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BAR EXAMINATION 2008 CIVIL LAW 14 September 2008 INSTRUCTIONS This questionnaire consists of nineteen (19 questions containe!

in t"e#$e (12 pa%es. &ea! each question $er' carefu##'. Ans"er #e%ib#'( c#ear#' an! concise#'. Start each number on a separate pa%e) an ans"er to a subquestion un!er the same number ma' be "ritten continuous#' on the same pa%e an! on the imme!iate#' succee!in% pa%es unti# comp#ete!. *o not repeat the question. +ou "i## be %i$en cre!it for 'our ,no"#e!%e of #e%a# !octrine an! for the qua#it' of 'our #e%a# reasonin%. A mere -+es- or -No- ans"er "ithout an' correspon!in% !iscussion "i## not be %i$en an' cre!it. .AN* /N +01& N0T23004 5/T. T./S 612ST/0NNA/&2. 700* 8194::: Si%ne! DANTE O. TINGA Chairperson 2008 Bar Examination Committee ;82AS2 9.294 T.2 N1M32& 0< ;A72S /N T./S S2T 5A&N/N7= N0T <0& SA82 0& 1NA1T.0&/>2* 1S2 CIVIL LAW / Ana &i$era ha! a husban!( a <i#ipino citi?en #i,e her( "ho "as amon% the passen%ers on boar! a commercia# @et p#ane "hich crashe! in the At#antic 0cean ten (10 'ears ear#ier an! ha! ne$er been hear! of e$er since. 3e#ie$in% that her husban! ha! !ie!( Ana marrie! A!o#f 9ru? Stae!t#er( a !i$orce! 7erman nationa# born of a 7erman father an! a <i#ipino mother resi!in% in Stutt%art. To a$oi! bein% reqiure! to submit the require! certificate of capacit' to marr' from the 7erman 2mbass' in Mani#a( A!o#f state! in the app#ication for marria%e #icense that he "as a <i#ipino citi?en. 5ith the marria%e #icense statin% that A!o#f "as a <i#ipino( the coup#e %ot marrie! in a ceremon' officiate! b' the ;arish ;riest of 9a#amba( 8a%una in a beach in Nasu%bu( 3atan%as( as the #oca# parish priest refuse! to so#emni?e marria%es eAcept in his church. /s the marria%e $a#i!B 2Ap#ain fu##'. (CD // At a%e 18( Marian foun! out that she "as pre%nant. She insure! her o"n #ife an! name! her unborn chi#! as her so#e beneficiar'. 5hen she "as a#rea!' !ue to %i$e birth( she an! her bo'frien! ;ietro( the father of her unboarn chi#!( "ere ,i!nappe! in a resort in 3ataan "here the' "ere $acationin%. The mi#itar' %a$e chase an! after one "ee,( the' "ere foun! in an 8 A.M. - 12 Noon

