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Past Perfect Continuous O Past Perfect Continuous usado para enfatizar a repetio ou a durao de uma ao no passado anterior outra

ra ao tambm no passado. Observe as formas deste tempo verbal:

- FORMA AFIRMATIVA: A forma afirmativa do Past Perfect Continuous feita com o Simple Past do verbo to have (had) + Past Perfect do verbo to be (been) seguido do gerndio do verbo principal: He was tired because he had been studying for seven hours. (Ele estava cansado porque tinha estudado por sete horas.) She didn't go shopping because it had been raining all day. (Ela no foi fazer compras porque tinha chovido o dia inteiro.) She didn't buy anything in the mall because she had been spending all her money some weeks ago. (Ela no comprou nada no shopping porque tinha gastado todo o seu dinheiro algumas semanas atrs) I had been saving my money to buy this house. (Eu estava guardando dinheiro para comprar essa casa.) AFFIRMATIVE FORM: SUJEITO + PASSADO SIMPLES DO VERBO TO HAVE (HAD) + PASSADO PERFEITO DO VERBO TO BE (BEEN) + GERNDIO DO VERBO PRINCIPAL

- NEGATIVE FORM: A forma negativa do Past Perfect Continuous feita acrescentando-se not entre o Simple Past do verbo to have (had) e o Past Perfect do verbo to be (been). O verbo principal permanece no gerndio: * FORMA CONTRADA: HAD + NOT = HADN'T

It hadn't been raining during the week, so we decided to go to the beach on weekend. (No tinha chovido durante a semana, ento decidimos ir pra praia no final de semana.) They didn't pass the exam because they hadn't been studying a lot. (Eles no passaram no teste porque no tinham estudado muito.)

I had not been running for more than fifteen minutes, but I felt very tired. (Eu no tinha corrido por mais de quinze minutos, mas me senti muito cansado.) NEGATIVE FORM: SUJEITO + PASSADO SIMPLES DO VERBO TO HAVE (HAD) + NOT + PASSADO PERFEITO DO VERBO TO BE (BEEN) + GERNDIO DO VERBO PRINCIPAL

- FORMA INTERROGATIVA: A forma interrogativa do Past Perfect Continuous feita com o Simple Past do verbo to have (had) posicionado antes do sujeito. O verbo to be permanece no Passado Perfeito e o verbo principal no gerndio. Observe:

Had you been swimming? (Voc estava nadando?)

Had he been waiting for her for a long time? (Ele tinha esperado por ela por muito tempo?) INTERROGATIVE FORM: PASSADO SIMPLES DO VERBO TO HAVE (HAD) + SUJEITO + PASSADO PERFEITO DO VERBO TO BE (BEEN) + GERNDIO DO VERBO PRINCIPAL

Past perfect continuous I had been having you had been having he/she/it had been having we had been having you had been having they had been having

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