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1 What is fingerprint impression? Answer: Fingerprint impression is refers to a pattern or designed formed by the ridges on the end joint of the fingers or thumb. 2 When fingerprint is formed in the human being? Answer: Fingerprint is formed three to four months (3-4) in the mother s womb. 3 What are the !omposite of the end joint of the fingers or thumb whi!h form the impression? Answer: "nd joint of the fingers or thumb is made up of papi##ary ridges$ and furrows. %api##ary ridges or sometimes referred to as fri!tion ridges or epiderma# ridges are raised strips of the s&in by whi!h fingerprint are made' whi#e$ Furrows are the depressions or !ana#s between the ridges. 4 What are the &inds of fingerprint impression? Answer: (here are two &inds of fingerprint impression: )ea# impression$ it is intentiona##y made impression with the use of any printing materia#s. *han!e impression$ these are imprinted impression by mere !han!e or without intention to produ!e the print. 5 What are the ways of ta&ing rea# impressions? Answer: Fingerprints are made by: fingerprint


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)o##ed impression$ this is printed by ro##ing the fingers or thumb away from the !enter of the subje!t s body. %#ain impressions$ this is printed without ro##ing the fingers or thumb. 6 What are the !#assifi!ations of !han!e impression? Answer: *han!e impression is either +isib#e or #atent print. ,t is +isib#e impression when the print is apparent e+en without !hemi!a# treatment' ,t is #atent print impression$ howe+er$ if the print is in+isib#e but made +isib#e if some substan!es are app#ied. 7 What ma&es different between -A*(./01)A%2. and -A*(./03*0%.? Answer: 4oth are art of studying fingerprint as a means of persona# identifi!ation but in -a!ty#ography$ it refers to the re!ording of fingerprint' whi#e$ in -A*(./03*0%. it refers to the !omparison of fingerprint. 8 What are the !hara!teristi!s of fingerprint? Answer: Fingerprints ha+e the !hara!ter of: ,ndi+idua#ity$ no two peop#e ha+e fingerprint that are e5a!t#y a#i&e. %ermanen!y$ !onfiguration and detai#s of indi+idua# ridges remain !onstant (ne+er !hange). ,nfa##ibi#ity$ fingerprint e+iden!e is re#iab#e. 9 What are the #ayers of the s&in and their effe!ts in the !hara!ter of fingerprint? Answer: 3&in has: an outer s!arf or epidermis' 6 an inner s!arf or dermis. ,n !ase of temporary impairment$ the outer s!arf re+ert to their natura# a#ignment and fingerprint wi## not !hanged or destroy$ but if


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the inner s!arf wi## impaired$ the fingerprint wi## be destroyed and wi## not be restored. 10When fingerprint e+iden!e warrant !on+i!tion? Answer: (o warrant a !on+i!tion$ the fingerprints !orresponding to those of the a!!used must ha+e been found in the !rime s!ene whi!h they !ou#d ha+e been impressed at the time when the !rime is !ommitted. 112ow #atent impressions are made? Answer: (hey are made by the perspiration on top of the ridges of the fingers. 12What was the first Appe##ate *ourt to pass upon the admissibi#ity of fingerprint as e+iden!e? Answer: ,n 7877$ an ,##inois *ourt$ in the !ase of %eop#e +s. 9ennings$ was the first Appe##ate *ourt to pass upon the admissibi#ity of fingerprint as e+iden!e. 13,s fingerprint s photograph suffi!ient in !ourt to support !on+i!tion? Answer: .es. ,n the !ase of 3tate +s. *onners$ the !ourt was he#d !ompetent to show by a photograph the fingerprint upon the post without produ!ing the post in !ourt. 14What is the first judi!ia# de!ision in %hi#ippine jurispruden!e on the s!ien!e fingerprinting? Answer: %eop#e +s. :edina$ ;8 %hi#. 33<. the of

15What are the different fingerprint patterns? Answer: A## fingerprints are di+ided into three !#asses on the basis of their genera# patterns$ name#y: A. Ar!h (;=) 4. /oops (>;=) *. Whor# (3<=)


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16What is ar!h pattern? Answer: Ar!h is the #east !ommon of the three genera# patterns and is subdi+ided into two distin!t groups$ %#ain and (ented. (he %#ain Ar!h is the simp#est of a## fingerprint patterns and is formed by ridges entering from one side of the print and e5iting on the opposite side. (hese ridges tend to rise in the !enter of the pattern$ forming a wa+e-#i&e pattern. (he (ented Ar!h is simi#ar to the %#ain Ar!h e5!ept that instead of rising smooth#y at the !enter$ there is sharp upthrust or spi&e$ or the ridges meet at an ang#e #ess than 8< degrees. 17What is #oop pattern? Answer: A /oop is a type of pattern in whi!h one or more ridges enter either side$ re!ur+e$ tou!h or pass an imaginary #ine between -e#ta and *ore$ and tend to e5it the same side as the ridge entry. ,t is the most !ommon of the three genera# patterns and subdi+ided into two distin!t groups$ u#nar and radia#. ,t is u#nar when the )idges are f#ow in the dire!tion of the #itt#e finger. ,t is radia# when the ridges are f#ow in the dire!tion of the thumb. 18What is whor# pattern? Answer: Whor# pattern is the se!ond most !ommon of the three genera# patterns. (hey are subdi+ided into 4 distin!t groups: A!!identa#$ -oub#e /oop$ *entra# %o!&et /oop and %#ain. 19What is p#ain whor# pattern? Answer: %#ain Whor#s are the most !ommon and simp#est of the Whor# subtypes. ,t is important to remember that %#ain Whor#s ha+e two -e#tas and at #east one re!ur+ing ridge in front of ea!h. ,n a Whor# pattern$ the ridges are usua##y !ir!u#ar.


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20What are the !hara!teristi!s of p#ain whor#? Answer: (hey are: A %#ain Whor# pattern must ha+e (ype /ines and a minimum of two -e#tas. A %#ain Whor# has at #east one ridge that ma&es a !omp#ete !ir!uit and tou!h the imaginary #ine drawn between the two de#tas. (his ridge may be in the form of a spira#$ o+a#$ !ir!#e or +ariant of a !ir!#e. 21What is !entra# po!&et #oop whor#? Answer: *entra# %o!&et patterns ha+e type #ines$ a minimum of two -e#tas and at #east one ridge tends to ma&e a !omp#ete !ir!#e. An imaginary #ine drawn between two de#tas must not tou!h or !ross any of the re!ur+ing ridges within the pattern area. 22What is doub#e #oop whor#? Answer: A -oub#e /oop pattern$ as the name imp#ies$ is made up of two /oops !ombined into one fingerprint. A -oub#e /oop pattern !onsists of two separate /oop formations with two separate and distin!t sets of 3hou#ders and two -e#tas. 23What is a!!identa# whor#? Answer: A. A!!identa# Whor#s !onsist of a !ombination of two different types of pattern (with the e5!eption of %#ain Ar!hes). 4. A!!identa# Whor#s ha+e two or more -e#tas and fa## into their own !ategory. *. A!!identa# Whor#s may o!!ur in some of the !ombinations #isted be#ow: /oop and a Whor# /oop and a (ented Ar!h /oop and *entra# %o!&et /oop -oub#e /oop and *entra# %o!&et /oop 24,n summary$ how many fingerprint patterns? What are they and gi+e their !orresponding symbo#s?


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Answer: (here are eight fingerprint name#y: %#ain ar!h (A) (ented ar!h(() ?#nar #oop(?) )adia# #oop()) %#ain whor#(W) *entra# po!&et #oop whor#(*) -oub#e #oop whor#(-) A!!identa# whor#(@)


25What is pattern area? Answer: (he pattern area is that part of the #oop or whor# in whi!h appear the !ores$ de#tas$ and ridges whi!h are en!#osed by type #ines. 26What is a type #ine? Answer: (ype #ines may be defined as the two innermost ridges whi!h start para##e#$ di+erge$ and surround or tend to surround the pattern area. 27What is the distin!tion between a di+ergen!e and a bifur!ation? Answer: A di+ergen!e is the spreading apart of two #ines whi!h ha+e been running para##e# or near#y para##e#' whi#e a bifur!ation is the for&ing or di+iding of one #ine into two or more bran!hes. 28*an we use as a type #ines the for& of the bifur!ation? Answer: Ao$ e5!ept when the for&s run para##e# after bifur!ating and then di+erge. 29What are the fo!a# points in the fingerprint e5amination? Answer: (he fo!a# points in the fingerprint e5amination are the de#ta and the !ore.


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30What is de#ta? Answer: -e#ta is that point on a ridge at or in front of and nearest the !enter of the di+ergen!e of the type #ines. 31What are de#ta? Answer: the different ridges that may use as

(hey are: A bifur!ation Abrupt ending ridge -ot 3hort ridge :eeting of two ridge

32When a dot or other type of de#ta and the bifur!ation are eBua##y !#osed to the di+ergen!e of the type #ines$ whi!h one wi## be se#e!ted as de#ta? Answer: 3e#e!t the bifur!ation. 33When there are two or more possib#e de#tas whi!h !onform to the definition$ whi!h one wi## be se#e!ted? Answer: (he one nearest to the !ore. 34What is !ore? Answer: (he !ore$ is the appro5imate !enter of the finger impression? 35What are the ru#es that go+ern the se#e!tion of the !ore? Answer: (hey are: (he !ore is p#a!ed upon or within the innermost suffi!ient re!ur+e' When the innermost suffi!ient re!ur+e !ontains no ending ridge or rod rising as high as the shou#ders of the #oop$ the !ore is p#a!ed on the shou#der of the #oop farther from the de#ta.


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When the innermost suffi!ient re!ur+ed !ontains an une+en number of rods raising as high as the shou#ders$ the !ore is p#a!ed upon the end of the !enter rod whether it tou!hes the #ooping ridge or not. When the innermost suffi!ient re!ur+e !ontains an e+en number of rods rising as high as the shou#ders$ the !ore is p#a!ed upon the end of he farther one of the two !enter rods. 36What is meant by a shou#der of the #oop? Answer: (he shou#ders of the #oop are the points whi!h the re!ur+ing ridge definite#y turns inward or !ur+es. 37What are the different &inds of ridges that are +a#uab#e for !omparison purposes? Answer: (hey are: 4ifur!ation. (he point where a ridge di+ides or for&s to be!ome two and run either para##e# or di+erge' ,s#and )idge. A short ridge #o!ated within the temporary di+ergen!e of para##e# ridges$ running para##e# to the ridge on either side. "n!#osure. )efers to a ridge for&s and then turns to a sing#e para##e# ridge within a re#ati+e#y short distan!e. -ot. A +ery short se!tion of a ridge$ usua##y round in !ontour$ with probab#y on#y one pore showing. 3hort ridge. )efers to a )idge that has an open area at either end. "nding ridge. )idge that has abrupt ending and has pre+ious#y !ontinued for a Buite distan!e. 4ro&en ridge. )efers to a ridge that is bro&en up into segment. *rosso+erCbridge. (his is 3hort ridges that inter!onne!t two another para##e# ridges. 3pur. (his is a +ery short ridge jutting out from a free-f#owing ridge.


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-i+ergen!e. (hese are ridges running together in para##e# fashion$ tend to separate and !ontinue on another !ourse. 38What is the standard number of simi#arity of ridges to arri+e at the !on!#usion that two fingerprint are the same from the other? Answer: :ost e5perts reBuire from 7< to 7D mat!hing points. 39What are the di+isions of the formu#a? Answer: (hey are: %rimary !#assifi!ation 3e!ondary !#assifi!ation *apita# #etter group 3ma## #etter group 3ub se!ondary !#assifi!ation :ajor di+ision Fina# !#assifi!ation Eey !#assifi!ation !#assifi!ations

40What is primary !#assifi!ation? Answer: (his is the resu#t of the summation of a## the numeri!a# +a#ues assigned to whor#s whi!h are e5pressed as numerator (for e+en number in the !hart position) and denominator (add number in the !hart position) p#us the pre-estab#ished fra!tion of one o+er one 7C7. 41,n !ase there is no whor# in the !hart what is the primary !#assifi!ation of the set of fingerprint? Answer: 7C7 42What are the subdi+isions of se!ondary !#assifi!ation? Answer: (hey are: *apita# #etter group$ (his is symbo#iFed by a !apita# #etters of the pattern represented by two inde5 fingers after the primary


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!#assifi!ation. )ight finger is the numerator and the #eft finger is the denominator. (here are fi+e basi! types of patterns whi!h !an appear: Ar!h A tented Ar!h ( )adia# #oop ) ?#nar #oop ? Whor# W 3ma## #etter group$ (his refers to three types of patterns on#y$ name#y' p#ain ar!h (a) tented ar!h (t) radia# #oop (r) 43What is subse!ondary !#assifi!ation? Answer: (his is a!!omp#ished by grouping a!!ording to the ridge !ounts of #oops and the ridge tra!ing of whor#s. 0n#y inde5$ midd#e and ring fingers of #eft and right hand are in+o#+ed 44What is ridge !ount? Answer: Enowing the number of ridges inter+ening between the de#ta and the !ore is referred to as Gridge !ountingH. 45What are the ru#es of ridge !ounting? Answer: (hey are: Aeither de#ta nor !ore is !ounted ,n the e+ent there is a ridge e5a!t#y at the point where the imaginary #ine wou#d be drawn$ two ridges are !ounted. Where the #ine !rosses an is#and$ both sides are !ounted. Fagments and dots are !ounted as ridges on#y if they appear to be as a thi!& and hea+y as the other ridges in the immediate pattern. A ridge !ount of 7 to 8 in the inde5 fingers is brought up into the subse!ondary formu#a as G,H' whi#e a !ount of 7< or more is G0H.


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A ridge !ount of 7 to 7< in the midd#e fingers is brought up into the subse!ondary formu#a as G,H' whi#e a !ount of 77 or more is G0H. A ridge !ount of 7 to 73 in the ring fingers is brought up into the subse!ondary formu#a as G,H' whi#e a !ount of 74 or more is G0H. 46What is whor# tra!ing Answer: )efers to the tra!ing of the ridges from the #eft de#ta to the right de#ta. (he inter+ening ridges between the tra!ing ridge and the right de#ta are then !ounted. 47What are the ru#es of ridge tra!ing? Answer: (hey are: ,f the ridge tra!ed passes inside of (abo+e) the right de#ta$ and there are 3 or more ridges inter+ene between the tra!ing ridge and the de#ta$ the tra!ing is designated as GinnerH or with a symbo# of G,H. ,f the ridge tra!ed passes outside of (be#ow)$ the right de#ta$ and there are 3 or more ridges inter+ene between the tra!ing ridge and the de#ta$ the tra!ing is designated as G0uterH or with a symbo# of G0H. A## other tra!ing are designated as G:eetingH or with a symbo# of G:H. When the ridge tra!ed ends abrupt#y and it is determined that the ridge definite#y ends$ the tra!ing drops down to the ne5t #ower ridge 48What is major di+ision? Answer: (his is done by ridge !ounting the #oops and ridge tra!ing the whor# appearing on the thumb. (his is p#a!ed just to the #eft of the primary in the !#assifi!ation formu#a. Where whor# appears in the thumb ref#e!ts the whor# tra!ing' where a #oop appears$ trans#ate the


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ridge !ount into 3ma## (3) :edium (:) and /arge (/). 49What is a fina# !#assifi!ation? Answer: (his is based upon the ridge !ount of the #oop in the right #itt#e finger. ,t is indi!ated at the e5treme right of the numerator in the !#assifi!ation. ,f #oops does not appears in the right #itt#e finger a #oop in the #eft #itt#e finger may be used. ,t is then indi!ated at the e5treme right of the denominator. ,f no #oops appear in the #itt#e fingers$ a whor# may be used to obtain a fina# !ounting from #eft de#ta to !ore if in the right hand and from right de#ta to !ore if in the #eft hand. ,f there are two or more !ores$ the ridge !ount is made from #eft de#ta to the !ore whi!h is the #east number of ridges distant from the de#ta. -oub#e #oop is !ounted from the de#ta to the !ore at the upright #oop. Where #oops of a doub#e #oop are horiFonta#$ the nearest !ore is used. 3hou#d both #itt#e finger are ar!hes no fina# !#assifi!ation is used. (he use of a whor# in a #itt#e finger for a fina# is reBuired on#y in !onne!tion with a #arge group or !o##e!tion of print. 50What is a &ey !#assifi!ation? Answer: (his is obtained by !ounting the ridges of the first #oop appearing on the fingerprint !ard(beginning from the right thumb)$ e5!#usi+e of the #itt#e fingers whi!h are ne+er !onsidered for the &ey as they are reser+ed for the fina#. (he &ey$ no matter where found is a#ways p#a!ed to the e5treme #eft of the numerator of the !#assifi!ation formu#a. 51When an impression is so s!arred that neither ridge tra!ing nor !ounting !an be determined$ what impression shou#d be gi+en? Answer: 1i+e both the genera# type +a#ue and the sub-!#assifi!ation +a#ue of the !orresponding finger of the other hand.


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52When an impression is so s!arred that neither of the genera# type of pattern nor the ridge tra!ing or !ount !an be determined and it so happens that !orresponding finger of the other hand is simi#ar#y s!arred$ what impression shou#d be gi+en? Answer: 1i+en the probab#e +a#ue of whor#s with meeting tra!ing. 53What is the !#assifi!ation if one finger is amputated? Answer: ,t is the !#assifi!ation identi!a# with that of the opposite finger$ in!#uding pattern and ridge !ount$ or tra!ing$ and referen!ed to e+ery other possib#e !#assifi!ation. 54What is the !#assifi!ation if two or more fingers are amputated? Answer: (hey are gi+en !#assifi!ation identi!a# with the fingers opposite$ with no additiona# referen!es. 55What is the !#assifi!ation if two amputated fingers are opposite ea!h other? Answer: 4oth are gi+en the !#assifi!ation of whor#s with meeting tra!ing. 56What is the !#assifi!ation if the fingerprint !ard bearing a notation of fingers missing at birth or missing from pre-nata# !ause? Answer: (he missing fingers shou#d be treated as amputations in that they are gi+en the identi!a# !#assifi!ations of the opposite fingers and are fi#ed in the amputation group. 57,f a## 7< fingers are amputated or missing at birth$ what wi## be the !#assifi!ation? Answer: ,t shou#d be: : 3D W ::: : 3D W ::: ,n those !ases where a## of the fingers are amputated$ the in&ed footprints shou#d be obtained.


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7 What is %o#ygraphy? Answer: (/ie dete!tion test or -e!eptography) is defined as the s!ientifi! dete!tion of de!eption through the use or aid of a po#ygraph. D What is %o#ygraph? Answer: deri+ed from two 1ree& words G%o#yH whi!h means :any or more' and G1raphosH whi!h means Writings. A de+i!e or instrument !apab#e of re!ording !hanges in b#ood pressureCpu#se beats$ respiration$ and ga#+ano-s&in-ref#e5 (13)) as indi!ati+e of emotiona# e5!itement espe!ia##y of #ying when Buestioned. 3 What is -e!eption? Answer: is an a!t of de!ei+ing or mis#eading whi!h is usua##y a!!omp#ished by #ying. 4 What is meant by /ying? Answer: the uttering or !on+eying fa#sehood or !reating a fa#se or$ mis#eading impression with intention of wrongfu##y affe!ting the a!t$ option or affe!tion of others. ; What is meant by -ete!tion? Answer: is the a!t of dis!o+ering the e5isten!e or presen!e of something hidden of obs!ured. > What is "motion? Answer: is a !omp#e5 state of fee#ing in+o#+ing !ons!ious e5perien!e$ interna# and e5terna# physi!a# responses$ and power to moti+ate the organism to a!tion.


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I What is 3timu#us? Answer: is the for!e or motion rea!hing organism and e5!ites the pre!eptors.


J What is )ea!tion? Answer: is any a!ti+ity aroused in an organism by a stimu#us$ whi!h is of menta# pro!ess. 8 What is )esponse? Answer: is any rea!tion$ usua##y of mus!u#ar or g#andu#ar pro!esses that depends upon stimu#ation. 7< What is meant by 3pe!ifi! )esponse? Answer: is one that is e5hibited by a subje!t to a parti!u#ar Buestion$ whi!h is a de+iation from his norm.