aban!one! hut in 9a$ite. Marian an! ;ietro "ere hac,e! "ith bo#os. Marian an! the bab' !e#i$ere! "ere both foun! !ea!( "ith the bab'Es umbi#ica# cor! a#rea!' cut. ;ietro sur$i$e!. a. 9an MarianEs bab' be the beneficiar' of the insurance ta,en on the #ife of the motherB (2D b. 3et"een Marian an! the bab'( "ho is presume! to ha$e !ie! ahea!B (1D c. 5i## ;ietro( as sur$i$in% bio#o%ica# father of the bab'( be entit#e! to c#aim the procee!s of the #ife insurance on the #ife of MarianB (2D /// &o!eric, an! <a'e "ere hi%h schoo# s"eethearts. 5hen &o!eric, "as 18 an! <a'e( 1F 'ears o#!( the' starte! to #i$e to%ether as husban! an! "ife "ithout the benefit of marria%e. 5hen <a'e reache! 18 'ears of a%e( her parents forcib#' too, her bac, an! arran%e! for her marria%e to 3ra!. A#thou%h <a'e #i$e! "ith 3ra! after the marria%e( &o!eric, continue! to re%u#ar#' $isit <a'e "hi#e 3ra! "as a"a' at "or,. *urin% their marria%e( <a'e %a$e birth to a bab' %ir#( 8aica. 5hen <a'e "as 2C 'ears o#!( 3ra! !isco$ere! her continue! #iason "ith &o!eric, an! in one of their heate! ar%uments( <a'e shot 3ra! to !eath. She #ost no time in marr'in% her true #o$e &o!eric,( "ithout a marria%e #icense( c#aimin% that the' ha$e been continuos#' cohabitin% for more than C 'ears. a. 5as the marria%e of &o!eric, an! <a'e $a#i!B (2D b. 5hat is the fi#iation status of 8aicaB (2D c. 9an 8aica brin% an action to impu%n her o"n status on the %roun! that base! on *NA resu#ts( &o!eric, is her bio#o%ica# fatherB (2D !. 9an 8aica be #e%itimate! b' the marria%e of her bio#o%ica# parentsB (1D /G 7ianna "as born to An!' an! Aimee( "ho at the time 7iannaEs birth "ere not marrie! to each other. 5hi#e An!' "as sin%#e at the time( Aimee "as sti## in the process of securin% a @u!icia# !ec#aration of nu##it' on her marria%e to her eA-husban!. 7iannaEs birth certificate( "hich "as si%ne! b' both An!' an! Aimee( re%istere! the status of 7ianna as -#e%itimate-( her surname carr'in% that of An!'Es an! that her parents "ere marrie! to each other. a. 9an a @u!icia# action for correction of entries in 7iannaEs birth certificate be successfu##' maintaine! to= i. 9han%e her status from -#e%itimate- to -i##e%itimate- (1D ) an! ii. 9han%e her surname from that of An!'Es to AimeeEs mai!en surnameB (1D b. /nstea! of a @u!icia# action( can a!ministrati$e procee!in%s be brou%ht for the purpose of ma,in% the abo$e correctionsB (2D c. Assumin% that Aimee is successfu# in !ec#arin% her former marria%e $oi!( an! An!'

an! Aimee subsequent#' marrie! each other( "ou#! 7ianna be #e%itimate!B (1D G *espite se$era# re#ationships "ith !ifferent "omen( An!re" remaine! unmarrie!. .is first re#ationship "ith 3ren!a pro!uce! a !au%hter( Am'( no" H0 'ears o#!. .is secon!( "ith 9ar#a( pro!uce! t"o sons= Ion an! &'an. .is thir!( "ith *onna( bore him no chi#!ren a#thou%h 2#ena has a !au%hter Iane( from a pre$ious re#ationship. .is #ast( "ith <e( pro!uce! no bio#o%ica# chi#!ren but the' informa##' a!opte! "ithout court procee!in%s( San!'Es no" 1H 'ears o#!( "hom the' consi!er as their o"n. San!' "as orphane! as a bab' an! "as entruste! to them b' the mi!"ife "ho atten!e! to San!'Es birth. A## the chi#!ren( inc#u!in% Am'( no" #i$e "ith an!re" in his house. a. /s there an' #e%a# obstac#e to the #e%a# a!option of Am' b' An!re"B To the #e%a# a!option of San!' b' An!re" an! 2#enaB (2D b. /n his o#! a%e( can An!re" be #e%a##' entit#e! to c#aim support from Am'( Ion( &'an( Gina( 5i#ma( an! San!' assumin% that a## of them ha$e the means to support himB (1D c. 9an Am'( Ion( &'an( Gina( 5i#ma( an! San!' #e%a##' c#aim support from each otherB (2D !. 9an Ion an! Iane #e%a##' marr'B (1D G/ A#eA !ie! "ithout a "i##( #ea$in% on#' an un!e$e#ope! an! untit#e! #ot in Ta%iu% 9it'. .e is sur$i$e! b' his "ife an! 4 chi#!ren. .is "ife to#! the chi#!ren that she is "ai$in% her share in the propert'( an! a##o"e! 3obb'( the e#!est son "ho "as about to %et marrie!( to construct his house on J of the #ot( "ithout ho"e$er obtainin% the consent of his sib#in%s. After sett#ement of A#eAEs estate an! partition amon% the heirs( it "as !isco$ere! that 3obb'Es house "as constructe! on the portion a##ocate! to his sister( 9ath' as,e! 3obb' to !emo#ish his house an! $acate the portion a##ote! to her. /n #eiu of !emo#ition( 3obb' offere! to purchase from 9ath' the #ot portion on "hich his house "as constructe!. At that time( the house constructe! "as $a#ue! at ;HC0.000. a. 9an 9ath' #a"fu##' as, for !emo#ition of 3obb'Es houseB (HD b. 9an 3obb' #e%a##' insist on purchasin% the #an!B (2D G// Anthon' bou%ht a piece of untit#e! a%ricu#tura# #an! from 3ert. 3ert( in turn( acquire! the propert' b' for%in% car#oEs si%nature in a !ee! of sa#e o$er the propert'. 9ar#o ha! been in possession of the propert' for 8 'ears( !ec#are! it for taA purposes( an! re#i%ious#' pai! a## taAes !ue on the propert'. Anthon' is not a"are of the !efect in 3ertEs tit#e( but has been in actua# ph'sica# possession of the propert' from the time he bou%ht it from 3ert( "ho ha! ne$er been in possession of the propert' for one 'ear. a. 9an Anthon' acquire o"nership of the propert' b' acquisiti$e prescriptionB .o" man' more 'ears !oes he ha$e possess it to acquire o"nershipB (2D b. /f 9ar#o is ab#e to #e%a##' reco$er his propert'( can he require Anthon' to account for

