates, approved food colors and additives. !nd when they failL We land in a debacle such as the present one, where lar e se ments of society are ill with uncontrollable behavior 0called crime2, suffer from hormone imbalances and se;ual dis+ turbances, are sidelined by chronic fati ue and new illness. .ut the reatest social disaster is lowered immunityR!I"#. We cannot individually control the destiny of our species. .ut we can et ourselves out of the path of the fallin human tide. We can dissent. We can say +' to rotten moldy food. What about e;posure to a coldL WonGt you catch one if youGre in a roomful of cou hin , snee>in peopleL 8r you shake hands with a cou hin , snee>in personL 8r you drink from the same lass as a person with a coldL 8r your child plays with the same toys as sick childrenL Des, you will catch the virus, but you wonGt et sick. If you are trackin A#enovirus usin the electronic techniques in this book, you will see that it infects you immediately after eatin cou hed+on food. It stays in you about twenty minutes. :hen it disappears, evidently eaten up by your white blood cells, Cro3 =ided there is no mold to?in in you . .ut if you do have a mold to;in in you, the virus spreads, multiplies and ives you a coldN I have only followed A#enovirus behavior. :here are numerous


C,(I*F :HE C8MM8* C8C" other =cold bu s? left for you to track. Each illness in your family could provide you with a specimen to research. :his throws li ht on self infection, too. When we cou h into our hands and then eat with them, we self+infect. .ut it only makes us sicker if we harbor molds.

Curing Symptoms
Cold symptoms alone can be cured much faster than the cold. :akin dru s proves that. Most of the dru s on the market can cure some symptoms in less than one hour. .ut not without a price, such as a harmful side effect. Homeopathy can cure cold symptoms too, without side ef+ fects. :here are three or four favorite homeopathic remedies for colds and ei ht or nine less common ones. :o use them you read the symptoms listed and take the remedy with the closest match.
!omeopathic Remedy Aconitum Allium Arsenicum 8elladonna >ali #i Spon&ia For These Symptoms earl% cold with $ever' headache' hoarse cou&h clear runn% nose with #urnin& o$ lips or e%es snee(in& cold' $rontal headache' tic lin& cou&h hi&h $ever cold with $lushed $ace' thro##in& head thic post nasal drip' colored dischar&e' sinus headache croup% cou&h

Fig, 18 $tarter set of homeopathic reme#ies, :here are lots more remedies with fascinatin symptoms to try to match with your own. .ooks su est that you start with a 1Q or a %6Q remedy, but success is more certain with 7-Q. ,se three remedies simultaneously. If you et total relief at some point, stop. If the cold has moved or wonJt bud e, try another set of three after an hour. "onJt take them within %' minutes of


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# food or anythin else. Homeopathy makes very interestin readin . Homeopaths say they stimulate the immune system specifi+ cally. My results show they do much more. :hey o ri ht to the ateways of your cells and evict the tiny parasite, bacteria or virus stuck to the latch and tryin to et in. Dour immune system would be able to obble them all up if they werenGt a ed by the food mold you ate. "ifferent homeopathic remedies o to different tissues, so you can only clear one tissue at a time. If you plan on tryin this for yourself, order the set of cold remedies listed above 0see $ources2. :he homeopathic method would be a beautiful cold cure if it werenGt for the mold intrusion. Herbs, too, can cure symptoms rather quickly. ElderAerry tea mi;ed with CeCCermint is cited in herbal te;tbooks and it could probably do a lot if it werenGt for the mold immuno+ suppression. If you plan on tryin these start with a set of thyme , fenu<reek, sa<e 0for throat2. #ince both herbs and homeopathic remedies work on the principle of eKection, they could eKect each other. Maybe the last one to arrive takes over. :his is an e;citin field for you to e;plore. ,ltimately, the len th of time your own white blood cells are bound and a ed decides how soon you are really cured of your cold. (emember takin vitamin C 0%- rams or more2 helps deto;ify the molds. If you find a recipe that works for everybody in less than five hours, be sure to let everybody know.



f <iruses

Dour body can eliminate any virus in a short time, such as hours or days. It can even keep up with a steady stream that is comin from tapeworm sta esN


C,(I*F :HE C8MM8* C8C" Cet us apply these new insi hts to several diseases we are familiar with. Cet us speculate what could really be happenin . ECstein Barre %irus 0E./2 is a mysterious disease because in spite of buildin up antibodies, it attacks repeatedly. I only see E./ if the person also has .ur+trema 0pancreatic fluke2 in the pancreas. When the fluke is one, I no lon er find E./ in the white blood cells. :his su ests that the virus comes from the fluke. !s each fluke dies and is finally removed, the bodyGs white blood cells can catch up with the viruses and you be in to feel better a ain, which can be as quick as one day. .ut reinfection with an E./+carryin .ur+trema 0plus a wood alcohol containin bevera e to allow the fluke to o to the pancreas2 can spark the ne;t recurrence. Shin<les is a recurrence of chicken po;. I always find As* caris in persons with shin lesN ,nfortunately, killin the Ascaris does not cure shin les. Herpes 0oster 0the shin lesHchicken po; virus2 is known to hide in nerve cells. )erhaps Ascaris facilitates itGs release, or simply suppresses the immune system in a way that allows it to suddenly multiply. #olio was once a scour e. !t that time, we can theori>e that a new lar e parasite was makin its appearance. Was a new animal association takin place in the early %&--GsL Cife was indeed becomin more urban with horse manure on all streets. 8wnin a do for a house pet was becomin an acceptable life+ style. Could the tapeworms of these animals ive us a tapeworm sta e that hosts polio virusL Many polio sufferers also had mi+ raines. :hese are caused by $trong+loi#es, a horse threadworm. "oes $trong+loi#es host polio virusL :he & % virus infects us durin the time the intestinal fluke, Fasciolopsis bus&ii, is bein hosted. )ersons test ne ative to HI/ shortly after the fluke and its sta es are eliminated. Co%sac&ie viruses ive us some of our encephalitises. I never see Co%sac&ie viruses without the bacteria, Cacteroi#es


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# fragilis, and I never see Cacteroi#es fragilis without Ascaris 0a roundworm.2 I conclude that one lives inside the otherN We may be derivin viruses from all the roundworms, flukes, tapeworms and bacteria that infect usN It would be a fascinatin study, simply to e;amine each of these parasites sin ly, searchin for their viruses with an electron microscope. :hey could also be searched for usin immunolo ical methods. @ortunately, your health improvement does not need to wait on such studies. Dour electronic technique can detect them in your body lon before you are made ill by them. Dou donGt need to know their hosts in order to stop hostin them yourself. It is a time of reat chan e for this planet as pollution spreads from pole to pole. :he rowth of industrial activity, minin , chemical manufacturin , the food =industry?, and personal habits like smokin have spread new chemicals to every corner of the lobe. :he element polonium, which is radioactive and in tobacco smoke, is harmful to human lun s, but may not be harmful to a small lun parasite, like @neumoc+stis carnii. .en>ene, which is a solvent and e;tremely harmful to hu+ mans, may not be harmful to fluke parasites livin within us. )ropyl alcohol facilitates the intestinal fluke but is to;ic to us. #arasites are doin< aAnormal thin<s. s this Ae>ause of CollutionB :he tables are radually bein turned a ainst us in favor of our parasites and patho ens. #uch lar e chan es are called evolutionary. Is the human species doomed, or will some of us =adapt?. Will some of us survive to pass on our =better? enes to a new population of cancer+resistant, !I"#+resistant, !l>+ heimerGs+resistant, etc.+resistant humansL How many of us will die tryin L

The common cold should not #e so commonE


8od% Wisdom and Wh% 8ad Food "astes Good

"onGt let yourself eat Kunk food Kust because your body craves somethin in it. :ry to fi ure out what it is your body craves. Could it be fatL Could it be saltL Could it be starchL

If itGs salt, you mi ht also love popcorn and other salty food. :his implicates the adrenal lands. Maybe theyGre lettin too much salt 0sodium chloride2 leave the body throu h the kidneys. Maybe theyGre lettin too much potassium chloride throu h, too. ! diuretic pill could certainly have a similar effect. Help the adrenal lands do their Kob of re ulatin sodium and potassium chloride by cleanin them up. Cet salt+hun er be your si nal to do a kidney cleanse 0pa e '3&2. :his will clean adrenals too. Even a sli ht drop in sodium and potassium chlo+ ride in the blood 0body fluids2 can make you too fati ued to tie your own shoelaces. (emember, when your body craves potato chips, it craves somethin in the potato chips. If you let yourself eat hi hly salted food while youGre ivin the adrenals a clean up, at least add potassium chloride to your diet. Make yourself a mi;ture of equal parts of sodium chloride and potassium chloride. )art of salt hun er is actually potassium hun er. Cet your body 0your taste2 decide on the amount of potassium chloride to add. Maybe one part potassium chloride to two or three parts sodium chloride is a better mi;ture for you. !fter mi;in , store it in the ori inal containers 0re+label them2 to prevent cakin . If you put


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it in an ordinary salt shaker, it will cake soon. ,se a shaker with a lid that closes.

Maybe you like @rench fries because of the fat. If you deprive yourself of the = ood? normal reases that come from plant or animal sources which would ordinarily make up 6'< of your calories, of course youGll crave rease. .ut what a bad trade it is. *ow you are ettin lab+made 0hydro enated2 rease with a non+biolo ical structure, and loaded with the carcino en nickel. #o if youGre body tells you that you need rease, o back to olive oil, butter, cheese 0baked only2, lard, avocados, nuts and nut butters 0homemade only2 and seeds. Humankind has been eatin these natural fats lon before cholesterol was vilified. :he key to cholesterol control is not fat avoidance, but a liver cleanseN

If switchin to natural reases doesnGt satisfy your =fat+ tooth?, maybe its the potato in the @rench fries that your body craves. )lain, pure starch. "o you also love bread and pasta 0more pure starch thou h very inferior to potatoes2L )ure starch is very easy to di est and has a lar e adsorptive capability for to;ins. In fact, if any family member should accidentally eat somethin poisonous, drinkin cornstarch will quickly mop it up and keep it stuck so it canGt enter your tissues. 0:his doesnGt work for all poisons.2 .y cravin pure starches, your body could be tellin you about a need to improve your di estion 0liver disorders2 or to eat and breathe less to;ic thin s.


.8"D WI#"8M !*" WHD .!" @88" :!#:E# F88"

Maybe a stomach+full of baby Ascaris is tellin you to eat only food that doesnGt need a lot of acid9 ]Kust potatoes, bread and pasta, please, and skip the sauce.? Ascaris inhibits acid pro+ duction by the stomach. :his can result in an aversion to meat. It doesnGt take much acid to di est pure starch and et it on its way out of the stomach. !nd out of the stomach means relief9 relief of the pressure on the diaphra m and liver, heartburn, that too+full feelin , and other di estive disturbances.

Dour body runs on su ar. If you are short on su ar it will turn fat into su ar. If you are short on both, it will turn your muscles into su ar. However eatin more su ar doesnGt cure the cravin . Dou have to find out why you are so short, in spite of eatin it. :he first thin to try is % m chromium 0five 6-- mc tablets, see $ources2 per day. If you still crave su ar after a week the problem is somethin else. )erhaps you have pancreatic flukes upsettin your su ar re ulation. Bill them and o off commercial bevera es that may contain wood alcohol. #u ar re ulation is very comple;, but these two approaches help most of the time.

(espect your bodyGs opinion when it says, =*o, I donGt want to eat that.? 8ur education about nutritive value of food may be sound but there are other facts to consider. We should take a lesson from nursin babies9 when they refuse to nurse, there is somethin unpalatable in the motherGs milk. ,sually the mother has eaten onions or members of the cabba e family. :he baby


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# tries it once, and learns to reKect it immediately. :he babyGs liver, in its wisdom, does not want the baby to eat what it canGt properly di est. :he mother may feel9 =*ow, this breast milk is ood for you and drink it you must, or you shall o hun ry.? ,nfortunately, this works for 6+year+olds and up. :hey are forced to eat carrots, peas, and other ve etablesO ve etables that taste terrible, 0modern a riculture has ruined the flavor2. :hey alone taste the bitterness of )I:, a cyanide+related chemical, and very difficult for the liver to metaboli>e. .roccoli and onions may burn the ton ue with its sulfur+containin acids. Freen beans, onions, arlic, e plant, all have unique chemicals in them. If you or your child are not ready to eat them, avoid them carefully, so you donGt et a surprise dose of the to;ic chemical. :he more mold a child eats, inadvertently, in peanut butter, bread, potato chips, syrups, the less capable the liver is of de+ to;ifyin foods. :his will certainly increase the =pickiness? of a childGs appetite. If your child has too many foods on her or his personal =off list?, let this si nal you to improve liver function. #top the barra e of chemicals that comes with cold cereals, canned soup, rocery bread, instant cheese dishes, artificially flavored elatin, canned whipped cream, fancy yo urts and cookies or chips. Move to a simpler diet, cooked cereal with honey, cinnamon and whippin cream 0only 3 in redients2, milk 0boiled2, bakery bread, canned tuna or salmon, plain cooked or fried potatoes with butter, and slices of raw ve etables and fruit without any sauces, e;cept honey or homemade tomato sauce, to dip into. It is frustratin to cook =a fine meal? for the family and find everybody likes it e;cept Ms. )icky. :he ood news is that she can usually think of somethin she would rather eat. If itGs nu+ tritious, be thankful. If itGs not say *o. !dults should hide their Kunk food, includin everythin off limits to children. "onGt =hide? your Kunk food in the refri erator and lower level cupboardsN :reat yourself as well as your


.8"D WI#"8M !*" WHD .!" @88" :!#:E# F88"

child. If a food tastes bad, donGt eat it. If you crave it, try to un+ derstand the messa e.

utwit The Cra%ings

Here are some e;amples. #uppose you crave these items9 #i>kles. :hey supply vine ar and are often loved by per+ sons with little acid in their stomachs or a lot of yeast 0vine ar is a yeast inhibitor2. #tart drinkin water with lemon Kuice or vine ar and honey. Ba>on. :he fat soothes the stomach and slows down di+ estion. #witch to butter and cream, with meals. Su<ar >oated >ereals. Coved by persons with disturbed su ar re ulation. Bill parasites, avoid wood alcohol, use chromium tablets and a lot of cinnamon. Crun>hy mun>hies. Dour Kaw and teeth want some work to do. :ry salads, an apple, raw sunflower seeds 0beware of moldy seeds, nuts and dried fruit2. >e >ream. Ice cold food stimulates the thyroidO loved by low thyroid persons. Clean up the thyroid by doin dental work and liver cleanses. Caffeine +laced bevera es. #timulate many body tissues, raise blood pressure. Coved by low ener y people. "o a eneral body and environment cleanup. 0:here are people who say coffee puts them to sleep. Insomnia has better solutions than caffeine, thou h.2 Candy. :he more you eat the more you crave because chromium is bein used up as you eat it and yet it is nec+ essary to utili>e more su ar. Five yourself chromium 0F:@2 tablets totalin % m . 0%,--- mc .2 a day and watch your su ar cravin shrink. #retHels. Dou want salt plus crunch.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

#otato >hiCs. Dou want salt, rease, starch and crunch. *o wonder they are so popularN If your body still has its wisdom, or most of it, why canGt it detect the mold in peanuts, crackers and bread for usL :here is a very sound reason. 8ur food manufacturers have one to reat len ths to fool our native senses. #alt and su ar, roastin and flavorin , do most of it. Dour body is accustomed, natively, to interpret su ar, salt, and flavors as = ood, ood, ood.? 8f course, the mold is =bad, bad, bad.? .ut when you mi; them, what is your body to readL :he = oods? always winO manufacturers donGt stop until they do. More flavorin s are added. :he result is that you can be eatin rotten moldy food without knowin it. @ood that is predominantly concocted canGt be interpreted by your body wisdom. Dou must use your second+best ally, your intelli ence. How would you interpret these situations, taken from real life9

!n elderly person canGt stand butter, wants and enKoys mar arine. ! child prefers canned spa hetti for the real thin . ! child wants to eat only sweets, everythin else must be coa;ed down. ! youn man needs =his? beer to enKoy a cook+out. ! youn man with serious mental illness drinks half a allon of Mellow Dellow:M a day. ! child wants ketchup on everythin . ! pre nant woman puts herself on a pickled pi s feet and white bread diet.


.8"D WI#"8M !*" WHD .!" @88" :!#:E# F88"

$ack To Normal
.ody wisdom was not meant to substitute for parental teachin . :hey must both be there. .ut when there is conflict, trust your wisdom. Will you ever et your primitive body wis+dom back and enKoy ve etables, fruit, simple styles of cookin and bakin themL Des, to a considerable e;tent. DouGll hold your nose at all seeds and nuts and most flour 0they smell so rancid2. DouGll back away from cookies and cakes, especially icin 0they taste like you ima ine shortenin tastes2. DouGll retreat from deep fat fried foods9 the drippin rease will Kust undo the appetite. DouGll say =*o thanks? to canned food and metal cutlery 0you can taste the metal now2. DouGd have to force yourself to eat rocery bread 0itGs so dou hy and sour smellin 2. Wheat erm smells terrible 0rancidity2. Even vitamin tablets may smell awful. Has life been ruined, now that plain potatoes and butter taste oodL Dour body wisdom has returned. Dou are the true ourmet. It is as different as corn on the cob is from the canned variety. )erhaps you are =spoiled? now by eatin un+rotten food. !ccept the char e with humor and di nityRas lon as youGre not e;pected to eat any more spoiled, moldy food.

To?ic Food
Frilled food develops ben'op+renes in it that are very to;ic. In an a e of lowered immunity, it makes little sense to de+ liberately poison the food with ben>opyrenes. Especially for children, who will be faced with new viruses and parasites in their lifetimes. Will they be able to overcome them or succumb at middle a eL 8nly the stren th of their immune system decides this.


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.en>opyrenes must be deto;ified usin the liverGs valuable ben>ene+deto;ification system. With so many ben>ene+polluted items, there is hardly enou h deto;ification capability to et it all taken care of. *!" en>ymes 0the * stands for niacin2 come into play too. :hese are essential for alcohol deto;ification. If you have consumed alcohol, like a can of beer, *!" en>ymes must be shared between the alcohol in the beer and the ben>ene in the beer. It takes lon er to deto;ify both the ben>ene and alcohol. :he time delay is a time of lowered immunity and facilitates a rowth spurt for parasites and patho ens. @oods that are raised to very hi h temperatures, made possi+ble with a microwave oven, produce ben>opyrenes. 8rdinary bread+ toasters can do this tooN 8ld fashioned toasters had a layer of metal separatin the bread from the wires. :oastin bread in a fryin pan or a stove top surface protects it too. .ut your stove rill, whether electric or flame, will produce ben>opyrenes in your food unless there is a separatin wall between them. It does not matter what kind of fuel is used, the ben>opyrenes develop due to lack of shieldin between the food and heat source. ! metal wall between them absorbs some of the heat. "o not burn your food in a microwave oven. #ince the tem+ perature may o hi her than your re ular oven, you can produce ben>opyrenes. Dour re ular oven is thermostated so that it cannot o hi her than it states. .akin and brownin is never done above 36'[@. :his is your safety feature. If anythin in your microwave has turned dark brown or black or has melted plastic, throw it outN #upplements that help your body to deto;ify the ben>opyrenes are9 %. *iacin or niacinamide. :hese are *!"+builders. :ake 'm with each meal. 6. /itamin .6 0riboflavin2. :ake '- m with each meal.


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@or unpolluted vitamins see $ources. It would be wise to teach children the habits that ma;imi>e their immune stren th. !voidin food to;ins that are specifically immune+lowerin is most important. .esides the ben>opyrenes, certain mold to;ins and solvents do this and are found in foods.

>oldy Food
Everythin thatGs animal or ve etable can et moldy. While livin thin s are alive, the mold attackers can be held at bay. !s soon as they are dead, moldin be ins. @irst it moldsO then bac+ terial action sets in. :his is what makes thin s biode radable. It is a precious phenomenon. It does away with filthRin an e;qui+ site manner. Without mold and decay the streets of *ew Dork would still be full of horse manure from the days of the horse and bu y and our lakes too full of dead fish to swim in. Every rain has its moldsO every fruit has its moldsO tea and coffee plants have their moldsO as do all herbs, and ve etables. *uts have their moldsO nuts rown in the round 0peanuts2 are especially moldy because the earth is so full of mold spores. .ut the wind carries these spores hi h up into trees, and even up to the stratosphere. Molds are not very choosy. :hey have their preference for certain plants and conditions. .ut the same molds can row on many plants. :his is why aflato;in, for instance, is found not Kust in your cereal, bread and pasta but in nuts, maple syrup, oran e Kuice, vine ar, wine, etc. Where is it notL It is not in dairy products or fresh fruit and ve etables, provided you wash the outside. It is not in meat, e s, and fish. It is not in water. !lthou h I find aflato;in in commercial bread, I do not find it in carefully screened wheat that has had its discolored, shriveled seeds removed before usin it for makin bread, cereals


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and noodles. It is not in baked oods bou ht at bakeries, left open to air. Evidently the system of wrappin baked oods in plastic keeps moisture trapped and starts the moldin process. In spite of addin mold inhibitors, !merican bread+stuff is far inferior to Me;ican baked oods in which I do not find aflato;inN Here is some ood news for cooks9 if you bake it yourself, addin a bit of vitamin C to the dou h, your breads will be mold free for an e;tended period 0and rise hi her2.

What is so important about moldsL #ome of them produce very, very to;ic chemicals wherever they row. :hey produce some of the most to;ic chemicals known to e;ist. !flato;in is one of these. My tests show it is always present in cancer patientsO in other words it has built up due to the bodyGs inability to deto;ify it in a reasonable time. ! reat deal of research has been done on aflato;in. !ny library would have more information. !flato;in reaches the liver and simply kills portions of it. !fter a hefty dose the liver is weakened for a lon timeR possibly years. Hepatitis and cirrhosis cases always reveal afla+ to;in. :he liver fi hts hard to deto;ify aflato;in and mana e its own survival. It mana es for 6 to 7 weeksO then a portion of it succumbs. #o the to;ic effects of a dose of aflato;in arenGt even noticeable for several weeksN !nd without a taste or smell to uide you, how would you know to stop eatin the moldy peanut butter or spa hettiL :he answer is9

%. 6. 7. 3.

make and bake thin s for yourself test the thin s you dearly love but canGt make treat thin s that are treatable for molds throw the rest out of your diet


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:reatments mentioned in the industrial research Kournals are hydro en pero;ide, stron alkali such as lime+water, metabisul+ fite 0a common reducin a ent2 and hi h heat. I have tried heat and vitamin C, which is also a reducin a ent. Eust heatin a food to the boilin point does not kill the molds. .oilin for many minutes at a hi her temperature or bakin does kill them 0but not er ot, another mold2 and also de+ stroys aflato;in they produced and left in the food. @or foods you canGt heat that hi h, for e;ample nuts that are already roasted, or vine ar, vitamin C comes to the rescue. I suppose it acts a lot like the bisulfiteO chemically destroyin the mold to;in molecules.

Eradi>atin< $flato?in
#imply sprinklin vitamin C over roasted nuts is not effec+ tive because the molds have penetrated the surface. (inse the nuts in water first 0a lot of mold is removed in this simple way2. Cover the nuts with water, add about V tsp. vitamin C powder 0for a pint of nuts2 and mi;. Cet stand for ' minutes. :he water penetrates the nuts, takin the vitamin C with it and deto;ifies them. )our off the water and dry the nuts in the oven at low heat. 0"onGt burn them or you will make ben>opyrenes.2 Ri>e and Castas can be demolded partly by cookin and partly by addin vitamin C before or after cookin . :here is no need to add so much it affects the flavor. .rown rice is espe+ cially moldy. %ine<ars can simply have vitamin C added and placed in the refri erator. &oney can be warmed and treated the same way 0V tsp. per pint2. Bread cannot be salva ed. #witch to bakery breads or homemade. ,se it up in a few days, left in its paper ba . 8r slice and place in a plastic ba in the free>er.


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#ince all foods have both their own and othersG molds, there must be thousands of molds. /ery many have been studied be+ sides aflato;in producers.

Aearalenone, an anabolic and uterotrophic metabolite, is fre+ quently found in commercial cereal rains and in processed foods and feeds, and is often reported as causative a ent of naturally occurrin hyperestro enism and infertility in swine, poultry and cattle.%5

What this means is, in animals, =>ear? looks likes e;tra es+ tro en to the body. "oes it affect humans the same wayL !re hi h estro en levels a problem for usL I find nearly every breast cancer case shows a too+hi h estro en level for years before the cancer is foundN It starts females maturin too early, too. It could cause )M#, ovarian cysts and infertility. *ot everybody ets all of these effects. !nd what is the effect on men and boys of eatin an estro en+like mycoto;in in their daily dietL :his female hormone could have a drastic effect on the maturin process even in small amounts. Aearalenone 0]>ear]2 and aflato;in both have immune low+ erin effects. Aearalenone can induce thymic atrophy and macropha e activation.%& If you have low immunity 0low :+

8ottalico' A!' ?erario' *!' and ,isconti' A!' *roduction o$ 9earalenone' "richothecenes and /onili$ormin 8% Fusarium Species From Cereals' In Ital%! From To igenic ,ungi0 /ol 1' edited #% H! >urata and K! Feno' copu#lished #% >odansha ?td' "o %o and El7 sevier Science *u#lishers 8!,!' Amsterdam' +:61' pa&e +::! +: ?uster' /!I!' 8oorman' GA!' >orach' >!S!' Dieter' /!*!' and Hon&' ?! +:61! /%elotoxicit% toxicit% resultin& $rom exo&enous estro7 &ens evidence $or #imodal mechanism o$ action! Int! I! Immunophar7 macol! 3@.6;7.:;!



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cells, low white blood cell count, and so forth2, immediately o off moldy food suspects. =Aear? is the mycoto;in that prevents you from deto;ifyin ben>ene. Every !I"# sufferer I see has a crippled ability to de+ to;ify ben>eneO they also have >earN :he main >ear sources I have found so far are popcorn, corn chips, and brown rice. .ut it was absent in fresh corn, canned corn, corn tortillas, and white rice, makin me wonder how it ets in our processed corn products.

#teri matocystin 0=steri ?2 is plentiful in Casta. Emphasi>e baked pasta dishes, not boiled. :his raises the temperature much hi her than boilin . .etter yet, make your own pasta with a pasta maker. ,.#. bread flour is quite free of moldO the mold in our pastas must come from usin inferior quality flour. !lways add vitamin C to Fig, 29 All K,$, bran#s of pasta ! pasta before or after cook+ teste# ha# mol#, inclu#ing health in . foo# bran#s li&e the one sho)n here (left), Bo Ee%ican bran#s of pasta, li&e the one picture# Er<ot (right), ha# an+ mol#s, ! food mold that causes stran e feelin s and behavior is er* got. !lthou h laws re ulate the amount of er ot allowed in


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foods, this is not enou h protection. Er oto;ins, for e;ample C#", are active in e;tremely minute 0less than a micro ram, about one thousandth of a fly speck2 quantities. :hey are not destroyed by heat and are especially to;ic to children. I found traces in cereals, whole rain breads, wines, and honey. It can be deto;ified by addin vitamin C but takes lon erO about %minutes. "eto;ify all your honey as soon as it arrives in your house. Warm it sli htly and add vitamin C 0%H5 tsp. per cup2. #tir with wood or plastic. Er ot to;icity could e;plain =Eekyll and Hyde? behavior in children, commonly attributed to =aller ies?. In fact, the mechanism, inability by the liver to keep up with deto;ification, fits well into the =aller ic? concept. If your child has undesirable behavior, try oin off the moldy food suspects for three weeks 0cold cereals, nuts and nut butters, store bou ht breads and baked oods, syrups2. #ubstitute cooked cereals, bakery breads, potatoes, and honeys. !dd vitamin C to honey, pasta and cooked cereals. )ancakes and waffles made from scratch would be 8.B. Combinin alcohol with er ot is more to;ic than either is alone. !lcohol seems to drive the to;in deeper into your tissues. I have found er ot and aflato;in in beer and wineN )erhaps some of the bi>arre behavior and speech of into;ication is really due to the mold+alcohol combination. .y delayin alcohol deto;ifi+ cation, the mold could even be responsible for deaths =due to? alcoholism. It would be safer to brew your own alcoholic bever+ a es. #tart with pristine fruit. 8r at least add vitamin C 0%H5 tsp. per cup2 to the store bou ht container you are consumin . 8lder children and adults are quite susceptible to er ot too. If bi>arre behavior shows up, such as sayin mean and cruel thin s, e;pressin unusual, irrational thou hts, feelin emo+



Canada allows one er&ot &rain per <22 &rains o$ P< or P1 wheat!


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tionless or unreal, try the same diet chan es, but put alcoholic bevera es, soy sauces and other sauces, and other rain derived foods on the =off? list. :ry this diet on yourself if you have a temper or cryin spells or frequent coldsN Er ot can make you super reli ious, hearin voices of command or threat. Er ot also

Fig, 2- All col# cereals ! teste# )ere full of mol# to%ins (besi#es solvents), health foo# varieties )ere )orst, causes sei>uresN

Cyto>halasin B
Cytochalasin . 0=cyto .?2 is another immune lowerin fun+ us. I find it mostly in pasta. It stops cells from dividin . "ead portions of the liver cannot re enerate as they otherwise would after a to;ic encounterN


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1oIi> $>id
1oIi> a>id is a mycoto;in that appears to be responsible for wood alcohol build up. In other words, the to;ic effect prevents you from deto;ifyin wood alcohol. :his leads to pancreas dama e, invites pancreatic fluke infestation, and typically results in diabetes. I find it in potatoesO donGt eat potato skins. If you are a potato lover fi; your own so you can peel them and remove any ray parts. I have also found it in re ular coffee.

T35 To?in
T35 to?in is a mold I have found in all cases of hi h blood pressure and kidney disease. It is present on dried peas and beans but it can be deto;ified in ' minutes by addin vitamin C to the water they are soaked in. (emember to throw away imperfect ones, first.

Sor<hum Molds
#or hum and millet carry these. "onGt buy sor hum syrup. (inse millet in vitamin C water before cookin , or add vitamin C to the cookin water. :hese mold to;ins cause hemorrha in , appetite loss, and inability to swallow. Elderly people are more easily poisoned than othersO their hemorrha es show up as strokes and purple blotches on the skin.

is the maKor fruit mold to;in. It is present in most common fruits if they are bruised. It is particularly ha>ardous since the mold that produces it can actually row in your intestine in patches. !t these locations, bowel bacteria, ., coli and $higella,


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can climb throu h the colon wall to invade you. :hese bacteria are then free to spread to re ions of inKury and tumors. If you have cancer or bowel disease o off fresh fruit 0bananas and lemons are 8B2 for a few weeks. :hen choose your fruit meticulously. )eel everythin so you can see and avoid every bruise. !lso take a 6 tsp. dose of .lack Walnut Hull :incture E;tra #tren th. :his kills these bowel fun i. .ut you can reinfect with a sin le soft rape.

Mold $=oidan>e
We should be much more critical of our food. Cra>kers are notoriously moldy. *ever let your child eat crackers. Make crisp thin s in the oven from left over bakery oods. Eust sprinkle with cinnamon. Dried fruits are very moldy. #oak them in vitamin C water. (inse and bake to dry a ain. :hen store in the refri erator or free>er. When fresh fruit ets overripe, donGt quickly bake it or preserve it. ItGs too late. #eanut Autter 0store bou ht2 and other nut butters canGt be deto;ified by addin vitamin C due to the mi;in problem, even if you stir it in thorou hly. Make your own. Makin your own peanut butter is a reat adventure 0see (ecipes2. Mi; it with home made preserves, honey, marmalade, not very homo ene+ ously so the bri ht colors and individual flavors stand out in contrast. Havin three or four such spreads in the refri erator will ive your children the ri ht perspective on foodR homemade is better. #tore bou ht Kams are sweeter and bri hter in color but stran ely low in flavor and often indistin uishable from each other. Cet your children eat the polluted foods that friends and restaurants serve 0but not rare+cooked meats2 so they can e;perience the difference. :heir livers are stron enou h to deto;ify occasional small amounts.


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Tea is quite moldy if purchased in ba s. !lthou h I used to recommend sin le herb teas 0tea mi;tures have solvents2, I can now only recommend sin le herb teas from fresh sources in bulk 0see $ources2. :his also ets you away from the ben>alkonium chloride and possibly other antiseptics in the ba itself. When you et them, store them in their ori inal double plastic ba . :hese herbs are so fresh, youGll only need half as much to make a cup of tea. ,se a bamboo strainer 0non metal2. .ake the strainer occasionally or put throu h the dishwasher to keep it sterile.

Fig, 2= @ac&age# herb tea is mol#+ an# pollute# )ith solvents, Get +ours in bul& from an herb compan+, It comes as a surprise that pure, enuine maCle syruC has the deadly aflato;in and other molds. Dou can often see mold yourself, as a thin scum on the surface or an opaque spot on the inside of the lass after the syrup has stood some time, even in the refri erator. #ome mold spores were in it to be in with. 8thers flew in. !fter some time they rew enou h to be visible. In my testin , aflato;in can be cleared with vitamin C but steri and others need to be treated with a hi h temperature as well. @ortunately, this is easy to do with a syrup. Heat to near boilin


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while in the ori inal Kar with the lid removed. Beep refri erated

afterwards. $rtifi>ial maCle fla=or did not have ben>ene, propyl alcohol or wood alcohol, nor molds. TurAinado su<ar had none of these contaminants either. Bro;n su<ar had sor hum mold. 0hite su<ar had propyl alcohol pollution. Dou can Fig, 2/ Three safe flavorings, make your own syrup, safely, with artificial flavor and turbinado su ar. 8f course, youGll be missin the taste and nutritional minerals pro+ vided by the natural maple product but in a contest between nu+ tritional value and to;icity, always choose the safe product. :he mold in our hot >ereals can be spotted. )ick out all dark colored, shriveled bits. :his represents most of it. !dd honey, and salt while itGs cookin Rthis raises the boilin temperature and deto;ifies more. !t the end, turn off heat and add a sprinkle of vitamin C powder. (olled oats never showed molds in my testin , althou h they have their characteristic fun i, too. "onGt let rains mold on your shelves simply from a in . *othin should be more than si; months old. (emember you canGt see or smell molds when they be in. Molds must have a de ree of moisture. !s soon as you open a cereal rain, put the whole bo; in a plastic ba to keep moisture out. :his keeps out Weevils too, so you wonGt have to put the bo; in the free>er later to kill them. !nythin that is put in the refri erator or free>er and then taken out develops moisture inside. #tore cereals in kitchen cupboards or the free>er.


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*o overnment a ency can test for all of these mycoto;ins in all of our foods. )roduction and stora e methods must be better re ulated so as to be fail+safe. #imply sendin inspectors out to look into the bins at rain elevators is not sufficient. Crusts of mold, sometimes several feet thick, that form on top of rain bins can be simply shoveled away before the inspector arrives. :he humidity and temperature of stored rain should be re ulated, requirin automated controls. :his would soon be cost effective, too, in terms of reduced spoila e losses and hi her quality prices earned. I believe that >ear, aflato;in and er ot require special re ulations. )roducts that are imported should be subKected to the same tests as ours. :est results should be on the label.

Gettin< $;ay From Grains

In view of the many molds that are rain+related, and because these cannot be seen or smelled in pastas, breads, cold cereals, it would be wise to steer away from rain consumption. !lways choose potatoes, because it is a ve etable instead of a rain, if you have a choice. :he potato appears on your plate the way it was harvested. Whereas rain was hulled, stored for quite a lon time, perhaps de erminated 0the bran and erm picks up

Fig, 21 on<t eat the green on the potato,


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mold the fastest2. :hen it was mi;ed with assorted chemicals 0fumi ation, anti o;idants2, each polluted in its own way, pack+ a ed a ain and stored a ain. Frains have a more tortuous history than potatoes that simply et sprayed. :he spray isnGt simple, of course. #crub it off under the tap. If potatoes werenGt heavily sprayed theyGd be sproutin in the stores. :he spray accumulates in the eyes. Cut away all the eyes. .y the time you have done this you may as well have peeled them. .ut no blemish, no cut, no dark spot inside may be left for you to eat. "onGt buy potatoes that show a tint of reen on them 0the reen color is due to scopolamineO it is to;ic2. (ed potatoes have different chemistry that doesnGt produce the reen to;in, buy these often. #tore potatoes out of the li ht, to slow down the reenin process. :hey are still a nutritious, vitamin C+rich food Rprovided you donGt fry them in ben>ene+polluted, hydro enated reaseN )otatoes have their molds but they are nicely visible. !nd washin and peelin does away with them. 8ld literature advises that potatoes should be harvested by moonli ht so the reen dru isnGt produced in the white varieties. With modern mechani>ed harvestin
Fig, 22 @otato harvest of the future,

this should pose no problem. .ut perhaps this must await the a e of robots.


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"ets Teach !ealth =essons

"o s donGt eat hay and cats donGt eat fruit. :his is not simply due to their inability to di est them. *or to trainin . :heir body wisdom uides them. .ut we can trick them into eatin corn and soybeans by addin the flavors they like and thereby defeat their wisdom the same way we defeat ours. ! concoction is made for them that is called =complete nutrition? and we feed this meal after meal, day after day, a most unnatural situation. :he liver is delu ed with the same set of pollutants time after time and never ets a rest. Humans still obey their body wisdom about varyin their meals. :his ives the liver a chance to catch up with deto;ifyin one pollutant while the new one builds up. If the liver is absolutely unable to handle somethin , you are informed quite quickly with an aller ic reaction to the food. Cats and do s with their monolithic diet et no opportunity to reKect food 0e;cept by vomitin or starvation2. It is not surprisin they are ettin cancer with increasin frequency, a situation where the liver can no lon er deto;ify isopropyl alcohol, a common pollutant in their food. #hould we o back to the old days and make their food for themL Des, they deserve pure food, they deserve variety. :able scraps would be much less to;ic for them than their commercial feed. .ut what if they like and prefer their monolithic =scientific?, =complete?, polluted dietL If our food was doused with su ar for breakfast, lunch and supper, we wouldnGt care much about what was under the su ar either. !nd weGd continue wantin su ar, su ar, su ar the way a pet mi ht want its favorite food and nothin else. #uch is the deception of flavorin s. !ll chan e should be brou ht about slowly and with kindness for animals and humans alike. Cearn what makes a ood pet diet. Cats and do s are both meat eaters. Cook chicken in a pressure cooker to kill all parasites. )ut portions in the free>er. !dd table scraps, dressed with a little butter, cheese or lard.


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"onGt wash the pet dishes with your ownRdishwashers donGt reach the boilin point. #erve fresh water daily. #tandin water picks up bacteria. "onGt let food et more than a day old in the dishes. It picks up molds. "onGt feed pets at the table, keep them outdoors durin mealtime. !fter your pets have stopped eatin propyl alcohol polluted food and are not ettin propyl alcohol in their shampoos, there is no way they can et cancer. Whatever cancer they have will clear up by this chan e in diet and by ivin them the pet parasite pro ram. *ow they are back to a natural state and do not host human flukes. What a relief it is not to worry about reinfection from your pets.


Eas% ?i$est%le Improvements

*one of us likes to chan e a habit. .ut once it is chan ed you are back to an automatic way of doin somethin . .y selectin wise habits your improved lifestyle pays you back for the rest of your life.

=i%ing !and To >outh

Hands do everythin . :hey pick up thin s from the floor. :hey handle money. :hey touch other peoplesG hands. :hey clean up bottoms. :hey touch all kinds of door knobs. !nd then they pick up food to eat. #ome people even lick their fin ers when theyGre sticky or Kust to turn a pa eN What is on the hands that you donGt want to eat but canGt seeL Ba>teria and =iruses from cou hin and snee>in into your handsN !nd >ystsN Cysts are the =e s? made by parasites. Cysts are so tou h not even bleach kills them. :hey hide under our fin ernails when we wash our hands. :hen we eat them alon with our food. :his is called oral*fecal route. :hey hatch in the stomach and o to the intestine to live. :o stop reinfectin yourself the little cysts under the nails need to be killed. @ood rade alcohol solution kills them. .uy Everclear:M or )rotec 0potable2 alcohol and make a '< solution 0add V cup of &'< alcohol to a quart of water2. Beep it in a small pump bottle at the sink. !fter usin the bathroom and washin your hands, treat your fin ernails with alcohol. )ump alcohol into one palm. )ut the fin ernails of the other hand into


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# it. #cratch a bit. )our it into the other palm and do the remainin fin ernails. (inse. Don@t eat with your handsN ,se a fork. +e=er eat food off the floorN $l;ays wash hands after pettin an animalN +e=er touch the bottoms of shoesN Beep shoes off couch or bed or chair. $l;ays cou h or snee>e into your clothin or a tissue, not your hands. 1eeC your fin ers out of your mouth. "onGt lick your fin ers to turn pa es or open plastic ba s. #ick persons need a '-< alcohol solution. !dd Ucup &'< alcohol to Ucup cold tap water or buy plain vodka, 5- to %-proof. )our the vodka into the pump bottle. .e careful that no+ body tries drinkin it. If there are teena ers in the house, add a hefty dose of cayenne to it. Cu olJs iodine will also sterili>e your hands. However most commercial Cu olJs is polluted with isopropyl alcohol. !sk your pharmacist to make it from scratch for you 0there are only two in redients and water, see (ecipes2. :hen make a solution to wash in 0% tsp. to a quart of water2. :his can stain some thin s. "o not use =tincture of iodine.?

$etter =aundry !a#its

.oil your underwear. In lon +a o days, all sheets, towels, table cloths, and underwear were separated and boiled. With the convenience of our electric washin machine, we tend to overlook the fact that underwear is always contaminated by fecal matter and uro enital secretions and e;cretions. Mi;in these with socks and towels and dishcloths is all ri ht if you are


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oin to kill everythin anyway. .ut if you donGt kill them, as in cold water washes, you are mi;in the yeast, parasite e s, bacterial spores, and fun us from underwear with all the other clothin you and your family wear. !n enli htened system would be to add an antiseptic to the wash or rinse cycle. Cime water 0calcium hydro;ide2 or iodine based antiseptics seem obviously simple methods to accomplish this. In the absence of this protection, use dryer heat to do your sterili>in . ,nderwear should be dried until too hot to handle. .leach can kill a lot, but doesnGt kill Giar#ia spores and a lot of types of fun us. "onGt rely on bleachin . .esides, your skin absorbs it from clothin , it is quite to;ic to you, and can cause mental effects. Commercial deter ents are polluted with )C.s and have cobalt added. .oth of these are easily picked up throu h your skin. ,se ;ashin< soda and Aora? in the wash cycle. :hey do not clean quite as well as modern deter ents, but there is less static clin , eliminatin the need to put more chemicals in your dryer. @or spot removal use homemade bar soap.

$etter 3itchen !a#its

'n>e a day, steriliHe the sCon<e or cloth you use to wipe up the table, counter tops and sink. :his little piece of contami+nated cloth is the most infectious thin in the house, besides the toilet. ItGs more dan erous than the toilet because you do not suspect it. #ometimes it has a sli ht odor at first, which may warn you, but most patho ens do not have an odorN !s we wipe up droplets of milk, we ive the milk bacteria, $almonellas and $higellas, a new home to multiply and thrive in. We add crumbs, pickin up molds this way. We add dust, pickin up parasite e s and sta es. :hey all feed on the milk and food residue.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# !s the counter and table and stove et wiped =clean? a film of contamination is left everywhere. ! few varieties may die but most of them donGt. :he eneral moisture in the kitchen is enou h for them to survive. :he cloth or spon e recoloni>es the kitchen and dinin room table several times a day. *o doubt, the last thin you do before leavin the kitchen is squee>e it dry with your hands. *ow all the patho ens are on your handsN Where do your fin ers oL :o your mouth to remove a hull or bit of somethin from your teeth. 8r to eat a last bite of somethin . 8r to turn a pa e of the telephone directory. Dou have Kust eaten a culture samplin from your own kitchen spon e. In two hours they are already multiplyin in the reatest culture system of all9 your bodyN Dou have iven yourself your ne;t sore throat, or cold or headache. :he worst possible habit is to wipe a childGs face and hands with the kitchen cloth. 8r to have a handy towel han in from the refri erator handle. :o sterili>e the spon e9 droC it into a *7Q solution of <rain al>ohol at the end of each day. Beep a wide mouth lass quart Kar handy Kust for this. Beep the Kar ti htly closed and out of the reach of children. "unk your spon e and plop it onto the sink. If you stand it on end in the sink it will partly dry overni ht. !nother way to sterili>e the spon e or cloth is to mi>ro;a=e it, after wettin it, for 7 minutes. !ny shorter time simply warms and cultures the patho ens and multiplies them. 8r Aoil the >loth like our randparents did. "ryin out the dish cloth helps kill manyPbut not allPpatho ens. It takes three days of dryin to kill allN !nother strate y is to use a fresh >loth or spon e each day, puttin the used one to dry until laundry day. "urin the day, set the spon e on end to start dryin and slow down culturin .


E!#D CI@E#:DCE IM)(8/EME*:# Don@t eat food dire>tly off the >ounter toC or taAle toC. Dou wouldnGt slice a tomato or e directly on the counter top. It would pick up somethin 9 some little particle of dust or dirt. :reat bread the same way. !lways on a new clean surface, such as a plate. :he counter and table top have on them whatever is in the kitchen dust and on the wipe cloth. "ust is always fallin N !nd the spon e is always culturin . "onGt eat the dustN 1eeC the >uttin< Aoard sterile like dishes. Wash it the same way and keep it in the cupboard. 1eeC food >ontainers >losed. Milk or water lasses are pickin up dust as soon as you set them out. "ust is everywhere. Every step on the carpet sends up a puff of dust. /acuumin sends up a hurricane of dust and distributes bathroom dust to the kitchen and kitchen dust to the bedrooms. #o if one person has brou ht in a new infection, the whole family is e;posed to it in hours via the dust. It is very helpful not to eat the new infectious patho en. .reathin it is not so dama in . 8ur noses collect such patho ens and we blow them out a ain. :ouchin the infected person is not very dama in eitherO the patho ens canGt et throu h our skins and since we wash hands before eatin we are not at reat risk of infection this way. .ut eatin the patho en is %--< effective in infectin us. :he new patho en is in the dust. :he newly contaminated dust drops into your ready and waitin lasses on the table and the open foods. 8f course, there is no defense if somebody should cou h or snee>e at the table. Tea>h >hildren to >ou<h and sneeHe into a suitaAle >ol3 le>tin< Cla>e like a tissue, not their hands. )atho ens live bountifully on hands. Hands not only provide moisture but often food from the last meal. Hands are second only to the dish cloth in contamination level. If you must cou h or snee>e and a tissue is not within reach fast enou h, use your clothin N :hatGs what clothin is forRto protect you. Cou h and snee>e into your own clothin O this protects the cou her and snee>er, as well as eve+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

rybody else. ! sleeve is handy for children. :he inside of your :+shirt for :+shirt wearers. :he inside of coat for suited persons. :he inside of the neck line for dresses. 8f course, paper is best, but in emer ency use cloth. *ever, never your hands unless you are free to immediately dash into the washroom and clean the contamination off your hands. :each children this old rearran ed verse9
I$ %ou cou&h or snee(e or sni$$ Gra# a tissue' Juic 7Juic 7Juic And i$ %ou)re sittin& at the ta#le Do it in %our sleeve i$ a#le!

