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Safe'. C#de& a"d S'a"da%d&
and 8elaLed Cerlngs for
Ee+a'#%&/ E&caa'#%&/
Movlng Walks, MaLerlal Lls
and uumbwalLers
O'" in$en%on i# #afe$+. We )an$ $o make #'"e
$ha$ e(e"+bod+ el#e in $he ind'#$"+ doe# $he
#ame $hing. And +o' can onl+ do $ha$ b+
ha(ing a 'nifo"m #$anda"d, beca'#e o$he")i#e
e(e"+one )ill ha(e $hei" o)n in$e""e$a%on#
of ho) #afe$+ #ho'ld be imlemen$ed. The
#$anda"d# c"ea$e a ba#eline fo" #afe$+ in $he
b"oade#$ con$e*$ and $hi# con$"ib'%on i#
immea#'"abl+ (al'able/
Beca'#e of $he con#en#'# "oce## )e
ha(e o(e" he"e2)hich ha# a $"emendo'#
amo'n$ of #c"'%n+ and a $"emendo'#
amo'n$ of $ho'gh$ and eo"$ in(ol(ed in
$he 'f"on$ "oce## of de(eloing #$an1
da"d#2$he #$anda"d# a"e of an e*$"emel+
high !'ali$+.
-Louls 8laly
Worldwlde Codes &
SLandards Cus LlevaLor
I $hink $he ASME Code# and S$anda"d#
commi&ee#0 mo#$ imo"$an$ )o"k i# $o be
able $o "o(ide con#i#$enc+ $h"o'gho'$ $he
na%on and No"$h Ame"ica/
An ele(a$o" i# an ele(a$o" and if +o' b'ild
an ele(a$o" in Califo"nia, +o' #ho'ld be able
$o #ell i$ in Ohio- and if +o' b'ild i$ in Ohio,
+o' #ho'ld be able $o #ell i$ in On$a"io. A#
#'ch, I $hink $he con#i#$enc+ ac"o## $he boa"d
)i$h $he No"$h Ame"ican #$anda"d# ha#
allo)ed $ha$ $o occ'"2"o(iding a ba#e
le(el of #afe$+, and allo)ing each j'"i#dic%on
$o be able $o enfo"ce i$ "oe"l+.
-norman 8. Marun
Chlef LlevaLor lnspecLor
SLaLe of Chlo
Ab#*' ASME A7=
LlevaLors and escalaLors have long been
consldered Lhe safesL form of publlc
LransporL, dellverlng mllllons and mllllons of
rldes wlLhouL anomalles. A17 ls a key reason why.
1he ASML A17.1 / CSA 844 SafeLy Code for
LlevaLors and LscalaLors has become Lhe
accepLed gulde LhroughouL norLh Amerlca for
Lhe deslgn, consLrucuon, lnsLallauon, operauon,
lnspecuon, Lesung, malnLenance, alLerauon,
and repalr of elevaLors, escalaLors and relaLed
conveyances. llrsL publlshed by ASML ln 1921,
A17.1 has been a prlmary source for all
subsequenL sLandards governlng elevaLors
and escalaLors worldwlde.
ASML oers a comprehenslve sulLe of A17
oerlngs, addresslng furLher aspecLs of safeLy
from muluple perspecuves. 1ogeLher, Lhey
comprlse an essenual reference for anyone
engaged ln Lhe safeLy of elevaLors and escalaLors.
ASML also oers Lralnlng and developmenL,
from Lhe same Lechnlcal and lndusLry experLs
who develop Lhe A17 sLandards ln consensus
commluees. 8ulld your experuse, dlrecL from
Lhe source.