a## the fruits he has har$este! from the propert' "hi#e in possessionB (2D c. /f there are stan!in% crops on the propert' "hen 9ar#o reco$ers possession( can 9ar#o appropriate themB (2D G/// A!am( a bui#!in% contractor( "as en%a%e! b' 3#as to construct a house on a #ot "hich he (3#as o"ns. 5hi#e !i%%in% on the #ot in or!er to #a' !o"n the fou!ation of the house( A!am hit a $er' har! ob@ect. /t turne! out to be the $au#t of the o#! 3anco !e #as /s#as <i#ipinas. 1sin% a !etonation !e$ice( A!am "as ab#e to open the $au#t containin% o#! notes an! coins "hich "ere in circu#ation !urin% the Spanish era. 5hi#e the notes an! coins are no #on%er #e%a# ten!er( the' "ere $a#ue! at ;100 mi##ion because of their historica# $a#ue an! the coins si#$er nic,e# content. The fo##o"in% fi#e! #e%a# c#aims o$er the notes an! coins= i. ii. iii. A!am( as fin!er) 3#as( as o"ner of the propert' "here the' "ere foun!) 3an, of the ;hi#ippine /s#an!s( as successor-in-interest of the o"ner of the $au#t) an! The ;hi#ippine 7o$ernment because of their historica# $a#ue.


b. 5ho o"ns the notes an! coinsB (4D c. Assumin% that either or both A!am an! 3#as are a!@u!%e! as o"ners( "i## the notes an! coins be !eeme! part of their abso#ute communit' or con@u%a# partnership of %ains "ith their respecti$e spousesB (2D /K The properties of Iessica an! Ienn'( "ho are nei%hbors( #ie a#on% the ban,s of the Mari,ina &i$er. At certain times of the 'ear( the ri$er "ou#! s"e## an! as the "ater rece!es( soi#( roc,s an! other materia#s are !eposite! on IessicaEs an! Ienn'Es properties. This pattern of the ri$er s"e##in%( rece!in% an! !epositin% soi# an! other materia#s bein% !eposite! on the nei%hborsE properties ha$e %one on for man' 'ears. 4no"in% his pattern( Iessica constructe! a concrete barrier about 2 meters from her propert' #ine an! eAten!in% to"ar!s the ri$er( so that "hen the "ater rece!es( soi# an! other materia#s are trappe! "ithin this barrier. After se$era# 'ears( the area bet"een IessicaEs propert' #ine to the concrete barrier "as comp#ete#' fi##e! "ith soi#( effecti$e#' increasin% IessicaEs propert' b' 2 meters. Ienn'Es propert'( "here no barrier "as constructe!( a#so increase! b' one meter a#on% the si!e of the ri$er. a. 9an Iessica an! Ienn' #e%a##' c#aim o"nership o$er the a!!itiona# 2 meters an! one meter( respecti$e#'( of #an! !eposite! a#on% their propertiesB(2D b. /f IessicaEs an! Ienn'Es properties are re%istere!( "i## the benefit of such re%istration eAten! to the increase! area of their propertiesB (2D c. Assume the t"o properties are on a c#iff a!@oinin% the shore of 8a%una 8a,e. Iessica an! Ienn' ha! a hote# bui#t on the properties. The' ha! the erath an! roc,s eAca$ate! from the properties !umpe! on the a!@oinin% shore( %i$in% rise to a ne"