77 What is meant by the term 3ubje!t in po#ygraph e5amination? Answer: refers to any person undergoing po#ygraph e5amination. 7D Who are %o#ygraph "5aminerC%o#ygraphist? Answer: one !ondu!ting the po#ygraph e5amination or test. What is %o#ygraph (estC"5amination? Answer: is the who#e pro!ess of Buestioning or ta&ing of one !hart from a series of Buestions or a## of the !harts and Buestions sheet used in the test. What is %o#ygraph *hartC %o#ygram? Answer: refers to the re!orded tra!ing of a## the emotiona# patterns permanent#y on the !harts or graphs from series of Buestions. Why a person te##s a #ie? Answer: "+ery person te##s a #ie be!ause of fears of dete!tion. different 3ubje!t s Age




7> What are the *hara!teristi!s? Answer: they are:


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a I to 7D years - Fantasti! subje!ts. b 73 to 78 years - -istin!tion of fantasy and rea#ity' at this age #e+e#$ the subje!t is at the age of imitation and ido#atry' hisCher ego may start to de+e#op. ! D< to D; years - 2is ego begins to #essen be!ause he thin&s that he is not important person. 3ubje!ts #i&e him are idea#isti! and be prin!ip#e. d D> to >< years K (hey ser+e as best witnesses. ,nte##e!t is fu##y de+e#oped and inte##igen!e is we## !oordinated with memory. e >7 to death K (heir memories are fading for their senses are defe!ti+e. (hey are no #onger good witnesses. 7I What are the types of emotion? Answer: they are: a "motion as *ons!ious "5perien!e b "motion as :oti+e: - Fa!i#itating beha+ior - "5. -estru!tion$ atta!& or fight$ and assau#t or offend. - ,nterfering beha+ior "5. )etreat fighting$ surrenders$ and hides or offends. ! "motion as )esponse - (his !on!erns bodi#y rea!tions$ usua##y a mus!u#ar or g#andu#ar pro!ess that depends upon stimu#ation. 3aid pro!ess may be either be e5terna# and interna# ones. ,t is in this third type that the po#ygraph has to &eep his eyes wide open to a## information regarding emotiona# responses. (he theory of po#ygraph is based primari#y upon this third aspe!t. What are the different emotiona# responses? Answer: they are: "5terna# responses - (hese responses are +ery mu!h obser+ab#e e+en without the aid of any emotion-stress re!ording ma!hine. 1ood e5amp#es of these responses as indi!ati+e of gui#t or de!eptions are those$ whi!h were enumerated on the 0bser+ab#e methods espe!ia##y both fa!ia# and postura# rea!tions.



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,nterna# responses - 3!ientifi!a##y &nown as G+is!era#H response$ these pertain to the responses of the interna# of the systems and properties of the human body as app#ied in the study of #ie-dete!tion with the used or aid of po#ygraph$ thus: 78 What are the different systems of human body? Answer: they are: (he Aer+ous 3ystem - *ontro#s the g#ands$ mus!u#ar tissues$ and the rest of the ner+e!onne!ting organs to and from the brain. (he )espiratory 3ystem - (a&es !are of the inha#ation and e5ha#ation pro!ess or the breathing !y!#es. (he *ir!u#atory 3ystem - )egu#ates heart a!tions$ b#ood pressure$ b#ood +o#ume$ and pu#se rates. (he "5!retory 3ystem ("#e!tri!a# %roperties of the 3&in) - Fa!i#itates the !hanges in the e#e!tri!a# phenomena of the ga#+ani!-s&inref#e5 (13))$ its resistan!e$ and the brain potentia#s. Who are behind the de+e#opment of *ardiograph? Answer: they are: Ange#o :osso (7J8;) - 3tudied fear and its inf#uen!e on the heart and his obser+ations subseBuent#y formed the basis for the te!hniBue' de+e#oped the 3phygmomanometer and the 3!ientifi! *rad#e$ whi!h he used in studying fear and its inf#uen!e on the heart. *esar /ombroso (7J8;) - "mp#oyed the first s!ientifi! instrument to dete!t de!eption2ydrosphygmograph that measured !hanges in pu#se and b#ood pressure when suspe!ts were Buestioned about their in+o#+ement in or &now#edge of a spe!ifi! response. Wi##iam :arston (787;) - 2e dea#t with the sphygmomanometer$ whi!h was used to obtain periodi! dis!ontinuous b#ood pressure readings during the !ourse of an e5amination' 2e a#so e5perien!ed with and he#ped to de+e#op the %neumograph$ whi!h re!ords



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breathing patterns$ and the 1a#+anograph$ whi!h registers !hanges in s&in resistan!e. 9ohn /arson (78D7) - -e+e#oped po#ygraph$ an instrument !apab#e of !ontinuous#y re!ords b#ood pressure$ pu#se and respiration' (he po#ygraph instrument that he de+e#oped was des!ribed as po#ygraphi! apparatus in a portab#e form. /eonarde Eee#er (78D>) - *ontinued resear!h and de+e#opment of po#ygraph' ,n 7848$ he in+ented the Eee#er s po#ygraph with !omponents that simu#taneous#y re!ords !hanges in b#ood pressure$ pu#se and respiration$ as we## as the new#y de+e#oped ga#+ani! s&in ref#e5' 2e de+ised the !hart ro## paper$ a better method of Buestioning and the in!orporated the &ymograph. D7 Who are behind the de+e#opment of %neumograph? Answer: they are: Littorio 4enussi (7874) 3u!!essfu##y dete!ted de!eption with a %neumograph-an instrument that graphi!a##y measures an e5aminee s inha#ation and e5ha#ation' 2e demonstrated that !hanges in breathing patterns a!!ompany de!eption. 2aro#d 4urtt (787J) -etermined that respiratory !hanges were indi!ati+e of de!eption' Found out that !hanges in systo#i! b#ood pressure were of greater +a#ue in determining de!eption than !hanges in respiration. Who are behind the de+e#opment of 1a#+anograph? Answer: they are: 3ti!&er (7J8I) - First to suggest the use of the 1a#+anograph for dete!ting de!eption based on the wor& of se+era# prede!essors' (heoriFed that the ga#+ani! s&in phenomena was inf#uen!ed by e5!iting menta# impressions and that they wi## ha+e no effe!t upon it. Leraguth (78<I) - First to used the term Gpsy!hoga#+ani! ref#e5H' 4e#ie+ed that the



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e#e!tri!a# phenomenon was due to the a!ti+ity of the sweat g#ands. D3 Who is behind the de+e#opment of %o#ygraph? Answer: /eonarde Eee#er (78D>)2e de+ised the meta# re!ording be##ows' -e+ised the &ymograph and the ro##ed !hart paper' ,n!orporated the !ardiograph and %neumograph !omponents that measure b#ood pressure and respiration respe!ti+e#y. What are the different Muestioning (e!hniBues? Answer: they are: )e#e+ant-,rre#e+ant (est -e+e#oped by /arson and Eee#er in 784D. )e#e+ant-,rre#e+ant with "mbarrassing persona# Buestion test - -e+e#oped by +arious e5aminers around 784>. )e#e+ant-,rre#e+ant with 3urprise !ontro# Buestion - -e+e#oped by ,nbau and )eid about 784J. )e#e+ant-,rre#e+ant with )e+iewed (&nown #ie) and gui#t !omp#e5 Buestion - -e+e#oped by ,nbau and )eid about 78;<-;3. 4a!&ster None *omparison (est - -e+e#oped by *#e+e 4a!&ster in 78><.


D; What are the theories of )e#e+ant-,rre#e+ant (est? Answer: (A) 1ui#t rea!ts on#y to re#e+ant Buestions' (4) ,nno!ent subje!t shows no rea!tions. D> What are the (heories of )e#e+ant-,rre#e+ant with "mbarrassing persona# Buestion test? Answer: (A) (o determine rea!ti+ity of subje!t' (4) (o stimu#ate inno!ent subje!t. DI What are the theories of )e#e+ant-,rre#e+ant with 3urprise !ontro# Buestion? Answer: (A) (o stimu#ate the inno!ent subje!t' (4) (o pro+ide !ontra!t for the gui#ty.


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DJ What are the theories of )e#e+ant-,rre#e+ant with )e+iewed (&nown #ie) and gui#t !omp#e5 Buestion? Answer: (A) (o stimu#ate the inno!ent subje!t' (4) (o identify the genera# ner+ous tension and gui#t !omp#e5 rea!tor' (*) (o impro+e !ontra!t between inno!ent and gui#ty subje!t. D8 What are the theories of 4a!&ster None *omparison (est? Answer: (A) 4ased on the prin!ip#e of psy!ho#ogi!a# set' (4) %ro+ide !onstant monitoring of subje!t rea!ti+ity' (4) -esigned to dis!#ose outside issues 3< What is the theory of po#ygraph e5amination? Answer: A !ons!ious menta##y effort on the part of norma# person to de!ei+e$ !auses in+o#untary physio#ogi!a# !hanges whi!h are in effe!t a body s rea!tion to an imminent danger to his we##-being. What are the *0A*"%(3 0F %0/.1)A%2 "@A:,AA(,0A? Answer: they are: ?sed to test an indi+idua# for the purpose of dete!ting de!eption or +erify the truth of statement' )e!ords identifiab#e physio#ogi!a# rea!tions of the subje!t$ su!h as high b#ood pressure$ pu#se rate$ respiration and s&in resistan!e' and


3D (he effe!ti+eness of the po#ygraph in re!ording symptoms of de!eption is based on the theory. What are the 049"*(,L"3 0F %0/.1)A%2 "@A:,AA(,0A? Answer: they are:


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0btain additiona# in+estigati+e #eads to the fa!ts of the !aseCoffenses' As!ertain if the person is te##ing the truth' /o!ate the fruits or the too#s of the !rime of the whereabouts of a wanted person' ,dentify other persons in+o#+ed' 0btain +a#uab#e information from re#u!tant witnesses' and "#iminates inno!ent suspe!ts. 33 What are the %),A*,%A/ ?3"3 0F %0/.1)A%2? Answer: they are: Aids in in+estigation' 3peeds up pro!essing of in+estigation' "#iminates inno!ent suspe!ts' %re-emp#oyment s!reening' and 2onesty test. What are the /,:,(A(,0A3 0F %0/.1)A%2? Answer: they are: ,t is an in+a#uab#e in+estigati+e aid' but ne+er a substitute for in+estigation. ,t is not a #ie dete!tor' it is a s!ientifi! diagnosti! instrument. ,t does not determine fa!ts' it re!ords on#y responses of the subje!t. ,t is on#y as a!!urate as the e5aminer is !ompetent.


3; What is the A**?)A*. AA- )"/,A4,/,(. 0F (2" %0/.1)A%2? Answer: (he ?s 9usti!e -epartment funded e5periments !ondu!ted by psy!ho#ogists from 78I; to 78I> at the ?ni+ersity of ?tah showed the po#ygraph to be 8<= a!!urate. 0n#y 7<= of the resu#ts were de!#ared in!on!#usi+e. 2owe+er$ in more re!ent resear!h$ the !onfirmed a+erage +a#idity was shown to be 8>=. %o#ygraphists produ!e +ery high rates of agreement (8>= - 7<<=) based on numeri!a# s!oring. 3> What are the instan!es where the test be admitted in !ourt?


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Answer: they are: (here must be a !ourt order (here must be stipu#ation between the parties' When it is used to impea!h or !orroborate the testimony of a tria# witness. (he !ourt further !ited the$ Gsignifi!ant pro!ess in the fie#d of po#ygraph testingO administrator are better trained and ha+e better eBuipment.H 3I What are the 4A3,* FA*(0)3 (2A( W,// *0A(),4?(" 1)"A(/. (0 (2" 3?**"3F?/ ?3" 0F (2" %0/.1)A%2? Answer: they are: 2igh#y trained and e5perien!ed e5aminer' A re#iab#e instrument' A we## p#anned interrogation room' and 1ood teamwor& by the in+estigator$ e5aminer and their superiors. 3J What are the :0)A/ M?A/,(,"3 0F %0/.1)A%2 "@A:,A")? Answer: they are: a 2e must be free from prejudi!e' b 3in!ere desire to be a good e5aminer' ! -e+ote himse#f to the profession by maintaining a high persona# integrity and by in!reasing his professiona# profi!ien!y through !onstant study and resear!h' d *onstant#y bear in mind his ob#igation to his subje!ts to afford them a## possib#e safeguards against error' e Ae+er a!!ept any subje!t for e5amination if they are unfit to the test' f A#ways !ondu!t the test in a professiona# and ethi!a# manner' g 2e must be an impartia# see&er of truth' and h Ae+er #et his persona# fee#ings or sympathies$ or the fee#ings or sympathies or prejudi!e of others inf#uen!e the resu#t of the test 38 What are the ("*2A,*A/ %0/.1)A%2 "@A:,A")? M?A/,F,*A(,0A3 0F


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Answer: they are: 2a+e a !omp#ete &now#edge of the instrument and its !apabi#ities and #imitations' *omp#ete &now#edge of the most modern po#ygraph te!hniBue' %rofi!ient in the !ondu!t of the e5amination$ su!h as test !onstru!tion$ !hart mar&ing$ !hart probing$ !hart interpretation$ pre-test inter+iew and interrogation 4< What are the )"3%0A3,4,/,(,"3 0F (2" ,AL"3(,1A(0) (0 (2" 3?49"*(? Answer: they are: /earn enough about the po#ygraph' Aot to re+ea# the detai#s of an offense$ whi!h may be uti#iFed in the app#i!ation of the$ G%ea& of (ension (est.H Assure the subje!t that if he is truthfu#$ the test is a means to indi!ate his inno!en!e' 3tress the po#ygraph !apabi#ity to re!ord responses a!!urate#y' Assure the subje!t that the e5aminer is Bua#ified and impartia# to a## subje!t' and A+oid any !#aim for the instrument or e5aminer that is not being supported by fa!ts. 47 What are the )"3%0A3,4,/,(,"3 0F A %0/.1)A%2 "@A:,A") (0 2,3 3?49"*(? Answer: they are: )e!ogniFed the fa!t that his primary responsibi#ity must be to the person who +o#untari#y submitted himse#f to a po#ygraph test 2e shou#d ne+er !ondu!t a po#ygraph test without first ad+ising the subje!t of his !onstitutiona# rights against se#fin!rimination' 2e shou#d ne+er !ondu!t an e5amination un#ess the instrument is in good wor&ing !ondition'


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2e shou#d not render a !on!#usi+e +erba# opinion un#ess there are at #east two or more test !harts' and 2e must be thorough#y fami#iar with the te!hniBues and pro!edures in po#ygraph test. 4D What are the *0A-,(,0A3 (2A( W0?/- ,ALA/,-A(" A %0/.1)A%2 "@A:,AA(,0A? Answer: they are: a "5treme ner+ousness or emotiona# tension' (he possib#e effe!ts of a truthfu# person s e5treme emotiona# tension or ner+ousness must be gi+en serious !onsideration in ma&ing a po#ygraph diagnosis. (he psy!ho#ogi!a# !hanges and disturban!es indu!ed by ner+ousness usua##y appear on the po#ygraph re!ord without re#ationship to parti!u#ar Buestion or Buestions. b %hysio#ogi!a# abnorma#ities' "5!essi+e high or #ow b#ood pressure' 2eart disease or disorders' )espiratory disorder$ (e+en !ommon o#ds)' and (ootha!he$ se+ere heada!he or pra!ti!a##y any painfu# ai#ment. ! :enta# abnorma#ities' %ronoun!ed neurosis$ psy!hosis$ abnorma##y #ow inte##igen!e or retardation' 3tate of se#f-hypnosis or temporary amnesia' and %atho#ogi!a# #iars. d ?nresponsi+eness. /a!& of emotiona# response hampers a!!urate testing' "5treme fatigue or menta# e5haustion' ?nder the inf#uen!e of a#!oho# or drugs' and


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?nne!essary bodi#y mo+ement !an #ead to mis#eading 4% readingsCtra!ings. 43 What are the %),A*,%/"3 0F %0/.1)A%2? Answer: they are: (he po#ygraph is based on theory that when te##ing a #ie$ subje!t wi## respond physio#ogi!a##y be!ause of Fear of -ete!tion' ,n endea+oring to !on!ea# the truth$ one might fee# a thudding in!rease of the heart beat$ the rush of b#ood to the fa!e$ an un!omfortab#e impu#se to swa##ow$ or other symptoms resu#ting from Fear o+er possibi#ity that the #ie be dete!ted' and (hese physio#ogi!a# !hangesObreathing$ b#ood pressure$ pu#se rate and the ga#+ani! s&in ref#e5$ are phenomena with whi!h the po#ygraph e5aminer !on!erns him.


What are the "33"A(,A/ %A)(3 0F %0/.1)A%2? Answer: (he po#ygraph has two$ three$ four$ or more re!ording !hanne#s a!!ording to their importan!e in #ie-dete!tion. ,n an ordinary po#ygraph (!onsisting of three-re!ording !hanne#s) +arious a!!essories are p#a!ed on some !hosen parts of the body of the subje!t. (hese atta!hments are set as re!ei+ers to the !hanges in the body and !ondu!t those !hanges e#e!tri!a##y$ e#e!troni!a##y and pneumati!a##y to the instrument$ whi!h are fina##y re!orded on !harts and graphs. (hese re!ei+ers are: %neumograph - (he first re!ei+er is the %neumograph tube (a rubberiFed !orrugated tube) whi!h is atta!hed to the subje!t s !hest or stoma!h. (hese atta!hments are part of the po#ygraph that dete!ts the air +o#ume !hanges of the !hest through the breathing !y!#es. *ardiograph andCor *ardio-3phygmograph - (he se!ond re!ei+er is a b#ood pressure !uff wrapped around subje!t s upper arm or wrist$ and inf#ated to a suitab#e air pressure. *hanges in b#ood pressure and pu#se rate are dete!ted. 1a#+anograph andCor 1a#+o-graph (13)) - (he third re!ei+er is a set of e#e!trodes atta!hed either


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between the pa#mer and dorsa# surfa!es of the subje!t s hands or on the adja!ent or re#ati+e fingers of the same hand of the subje!t 0perating e#e!tri!a##y and e#e!troni!a##y$ physio#ogi!a# !hanges are measured through an e#e!trode p#a!ed on the ina!ti+e portion (a -method) andCor through the f#ow of !urrent between two e#e!trodes (b -method). Eymograph (*hart-dri+e) - Another essentia# part of the po#ygraph$ a#though not a dire!t re!ei+er of interna# responses. (he &ymograph is the !hart dri+e or paper-fed me!hanism whi!h is powered by a syn!hronous e#e!tri! motor or dynamo. 4; What are the -,A1A03(,* ("*2A,M?" in (he %re-(est ,nter+iew and %reparation of (est Muestions Answer: the are: a Ao test shou#d be e+er !ondu!ted without a pretest inter+iew$ during whi!h the subje!t is !onditioned for the test$ and the Buestions to be as&ed ha+e been !arefu##y formu#ated by the e5aminer. b (he pretest inter+iew a#so in+o#+es the !asua# as&ing of a series of Buestions whi!h are designed to e#i!it +erba# and non+erba# responses that wi## gi+e the e5aminer an indi!ation of the subje!t s truthfu# or de!epti+e status without unne!essari#y re#easing his tension or engaging in any a!!usatory interrogation. ! (he e5aminer shou#d not be withho#d any information from the subje!t about the instrument$ its atta!hments$ or re!ordings. (his wi## ser+e to in!rease a #ying subje!t s !on!ern o+er possib#e dete!tion$ whi!h is the most important reBuirement for an effe!ti+e e5amination. d -uring the pretest inter+iew$ the subje!t is appraised of his !onstitutiona# right to remain si#ent and ha+e !ompetent and independent !ounse# preferab#y of his own !hoi!e$ and that he must gi+e his written !onsent to show proof that he is wi##ing +o#untari#y to undergo the test. (he ta&ing of his persona# data and e5p#anation of the test pro!edure fo##ow this.


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e (he pretest inter+iew is +ery essentia# be!ause through it$ e5traneous fear$ apprehension$ ner+ousness or distaste of the idea of the test is o+er!ome. ,t p#a!es the subje!t in a !ooperati+e and obje!ti+e point of +iew to wi##ing#y approa!h the test$ and at the same time afford the e5aminer to ma&e an obser+ation and e+a#uation of the subje!t to form the basis for the type of test te!hniBue best app#i!ab#e. (he su!!ess of the po#ygraph test great#y depends on the rapport e5isting between the e5aminer and his subje!t. f -uring this period$ atta!hment of the po#ygraph a!!essories is made with a brief e5p#anation of the fun!tion of ea!h. (his is fo##owed by a re+iew of the detai#s of the !ase and the subseBuent de+e#opment and introdu!tion of the Buestions to be as&ed. 4> a b ! What are the %urposes of ,nter+iew? Answer: they are: (o !ondition the subje!t psy!ho#ogi!a##y for the test. (o determine whether or not the subje!t is fit to ta&e the test. (o afford the e5aminer to ma&e an obser+ation and e+a#uation of the subje!t in order to be ab#e to determine the type of test te!hniBue best app#i!ab#e on the !ase. For the e5aminer to be ab#e to estab#ish rapport with the subje!t. For the e5aminer to determine whether the subje!t +o#untari#y submits himse#f to the test.

d e

4I What is the great importan!e to po#ygraph e5amination? Answer: great importan!e to po#ygraph e5amination is the formu#ation of test Buestions. (he formu#ation of test Buestions !arries from !ase to !ase. (he information supp#ying these Buestions emanates from the in+estigators hand#ing the !ase from the statements of the witnesses or the subje!t himse#f$ the offi!ia# and professiona# re!ords$ inter+iews and other resour!es or agen!ies.