$etter !ousekeeping
:hrow out as much of the wall to wall carpetin as you can bear to part with. It is inKurious to everyoneGs health, even thou h itGs comfortin to bare feet and looks pretty. Carpets clean our shoes. Modern shoes, with their deep treads, brin in hu e amounts of outdoor filth which settles deep down into the carpets. In spite of vacuumin every week, the filth accumulates. /acuum the carpets when the children, the sick and elderly are out of the house. :he dust raised and distributed throu hout the house isnGt Kust dirt, itGs infectious dirt. It lands on tables and counters. :hese et wiped with a cloth or spon e and then ap+ plied to dishes. :he dust in the kitchen falls on open food and into open containers. Clean carpets with a =steam cleaner?. When you see how much filth is in the water and reali>e how much dirt you were livin with, you mi ht be willin to trade in the =beauty? of carpets for the cleaner livin of smooth floors. "onGt add chemi+ cals 0commercial cleanin solutions2 to the steam cleanin ma+ chineO these chemicals leave a residue in the carpet which dries


E!#D CI@E#:DCE IM)(8/EME*:#

and flies up into the air to add to the dust. )opular stain resis+tance treatments contain arsenic. Cobalt, which adds =lustre? to carpets, causes skin and heart disease after it has built up in your or ans. ,se bora; instead of deter ent. ,se boric acid to leave a residue that kills roaches and fleas 0but not ants2. !dd vine ar that leaves a residue to repel ants. *othin controls fleas reliably, e;cept ettin rid of the carpets and cloth furniture 0keep pets out of bedrooms2. (emovin all the bora; is what brin s luster to the carpet. ,se citric acid in the rinse water for this purpose. !ddin lemon peel to the rinse also adds luster and ant deterrence. Eust drop the whole lemon in the tank so it canGt block the hoses. @leas and other vermin in the carpet simply crawl below the wetness level when you wash the carpet. #prayin a rain alco+ hol solution with lemon peel in it 0it needs to e;tract for a half hour2 on the damp carpet will reach and kill a lot of these, to+ ether with the residual bacteria. :he damp carpet lets it spread evenly and reach all the crevices. We are trapped in our dwellin s. )rimitive peoples were mobile. :his ot them away from accumulations of filth and rubbish in their livin space. Much livin was done outdoors, the cleanest space of all. *ow, air conditionin has made indoor livin more com+ fortable. .ut also has added new ha>ards. :he stron currents of air blow the dust about continuously. Molds and bacteria that row ri ht on the air conditionin unit et blown about for all to inhale. *ever, never use fiber lass as a filter or to insulate your air conditioner around the sides. It is a carcino en. !nd the dan er of freon escapin from a tiny leak is another maKor health ha>ard. @orced air heatin systems are undesirable, too. !ll dirt brou ht into the house by shoes ets circulated throu hout the house by forced air systems of heatin or coolin . 8ld fashioned radiant heat from radiators or a stove did not distribute the


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# dust so effectively. ! return to linoleum floor coverin for kitchen and bathroom and hardwood for other rooms would be a ood step of pro ress for a health conscious society. Moppin , instead of the vacuum cleaner, keeps dirt to a minimum. :hrow ru s at doors and bedside, easy to clean, would =catch the dirt? as was the ori inal intention. Carpets were intended to help keep filth out of the air. :hese smaller ru s should be laundered weekly. @urniture should be wood, cane, or plastic, with cushions to soften the impact. :hese can be washed weekly if the covers are removable. Modern cloth furniture with its foam interior is a repository of filth and fumes and a constant source of infectious dust.

"his old $ashioned settin& is more pro&ressive than our carpeted' modern homes!

Fig, 23 $mooth floors allo) ever+ bit of #ust to be remove#,

"ust your furniture with a damp paper towel. Dou are pickin up and removin hi hly infectious filth 0 Ascaris and pinworm e s, pet parasites, =dander? and house mites2. Instead of


E!#D CI@E#:DCE IM)(8/EME*:#

distributin these from room to room, throw the paper towel away after each room is done. ,se plain water or vine ar water 0'-<2, not a chemical combination which further pollutes the air. Clean windows with vine ar water, too. ,se a spray bottle. Beep your dishes in cupboards. :his keeps them free of dust. :his principle is ancient. It is temptin to leave some of them out. If you must keep the Kuicer or dishes outside of cupboards, keep them covered or placed upside down so they donGt catch dust. Even inside cupboards, store them upside down. When usin the = ood? dishes or lasses, that havenGt been used in a while, wash them first.



r Closed@

In places like Chica o where you can smell the air as you approach the city, it is wiser to keep your windows shut. Dou canGt breath the industrial =soup? all day and ni ht and e;pect to stay healthy. 8f course, it all enters the houses anyway. Central air conditionin and a plain carbon filter at the furnace location 0see $ources2 may be the best solution in spite of blowin dust around the house. Beep the vents to the bedrooms closed to re+ duce the air turbulence there but leave the cold air return open. Clean the vents in other rooms each week alon with floors and carpets by pullin up the ratin and reachin down the passa e as far as possible. If you believe the air is free of hi hway e;haust and indus+trial smoke open the windows every day. :his will let some of the indoor to;ins blow away. !sbestos, fiber lass, freon, radon and plain dust can be reduced to a minimum by keepin windows open. If you are ill, sit outdoors 0on the porch2 as much as you can. Escape to a suitable climate that makes this possible.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# Eust a few decades a o, many people had summer livin quarters that were different from winter livin quarters. Fone was all the accumulated infectious dust of half a year of habita+ tion.

Fig, 24 Eoving into the summer &itchen got +ou a)a+ from the accumulation of filth from )inter; Don@t ha=e a Aasement where you stockpile to;ic items. .asements invite mold, mice and radon besides to;ic thin s. @umes travel upward where you liveN Beep your to;ic thin s in the attic. If there is no attic, store them in the utility room. Close off the ventilation between utility room and the rest of your house. If you have none of these, perhaps because you live in a senior citi>en community or condominium, donGt keep any to;ic thin s stored anywhere. "onGt save any leftover paints, solvents or cleaners. .uy such small quantities that you can afford to throw it all away when you are done with them. Cive on top of the earth as was intended by nature. *ever have a basement room =finished? for actual livin space. "onGt buy a house that has a =lower level? built into the


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earth. :his will be the most polluted and dan erous room in your house. If you are ill, move out of such a room. :here is no way that it can be =cleaned up?. Move to the other end of the house and furthest away from an attached ara e door.

;hat 3ind

f !eat

:he worst is coal. :he best is none. .reathin coal fumes durin the be innin of the industrial a e may have brou ht the new lun diseases9 tuberculosis 0:.2, and pneumonia. It may also have worsened alcohol addiction 0beryllium to;icity2. Choose electric heat if possible. Even thou h electricity is based on other fuel consumption, you donGt have to breathe those fumes directly. Wood stoves can be made safe by makin sure the chimney works properly. *ever use a li hter fluid. "onGt fill the house with smoke when stokin . Minimi>e your use of fossil fuels in every way you can.

,etting Rid of >ites

We do not tolerate e;ternal parasites like bedbu s, lice, ticks, leeches. .edbu s were once a scour e amon st northern Europeans. I remember our parents sprayin for them 0kerosene2 in the bedroom. :his only =controlled? them. What eliminated them was a law a ainst sale of used mattresses. Cice were ori inally =controlled? by frequent washin , louse combs, and ironin the seams of clothin . What eliminated them was the cuttin of lon hair as a societal practice. .ut what about mitesL :hey live with us and other animals.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# Mites are too tiny to see, tiny enou h to ride on a dust particle as if it were a ma ic carpet. :hey resemble in+ sects. Chi ers are really mites. Man e in animals is a mite infestation. "ust mites live on our dander 0scales of dead skin2. Fet rid of their breedin places9 beds, cloth covered chairs and soft sofas. Humans leave enou h dander behind in Fig, 26 Eite, these places to support these ultra small insects. Cover mattresses with plastic covers. ,se throws on easy chairs and sofas and wash them often. *ever allow a pet into the bedroom or the dust will have tapeworm e s as well as mites. :hrow out ru s that have been pet+beds. #pray the air with a mist of '-< rain alcohol before vacuumin . If you have an illness wear a mask to vacuum. "eep, soft, wall to wall carpets compromise an ancient concept9 everythin should be washable and cleanable, without throwin the dirt into the air for humans to inhale. /acuumin a carpet blasts mites and tape e s into the air. *ever shake beddin or ru s where the dust will blow back into the house behind you. Mites donGt bite us but we inhale them as they float in the ever present dust in our homes. :he mucus in our lun s traps them and in a few days they die, only to release a drove of A#enoviruses 0common cold virus2 in us.


Four Clean7ups
Chronic health problems are not due to e;posures of the past. :hey are on oin . Dour body is constantly fi htin to remove pollutants. In order to stay sick, you must be constantly resuppliedN :hese four clean+upsPdental, diet, body, homePare aimed at removin parasites and pollutants at their source. 8nly then can your body heal.

Dental Clean*up
0:his section on dentistry was contributed by @rank Eerome, ""#2 Dr. JeromeF :he philosophy of dental treatment tau ht in !merica is that teeth are to be saved by whatever means avail+ able, usin the stron est, most lon lastin materials. Con +term to;ic effects are of little concern. :he attitude of the maKority of dentists is9 whatever the !merican "ental !ssociation 0!"!2 says is 8B, they will do. ! more reasonable philosophy is that there is no tooth worth savin if it dama es your immune system. ,se this as your uideline. :he reason dentists do not see to;ic results is that they do not look or ask. If a patient has three mercury amal am fillin s placed in the mouth and a week later has a kidney problem, will she call the dentistRor the doctorL Will they ever tell the dentist about the kidney problem or tell the doctor about the three fillin sL ! connection will never be made. It is common for patients who have had their metal fillin s removed to have various symptoms o away but, a ain, they do not tell the dentist. :he patient has to be askedN 8nce the patient be ins to feel well they take it for ranted, and donGt make the


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

connection, either. If everybodyGs results were instantaneous, there would be no controversy. @ind an alternative dentist. :hey have been leadin the movement to ban mercury from dental supplies. *ot only mer+ cury, but all metal needs to be banned. If your dentist will not follow the necessary procedures, then you must find one that will. :he questions to ask when you phone a new dental office are9 %. "o you place mercury fillin sL 0:he correct answer is *8. If they do, they probably donGt have enou h e;perience in the use of non+metal composites.2 6. "o you do root canalsL 0:he correct answer is *8. If they do, they do not understand ood alternative dentistry.2 7. "o you remove amal am tattoosL 0:he correct answer is DE#. :attoos are pieces of mercury left in the um tissue.2 3. "o you treat cavitationsL 0:he correct answer is DE#. .y cleanin them.2 :he complete name of cavitations is al* veolar cavitational osteopathosis. :hey are holes 0cavities2 left in the Kawbone by an incompletely e;tracted tooth. ! properly cleaned socket which is left after an e;+traction will heal and fill with bone. "entists routinely do *8: clean the socket of tissue remnants or infected bone. ! dry socket 0really an infected socket2 is a common result. :hese sockets never fully heal. :hirty years after an e;traction, a cavitation will still be there. It is a form of osteom+elitis, which means bone infection. *inety percent or more of dental offices will not be able to answer !*D of the above questions correctly. If you allow the work to be done by a dentist who does not understand the im+ portance of the above list, you could end up with new problems. @ind the ri ht dentist first even if you must travel hundreds of miles. :here are 1,--- to %-,--- dentists who should be able to


@8,( CCE!*+,)# help. #ome can do part of the work and refer you to a specialist for the rest. @ive hundred to one thousand of these dentists can do it all. *ormal treatment cost is about T%,--- for replacement of 1 to 5 metal fillin s includin the e;amination and Q+rays. @or people with a metal fillin in every tooth, or for the e;traction of all teeth 0plus dentures2, it may be up to T7,--- 0or more in some places2. RememAer, the simCler the treatment, the Aetter. If the dentist says that he or she can chan e your metal fillin s to plastic but it would be better to crown them, say =*8N?

Guidelines For $ &ealthy Mouth

9f you ha%e /etal $illin&s Inla%s and onla%s Crowns 4all t%pes5 8rid&es /etal partials *in dentures *orcelain denture teeth 8adl% dama&ed teeth Root canals 8races and implants Cavitations "emporar% crowns "emporar% $illin&s ;hat to do chan&e to plastic $illin&s chan&e to plastic $illin&s chan&e to plastic crowns chan&e to plastic crowns' partials "/ chan&e to plastic partials4Flexite 5 chan&e to clear plastic chan&e to plastic denture teeth #ecome extractions #ecome extractions avoid need to #e sur&icall% cleaned use plastic "/ use Duralon

Fig, 28 ental replacements,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

The guidelines can #e summari4ed as:

%. (emove all metal from the mouth. 6. (emove all infected teeth and clean cavitations. Dr. Clark: (emoving all metal means removing all root ca* nals, metal fillings an# cro)ns, Ta&e out all bri#ge )or& or partials ma#e of metal an# never put them bac& in, Cut +ou ma+ feel Duite attache# to the gol#, so as& the #entist to give +ou ever+thing she or he removes, 5oo& at the un#ersi#e, :ou )ill be gla# +ou s)itche#,

"he top sur$aces o$ tooth $illin&s are ept &loss% #% #rushin& 4%ou swallow some o$ what is removed5! Fnderneath is tarnish and $oulness! As to see %our crowns when the% are removed!

Fig, 39 Tops an# bottoms of some metal cro)ns,


@8,( CCE!*+,)# The stench of the infection un#er some teeth ma+ be over* )helming as the+ are pulle#, Ca# breath in the morning is #ue to such hi##en tooth infections, not a #eficienc+ of mouth)ash; All metal must come out, no matter ho) gloss+ it loo&s on the surface, Eetal #oes not belong in +our bo#+, !t is an un* natural chemical, o this as soon as +ou have foun# a #entist able to #o it, Fin# a #entist )ith e%perience an# &no)le#ge about this subFect, !t is more than replacing ac&no)le#ge# cul* prits li&e mercur+*amalgam fillings, This is metal*free #entistr+, Gnl+ metal*free plastic shoul# be put bac& in +our mouth, Dr. JeromeF If your dentist tells you that mercury and other metals will not cause any problems, you will not be able to chan e his or her mind. #eek treatment elsewhereN Dour dentist should do a complete Q+ray e;amination of your mouth. !sk for the panoramic Q+ray rather than the usual series of %3 to %1 small Q+rays 0called full mouth series2. :he panoramic Q+ ray shows the whole mouth includin the Kaws and the sinuses. :his lets the dentist see impacted teeth, root fra +ments, bits of mercury buried in the bone and deep infections. Cavitations are visible in a panoramic Q+ray that may not be seen in a full mouth series. :he cost of removin metals should be viewed in the proper li ht. It took years or decades to et into your present condition. When you do a lot of dental repair in a short time, it can seem to be costly. ,nfortunately, many people are in a ti ht financial position because of the cost of years of ineffective treatment, tryin to et well. Dour dentist may recommend crownin teeth to =protect? or stren then them. ,nfortunately, the very concept of crownin teeth is flawed. @irst, the enamel is removed from a tooth to prepare for the crown. :his is permanent and serious dama eN Many teeth, up to 6-<, may die after bein crowned and will need to be e;tracted. @or this reason, you should only et (E)C!CEME*: crowns and *8 *EW crowns. Dour metal


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

crowns can be chan ed to plastic. 0(emember, no metal must be left under the crown.2 If you have many crowns, you should have them all removed as quickly as possible. .ut you should not spend more than two hours in the dentistGs chair at any one time. :hat is too much stress for your body. Dr. Clark: on 7t accept intravenous (!") treatments #uring amalgam removal, Coth !" bags an# the supplements use# in them are pollute# )ith prop+l alcohol, ben'ene, an# )oo# alcohol, Dr. JeromeF It is quite all ri ht to have temporary crowns placed on all teeth that need them in the first visit. Dou may then o back and complete treatment over the ne;t 1 to %6 months. It is common to find a crowned tooth to be very weak and not worth replacin the crown, particularly if you are already havin a partial made and could include this tooth in it. Dr. Clark: He are accustome# to thin&ing that plastic is metal*free, This is )rong, The original #ental plastic, meth+l methacr+late )as metal*free, Cut mo#ern plastic contains metal, The metal is groun# up ver+ finel+ an# a##e# to the plastic in or#er to ma&e it har#er, give it sheen, color, etc, Dr. JeromeF "entists are not commonly iven information on these metals used in plastics. :he information that comes with dental supplies does not list them either. Most dentists never look at a dental materials book after they raduate. :he 6% !"!, however, has a library full of such information. Dr. Clark: There are man+ lanthani#e ((are .arth) metals use# in #ental plastic, Their effects on the bo#+ from #ental)are

.+ Call the American Dental Association at 46225 3.+7 62:: 4Illinois 46225 0;.76<2:' Alas a or Hawaii 46225 3.+7<.:+5! /em#ers can as $or the 8ureau o$ ?i#rar% Services' non7mem#ers as $or *u#lic In$or7 mation!


@8,( CCE!*+,)# have BGT been stu#ie#, :et their cancer*promoting abilit+ is == &no)n in man+ cases, Gnl+ metal*free plastic is safe, Dr. JeromeF :hese are the acceptable plasticsO they can be procured at any dental lab.
)lastic for dentures9 Methyl Methacrylate. !vailable in

clear and pink. "o not use pink. :M )lastic for partial dentures9 @le;ite !vailable in clear and pink. "o not use pink. )lastic for fillin s9 Composite Materials. :his is the mate+ rial that has been used in front teeth for 7- years. It has been used in back teeth for %- years. :here are many brands and there are new ones bein marketed constantly. :he new ones are very much superior to those used %years a o and they will continue to improve. :hey do, however, contain enou h barium or >irconium to make them visible on Q+rays. :here are no alternatives available without these metals. Dr. Clark: Composites )ith barium are not goo#, but ! haven7t seen enough barium to%icit+ from fillings at this time to merit a#vising e%traction instea#, Hopefull+, a barium*free va* riet+ )ill become available soon to remove this health ris&, Dr. JeromeF Many people 0and dentists too2 believe that porcelain is a ood substitute for plastic. )orcelain is aluminum o;ide with other metals added to et different colors 0shades2. :he metal "8E# come out of the porcelainN It has many technical drawbacks as well. )orcelain is not recommended. #ome+


.. "hulium and %tter#ium have #een studied $or their tumor7 see in& a#ilit%! See pa&e <.+ in the #oo M#T%) I2*S In BI2)2GIC%) S3ST#MS0 /ol+ 450 Carcinogenicity and Metal Ions ! Editor Helmut Si&el +:62! .<"he pin color is $rom mercur% or cadmium which is added to the plastic!


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# times the white composite fillin s are called porcelain fillin s but they are not. :hey also require more tooth structure to be removed. If you have a lar e brid e, it cannot be replaced with a plas+ tic brid e because it isnGt stron enou h. ! lar e brid e must be :M replaced with a removable partial 0@le;ite 2. :he methods used to remove metals and infections are tech+ nical and complicated. #ee dental information in $ources. Dr. Clark: !7# li&e to than& r, Jerome for his contributions to this section, an# his pioneering )or& in metal*free #entistr+, ! hope more #entists acDuire his techniDues,

&orrors 'f Metal Dentistry

Why are hi hly to;ic metals put in materials for our mouthsL .ecause not everyone a rees on what is to;ic at what level. Eust decades a o lead was commonly found in paint, and until recently in asoline. Cead was not less to;ic then, we were Kust less informedN :he overnment sets standards of to;icity, but those =standards? chan e as more research is done 0and more people speak out2. Dou can do better than the overnment by droppin your standard for to;ic metals to >eroN #imply remove them. :he debate still ra es over mercury amal am fillin s. *o one disputes the e;treme to;icity of mercury compounds and mercury vapor. :he !"! feels that mercury amal am fillin s are safe because they do not vapori>e or form to;ic compounds to a si nificant de ree. 8pponents cite scientific studies that implicate mercury amal ams as disease causin . Many dentists advocate mercury amal am fillin s simply because they are ac+ cepted by the !"!, which they believe protects them from malpractice liti ation. Why risk your health and life on their opinionsL (emember everythin corrodes and everythin seeps, so amal ams must too.


@8,( CCE!*+,)# Cadmium is used to make the pink color in denturesN Cad+ mium is five times as to;ic as lead, and is stron ly linked to hi h blood pressure. 8ccasionally, thallium and ermanium are found to ether in mercury amal am tooth fillin s. :hallium causes le pain, le weakness, and paraple ia. If you are in a wheelchair without a very reliable dia nosis, have all the metal removed from your mouth. !sk the dentist to ive you the rindin s. :ry to have them analy>ed for thallium usin the most sensitive methods available, possibly at a research institute or university. I was astonished to find thallium in mercury amal amsN It couldnGt be put there intentionally, look how to;ic it is9
TEJ500 HR: 3 T&$LL !M C'M#'!+DS :hallium and its compounds are on the Community (i ht :o Bnow Cist. :H(9 E;tremely to;ic. :he lethal dose for a man by in es+ tion is -.'+%.- ram. Effects are cumulative and with continuous e;posure to;icity occurs at much lower levels. MaKor effects are on the nervous system, skin and cardiovascular tract. :he periph+ eral nervous system can be severely affected with dyin +back of the lon est sensory and motor fibers. (eproductive or ans and the fetus are hi hly susceptible. !cute poisonin has followed the in estion of to;ic quantities of a thallium+bearin depilatory and accidental or suicidal in estion of rat poison. !cute poisonin results in swellin of the feet and le s, arthral ia, vomitin , insomnia, hyperesthesia and paresthesia ^numbness_ of the hands and feet, mental confusion, polyneuritis with severe pains in the le s and loins, partial paralysis of the le s with reaction of de eneration, an ina+like pains, nephritis, wastin and weakness, and lymphocytosis and eosinophilia. !bout the %5th day, complete loss of the hair on the body and head may occur. @atal poisonin has been known to occur. (ecovery requires months and may be incomplete. Industrial poisonin is reported to have caused discoloration of the hair 0which later falls out2, Koint pain, loss of appetite, fati ue, severe pain in the calves of the le s, albuminuria, eosinophilia, lymphocytosis and optic neuritis followed by


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

atrophy. Cases of industrial poisonin are rare, however. :hal+ lium is an e;perimental terato en ^used to induce birth defects for study_. When heated to decomposition they ^sic_ emit hi hly to;ic fumes of :l ^thallium_. #ee also :H!CCI,M and specific 63 compounds.

Fig, 3- Thallium e%cerpt, :hallium pollution fri htens me more than lead, cadmium and mercury combined, because it is completely unsuspected. Its last maKor use, rat poison, was banned in the %&4-s. Every wheelchair patient I tested was positive for thalliumN 8ne current use for thallium is in !rcticH!ntarctic thermostats. When added to mercury the mercury will stay liquid at lower temperatures. !re mercury suppliers then providin the dental industry with tainted amal amL :he cancer causin or carcino enic action of metals has been studied for a lon time, althou h it doesnGt et attention by our re ulatory a encies. ! scientific book on this subKect was 6' published in %&5-. 8ne table from this book is shown on pa e 37%. We can see that chromium and nickel compounds are the most carcino enic metals. *ickel is used in old crowns, braces, and childrenGs crownsN *ote that the form of the metal is very important. @or instance chromium is an essential element of glucose tolerance

&angerous "roperties o$ Industrial Materials' ;th ed! #% N! Irvin& Sax and Richard I! ?ewis Sr!' ,an N=S"RAND' Reinhold N!K! +:6:! .0 "he title is Carcinogenicity and Metal Ions! It is volume +2 o$ a series called Metal Ions in Biological Systems' edited #% Helmut Si&el! A universit% chemistr% li#rar% should have this #oo ! It has a $ascinat7 in& chapter on the leu emias #% two scientists $rom the Academ% o$ Sciences o$ the FSSR' E! ?! Androni ashvili and ?! /osulishvili! "heir #rilliant wor and discussion was lar&el% responsi#le $or m% pursuit o$ the whole su#Bect o$ cancer!



@8,( CCE!*+,)# factor, but most of its other compounds are e;tremely to;ic. In eneral, ;enobiotic compounds 0forei n2 are to be avoidedN Metal doesnGt belon in our foods or in our bodies.

Dental Re;ards
!fter your mouth is metal and infection+free, notice whether your sinus condition, ear+rin in , enlar ed neck lands, headache, enlar ed spleen, bloated condition, knee pain, foot pain, hip pain, di>>iness, achin bones and Koints improve. 1eeC a small noteAook to ;rite do;n

Fig, 3= Eore #ental metal, these imCro=ements. It will show you which symptoms came ori inally from your teeth. #ymptoms often come backN #o o back to your dentist, to search for a hidden infection under one or more of your teeth, or where your teeth once wereN :hat infection can be the cause of tinnitus, :ME, arthritis, neck pain, loss of balance, and heart attacksN "entures can be beautiful. 8f course, plastic isnGt natural, but it is the best compromise that can be made to restore your mouth. !t least it isnGt positively char ed like metalsO it canGt set up an electric current nor a ma netic field in your mouth, all of which may be harmful. "o not be swayed by ar uments that plastic is not as stron as metal. Dou see dentures everywhere and they seem stron enou h to eat with. Dou will be told that =noble? metals like old and platinum Fig, 3/ Ceautiful plastic mouth, 3%&

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# and silver are 8B, that they are =inert? and do not corrode or seep. *othin could be more untrue. Dou may be keepin them lossy by the constant polishin action of your toothpaste. .ut if you look at the underside, the view is fri htful. E=erythin< tarnishes and e=erythin< seeCs. Dou wouldnGt e;pect even a old or silver coin that was dropped in a foun+ tain '- years a o to be intact. !s metal corrodes your body absorbs itN In breast cancer, es+ pecially, you find that metals from dentalware have dissolved and ac+ cumulated in the breast. Fig, 31 Kgl+ metal in mouth, :hey will leave the breast if you clear them out of your mouth 0and diet, body, home2. The >ysts shrink and are simCly <one. *o need to do sur eryN

Diet Clean*up
Cook your cereal from scratch. "onGt eat cold cerealO it has numerous solvents and molds. .uy hot cereals that say =no salt added,? like cream of wheat, steel cut oats or old fashioned oats,61 millet, corn meal, cream of rice, or Wheatena. Cook it

Rolled oats have .<0 mc& nic el per servin& o$ 1 ounces' pic ed up $rom the rollers' accordin& to ,ood /alues +1th ed! #% *ennin&ton and Church' +:60! I have onl% $ound nic el in the Hone7 minuteH or HinstantH variet% o$ oats' however!



@8,( CCE!*+,)#

with milk to add nutritive value. !dd your own 0non+aluminum2 salt and a pinch of vitamin C before cookin . Make ranola from a recipe 0see (ecipes2. ,se honey, or brown su ar. !dd raisins that were soaked for ' minutes in vitamin C water. ,se whippin cream or butter 0both boiled2 if you need to ain wei ht. IsnGt this a delicious way to start your dayN !dd cinnamon to flavor, or fro>en fruit and honey.

Fig, 32 Knpollute# brea&fast cereals, 8r start your day with fried potatoes, an e , and lass of milk. "onGt worry about cholesterol since you will be doin liver cleanses anyway. 0We have been told that e s carry $almonella bacteria. I found $almonellas only on the outside shell and the e cartonRnever insideN Could the researchers have accidentally transferred the bacteria from the shell to the inside while they were testin L2 :he milk should be 6< or more butterfat because the calcium in milk cannot be absorbed without at least this much fat. Eat homemade yo urt and add honey or homemade preserves yourself. Dou need 7 cups of a milk product each day. Home+made buttermilk is fine. If you donGt tolerate milk, and et diar+rhea from it, try a milk di estant tablet to o with it. #tart with only V cup at a time. "o not choose chocolate milk. :here is no substitute for milkO calcium tablets are not satisfactory. /e eta+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

ble matter, althou h hi h in calcium, does not ive you available calcium either, unless you buy a Kuicer and make ve etable Kuice out of it. Eatin fish can ive you a lot of calcium, but it is in the tiny bones hidden in the fish. "onGt try to remove them. Canned salmon has a lot of calciumO tuna does not. 8n a day that you eat fish, you would not need milk. Foat milk is probably better than cowsG milk, but more difficult to et used to.

Cook your food from scratch. "onGt start with cans or pack+ a es or fro>en items to make some recipe. In fact, donGt bother with any fancy recipes. Eust cook two or three ve etables for lunch and eat them with butter and salt or homemade sauces. .read and milk rounds it out, plus fruit 0not canned or fro>en2. #oup is a nice chan e. Cook it with all the ve etables you can find. "onGt start with a can or packet or cube. ,se a bit of onion and enuine herbs to ive it >est. :hyme and fenu reek, to ether, make a flavorful combination you can purchase in capsules. Eust pull apart and season. If all this is too much work, make fresh ve etable Kuice once a week and free>e enou h so that you can have a daily nutritious meal Kust by pourin a lass of it, to ether with bread and yo urt or milk.

Ne%er diet during illness

:his is a rule based on common sense. ! wei ht+loss diet must wait at least two years.
Bake your o;n AreadE I found aflato;in in commercial bread after Kust four days in my bread bo;, but none in homemade bread even after two weeksN !flato;in is a most potent


@8,( CCE!*+,)# carcino en and immunosuppressant. !flato;in is the to;in in your diet that keeps you from clearin propyl alcohol from your body 0see 7562N !flato;in is a substance made by moldO bread starts to mold on the rocery store shelf. "onGt buy plastic+ wrapped bread. "onGt ever salva e moldy food, whether it is fruit, breads or leftovers in the refri erator. :hrow them out. .uy a bread maker. It can do everythin , includin bakin the bread. ,se unbleached 0unbrominated2 flour and add U tsp. vitamin C powder per loaf to help retard mold further 0it also makes the bread rise hi her2.

Cook your supper from scratch. Emphasi>e fish for animal food, not beef, pork, turkey or chicken. "onGt buy bread crumbs, use your own. "onGt buy batter, make your own. ,se enuine e s, not substitutes. Wash your hands after handlin raw meat or e s. Make your own salad and salad dressin out of olive oil, fresh lemon Kuice or white distilled vine ar 0apple cider vine ar has aflato;ins2, honey, salt and herbs to flavor. If your di estion isnGt stron enou h for raw ve etables or fruit, make Kuice. Fet a sturdy Kuicer and make your Kuice about half carrot Kuice and half from ve etables like celery, squash, lettuce, and broccoli. Make your own tomato sauce with pure herb seasonin , not from aKar or can 0home canned foods are fine, of course, as lon as they are not made in a bi aluminum pot with aluminum+containin salt2. Cook real potatoes, not instant varieties. )eel them to et rid of BoKic acid 0mycoto;in2 and scopolamine 0the reen part2. Make mashed potatoes from scratch, with milk, not bo; potatoes, nor chips nor @rench fries. Chips and fries were made in chemical rease called =hydro enated.? :here is a lar e amount


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# of nickel in hydro enated fats.64 @ry your potatoes in butter, lard or olive oil. @ind butter that is not wrapped in foil and is not 65 salted. #alt your own butter, usin aluminum+free salt. "onGt wrap potatoes in foil to bake, coat with butter or olive oil. "onGt eat the peels.

&at no meat that hasnDt #een cooked as thoroughly as if it were pork.

8ther animals are as parasiti>ed as we, full of flukes and worms and $chistosomes in every ima inable sta e, and if the blood carries these, would we not be eatin live parasites if we eat animals in the raw stateL We have been tau ht to cook thor+ou hly any pork, fish or seafood. *ow we must cook thorou hly any beef, chicken or turkey. It must be at cookin temperature 06%6[@ or %--[C2 for 6- minutes. @ree>in is not adequate. Canned meats are safe from livin parasites, but are not recommended due to added chemicals.

"rink 1 kinds of bevera es9 \ milk \ water \ fruit Kuices \ ve etable Kuices \ herb teas \ homemade 0see (ecipes2

.; ++1 mc&C+22 &! "a en $rom ,ood /alues +1th ed! #% *ennin&7ton and Church' +:60!
.6Salt has aluminum in it to eep it $rom ca in&! 8u% salt that has ma&nesium car#onate as its anti7ca in& a&ent! Sea salt must #e #a ed $or 0 minutes at 122ZF to destro% molds! =r #u% chemicall% pure salt

4see Sources5!


@8,( CCE!*+,)# :his means ettin off caffeine. !nd if you are already fa+ ti ued, this means you mi ht be even more fati ued for a short time. Dou mi ht have headaches from withdrawal, too. .ut they will only last %- days. Mark your calendar and count off the days. :ake headache medicine, if necessary, but make sure it does not contain caffeine. @or ener y, to replace caffeine, take one ar inine 0'-- m , see $ources2 upon risin in the mornin and before lunch. #oon you wonGt need it. Cuttin down on coffee, decaf, soda pop and powdered drinks wonGt do. Dou must be completely off. :hey contain very to;ic solvents due to careless, unre ulated production methods. Much is imported and canGt be sufficiently re ulated. Even thou h rain 0drinkin 2 alcohol is the recommended substitute for propyl alcohol, that doesnGt mean you may safely drink it. It is inadvisable to drink any form of alcohol at least until you are fully recovered. (. Milk9 6< or hi her, drink three 5 o>. lasses a day. !l+ ternate brands. .uttermilk will do. Homemade yo urt is fine. Foat milk is also fine. #tart with V cup and increase radually, if you are not used to it. If you do not drink milk because it ives you more mucous, try to drink milk anyway. If you have other reactions, like diarrhea, try milk di estant tablets 0available at health food stores2. Milk is too valuable to avoid9 there are many unwanted chemicals in most brands of milk, but it is solvent+free, mold+free and very nutritious. :he only e;ception should be for serious symptoms, like swellin , colitis, flu, or chronic diarrhea. .ut all milk, whether oat or cow, is contaminated with $almonella and $higella bacteria as well as fluke parasite sta es. Cattle are immuni>ed a ainst $almonella but it does not prevent its persistence in the bowel. !ll these are very harmful. )asteuri>ation does not kill all of them. 8nly heatin to a rollin boil makes milk safe. :o do this in the easiest way, pour % or 6 quarts milk into an enamel double boiler or microwavable lass


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Kar. #tay in the kitchen while the heat is on. When the bubbles have risen to indicate boilin , turn off the heat. Dou may throw away the =skin?. )our into lass Kar and refri erate. !nother easy way is to use a pressure cooker that holds several pint Kars of milk. !ll dairy products that have only been pasteuri>ed are still contaminated. ,ltrapasteuri>ation does not improve matters. "airy products that cannot be sterili>ed should not be consumed. It may be possible to find sterili>ed milk in paper containers on the store shelfRnot in the refri eratorO if it wasnGt sterile it would o foul in a dayN Canned milk has solvent pollution. )owdered milk has both solvent and bacterial pollution. 6. 0ater9 6 pints. "rink one pint upon risin in the mornin , the other pint in the afternoon sometime. :he cold water faucet may be brin in you cadmium, copper or lead, but it is safer than purchased water, which inevitably has solvents in it. Cet it run before usin it. @ilters are rather useless because water pollution comes in sur es. ! sin le sur e of )C. contaminates your filter. !ll the water you use after this sur e is now polluted, so you will be ettin it chronically, whereas the unfiltered water cleans up a ain after the sur e passes. ,ntil you can test your own water for solvents, )C.s and metals, no e;pensive filter is worth the investment. !n ine;pensive pure carbon filter that is replaced every month may improve your tap water. Infle;ible plastic pitchers fitted with a carbon filter pack are available 0see $ources2. *ever buy filters with silver or other chemicals, even if they are Kust added to the carbon. Beep the filter sterile by soakin in diluted rain alcohol weekly. 7. Fruit Iui>e9 fresh squee>ed only. #ome stores make it while you wait. If they free>e some of it, you could purchase the fro>en containers. .ottled fruit Kuices have traces of numerous solvents, as do the fro>en concentrates, as do the refri erated ones, donGt buy them. Dou have to see it bein made, but watch carefully9 I recently went to a Kuice bar where they made every+ thin fresh, before your very eyes. !nd I saw them take the fruit


@8,( CCE!*+,)# ri ht from the refri erator and spray it with a special wash =to et rid of any pesticides,? then put a special deter ent on it to clean off the washN #o instead of ettin traces of pesticide, I 6& ot traces of propyl alcoholN !nother rocery store had a machine that squee>ed the oran es while you watched. .ut if you did not watch them fillin the Ku s, you missed seein them add a tablespoon of concentrate, from a bottle out of si ht, to ive it better flavor. It still qualifies as =@resh squee>ed %--< oran e Kuice,? but thanks to that concentrate it now has toluene and ;ylene in itN .est of all, buy a Kuicer, select completely unbruised fruit, wash with plain water, and make your own Kuice 0enou h for a weekRfree>e it in half pint plastic bottles2. @or stron er flavor, leave some of the peel in the Kuice. 3. %e<etaAle Iui>e9 fresh or fro>en only. If you or a friend would be willin to make fresh Kuice, this would be much better than purchased Kuice. #tart with carrot Kuice. )eel carrots 0donGt scrape them, itGs too easy to miss small dirt spots2 and remove all blemishes carefully, then rinse. "rink U lass a day. !fter you are accustomed to this, add other ve etables and reens to the Kuice to make up half of it. ,se celery, lettuce, cabba e, cucumber, beet, squash, tomato, everythin raw that you normally have in your refri erator. :hen drink one lass a day. '. &erA tea9 fresh or bulk packa ed. :ea ba varieties are moldy. .uy a non+metal 0bamboo is common2 tea strainer. #weeten with honey or brown su ar with vitamin C added. 1. &omemade Ae=era<e. If you will miss your coffee or decaf, try Kust plain hot water with boiled whippin cream. #weeten with honey. )lease see (ecipes for many more su es+ tions.


Kes' I too a sample o$ the wash to test!


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

&orrors n Commer>ial Be=era<es

Commercial bevera es are especially to;ic due to traces of solvents left over from the manufacturin process. :here are solvents in decaffeinated bevera es, herb tea blends 0not sin le :M herb teas2, carbonated drinks, bevera es with *utrasweet , fla+vored coffee, diet and health mi;es, and fruit Kuices, even when the label states =not from concentrate? or =fresh from the or+chard,? or =%--< pure.? It is allowable to use solvents to clean machinery used in bottlin 0please look a ain at pa e 7342N It is also allowable to use solvents to make spice oleoresins, which are used as fla+ vorin .
5( CFR (4/.527 L23(3-2 EditionM soCroCyl $l>ohol. Isopropyl alcohol may be present in the followin foods un+ der the conditions specified9 0a2 In spice oleoresins as a residue from the e;traction of spice, at a level not to e;ceed '- parts per million. 0b2 In lemon oil as a residue in production of the oil, at a level not to e;ceed 1 parts per million. 0c2 ^"iscusses its use in hops e;tract._

Here is a summary of other solvents mentioned9

Sol%ent Acetone Eth%lene dichloride /eth%l alcohol /eth%lene chloride Hexane "richloroeth%lene Allowa#le residue in spice oleoresins <2 **/ <2 **/ 02 **/ <2 **/ .0 **/ <2 **/ "aragraph in 8- CFR +;<!.+2 +;<!.<2 +;<!.02 +;<!.00 +;<!.;2 +;<!.:2

Fig, 33 5a)ful uses of solvents in foo#, I have found all these solvents and others in commercial bevera esN #ome of the solvents I have found are Kust too to;ic to be believedN Det you can build the test apparatus yourself


@8,( CCE!*+,)# 0pa e 3'42, buy foods at your rocery store, and tabulate your own results. I hope you do, and I hope you find that the food in your area is cleaner than mineN (emember that the #yncrometer can only determine the presence or absence of somethin , not the concentration. :here may only be a few parts per billion, but a sick person tryin to et well cannot afford any solvent intake. @or that matter, none of us should tolerate any of these9 $>etone in carbonated drinks BenHene in store+bou ht drinkin water 0includin dis+ tilled2, store+bou ht fruit Kuice 0includin health varieties2 CarAon tetra>hloride in store+bou ht drinkin water De>ane in health foods and bevera es &e?anes in decafs &e?anedione in flavored foods soChorone in flavored foods Methyl Autyl ketone and Methyl ethyl ketone in flavored foods Methylene >hloride in fruit Kuice #entane in decafs #roCyl al>ohol in bottled water, commercial fruit Kuices, commercial bevera es. Toluene and ?ylene in carbonated drinks Tri>hloroethane 0:CE2, TC Ethylene in flavored foods 0ood al>ohol 0methanol2 in carbonated drinks, diet drinks, herb tea blends, store+bou ht water, infant formula If you allowed a tiny drop of kerosene or carpet cleanin fluid to et into your petGs food every day, wouldnGt you e;pect your pet to et sickL Why would you not e;pect to be sick with these solvents in your daily foodL I ima ine these solvents are Kust tiny amounts, introduced by sterili>in equipment, the manufacturin process, and addin flavor or color. @lavors and colors for food must be e;tracted somehow from the leaves or


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# bark or beans from which they come. .ut until safe methods are invented, such food should be considered unsafe for human consumption 0or pets or livestockN2.

Fig, 34 $ome unsafe beverages,

Food #reCaration
Cook your food in lass, enamel, ceramic or microwavable pots and pans. :hrow away all metal ware, foil wrap, and metal+ capped salt shakers since you will never use them a ain. If you donGt plan to fry much 0only once a week2, you mi ht keep the :M :M :eflon or #ilverstone coated fry+pan, otherwise et an enamel coated metal pan. #tir and serve food with wood or plastic, not metal utensils. If you have recurrin urinary tract infections, you should reduce your metal contact even furtherO eat with plastic cutlery. #turdy decorative plastic ware can be found in hardware and campin stores. "onGt drink out of styrofoam cups 0styrene is to;ic2. "onGt eat toast 0many toasters spit tun sten all over your bread and make ben>opyrenes besides2. "onGt buy thin s made with bakin powder 0it has aluminum2 or


@8,( CCE!*+,)# baked in aluminum pans. Choose oods made with bakin soda and sold in paper or microwavable pans. "onGt run your drinkin water throu h the free>er or fountain or refri erator. "onGt heat your water in a coffee maker or tea kettle. "onGt use a plastic thermos Ku 0the plastic liner has lanthanides2 the inside must be lass. "onGt drink from a personal water bottle 0it be ins to breed bacteria2 unless you sterili>e it daily. Why are we still usin stainless steel cookware when it contains %5< chromium and 5< nickelL .ecause it is rustproof and shiny and we canGt see any deterioration. But all metal seeCsE :hrow those metal pots away. Fet your essential minerals from foods, not cookware. *ever, never drink or cook with the water from your hot water faucet. If you have an electric hot water heater the heatin element releases metal. Even if you have a as hot water heater, the heated water leaches metals or lues from your pipes. If your kitchen tap is the sin le lever type, make sure it is fully on cold for cookin . :each children this rule.

Food Guidelines
It is impossible to remember everythin about every food, but in eneral do not buy foods that are hi hly processed. Here are a few foodsO see if you can uess whether they should be in your diet or not.
#reads toast Kes' #ut onl% $rom a #a er%' and never wrapped in plastic! No! It has #en(op%rene and tun&sten! Kes' i$ made on a coo ie sheet or in a $r%in& pan! Kes' i$ used in #a ed dishes! =nl% i$ coo ed $or .2 minutes at #oilin& point' as in soup' or canned 4never pre7 pare raw chic en %oursel$5! No!

cheese chic en

wine with dinner


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

peanut #utter cotta&e cheese desserts rice pasta "/ Iell7= e&& dishes $ish' sea$ood so% $oods 4to$u5 soup su&ar her# tea cheeseca e

Kes i$ %ou &rind it %oursel$ and add S tsp! vitamin C powder as %ou &rind! No' it can)t #e sterili(ed easil%! Kes' #ut a&ain' onl% i$ $lavored with sa$e extracts! Kes' i$ vitamin C is added #e$ore coo in&! Fse white onl%' #rown is too mold%! Kes' with homemade sauce and vitamin C! No' it has arti$icial $lavor and color! Kes' #ut not QimitationA' cholesterol7$ree or cholesterol7reduced varieties! KesNo! It)s the extensive processin& that taints it! Kes' i$ seasoned onl% with her#s 4no #ouillon cu#e5! Kes' tur#inado or #rown i$ treated with vitamin C! Kes' i$ not in a #a& and not in a mixture o$ her#s! Kes!

Fig, 36 $ome goo# foo#s, Choose brands with the shortest list of in redients. !lternate brands every time you shop.


@8,( CCE!*+,)#

Fig, 38 All brea#s ! teste# ha# mol# if the+ )ere in plastic,

Dinin< 'ut
(estaurants 0e;cludin fast food2 are enerally quite safe to eat at. Here are some doJs and donJtsO "o carry your own aluminum+free salt and vitamin C powder with you. "o ask for plastic cutlery. "o drink the water if from the tap. "o ask for boiled, not Kust steamed, milk. "onJt eat or drink from styrofoam. If ettin food =to o,? et it in clear plastic containers, or ask them to line the styrofoam container with paper or plastic wrap, and line the styrofoam cup with a plastic ba y. "onJt use their ketchup and condiments 0they have been standin out too lon 2. Here is a list of thin s that are enerally safe to order9


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

panca es' French toast' wa$$les e&&s hash #rowns soup

ve&etarian sand7 wiches #a ed or #oiled po7 tatoes coo ed ve&eta#les ve&eta#le salads ve&etarian dishes #read and #iscuits $ish and sea$ood

Don)t use their imitation s%rup 4has #en(oate5' use hone% instead! An% st%le except so$t #oiled and scram#led! "he white should #e solid! I$ li&htl% $ried' not deep $ried! =nl% i$ nothin& else is availa#le! 4It pro#a#l% came in a can and was coo ed in an aluminum pot and is $ull o$ alumini(ed salt!5 8ut no so% products 4too processed5! Fse onl% cheese sauce' #rin& %our own salt' don)t eat the s in! 8roccoli' 8russels sprouts' #eets' corn' sJuash' and so $orth! Don)t eat the croutons' #acon #its' and an%thin& that doesn)t loo $resh! 8ut no so% in&redients and or sauces! Fresh etchup =>! White onl%' not toasted' not Qcholesterol7$reeA varieties! An%thin& #ut deep $ried 4the oil ma% have #en(ene5 is $ine@ #a ed' steamed' $ish ca es' sea$ood coc tails' etc! An% o$ the numerous #a ed dishes! Except dishes with to$u or /SG! With hone% and cinnamon! 8ut not with ice cream 4ever% $lavor has #en(ene5! Indul&e %oursel$!

/exican $ood Chinese $ood $ruit cup $ruit pies' co##lers lemon or lime me7 rin&ue pie

Fig, 49 Goo# restaurant foo#s, !s you see your symptoms disappear, one after another, you will feel the ma ic of healin . Many sick persons have '- or more symptoms to start outN :hey could fill two sheets of paper,


@8,( CCE!*+,)# one symptom to each line. It can be quite shockin to see a list of all your symptoms. #ometimes a new symptom appears as fast as an old one disappears. :he coincidence makes it temptin to believe that one symptom turns into a different one. .ut it is not so. If a new symptom appears, it is because another patho en has become activated due to a new to;in. :ry to identify the new item. #top usin any new food, supplement, or body product, even if it is a health variety, and see if it oes away.

$ody Clean*up
We are livin in a very fortunate time. We are not e;pected to all look alikeN :he 1-Gs brou ht us this wonderful freedom. @reedom to dress in a variety of styles, use make+up or no make+up, Kewelry or no Kewelry, any kind of hair style, any kind of shoes. Dou will need to o off every cosmetic and body product that you are now usin . *ot a sin le one can be continued. :hey are full of titanium, >irconium, ben>alkonium, bismuth, antimony7-, barium7%, strontium76, aluminum, tin, chromium, not to mention pollution solvents such as ben>ene and )C.s. Do not use any >ommer>ial sal=es, ointments, lotions, >olo<nes, Cerfumes, massa<e oils, deodorant, mouth;ash, toothCaste, e=en ;hen touted as JherAalK and health3food3 tyCe. #ee (ecipes for homemade substitutes.

