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December 2013

Berkeley Buzz

uring the Advent and Christmas season, we often remember special events in our lives. One of my fondest memories comes from my seminary years. One evening in December, students and their families would gather with faculty and staff for a feast, and then carols by the fireplace in the common room (We were in Connecticut, so a fire made sense). Best of all, retired Professor Roland Bainton would share from memory passages from Martin Luthers Christmas sermons. Dr. Bainton had written Here I Stand, one of the classic biographies of Martin Luther; he was a well-known scholar, but that night he assumed the character of a true preacher and recounted beautiful, heartfelt messages of grace and hope. Heres a sample:

Let us meditate upon the Nativity just as we see it happening in our own babies. I would not have you contemplate the deity of Christ, the majesty of Christ, but rather his flesh. Look upon the Baby Jesus. Divinity may terrify us. Majesty may crush us. That is why Christ took on our humanity, save for sin, that he should not terrify us, but rather that with love and favor he should console and confirm...See how God invites you in many ways. He places before you a Babe with whom you may take refuge, that your conscience should not fear, but take comfort in him. Trust him! Here is the Child in whom there is salvation. I wish you a blessed, joyful and deeply peaceful Christmas. Your Pastor, Jeanne Devine

The church office will be closed December 24 January 1. Rev. Devine will preach on December 29 and may be reached at home, 512-761-4977.

Warmest Wishes from the Berkeley Staff! May the Peace of Christ rest on you and yours in all you do this holiday season.

...from all of us!

They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42


Thank You!
We received the below letter from Lanie Crow, UT Wesley representative, after she spoke at our church on Sunday, November 10. Reverend Devine and the Berkeley UMC Community, Thank you so much for allowing me to spend time with you talking about the Texas Wesley. It was a great blessing to worship, fellowship, pray, and share with you. Your financial gift to the Wesley and generosity of spirit in supporting college ministry are true representations of Jesus. Thanks. In His Service, Lanie Crow

12/01 Marilee Smith 12/02 Jamie Justus 12/03 Holly Francis 12/04 Raylene Johnson 12/08 Nazreen Wenzel 12/10 Alan Clapper 12/11 Wesley Dittlinger 12/12 William Rittenberry 12/14 Ray Hodson 12/18 Matthew Cecil 12/18 Alex Noll 12/22 Elma Clapper 12/23 Kimberly Gamble 12/23 Julia Hamilton 12/24 Pat Noll 12/26 Angela Bonner


122 34

124 35

120 34

GIFTS AS OF OCTOBER 31 MONTHLY INCOME MONTHLY EXPENSES YEAR-TO-DATE INCOME YEAR-TO-DATE EXPENSES $ 22,286 $ 21,997 $ 228,341 $ 222,375 12/21 Charles and Dorothy Slusher 12/29 Glenn and Ineke Dunn 12/31 Glenn and Donna Bostick

Church-512-447-6633 Childcare Center-512-443-3509

2407 Berkeley Ave. Austin, TX 78745

1 Communion Sunday 8a Cookies and Crafts (FH) 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covenant (9) 5p Youth Fellowship (Manchaca UMC) 8 12p Youth Fellowship (FH) 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covenant Grp (9)

2 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Covenant Grp (9) 7p SPRC (7) 3


4 6p Handbells 7p Choir

5 3:30p Advent Study (9) 6:30p Advent Study (9) 6p Saint Louise House Childrens Store(CLC)

6 4:30p Scouts Ornament Event (FH)

7 9a Cantata Brunch and Rehearsal (Sanc. and FH) 6:30p Amen Austin! (FH)

9 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Covenant Grp (9)

10 5:30p Prime Timers (FH) 6:15p Childcare Board (7)

11 9:30a UMW Women in Action Circle (CLC) 6p Handbells 7p Choir

12 13 3:30p Advent Study (9) 6:30p Advent Study (9) 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC) 19 3:30p Advent Study (9) 6:30p Advent Study (9) 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC) 7p Trustees (7) 26 5:308p Saint Louise House (CLC) 20 9pm Youth District Lock-In (Faith UMC)