patch of !r' #an!. 9an the' $a#i!#' #a' c#aim to the patch of #an!B (2D K Arthur eAecute! a "i## "hich containe! on#'= (i a pro$ision !isinheritin% his !au%hter 3ernica for runnin% off "ith a marrie! man( an! (ii a pro$ision !isposin% of his share in the fami#' house an! #ot in fa$or of his other chi#!ren 9onnie an! *ora. .e !i! not ma,e an' pro$isions in fa$or of his "ife 2rica( because as the "i## state!( she "ou#! an'"a' %et L of the house an! #ot as her con@u%a# share. The "i## "as $er' brief an! strai%htfor"ar! an! both the abo$e pro$isions "ere containe! in pa%e 1( "hich Arthur an! his instrumenta# "itness( si%ne! at the bottom. ;a%e 2 containe! the attestation c#ause an! the si%natures( at the bottom thereof( of the H instrumenta# "itnesses "hich inc#u!e! 8ambert( the !ri$er of Arthur) +o#'( the fami#' coo,( an! Attorne' >orba( the #a"'er "ho prepare! the "i##. There "as a Hr! pa%e( but this on#' containe! the notaria# ac,no"#e!%ement. The attestation c#ause state! the "i## "as si%ne! on the same occasion b' Arthur an! his instrumenta# "itnesses "ho a## si%ne! in the presence of each other( an! the notar' pub#ic "ho notari?e! the "i##. There are no mar%ina# si%natures or pa%ination appearin% on an' of the H pa%es. 1pon his !eath( it "as !isco$ere! that apart from the house an! #ot( he ha! a ; 1 mi##ion account !eposite! "ith A39 ban,. a. 5as 2rica preterite!B (1D b. 5hat other !efects of the "i##( if an'( can cause !enia# of probateB (2D c. 5as the !isinheritance $a#i!B (1D !. .o" shou#! the house an! #ot( an! the cash be !istribute!B (1D K/ Iohn an! ;au#a( 3ritish citi?ens at birth( acquire! ;hi#ippine citi?enship b' natura#i?ation after their marria%e. *urin% their marria%e the coup#e acquire! substania# #an!ho#!in%s in 8on!on an! in Ma,ati. ;au#a bore Iohn three chi#!ren( ;eter( ;au# an! Mar'. /n one of their trips to 8on!on( the coup#e eAecute! a @oint "i## appointin% each other as their heirs an! pro$i!in% that upon the !eath of the sur$i$or bet"een them the entire estate "ou#! %o to ;eter an! ;au# on#' but the t"o cou#! not !ispose of nor !i$i!e the 8on!on estate as #on% as the' #i$e. Iohn an! ;au# !ie! tra%ica##' in the 8on!on Sub"a' terrorist attac, in 200C. ;eter an! ;au# fi#e! a petition for probate of their parentEs "i## before a Ma,ati &e%iona# Tria# 9ourt. a. Shou#! the "i## be a!mitte! to probateB (2D b. Are the testamentar' !ispositions $a#i!B (2D c. /s the testamentar' prohibition a%ainst the !i$ision of the 8on!on estate $a#i!B (2D K// 2rnesto( an o$erseas <i#ipino "or,er( "as comin% home to the ;hi#ippines after "or,in% for so man' 'ears in the Mi!!#e 2ast. .e ha! sa$e! ;100.000 in his sa$in% account in Mani#a "hich inten!e! to use to start a business in his home countr'. 0n his f#i%ht home( 2rnesto ha! a fata# heart attac,. .e #eft behin! his "i!o"e! mother( his common-#a" "ife an! their t"ins sons. .e #eft no "i##( no !ebts( no other re#ati$es an! no other properties eAcept the mone' in his sa$in% account. 5ho are the heirs entit#e! to inherint from him an! ho" much

