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This Thesis is Submitted to

Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara

For the Award of the Degree of



Under the super ision o!

Prof. (Dr) Raghawendra Prasad Singh Professor & Head, Departme t of E!o om"!s



The topic of the study Role of Training programmes in the state development scenarios with special reference to poverty alleviation programmes with clear defined objectives of identification of role of training in the develop ent sector for i ple entation govt sche es and progra es" a!ing successful

For convenience and better understanding, the entire research wor! has been divided into Seven #hapters including #onclusion along with paraphernalia$s li!e foot%notes, tables, graphs, anne&ure etc" Ut ost care has been ta!en to present each and every detail pertaining to the training and poverty alleviation progra

es and also


i portantly views of the respondents 'who are !ey persons for highlighting fallacies and successes(" The chapter plans for the present research study has been planned with a view to provide detailed infor ation on the subject"

#hapter one is )ntroduction, presents the overview of the study" The chapter starts with introductory words then it provides the over view of training, training concept, current scenario in training, then it establishes lin! between training and develop ent" )t also gave alight of future prospects of training" )t tal!s about the develop ent scenario in *ihar" A detailed objective of the study has been given" Further it entions the socio%

econo ic and de ographic situation of the Thesis and detailed plan of action de ography of the area selected for study and the pattern for which it was conducted" )t also gives in detail the ethodology and the objective of the study"

Training is considered as !ey to success in state develop ent progra in the case of poverty alleviation progra

es especially

es" Keeping this in view, it e&a ines the role es i"e" the i ple entation of poverty

of trainings in state develop ent progra alleviation progra

es in +u,affarpur district of *ihar"

+u,affarpur district of *ihar was selected because of its diverse de ographic, econo ic and social conditions prevalent there" i ple enting several poverty alleviation progra the +ajority of the -anchayats are es li!e +./01.A etc" Al ost all ore progra es"

e bers of -0) are so ehow involved in one or

A sa ple of 233 -0)

e bers, fro

45 villages of eleven different bloc!s na ely Katra,

+inapur, +ushahari, Sa!ara, Kanti, Kurhani, +otipur, -aroo, Sahebganj, and


Saraiya,+arwan was drawn"

Apart fro

this, /.6 wor!ers who were

concerned with the i ple entation of progra The

es interviewed for the present wor!"

ethod of data collection was through -ri ary and also Secondary Sources, which different +inistries and

included interview of the individuals and reports fro

depart ents, who are directly and indirectly related with develop ent sche e" The chapter towards the end also gives brief but succinct history of the +u,affarpur District"

The chapter also presents a detail literature review, The literature view is divided in three basic areas first training, second Develop ent sector and the third is poverty alleviation progra es" Theoretical have also been discussed in detail

#hapter Two focuses on concept, definition, and

ethod of for ulation of Training

which includes introduction of training, principles of training, benefits of training, training policies and procedures, deter inants of training, planning of training, delivery of training, evaluation of training"

The training progra

e cannot be successful without evaluation,

onitoring, and

trac!ing" The chapter discusses the process of evaluation in detail" Through the survey in and data analysis the chapter proves the i portance of training, its effectiveness, and its evaluation" Through the survey analysis it also tries to understand the respondents choice of training based on ode, location etc"

The chapter also establishes the role training in develop ent sector through case studies" Two cases have been discussed over here which discusses the effectiveness of

training in developing a co

on people who belongs to deprived section of

the society of a village" *oth the case if of a fe ale who belongs to a very poor bac!ground and due to training they are not only able to sustain their life but they a now public representatives" Training perfor ance and productivity is another part of this chapter which the transfor ation of training into utili,ation and productivity"

#hapter Three discusses the State Devel !"ent S#enari

in $i%ar" )t defined the

definition of develop ent, the various develop ent approach of govern ent" The various sche es of develop ent sector were presented" )t also provides the current scenarios of develop ent in *ihar, and the future develop ental plan in *ihar" )t described the role of poverty alleviation progra es in develop ent of *ihar"

#hapter also discusses the various develop ent approach of govern ent" )t describes the various sche es of state develop ent" Then it analyses the five year plan of *ihar, the structure of develop ent in *ihar" )t also touches the part of ural develop ent and panchayat govern ents" The -anchayati 0aj Syste in *ihar, its i ple entation and

validity" )t lin!s the poverty and rural develop ent with various poverty alleviation progra es in develop ent of *ihar"

The chapter also discusses about the

ost popular poverty alleviation sche es i"e"

+./01.A, )ndira Awas 7ojna')A7(, -ri e +iniser 0o,gar 7ojna 8-+079 etc"

Through survey and analysis it presents a glance of how popular and how

uch the various sche es is

uch awareness presents a ong the real e&ecution body"


#hapter Four discusses the P vert& Alleviati n Pr gra"'( it' T%e r& An) Pra#ti#e it discusses, the chapter starts with presenting the gli pses of -overty scenario in *ihar before giving introduction of poverty" The easuring, deter inants and

characteristics of the poverty were also been described" +oving ahead the chapter gives a brief bac!ground of poverty alleviation progra definition, approach and es" in detail about -overty,

ethodology, characteristics, deter inants, bac!ground of es such as Self%e ploy ent

poverty" The various poverty alleviation progra progra

es, Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana 'S.S7(, Wage employment

programmes, Food sec rity programme! Social sec rity programmes! "r#an poverty alleviation progra e, $ehr Rozgar Yojana! %eyond economic #enefit were disc ssed

in detailed& 'G$R(G) schemes were given special attention in this chapter&

-overty alleviation in *ihar has been discussed by providing facts and figures of various surveys done by U/D-, .overn ent of )ndia and other co petent agencies" Further ahead the nature of -overty in *ihar were portrayed by providing historical conte&t of -overty in *ihar, )n historical #onte&t of -overty in *ihar it started fro then post%colonial period to the post%+andal effect of poverty in *ihar" The chapter also e&a ines the i ple entation of +./01.A sche e in *ihar through the pri ary survey" The survey reflects the awareness and the path of infor ation flow of the sche es a ong the real i ple enting body i"e -anchayati 0aj )nstitution e bers" colonial period,


