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SPACE EXPLORATION: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES I think there are many advantages and disadvantages !

s"a#e e$"% rati n& One advantage 'eing (e have the te#hn % gy and #a"a'i%ity t g int s"a#e and %earn a' )t the vast ( r%d that %ies )tside ! this "%anet& There is s m)#h (e #an %earn a' )t the )niverse that (e #an a""%y t )r (n "%anet& A%s * s"a#e e$"% rati n #an revea% s me "hen mena that #an a!!e#t )r (n "%anet s)#h as s %ar !%ares and mete rites& These are im" rtant t )nderstand 'e#a)se the envir nment )tside ! the "%anet a!!e#ts )r "%anet& A%s * it "r vides in! rmati n a' )t ther %i!e )tside ! the "%anet& S me disadvantages are the # st ! s"a#e e$"% rati n and the dangers ass #iated (ith it& It is e$treme%y e$"ensive t set )" s"a#e missi ns& The # st # mes !r m the am )nt ! res )r#es and te#hn % gy ass #iated (ith s"a#e e$"% rati n& There is a % t ! ( rk t take int # nsiderati n& It+s very danger )s t g int s"a#e& The envir nment is # m"%ete%y di!!erent in s"a#e and very danger )s& I think the advantages )t(eigh the disadvantages&


Space exploration plays a crucial role in human daily and future life. Investigating space has been highly beneficial for humans since a wide variety of experiments have been carried out in space.

First of all, investigating space has been highly beneficial to the study of other planets characteristics and their similarities to Earth. scientists are studying how to modify other planets temperature, surface, atmosphere and ecology to be similar to Earth and make them habitable by human beings. Secondly, space exploration has contributed to the investigation of life in other planets. It has not been proved whether life exists elsewhere in the universe or not, but it is of great curiosity for humans to know it. hirdly, traveling to space has greatly contributed to medical and scientific research. here are experiments that are impossible to be carried out in Earth since it is necessary to do them in space.

F!" I am in favour of space exploration because I think there are strong arguments for it. Some people think that government should spend as much money as possible on developing space technology for the exploration of the moon and other planets. I strongly believe that spending more money on space exploration would be more beneficial because it can lead to many improvements and developments on the earth. One of the most useful results of space exploration is the invention of satellites which have brought about many facilities and advancements. For example, it/s thanks to satellites that we can watch all the live programs on T , that we have cellphones or the internet, that we have accurate prediction of weather. Space exploration has brought about a lot of advancements in medicine as well. !umanity makes progress by exploring the unknown.

"#"I$ST I am against space exploration. I think it/s a waste of resources %time, money& that should be used in other important things. The money spent on developing space technology should be spent on solving the basic problems of society on 'arth. (ople say that space exploration contributes to the devolopment of science and that without it many things we now can /t live without would not exist. !owever, I don/t think so. There aren/t many things that were invented because of space exploration that we can use in our daily life. It is probably useful for astronauts but not for common people.

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