shou#! each recei$eB(HD K/// &a'mon!( sin%#e( name! his sister &uffa in his "i## as a !e$isee of a parce# of #an! "hich he o"ne!. The "i## impose! upon &uffa the ob#i%ation of prese$in% the #an! an! transferrin% it( upon her !eath( to her i##e%itimate !au%hter Scar#et "ho "as then on#' one 'ear o#!. &a'mon! #ater !ie!( #ea$in% behin! his "i!o"e! mother( &uffa an! Scar#et. a. /s the con!ition impose! upon &uffa( to preser$e the propert' an! to transmit it upon her !eath to Scar#et( $a#i!B (1D b. /f Scar#et pre!eceases &uffa( "ho inherits the propert'B (2D c. /f &uffa pre!eceases &a'mon!( can Scar#et inherit the propert' !irect#' from &a'mon!B (2D K/G Ste$ie "as born b#in!. .e "ent to schoo# for the b#in!( an! #earne! to rea! in 3ai##e 8an%ua%e. .e Spea,s 2n%#ish f#uent#'. 9an he= a. Ma,e a "i##B (1D b. Act as a "itness to a "i##B (1D c. /n either of the abo$e instances( must the "i## be rea! to himB (1D KG 2!uar!o "as %rante! a #oan b' K+> 3an, for the purpose of impro$in% a bui#!in% "hich K+> #ease! from him. 2!uar!o( eAecute! the promissor' note (-;N- in fa$or of the ban,( "ith his frien! &ecar!o as co-si%nator'. /n the ;N( the' both ac,no"#e!%e! that the' are -in!i$i!ua##' an! co##ecti$e#'- #iab#e an! "ai$e! the nee! for prior !eman!. To secure the ;N( &ecar!o eAecute! a rea# estate mort%a%eon his o"n propert'. 5hen 2!uar!o !efau#te! on the ;N( K+> stoppe! pa'ment of renta#s on the bui#!in% on the %roun! that #e%a# compensation ha! set in. Since there "as sti## a ba#ance !ue on the ;N after app#'in% the renta#s( K+> forec#ose! the rea# estate mort%a%e o$er &ecar!oEs propert'. &ecar!o oppose! the forec#osure on the %roun! that he is on#' a co-si%nator') that no !eman! "as ma!e upon him for pa'ment( an! assumin% he is #iab#e( his #iabi#it' shou#! not %o be'on! ha#f the ba#ance of the #oan. <urther( &ecar!o sai! that "hen the ban, in$o,e! compensation bet"een the reanta#s an! the amount of the #oan( it amounte! to a ne" contract or no$ation( an! ha! the effect of eAtin%uishin% the securit' since he !i! not %i$e his consent (as o"ner of the propert' un!er the rea# estate mort%a%e therto. a. 9an K+> 3an, ba#i!#' assert #e%a# compensationB (2D b. 9an &ecar!oEs propert' be forec#ose! to pa' the fu## ba#ance of the #oanB (2D c. *oes &ecar!o ha$e basis un!er the 9i$i# 9o!e for c#aimin% that the ori%ina# contract "as no$ate!B (2D