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4J What are the 1enera# )u#es in Muestion Formu#ation? Answer: Fo##owing are the 1enera# )u#es in Muestion Formu#ation: a Muestions must be simp#e and dire!t. b (hey must not in+o#+e #ega# termino#ogies' e5. )ape$ assau#t$ murder$ et!. ! (hey must be answerab#e by Gyes or noH and shou#d be as short as possib#e. d (heir meaning must be !#ear and unmista&ab#e and phrased in a #anguage the subje!t easi#y understands. e (hey must not be in the form of a!!usation. f (hey must ne+er !ontain an inf#uen!e$ whi!h presupposes &now#edge on the part of the subje!t. g A## Buestions must refer to on#y one offense. h A## Buestions must refer to on#y one e#ement of an offense. i (hey must not !ontain inferen!e to one s re#igion$ ra!e or be#ief. 48 What are the -,FF")"A( (.%"3 0F ("3( M?"3(,0A3? Answer: ,n e+ery !rimina# in+estigation$ there is pres!ribed standard operationa# Buestioning of subje!ts in any gi+en !ase. ,n order to a!Buire &now#edge of the !ase$ fu## appre!iation andCor study +arious types of Buestions is a must for e+ery in+estigator or e5aminer. 2en!e$ in po#ygraph$ the fo##owing are different types of Buestion used for test !onstru!tion. a )e#e+ant Muestion (*riti!a#) - (hese are the primary or &ey Buestions as&ed by the e5aminer in order to reso#+e a spe!ifi! subje!t matter. ,t is further !#assified a!!ording to its stimu#ation effe!t when app#ied$ name#y: b 3trong )e#e+ant or %rimary )e#e+ant Muestions K are re#e+ant Buestions$ whi!h ha+e intense and spe!ifi! re#ationship to the !rime or prob#em$ being !onsidered. (hese are intended to produ!e strong emotiona# response in gui#ty subje!ts. "5. -id you stea# 9oan s wristwat!h? -id you stea# anything from 9oan s house? ! Wea& )e#e+ant Muestion K are Buestions that !on!ern some se!ondary e#ements of the !rime and


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dea# most#y on gui#ty &now#edge and partia# in+o#+ement. "5. -o you &now where the missing wristwat!h of 9oan now? Further$ the wea& re#e+ant is !#assified into the fo##owing: 3a!rifi!e )e#e+ant or -.A( Muestions (-o .ou intend to Answer (ruthfu##y) K are designed to absorb the response genera##y generated by the introdu!tion of the first re#e+ant Buestions in the series. )ea!tion to these Buestions gi+es the e5aminer a !#ue as to subje!t s attitude of wi##ingness or +o#untaries to submit to the test. "5. )egarding the sto#en wristwat!h$ do you intend answer truthfu##y ea!h Buestion about that? Enow#edge Muestion K (his type of Buestion is propounded to the subje!t to pro+e whether he possesses the information #eading to the identifi!ation of the offender or the #o!ation of the e+iden!e. "5. -o you &now for sure who sto#e the wristwat!h of 9oan? "+iden!e-*onne!ting Muestions K (his has to do with in+iting subje!t s attention on the probabi#ity of in!riminating proof that wou#d tend to estab#ish his gui#t by #in&ing him and his predi!aments to the fingerprints$ footprints$ too# mar&s$ et!. !o##e!ted at the !rime s!ene. "5. Were the footprints outside the house of 9oan yours? d ,rre#e+ant Muestion (Aeutra#) - After the subje!t has been inter+iewed$ it is the primary duty of the e5aminer to prepare and arrange se+era# types of Buestions to be as&ed during what &ind of Buestion test of no importan!e to the !ase under in+estigation$ but of great signifi!an!e to !ontro##ing fatigue$ ner+ousness and dis!omfort of the subje!t. ,rre#e+ant or neutra# Buestions must pre!ede the re#e+ant ones. 3ome of them may form #i&e this: "5. -id you eat today -o you 3mo&e? Are you wearing brown shoes now? ,s the !igarette you smo&e a :ar#boro brand?


Page |3

-o you #i+e at 1enera# 3antos? e *ontro# Muestion (%robab#e /ie) - (his is a Buestion based on a &nown #ie made by the subje!t about denying ha+ing done something whi!h +erified or &nown to be true. *ontro# Buestions ha+e two &inds$ name#y: %re#iminary *ontro# Muestion K re!a##s the offense done from the time of !hi#dhood up to three to fi+e years before the o!!urren!e of the present offense being in+estigated. "5. 4efore rea!hing the age of D;$ ha+e you e+er sto#en anything? 3e!ondary *ontro# Muestion K more spe!ifi! in nature and based upon another spe!ies or wrongdoing that wi## enhan!e the subje!t s opportunity for responsi+eness. ,ts s!ope in!#udes up to the present period of e5amination. "5. 2a+e you e+er sto#en anything from the #o!a#ity? f 1ui#t *omp#e5 Muestion - (his refers to Buestions whi!h safeguard against mista&ing re#e+ant Buestion response of the gui#t !omp#e5 rea!tor as de!eption responses and is based on a fi!titious !rime situation !#ose#y para##e# and eBua# in weight to the a!tua# !rime under in+estigation$ so that the gui#ty !an be sure he did not !ommit it. "5. -id you stea# the go#d !oin !o##e!tion? )emember that the stea#ing of a go#d !oin !o##e!tion was not a!tua##y !ommitted be!ause the a##eged !rime in+estigated was the #ost of the pre!ious wristwat!h of 9oan. g 3ymptomati! Muestion - ,ts fun!tion is to dete!t and e+a#uate the presen!e of outside issues whi!h may suppress responses to re#e+ant Buestions. (his is often true that the subje!t fear they might be as&ed about another !ase in whi!h they are in+o#+ed$ but are not the subje!t-matter under in+estigation. "5. Are you !omp#ete#y !on+in!ed that , wi## not as& any Buestion on this test that has not a#ready been re+iewed?


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h 3 E . Muestion (3- 3uspe!t$ E- Enow#edge and .-GyouH) as the subje!t. (hese three Buestions grouped together by 4a!&ster to !onfirm the pre+ious !harts and may dete!t indire!t in+o#+ement on gui#t &now#edge. "5. (3) -o you suspe!t anyone in parti!u#ar of stea#ing 9oan s wristwat!h?(E) -o you &now for sure who sto#e 9oan s wristwat!h? (.) -id you stea# 9oan s wristwat!h? ;< What are the *0/0) N0A" Answer: they are: a )ed None K 3trong )e#e+ant b 1reen None K %robab#e /ie (*ontro#) ! 4#a!& None K 3ymptomati! (0utside ,ssue) d .e##ow None K ,rre#e+ant and 3a!rifi!e )e#e+ant e .e##ow or )ed None K Wea& )e#e+ant

7 What is %hotography? Answer: an art$ and !ertain#y is a s!ien!e of produ!ing an image by the a!tion of #ight on #ight K sensiti+e substan!es (si#+er ha#ides) and by the app#i!ation of se+era# !hemi!a#s and physi!a# #aws. D What is +ita# to photography? Answer: /ight$ for it is the physi!a# means used to produ!e the image. without #ight$ there wi## be no image. 3 What are the */A33,F,*A(,0A3 0F /,12(? Answer: /ight$ as a form of radiant energy$ is !#assified a!!ording to wa+e#ength and freBuen!y.


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4 What is WAL"/"A1(2? Answer: Wa+e#ength is the distan!e between any two su!h identi!a# points in a gi+en instant of time. 3in!e the e#e!tromagneti! spe!trum is arranged a!!ording to wa+e#ength$ there must be measurement of this #ength. (he #ength of #ight wa+es is measured from a point on one !rest to an identi!a# point on the ne5t !rest. ; What is F)"M?"A*.? Answer: (he freBuen!y of #ight is the number of !omp#ete wa+es that wou#d pass a gi+en point in a se!ond time. (he #onger the wa+e#ength$ the fewer the number of wa+es that wi## pass a point in a se!ond or the #onger the wa+e#ength the #ess the freBuen!y' the shorter the wa+e#ength the greater the freBuen!y. > What is the *0:%03,(,0A 0F W2,(" /,12(? Answer: White #ight is !omposed of a## +isib#e #ight wa+e#engths in the +isib#e spe!trum. 3un#ight is white and is an idea# or eBua# b#ending of a## the wa+e#engths of the +isib#e spe!trum. ,f any of these wa+e#ength are missing$ e+en in part$ we ha+e another !o#or instead of white #ight. I What is 0%(,*3? Answer: 0pti!s is a bran!h of s!ien!e !on!erned with the beha+ior of #ight. J What are the basi! !hara!teristi!s of #ight beha+ior whi!h we used to see and to produ!e photographi! image? Answer: they are: )"F/"*(,0A. Any obje!t that is non-#uminous$ that does not itse#f emit #ight$ !an be seen on#y by ref#e!ted #ight that has originated at a #uminous sour!e. A## obje!ts ref#e!t some #ight and absorb some. 1#ass mirrors$ po#ished meta#s$ white papers$ a## ref#e!t most of the #ight and absorb some. 4#a!& obje!ts absorb most of the #ight and ref#e!t +ery #itt#e. /ight that are either absorbed or transmitted$ that is$ when #ight passes


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through a medium su!h as g#ass or any transparent substan!e. A430)%(,0A. /ight wi## norma##y be absorbed to some degree no matter what type of surfa!es is en!ountered. (he !o#or of the obje!t is #arge#y a matter of absorption and ref#e!tion. When white #ight fa##s on an obje!t that absorbs some of the wa+e#engths and ref#e!ts and transmitted others$ the obje!t appears to ha+e !o#or. (he wa+e#ength that is ref#e!ted or transmitted determines the !o#or of the obje!t. For e5amp#e$ a red obje!t appears red be!ause it ref#e!ts or transmit on#y the red wa+e#engths. (he others whi!h is green and b#ue$ are absorbed by the obje!t. )"F)A*(,0A. When #ight stri&es the surfa!e of opaBue obje!ts some is absorbed and some is ref#e!ted. 4ut when it stri&es an obje!t whi!h is transparent$ su!h as g#ass$ a #itt#e #ight is absorbed. (hese penetrating rays$ howe+er$ ha+e Buite probab#y undergone some !hanges' they ha+e been bent. (he bending or def#e!tion is what is termed as refra!tion. 8 What is the /AW 0F )"F)A*(,0A? Answer: G,f a #ight rays hit perpendi!u#ar to the surfa!e between two mediums of different density$ the ray is not bent. ,f the #ight stri&es the surfa!e at an ang#e$ the ray wi## be bent. (he dire!tion in whi!h the #ight is bent is dependent upon the density of its mediums the #ight is tra+e#ing toH. 7< What is ,A-"@ 0F )"F)A*(,0A? Answer: /ight tra+e#s at +arying speeds. (he speed of #ight in air or +a!uum is appro5imate#y 7J>$<<< mi#es per se!ond whi#e in some g#ass is appro5imate#y 7D4$<<< mi#es per se!ond. ?sing the two figures$ the refra!ti+e inde5 of the g#ass wou#d be 7.; (7D4$<<< di+ided into 7J>$<<<). (he refra!ti+e inde5 of water is about 7.3. the refra!ti+e inde5 is ne+er #ess than 7 and rare#y more than D. (he higher the inde5 number$ the greater the #ight K bending power of the


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substan!e. A pra!ti!a# use of this &now#edge is in the determination of the ang#e of refra!tion of #enses made for +arious types of g#ass and use for +arying purposes. 77 What is *A:")A /"A3" or 0%(,*3? Answer: A !amera opti! or #ens$ is a spheri!a# and symmetri!a# pie!e of po#ished g#ass. (he purpose of whi!h is to gather$ refra!ts and proje!t #ight ray on the rear wa## of the !amera and to produ!e a !#ear$ sharp image.

7D What is the effe!t ,f a fi#m is p#a!ed in front of the wa## opposite the pinho#e? Answer' the negati+e image that appears after the fi#m if de+e#op wi## not be +ery sharp$ but it wi## be Buite re!ogniFab#e as an image of the subje!t at whi!h the pinho#e was aimed. ,t wi## not be sharp be!ause the pinho#e a!tua##y #ets in more than one ray of #ight from ea!h point on the subje!t and these rays do not stri&e at e5a!t#y the same point on the fi#m. ,f the pinho#e siFed is de!reased to redu!ed image b#ur$ it reBuires a#so a #ong e5posure time ( whi!h is a#ready #ong). ,n addition a +ery tiny pinho#e tends to s!atter the #ight rays and thus image b#ur a!tua##y in!reases. 73 2ow to a!!omp#ish a brighter and sharper image? Answer: 4oth !an be a!!omp#ished by ref#e!ting or refra!ting the #ight so that it !an !o##e!t great bund#es of #ight rays from a sing#e point and redire!t them a## to meet again at another point K on the fi#m.

74 What part of a !amera usua##y has a fun!tion of ref#e!ting or refra!ting the #ight so that it !an !o##e!t great bund#es of #ight rays from a sing#e point and redire!t them a## to meet again at another point K on the fi#m? Answer: the !amera #ens. 7; What is the effe!t if the distan!e between #ens and subje!t is shortened?


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Answer' if the distan!e between #ens and subje!t is shortened$ the distan!e between #ens and fi#m is e5tended. (his of !ourse$ the adjustment being made when fo!using the !amera' the #ens is mo+ed away from the fi#m for !#ose subje!ts and mo+ed towards the fi#m for distant subje!t. 7> What are the (.%"3 0F 3,A1/" 3,:%/" /"A3? Answer: 3imp#e #enses are !#assified a!!ording to the way in whi!h they bend the rays of #ight fa##ing upon them. (hey are di+ided into two groups: %ositi+e #ensC *on+ergent #ens. 4asi!a##y these #enses are thi!&er at the !enter than at the edges. (ehse #enses from rea# images be!ause #ight rays passing through them !on+erged$ that is$ the rays #ea+ing the #ens are bent inward and toward one another and so e+entua##y meet (fo!us). /ens in this !#ass are a#so termed !on+e5$ !on+ergent$ or !o##e!ti+e. (he most !ommon positi+e #ens is the doub#e !on+e5 whi!h wi## !ause #ight rays from either side of the #ens surfa!e$ to !on+erge. A## these #enses ha+e at #east one !on+e5 surfa!e$ that is$ a surfa!e that !ur+ed outward. Aegati+e #ens. (hese #enses are thi!&er at the ends than at the !enter and ha+e at #east one !on!a+e surfa!e. (hese #ens !a##ed !on!a+e di+ergent$ or dispersi+e. /ight rays that passed through them are spread apart$ negati+e #enses are not used a#one but they from part of a !ompound #ens to !orre!t for errors or distortion. What is meant by Fo!a# %#ane of a #ens? Answer: (he fo!a# p#ane of a #ens is the p#ane where the #ens proje!ted image whi!h is !#ear and sharp. (his p#ane is sometimes !a##ed the fi#m p#ane$ as the fi#m is #o!ated at this point to !apture the image. What is meant by Fo!a# /ength of a #ens? Answer: Fo!a# #engths !an be defined as the distan!e from the #ens to the point at whi!h




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#ight rays that entered the #ens on para##e# paths wi## be brought to fo!us. ,f the !amera #ens is fo!used at infinity whi!h in pra!ti!a# terms means fo!used on a subje!t a great distan!e away (D<< feet or more)$ the #ight rays ref#e!ted by that subje!t wi## be tra+e#ing on para##e# paths$ for a## pra!ti!a# purposes$ when they rea!h the #ens. 3o the definition of fo!a# #ength is often gi+en as the distan!e between the #ens and the fi#m when the #ens is fo!used at infinity. (he photographer se#dom or need no measure the fo!a# #ength of a #ens for this !hara!teristi! is a#most a#ways mar&ed on the front of the #ens mount$ in mi##imeters or in in!hes. 78 What is the importan!e of Fo!a# /ength of a #ens? Answer: (he fo!a# #ength of a #ens !ontro#s the image brightness$ speed of the #ens$ and the image siFe at the fo!a# p#ane. ,t is a fi5ed +a#ue of the #ens and !annot be +aried by the photographer. A#so$ it is inherent fa!tor of the #ens whi!h is !ontro##ed by the thi!&ness of the #ens and the !ur+atures of its surfa!es.

D< What is the best too# for #earning to use of #enses? Answer: A 3; K mm sing#e #ens ref#e5 !amera is the best too# for #earning to use of #enses of +arying fo!a# #engths be!ause you !an a!tua##y see what the #ens is putting in your pi!ture frame. (he pi!ture !an be studied in the finder$ obser+e the re#ati+e siFes of images within the pi!ture s depth. D7 What is /ens 3peed? Answer: it is the #argest opening of the diaphragm (aperture) at whi!h a #ens !an be used. G3peedH here refers to intensity of the #ight rea!hing the fi#m$ and not to any mo+ement. (hus an fCD #ens is faster than fC4 be!ause an fCD has a wider aperture and wi## admit more #ight at a gi+en time. What are GfastH #enses?



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Answer: /enses ha+ing a #arge aperture are !a##ed GfastH #enses be!ause their #arge aperture ma&es it possib#e to ta&e photographi! at a +ery short e5posure inter+a# or under +ery dim #ight !onditions. (he !#oser this widest aperture !omes to 7$ or to being eBua# in diameter to the fo!a# #ength of the #ens$ the faster the #ens. D3 What is the pra!ti!a# app#i!ation of a fast #ens? Answer: the pra!ti!a# app#i!ation of a fast #ens is when the #ight #e+e# of a s!ene is +ery #ow$ su!h as in a night !#ub s!ene. ,n short$ the faster the #ens$ the #esser the amount of #ight needed to reprodu!ed an image What is !amera shutter? Answer' A me!hani!a# de+i!e used to !ontro# the duration of the time inter+a# during whi!h #ight wi## tra+e# to a!t on the fi#m. ,t is an adjustab#e me!hanism that regu#ates the amount of #ight rea!hing the fi#m by +arying the #ength of time #ight is a##owed to pass through the #ens. What is Fo!a# %#ane 3hutter? Answer: Fo!a# %#ane 3hutter is a#so &nown as !urtain shutter !onsist of a #ightproof rubberiFed !#oth !urtain ha+ing re!tangu#ar openings or s#its usua##y arranged to mo+e horiFonta##yC or +erti!a##y in some !ameras. ,t house entire#y within the !amera body and is mounted in two ro##ers. When an e5posure is made$ the #eading !urtain mo+es$ say to the right$ un!o+ering the fi#m so that #ight !an a!t upon it. At the end of the e5posure inter+a#$ !urtain mo+es to the right to !o+er the fi#m surfa!e on!e again. What is the ad+antage of Fo!a# %#ane 3hutter? Answer: (he ad+antage of this type of shutter is to a##ow the #ens inter!hangeabi#ity and it has a high shutter speed up to 7C7<<< of a se!ond. What is the disad+antage of Fo!a# %#ane 3hutter? Answer: where !riti!a# measurements in motion are reBuired$ this shutter is undesirab#e be!ause






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of image distortion. At the instant$ the fast mo+ing subje!t may appear e#ongated or shortened than it a!tua##y is$ depending on the dire!tion of motion. DJ What is 3hutter 3peed Answer: 3hutter speed refers to the time that the shutter is opened$ fo##owing #ight to rea!h the fi#m. (he inter+a# during whi!h it is desired for the shutter to remain open is se#e!ted by rotating the shutter speed dia# and setting it on the desired s!a#e. What is usua##y the shutter-speed s!a#e mar&ing? Answer: (he !amera s shutter-speed s!a#e mar&ings are usua##y ($ or -$ 7$ D$ J$ 7;$ 3<$ ><$ 7D;$ D;<$ ;<<$ 7<<<$ and C or e+en D<<<. (he first number in this series stands for 7 fu## se!ond$ but a## other number are fra!tions of a se!ond$ D is for P se!ond$ 4 is Q se!ond and so forth. (he s!a#e may +ary from this e5amp#e$ depending upon the !amera but ea!h shutter setting gi+es one ha#f of the time of the pre!eding number and twi!e of the su!!eeding one. A## these numbers are abbre+iated e5pressions for fra!tions of a se!ond and denote shutter speed. What is the G4H setting stands for? Answer: the G4H setting stands for Gbu#bH K a word that goes far ba!& into !amera history. ?sed for e5posure #onger than one se!ond. %ressure on the shutter re#ease button wi## open the shutter and wi## remain opened as #ong as pressure is maintained. 4ut on!e pressure is re#eased$ the shutter !#oses again. What is the G(H setting stands for? Answer: the G(H setting stands for Gtime GtimeH #i&e the Gbu#bH setting the G(H setting is a#so used for time e5posure of more than one se!ond . ,t differs from the bu#b setting on#y in that the shutter re#ease button does not ha+e to ha+e he#d down to ma&e an e5posure. %ressure on the button !auses the shutter open. ,t wi## remain open





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unti# the shutter re#eases button is pressed a se!ond time to !#ose it. 3D 2ow to %hotograph a :o+ing 0bje!t? Answer: When an obje!t is in motion during e5posure$ its image on the fi#m a#so mo+es$ e+en though the duration of e5posure (shutter speed) is 7C7<<< of a se!ond$ the images mo+es a sma## fra!tion of an in!h during this time. (he prob#em for the photographer$ then$ is to determine just how mu!h image mo+ement !an be to#erated before it be!omes obje!tionab#e and regu#ate the shutter speed a!!ording#y. As a genera# ru#e$ the permissib#e image mo+ement (!ir!#e of !onfusion) is 7C7<<< of an in!h if they are to be en#arged.