I"'e"ded f#% anyone engaged ln Lhe safeLy of
elevaLors, escalaLors and relaLed conveyances,
- ueslgn, englneerlng and manufacLure
- lnsLallauon, operauon, Lesung, malnLenance,
alLerauon and repalr
- lnspecuon
- lans, conLracLs, admlnlsLrauon, lnsurance
and llablllLy
- roperLy, faclllues and planL managemenL
- Lmergency response
- Lducauon and publlc reference
A7=172CSA B:: 3 8676
SafeLy Code for LlevaLors
and LscalaLors
lS8n: 9780791833117
Crder nos.: A09610 (rlnL-8ook) /
A0961C (ulglLal ul)
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $300.00 uSu
In$ended a# $he ba#i# fo" $he de#ign, con#$"'c%on, in#$alla%on,
oe"a%on, $e#%ng, in#ec%on, main$enance, al$e"a%on, and
"eai" of ele(a$o"#, d'mb)ai$e"#, e#cala$o"#, mo(ing )alk#, and
ma$e"ial lif#. Inco"o"a$e# change# made in A68.6a17559 and
Major changes for the 2010 editon include:
3a4 fo"me" e"iodic in#ec%on# no) being co(e"ed 'nde" main1
$enance "e!'i"emen$#-
3b4 addi%onal $+e# of #'#en#ion mean#-
3c4 ele(a$o" ill'mina%on 'da$ed-
3d4 allo)ance of ene"g+ con#e"(a%on me$hod# in
e#cala$o" '#age-
3e4 "e(i#ion# of folding ca"1doo" "e!'i"emen$#
co(e"ing $o1of1ca" clea"ance#-
3f4 'da$ed comm'nica%on "e!'i"emen$# in
ele(a$o"# and-
3g4 addi%onal T+e B Ma$e"ial Lif "e!'i"emen$#.
Dont delay! Wi$h $he 7565 edi%on, +o' bene$ immedia$el+
f"om $he mo#$ c'""en$ ind'#$"+ be#$1"ac%ce#, )hile heling $o
an%cia$e o##ible change# fo" +o'" code comliance.
A7=18 3 8676
Culde for lnspecuon of LlevaLors,
LscalaLors and Movlng Walks
lS8n: 9780791833124
Crder nos.: A13210 (rlnL-8ook) /
A1321C (ulglLal ul)
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $170.00 uSu
leaLures new guldellnes on: (a.) machlne-room-less (M8L)
congurauons, and (b.) lncllned elevaLors. Adds non-mandaLory
Appendlx CheckllsL for llreghLers' Servlce of AuLomauc
LlevaLors. rovldes updaLed cross-references and addluonal
guldellnes Lo coordlnaLe wlLh A17.1-2007.
A7=172CSA B:: 3 8676
Ha"db##k on SafeLy Code
for LlevaLors and LscalaLors
lS8n: 9780791833306
Crder nos.: A11211 (rlnL-8ook) /
A1121C (ulglLal ul)
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $223.00 uSu
ConLalns Lhe rauonale for A17.1 Code requlremenLs, plus expla-
nauon, examples, and lllusLrauons of Lhe lmplemenLauon of
Lhese requlremenLs.
uon'L delay! WlLh Lhe revlsed A17.1 safeLy code, plus Lhe A17.1
handbook, you beneL lmmedlaLely from Lhe mosL currenL ln-
dusLry besL-pracuces, whlle helplng Lo anuclpaLe posslble
changes for your code compllance.
A7=19 3 8677
SafeLy Code for Lxlsung
LlevaLors and LscalaLors
lS8n: 9780791833399
Crder nos.: A12311 (rlnL-8ook) /
A1231C (ulglLal ul)
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $130.00 uSu
Serves [urlsdlcuonal auLhorlues ln adopung reLroacuve
requlremenLs for exlsung elevaLors and escalaLors. Culdes all
parues engaged ln Lhe safe lnsLallauon, lnspecuon, Lesung,
operauon, and/or lnsurance of exlsung elevaLors and escala-
Lors, Lhus sparlng Lhe ma[or caplLal expense of all-new equlp-
menL. As an alLernauve sLandard Lo A17.1 allows for more
exlblllLy ln problem-solvlng.
ASME A7= Safe'. C#de& 5 S'a"da%d&
A7=1: 3 7???