#hapter Five is integrating all the aspects of develop ent with training and discuss the r le * training in ! vert& alleviati n !r gra""e' " The chapter starts

with the introduction of training, different theories of training, The it describes the various scopes of training, the objectives of training, benefits of training, i portance and significance of training" Then the chapter discusses and provides detail infor ation about -anchayati 0aj )nstitutions" The chapter e&a ines the training scenario for -anchayati 0aj )nstitution in *ihar through its pri ary survey" The chapter also presents the detail overview of state training institutions especially it tal!s about *ihar )nstitute 6f -ublic Ad inistration And 0ural Develop ent 8*)-A0D9, -atna"

The chapter discusses in detail about the role of -anchayati 0aj )nstitutions in +./01.A sche e" )t tal!s about the provision and act for -0) progra e" e bers in +./0.A

The chapter then e&a ines the efficiencies and co petencies of -anchayati 0aj )nstitution e bers because the success of +./01.A depends on the deter ination, ain e&ecuting agency ie" -0) e bers"

talent, understanding, and e&ecution ability of The co petencies were e&a ined of all the starting fro

e bers of -anchayati 0aj )nstitutions

.overn ent officials who include D-06, *D6, -anchayat Secretary etc, e bers such as +u!hiya, :ard +e bers,

the /.6 wor!ers, and the elected


-anchayat Sa iti +e bers, and ;ila -arishad +e bers" For e&a ining the efficiency first education status of the -0) understanding of sche es were studied" e bers were considered then their level of

At the end of the chapter re<uire ent of the training progra

es for -0)

e bers es

were e&a ined" The study is able to identify that re<uires the training progra ost" 0eal ti e training is re<uired for these -0)

e bers who should include the

objective of sche es, proposed out%co e of sche e, and should have in depth practical !nowledge for i ple entation ethodology"

#hapter si& is co pletely based on real ti e case studies" These case studies were developed during the field survey, personal interviews and observation" )n personal interviews so e of the -) e bers were revealed their success story" They have also es i pacted on their life style, thin!ing

said that how the different training progra pattern, and various sche es e&ecuting

ethodologies and processes"


The chapter tried to consider the cases of all the -0)

e bers" #hapter

entioned total five case studies" The first case is of a govern ent official, the second case of /.6 wor!er, and the rest three were on elected +u!hiya, :ard +e ber, and -anchayat Sa iti +e ber" e bers of -0) )nstitution i"e"

#hapter Seven is providing conclusion of the entire study" The conclusion is based on finding, observation and reco endation" )n conclusion it was found that A large

nu ber of population nearly about =4 > are below ?3 th passed ?4> respondents were illiterate around @> are just literate, 4> of the respondents are studied below class = th around A2> of the respondents has got education between class = to ?3 th, ?B> has studied inter ediate and only ?@> of the respondents are graduate and above"

)n conclusion it was also found that As per the study the institutions are

e bers of i ple enting ore sort of

ostly got training of duration between ? to 2 days" This

awareness !ind of training rather the techni<ues of i ple entation" =3 days C A3 Days training the govt" officials are receiving and that is a !ind of ad inistrative training"

The conclusion also revealed that that the groups who are involved in i ple enting the different govern ent progra large nu ber were not very people said ) don$t Know esDsche es specially poverty alleviation progra es a

uch aware about the different sche es around A3> uch about the various progra es where as about

+./01.A and )ndira Awas 7ojna around A3> people are aware about the rest of the proga es a negligible percentage of people !nows"


The level of awareness about different develop ent sche es differed between .ovt" 6fficials, /.6 :or!ers and elected .ovt" officials were aware of al ost all the sche es" e bers" A large percentage of

The conclusion pointed out that the .overn ent officials and /.6 wor!ers are so ehow getting training but the elected e bers are lagging behind" )n case of

+./01.A, S.S7, -+07 they are getting few training but in other sche es it is negligible" For successful i ple entation of any govern ent sche es it is then necessary to provide proper training to all the -0) e bers" The elected a&i u " e bers are

the pri ary i ple entation group and they need the training

The conclusion also identified that a large percentage of respondents feel that training is re<uired for all the -0) +e bers" So e of the respondents '?B>( thin! that /.6 wor!ers should get training" :ard e bers'?A>(, +u!hiya'?5>(, -anchaya Sa iti

e bers '??>( are sharing al ost e<ual percentage of respondents who feel that they re<uire training" At the end of the conclusion a detail reco endation have been suggested for applying

the training to e&ecute successfully the various poverty alleviation progra " )t suggests that the training progra practical should be given e should always be a i& of theory and practical where

ore e phasis" )t is i portant to i part training at the village -anchayat *hawan to the wor! place" There should be e bers" The categories li!e

on the wor! area stating fro

custo ised training for different categories of -0) +u!hiya, -anchayat Sa iti +e bers, ward

e bers, ;ila -arishad +e bers, .ovt"



6fficials and /.6 wor!ers should get separate training based on their wor! profile, education, and other local situations" Training areas for different -anchayati 0aj )nstitution reco e bers were also suggested in

endation" Ten training areas for govern ent officials, so e nine for /.6

wor!ers, seven for +u!hiya, Five for -anchayat Sa iti +e bers and Five for ;ila -arishad e bers were reco ended"



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