33 What are the four fa!tors whi!h determine the distan!e of an image mo+es on the fi#m during e5posure? Answer: (he four fa!tors whi!h determine the distan!e of an image mo+es on the fi#m during e5posure are: a (he obje!t distan!e (from #ens to obje!t) b (he image distan!e (from #ens to fi#m) ! (he speed of the obje!t (perpendi!u#ar to #ens a5is) d (he inter+a# of the e5posure (he first three fa!tors determine the speed at whi!h the image mo+es a!ross the fi#m and the fourth simp#y #imits the times it is a##owed to mo+e$ thereby #imiting the distan!e of image mo+ement. 34 What is the use of /,12( :"(") 0) "@%03?)" :"(")? Answer: (hese meters measures the in!ident #ight fa##ing upon or the #ight ref#e!ted from a photographi! subje!t$ and pro+ide means of !on+erting this information into useab#e shutter speed and stop. 2owe+er$ this aid is main#y used as a guide$ the fina# interpretation of #ighting and !amera fa!tors$ and pi!ture reBuirement for best e5posure is the de!ision of the photographer.


Page |4

3; 2ow to &now the "@%03?)" without the bui#t-in /,12( :"(") of a !amera? Answer: !ameras whi!h do not ha+e bui#t-in #ight meters$ e5posure is determined by fo##owing the manufa!turer s suggested genera# guide#ines supp#ied with the fi#m$ and then ,30 (former#y A3AC -,A) s!a#e on the !amera fi#m speed dia# series simp#y as a reminder. "5posure !an be done by using the speed number of the fi#m as the initia# shutter speed on the !amera' 7C7<< of the se!ond shutter speed for A3AC 7<< fi#m' 7C4<< for a se!ond for A3AC4<< fi#m$ and so forth. 3et the fi#m as !#ose as !an be on the shutter speed dia#$ 7C7D; for A3AC7<<' 7C;<< for A3AC4<< and so forth. (hen set the fCnumber a!!ording to the !#ass of #ighting !ondition !ommon throughout photographi! #iterature$ and$ in most !ases$ are used in the fi#m as an aid in determining e5posure. (he information sheet is on#y a guide' it does not guarantee perfe!t e5posure. Lariab#es not adeBuate#y !onsidered are: time of the day$ time of the year$ geographi!a# #o!ation$ dire!tion of the #ight$ and type of the subje!t. 3> What are the different (.%"3 0F -A./,12( ,//?:,AA(,0A3? Answer: 4right 3un. (he s&y is !#ear$ bright$ and free of #arge !#oud masses or atmospheri! haFe. Any shadows !ast by the sun are sharp#y defined. An idea# photographi! !ondition. 2aFy 3un. (he sun is partia##y obs!ured by !#ouds or haFe$ the edges of shadows are s#ight#y diffused or set and are #ess !#ear#y defined than those in bright sun. *#oudy 4right. (he sun is #arge#y obs!ured by !#ouds or haFe. (he sun is in e+iden!e$ but the shadow are not apparent. (his day#ight !ondition e5ists when the #ight is bright e+en g#aring and it seems there shou#d be shadows but there are few$ if any. *#oudy -u##. (he sun is !omp#ete#y obs!ured by hea+y #ayers of !#ouds or dense haFe. /ight is !omp#ete#y diffused and it is


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diffi!u#t to determine the e5a!t position of the sun. 3I What are the different (.%"3 0F 3?49"*( 4),12(A"33? Answer: -ar& 3ubje!t. -ar& subje!ts ref#e!ts on#y about 8 per!ent of the #ight stri&ing it and absorbs the remainder. ,n!#uded in this !ategory are +ehi!#es and weapons$ peop#e in dar&-toned !#othing et!. A+erage 3ubje!t. ,s one that ref#e!ts appro5imate#y 7J per!ent of the #ight stri&ing it and absorbs the remainder. "5amp#es are peop#e in medium-!o#ored !#othing$ most bui#dings$ street s!enes$ and interior +iews. 4right 3ubje!t. )ef#e!ts twi!e as mu!h as an a+erage subje!t. (ypi!a# subje!ts in this !ategory are a fair-s&inned and #ighthaired person$ peop#e in #ight !#othing$ and #ight-!o#ored bui#dings. 4ri##iant 3ubje!t. A bri##iant subje!t ref#e!ts about four times as mu!h #ight as an a+erage subje!t and absorbs +ery #itt#e #ight$ some of this subje!t are peop#e in #ight K !o#ored !#othing on a white and sandy bea!h$ a white sai#boat against a b#ue s&y and white bui#dings of a desert +i##age. 3J What are the different )"F/"*(,L" %0W") 0F *0/0)3? Answer: (he fo##owing #ist are the appro5imate per!entage of #ight that is ref#e!ted by some !o#ors$ white (I;=)$ !hrome ye##ow (>D=)$ !ardina# red (DI=)$ pear# gray (I;=)$ !ream (>D=)$ brown (DI=)$ satin green (I;=)$ s&y b#ue (>D=)$ maroon (DI=). 38 What is meant by GF0*?3 Gin a *A:")A /"A3 F0*?3? Answer: fo!us a #ens means to !on!entrate #ight rays on one parti!u#ar surfa!e$ whi!h$ in a !amera$ is the surfa!e of the fi#m.


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What is fo!a# point? Answer: fo!a# point is the point where one s +isua# attention be!omes fo!used$ and the point on the fi#m s surfa!e where the entire #ight ray !on!entrate or interse!ts is &nown as the point of prin!ipa# fo!us. What is F0*?3,A1 ),A1? Answer: (he fo!using ring is #arge &nur#ed ring around the barre# of the #ens that operates on a type of s!rew-thread me!hanism. When turned$ the #ens wi## either mo+es away or toward the !amera body$ depending upon the dire!tion of rotation. (he !#oser an obje!t is to the !amera$ the more the ring ha+e to be turned in one dire!tion to in!rease the #ens on obje!ts at in!reasing#y greater distan!es' What is meant by GFo!usingH? Answer: fo!using means adjusting or !hanging the distan!e between the fo!a# p#ane and the #ens !enter. (o fo!us' ho#d the !amera to your eye in #e+e# with the +iewfinder. (urn the fo!using ring !#o!&wise or !ounter-!#o!&wise unti# a sharp image of the subje!t appears in the !enter of the +iewfinder. What is the importan!e of fi#ter in photography? Answer: Fi#ters are important too#s in photography be!ause they signifi!ant in!rease the photographer s abi#ity to !ontro# the image. Fi#ters !an penetrate haFe as though if it were not there. *an a#so put !ontrast into b#a!& and white reprodu!tion of two different !o#ors of eBua# brightness$ or !an ma&e two different !o#ors merge as a sing#e brightness +a#ue in the print. What are the Fun!tions and ?ses of fi#ter? Answer: Fi#ters !an be used in two ways in photography: to modify the #ight fa##ing on the subje!t (a fi#ter o+er the #ight sour!e) or$






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to modify the #ight passing through the #ens before it rea!hes the fi#m (a fi#ter in front of the #ens). 4; What is the effe!t if a !o#ored g#ass fi#ter is p#a!ed in a beam of white #ight? Answer: When a !o#ored g#ass fi#ter is p#a!ed in a beam of white #ight$ the !o#or !omposition of the #ight is a#tered. A!!ording to its !o#or$ a fi#ter wi## absorb some wa+e#engths and transmit others. 4> What is the effe!t if fi#ter is p#a!ed o+er a #ens? Answer: When a fi#ter is p#a!ed o+er a #ens it does two things: a ,t #ighten its own !o#or$ and b dar&ens its !omp#ementary !o#ors. 4e!ause a fi#ter se#e!ti+e#y absorbs !ertain !o#ors$ it appears !o#ored. A red fi#ter appears red be!ause it absorbs b#ue and green and transmit red. A b#ue fi#ter absorbs red and green$ and a green fi#ter absorbs b#ue and red. A fi#ter whi!h absorbs on#y b#ue appears ye##ow be!ause it transmits red and green. 4I What are the different &inds of Fi#ter? Answer: they are: *orre!tion Fi#ters. Are used to eBua#iFed the !o#or sensiti+eness of fi#m emu#sions into ma&e near#y !oin!ide with that of the eyes. (he fi#m emu#sions is more sensiti+e to b#ue. (o renders !o#or in their re#ati+e brightness$ as seen by human eye$ a fi#ter is used to !hange the sensiti+ity of the fi#m$ ma&ing it more responsi+e to ye##ow and greens. ?sua##y !orre!tion fi#ters are ye##ow. *ontrast Fi#ters. A#though two !o#ors may be different$ if their brightness +a#ue is the same they wi## reprodu!e as a#most the same shade of the gray in the print. (o !rate the needed !ontrast$ a fi#ter is used. (he fi#ter


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se#e!ted shou#d transmit one of the !o#ors and absorb the other more or #ess !omp#ete#y$ thus$ !ontrast between green and red !an be affe!ted by using a green or red fi#ter. (he green fi#ter ma&es green #ighter than the red$ whereas the red fi#ter e#iminate green entire#y and yie#ds a print that represents green as b#a!& and the red as white. 4J What is the 3pe!ia# %urpose Fi#ters? Answer: in Aeutra# -ensity$ fi#ter used to redu!ed the amount of #ight transmitted t o the fi#m without se#e!ti+e fi#tering of any parti!u#ar wa+e#ength. ,n ?#tra+io#et or s&y#ight$ use to fi#ter out unwanted b#ue$ whi!h often appears in pi!tures of subje!ts in open shade$ rainy or o+er!ast days$ in distant s!eni! +iews$ et!.

48 What are the basi! stru!tures of a b#a!& and white fi#m? Answer: the basi! stru!tures of a b#a!& and white fi#m are the fo##owing: (op *oating$ is an o+er!oming of a thin #ayer of hard ge#atin whi!h he#ps prote!t the si#+er ha#ide emu#tion from s!rat!hes and abrasions. "mu#tion /ayer$ !omposed of si#+er !ompounds whi!h are #ight sensiti+e$ but for photographi! purposes$ ha#ogens su!h as bromide' !h#oride' and iodine (used in sma## amounts$ se#dom more than ;= with si#+er bromide in fast fi#m emu#sion) is added to si#+er ha#ides$ Antiha#ation 4a!&ing$ a b#a!& dye app#ied on the rear surfa!e of the fi#m$ its fun!tion is to absorb #ight that may penetrate the emu#sion #ayer thus pre+enting it to ref#e!t ba!& to the emu#sion. (he dye remo+ed during the pro!essing by one of the !hemi!a# in the de+e#oper. ,ts se!ond fun!tion is to !ontro# the fi#m !ur#ing towards the emu#sion #ayer.


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What are the basi! stru!tures of *0/0) F,/:? Answer: 4asi!a##y$ the stru!ture of !o#or fi#m is a#most the same as b#a!& and white fi#m$ e5!ept that the emu#sion #ayer !onsists of three #ayers$ sta!&ed one on top of the other. A. top /ayer is sensiti+e to b#ue #ight on#y' green and red #ight passes through it without e5posing the !o#or b#ind ha#ides 4. ye##ow Fi#ter &nown as !arey-#ea si#+er suspended in ge#atin is !oated between the top and se!ond #ayer to absorb any penetrating b#ue #ight but free#y passes green #ight and red #ight. *. midd#e /ayer is ortho!hromati!$ sensiti+e to b#ue (whi!h !an not rea!h it) and red. ,t is a#so somewhat sensiti+e to green #ight$ but to su!h a degree that it is not important.

;7 What are the different types of F,/: A**0)-,A1 (0 *0/0) 3"A3,(,L,(.? Answer: A## types of the photographi! emu#tion are sensiti+e to the !o#or of b#ue +io#et$ and u#tra+io#et. (he fi#m s sensi+ity to other !o#ors is obtained by adding dyes to the emu#sion during manufa!ture. non!hromati!$ sensiti+e to u#tra+io#et and b#ue-+io#et !o#ors on#y. (his fi#m may be used when natura# redentition is not important. For e5amp#e$ is used to !opy b#a!& and white origina#s and to photograph !o#or#ess subje!ts when e5treme !ontrast is needed. ortho!hromati!$ sensiti+e to b#ues and greens$ but not to reds. )eds are re!orded as dar& tones$ whi#e greens and b#ues as #ight tones when printed. %an!hromati!$ sensiti+e to a## !o#ors$ and are further subdi+ided a!!ording to their degree of sensiti+ity to ea!h !o#or. (his fi#m is !ommon#y used in in+estigati+e photography be!ause it produ!es the most natura# re!ording of !o#ors.


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,nfrared$ sensiti+e to b#ues and infrared radiations$ whi!h is beyond the human eye s sensiti+ity. ,t is usefu# in penetration haFe be!ause of its #onger wa+e#ength. ,n in+estigate photography$ it is usefu# in the #aboratory ana#ysis of Buestionab#e do!uments' in the dis!o+ery of o#d or faded tattoos or areas where sma## obje!ts are hidden under the s&in$ and in the !onstru!tion of !amera traps. ;D What is Fi#m speed? Answer: ,s the sensiti+ity of the fi#m emu#sion to #ight$ whi!h is measured and e5press in a numeri!a# rating !a##ed ,30 former#y &nown as A3AC -,A. (his means that higher the ,30 number$ the more sensiti+e the fi#m is to #ight$ and that pi!tures !an be ta&en indoors under dim #ight !onditions. 0ne fi#m may be rated ,30 -7<<$ and another fi#m ,30-D<<. (his means that the D<< fi#m is twi!e as fast (twi!e more sensiti+e to #ight) than the 7<< fi#m. 2en!e$ wou#d on#y reBuire ha#f the amount of #ight to produ!e a satisfa!tory negati+e. "a!h time the fi#m speed is doub#ed$ it is eBua# to one fC stop in e5posure. For instan!e$ in the e5amp#e gi+en$ if ,30-7<< is e5posed at fCJ$ then ,30-D<< wou#d be e5posed at fC77 to produ!e the same negati+e Bua#ity.

;3 What are the uses of fi#m under +arying !ondition? Answer: Any fi#m abo+e ,30-7<< !an be !onsidered high speed and anything #ess is usua##y s#ow speed and (ine-green. (he suggested uses of the fo##owing fi#m under +arying !ondition are: ,30-D; or #owest the !ondition wi## permit$ for best !o#or and sharpness. ,30-7<< or D<<$ for genera# purpose. ,30-4<<$ for dim #ight or with mo+ing obje!t. ,30-7<<<$ and up$ for e5treme#y #ow-#ight !onditions.


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;4 What are the different steps in the de+e#opment of negati+e through !hemi!a# pro!ess? Answer: the de+e#opment of a negati+e through !hemi!a# pro!ess entai#s different steps in the fo##owing order: %rede+e#opment water rinse (optiona#)$ a!tua# de+e#opment$ rinse bath$ fi5ing bath$ washing$ and drying. ;; ,n negati+e de+e#opment$ what are the fa!tors whi!h must be pointed out? Answer: they are *#ean#iness is a must when wor&ing with !hemi!a#s. Wor& areas must be free of e5traneous obje!ts. ,f this is not done the negati+e may be worth#ess before it e+er gets into de+e#oping so#ution. *hemi!a# for negati+e de+e#opment or printing are set up from #eft to right to a+oid mista&e in pro!essing. When using these !hemi!a#s do not go ba!& to the pre+ious so#ution in the !hain. (his wi## destroy the negati+e and wi## definite#y affe!t the !hemi!a# themse#+es. When di#uting !on!entrated a!ids$ a#ways add the a!id to the water s#ow#y$ stirring !onstant#y. Ae+er adds the water to the a!ids be!ause the a!id may spatter on the fa!e and hands !ausing serious burns. ;> 2ow to obtain +isib#e image? Answer: (o obtain a +isib#e image$ the e5posed emu#sion is treated in a so#ution &nown a de+e#oper. (his so#ution !on+erts the #ight affe!ted ha#ides to meta##i! si#+er whi!h forms the +isib#e image. What are the ingredients of de+e#opers? Answer: :ost a## modern de+e#oper !ontains the fo##owing ingredients'



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-e+e#opment agentCredu!er$ the basi! and most important ingredient in the de+e#oping so#ution is the redu!er$ :eto#-hyroBuinon is the most +ersati#e and popu#ar of a## de+e#opers. A#though amido#$ g#y!in $ parapheny#ene diamine$ and pyro are a#so use. A!!e#erator$ 4ora5$ sodium !arbonate$ sodium hydro5ide are some of the a#&a#is used to in!reased the rate of o5idation of the redu!ing agent$ softens the ge#atin o the fi#m emu#sion$ and speeds up so#ution penetration. 2owe+er a so#ution !ontaining on#y a redu!er and an a!!e#erator wi## o5idiFe Bui!&#y and a!t to rapid#y. )estrainer$ the !hemi!a# most !ommon#y used as a restrainer is potassium bromide. Without the restrainer$ most de+e#oping so#ution a!t too fast and de+e#op une5posed si#+er ha#ides near the surfa!e of the emu#sion whi!h !auses fog$ stea&s$ and image #a!&ing in !ontrast. %reser+ati+e$ a## organi! de+e#oping agents in an a#&a#ine state ha+e a strong !hemi!a# attra!tion to o5ygen$ so preser+ati+e su!h as sodium su#fite or sodium bisu#fite is added to pre+ent e5!essi+e o5idation thus pro#onging the usefu# #ife of the de+e#oping so#ution and pre+ents the formation of !o#ored o5idation produ!ts whi!h !aused stains. ;J What are 4asi! #ayers of printing paper? Answer: they are: 4ase. :ade of paper whi!h must be !hemi!a##y pure to insure that it wi## not interfere with the !hemi!a# pro!esses to whi!h the emu#sion is subje!ted. A+ai#ab#e either in sing#e or doub#e weight paper. 4aryta /ayer. A ge#atin #ayer !ontaining baryta !rysta# to in!rease the ref#e!ti+ity of the paper. "mu#sion /ayer. *ontain minute si#+er ha#ides suspended with ge#atin whi!h needs on#y to reprodu!e the tota# range of a negati+e.


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;8 What are the (ypes of %hotographi! %rinting %aper? Answer: they are: *h#oride %apers. 2a+e a s#ow speed emu#sion !ontaining si#+er !h#oride$ are fine grain and produ!e deep b#an&s$ used for !onta!t printing. 4romide %apers. 2a+e a faster emu#sion speed than !h#oride paper$ a!hie+e sensiti+ity through the use of bromide ha#ides. 4e!ause of the re#ati+e#y high sensiti+ity to #ight$ these emu#sion are parti!u#ar#y suitab#e for proje!ting printing. *h#orobromide %apers. *ontain both si#+er !h#oride and si#+er bromide ha#ides. "mu#sion 3peed #ies between that of !h#orine and bromide papers$ used both for !onta!t and proje!tion printing. Lariab#e *ontrast %aper. *ombines the !ontrast range in one paper$ this +ersati#ity is a!hie+ed with a spe!ia# !h#orobromide emu#sion that produ!es +arying !ontrast responses upon e5posure to different !o#ored #ight. >< What is %),A(,A1? Answer: %rinting is the pro!ess whereby #ight is transmitted through the negati+e to produ!e a #i&e positi+e image.

-"F,A,(,0A 0F ("):3 >7 What is Abrasions? Answer: Abrasions are fined #ines or strea&s that o!!ur then a sharp or rough obje!t rubs against the emu#sion surfa!e before de+e#opment$ are a#so !aused by grit ot rough spots in the !amera. What is A!utan!e? Answer: (he degree to whi!h an emu#sion !an re!ord a sharp di+ision between image area detai#s of different !ontrast.



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What is Air 4e##s? Answer: Air be##s are sme## air bubb#es that adhere to the fi#m surfa!e and pre+ent the pro!essing so#ution from a!ting on the fi#m$ produ!ing sma## !#ear spots on fi#m. What is *ontrast? Answer: (he differen!e between the bright and dar& areas in photograph of the densities of +arious areas in the negati+e. What is "mu#sion? Answer: A #ight sensiti+e sa#t (si#+er ha#ides)$ whi!h is thin#y spread permanent support su!h as #ayer of fine#y di+ided suspended in ge#atin$ on the surfa!e of a a!etate.