8reast cancer cases show titanium' (irconium' #en(al onium' #ismuth and antimon% accumulation in the #reast! <+ 8arium is descri#ed in the Merc! Inde as HCaution@ All water or acid solu#le #arium compounds are *=IS=N=FS!H +2th ed! p! +<: +:6<! <. "his element &oes to #ones!



:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# )eople are tryin desperately to use less to;ic products. :hey seek health for themselves. #o they reach for products that Kust list herbs and other natural in redients. ,nfortunately, the buyers are bein duped. :he @ood and "ru !dministration 0@"!2 requires all body products to have sufficient antiseptic in them. #ome of these antiseptics are substances you must avoidN .ut you wonGt see them on the label because manufacturers prefer to use quantities below the levels they must disclose. !nd by usin a variety of antiseptics in these small amounts they can still meet sterility requirements. :he only in redient you mi ht see is = rapefruit seed? or similar healthy+soundin natural antiseptic. :his is sad for the consumer of health food varieties. I have seen rocks sold as =!luminum+@ree *atural "e+ odorant?. Dou rub the rock under your arms. It works be+ cause the rock is made of ma nesium+ aluminum+silicate. MenGs hair color has lead in it. Cipstick has barium, aluminum, titanium. Eye pencil and shadow have chromium. :oothpaste has ben>ene, tin, and strontium. Hair spray has propyl alcohol and )C.s. .EW!(EN #top usin it today. #hampoo, even health varieties, has propyl alcoholN .EW!(EN #top usin it today. Ci arettes have lead, mercury, nickel and Tobacco Eosaic virus. Chewin tobacco has ytterbium #ome of the unnatural chemicals listed are present because of residues in the manufacturin process, but others you will actually see listed on the labelN )ropyl alcohol and wood alcohol are present because the tubin used to fill the bottles is sterili>ed and cleaned with them. Ice cream machines are =oiled? with a el containin pe+


@8,( CCE!*+,)# troleum products. :his could e;plain why I always find ben>ene in ice cream.

Fig, 4- .%amples of commercial >foo# lube,? How can propyl alcohol in shampoo et into your body in si nificant amountsL :he skin is more absorbent than we reali>e, and time and time a ain I see cancer victims who have one off every body product e;cept their favorite shampoo. :hey harbor propyl alcohol until they make that final sacrifice. It is better to switch shampoos than to not need any due to radiation and chemotherapyN #ee (ecipes for easy+to+make, natural cosmetics. .ut you mi ht consider Kust stoppin them all. Especially if youGre oin on vacation. ,se nothin that you wouldnGt use on a new+born baby. :his is a permissive a e. Dou will be the only one feelin =naked.? 8thers wonGt even notice. "onGt for et advertisin is aimed at you, even if other peopleGs eyes are notN Don@t e=en use soaC unless it is homemade soap 0see (eci* pes2 or bora; strai ht from the bo;. .ora; was the traditional pioneer soap. It is antibacterial and can be made into a solution. It is also a water softener and is the main in redient in non+ chlorine bleach. .ora; can remove rease, too, and some stains.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

.ut even bora; is not natural to your body and it is therefore wise to use as little as necessary. #ee (ecipes for anti+ bacterial bora; soap.
Dishes and clothin& are primar% source o$ *C8s!

Fig, 4= etergents )ith @CCs,

homemade soap

pure #orax

Fig, 4/ $afe soaps, Don@t use toothCaste, not even health+food varieties. :o clean teeth, use plain water or chemically pure bakin soda 0see $ources2Rbut dissolve it in water first, otherwise it is too abrasive. 8r brush with hydro en pero;ide food rade, not the re ular variety 0see $ources2. "onGt use flossO use 6 or 3+pound monofilament fish line. @loss has mercury antiseptics 0with thallium pollutionN2. :hrow away your old toothbrushRsolvents donGt wash away. Don@t use mouth;ash. ,se saltwater 0aluminum+free salt2 or food rade hydro en pero;ide 0a few drops in water2.


@8,( CCE!*+,)# Don@t use hair sCray. Don@t use massa<e oils of any kind. ,se olive oil. Don@t use Aath oil. :ake showers, not baths, if you are stron enou h to stand. #howers are cleaner. Don@t use Cerfumes or >olo<nes. Don@t use >ommer>ial lotions or Cersonal luAri>ants.

StoC !sin< SuCClements

#top usin your vitamin supplements. :hey, too, are heavily polluted. :his is the saddest, most tra ic part of your instructions. I have found solvents, heavy metals and lanthanides in &-< or more of the popular vitamin and mineral capsules and tablets I

"he capsule in the $ore&round is a notorious tr%ptophane capsule! It had the $ollowin& pollutants@ *C8s' mercur%' ruthenium' thulium' strontium' praseod%mium' aluminum' #en(al onium!

Fig, 41 $ome pollute# supplements, test. :hese substances will do more harm in the lon run than the supplement can make up for in benefits.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Most of the varieties of vitamin C that I have tested are polluted with thuliumN ,ntil all vitamins and minerals and other food supplements have been analy>ed for pollutants, after they are encapsulated or tableted, they are not safe. We need more disclosure on our products. *o manufactured product is pure. We canGt e;pect that. .ut at least we should be able to tell what impurities we are ettin , and how much. It is possible to do detailed analy+ sis of foods or products at a reason+ able price. Cook at the bottle of common table salt, sodium chloride, that is used by be innin chemistry students to do e;periments. It must be thorou hly analy>ed for them because minute impurities affect their results. 0:hose minute impurities, like lead, affect you, too.2 Cook at the label on Fig, 42 @ure salt, the bottle in the picture. Even after all these tests, the cost of laboratory salt 77 is only T6.5- per pound. It is most important not to be fooled by in redient claims, like =made from or anically rown ve etables?. #ure thatGs reat, but the analysis ! trust would be done on the final, cleaned, cooked and packa ed product on the shelf. :he packa e is a maKor unlisted in redient. :o;ic solvents like decane, he;ane, carbon tetrachloride and ben>ene will et more flavor or fat or cholesterol out of thin s than metaboli>able rain alcohol. 8f course, the e;traction process calls for washin out the solvent later. .ut it canGt all be washed out, and a detailed analysis on the final product would

Kou will pa% a#out [6!22 per pound 4Spectrum Chemical Co!5 $or FS* 4Fnited States *harmaceutical5 &rade! 8ut the same anal%sis is done on the cheaper &rades' and m% point is that the anal%sis is


cost e$$ective enou&h that it should #e done on our dail% $oods!


@8,( CCE!*+,)# ive the public the information they need to make informed choices.

All supplements must #e tested for purity #y yourself. 9f this cannot #e done+ donDt take them.
)olluted supplements do much more harm than ood. Fet your super+nutrition by Kuicin ve etables of all kinds and makin herbal teas.

Safe SuCClements
:here are, no doubt, lots of safe supplements to be had. :he problem is knowin which they are. :he nature of pollution is such that one bottle mi ht be safe, while another of the same brand is not. In view of this, as I found a polluted bottle, I stopped usin any more of that brand. :hat is why I am Common salt $or student use is thor7 reduced to recommendin ou&hl% anal%(ed $or pollution! "he la#el only the ones in the &ives %ou the $inal QActual ?ot Anal%sisA o$ the product! It is not expensive! $ources at this time. %itamin C, in crystal Fig, 43 5aborator+ salt label, form, is a must in your lifestyle. It helps the liver, and possibly other or ans, deto;ify thin s. It also helps retard mold, and perhaps even destroys aflato;insN Beep some ne;t to your refri erator so it is handy when you put away roceries. !dd %H5 tsp. to maple syrup, vine ar, cooked 33%

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

cereal, fruit Kuice, leftovers. Have V tsp. 0% ram2 with each meal. %itamin B5, (77 m<. :his is the vitamin that helps deto;ify ben>eneN :ake one to three a day. While recoverin from !I"# you need 7 tablets three times a day. %itamin B9, 5*7 m<, and B3>omCle?, *7 m<. ,ndoubtedly these help the liver and kidneys in many ways. 8ne a day. Ma<nesium o?ide, 7-- m ., is another must. :ake one or two a day. It is a maKor mineralO all of our cells need lots of it. 8nly leafy ve etables provide it. &ydro<en Cero?ide, food rade. It is advanta eous to kill bacteria and viruses to some e;tent every day. Hydro en per+ o;ide lets you do this. It should never come in contact with metal, includin its container or metal tooth fillin s. If you et a few drops on your skin it may turn white and stin , but does no harm, so simply wash it off. Instructions for its use come with the product. &erAs. :hese are e;cellent supplements, both in bulk and capsules, but not e;tracts, concentrates, or concoctions. :here are many books that describe their uses. Thio>ti> a>id or lipoic acid. )resumably this chelates 0traps and prepares for elimination2 heavy metals, and helps the liver in deto;ifyin obscure and deadly poisons. Everyone would benefit from %-- m . per day. I find it outstandin , and ive it to many ill persons, even when not mentioned in the case histories. It comes as a %-- m . capsule 0see $ources2. I use it at doses from one capsule, 7 times a day, to 6 capsules, ' times a day. I have seen no side effects at these dosa es, even in very sick persons. Lu<olNs odine Solution 0see (ecipes2 is old+fashioned =iodine.? Iodine has a distinctive trait9 it han s up on anythin and everythin . In fact, it attaches itself so quickly we consider everythin it touches as =stained.? :his is Kust the property we want to make it safe for use. :he amount you use is immedi+


@8,( CCE!*+,)#
ately hun up, or attached, to your mucous and can not be quickly absorbed into the blood or other or ans. It stays in the stomach. !nd for this reason it is so useful for killin vicious bacteria like $almonella.

Do not take =ugolHs iodine if you know you are allergic to iodine. 9t could #e fatal.
#i; drops of Cu olJs solution can end it all for $almonella. If you have as and bloatin , pour yourself U lass of water. !dd 1 drops of Cu olJs 0not more, not less2, stir with wood or plastic, and drink all at once. :he action is noticeable in an hour. :ake this dose 3 times a day, after meals and at bedtime, for 7 days in a row, then as needed. :his eradicates even a stubborn case of $almonella. *otice how calmin 1 drops of Cu olJs can be, soothin a manic sta e and brin in a peaceful state where an;iety ruled before. Cu olJs is perfectly safe 0if not aller ic2 to take day after day, when needed, because of its peculiar attachin property. It arrives in the stomach, reattaches to everythin in pro;imity. "oomed are all $almonellasO doomed also are e s of parasites that mi ht be in the stomach 0cysts2. *aturally, one would not leave such medicine within the reach of children. !lso, one would not use anythin medicinal, includin Cu olJs unless there were a need, like cancer, !I"#, or bowel disease. When the as and bloatin problem has stopped, stop usin Cu olJs. If one or two doses of Cu olJs cures the problem, stop. #tore it in a perfectly secure place. In the past, 6H7 of a teaspoon 01- drops2 of Cu olJs was the standard dose of iodine iven to persons with thyroid disease. #i; drops is small by comparison.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Turmeri> and fennel are herbs also used as cookin spices. :hey can eradicate invasive ., coli and $higella bacteriaN :hey are completely harmless, and are part of the .owel )ro ram. 'ther suCClements. :he concept of supplementin the diet is e;cellent, but the pollution problem makes it prohibitive. ,se only supplements and brands recommended in $ources, althou h the best approach is to test them yourself with your #yncrometer. I canGt uarantee the brands in $ources will stay pure. If in doubt, leave it out.

!ome Clean*up
:his is the easiest task because it mostly involves throwin thin s out. Hopefully your family and friends will Kump to your assistance. :he basement ets cleaned. :he ara e ets cleaned. Every room in the house ets cleaned.

)our Basement
:o clean your basement, remove all paint, varnish, thinners, brush cleaners, and related supplies. (emove all cleaners such as carpet cleaner, leather cleaner, rust remover. (emove all chemicals that are in cans, bottles or buckets. Dou may keep your laundry supplies9 bora;, washin soda, white distilled vine ar, bleach and homemade soap. Dou may keep canned oods, tools, items that are not chemicals. Dou may move your chemicals into your ara e. !lso move any car tires and automotive supplies like wa;es, oil, transmission fluid, and the spare as can 0even if it is empty2 into your ara e or discard them.


@8,( CCE!*+,)# #eal cracks in the basement and around pipes where they come throu h the wall with black plastic roofin cement. In a few days it will be hard enou h to caulk with a prettier color. #pread a sheet of plastic over the sewer or sump pump.

)our Gara<e
"o you have a ara e that is a separate buildin from your homeL :his is the best arran ement. Dou can move all the basement chemicals into this ara e. :hin s that will free>e, such as late; paint, you may as well discard. .ut if your ara e is attached, you have a problem. *ever, never use your door between the ara e and house. Walk around the outside. "onGt allow this door to be used. :ack a sheet of plastic over it to slow down the rate of fume entrance into the house. Dour house acts like a chimney for the ara e. Dour house is taller and warmer than the ara e so ara e+air is pulled in and up as the warm air in the house rises. #ee the drawin . In medieval days, the barn for the animals was attached to the house. We think such an arran ement with its penetratin odors is unsavory. .ut what of the asoline and motor fumes we are ettin now due to parked vehiclesL :hese are to;ic besidesN :his is even Fig, 44 Garage fumes, more medieval. If your ara e is under your house, you cannot keep the pollution from enterin your home. In this case, leave the cars and lawnmower outside. (emove cans of asoline, solvents, etc. )ut up a separate shed for these items.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

SCe>ial Clean3uC for Freon LCFCsM

.ecause I consider @reon to be the top health ha>ard in our home, I recommend turnin in your refri erator for a non+C@C variety. "ispose of all spare units. (emove window air condi+ tioners or test the dust in your home 0pa e 35'2 for @reon. Have your carGs air conditionin system checked. "ispose of old pres+ suri>ed cans. Even one whiff is too much. It never leaves the body because the body has no deto;ification methods for itN 8nly one useful reaction with @reon comes to mind. @reon is thou ht to be responsible for the o>one =hole? at the #outh )ole. Would @reon react with o>one supplied to your body and thereby become biode radableL Indeed, it doesN .ut only if you drink it as o>onated water. 8ther o>one routes, as intravenous or rectal, have not been observed to be as effective. If you are followin your pro ress with the #yncrometer, you will see that @reon now appears in the liver for the first time. 0.efore this, it was marooned in the parathyroids, thymus, and other or ans.2 Dou may also detect a feelin like indi estion. Dou must come to the assistance of your liver. Even o>onated @reon is e;tremely burdensome to the liver. ! combination of herbs 0Civer Herb "rink in (ecipes, pa e ''62 rescues the liver from its pli ht, and prevents the indi es+ tion. !fter drinkin liver herbs you will see that the @reon now appears in the kidneys. Det it is marooned there unless you assist them. :ake the kidney cleanse to assist the kidneys so they can finally e;crete the @reon into the urine. ItGs an elaborate deto;ifyin pro ram and usually takes si; to ei ht weeks to et most of the @reon out. !fterward, continue the pro rams at one fourth dosa e for half a year. Forane is one of the new refri erants. !lthou h to;ic, at least I observe it in the liver directly, su estin that your body is capable of handlin it. (emember your new refri erator will


@8,( CCE!*+,)# still be usin a to;ic coolant, and it would be best to keep it out+ side or at least vented to the outside.

SCe>ial Clean3uC for FiAer<lass

@iber lass insulation has microscopically small bits of lass that are free to blow into the air. When house drafts pull it into the air you will inhale them. :hey cut their way throu h your lun s and or ans like millions of tiny knives, spreadin throu h your body, since there is no way out for them. Dou smell nothin and feel nothin . :his makes it a very sinister poison. Dour body, thou h, reco ni>es these sharp, pointed bits and tries to stop their spread by sequesterin them in cysts. Most solid mali nant tumors contain fiber lass or asbestos, another lass+like particle. In nearly all cases a hole can be found in the ceilin or walls, leadin to fiber lass insulated parts of the house. When these holes are sealed in an air+ti ht manner the house air no lon er is positive for fiber lass. Coverin with panelin is not sufficient. Check your dwellin for uncovered fiber lass. (epair immediately. #earch for small screw holes intended for pictures, or electric outlet plates that are missin . !lso remove fiber lass Kackets from water heater and fiber+ lass filter from furnace. (eplace with foam or carbon. .est of all, hire a crew to remove it all from your home, and replace in+ sulation with blown+in shredded paper or other innocuous sub+ stance. *ever build a new house usin fiber lass for any purpose.

SCe>ial Clean3uC for $sAestos

:he bi est source of asbestos is not buildin materialsN It is the clothes dryer belt and hair dryerN :o be safe, remove the belt from your dryer and check to see if it says =Made in ,#!? on


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

the belt itself. If so, it is 8B. If not, it is imported, and probably contains asbestos. E;chan e it for a ,#! belt 0see $ources2. Hair dryers, too, may be imported and shed asbestos. It is especially ha>ardous to be aimin a stream of hot asbestos ri ht at your faceN If you canGt find a safe model 0see $ources2, or are unsure, donGt use any. If you have cancer or are ill, no one in the house should use an unsafe hair dryer. :urn off radiators and electric heaters and cover them with bi plastic arba e ba s, or paint them, or remove them. :hey ive off asbestos if their paint is old.

)our &ouse
:o clean the house, start with the bedroom. (emove every+ thin that has any smell to it whatever9 candles, potpourri, soaps, mendin lue, cleaners, repair chemicals, felt markers, colo nes, perfumes, and especially plu +in air =fresheners?. #tore them in the ara e, not the basement. #ince all vapor rises, they would come back up if you put them in a downstairs ara e or basement. "o not sleep in a bedroom that is paneled or has wallpaper. :hey ive off arsenic and formaldehyde. Either remove them or move your bed to a different room. Ceave the house while this is bein done. If other rooms have panelin or wallpaper, close their doors and spend no time in them. *e;t clean the kitchen. :ake all cans and bottles of chemicals out from under the sink or in a closet. (emove them to the ara e. Beep only the bora;, washin soda, white distilled vine ar and homemade soap. ,se these for all purposes. @or e;act amounts to use for dishwasher, dishes, windows, dustin , see (ecipes. (emove all cans, bottles, roach and ant killer, moth balls, and chemicals that kill insects or mice. :hese should not be stored anywhere. :hey should be thrown out. (emember to check the crawl space, attic and closets for hidden poisons also.


@8,( CCE!*+,)# :o keep out mice, walk all around your house, stuffin holes and cracks with steel wool. ,se old+fashioned mouse traps. @or cockroaches and other insects 0e;cept ants2 sprinkle handfuls of boric acid73 0not bora;2 under your shelf paper, behind sink, stove, refri erator, under carpets, etc. ,se vine ar on your kitchen wipe+up cloth to leave a residue that keeps out ants. "o this re ularly. :o wa; the floor, et the wa; from the ara e and put it back there. ! sick person should not be in the house while house cleanin or floor wa;in is bein done. (emove all cans and bottles of =stuff? from the bathroom. :he chlorine bleach is stored in the ara e. #omeone else can brin it in to clean the toilet 0only2. Ceave only the bora; soap, homemade soap, and rain alcohol antiseptic. :oilet paper and tissues should be unfra ranced, uncolored. !ll colo nes, after shave, anythin you can smell must be removed. @amily members should buy unfra ranced products. :hey should smoke outdoors, blow+dry their hair outdoors or in the ara e, use nail polish and polish remover outdoors or in the ara e. "o not keep new foam furniture in the house. If it is less than one year old, move it into the ara e until you are well. It ives off formaldehyde. #o does new clothin O it is in the si>in . Wash all new clothes before wearin . If you have a respiratory illness, move all the clothes in the clothes closet out of your bedroom to a different closet. "o not use the hot water from an electric hot water heater for cookin or drinkin . It has tun sten. "o not drink water that sits in la>ed crock ware 0the la>e seeps to;ic elements like cadmium2 like some water dispensers have. "o not buy water from your health food store that runs throu h a lon plastic hose from their bulk tank 0I always see cesium picked up from fle;i+

8oric acid is availa#le #% the pound $rom $arm suppl% stores and $rom Now Foods! 8ecause it loo s li e su&ar eep it in the &ara&e to prevent accidental poisonin&!



:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

ble clear plastic2. !lso ask them how and when they clean their tank. .est is to observe that it is done with non+to;ic methods. If your house is more than %- years old, chan e all the al+ vani>ed pipe to )/C plastic. !lthou h )/C is a to;ic substance, ama>in ly, the water is free of )/C in three weeksN If your house has copper pipes donGt wait for cancer or schi>ophrenia to claim a family member. Chan e all the copper pipe to )/C plastic immediately. If the pipes are not accessible, ask a plumber to lay an e;tra line, outside the walls. :his is less e;pensive, too. If you have a water softener, by+pass it immediately and re+ place the metal pipe on the user side of the softener tank. #of+tener salts are polluted with strontium and chromateO they are also full of aluminum. :he salts corrode the pipes so the pipes be in to seep cadmium into the water. !fter chan in your pipes to plastic, there will be so little iron and hardness left, you may not need a softener. If the water comes from a well, consider chan in the well+pipe to )/C to et rid of iron. While the well is open, have the pump checked for )C.s. Call the Health "epartment to arran e the testin . If you must have softenin after all this, check into the new ma netic varieties of water softener 0althou h they only work well when used with plastic plumbin 2. :he cleanest heat is electric. Fo total electric if possible. If you must stay with as, have a furnace repair person check your furnace and look for as leaks before the heatin season starts. "onGt call the as company even thou h it is free. :he as com+ pany misses 3 out of ' leaksN :he Health "epartment does not miss anyO call themN House builders and contractors are also re+ liable in their as leak detection.


@8,( CCE!*+,)#

'nnatural Chemicals
!nd where I found them...


in ant & roach hives, grains of pesticide in carpet & furniture treated for stain resistance

in wallpaper

B$R !M


in lipstick

in bus exhaust

in molys


in laundry detergent

in dishwater detergent

in skin bracer

in mouthwash

$+T M'+)

C$DM !M and C'##ER

T T$+ !M

in eye liner

in water running through old metal pipes

in face powder & other powders, and in metal dental ware


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#



in regular and health store detergents

in men's hair color restorer

in solder at joints of copper pipes

C&R'M !M

%$+$D !M

in diesel fuel

in eyebrow pencil

in water softener salts

in leaks in pipes to gas stove, furnace, water heater

in candles (even when they're not burning

+ C1EL

in metal watch bands

in metal jewelry worn on the skin

in metal glasses frames

in metal tooth fillings and retainers


from insulation behind holes in ceilin or uncovered outlets, water heater Kackets, stuffed around fans and air conditioners, insulation

in in air refri erators conditioners

in spray cans


@8,( CCE!*+,)#

MERC!R) and T&$LL !M T&!L !M

in tooth fillings, sanitary napkins, cotton balls, dental floss, toothpicks, cotton swabs

in most brands of vitamin ! " tested

D)S#R'S !M and L!TET !M

&'LM !M

in paint, varnish, shellac

in hand cleaners

&$F+ !M

R&E+ !M


in nail polish & hair spray

in spray starch

in cologne and stomach aids


T + and STR'+T !M

in clear#as#glass plastic

after running through long plastic hose

in toothpaste


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#


#R$SE'D)M !M, + 'B !M, +E'D)M !M, )TTR !M

in foil packaging

in over the counter drugs

in plastic tooth fillings

in vitamins and supplements

in prescription drugs

R$D'+, !R$+ !M, T&'R !M


in crawlspace without open vents

in holes and cracks in basement

in duplicator and copier ink

BE+,$L1'+ !M and , RC'+ !M

in tea bags in toothpaste in deodorant in mouthwash in cosmetics

$L!M +!M

in $natural$ deodorant advertised as aluminum#free

in salt

in cans

in lotions in walkers for the elderly


@8,( CCE!*+,)#

in electric frying pans

in tea kettles in hair curlers corroded rod in electric water heaters in toasters


in hurricane lamps

in lawn mowers

in kerosene


in foam mattresses

in new clothing

in paneling

in foam chairs


in hair blowers

in radiator paint

in clothes dryer belts


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Fig, 46 Gur future, unless )e act,


:he most important electronic device to make or buy is a HaCCerRa compact pulse enerator operatin from a common & volt battery whose output is about 7- BH>. It kills all parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds, and fun i even thou h their individual resonant frequencies are either hi her or lower 0'- BH> to &-BH>2. .uildin a >apper is described in an earlier chapter. TM :he ne;t most useful device to have is a Syn>rometer. It lets you dia nose yourself and monitor your pro ress until you are cured. It consists of an audio oscillator circuit with your body as part of the circuit. ,tili>in samples of parasites or pollutants, it lets you test for them in any product or body tissue. I include a desi n that you can make yourself. ! third very useful device is a freDuen>y <enerator. Dou can use it to electrocute individual or anisms, or to ether with the #yncrometer:M to find an or anismGs particular frequency. Dou need one that operates in the parasite, bacteria and virus ran es, from '- BH> to &-- BH>. It must also be able to select a particular frequency, like 373 BH>, quickly and accurately. @requency enerators are available for as little as T7--.--, but it is worth payin a little more to et a di ital display of the fre+ quency.

>aking A Syncrometer
:his is an au#io oscillator circuit in which you include yourself by means of a handhold. Dou listen to the current in your circuit with a loudspeaker. 8ther oscillator circuits will work, too. ! lot of fascinatin opportunities present themselves with this concept.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

I have previously published three ways to build the #yn+ 7' crometer circuit. Here is the circuit dia ram9 moly cap .- mfd -2% cap 8N8/.1 "N" min output transf 0* /..I -5. .85w res 7 AA #atteries speaker Alike Radio Shack 811*-..0CB

Fig, 48 $+ncrometer schematic, If you are not an electronics enthusiast, you can still assemble a #yncrometer usin a hobby kit. *o solderin is required. Here is what you need9

Makin< a &oAAy 1it Syn>rometer

9tem .55 in 2ne #lectronic "ro6ect )ab by Science ,air < AA +M volt #atteries Radio Shack Cat. No. .67.3.


In The Cure $or all Cancers and The Cure $or (I/7%I&S!

45 8

Alli&ator clip test Bumpers Handhold! A $our inch len&th o$ D inch copper pipe' li e $or plum#in&! "hese dimensions are critical to assure maximum s in contact! *ro#e! A #anana plu&! Kou need .!

*recision /ini7Hoo "est ?ead Set 4contains two' %ou onl% need one5 .;67++32A

*encil' new!

Fig, 69 $+ncrometer parts list, .uild :he Electrosonic Human in the =99 in Gne .lectronic @roFect 5ab. It takes about %- minutes. Cater, when you use the probe to press a ainst your knuckle you may find ettin the ri ht sound is painful. In this case try substitutin the .--' microfarad capacitor for the .-% microfarad capacitor in the circuit. $tta>h the #roAe. :he !rcher )recision Mini+Hook :est Cead #et has a banana plu for the probe on one end and a mini+ hook on the other end for easy attachment to the circuit. :ape a lon , new pencil to the probe to make it easier to hold. Connect the )robe to middle post of the primary side of the transformer 0it also connects to the ne ative battery post2. Dou will not be usin the two connections the instructions tell you to hold. $tta>h the &andhold. Clip the Handhold to one end of an alli ator clip test Kumper, and clip the other end to the base 0.2 of the transistor used in the circuit. $tta>h an alli<ator >liC to the post of the transformer that connects to the two capacitors. :his will o to the test Clates. Final test. :urn the control knob on and keep turnin the potentiometer to nearly the ma;imum. 0:his reduces the resis+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# tance. :he schematic has a %'- ohm fi;ed resistor in place of the potentiometer.2 Make sure you have ood batteries installed. :est the circuit by briefly touchin the )robe to the Handhold. :he speaker should produce a sound like poppin corn. If it does not, check that your alli ator clips are not bendin the sprin terminals so much that other wires attached there are loose. @inally, turn switches 8@@.

Makin< Test #lates

:his is the bo; you attach to the basic #yncrometer circuit. It has test plates to put your test substances and tissue samples on. :he wirin in it is arran ed so that you can test for a to;in in a product, as well as search in yourself. :his means you can search for $almonella in the milk or cheese you Kust ate, not Kust for $almonella in your stomach. 8nly if the resonant frequency of an item on one plate is equal to the resonant frequency of an item on the other plate will the entire circuit oscillate or resonateN :his implies the two plates have somethin in common. .y puttin a known pure sample on one plate you can reliably conclude the other sample contains it if the circuit resonates. Dou may build a test plate bo; into a cardboard bo; 0such as a facial tissue bo;2 or a plastic bo;. Here are the instructions for the cardboard bo; model.

Test #lates #arts List

#tiff paper. !luminum foil. ! facial tissue bo; is easiest. ! plastic proKect bo;, about 4? ; 3? ; %U,? makes a more durable product, but requires a drill, and you should discard any metal lid it comes with.


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# 7 bolts 0tapered heads2 about % inch lon , %H5 inch diameter and 1 washers and nuts to fit. to le switch with 8@@+8* positions. !lli ator clip test leads.

Test #lates $ssemAly

Cut two 7+%H6 inch squares out of stiff paper such as a milk carton. Cover them with 3U inch squares of aluminum foil, smoothed evenly and tucked snu ly under the ed es. Dou have Kust made yourself a set of open capacitors. :urn the bo; upside down and draw squares where you will mount them at the ends of the bo;. "onGt actually mount them, to save wear and tear on them, until the rest of the bo; is complete. Mount the 8* 8@@ switch on the front of the bo;, underneath the ri ht hand plate. Cine it up so 8* is downward and 8@@ is up. 0!n electronics shop can determine this for you at the time of purchase.2 Cabel the bo; with 8* and 8@@ si ns. :wo bolts will be reserved for the plates. :he third bolt is used as a terminal where the current from the oscillator circuit will arrive. Make a hole on the side of the bo;, near the left hand plate and mount the bolt so it sticks half way inside and halfway outside the bo;. It does not matter whether the head is inside or outside. :i hten it there with a nut on each side of the bo;. Cabel it :E(MI*!C. It merely means connectin place. Mark the center of each square that you drew and each ca+ pacitor you built. )ierce first with a pinO follow with a pencil until a round hole is made at the center. Mount each plate with a bolt, fastenin it below with a nut. Washers are optional. :he left side connection 0terminal2 ets attached to the left plate 0bolt2 with an alli ator clip. ,se another clip to attach the same left plate 0bolt2 to the 8* 8@@ switch 0there are two con+ nections, use either one2. @inally attach the 8* 8@@ switch connection you didnGt use to the ri ht plate 0bolt2. Make sure the


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

connections at the switch are not touchin each otherO you mi ht tape them to uard a ainst this. !ll these connections should be checked carefully to make sure they are not touchin others accidentally. .ut if you leave the bo; open so you can see any problems and use clear tape around connections to prevent accidental touchin to the wron connection, it should work 8B. @inally, trace your current. It comes in from the #yncrometer at the main terminal on the left. It is brou ht to the left plate. When the switch is 8* it is simultaneously brou ht to the ri ht plate. *otice that the plates are not connected to anythin else. :hey are simply capacitors, lettin current in and out momen+tarily and at a rate that is set by the frequency of the oscillator circuit, about %,--- hert>. :his frequency oes up as the resis+tance 0of the circuit or your body2 oes down. :he probe and handhold allow you to include yourself in the #yncrometer circuit. Dou rasp these when testin . :his makes you part of the circuit. :he speaker lets you =listen? to the current. !s resistance drops, current oes hi her and frequency oes up. !s frequencies o hi her in the circuit, pitch oes hi her. Dou will be comparin the sound of a standard =control? current with a test current.

'sing The Syncrometer

@ill a saucer with cold filtered tap water. @old a paper towel four times and place it in this dish. It should be entirely wet. Cut paper strips about % inch wide from a piece of white, unfra ranced, paper towel. "ampen a paper strip on the towel and wind it around the copper pipe handhold to completely cover it. :he wetness improves conductivity and the paper towel keeps the metal off your skin.


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# #tart with the test plate switch at 8@@. :urn the control knob 0potentiometer2 on, and to near ma;imum. :ouch each plate with the probe, while holdin the copper pipe with one hand. 8nly the left plate should ive you a sound from the speaker. :urn the test plate switch 8*. *ow both plates should ive you a sound when the probe touches them. :urn the test plate switch 8@@ a ain. )ick up the handhold, squee>e it free of e;cess water. )ick up the probe in the same hand, holdin it like a pen, between thumb and forefin er.

"ampen your other hand by makin a fist and dunkin your knuckles into the wet paper towel in the saucer. Dou will be usin the area on top of the first knuckle of the middle fin er or forefin er to learn the technique. .ecome proficient with both. Immediately after dunkin your knuckles dry them on a paper towel folded in quarters and placed beside the saucer. :he de+ ree of dampness of your skin affects the resistance in the circuit and is a very important variable that you must learn to keep constant. Make your probe as soon as your knuckles have been dried 0within two seconds2 since they be in to air dry further immediately. With the handhold and probe both in one hand press the probe a ainst the knuckle of the other hand, keepin the knuckles bent. )ress li htly at first, then harder, takin one half second. (epeat a half second later, with the second half of the probe at the same location. :here is an additive effect and you et two chances to listen to the current. !ll of this takes less than two seconds. "onGt lin er because your body will chan e and your ne;t probe will be affected.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# #ubsequent probes are made in e;actly the same way. !s you develop skill, your probes will become identical. )lan to practice for one or two hours each day. It takes most people at least twelve hours of practice in order to be so consistent with their probes that they can hear the sli ht difference when the circuit is resonant. @or reference you may wish to use a piano. :he startin sound when you touch down on the skin should be @, an octave and a half above middle C. :he sound rises to a C as you press to the knuckle bone, then slips back to ., then back up to C+sharp as you complete the second half of your first probe. If you have a multitester you can connect it in series with the handhold or probe9 the current should rise to about '- microamps. If you have a frequency counter the frequency should reach %--- H>. Dou should arrive at C+sharp Kust before the probe becomes painful. :wo thin s chan e the sound of the probes even when your technique doesnGt chan e. %. :he patch of skin chosen for probin will chan e its prop+ erties. :he more it is used, the redder it ets and the hi her the sound oes when you probe. Move to a nearby location, such as the ed e of the patch, when the sound is too hi h to be in with, rather than adKustin the potentiometer. 6. Dour body has cycles which make the sound o noticeably hi her and lower. If you are ettin stran ely hi her sounds for identical probes, stop and only probe every five minutes until you think the sound has one down to stan+ dard. :his could take five to twenty minutes. Cearn this hi her sound so you can avoid testin durin this period. Dou may also find times when it is impossible to reach the necessary sound without pressin so hard it causes pain. Dou may adKust the potentiometer if that helps.



All tests are momentary.

:his means less than one second. It is temptin to hold the probe to your skin and Kust listen to the sound o up and down, but if you prolon the test you must let your body rest ten minutes, each time, before resumin probe practiceN @or our purposes, it is not necessary to locate acupuncture points.

:he information you are seekin is whether or not there is resonance, or fee#bac& oscillation, in the circuit. If there is the test is )ES 0positive2. Dou hear resonance by comparin the second probe to the first. Dou can never hear resonance on the first probe, for reasons that are technical and beyond the scope of this book. Dou are not merely comparin pitch in the two probes. "urin resonance a hi her pitch is reached fasterO it seems to want to o infinitely hi h. (emember that more electricity flows, and the pitch ets hi her, as your skin reddens or your body chan es cycle. :hese effects are not resonance. (esonance is a small e;tra hum at the hi h end of the probe. !s soon as you hear it, stop probin . Dour body needs a short recovery time 0%- to 6- seconds2 after every resonant probe. :he lon er the resonant probe, the lon er the recovery time to reach the standard level a ain. ,sin musical notes, here is a *8 0ne ative result29 @+C+.+ C` 0first probe2 @+C+.+C` 0compare, it is the same sound2. Here is a DE# 0positive2 result9 @+C+.+C` 0first probe2 @+" 0stop quickly because you heard resonance2. In between the first and second probe a test substance will be switched in as described in lessons below.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# It is not possible to produce a resonant sound by pressin harder on the skin, althou h you can make the pitch o hi her. :o avoid confusion it is important to practice makin probes of the same pressure. 0)ractice ettin the @+C+.+C` tune.2

>aking "ure ;ater for Testing "urposes

#ince the water you purchase is likely to have solvents in it and since your tap water may be polluted with heavy metals and since your 0or a storeGs2 filtration system may be clo ed, it is important to make your own pure water. )urchase a =filter pitcher? made of hard, opaque plastic, not the clear or fle;ible variety 0see #ources2. @ill the pitcher with cold tap water, only, not reverse osmosis, distilled, or any other water, since solvents do not filter out as easily as heavy metals. :he filter should be made of carbon only. :o make test sub+ stances, use fresh water in the pitcher and pour. If your water has lead, copper or cadmium from corroded plumbin , the filter will clo in five days of normal use. #o use this pitcher sparin ly, Kust for makin test substances and for operatin the #yncrometer.

Lesson 'ne
#urCoseF :o identify the sound of resonance in the circuit. MaterialsF )otenti>ed 0homeopathic2 solutions. )repare these as follows9 find three medium+si>ed vitamin bottles, lass or plastic, with non+metal lids. (emove any shreds of paper stickin to the rim. (inse well with cold tap water. :hen rinse a ain with filtered water. )our filtered water into the first bottle to a depth of about U inch. !dd about '- little rains of table salt usin the tip of a plastic knife. :his is a =pinch.? (eplace the lid. Make sure the


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# outside is clean. If not, rinse and dry. *ow shake hard, holdin it snu ly in your hand. Count your shakesO shake %6- to %'times. ,se elbow motion so each shake covers about an ei ht inch distance. #haken samples are different from unshaken ones, thatGs why this is so important. When done label the bottle on its side and lid9 #!C: `%. Wash your hands 0without soap2. *e;t, pour about the same amount of filtered water into the second and third bottles. 8pen #!C: `% and pour a small amount, like %H3 to %H6 of a teaspoon 0do not use a spoon2 into the second and third bottles. Close all bottles. *ow shake the second bottle the same as the first. Clean it and label it #!C: `6. "o the same for the third bottle. Cabel it #!C: `6 also and set aside for Cesson @our. :hese two solutions have unique properties. #!C: `% al+ ways resonates. ,se `% to train your ear. #!C: `6 shouldnGt resonate. ,se `6 to hear when you 0your bodyGs internal resis+ tance2 have returned to the standard level. %. :urn the #yncrometer 8*. 6. )lace the #!C: `6 bottle on the ri ht test plate. 7. #tart with the plate switch 8@@. 3. Make your first probe 0@+C+.+C`2. '. @lip the plate switch 8*, takin only one half second. .race your hand when switchin so it is a fast, smooth, operation. 1. Make the second probe 0@+C+.+C`2. :otal probe time is 6U seconds. Count it out, =a thousand and one 0done with first probe2 a thou. 0done with switchin 2 a thousand and one 0done with second probe2.? 4. :he result should be a *8 0ne ative2. If the second probe sounds even a little hi her you are not at the standard level. Wait a few more seconds and o back to step 7. 5. If the first result was *8, remove #!C: `6 and put #!C: `% on. )ut the test plate switch back to 8@@ and repeat the test. :his time the circuit was resonatin . Cearn to hear the


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# difference between the last two probes so that a resonant probe can be terminated early 0reducin rest time2. &. :he skin must now be rested. When #!C: `% is placed in the circuit there is always resonance whether you hear it or not. :herefore, always take the time to rest the skin. %-. How can you be sure that the skin is rested enou hL !ny time you want to know whether you have returned to the standard level, you may simply test yourself to #!C: `6 0Kust do steps 7 throu h 12. While you are learnin , let your piano also help you to learn the standard level 0starts e;actly at @2. If you do not rest and you resonate the circuit before returnin to the standard level, the results will become aberrant and useless. :he briefer you keep the resonant probe, the faster you return to the standard level. "onGt e;ceed one half second when probin #!C: `%. Hopefully you will soon hear resonance within that time. :his lesson teaches you to first listen to the empty plate, then to #!C: `6, to check for standard state. :hen to compare the empty plate to #!C: `% to check for resonance. In later lessons we assume you checked for your standard level or are quite sure of it. )ractice hearin resonance in your circuit every day.

0hite Blood Cells

Checkin for resonance between your white blood cells and a to;in is the sin le most important test you can make. Dour white blood cells are your immune systemGs first line of defense. In addition to makin antibodies, interferon, inter+ leukins, and other attack chemicals, they also =eat? forei n sub+ stances in your body and eliminate them. .y simply checkin your white blood cells for to;ins or intruders you save havin to


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# check every other tissue in your body. .ecause no matter where the forei n substance is, chances are some white blood cells are workin to remove it. It took me two years to find this ideal indicator, but it is not perfect. TaCe;orms are a notaAle e?>eCtion. :hey can be en+ cysted in a particular tissue which will test positive, while the white blood cells continue to test ne ative. !lso, when bacteria and viruses are in their latent form, they do not show up in the white blood cells. @ortunately, in their active form they show up quite nicely. Freon is an e;ample of a to;in that is seldom found in the white blood cellsO but typically, the white blood cells are e;cellent indicators of to;ins.

Makin< a 0hite Blood Cell SCe>imen

8btain an empty vitamin bottle with a flat plastic lid and a roll of clear tape. :he white blood cells are not oin into the bottle, they are oin on the bottle. :he bottle simply makes them easy to handle. (inse and dry the bottle. Make a second specimen on a clean lass slide if available. #quee>e an oil land on your face or body to obtain a ribbon of whitish matter 0not mi;ed with blood2. )ick this up with the back of your thumb nail. #pread it in a sin le, small streak across the lid of the bottle or the center of the lass slide. #tick a strip of clear tape over the streak on the bottle cap so that the ends han over the ed e and you can easily see where the specimen was put 0see photo2. Wipe the lid beside the tape to make sure all white blood cells are covered. @or the slide, apply a drop of balsam and a cover slip 0see $ources2. .oth types of preparation will ive you identical results. :he bottle type of white blood cell specimen is used by standin it on its lid 0upside down2 so that the specimen is ne;t to the plate. :he lid is used because it is flat, whereas the bottom of most bottles is not.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Lesson T;o
#urCoseF :o add a white blood cell specimen to the circuit and compare sound. MethodF %. :urn the #yncrometer 8*. 6. #tart with test plate switch 8@@. 7. )lace the white blood cell specimen on the left plate. )lace some Kunk food in a plastic ba y on the ri ht plate. 3. Eat some of the Kunk food. '. !fter Uminute listen to the current. @lip the plate switch 8* and listen a ain. 1. If the circuit is now resonatin , the Kunk food is already in your white blood cells. It is to;ic. water you are makin . :ake vitamin C and a .+'comple; to clear it rapidlyO it may have had propyl alcohol or ben+ >ene in it. :est every ' minutes afterward to see how lon it takes to clear out.

Lesson Three
#urCoseF :o determine the purity of the filtered

Fig, 6- Cottle )ith )hite bloo# cells tape# on top, MethodF )our a few tsp. of filtered water into a bottle or plastic ba . )lace your white blood cell specimen on one plate and the water sample on the other. Cisten to your circuit. :aste your filtered water. !fter Uminute, listen to your circuit a ain, Kust as in Cesson :wo. If it appears in your white blood cells at any time you can conclude the water is not pure. Dou must have pure water available to you before continuin .



Lesson Four
#urCoseF :o determine your percent accuracy in listenin for resonance. MaterialsF :he #!C: `% and #!C: `6 solutions you made for Cesson 8ne. MethodF Move the #!C: `% and #!C: `6 labels to the bottom of the bottles so you can not tell which bottle is which. %. :urn the #yncrometer 8*. 6. #tart with the test switch 8@@. 7. Mi; the bottles up, select one at random, and place it on the ri ht plate. 3. Cisten to the current. '. @lip the plate switch 8* and make your second probe. 1. (esonance indicates a #!C: `%, no resonance indicates #!C: `6. Check the bottom. (emember to rest after the #!C: `%, whether or not you heard resonance. 4. (epeat steps 7 throu h ' a number of times. Work toward ettin three out of three correct. )ractice every day. TrouAle shootin<F a2 If you repeat this e;periment and you keep ettin the same bottles =wron ?, start over. Dou may have accidentally contaminated or mislabeled the outside of the bottle, or switched bottle caps. b2 If you et different bottles wron each time, the plates may be contaminated. Wash the outside of the bottles and rinse with filtered water and dry. Wipe the plates very ently too, with filtered water and dry. 8r replace the plates. c2 If all the bottles read the same, your filtered water is polluted. Chan e the filter.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

#reCarin< Test SuAstan>es

It is possible to prepare dry substances for testin such as a piece of lead or rains of pesticide. :hey can simply be put in a plastic ba and placed on the test plate. However, I prefer to place a small amount 0the si>e of a pea2 of the substance into a U ounce bottle of filtered water. :here will be many chemical reactions between the substance and the water to produce a number of test substances all contained in one bottle. :his simulates the situation in the body. Within the body, where salt and water are abundant, similar reactions may occur between elements and water. @or e;ample, a strip of pure 0&&.&< pure2 copper placed in filtered water mi ht yield copper hydro;ide, cuprous o;ide, cupric o;ide, copper dio;ide, and so forth. :hese may be similar to some of the reaction products one mi ht e;pect in the body, comin from a copper I,", copper bracelet or the copper from metal tooth fillin s. #ince the electronic properties of elemental copper are not the same as for copper compounds, we would miss many test results if we used only dry elemental copper as a test substance.

mCure Test SuAstan>es

It is not necessary to have pure test substances. @or instance, a tire balancer made of lead can be easily obtained at an auto service station. Ceaded asoline and lead fishin wei hts also make ood test substances for lead. :here is a disadvanta e, thou h, to usin impure test substances. Dou are includin the e;tra impurities in your test. If your lead obKect also has tin in it, you are also testin for tin. ,sually, you can infer the truth by some careful maneuverin . If you have searched your kidneys for leaded asoline, fishin wei hts and tire balancers and all 7 are resonant with your kidneys, you may infer that you have lead in your kidneys, since the common element in all 7 items is


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# lead. 0Dou will learn how to specify a tissue, such as your kid+ neys, later.2 ,sin pure chemicals ives you certainty in your results. Dou can purchase pure chemicals from chemical supply companies 0see $ources2. Dour pharmacy, a childGs chemistry set, a paint store, or biolo ical supply company can also supply some. :he bi est repository of all to;ic substances is the rocery store and your own home. Dou can make test substances out of your hand soap, water softener salt, and laundry deter ent by puttin a small amount 0%H%1 tsp.2 in a Uounce lass bottle and addin about 6 tsp. fil+ tered water. 08r for quick testin Kust put them dry or wet in a sealed plastic ba y.2 !lways use a plastic spoon. Here are some su estions for findin sources of to;ic products to make your own to;ic element test. If the product is a solid, place a small amount in a plastic ba and add a tablespoon of filtered water to et a temporary test product. @or permanent use put it in a small amber lass bottle. If the product is a liquid, pour a few drops into a lass bottle and add about 6 tsp. filtered water. Beep all to;ic substances in lass bottles for your own safety. #mall amber lass dropper bottles can be purchased by the do>en at dru stores 0also see $ources2. #eal your test bottles with tape for safety and to prevent evaporation. $flato?inF scrape the mold off an oran e or piece of breadO wash hands afterward. $>etoneF paint supply store or pharmacy. $rseni>F %H%1 tsp. of arsenate pesticide from a arden shop. ! snippet of flypaper. $luminumF a piece of aluminum foil 0not tin foil2 or an aluminum measurin spoon.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# $luminum sili>ateF a bit of salt that has this free runnin a ent in it. $sAestosF a small piece of asbestos sheetin , an old furnace asket, %H3 inch of a clothes dryer belt that does not say =Made in ,#!?, or a crumb of buildin material bein removed due to its asbestos content 0ask a contractor2. BariumF save a few drops from the bevera e iven clients scheduled for an Q+ray. Cipstick that has barium listed in the in redients. BenHeneF an old can of rubber cement 0new supplies do not have it2. ! tsp. of asphalt crumbs from a driveway. BerylliumF a piece of coalO a few drops of =coal oil? or lamp oil. BismuthF use a few drops of antacid with bismuth in it. BromineF bleached =brominated? flour. CadmiumF scrape a bit off a alvani>ed nail, paint from a hobby store. CesiumF scrape the surface of a clear plastic bevera e bottle. CFCs LfreonMF ask an electronics e;pert for a squirt from an old aerosol can that used freon as a cleaner. 0#quirt into water, outdoors, put the water in a sample bottle.2 ChromateF scrape an old car bumper. CoAaltF pick out the blue and reen crumbs from deter ent. ! sample of cobalt containin paint should also suffice. ChlorineF a few drops of pure, old fashioned Cloro;.:M CoCCerF ask your hardware clerk to cut a small fra ment off a copper pipe of the purest variety or a V inch of pure copper wire. Er<otF a teaspoon of rye rains, or rye bread. !dd rain al+ cohol to preserve. EtherF automotive supply store 0en ine startin fluid2. Ethyl al>ohol 0 rain alcohol29 the purest =drinkin ? alcohol available. Everclear:M in the ,nited #tates, )rotec:M 0potable2 in Me;ico.