Culde for Lmergency ersonnel
lS8n: 0791826090
Crder nos.: A12399 (rlnL-8ook) /
A1239 (ulglLal ul)
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $33.00 uSu
Culdes emergency personnel (reghLers, pollce, oLhers),
bulldlng owners, lessees, and bulldlng operaLors-explalnlng
(a.) proper procedures for safe removal of passengers from
sLalled elevaLors, and (b.) operaung procedures for elevaLor
usage under reghLers' servlce (hase l and hase ll).
Crlucal lnformauon for a key componenL ln overall emergency
A7=1;2CSA B::17 3 8677
LlevaLor and LscalaLor LlecLrlcal
lS8n: 1333973063
Crder nos.: A13211 (rlnL-8ook) /
A1321C (ulglLal ul)
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $130.00 uSu
Applles Lo Lhe elecLrlcal equlpmenL for elevaLors, escalaLors,
and relaLed conveyances, lncludlng: (a) moLor conLrollers,
(b) mouon conLrollers, (c) operauon conLrollers, (d) operaung
devlces, and (e) all oLher elecLrlcal equlpmenL noL addressed
by anoLher safeLy sLandard or code. lnLended for lnsLallauon
as per Lhe Canadlan LlecLrlcal Code, arL 1 (CSA C22.1) and Lhe
nauonal LlecLrlcal Code (nlA 70), whlchever ls appllcable.
A7=1< 3 8676
SLandard for LlevaLor
Suspenslon, Compensauon and
Covernor SysLems
lS8n: 9780791832873
Crder nos.: A20110 (rlnL-8ook) /
A2011C (ulglLal ul)
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $83.00 uSu
llrsL-ever sLandard of lLs klnd. Addresses Lhree Lechnologles for
elevaLor suspenslon: (a.) sLeel wlre ropes, (b.) aramld ber
ropes, and (c.) non-clrcular elasLomerlc coaLed sLeel suspenslon
A7=1=2B::1= 3 866=
erformance-8ased SafeLy Code
for LlevaLors and LscalaLors
lS8n: 0791830993
Crder nos.: A16307 (rlnL-8ook) /
A1630C (ulglLal ul)
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $133.00 uSu
As a progresslve alLernauve Lo Lhe prescrlpuve" A17.1, allows
for more exlblllLy ln problem-solvlng. Covers deslgn,
consLrucuon, operauon, lnspecuon, Lesung, malnLenance,
alLerauon, and repalr of elevaLors, escalaLors and relaLed
conveyances. Speclcally lnLended for new elevaLor Lechnology
and pracuces. Alds [urlsdlcuonal auLhorlues wlLh guldellnes
Lo address new Lechnology wlLhln currenL safeLy and
performance requlremenLs.
Rea'ed ASME A7= Oe%i"g&
Ha"db##k/ S'a"da%d&
A7>17 3 8677 SafeLy SLandard for lauorm Lls
and SLalrway Chalrlls
Covers requlremenLs for lncllned sLalrway chalrlls and
lncllned and verucal plauorm lls for LransporLauon of a
moblllLy lmpalred person.
lS8n: 9780791833704
Crder nos.: A14311 / A1431C
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $90.00 uSu
A?617 3 866? SafeLy Code for 8elL Manlls
Applles Lo Lhe manufacLure, lnsLallauon, malnLenance, ln-
specuon, and operauon of belL manlls - mosL commonly
found on consLrucuon slLes and lnslde graln sllos.
lS8n: 9780791831649
Crder nos.: !10109/ !10101
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $39.00 uSu
QEI37 3 8676 SLandard for Lhe Cuallcauon of
LlevaLor lnspecLors
ConLalns crlLerla LhaL may be used for quallfylng and
Lralnlng of elevaLor lnspecLors and may serve as a
guldellne on whlch cerucauon may be based.
lS8n: 9780791832868
Crder nos.: A12010 / A1201C
SuggesLed LlsL rlce: $60.00 uSu
QEI 3 LlevaLor lnspecLor Cerucauon
Crganlzauon AccredlLauon rogram
Covers organlzauons LhaL cerufy elevaLor lnspecLors and
lnspecLor supervlsors ln accordance wlLh Lhe ASML CLl-1
SLandard. lnspecLors cerued by accredlLed organlzauons
are qualled Lo lnspecL elevaLors, escalaLors, and relaLed
equlpmenL covered by Lhe ASML A17.1 LlevaLor Code.
lease vlslL:
T%ai"i"g a"d De+e#$!e"'
I"'%#d*c(#" '# Ee+a'#%& a"d E&caa'#%&
Covers Lhe essenual deslgn and operauon of elevaLors and escalaLor
sysLems, as well as Lhe Lermlnology and funcuons of varlous
assoclaLed mechanlcal and elecLrlcal componenLs.