What is Fogging? Answer: ,s the redu!tion of une5posed si#+er ha#ides$ whi!h resu#ts from fau#ty de+e#opment or a+erage fi#m and !auses a genera# #owering of !ontrast by +ei#ing the shadow areas. What is 2igh#ights? Answer: )efers to the dense portion of a negati+e$ whi!h is !aused by bright area in the subje!t that ref#e!ts a great amount of #ight$ !ausing a !orresponding hea+y density in the negati+e. What is 2a#ftones? Answer: (he subje!t brightness between #ightest and dar&est area re!orded on negati+e !orresponding densities. the the




What is /atent ,mage? Answer: (he in+isib#e image formed in an emu#sion by e5posure to #ight. What is /atitude? Answer: (he abi#ity of an emu#sion to re!ord subje!t brightness differen!e in density. An emu#sion !apab#e of reprodu!ing a## brightness +a#ues from dar& to +ery bright has wide #atitude



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and !on+erse#y an emu#sion whi!h wi## reprodu!e on#y a narrow or short range of brightness +a#ue has poor #atitude. I7 What is Aegati+e -ensity? Answer: Aegati+e density is defined as the degree of b#a!&ening of a si#+er deposit in a fi#m emu#sion in re#ation to the #ight in!ident upon it$ or the amount of meta##i! si#+er deposited in the negati+e emu#sion.-ensity is used to des!ribe the #ight transmitting Bua#ities of the negati+e and is !ontro##ed by the thi!&ness of the si#+er deposit. (herefore$ the amount of meta##i! si#+er in any area of the negati+e is &nown as density. (he density of any negati+e is a dense negati+e and a #ight negati+e is !a##ed a thin negati+e. What is )eti!u#ation? Answer: )eti!u#ation of the emu#sion is a networ& of #ines ha+ing a grainy$ #eather-#i&e appearan!e. (his a!tion o!!urs when fi#m is subje!ted to sudden temperature !hanges in transferring from one so#ution to another. What is )eso#+ing %ower? Answer: )eso#+ing power refers to the abi#ity of an emu#sion to re!ord fine subje!t detai# distinguishab#y. What is 3i#+er 2a#ides? Answer: Are meta##i! si#+er !ompound that dar&ens on e5posure to #ight. What is 3afe#ights? Answer: "ssentia##y$ safe#ights are fi#ters$ the fun!tions is to transmit the ma5imum amount of #ight whi!h may be proper#y used for +isibi#ity without damage to the sensitiFed materia#.






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7 What is 4A//,3(,*3? Answer: is a s!ien!e in itse#f be!ause it e+o#+ed from systemati! &now#edge$ resear!h and de+e#opment$ training$ e5perien!e and edu!ation of those who pioneered in this fie#d. (e!hni!a##y spea&ing$ it refers to the Gs!ien!e of firearms identifi!ation whi!h in+o#+es the s!ientifi! e5amination of ba##isti!s e5hibits su!h as: a fires bu##ets' b fired she##s' ! firearms' and d a##ied matters$ used in !rime. /"1A/ -"F,A,(,0A: ,t is the mi!ros!opi! e5amination of fired !artridge !ases and bu##ets together with the re!ording and presentation by means of photograph of what is re+ea#ed by the mi!ros!ope. D What is ,A("),0) 4A//,3(,*3? Answer: is the study of motion of proje!ti#es with the gun barre#. From the re#ease of the firing pin to the moment the sound of the shot !an be heard as it #ea+es the muFF#e o!!upied on#y <.<7 se!onds$ in a modern rif#e. 3 What are the !riti!a# e#ements in+o#+ed in the study of interior ba##isti!s? Answer: they are the re#ationship of the weight of !harge to the weight if proje!ti#e$ the #ength of bore' the optimum siFe$ shape$ and density of the prope##ant grains for different guns$ and the re#ated prob#ems if ma5imum and minimum muFF#e pressures. 4 What is 2ang fire?


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Answer: hang fire refers to the fai#ure of a !artridge to e5p#ode on time or de#ayed in firing. ; What is /oading -ensity? Answer: refers to the ratio of the weight of the powder !harge to the powder !hamber (!ase). > What is :isfire? Answer: refers to the fai#ure of the !artridge to dis!harge. (his is different from hang fire whi!h mere#y a de#ayed !ombustion$ whi#e misfire a !omp#ete fai#ure e+e to start !ombustion. I What is %3,? Answer: %3, means Gpounds per sBuare in!hH. ,t is often seen designated as %3,A. (his designation is now used to signify a measurement of !hamber pressure ta&en with a pieFo-e#e!tri! de+i!e. J What is )e!oi#? Answer: refers to the eBua# and opposite rea!tion of the gun against the forward mo+ement of the bu##et during e5p#osions. A. )esidua# %ressure K the pressure remaining in the !hamber after the bu##et has #eft the barre#. 8 What is "@("),0) 4A//,3(,*3? Answer: it dea#s with the motion of proje!ti#es from the time they #ea+e the muFF#e of the firearm to the time they hit the target. 7< What is +e#o!ity? Answer: +e#o!ity refers to the speed of the bu##et per unit of time. "5. :7> K 3$ 3<< ft. Cse!. What is :uFF#e b#ast? Answer: the noise !reated at the muFF#e point of the gun due to the sudden es!ape of the e5panding gas !oming in !onta!t with the air in the surrounding atmosphere at the muFF#e point. What is (raje!tory?




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Answer: the a!tua# !ur+ed path of the bu##et during its f#ight from the gun muFF#e to the target. (he fo##owing are the &inds of traje!tory$ straight horiFonta# #ine. 73 74 What is )ange? Answer: the straight distan!e between the muFF#e point and the target. What is a!!urate (effe!ti+e) range? Answer: the distan!e within the shooter has !ontro# of his shots$ meaning he !an p#a!e his shoots at the desired spots. What is :a5imum range? Answer: the farthest distan!e that a proje!ti#e !an be prope##ed from a firearm. What is Air )esistan!e? Answer: resistan!e en!ountered whi#e in f#ight. by the bu##et




What is %u## of gra+ity? Answer: downward rea!tion of the bu##et whi#e in f#ight. What is %enetration? Answer: depth of entry on target. What is A!!ura!y range? Answer: the ma5imum distan!e at whi!h a parti!u#ar gun and !artridges wi## !onsistent#y p#a!e a## shots in the standard target for that distan!e. What is 4u##et "nergy? Answer: the power possessed by a mo+ing bu##et$ or its abi#ity to &eep going when it meets obsta!#es. What is "ffe!ti+e )ange? Answer: the ma5imum distan!e at whi!h the bu##et may reasonab#y be e5pe!ted to tra+e# a!!urate#y. What is "5treme )ange?

7J 78





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Answer: the greatest distan!e the tra+e# when the !artridge is fired. D3



What is ,nitia# point? Answer: the range at whi!h the bu##et s traje!tory fist !rosses #ine of sight. (his is norma##y o!!urs at a range of about D; yards. What is !hronograph? Answer: ,nstrument used to measure the +e#o!ity of proje!ti#e. What is Eey-ho#e-shot? Answer: the tumb#ing of the bu##et in its f#ight and hitting the target sideways as a resu#t of not spinning of its a5is. What is :a5imum range? Answer: the farthest distan!e that a proje!ti#e !an be prope##ed from a firearm. What is )i!o!het? Answer: the boun!ing off or defe!tion of a bu##et from its origina# traje!tory (norma# path). What is 3topping %ower? Answer: the power of the bu##et that put out the +i!tim out of a!tion instant#y. 3o it shou#d be understood that stopping power is not ne!essari#y the same thing as &i##ing power. What is Nero range? Answer: the farthest distan!e at whi!h the #ine of sight and the bu##et s path interse!t. What is ("):,AA/ 4A//,3(,*3? Answer: study of the effe!t of the impa!t of the bu##et on the target. What are in+o#+es in ("):,AA/ 4A//,3(,*3? Answer: they are: a (ermina# A!!ura!y K siFe of the grouping on the target











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b (ermina# energy K energy of the proje!ti#e when it stri&es the target. A#so &nown as stri&ing energy. ! (ermina# %enetration K depth of entry of the bu##et in the target. d (ermina# +e#o!ity K speed of the bu##et upon stri&ing the target. 3D What is 320(3 4A//,3,(*3? Answer: dea#s with the attributes and properties of shots and pe##ets. What is W0?A- 4A//,3(,*3? Answer: study of the effe!ts of proje!ti#e to human body. . What is 4#a!&ening? Answer: wound !aused by the deposition of smo&e parti!#es by a## types of powders at !#ose ranges. What is (attooing? Answer: embedding of unburned and semi K burned powder parti!#es into the surfa!e of the target. Why the b#asted tissues are !herry red in !o#or? Answer: the b#asted tissues are !herry red in !o#or be!ause of the presen!e of !arbon mono5ide.





3I What are the indi!ations whether the gunshot injury is sui!ida#$ homi!ida# or A!!identa#? Answer: they are: a gunshot wound is sui!ida# when: on#y one gunshot wound ?sua##y the distan!e is short range or !#ass range %resen!e of the sui!ide note 2istory of frustration or desponden!y of the +i!tim %resen!e of !ada+eri! spasm on the hand of the +i!tim b gunshot wound is homi!ida# when: Wound is #o!ated at any part of the body


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3igns of strugg#e (defense wound) maybe present in the +i!tim -isturban!es of the surroundings Wounding weapon usua##y not found at the s!ene of the !rime ! gunshot wound is a!!identa# when: ?sua##y on#y one gunshot wound Wound #o!ated at any part of the body Absen!e of persona# grudge between the +i!tim and the one who fired the gun (estimony from the witnesses 3J What is 3hotgun wound? Answer: it is an open wound produ!ed by the penetration of pe##ets or shots in the +i!tim s body.

38 What are the !hara!teristi!s of the 3hotgun wound of entran!e? Answer: they are: a (here is singeing of the hair' presen!e of wads and parti!#es of gunpowder inside the wound of entran!e b When a shot is up to si5 in!hes distan!e$ there is mar&ed #a!erated of the s&in and destru!tion of tissues due to the pressure of the e5p#osion. ! ,f the distan!e about one yard$ there is a b#a!&ening of tissues with s#ight burning$ singeing and tattooing. d ,f the distan!e is about two to three yards$ the wound has a big !entra# ho#e with ragged edges and a few stray wounds of entran!e around the !entra# ho#e. (here wi## be no more b#a!&ening or burning of the s&in$ gunpowder tattooing$ singeing of the hair and pie!es of wads near the wound of entran!e. e ,f the distan!e is four yards$ a sma## group of pe##ets may penetrate the tissues produ!ing a !entra# !ore. 4< What is F0)"A3,* 4A//,3(,*3? Answer: ,dentifi!ation of firearms by means of ammunition fired through them. (his is the rea#


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bran!h of the s!ien!e whi!h the po#i!e use as their guide in fie#d in+estigations. 47 What is meant by the term GF0)"A3,*H Answer: As app#ied to ba##isti!s$ or to any other subje!t$ suggest a re#ationship to !ourts of 9usti!e and #ega# pro!eedings. What is the te!hni!a# definition of Firearm? Answer: instrument that is used for the propu#sion of proje!ti#e by means of the e5pansi+e for!e of gases of burning gunpowder.


43 What is the te!hni!a# definition of Firearm or Arm? Answer: in!#udes rif#es$ mus&ets$ !arbines$ shot guns$ pisto#s$ re+o#+ers and a## other weapons from whi!h a bu##et a ba##$ a shot$ a she## or missi#es may be dis!harged by means of gunpowder or other e5p#osi+es. (he term a#so in!#udes air rif#es$ e5!ept that are in sma## in !a#iber at and usua##y used as toys. (he barre# of a firearm for purposes of 3e!tion JII of the )e+ised Administrati+e *ode is !onsidered as a !omp#ete firearm (#ega# K 3e!. JII of the )A* and 3e!. D8< of A,)*) 44 What is )if#e? Answer: #ong rif#e bored firearm designed to hit targets a greater or #onger distan!e with spira# groo+es to fire on#y a sing#e shot. What is :us&et? Answer: #ong smooth bored firearm designed to prepare a sing#e shot. that is



What is 3hotgun? Answer: #ong smooth bored firearm ha+ing a barre# of D;-3< in!hes #ong and designed to shot birds in f#ight' #ong smooth bored firearm and bree!h #oading designed to fire number of #ead pe##ets or shot in on !harge. What is *arbine?



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Answer: a short barre# riff#e$ ha+ing a barre# not #onger than DD in!hes and it is designed to fire a sing#e shot through a rif#ed-bore$ either semi-automati! or fu## automaton$ for e+ery press on the trigger. 4J What are the essentia# parts of firearms? Answer: Any firearm$ #arge or sma##$ has four essentia#s parts: 4arre# K it is #ong tube. ,t may be smooth$ as in shotgun$ or with spira# groo+es on the inner surfa!e$ as in a rif#e *hamber K it is a widened ho#e at the bree!h (rear) end of the barre#. ,t ho#ds the !artridge (e5p#osi+e !harge). 4ree!h me!hanism K the bree!h me!hanism !#oses the rear end of the barre#$ ho#ding the !artridge in the !hamber. Firing me!hanism K the firing me!hanism may be e#e!tri!$ as in some #arge arti##ery. ,n sma## arms$ a spring mo+es a pointed firing pin through the bree!h bo#t against a sensiti+e primer in the !artridge. (he firing pin is !o!&ed (drawn ba!&) against a hoo& !a##ed the sear. What is %isto#? Answer: a handgun that use magaFine feed What is )e+o#+er? Answer: A handgun with the !orresponding !y#inder that re+o#+es before the barre# whi!h !onsist of different !hambers.

48 ;<

;7 Who are 4")(20/- 3*2WA)(N K A 1erman mon&$ and )01") 4A*0A$ an "ng#ish mon&? Answer: they are both !redited with gunpowder in+ention. (:ost referen!e boo&s !redit )oger 4a!on$ "ng#ish mon& and s!ientists$ with the in+ention of gunpowder in 7D4J$ and 4ertho#d 3!hwartF$ with the app#i!ation of gunpowder to the prope##ing of a missi#e in the ear#y 73<< s. (his powder was that we now !a## Gb#a!& powder) ,t is a#so often stated that gunpowder was first


Page |6

in+ented by *hinese were aware of gunpowder and use as a prope##ant #ong before its ad+antage be!ame re!ogniFed in "urope. ,t may a#so assume the Arabs with their ad+an!e &now#edge of *hemistry at that time. ;D Who is the Father of :odern 4a##isti!s? Answer: *o#. *a#+in 2. 1oddard$ :d.$ 03$ ?.3. Army. Who is A#e5ander 9ohn Forsyth? Answer: Father of the per!ussion ignition.


;4 Who designed and in+ented the semi-automati! ?3 )iff#e$ *a#iber .3< :,? Answer: 9ohn *. 1arand ;; Who pioneered the ma&ing of (hompson 3ub-ma!hine gun? Answer: 9ohn (. (hompson ;> What is firearm s !a#iber? Answer: (he !a#iber of the firearm is the diameter of the bore of the barre# measured form #and to #and. *a#iber in rif#ed firearm e5presses in in!hes or fra!tion of an in!h by the Ameri!an and "ng#ish manufa!turers and mi##imeters or in !entimeters by manufa!turers in !ontinenta# "urope. What are the !hara!ters of a rif#e? Answer: )if#e is a gun with spira# groo+es in its #ong barre# that spin the bu##et as it is shot. )if#es are usua##y he#d against the shou#der when firing. 3o#diers use rif#es in batt#e. What are the parts of rif#e? Answer: a## rif#es ha+e four basi! parts: the barre#$ the sto!&$ the a!tion$ and the sights. What powder was de+e#oped in 7J<<? Answer: 3mo&e#ess powder. What are the !hara!teristi!s of a :a!hine gun?



;8 ><


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Answer: :a!hine gun is an automati! weapon that !an fire from 4<< to 7$><< rounds of ammunition ea!h minute. :a!hine gun barre#s range in siFe from .DD !a#ibers to D< mi##imeters ammunitions fed into the gun from a !#oth or meta# be#t$ or from a !artridge ho#der !a##ed a magaFine. >7 When the !rime s!ene in+estigator re!o+ers a fired she##$ where shou#d he put his identifying mar&s? Answer: he shou#d put at the inner surfa!e near the mouth >D A rim K fire !artridge !ase bearing firing pin impression that is re!o+ered at the !rime s!ene is norma##y presumed to ha+e been fired from what type of firearms? Answer: re+o#+er >3 What gun me!hanism grasps the rim of !artridge !ase to pu## it out from the !hamber? Answer: e5tra!tor >4 Whi#e the bu##et is tra+e#ing through the gun barre#$ its bearing surfa!e is not in !#ose !onta!t with the bore surfa!e. ,n effe!t$ most of the e5panding gases !ame out first than the bu##et. (his prob#em is !aused by: Answer: improper bu##et design >; What is refers to the distan!e the bu##et needs to tra+e# through the barre# to !omp#ete a sing#e rotation? Answer: rif#ing >> What instrument is best used to e5amine bu##et and !artridge !ases for purposes of determining simi#arity in !#ass !hara!teristi!s? Answer: !omparison mi!ros!ope >I *a#iber is one e5amp#e of firearm !#ass !hara!teristi!s. What indi!ates by this term? Answer: bu##et diameter in hundredths of an in!h


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>J *a#ibers of "uropean made firearms are usua##y e5pressed in mi##imeters. ,n Western !a#iber system$ what is the !ounterpart of 8mm? Answer: !a# .3J 3%/ >8 ,n ba##isti!s$ any obje!t that fired or #aun!hed from a firearm is te!hni!a##y !a##ed: Answer: proje!ti#e I< What 3ignifi!ant fa!tors that affe!t the distan!e tra+e#ed by the residues emitted from a firearm? Answer: wind$ temperature$ and barometri! pressure I7 3tri!t#y spea&ing$ a !artridge is a sing#e unit of ammunition !onsisting of: Answer: the !artridge !ase$ primer and one or more proje!ti#es ID (here are different s!ientifi! instruments used in determining the !a#iber or firearm e+iden!e. What instrument is so#e#y used for measuring the bore diameter of gun barre#? Answer: *a#iper I3 What !hara!teristi!s that wou#d be !ommon to a parti!u#ar group or fami#y of items? Answer: !#ass !hara!teristi!s I4 ,n !omparing bu##ets$ most positi+e identifi!ations are made on striations that are found: Answer: on #and impressions near the base of the bu##et I; What #imits the forward ammunition into the !hamber? Answer: rim tra+e# of re+o#+er

I> -eath or serious injury may or may not ha+e been !aused by a!!identa# dis!harge of a firearm. ,n this situation$ a Buestioned gun is submitted at the !rime #aboratory to undergo: Answer: firearm fun!tiona#ity testing


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II What for!e opposes proje!ti#e in f#ight? Answer: gra+ity





IJ 1unshot residues that a##ow a firearm e5aminer to determine a muFF#e K to K garment distan!e are found around: Answer: bu##et entran!e ho#es I8 When a !artridge is !hambered then eje!ted in a semi K automati! or auto K #oading type of firearm$ it re!ei+es mar&s from the bree!h me!hanisms. Whi!h of these mar&s found in the she## whi!h may be in the form of impression if the !artridge is fired but !ou#d a#so be in the form of striated a!tion mar& if the !artridge is thrown K out without being fired? Answer: magaFine #ip mar&s J< What area of forensi! ba##isti!s !o+ers the determination of distan!e between the shooter 6 the target? Answer: forensi! e5terna# ba##isti!s J7 What instrument for ba##isti!s e5amination !an be used to photograph bu##ets in f#ight$ whi!h aids in in+estigating the +e#o!ity of proje!ti#es? Answer: *hronograph JD Whi!h !#ass !hara!teristi!s of firearms !an be determined by ana#yFing fired bu##et re!o+ered at the !rime s!ene? Answer: *a#iber 6 rif#ing pattern J3 1i+en more than one bu##et$ the first prob#em that shou#d be reso#+ed by the firearm e5aminer is: Answer: Was the bu##et fired from the suspe!t firearm? J4 What mar&s is found on she##s eje!ted from auto K #oading firearms that appear as striated a!tion mar&s and sometimes impressed a!tion mar&s? Answer: eje!tor mar&s


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J; A## !ases in+o#+ing firearms identifi!ation start with: Answer: (est firing of Buestioned firearm J> ,n a semi K automati! pisto# found at the !rime s!ene$ where shou#d the re!o+ering offi!er p#a!e his identifying mar&s before pa!&ing it for transmission at the !rime #aboratory? Answer: pisto# grip JI (he rif#ing of the firearms is #o!ated inside the barre#. ,t !onsists of: Answer: #ands and groo+es JJ A rimmed she## is usua##y fired from: Answer: re+o#+er

J8 (he term doub#e a!tion with referen!e to re+o#+er means most near#y that: Answer: pu##ing the trigger wi## automati!a##y !o!& of the firearm 8< 87 What is refers to the !a#iber of a gun? Answer: the diameter of its barre# When a po#i!e offi!er shou#d fire his handgun? Answer: on#y at #ast resort

8D What is most#y refers to the term muFF#e +e#o!ity? Answer: speed at whi!h a bu##et #ea+es the gun 83 What is the effe!t when a shot is fired on an automati! pisto# by a !rimina#? Answer: the she## in most !ases wi## be found at the s!ene of firing


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*0A*"%( 0F -0*?:"A( 7 What is do!ument? Answer: genera##y defined as any materia# !ontaining mar&s$ symbo#s$ or signs either +isib#e$ or partia##y +isib#e that may present or u#timate#y !on+ey a meaning to someone$ maybe in the form of pen!i#$ in& writing$ typewriting$ or printing on paper. D What are the #ega# definitions of do!ument? Answer: they are: Any written do!ument by whi!h a right is estab#ished or an ob#igation is e5tinguished (%eop#e +s. :oreno$ *A$ 33J 0.1. 778). e+ery deed or instrument e5e!uted by person by whom some disposition or agreement is pro+ed$ e+iden!ed or set forth (%eop#e +s. Ai##osBuin$ *A$ 4J 0.1. 44;3) ,n re#ation to *rimina# 9urispruden!e under the 4est e+iden!e ru#e: any physi!a# embodiment of information of ideas' e.g. a #etter$ a !ontra!t$ a re!eipt$ a boo& of a!!ount$ a b#ue print$ or an @-ray p#ate (4#a!&Rs /aw -i!tionary) 3 ,f a pri+ate do!ument is intended to be!ome a part of the pub#i! re!ord and fa#sified prior thereto$ what is the !rime !ommitted? Answer: fa#sifi!ation of a pub#i! do!ument 4 What are writings whi!h do not !onstitute do!umentbased on some 3upreme *ourt )u#ings? Answer: A draft of a :uni!ipa# payro## whi!h is not yet appro+ed by the proper authority (%eop#e +s. *ama!ho$ 44%hi#. 4J4)


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:ere b#an& forms of offi!ia# do!uments$ the spa!es of whi!h are not fi##ed up (%eop#e +s. 3antiago$ *A$ 4J 0.1. 4;;J) %amph#ets or boo&s whi!h do not e+iden!e any disposition or agreement are not do!uments but are mere mer!handise (%eop#e +s. Agnis$ 4I %hi#. 84;) *0A*"%( 0F M?"3(,0A"- -0*?:"A( ; What is Buestioned do!ument? Answer: Buestioned do!ument is one in whi!h the fa!ts appearing therein may not be true$ and are !ontested either in who#e or part with respe!t to its authenti!ity$ identity$ or origin. ,t may be a deed$ !ontra!t$ wi##$ e#e!tion ba##ots$ marriage !ontra!t$ !he!&$ +isas$ app#i!ation form$ !he!& writer$ !ertifi!ates$ et!. > What is disputed do!ument? Answer: this term suggesting that there is an argument or !ontro+ersy o+er the do!ument$ and stri!t#y spea&ing this is true meaning.