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# FiAer<lassF snip a fra ment from insulation. FluorideF ask a dentist for a small sample. FormaldehydeF purchase 74< at a pharmacy. ,se a few drops only for your sample. GasolineF as station 0leaded and unleaded2. GoldF ask a Keweler for a crumb of the purest old available or use a weddin rin . 1eroseneF as station. LeadF wheel balancers from a as station, wei hts used on fishin lines, lead solder from electronics shop. Mer>uryF a mercury thermometer 0there is no need to break it2, piece of amal am tooth fillin . MethanolF paint supply store 0wood alcohol2. +i>kelF a nickel plated paper clip, a washed coin. #atulin LaCCle moldMF cut a sliver of washed, bruised apple. #CBF water from a quarry known to be polluted with it 0a builder or electrical worker may know a source2. #latinumF ask a Keweler for a small specimen. #roCyl al>oholF rubbin alcohol from pharmacy 0same as propanol or isopropanol2. ,se a few drops only, discard the rest. "o not save it. #%CF lue that lists it in the in redients 0polyvinyl chloride2. RadonF leave a lass Kar with an inch of filtered water in it standin open in a basement that tested positive to radon usin a kit. !fter 7 days, close the Kar. )our about 6 tsp. of this water into your specimen bottle. Sili>onF a dab of silicon caulk. Sil=erF ask a Keweler for a crumb of very pure silver. #ilver solder can be found in electronics shops. #nip the ed e of a very old silver coin. Sor<hum moldF %H5 tsp. sor hum syrup. StyreneF a chip of styrofoam. TantalumF purchase a tantalum drill bit from hardware store.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# TinF scrape a tin bucket at a farm supply. :in solder. !sk a dentist for a piece of pure tin 0used to make braces2. TitaniumF purchase a titanium drill bit from a hardware store. TolueneF a tube of lue that lists toluene as an in redient. Tun<stenF the filament in a burned out li ht bulb. %anadiumF hold a piece of dampened paper towel over a as stove burner as it is turned on. Cut a bit of this paper into your specimen bottle and add 6 tsp. filtered water. "yleneF paint store or pharmacy. ,earalenoneF combine leftover crumbs of three kinds of corn chips and three kinds of popcorn. :his list ets you off to a ood start. #ince few of these specimens are pure, there is a de ree of lo ic that you must apply in most cases. If you are testin for barium in your breast, a positive result would mean that a barium+containin lipstick tests positive and a barium+free lipstick is ne ative. ! chemistry set for hobbyists is a wonderful addition to your collection of test specimens. (emember, however, the as+ sumptions and errors in such a system. ! test for silver usin silver chloride mi ht be ne ative. :his does not mean there is no silver present in your bodyO it only means there is no silver chloride present in the tissue you tested. Dou are bound to miss some to;insO donGt let this discoura e you. :here is more than enou h that you can find. :he most fruitful kind of testin is, probably, the use of household products themselves as test substances. :he soaps, colo nes, mouthwash, toothpaste, shampoo, cosmetics, breads, dairy products, Kuices and cereals can all be made into test specimens. )ut about %H5 tsp. of the product in a small lass bottle, add 6 tsp. filtered water and V tsp. rain alcohol to pre+ serve it. @or temporary purposes use a plastic ba y and water only. If you test positive to your household products in your


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# white blood cells you shouldnGt use them, even if you can not identify the e;act to;in. @or a list of to;ins and solvents I use, see pa e '4%. :o order pure substances see $ources for =chemicals for testin .?

Makin< 'r<an SCe>imens

:o test for to;ic elements or parasites in a particular or an such as the liver or skin, you will need either a fresh or fro>en sample of the or an or a prepared microscope slide of this or an. Meat purchased from a rocery store, fresh or fro>en, provides you with a variety of or an specimens. Chicken, turkey, beef or pork or ans all ive the same results. Dou may purchase chicken i>>ards for a sample of stomach, beef liver for liver, pork brains for brain, beef steak for muscle, throat sweet breads for thymus, tripe for stomach linin . 8ther or ans may be ordered from a meat packin plant. :rim the marrow out of a bone slice to et bone marrow. #crub the bone slice with hot water to free it of marrow to et a bone specimen. Choose a sin le piece of meat sample, rinse it and place it in a plastic ba . Dou may free>e it. :o make a dura+ ble unfro>en sample, cut a small piece, the si>e of a pea, and place it in an amber lass bottle 0Uo>.2. Cover with two tsp. filtered water and V tsp. of rain alcohol 0pure vodka will do2 to preserve it. :hese need not be refri erated but if decay starts, make a fresh specimen. )ork brains from the rocery store may be dissected to ive you the different parts of the brain. Chicken livers often have an attached allbladder or piece of bile duct, ivin you that e;tra or an. Frocery store =lites? provides you with lun tissue. @or kidney, snip a piece off pork or beef kidney. .eef liver may supply you with a blood sample, too. !lways wash hands and rinse with rain alcohol after handlin raw meat.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

I use U o> amber lass bottles with bakelite caps 0see #ources2 to hold specimens. However, plastic ba s or other containers would suffice. !fter closin , each bottle is sealed :M with a )arafilm strip to avoid accidental loosenin of the cap. Dou may use maskin tape. :o make a specimen of skin, use han nail bits and skin peeled from a callous, not a wart. ! few shreds will do. (e+ member, they must be very close to the test plate when in useO add 6 tsp. filtered water and V tsp. rain alcohol.

Makin< a ComClete Set of Tissue SamCles

My ori inal complete set was made from a fro>en fish. !s it thawed, different or ans were cut away and small pieces placed in bottles for preservin in filtered water and rain alcohol. In this way, or ans not available from the rocery store could be obtained. :he piece of intestine closest to the anus corresponds to our colon, the part closest to the stomach corresponds to our duodenum. :he 6 layers of the stomach and different layers of the eye, the optic nerve and spinal cord were obtained this way. !nother complete set of tissue samples were obtained from a freshly killed steer at a slau hter house. In this way the 3 chambers of the heart were obtained, the lun , trachea, aorta, vein, pancreas, and so forth.

#ur>hasin< a ComClete Set of Tissue SamCles

#lides of tissues, unstained or stained in a variety of ways for microscope study ive identical results to the preparations made by yourself in the ways already described. :his fact opens the entire catalo of tissue types for your further study. #ee $ources for places that supply them.



Fig, 6= $ome purchase# parasite an# tissue sli#es, Dou now have a set of or an samples, either fresh, fro>en, preserved or on slides. Dou also have a set of test substances, whether chemical compounds, or elements, or products. Dour oal is to search in your own or ans and body tissues for the substances that may be robbin you of health. Beepin yourself healthy will soon be an easy, daily routine.

Body Fluid SCe>imens

Each of these fluids should be prepared by puttin about V tsp. in a Uo> amber lass bottle. !dd about 6 tsp. filtered water and V tsp. rain alcohol for preservation. ,ndiluted specimens do not work for reasons that are technical and beyond the scope of this book. It is important not to shake the specimen, but to mi; ently. !rine. It is desired to have a pure, uninfected urine sample as a tissue specimen. #ince this cannot be proved with cer+ tainty, obtain several urine samples from different persons


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

whom you believe to be healthy and make several test specimens in order to compare results. Cabel your speci+ mens ,rine ! 0child2, ,rine . 0woman2, ,rine C 0mine2, and so forth. Semen. ! sample from a condom is adequate. ! ed speci+ mens 0sent by mail, unpreserved and unrefri erated2 work well also. ,se one to ten drops or scrape a small amount with a plastic knife. Blood. 8ne to ten drops of blood should be used. Clotted or chemically treated blood is satisfactory. ! blood smear on a slide is very convenient. Milk. CowGs milk is too polluted with parasites to be useful. Electronically, a dead specimen is equivalent to a live specimen, so that pasteuri>ation of the milk does not help. ! human milk specimen is preferred. Sali=a. ,se your own, if you have deparasiti>ed yourself and test ne ative to various fluke sta es. 8therwise find a well friend or child. SCe>ifyin< a tissue is the most Co;erful in=esti<ati=e te>hniDue in your arsenal. !ny of your tissue samples can be tested for any of your to;ic substances.



:ou Can Now Test Three Different ;aysE

When you test with a substance on one plate and nothin on the other, you are searchin your entire body for that substance. #uch a test is not very sensitive. .y puttin a tissue sample on the other plate you are testin for the substance specifically in that tissue, and this is much more sensitive. :he tissue need not be the white blood cells. :o find mercury in your kidneys you would use a mercury sample on one plate, and a kidney sample on the other. :he technique is the same as when you use white blood cells. If you put a substance on each plate, a resonatin circuit means the two samples have somethin in common. @or e;ample, if you have mercury on one plate and some dental floss on the other, a positive result indicates mercury in the floss.

Lesson Fi=e
#urCoseF :o watch substances travel throu h your body. MaterialsF )repare a pint of brown su ar solution 0white su ar has propyl alcohol pollution2 usin filtered water. ,se about % tsp. brown su ar, %H5 tsp. vitamin C 0to deto;ify sor hum mold2, and a pint of filtered water. "o not shake itO ently mi;. Make a sample bottle by pourin about Uinch into a clean used vitamin bottle. (inse and dry the outside of the sample bottle. @inally wash your hands with plain water. MethodF %. :est your skin for the presence of brown su ar, usin the newly made sample bottle and your skin specimen. It should not be there 0resonate2 yet. 6. )repare a paper applicator by tearin the corner from a white unfra ranced paper towel. @old it to make a wick. 7. "ip the paper wick in the pint of su ar water and apply it to the skin of your inner arm where you can rub freely. 35%

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# (ub it in vi orously for about %- seconds 0otherwise it takes minutes to absorb2. Ceave the shredded wick on the skin and tape it down with a piece of clear tape about 3 inches lon 0this increases the time you have to work2. Muickly wash your fin ers. )lace your skin tissue specimen on one plate and the su ar specimen bottle on the other plate. )robe for resonance every ' seconds. !s soon as you hear resonance, implyin that the skin has absorbed the su ar solution 0which may take a full minute2, replace the skin specimen with one of liver and listen for resonance a ain. :here should be none, yet. !lternate between the skin and liver. #oon the skin will be clear and the liver will resonate. !lso check the pancreas and muscles to see how quickly su ar arrives there. Check white blood cells and kidneys. It should not appear here 0unless it is polluted with a to;in2. !fter five to ten minutes the su ar will be one from all of these tissues and your e;periment is ended. Wash your arm with plain water.

3. '.

1. 4. 5.

*otice that you have only a few minutes to et all your testin done after the skin has absorbed the test substances.

Lesson Si?
#urCoseF :o verify the propyl alcohol and ben>ene lists. MethodF We will use the #yncrometer to test for a to;in in a product. !ssemble the products named in the propyl alcohol list 0pa e 77'2 and ben>ene list 0pa e 7' many as you can find. !lso make sample bottles of ben>ene and propyl alcohol. %. )lace the propyl alcohol test substance on one plate and your products, in turn, on the other.


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# 6. Cisten to the current with only one of the plates in the cir+ cuit. :hen listen with both plates in 0the test plate switch 8*2. :his method can detect one part per quadrillion in concentration. It is not as sensitive as the skin test 0Cesson @ive2. 7. (epeat, with the ben>ene test substance. Even tiny amounts of solvents are to;icN :hey must not be consumed or be left in our environment. I have found that too many unsuspected products test positive to ben>ene. :his is such a lobal tra edy that people must protect themselves by usin their own tests. (ather than assurances, re ulatory a encies should provide the consumer with cheap and simple tests 0dip sticks and papers so we need not lu our #yncrometers around2. Even if some test should fail, not all tests would fail to find an important pollutant like ben>ene. It would come to public attention much faster than the present debacle has.

+5 Salmonella' Shigella' a$latoxin' er&ot' (earalenone' patulin test stic sN .5 o(oni(erN <5 ?u&olWsN 15 vitamin C powderN 05 sodiumCpotassium saltN 35 $resh powdered her# spicesN ;5 $ood (apperN 65 #en(ene' prop%l alcohol' wood alcohol test stic sN :5 heav% metals and lanthanides test stic s!

Fig, 6/ Table of the future,


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Lesson Se=en
#urCoseF :o test for the presence of aluminum in your brain and your foods. MaterialsF !n aluminum measurin spoon, a tsp. of free flowin alumini>ed salt, a square inch of aluminum foil, a pack+ a e of pork brain from the rocery store, kept fro>en. 08ther animal sources will do2. 8r a stained slide of cerebrum, cere+ bellum or other brain tissue. MethodF %. Cut a piece of brain tissue 0about % tsp.2 and place in a plastic ba . 6. )lace the aluminum samples in separate plastic ba s. !dd filtered water to each, about % tbs. Beep all surfaces and your hands meticulously clean 0do not use soap2. 7. )lace the aluminum sample on one plate and the brain sample on the other plate. 3. )robe for resonance. If the circuit resonates you have alu+ minum in your brain. '. If your aluminum specimen actually has cadmium or copper in it, you are also testin for these in your brain. (epeat the aluminum test with other aluminum obKects. If they all resonate, you very, very likely have aluminum in your brain. If you can, test yourself to cadmium and copper, separately. If you donGt have these in your brain, the aluminum test result is even more likely to be correct. 1. 8f course, it would be desirable to have absolute certainty about this. :o achieve this, purchase pure aluminum or an !tomic !bsorption #tandard. :hese are available from chemical supply companies. If you do have aluminum in your brain, where is it comin fromL


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# 4. Ceave your purest aluminum test substance on one plate, and replace the brain sample with these items, testin them one at a time. (emember to rest after each positive result. a teaspoon of cotta e cheese or yo urt taken from the top of a container of a foil+capped variety a piece of cream cheese or butter that was wrapped in foil a chip of bar soap or a bit of hand lotion a piece of cake or rolls baked in an aluminum pan a piece of turkey skin or hot dish that was covered with aluminum foil anythin baked with bakin powder a carbonated bevera e from an aluminum can $lternati=e LessonF :o test for dental metal in your tissues. ,se a piece of amal+ am from an old tooth fillin . :his tests for the rest of the alloys in amal am fillin s as well as mercury. If you canGt et a piece of mercury amal am, use a mercury thermometer 0donGt break it, Kust put the bulb on the plate2. Choose tissues like kidney, nerves, brain, liver, in addition to white blood cells. I have never dissected human tissues and subKected them to confirmatory laboratory tests. It seems reasonable that because skin and ton ue are directly provable, that other tissues work similarly.

Testin< the $ir

@ine particles and as molecules that are in the air stick to the dust and eventually fall down onto the table, kitchen counter, and other places. Every ni ht a film of dust accumu+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# lates, even thou h you canGt see it. :o test for air pollutants, ather some dust. Wipe the kitchen table and counter with a dampened piece of paper towel, two inches by two inches square. )lace it in a resealable ba ie. "o not et old dust, like from the top of the refri erator or back shelves, because it does not represent the current air quality.

Testin< Someone Else

#eat the person comfortably with their hand restin near you. Choose the first knuckle from the middle or first fin er Kust like you do for yourself. #ince you are touchin this person, you are puttin yourself in the circuit with the subKect. :o e;clude yourself, you need to add inductance to yourself. ! coil of about %- microhenrys, worn ne;t to the skin, works well and is easily made. 8btain insulated wire and wrap 63 turns around a ball point pen 0or somethin about that si>e2, closely spaced. Cut the ends and tape them down securely. Beep it in a plastic ba , even when in your pocket. ! commercial inductance of 3.4 microhenrys, worn touchin your skin also works well. It can be worn on a strin necklace. 0(emember to remove the necklace when testin yourself.2 :he inductance acts as an (@ 0radio frequency2 choke, limitin the alternatin current that can flow throu h you while testin another person. :est your inductor in this way. (epeat Cesson 8ne with the coil ne;t to your body. *o resonance, even to #!C: `%, should occur. If it does, make the coil bi er. (emove the inductor when you are not testin others.

Lesson Ei<ht
#urCoseF :o detect aluminum in the brain of another person. MaterialsF same as previous lesson, you wear the inductor.


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# MethodF )lace the aluminum sample on one plate and the brain sample on the other plate. 6. Five the other person the handhold. Dou use the probe. Hold their fin er steady in yours. 7. )robe the other person for resonance. :he first probe is with only one plate in the circuit. :he second is with both plates in the circuit. (esonance implies there is aluminum in the personGs brain. %.

Sali=a Testin<
:his may become your most useful test. :he saliva has in it a bit of almost everythin to;ic that is in you. .ut it is not the first tissue to carry the HI/ virus or a bit of a tapeworm sta e. *evertheless, $almonella in your liver, mercury in your kidneys, aluminum in the brain all show up in the saliva, too. !nd saliva can be sent by mail or stored in the refri erator. It should be fro>en for lon stora e to prevent mold invasion. 8r it may have rain alcohol added to preserve it. :his test is not as sensitive as havin the person present in the circuit, thou h. :o make a saliva specimen, place a two inch square piece of white, unfra ranced paper towel 0tear, donGt cut2 in a li htwei ht resealable ba y. Hold the open ba y near your mouth. "onGt touch the paper towel with your fin ers. "rool or spit onto the paper towel until half of it is damp. Aip it shut. .efore testin , add enou h filtered water to dampen the whole piece of paper.

Lesson +ine
#urCoseF :o search for shin les or Herpes. MaterialsF ! saliva specimen from the person bein testedO they may be thousands of miles away. !lso a specimen of the


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

virus. :his can be obtained from someone elseGs lesionsRone droplet is enou h, picked up on a bit of paper towel. :he whole thin , towel and all, can be pushed into a lass bottle for pre+ servin . Water and alcohol should be added. It can also be put on a slide, Herpes, homema#e. ! homeopathic preparation of the virus does not ive accurate results for this kind of testin , due to the additional frequency imposed on it by potenti>in . 0However, homeopathic preparations can be used if the potency matches the tissue frequency where it resides. Hopefully, some way of usin homeopathic sources will soon be found.2 MethodF )lace the saliva specimen in its unopened ba y on one plate. Dou may wish to open it briefly, thou h, to add enou h filtered water to wet all the paper and add V tsp. rain alcohol to sterili>e or preserve it. )lace the virus specimen on the other plate and test as usual 0like Cesson #i;2. ! positive result means the person has active Herpes. :he main disadvanta e of saliva testin is that you do not know which tissue has the patho en or the to;in. Dou can only conclude that it is present. ,sually this is enou h information to carry out a corrective pro ram.

Surro<ate Testin<
!lthou h saliva testin is so easy, it is also possible to use an adult as a surro ate when testin a baby or pet. :he pet or baby is held on the lap of the surro ate. ! lar e pet may sit in front of the person. :he handhold is held by the surro ate and pressed firmly a ainst the body of the baby or pet. It can be laid flat a ainst the arm, body or le of a baby and held in place firmly by the whole hand of the adult. :he paper coverin should be wet. @or a pet, the end is held firmly pressed a ainst the skin, such as between the front le s or on the belly. :he other hand of the adult is used for testin in the usual way. :he


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# adult must wear an inductor for surro ate testin as well as you, tester. !n ill or bedridden person may be tested without inconven+ ience or stress. He or she rests their whole hand on the skin of your le , Kust above the knee. ! wet piece of paper towel, about 3 inches by 3 inches is placed on your le , to make better contact. Dou must use an inductor for yourself with this method. Dou may now proceed to probe on your hand instead of the ill personGs.

Lesson Ten
#urCoseF :o test for cancer. MaterialsF 8rtho+phospho+tyrosine. Here are four ways to obtain some9 %. 8rder a pure sample from a chemical company 0see $ources2. )lace a few milli rams 0it need not be wei hed2 in a small lass bottle, add 6 tsp. filtered water and V tsp. rain alcohol. 6. !ll persons with cancer have ortho+phospho+tyrosine in their urine as well as in the cancerous tissue. It is seldom found in other body fluids. 8btain a urine specimen from a friend who has active cancer. @ree>e it if you canGt prepare it immediately. Beep such specimens well marked in an additional sealed plastic ba . )ersons who have recently been treated clinically for cancer are much less likely to have ortho+phospho+tyrosine in the urine. ,rine cannot be considered a chemical in the same way as a su ar or salt solution. ,rine is a tissue and has its own resonant frequency as do our other tissues. If combined with another tissue on the test plates, it will not resonate as if a solution of pure ortho+phospho+tyrosine were used. :o use urine as an ortho+phospho+tyrosine specimen, you must9


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# a2)our a few drops of urine into your specimen bottle b2 !dd about 6 tsp. of filtered water c2!dd a few drops of rain alcohol Fently mi;, do not shake. (inse and dry the outside of the bottle. Cabel it =urineHcancer?. 7. Cancer victims also have other rowth factors bein pro+ duced in their bodies. :hese are the same as can be found in motherGs milkRfor e;ample, epidermal rowth factor and insulin+like rowth factor. 8btain a sample of motherGs milk and use it to make another test substance for cancer. ! few drops is enou h. 3. :here is still another way to prepare an ortho+phospho+ tyrosine test sample. Common snails from a fish tank or outdoor snails are the natural hosts for Fasciolopsis bus&ii 0human intestinal fluke2 sta es. :he sta es will produce ortho+phospho+tyrosine when the snails are fed fish food polluted with propyl alcohol. 8ver half the fish food cans I purchased had propyl alcohol pollution. .uy several brands of fish food. :est them for propyl alcohol and ben+>ene. 8btain some snails, put them in a tank, feed them propyl alcohol polluted fish food. 0@eed a separate roup of snails ben>ene polluted fish food to obtain samples of HI/.2 !fter two days put each snail in a >ipped plastic ba , and test them individually a ainst someone dia nosed with cancer or their saliva. :he snails that the person tests positive to have ortho+ phospho+tyrosine. )ut these snails in the free>er to kill them humanely, then crush them and place in a specimen bottle with '-< rain alcohol to preserve. :he bottles can be kept sealed and at room temperature. #imilarly, your ben>ene snails can be tested a ainst some+ one known to be HI/ positive. !ny snails that test positive can be used to prepare an HI/ test specimen in the same way. :he fish food must be tested for both ben>ene


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# and propyl alcohol pollution, and separated appropriately, or you run the risk of makin specimens that have both ortho+phospho+tyrosine and HI/. MethodF %. :est for cancer by placin the test sample you Kust made 0any of the four2 on one plate and a white blood cell sample on the other plate. 6. If you resonate with both samples in the circuit you have cancer. Immediately, search for your cancer in your breast, prostate, skin, lun s, colon, and so forth. 7. :o be more certain, test yourself to the other kinds of test samples. Dou should not resonate. !s you know by now, you can confirm the cancer by testin yourself to propyl alcohol and the human intestinal fluke in the liver. Dou should eliminate propyl alcohol from use, and >ap all parasites. Beep testin yourself for cancer until it is one. It should take less than one hour. !lso continue to test yourself for propyl alcohol and the intestinal fluke in the white blood cellsO make sure they are one. !lso test yourself for aflato;in and freon.

Lesson Ele=en
#urCoseF :o test for HI/. MaterialsF )urchase a few milli rams of )rotein 63 anti en 0a piece of the HI/ virus core2 or the complete HI/ virus on a slide 0see $ources2. Dou may use the vial unopened if only one test specimen is needed. :o make more specimens, use about % milli ram per Uounce bottle. !dd 6 tsp. filtered water and V tsp. rain alcohol. 8r prepare an HI/ specimen from snails as described in the previous Cesson. MethodF #earch in the thymus 0throat sweet breads2, va ina and penis for the virus because that is where it will reside al+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

most e;clusively for the first year or two. If you donGt have those tissue specimens, you could search in urine, blood, saliva, or white blood cells, but only a positive result can be trusted. !lso search for the human intestinal fluke and ben>ene in the thymus. 8f course, a positive test in these tissues is very si nificant. If you are positive, >ap parasites immediately. Dou should test ne ative in less than an hour. (emove ben>ene polluted items from your lifestyle. !lso test yourself to several varieties of popcorn, brown rice, and corn chips as an indication of >earalenone, which must be eliminated in order to et well. @ollow up on yourself every few days to be sure your new found health is continuin . :est yourself for freon.

Lesson T;el=e
#urCoseF :o test for diseases of all kinds. MaterialsF ,se slides and cultures of disease or anisms. Homemade preparations of strep throat, acute mononucleosis, thrush 0Can#i#a2, chicken po;, Herpes % and 6, ec>ema, shin+ les, warts, measles, yeast, fun us, rashes, colds, sore throats, sinus problems, tobacco virus, and so forth can all be made by swabbin or scrapin the affected part. ! plastic spoon or bit of paper towel works well. )ut a small bit on a slide. !dd a drop of balsam and a cover slip. 8r put the towel in a bottle, add water and alcohol as described previously. Microscope slides can reatly e;pand your test set 0see $ources2. MethodF :est yourself for a variety of diseases, usin your white blood cell specimen first. :hen search in or ans like the liver, pancreas, spleen. *otice how many of these common ill+ nesses donGt = o away? at all. :hey are alive and well in some or an. :hey are merely not makin you sickN



Lesson Thirteen
:o test for !I"#. MaterialsF .en>ene sample, slides of tissue samples like thymus, liver, pancreas, penis, and va ina. !lso a collection of disease specimens such as the ones used in the previous lesson. MethodF #earch in the thymus for ben>ene. If it is positive throu hout the day, you are at risk for developin !I"#, althou h you may not be ill. #earch other tissues for ben>ene. :he more tissues with ben>ene in them the more serious the situation. Immediately search all your body products and foods for ben>ene.

Stay off #en4ene polluted items fore%er.

:ally up the diseases you tested positive for in Cesson :welve. :est at least ten. If you had more than half positive you already have !I"#. 0'-< is my standard, you may set your ownO an ideal standard for definin a healthy person should be -< positive.2

Lesson Fourteen
#urCoseF :o test for aflato;in. MaterialsF "o not try to purchase a pure sample of aflato;inO it is one of the most potent carcino ens known. Havin it on hand would constitute unnecessary ha>ard, even thou h the bottle would never need to be opened. #imply make specimens of beer, moldy bread, apple cider vine ar, and any kind of peanuts usin a very small amount and addin filtered water and rain alcohol as usual. MethodF :est yourself for these. If you have all of them in your white blood cells and the liver then you very, very proba+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

bly have aflato;in built up. *e;t, test your daily foods for their presence in your white blood cells. :hose that test positive must be further tested for aflato;in. *otice the effect of vitamin C on aflato;in in your liver. @ind a time when your liver is positive to aflato;in 0eat a few roasted peanuts from a health food store and wait ten minutes2. :ake % ram vitamin C in a lass of water. Check yourself for aflato;in every five minutes. "oes it clearL If not, take ' or %- rams vitamin C. How lon does it takeL

Lesson Fifteen
#urCoseF :o test for parasites. MethodF If you test positive to your petGs saliva, you have somethin in commonPa parasite, no doubt. Dou must search your muscles and liver for these, not saliva or white blood cells, because they are seldom seen in these. Aap yourself for parasites until you no lon er test positive to your petsG saliva. :apeworms and tapeworm sta es can not 0and should not2 be killed with a re ular frequency enerator. Each se ment, and probably each scole; in a cysticercus has its own frequency and mi ht disperse if your enerator misses it. 8nly >appin kills all and is safe for tapeworms. .e sure to treat your pet on a daily basis with the pet parasite pro ram.

Lesson Si?teen
#urCoseF :o test for fluke disease. ! small number of intestinal flukes resident in the intestine may not ive you any noticeable symptoms. #imilarly, sheep liver flukes resident in the liver and pancreatic flukes in the pancreas may not cause noticeable symptoms. :heir e s are shed throu h the or an ducts to the intestine and out with the bowel movement. :hey hatch and o throu h various sta es of


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# development outdoors and in other animals. .ut if you become the total host so that various sta es are developin in your or+ ans, you have what I term flu&e #isease. I have found that can+ cer, HI/, diabetes, endometriosis, Hod kinGs disease, !l>heimerGs disease, lupus, M# and =universal aller y syn+ drome? are e;amples of fluke disease. Dou can test for fluke disease in two ways9 electronically and by microscope observation. MaterialsF Cultures or slides of flukes and fluke sta es from a biolo ical supply company 0see $ources2 includin e s, miracidia, redia, cercaria, metacercaria. .ody fluid specimens to help you locate them for observation under a microscope. MethodF :est for fluke sta es in your white blood cells first. If you have any fluke sta es in your white blood cells you may wish to see them with your own eyes. :o do this, you must first locate them. )lace your body fluid samples on one plate, your parasite sta es on the other plate, and test for as many as you were able to procure, besides adults. !fter findin a sta e electronically, you stand a better chance of findin it physically with a microscope.

Lesson Se=enteen
#urCoseF :o see how sensitive your measurements can be. 0How much of a substance must be present for you to et a positive resultL2 MaterialsF filtered water, salt, lass cup measure, %7 new lass bottles that hold at least V cup, %3 new plastic teaspoons, Dour skin tissue sample, paper towel. MethodF #ome of the best measurement systems available today are immunolo ical 0such as an ECI#! assay2 and can de+


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tect as little as %-- f Hml 0femto rams per milliliter2. ! milliliter is about as bi as a pea, and a femto ram is %H%,---,---,---,---,---th 0%-+%'2 of a ramN %. (inse the lass cup measure with filtered water and put one half teaspoon of table salt in it. @ill to one cup, stirrin with a plastic spoon. What concentration is thisL ! teaspoon is about ' rams, a cup is about 67- ml 0milliliters2, therefore the startin concentration is about 6U06.'2 m per 67- ml, or .-% mHml 0we will discuss the amount of error later2. 6. Cabel one clean plastic spoon =water? and use it to put nine spoonfuls of filtered water in a clean lass bottle. ,se another plastic spoon to transfer one spoonful of the .-% mHml salt solution in the cup measure to the lass bottle, stir, then discard the spoon. :he lass bottle now has a % in %- dilution, and its concentration is one tenth the ori inal, or .--% mHml. 7. ,se the =water? spoon to put nine spoonfuls of filtered water in bottle `6. ,se a new spoon to transfer a spoonful of salt solution from bottle `% to bottle `6 and stir briefly 0never shake2. Cabel bottle `6 =.---% mHml?. 3. (epeat with remainin bottles. .ottle `%7 would therefore be labeled =.--------------% mHml.? :his is %-+%' mHml, or % femto ramHml. '. "o the skin test with water from bottle `%7 as in Cesson @ive. If you can detect this, you are one hundred times as sensitive as an ECI#! assay 0and you should make a bottle `%3 and continue if you are curious how ood your sensitivity can et2. If you can not, try to detect water from bottle `%6 0ten times as sensitive as ECI#!2. Continue until you reach a bottle you can detect. Calculate the error for your e;periment by assumin you could be off by as much as %-< when measurin the salt and


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# water addin up to 6-< error in each of the %7 dilutions. :his is a total error in bottle `%7 of 65-<, or at most a factor of 7. #o bottle `%7 could be anywhere from -.77 to 7 femto ramHml. If you can detect water from bottle `%7, you are definitely more sensitive then an ECI#!, in spite of your crude utensils and in+ e;pensive equipmentN *ote that the startin error of usin 6.' m instead of 6.7 m only adds another %-< error. If you want to calculate how many salt molecules you can detect, select the concentration at the limit of your detection, and put 6 drops on a square inch of paper towel and rub into your skin. !ssume one drop can be absorbed. If you can detect water from bottle `%7, you have detected '%-,--- molecules +%' 67 0%f Hml divided by '5.' mHM multiplied by 1.-6;%moleculesHM divided by 6- dropsHml2. Water in bottle `%6 would therefore have %- times as many molecules in one drop, and so forth. Even if your error is as much as a factor of 6 0%--<2, you can still et a ood idea of what you can measure. Atomic absorption stan#ar#s start at e;act concentrationsO it is easy to make a more e;act dilution series with them. When testin for iridium chloride by this skin test method, I was able to detect 7-6' moleculesN TrouAleshootin<F !lways e;tend your set until you et a ne ative result 0this should happen by at least bottle `%52. If you always =detect? salt, then you shook the bottleN *ever try to reuse a bottle if you spill when pourin into it. Fet another new bottle.

Sensiti=ity of #ollutant3 n3#rodu>t Testin<

Fet some slides of $almonellas and $higellas and find some milk that tests positive to at least one. Make a dilution series of the milk up to bottle `%3, bein careful not to shake the bottles. #tart with 6 drops of milk in bottle `%. ,se an eye dropper to


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# deliver 6 drops to subsequent bottles. .e in testin at bottle `%3, usin the slide that tested positive. Dou will learn to search by frequency later. My sensitivity was routinely around bottle `%6, for a variety of patho ens. It was the same for to;ic elements startin with standard solutions, about %--- Hml, showin this method is less sensitive than skin testin .

Mi>ros>oCy Lesson
#urCoseF :o observe fluke sta es in saliva and urine with a microscope. MaterialsF a. ! low power microscope. Hi h power is not needed. ! total of %--; ma nification is satisfactory for the four common flukes, Fasciolopsis, sheep liver flu&e, human liver flu&e and pancreatic flu&e. b. Flass slides and coverslips. c. ! disposable eye dropper.

Fig, 61 Eicroscope, sli#es an# coverslips,


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# d. @or sanitation purposes 0wipin table tops, slides, micro+ scope and your hands2 a '-< to 4-< alcohol solution 0not rubbin alcoholN2 is best. "ilute &'< rain alcohol 4 parts alcohol plus 7 parts water. /odka or 41< rain alcohol can be used undiluted. e. @ormaldehyde, 6-<. @ormaldehyde 74< is commonly available at pharmacies. "ilute this with equal parts of filtered water to et %5U<, which is close enou h to 6-<, for the purpose of =fi;in ? 0killin 2 the specimens. #tore in a lass bottle in the ara e, away from sunli ht. Cabel. #pecimens that are fi;ed properly do not lose their life+ like appearance. f Iodine solution. :his is only useful for the urine specimens. Cu olJs iodine and tincture of iodine are both useful. !sk a pharmacist to prepare 5ugol<s !o#ine $olution for you, as follows9 33 rams 0%Uo>2 iodine crystals 55 rams 07 o>2 potassium iodide crystals "issolve both in % liter 0quart2 filtered water. :his may take a day of frequent shakin . Method for sali=aF %. )our the 6-< formaldehyde into a small amber bottle or other receptacle to a depth of about %H5 inch. Beep ti htly closed. 6. :he person to be tested is asked to salivate into the bottle so the or anisms are immediately =fi;ed? without under+ oin coolin first. :he total volume should be about double the ori inal amount of formaldehyde used. Make a mark on the container so the subKect knows how much to produce. :he resultant concentration of formaldehyde will be about %-<. 7. #hake the bottle a few times. #et it aside for 63 hours to settle 0less if testin is ur ent2.


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3. With a dropper, draw up some of the bottom settlin s. )ut one drop on a slide and apply a coverslip. '. /iew under low power of microscope. Compare obKects you observe with specimens obtained on slides from bio+ lo ical supply companies. *ote9 )ersons with HI/ and moderate !I"# will show about one to ten parasite sta es per slide. It requires several hours of searchin . )ersons with HI/ and severe !I"# show %or more fluke sta es per slideO this makes the task of findin them much easier. )ersons with terminal untreated cancer have many more fluke sta es than relatively well persons. Method for urine9 %. )repare bottles of formaldehyde fi;ative ahead of time. )ut about V to Uinch of 6-< formaldehyde in each. Beep ti htly closed. 71 6. !dd freshly voided urine from cancer or HI/ sufferers to the formaldehyde in appro;imately equal amounts, resultin in a %-< formaldehyde solution. #hake immediately. Cet settle several hours. :he sediment has a hi her number of fluke sta es. Cancer victims with cervical or prostate cancer will show hi her numbers of sta es in urine than other cancer types. 7. #tainin the slide is optional. It helps to outline fluke sta es sli htly. )repare Cu olJs solution as described above. #lides may be stained in either of these two ways9 )ut a drop of =fi;ed? urine on a slide. !dd a drop of '-< Cu olJs 0dilute %9% with filtered water2. !pply coverslip.

Frine that has cooled even sli&htl% #elow #od% temperature does not show miracidia and redia in their ori&inal shapes!



.I8ECEC:(8*IC# )ut a drop of =fi;ed? urine on a slide. !pply cov+ erslip. !dd % to 7 drops of '-< Cu olJs to ed e of coverslip and allow it to seep in. *ote9 persons who have been treated for cancer or HI/ usin any of the known dru s may show only % to 6 fluke parasite sta es per drop of saliva or urine. @or this reason, you may need to search throu h 6- or more slides to find flukes. /ery ill per+sons may show up to %- parasites per drop 0slide2.

Takin< #i>tures 'f 0hat )ou See

Dou may be unsure of what you see even if you have the microscope slides of labeled flukes and their sta es to study and compare. In real life, they vary so much in shape and si>e that absolute identification is difficult without e;perience. ,nfortu+ nately in a few hours, Kust as you are ettin proficient, your ma nificent specimens will be dryin out and unfit for observa+ tion. :o preserve them lon er you can seal the ed es by paintin around the coverslip with fin ernail clear enamel. 8r dribble hot sealin wa; alon the ed es and then place them in sealed plastic ba s 0one per ba 2. Melt sealin wa; in a metal Kar lid. Make an applicator from a piece of coat han er wire bent in the shape of a small square to fit around the coverslip and a handle. 8r take photo raphs. :o take pictures of what you see under the microscope you will need a photomicro raphic camera, which costs T6--.-- and up 0see $ources2. It is easy to use. (e+ member to label your pictures so you know which slide they came from. Even photo raphs do not scientifically prove identity of parasite sta es, but it is very ood evidence. )roof would require that the saliva or urine sample could be cultured and seen to produce the known parasite sta es.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

'sing A Fre(uency ,enerator

@requency enerators come in all si>es and costs and capa+ bilities. If you can purchase one that reads out the frequency for you in numbers 0di ital type2 and lets you produce a fraction of a kilohert> by turnin a dial, it meets your most elementary needs. It should also be possible to set it on positive offset 0%--< positive2 and still ive you ' volts. :hen it can be used as a >apper. Dou should also be able to select a sine wave or square wave. :he advanta es of havin a frequency enerator are that you can do your own dia nosin . Dou can find, in a few minutes9
%. 6. 7. Which invaders you have by dialin in to their frequencies. !t what frequencies you are broadcastin to the world. What frequencies are used by other livin thin s.

The Theory
Every livin animal and every cell type produces its own frequencies and responds to these frequencies as well. We may speak of frequencies but we really mean waves, waves of en+ er y. !ll waves have a frequency associated with them, so itGs not really misleadin to say frequencies when we really mean waves. When the animal is alive it produces them, when it is dead it still responds to some of them. It is like the opera sin er and the lass oblet. :he opera sin er produces frequencies in the air. :he oblet responds to them because of its structure, not because itGs alive. :he oblet =picks up? on that particular frequency of sound because its own =resonant? frequency is e;actly the same. If the sin er sin s loud enou h the oblet


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# shatters from the vibrations set up in it. !n identical oblet, made of plastic, would not have the same resonant frequency. :here is not merely a structural and chemical difference between the livin and non livin . Civin thin s are transmittin ener y of some unique kind. !nd with your simple device, you will be able to trap this ener y. !nd measure its e;act frequency. :his is not the same as understandin its makeup and source. We must leave that to others. .ut we can observe and use our observations to track down bacteria and other parasites. We can track down pollutants. We can measure our health quantitatively and perhaps in the future predict life e;pectancy.

"he S%ncrometer at le$t is attached to the handhold! "he $reJuenc% &enerator at ri&ht is also clipped to the handhold!

Fig, 62 $etup for fin#ing resonant freDuencies, :he #yncrometer traps the frequencies that match the ones in the material on the test plates and delivers them to an audio speaker in a ran e that you are able to hear. nstead of test tis3 sues or Catho<ens, ;e are no; <oin< to use Cure test fre3 Duen>iesE (emarkably, few thin s have overlappin


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frequencies, makin this technique e;tremely useful for identi+ fication, even without a specimenN

Lesson Ei<hteen
#urCoseF :o search for the intestinal fluke in your body by listenin to its broadcast frequency at 373 BH>. MethodF :urn on the frequency enerator, select a frequency a short distance above the one you are interested in, like 375 BH>, turn the volta e 0amplitude2 down to less than one volt. #elect sine waves. :he lead comin from the frequency enerator will have two connections, usually red and black 0 round2. We will not use the black 0 round2, Kust tape it out of the way. )ick up the handhold and probe in the usual way. !ttach the red lead comin from the enerator to your handhold. :his makes two wires attached to your handhold. !lthou h there is nothin on the test plates, they must be connected as usual with the switch at 8@@ 0one plate is still 8*2. :urn the #yncrometer 8*. )robe yourself as usual. Dour bodyGs waves are bein sent to the capacitor 0plate2 in the test plate bo;. :he frequency from the #yncrometer is sent there, too. !nd now the 375 BH> waves from the enerator are bein sent there as well. :hree different frequencies are min lin on the plateN If the two from your body and the enerator are the same, the circuit will oscillate, and you will hear resonance. :urn the enerator to 374 and probe a ain. *e;t, 371. #ometimes, you can hear the resonance start to build. Con+ tinue on. *e;t try 37'. :hen 373. If your body is emittin a frequency of 373 BH> 0comin from a live intestinal fluke inside you2 it will be reinforced by the eneratorGs 373 BH>. :he reinforcement will put oscillations or resonance in the circuit, the same as you are accustomed to hearin with the #yncrometer. If there was none, you donGt have


.I8ECEC:(8*IC# the intestinal fluke anywhere in your body. Confirm this by startin at 37- BH> and workin your way up. If you hear resonance, you do have it. Dou may wish to verify this independently usin a prepared slide of the fluke. Bill your flukes immediately as described in the ne;t lesson.

Lesson +ineteen
#urCoseF Billin the intestinal fluke with a frequency en+ erator. MaterialsF ! frequency enerator, two handholds with alli+ ator clip leads for them. MethodF Wrap a sin le layer of paper towel over each of the two handholds. Wet them under the tapO squee>e out e;cess water. Clip them to the red and black wires of the frequency enerator. 0We use both wires for this purpose.2 "ial up 373 BH>. #et the amplitude 0volta e2 at %- volts. Frasp the hand+ holds in each hand and hold on for three minutes. :hat is all. Dou have killed whatever tiny invader has a resonant frequency the same as the settin on the enerator. (emember to >ap all the sta es, tooO see @athogen FreDuencies. If your frequency enerator has a Cositi=e offset capability, you can use it like a >apper, and a sin le session will kill all patho ens, provided it is %--< offset and can ive at least ' volts at this settin . When usin this technique, the enerator can be set to any frequency from 6 BH> to 5-- BH>, and you should o for 4 minutes. .ut even a small percenta e of ne ative volta e will ruin this effect and do more harm than oodN :o be certain your enerator is set correctly it would be best to observe the output on an oscilloscope. E;periment with other volta e settin s. *otice that less than one volt is also effective.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Lesson T;enty
#urCoseF :o find the bandwidth of a small livin animal. MaterialsF ! fly, beetle or other insect, #yncrometer, fre+ quency enerator. "iscussion9 )ersons usin a #yncrometer mi ht have already tried puttin a small insect on one of the plates. :he circuit always resonates when you Koin the circuit at the handhold and probe. Even the tiniest ant placed in a lass bottle or plastic ba y will resonate the circuit. ,nless it is too far away from the plate. If it has climbed up the side you will lose the resonance. !t least one foot must be touchin the bottom of the bottle. If the animal is dead this ceases. 8bviously the livin thin is affectin the circuit differently before and after death. Is it some kind of a wave form ener yL :o find its frequency you must add another frequency that will reinforce or interfere with the frequency already on the plate. !ddin the enerator frequency does Kust that. MethodF ,se the same method as described in the last Ces+ sonO however for an ant or fly, start at %,--- BH> and proceed upward in bi steps like %- BH>. ,se the ri ht test plate which is controlled by the 8*+8@@ switch. !lways listen to the current with the switch 8@@, first, then 8*. Move the frequency up and repeat. Continue until you hear resonance. #top immediately. (est your skin and o back down to the nonresonant frequency re ion. Move up in smaller steps this time. (epeat and repeat until you feel sure you know Kust where the resonance be ins. .ut where does it endL #tart testin well above the suspected ran e takin bi steps downward until you reach a resonant frequency. (est and repeat until you find the upper limit of resonant frequencies. (ecord the bandwidth, for e;ample, %--&+%%%6 BH>.



Lesson T;enty 'ne

#urCoseF :o see if similar livin thin s interfere with each other when put on the plate to ether. MaterialsF :wo identical livin insects or very small livin thin s. MethodF @ind the broadcast ran e of each one separately and then to ether on the plate. +oteF Identical livin thin s do not interfere with each oth+ ersG frequencies.

Lesson T;enty T;o

#urCoseF :o see if different livin thin s interfere with each other when put on the plate to ether. MethodF @ind the lower and upper end of the broadcast ran e of two different livin thin s, such as a fly and a beetle or 6 kinds of flies or beetles. :hen put them on the plate to ether. *otice there is no resonance in the accustomed ran e for either of them. :hey are interferin with each other on the plate. *ow add the 6 lower ends, then the two upper ends. !lso subtract the 6 lower ends, then the two upper ends. @or e;ample ima ine two insects, one with a spectrum of %--- to %-&- BH>, the other with a ran e of %-'- to %%&- BH>. !ddin the lower ends ives us 6-'- BH>. #ubtractin the lower ends ives us 'BH>. !ddin the upper ends ives 665-. #ubtractin the upper ends ives %--. *ow search for resonance at '-, %--, 6-'-, 665- BH>. 0:hese last two may be outside the ran e of your frequency enerator. Choose more primitive life forms which have lower frequency bandwidths to stay within your limit.2 *otice that you hear resonance at e;actly these frequencies and not above or below them. :his is evidence for modulation of the frequencies9 namely fusin them to ether.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Lesson T;enty Three

#urCoseF :o find your own bandwidth of emitted frequen+ cies. MaterialsF ! frequency enerator that oes up to %- MH>. If yours only oes to 6 MH> you can still investi ate the lower end of your band. MethodF Dou do not need to put yourself on the plate, since you are already there by bein in the circuit at the handhold. However, if you are measurin someone else, they can simply touch the plate with a fin er. !ttach the frequency enerator to the circuit at the handhold. #ince human adults be in to emit at about %'1- BH>, start searchin at %''-, oin upward in % BH> steps until you hear resonance. Doun er or healthier humans start emittin at a lower fre+ quency and sometimes end at a hi her frequency. In other words, they broadcast on a wider band. /ery youn infants be in their band at about %'6- BH>. Could you ever re ain this abilityL Most adults terminate at &74' BH> .y eliminatin molds from my diet, killin as many parasites and removin as many to;ins as I became aware of, I have been able to e;pand my bandwidth from an initial %'16+ &3'4 BH> in %&&- to %'6-+&'5- BH> in %&&3N I hope this challen es you to accomplish a health improvement reflected in an even broader bandwidth for yourself.

