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Chapter V

On the Devas going to Visnu

p. 1028

1-5. Sta said :-- Then the Devas, on arriving at Vai untha, sa! the "ord o# "a s$%, the Deva o# the Devas, the &or'd-Tea(her, !ith his e)es *eauti#u' 'i e +ad$, +a',sa -'otus'eaves., shining !ith *ri''ian(e and *egan to praise /i$ in a voi(e (ho ed !ith intense #ee'ings o# devotion, thus :-- 0Vi(tor) to Visnu1 O "ord o# 2a$,1 Thou art prior to the Vir,t +urusa. O 3ne$) o# the Dait)as1 O Thou, the 4enerator o# desires in a'' and the 5esto!er o# the #ruits o# those desires to a''1 O 4o*inda1 Thou art the 4reat 5oar and Thou art o# the nature o# 4reat Sa(ri#i(es1 O 6ah, Visnu1 O "ord o# Dhar$a1 Thou art the Cause o# the origin o# this !or'd1 Thou didst support the earth in Th) 7ish 8n(arnation #or the de'iveran(e o# the Vedas1 O Thou Sat)avrata o# the #or$ o# a 7ish1 &e *o! do!n to Thee. O Thou1 The 3ne$) o# the Dait)as1 The O(ean o# $er()1 Thou dost do the a(tions o# the Devas out o# $er(). O Thou1 the Tortoise 8n(arnation1 That grantest 6u ti to others1 O*eisan(e to Thee1

9-18. O Thou1 That didst assu$e the #or$ o# a 5oar #or the destru(tion o# the Dait)as :a)a and others and #or raising the earth #ro$ the !aters1 O*eisan(e to Thee1 Thou didst assu$e that #or$ - /a'# $an and ha'# "ion o# the ;risi$ha 6rti and tore asunder

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/iran)a =as>ipu, proud o# his *oons, *) Th) nai's. &e *o! do!n to Thee1 O*eisan(e to Thee1 That in Th) D!ar# 8n(arnation, didst de(eive 5a'i, !hose head got (ra?ed *) the a(@uisition o# the ingdo$ over the three "o as. &e *o! do!n to Thee, that in Th) +aras>u 2,$a 8n(arnation, didst s'a) =,rta V%r),r)una, the thousand handed, and the other !i( ed =sattri)as1 O*eisan(e to Thee1 That !ert *orn o# the !o$* o# 2enu , as the son o# :a$adagni. O*eisan(e to Thee, o# great pro!ess and va'our, that in Th) 2,$a 8n(arnation as the son o# Das>aratha, didst (ut o## the heads o# the !i( ed 2, sasa, the son o# +u'ast)a1 &e *o! do!n again and again to Thee, the 4reat "ord, that in Th)

=risna in(arnation, didst de'iver this earth #ro$ the ('ut(hes o# the !i( ed =ing Dur)odhana, =a$sa and others and didst esta*'ish the re'igion *) re$oving the then prevai'ing vi(ious ideas and do(trines. &e *o! do!n to Th) 5uddha 8n(arnation, that 4reat Deva !ho didst (o$e do!n here to put a stop to the s'aughtering o# the inno(ent ani$a's and to the per#or$an(e o# the !i( ed sa(ri#i(ia' (ere$onies1 O*eisan(e to the Deva1 &hen a'$ost a'' the persons in this !or'd !i'' turn out in #uture as 6'e(h(has and !hen the !i( ed =ings !i'' oppress the$, right and 'e#t, Thou !i't then in(arnate Th)se'# again as =a' i and redress a'' the grievan(es1 &e *o! do!n to Th) =a' i 7or$1 O Deva1 These are Th) Ten 8n(arnations, #or the preservation o# Th) devotees, #or the i''ing o# the !i( ed Dait)as. There#ore Thou art (a''ed as the 4reat 2e'iever o# a'' our trou*'es. O Thou1 Vi(tor) to Thee1 The Deva &ho assu$est the #or$s o# !o$en and !ater #or destro)ing the ai'ings o# the devotees1 &ho e'se (an *e so ind1 O Thou, the O(ean o# $er()1A O 2isis1 Thus praising the )e''o! ro*ed Visnu, the "ord o# a'' the Devas, the !ho'e host o# the Devas *o!ed do!n to /i$ and $ade Sh,st,$gas. Then Visnu 4ad,dhara, hearing their h)$ns, g'addened the$ and spo e :--

1<-2B. SCr% 5hagav,na said :-- 0O Devas1 8 a$ p'eased !ith )our stotra. Dou need not *e sorro!#u'. 8 !i'' re$ove a'' )our trou*'es that have *e(o$e un*eara*'e to )ou. O Devas1 8 a$ ver) g'ad to hear the praises that )ou have o##ered on 6e. 5etter as *oons #ro$ 6e. 8 !i'' grant the$ though ver) rare even and o*tained !ith di##i(u't). En) person !ho rises ear') in the $orning and re(ites !ith devotion this stotra sung *) )ou, !i'' never eFperien(e an) sorro!. O Devas1 ;o povert), no *ad s)$pto$s, no Vet,'as nor p'anets nor 5rah$, 2, sasas nor an) $is#ortunes !i'' overta e hi$. ;o disease, due to V,ta -!ind) te$pera$ent., +itta -*i'e. and =apha -ph'eg$. nor unti$e') death !i'' visit hi$. /is #a$i') !i'' not

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*e eFtin(t and happiness !i'' a'!a)s reign there. O Devas1 This stotra (an give ever)thing. 5oth the enHo)$ent and #reedo$ !i'' (o$e !ithin an)one>s eas) a((ess. There is no dou*t in this. ;ov !hat is )our di##i(u't)I 4ive out. 8 !i'' re$ove it at on(e. There is not a *it o# dou*t in this.A /earing these !ords o# SCr% 5hagav,n, the Devas *e(a$e g'ad and spo e to Visnu.

/ere ends the 7i#th Chapter o# the Tenth 5oo on the Devas> going to Visnu, in the 6ah, +ur,na$ SCr% 6ad Dev% 5h,gavata$ o# 18,000 verses *) 6ah,rsi Veda V),sa.

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