What is the e5amination?





Answer: Muestioned do!ument e5amination is a bran!h of forensi!s whi!h fo!uses on the ana#ysis of do!uments whi!h are disputed. J What are the reBuirements to be!ome a Buestioned do!ument e5aminer? Answer: the !ourts (3tate +. "+ans 7887) ha+e de!ided that a person needs both: study and pra!ti!e -- that is$ a period of training (internship or apprenti!eship is better than a se#f-study !ourse) and a period of e5perien!e (twenty some pre+ious !ases wor&ed on is a good a+erage). 8 What is meant by the term G"@%")( W,(A"33H? Answer: A #ega# term used to des!ribe a witness who by reason of his spe!ia# training or


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e5perien!e is permitted to e5press an opinion regarding the issue$ or a !ertain aspe!t of the issue$ whi!h is in+o#+ed in a !ourt a!tion. 7< Who are -0*?:"A( "@A:,A")? Answer: 0ne who studies s!ientifi!a##y detai#s and e#ements of do!uments in order to identify their sour!e or to dis!o+er other fa!ts !on!erning them What is meant by the term G")A3?)"H? Answer: (he remo+a# of writings$ typewriting or printing$ maybe !hemi!a# eradi!ation and or by an abrasi+e erasure. What is meant by ,A3")(,0A 0) ,A(")/,A"A(,0A? Answer: the addition of writing and other materia# between #ines or paragraphs or the addition of who#e page to a do!ument.



73 What are the -,L,3,0A3 0F M?"3(,0A"- -0*?:"A( "@A:,AA(,0A? Answer: they are: *rimina#isti! "5aminationin+o#+es the dete!tion of forgery$ erasure$ a#teration or ob#iteration of do!uments. 2andwriting ,n+estigation CAna#ysismore fo!used in determining the author of writing. 74 Who *ondu!ts the Muestioned -o!ument? Answer: !ondu!ted e5aminer. 7; %re#iminary by a "5amination of



What is meant by G0FF-2AA- 0%,A,0AH? Answer: 0ff-hand opinion- not based s!ientifi! e5amination.




What are the */A33"3 0F M?"3(,0A"- -0*?:"A(? Answer: (he fo##owing are the genera# !#assifi!ation of M-. -o!uments with Buestioned signatures'


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Muestioned do!uments a##eged to ha+e been !ontaining fraudu#ent a#terations' Muestioned or disputed ho#ographi! wi##s' -o!uments in+estigated on the Buestion of typewriting' Muestioned do!uments on issues of their age or date' Muestioned do!uments on issues of materia# used in their produ!tion' and$ -o!uments or writing in+estigated be!ause it is a## a##eged that they identify some persons through handwriting. 7I What are the 3*,"A(,F,* :"(20-3 ,A M?"3(,0A"-0*?:"A( "@A:,AA(,0A? Answer: they are: Ana#ysis ()e!ognition)properties or !hara!teristi!s$ obser+ed or measured. *omparison- %roperties or !hara!teristi!s of the un&nown determined through ana#ysis are now !ompared with the fami#iar or re!orded properties of &now items. "+a#uation- 3imi#arities or dissimi#arities in properties wi## ea!h ha+e a !ertain +a#ue for identifi!ation$ determined by its #i&e#ihood of o!!urren!e. 7J What are the ,A3()?:"A(3 AA- A%%A)A(?3 ?3"- ,A M?"3(,0A"- -0*?:"A( "@A:,AA(,0A3 Answer: they are: :agnifying #ens- !ou#d be an ordinary hand#ens' the ma5imum diameter is four in!hes$ and this appears big with its wide frame it has a magnifying power of two times the origina# on#y. :agnifying #enses of fi+e times or more magnifying power$ with bui#tin-#ightning are more usefu#. 32A-0WA1)A%2- a pi!toria# image formed by !asting a shadow$ usua##y of the hands$ upon a rightfu# surfa!e or s!reen. 3(")"03*0%,* 4,A0*?/A) :,*)03*0%"- a tridimensiona# (3-) en#argement is possib#e


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:"A3?)"3 AA- ("3( %/A("3 (()AA3%A)"A( 1/A33)those used for signatures and typewriting (to measure degree of s#ant$ siFe$ et!. (A4/" /A:%3 W,(2 A-9?3(A4/" 32A-"3 (1oose Ae!& /amps)used for !ontro##ed i##umination' needed in side#ight e5amination wherein #ight is p#a!e at #ow ang#e in a position ob#iBue to p#ane or do!ument. ()AA3:,(("- /,12( 1A-1"(- #ight !omes from beneath or behind g#ass on do!ument is p#a!ed. ?/()A L,0/"( /A:%- used in the dete!tion of !ounterfeited bi##s but !an a!tua##y be used to dete!t se!urity features of Bua#ified do!uments. ,AF)A)"- L,"W")- primari#y used to de!ipher writings in a !harred do!ument. *0:%A),30A :,*)03*0%"- simi#ar to that of the bu##et !omparison mi!ros!ope. 78 What are the ("*2A,M?"3 ,A (2" "@A:,AA(,0A 0F M?"3(,0A"- -0*?:"A(3? Answer: they are: :,*)03*0%,* "@A:,AA(,0A- Any e5amination or study whi!h is made with the mi!ros!ope in order to dis!o+er minute physi!a# detai#s. 3tereos!opi! e5amination with #ow and high power obje!ti+es is used to dete!t retou!hing$ pat!hing and unnatura# pen-#ift in signature ana#ysis. ()AA3:,(("- /,12( "@A:,AA(,0A- the do!ument is +iewed with the sour!e of i##umination behind it and the #ight passing through the paper to determine the presen!e of erasures$ mat!hing of serrations and some other types of a#terations. 04/,M?" /,12( "@A:,AA(,0A- the i##umination so !ontro##ed that it gaFes or stri&es the surfa!e of the do!ument from one side at a +ery #ow ang#e. -e!ipherment of faded handwriting$ determination of out#ine in tra!ed forgery$ embossed impression$ et!.


Page |7

%20(01)A%2,* "@A:,AA(,0A- A!tua# obser+ations are re!orded in the photographs. ?/()A-L,0/"( "@A:,AA(,0A?#tra+io#et radiation is in+isib#e and o!!urs in the wa+e #engths just be#ow the +isib#e b#ue-+io#et end of the spe!trum (rainbow). (hese +isib#e rays rea!t on some substan!es so that +isib#e #ight is ref#e!ted$ a phenomenon &nown as F/0?)"3*"A*". (he e5posure of a do!ument to u#tra-+io#et #ight is usefu# when it !onsists of se+era# pages and substitution is being suspe!ted. (he !o#or and intensity of f#uores!en!e rea!tion is +ery apparent in !ase of substituted page. :e!hani!a# and !hemi!a# erasures wi## !ertain#y !hange the ref#e!ti+ity and f#uores!en!e of the area affe!ted. ,AFA)""@A:,AA(,0Aemp#oys in+isib#e radiation beyond the red portion of the +isib#e spe!trum (rainbow) whi!h is usua##y re!orded on a spe!ia##y sensitiFed photographi! emu#sion. D< Why photograph in M- is ne!essary? Answer: %hotography in M- is ne!essary to: 3er+e as re!ord of the initia# !ondition of a disputed do!ument' :a&e !#ear what otherwise may be hidden or indistin!t' "n#arge writing in Buestion so that e+ery Bua#ity and !hara!teristi!s of it !an be !#ear#y and proper#y interpreted. "nab#e any number of a!!urate reprodu!tions of do!ument$ thus affording un#imited opportunity for study' A##ow !utting apart as may be desired and the +arious parts !#assified for !omparisons' *an shoe de#i!ate dis!o#orations due to !hemi!a# erasures or other fraudu#ent !hanges$ whi!h may otherwise be o+er#oo&ed$ or misinterpreted' *an show +ery !#ear#y any erasures by abrasions made by ordinary rubber eraser and


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it !an re!ord in permanent form with paper p#a!ed ob#iBue#y to the p#ane of the #ens and p#ate and in!#ined at just right ange# of ref#e!tion so as o show differen!es in the ref#e!ted #ight from different portions of the paper surfa!e' and With transmitted #ight$ it is usefu# in: e5amination of watermar&s' determining the identity' or the differen!es in paper by showing arrangement of the fibers and the mar&ings of the wire gauFe and dandy ro## showing the !ontinuity of stro&es and determining retou!hing or pat!hing of a writing by showing !#ear#y the presen!e of added in& fi#m and the une+en distribution of in& in interrupted stro&es. D7 What are the methods of e5amining ")A3?)"3? Answer: they are: %hysi!a# inspe!tion: using u#tra+io#et #ight$ obser+ation with #ight stri&ing the surfa!e at a sharp ang#e$ and obser+ation under the mi!ros!ope. Fuming with iodine may !ause an a#most neg#igib#e stain$ but in most instan!es not the s#ightest semb#an!e of a stain remains.

DD What are the methods of e5amining ,A-"A("W),(,A1? Answer: usua##y app#ied to the partia##y +isib#e depressions appearing on a sheet of a paper underneath the one on whi!h the +isib#e writing appears. :ethods of e5amination are: %hysi!a# methods maybe used by passing a strong beam of near#y para##e# #ight a#most horiFonta##y o+er the surfa!e of the paper. Fuming the do!ument maybe of +a#ues in some !ases. %owders of +arious &inds maybe used without !hanging the do!ument. D3 What are the *2A))"- %A%")? methods of e5amining 4?)A"0)


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Answer: ,f the !ombustion is in!omp#ete$ there is a !ertain amount of su!!ess pro+ided the pie!es are #arge enough to form a !oherent message. 0f primary importan!e is the proper pa!&ing and shipping of this type of e+iden!e. (he pie!es shou#d be p#a!ed between #ayers of !otton and ship in a strong$ rigid bo5$ e5er!ising e+ery pre!aution to a+oid damage in transit. ,t is be#ie+ed best not to spray or moisten the e+iden!e with water or any other #iBuid for shipping purposes. (he fo##owing methods maybe app#ied to de!ipher the origina# message !ontained thereon: %hotographi! methods$ using +arious types of fi#ters and different ang#es of i##umination may determine the writing !ontained thereon without !hanging the appearan!e of the !harred fragments. *hemi!a# methods$ su!h as spraying$ painting$ or bathing !harred pie!es with so#utions of different !hemi!a# reagents. %hotographi! p#ates maybe uti#iFed by a##owing the !harred paper to remain in !onta!t with emu#sion sides in tota# dar&ness from one to two wee&s. *A)"$ 2AA-/,A1 AA- %)"3")LA(,0A 0F M?"3(,0A"-0*?:"A(3 D4 2ow to !are and hand#e -,3%?("- -0*?:"A(3 AA-0*?:"A(A). "L,-"A*"? Answer: the fo##owing shou#d be obser+ed: ,t shou#d be &ept ?AF0/-"- AA- ,A A 3"%A)A("$ %)0%") 3,N" "AL"/0%" 0) F0/-"). ,t is a#so ad+isab#e that right after the do!ument be!omes disputed$ or Buestioned$ it is important to ma&e not on#y the usua# photo stati! !opy (@ero5)$ but a#so a proper photograph or photo-en#argement. ,t is often ne!essary for the #awyer or !ourt to hand#e repeated#y the disputed do!ument. 3hou#d this be ne!essary$ instead of hand#ing and wor&ing with the origina# do!ument$ the photograph shou#d be used.


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(ou!hing with wet hands or fingers !an !reate smearing in the in&$ pointing with a pen!i# !an #ea+e mar&s that !reate a suspi!ion of pre+ious pen!i# mar&s$ or e5periments as proof of attempted forgery. %ointing a do!ument with any other instruments$ su!h as sharp sti!&$ !an !ause sight damage with a#though it !annot be seen by the na&ed eye$ !an show definite mar&s under the mi!ros!ope or on the en#arged photograph. Ao test shou#d be made to a#ter the !onditions of the do!ument. 3hou#d any test be ne!essary$ insist that it shou#d be done in the presen!e of a !hemist$ or in !ourt$ or in front of both parties in+o#+ed the !ase. D; What are the -0Rs in *A)"$ 2AA-/,A1 AA%)"3")LA(,0A 0F -0*?:"A(3? Answer: they are: (a&e disputed papers to -o!ument "5aminerRs /aboratory at the First 0pportunity. ,f storage is ne!essary$ &eep in dry p#a!e away from e5!essi+e heat strong #ight. :aintain in !onseBuentia# do!ument$ unfo#ded and in transparent p#asti! en+e#ope or e+iden!e preser+er. D> What are the -on ts in *A)"$ 2AA-/,A1 AA%)"3")LA(,0A 0F -0*?:"A(3? Answer: they are: -o not unders!ore$ ma&e !are#ess mar&ings$ fo#d$ erase$ impress rubber stamps$ sti!&er$ write on$ or otherwise a#ter any handwriting. -o not smear with fingerprints powder or !hemi!a#s. -o not !arry handwriting do!ument !are#ess#y in wa##et$ noteboo& or brief !ase on grounds of inter+iews. -o not hand#e disputed papers$ e5!essi+e#y or !arry then in po!&et for a #ong time.


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-o not mar&ed disputed do!uments (either by !ons!ious#y writing instruments or di+iders) -o not muti#ate or damage by repeated refo#ding$ !reasing$ !utting$ tearing or pun!hing for fi#ing purposes. -o not a##ow anyone e5!ept Bua#ified spe!ia#ist to ma&e !hemi!a# or other tests' do not treat or dust for #atent finger prints before !onsu#ting a do!ument e5aminer. DI 2ow to 2AA-/" *2A))"- -0*?:"A(3? Answer: they are: (hose e5treme#y fragi#e must be hand#ed as #itt#e as possib#e and transporting them to the #aboratory reBuires e5tra-ordinary !are. With forethought and !aution they !an be brought from the distant fire s!ene to the #aboratory. (hey shou#d be mo+ed in the !ontainer in whi!h they are found whene+er possib#e. When the fragments are not pa!&ed tight#y$ they shou#d be padded with #ightweight absorbent !otton. ,f jarring !annot be entire#y e#iminated jarring the bo5 must be &ept to a minimum. (he fragment must be he#d firm#y without !rushing and pre+ent mo+ement or shifting when fina##y pa!&ed in a sturdy !ontainer.

"@":%/A) DJ What is e5emp#ar? Answer: "5emp#ars$ a#so !a##ed standards$ are #ega##y admissib#e authenti! samp#es of handwriting used for !omparison with Buestioned writing. (hey are used by the do!ument e5aminer to enab#e her to form an opinion !on!erning the authenti!ity of handwriting in dispute. (here are two &inds of e5emp#ars (informa# whi!h are do!uments pre+ious#y e5e!uted and &nown to be genuine) and forma# (whi!h are reBuest writing samp#es). "5emp#ars are a#so !a##ed &nown handwriting samp#es.


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What is the most re#iab#e e5emp#ar? Answer: ,nforma# handwriting e5emp#ars (*o##e!ted 3tandards) are more re#iab#e for !omparison purposes than reBuest writing. 3in!e informa# writing was written in the norma# !ourse of business$ it more a!!urate#y ref#e!ts the sub!ons!ious habits of the writer. 3e#f!ons!iousness or !ons!ious-awareness enters into the reBuest writing pro!ess. "+en when there is no attempt to disguise reBuest writing$ it may not represent the norma# sub!ons!ious habits of the writer. What are the (.%"3 0F 2AA-W),(,A1 G3(AA-A)-3H? Answer: they are: *o##e!ted 3tandards are EA0WA (genuine or informa# standard) handwriting of an indi+idua# written in the !ourse of dai#y #ife$ both business and so!ia#s. )eBuest standards are signature or other handwritings (or hand printings) written by an indi+idua# upon reBuest for the purpose of !omparison with other handwriting or for spe!imen purposes. %ost /item :otan "5emp#ars- writings produ!ed by the subje!t after e+identia# writings ha+e !ome into dispute and so#e#y for the purpose of estab#ishing his !ontentions.