Lesson T;enty Four

#urCoseF :o find the effect of a variety of thin s on the lower end of your spectrum, such as body temperature, eatin , time of day, rainy weather, feelin sick. *otice that you may not chan e for weeks at a time, then suddenly see a shrinkin of your bandwidth. Dou may assume you have eaten a mold.


#earch for mold frequencies from 4' BH> to 6&' BH>. 8r test in your liver with mold samples. If this is positive o on a mold free dietRwatchin carefully for mold in your white blood cells. Even after removin the mold from your diet, so that no molds appear in your white blood cells, notice that your bandwidth does not recover. It re ularly takes 6+7 weeks for mine to recover. #urely, this sheds li ht on the poisonous effect of eatin bad food.

Lesson T;enty Fi=e

#urCoseF :o find an emission spectrum usin a saliva sam+ ple. MaterialsF ! re ular frequency enerator. MethodF #earch for the bottom of the resonant frequency band as in the previous lesson. Dou may store it in the refri erator for a few weeks without seein a chan e. !fter that the band be ins to shrink.

Lesson T;enty Si?

#urCoseF :o observe the effect of dyin on the bandwidth. MethodF @ree>e the insect you tested in Cesson :wenty to kill it humanely. (epeat the search for its bandwidth. *ote the bandwidth has become very narrow. *ote the bandwidth also depends on the accuracy of your particular frequency enerator.

Lesson T;enty Se=en

#urCoseF :o find unknown invaders of your body. MethodF #tart at &-- BH> and proceed down to 44 BH> in % BH> steps, to search for all patho ens. If you find a resonatin frequency, o to the )atho en @requency Chart 0pa e '1%2 to


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

identify likely candidates for it. /erify the identity of the invader by usin a slide or culture specimen. If your patho en remains unidentified, add it to the chart. :his lets you determine whether the ne;t illness is new or a recurrence of this one. 8r Kust kill it. ,se the frequency enerator at one patho enGs frequency. Wait ten minutes and retest all of the ones you found. 8nly that one will be one. *ow HaC, wait ten minutes, and test a ain for all of the ones you found. *otice they are all one. !fter one hour, search yet a ain for the patho ens you had. !ny that are back must have come from an internal source not reached by the >apper current, like from the bowel or an abscess.

Lesson T;enty Ei<ht

#urCoseF :o observe the action of a positive offset frequency on a very small animal. "oes the animal die or is it Kust incapacitatedL MaterialsF ! slu or small earthworm. MethodF )lace the small animal in a plastic container like a cotta e cheese carton. !dd a few tsp. of water to wet the bottom. !ttach a metal teaspoon to each of the enerator clips. )lace them on opposite sides in the carton and fasten with tape. #et the enerator to positive offset at a frequency of about 7- BH> and ' to %- volts. E;periment with different volta es and compare effectiveness. Measure the time it takes for the animal to seem lifeless. Dou may try to revive it by keepin it for some time in the presence of food. (etest its emission band.

Lesson T;enty +ine

#urCoseF :o kill the bacteria in dairy products. MaterialsF ! lass of re ular pasteuri>ed milk, a carton of cotta e cheese. ! >apper.


MethodF #earch for $almonellas and $higellas first in the milk and cotta e cheese. #earch by frequency, usin the chart, or with slides of these bacteria. If you donGt find any, search dif+ferent dairy foods until you find some bacteria. !ttach metal teaspoons to the red and black leads of the enerator. )lace them inside the milk lass or cotta e cheese carton, across from each other. #ecure with maskin tape. !ttach the >apper. Aap them for 4 minutes. (emove the electrodes and wait ' minutes. :est a ain for the same bacteria. :hey should be one 0but the food is not safe to eat due to the metal released from the teaspoons2. :hese e;periments point to some e;citin possibilities. )er+ haps water supplies as well as foods and medicines could be sterili>ed this way. )erhaps sewa e could be treated more effi+ ciently, electrically. .est of all, maybe you could protect your+ self from unsanitary products. If you do decide to e;plore this possibility, remember not to put metals in your mouth or food. *or to use currents reater than %- milliamps, or for lon er than %- minutes.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# :here are many commercially available function enerators that can meet your needs. :wo are shown here.

Fig, 63 Function generators,


(ead old recipe books for the fun and savin s of makin your own nutritious food. Chan e the recipes to avoid processed in redients. Here are some I found9

$e%erage Recipes
!nythin made in your own Kuicer is fine. E;periment with new combinations to create different flavorful fruit and ve etable Kuices. Consider the lu;ury of preparin ourmet Kuices which satisfy your own individual palate instead of the mass+produced, polluted varieties sold at rocery stores. (emember to wash all fruit, includin citrus before Kuicin . :his removes the ever+present pesticides and common fruit mold.

% cup fresh lemon Kuice, % cup honey, %Uquarts water. .rin honey and water to a boil if you plan to keep it several days. :hen add lemon Kuice and store in the refri erator. !ll honey and maple syrup should have vitamin C added to it as soon as it arrives from the supermarket. Warm it firstO then stir in V tsp. per pint.

Fresh Tomato Jui>e

#immer for Uhour9 %6 medium+si>ed raw, ripe tomatoes, U cup water, % slice onion, 6 ribs celery with leaves, Ubay leaf, 7 spri s parsley. #train these in redients. #eason with9 % tsp. salt


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# 0aluminum+free2, V tsp. paprika, Utsp. honey. #erve thorou hly chilled. Makes about 3 servin s.

Fresh #ineaCCle Jui>e

)eel a pineapple. (emove all soft spots. Cut it into cubes. E;tract the Kuice by puttin the pineapple throu h a food rinder or a blender. :here will be very little pulp. #train the Kuice and serve it on ice with spri s of mint. Makes about %Ucups of Kuice. Mi; the pulp with an equal amount of clover honey and use as toppin 0kept in free>er2 for homemade ice cream 0below2, pancakes, or yo urt.

MaCle Milk Shake

@or each milk shake, blend or shake to ether9 % lass of milk and 6 tablespoons maple syrup.

Remem#er+ all milk gets #oiled. )ankee Drink

Mi; to ether % al. water, 7 cups honey, Ucup fresh lemon Kuice or distilled white vine ar, and % tsp. in er.

&ot %anilla Milk

!dd one inch of vanilla bean and one tsp. honey to a lass of milk and brin to a near boil. Dou may add a pinch of cinnamon or other pure spice. Dou may even use vanilla e;tract 0see $ources2.



Red Milk
Equal parts fresh carrot Kuice 0use a Kuicer2 and sterili>ed milk. #ave the carrot pulp for salads and soups.

Milk can absorb a surprisin amount of vitamin C powder without curdlin or chan in its flavor. :ry Utsp. in a lass of cold milk.

My ';n Soda #oC

E;cellent for stomach distress. )ut % tsp. citric acid, 6 tbs. ve etable lycerin 0see $ources2, 6 tbs. honey, and % lemon, Kuiced by hand, into a quart Kar and fill with cold water. (efri + erate until ready to use. :hen add % tsp. bakin soda 0chemically pure only, see $ources2 and shake a few times, keepin the lid ti ht. )our over a few ice cubes. Many variations are possible9 other fruit concentrates, made in the blender, can be used alon with some lemon KuiceO for e;ample, 6 blended whole apples 0peeled2, blended pineapple, oran e or rapefruit. !lways add a bit of lemon to ive it >ip. Dou may add a pinch of in er or other pure spice. *ote9 :he amount of sodium in Utsp. bakin soda is .341 rams. If you have heart disease, hi h blood pressure, or edema, use potassium bicarbonate instead. !sk your doctor what an ac+ ceptable amount of sodium or potassium bicarbonate is. I would su est limitin yourself to one lass of soda pop a day, even if you do not have heart disease. !nother *ote9 the citric acid kills bacteria, while the car+ bonation brin s relief.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

My ';n SuCer C3#oC

!n e;cellent way to et lots of vitamin C into a child and relieve stomach distress at the same time. #quee>e % slice of lemon and % whole oran e into an 5 ounce bottle that has a ti ht lid. !dd % tsp. vitamin C powder 0ascorbic acid2, V tsp. citric acid, and 6 tbs. ve etable lycerin 0you may also e;periment with honey for sweetness2. @ill the bottle to the top with cold water. :hen add Utsp. chemically pure bakin soda and close ti htly. #hake briefly and serve immediately.

&alf $nd &alf

Mi; equal parts whippin cream and milk or water. .oil and chill.

#tir % tsp. vitamin C powder into a lass of milk. !dd a pinch of potassium chloride. !dditional seasonin may be pepper and herbs. #tir and enKoy.

Food Recipes
"espite the presence of aflato;ins, ben>opyrenes, and sol+ vents in many foods, it is possible to have a delicious and safe diet. Many persons need to ain wei ht, and with the emphasis in todayGs society on losin wei ht, consider yourself lucky in this respect. Help yourself to lots of butter, whippin cream, whole milk, avocados, and olive oil. Make your own preserves and baked oods, includin breads. (emember, when you are recoverin from a maKor illness it is essential not to diet to lose wei ht. Dou must wait two years after you are recovered to try to lose wei ht.



Daily Foods
Dairy Crodu>ts should contain at least 6< fat to enable you to absorb the calcium in them.

All milk should #e sterili4ed

by boilin it for %- seconds. If it makes mucous, you already have a chronic respiratory infection. :ry to clear this up. Chan e brands every time you shop to prevent the same pollutants from buildin up in your body. f fryin< or >ookin< ;ith fat , use only olive oil, butter or lard 0the .H: and .H! preservatives in lard are 8B e;cept for sei>ure sufferers2. Mi; them for added flavor in your dishes. *ever use mar arine, Crisco:M or other hydro enated fats. "o not cook over flames or rill, even when electric. Eat lots of fresh fruits and =e<etaAles. Wash them off only with cold tap water, not commercial food =wash?. #crub hard with a stiff bristled brush. :hen cut away blemishes. !lways peel potatoes, apples, and carrots. Modern dirt is full of chemi+ cals and is to;ic to you. .e sure to drink plenty of Clain ;ater from your cold faucet throu hout the day, especially if it is difficult for you to drink it with your meals. If you donGt like the taste of your own tap water, try to et it from a friend with newer plumbin . ,se a poly+ ethylene 0opaque2 water Ku from a rocery store to transport it. *ever drink water that has been run throu h a water softener or copper plumbin or has traveled throu h a lon plastic hose. "onGt drink water that has stood in a container for a day. "ump it and sterili>e the container. :o further improve flavor and to dechlorinate attach a small faucet filter made of carbon only. 8r


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

buy a filter pitcher 0see $ources2. "onGt drink water that has stood in the filter pitcher very lon , either. .ecause commercial >old >ereals are very convenient, but have solvents, here are two replacements.

T;o Granolas
; cups rolled oats 4old $ashioned' not Juic 5 + tsp! salt + cup wheat &erm 4$resh' not de$atted5 cup hone% cup sun$lower seeds' immaculate Jualit% cup mil 4no need to sterili(e' it is #ein& #a ed5 cup melted #utter + cup raisins' rinsed in vitamin C water

Mi; dry in redients to ether. Mi; liquid in redients and add radually, while tossin until thorou hly mi;ed. )lace in lar e un reased pans and bake in slow 06'-[2 oven. #tir occasionally, bakin until brown and dry, usually %+6 hours. #tore in airti ht container in free>er.
3 cups rolled oats
cup raw wheat &erm + cup sesame seeds

+ cup sun$lower seeds 4raw' unsalted5 + tsp! cinnamon cup melted #utter cup hone%

)reheat oven to 6'-[. :oss all in redients in mi;in bowl. #pread thinly on a bakin sheet and bake 6-+6' minutes. #tir often in order to brown evenly. When olden, remove and let cool. Makes %6 cups. If you would like to add nuts to your ranola recipes, rinse them in cold tap water first, to which vitamin C powder has been added 0V tsp. per pint2. :his removes aflato;ins.



#eanut Butter
,se fresh unsalted roasted peanutsRthey will be white on the first day they arrive at the health food store from the distributor. 0!sk when they will arrive.2 8r shell fresh roasted peanuts yourself, throwin away all shriveled or darkened nuts. Frind, addin salt and vita+ min C 0V tsp. per pint2 as you o. @or spreadability, espe+ cially for children, Fig, 64 5ight colore#, roaste# peanuts rind an equal in the shell ha# no aflato%in, volume of cold butter alon with the peanuts. :his improves spreadability and di estibility of the hard nut particles. :his will probably be the most heavenly peanut butter your mouth has ever e;perienced.

S;eetenin< and Fla=orin<

Bro;n Su<ar. !lthou h I am preKudiced a ainst all su ar from a health standpoint, my testin revealed no ben>ene, propyl alcohol, wood alcohol. However it does contain sor hum mold and must be treated with vitamin C to deto;ify it. !dd V tsp. to a % pound packa eO knead until well mi;ed. MaCle syruC. !dd vitamin C to newly opened bottle, V tsp. to retard mold. Beep refri erated and use promptly. Fla=orin<. ,se maple, vanilla 0both natural and artificial2, and any pure spice. :hey are free of molds and solvents. &oneys. Fet at least 3 flavors for variety9 linden blossom, oran e blossom, plain clover and local or wild flower honey.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# !dd vitamin C to newly opened Kar to deto;ify er ot mold 0V tsp. per pint2. Jams and Iellies. :hey are not safe unless homemade. Fruit syruC. ,se one packa e fro>en fruit, such as cherries, blueberries or raspberries. Cet thaw and measure the amount in cups 0it mi ht say on the packa e2. !dd an equal amount of clover honey to the fruit. !lso add V tsp. vitamin C powder. Mi; it all in a quart cannin Kar and store in the refri erator. ,se this on pancakes, cereal, plain yo urt and homemade ice cream too. ,se to make your own flavored bevera es in a selt>er maker or to make soda pop. If you wish to use fresh fruit, brin it to a boil to sterili>e. ,se it up in a few days or boil to sterili>e it a ain.

Note for dia#etics

"iabetics must not use artificial sweeteners. *or can they use all the sweeteners listed. :ry stevia powder instead.

Beep 7 or 3 kinds on hand, such as peach, pineapple, and pear. )eel and chop the fruit. It should not have any bruises. If you use a metal knife, rinse the fruit li htly afterwards. !dd Kust enou h water to keep the fruit from stickin as it is cooked 0usually a few tablespoons2. :hen add an equal amount of honey, or to taste and heat a ain to boilin . )ut in sterile Kars in refri erator. Make marmalade the same way, slicin the fruit and peel thinly. !lways add vitamin C powder to a partly used Kar to inhibit mold. *ever use up partly molded fruit by makin preserves out of it. :hrow it out.



C Dressin<
M cup olive oil S cup $resh lemon Buice or white distilled vine&ar + tsp! th%me' $enu&ree or #oth 4capsules are $reshest5
+ tsp! vitamin C powder M tsp! #rown su&ar

Combine the in redients in a clean salad dressin bottle. #hake. (efri erate. :he basic recipe is the oil and vine ar in a 69% ratio. !fter mi;in these, add any pure spice desired. 8r add fresh tomato chunks for creaminess.

Cheese Sau>e
!dd milk to cheese in equal amounts. Fradually heat to boilin while stirrin . !dd more of either to obtain the desired consistency. .oil %- seconds. ,se immediately.

Sour Cream3C
. cups heav% whippin& cream' previousl% #oiled tsp! citric acid tsp! vitamin C powder + tsp! $resh onion Buice or other seasonin& 4optional5

#tir until smooth, refri erate 6 hours.

.uy a yo urt maker. .e sure and use boiled milk.

!ll home made soups are nutritious and safe, provided you use no processed in redients 0like bouillon2, or make them in metal pots. ,se herbs and aluminum+free salt to season. !lways add a dash of vitamin C or tomato Kuice or vine ar to draw out calcium from soup bones for you to absorb.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Fish and Seafood re>iCe

!ny kind of fish or seafood is acceptable, provided it is well+cooked. "onGt buy food that is already in batter. :he sim+ plest way to cook fish is to poach it in milk. It can be taken strai ht from the free>er, rinsed, and placed in V inch of milk 0unboiled is fine2 in the fryin pan. Heat until it is cooked. :urn over and repeat. :hrow away the milk. #erve with fresh lemon and herbs.

Baked $CCles
)eel and core carefully. (emove all bruises 0this is where the patulin is2. Cut in bite+si>ed pieces, add a minimum of water and cook or bake minimally. !dd a squirt of lemon Kuice when done. #erve with cinnamon, whippin cream and honey.

9ce creams
from the rocery store are loaded with ben>ene and other solvents. @ortunately there are ice cream makers that do every+ thin 0no crankin 2N 8r try our recipe which uses a blender. .e sure not to add store bou ht flavors, e;cept vanilla or maple.

* Minute >e Cream

0#trawberry2 ,se 6 half pints of whippin cream, previously boiled, % packa e of fro>en strawberries 0about %- o>.2, and U cup clover honey. )our fro>en strawberries into blender. )our whippin cream and honey over them. .lend briefly 0about %seconds2, not lon enou h to make butterN )our it all into a lar e plastic bowl. Cover with a close fittin plastic ba and place in free>er. )repare it a day ahead. :ry usin other fro>en fruits, such as blueberries and cherries. Beep a few berries out of the


(ECI)E# blender and stir them in quickly with a non+metal spoon before settin the bowl in the free>er. :here are many ice cream recipes to be found in old cook books. !void those with raw e s or processed foods as in redients. Dou may add nuts if you rinse them in vitamin C water.

Cookies+ cakes and pies

.ake them from scratch, usin unprocessed in redients. ,se simple recipes from old cook books.

Se%en Day Sample >enu

.ecause processed foods have many to;ins, you must cook as much from scratch as possible. #o for convenience sake, keep your meals simple in preparation. Dou may want to prepare ahead and refri erate your dressin s and toppin s. 8r you could make a hot soup for dinner, refri erate, and eat the leftovers for lunch. "onGt save leftovers more than two days. Make sure they are covered. :ry bakin several potatoes at one time, refri erate and put them in a salad the ne;t ni ht. /ariety is the spice of life, so combine the allowed foods in the most creative ways you can ima ine. !nd donGt for et herbs and spicesO learn to use them from old cook books.
Day $reakfast Granola and hone% with mil ' hal$ n) hal$ or whippin& cream + cup $resh sJuee(ed $ruit Buice Water /il =unch Fresh &round peanut #utter and preserve sandwich Soup /il Water Dinner =ran&e rou&h% $ish Fresh &reen #eans with #utter 8a ed potato with Sour Cream7C toppin& or $resh chives *ie 4homemade5 /il + cup $resh sJuee(ed or $ro(en ve&eta#le Buice Water


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Day 8 E&& 4limit is .5 Fried potatoes + &lass mil *eppermint her# tea Fresh oran&e Buice 8a&el 4$rom #a er%5 Sour Cream7C "omato + cup ve&eta#le Buice Water /il Homemade #ean or lentil soup Sardines Dinner roll and #utter Salad Homemade dressin& Ice cream 4homemade5 Water 8a ed sweet potato with #utter and sweetenin&! Fresh #roccoli with cheese sauce 8read and #utter Chopped' peeled pear and whippin& cream + cup ve&eta#le Buice /il Water ?o#ster or saut\ed shrimp Fresh aspara&us *otatoes' an% st%le M cup ve&eta#le Buice Water /il + can sardines or salmon in eas%7open can 4can openers shed metal5 Salad o$ lettuce' tomato' olives' avocado with homemade dressin& 8read with #utter Ice7cream 4optional5 M cup ve&eta#le Buice Water /il Gourmet pi((a@ home #a ed #read topped with olive oil' sliced tomato or homemade sauce' &rated cheese' sardines or anchovies' chopped ve&eta#les' &arlic and onion Salad /il Water

Day 7

Cream o$ Wheat"/ coo ed with raisins and mil 8anana *eppermint her# tea M cup mil Water

"una sandwich with olives and #utter Soup /il Water

Day 6

Day 5

French toast with maple s%rup E&& Homemade &rape$ruit Buice /il Water Coo ed cereal + &lass mil Sliced #anana with whippin& cream and hone% + &lass water

Avocado and sour cream sandwich M cup ve&eta#le Buice 8read and #utter Water

Cold potato salad with C Dressin& Soup M cup ve&eta#le Buice Custard Water /il

Day 2

E&& and homemade #iscuit with hone% and #utter /il Fruit Buice 4homemade5 Water

Homemade peanut #utter sandwich M cup ve&eta#le Buice /il Water

52 4

Day 1 *anca es 8anana or chopped $ruit with cream /il Water Salmon sandwich 4$rom $lip top can5 M cup ve&eta#le Buice /il Water Stir7$r% ve&eta#les@ #roccoli' carrots' ca#7 #a&e' in olive oil and #utter 8read and #utter *ie 4optional5 /il Water

(emember, take vitamin C and .+comple; with each meal.

Too Sick To Cook+ Too Tired To &at

)ick three meals from the sample menu that need no cookin and eat them every day.

Recipes for Natural $ody "roducts

Dou can use Kust bora; 0like 6- Mule :eam .ora; 2 and :M washin soda 0like !rm I Hammer #uper Washin #oda 2 for all types of cleanin includin your body, laundry, dishes and your houseN Dou donGt need all of those products you see in commercials for each special taskN Even if you have dry skin, difficult hair or some other unique requirement, Kust pure bora; will satisfy these needs. ! part of every skin problem is due to the to;ic elements found in the soaps themselves. @or instance aluminum is commonly added as a =skin moisturi>er?. It does this by impre natin the skin and attractin water, ivin the illusion of moist skin. In fact you simply have moist aluminum stuck in your skin which your immune system must remove. While bora; wonGt directly heal your skin or comple;ion, it does replace the a ents that are causin dama e, so that healin can occur.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Bora? LiDuid SoaC

Empt% + &allon Bu& +C6 cup #orax powder *lastic $unnel

@unnel the bora; into the Ku , fill with cold tap water. #hake a few times. Cet settle. In a few minutes you can pour off the clear part into dispenser bottles. :his is the soapN Easier way9 use any bottle, pour bora; powder to a depth of a Uinch or so. !dd water. #hake. When you have used it down to the undissolved ranules, add more water and shake a ain. !dd more bora; when the undissolved ranules et low. Beep a dispenser by the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and shower. It does not contain aluminum as re ular deter ents and soaps do, and which probably contribute to !l>heimerGs disease. It does not contain )C.s as many commercial and health food varieties do. It does not contain cobalt 0the blue or reen ran+ ules2 which causes heart disease and draws cancer parasites to the skin. Commercial deter ents and non+soaps are simply not safe. #witch to homemade bar soap and bora; for all your tasksN .ora; inhibits the bacterial en>yme urease and is therefore an+ tibacterial. It may even clear your skin of blemishes and stop your scalp from itchin .

For Laundry
.ora; 0Ucup per load2. It is the main in redient of non+ chlorine bleach and has e;cellent cleanin power without fadin colors. Dour re ular laundry soap may contain )C.s, aluminum, cobalt and other chemicals. :hese et rubbed into your skin constantly as you wear your clothin . @or bleachin 0only do this occasionally2 use ori inal chlorine bleach 0not =new improved? or =with special bri hteners?, and so forth2. "onGt use chlorine if there is an ill person in the house. @or ettin out


(ECI)E# stubborn dirt at collars, scrub with homemade bar soap firstO for stains, try rain alcohol, vine ar, bakin soda.

For Dishes
"onGt believe your eyes when you see the commercials where the smilin person pulls a shinin dish out of reasy suds. !ny dish soap that you use should be safe enou h to eat because nothin rinses off clean. (e ular dish deter ents, includin health brands, are now polluted with )C.s. :hey also contain harmful chemicals. ,se bora; for your dishes. 8r use paper plates and plastic 0not styrofoam2 cups.

n The Dish;asher
,se 6 tsp. bora; powder pre+dissolved in water. If you use too much it will leave a film on your dishes. ,se vine ar in the rinse cycle.

n The Sink
,se a dishpan in the sink. ,se V cup bora; and add a mini+ mum of water. !lso keep a bit of dry bora; in a saucer by the sink for scourin . "onGt use any soap at all for dishes that arenGt reasy and can be washed under the faucet with nothin but runnin water. :hrow away your old spon e or brush or cloth because it may be )C. contaminated. #tart each day by steril+ i>in your spon e 0it harbors #almonella2 or with a new one while the used one dries for three full days. Clean reasy pots and pans with a paper towel first. :hen use homemade bar soap.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Fig, 66 Ea&e a bottle of bora% liDui# to fill +our soap #ispens* ers an# shampoo bottle, Kse citric aci# to rinse an# con#ition,

.ora; liquid is ready to use as shampoo, too. It does not lather but oes ri ht to work removin sweat and soil without strippin your color or natural oils. It inhibits scalp bacteria and stops flakin and itchin . Hair ets squeaky clean so quickly 0Kust a few squirts does it2 that you mi ht think nothin has happenedN Dou will soon be accustomed to non+lathery soap. (inse very thorou hly because you should leave your scalp sli htly acidic. :ake a pint container to the shower with you. )ut V tsp. citric 0not ascorbic2 acid crystals 0see $ources2 in it. @or lon hair use a quart of rinse. 8nly >itri> a>id is stron enou h to et the bora; out, lemon Kuice and vine ar are not. !fter shampooin , fill the container with water and rinse. (inse your whole body, too, since citric acid is also anti+bacterial. !ll hair shampoo penetrates the eye lids and ets into the eyes althou h you do not feel it. It is important to use this natural rinse to neutrali>e the shampoo in your eyes. 0#ome people have


(ECI)E# stated that citric acid makes their hair curlier or reddens it. If this is undesirable, use only half as much citric acid.2 Citric acid also conditions and ives body and sheen to hair.

&air SCray
I donGt have a recipe that holds your hair as well as the bottle of chemicals you can buy at the store. (emarkably a little lemon Kuice 0not from a bottle2 has some holdin power and no odorN .uy a % cup spray bottle. #quee>e part of a lemon, lettin only the clear Kuice run into the bottle. @ill with water. Beep it in the refri erator. Make it fresh every week. #prayin with Kust plain water is nearly as oodN @or shinier hair, drop a bit of lemon peel into the bottle.

&omemade SoaC
A small plastic dishpan' a#out +2A x +.A A &lass or enamel .7Juart sauce pan

+ can o$ l%e 4sodium h%droxide5' +. ounces < pounds o$ lard 48H" and 8HA are => here5 *lastic &loves Water

%. )our 7 cups of very cold water 0refri erate water overni ht first2 into the 6+quart saucepan. 6. #lowly and carefully add the lye, a little bit at a time, stir+ rin it with a wooden or plastic utensil. 0,se plastic loves for thisO test them for holes first.2 "o not breathe the vapor or lean over the container or have children nearby. !bove all use no metal. :he mi;ture will et very hot. In olden days, a sassafras branch was used to stir, impartin a fra+ rance and insect deterrent for mosquitoes, lice, fleas, ticks.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

7. Cet cool at least one hour in a safe place. Meanwhile, the unwrapped lard should be warmin up to room temperature in the plastic dishpan. 3. #lowly and carefully, pour the lye solution into the dishpan with the lard. :he lard will melt. Mi; thorou hly, at least %' minutes, until it looks like thick puddin . '. Cet it set until the ne;t mornin O then cut it into bars. It will et harder after a few days. :hen packa e. If you wish to make soap based on olive oil, use about 35 ounces. It may need to harden for a week.

LiDuid SoaC
Make chips from your homemade soap cake. !dd enou h hot water to dissolve. !dd citric acid to balance the pH 04 to 52. If you do not, this soap may be too harsh for your skin.

Skin SanitiHer
Make up a ' to %-< solution of food rade alcohol. @ood rade alcohols are rain 0ethyl2 alcohol or vodka. @ind a suit+ able dispenser bottle. Mark it with a pen at about one tenth of the way up from the bottom. )our &'< rain alcohol 0%&proof2 to this mark 0for '-< rain alcohol or vodka make your mark one fifth of the way up2. !dd water to the top. Beep shut. Dou may add a chip of lemon peel for fra rance. ,se this for eneral saniti>in purposes9 bathroom fi;tures, knobs, handles, canes, walkers, and for personal cleanliness 0but use chlorine bleach for the toilet bowl once a week2. !lways clean up after a bowel movement with wet toilet paper. :his is not clean enou h, thou h. @ollow with a stron er damp paper towel. :his is still not clean enou hO use a final damp paper towel with skin saniti>er added. !fter washin hands, saniti>e them too, pourin a bit on one palm and put fin er tips of the


(ECI)E# other hand in it, scratch to et under nails, repeat on other hand. (inse with water. "o not use this recipe, nor keep any bottles of alcohol in the house of a recoverin alcoholic.

Dour sweat is odorless. It is the entrenched bacteria feedin on it that make smells. Dou can never completely rid yourself of these bacteria, althou h they may temporarily be one after >appin . :he strate y is to control their numbers. Here are sev+ eral deodorants to try. @ind one that works best for you9 %itamin C ;ater. Mi; V tsp. to a pint of water and dab it on. :hen dab on cornstarch. Citri> $>id ;ater. Mi; V tsp. to a pint of water and dab it on. :hen dab on cornstarch. 8nly a few drops of these acids under each armpit are nec+ essary. If these acids burn the skin, dilute them more. *ever ap+ ply anythin to skin that has Kust been shavedN Corn star>h. Many people need only this. "ab it on. ,se only unpolluted >ornstar>h 0see $ources2. .akin soda has been deleted as a deodorant because ben+ >ene was found in some bo;es. Lemon Iui>e. :his acid is not as stron , use what you need. #ure al>ohol 0never rubbin alcohol2. :he food rade alco+ hols are rain alcohol and vodka. "ab a bit under each arm andHor on your shirt or blouse, then dab on cornstarch. If the al+ cohol burns, dilute it with water. .e very careful not to leave the


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# bottle where a child or alcoholic person could find it. )our it into a different bottleN #ure Hin> o?ide. Dou may ask your pharmacist to order this for you. #he or he may wish to make it up for you too, but do not let them add anythin else to it. It should be about % part >inc o;ide powder to 7 parts water. It does not dissolve. Eust shake it up to use it. !fter you et it home, you can add cornstarch to it to ive it a creamy te;ture. Heat 7 tsp. cornstarch in % cup of water, to boilin , until dissolved and clear. Cool and add some to the >inc o;ide mi;ture 0about equal parts2. #tore unused starch mi;ture in the refri erator. 8nly make up enou h for a month. $l>ohol and Hin> o?ide. :his is the most powerful deodor+ ant. !pply alcohol first, then the >inc o;ide, then dab on corn+ starch. (emember that you need to sweatN #weatin e;cretes to;ic substances, especially from the upper body. "onGt use deodorant on weekends. Fo to the sink and wipe clean the armpits like our randparents did. 8ften, Kust plain cornstarch is enou hN :hese homemade deodorants are not as powerful as the commercial varietiesPthis is to your advanta e.

Brushin< Teeth
.uy a new toothbrush. Dour old one is soaked with to;ins from your old toothpaste. ,se only water or chemically pure bakin soda if you have any metal fillin s. )ut a pinch in a lass, add water to dissolve it. ,se food+ rade hydro en pero;ide 0see $ources2 if you have only plastic fillin s. "ilute it from 7'< to %4U< by addin water 0equal parts2. #tore hydro en pero;ide only in polyethylene or the ori inal plastic bottle. ,se 3 or ' drops on your toothbrush. It should fi>> nicely as o;y en is produced in your mouth. Dour teeth will whiten noticeably in 1 months. .efore brushin teeth, floss with 3 or 6 pound mon+


(ECI)E# ofilament fish line. "ouble it and twist for e;tra stren th. (inse before use. @loss and brush only once a day. If this leaves you uncomfortable, brush the e;tra times with plain water and a second =water+only? toothbrush. Make sure that nothin solid, like powder, is on your toothbrushO it will scour the enamel and ive you sensitive teeth, especially as you et older and the enamel softens. #alt is corrosiveRdonGt use it for brushin metal teeth. )lain water is Kust as ood.

For Dentures
,se salt water. It kills all erms and is ine;pensive. #alt water plus rain alcohol or food+ rade hydro en pero;ide makes a ood denture+soak.

! few drops of food rade hydro en pero;ide added to a little water in a lass should be enou h to make your mouth foam and cleanse. "onGt use hydro en pero;ide, thou h, if you have metal fillin s, because they react. "onGt use re ular dru store variety hydro en pero;ide because it contains to;ic additives. Health food store varieties contain solvents from the bottlin process. #ee $ources. *ever purchase hydro en pero;ide in a bottle with a metal cap. @or persons with metal tooth fillin s, use chemically pure bakin soda or Kust plain hot water. ! healthy mouth has no odorN Dou shouldnGt need a mouthwashN If you have breath odor, search for a hidden tooth infection or cavitation.

Conta>t Lens Solution

! scant cup of cold tap water brou ht to a boil in lass saucepan. !fter addin V tsp. aluminum free salt and boilin


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# a ain, pour into a sterile cannin Kar. (efri erate. @ree>e some of it.

LiC Soother
@or dry, burnin lips. Heat % level tsp. sodium al inate plus % cup water until dissolved. !fter coolin , pour it into a small bottle to carry in your purse or pocket 0refri erate the remain+der2. "ab it on whenever needed. If the consistency isnGt ri ht for you, add water or boil it down further. Dou can make a better lip soother by addin some lysine from a crushed tablet, vitamin C powder, and a vitamin E capsule to the al inate mi;. If you have a persistent problem with chapped lips, try oin off citrus Kuice.

Foot #o;der
,se a mi;ture of cornstarch and >inc o;ide poured into a salt shaker with a lid. !dd lon rice rains to fi ht humidity. Dou may also try arrow root or potato starch. If you donGt have >inc o;ide use plain cornstarch.

Skin &ealer MoisturiHer Lotion

+ tsp! sodium al&inate + cup water

Make the base first by heatin these to ether in a covered, non+metal pan until completely dissolved. ,se low heatPit will take over an hour. ,se a wooden spoon handle to stir. #et aside. :hen make the followin mi;ture9
tsp! ,itamin C 4ascor#ic acid5 4Kou ma% crush ta#lets5 tsp! l%sine 4crush ta#lets5 . t#s! pure ve&eta#le &l%cerin . vitamin E capsules 4122 units or more' each5 + tsp! apricot ernel oil 4olive oil will do5


+ t#s! lemon Buice $rom a lemon or S tsp! citric acid 4this is optional5 + cup water

Heat the water to steamin in a non+metal pan. !dd vitamin C and lysine first and then everythin else. )our into a pint Kar and shake to mi;. :hen add the sodium al inate base to the desired thickness 0about equal amounts2 and shake. )our some into a small bottle to use as lip soother. )our some into a lar er bottle to dispense on skin. #tore remainder in refri erator. 0#ee $ources for sodium al inate, ve etable lycerin and apricot ker+ nel oil. #odium al inate is also available in capsule form at some health food stores.2

'ther Skin &ealers

%itamin C Co;der 0ascorbic acid, not the same as citric acid2. )ut a lar e pinch into the palm of your hand. With your other hand pick up a few drops of water from the faucet. (ub hands to ether until all the powder is dissolved and dispensed. It may stin briefly. "o this at bedtime, especially for cracked, chapped hands. Include lips if they need it. %itamin E oil. /itamin E oil from *ow @oods was not polluted at the time of this writin , but for the future it would be safer to rely on capsules. #nip open a capsule and rub into skin. *7Q Gly>erin. "ilute %--< ve etable lycerin with an equal amount of water. :his is useful as an after shave lotion. %itamin C liDuid. Mi; V tsp. vitamin C powder in one pint water 0crushed tablets will do2. :his is useful as an after shave lotion and eneral skin treatment. $Cri>ot 1ernel 'il. :his is a very li ht oil, useful as an after shave lotion and eneral skin treatment. Cornstar>h 0see $ources2. ,se on rashes, fun us, moist or irritated areas and to prevent chafe. Combinin several of these makes them more effective.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# "ry skin has several causes9 too much water contact, too much soap contact 0switch to bora;2, low body temperature, not enou h fat in the diet, or parasites.

Massa<e 'il
,se olive oil. It comes in very li ht to heavy te;tures. )ick the ri ht one for your purpose. !l inate mi;tures can be used instead of, or added to, oil. #tarch solutions are ood, too.

Suns>reen Lotion
)urchase )!.! 0see $ources2 in '-- m tablet form. "is+ solve % tablet in rain alcohol or vodka. Frind the tablet first by puttin it in a plastic ba and rollin over it with a lass Kar. It will not completely dissolve even if you use a tablespoon of the alcohol. )our the whole mi;ture into a 3 ounce bottle of home+ made skin softener. .e careful not to et the lotion into your eyes when applyin it. ! better solution is to wear a hat or stay out of the sun. (emember to ta&e )!.! as a supplement, too 0'-- m , one a day2.

+ose Sal=e
0When the inside of the nose is dry, cracked and bleedin .2 )our Utsp. pure ve etable lycerin into a bottle cap. !dd U tsp. of water. !pplicator9 use a plastic coffee stirrer or strawO cut a slit in the end to catch some cotton wool salva ed from a vitamin bottle and twist 0cotton swabs, cotton balls and wooden toothpicks are sterili>ed with mercury which in turn is polluted with thallium2. "ip it into the lycerin mi;ture and apply inside the nose with a rotatin motion. "o each nostril with a new applicator.



8ui>k Corn Star>h Skin Softener

1 tsp! corn starch 4see Sources5 + cup water

.oil starch and water until clear, about one minute.

Cornstar>h Skin Softener

+ tsp! l%sine powder or 6 ta#lets' 022 m& each + tsp! ,itamin C powder 4ascor#ic acid5N or 6 ta#lets' 022 m& each < tsp! cornstarch 4see Sources5 ,itamin E' + capsule 122 m& S tsp! apricot ernel oil 4optional5 + cup water

.oil starch and water until clear, about one minute. !dd other in redients and stir until dissolved. Cool. )our into dis+ penser bottle. Beep refri erated when not in use. !pply after washin dishes and after showerin .

$fter Sha=es
%itamin C. V tsp. vitamin C powder, dissolved in % pint water. $Cri>ot kernel oil. %e<etaAle <ly>erin. Equal parts lycerin and water or to suit your need.

#ersonal LuAri>ants
Heat these to ether9 % level tsp. sodium al inate and % cup water in a covered non+metal pan until completely dissolved. ,se very low heat and stir with a wooden spoon handle. It takes a fairly lon time to et it perfectly smooth. !fter coolin , pour into a small dispenser bottle. Beep the remainder refri erated. 8r, mi; and heat 3 tsp. cornstarch and % cup water until completely dissolved in a covered saucepan. ,se non+metal


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

dishes and a non+metal stirrin spoon. Cool. )our some into dispenser bottle. (efri erate remainder. :his is many personGs favorite recipe.

BaAy 0iCes
Cut paper towels in quarters and stack in a closable plastic bo;. (un tap water over them, drain the e;cess. !dd % tsp. rain alcohol andHor bora; liquid on top. Close. )ut a dab of the Muick Cornstarch #oftener recipe on top of each wipe as you use it.

#eoCle 0iCes
tsp! powdered l%sine 4%ou ma% crush ta#lets5 tsp! ,itamin C powder 4%ou ma% crush ta#lets5 cup ve&eta#le &l%cerin + cup water

)repare wipes by cuttin paper towels in quarters. ,se white, unfra ranced towels that are stron enou h to hold up for this use. @old each piece in quarters a ain and stack in a plastic >ippered ba y. )our the fluid mi;ture over the stack and >ip. #tore a ba full in the free>er to take on car trips. If you want to keep them a month or more, add % tbs. rain alcohol or vodka to the recipe. @or bathroom use, dampen a roll of paper towels under the cold tap first. :hen pour about V cup of the mi;ture over the towel roll around the middle. #tore in plastic shoppin ba or stand in plastic waste basket.



Recipes For Natural Cosmetics

Eye liner and EyeAro; #en>il
Fet a pure charcoal pencil 0black only2 at an art supply store. :ry several on yourself 0brin a small mirror2 in the store to see what hardness suits you. Dou may need to wet it with water or a vitamin E perle first. "onGt put any chemicals on your e+eli#s, since this penetrates into your eye. :o check this out for yourself, close your eye ti htly and then dab lemon Kuice on your eyelid. It will soon burnN Everythin that is put on skin penetrates. 8therwise the nicotine patch and estro en patch wouldnGt work. *ot even soap belon s on your eyelidsN Charcoal pencils are cheap. Fet yourself half a do>en different kinds so you can do different thin s. Dou could also use a capsule of activated charcoal. Empty it into a saucer. Mi; lycerin and water, half and half, and add it to the charcoal powder until you et the consistency you like. ,se a brush for eyelashesO use a fin er for eyebrows.

8eet root powder 4see Sources5 +22L ve&eta#le &l%cerin

Combine % tsp. ve etable lycerin and % tsp. beet root pow+der in a saucer. #tir until perfectly smooth. :hen add Utsp. of vitamin E oil. #nip open vitamin E capsules or buy vitamin E oil 0see $ources2. /ery thick olive oil can be substituted. !pply liberally with your fin er or a lipstick brush. "o not purse or rub your lips to ether after application. :o make the lipstick stay on lon er, apply % layer of lipstick, then dab some corn starch over the lips, then apply another layer of lipstick. #tore in a small lass or plastic container in the refri erator, ti htly covered in a plastic ba .


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Fa>e #o;der
,se cornstarch from the ori inal bo;. Dou may also try arrow root starch or potato starch. ,se your fin ers or a tissue to apply because applicators can carry bacteria.

Blush Lfa>e Co;der in a >ake formM

!dd '-< lycerin to cornstarch in a saucer to make a paste. #lowly add beet root powder to the desired color. ,se part of a charcoal capsule to darken it, if desired. ! drop of food rade alcohol will also darken it. :o make '-< lycerin, add equal parts of lycerin and water. :ry to make the consistency the same as your brand name product, and you can even put it back in your brand name container.

Recipes For !ousehold "roducts

Floor Cleaner
,se washin soda from the rocery store. Dou may add bora; and boric acid 0to deter insects e;cept ants2. ,se white distilled vine ar in your rinse water for a natural shine and ant repellent. "o not add bleach to this. @or the bathroom floor use plain bleach waterRfollow the label. *ever use chlorine bleach if anybody in the home is ill or suffers from depression. ,se rain alcohol 0% pint to 7 quarts water2 for erm killin action instead of chlorine.

Furniture Duster and 0indo; Cleaner

Mi; equal parts white distilled vine ar and water. )ut it in a spray bottle.



Furniture #olish
! few drops of olive oil on a dampened cloth. ,se filtered water to dampen.

nse>t 1iller
.oric acid powder 0not bora;2. :hrow liberal amounts be+ hind stove, refri erator, under carpets and in carpets. #ince boric acid is white, you must be careful not to mistake it for su ar accidentally. Beep it far away from food and out of childrenGs reach. .uy it at a farm supply or arden store 0or see $ources2. It will not kill ants.

$nt ReCellent
#pray '-< white distilled vine ar on counter tops, window sills and shelves and wipe, leavin residue. #tart early in sprin before they arrive, because it takes a few weeks to rid yourself of them once they are established. If you want immediate action, et some lemons, cut the yellow outer peel off and cover with rain alcohol in a ti htly closed Kar. Cet stand at least one hour. ,se % part of this concentrate with & parts water in a spray bottle. Mi; only as much as you will use because the diluted form loses potency. #pray walls, floors, carpets wherever you see them. :he lemon solution even leaves a shine on your counters. ,se both vine ar and lemon approaches to rid yourself of ants. :o treat the ;hole house, pour vine ar all around your foundation, close to the wall, usin one allon for every five feet. E;pect to dama e any folia e it touches. (eapply every si; months.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Flo;er and Folia<e SCray

@ood+ rade hydro en pero;ide. #ee instructions on bottle.

Moth Balls
I found this recipe in an old recipe book. Mi; the followin and scatter in trunks and ba s containin furs and woolens9 Ulb. each rosemary and mint, V lb. each tansy and thyme, 6 tbs. powdered cloves.

CarCet Cleaner
Whether you rent a machine or have a cleanin service, donJt use the carpet shampoo they want to sell, even if they = uarantee? that it is all natural and safe. Instead add these to a bucket 0about four allons2 of water and use it as the cleanin solution9
Wash water +C< cup #orax Rinse water S cup &rain alcohol . tsp! #oric acid S cup white distilled vine&ar or 1 tsp! citric acid

.ora; does the cleanin O alcohol disinfects, boric acid leaves a pesticide residue, and the vine ar or citric acid ive luster. If you are Kust makin one pass on your carpet, use the bora;, alcohol, and boric acid. (emember to test everythin you use on an unnoticed piece of carpet first.



!ealth 9mpro%ement Recipes

Bla>k 0alnut &ull Tin>ture
:his new recipe is four times as stron as the previous one, so it is called Bla>k 0alnut &ull Tin>ture E?tra Stren<th.
Kour lar&est enamel or ceramic 4not stainless steel' not aluminum5 coo in& pot' pre$era#l% at least +2 Juarts 8lac walnuts' in the hull' each one still at least 02L &reen' enou&h to $ill the pot to the top Grain alcohol' a#out 02L stren&th' enou&h to cover the walnuts M tsp! vitamin C
*lastic wrap or cellophane Glass Bars or #ottles

:he black walnut tree produces lar e reen balls in fall. :he walnut is inside, but we will use the whole ball, uncracked, since the active in redient is in the reen outer hull. (inse the walnuts carefully, put them in the pot, and cover with the alcohol. #prinkle on half the vitamin C. #eal with plastic wrap and cover. Cet sit for three days. )our into lass Kars or bottles, discardin walnuts, and divide the remainin vitamin C amon st the Kars. If the lass Kar has a metal lid, first put plastic wrap over the top before screwin on the lid. )otency is stron for several years if unopened, even if it darkens. Dou have Kust made E;tra #tren th .lack Walnut Hull :incture. It is stron er than the concentrate made with Kust a few black walnuts in a quart Kar 0my earlier recipe2, because there are more walnuts per unit liquid. In addition, you will not dilute it before use 0althou h when you take it, it will usually be in water2.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# When preparin the walnuts, rinse only with cold tap water. Dou may need to use a brush on areas with dirt. If you are not oin to use all of them in this batch, you may free>e them in a resealable plastic ba . #imply refri eratin them does not keep them from turnin black and useless. :he pot of soakin walnuts should not be refri erated. *or does the final tincture need any refri eration. E;posure to air does cause the tincture to darken and lose potency. :o reduce air e;posure, fill the pot as much as possible, without touchin the plastic wrap, while still keepin a snu fittin lid. Even more importantly, the lass Kars or bottles you use to store your tincture should have as little air space as possible, without touchin the plastic wrap on top. ! lar e Kar should be divided into smaller ones when you are ready to use it. :he idea is not to have partial Kars, with a lot of air space, sittin for lon er than a month or so. :here are several ways to make a '-< rain alcohol solu+ tion. #ome states have Everclear, :M &'< alcohol. Mi; this half and half with water. 8ther states have Everclear that is 41.'< alcohol. Mi; this three parts Everclear to one part water. Det another method is to buy vodka that is %-- proof. :his is already '-< alcohol. (emember, never use any kind of purchased water to make tincture.