14 3p UMW Christmas Tea (FH) 6:30p Amen Austin! (FH)

15 12p Youth Fellowship (FH) 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covenant Grp (9) Newsletter deadline

16 10a Womens Group (9) 6p Sanctuary Silence (Sanc.) 7p Covenant Grp (9)


18 6p Handbells 7p Choir


22 4p Tai Chi (FH) 5p Covenant Grp (9)

23 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Covenant Grp (9)

24 Christmas Eve 7p Candlelight Communion

25 Christmas Day


28 7:28a Mens breakfast (FH) 6:30p Amen Austin! (FH)

29 10a Worship (only service) (Sanc.) 4p Tai Chi 5p Covenant (9)

30 10a Womens Group (9) 7p Covenant (9)

31 New Years Eve

Holiday Tea
Submitted by Myna Cavender, UMW

All women are cordially invited to the Berkeley United Methodist Women Holiday Tea on Saturday, December 14 from 35pm in the Fellowship Hall. Enjoy delicious teas, finger foods & sweets. Please RSVP to Myrna Cavender (512-280-0963) by December 11. For transportation assistance, contact Brenda Johnson (512-447-3682), and for childcare reservations contact Letha Peters (512-312-5592). There will be a love offering to benefit flood victims in the Berkeley & Dove Springs area. Hope you are able to attend!

From the Staff-Parish Committee

If you would like to contribute to a Christmas gift for Berkeleys staff members, please make your contribution by Sunday, December 15. Checks should be made out to Berkeley UMC with staff gift on the memo line. Cash may be donated in an offering envelope, clearly marked staff gift. The funds will be divided and distributed before Christmas Day.

The Spiritual Care Committee provides free devotional guides for the Advent season; copies are available in the Narthex. This years guide was compiled by students, faculty and staff at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Please take one home and spend time in scripture and prayer to prepare the way of the Lord.

Providence Place at Berkeley: December 8

What better way to keep Christ in Christmas than to offer Gods children a faith, a family, a future? Thats the goal of Providence Place (formerly Methodist Mission Home) in San Antonio, a shared ministry of the United Methodist Churches in Texas and New Mexico. The Signs of the Times choir will provide music in our worship on the second Sunday in Advent, December 8. A development officer will share this years stories of birth mothers, adoptive parents and their shared children, and the spring graduation of students at the Southwest Center for Higher Independence. Our Christmas offering, which we receive from December 1 through 24, supports the Home, which does not receive apportioned funds from churches. It relies on designated contributions by churches and individuals for much of its operating expenses. Last year Berkeley contributed more than $1,000 to the Home, which was doubled by a matching grant. That grant will again double our dollars in 2013. What Christmas gift will go farther or do more good? Make it a point to worship at Berkeley on December 8, welcome our guests from Providence Place on December 8, and invite family and friends to discover a new understanding of Christmas.

Celebrate! Advent 2013

Sunday, December 8
8:30 & 10:50am Providence Place (formerly Methodist Mission Home) Sunday

Saturday, December 14
3 pm UMW Holiday Tea

Sunday, December 15
8:30 & 10:50am Choral Cantata

Handels Messiah

Monday, December 16
6pm Silent Night, Peaceful Night: Sanctuary open for prayer and meditation Worship services Candlelight Communion Service Worship Servicecarol singing celebration

Sunday, December 22
8:30 & 10:50am

Monday, December 24Christmas Eve

7pm 10am

Sunday, December 29



Christmas 2013To Whom Will You Give?