37 What are the -,3A-LAA(A1"3 0F )"M?"3( W),(,A1 3A:%/"3? Answer: they are: )eBuest writing ta&en after the in!ident may not be as !#ose to the date of the Buestioned writing as informa# do!uments e5e!uted in the norma# !ourse of business. *ourts !onsider reBuest writing ta&en after the fa!t as se#f-ser+ing and may not a##ow it. 3ome writers wi## de#iberate#y disguise their reBuest handwriting. ,t may be diffi!u#t or impossib#e to dup#i!ate the writing en+ironment of the


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suspe!t do!ument in order to obtain !omparab#e do!uments. (he writer may not be a+ai#ab#e for reBuest writing or !ir!umstan!es may ha+e !aused !hanges that ma&e it impossib#e to obtain simi#ar reBuest writing samp#es. 3D What are the 3?11"3("- %)0*"-?)" F0) (AE,A1 )"M?"3( 2AA-W),(,A1 3(AA-A)-3 ,A A// (.%"3 0F M?"3(,0A"---0*?:"A( %)04/":3? Answer: they are: /et subje!t seat in a natura# position at tab#e or des& ha+ing smooth writing surfa!e. Furnish subje!t with paper and writing instrument simi#ar to those used in Buestioned writings$ #ie' paper shou#d be same siFe$ and ru#ed or unru#ed' as Buestioned do!ument. Ae+er permit the subje!t to see any writing on the Buestioned do!ument. -i!tate materia# to be written (or printed$ if Buestioned materia# is hand printed): gi+e no assistan!e in spe##ing or arrangement on page. -i!tate at a rate of speed whi!h wi## produ!e the subje!t natura# writing habits. )emo+e ea!h spe!imen upon !omp#etion by subje!t number in !onseBuen!e$ date$ time and identify by initiating ea!h$ and reBuest subje!ts to sign ea!h spe!imen. 0bser+e a## writing done by subje!ts and indi!ate any attempt of disguise$ and whether subje!ts appears to be norma##y right or #eft handed$ et!. 33 20W :AA. 3A:%/"3 0F 2AA-W),(,A1 A)" A""-"-? Answer: !onsider the fo##owing: (he type of !ase determines the number of e5emp#ars that the do!ument e5aminer needs for !omparison with the Buestioned do!uments. A#ways try to !o##e!t as many samp#es as possib#e be!ause it is more important to ha+e suitab#e undisputed samp#es than a #arge Buantity of #itt#e !omparab#e +a#ue. *ases ha+e been won in !ourt using a sing#e &nown


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signature to support the authenti!ity of a Buestioned do!ument. 0ne signature is suffi!ient when a## the !hara!teristi!s of handwriting mat!h. When pro+ing that an indi+idua# did not write a Buestioned do!ument$ it is ne!essary to obtain a #arger range of writing and one hundred signatures may not be enough. An a+erage wou#d be twenty to twenty-fi+e signatures and four to fi+e pages of norma# handwriting andCor hand printing preferab#y written at different times. :ore &nown do!uments are needed if the writer has a wide range of +ariation or an o+ersimp#ified signature$ whi#e on#y a few signatures wou#d suffi!e if the writer is !onsistent. An o+ersimp#ified signature is one that !ontains few !hanges of dire!tion and is usua##y an i##egib#e s!raw#. 0+ersimp#ified signatures are easier to imitate than more !omp#e5 signatures that !ontain more !hanges of dire!tion and more sty#iFed #etter forms. When a Buestioned signature shows ob+ious signs of forgery not present in the &nown signature$ one &nown signature shou#d be enough to pro+e no genuineness. Forged writing often !ontains tremor or has a drawn #oo&. A sing#e signature wou#d be suffi!ient to determine the fa!ts when the Buestioned signatures are written with a higher s&i## #e+e# than the suspe!ted writer !ou#d e5e!ute. 2owe+er$ it is better to ha+e more e5emp#ars whene+er possib#e. (he do!ument e5aminer must e+a#uate the e5emp#ars to determine if she has suffi!ient suitab#e materia# to render an a!!urate opinion. 34 What are 3?,(A4/" "@":%/A)3? Answer: the fo##owing are suitab#e e5emp#ar: *an!e##ed !he!&s$ !ontra!ts$ app#i!ations$ and business #etters ma&e suitab#e e5emp#ars or standards. (he writing !an be proper#y


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identified$ the date !an be +erified$ and the habits of the writer !an be studied. Additiona# standards may be needed if the words on the disputed writing do not mat!h the e5emp#ars. ,dea##y$ origina# writing shou#d be a+ai#ab#e for the s!rutiny of the do!ument e5aminer. 0rigina# writing is a#ways better than a photo!opy or a fa!simi#e. ,f it is impossib#e to obtain origina# do!uments$ a first generation photo!opy shou#d be supp#ied. (he origina# do!uments shou#d be reBuested whene+er a photo!opy is supp#ied by the ad+erse party. ,ntermediate tones are a#most a#ways #ost in a photo!opy be!ause it aims to se!ure the greatest possib#e !ontrast. 3ubseBuent generations of photo!opies may drop suffi!ient detai#$ rendering them worth#ess to a !ompetent do!ument e5aminer. A!!ording to the F4, /aw "nfor!ement 4u##etin pub#ished in 3eptember$ 78I<$ handwriting identifi!ation depends on the Bua#ity of the &nown writing. ASs !annot be !ompared with 1 s T9ohn 9onesS !annot be !ompared with S3amue# 2ansenS (he 9Ss must be !ompared with 9Ss and the SohnSsS with SohnSs.S 2andwriting !annot be !ompared with hand printing. -o!uments simi#ar in nature wi## ma&e the best e5emp#ars. *ontra!ts shou#d be !ompared with !ontra!ts$ and !an!e##ed !he!&s with !an!e##ed !he!&s. (ry to pro!ure #i&e signatures. An A shou#d be !ompared with A$ an A# with A#$ and hand printing with hand printing. -o!uments written with in& shou#d be !ompared with other do!uments written in in&. (ry to find writing on simi#ar do!uments. %eop#e often ha+e more than one sty#e signature depending on the do!ument being e5e!uted. *he!&s may be e5e!uted in a more !are#ess manner than wi##s and !ontra!ts. -o not use signatures written whi#e the writer was into5i!ated un#ess the


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Buestioned do!uments were written under simi#ar !ir!umstan!es. 3ome hand printing !an be !ompared with handwriting and +i!e +ersa. 3ome writers use hand printed #etters and handwritten ones inter!hangeab#y. :ost !ommon is the use of hand printed !apita# #etters in p#a!e of !ursi+e. 0ther writers use the same #etter form for both hand printed and !ursi+e writing. Whi#e it may be possib#e to ma&e a mat!h with on#y a few e5emp#ars$ the more e5emp#ars a+ai#ab#e the better. *o##e!t as many samp#es of handwriting$ in!#uding signatures$ as possib#e. ,t is ne!essary to !o##e!t enough handwriting samp#es to enab#e the e5pert to render a professiona# opinion. 2ow mu!h is enough? "nough wou#d be suffi!ient e5emp#ars to e#iminate any other writer as the author of a do!ument. 3; What are the *A3"3 ,A W2,*2 A0 "@":%/A)3 A)" A""-"-? Answer: they are the fo##owing: (here are some !ases in whi!h no e5emp#ars are needed to pro+e spuriousness. 3in!e no one !an write his signature e5a!t#y the same way twi!e$ identi!a# signatures are genera##y e+iden!e of no genuineness. (his wou#d in!#ude tra!ed forgeries$ s!anned signatures$ or e+en freehand simu#ations$ as we## as !ut and paste signatures. 3ome writers use signature stamps and autopens as #egitimate signatures ma&ing it are ne!essary to determine the nature of the signatures before an opinion of no genuineness is gi+en. 3igns of forgery are indi!ati+e of no genuineness. -o!uments that !ontain indi!ations of tra!ing !an be identified without &nown signatures. "+iden!e of tra!ing the signature wou#d be a groo+e or guide #ine a#ong the signature #ine or residue of pen!i# or !arbon.


Page |8

When a Buestioned signature mat!hes the handwriting of another writer$ identifi!ation !an be made that the writing was penned by that indi+idua#. ,n this !ase$ no &nown signatures of the +i!tim are needed for !omparison. Writing of the impaired or i##iterate !an be identified as spurious if the Buestioned writing e5!eeds the abi#ity of the &nown writer. A high s&i## #e+e# signature of an impaired indi+idua# !an be reje!ted without !omparison do!uments. 3> What is )"M?"3( W),(,A1? Answer: )eBuest writing e5emp#ars are handwriting samp#es made at the reBuest and under the super+ision of the po#i!e$ do!ument e5aminers$ or attorneys for !omparison with Buestioned writing.

3I What are the -0s AA- -0AS(s F0) *0//"*(,A1 "@":%/A)3 AA- 3(AA-A)-3? Answer: they are: -0AS( re#y on too #itt#e writing. 2ow mu!h is enough? "nough to show the range of handwriting !hara!teristi!s of the writer. -0 obtain suffi!ient handwriting e5emp#ars$ at #east twenty to twenty-fi+e signatures or four to fi+e pages of handwriting or hand printing. -0AS( re#y e5!#usi+e#y on writing that differs signifi!ant#y from the Buestioned. -0 !o##e!t simi#ar samp#es: hand printing with hand printing$ in& signatures with in& signatures$ #ined paper with #ined paper$ same siFe with same siFe. -0AS( re#y on do!uments re!ent#y written if the !omparison do!uments were written many years ago. -0 !o##e!t standards dated at appro5imate#y the same time as the Buestioned. -0AS( !ompare writing written under abnorma# !onditions (for e5amp#e$ when the writer was into5i!ated) with norma# writing.


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-0 !o##e!t do!uments that dup#i!ate the writing en+ironment: !he!&s with !he!&s$ !ontra!ts with !ontra!ts. -0 instru!t the writer in order to obtain simi#ar e5emp#ars. For e5amp#e$ print with a## upper!ase #etters. 2AA-W),(,A1 AA- 3,1AA(?)" ,-"A(,F,*A(,0A A. 2AA-W),(,A1 3J 2ow 2AA-W),(,A1 is -"F,A"-? Answer: 2andwriting is the resu#t of a +ery !omp#i!ated series of fa!ts$ being used as who#e$ !ombination of !ertain forms of +isib#e menta# and mus!u#ar habits a!Buired by #ong$ !ontinued painsta&ing effort a#so &nows as G+isib#e spee!h.H ,n WignoreRs %rin!ip#es of judi!ia# %roof$ handwriting is defined as a +isib#e effe!t of bodi#y mo+ement whi!h is an a#most un!ons!ious e5pression of fi5ed mus!u#ar habits$ rea!ting from fi5ed menta# impression of !ertain ideas asso!iated with s!ript form. What are the E,A-3 0F W),(,A13? Answer: *ursi+e- !onne!ted writing in whi!h #etter is joined the ne5t 3!ript- separated printed writing. 4/0*E- A// *A%,(A/ /"((")3.



4< Why imitation of the sty#e of writing by another person be!omes diffi!u#t? Answer: be!ause the other person !annot reprodu!e the mus!u#ar !ombination from the habit of the first writer. 47 What is refers to the brain s writing where the impu#se to form a #etter begins? Answer: !orte5 !enter


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4D What are the two groups of mus!#es in+o#+e in 2andwriting? Answer: (7) "5tensor mus!#es whi!h push up the pen to form the upward stro&es$ and (D) F#e5or mus!#es whi!h push the pen to from the downward stro&es. 43 1enera##y spea&ing$ what are the four groups of mus!#es emp#oyed in writing? Answer: those whi!h operate the joints of the fingers$ wrist$ e#bow$ and shou#der. 44 What is motor !oordination? Answer: motor !oordination is the de#i!ate way in whi!h the +arious mus!#es used in writing wor& together to pro!edure written form is &nown as

4; What are the en+ironmenta# fa!tors affe!ting the handwriting? Answer: (hese in!#ude the writing instrument itse#f$ the writing surfa!e and what #ies beneath it$ and other +ariab#es of the writing situation. 4> What are the two !ategories of handwriting !hara!teristi!s? Answer: (7) genera#$ or !#ass !hara!teristi!s$ and (D) indi+idua# !hara!teristi!s. 4I What are the fa!tors that !an affe!t 2andwriting? Answer: (7) injury$ (D) i##ness$ (3) medi!ation$ (4) drug or a#!oho# use$ (;) stress$ (>) the writing surfa!e$ (I) the writing instrument$ or (J) attempted disguise.

("):,A0/01,"3 )"/A("- (0 2AA-W),(,A1 ,-"A(,F,*A(,0A AA- "@A:,AA(,0A3 4J What is A/,1A:"A(? Answer: the re#ation of the writing or #ine of indi+idua# #etters to the base#ine. What is AA1?/A) F0):3?



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Answer: 3harp$ straight stro&es that are made by stopping the pen and !hanging dire!tion before !ontinuing. ;< What is A)*A-" F0):3? Answer: stro&es that #oo& #i&e ar!hes rounded on the top and open at the bottom. What is *2A)A*("),3(,*3? Answer: any property or mar& whi!h is !ommon#y !a##ed the identifying detai#s. What is *0//A(,0A? Answer: !riti!a# !omparison on side e5amination of the standard and M-. by side




What is *0:%A),30A? Answer: the a!t of setting two or more items side by side to weigh their identifying Bua#ities. What is -,3(,A1?,3"- W),(,A1? Answer: a#tered writing in identity. What is -0WA3()0E"? Answer: (he mo+ement writer. of hopes of hiding








What is F0):? Answer: (he way the writing #oo&s$ whether it is !opyboo&$ e#aborated$ simp#ifier or printed What is 1A)/AA- F0):3? Answer: A !up #i&e !onne!ted form that is open at the top and rounded on the bottom. What is 1"3(A/(? Answer: (he 1erman word that means G!omp#eteH or Gwho#eH. A good gesta#t needs nothing added or ta&en away to ma&e it G#oo& rightH. What is 1)A20AAA/.3,3? Answer: the study of handwriting based on the two fundamenta# stro&es$ the !ur+e and the straight stro&es.





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>< >7

What is 1)A%20:"().? Answer: ana#ysis by !omparison and measurement. What is 2AA-/"(("),A1Answer: Any dis!onne!ted sty#e of writing in whi!h ea!h #etter is written separate#y$ a#so !a##ed hand printing. What is /"((") 3%A*"? Answer: (he distan!e between the #etters. What is /,A" -,)"*(,0AAnswer: :o+ement of the base#ine$ it may s#ant-up$ down or straight a!ross the page. be

>D >3


What is /,A" M?A//,(.? Answer: the o+era## !hara!ter of the in& #ines from the beginning to the ending stro&e: it may be a 1ood /ine Bua#ity or %oor /ine Bua#ity. What is /,A" 3%A*"? Answer: (he amount of the spa!e between #ines. What is :,*)030%,* "@A:,AA(,0A? Answer: Any study or e5amination whi!h is made with the mi!ros!ope in other to dis!o+er minute detai#s. What is :0L":"A(? Answer: an important e#ement in handwriting whi!h embra!es a## the fa!tors whi!h are re#ated to the motion of the writing instrument s&i##$ speed freedom$ hesitation$ rhythm$ emphasis$ tremors and the #i&e. What is AA(?)A/ W),(,A1? Answer: Any spe!imen of writing e5e!uted norma##y without any attempt to !ontro# or a#ter its identifying habits and its usua# Bua#ity or e5e!ution. What is AA(?)A/ LA),A(,0AAnswer: norma# or usua# de+iation found between repeated spe!imens of any indi+idua# handwriting.

>; >>





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What is %"A :%2A3,3? Answer: (he a!t of intermittent#y for!ing the pen against the paper surfa!es whi!h produ!es shading out with more rigid writing points hea+y point emphasis !an o!!ur in writing without any e+iden!e of shading. What is %"A 20/-? Answer: - (he p#a!e where the writer grasps the barre# of the pen and the ang#e at whi!h he ho#ds it. What is %"A %03,(,0A? Answer: - re#ationship between the pen point and the paper. What is %"A %)"33?)"? Answer: the a+erage for!e !onta!ts the paper. with whi!h the pen





What is %),A(3*),%( Answer: - A !reati+e !ombination of printing and !ursi+e writing. What is %)0%0)(,0A or )A(,0 Answer: K the re#ation between the ta## and the short #etter What is M?A/,(. Answer: - A distin!t or pe!u#iar !hara!ter. A#so$ GBua#ityH is used in des!ribibg handwriting to refer to any identifying fa!tor that is re#ated to the writing mo+ement itse#f. What is )2.(2:? Answer: (he e#ement of the writing mo+ement whi!h is mar&ed by regu#ar or periodi! re!urren!es: maybe smooth$ intermittent$ or jer&y in its Bua#ity' the f#ourishing su!!ession of motion whi!h are re!orded in a written re!ord. What is 32A-,A1?






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Answer: widening of the in& stro&es due to the added pressure on a f#e5ib#e pen point or to the use of a stub pen. I8 What is 3,:%/,F,*A(,0A? Answer: "#iminating e5tra or superf#uous stro&es from the !opyboo& mode#. What is 3,N"? Answer: the proportions between Fones. What is 3E,//? Answer: writer s profi!ien!y' degree$ abi#ity$ or s&i## of a write profi!ien!y. What is 3/0%"C 3/AA(? Answer: the ang#e or in!#ination of the a5is of the #etters re#ati+e to the base#ine: 3#ant to the #eft' 3#ant to the right' and Lerti!a# 3#ant. What is 3.3(": (0F W),(,A1)? Answer: (he !ombination of the basi! design of #etters and the writing mo+ement as taught in s!hoo# ma&e up the writing system. What is (2)"A-. F0):? Answer: An indefinite !onne!ti+e form that #oo&s f#at and wa+y. . What is W),(,A1 *0A-,(,0A? Answer: !ir!umstan!es under whi!h the writing was prepared and the fa!tors in inf#uen!ing the writer s abi#ity to write at the time of e5e!ution. ,t in!#udes the writer s position (sitting$ standing$ abed$ et!.)$ the paper support and ba!&ing$ and the writing instrument' writing abi#ity may be modified by the !ondition of the writer s hea#th$ ner+ous state or degree of into5i!ation. What is W),(,A1 ,:%?/3"? Answer: (he resu#t of the pen tou!hing down on the paper and mo+ing a!ross the page$ unti# it is raised from the paper.

J< J7







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:0L":"A( ,A 2AA-W),(,A1 JI What are the E,A-3 0F :0L":"A(? Answer: (7) Finger :o+ement- (he thumb$ the first and se!ond and s#ight#y the third fingers are in a!tua# motion. :ost usua##y emp#oyed by !hi#dren and i##iterates. (D) 2and :o+ement- produ!ed by the mo+ement or a!tion of the who#e hand with the wrist as the !enter of attra!tion' (3) Forearm :o+ement- mo+ement of the shou#der$ hand and arm with the support of the tab#e$ and$ (4) Who#e Forearm :o+ement- a!tion of the entire arm without resting.

JJ What are the *2A)A*("),3(,*3 0F :0(0) *00)-,AA(,0A Answer: (7) Free$ sme#t rounded !ur+es' (D) 1radua# !hanges of dire!tions' (3) %ressure is a#ways in a state of !hange$ mo+ing from #ight to hea+y or from hea+y to #ight' (4) 3peed J8 What are the !hara!teristi!s of FA?/(. *00)-,AA(,0A? Answer: (7) Wa+ering and +ery irregu#ar #ine or stro&es with un!ertain and unsteady progress. (here is no freedom of mo+ement a#ong the stro&es of the #etter-forms' and$ (D) Angu#ar /ine$ a +ery !ommon fau#t of !oordination. *ur+es$ #arge and sma## are not smooth#y rounded and there is no gradua# !hange of dire!tion. 8< W2A( ,3 )2.(2: ,A 2AA-W),(,A1? AA3W"): )hythm is su!!ession of !onne!ted$ uniform stro&es in fu## !oordination. (his is manifested by !#ear-!ut a!!entuated stro&es whi!h in!rease and de!rease in whi!h #i&e perfe!t !ones.

87 What is !hara!teriFed by su!!ession of aw&ward$ independent$ poor#y dire!ted and dis!onne!ted motions? Answer: /A*E 0F )2.(2: 8D Why rhythm is important?


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Answer: important be!ause one !an determine if the writer norma##y and spontaneous#y write with hesitation as if he is attempting to for another signature. 83 What is 1ar#and? Answer: /in&s the downward stro&e to the upstro&es with a f#owing !ur+e swinging from #eft right. ,t is an easy$ effort#ess mode of !onne!tion$ written with speed. What is Angu#ar !onne!ti+e form? Answer: !hara!teriFed by an abrupt stop and start in ea!h turning point. What is 3()0E"? Answer: %ath tra!e by the pen on the paper.



("):,A0/01,"3 *0A*")A,A1 3()0E"3 8> What is A,)3()0E"? Answer: (he mo+ement of the pen as it is raised from the paper and !ontinues in the same dire!tion in the air. What is *0L"),A1 3()0E"? Answer: A stro&e that is another stro&e. unne!essari#y !o+ers


8J 88

What is F,AA/ sto&e? Answer: (he ending stro&e on a #etter. What is ?%3()0E"? Answer: :o+ement of the pen away from the writer.

7<< What is 3"M?"A*" 0F 3()0E"? Answer: (he order in whi!h writing stro&es are p#a!ed on the paper. 7<7 What is 3?%%0)("- 3()0E"3? Answer: ?pstro&es partia##y !o+ering the pre+ious down stro&es.


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7<D What is ()A,( 3()0E"? Answer: A s!hoo# of handwriting ana#ysis that assigns persona#ity trait manners to indi+idua# writing stro&es. M?A/,(,"3 0F (2" 3()0E"3 7<3 What is "5pansion? Answer: whether the mo+ement is e5tended or #imited in its range with respe!t to both +erti!a# and horiFonta# dimension. 7<4 What is *o-ordination? Answer: whether the f#ow of mo+ement is !ontro##ed or un!ertain$ smooth or jer&y$ !ontinuous or interrupted. 7<; What is 3peed-? Answer: whether the mo+ement has been rapid or s#ow and whether the pa!e has been steady or +ariab#e. 7<> What is %ressure? Answer: whether the pressure e5erted in mo+ement and its upward and downward rea!h. the

7<I What is -ire!tion? Answer: /eft ward and right ward trend of the mo+ement and its upward and downward rea!h. 7<J What is 1"A")A/ (*/A33) *2A)A*("),3(,*3? Answer: those habits are part of basi! writing system or whi!h are modifi!ations of the system of writing found among so #arge a group of writes that ha+e on#y s#ight identifi!ation +a#ue. 7<8 What is ,A-,L,-?A/ *2A)A*("),3(,*3? Answer: the resu#t of the writerRs mus!u#ar !ontro#$ !oordination$ age$ hea#th$ and ner+ous temperament$ freBuen!y of writing$ persona#ity and !hara!ter found in writing. 77< What are the ,ndi!ations writing? Answer: they are: of speed (speedy)


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3mooth$ unbro&en stro&es and rounded forms. FreBuent signs or tenden!ies to the right. :ar&ed un!ertain as to the #o!ation of the dots of sma## #etters G,H$ GjH 6 !rosses of sma## #etter GtH. ,n!reased spontaneity of words or sma## #etter GtH !onne!ted with the fo##owing words. /etters !urtai#ed or degenerated a#most to i##egibi#ity towards the end of words. Wide writing- width of #etters is greater than the !onne!ting spa!es adjoining it. 1reat differen!e in emphasis between upstro&es and down stro&es. :ar&ed simp#ifi!ation of #etters espe!ia##y !apita# #etters. )ising #ine. ,n!reased pen pressure. ,n!rease in the margin to #eft at the beginning of the #ine. 777 What are the ,ndi!ations of s#ow writing? Answer: they are: Wa+ering forms and bro&en stro&es. FreBuent signs or tenden!ies to the #eft. *onspi!uous !ertain#y as to the #o!ation of the dots of sma## #etters G,H$ GjH$ or GtH !rosses with s!ar!e#y per!eptib#e de+iation from the intended dire!tion. FreBuent pauses by meaning#ess b#obs$ ang#es$ di+ided #etters and retou!hes. *arefu# e5e!ution of detai# of #etters toward the end or names. Aarrow writing. Ao differen!e in emphasis in up stro&e and down stro&e. 0rnamenta# or f#ourishing !onne!tions. 3in&ing #ines. */A33,F,*A(,0A 0F ,A-,L,-?A/

77D What are the *2A)A*("),3(,*3? Answer: they are


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%ermanent !hara!teristi!s- found a#ways in his handwriting. *ommon or usua#- found in a group of writers who studied the same system of writing. 0!!asiona#- found o!!asiona##y in his handwriting. )are- found on#y in one or two persons in a group of one hundred indi+idua#s. 773 20W ,A-,L,-?A/ *2A)A*("),3(,*3 A)" A*M?,)"-? Answer: a!Buired by: 0utgrowth of definite tea!hing )esu#t of imitation A!!identa# !ondition or !ir!umstan!es "5pression of !ertain menta# and physi!a# traits of the writer as affe!ted by edu!ation$ by en+ironment and by o!!upation.