Bla>k 0alnut &ull Tin>ture LRe<ular Stren<thM

:his is the potency I used ori inally. It is included here in case you prefer it or wish to treat a pet. :he E;tra #tren th recipe is four times as potent as the ori inal recipe, so it must be diluted in quarters. 0#imilarly, if you have a lot of the (e ular #tren th left and want to use it in place of E;tra #tren th, simply take four times as much.2


8lac Walnut Hull "incture Extra Stren&th Grain Alcohol' a#out +2L

Mi; one part e;tra stren th tincture with three parts of the %-< alcohol. #tore in lass containers same as described above. :here are several ways to make a %-< rain alcohol solu+ :M tion. #ome states have Everclear, &'< alcohol. Mi; this one part Everclear to nine parts water. 8ther states have Everclear that is 41.'< alcohol. Mi; this one part Everclear to seven parts water. Det another method is to buy vodka that is %-- proof 0'-< alcohol2 and mi; one part vodka with four parts water.

Bla>k 0alnut &ull E?tra>t L0ater BasedM

.ecause you do not know how commercially available e;+ tracts were made, and may not be able to test for solvent pollu+ tion, it is wisest to make it yourselfN This re>iCe is intended for al>oholi> Cersons 9 cover the reen balls in the %- quart 0non+metal2 pot with cold tap water. Heat to boilin , covered. :urn off heat. When cool, add vitamin C, cover with plastic wrap, and the lid. Cet stand for % day. It will be darker than the tincture. "o not dilute. )our into free>able containers. (efri erate what you will use in two days and free>e the rest. !dd vitamin C after thawin or durin refri eration 0V tsp. per quart2. For useF in pro rams callin for E;tra #tren th .lack Walnut Hull :incture use four times as much of this water based recipe 05 tsp. instead of 6 tsp. E;tra #tren th2. mCortant +oteF do not use bottled or purchased water to make this tincture or you could pollute it with ben>eneN


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

8uassia re>iCe
!dd %H5 cup quassia chips to 7 cups water. #immer 6-+7minutes. )our off %H5 cup now and drink it fresh. (efri erate remainder. "rink %H5 cup 3 timesHday, until a total of Ucup of chips is consumed. @lavor with spices.

Emmena<o<ue LMenstrual #eriod ndu>erM

Here are four herbs that can each brin on your period. :hey can be started anytime but the most+effective time is before your ne;t calculated period time 0count days as if you never missed a period2.
+ o( sassa$ras #ar + o( rue 4cut5 + o( marBoram her#
+ o( #lue cohosh root 1M cups #oilin& water

!dd the herbs to the boilin water and turn down to simmer, covered, for 6- minutes. "o not boil. #train and refri erate in sterile lass Kar. )our one cup for yourself in the mornin . Cet warm to room temperature, and sip between meals, makin it last until supper.

Bo;el #ro<ram
.acteria are always at the root of bowel problems, such as pain, bloatin and assiness. :hey can not be killed by >appin , because the hi h frequency current does not penetrate the bowel contents. !lthou h most bowel bacteria are beneficial, the ones that are not, like $almonellas and $higellas, are e;tremely detri+ mental because they have the ability to invade the rest of your body and coloni>e a trauma site or weakened or an. :hese same


(ECI)E# bacteria coloni>e a cancer tumor and delay healin after the mali nancy is stopped. !nother reason bowel bacteria are so hard to eradicate is that we are constantly reinfectin ourselves by keepin a reser+ voir on our hands and under our fin ernails. #o the first thin to do is imCro=e sanitation. @or a serious problem, use '-< rain alcohol 0%-- proof vodka2 in a spray bottle at the bathroom sink. #terili>e your hands after bathroom use and before meals. #econdly use turmeri> 06 capsules 7 times a day, this is the common spice2 which I find helps a ainst $higella, as well as ., coli. E;pect oran e colored stool. :hird use fennel 0% capsule 7 times a day2. @ourth use di<esti=e enHyme taAlets with meals as di+ rected on the bottle. 0.ut only as lon as necessary, be+ cause these frequently harbor molds.2 @ifth use a sin le 6 tsp. dose of Bla>k 0alnut &ull Tin>ture E?tra Stren<th. !dd it to a U lass of water and sip over a %' minute period. #tay seated until any side effect from the alcohol wears off. #i;th take Cas>ara sa<rada capsules if constipated 0start with one capsule a day, use up to ma;imum on label2. (emember to drink a cup of hot water upon risin in the mornin . :his will be in to re ulate your elimination. It can take all si; to et rid of a bad $higella problem in a week. !fterward, you must continue to eat only sterile dairy products. *ote that the Bidney Cleanse is often effective with bowel problems. :ry it also. Dou will know you succeeded when your tummy is flat, there is not a sin le ur le, and your mood improvesN


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

ConstiCation Tea
Constipation is often caused by ., coli and $almonella from dairy foods, or from killin = ood? bowel bacteria with antibi+ otics 0killin a few by >appin actually restores ood flora2. Eat foods that restore the bodyGs ood bowel flora9 ve etables, ster+ ili>ed milk 0the milk su ar is essential2, lots of water. :here are a lot of remedies for constipation, but many people enKoy this tea9
+ t#s! senna tea leaves M tsp! mint leaves

.oil for one minute in a quart of water, add a dash of vitamin C and brown su ar to taste. #ip throu h the day to avoid =belly+ ache?. It can take years for the bodyGs flora to =ri ht themselves? after an antibiotic session, be patient.

0ei<ht Redu>tion
Here are two ancient herbal recipes for obesity. I have not personally determined their effectiveness. Fu>us
. o( ,ucus vesiculosus' cut 4see Sources5 < cups cold tap water

.oil for %' minutes, covered. Cool. "ose9 V cup four times a day on an empty stomach. !fter one week increase dose to Ucup. Dou may add any flavorin desired. Watch the pot carefully as it comes to a boil. If it boils over, you will have a month of stove+cleanin to do. :he odor of Fu* cus boilin is wretched. #o is the taste. Maybe arlic 0fresh2 would improve it. Fennel
+ o( $ennel seed 4crushed or powdered is $ine5


< cups cold tap water

.oil water, pour over herb. #teep 7- minutes. #train. !dd 3 o> honey 0optional2. "rink one cup each day. Dou could take them both to ether, alon with the .owel )ro ram, to be more successful, but the best sin le wei ht re+ ducer is the Civer Cleanse.

1idney Cleanse
M cup dried H%dran&ea root cup Gravel root
cup /arshmallow root 1 #unches o$ $resh parsle%

Goldenrod tincture 4leave this out o$ the recipe i$ %ou are aller&ic to it5 Gin&er capsules
Fva Frsi capsules ,e&eta#le &l%cerin

8lac Cherr% Concentrate' 6 o( ,itamin 83' .02 m& /a&nesium oxide ta#lets' <22 m&

Measure V cup of each root and set them to soak, to ether in %- cups of cold tap water, usin a non+metal container and a non+ metal lid 0a dinner plate will do2. !fter four hours 0or overni ht2 add 5 o>. black cherry concentrate, heat to boilin and simmer for 6- minutes. "rink V cup as soon as it is cool enou h. )our the rest throu h a bamboo strainer into a sterile pint Kar 0 lass2 and several free>able containers. (efri erate the lass Kar. .oil the fresh parsley, after rinsin , in % quart of water for 7 minutes. "rink V cup when cool enou h. (efri erate a pint and free>e % pint. :hrow away the parsley. "ose9 each mornin , pour to ether Zcup of the root mi;ture and Ucup parsley water, fillin a lar e mu . !dd 6- drops of oldenrod tincture and % tbs. of lycerin. "rink this mi;ture


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# in divided doses throu hout the day. Beep cold. "o not drink it all at once or you will et a stomach ache and feel pressure in your bladder. If your stomach is very sensitive, start on half this dose. #ave the roots after the first boilin , storin them in the free>er. !fter %7 days when your supply runs low, boil the same roots a second time, but add only 1 cups water and simmer only %- minutes. :his will last another 5 days, for a total of three weeks. Dou may cook the roots a third time if you wish, but the recipe ets less potent. If your problem is severe, only cook them twice. !fter three weeks, repeat with fresh herbs. Dou need to do the Bidney Cleanse for si; weeks to et ood results, lon er for severe problems. !lso take9 Fin er capsules9 one with each meal 07Hday2. ,va ,rsi capsules9 one with breakfast and two with supper. /itamin .1 06'- m 29 one a day. Ma nesium o;ide 07-- m 29 one a day. :ake these supplements Kust before your meal to avoid burpin . Some notes on this re>iCeF this herbal tea, as well as the parsley, can easily spoil. Heat it to boilin every fourth day if it is bein stored in the refri eratorO this resterili>es it. If you ster+ ili>e it in the mornin you may take it to work without refri er+ atin it 0use a lass container2. When you order your herbs, be carefulN Herb companies are not the sameN :hese roots should have a stron fra rance. If the ones you buy are barely fra rant, they have lost their active in+ redientsO switch to a different supplier. @resh roots can be used. "o not use powder.



Hydran ea 0H+#rangea arborescens2 is a common flow+ erin bush. Fravel root 0.upatorium purpureum2 is a wild flower. Marshmallow root 0Althea officinalis2 is mucila inous and kills pain. @resh parsley can be bou ht at a rocery store. )arsley flakes and dried parsley herb do not work. Foldenrod herb works as well as the tincture but you may et an aller ic reaction from smellin the herb. If you know you are aller ic to this, leave this one out of your recipe. Fin er from the rocery store works fineO you may put it into capsules for yourself 0si>e -, % or --2. :here are probably do>ens of herbs that can dissolve kidney crystals and stones. If you can only find several of those in the recipe, make the recipe anywayO it will Kust take lon er to et results. (emember that vitamin .1 and ma nesium, taken daily, can prevent o;alate stones from formin . .ut only if you stop 74 drinkin tea. :ea has %'.1 m o;alic acid per cup . ! tall lass of iced tea could ive you over 6- m o;alic acid. #witch to herb teas. Cocoa and chocolate, also, have too much o;alic acid to be used as bevera es. (emember, too, that phosphate crystals are made when you eat too much phosphate. )hosphate levels are hi h in meats, breads, cereals, pastas, and carbonated drinks. Eat less of these, and increase your milk 06<2, fruits and ve etables. "rink at least 6 pints of water a day.


"a en $rom ,ood /alues +1ed #% *ennin&ton and Church +:60!


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Cleanse your kidneys at least twice a year.

Dou can dissolve all your kidney stones in 7 weeks, but make new ones in 7 days if you are drinkin tea and cocoa and phosphated bevera es. *one of the bevera e recipes in this chapter are conducive to stone formation.

Li=er &erAs
"onGt confuse these liver herbs with the ne;t recipe for the Civer Cleanse. :his recipe contains herbs traditionally used to help the liver function, while the Civer Cleanse ets allstones out.
3 parts com$re% root' Symphytum o$$icinale 4also called nip#one root5 3 parts tannerWs oa #ar ' 8uercus alba 4white oa #ar 5
< parts &ravel root' #upatorium purpureum 4Jueen o$ the meadow5 < parts Iaco#Ws sta$$' /erbascum thapsus 4mullein her#5

. parts licorice root' Glycyrrhi-a glabra . parts wild %am root' &ioscorea villosa . parts mil thistle her#' Silybum marianum < parts walnut #ar ' 9uglans nigra' 4#lac walnut #ar 5 < parts marshmallow root' %lthea o$$icinalis 4white mallow5 + part lo#elia plant' )obelia in$lata 4#ladder pod5 + part s ullcap' Scutellaria lateri$lora 4helmet $lower5

Mi; all the herbs. !dd Ucup of the mi;ture to 6 quarts of water. .rin to a boil. )ut lid on. Cet sit for si; hours. #train and drink %Ucups per day. )ut the strained herbs in the free>er and use them one more time.

Li=er Cleanse
Cleansin the liver of allstones dramatically improves di+ estion, which is the basis of your whole health. Dou can e;pect


(ECI)E# your aller ies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you doN Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. Dou have more ener y and increased sense of well bein . Cleanin the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your bodyGs health. .ut it should not be done before the parasite pro ram, and for best results should follow the kidney cleanse and any dental work you need.
It is the Kob of the liver to make bile, % to lUquarts in a dayN :he liver is full of tubes 0 biliar+ tubing2 that deliver the bile to one lar e tube 0the common bile #uct2. :he allbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a stora e reservoir. Eatin fat or protein tri ers the allbladder to squee>e itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine. @or many persons, includin children, the biliary tubin is choked with allstones. #ome develop aller ies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the allbladder is scanned or Q+ rayed nothin is seen. :ypically, they are not in the allbladder. *ot only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on Q+ray. :here are over half a do>en varieties of allstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. :hey can be black, red, white, reen or tan colored. :he reen ones et their color from bein coated with bile. *otice in the picture how many have imbedded unidentified obKects. !re they fluke remainsL *otice how many are shaped like corks with lon itudinal rooves below the tops. We can visuali>e the blocked bile ducts from such shapes. 8ther stones are compos+itesPmade of many smaller onesPshowin that they re rouped in the bile ducts some time after the last cleanse.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

!t the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, accordin to scientists, su estin a dead bit of parasite mi ht have started the stone formin . !s the stones row and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Ima ine the situation if your arden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With allstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise.

Fig, 68 These are gallstones, Fallstones, bein porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passin throu h the liver. In this


(ECI)E# way =nests? of infection are formed, forever supplyin the body with fresh bacteria. *o stomach infection such as ulcers or in+ testinal bloatin can be cured permanently without removin these allstones from the liver.

Cleanse your li%er twice a year.

)reparation. Dou canGt clean a liver with livin parasites in it. Dou wonGt et many stones, and you will feel quite sick. Aap daily the week before, or et throu h the first three weeks of the parasite killin pro ram before attemptin a liver cleanse. If you are on the maintenance parasite pro ram, you are always ready to do the cleanse. Completin the kidney cleanse before cleansin the liver is also hi hly recommended. Dou want your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract in top workin condition so they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally absorbed from the intestine as the bile is bein e;creted. "o any dental work first, if possible. Dour mouth should be metal free and bacteria free 0cavitations are cleaned2. ! to;ic mouth can put a heavy load on the liver, burdenin it immediately after cleansin . Eliminate that problem first for best results.

Epsom salts =live oil Fresh pin &rape$ruit 1 ta#lespoons hal$ cup 4li&ht olive oil is easier to &et down5 + lar&e or . small' enou&h to sJuee(e .C< to <C1 cup Buice


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

=rnithine 1 to 6' to #e sure %ou can sleep! Don)t s ip this or %ou ma% have the worst ni&ht o$ %our li$e"o help drin potion!

?ar&e plastic straw *int Bar with lid

Choose a day like #aturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the ne;t day. :ake no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do withoutO they could prevent success. #top the parasite pro ram and kidney herbs, too, the day before. Eat a no+fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit Kuice, bread and preserves or honey 0no butter or milk2, baked potato or other ve etables with salt only. :his al+ lows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Hi her pressure pushes out more stones. 5F77 #M. "o not eat or drink after 6 oGclock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Fet your Epsom salts ready. Mi; 3 tbs. in 7 cups water and pour this into a Kar. :his makes four servin s, Zcup each. #et the Kar in the refri erator to et ice cold 0this is for convenience and taste only2. 9F77 #M. "rink one servin 0Zcup2 of the ice cold Epsom salts. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mi; % tbs. in Zcup water now. Dou may add %H5 tsp. vitamin C powder to improve the taste. Dou may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Fet the olive oil and rapefruit out to warm up. :F77 #M. (epeat by drinkin another Zcup of Epsom salts. Dou havenGt eaten since two oGclock, but you wonGt feel hun+ ry. Fet your bedtime chores done. :he timin is critical for successO donGt be more than %- minutes early or late. -F2* #M. )our Ucup 0measured2 olive oil into the pint Kar. #quee>e the rapefruit by hand into the measurin cup. (emove pulp with fork. Dou should have at least Ucup, more 0up to Z


(ECI)E# cup2 is best. Dou may top it up with lemonade. !dd this to the olive oil. Close the Kar ti htly with the lid and shake hard until watery 0only fresh rapefruit Kuice does this2. *ow visit the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you late for your ten oGclock drink. "onGt be more than %' minutes late. (7F77 #M. "rink the potion you have mi;ed. :ake 3 orni+ thine capsules with the first sips to make sure you will sleep throu h the ni ht. :ake 5 if you already suffer from insomnia. "rinkin throu h a lar e plastic straw helps it o down easier. Dou may use ketchup, cinnamon, or brown su ar to chase it down between sips. :ake it to your bedside if you want, but drink it standin up. Fet it down within ' minutes 0fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons2. Lie do;n immediately. Dou mi ht fail to et stones out if you donGt. :he sooner you lie down the mote stones you will et out. .e ready for bed ahead of time. "onGt clean up the kitchen. !s soon as the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up hi h on the pillow. :ry to think about what is happenin in the liver. :ry to keep perfectly still for at least 6- minutes. Dou may feel a train of stones travelin alon the bile ducts like marbles. :here is no pain because the bile duct valves are open 0thank you Epsom saltsN2. Go to sleeC, you may fail to et stones out if you donGt. +e?t mornin<. ,pon awakenin take your third dose of Ep+ som salts. If you have indi estion or nausea wait until it is one before drinkin the Epsom salts. Dou may o back to bed. "onGt take this potion before 19-- am. 5 &ours Later. :ake your fourth 0the last2 dose of Epsom salts. "rink Zcup of the mi;ture. Dou may o back to bed. $fter 5 More &ours you may eat. #tart with fruit Kuice. Half an hour later eat fruit. 8ne hour later you may eat re ular food but keep it li ht. .y supper you should feel recovered.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# &o; ;ell did you doB E;pect diarrhea in the mornin . ,se a flashli ht to look for allstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Cook for the reen kind since this is proof that they are enuine allstones, not food residue. 8nly bile from the liver is pea reen. :he bowel movement sinks but allstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Count them all rou hly, whether tan or reen. Dou will need to total 6--- stones before the liver is clean enou h to rid you of aller ies or bursitis or up+ per back pains permanently. :he first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel for+ ward, they ive you the same symptoms a ain. Dou may repeat cleanses at two week intervals. *ever cleanse when you are ill. #ometimes the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. :hey appear as a =chaff? floatin on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harborin millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansin this chaff is Kust as important as pur in stones. How safe is the liver cleanseL It is very safe. My opinion is based on over '-- cases, includin many persons in their sev+ enties and ei hties. *one went to the hospitalO none even re+ ported pain. However it can make you feel quite ill for one or two days afterwards, althou h in every one of these cases the maintenance parasite pro ram had been ne lected. :his is why the instructions direct you to complete the parasite and kidney rinse pro rams first.

Dou have taken out your allstones without sur eryN I like to think I have perfected this recipe, but I certainly can not take credit for its ori in. It was invented hundreds, if not thousands, of years a o, :H!*B D8,, HE(.!CI#:#N


(ECI)E# :his procedure contradicts many modern medical view+ points. Fallstones are thou ht to be formed in the allbladder, not the liver. :hey are thou ht to be few, not thousands. :hey are not linked to pains other than allbladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this is thou ht9 by the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones are in the allbladder, are bi enou h and sufficiently calcified to see on Q+ray, and have caused in+ flammation there. When the allbladder is removed the acute attacks are one, but the bursitis and other pains and di estive problems remain. :he truth is self+evident. )eople who have had their all+ bladder sur ically removed still et plenty of reen, bile+coated stones, and anyone who cares to dissect their stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match te;tbook pictures of = allstones? e;actly.

Lu<olNs odine Solution

It is too dan erous to buy a commercially prepared solution. It is certain to be polluted with propyl alcohol or wood alcohol. Make it yourself or ask your pharmacist to make it up for you. :he recipe to make % liter 0quart2 is9
11 &m 4+M ounces5 iodine' &ranular 66 &m 4< ounces5 potassium iodide' &ranular

"issolve the potassium iodide in about a pint of the water. :hen add the iodine crystals and fill to the liter mark with water. It takes about % day to dissolve completely. #hake it from time to time. Beep out of si ht and reach of children. "o not use if aller ic to iodine. .e careful to avoid bottled water for prepara+ tion.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

%itamin D DroCs
+ &ram cholecalci$erol 4see Sources5 +2 cups olive oil

Mi; in a non+metal container. It may take a day of standin to dissolve fully. (efri erate. :en drops contain 3-,--- iu. ,se within a year.


*atho&en FreJuencies
Civin creatures emit a ran e of frequencies, also called ban#)i#th. !s they a e, the bandwidth shrinks. When they die sometimes all that is left is a sin le frequency. Most of the or anisms listed below are dead on commer+ cially available and prepared slides 0see $ources for biolo ical supply companies2. However they still e;hibit a ' BH> band+ width, probably due to testin with a frequency enerator that was only accurate to %-- H>, and also due to usin more volta e than necessary 0like when a powerful radio station comes in at its own frequencies and ones nearby, too2. #ome testin was done with a more accurate frequency enerator at a lower power level so some bandwidths are reported much more narrowly. If the same person retests the same specimens with the same equipment within a few days, the results will be absolutely identical 0within % H>2 &-< of the time. Why a few of the results will not be identical is not known. However different people, and even the same person at different times of the year, can notice that the perceived frequencies shift by as much as 7 BH> 0still less than %< chan e2. #ome specimens have more than one ran e listedO this may be characteristic of the or anism or may be due to havin an undocumented or anism on the same microscope slide. .lank locations represent or anisms for whom there are prepared slides available, but whose bandwidth has not been determined.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#


rganism Families

In eneral, the smaller the or anism the lower the frequency and narrower the bandwidth. :his chart shows the maKor families studied and where they fall in the spectrum.
Fre(uency A3!4B . Slime >olds >olds+ >ycoto?ins $acteria+ <iruses "roto4oa+ Round worm+ Flatwm ;arts Tapeworms >ites 8.. 6.. 2.. 0..

Fig, 89 Chart of ban#)i#ths for organism families,

>old+ >old To?in Fre(uencies

=ther molds and mold toxins Aflato?in Cytochalasin $ &rgot ,riseoful%in Sorghum syrup Sterigmatocystin )earalenone 3!4 Slime /olds Arcyria =ycogala Stemonitis 3!4 6+ +.3 .++

+;;'+66 ;;':+ .:0 .66 .;; 66':3'+<<'+.3 +22


)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#

$acteria and <iruses

Includin locations where I commonly found them.
=ow Fre( !igh Fre( 'se fre( gen for A3!4B A3!4B 7 min J Aceto#acter aceti Adeno%irus Adeno%irus 4.nd ran&e5 Agro#acterium tumefaciens Alcaligenes faecalis Alpha streptococcus A4o#acter chroococcum $acillus anthracis causes anthrax in cattle 4tooth5 $acillus anthracis 4.nd ran&e5 $acillus anthracis 4<rd ran&e5 $acillus anthracis spores $acillus cereus $acillus megaterium $acillus sterothermophilus $acillus su#tilis spores $acillus su#tilis %ar. niger $acteria capsules Acapsular strainB $acterial capsules $acteroides fragilis $ound with common roundworm Ascaris $acteroides fragilis 4.nd ran&e5 $eta streptococcus 4tooth5 $lepharisma $ordetella pertussis Qwhoopin& cou&hA 4tooth5 $orellia #urgdorferi ?%me disease $ranhamella ANeisseriaB catarrhalis Ahas hole at 7/0B $rucella a#ortus Ca##age $lack Rot Campylo#acter fetus smear Campylo#acter pyloridis Candida al#icans Apure powderB common %east Caulo#acter %i#rioides Central spores A#acillus smearB Chlamydia trachomatis Clostridium aceto#utylicum Clostridium #otulinum 4tooth5 causes $ood poisonin& <:< <;+!10 <:< <63!:2 <:<

<3:!;0 <:<!0 <3<!. <0:!1 <63!:0 <;<!30

<60!1 <:6!20 <30!< <;2!0 <:+!10 <;0!60

<62'<;0 <:0'<31'<36

<66 <;1!0

<;+!60 1+3!20 <0;!3 <.1!< <.0!; <62!3 120!30 <.:!60 <;6!:0 <:1!:

<6;!+ 1+6!;0 <3.!1 <.0!2 <.3!2 <6;!1 12;!10 <<.!.0 <6.!2 <:3!;

<60'<62'<;0 1+;!0 <32 <.0

<60 123!0 <<+ <62 <:3

<30!< <0.!2 <61!.

<;2!3 <0;!. <66!1

<36 <00 <63

<;.!10 <;:!; <6.!6 <3+!2

<;6!30 <6<!:0 <:+!+0 <31!00

<;3 <6+ <6:'<61 <3.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Clostridium perfringens Clostridium perfringens spores Clostridium septicum Clostridium sporogenes Clostridium tetani 4tooth5 causes tetanus Coryne#acterium diphtheriae 4tooth5 causes diphtheria Coryne#acterium pseudodiphthericum Coryne#acterium ?erosis Co?sackie %irus $*$ound with 8acteroides $ra&ilis Co?sackie %irus $*6 $ound with 8acteroides $ra&ilis Co?sackie %irus $*6 4.nd ran&e5 Crithidia fasciculata Cytomegalo%irus AC><B antigen Cytophaga ru#ra Diplococcus diphtheriae Diplococcus pneumoniae &ikanella corrodens &ntero#acter aerogenes intestinal #acterium &pstein $arre %irus A&$<B &rwinia amylo%ora &rwinia caroto%ora &scherichia coli A&. coliB intestinal #acterium &scherichia coli A&. coliB 4.nd ran&e5 ,affkya tetragena causes respirator% in$ections ,ardnerella %aginalis ovarian and &enital tract in$ection !aemophilus influen4ae #acterial menin&itis' in$ects Boints !epatitis $ antigen !erpes simple? !erpes simple? - 4.nd ran&e5 !erpes simple? 8 Afresh smearB !erpes )oster Qshin&lesA !istomonas meleagridis Ali%erB !istoplasma capsulatum !9< 9nfluen4a A and $ Aflu shotB 9ron $acterium Sphaerotilus 3le#siella pneumoniae causes pneumonia 3le#siella pneumoniae 4.nd ran&e5 =acto#acillus acidophilus 4tooth5

<:1!. <3.!20

<:6!+ <30!3

<:3 <31




<+0!30 <32!0 <3+!10 <3<!: 126!<0 1.6!+ <0;!:0 <0+!30 <;:!0 <;1 <;.!0 <1;!. <36!+ <03 <:. <11!60 <<6!2 <<3!1+ 1+1!00 .:+!.0 <10!<0 <0<!: 1+3!3 <;3!00 .:6!< <30 <+<!<0 <:6!10 1+3!: <13!20

<+3!6 <33!+ <3<!; <31!: 1+2!;0 1<.!. .31!2 <36!10 <61!< <;1 <6.!60 <0.!+ <;;!2 <03 <:< <0.!0 <1.!00 <<3!1+ 1.2!6 .:<!20 <10!;0 <3.!: 1.2!. <;6!; <21!60 <30 <.<!: 121!30 1.+!: <0+!30

<+3!2 <31 <3.!0

12: 1<2 <3+ <30'<32 <6. <;1 <62'<;0 <02 <;< <03'<:<

<02 <12 <<3 1+6 .:.'<10!0 <32'<00 1+6 <;; <2. <30 <.2'<+0 12+'1+:



)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#
=eptospira interrogans spirochete =umpy Caw >easles antigen >icrococcus luteus >icrococcus roseus >umps antigen >yco#acterium para T$ >yco#acterium phlei >yco#acterium smegmatis >yco#acterium tu#erculosis Ainfec noduleB causes tu#erculosis >ycoplasma >ycoplasma 4ran&e .5 Neisseria gonorrhea causes &onorrhea Neisseria sicca Nocardia asteroides $ound in *ar inson)s Disease Nocardia asteroides 4.nd ran&e5 "ropiono#acterium acnes "roteus mira#ilis "roteus mira#ilis 4.nd ran&e5 "roteus %ulgaris urinar% tract patho&en "roteus %ulgaris 4.nd ran&e5 "roteus %ulgaris 4<rd ran&e5 "seudomonas aeruginosa $ound in open wounds "seudomonas fluorescens Respiratory syncytial %irus Rhi4o#ium leguminosarum Salmonella enteriditis intestinal in$ection Salmonella paratyphi Salmonella typhimurium $ood poisonin&' nervousness' apath% Serratia marcescens Shigella dysenteriae intestinal pro#lems Shigella fle?neri depression Shigella sonnei invades tumors Sphaerotilus natans Spirillum itersonil Spirillum serpens Spirillum sinuosum Spirillum %olutans Spores in #acteria spore stain Staphylococcus aureus AcultureB Staphylococcus aureus AslideB source is tooth in$ection' causes a#scesses' heart disease' invades tumors <:;!20 <3:!0 12+!+ <;<!2 <:: <;+

<;;!3 12:!30 1<2!00 <..!60 <1.!;0 <<<!60 <01!:0 <3<!; <6<!;0 <.2!00 <10!:0 126!;0 <<<!;0 <.;!. <<+!.0

<61!30 1+2!30 1<1!. <.<!: <1:!< <<3!0 <00!<0 <;2 <6:!2 <.3!2 <0.!+ 1+3!10 <<:!+0 <.:!0 <<1!3

<6. 1+2!2 1<. <.<!0'<13 <<1 <00!+'<36

<6; <.1'<1: 1+<'<<3'<.6


<;6!:0 <.: <30!20 <6.!< <1:!10 <:2!26: <:1 <+6 <66!1 <;6!<0

<6<!+0 <.: <;2!+ <63!00 <0.!+ <:2!26: <:1 <+6 <:<!10 <6.!6

<62 <.: <36'<60 <00'<63'<:2 <0+ <:2!26: <:1 <+6 <:+ <62

<;3!.; <6+

<62!60 <6+



:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Staphylococcus epidermidis in$ects s in and mucous mem#ranes Streptococcus lactis occurs in mil Streptococcus mitis lun& in$ection' tooth in$ection' a#scesses' causes sti$$ nees Streptococcus pneumoniae causes pneumonia and inner ear disease Streptococcus pyogenes 4tooth5 Streptococcus sp. group , 4tooth5 Su# terminal spores #ac. smear Terminal spores #acillus smear To#acco mosaic %irus 4to#acco5 Treponema pallidum causes s%philis Troglodytella a#rassari Troglodytella a#rassari 4.nd ran&e5 <eillonella dispar <i#rio Aphoto#acteriumB fischeri

<6. <+<!6

<6; <.+!+

<60 <+6

<33!60 <32!0 <36!+0 <60!+0 1.;!+0 <13!60 <;;!;0 1+3!: 12+!;0

<;2!. <;0!< <36!60 <60!:0 1.:!00 <1;!1 <60!. 1..!. 120!.

<36 <;< <36

1.6 <1; <6<'1+: 12<

Roundworms+ Flatworms+ ne*celled Animals

=ow Fre( A3!4B Acanthamoe#a cul#ertsoni Acanthocephala Anaplasma marginale Anaplasma marginale 4.nd ran&e5 Ancylostoma #ra4iliense AadultB Ancylostoma caninum Ancylostoma duodenale male Anguillula aceti Ascaris lar%ae in lung common roundworm o$ cats and do&s Ascaris lum#ricoides Am and fB Ascaris megalocephala AmaleB $a#esia #igemina $a#esia canis smear $alantidium coli cysts $alantidium sp. tropho4oites Afrom guinea pigB parasitic ciliate $esnoitia Alung sect.B proto(oan !igh Fre( To kill+ use A3!4B fre(. gen for 7 min. at these fre(uencies

<63!1 1+0!< <:;!3 <6<!+

<66!2 1.1 12<!.0 12.!:

<6;'1.. 12+ 122'<:<'<63



126 same 126










)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#
Capillaria hepatica Ali%er sect.B Chilomasti? cysts AratB Chilomasti? cysts AratB 4.nd ran&e5 Chilomasti? mesnili Atropho4oitesB Chilomonas+ whole mount Clinostomum metacercaria Clonorchis metacercariae Clonorchis sinensis Clonorchis sinensis eggs Cryptocotyle lingua AadultB Didinium Dientamoe#a fragilis Dipetalonema perstans Amicrofilaria human #loodB Dirofilaria immitis do& heartworm &chinoporyphium recur%atum &chinostoma re%olutum &imeria stiedae &imeria tenella &ndamoe#a gingi%alis tropho4oite &ndolima? nana tropho4oites and cysts &ndolima? nana tropho4oites and cysts 4.nd ran&e5 &ntamoe#a coli cysts &ntamoe#a coli tropho4oites &ntamoe#a histolytica tropho4oite &ntero#ius %ermicularis &urytrema pancreaticum &urytrema pancreaticum stages Fasciola hepatica Fasciola hepatica cercariae Fasciola hepatica eggs Fasciola hepatica metacercariae Fasciola hepatica miracidia Fasciola hepatica rediae Fasciolopsis #uskii adult Fasciolopsis #uskii eggs Fasciolopsis #uskii eggs unincu#ated Fasciolopsis cercariae Fasciolopsis miracidia Fasciolopsis rediae Fischoedrius elongatus ,astrothyla? elongatus ,iardia lam#lia Atropho4oitesB ,iardia lam#lia cysts ,yrodactylus !aemonchus contortus !aemoproteus 1.1!.0 <66!:0 1.0!. <:<!;0 1<2!30 <:2!; 1.;!< 122 1.6 <6:'1.3 same <:6

1.0!; 12:!:0 12+!<0

1.6!;0 1+3!2 123!20

1.; 1+1 121

126!+0 1+6!00 1.0!0

1++!+0 1.<!: 1.:!30

12: 1.+ 1.6

1<<!6 <:1!.0 1<2!0

11+!2 <:;!+ 1<<!<0

1<6 <:3'1<.

<:;!2 <6+!+ 1.2!:0 1.2!<0 1.+!<0 1.<!6 1..!2 1.+!;0 1.2!3 1.;!; 1.;!<0 1.:!0 1.;!<0 1.;!< 11+!;0 10+!: 1.+!1 <;6!;0 <63!6

122!<0 <6;!6 1.3!< 1..!< 1.;!< 1<2!3 1.;!3 1.1!; 1.;!0 1<0!+ 1<0!10 1<3!.0 1<0!. 1<<!2 11<!. 10;!+ 1.3!< <6+!6 <:0!0

<:6 <60 1.< 1.+ 1.0 1.; 1.0 1.< 1.0 1<1 1<1 1<1 1<1 1<. 11. 100 1.1 <62 <:<


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

!asstile sig. tricolor AadultB !eterakis !ypodereum conoideum 9odamoe#a #utschlii tropho4oites and cysts 9odamoe#a #utschlii tropho4oites and cysts 4.nd ran&e5 =eishmania #ra4iliensis =eishmania dono%ani =eishmania me?icana =eishmania tropica =eucocyto4oon =oa loa >acracanthorhynchus >etagonimus :okogawai >onocystis agilis >y?osoma Naegleria fowleri Naegleria fowleri A#rain sec.B Necator americanus Ainfect lar%aeB Notocotylus (uin(eserialis nchocerca %ol%ulus AtumorB "aragonimus ;estermanii adult "assalurus am#iguus "elomy?a carolinensis "lasmodium cynomolgi "lasmodium falciparum smear "lasmodium %i%a? smear "latynosomum fastosum adult "neumocystis carnii AlungB "rosthogonimus macrorchisAeggsB Sarcina lutea Sarcocystis Schistosoma haemato#ium Schistosoma Kaponicum eggs Schistosoma mansoni Stephanurus dentalus Ao%aB Stigeoclonium Strongyloides Afilariform lar%aB Strongyloides parasitic females To?ocara AeggsB To?oplasma Ahuman strainB Trichinella spiralis AmuscleB Trichomonas muris Trichomonas %aginalis Trichuris sp. AmaleB Trypanosoma #rucei Trypanosoma cru4i A#rain tissueB 116!20 1.1!10 1<;!60 <:6!+0 122!20 <:6!2 122!. 12.!+ <:;!10 <32!00+ 1<6!60 1<;!<0 12:!3 <03!: 100!+ 1.:!00 116!0 121!;0 120!+ 12.!30 12<!6 12;!1 12.!00 <32!00+ 11.!6 11.!+ 1+3!:0 <31!<0 12< 122 12. 120 122 <3+ 112 112 1+1 <3. 10< 1.; 110'12.

1<3!< 1<;!6 1.6!6 1+;!< <;.!< 1<6!+0 120!;0 <:3!60 102!00 1;< <0< 10;!<0 121!.0 <:6!1

11.!+ 101!. 111!+0 1.1!0 <;<!6 110!+ 12:!+0 121!;0 101!:0 1;< <0< 13<!+ 1+0!.0 12.!2

112 10.'11; 11+'1<; 1.. <;<!2 11. 12; 12+ 10. 1;< <0< 13+ 1+.'12; 122

<:0!2 12<!60 <;6!2 <66!< 1.<!. 132!.

<:0!2 120!0; <6<!3 126!: 1<+!1 130!30

<:0 121!0 <6+ 123 1.: 13<


)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#
Trypanosoma e(uiperdum Trypanosoma gam#iense Trypanosoma lewisi A#lood smearB Trypanosoma rhodesiense 'rocleidus 1<1!3 <:<!;0 1.1!0 1.<!0 11.!<0 10+!.0 <:6!; 1.3!2 1.6!00 102!2 116'11.'1<6 <:3 1.0 1.3 11;

;art Fre(uencies
0Most of these are from homemade slides.2
=ow Fre( 12. 1.3 10:!< 1<1!6 1<6!: 121!; 12.!60 1+6!;0 <1<!30 121!20 !igh Fre( 123 1<.!<0 131!;0 111!+ 116!00 123!;0 1+2!; 1..!1 <10!:0 121!3 'se fre( gen for 7 min J 121 1<2 13. 11.'1<; 113'11+ 120 12; 1.2 <11 121!<

;art $S ;art CC ;art FR ;art !A ;art !RCm ;art human papilloma plantar ;art human papilloma %irus ;art C$ ;art = arm ;art papilloma cer%i? smear

:apeworms are se mented. :he first se ment is the head, called the scole%. :apeworms row by addin a new se ment to their body. :apeworms can have very lar e bandwidths 0ran e of fre+ quencies2, and it varies by the len th of the specimenN It is as if each new se ment has a unique, and sli htly lower, frequency. Do not use a freDuen>y <enerator to kill taCe;orms. If you accidentally kill middle se ments instead of workin your way up from the bottom, you may conceivably promote dispersionN ,se only a >apper.


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

=ow Fre( 1<3!1 13;!.0 10.!: 1<:!00 10+!:0 10+!3 11+!+0 100!60 1;6!2 110 !igh Fre( 112!20 16;!00 1;.!< 111!< 1;.!+0 13+!0 113!0 106!<0 16+!;0 16+!+0

Cysticercus fasciolaris Diphyllo#othrium erinacei A>ansoniB Ascole?B Diphyllo#othrium erinacei eggs Diphyllo#othrium latum Ascole?B Dipylidium caninum Aproglottid compositeB Dipylidium caninum Ascole?B &chinococcus granulosus &chinococcus granulosus AcystsB &chinococcus granulosus AeggsB &chinococcus multilocularis !eterophyes heterophyes !ymenolepis cysticercoides !ymenolepis diminuta !ymenolepis diminuta o%a !ymenolepis nana eggs >onie4ia Ascole?B >onie4ia e?pansa AcompositeB >onie4ia e?pansa eggs >ulticeps serialis "igeon tapeworm Taenia pisiformis AcysticercusB Taenia pisiformis eggs Ao%aB Taenia saginata AcysticercusB Taenia saginata eggs Taenia solium AcysticercusB Taenia solium Ascole?B Taenia solium eggs

1<2!<0 1<2!<0 10<!3 1;0!. 130!. 1;3!0 1;0 111!2

130!. 130!. 10;!6 16.!+ 13:!; 16+!20 1;0 116!:

>ite Fre(uencies
:hese are the or anisms that cold viruses ride in withN
/ite Demode? folliculorum $ollicle mite Dermatophagoides dust mite >eal mite rnithonyssus #ird mite Sarcoptes sca#ei itch 3!4 36. ;2; ;+6 6;;'6;6 ;<0


)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#

>iscellaneous Fre(uencies
$lue*green Algae $ryo4oa cristatalla >ucor mucedo Rhi4o#ium meliloti Rotifer 3!4 .03 <:3 .66 <<2 ++0+

ItGs easy to make homemade slides when you or a family member is ill. @indin out the frequencies of these illnesses helps you identify them 0use the )atho en @requency Chart2 and also lets you know if you are chronically ettin them back.
'nidentified pathogens A cold %irus !RC Fungus &; Fungus C;$ Tooth decay Tooth decay ANB Tooth decay ANB 4.nd ran&e5 Tooth decay ANB 4<rd ran&e5 Tooth pla(ue 9 Tooth pla(ue 9 4.nd ran&e5 Tooth pla(ue 9 4<rd ran&e5 Tooth pla(ue 99 Tooth pla(ue 99 4.nd ran&e5 Tooth pla(ue 99 4<rd ran&e5 Tooth pla(ue 99 41th ran&e5 Tooth pla(ue 99 40th ran&e5 =ow Fre( <:0!6 <3.!2 <:;!. <61!< <3;!: <.3!:0 .:<!. <;6!6 .:1!; .<<!+ <61!:0 .;6!;0 .+.!+0 <12!+0 <20!0 !igh Fre( <:0!6 <31!: 122!;0 <6;!. <;0!20 <<+!0 .:;!1 <6<!20 .:6!.0 .<6!. <6;!20 .61 .+6 <11!6 <+2!<0

To?ic &lements
!lthou h not livin , solvents and to;ins must e;hibit char+ acteristic frequencies, otherwise how could the #yncrometer detect specific onesL :his needs further e;ploration. Most of the to;ic elements I use are metals, heavy metals and lanthanides. .ut some are notO e;amples are )C.s and for+ maldehyde. '4%

:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E# #ome important elements are missin , like iron, >inc and man anese. :his is because I never could find them present in the white blood cells, and I finally ave up searchin for them. .elow is a list of the 4- or so to;ic elements I use. Most of them were obtained as !tomic !bsorption #tandard #olutions and are, therefore, very pure. :his prevents mistakes in identi+ fyin a to;in. :hey were stored in Uounce amber lass bottles with bakelite caps and permanently sealed with plastic film since testin did not require them to be opened 0they et close enou h to the frequency field2. :he e;act concentration and the solubility characteristics are not important in this qualitative test. :he main sources of these substances in our environment are iven beside each item.
To?ic Su#stance Aflato?in $ Aluminum Aluminum silicate Antimony Arsenic As#estos $arium $en4alkonium chloride 7+6 $en4opyrene 6+5 $en4opyrene $eryllium $ismuth $oron $romine Cadmium Cerium Cesium Chlorine Chromium Co#alt Copper Dysprosium &r#ium &uropium &uropium o?ide Sources #eer' #read' apple cider vine&ar' mold% $ruit' nuts coo ware' deodorant' lotions' soaps salt' water so$tener $ra&rance in lotions' colo&nes pesticide' QtreatedA carpet' wallpaper clothes dr%er #elt' hair #lower' paint on radiators lipstic ' #us exhaust toothpaste $lame coo ed $oods' toast $lame coo ed $oods' toast hurricane lamps' &asoline' dentures' erosene colo&nes' lotions' antacids #leached Q#rominatedA $lour &alvani(ed water pipes' old tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s clear plastic #ottles used $or #evera&es $rom Chlorox"/ #leach cosmetics' water so$tener deter&ent' #lue and &reen #od% products tooth $illin&s' water pipes paint and varnish pac a&in& $or $ood' pollutant in pills tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s' catal%tic converter

57 2

)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#
Fi#erglass Formaldehyde ,adolinium ,allium ,ermanium ,old !afnium !olmium 9ndium 9ridium =anthanum =ead =ithium =utetium >ercury >oly#denum Neodymium Nickel Nio#ium "alladium "latinum "olychlorinated #iphenyl "C$ "oly%inyl chloride acetate A"<CB "raseodymium Radon Rhenium Rhodium Ru#idium Ruthenium Samarium Scandium Selenium Sil%er Sodium fluoride Strontium Tantalum Tellurium Ter#ium Thallium acetate Thorium nitrate Thulium Tin Titanium Tungsten 'ranium acetate <anadium pento?ide dust $rom remodelin& or #uildin& insulation $oam in mattresses and $urniture' panelin& tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s with thallium in tooth $illin&s 4pollutant5 tooth $illin&s hair spra%' nail polish' pollutant in pills usuall% $ound in presence o$ *C8s tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s computer and printin& supplies solder Boints in water pipes printin& supplies paint and varnish tooth $illin&s auto supplies pollutant in pills tooth $illin&s' metal &lasses $rames pollutant in pills' $oil pac a&in& $or $ood tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s deter&ent' hair spra%' salves &lues' #uildin& supplies' lea in& coolin& s%stem pollutant in pills crac s in #asement cement' water pipes spra% starch tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s toothpaste toothpaste' water so$tener tooth $illin&s tooth $illin&s pollutant in pills pollutant in mercur% tooth $illin&s earth 4dust5 pollutant in man% #rands o$ ,itamin C toothpaste tooth $illin&s' #od% powder electric water heater' toaster' hair curler earth 4dust5 &as lea in home' candles 4not necessaril% lit5


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

:tter#ium :ttrium )irconium pollutant in pills pollutant in pills deodorant' toothpaste

:his is a list of all the solvents I use to ether with the main source of them in our environment. :hese are chemicals, very pure, obtained from chemical supply companies, unless other+ wise stated. :hose marked with an asterisk 0a2 were the subKect of a recent book The Beuroto%icit+ of $olvents by )eter !rlien+ #obur , %&&6, C(C )ress.
Sol%ent -+-+-+ Trichloro ethaneL 4"CE5 8+5*!e?ane dioneL 8 $utanoneL 4meth%l eth%l etone5 8 !e?anoneL 4meth%l #ut%l etone5 8 >ethyl propanol 8 "ropanol 4prop%l alcohol5 Acetone Acetonylacetone 4.'0 hexanedione5 $en4ene $utyl nitrite Car#on tetrachloride Decane Denatured alcohol DichloromethaneL 4meth%lene chloride5 ,asoline regular leaded ,rain alcohol !e?anesL 9sophorone 3erosene >ethanol 4wood alcohol5 >ineral oil Source $lavored $oods $lavored $oods $lavored $oods $lavored $oods

see the prop%l alcohol list store7#ou&ht drin in& water' cold cereals' pet $ood' animal $eed $lavored $oods see the #en(ene list 4pa&e <015 store7#ou&ht drin in& water' cold cereals' pet $ood' animal $eeds health $ood coo ies and cereals o#tained $rom pharmac% store7#ou&ht oran&e Buice' her# tea #lends o#tained at &asoline station :0L eth%l alcohol o#tained at liJuor store deca$$einated #evera&es $lavored $oods o#tained at &asoline station colas' arti$icial sweeteners' in$ant $ormula lotions

57 4

)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#
>ineral spirits "aradichloro#en4ene "entane "etroleum ether StyreneL TolueneL TrichloroethyleneL 4"CEth%lene5 MyleneL o#tained $rom paint store moth#alls deca$$einated #evera&es in some &asolines st%ro$oam dishes store7#ou&ht drin in& water' cold cereals $lavored $oods store7#ou&ht drin in& water' cold cereals


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

"athogen Fre(uency Chart

,se this chart if you know the frequency and wonder what the patho en mi ht be.
3!4 5 . "athogen C%tochalasin 8 Arc%ria Steri&matoc%stin C%tochalasin 8 4.nd5 Steri&matoc%stin 4.nd5 9earalenone ?%co&ala Steri&matoc%stin 41th5 Steri&matoc%stin 4<rd5 A$latoxin Stemonitis Sor&hum s%rup Griseo$ulvin Herpes simplex + Er&ot Histoplasma capsulatum Cor%ne#acterium xerosis Shi&ella sonnei Streptococcus mitis In$luen(a A and 8 4$lu sho /%coplasma 8acteroides $ra&ilis *roteus mira#ilis 8acteroides $ra&ilis 4.nd5 Salmonella enteriditis *roteus vul&aris 4<rd5 8ordetella pertussis *seudomonas aeru&inos Haemophilus in$luen(ae Neisseria &onorrhea *roteus vul&aris 4.nd5 Gardnerella va&inalis Cor%ne#acterium diphthe Herpes simplex + 4.nd5 Wart ? arm "reponema pallidum /%coplasma 4.nd5 ?acto#acillus acidophilus *roteus mira#ilis 4.nd5 Erwinia am%lovora Serratia marcescens Ga$$ %a tetra&ena Schistosoma mansoni Nocardia asteroides Escherichia coli 4E! coli5 Camp%lo#acter p%loridis ?oa loa 8esnoitia 4lun& sect!5 prot 8acterial capsules Herpes simplex . 4$resh s Coxsac ie virus 871 ?ow ;;!22 6+!22 66!22 :+!22 :3!22 +22!22 +.3!22 +.3!22 +<<!22 +;;!+: .++!22 .;;!22 .66!22 .:+!.0 .:0!22 .:6!<2 <+0!30 <+6!22 <+<!62 <+<!<0 <..!60 <.1!<2 <.2!00 <.0!;2 <.:!22 <.;!.2 <.:!60 <<+!.0 <<3!1+ <<<!60 <<<!;0 <<6!22 <12!22 <10!<0 <1<!30 <13!60 <1.!;0 <13!20 <10!:0 <1;!.2 <1:!10 <11!60 <0<!22 <01!:0 <03!22 <0.!22 <32!00 <0.!62 <0;!32 <0<!:2 <3+!10 Hi&h ;;!22 6+!22 66!22 :+!22 :3!22 +22!22 +.3!22 +.3!22 +<<!22 +;;!+: .++!22 .;;!22 .66!22 .:<!20 .:0!22 <21!60 <+3!62 <+6!22 <.+!+2 <.<!:2 <.<!:2 <.0!22 <.3!22 <.3!22 <.:!22 <.:!02 <<.!.0 <<1!32 <<3!1+ <<3!02 <<:!+0 <1.!00 <11!22 <10!;0 <10!:0 <1;!12 <1:!<2 <0+!30 <0.!+2 <0.!+2 <0.!+2 <0.!02 <0<!22 <00!<0 <03!22 <0;!.2 <32!00 <3+!12 <3.!12 <3.!:2 <3<!;2 m s m m m m s m m m s m m v m # - . . - 5 . 8 . . 8 5 . 7 .. 7 5 .

