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Democration in Indonesia Skeleto Opinion n Possible System aspects and practical Thesis I think that the system of democratio

n in Indonesia is good, due to several reasons. !ody Discussion Argumentativ e

The follo ing arguments ill be discussed as an indication that democratio n in Indonesia is good. I believe The "irst that the discussion "irst reason is about indicating the system good of #lection. democratio $ood n is the system of system of #lection #lection. indicates If the that system Indonesia remain like is a good this, practitione

People think that democration in Indonesia is unfair, ho ever I think it is the opposite as the follo ing reasons. Some people think that the democration in Indonesia is unfair seen from the follo ing indication. %o matter do the people think that our democracy is bad, I insist

Indonesia r of ill be the democracy. prominent democratic country in the &orld. !ody !ody 'onclud ing Paragra ph I Think Indonesia is a good follo er of democracy as it as clearly e(plained above. In conclusion, good or bad about our democracy , it depend on ho evaluate of it and from hat perspectiv e it comes from.

that our democracy runs positively.

Democracy in Indonesia said to be unfair, ho ever) I think the real condition no is getting better.

Step * Democration in Indonesia I think that the system of democration in Indonesia is good, due to several reasons.

The system of #lection acomodate everyone+s right to choose or to be chosen. The system of selecting parties support only the valid party can participate in the election. The system of general #lection 'ommission represents that the people insiden this commite are neutral and have integrity. I believe that the "irst reason indicating good democration is the system of #lection. If the system remain like this, Indonesia ill be the prominent democratic country in the &orld. I Think Indonesia is a good follo er of democracy as it as clearly e(plained above. Step , Democration in Indonesia &hat do you think about democracy in Indonesia- Some people think that democracy in Indonesia is developing, but some other people think that it is out of the conte(t. As for me, I think that the system of democration in Indonesia is good, due to several reasons. The system of #lection acomodate everyone+s right to choose or to be chosen. If you

ant to be the member of the commite or to be a voter, it ill legal under the la . The system of selecting parties support only the valid party can participate in the election. #veryone has right to set up a party, ho ever it has to follo the re.uired rules to get legali/ed. The system of general #lection 'ommission represents that the people inside this commite are neutral and have integrity. If you are in this position, you have to maintain a state integrity, not your personal integrity, since you are lika an umbrella for all parties. I believe that the "irst reason indicating good democration is the system of #lection. If the system remain like this, Indonesia ill be the prominent democratic country in the &orld. I Think Indonesia is a good follo er of democracy as it as clearly e(plained above. Step 0 Democration in Indonesia &hat do you think about democracy in Indonesia- Some people think that democracy in Indonesia is developing, but some other people

think that it is out of the conte(t. As for me, I think that the system of democration in Indonesia is good, due to several reasons. I believe that the "irst reason indicating good democration is the system of #lection.The system of #lection acomodate everyone+s right to choose or to be chosen. If you ant to be the member of the commite or to be a voter, it ill legal under the la . The system of selecting parties support only the valid party can participate in the election. #veryone has right to set up a party, ho ever it has to follo the re.uired rules to get legali/ed. The system of general #lection 'ommission represents that the people inside this commite are neutral and have integrity. If you are in this position, you have to maintain a state integrity, not your personal integrity, since you are lika an umbrella for all parties. If the system remain like this, Indonesia ill be the prominent democratic country in the &orld. I Think Indonesia is a good follo er of democracy as it as clearly e(plained above. "irst, it is seen from the system of election. second, it is based on the system of selecting parties. finally, it is proved by the general #lection commision.

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