KG/ *uA #ease! his house to /ris for a perio! of 2 'ears( at the rate of ;2C(000.00 month#'( pa'ab#e annua##' in a!$ance. The contract stipu#ate! that it ma' be rene"e! for another 2'ear perio! upon mutua# a%reement of the parties. The contract a#so %rante! /ris the ri%ht of first refusa# to purchase the propert' at an' time !urin% the #ease( if *uA !eci!es to se## the propert' at the same price that the propert' is offere! for sa#e to a thir! part'. T"ent'-three months after eAecution of the #ease contract( *uA so#! breach of her ri%ht of first refusa#. *uA sai! there "as no breach because the propert' "as so#! to his mother "ho is not a thir! part'. /ris fi#e! an action to rescin! the sa#e an! to compe# *uA to se## the propert' to her at the same price. A#ternati$e#'( she as,e! the court to eAten! the #ease for another 2 'ears on the same terms. a. 9an /ris see, rescission of the sa#e of the propert' to *uAEs motherB (HD b. 5i## the a#ternati$e pra'er for eAtension of the #ease prosperB (2D KG// <e#ipe borro"e! M100 from 7usta$o in 1998( "hen the ;hi# ; - 1SM eAchan%e rate "as ;CF 1SM1. 0n March 1( 2008( <e#ipe ten!ere! to 7usta$o a cashierEs chec, in the amount of ;4(1HC in pa'ment of his 1SM 100 !ebt( base! on the ;hi# ; - 1SM eAchan%e rat at that time. 7usta$o accepte! the chec,( but for%ot to !eposit it unti# Sept. 12( 2008. .is ban, refuse! to accepte! the chec, because it ha! become sta#e. 7usta$o no" "ants <e#ipe to pa' him in cash the amount of ;C(F00. 9#aimin% that the pre$ious pa'ment "as not in #e%a# ten!er( an! that there has been eAtraor!inar' !ef#ation since 1998( an! therefore( <e#ipe shou#! pa' him the $a#ue of the !ebt at the time it "as incurre!. <e#ipe refuse! to pa' him a%ain( c#aimin% that 7usta$o is estoppe! from raisin% the issue of #e%a# ten!er( ha$in% accepte! the chec, in March( an! that it "as 7usta$oEs ne%#i%ence in not !epositin% the chec, imme!iate#' that cause! the chec, to become sta#e. a. 9an 7usta$o no" raise! the issue that the cashierEs chec, is not #e%a# ten!erB (2D b. 9an <e#ipe $a#i!#' refuse to pa' 7usta$o a%ainB (2D c. 9an <e#ipe compe# 7usta$o to recei$e 1SM100 instea!B (1D KG/// A3 9orp. entere! into a contract "ith K+ 9orp. "hereb' the former a%ree! to construct the research an! #aborator' faci#ities of the #atter. 1n!er the terms of the contract( A3 9orp. a%ree! to comp#ete the faci#it' in 18 months( at the tota# contract price of ;10 mi##ion. K+ 9orp. pai! C0D of the tota# contract price( the ba#ance to be pai! upon comp#etion of the "or,. The "or, state! imme!iate#'( but A3 9orp. #ater eAperience! "or, s#ippa%e because of #abor unrest in his compan'. A3 9orp.Es emp#o'ees c#aime! that the' are not bein% pai! on time) hence( the "or, s#o"!o"n. As of the 1Nth month( "or, "as on#' 4CD comp#ete!. A3 9orp. as,e! for eAtension of time( c#aimin% that its #abor prob#ems is a case of fortuitous e$ent( but this "as !enie! b' K+ 9orp. 5hen it became certain that the contruction cou#! not be finishe! on time( K+ 9orp. sent "ritten notice cance##in% the contract( an! requirin% A3 9orp. to imme!iate#' $acate the premises. a. 9an the #abor unrest be consi!ere! a fortuitous e$entB (1D

b. 9an K+ 9orp. uni#aterra##' an! imme!iate#' cance# the contractB (2D c. Must A3 9orp. return the C0D !o"npa'mentB (2D K/K Iu#iet offere! to se## her house an! #ot( to%ether "ith a## the furniture an! app#iances therein to *eh#ma. 3efore a%reein% to purchase the propert'( *eh#ma "ent to the &e%ister of *ee!s to $erif' Iu#ietEs tit#e. She !isco$ere! that "hi#e the propert' "as re%istere! in Iu#ietEs name un!er the 8an! &e%istration Act( as amen!e! b' the ;ropert' &e%istration *ecree( it propert'( *eh#ma to#! Iu#iet to re!eem the propert' from 2#aine( an! %a$e her an a!$ance pa'ment to be use! for purposes of rea#esin% the mort%a%e on the propert'. 5hen the mort%a%e "as re#ease!( Iu#iet eAecute! a *ee! of Abso#ute Sa#e o$er the propert' "hich "as !u#' re%istere! "ith the &e%istr' of *ee!s( an! a ne" T9T "as issue! in *eh#maEs name. *eh#ma imme!iate#' too, possession o$er the house an! #ot an! the mo$ab#es therein. Thereafter( *eh#ma "ent to theAssessorEs 0ffice to %et a ne" taA !ec#aration un!er her name. She "as surprise! to fin! out that the propert' "as a#rea!' !ec#are! for taA purposes in the name of K+> 3an, "hich ha! forec#ose! the mort%a%e on the propert' before it "as so#! to her. K+> 3an, "as a#so the purchaser in the forec#osure sa#e of the propert'. At that time( the propert' "as sti## unre%istere! but K+> 3an, re%istere! the SheriffEs *ee! of 9on$e'ance in the !a' boo, of the &e%ister of *ee!s un!er Act. HH44 an! obtaine! a taA !ec#aration in its name. a. 5as *eh#ma a purchaser in %oo! faithB (2D b. 5ho as bet"een *eh#ma an! K+> 3an, has a better ri%ht to the house an! #otB (2D c. 5ho o"ns the mo$ab#es insi!e the houseB (2D NOTHING FOLLOWS.

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation

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