# # # # # v v # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # v w # # # # # # #

# # # # # p # # # p p p # # v v v

s ] slime mold' m ] mold' # ] #acteria' v ] virus' % ] %east' p ] parasite 4one7celled animals5' t ] tapeworm' x ] mite


)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#
3!4 7 "athogen Diplococcus diphtheriae Nae&leria $owleri Clostridium #otulinum Coxsac ie virus 871 4.nd5 8acillus anthracis 4.nd5 Clostridium septicum Coxsac ie virus 87+ Diplococcus pneumoniae Streptococcus sp! &roup Nocardia asteroides 4.nd Salmonella parat%phi Streptococcus pneumoni 8acillus anthracis 4<rd5 Camp%lo#acter $etus sme /easles anti&en *lasmodium $alciparum s Entero#acter aero&enes Streptococcus p%o&enes 8acillus cereus Erwinia carotovora Central spores 4#acillus s Histomonas melea&ridis 4l Staph%lococcus aureus 4c Staph%lococcus aureus 4s G%rodact%lus 8orellia #ur&dor$eri Spirillum serpens Epstein 8arre virus 4E8,5 Respirator% s%nc%tial viru "richomonas va&inalis Chlam%dia trachomatis Ei anella corrodens /umps anti&en "ro&lod%tella a#rassari Alpha streptococcus Su# terminal spores #ac! Salmonella t%phimurium Adenovirus 4.nd ran&e5 Streptococcus lactis 8acillus su#tilis var! ni&er 8eta streptococcus Entamoe#a histol%tica tro Anaplasma mar&inale Candida al#icans *ropiono#acterium acnes Shi&ella d%senteriae Chilomastix c%sts 4rat5 Clostridium aceto#ut%licu 8acillus anthracis spores Escherichia coli 4E! coli5 Adenovirus Sphaerotilus natans Shi&ella $lexneri "oxoplasma 4human strai Haemonchus contortus 8ranhamella 4Neisseria5 Endolimax nana tropho(o 8acillus anthracis Clostridium per$rin&ens s ?ow <0;!:0 <03!:2 <3+!22 <3<!:2 <3<!.2 <3.!20 <32!02 <0+!30 <36!+0 <3<!;2 <30!20 <33!60 <0:!12 <30!<2 <3:!02 <;.!<2 <;1!22 <32!02 <;<!30 <36!+2 <;.!10 <;3!00 <;3!.; <6+!22 <;6!;0 <;6!:0 <;6!<0 <;.!02 <;6!:0 <;6!22 <;:!;2 <;:!02 <;;!32 <;;!;0 <3:!;0 <60!+0 <6.!<2 <;+!10 <6.!22 <;+!60 <62!32 <6+!+2 <63!12 <61!.2 <6<!;0 <:2!2: <66!:0 <6.!62 <63!:0 <:.!22 <:<!22 <66!12 <:1!22 <:0!22 <63!62 <:1!:2 <:1!.0 <:<!02 <:1!.2 Hi&h <31!22 <31!<0 <31!00 <31!:2 <30!<2 <30!32 <33!+2 <36!10 <36!60 <;2!22 <;2!+2 <;2!.2 <;2!02 <;2!32 <;<!22 <;<!62 <;1!22 <;0!<2 <;0!60 <;;!22 <;6!30 <;6!;2 <62!60 <6+!22 <6+!62 <6.!22 <6.!62 <6.!60 <6<!+0 <6<!32 <6<!:0 <61!<2 <61!30 <60!.2 <60!12 <60!:0 <63!00 <63!:2 <6;!22 <6;!+2 <6;!12 <6;!62 <66!22 <66!12 <6:!22 <:2!2: <:2!;2 <:+!+0 <:+!10 <:<!22 <:<!22 <:<!10 <:1!22 <:0!22 <:0!02 <:3!;2 <:;!+2 <:6!20 <:6!+2 # p 5 # p # v # # v # # # # # # # v .

# #

# # # # # v p # # # # # # # p v # v v p # # v # #

v #

# # p v # v v p # # v # # # # v # # # p p % # p # # # p # # # v # # p p # p # #

s ] slime mold' m ] mold' # ] #acteria' v ] virus' % ] %east' p ] parasite 4one7celled animals5' t ] tapeworm' x ] mite


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

3!4 7 "athogen "r%panosoma &am#iense Chilomonas' whole mount Entamoe#a coli tropho(oi ?eptospira interro&ans Stron&%loides 4$ilari$orm l ?eucoc%to(oon ?eishmania donovani Anc%lostoma caninum Anc%lostoma #ra(iliense 4 ?eishmania mexicana Wart papilloma cervix sm >le#siella pneumoniae *rostho&onimus macrorc Iodamoe#a #utschlii 4.nd5 ?eishmania #ra(iliensis ,eillonella dispar "richinella spiralis 4muscl Wart 8S Dientamoe#a $ra&ilis Wart human papilloma pl ?eishmania tropica 8lepharisma "richuris sp! 4male5 Ascaris larvae in lun& *neumoc%stis carnii 4lun& Ascaris me&alocephala 4 /%co#acterium phlei Wart human papilloma vir C%tome&alovirus 4C/,5 a Diro$ilaria immitis Sti&eoclonium Cr%ptocot%le lin&ua 4adult *roteus vul&aris /%xosoma 8acteria capsules 4capsul Herpes 9oster Hepatitis 8 anti&en >le#siella pneumoniae 4. "ro&lod%tella a#rassari 4. Eur%trema pancreaticum Wart I8 Echinopor%phium recurva Anaplasma mar&inale 4.n *lasmodium c%nomol&i Fasciola hepatica miracidi "r%panosoma lewisi 4#loo Entero#ius vermicularis Giardia lam#lia 4tropho(oi Fasciola hepatica Chilomastix c%sts 4rat5 4. Fasciola hepatica rediae Fasciola hepatica e&&s "r%panosoma rhodesiens Clonorchis sinensis H%podereum conoideum "o#acco mosaic virus Echinostoma revolutum Fasciola hepatica cercari Capillaria hepatica 4liver s ?ow <:<!;0 <:<!;0 <:;!22 <:;!20 <:6!12 <:;!10 <:6!22 <6<!+2 <:;!32 122!.2 121!20 <:6!10 <:3!60 <:6!+0 122!20 12+!;0 12<!60 12.!22 12+!<0 121!;2 12.!+2 120!30 <66!<2 121!:2 120!;0 12<!60 12:!30 12.!60 126!<0 126!+0 121!.0 12:!:0 126!;0 12:!32 1+3!20 1+3!32 1+1!00 1+3!:2 1+3!:2 1.2!<0 1+6!;0 1+6!00 1+0!<2 1+;!<2 1.+!;0 1.1!02 1.2!:0 1.+!12 1.+!<0 1.0!.2 1.2!32 1..!22 1.<!02 1.0!;2 1.1!10 1.;!+0 1.0!02 1.<!62 1.1!.0 Hi&h <:6!;2 122!22 122!<0 12+!+2 12.!22 12.!00 12.!30 12.!:2 12<!.0 12<!62 121!32 121!30 121!;0 121!;0 120!+2 120!.2 120!0; 123!22 123!20 123!;0 12;!12 12;!10 126!:2 12:!+0 12:!+0 12:!;2 1+2!30 1+2!;2 1+2!;0 1++!+0 1+0!.0 1+3!22 1+3!10 1+3!:0 1+6!;0 1.2!.2 1.2!62 1.+!:2 1..!.2 1..!<2 1..!12 1.<!:2 1.1!22 1.1!02 1.1!;2 1.3!22 1.3!<2 1.3!<2 1.;!<2 1.;!<2 1.;!02 1.;!32 1.6!00 1.6!;0 1.:!00 1.:!00 1.:!30 1<2!32 1<2!30 5 . p p p # p p p p p

# p p

p p # p p p p p p w # p p p # p w p w p # p p p p # w v p p p # p

# w v p p p # p # v v # # w p p p

v v # # p w p p p p p p p p p p p p p p v p p p

p p

s ] slime mold' m ] mold' # ] #acteria' v ] virus' % ] %east' p ] parasite 4one7celled animals5' t ] tapeworm' x ] mite


)!:H8FE* @(EM,E*CIE#
3!4 7 "athogen "r%panosoma #rucei C%topha&a ru#ra Wart CC Fasciolopsis rediae Endolimax nana 4.nd5 /%co#acterium tu#erculo Fasciolopsis #us ii Fasciolopsis miracidia Fasciolopsis #us ii e&&s Fasciolopsis cercariae C%sticercus $asciolaris Endamoe#a &in&ivalis tro =nchocerca volvulus 4tu /eta&onimus Ko o&awai /acracanthorh%nchus Fischoedrius elon&atus Wart HA *assalurus am#i&uus Dip%lidium caninum *lasmodium vivax smear Echinococcus &ranulosus Iodamoe#a #utschlii troph Wart HRCm "aenia solium 4scolex5 Frocleidus "r%panosoma eJuiperdu *ara&onimus Westermani Sarcoc%stis Hasstile si&! tricolor 4adult Gastroth%lax elon&atus /ulticeps serialis Echinococcus multilocula Echinococcus &ranulosus 8alantidium coli c%sts Stephanurus dentalus 4ov Wart FR /onie(ia 4scolex5 /onie(ia expansa 4comp "r%panosoma cru(i 4#rain "aenia pisi$ormis e&&s 4o Dip%lidium caninum 4scol Diph%llo#othrium latum 4s Schistosoma haemato#iu "aenia solium 4c%sticercu "aenia sa&inata 4c%sticer H%menolepis diminuta H%menolepis c%sticercoid "aenia pisi$ormis 4c%stice Diph%llo#othrium erinacei ?ow 1.<!.2 1.6!+2 1.3!22 1.;!<2 1<2!02 1<2!00 1.;!;2 1.;!<0 1.;!<0 1.:!02 1<3!12 1<<!62 1<3!<2 1<;!<0 1<6!60 11+!;0 1<1!62 1.6!62 1<:!00 1<6!+0 11+!+0 1<;!60 1<6!:2 111!22 11.!<0 1<1!32 1<;!62 102!00 116!20 10+!:2 10<!32 100!60 10+!32 106!62 10;!<0 10:!<2 1<2!<0 1<2!<0 132!.2 130!.2 10+!:0 10.!:2 1;<!22 1;0!22 1;3!02 110!22 1;6!22 1;0!.2 13;!.0 Hi&h 1<+!12 1<.!.2 1<.!<0 1<<!22 1<<!<0 1<1!.2 1<0!+2 1<0!.2 1<0!10 1<3!.0 112!20 11+!22 11.!+2 11.!+2 11.!62 11<!.2 111!+2 111!+0 111!<2 110!+2 113!02 116!02 116!00 116!:2 102!22 10+!.0 101!.2 101!:0 100!+2 10;!+2 10;!62 106!<0 13+!02 13.!:2 13<!+2 131!;0 130!.2 130!.2 130!30 13:!;2 1;.!+0 1;.!<2 1;<!22 1;0!22 16+!20 16+!+0 16+!;0 16.!+2 16;!00 5 . 6 . . p # w p p # w p p # p p p p t p p p p w p t p p w 6 5 . 5 . .

p p p p

p p

t p p p p p w p t p t p w t p p p p

t t

t t

p p p p p p t t t p p w t t

t t

t p p w t t p p t t

t t p t t t t t t

t t t t t

s ] slime mold' m ] mold' # ] #acteria' v ] virus' % ] %east' p ] parasite 4one7celled animals5' t ] tapeworm' x ] mite


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

3!4 5 5 . "athogen Demodex $olliculorum $oll Dermatopha&oides dust /eal mite Sarcoptes sca#ei itch =rnithon%ssus #ird mite ?ow 36.!22 ;2;!22 ;+6!22 ;<0!22 6;;!22 Hi&h 36.!22 ;2;!22 ;+6!22 ;<0!22 6;6!22 2 . . 2 5 . x x x x 1 . . 1 5 . 0 . . 0 5.

s ] slime mold' m ] mold' # ] #acteria' v ] virus' % ] %east' p ] parasite 4one7celled animals5' t ] tapeworm' x ] mite


:his list was accurate as this book went to press. 8nly the vitamin sources listed were found to be pollution+free, and only the herb sources listed were found to be potent, althou h there may be other ood sources that have not been tested. :he author has no financial interest in, influence on, or other connection with any company listed, e;cept for havin family members in the #elf Health (esource Center.

Note to readers outside the 'nited States of America:

#ources listed are typically companies within the ,nited #tates because they are the ones I am most familiar with. Dou may be tempted to try a more convenient manufacturer in your own country and hope for the best. I must advise a ainst thisN In my e;perience, an uninformed manufacturer most likely has a polluted productN Dour health is worth the e;tra effort to obtain the products that make you well. 8ne bad product can keep you from reachin that oal. :his chapter will be updated as I be+ come aware of acceptable sources outside the ,nited #tates. .est of all is to learn to test products yourself.

9tem Am#er #ottles' M ounce Apricot >ernel =il

Source Dru& store' Continental Glass G *lastic' Inc! 4lar&e Juantities5 Now Foods


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

Ar&inine Artemesia 4wormwood5 seed 8a in& soda 4sodium #icar#onate5 8eet root 8elts $or clothes dr%er Now Foods' Iomar ?a#s R! H! Shumwa% Spectrum Chemical Co!

San Francisco Her# G Natural Food Co! "hree that tested ne&ative to as#estos "/ are@ /a%ta& <7+.:0: *ol%7, #elt' "/ Whirlpool FS* <1+.1+ 8elt7Drum Dr! "/ 4replaces 332::35' and 8ando ,78elt A730! 8ando American ma es other #elts' some o$ which mi&ht #e the ri&ht si(e $or %our dr%er! Call $or a dealer near %ou' ma e sure it sa%s H/ade In AmericaH' ri&ht on the #elt! 8lac cherr% concentrate Health $ood store 8lac Walnut Hull "incture Sel$ Health Resource Center' New Action *roducts 8orax' pure Grocer% store 8oric acid' pure Now Foods' health $ood store' pharmac% Cascara sa&rada Natures Wa%' health $ood store Chemicals $or testin&! Aldrich Chemical Co!' Spectrum Chemical Co!' ICN 8iomedicals' Inc! 4research chemicals onl%' includin& &enistein5' 8oehrin&er /annheim 8iochemicals 4research onl%5 Cholecalci$erol Spectrum Chemical Co! Citric acid Now Foods or health $ood store Cloves San Francisco Her# G Natural Food Co! 4AS> $or $resh5 Cornstarch ?ad% ?ee is the onl% unpolluted #rand $ound so $ar Dental in$ormation "ooth "ruth' #% Fran I! Ierome' availa#le $rom New Centur% *ress! ED"A Spectrum Chemical Co! Electronic parts A Radio Shac near %ou! Empt% &elatin capsules Now Foods' or %our health $ood store si(e 22

58 2

Filters' pure charcoal *ure Water *roducts 4pitchers5' Sea&ull Distri#ution Co! 4$aucet' shower' whole house5 =me&a Nutrition FSA' Inc! San Francisco Her# G Natural Food Co! Now Foods Dra&on River Her#als' 8lessed Her#s "/ ?iJuor store' as vod a' Everclear San Francisco Her# G Natural Food Co! 022 m& $rom Iomar ?a#s Dolisos America' Inc!' and others San Francisco Her# G Natural Food Co! New Hori(ons "rust Spectrum Chemical Co! For slide stainin& 4not internal use5 $rom Spectrum Chemical Co!' and $arm animal suppl% store! For internal use must #e made $rom scratch! 8ronson *harmaceuticals 8ronson *harmaceuticals San Francisco Her# G Natural Food Co! Carolina 8iolo&ical Suppl% Compan%' Ward)s Natural Science' Inc!' Southern 8iolo&ical Suppl% Compan%' Fisher7E/D Carolina 8iolo&ical Suppl% Compan%' Ward)s Natural Science' Inc!' Edmund Scienti$ic Co! Her# companies! San Francisco Her# G Natural Food Co! +22 m& or .02 m& time release' 8ronson *harmaceuticals Now Foods' Iomar ?a#s Aldrich Chemical Co! Superior Health *roducts' ??C 8achem Fine Chemicals Inc! 8ronson *harmaceuticals 8ronson *harmaceuticals

Flaxseed oil Fucus Gin&er capsules Goldenrod tincture Grain alcohol Gravel root 4her#5 Histidine Homeopathic remedies H%dran&ea 4her#5 H%dro&en peroxide <0L 4$ood &rade5 Iodine' pure ?u&olWs iodine

?%sine /a&nesium oxide /arshmallow root 4her#5 /icroscope slides and eJuipment /icroscopes

/il "histle /ullein tea Niacin =rnithine =rtho7phospho7t%rosine =(onator *.1 anti&en sample *A8A 4para amino #en(oic acid5 *antothenic acid


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

*erox% *hoto7micro&raphic camera and $ilm *otassium #icar#onate *otassium chloride *otassium iodide' pure Rascal Salt 4sodium chloride5' pure Sodium al&inate Stevia powder "ea "hallium' homeopathic "hioctic acid 4also called lipoic acid5 Fva Frsi ,anilla extract ,e&eta#le &l%cerin ,itamin 8 Complex ,itamin 8. 4ri#o$lavin5 ,itamin 83 ,itamin 8+. lo(en&es ,itamin C 4ascor#ic acid5 ,itamin D 02'222iu ,itamin E capsules ,itamin E =il Washin& soda 4sodium car#onate5 Water $ilter pitchers Wormwood capsules 9inc 9inc oxide See H%dro&en peroxide! Ward)s Natural Science' Inc! Spectrum Chemical Co!' or pharmac% Now Foods' Spectrum Chemical Co! Spectrum Chemical Co! >roe&er Her# *roducts' New Action *roducts 4as Ra(7Caps5 Spectrum Chemical Co!' &et FS* &rade Spectrum Chemical Co! or health $ood store Now Foods San Francisco Her#s' #u% in #ul ' an% sin&le her# variet%! Dolisos America' Inc! /a%pro Industries Natures Wa% or health $ood store "/ Dur ee)s or /exican #rands Now Foods or health $ood store 8ronson *harmaceuticals Nutrition HeadJuarters 4.02 m&5' or 8ronson *harmaceuticals 4+22 m&5 8ronson *harmaceuticals' ED=/ ?a#s 8ronson *harmaceuticals Sel$ Health Resource Center From dentist' #% prescription' or see Recipes! 8ronson *harmaceuticals Now Foods Grocer% store *ure Water *roducts Sel$ Health Resource Center' >roe&er Her# *roducts' New Action *roducts 8ronson *harmaceuticals Spectrum Chemical Co!


Carolina 8iolo&ical Suppl% Co! .;22 Kor Rd! 8urlin&ton' NC .;.+0 46225 <<17000+ 4:+:5 06172<6+ Continental Glass G *lastic' Inc! 61+ West Cerma Rd! Chica&o' I? 323267106. 4<+.5 3337.202 Dolisos America' Inc! <2+1 Ri&el Ave ?as ,e&as' N, 6:+2. 46225 <3071;3; 4;2.5 6;+7;+0< Dra&on River Her#als *= 8ox ;1 =Bo Caliente' N/ 6;01: 46225 6+<7.++6 40205 06<7.++6 Edmund Scienti$ic Co! +2+ E! Gloucester *i e 8arrin&ton' NI 2622; 46035 0;<73.02 ED=/ ?a#s' Inc! 632 Grand 8oulevard *!=! 8ox ;62 Deer *ar ' NK ++;.: 40+35 0637..33 46225 ;.<7<<33 Fisher Scienti$ic E/D 160 S! Fronta&e Rd! 8urr Rid&e' I? 320.+ 46225 :007++;;

Aldrich Chemical Co! *!=! 8ox <00 /ilwau ee' WI 0<.2+ 41+15 .;<7<602 8achem Fine Chemicals Inc! <+<. >ashiwa St! "orrance' CA :2020 4<+25 0<:71+;+ 8ando American Inc! ++1: West 8r%n /awr Itasca' I? 32+1< 46225 6.:733+. 43<25 ;;<73322 8lessed Her#s +2: 8arre *laines Rd! =a ham' /A 2+236 40265 66.7<6<: 8oehrin&er /annheim 8iochemicals :++0 Ha&ue Rd! *!=! 8ox 021+1 Indianapolis' IN 13.02 46225 .3.7+312 4<+;5 61:7:<02 8ronson *harmaceuticals Div! o$ Iones /edical Industr% +:10 Crai& Road *!=! 8ox 13:2< St! ?ouis' /= 3<+1373:2< 46225 .<07<.22 retail 46225 0.076133 wholesale


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

ICN *harmaceuticals' Inc! 8iomedical Division <<22 H%land Ave! Costa /esa' CA :.3.3 4;+15 01072++< 46225 601720<2 Iomar ?a#s .0+78 East Hacienda Avenue Camp#ell' CA :0226 46225 0<671010 412:5 <;170:.2 >roe&er Her# *roducts 4wholesale@5 620 Walnut St! 8oulder' C= 62<2. 46225 ..076;6; 4<2<5 11<72.3+ 4$or retail call@5 Hanna)s Her# Shop 0361 ,almont Rd! 8oulder' C= 62<2+ 46225 .2373;.. /a%pro Industries .;22 Westchester Ave! *urchase' NK +20;; 4:+15 .0+72;2+ NatureWs Wa% +2 /ountain Sprin&s * w% Sprin&ville' F" 6133< 46225 :3.766;< 462+5 16:7+022 New Action *roducts 4FSA5 *!=! 8ox 012 =rchard *ar ' NK +1+.; 46225 1007310: 4;+35 33.76222

New Action *roducts 4CANADA5 *= 8ox +1+ Grims#%' =nt! ?</1G0 Canada 46225 01+7<;:: 4;+35 6;<7<;<6 New Centur% *ress +200 8a% 8lvd!' Suite C Chula ,ista' CA :+:++ 46225 0+:7.130 43+:5 1;37;122 New Hori(ons "rust 0<+33 St! Rt! 36+ Reedsville' =H 10;;. 46225 ;0073<32 43+15 <;673<33 Now Foods <:0 Glen Ellen Road Glen Ellen' I? 32+26 43<25 0107:2:6 =me&a Nutrition FSA' Inc! 30+0 Aldrich Rd! 8ellin&ham' WA :6..3 46225 33+7<0.: Superior Health *roducts' ??C +<01: ,entura 8lvd! Sherman =a s' CA :+1.< 46225 ;227+01< 46+65 :637:103 *ure Water *roducts +2<<. *ar view Ave! Westminster' CA :.36< 46225 1;67;:6;

58 6

R! H! Shumwa% *!=! 8ox + Graniteville' SC .:6.: 462<5 33<7:;;+ San Francisco Her# G Natural Food Co! +2+2 13th St! Emer%ville' CA :1326 46225 ..;7.6<2 wholesale 40+25 32+72;22 retail Sea&ull Distri#ution Co! <<;. 8altimore St! San Die&o' CA :.++; 46065 16<72.31 Sel$ Health Resource Center +200 8a% 8lvd!' Suite A Chula ,ista' CA :+:++ 46225 6;<7+33< 43+:5 12:7:022 4FSA5 4;625 1;07.12< 4Canada5 Southern 8iolo&ical Suppl% Compan% *!=! 8ox <36 /c>en(ie' "N <6.2+ 46225 ;1676;<0 4:2+5 <0.7<<<; Spectrum Chemical Co! +11.. South San *edro Street Gardena' CA :2.16 46225 ;;.76;63 4<+25 0+376222 WardWs Natural Science' Inc! 0+22 West Henrietta Road Rochester' NK +1063 4;+35 <0:7.02. 46225 :3.7.332


I hope you have come to the same happy conclusion that I did a few years a oN :hat we humans donGt have hundreds of different maladies and disturbances. 0e only ha=e t;oE :hin s that crawl or climb into us. !nd to;ins9 unnatural chemicals that we unknowin ly inhale or consume. :he livin thin s are both lar e and small9 from worms we can see, to microscopic bacteria, viruses and fun i. :he non livin thin s are pollutants in our air, food, dental metal and body products. :akin in a lot of pollutants hampers the bodyGs ability to kill and et rid of the invaders. !nd so, radually, as we et older or sicker, the bodyGs invaders et the upper hand and take over. "onGt be discoura ed if you have lupus, cerebral palsy, cirrhosis, or any comple;+soundin disease. Every disease is an e;ample of the same process. :he ood news is that our body can reclaim its soverei nty by throwin the rascals out. We must assist by throwin the pollutants out. @ortunately, we donGt have to do the whole Kob ourselves, we only need to assist. 8ur body has miraculous powers to clean itself up. .y reducin chronic disease to two problems, it becomes mana eable. Ill health, even a in , can be reversed. Health comes back and rewards you. With the new electronic insi hts and technolo y, our parasitic invaders can be vanquished with the closin of a switch. )reventin reinfection is the bi er challen e. #imilarly, pollut+ ants can be uncovered in as short a time as days, short enou h to turn any sick, even terminal, suffererGs verdict around before tra edy occurs. :he tra edies of sur ery, or an replacements, radiation, chemotherapies, doses of dru s, even death can be avoided. (e+ versin illness and turnin into a shinin e;ample of your for+


:HE C,(E @8( !CC "I#E!#E#

mer healthy self could be the most e;citin adventure of your life. Billin your invaders is an easy matter9 you simply purchase or build the device that can do that and take the proper herbs. Cleanin up dentalware is under your control, tooRa financial e;pense not beyond your reach, hopefully. :radin your body products for unpolluted varieties is a Kob but not insurmountable. Cleanin your environment may be the stumblin block. If you canGt unpollute your air, water, carpets, furniture, move. Move to a healthier dwellin N Fet rid of it all. Cike a cat that moves her kittens to a safer place, Kust move. :he healthiest house is no house. If you have been quite ill, move far enou h south to avoid heatin and coolin . #it outside in the shade all day. ,se your new wisdom and sharp eye to choose a new dwellin as free of pollutants as you can. *o re+ fri erator indoors. *o window air conditioner. *o fiber lass insulation. *o fossil fuels. *o attached ara e. *o carpets or stuffed furniture, no foam beddin , no fresh paint, no pesticide. Fo primitive. Health is primitive. Dou were born primitiveR with health. Even if you werenGt, you can undo much of the =inherited? dama e. "onGt listen to the new doomsayers, who persuade you nothin can be done unless a ene is replaced. Dour enes have been reliable for millions of years. Fenes are the most reliable of all biolo ical chemicals in your body. :hey are not faulty. :hey are hampered in their tasks. :hey are commandeered by metals and other speciesJ enes. :hose of parasites, bacteria, and viruses. :hey wouldnGt be there if pollutants werenGt there. :hey allow invaders into the most Kealously uarded recess of your bein 9 your enes. .ut now you can throw the rascals out and reclaim your territory. It is not new enes that you need. Dou simply need your own enes back on the Kob, directed by your own body, workin for you.


a#dominal pain' ::' .2<' .36' .:: a#scess' 01' ;:' +<0' +0<' +06' +0:'

+3<' +31' .+3' .<+' 0+2 Acanthocephala' +<6' .;1' 033 acetic acid' .:3 acetone' +..' +3.' .26' <.2 acet%lcholine' ..+' .<6 acidophilus' .+' +22' 031' 0;3 acne' +3;' +:.' +:<' +:1 acupuncture' 0+' 130 Adenovirus' +<' +;3' +;:' +::' <0;' <06' <0:' <32' <3+' <3<' <36' 03<' 0;; adrenal &land' 32' ++<' ++1' +1<' .+2' .+.' .+;' .6+' .:+' <;< a$latoxin' <6' +;;' +62' +63' ..0' .3+' .62' <16' <1:' <6+' <6.' <6<' <61' <63' <:2' <:.' 1..' 1:+' 1:<' 1:1' 0+:
AIDS' ++' <0' <3' :2' ++:' +.3' +<+' +1:' .0.' <0+' <0.' <0<' <03' <36' <;.' <60' 11.' 11<' 106' 1:<' 022

Al(heimer)s' <<' .+:' .02' .0.' .3:' .;2' .;.' <;.' 1:0' 0.3 amal&am' <;' 30' ;+' +2;' ++0' +0;' +62' 12:' 1+2' 1+<' 1+1' 1+3' 1+;' 1+6' 1;0' 160 amal&am tattoo' 1+2 American Dental Association 4ADA5' <;' 12:' 1+1' 1+3 amino acid' 60' .<.' .11 ammonia' +.0' .1<' .11' <.2' <.3 amoe#a' +23' .;1 Anc%lostoma' .03' .0;' .3.' 033' 0;6 anemia' ;3' +3.' .;:' .60' .63 anesthesia' :2
an&ina' +;3' 1+; animal dander' +21' +<0

animal $eed' +.0' <1;' 0;1 an le swellin&' 36 ant repellent' 012

anti#iotic' +<1' +1+' +;2' +6+' .16' 016 antimon%' +20' ++.' +.<' +.6' +12'

+6;' 1<0 antiseptic' :6' <11' <::' 1<3' 11: aorta' 1;6
appendicitis' +2+' .36 appendix' :;' +2+' +.6

air conditioner' 12' .61' <+<' <.<' <13' 12<' 113' 0:2
air $ilter' +<;' .61 al#uminuria' 1+;

alcoholism' ..;' ..6' ..:' .<2' <63 al aline phosphatase' 62' .+; al aline tide' 0;
aller&%' 60' +2.' +20' +2;' +++' +.3' +<0' +<:' +12' +3<' +3:' +;0' +:2' +:+' .+3' ...' ..<' ..1' ..0' ..3' .1.' .13' .06' <63' 1:0' 00<' 006

appetite' +<1' .12' .36' .;0' .66' .:.' <22' <23' <;3' <;:' <66' 1+; apple cider vine&ar' .;;' <16' 1.<' 1:<' 0;.
apricot ernel oil' 0<1' 0<0' 0<; ar&inine' +.2' +<;' .+2' .+.' 1.0 arm' 1:' 0+' ++6' +0<' +01' .01' .00'

.6.' <.+' 16+' 16.' 166' 0<+' 00<' 0;3

armpit' 6:' +1<' +11' +:<' 0<+' 0<. arsenic' 1' 12' 36' :3' +22' +2<' ++2' +<.' +<;' +<6' +1+' +02' +32' +3.' +36' +;+' +60' +63' +6;' +:<' .23' .<3' .1.' .0:' .36' .;+' .6.' <+<'

aluminum' <;' ++.' +<;' +1+' +;+' +62' +6+' +6;' +6:' .+.' .11' .1;' .3:' .;+' .;1' <20' <+2' <++' <+1' 1+0' 1.+' 1.<' 1.1' 1<2' 1<+' 1<<' 1<1' 1<0' 1<3' 1<6' 1<:' 102' 13+' 1;<' 161' 160' 163' 16;' 0+1' 0.+' 0.0' 0.3' 0<<' 01< aluminum silicate' <;' +<6' +1+' .+.' .;+
alveolar cavitational osteopathosis' 1+2

<+1' <3+' 12<' 116 arthral&ia' 1+; arthritis' 0+' ;6' 62' 6+' 6.' 6<' 61' 60' 63' ++;' +<;' +13' +0+' +00' .+1' .36' 1+: arti$icial sweetener' +;<' +;3' +;;' .0.' <2.' 0.2' 0;1


as#estos' 1' <:' 62' 6+' :+' +22' +2<' +26' ++2' +<<' +<;' +<6' +1.' +1<' +10' +16' +02' +3;' +36' +;2' .2;' .2:' .+2' .+1' .<+' .;+' .6.' <+1' <+3' <<3' <<;' <1:' 11;' 116' 1;1' 06. Ascaris' +2' <.' 1<' ;3' ;6' ;:' 62' 6.' 63' +2<' +21' +20' +2;' +++' +..' +.;' +<1' +<0' +<3' +<;' +<6' +<:' +12' +1+' +1.' +3.' +33' +3;' +;3' +;:' +63' +6;' +:.' +:<' +:1' +:3' .+.' .+<' ..;' .<2' .<+' .<<' .<1' .<0' .<3' .1.' .03' .0;' .0:' .32' .31' .33' .3;' .36' .;1' .60' .63' .:<' .::' <1<' <;+' <;.' <;0' 121' 033' 0;6 ascor#ic acid' 0+3' 0<1' 0<0' 0<;' 061 aspirin' +3:' +;2' .+1' .31
asthma' 1<' 11' +20' +2;' +<0' +<3' +<;' +<6' +<:' +12' ..2' .<2

#er%llium' ;6' +.1' +<6' +1.' +10' +0;' +33' +;2' +6;' +:.' ..1' ..;' ..6' ..:' .<0' 12; #eta #loc er' .6:' <+: 8HA' .<.' .<<' .30' 0+;' 0.: 8H"' .<.' .<<' .30' 0+;' 0.: #ile' 1;' 16' 62' 66' :+' :6' +22' +.:' +<2' +<+' +<.' +02' +0+' +0.' +0<' +:+' ..<' ..1' .33' .3;' .::' <22' 1;;' 00<' 001' 000' 003' 00;' 006' 00:
#ile duct' 1;' 16' :6' +.:' +<2' +<+' +02' +0+' +0.' +0<' +:+' ..<' ..1' .::' <22' 1;;' 00<' 00;' 006

#ioradiation' +.' +<

#irth control pill' +++' ++3 #irth de$ect' +++' 1+6

#ismuth' +20' +33' +60' .26' .1.' .;+' 1<0' 1;1

#lac cherr% concentrate' 01: 8lac Walnut Hull "incture' .+' +2+'

athlete)s $oot' .1;' .16 Atomic A#sorption Standard' 161' 0;. atroph%' <61' 1+6 At%pical ?ateral Sclerosis' 1; autism' .3<' .31' .33 auto exhaust' ...' .;:' .6.' <+3

+2.' ..6' .<0' <<6' <<:' <1+' <1.' <11' <10' <1;' <6:' 01<' 011' 010' 01;' 06.
#ladder' 00' 32' +2+' +26' ++.' +.1' +.:' +<2' +10' +33' +:2' +:3' +:6' .:<' <.+' 002' 00.' 000' 00:

#ac pain' low' 36' 6+' :3' +.<' +<+ #ac pain' upper' 6+' :3' +0+' 00<' 006 8acteroides $ra&ilis' +<0' .<2' .<+'

.33' <;.' 03<' 0;3

#a in& powder' .3:' 1<2' 160 #a in& soda' 0;' 06' .3:' 1<+' 1<6'

0+0' 0+3' 0.;' 0<.' 0<< #aldness' +.3' +:2 #andwidth' ;' 6' +2' +3' +6' 023' 026' 02:' 03+' 03. #arium' ;0' +.<' +<:' +1<' +6;' .2;' 1+0' 1<0' 1<3' 1;1' 1;3 #ath oil' .1;' 1<:
#ee$' +1;' <36' 1.<' 1.1' 1;; #eer' +:1' <.;' <16' <;6' <62' <63'

1:<' 0;. #eet root' 0<:' 012 #en(al onium' +<;' +<6' +;2' +62' +6;' .11' <:2' 1<0' 1<:
#en(oic acid' 00' 61' 06< #en(op%rene' <21' 1<+

#leach' 12' +02' .13' .03' .06' .32' .61' <+1' <:;' 1<;' 111' 11:' 0.3' 0<2' 012' 0;. #leedin&' :0' :3' ++2' ++.' +:3' .1:' .63' 0<3 #leedin& &um' :0 #loatin&' +26' ++<' +.:' .01' .33' .::' 11<' 013' 000 #lood pressure' +:' 1:' ;0' 6.' :0' ++0' +16' +1:' .+2' .++' .+.' .+<' .;<' .;0' .62' .6+' .6.' .6:' <++' <.+' <;;' <66' 1+;' 0+0 #lood su&ar' +;<' +;0' +;3' +;;' +;6' +6.' +6;' .;0' <20' <26 #lood test' 0' ;;' 62' 6.' +23' +2;' ++1' +<:' +10' +;6' +;:' .+<' .<0' .10' <+: #lood vessel' 3:' ;2' +01' +3<' .;:' .62' .6+' .6.' <+6' <.+
#od% lotion' +;2 #one cancer' +:3 #one in$ection' 03' ;:' <+0' 1+2 #one marrow' ;6' +6+' .60' <0+' <0<'

#one spur' 63 8orellia' +;2' 03<' 0;;

#oric acid' <+<' 12<' 11:' 012' 01+' 01. #oron' .+0 #owel' .2' .+' <.' <1' <0' 01' ;;' 6.' 6<' :;' ::' +2+' +2.' +2<' +21' +23' +26' +.6' +.:' +0.' +3<' +33' +3:' +:;' .2.' .+:' ..<' ..1' .<6' .01' .03' .3;' .;2' .:6' <2+' <<+' <<6' <31' <66' <6:' 1.0' 11<' 1:1' 0+2' 0<2' 013' 01;' 016' 006 #owel disease' +2.' <6:' 11< #owel movement' .+' <1' <0' ;;' 6.' 6<' :6' +2+' +23' +.6' +.:' +:;' .2.' ..1' .<6' .03' .3;' <2+' <<+' 1:1' 0<2' 006 8owel *ro&ram' ::' +2+' +2.' +.;' +.6' +31' .2.' .<;' .<6' .01' .0;' .3.' .;2' .:6' <+0' <.6' <13' <31' 111' 013' 01: #races' 1+6' 1;3 #reast' +1.' +1<' +11' +10' +13' .<0' <<.' <<3' <<;' <1.' <;3' <61' 1.2' 1<0' 1;3' 1:+ #reast cancer' +1<' +10' <<.' <61' 1.2 #reast mil ' .<0' <1.' <;3 #reast#one' +2;' +<+' +1:
#romine' .<:' .06' .;+ #ronchiestasis' +<6

Camp%lo#acter' 3:' ;3' ++2' ++1' +;2' .:6' 03<' 0;3' 0;; Candida' .2' +60' +63' +6:' ..:' .13' .1;' .16' 1:.' 03<' 0;; candidiasis' +;3' .13
cand%' +6+' .+6' .+:' <+<' <01 car#on dioxide' +<:' .1.' .3;' .;:'

.6. car#on $ilter' .06' .;2' .6<' <+1' 120' 1.3 car#on monoxide' .3;' .6. car#on tetrachloride' :3' +2<' +21' ++3' +..' +.;' +<;' +16' +3.' +63' .32' 112 car#onic anh%drase' .:3 carcino&en' 12' 11' <;1' 12<' 1.< cardiom%opath%' +1; cardiovascular' 1+; carpet cleanin& $luid' 1.: Cascara sa&rada' ::' +31' .<6' <2+' 01;' 06. cat liver $lu e' ++3' .36
cavitation' ++;' +1+' +03' .:+' 1+2' 0<< ca%enne' 00' 0:' 61' +62' +6+' <.2'

#ronchitis' ;6' +12' +1+' +:<' .+; #urnin&' +63' .0<' .01' <3:' 0<1 #urpin&' .:0' 002 #ursitis' 0+' +0+' +0.' 006' 00: #ut%l nitrite' +3.

cachexia' .12
cadmium' <;' 1;' 3:' ;2' ;1' ;0' ;:' :3' +2;' ++.' +13' +;0' +60' +:.' .+2' .++' .+<' .3;' .36' .3:' <+1' 1+0' 1+6' 1.3' 11:' 102' 133' 161

ca$$eine' 3;' 36' ;0' 6:' ++;' +<;' +10' +60' .+2' .+.' .+<' .00' .0:' .31' .;3' .:2' <+;' <;;' 1.0 calcium' 0;' 3<' 31' 30' 33' 3;' ;1' 62' 6+' 6<' 6;' 66' :<' :1' :3' +23' +.:' +06' .+.' .+0' .+3' .+;' .<+' .00' .;3' .;;' .6;' .::' <20' <3+' <::' 1.+' 0+;' 0.+ calcium propionate' <3+ cal$ cramp' 36

<:6 cercaria' <1' +++' ++;' +..' 1:0 cere#ellum' +++' .23' .26' 161 cere#ral pals%' 06: cere#rum' +++' .23' .26' .;+' .;1' 161 cerium' +10' +3.' +6; cervix' ++.' ++< cesium' +21' +0;' .0:' .32' 11: cheese sauce' <23' 1<1' 0.1 chelation' .+<' .;+' .;.' .66' .6:' .:. chemotherap%' 1<; chest' 0+' ;1' ;6' +16' +1:' +02' +0+' +3;' +;;' +;6' +:.' .01 chest pain' 0+' +16' +1:' +0+' +3;' +;;' +;6' .01 chewin& &um' :0' .+6 chic en' 61' ::' +.3' +<:' +1;' +;3' +;:' .<<' .<0' .30' .33' .36' .;1' <1;' <0<' <;+' <:1' 1.<' 1.1' 1<+' 1;;' 1:. chic en pox' +;3' +;:' <0<' <;+' 1:. chiropractic' 63' :+' :.' +03 Chlam%dia' ++2' ++1' 03<' 0;; chloride' <;' ;2' ;.' +<:' +3.' .26' ..+' .3:' <++' <;<' <:2' 1.6' 1.:' 112' 1;0' 1;3' 1:;' 0+3' 0;<' 0;1' 061

chlorine' +<;' +02' .<:' .13' .0;' .06' .32' .;+' .6.' .6<' .66' <+1' 1<;' 11:' 0.3' 0<2' 012 chloro$luorocar#ons 4CFCs5' +1<' <+<' 113 cho e' ;' ++' 163 cholesterol' +2:' +..' +.:' +<2' ..1' <;1' 1.+' 1<.' 1<1' 112' 00<' 001' 006' 00: chromium' <;' +;3' +;6' +61' <2.' <;0' <;;' 1+6' 1<+' 1<0' 1<3 chronic $ati&ue s%ndrome' +++' +63 ci&arette' <<3 cinnamon tea' +.+ circulation' 00' 0:' 3<' +03' +32' +6.' .;<' <.2 cirrhosis' <6.' 06: citric acid' 12<' 0+0' 0+3' 0.+' 0.6' 0<2' 0<0' 01. Clostridium' ;3' .23' <+0' 03<' 031' 0;; clothes dr%er #elt' <:' +1.' .<.' <+1' 11;' 1;1' 0;. clottin&' +:' .0:' <.2 co#alt' 1' :3' ++.' +.6' +1+' +1;' +3.' +6:' +:1' <+1' <::' 1;1' 0.3
co$$ee' 3+' 6+' 6.' 6:' +;1' .+2' .36' .;1' .;0' .;6' <26' <.;' <<0' <;;' <6+' <66' 1.0' 1.;' 1.6' 1<+' 0<3 cold cereal' +2:' +++' +3.' +;6' .+:' .0.' <<0' <;3' <63' <6;' <:.' 1.2' 0+6' 0;1' 0;0 cold sore' +;:' +62

corn' 33' 6+' +23' +11' .+0' .6.' <2.' <2<' <23' <2;' <26' <0+' <00' <03' <3+' <;:' <60' <:1' 1.2' 1<1' 132' 1;3' 1:.' 0<.' 0<;' 0<:
cornstarch' +6+' .1;' .1:' .:1' <01' <;1' 0<+' 0<.' 0<1' 0<;' 012 corpus luteum' ++0' +.1 cortisone' 0.' 0:' +<6' .13 cosmetics' <;' +1<' +11' .26' <.3'

<<0' 1<;' 1;3' 0;. cotta&e cheese' 62' .2+' .01' 1<.' 160' 0+2' 0++ Coxsac ie virus' +' .' +<0' +<;' +33' .<<' <;+' 031' 0;3' 0;; cramp' 3:' +++' .1:' .0< crawl space vents' +.;' +6+ Crohn)s disease' <<' +21' +23 crotch itch' .1; croup' +<0' +12 crown' 1++' 1+<' 1+1 Cr%ptocot%l' ;1
cutler%' +.3' +.;' <;:' 1<2' 1<< c%st' <.' <<' <1' <:' ;1' :2' :+' :.'