774 What are the %),A*,%/" ,A 2AA-W),(,A1 ,-"A(,F,*A(,0A? Answer: they are: When any two spe!imens of handwritings !ontain a !ombination of !orresponding or simi#ar and spe!ifi!a##y oriented !hara!teristi!s of su!h number and signifi!an!e as to pre!#ude the possibi#ity of their o!!urren!e by mere !oin!iden!e$ and there are no una!!ounted for differen!e$ it may be !on!#uded that they are simi#ar in writing !hara!teristi!s and therefore written by one and the same person. 2andwritings are fi5ed habits. (hese writing habits be!ome so automati! and un!ons!ious that e+en by the most strenuous effort$ it is a#most impossib#e to !hange them. Ao dup#i!ation of handwriting by two indi+idua#s. 77; What are the F?A-A:"A(A/ /AW W2,*2 10L")A3 (2" *0A*/?3,0A ,A 2AA-W),(,A1 ,-"A(,F,*A(,0A %)04/":3? Answer: they are


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A signatureChandwriting natura##y and genuine#y written under norma# !ondition !ontain a## of the indi+idua# habits of the writerRs signature whi!h are put into it in a way that is !onsistent with his writing abi#ity and the writing Bua#ity of his signature. A signatureChandwriting is fraudu#ent if it !ontains habits$ Bua#ities or e#ements whi!h are signifi!ant#y different from genuine signatures written under simi#ar !onditions. 4. 3,1AA(?)" 77> What is 3,1AA(?)"? Answer: is the name of a person written by himCher in a do!ument as a sign of a!&now#edgement. 0r$ it is a name or mar& that a person puts at the end of a do!ument to attest that he is its author or that he ratifies its !ontests. 77I What is :0-"/ 3,1AA(?)"? Answer: A genuine signature that has been used to prepare an imitated or tra!ed forgery 77J Why (2" "@A:,AA(,0A 0F 3,1AA(?)"3 ,3 *0A3,-")"- A 3%"*,A/,N"- 4)AA*2 0F 2AA-W),(,A1 ,-"A(,F,*A(,0A$ F0) (2" F0//0W,A1 )"A30A3? Answer: be!ause: ,t is a word most pra!ti!ed by many peop#e and therefore most f#uent#y written. ,t is a means to identify a person and ha+e a great persona# signifi!an!e. ,t is written with a #itt#e attention to spe##ing and some other detai#s. ,t is a word written with !ons!ious thought about the me!hani!s of its produ!tion and is written automati!a##y. ,t is the on#y word the i##iterate !an write with !onfiden!e. 778 What are the (.%"3 0F 3,1AA(?)"3? Answer: they are


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F0):A/ (*0AL"A(,0AA/ or *0%.400E F0):) K !omp#ete !orre!t signature for an important do!ument su!h as wi##. ,AF0):A/ (*?)30).) K usua##y for routine do!uments and persona# !orresponden!e. a %ersona#iFed b 3emi-persona#iFed *A)"/"33 3*),44/" K for the mai# !arrier$ de#i+ery boy or the autograph !o##e!tor. 7D< What are the 3?11"3("- 3("%3 ,A (2" "@A:,AA(,0A 0F 3,1AA(?)"? Answer: they are: 3("% 7- %#a!e the Buestioned and the standard signatures in the ju5ta-position or side-byside for simu#taneous +iewing of the +arious e#ements and !hara!teristi!s. 3("% D - (he first e#ement to be !onsidered is the handwriting mo+ement or the manner of e5e!ution (s#ow$ de#iberate$ rapid$ et!.). (he fundamenta# differen!e e5isting between a genuine signature and an a#most perfe!t forgery is in the manner of e5e!ution. 3("% 3 K 3e!ond e#ements to e5amine is the Bua#ity of the #ine$ the presen!e or tremors$ smooth$ f#uent or hesitation. -efe!t in #ine Bua#ity is on#y appre!iated when simu#taneous +iewing is made. 3("% 4 K "5amine the beginning and ending #ines$ they are +ery signifi!ant$ determine whether the appearan!e b#unt$ !#ub-shaped$ tapered orC+anishing. 3("% ; K -esign and stru!ture of the #etters. -etermine as to roundness$ smoothness$ angu#arity and dire!tion. "a!h indi+idua# has a different !on!ept of #etter design. 3("% > K /oo& for the presen!e of retou!hing or pat!hing. 3("% I K *onne!ting stro&es$ s#ant$ ratio$ siFe$ #atera# spa!ing. 3("% J K -o not re#y so mu!h in the simi#arity or differen!e of the !apita#


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#etters$ for theses are the often a!!ording to the whim of the writer. o0o


:"-,*0-/"1A/ A3%"*(3 0F -"A(2

7) What is Forensi! :edi!ine? Answer: app#i!ation of medi!ine in the so#ution of +arious prob#ems in !ourt. D) What is medi!ine? Answer: dea#s with the pre+ention and treatment of diseases. 3) What is patho#ogy? Answer: study of disease affe!ting the body. 4) What is gyne!o#ogy? Answer: bran!h of medi!ine pertaining to disease of woman. ;) What stage of mus!u#ar !hange whi!h o!!urs D-> hrs after death and is !hara!teriFed by hardening of the mus!#es. Answer: post-mortem rigidity (rigor mortis) >) When the dead body was seen by the in+estigator$ there was a hardening of the mus!#es in the fa!e$ what is the appro5imated time after his date? Answer: two hours or #ess. I) What part of the body usua##y starts mortis? Answer: mus!#e of the jaw and fa!e. rigor


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J) What is the duration of rigor mortis during summer in the %hi#ippines? Answer: wi## #asts for 3>-4J hours after death 8) What is the duration of rigor mortis tropi!a# !ountries #i&e the %hi#ippines? Answer: D4-4J hours. in the

7<) What is heat stiffening? Answer: A !ondition !hara!teriFed by hardening of the mus!#es due to !oagu#ation of mus!#e protein when the dead body is e5posed to intense heat. 77) Aorma##y$ death s temperature gradua##y de!reases howe+er there is an in!rease of temperature due to fast$ ear#y putrefa!ti+e and !hemi!a# !hanges of the body. (his is referred to as: Answer: %ost-mortem !a#ori!ity 7D) What is !ada+eri! spasm or instantaneous rigor? Answer: it is the instant stiffening of a !ertain group of mus!#es whi!h o!!urs immediate#y at the moment of death asso!iated with +io#ent death due to e5tremes ner+ous tension$ fatigue and injury to the ner+ous system. 73) (he !omp#ete$ !ontinuous$ and persistent !essation of respiration$ !ir!u#ation and a#most a## brain fun!tions of an organism is referred to as: Answer: 3omati! death 74) What are the fa!tors that !oo#ing of the death body? affe!t the rate of

Answer: (7) 4ody siFe$ (D) -eath from asphy5ia$ (3) Age$ (4) infe!tious disease 7;) ,f rigor mortis appears D-> hours after death$ how about !ada+eri! spasm? Answer: immediate#y at the moment of death.


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7>) (his refers to a fi5ed or permanent dis!o#oration when the b#ood !#otted inside the b#ood +esse#s or has diffused to different parts of the body. Answer: -iffusion #i+idity 7I) (his refers to the burning of the dead body into ashes. Answer: *remation 7J) (his +o#untary !ontra!tion of mus!#es has a medi!o-#ega# imp#i!ation be!ause it re!ords the #ast a!t of #ife in a person. Answer: !ada+eri! spasm or instantaneous rigor 78) What is referred to when the s&in of dead person$ if +iewed through a strong #ight$ an opaBue wi## appear due to absen!e of f#oe? Answer: 0pa!ity of the s&in D<) A pro!ess of disso#ution of tissues by the digesti+e a!tion of its enFymes and ba!teria that resu#t of softening and #iBuefa!tion of tissues and usua##y a!!ompanied by #iberation of fou#-sme##ing gases and !hange of !o#or of the tissues Answer: putrifi!ation D7) ,n temperate !ountries$ the body$ when e5posed to air$ wi## be redu!ed to s&e#eton in: Answer: ;-> months. DD) A dead body when buried in a we##-drained soi# and when emba#med$ it wi## ta&e UUUUUUUU before an adu#t dead body wi## be redu!ed to s&e#eton. Answer: 7< years D3) What is referred to a method by p#a!ing the dead body in the gra+e? Answer: 4uria# D4) ,t is a form mummifi!ation wherein the for!es of nature su!h as sun#ight$ warm !#imate or hot dry soi# inf#uen!es the dead body. Answer: Aatura# mummifi!ation


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D;) What method of preser+ing the dead body for a !ertain period of time by the remo+a# of the body f#uid before de!omposition set in. Answer: "mba#ming D>) (his is refers to a #i+idity when the dis!o#oration is due to the b#ood poo#ed in the most dependent areas of the body? Answer: 2ypostati! /i+idity DI) ,t is a method of judi!ia# death wherein a poisonous substan!e is administered to the !on+i!t to produ!e death? Answer: -eath by #etha# inje!tion DJ) (his refers to the dis!o#oration of the body after death when the b#ood tends to poo# in the b#ood +esse#s at the most dependent portion of the body and appears D<-3< minutes after death? Answer: %ost mortem #i+idity (#i+or mortis) D8) %ost mortem #i+idity (#i+or mortis) is !omp#eted within: Answer: 7D hours. 3<) What body temperature is !onsidered as a sign of death? Answer: 7; F to D< F 37) What is the rate of growth of hair? Answer: <.4mm to <.;mm per day 3D) ,t is a disputab#e presumption that a person not heard$ seen or absent for UUUUUU is dead. Answer: I years 33) (his refers to the raising or disinterring of the dead body or remains from the gra+e. Answer: 4uria# 34) (he dead body is subje!ted to autopsy by the physi!ian and the findings wi## be presented to !ourt as e+iden!e to:


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Answer: %ro+e or dispro+e that a !rime or fou# p#ay had been done to the +i!tim 3;) What are the importan!es of %ost-mortem /i+idity? Answer: (7) 3ign of death$ (D) Appro5imates the time of death$ (3) -etermines the position of the body after death$ and (4) :ay indi!ate the !ause or manner of death 3>) (his refers to an instan!e wherein a person suffering from a person hope#ess in!urab#e disease$ ai#ment or !ondition wi## be p#a!ed to death to #essen his sufferings. Answer: "uthanasia or :er!y &i##ing 3I) (his refers to death whi!h o!!urs une5pe!ted and outside of wi## due to misad+enture. Answer: a!!identa# death 3J) 0peration is on#y for a #i+ing$ whi#e autopsy is done to the: Answer: -ead body 38) What refers to the death that o!!urs due to a disease or ai#ment in the body? Answer: Aatura# death 4<) What is referred to the death due to injuries by some forms of outside for!e wherein the physi!a# injuries inf#i!ted is the pro5imate !ause of death? Answer: Lio#ent death 47) :ethod of judi!ia# death wherein the death !on+i!t is p#a!ed in front of firing sBuad and a +o##ey of fire from the gun &i## the +i!tim. Answer: death by mus&etry:


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4D) ,t is a post-mortem e5amination of the body after death. Answer: autopsy or ne!ropsy 43) What is the purpose of autopsy or ne!ropsy? Answer: -etermine the !ause of death through the findings in the body. 44) What is funera#? Answer: it is the pro!ession of the dead body fo##owed by the grie+ing re#ati+es$ friends and other persons to the p#a!e of buria# in a!!ordan!e with the re#igion$ !ustoms or traditions. 4;) (his refers to the sum tota# of a## a!ti+ities in whi!h the physi!a# integrity and bio#ogi!a# properties are maintained. Answer: /ife 4>) A method of e5e!uting death pena#ty by p#a!ing death !on+i!t in a !#osed one-way mirror !ompartment and then a poisonous gas wi## &i## the !on+i!t inside the !ompartment Answer: death by gas !hamber 4I) (his refers to the burning of the dead body into ashes. Answer: *remation 4J) What is the other term of autopsy? Answer: Ae!ropsy 48) What is the appro5imate number of days of a dead person$ if the abdomen is distended with gases$ trun& b#ooded$ hair and nai#s #oosened from atta!hment$ and maggots are seen?


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Answer: 3 days or ID hours ;<) When the temperature of the dead s body sudden#y rises due to rapid and ear#y putrefa!ti+e !hanges or some interna# !hanges$ it is undergoing K Answer: post-mortem !a#ori!ity ;7) A drop of b#ood whi!h fa##s from a mo+ing obje!t or person is e#ongated and the sp#ashes are found to be !on!entrated around one end of the stain. As a genera# ru#e$ the sp#ashes and the e5tension of the drop of b#ood indi!ates Answer: -ire!tion mo+ement ;D) What is the !ause of death due to a sudden and fata# !essation of the a!tion of the hearth with !ir!u#ation in!#uded? Answer: syn!ope ;3) What is refers to a !ondition in whi!h the supp#y of o5ygen to the b#ood or to the tissues has been redu!ed be#ow norma# wor&ing #e+e#? Answer: asphy5ia ;4) )efers to the state of un!ons!iousness with insensibi#ity of the pupi# and !onjun!ti+e$ and inabi#ity to swa##ow$ resu#ting from the arrest of the fun!tion of the brain? Answer: *oma ;;) What is orthothanasia? Answer: there is orthothanasia when an in!urab#y i## person is a##owed to die a natura# death without the app#i!ation of any operati+e or treatment pro!edure. ;>) (he human body without food #oses UUUU of its weight dai#y and a #oss of 4<= of the weight resu#ts to death. Answer: 7CD4th ;I) What is #ength of sur+i+a# of a human without food and water? Answer: !annot sur+i+e more than 7< days. body


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;J) What is the #ength of sur+i+a# of a human body if there is water but without food? Answer: ;< to >< days :"-,*0-/"1A/ A3%"*(3 0F %2.3,*A/ ,A9?). ;8) What is injury? Answer: spe!ifi! impairment of the body stru!ture or fun!tion !aused by an outside for!e or agent. ><) What is wound? Answer: wound is a brea& or so#ution in the !ontinuity of the s&in or tissues of the body. >7) What &ind of wound when inf#e!ted to the body is immediate#y fo##owed by death or is so serious that it wi## endanger the #ife of the +i!tim? Answer: morta# wound >D) What are e5amp#es of morta# wounds whi!h affe!t the +ita# organs? Answer: (7) brain$ (D) spina# !ord$(3) heart$ (4) #ungs$ (;) #i+er$ (>) &idney$ (I) big b#ood +esse#s. >3) Wound whi!h when inf#i!ted to the body is not immediate#y fo##owed by death. Answer: non-morta# wound. >4) What wound produ!ed by b#unt instrument? Answer: #a!erated wound >;) What wound is produ!ed by sharp-edge instrument? Answer: in!ised wound >>) What wound is produ!ed instrument? Answer: pun!tured wound by sharp pointed

>I) What wound is produ!ed by a sharp-edge and sharppointed instrument? Answer: stab wound


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>J) What physi!a# injury whi!h is found at the site of the app#i!ation of for!e. Answer: !oup injury >8) What physi!a# injury is found not at the site but opposite the site of the app#i!ation of for!e? Answer: *ontre !oup injury I<) What physi!a# injury whi!h is found at the site and a#so opposite the site of the app#i!ation of for!e? Answer: *oup !ontre !oup injury I7) ,t is the physi!a# injury whi!h is found not at the site or opposite the site of the app#i!ation of for!e but in some areas offering the #east resistan!e to the for!ed app#ied. Answer: #o!us minoris resisten!ia ID) What wound whi!h in+o#+es the outer #ayer of the s&in? Answer: superfi!ia# wound I3) ,t is a !ondition of e5posure to !o#d temperature of !ertain parts of the body whi!h produ!es me!hani!a# disruption of !e## stru!ture. Answer: frostbite I4) An e5posure to freeFing temperature !hara!teriFed by !o#d stiffening$ mus!#e !ramps$ ne!rosis and gangrene of the mus!#es in the foot Answer: tren!h foot. I;) What &ind of burn if the body !omes into !onta!t with a mo+ing obje!t? Answer: fri!tion burn I>) ,t is the burn whi!h in+o#+es the superfi!ia# #ayer of the s&in or tissues !hara!teriFed by the redress and pain. Answer: first degree burn (7 4urn) II) A form of strangu#ation wherein the assai#ant uses the arm or forearm #egs or thigh in !ompressing the ne!& of the +i!tim. Answer: mugging


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IJ) ,t is asphy5ia by suffo!ation wherein there is a !#osure of the mouth or nose by so#id obje!ts su!h as the hands$ pi##ows or by hard surfa!e e5terna##y. Answer: smothering I8) ,t is the obstru!tion of the respiratory tra!t by foreign bodies whi!h may be a bo#us food$ b#ood$ fa#se teeth or any hard materia#. ,t is usua##y a!!identa#. Answer: !ho&ing J<) A form of traumati! !rush asphy5ia wherein the +i!tim is murdered by &nee#ing or sitting on the !hest and with hands$ the nostri#s and mouth are !#osed. Afterwards$ the !ada+er is so#d to medi!a# s!hoo# to do s!ientifi! studies. Answer: bur&ing J7) ,t is a depri+ation of food and or water whi!h is ne!essary for the maintenan!e of #ife and hea#th. Answer: star+ation or inanition JD) 3toppage of respiration$ or asphy5ia due to su!h stoppage. Answer: suffo!ation J3) What is emphysema? Answer: abnorma# presen!e of air or gas in the body tissue. 3"@?A/ 0FF"A3" AA- -"L,A(,0A J4) What is homose5ua#? Answer: a person who is se5ua##y attra!ted to the same se5. J;) What is refers to the rupture or #a!eration of the hymen in woman due to se5ua# inter!ourse? Answer: def#oration


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J>) )efers to a !ondition of a woman who ha+e not e5perien!e se5ua# inter!ourse or whose genita# organs had not been a#tered by !oitus. Answer: +irginity JI) What is b#ood? Answer: !ir!u#ating tissue of the body JJ) (he red !o#or of the b#ood is due to the presen!e of UUUUUUUUU in the red b#ood !orpus!#es. Answer: hemog#obin J8) What test is used to determine whether the b#ood is of human origin or not. Answer: pre!ipitin test 8<) When the wounded body part is the heart$ the wound is UUUUUU. Answer: morta# wounds 87) About UUUUUU of b#ood is p#asma and about 8<= of the p#asma is water. Answer: >;= 8D) What is the norma# Buantity of semina# f#uid in a sing#e eja!u#ation? Answer: 7.; to 3.; !! 83) What is the !omposition of b#a!&powder for firearms ammunition? Answer: mi5ture of !har!oa# (7;=)$ su#phur and potassium (7<=)$ or sodium nitrate (I;=) 84) What wound is inf#e!ted when the muFF#e of the gun is he#d dire!t#y against the body at the time of dis!harge? Answer: *onta!t wound 8;) What are the indi!ations of !onta!t wound? Answer: (7) fabri! is bad#y torn$(D) b#a!&ened area surrounding the bu##et ho#e$ (3) singeing of the fibers at the entran!e$ (4) presen!e of partia##y burned powder residue around the entran!e ho#e


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8>) What is produ!ed when the gun is he#d from about D in!hes to a ma5imum of J in!hes? Answer: smudging 8I) ,f the gun is he#d at a s#ight#y greater distan!e but within the range of the powder b#ast whi!h was estimated to be about 3> in!hes$ what is produ!ed? Answer: tattooing -o0o-

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