Crder no.: u100
rlce: $1,073.00 - $1,273.00 uSu
H#, T# Pe%f#%! Ee+a'#% I"&$ec(#"& U&i"g ASME A7=18
Learn how Lo deLermlne safeLy slldlng dlsLance, Lop and bouom car,
counLerwelghL clearances and runby, and worklng pressure for
hydraullc elevaLors.
Crder no.: u102
rlce: $1,423.00 - $1,623.00 uSu
Ee+a'#% C#!b# C#*%&e
Comblnes u100 and u102. Save up Lo $363!
Crder no.: u602
rlce: $2,173.00 - $2,373.00 uSu
ASME A7=17 Safe'. C#de f#% Ee+a'#%& a"d E&caa'#%&
rovldes a comprehenslve revlew and analysls of Lhe ASML A17.1
Code where all phases of Lhe lndusLry are dlscussed: deslgn,
lnsLallauon, operauon, malnLenance, lnspecuon, Lesung and
compllance wlLh AuA.
Crder no.: u010
rlce: $1,773.00 - $1,973.00 uSu
Ee+a'#% Mai"'e"a"ce E+a*a(#"
Covers Lhe meLhods for evaluaung elevaLor malnLenance,
performance and conLracung. revenuve malnLenance procedures
for boLh mechanlcal and elecLrlcal componenLs are revlewed.
Crder no.: u107
rlce: $1,073.00 - $1,273.00 uSu
Ee+a'#% C#"'%# Tech"##g.
rovldes speclallzed lnsLrucuon relaLed Lo elevaLor conLrol clrculLry
and sysLems noL readlly avallable from oLher sources.
Crder no.: u344
rlce: $1,073.00 - $1,273.00 uSu
T# O%de%
T# V#*"'ee%
?ou have ve convenlenL ways Lo order ASML
A17 sLandards and relaLed oerlngs:
Ph#"e0 u.S. & Canada: 73>663THE3ASME
8:00 am-17:30 pm LS1
Mexlco: 001-800-843-2763
CLher: 973-882-1170
Fa-0 973-882-1717 or 973-882-3133
E!ai0 lnfocenLral[
Mai0 ASML Servlce CenLer
22 Law urlve, .C. 8ox 2900
lalreld, new !ersey 07007-2900 uSA
lor more Lhan 123 years, ASML has successfully
auracLed volunLeer Lechnlcal experLs Lo develop,
malnLaln and dlssemlnaLe ASML codes and
sLandards. aruclpauon by volunLeers ln ASML
sLandards-wrlung commluees ls Lhe llfeblood of
Lhe ASML sLandards-wrlung process. Commluee
paruclpauon provldes value Lo Lhe lndlvlduals
lnvolved, Lhelr employers LhaL provlde Lhe fundlng
for paruclpauon, and Lhe general publlc.
1he ASML sLandards-wrlung process ls fully open
and LransparenL. 8epresenLauon by many dlerenL
organlzauons ln Lhe sLandards-wrlung process also
ensures LhaL all lnLeresLs are consldered.
uuues and responslblllues wlll vary wlLh Lhe Lype of
membershlp. lor a descrlpuon of each classlcauon,
responslblllues / expecLauons and prlvlleges, please
access Lhe ASML Commluee Pandbook aL:
lor a llsung of all ASML Codes and SLandards
commluees, appllcauons Lo [oln, beneLs of
paruclpaung, and oLher lnformauon, please vlslL:
Three Park Avenue
New York, NY
10016-5990 U.S.A.

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