++.' +10' +;2' +;+' +66' +6:' +:6' .22' .00

c%steine' ;1' :1' :3' +26 c%sticercus' +:;' +:6' +::' .22' <0;'

<06' 1:1 c%stine' 3:' :1

C%tochalasin 8' <6;' 03.' 0;3 C%tome&alovirus 4C/,5' +1;' +;:' +61'

031' 0;6

colitis' +20' +23' +2;' +3;' 1.0 colo&ne' +11' .1. colon' ;6' :;' +<+' +31' <<;' <0;' <3+' <6:' 1;6' 1:+
com$re%' +<;' +<:' 00. composite' ;+' ++:' +.3' +13' +;;'

deca$$einated' +2:' .+2' .3:' <<0' 1.6' 0;1' 0;0
decane' +..' +3.' +66' 112 dementia' .;6' .62' <..' <<2 dental cleanup' ;<' ;6' ;:' 6;' +.2'

..3' .01' .:+' 1+3 condom' 162

con&estive heart $ailure' <+6 constipation' +21' +33' +;6' .<6' .::'

<2+' 016 coo ed cereal' +2:' +11' +;6' .6;' .:+' <;3' <63' 11.' 003 coo ie' .<' .3:' 1<+
copper' ..' .3' <2' <;' ;2' :3' +22' ++<' ++0' ++3' ++:' +.6' +1;' +0;' +;+' .26' .++' .+.' .3+' .3.' <+2' <+1' <<;' <1:' 1.3' 102' 10:' 13.' 13<' 133' 1;.' 1;1' 161' 0+;

+.;' +10' +00' +03' ..2' .3.' <13 dental $loss' ;2' +3.' 16+ dental metal' 36' ;2' ;6' ++2' ++.' ++0' ++3' ++;' ++:' +..' +<1' +12' +1+' +1<' +10' +0:' +3.' +6;' .23' ...' ..<' ..3' .<<' .01' .3+' .;2' <<;' 1+:' 160' 06: denture' +<:' .:0' 1++' 0<< denture cream' .:0 deodorant' ;0' +.6' +<6' +1<' +11' +1;' +3.' +6+' +6:' +:2' +:<' ...' .<+' 1<0' 0<+' 0<.' 0;.' 0;1

depilator%' 1+;
depression' 11' ;6' +21' ++<' ++3' ++;' +60' +63' .+2' ..6' .01' .03' .0;' .0:' .32' .3+' .3.' .:6' 012' 030

dermatron' 3 dessert' <20' <23' <.3

dia#etes' <' <0' 1<' 11' 00' +;<' +;1' +;0' +;3' +;;' +;6' .02' .0+' .;6' <2.' <20' <2:' <66' 1:0

earache' +3: earthworm' +2' 0+2 Echinacea' :: eclampsia' :0 ec(ema' +12' +:.' .<2' 1:. edema' 32' <..' 0+0 ED"A' ;<' .;+' .;.' .6:' 06. e&& dish' 1<.
el#ow' 0+' +01' 13; electronic testin&' 0 E?ISA' 1:0' 1:3' 1:; emph%sema' 13' +<:

dia#etic' 3;' 6:' +;1' +;0' <20' <26' <2: diaper' +6:' .13' .03
diaphra&m' ;3' +<.' +<<' +:.' .:;' <;0 diarrhea' :;' +2<' +21' +2;' +26' ++;' +<1' +0.' .2.' <22' <11' 1.+' 1.0'

enamel' .+1' <+2' 1+<' 1.0' 1<2' 02+' 0.:' 0<<' 01< encephalitis' +' .' <03
Endolimax' +23' +<6' 03;' 0;;' 0;: endometriosis' <<' <0' +2<' ++2' +++' +..' .02' 1:0 endometrium' .02 enema' +33 environmental illness' 1<

006 diesel exhaust' ;0 diet clean7up' 62 diet drin ' 1.:

diet' ; da% dia#etic' <2. diet' ; da% sample' 0.< di&estion' <1' 66' +21' +20' +.:' +<2' +<+' +16' +;;' ..3' .00' .33' .3;' .;3' .;;' .;6' .6;' .:0' .:3' .:;' .::' <;1' <;;' 1.<' 00.

di&estive pro#lem' :0' +<2' +13' .36' 00:

di&estive tract' +2<' .13' .33 Diro$ilaria' <.' 62' +1+' +13' +1;' +16'

<+6' 03;' 0;6 diuretic' ;0' .+<' .6.' .:1' <21' <.+' <;< di((iness' +63' .;0' .:;' .:6' 1+: drops%' <.+ dru&' 11' 6.' +<+' +<3' .<1' .<6' .6:' .:2' <2+' <+.' <+3' <+:' <.+' <..' <11' <:<' 1;<' 0<<
dr% s in' 0.0 dr% soc et' 1+2 duodenum' <1' 1;6 d%sprosium' .01

eosinophil' +<3' +<:' +60' .10 eosinophilia' 1+; Epsom salts' ::' +02' +0+' <22' 000' 003' 00; Epstein 8arre ,irus 4E8,5' ++.' +;:' +6.' +61' +60' +63' .21' <;+' 031' 0;; er&ot' +3.' ..3' ..;' ..6' ..:' .<.' .<<' .0<' .3<' .;2' .;;' .62' <6<' <60' <63' <:.' 0.2
esopha&eal sphincter' .:; esopha&us' +<+' +<.' +1:

E! coli' .+' 3.' :;' :6' ::' +2.' ++3' +.:' +31' +;;' .33' .:6' <0<' <0;' <32' <3+' <3<' <31' <66' 111' 01;' 016' 031' 0;3' 0;; ear' 3' +21' +20' +<1' +12' +36' +3:' +;2' .+;' .1.' <.0' <3+' 1+:' 13; ear in$ection' +21' +20' +<1' +12' +3:

estro&en' :+' ++<' ++3' ++:' +..' +1<' +11' +10' +60' .+;' <61' 0<: ether' 0;0 europium' +.1' +12' +6;' .2; Eur%trema' .+' +2:' +;<' <;+' 03;' 0;6 Eustachian tu#e' +36' <3+ exercise' .' 63' :.' <2+' <.; e%e' <' +1' ;3' +12' +32' +3+' +3.' +;0' +63' .0:' 1;6' 1:;' 1:6' 0.6' 0<:' 0:2 e%e disease' <' +3+' +;0 e%e ma eup' +12' +63 e%elid' +13' 0<:

$ace' <3' +.<' +6+' +:.' +:<' +:1' .2:' ..2' ..;' .<+' .0<' .06' .62' .6<' <3:' 122' 116' 13:' 012

ear' inner' 3' +;2' <3+

$ace powder' .<+' 012 $allopian tu#e' .02 Fasciola' 1<' .1:' 03;' 0;6

$ra&rance' +20' +<3' +33' +60' .1;' .0<' .0:' .61' 0.:' 0<2' 002' 0;.

Fasciolopsis #us ii' <<' +02' +33' .02' <<+' <;+' 1:2' 03;' 0;: $ati&ue' .' 1' ;<' :0' +++' ++<' +<1' +<:' +;3' +;;' +6.' +6<' +61' +60' +63' +6;' .21' .10' .6:' <++' <36' 1+; $ennel' 111' 01;' 016 $enu&ree ' +;0' +;3' <;2' 1..' 0.+ $etus' .06' 1+;
$ever' ;6' .2+' .2<' .21' .<1' <30' <3: $i#er&lass' <:' 12' 62' :+' +22' ++2'

Freon' +22' +32' <<3' 113' 13: Fucus' .<:' 016' 06<

&adolinium' +.1' +12' .2; Ga$$ %a' +;2' 031' 0;3

&all#ladder' 62' +.6' +<.' +:+' 1;;' 00<' 00:

&allium' +.<' +.1' +13 &allstone' 6+' +02

+<<' +<;' +1<' +1;' +02' +32' +36' +;;' .1+' .6.' .61' <+1' <<3' <1:' 12<' 120' 11;' 0:2 $i#rom%al&ia' 0+' ;0' ;3' ;6 $i#rom%ositis' ;0 $ilaria' <+' <+6 $in&er' 63' +<3' +00' +:0' .0<' .6.' <26' <.+' 13<' 163' 16;' 026' 0<2' 0<:
$in&ernail' 02+ $ireplace li&hter' +30

&alvani(ed pipe' ;2' .+2' .++' 102 &an&lia' +62 Gardnerella' 3:' :+' +2.' ++2' ++1' ++0' ++:' 031' 0;3 &arlic' +<;' <;3' 016 &as hot water heater' 1<+ &as lea ' +20' +12' +1+' +1:' +30' +33' +;2' +;+' +;0' +6;' .1+' .00' .32' .36' .;:' <+:' 102' 0;<
&as pipe' :3' +30 &as stove #urner' 1;3 &as' household' .<+ &asoline' +.1' +.;' +3.' .26' ..+' ..1' ..;' <+3' 1+3' 110' 1;.' 0;.' 0;1

$ish line' :0' .+6' .16' .:3' 1<6' 0<< $latworm' <<' <<+ $lavorin&' <21' <;6' 1.6' 016' 0;1' 0;0 $laxseed' +.; $loss' ;2' ;.' :0' +3.' .+6' .:3' 1<6' 16+' 0<. $lour' .:6' <23' <+2' <3+' <3.' <;:' <60' 1.<' 1;1' 0;. $lu' ;6' +<1' +36' +;3' .2+' .2.' .2<' .;0' 1.0' 031' 0;3 $lu e disease' ++;' .+:' ..+' .1:' .02' .0.' 1:1' 1:0 $lu e e&&' +10' <<. $luoride' 6.' ++.' .23' .:3' 0;< $oam' 12' +:1' .61' <+1' <<;' 121' 11;' 11:' 0<<' 0;<' 0:2 $oam #eddin&' <+1' <<;' 0:2 $oam $ilter' .61 $oam $urniture' 12' 11: $olic acid' +.2 Food and Dru& Administration 4FDA5' 1<3 $oot' 0+' 0;' 0:' 32' 36' .1;' .16' <.6' 1+:' 023 $ormaldeh%de' 12' +22' +26' ++2' ++.' +<<' +<;' +02' +32' +30' +36' +:<' .<3' .1+' .6.' .61' <+1' <3+' 116' 11:' 1::' 022' 0;+

&ene' <' 13' .23' .2;' .2:' 0:2 &enital tract' ++3 &ermanium' 1+; Giardia' :' +2<' +32' .<:' <::' 03;' 0;6
&in&er' .20' 0+1' 0+0 &insen&' .0:' .3< &laucoma' +13' .+<' .+1

&lucose tolerance $actor' +61' 1+: &lutamic acid' ..6

&lutamine' ..6' ..: &luten' +20' +;0

&l%cerin' 0+0' 0+3' 0<1' 0<0' 0<3' 0<;' 0<6' 0<:' 012' 01:' 061 &oat mil ' +2; &old' +2.' +2<' +++' ++<' +.1' +.3' +13' +;0' +;;' +61' ..3' .<;' <+2' 1+.' 1+6' 1+:' 1.2' 1;0 &oldenrod' 01: &onorrhea' :+' ++3' 030' 0;3 &out' 3: &ranola' +63' <01' 1.+' 0+6 &ravel root' 00. &rilled $ood' <03 &roin' :2' +0;' +33' .16

&rowin& pains' 3: &um disease' 6+ &ums' 6+' 6;' :0' .+;

hi&h #lood pressure' 1:' 6.' :0' +1:' .++' .+.' .+<' <++' <66' 1+;' 0+0

HA wart virus' +;3 Haemophilus' +1+' .1.' 031' 0;3 ha$nium' +<:' ...' 0;<
hair dr%er' .1+' .6.' <+3' <13' 11;' 116 hair spra%' +..' +<3' +<:' +11' +6;' ...' <<0' 1<:' 0;< ham#ur&er' .+:' <1: hand cream' <01 handhold' .3' .;' <2' 10;' 13.' 13<' 131' 16;' 166' 02<' 021' 023' 026

hip' 0+' 6;' 6:' .;0' 1+: hippuric acid' 00' 61' 60' ++0 histamine' +<0 histidine' +.;' .2;
Histoplasma' +10' +33' 031' 0;3 HI,' +2' <<' :2' +1:' +02' +6:' .21'

.02' .0+' .0.' <1.' <0+' <0.' <0<' <03' <;+' 106' 16;' 1:2' 1:+' 1:0' 022' 02+' 031
hives' 36' 6:' +..' +:+' 00< hoo worm' ;6' ;:' 63' +20' +<:' +32' +3;' +:1' .32' .31' .63' <1< hormone' .' :+' +2;' ++<' ++0' ++3'

++:' +..' .+3' <36' <61

hot $lush' ++1' ++0' ++;' +;0' .00 human liver $lu e' <<' ;1' :3' +2:' +++'

hCG' <<3 head' <+' <.' 0.' ++.' +<+' +11' +03' +3+' +3:' +;+' +61' +:6' +::' .01' .6<' <+0' <0:' <3+' <3:' 1+;' 13+' 00;' 03: headache' 0+' ;0' +20' ++3' +3.' +31' +30' +3;' +;2' .23' .0;' <3:' 122' 1+:' 1.0 hearin&' 1' 3' ;' .1.' .3+' .;1' .;6' <.1' <.0' <6;' 136' 021
heart' 1' <.' 0:' 62' ++1' +<6' +<:' +1+' +13' +1;' +16' +1:' +0:' +36' +;3' +;;' +;6' +6.' +:1' +:0' .+<' .01' .;6' .;:' .62' .:2' .:+' <++' <+;' <+6' <+:' <.2' <.+' <..' <.<' <.0' 12<' 1+:' 1;6' 0+0' 0.3

++3' +..' +.6' +63' +66' .2;' .26' ..1' .1:' .0:' .32' 1:6 hurricane lamp' ;6' +10' +33' ..;' 0;. h%dra(ine sul$ate' .12 h%drochloric acid' .:3' .:; h%dro&en peroxide' :0' +<:' .+6' .:3' <6<' 1<6' 0<.' 0<<' 01.
h%dro&en sul$ide' .3; h%peractive' .2< h%peresthesia' 1+; h%perth%roidism' +66 h%pnotism' 0+

heart disease' +1;' +;3' +:1' 12<' 0+0' 0.3 heart $ailure' .;6' <+6' <.. heart#urn' 6.' <;0
heartworm 4see also Diro$ilaria5' <.' +<6' +12' +1+' +13' +1;' +16' +1:' +3;' +;6' .01' <+6' <+:' <1<' 03; heel' 3+' 3<' 30' 3;' 36 hemo&lo#in' .;:' .63' .6;

ice cream recipe' 0..' 0.< ileocaecal valve' :;' +2+' +.6 immune $ailure' .63 impeti&o' 13 incontinence' ;0' .;6' .:1' <.0 indi&estion' 3' +2<' +10' .:6' 113' 00; indium' +.<' +0;' +3.
inductance' 0' ;' 163 inductor' ++' 163' 16: in$ant $ormula' 1.:

her# tea' 3<' 33' :<' :0' +12' <.+' <<0' <30' <:2' 1.1' 1.6' 1.:' 1<.' 0.1' 00+' 0;1 her#icide' 12 hernia' :2' +<<' +01' .36' .:; Herpes' :' .2' ++0' ++3' +3+' +;:' +62' +6+' +6.' <;+' 16;' 166' 1:.' 031' 0;3' 0;6 hexane' 112
hexanedione' +++' +16' +:<' .3:' 0;1 hiatal hernia' +<<' +01' .36' .:;

in$ertilit%' .' ++;' +11' +63' .<;' <61 inhaler' +<: insect' 6' 023' 02:' 0.: insecticide' <+. insomnia' 1' 6.' +<1' .11' .10' .;6' <.3' <12' 1+;' 00; insulin' +;<' +;1' +;0' +;3' +;;' +;6' +6.' .;3' <2.' <26' <<.' 1:2 inter$eron' 136

interleu ins' 136 intestinal pro#lem' +.6' .3;

iodine' :0' +<3' +3<' +31' +66' .2.' .+6' .<:' .13' .16' .:6' <11' <16' <:6' <::' 11.' 11<' 1::' 00:' 06< iridium' 6.' +.<' +66' .00' .;+' 1:; iron' .1;' .16' .;;' .;:' .63' 102' 0;. irrita#ilit%' ++<' .+2' .01' .3.' .:6 irrita#le #owel s%ndrome 4I8S5' +2.'

+<:' +1+' +13' +0;' ..2' .<+' .<.' .<1' .3;' .36' .;0' .62' <03' 1+3' 1+;' 1+6' 133' 1;.' 1;0' 021

+;2' .3.' .:2' 1.3'

+6+' .31' <+1' 1<3'

+:;' .30' <1:' 112'

?eishmania' +2;' +:<' 036' 0;6 lemonade' 00;

lesion' :' +6+ leu emia' .++ lip' 0<1' 0<0

+2<' +21 islets o$ ?an&erhans' +6. isoprop%l alcohol' .0+' .60' <<.' <<0' <<3' <16' <:1' <:6

Bam' .' <6' 0.' .<<' .30 Baw' 03' ;1' ;:' 6;' 66' +03' +0;' +06' +0:' +;2' .23' .+0' ..3' .01' .:+' <+0' <;;
Baw #one' ;1' ;:' 6;' 66' .23' .+0 Boint' 30' 33' ;2' 6.' 61' +<:' +00' +0;'

.+;' 1+; Boint pain' 61' 1+;

erosene' +<;' .26' ..1' ..;' .<0' 12;' 1.:' 0;. idne% stone' 16' 03' ;0' ;:' :1' :0' :3' +26' +.;' +33' .21' .+.' .:+' 00.
nee' 11' 36' ;1' 1+:' 16: nuc le' +:0' 10:' 13<' 131' 163 >oBic acid' +2.' +;1' +;0' ..3' <66'


lactic acid' 66' +61' +6;' .;3 ?acto#acillus' +22' 031' 0;3 lactose' 33' +21' .2.
lamp oil' 1;1 lanolin' ..<' ..0 lanthanide' 1+1

lip soother' 0<1' 0<0 lipoic acid' also see thioctic acid' 11.' 061 lipstic ' ;0' +.<' .2;' <.;' <<3' 1;3' 0<:' 0;. lithium' .00' .0:' .32' .;+ liver disorder' <;1 liver $lu e' <<' 1<' ;1' ;6' :3' +2<' +21' +2;' +2:' +++' ++3' ++;' +..' +.6' +<+' +;0' +6.' +60' +63' +6;' +66' .2;' .26' .+6' ..2' ...' ..<' ..1' ..0' .1:' .0:' .32' .36' .;+' 1:1' 1:6 ?oa loa' +1+' +1;' +16' +1:' +;3' .:+' <+6' <+:' 036' 0;3 loss o$ #alance' +3:' .;2' 1+: lotion' .1;' 160' 0<0' 0<3 ?ou Gehri&)s disease' 11 ?u&olWs' +3<' .2.' .2<' .13' .16' .;+' .:6' <+0' <13' <:6' 11.' 11<' 1::' 022' 02+' 00:' 06< lun&' 12' +<0' +<6' <<3' <;.' 12;' 1;;' 1;6' 0;3' 0;6 lun& $lu e' +<6 lupus' .02' 1:0' 06: lutetium' +1+ l%e' 0.:' 0<2 ?%me disease' +;2' 03< l%mph' 31' 6:' :2' +2:' +11' +03' +0;' .3;
l%mphoc%tosis' 1+; l%ser&ic acid' .3<

l%sine' +1.' +13' +62' +6+' 0<1' 0<0' 0<;' 0<6

lard' <2<' <+2' <01' <;1' <:1' 1.1' 0+;' 0.:' 0<2 laser' +++ lateral sclerosis' .21
lead' 1' ..' .3' <;' 13' 1;' 32' 3:' ;1' ;0' ;:' 6+' :3' +2+' +20' ++3' +<3'

ma&net' +00 ma&netic resonance ima&er% 4/RI5' 0 maintenance parasite pro&ram' 6<' +20' +23' ++3' +0+' +;3' .;+' <12' <1+' 000' 006

mali&nant' <:' <<+' <<;' 11; malvin' .<<' .<0' .<3' .30 mammar% &land' +1< mammo&ram' +11' +10' +13 man&anese' 6:' +;3' .;;' 0;. /aple /il Sha e' 0+1 maple s%rup' +:+' .1<' <30' <6+' <:2' 11+' 0+<' 0+1' 0.1 mar&arine' <;6' 0+; marshmallow root' 01:' 00+' 00.' 06< massa&e' 0+' ;2' 60' :.' 1<0' 1<: massa&e oil' 1<0' 1<: mean cell volume 4/C,5' .+.' .60 measles' +63' <0<' 1:. medication' +33' .2<' .<3 melanoma' <<; memor% loss' .;<' .;6 /eniere)s s%ndrome' +3: menopause' ++<' ++1' +1<' .32 menstruation' ++<
mental pro#lem' .' .6< mercuric chloride' ;2' ;.

mouthwash' +03' +:1' .+6' ..:' <<0' 1+<' 1<0' 1<6' 1;3' 0<< multiple sclerosis' 13' .21' .+:' .02' .01 mumps' +;3' +;6 muscle' 33' ;6' :<' :1' +<:' +1;' +06' +3+' +6;' +:;' .+6' ..2' 1;; muscle pain' 33
muscular d%stroph%' .+:' ..2 m%asthenia &ravis' 00' ..+ m%coplasma' +<6' +1+' +;3 m%cotoxin' <6' +2.' .3+' <0+' <61' <60' <66' 1.< m%o$i#rositis' ;;

Nae&leria' +<6' .;+' 036' 0;;
nail polish' +<3' ...' .01' 11:' 0;< nausea' 33' +.+' +0<' .31' <<6' 00; nec ' 6:' +11' +03' +0;' +32' +33' .23'

mercur% amal&am' 12:' 1+3' 1+;' 160 mesothelioma' <<; meta#olism' +++' +6;' .<6' .<:' .12' .1<' .11 metacercaria' 1:0 metal tooth $illin&' ;<' +.<' +1.' +0;' +66' +6:' 11.' 1;.' 0<< metastasis' <<;
methanol 4wood alcohol5' +;<' +;1' 1.: meth%l #ut%l etone' <0' :3' ++2' +++'

.62' 12.' 1+: Neisseria' ++1' ++3' ++:' 03<' 030' 0;3' 0;; nephritis' 1+;
nerve' <3' 0:' 63' +01' +06' +;2' +62' +6+' .20' .23' .3.' <.:' <;+' 1;6

++3' +..' .3:' 0;1 meth%l eth%l etone' <0' ++2' +;+' .32' 0;1 meth%l methacr%late' 1+1 meth%lene chloride' <;' +3.' .26' ..+' .3:' 0;1 microscope slide' 6' +1:' .+2' 1;;' 02+' 03+ mi&raine' +3.' +3<' +31' +30' +36' .0: mil di&estant' 62' 1.+' 1.0 millet' <66' 1.2 miracidia' <1' +66' 1:0' 022 mite' <06' <0:' <32' 126' 0;2' 062 mitral valve' +1;' +0:
moisturi(er' 0.0 molasses' .63 mononucleosis' 1:. monosodium &lutamate 4/SG5' .<.' .<<' .0<' .00' .30' .33' <21' 1<1

nervousness' ++<' +6; neurolo&ist' ;< niacin' 36' ;2' ;<' +36' .;:' .62' .6+' <.2' <62 niacinamide' ..6' .<<' .3<' <<6' <31' <62 nic el' <;' 60' +23' ++0' +..' +.1' +.0' +.3' +<6' +<:' +1<' +10' +;;' +62' +66' +:2' .2;' ...' <;1' 1+6' 1.2' 1.1' 1<+' 1<3' 1;0 nicotine' .31' 0<: ni&ht sweats' .21' <0< nio#ium' +13 nitrate' 0;< Nocardia' ++.' +0:' +6;' .23' .1.' .32' 030' 0;3' 0;; nose' ..' .1' 12' +20' +2;' +<<' +12' +:<' +::' .2<' <1;' <0:' <3+' <3:' <;:' 0<3 num#ness' +01' +0;' .2;' .2:' .01' .00' .03' 1+;
nursin&' +<1' .1.' .:.' <1.' <;0 nut' .<' .0' .3.' <+2' <;1' <63' <6:'

moth #all' +21' +1+' +1:' +3.' .;+' 116 mother)s mil ' +<<' +1<' <;0' 1:2

13+' 0+: nut #utter' <+2' <;1' <63' <6:

o#esit%' .<;' .12' .1.' 016 optic nerve' 1;6 optic neuritis' 1+; ornithine' 6.' .1<' .11' .0:' .;.' <.0' <.3' <12' <1.' 00;
osteoarthritis' ;6' 6< osteom%elitis' 1+2

personal lu#ricant' 1<: pesticide' 12' 36' :3' +<.' +3.' +;+' +60' .<3' .0<' .00' .36' .6.' <21' <+<' <13' 1.;' 1;.' 1;<' 01.' 0;.' 0:2 pet $ood' <01' 0;1 pet parasite pro&ram' ;;' ++;' +..' +3;' <:0' 1:1
*e%er)s patches' .3; phen%lisothioc%anate 4*I"5' 61 phosphate' 3<' 31' 30' 33' 3;' 36' ;<' 62' 6+' 6<' 63' 66' :1' :0' :3' +23' +2;' +<:' +1.' +;;' +60' .+.' .+<' .+0' .+3' .+;' .00' <.2' 00+

ovarian c%st' :+' ++2' .00' <61 ovar%' :2' :+' :.' ++: overwei&ht' +<2' .<;' .<6' .<:' .1.' .1< oxalate' 36' 3:' :<' :1' :0' :3' +26' ++3' +..' +.6' +<:' +1.' +;+' +66' 00+ oxalic acid' 3+' :<' :1' .1<' .;3' 00+

*.1 anti&en' 06< *A8A' 0<3' 06<

phosphate cr%stal' 30' 3;' 63' :1' :0' :3' +2;' +;;' +60' .+.' .+;' .00' <.2' 00+ pinworm' ..2' 121 piperine' 61
placenta' ;3' .06' .3< platelet' +:' +10' .63

palladium' 6.' +<6' +1+' +1:' +;;' +6;' .26

pancreatic $lu e' <<' <0' 1<' +2.' +2<' +20' +2;' +2:' +12' +1.' +;<' +;1' +;0' +;3' +;;' +;6' +;:' +6.' +6<' +63' +66' ..2' ..+' .1:' .02' .0+' .0:' <2.' <;+' <;0' <66' 1:1' 1:6

platinum' 36' ++3' +..' +.<' +<1' +1+' +1:' +60' +:<' .2;' .+.' 1+:
*/S' ++<' ++0' .00' <61 *neumoc%stis' +<6' <;.' 036' 0;6 pneumonia' +<6' +1.' +1;' +3:' 12;' 031' 033 polio' <;+ polonium' <;.

pantothenic acid' 32' .0< para amino #en(oic acid 4*A8A5' 0<3' 06< paradichloro#en(ene' +1:' +3. *ara&onimus' +2;' +<6' 036' 0;: paral%sis' 1+;
paraple&ia' 1+; paresthesia' 1+; *ar inson)s disease' +0:' <+0 parsle%' <21' <23' <1<' <11' <10' 0+<'

pol%eth%lene' 3.' 0+;' 0<. pol%neuritis' 1+; popcorn' +11' +6+' .16' <+<' <0+' <00' <03' <;<' <60' 1;3' 1:. porcelain' 1+0
por ' .23' 1.<' 1.1' 1;;' 161 potassium' 06' 0:' 6.' :0' +<:' +3<'

01:' 002' 00+ pasta' 33' :3' +.+' .21' ..0' ..6' .3.' <23' <2;' <26' <+2' <03' <3<' <;1' <;0' <6+' <60' <63' <6;' 1<. patulin' .;;' 0.. *C8' +1;' +3.' +66' <+1' 1.3' 1;0' 0.;' 0;< peanut #utter' 10' +6:' <31' <;3' <6.' <6:' 1<.' 0+:' 0.<' 0.1 penis' .02' 1:+' 1:< pentane' +.;' +3.' +;+' +66' .26 per$ume' +:2' .0< peripheral neuropath%' .2:

.++' .+;' .+6' .;;' .:+' .:<' .:1' <21' <++' <16' <;<' 1::' 0+0' 0+3' 00: potassium #icar#onate' 06' 0+0 potassium chloride' .++' <++' <;<' 0+3 potpourri' +30' +36' 116 praseod%mium' +..' ..+' .11' 1<: pre&nanc%' ;3' +23' +++' ++0' ++:' +.+' +..' .31
pro#e' .6' 10:' 13.' 13<' 131' 130' 13;' 136' 1;+' 16;' 16:' 021' 023

pro&esterone' :+' ++<' ++1' ++0' ++: propane' .2; prostate' 3:' :3' ++.' +.<' +.1' +.0' +.3' +.;' +.6' +<:' +:2' <<+' <<.' <<3' <<;' 1:+' 022 prostate cancer' <<.' <<;' 022

*rostho&onimus' +<:' .00' 036' 0;6 protein' +:<' ..6' .<.' 00< *roteus' :1' +2.' ++2' ++1' 030' 0;3' 0;6 *seudomonas' ;1' 030' 0;3 psoriasis' +:< purpura' .6+ *,C' ;2' ;6' .++' .<+' .<3' .1+' .3.' .6.' 102' 1;0' 0;< p%loric' .:;

salic%late' +;2 salmon' <2;' <33' <;3' 1..' 0.1 salve' +3. samarium' 6.' +0;' .26 Sarcoc%stis' +2;' 036' 0;: sassa$ras' 0.:' 013 scalp' +.3' +;+' +:2' +:<' 0.3' 0.6 scandium' .23 schi(ophrenia' .++' .3+' .3.' 102 sciatic nerve' 63 scopolamine' <:<' 1.< sea$ood' .20' <2;' <33' 1.1' 1<.' 1<1' 0.. se#aceous c%st' +;+' +66 sei(ure' .<2' .<+' .<.' .<<' .<1' .<0' .<3' .30' 0+; semen' <1.
sex' 3;' +.+' +;:' .20' <+:' <1. shampoo' +20' +11' .61' <<<' <<0' <<3' 1<;' 1;3' 0.6' 01. shavin& supplies' +6:' .61' <<0

Juassia' 013

ra##it $lu e' +20' .2< radiation' ;' 1<;' 06: radio $reJuenc%' 3' ;' +<' 163 radon' :3' +26' +.;' +1.' +10' +13'

+02' +6+' +60' +63' +6;' 120' 123' 1;0 rash' <3' +6:' +:2' +:+' ..2' .13 rat poison' 1+;' 1+6 red #lood cell' +:' ;;' .60' .63 Red /il ' 0+0 redia' :' <1' +..' 1:0' 022 re$lexolo&%' 3+ reproductive or&ans' ++: respirator%' +12' +1.' +32' +;2' <06' <32' <3+' <3<' 11:' 0+; retina' +32' +3.' .+< retinitis pi&mentosa' <' +3. rha#dom%osarcoma' <<; rhenium' +<:' +6; ri#o$lavin' <62' 061
rice' 3<' 33' +.+' +11' <2<' <23' <2;' <26' <++' <1:' <0+' <03' <3<' <33' <6<' <60' 1.2' 1<.' 1:.' 0<1

sheep liver $lu e' <<' 1<' ;6' +2<' +21' +2;' +2:' +++' ++;' +..' +<+' +;0' +6.' +60' +6;' +66' .26' ..<' ..1' ..0' .1:' .32' .;+' 1:1' 1:6
shin&les' +;:' +:.' <;+' 16;' 1:.' 031 shoulder' 1:' +02' +0+' +0.' +0<' .00' 00< silicon' 1;0

silver' <;' +22' +2<' ++2' ++3' ++:' +13' +;;' +60' +:.' +:<' .32' <+2' 1.2' 1.3' 1;0' 1;3 sinus' +21' ++3' ++;' +<6' +<:' +1.' +3<' +3;' +36' +;2' +6;' .10' .36' <3:' 1+:' 1:.
s in cancer' +:1 s ullcap' .11' 00.

rin&worm' .1; room $reshener' +02' .61 root canal' ;:' ++:' +<6' +10' +06' +0:' +3<' +33' +6;' .26' .+3' .33' <+6' 1+2' 1+. roundworm' +1' <.' ;3' 6<' 63' +2;' +<:' .0;' .30' .3;' .;1' <1<' <;.' 033 ru#ella' +6: ruthenium' .+.' .11' 1<:

sleep pro#lem' :3' +2;' ++;' .1+' .00 Smo er)s ?e&' ;2 smo in&' 3;' 36' ;2' ;<' +;;' .00' <.;' <<3' <;. soap' homemade' 1<;' 1<6' 111' 116' 11:' 0<2 soda pop' recipe' 0+0
sodium' 06' 0:' +23' +<:' +13' +6+' .+.' .+;' .<.' .6.' <++' <;<' 112' 0+0' 0.:' 0<1' 0<0' 0<;' 06.' 061 sodium al&inate' +23' +6+' 0<1' 0<0'

0<; sodium #icar#onate' 06' 06. sodium car#onate' 061

sodium chloride' <;<' 112' 061 sono&ram' 0 sore throat' .2' +0:' +32' .23' .+;' 122' 1:. sor&hum' ..3' .6+' <66' <:+' 1;0' 16+' 0+:
soup' +23' +62' .2:' .1<' .6;' .:1' <23' <2;' <+2' <.1' <1:' <;3' 120' 1<+' 1<.' 1<1' 0.+' 0.<' 0.1

"aenia pisi$ormis' ;0' +16' +:3' 0;2' 0;: "aenia solium' +1;' +:3' 0;2' 0;: tantalum' +12' +1+' 1;0
tapeworm' .2' <.' 02' ;0' +3+' +;:' +:0' +:3' +:;' .22' .2+' .26' ..2' <+6' <0:' <32' <3<' <31' <;2' 16;' 1:1' 0;2 +++' +:6' <0;' <;+' +1;' +::' <06' 126'

sour cream' +31' .:<' <20' 0.1 so%' <6;' 1<.' 1<1 spasm' ;2' :<' +02' +0<' +3<' <22 spastic colon' ;6
speech pro#lem' .;2 sperm' ++:' +.<

spinal cord' .21' .20' .23' <3+' 1;6 spine' 1:' 62' :.' :<' .+; spleen' +16' +;1' +:0' +:;' +:6' <06' 1+:' 1:.
stainless steel' 1<+' 01< Staph%lococcus' 3.' ;1' ;3' 6:' ::'

tapeworm sta&e' .2' <.' ;0' +++' +1;' +3+' +;:' +:0' +:3' +::' .22' .2+' .26' <+6' <0;' <06' <0:' <32' <3<' <31' <;2' <;+' 16;' 1:1 "C Eth%lene' :3' +1+' +16' +66' +:<' 1.: tea ettle' <+2' 1<+
tellurium' 36' ;6' +<1' +1.' +66' .26 temporar% ischemic attac s 4"IA5' .2;' .6+ tendon' +01 terato&en' 1+6 ter#ium' +63 testicle' .2' 01' ++:' +.6' +;6 thallium' <;' 3:' ;2' ;+' ;.' ;<' ;1' ;:'

++3' +1;' +0:' +3<' +;6' +6;' .23' .+3' .1.' .:+' <+6' <+:' <13' <0<' 030' 033' 0;;
starch' +.+' <22' <;<' <;1' <;0' <;6' 0<+' 0<.' 0<1' 0<;' 0<:' 012' 0;<

Steri&matoc%stin' <60' 03.' 0;3 sternum' +16' +1:

stomach pro#lem' +21' +20' .36 strep throat' +22' +21' 1:. Streptococcus' ;1' ;3' ::' ++;' +1;'

+36' +3:' +;2' +6;' .1.' 033' 0;3' 0;;

stro e' .;6' .62' .6+' .6. Stron&%loides' ;6' ;:' 6.' 63' +3<'

+31' +33' +3;' +;2' +63' +:1' .03' .0;' .06' .0:' .32' .31' <1<' <;+' 036' 0;6 strontium' +.1' +.;' +6+' +:.' .11' .:3' 1<0' 1<3' 1<:' 102
st%rene' +2<' +..' +16' +3.' 1<2 st%ro$oam' +..' +16' .32' .:.' <+1'

1<2' 1<<' 1;0' 0.;' 0;0 sul$ur' :0' .3;' <;3

sweat' +.3' .1;' 0.6' 0<+' 0<. sweetenin&' <2<' <26' 0.1 S%ncrometer' 1<' 10' +02' +6.' +6:' .0+' <+.' <13' <00' 1.:' 111' 113' 10;' 106' 10:' 132' 13.' 133' 13;' 1;2' 1;+' 16.' 02<' 021' 023' 0;+

:0' :3' +22' +++' ++0' +.<' +<1' +6:' +:2' .23' .2:' ..2' .1.' .01' .00' .31' .3:' <+1' <3+' 1+;' 1+6' 1<6' 0<3' 0;< thioctic acid' ;<' ;1' 6.' +.2' +.<' +;6' .2;' .26' ..:' .<3' .<;' .01' .3.' .30' .3:' .;2' 11.' 061 threadworm' +3<' <;+ throat' .2' +22' +21' +20' +1+' +1:' +02' +32' +::' .23' ..;' .1+' .1.' .1<' .36' .62' .:0' <01' <3+' <;2' 122' 1;;' 1:+' 1:. thrush' .13' .16' 1:. thulium' +.6' +1+' +13' +;;' +:<' ..+' 1<:' 112 th%mus' <0' <3' +2;' +<+' +02' .2;' .26' ..+' .02' .0+' <0+' <0.' <0<' 113' 1;;' 1:+' 1:<
th%roid' ;;' +2;' ++;' +;2' +6.' +6<' +60' +6;' +66' +:<' .+<' .+;' .<;' .<:' .01' .33' <;;' 11<

s%philis' :+' 033

th%roxin' +6; tin' :' +<:' +3.' +6;' .1.' .:3' 1<0' 1<3' 1;.' 1;<' 1;3 "inea' .1; tinnitus' 3' +3:' +;2' +;+' 1+:

titanium' 6:' +2<' +.<' +1<' +62' +:<' .<+' .01' 1<0' 1<3' 1;3 "/I' +0;' +06' .0:' 1+: toast' +;6' +6+' <0.' <03' 1<2' 1<+' 1<1' 0.1' 0;. toaster' 0;< to#acco' 61' .;:' <.3' <;.' 1<3' 1:.' 033 "o#acco /osaic virus' 1<3 toe' 03' 0:' 3;' 36' +00' .16' .0< to$u' 1<.' 1<1
toluene' <0' <;' +2<' +1+' +16' .20' .2:' .+:' ..2' .<.' .0+' .0.' .3:' .;2' .;+' <<3' 1.;' 1;3

urea' ;0' +.0' .1<' <.2 urethra' +.1 uric acid' 00' 3+' 36' 3:' 6+' :1' +;+' .+<' <.2
urinal%sis' 36' ;;' +33' +60' +:< urinar% tract' ;;' +2.' +23' ++2' ++1'

+..' +.0' +.;' +3<' +33' +3;' +:2' .00' .:+' 1<2' 000 uterine wall' ++.' .1: uterus' <0' +2<' +23' +26' +2:' ++2' +++' ++.' ++<' ++0' ++;' ++:' +..' +.<' +.1' +10

tomato Buice' 6.' <26' 0.+ ton&ue' 3' .16' <;3' 160 tonsil' .36 tooth metal' ++.' +.<' +<<' +<6' +1.' +1:' +3.' +63' +6;' .23' ..+' .<+' .12
tooth#rush' :0' .+6' .16' .:0' 1<6' 0<. toothpaste' 6.' +.1' +.;' +<6' +03'

va&ina' .13' .02' 1:+' 1:< valerian' +02' +0+' +0.' +0<' +06' .11' .;.' <22' <.0' <.3 vanadium' :3' +20' +12' +1:' +30' +;2' +;+' +;0' +63' +6;' .<+' .00' .32' .36' .;+' <+< vanilla' 0+1' 0+:' 0.. ,anilla /il ' 0+1 vasectom%' +.6 ve&eta#le Buice' 33' 6.' :1' .<;' <26' <2:' <..' 1..' 1.1' 0+<' 0.<' 0.1' 0.0 ve&etarian' +:;' 1<1
vine&ar' 6:' .;3' .;;' .:;' <2<' <20' <23' <;;' <6+' <6<' 12<' 111' 116' 1:<' 0+1' 012' 01+' 01.' 0;. .66' <16' 120' 0.+' .:+' <1:' 1.<' 0.;' .:3' <33' 11+' 0.6'

+6+' +6;' +:3' .23' .+6' .1.' .:3' 1.2' 1<0' 1<6' 1;3' 0<.' 0;.' 0;<' 0;1 "oxoplasma' +32' +3+' +3.' 036' 0;; trachea' +6;' 1;6
tremor' 1:' ;6' .23' .2;' .2:' .32' .;2' .;6' <+<' <+1' <+0' <+3 "reponema' ++1' ++:' 033' 0;3 "richinella' <+' 36' ;3' ;:' 62' 6.' 63'

+0<' +3+' +63' +:.' +:<' +:1' .2;' .0;' .32' <1<' 036' 0;6
trichloroethane' <; "richomonas' +2.' ++2' 036' 0;;

"richuris' ;1' +2;' +1.' +33' 036' 0;6 tr%ptophane' .11' .10' 1<: tu#erculosis' +1.' 12;' 030' 0;: tumor' 12' <<;' 1+0' 01; tun&sten' .;+' 1<2' 1<+' 11: tur e%' 1.<' 1.1' 1;;' 160 turmeric' 01; t%ramine' +31' .:<' <20

vitamin A' :0' +1.' +01 vitamin 8' 62' 66' +1.' +13' +;6' .+;' .<0' .60' <0<' 00+
vitamin 8+' .<0' .60 vitamin 8+.' .<0' .60 vitamin 8.' 66' <0< vitamin 83' 62' +1.' +13' .+;' 00+ vitamin C' <6' 06' ;<' 6;' 6:' +2;' ++2' +.2' +.+' +.6' +1+' +11' +13' +36' +;;' +;6' +6+' +61' +:<' .+.' .+6' ...' ..6' .<2' .1.' .1;' .3<' .;2' .;;' .62' .6+' .63' .:+' <2+' <2.' <2<' <20' <1;' <16' <1:' <03' <31' <30' <33' <;2' <6.' <6<' <60' <63' <66' <6:' <:2' <:+' <:<' 1.+' 1.<' 1.;' 1<.' 1<<' 112' 11+' 1;2' 16+' 1:1' 0+<' 0+0' 0+3' 0+6' 0+:' 0.2' 0.+' 0.<' 0.0' 0<+' 0<1' 0<0' 0<;' 0<6' 01<' 010' 016' 003' 0;<' 061

udder wash' :6' +2:' +<; ulcer' +<. underwei&ht' .12' .36 universal aller&% s%ndrome' 1:0 uranium' +1.' +13 urate' :0' +..' +<:' +33' +3;' .00

vitamin D' 31' 30' 33' ;1' 6+' 6;' 66' +06' .+;' .+6' .01 ,itamin D Drops' 032
vitamin E' +.2' +10' +13' 0<1' 0<: vomitin&' +20' +<1' +33' .2.' <:1' 1+;

worm' +2' +20' +2;' +1.' +1;' +3<' +:;' .1;' .0;' <+6
wormwood' <<:' <1.' <11' <10' 06. wrist' ;1' ;0' 62' +01' +00' .00' <.6

wallpaper' +1+' 116' 0;.
wart' 3:' +;1' +;3' +:0' +:3' .2+' 1;6 washin& soda' 0;' 06' +62' +66' .3:' <+1' <13' <::' 1<+' 1<6' 111' 116' 0+0' 0+3' 0.0' 0.;' 0<.' 0<<' 012 water heater' <:' <+:' 1<+' 11;' 11:'

xeno#iotic' 1+: x%lene' <0' <;' +++' +..' +1+' +16' .20' .26' .2:' .+:' ..2' .<.' .0+' .0.' .;2' 1.;' 1.:

Kan ee Drin ' 0+1 %east' 1' ++0' ++3' +..' +6:' .13' .1;' .16' .:6' <;;' <::' 1:.' 03<
%tter#ium' 1+0' 1<3 %ttrium' +.<' +.;' +63

0;< water so$tener' ++;' +.;' .;1' 1<;' 102' 1;<' 0+;' 0;.' 0;< wea ness' :.' +.;' +<:' .2;' ..2' .;6' .:<' <+;' <..' 1+; whip worm' +20' +2;' +1.
white distilled vine&ar' .;;' <1:' 1.<' 111' 116' 0.+' 012' 01+' 01. white iodine' :0' +3<' .+6' .16 wine' +31' .62' <.;' <6+' <63' 1<+

(earalenone' +11' ..0' <00' 1:.
(inc' ;2' +23' +.2' +.<' +.;' +01' +32' +6+' .1;' .;;' .:3' 0<.' 0<1' 0;. (inc oxide' +6+' .1;' 0<.' 0<1 (irconium' ;0' 6:' ++.' +.6' +<6' +1;'

wood alcohol 4see also methanol5' <;' +2.' +2<' +3.' +;<' +;1' +;0' +;3' +;;' +;6' +;:' +6<' +60' +63' .23' .26' .12' .0+' .0.' .0:' .3:' <2.' <2:' <+1' <;+' <;0' <;;' <66' <:+' 1+1' 1<3' 1;0' 0+:' 00:' 0;1

+;2' +62' +6:' +:<' ...' .<+' 1+0' 1<0

A New Diagnostic De%iceN

With an audio oscillator circuit and a trained ear, you can detect parasites and pollutants in a way that no one has done beforePelectronically.

=eads To New Disco%eriesN

In every case of the =mysterious? disease diabetes, you find the not+so+mysterious parasite .ur+trema, and the fairly common pollutant )oo# alcohol. Every caseN !nd never in healthy peopleN #imilarly in cancer, HI/, !l>heimerJs, endometriosis, to name a few, you can find specific parasites andHor pollutants at work.

And New CuresN

Dou donJt need dan erous, e;pensive prescription dru s to et rid of the causes of your illness. 8nce you know what you are fi htin you can pick herbal, electronic, or avoidance methods. E;cept for the cost of dental work, you can et well for under T%--N

And New !opeN

@ollow the advice in this book preventively, and never worry about your health a ainN Fet your whole family well and keep them well. #tart todayN

9t Took An 9ndependent Research Scientist

to find the answers. Hulda (e ehr Clark be an her studies in biolo y at the ,niversity of #askatchewan, Canada, where she was awarded the .achelor of !rts, Ma na Cum Caude, and the Master of !rts, with Hi h Honors. !fter two years of study at McFill ,niversity, she attended the ,niversity of Minnesota, studyin biophysics and cell physiolo y. #he received her "octorate de ree in physiolo y in %&'5. In %&4& she left overnment funded research and be an private consultin on a full time basis. #i; years later she discovered an electronic technique for scannin the human body. :oday she puts her methods, results and conclusions before you. (ead and recover.

Be) Centur+ @ress Chula "ista, CA 1 (800) 51 0!"#5 ))),ne)centur+press,co m I#.* %+5&--7'+-%+4 T6%.&'

$Aout this ele>troni> Aook

While creatin this electronic version of :he Cure for all "iseases, I encountered some inconsistencies and 0small2 errors in it. .elow follows an overview. *iels Willems, december 6--6. ni e l s . w b hc c ne t. nl w w w . r up a . d e mo n. nl
#a<e %5 6' 6'' 713'% 3'6 314 '%& '16 '17 '13 '1' '4'4' '41 '41 '5Line @i .6 last+6 last+7 last+4 ' last %3 last last+4 %1 &ard >oCy 0"i+phyllobothruim e.2 both with a alli ator clip liver cleanses0pa e '3&2 make health improv+ed furniture]treated] refi erators #!C: ` % honey !r yria .ac. antracis spores c 7&%.3' c 751.&' 1 Corynebacterium diptheriae %5 *orcardia asteroides 06nd ran e2 last+3 folicle mite 6 )aradicloroben>ene 0%42 missin 9 !flato;in 06nd2 %55 %55 last+%& Corynebacterium diptheri 3 folliculorum foli Ele>troni> =ersion 0"i+phyllobothrium e.2 both with an alli ator clip liver cleanses 0pa e ''62 make health improved furniture ]treated] refri erators #!C: `% honey. !rcyria .ac. antracis spores c 751.&' c 7&%.3' Corynebacterium diphtheriae *ocardia asteroides 06nd ran e2 follicle mite )aradichloroben>ene 0not corrected2 Corynebacterium diphthe folliculorum foll

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