Submitted by Carolyn Brown, Outreach

Christmas is a time of giving. We spend countless hours (days/weeks) planning gifts for our loved ones. We want to make this Christmas as special as we can for our loved onesbut in recent years we have been urged to think and pray about this tradition. Whose birthday are we celebrating? Who should receive these gifts? Can you give to your family, but give less, and give the balance to someone in need? What will this teach your children or grandchildren? Here are a few examples: Capital Area Food Bank: FreeStore*: - If the FreeStore can raise $2,000, they will be able Society of St. Andrew*: to get a truck to assist with furniture pick-up an delivery. Heifer International: - Servant Church is hosting a Christmas party on World Vision: December 14. They would like donations of small items for stocking stuffers. Contact Lilli Li at Give a year of education to a Honduran student: The gift of time Salvation Army Angel Tree gift distribution, December 16-20 / 512-476-1111

Ministry of Challenge Serve dinner to the homeless on Christmas Day - 512-370-8962 * Cash donations to these organizations can be made through BUMC, and will count toward our total giving as reported to the Annual Conference.

School Supplies for Honduras Mission

Submitted by Carolyn Brown, Outreach

Thank You for the Box Tops!

Submitted by Susan Curtis, UMW President

Its Honduras time again. The team is hard at work making preparations for the January 2014 trip. Among other things, we will provide a bag of supplies for each of the kindergarten teachers. The first kindergarten in this area was started by Tarrytown UMC in the 1990s; now there are about 40 kindergartens. Please consider donating items on December 15 or 22. Supplies needed are: Crayons - Crayola or HEB Brand only (other brands break easily or dont color well) Kids scissors White glue, 4oz. Construction paper #2 pencils Ball-point pens, blue or black

The UMW has supported the Montopolis Friendship Center (MFCC) with Labels for Education labels for several years now, started by the WIA circle. This project has expanded beyond soup labels. For example, Pace salsa, V8, BIC highlighters, plus many more companies support Labels for Education. Please tell your Methodist Women and church members thank you for all the box tops and labels you have sent recently to Montopolis Friendship Center. We are banking them until we get enough for items that the teacher wants. Thank you for all your support throughout the year. Love, Virginia Warrington volunteer at the Montopolis Friendship Community Center

BUMCs generosity has been overwhelming in the past, not only in the supply donations, but also in monetary donations. Funds collected provide additional supplies, but also have provided a scholarship for Juan Carlos Hernandez for the last three years. Juan Carlos has only one more year of school before graduating. It is rare for young people to graduate from high school in Honduras. Watch for news about him in the February newsletter.

St. Louise House Thanksgiving Dinner
Submitted by Carolyn Brown, Outreach

The Outreach ministry group would like to thank everyone who helped with the St. Louise House Thanksgiving dinner. Your donations of food and time helped make the event a success. The families had a good time and were appreciative of the outpouring of love and gifts. Twenty-one families were represented this time - more than any time in the past. It was a blessing for all - families and church members alike.

Spiritual Growth
Silent Night, Peaceful Night
Submitted by Rachel Trudell, Spiritual Care

May the following Scripture invite contemplation and meditation as we enter this 2013 Advent Season. And may the Joy and Holiness of Christmas, the Reason for the Season, speak to you from this First Chapter of Colossians, verses 15-20: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created in Heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent. For in Him, all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through Him reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of the Cross. The Spiritual Care Ministry invites you to come to the advent-decorated sanctuary, Monday evening, December 16, anytime between 67:30pm, to experience a sanctuary silence in your heart and mind. May you experience the true peace of Gods gift to His children.

BERKELEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2407 Berkeley Ave. Austin, TX. 78745 (512)447-6633 Email: ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Large Machinery and Cool Air

Submitted by Forrest Arnold

On Monday, November 18, four new air conditioning units were installed on the Sanctuary roof. What a blessing! These new units replace ones that were 22 years old and in various stages of failure. The crane was also incredibly impressive to see in action, especially for the preschool classes watching from the playground. We thank the two BUMC families who each provided funds for one of the units. The balance was paid with the Capital Asset Fund.

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