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*I have based my rewards and consequences off of a plan that my cooperating teacher uses in her classroom.

I believe her plan is effective and goes well with the pirate theme of the classroom, which I also plan to use in my classroom! I have changed a few things to make this plan fit my wants and needs.*

There are two things that a student can earn when being rewarded. The first thing is a piece of candy from the jar (small reward) and the second thing is a prize from the treasure chest (big reward).

If a student cleans up or does something nice without being asked they will be able to grab one piece of candy out of the jar. If a student continues this excellent behavior throughout the entire week, on Friday they will be able to get a prize out of the treasure chest.

An entire team can earn candy by earning positive behavior points throughout the day. The team with the most points at the end of the day will each receive a piece of candy from the jar.

The student in charge of keeping track of team points will move up the teams pirate hat on the chart before passing out their candy at the end of the day. This makes it is easy to keep track of behavior points to see who will get to pick prizes from the treasure chest at the end of a two week time period.

The first team to reach the top spot on the chart of ten spaces will each receive a prize from the treasure chest. When the top of the chart has been reached by a team, I will switch teams so students can sit with new people and get to know their classmates.

The consequences follow the progressive steps of discipline as I have listed them below.

Progressive Steps of Discipline:

1. Verbal warning 2. Student writes their name on the board 3. Student will be put on a behavior log if bad behavior still persists 4. If a student is on a behavior log it will need to be signed by a parent and brought back the next day.

5. If behavior still shows no improvement a phone call home will be made and the student will sit on the wall during recess. 6. If after one week the behavior is still a problem, teacher will schedule a meeting with the parent, principal, and student to discuss further action.

If a student continues to show problems with their behavior and becomes a daily disruption to the class then he/she will be put on a behavior log. This behavior log will keep track of misbehaviors during the week and will be taken home on Friday to be signed and be brought back to class on Monday.

Name____________________ No Tallies= Excellent Behavior choice M 1-2 Tallies= Satisfactory T W

Date______________ 3+ Tallies= Needs Improvement Th F Reason for Receiving Tallie

Following Directions/Procedure Misuse of Educational Time Responsibility/ Self Control Class/ School Rules Respect/ Attitude Completion of Classwork/ Homework

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